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tv   BOOK TV  CSPAN  August 30, 2015 8:53am-9:01am EDT

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staff-level negotiations between the white house and the senate, some progress had been made, but a deadlock was now apparent. the heavyweights who are orrin hatch, tom harbin, attorney general dick thornburg and others -- tom harkin. one by one they came in, and harkin brought along his aide, bobby silverstein, who was one of the people who drafted the ada that they were discussion. he was a lawyer. thatter and discussing. and after some brief chitchat, the principals began their own discussion. sununu was known to be a hardliner and official bad cop. hatch leaned over and whispered into the ear of his staffer, you watch. in 15 minutes, you'll see how impassioned kennedy is about this bill. kennedy himself had family members who were disabled and, of course, his son lost his life
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to cancer. and many of the republicans also in the room were, even though they were conservatives, were for the bill because they themselves also had family mens involved. -- members involved. silverstein, peering into the pages upon pages of legislation, had been say recently -- silently noting and mentally rebutting sununu's rejections. sununu continued picking away. what if there was a barbershop on the second floor of an existing building in new hampshire? would you expect the poor barber to have to install an elevator to accommodate some wheelchair-using customer in need of a haircut? so, but sununu -- you know, silverstein kept rebutting these kinds of objections. and finally sununu became irritated. he started speaking to silverstein in a controlled voice. every time i say something,
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you're always bring being something up. i don't want to hear anything from you anymore. harkin was just shuffling his papers trying to think how to defend his own aide when kennedy jumped to his feet, his bulky frame creating seismic jolts. the hours of negotiation, indeed, the years of maneuvering to get this bill through congress were taking their toll. harkin remembers: i thought kennedy was going to grab sununu by the collar. kennedy said if you want to yell at anybody, you yell at me or senator harkin. you don't go after the staff. you go after the big boys. you got something to say? say it to me. in a moment of disgust with silverstein, sununu then suggested that the room be cleared of all staff and only elected members of congress should stay. kennedy's response? i said, fine. then sununu should leave because he was staff. [laughter] that seemed to quiet things down. kennedy set back as an awkward silence filled the room.
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sue knew knew's usually robust frame seemed to sink down in his chair. his face was drained of color, and an hour and a half later, an agreement had been reached. that is the story that, i mean, when i was writing this book, i heard this story from so many people. that's the story. and it's a nice story because it shows, again, this idea that someone's resisting, someone is, like, aggressively going after them, and then because of that, you know, the ada went through. it's not -- it's true that it happened. it's not true that that was the decisive moment. in fact, and one of the things i talk about in the book if you are interested, some of the people at the meeting, harkin, dole, and this is ken key with a group -- kennedy the day of the signing. what i wanted to get to was what really was happening is this issue, which i can't go into, but learn secret illegal meetings that were going on during this whole time between the different parties, and these
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are some of the people involved. they were held, they were called the bagel breakfasts. they were held at the house of of the woman with the lance armstrong shoulder pad -- can large shoulder patteds. and it really was ten weeks of meetings there. the story is a good illustration, but it's a lot less complicated than what really happened. >> you can watch this is and other programs online at >> here's a look at some books that are being published this week. in "exceptional," former vice president dick cheney and his daughter liz argue the united states must maintain a strong international presence, something they contend the obama administration has abandoned. linda hershman examines the relationship between the first two women to serve as supreme court justices, sandra day o'connor and ruth bader ginsburg, in sisters in law. in mr. smith goes to prison,
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former missouri state senator jeff smith recalls his year in a kentucky prison and weighs in on the current state of the prison system. also being released this week, katherine eden profiles american families living in extreme poverty in $2 a day. ms. eden will be a week on "after words" the weekend of september 5th to discuss her book with congresswoman gwen moore. in the making of asian-america, professor erica lee traces the role of asian-americans in the history of the u.s. and shaun nailer reports on counterterrorism with a specific focus on the joint special operations command in "relentless strike." look for these titles in bookstores this coming week and watch for authors in the near future on booktv. >> up next on booktv from last weekend's mississippi book festival, a panel on civil rights history.s
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>> it's my great pleasure toit moderate this panel on civil rights history. i think it's particularlygreg important for two reasons. one is to understand the importance of this building and what it meant particularly for segregationists and the civiltyi rights movement over the courseh of history, and second because i think this may be the largest crowd at the state capitol sinco 1966 and the march against fear. [laughter] so we have that going for us as well. it is my intention to introducee our esteemed panelists and get out of the way and let them take the floor. dr. tyy morris is associate professor of african-americanatt studies at the ohio state university. she received her bachelor's in african and african-american studies from liberal university. .. university.
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with this focus she's taught courses such as 20th century u.s. history, gender, sex and power, black feminist thought and the civil rights black power movements. she is the author of "woman power unlimited," just out this year from university of georgia press in 2015. her work has also appeared in southern black women in the civil rights era, a state-by-state study, texas a&m press, 0 13, comrades, a local history of the black panther party, and groundwork: local black history struggles in america. dr. morris is a board member of women have options, ohio's statewide abortion fund and has worked with the fanny lou hamer national institute on citizenship and democracy at jackson state university since 2005. dr. tiyi morris. jon hale is assistant professor of history in south carolina. his research focuses on the history of student and


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