tv U.S. Senate CSPAN September 11, 2015 10:00am-12:01pm EDT
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live to new york city. ground zero and the sight of the world trade center where the tradition of the reading of the names of the victims of the attack on the pentagon, the crash of flight 93 in pennsylvania and at the 1993 world trade center bombing continues. that began this morning at about age:40 and will continue until the names of nearly 3,000 victims are acknowledged. charles edward jones. christopher jones. donald jones to. >> donald jones. >> we are showing coverage on the companion network c-span three. president obama will be marking the anniversary of september 11 attacks with service members at fort meade in maryland this afternoon. we will have coverage at 3 p.m.
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eastern. members of congress are commemorating the anniversary. the office of the oklahoma senator james and a half sendoff they may we never forget the 3,000 lives lost and the selflessness of the first responders and not terri. terry. senator debbie fisher of nebraska simply said never forget. and john boehner says the flags have been lowered to half staff in memory of those lost on this day 14 years ago.
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[speaking in french] [inaudible conversations] >> translator: ladies and gentlemen, the debate on the state of the union is taking place for the fifth time today in the european parliament but it's the first time that we are having a debate conduct it by a president of the commission who was voted for what was a great
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majority of this house and after the european parliament election. the speech is going to be one that has never been so hotly anticipated and i think that we should all be proud today that this is going to be the first state of the union address by the president of the commission who has been elected into office which made the european union more democratic and that this house this morning is the european democracy and we are without any doubt facing challenges in the economic situation in certain member states and the war taking place
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on our doorstep and we have to contribute to a solution to put an end to the crisis. at the state of the union is a debate we had an exchange in the european parliament but it's also the time they can show they are prepared to work together in the spirit of the community and face up to the challenges that lie ahead. for the first time in his capacity as president of the commission he will be giving an address on the state of the union. i now give you the floor to present the proposals you have for the european union. in the european democracy in the european parliament.
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the speech and people disagreed to the substance but everybody agreed that it was too long so today i run that same danger and i haven't been able to draft the speech into normal conditions and you probably guess why but i will try to conclude a framework agreement in the european parliament and commission which has been concluded between us. they come to the parliament and there is a session that would be
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tabled to the house to cover what the commission is doing over the next few months. so it is the priority of the commission that is involved and the european union. and to that end, they have received those priorities in writing and maybe the letter available and there is a document about how to deal with them for ten working prerelease with the state of intent.
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i'm not going to deal with all of those topics today. it is in writing the parliament has received in writing. what i'm trying to do today is not through the details that make the picture understandable. >> the first commission is endorsed by the vote in the european parliament writes in the beginning when i was speaking to you on the 14th of june i made it quite clear that
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i intend to make it a political and therefore because of the democratic procedures would also be the political precedent and basically i've been political in the very best connotations of that word. we honor politicians. these days it's got a bad connotation. by political items and we are going to politicize everything. that isn't our wish. i just want to say that i really
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do feel now is not the time to go ahead willy-nilly business as usual. please do not feel that is the case. [applause] i can't count how many times i use the word social. my heart is full of the social and don't use monetary or budget, those words. very often people make empty speeches about this and now we have to be frank. really the time has come. we have to look at the issues
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where it is now confronted and that's what i want to focus on now. it's not in a good situation. there's no point of the president's commission representing the democracy to just put things in rosy colors. there is a lack of union in the european union. [applause] that has to change and we have to work together.
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gentlemen, the first priority today is and must be the refugee crisis. nearly 500,000 people have made their way to europe. the vast majority of them are fleeing from the islamic state were to take the ship into a tree. the most affected with over 200,000 refugees. minus 150,120,000. the numbers are impressive and for some they are frightening but now is not the time to take
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fright. it is a time for determined concerted action by the european union by its member states and institutions. the first of all the matters before the public considerations is a matter of humanity and human dignity. and for europe it is also a matter of historical attempts. [applause] we are all europeans [inaudible] [laughter] i'm noting that you do not think you are.
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this is not a time to take fright. it's a time of humanity and human dignity. we europeans, all of us should remember your continent where everyone has at one time been a refugee. our common history is marked by millions of europeans fleeing from religious or political persecution from war, dictatorship, oppression. free from france in the 17th century and many others from germany in the 30s and 40s of the last century.
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spanish republicans fleeing through southern france after the defeat of the civil war. having gary and revolutionists fleeing to austria and elsewhere, anywhere after their uprising. [applause] after their uprising against the first soviet tanks in 1956. the citizens seeking exile in other countries after the oppression in 1968. hundreds of thousands were lost
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that was by the end of the last century in the last decade of the 20th century. have we forgotten that there was a reason they were living in the united states and the entire population the reason of the numbers in the u.s. exceeds by far the. have we forgotten 20 million people approach as a result of political and economic innovation so often have we
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already forgotten in the second world war 60 million people were refugees in europe that as a result of this terrible european experience and global protection to 1951 the geneva convention was established to those that escape from the war and oppression. many europeans would know and never forget why giving refuge into complying with the fundamental right is so important we should not forget that. [applause]
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today ladies and gentlemen, in spite of many differences among the member states is by far the wealthiest place and the most in the world of those that are criticizing europe european construction have to admit this is a place of peace and stability and we should be proud of this. [applause] we have the means to help those fleeing. i know that now many will want to say this is all very well but you can't take everybody. it's true that europe cannot
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house the world but let us be honest and put things into perspective. there is certainly an unprecedented number of refugees coming to you at the moment. it represents the total of the european union population by comparison the refugees represent 25% of the population in the country which has only one fifth of the world. who are we that we are never making these kind of comparisons [applause] let us be clear with our often
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worried citizens as long as there is war in the crisis will not simply go away we can build walls and fences. but imagine for a second if it were you the world you knew toward the park around you. there is no price you would pay. there is no wall that you would claim, no see, no border if it is a war of the barbarism and the so-called islamic state but few are fleeing.
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why are we not ready to accept those in these states we have to accept as people in the european country. [applause] >> it is high time to act, to manage because there was no alternative to this. there has been a lot of finger pointing. but too much of the past weeks the member states have been accused of not doing enough were or doing the wrong thing and not often have their fingers been pointed they are always accused of the member states to the
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european parliament. [applause] myself and the commission we could be angry about this but i wonder who that would serve. blaming others doesn't help the refugees and it's often a sign that politicians and policymakers sometimes lawmakers are overwhelmed by unexpected events. instead we should recall what has been agreed.
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it's time to look at what is on the table and move. we are not staffing the new since the early years of the century the commission of the legislation should build a common european system and they have enacted this legislation piece by piece, and the last piece of legislation in july, 2015. we now have common standards for the way that we receive in respect of the dignity and the obligations and we have the
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independent justice system but the standards need to be implemented and respected everywhere in the practice. before the summer the commission started the infringement proceedings to the member states of what they had previously agreed to do. it is a matter of credibility. we are legislating and we are not implementing. it's a matter of credibility they are implementing and respecting.
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it's harder to come by as a result, they stabilized around 115,000. the same as last year to achieve a similar stabilization which has clearly been neglected by all policymakers. the european union is also the number one in the global efforts in the refugee crisis. around 4 billion have been mobilized by the european
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commission and the member states in the humanitarian development economic stabilization assistance into the refugees and host communities in the neighboring lebanon, jordan, turkey and egypt. indeed just today we launched the project is to provide schooling to 240,000 serious refugees. and by the way i would like to applaud the efforts. [applause] they are making efforts we
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should recognize. we have collectively committed to over 22,000 people from over the next year. of course this remains very modest by comparison to the efforts by turkey and lebanon hosting over 4 million refugees but i am encouraged that some member states are showing their willingness to step up the settlement efforts. this will allow us to come forward with a structured system for the settlement efforts not
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systematically. europe has delivered this solidarity with regards to the refugees on the territories. to me it is clear that member states with the most refugees first arrived at the moment these are ill-equipped greasing hungary cannot be left alone to cope with this and on this challenge. [applause] we are back to people seeking international protection from italy and greece and this is why
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today we are proposing the second mechanism for the further 120,000 people from italy, greece and hungary. this has to be done. [applause] i call on the member states to adopt the commission for the proposals altogether 160,000 refugees at the council on the 14th of september. we are talking about 120,000. that is the number they have to take charge and i really hope that this time no poems or at
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four x., action is what is needed for the time being. [applause] what is happening to human beings we are not talking about numbers. today it could be the case in ukraine tomorrow. are we making selections? are we distinguishing between jews, muslims, this continent has made the best it the best experience to distinguish on the basis there is no reflection that it could religion or belief when it comes to refugees. [applause]
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ladies and gentlemen winter is approaching. we want to have the family is sleeping in the stations and elsewhere we are in charge of the period for those that will flee a country for the reasons that i have mentioned. of course it will not solve the issue. it's true that we also need to separate the international protection and therefore it is likely to apply and those which
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do not fall this is why today the commission is proposing the countries of origin. this list will enable the states that are presumed to left and the prevention of safety must in our view certainly apply to all countries with european council and decided to meet the basic for the membership but only with regards to democracy and the rule of law and fundamental rights it should also apply to other countries in the view of
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the progress made and we are aware the list is only a procedural supplication to the precipitation into the fundamental right for the asylum-seekers but it allows data authorities to focus and this focus is very much needed in the current situation. they are not taking away the rights from those people coming
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from the countries being listed. that's important we are not utilizing the geneva convention. we have to know that if they are taking off this list because fundamental rights would not be in the countries they are losing the chance to join the european union. these two things are going together. it is time notably the doubling
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system that requires the applications be dealt with by the first country. we need more unions in the refugee policy. it is required so that to be permanently anchored in the policy approach this is why today the commission is also proposing a permanent allocation mechanism which would allow us to deal with crisis situations in the future more swiftly in the future that means more swiftly than in the past. this requires further policies.
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member states need to take a second look at the support and inclusion policies. the commission is looking to hold these efforts and i strongly in favor of allowing asylum-seekers to work and to earn their own money. [applause] labor, work, being in a job as a matter of dignity. those that are working have the dignity before they were leaving and so we will do everything to change our national legislation
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to work since day number one of their arrival. the united refugee and asylum policy also requires stronger joint efforts to secure our external borders. fortunately in the european union we have given between the member states in the area to guarantee the unique symbol and in this system it will not be under the mandate of this commission. [applause] ..
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the commission believes this is money well in nested. this is why we propose ambitious steps to the european border and coast guard before the end of this year. the united european migration policy also means we need to look into opening legal tenders for migration. [applause] let's be clear. this will not help investing the refugee crisis that we are currently in. but we are more safe, open to europe. we can manage migration better and make the illegal work less attractive.
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let us not forget we are an aging continent. we will be needing talent coming from everywhere in the world. over time, migration must be a problem detect big to a well managed resource. to this and come in the commission come forward with a well-designed legal migration in early 2016. this is highly important. migration has to be legalized. it is not sufficient to protest the illegal situation we have to organize legal ways to europe. [applause] a lasting solution will only
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come if we address the root causes. the reasons why we are facing this important refugee crisis from our european policy must be a more certain policy. we can no longer afford to ignore the instability in our neighborhood. we have to find a solution, maybe we are too weak for achieving this. we have to address the serious crisis. i call the european diplomatic offensive to the western crisis in area and libya.
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we need a stronger europe when it comes to foreign policy. i am very glad our highly determined representative has prepared the ground for diplomatic success. [applause] she has prepared to go on for such initiatives with the diplomatic success in the iran nuclear talks and i would like to thank her for the extraordinary performance. [applause] in order to facilitate the work of our representatives, the
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commission today is proposing to establish an emergency starting with 1.8 million viewers from our common financial means to address the crisis to all of africa in the north of africa. we want to help create lasting stability by creating employment opportunities and thereby address the root causes of destabilization and illegal migrants. i expect all member states to match our ambitions. we need this emergency tries to prevent future crises. [applause]
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and we need higher development budgets. development, corp. it is abnormal that member states of the european union are reducing their efforts when it comes to development. [applause] i do not want, mr. president, to create any new sense that the refugee crisis will be over anytime soon. it will not and we have to know that. but pushing back both aspire to refugee camps or turning what is not europe. [applause]
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and the stock journey of cost. i am counting on you in this house, the house of european democracy to show a going forward in line with our common values. mr. president, >> translator: dear friends, i realized that they have already exceeded the speaking time which would normally be allocated before my state of the union address and this is the case for the commission, but i do need to take some time given the situation to talk about a number of other issues. first of all, greece which is close to my heart. we have had very serious debates about the great crisis.
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it is a debate which affects us all. it has been a difficult debate. i endeavored great length to explain to the president of greece that we were democratic countries on a democratic basis. members of parliament subscribe to the parliamentary democracy that is paramount in the 18 other countries which forms the eurozone. so if there is in discussions about this with the former prime minister. the commission has been a bit dim of attacks from certain others they who felt that they were not necessarily able to accept the proposal aimed at finding a solution to the greek race is. i will reiterate here today, as i said before, that the
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commission has a duty and one of them is to be the custodial of the general interest. so the commission has to deal with the greek issue because that would have been a great weakness on our part and it would've been a failure on the part of the commission and the direct duty. therefore, we did what we thought was right and we felt was their duty. in that context obviously we have been subject to criticism. i thought it was important that i was engaged in this debate despite the servants in brussels right through the holidays and the parliamentary recess. i did not feel it was correct,
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right or proper to lead to civil servants to resolve the great crisis. we are deeply involved in it that president brodsky, tiscali c., myself and the other commissioners deeply involved in working to find a solution to the problem. the commission and its president felt it was not an option to fail, to find a solution to the great crisis. it was absolutely essential for us to recognize and say it was not an option. it could've happened. [applause] [speaking french] >> translator: as i said to other members of the greek authorities at the time that it was important that they understood that this didn't mean they would be saved if any cost.
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alexis tsipras, i didn't have the magic wand and so forth. i had to make it clear to him and i think he understood it was a possibility, but an option we were going to mention publicly. but it is not something absolutely excluded as a last resort. we felt what we did what we had to do and i believe this is our responsibility. the greek issue is not public finances and structural funds although it's extremely important. there's a more weighted problem in that impact in the whole issue of economic growth in the country in european union and so forth and the european union is delighted to have greece as a member and i have been profoundly perturbed by comments
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in recent they should leave the european union and it wasn't a serious minded partner in europe. the greeks who are least well-off are hard-working people doing not to try to ensure that the country does make progress and we need to show respect to the greeks and there has been a failure to do that in time. [applause] [speaking french] we have agreed on a program as e-mail and i would like a program to be respected by all greek government and negotiated it and all future great governments with a number who have been agreed and in the past some of these agreements have been floated in the european union, but i think this time we all need to realize we are
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serious and for rail and would require respect on the arrangements and agreements reached. 85 billion has been allocated to the sun to generate economic and social growth in the republic of greece and i would like the offer which is not simply a gift in the spirit of generosity, but an offer made in the european to be respect and accept it for what it is and greece and to think we can make progress. the crisis is the worst not finished. for all we feel we have managed to make progress in the great crisis and bring it towards a resolution over 17 million people in the eurozone who have been employed. it is absolutelabsolutel y
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unacceptable in europe as the economic recession will always be over less we have full unemployment in europe. sometimes a customer effect on what should be a country as rich as europe is should be so far away from respecting the fundamental rules which should be respected by all women old and young. every individual has the right to a job and this is something which is of paramount importance in europe. the aaa status is absolutely essential and we need to return to a situation of full employment. this is far from impossible. [applause] [speaking french] >> translator: of course this will presuppose that we continue to consolidate our budget.
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and to work on structural reform and to invest. these are three strands of our policy and the consult before the investment plan of $315 billion investment plan, which we hope will be in detail in the first able future. i think all of those who are in positions of responsibility and companies in the european union should be working in favor of growth in europe. this should be their mantra. the plan of course paradoxically has been the plan for investment. i certainly am committed to making it a success and it done right, not just because it's an
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association. i would like to thank everybody involved with it will do their absolute utmost because it's vital for growth and unemployment. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, members of parliament, this is all very, but it is not enough. we need to have a clear strategic vision of where we are going in the future. this is why we have decided presidents programmed deep in mean the european union. i said five presidents because not just in the interest of my autobiography, but a matter of principle i want the president to be involved in this work. so we have produced this presidential horde which involves the european parliament and this is a record which looks
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forward to a future of a monetary union which of course will involve the european parliament intimately and mrs. wyatt want your president to be involved in the outset from the work being done. he presented a viewpoint on our proposals. we felt it was absolutely essential that we hadn't had to shell discussion and approach on all of this and therefore i can assure you the views have been expressed and factored into this report and i feel it is essential looking towards the future knowing the parliament has a much stronger role to play. it should be involved in the european union's and we've been seeing as manager of finance in
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luxembourg. when i was sure in the intergovernmental conference on monetary union, were a number of people were in favor of economic governance. also no longer with us who will constantly remind us of what we agree. i am a steward here and i'm still with you in my position. at that point we wanted to come up with a treaty which enshrined the rules which should govern the euro. there are many nowadays who don't understand economic
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governments is something we described a long time ago. [applause] >> 25 years ago. [speaking french] >> translator: so against this backdrop we have to work towards a monetary union of public guarantees and various other initiatives. we have to guarantee this game and our intention is to do this in the form of a reassurance scheme that will be neutralization but a reassurance scheme and it should give greater certainty to investors and lenders in europe and therefore we are very much in favor of days. we are also in favor of introducing a european treasury.
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obviously something that is to be discussed in greater detail. it may sound like a slogan. obviously a lot of work to be done on the content of that, but it's important to european union have a treasury to work with the stability mechanism and does tell the work being done by the institution in order to guarantee greater sustainability and stability. and the fiscal policy is a lack of union in europe. the commission has taken note of this and therefore decided the exchange of information on fiscal matters and tax arrangement should be implemented by the council. we are therefore going to produce the effect. i remember they clearly --
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understanding that tax was imposed on revenues where they were generated and we feel this is a principle which is paramount and should be respected in european union's. [applause] we also feel it is absolutely essential that we work on the basis of this simple rule which is all too often reflected in the past and therefore feel throughout europe it is absolutely essential that we have respect for the rules in place and we feel we should have a fair remuneration in europe, same work for the same job.
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as far as social policy is concerned, it is a range of social policy measures which will be put forward in 2016 because the european union is much more than the europeans common set of values on which our union is founded and we subscribe hardest. [applause] >> mr. president, i have a serious problem because you would like me to interrupt i know, but i am in the middle of may speech. [laughter]
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[speaking french] >> translator: i will simply add the european parliament will need to remain the parliament of the european union beyond the confines of this debate. [applause] ghassan select in this point from the remainder of my speech. i think it is essential we have representation of the eurozone and we need to improve on that. it is abnormal at the international monetary fund our bodies where we don't have proper european representation, but all countries are represented as they see fit into
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your zone should be representing the year is sound in these bodies. we need to go representation and that the imf is a matter of priority. i think the counters specific recommendation issued by the commission should be complied with the members of the date. we've reduced the numbers to three countries in recent times. we submit them to the council and then takes note of the reforms that are necessary and it is essential to three reforms are implemented and enforced because it is essential that this happens. it is important that the member state take responsibility at national level for the recommend
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nation endorsed by the council. because when containing i will advocate and i'm totally convinced that we will have a fair view established in the structures for the negotiations written [inaudible] i was agitated and further to jonathan -- and of course the various european so you have to come together and you will of course. of course the united kingdom and
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britain policymakers are right for the overdose is a program of my commission under the leadership of the first vice president, france timmerman to make sure the regulation in european union will be a better one. that does not mean destruction. it does not mean they should stand away which has to be organized in a proper way in europe. we have launched the energy union. we are step-by-step progressively completely and
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turn and we are taking initiatives to promote entrepreneurship in europe. these are all requests of the british government and the british policymakers. the problem is this cannot be requested because this commission is doing exactly that and i would like our british friends to support the initiative of the commission and feel the same as complying to the need to conclude as many great agreements nations in the world, including the transatlantic investment path. i'm in favor of the tpp treaty.
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[applause] but i'm not in favor of giving up european principles. as in the case of the freedom and movement cannot be touched. the same applies to the transatlantic partnership. we have our basic values and principles and the principles cannot be given during the negotiations united states in the commission or we have i am in favor of a maximum of transparency. but developing negotiations, we
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are weak. the more with what we do and intend to do, we are in favor of transparency but i'm also in favor of security and they have to be conduct did in a serious way. [applause] i just have one word on ukraine. we are supporting democratic efforts of ukraine. we have to support this because we have action and it's not an easy thing to be done. those who are dodging our involvement, our engagement will be proven wrong because we have
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offered in so many talks to president porchenko and we will continue in that way in three record financial assistance programs to ukraine. we were hoping for a deal that would secure an adviser friends they are on the reform of the judiciary. i will do everything to enable the european council with the visa to ukraine and has to be
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done. as we were saying, the maidan was not only about democracy. people dare and people living in ukraine now don't want to have a country where corruption is playing the role. we have to tempt them. i would like to say and i have things all the time and the numbers stayed. notably the security and borders of member states and will be
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understood very clearly in moscow. other cadres have to know that solidarity is not empty work. we are there and we will be there if ever this is needed. the balkans, poland and others. i don't confuse the two, by the way. they are very important numbers of the european union and we would not be fair if anyway their security and borders would be in danger. we have an obligation to protect if needed the security of
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and frank, by the way the only policy we accept his humor. could i have the permission to distribute the text on climate change because that is important. and speaking 72 minute and 15 seconds. i have new friends. those sitting in the middle of parliament are starting to become tired. those sitting there want me to continue. [applause] [speaking french]
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[applause] business finance also by the european tax payer. can you continue. >> european parliament is the place you can meet everyone. [applause] union and diversities. [laughter] i would like, mr. president, to say a few words given the time constraints on the climate change d. tag -- the text of my speech will be distributed. i simply wanted to say we have
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to be very ambitious as the european union on our way into think we are doing major effort, probably not enough, but more user efforts than others delivering. we are tackling the root causes of the next migration wave if we are addressing in a proper way to climate change because tomorrow morning we will have climate refugees and will have to know that if the first climate refugees are coming to europe. we don't have time to lose and that's why want the european union and member states to be as ambitious as possible. but i would like to say here
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that i do think -- [applause] that the european union should not find any such deal. priority has to be adopt a binding global climate deal and we have to fight for the and the boys against those that are member states not sharing when it comes to climate change, your past to be an example for others. [applause] >> mr. president, ladies and gentlemen, it wasn't the state of the entire union, but i
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didn't wish to deliver a poem on the european union to you today and at the end of the address, which i shortened, i have to confess the european union isn't in a great state, but we mustn't sit back and do nothing else than criticize the state of the union because over the last year we have managed to carry out a number of important and substantial reforms. i am talking here about the commission the migration adopted and i wouldn't have it accepted that the commission has done not paying on the german television i heard criticizing the european
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union. weren't they at some point? you are quite right. i was on holidays for 10 days. i worked for days on greece and the commission came up with proposals to readily forgotten. it was others who realized that we have this huge problem. [applause] we have adopted a number of important additions to complete the single market in particular on energy and capital markets in
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with my colleagues in the commission i would like to warmly thank the excellent agreement that we had. it wasn't easy, but many prime ministers know bringing out an agreement in executives is something that has limits. we have friendship and i think i am proud that the commission that i had the honor to be because in the first month, we sent off the major regulatory pieces of legislation, which include the basis of which, and i'm proud of this, i was elected by this family.
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[applause] [speaking french] transcode thank you, jean-claude juncke. ladies and gentlemen, mr. juncker, they have put a note to this. you all know last sunday your mother died and your father was severely sick because of his end is now in hospital and your duty now before your personal feelings, your duty with pride
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>> quarter. questions to the prime minister. julian knight. thank you, mr. speaker. this morning i had meetings with ariel collects another and edition i saw a further such meetings later today. >> julian knight. thank you, mr. speaker. would like to express in relation to your majesty the queen. will the prime minister join me today in congratulating parents of the newly alternative revision academy, providing vital places for those in complex behavioral means. would he also agree with me that those who would scrap schools would deny parents choice and children opportunity. here, here >> my right honorable friend is absolutely right. the free school movement is
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bringing what we need in this country which is more good and outstanding school places. over 250 such schools in existence highway 1500 that up over the parliament. what we've seen so far is a quarter outstanding and the education spokesman is speaking out today. praise the fact that quarter preschools are outstanding schools. in addition to that, these are not just what he calls condescending schools for yummy mummies. they are providing federal schools and provision schools and enhancing educational provision and we should be proud. [shouting] >> can i ask the prime minister about the refugee crisis? this is the largest movement of people across europe since the second world war within one
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month to over 50,000 refugees and thousands more in hungry to austria. would accept 20,000 syrian refugees over the next five years. for these people, 2020 must seem a lifetime away. can you tell the house how many are allowed to come to the u.k. by the end of this year? >> first of all, mr. speaker, i'm sure the whole house will join me in paying tribute to 28 years of front bench service. she is served with distinction in opposition and government. twice she stepped into the party acting leader and never using job carried out with total assurance birches always in the robot adversary in a fierce champion for a range of issues most notably women spread washes off a month away and changing attitudes in our country for the better and although we haven't
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seen eye to eye, she is her of her constituents policy and the south with distinction from the front bench and i wish her well as she continues to serve his house in our country from the back benches. turning to the specific issue, she is right this is the biggest crisis facing europe. we have to act on all of the areas she mentions. we have to use our head and armor. we've committed to taking 20,000 people. i wanted to get on with that. there's no limit on the amount of people that first year. let's get on with it and recognize we have to find the people, make sure they can be house, find schools for children, worked the global councils and bodies to make sure when people come they get a warm welcome from britain. >> harriet harman. >> and i thank him for his generous words about me on the front bench and say for me it
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has been an absolute honor and privilege to play my part in meeting this great party. we have to do all those things he set out in relation to the refugees, but we still do need to know and we need to have a commitment about the numbers we will take this year. this is an urgent crisis. if you care to give us a number today, can he at least commit to consult with local authorities, throughout government with voluntary organizations and charities and come back in a month and say how many of this country will take this year. the prime minister said we will take in syrian refugees in the region, but he has ruled out those with authority made it to southern europe. we understand his argument is not wanted more people to put themselves in danger, but we've got to deal with the reality and the reality is there are already
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thousands, including thousands of children without their parents who have arrived in europe. the children have proposed we take 3000 into this country. surely we should play our part to help those most vulnerable children even if they're already in europe. will you reconsider this? >> first of all, the number we achieved over the coming year. we have a meeting on friday shared by the home secretary and at that meeting we invite representatives of the lga and some of the monetary bodies is love to make sure we can plan because it's one thing to give a commitment whether it 20,000 that is right for something else. it's another thing to make sure you can find these people, get them here and give them a warm welcome. i hope the country can come together to deliver this
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properly. she talks about the reality in europe. i would say there's also a bigger reality, which is 11 million. it's pushed out of their homes. only 3% so far decided to come to europe and it's in the interest of the syrian people and all of us to do everything we can to make sure as many people as possible stay in the refugee camps for one day returning to syria. that is why britain has clad the way and fun in lebanon and jordan and look at me to go on doing just that. answering specifically the point of children will go one with the excellent work they done. another about their expert organizations warn about dangers of taking children further away from parents. the point overall it's those that have arrived in europe are at least safe. the ones in the refugee camps, lebanon and jordan will
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discourage more people from making the journey and all i can say is the conversations i've had so far with the leaders of france and germany can say britain played a role, making it and taking 20,000. to welcome into our homes. >> harriet harman. >> it is very important indeed and we support that. what about the thousands of children who are already many miles away from their home who are already in europe but have no home. surely we can play our part in helping some of those children, to. i urge him to reconsider it. planning has to be done for receiving refugees from the camps. it's right he should be meeting with local government when the development plans comeback to the bauhaus. a month is enough time to come back and say how many we will take this year.
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this is urgent. can i ask you about the situation of this child refugees from the camps that will be allowed to come here. the sanctuary and security. i must've security. i must've made them look at what the threat of deportation hanging over them. can he assure us they won't be automatically liable for deportation when they turn 18? >> i can absolutely give that assurance. the reason for accepting these people with a five-year humanitarian visa is you don't have to go through the normal asylum process. the assumption that the end of that if people want to use date can apply and they would be able to stay. some may want to go back to syria that there's any sentiment in terms of coming back to the house, i will be on a weekly basis to answer these questions and appeared in front of the liaison committee.
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i will commit to make sure the home secretary regularly update the house because it's an enormous national exercise to give a warm welcome to 20,000 people and i'm happy to do that. member state in that offers an idea from the local councils. back again to the point about children, we will be taking vulnerable children as we have already including orphans from camps in the region, but all the while listening to the u.n. hcr advice to advise caution on relocating unaccompanied children and apply that to the children unto europe as well. >> harriet harman. >> the unhcr do not tell us not to take children from this camps in europe who were there without their parents. i do welcome what he said about not editing the thread a deportation over syrian children that do come here. as a number of those via turkey
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and greece grows, it's right that we don't lose sight to those who still make the journey across the mediterranean said libya. our navy has rescued thousands already and it's important this level of search and rescue is maintained. kimmy update the house on that? >> the update i given so far we rescued 6700 children first with the flagship of the royal navy replaced by hms enterprise continued this very good work and will continue in doing this work with allies and others as long as necessary. also using and we should all be honest with ourselves and recognize we have been the case of economic migrants on the african root we need to break the link between those people getting on a boat and getting settlement in europe. all the evidence for these migration crises in the past,
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particularly spain and canary island do need a way of returning people to africa who are not fleeing for their lives, but leaving for a better life. if you can't the land, increasing number of people want to make the perilous journey. >> harriet harman. >> we do need to find ways of returning people where that is great but we also have to make sure we stopped in drowning at sea when they flee as refugees and i know he agrees with that. the e.u. must have a robust and realistic plan. the european commission has announced brothers that feared the prime minister would look at it need are the special summit of youth leaders. we know there is one scheduled for october but if there ever was a need for a summit of e.u. leaders, that time is now. will he call for one? >> i'm happy to keep this under review and i discussed it with chance for merkel in the last couple of days.
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the meeting of the ministers will take place in a couple days time. the british approach we are clear if this must be a comprehensive approach if all the focus is on redistributing refugees around europe doubles all the problems and sends a message that two people have a good idea to get on the boat and make that journey. that is not just my view. the chair of the committee is right about this. the answer is not quotas. quotas play into the hands of those who exploit foldable refugees. of course europe has to reach it out answers for those countries that are part of the -- the ability to make her decision in her approach is to say we are humanitarian notion that the moral conference. we want a comprehensive approach that puts money into the camps that meets our commitment to solve the problems and the area
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that has the return path to africa to seize the new government in libya. we have to address all of these issues. .. that. >> this is not just about us as a sovereign nation doing what we can and should. this is about us working together with other countries. the refugee crisis remains a daunting problem which we are all striving to tackle, but we also have to address the underlying causes which are conflicts, global inequality and poverty and there are no simple answers but we can only address them working with other countries. the responsibilities we share as >> to be british, not to be narrow and fearful of the outside world but to be confident and proud. the government should rise
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