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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  September 11, 2015 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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that has the return path to africa to seize the new government in libya. we have to address all of these issues. .. that. >> this is not just about us as a sovereign nation doing what we can and should. this is about us working together with other countries. the refugee crisis remains a daunting problem which we are all striving to tackle, but we also have to address the underlying causes which are conflicts, global inequality and poverty and there are no simple answers but we can only address them working with other countries. the responsibilities we share as >> to be british, not to be narrow and fearful of the outside world but to be confident and proud. the government should rise to
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this challenge of our time and i urges them to decide. >> i agree with what she just said. britain amongst the counties in the world, meet 2% nato spending target in determination of defense and helping secure the countries and no other county in the world meet those two targets. and i'm proud that we do. she talks about going to the clauses'm of the crisis. she's right. it's because asaad has butchered their own people and isil has butchered others and many have fled syria. but we have to be part of the international alliance that says we need an approach in syria, we
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have a government that can look out or its people. asaad has to go and isil has to go. some of that will require not just spending money, it will on occasion military force. i think the last exchange was the most important. we with other countries have responsibilities. it can be helpful how each deals with syria and iran. >> the spending is vital because you have 11 million people. some of them remain in syria. they need support. some in camps. they need support.
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those countries need our help. the budget which has been controversial in our country, people cannot see the connection, the money we spend and the lives we save and the national security we help to enforce here in the u.k. the point i'm making is not change to debate about what happens next in syria. we have to keep thinking about the fact that there's nothing in the ouend that will make isil go away other than a confrontation, which we are seeing in iran and syria. it's not just in this country's interest but the civilization. thank you. >> the threat level from terrorism is listed as severe in thet u.k. it's taken four months
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of the reestablishment of intelligence and security committee. can the prime minister explain what role he holds, what that committee will held? >> you're absolutely right. the current level in terms is severe. we believe an attack isis highly likely. these levels are set independently of government. the security committee does important work. i very much hope that he will be part of that committee and will be able to be briefed in a way that other members of that committee are briefed. iste there a rule for the intelligence and securityat committee, which we already expanded, to do even for to scrutinize the action of the intlght -- intelligence
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services. it's a new departure. i would argue the first way of scrutiny when the prime minister to come to the house and the house to question them. i'm very happy to discuss that with the new chair who will be appointed in a few days. >> the prime minister talked about the importance of security committee and scrutiny. we learned this week of new policy against terrorists in regions whether it's not parliamentary approval for action, would the prime minister providehe relevant information o the intelligence and security commission so it can conduct a review? >> as i've justsa said, i'm hapy to discuss that with the chairman of the committee. what i meanty to say, elected f the members in the committee,
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because it is what rightly happens. the intelligence and security committee cannot be responsible forri overseeing current operations. i mean, the responsibility for current operations must lie with the government r and the -- [shouting] >> i take responsibility for it. i think it is important up to events taking place that they do some sort of investigation. >> thank you, mr. speaker. over the past weeks, i've been meeting facing severe difficulties in many sectors. these industries are -- could the prime minister griff -- give
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assurances to highlight? >> she's actually right with this. it's causing problems here in the u.k. and also the european union. there is going to be a 500 million euro package to help farmers, it will take steps and a fair deael with the supermarkt to make sure we do more, public authorities are buying british food because it's such a high quality and making sure we look at the tax treatment of farmers to try to give them a better deal at this difficult time. >> two weeks ago the security department not only admit today fort -- admitted to fort --
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>> shows that there are four times more likely to die than the general population. this was after the secretary of state told that data did not exist. given this, with defensive remarks this week referring to people without disabilities as normal, when will the prime minister return my calls for the secretary to be investigated? [shouting] >> let me deal very directly with the publication of this data. it wasub published because i promised it would be published in a way that it was never published in any other government. [shouting] >> we should be clear about what this data show.
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it does not show wrongly people dying as a result of benefits taken away. you listen to the organization, they said this, two newspapers have checked. thousands of people died within losing of benefits, this is wrong. you should read that before you ask your next question. [shouting] >> save it, save it. >> in 2011 the prime minister, wilson doctrine, prohibition on the electronic monitoring of parliament was still in force, this year the government sent a lawyer stating complaint,
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perhaps williams. it's not legally binding, can't work properly and currently places no obligations on intelligence agencies. had reclarified the doctrine for the house today, i confirmed -- >> i'm very happy to write and set out an opposition. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, the refugee crisis is empowered, the u.k. supplied weapons in many areas including yemen, in the weeks london will host the largest arms in the world.
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>> first of all, we have some of the strictest rules anywhere in thee world for selling arms to other countries. but if she think that is the reason why 70 people are leaving, fleeing syria is something to do with the arms trade, the fact is that asaad is butchering its own people. those are the problems that we have to confront rather pretending it's something else. >> the powerhouse should be about developing prosperity to england. [shouting] >> i think there's a really
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opportunity in this parliament to make decisive step towards balancing the economy and building the northern powerhouse that we have talked about. a big part is government and have new powers and now resources to drive economic growth in the areas. we've had over 30 areas making proposals as well as city regions. i think this is a very exciting development, i very much it will be in the vanguard. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, over 900 people at young -- the perception across the industry that u.k. government has been supporting the company to relocate jobs -- what secrets does it support --
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>> i'm aware of this. what matters is that we go on being an economy that wants to attract business and growth and jobsbe and that's keeping inflation down, taxes down, keep our corporate taxes down and i also argue keep the treaty together. [shouting] >> will next be hosting over 130 employers. we see unemployment at lowest level ever. [shouting] >> i'm very grateful for what my
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honorable friend is doing. i think we have to be frank, that job is going to get harder as we dig down to those people who have been out of the labor market for a long time. we have challenges for getting jobs and we need to work really hard to make sure the apprenticeship and the health is there. that's what's happening. >> can the prime minister tell the house whether he thinks he had lead public opinion on the crisis or followed it? >> the governor is doing the right thing. [shouting] >> to be frank, public opinion hasn't always supported the percent that we give and even in the most difficult of economic circumstances government led by conservative prime minister.
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[shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. will the prime minister join me in welcoming the announcement of funding to quick-start improvement and don't you agree with me that it's a vital subject as economy growth and jobs,on which seem economic policies are delivering. >> one of the things that struck me on the many visits that i made to its constituency, 3 million pounds of funding to develop improvement. what i will say, jim, keep on this because we know how vital this is. [shouting]
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>> every minute without cpr, reducing survival chances, a true life skill, would prime minister look closely which aims to do and make every child safer? >> the truth is that this is a real-life safer. the availability of cpr equipment whether it's in village holes or pubs or schools can save many, many lives. that's why there's -- >> good afternoon, everybody. nice to see you all today. finally friday. i don't have anything. you want to start? >> do you have any reaction to speaker boehner saying that house republicans can go to
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court -- >> this is the conditions of the gambet. they seemed like a great idea with a couple of margaritas. they don't seem quite realistic location. maybe for the next couple of weeks, they'll have meet negotiation the -- meetings in the turkey coast. [laughs] >> let me say in general, we are pleased that congress has not succeeded, and there are as the international committee moves forward with implementing this
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agreement, there will be some very serious steps that iran will be required to take to significantly curtail their nuclear program. and i know that there has been some grumbling among those in capitol hill about the outcome. it also seems worth reminding them that the process for considering this agreement in the congress is actually a process that consist -- congress themselves determine. you might say that congress was given an opportunity to set the rules here and, you know, this is the outcome, that has occurred as a result of that process, and i haven't seen any specific -- i don't think they've followed through in terms of, you know, finding court documents or anything. we obviously feel quite
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confident in our ability to move forward with the rest of the international community to implement this agreement. that means the next step will be iran in terms of reducing their nuclear stockpiles, centrifuges. >> it was one of many options of possibilities that -- [inaudible] >> to go back to yesterday and the decision -- >> yes. >> you said earlier in the week that the administration -- when you said yesterday that the administration taken refugees, is that part of the review or is that going on?
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>> there is -- there continues to be an ongoing review among the president's national security team specially at the state department to determine, you know, what additional steps the united states can take to help the rest of the international community as they confront this significant humanitarian crisis. for years the united states has been playing a leading role in this response. the united states is the largest donor to ongoing human -- human efforts. these are countries in the region and around the world. these are countries with self-obligation to support these countries, but the announcement yesterday is obviously only one component of our response, but i do think should serve as and i lust -- illustration that the
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united states is stepping up our efforts and other countries need to as well. [inaudible] >> this is a process that is being carried out with a sense of urgency. >> finally, do you have any comment on the report today that -- [inaudible [inaudible] >> influence where the president will stay when he's not at the white house. these consideration are from available space to cost and to
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security and while i don't have the details on the specific arrangement that's in place with the president's trip to new york in a couple of weeks, you know, i can't confirm the reports that the president will stay and it will stay at the national palace hotel. i can try. >> you said yesterday that it would be about a 12, 18-month process to go through security screening. the goal is to have refugees settled. >> let me say a couple of things about that. the 12-18 month window is the
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completion of that process that oftentimes the process will take longer, range of 24 months. i focused yesterday in my discussions about the security consideration of the policy divisions, and i did that because the security considerations are the top priority and they get the most focus, but those are not the only factors of a drawn-out process. so just to give you one example, there are public health considerations about bringing refugees into the united states. we want to make sure that they receive proper immunizations and those kinds of things. that takes some time. as it relates to the house -- well two other things, one i also indicated yesterday that we
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would not take any short-cuts when it comes to our security. will thereby an effort to try to accelerate that processor move more people through that process, but it will not come at the expense of the robust security precautions that will remain in place. the last thing is what i acknowledged yesterday that there is a bit of a back-log. it maybe that somebody who applies today, for example, may not be part of the ten thousand that would be admitted in the next fiscal year, but it certainly would show up a stepped-up pace and it does give -- creates some additional opportunities for those who are in that back-log to be admitted next year. >> okay, do you know -- so you're saying that 10,000 are people who already applied, not
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open for new applications because those people -- it could be as long as two years? >> well, they're new slots for applications. it's not clear to me how anybody would be able to make their way through this process before the end of next fiscal year if they are applying today for example. >> do you have any updated details on that or it's -- >> i don't have additional information to share with you about the overall cap. there has been a policy process that's been underway that predates the most resent -- recent crisis, obviously there's new factors that may influence exactly where that cap is set. so this is part of the ongoing process that darlene referred to
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earlier that is considered by the president's security team including officials at the at a time department who are responsible for the refugee program. >> there are reports that have been kind of building about the quality that the president has been getting on the fight against isis. isn't the president deeply concerned about that? you said that he does have confidence in the intel he's getting, isn't this the kind of thing that lead somebody to question their confidence? >> michelle, the president relies on intelligence as is the rest of the national security teams. it has significant con sec -- consequences. there's great admiration for
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those in our community. in some cases, there are individuals who are taking great risks to obtain information that could be useful to the president of the united states and his team. there is an ongoing investigation. i'm reluctant to say very much about the case because of the investigation. i can tell you that the president does have confidence. any members take very seriously responsibility they have to make sure that the president and his team have access to the most and best information available so that they can make the best possible decisions about the national security of the united states. >> does have confidence general ri, -- generally, does he not have some concern about -- [inaudible] >> can we talk about his
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concern? >> well, at this point this is a martha continues to be under investigation and rather than worry about what the outcome of that investigation might be, we'll allow the investigation to run its course. i guess the last thing i will say is that the -- the intelligence community is very well aware of the high standards that this president has set and his desire to understand exactly what's happening. even if that means the intelligence committee may have to share with the president some bad news. i think in a variety of areas, the president has been quite clear about his insistence that we're going to confront our challenges headon. we are not going to be looking for best-case scenarios. we are not looking for hopeful
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outcomes. the president would prefer a cold-eyed assessment of what's exactly happening so that we can make the best possible decisions, and you know, one example that i can think of is -- is the case of dr. weinstein. this is a situation where we talked earlier this year about an american hostage who is being held in the afghanistan-pakistan what are intean, -- area and was killed in an operation, and the president took extraordinary step of insisting that it be declassified so that the american public and people around the world can understand what happened. the united states and the president themselves could take responsibility for the consequences of the operation. that reflects the president's
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desire but commitment to understanding of what the facts are. [inaudible] >> they put out a statement that was pretty lengthy yesterday. do you have anything to add onto that? >> there's not much that i can say about that. what i can say is that the president, as i just said, the president was quite clear about taking personal responsibility for the consequences. ..
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into the policymaking process to ensure both that those responsible for recovering those american to defend our operating with the most current and up-to-date and accurate intelligence and nation but also the up-to-date intelligence information came when appropriate the shared with the families of those being helped overseas. we have acknowledged an important role for the intelligence community to play in recovering and rescuing
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american hostages in the president is serious about making sure this tremendous capabilities are properly integrated into his government strategy. >> the president believes the coalition is winning the war against isis. there is no denying we've made a lot of important progress over isil over the years. i had to pull some relevant statistics that illustrated the progress that has been made. i will go through a few of them and there are more that we can share if it strikes you as interesting. the fact is in iraq, isil has lost the freedom to operate in some 30% of the populated territory held one year ago. right now there are reiki as 16 carrying out airstrikes targets in iraq that reflects is strengthening security relationship between the united states and iraq as they confront the threat posed by isil.
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isil has lost more than 17,000 square climate or is a territory in northern iraq and has cut off from all but 60 miles of the 600-mile long order between syria and turkey. the u.s.-led coalition against isil has had more than 6700 targets that was thousands of fighters in position or so ago was an announcement of the united states out an air strike that removed tashi matan from the battlefield. the significance is he a second-in-command of isil and that is a pretty clear illustration even the seniormost members of the organization are under some intense pressure by our isil campaign. ultimately we've made important progress to degrade and destroy
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isil. there is no denying the president has said several times that there will be periods of progress in periods of setback in the campaign and that is part of any military operation like this, but obviously taking a look at the facts on the ground there's no denying the important progress in the last year. bob. >> hey, josh. theoretically in all likelihood a week from today every nuclear agreement will be implemented as far as the united states is concerned. what happens as far as the president is concerned after that? how often does he get updated? how often will it be updated about whether they are complying? >> as a general matter there will be intense focus on the implementation of the agreement
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and this is for good reason something the president and his team have worked on quite extensively over the last couple years. a lot of time has been spent on the details of the arrangement and they spent several months earlier this year from even once the broad outlines of the agreement were reached on locking down the details. that should give you a good sense that there is keen interest in the follow-through in the united states or international partners and the iaea will be closely watching iran to verify that they've taken steps required before they receive many sanctions relief but also the month after that to verify ongoing compliance of the agreement. that will be a high priority. >> will likely be conferring
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with the other leaders? >> i wouldn't pull that out but i don't have any meetings to announce at this point. >> on the issue of the russian troops in syria, what are the u.s. plans to deal with them, ordination, the reality is russians on the ground. how is the administration going to approach that? >> we obviously are watching developments quite close to it. secretary kerry has spoken to prime minister a couple times this week to discuss his exact issue. the united states has made clear her priority is on a transition and we believe that is the root of so many problems that have sprung from the crisis whether the growth of isil or the significant humanitarian crisis that's occurred. any effort anybody would take including russia's to offer
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material support to the assad regime would be counterproductive for that reason. at the same time we welcome constructive russian contributions to our anti-isil campaign. more than 60 countries are participating in the welcome to construct a russians are poor. >> you see the potential for contributions with russian military personnel on the ground in area and those that are there now? it could also be coordinating with the u.s.-led effort? >> we have acknowledged for some time the true intention of the russians as it relates to military deployment are unclear. it's hard to tell exactly what their plan is common but we've tried to make clear what we would like to see them do. ultimately they have to decide.
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>> one another, the vice president had an emotional interview last night on the stephen colbert show. did the president get a chance to see that? >> i haven't spoken to the president today so i don't know if you've seen it. it's in a lot of coverage in the president has seen at least the coverage. >> i did not see it. it aired past my bed time. >> the white house called the fact that deal is moving through the hill a victory for diplomacy that we're months away from an implementation. isn't it too early to call it if it during? >> the reason the language was chosen is that there was significant concern that we expressed quite candidly that
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congress success in killing the deal would put diplomacy at great risk and put the united states in a position for a military confrontation in the middle east was much more likely and because the deal was not killed by congress, that is a victory for diplomacy and we now will give diplomacy the opportunity to succeed in advancing our interests and it is in the interest of the united date the members of the p5+1 in the interest of partners in the golf in the interest of our closest ally in the middle east, israel for iran to get a nuclear weapon. this is the best way for us to pursue those interests and we are pleased that congress did not succeed in spoiling the
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agreement. >> they're still critical riskier. >> there is no denying there's many important steps ahead. surely ensuring that iran both politically and technically begins to move forward as you point out, no small consideration in something we have carefully. >> kia said they want sanctions fully completely removed which is something congress had hoped to do. >> president himself has not suggested he supports removing all of the sanctions. so that is one. the second thing is we have heard a variety of common from a variety of leaders in iran and
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will be vindicated as we are quite intensely focused on their actions in the earlier stages of the process included actions at the negotiating table, but now we get closer to the implementation of the agreement, we will close watch their actions when it comes to following through on commitments they made and that is the way we will -- that is what we are most focused on. [inaudible] >> i guess you could say much of the rhetoric we've seen from her pub is in the last several months would also include an implied threat of pulling out of the agreement that it looks like the united states -- >> sure. when we talk about our brand their spot of implied threat and what we are focused on iran's actions and we will focus on trade take very seriously and
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ensure there is its ability they have the follow-through on the equipment is made. [inaudible] >> at this point, the president scheduled for the assembly is not scheduled. as we get more details we let you know. >> josh, a few on iran. first i know as we approach implementation of the iran deal that this is a pre-judging call and all of the built-in are aimed at verification and not having. i wonder if the experience of the u.s. in dealing with iran over the course of the negotiations themselves produce
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in this administration some modest optimism about how it's going to go. to the contrary are you expecting a lot of disputes, a lot of problems with iran? >> i think james, it is notable that iran was willing to come to the negotiating table and negotiate a serious way, that there had been previous diplomatic overtures that made pretty clear iran wasn't all that serious about entering into serious negotiations with the community and this time was different. so that might be produced like a small ray of optimism about the likelihood that they will follow through with the commitments they've made in the agreement. however, whether there is
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optimism or not will be focused on independent verification by the iaea and we talked about how rigorous is verification measures are. >> president bush after 9/11 famously labeled iran a member of an ax people in the modern world are today we have the president of united states who creates a diplomatic victory. implementation of a policy he himself publicly admits may well produce a situation in which sanctions relief for iran is used by iran for terrorism. can you understand why americans who lived through 9/11 might find it mind-boggling that have a president who touted the jury, an agreement that would steer money directly to terrorist at today's. >> the reasons the president described this as a victory as
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it doesn't prevent iran from an inning a nuclear weapon. if there are those who've concluded that the domain has evil intentions, they should be welcoming this agreement that as many experts have concluded is the best way to prevent iran from a nuclear weapon and that's the president's priority. at the same time, the administration has been serious and engaged in a range of consultations with allies as well as israel about what we can do to ramp up cooperation as we counter the variety of nefarious activities iran engages in and around the world and there will continue to be significant sanctions in place on iran and senior officials precisely because of their destabilizing it to the decent support for terrorism. our concerns about iran's support for terrorists have not
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waned and our determination to confront, to work with the international community to confront iran's support for terrorism has only ramped up in the recent months and years. >> on the ice of intelligence issue, you told us the president has confidence. should we construe that to be synonymous with you telling us the president has confidence in the intelligence he has received on iss over the last six months. >> this is some thing the inspector general has taken a look at. the president has great respect for the men and women in our intelligence service is. he has made clear how important the material they produce in the intelligence yield is to our country and the decision making his team is engaged in. >> to recap, you said confidence in the caliber of the
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intelligence of the last six months and you tell me that's a matter of investigation appeared you are declining an opportunity to say he did have -- >> i think the president is interested in making sure he's got the best and most accurate information about what is happening on the ground and he's made that clear to the men and women in the intelligence community and confidence the ability to deliver. there's an ongoing investigation to check that out. >> when a colleague earlier asked you in the briefing whether the coalition is winning , he tried out a seriousness to six. i think we all remember the tenure of robert pack amira onboard -- robert mcnamara can tell a story or the whole story so i'll give you an opportunity again to answer the question
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without referencing statistics. >> james, there's no denying that made important progress. the statistics i laid out before substantiate the progress we've made. at the same time we have sustained setbacks insisted with the president's admonition at the very beginning of the effort the derby. the progress compared to step back and we have sustained both. what has not changed is the determination to work ended the international coalition of some 60 countries to carry the strategy that would degrade and ultimately destroy isil. >> so we are making progress but you don't feel comfortable saying it. >> that is what the department of defense can share with you. there's an understandable tendency to want to do a little play-by-play of the military conflict and what is clear is
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important progress has been made but there is a tremendous amount of work that remains to be done to succeed in our ultimate goal of ultimately destroy isil. >> let me ask the question another way if i can fit in part the military intelligence analysts have been talking about isis that they've had much more success than fun and and recruitment in part because of social media and al qaeda ever did. does the administration consider isis at this point in time to be more dangerous than al qaeda ever was and i'll ask you the question you've been asked on every anniversary since 9/11. >> the answer to your last question is yes we are and that is a testament to the service, professionalism and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform,
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men and women in montfort named in our intelligence community and the steps under both administrations to safeguard the homeland. there is no question about that. at the same time there continues to be risks and threats to the united states and under the leadership of the president, the administration has worked effectively with the international community to confirm shared for. the isil situation is a good example. there's a coalition of 60 countries led by the united states at supplying significant pressure to isil, both to isil fighters who have sustained 6700 airstrikes but also the isil leadership including the second-in-command who was taken off the battlefield last month as a result of a u.s. airstrike.
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they not often get lost in the debate is our military affairs are significant and important, but not the only important not victory strategy. we worked effectively with coalition partners to shut off the illicit financing that does fund so much of isil's terrorism. we worked hard with other members of the coalition to counter efforts that isil has engaged in using social media to radicalize foreign fighters and others around the globe who might be supportive of their cause. even in those sufferers -- in this effort you could describe as strategy as making important progress but also sustained setbacks as well. it is important and i'm glad you
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raised it. it's important to understand this is not just a military strategy, but there's a counter finance strategy, an effort to prevent or counter the strategy of fibers is to inspire others to radicalize others. this is a coordinated effort and one that we remain committed to. >> you disagree with the statement that isis is more dangerous than al qaeda ever was. >> what is clear is they both pose very different thread. there is reason to be skeptical that isil has the same intent and capacity to carry out a large-scale attack against the u.s. homeland on the scale of the one perpetrated against this
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country for two years ago, but that is not to diminish that they clearly do pose to the united states and other countries around the world and it's why we have been affect them and listing some 60 countries including other countries in the region who are not traditional allies of the united states necessarily but in many cases have been good partners to join us in an effort to degrade and destroy isil. [inaudible] -- willingness to take military action. but she also said at the president she would quickly invite prime minister benjamin netanyahu to the white house and redo it in her first month in office which obviously was a growing chasm that some might
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argue really started to grow when she came here to speak before congress. i wonder if there's been any discussion with the president's foreign policy team come a state department team on how to move forward in that relationship and what comes next. >> well, the president has had the opportunity to speak with prime minister netanyahu on many occasions since the speech earlier this year, since that speech was announced back in january. i'm not aware they've spoken since the vote. there's an ongoing effort right now to arrange a meeting between the president and prime minister netanyahu and i would anticipate we will have a date set shortly but i think you can look for prime minister netanyahu to visit the white house in early note number to meet with the president as we had the day
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lockdown,, we will obviously let you know. the other thing we've often had his there's probably no world leader with who the president has spent more time interacting and talking and meeting with then prime minister netanyahu. i haven't checked the latest stopwatch tally, but the statistic is probably still true. that is in one-party testament to the length of the conversation they have, but also a testament to the depth of the security relationship between our two countries that do to the president's commitment to strengthening the security relationship. prime minister netanyahu has himself observed and security chip and cooperation between the united states and israel is unprecedented and the president has indicated his desire to begin consultations with our
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israeli allies on how to further deepen the cooperation. we are looking forward to doing that. >> how much of the decision to arrange this meeting is about the check was between not part of the world in the united states. how much is rebuilding that relationship question or >> i think it's an indication that despite are well-known differences on even key issues, the bottom between the united states and israel is unshakable. the president has spoken at length about why that is. certainly some of it has to do with the values between our countries. it certainly has to do with the important people to people relationships that exist between the citizens of our two
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countries. it also post or share strategic interest around the world and again it probably -- at the top of my head i can't think of another situation over the last six and a half years of the president he were there's been an ally of the united states with whom we've had such a vigorous and public disagreement. but the fact leaders of these two countries can come together and have conversation in an in-person meeting reflects the commitment of the leaders of both of those countries to the strength of the relationship and i think it also was an indication of how the president believes the future of the relationship between the u.s. and israel is so in believes the
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future is something worth talking about in investing in and i'm sure that will be part of the discussion but the prime minister later this year and we will have more we can say about the substance of the meeting when it gets closer. mark. >> josh, what nsa personnel be part of the event today for just military? >> we will get you some more details. at fort meade, his public event will essentially be an online town hall a few well with u.s. service members serving around the world and therefore it made something called the defense media activity and essentially a studio capable of housing an
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audience, an in-person audience as well as using the internet, live video streaming to bring an audience around the world and there will be service members, u.s. service members who are stationed in place is as far away as europe, afghanistan and asia participating in today's event. i believe some service members and the united states navy will be on board ships participating in this event. it's because of the unique capabilities present at fort meade to meet with and interact with our men and women in uniform and again there's probably -- it's in the daylight today for the commander-in-chief to spend time with the president of the fort meade after the event, the president will have an opportunity to stop by some of the nsa office says and greet the staff there and thank them for their service to the country
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as well. [inaudible] >> by understanding this because of the sensitive equipment and environment that coverage will not be possible. we do have staff traveling and we'll see if we can get you details about the time the president and the nsa employees as well. john. >> i wanted to follow up about the progress isis has not made against the u.s. over the course of the past year. the first statistic if i'm not mistaken that you spoke of was a have no longer controls 30% of the territory that was controlled one year ago. is that correct? did i get that number right? ..
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there have been some areas where we've been able to make progress, some areas where we have sustained set back. take a look at the over all, even given the back and forth that is part of any military conflict, that area that they previously held is now 30% smaller. >> the big picture, can you say whether isis has had any difficulty in recruiting new
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fighters over the course of the past? >> well, that's a hard thing to assess. i think that there are clearly efforts that we've made online, and our partners have made online to try to counter their recruitment efforts. and while we are pleased with those efforts because that's an important area for us to focus on, there's a lot more that can and should be done to make that effort more effective. so i think that is easy to see the evidence of our efforts to counter them but there clearly is more important work that needs to be done in this area as well. >> ask you one question on a completely different subject. he touched on earlier and that's about the vice president, no doubt that he i has the supportf 100% of the people here and the
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whitest as related to the grief that both he and his family are going through with the loss of his son back in may. i'm just curious, could you get a sense about the support that the vice president has amongst his fist after interest of the possibility of them are in for president? could you say there are folks here who would like to see that happen, that are encouraging the vice president to make such a move? give me your sense about what you sense is happening right here at the white house. >> it's hard for me to assess the personal political preferences everybody that worked at the white house. i wouldn't be surprised if the vice president were to decide to get in the race, that there would be some people who would ultimately vote for him. but because the people who work you are very much focused on serving this president and very much focused on the task of governing that they have before them, that's where, that their attention is focused.
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look, i don't have any special insight into who everybody a writer is going to vote for. i would anticipate most people will vote in the democratic primary, and, but again i'm sure each of the candidates have some level of support here at the white house. >> you were involved in the race back in 2008 with -- when vice president biden was named to the ticket. you worked closely with not only the president, senator obama at the time, but also then senator biden. kidney a sense about what strength he brings the viewer to make a run for the white house. what does he bring to the table as a candidate? >> i will let you guys and to cap what kind of presidential candidate he would be, but what i will say is that in the 2008 race, i think there was no denying him the effectiveness
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that senator biden demonstrated on this done. he was a tireless campaigner, and that was even on display at for those of you who covered him in pittsburgh over the labor day weekend, he was someone who relishes the opportunity to do some grassroots politics. that make him an enormous asset to our campaign in 2008. in 2008, then senator biden also brought extensive international experience. he is somebody who serve as the chair of the foreign relations committee, some who've established relationship with world leaders all across the globe. and in his role as vice president he has been able to use that experience and capitalize on those relationships to advance the interests of our country in a very meaningful way. there is no denying that that's an important part of his experience and made him a real asset to our ticket in 2008.
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[inaudible] >> i will let or not any of that stuff would come in handy this time around. [laughter] >> -- tweeted at a picture of the twin towers and said that the iran deal would find terrorism. she's not the only person today who has invoked 9/11 s., she considers -- [inaudible] what is your reaction? >> i didn't see the actual tweet. i want to say in general the president has been quite clear about the priority that he has place on deepening our security cooperation with our gulf allies and with our allies in israel. to do even more to counter iran's destabilizing activities in the region and iran's support for terrorism. that's something the president takes very seriously. in fact, that's one of the reasons the president has chosen
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to pursue this diplomatic grid to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. we don't want to allow a state sponsor of terrorism to get access to a nuclear weapon and that's why the president made this such a priority but it is shortly will not come at the expense of our desire to limit iran's support for counter iran's support for terrorist activities around the world. >> the house has just completed loading on, the one to support the iran deal which -- >> it made a whole lot more sense tuesday night. [laughter] >> are you an investor? [laughter] >> they will have to cut me in after all this. >> the speaker said that i was really and accountability vote, and mitch mcconnell has talked about it being an issue in 2016. to the president and democrats owned this thing come and is that something that carries
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political risk? >> well, as it relates to this notion of accountability, i think those members, i think that we so many members of congress spend significant amount of time evaluating the agree but trying to understand all of the details, the consequences for american national security, the exact commitments that iran was making to curtail their nuclear program. i think that's an indication they took this vote very seriously. it has implications for national security, and i think they all understood regardless of which way they voted they would be held accountable for it. unfortunately, we saw a number of members of congress actually announced their opposition before the deal was even reached. i think that's an indication that those members of congress didn't take this situation as seriously as they should have spent do you think this would be a campaign issue? >> hard to say but we will find
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out. if it is, i think there will be a number of democrats making a very strong case for supporting the most effective strategy to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. julie. >> when you responded to the refugee crisis, you all talk about the responsibility -- [inaudible] the long-term challenge is to bring stability. the president said four years ago that assad should go. i'm wondering if it is causing to rethink at all and any actions he did or did not take to try to resolve the crisis in syria? and how you respond to those who say that what we're seeing now with the refugees in some ways is ending indictment of the strategy. >> we have seen that claim made by some of the political
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opponents. what many of them have suggested is that, that greater u.s. military intervention in syria should have been pursued. but i think that racist to fundamental questions. the first is that president i think it's really pretty persuasive case about why he doesn't believe that of the groundwork in the middle east is our interest. i because to hear someone make a case having a widespread groundwork involving u.s. service members in syria would have alleviated the violence in syria. partially alleviated the need for innocent people to try to escape the violence and not get caught in the crossfire. so again ramping up our commitment of service members on the ground in syria, in the mind of the president, if not in the
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best interest of our national security, and doesn't logically explain how do we prevent a refugee crisis. >> are the other options you could explore? >> if there are other options, i haven't heard them from our critics, but you've heard me say on many occasions the president is constantly pressing his national security team to evaluate what kind of results our strategy has yielded thus far and to pursue ideas and options for investing more in the elements of our strategy that appear to be bearing fruit, more backing off some elements of the strategy that don't appear to be working as well as we had hoped. and there's always this give and
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take in the policymaking process, particularly went like this that thus far has not yielded the kind of results we would like to see. we do believe that president assad has lost legitimacy to lead in syria, and we deeply that the building of isil to establish a safe haven inside a serious is a consequence of assad's failed leadership. we deeply that a significant new mentoring and refugee problem that we see emanating from syria as a consequence of assad's failed leadership, and that we could address those problems in the context of a political transition inside syria, and the united states has been a leading advocate of the u.s.-led process to try to translate that transition but, unfortunately, that translation -- transition has not occurred and those negotiations have been very
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difficult to to make them constructive. but just because the problem is difficult to solve doesn't mean that we have somehow shifted our attention from. at every turn we are mindful of the fact that this situation is only going to be something close to resolve once the political crisis inside syria has been resolved. >> do you feel alert doesn't commissioner schapiro tha that e russian build up the interior offers an opportunity to wrap up your efforts to bring about that kind of transition, or doesn't that make it more difficult? >> at this point it's unclear exactly what russia's intentions are, and we've made clear to them what we would like them to do but ultimately we will have to see what path they take. we said additional support for
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the assad regime for many of the reasons i dislike that would be destabilizing and counterproductive that that we would certainly welcome russia's constructive engagement in the strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy isis. >> you mentioned various concerns are factors that go into deciding -- was one of the factors here a concerned that the chinese might prevail or otherwise try to spy on the american delegation while they were -- [inaudible] >> i'm not at liberty to detail the consider -- security determination that may or may not have impacted the decision. >> 2% i just yesterday they announced is going to release prisoners ahead of -- [inaudible] has the white house had any talks on that? i guess what at all it doesn't include any political prisoners? >> i have not seen the
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announcement so that if i can have someone follow up with you on that for our reaction. >> on venezuela, the reaction -- [inaudible] a call to congress for additional sanctions, spirit the united states is to be concerned that lopez has been convicted and sentenced to 13 years and nine months in prison on a range of politically motivated charges. venezuela's problems cannot be solved by criminalizing dissent. we call on the government of venezuela to release mr. lopez on all political prisoners who is unjustly detained up with called on the venezuelan government to improve the climate of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms such as the freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly. these are essential to a functioning democracy and the venezuela government has an obligation to protect the son of
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a despicable way to solve this was problems is the real dialogue, not detaining political opponents and attempting to silence critics. [inaudible] >> earlier this year the obama administration did impose sanctions on some leaders in the venezuelan government because of their terrible human rights record. i think based on the reaction we saw from venezuela to that announcement, those sanctions have succeeded in applying some pressure to the leaders of that country, and will sorely consider a range of options as we work with other countries in the western hemisphere to apply pressure to the venezuelan government and to make clear that other countries in this hemisphere prioritize matches the respectful but even the protections of the basic human rights of law-abiding citizens. >> we always talk about -- in
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the context of a searing refugee situation we have seen major imaging crises like a giant spike in what the united states would accept in terms of refugees, hundreds of thousands in circumstances. that's not really what's being discussed in this situation and i wonder if part of a legacy, part of the unfortunate legacy of this anniversary is that those kinds of options are no longer available to the united states? >> i think as we discussed yesterday i don't think there's anybody who contemplates the situation in which the solution is just bringing every syria and he was fleeing violence to the united states. i'm not sure that's what the syrians were. my guess is the vast majority would not want that because they would prefer to remain in their own country close to family but also in a position so they could return home as soon as possible once the situation has eased.
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that's why we have made clear that the most effective response to this urgent situation is actually trying to provide the basic humanity needs for those had to flee their homes and the united states has been the largest owner of that humanitarian assistance and we will encourage countries around the world to support the ongoing humanitarian effort. >> -- [inaudible] limits of the dexterity of the united states response to humanitarian crises. >> well, our top priority is us against a critic of the american people in the u.s. homeland. that certainly has been taken into account is what i this policy decision and will be as we make these decisions looking for. that said, is medicare and response seen for the united states is indicative of the value of this country recognizing the humanity of these innocent people who have
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fled a terrible situation and now find themselves in a rather desperate situation and that's why the response you see from the next is consistent with those values but also consistent with the need to protect a sadistic of the of the american people. >> historical examples, does the security from 9/11 change or limit substantially the kind of response that is ago to the united states? >> the most effective response by the united states or anybody else in supporting the efforts in that region of the world. the united states has been the leading builder of documenting assistance and i've would say they like to seize of 9/11 is understanding that senate for our values as a country walking the walk with a values and the policies of this country is
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afford. spent the last one in the movie the weekend. [inaudible] >> well, general dempsey can give you the best tactical assessment of the situation. i'm also were general dempsey's statement noted that the long-term prospects for isil are not very good for isil. that is a testament to our
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intensive strategy using military options but also diplomacy, counter financing and others. that is a strategy we pursued and the president has been pleased that we have been able to build and hold together a coalition of more than 60 countries to join us in this effort and that's why we continue to be confident about our long-term success. >> long-term, general dempsey also suggest a the broader fight in this regio will take a decade or more. is that something you all are willing to -- spin the president has said many times this will be a long-term proposition. it would require sustained commitment and attention to the united states and policymakers
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in this country to receive that thus far. we're going to continue to make sure that we rely on and build up the capability of our 60 nation coalition to degrade and ultimately destroy isil. [inaudible] -- you said earlier that once this iran do is secure that the likelihood of getting a new treaty would -- [inaudible] i'm wondering census is knock on through congress if you got any response from the israelis? >> well, i think i can just say in general that, that we do think that this meeting between the president and the prime minister and other meetings will occur in the weeks and months
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ahead, will include a discussion about deepening the security cooperation between the united states and israel. let's do the weekend and then i will let you get started on your weekend. on monday the president will travel to des moines, iowa, to joint secretary duncan's sixth annual back to school bus to a. the president and secretary hogan will hold a town hall with high school juniors and seniors and their parents to discuss college access and affordability. many of you probably have some pretty point assets to be used to cover the president's trip to des moines. on tuesday the president will welcome the 2015 ncaa wins basketball connecticut huskies to the white house to honor the team on winning their championship title. this visit will continue the tradition begun by president obama fawning sports teams with efforts to give back to their communities. in the afternoon the president will host their majesties came fully pay for six and queen
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letizia of spain at the white house. their visit reinforces the strong and enduring ties between the american and spanish people. the first lady will host the queen for tea and a tour of the white house kitchen garden. on wednesday the president will travel to walter reed national military medical center and visit with wounded service numbers were being treated at the hospital. thursday the present will attend an event in the washington, d.c. area. on friday to present will attend meetings at the white house, and next saturday to present will deliver remarks at the congressional black caucus foundation's or fifth annual legislative conference phoenix awards dinner right here in washington, d.c. so with that i wish you all a good weekend. [inaudible conversations] >> hey, josh, do you guys have a mole? [laughter] [inaudible conversations] >> president obama and the first
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lady observed a moment of silence this morning in commemoration of those killed 14 years ago in new york, the pentagon and in pennsylvania. they paused at the moment the first plane struck the world trade center in new york. >> [silence]
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>> [background sounds] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [taps]
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[taps] [background sounds] >> the first plane to hit the world trade center was followed by a second and then a plane hit the pentagon in washington, d.c., and a plane bound for washington crashed in a pennsylvania field. several commemorations are under way. at 2:00 c-span2 will have live coverage as the pentagon hel hea ceremony which employs. defense secretary ashton carter will be there. that will be live on c-span3
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starting at 2:00. at 3 p.m. eastern will be live on c-span2 windows obama holds a council meeting with service members at fort meade in maryland to talk with nine 9/11 and u.s. response to terrorism. that starts at 3 p.m. eastern live on c-span2. john boehner commemorate the 40th anniversary today with a youtube video. >> we've got planes crashing into the world trade center. >> i walked into, to talk to this group, and someone told me that a plane had run into the world trade center. so i went downstairs to my office. when i found out a second plane, had crashed into the world trade center.
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itma gathered my staff and sent them out the door. it was a harrowing day. those images that i saw, the american people saw, images the world saw are etched in everybody's mind. >> house speaker john boehner sent out this tweet with a picture of the public about the use of capital being flown at half staff today. ..
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[background sounds] >> ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to the flag on the pentagon building. the flag hangs today from sunrise to sunset, in honor of patriot day, and in remembrance of the 184 lives lost at the pentagon. ladies and gentlemen, the national anthem of the united states performed by the ute navy
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brass quintet. [national anthem played] [national anthem playing] [national anthem playing]
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[21-gun salute] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, the united states navy chief of chaplains, rear admiral, margaret gibbons. >> if you would, please pray with me. god, our creator, words cannot
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express the depth and breadth of feeling thatter present in this gathering. as only you can give grace to our attempts to articulate our thoughts, and hear our prayers. hear our prayers of interception for those for whom this day only serves to open deep wounds of grief and loss. bless this day, those who understandably still mourn the event's the fateful day. continue to strengthen, comfort and console them, and allow their resilience to be a source of inspiration and healing to this great nation. hear our prayers of gratitude. for those who gave the full measure of their devotion, the first responders, the unsung host of civilians, and those in uniform who perished serving within these walls or who sacrificed their years in the years that followed in defense
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of this country. hear our prayers for guidance, as we seek to uphold and maintain the memory of those whom we honor. strengthen this country with unity and resolve, as we still face threats to our liberty in our zeal, me a our desire for peace not be an excuse to abuse our power and our need for justice not be jaded with hate. may we who remain live to serve you carefully and faithfully to preserve the freedom and future of the united states. almighty god we lift up these prayers to call upon your will to transform this ceremony to service. our grief to grace. and our fellowship to a future framed with hope, that those who so valiantly died that day, would be honored in our prayers and by our lives. from the strength of your name, we pray, amen.
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>> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, 14 years ago, at 9:37 a.m., the pentagon was attacked. please join news observing a moment of silence to remember those who perished. [moment of silence] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, the vice-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general paul silva.
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>> mr. secretary, distinguished guests, friends and family of survivors and the fallen. thank you for being here for this morning's ceremony. my wife, rickie and i, offer a very special income to each and every one of the survivors and the family and friends of those who lost their lives on these grounds 14 years ago today. we know these memorial ceremonies and you have been through many -- are tough, emotional filled moments for you, and we thank you for being here with us. takes a great deal of courage to come back on a day like today, that is not unlike that day in 2001. that can bring back such stark -- in such stark relief that first raw moment when everything changed. your grief, your solid, so personal to you, is shared with all of us in this nation.
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today our nation joins you to reflect and to remember the 184 lives that ended here at the pentagon and those that perished in new york and at somerset county. they were all fellow americans. members of our nation's family. members of our families. but today is about strength and resolve. we find strength in the children and spouses of the survivors, who carried on. and who are here to celebrate the memory of their relatives. they have blossomed into great families, and into fine young men and women that we should all be very, very proud of, and they are out there today making their mark on our world. i also see in the eyes of members of this audience the resolve of this nation to defend
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freedom and liberty wherever it is challenged. an entire generation of young american men and women have put their lives on the line for the concepts of freedom and liberty that we hold dear. today offers all of us an opportunity to rededicate our lives to those causes to the things that make this nation great. rickiie and i appreciate all of you being here to share this day with us to allow us to share this day with you. it is now my privilege to introduce to you, our secretary of defense, the honorary ashton carter. applause >> general silva, distinguished
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guests, ladies and gentlemen, to the families, to the families of those who lost their lives here at the pentagon. let me begin by offering on behalf of the department of defense, my deepest condolences for the loss you suffered and the burden you continue to carry. we cannot fully appreciate how much your lives changed or how much you lost on this morning 14 years ago. we cannot understand how it is felt every day since to long for their laugh forks see their smile or feel their embrace. we simply cannot comprehend the weight of their absence. but for me, and for so many others at the pentagon, the weight of their memory and our duty to honor it, is something we do carry with us every day.
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for all of us, their memory serves as an ever-present reminder to cherish each day with those who love us, to stay vigilant against those who would harm us, and to remain guided by the values that have always made us great. at times we depend upon something other than what we hold in our heads and hearts to remember. maybe it's a poem, taped to your mirror. maybe it's coming to this ceremony every year. for me, it's a piece of the pentagon that sits on my desk, collected from the rubble and passed down by each of my predecessors who have served since that horrific day. beneath this piece of indiana linestone reads a simple inscription... to honor the 184 people whose lives were lost, their families,
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and all those who sacrificed that we may live in freedom, we will never forget. we will never forget. though try as we may, we can never fully know how you feel, how you feel on this day, but we do know, we fully know, with the lives offer loved ones mean to this community and to this nation. and i hope you know that by returning here to the pentagon each year, you set an example of strength and resilience for all of us. terrorists who hope to intimidate us will find no satisfaction and no success in threatening the united states. because not only do we come back but by living in honor of those we have lost, we come back stronger than ever before. and after 14 years and forever
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more, terrorists who threaten us will learn this simple, yet unbending truth, no matter how long it takes, no matter where they may hide, they will not escape the long arm of justice. the threat from terrorism may evolve but our determines to hold these killers accountable remains constant. as americans we have the will to see that justice is done, as a military, we have the capability to see that justice is done. and because of our men and women in uniform, because we can rely on the finest fighting force the world has ever known, we know that justice will be done. when terrorist attacked the pentagon they tore a hole in this building. they tore places in your hearts that may never heal completely,
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but as you know better than anyone, they did not and could not take from us what defines us, as americans, we are defined by our resilience by our readiness to stand up to our recall views, willingness to honor the past even as we always begin anew. with your example, you have embodied those ideals. you have shown us how to persevere, how to move forward, how to memorialize those we lost. so today and all days we honor and remember your loved ones. because of the example you have set for each of us, for our american family, you have occupy deepest admiration and appreciation. within this community, we will never forget. we will always remember. we will continue to honor the memory of those you have lost
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with the work we accomplish together. [applause] ♪
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♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's ceremony. you are invited to visit the interior memorial pentagon chapel and navy reflection room through the corridor for entrance until 11:00 a.m. thank you. [background sounds]
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♪ well, this afternoon at 2:00 eastern c-span3 will have live coverage at the pentagon holds the commemoration with its employees, defense secretary ashton carter will also be at that event, couple minutes from now at 2:00 p.m. eon c-span3, and then at 3:00 eastern we'll be live here on c-span 2 with president obama and a town hall meeting with service members as fort mead in merchandize, talking about 9/11 also and u.s. response to terrorism.
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now former presidents bill clinton and george w. bush on
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leadership, persuasiveness, decisionmaking, bipartisanship and presidential campaigns of jeb bush and hillary clinton. they took part in a bush foundation graduation ceremony for the inaugural class of presidential scholars. this is about 35 minutes. >> it's now my privilege to invite to the stage three leaders who have send into the arena on a global scale. leaders whom i have the jut most respect ands a mr. face for, first, mr. great spellings the president of the president bush center and she will be moderating the conversation, and then two leaders whom i had the privilege of serving under as my commanders in chief, two leaders from whom we have all learned valuable lessons about leadership and life. it's my honor to introduce you the 42nd


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