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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  September 12, 2015 6:00am-8:01am EDT

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you when jesus comes, amen. [reading names] [reading names] [reading names]
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[reading names]
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>> wonderful memories. we love you and miss you so much. judy and emily and your nephew sarah and brandon send you their love. and my dad james, memories of the only real treasure. dad thank you so much for your memories but i really wish you could meet your granddaughter because she reminds me of you so much. i love very much and miss you.
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>> montgomery george. >> michael joseph. >> michael douglas. >> roberto l., jr. >> charles j. houston. >> angela m. house. >> george gerard howard. >> michael c.powell. >> steven powell. >> romana. >> marian. >> steven poca. >> chris robert hughes.
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robert hughes, jr. >> thomas hughes, jr. >> timothy robert hughes. >> john nicholas, jr. >> kathleen n. hunt casey. >> williams hunt. >> peggy hurt. >> joseph gerard hunter. >> steven, jr. >> robert sosa. >> thomas edwards hines. >> robert hemal. >> jonathan lee. daniel.
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>> michael patrick. >> and my sister jane allen. >> fredrik jr. and my husband wong, we love you and miss you every day. you will live in our hearts forever. >> abraham. >> anthony, jr. >> lewis. >> christopher gracia. stephanie verónica. >> douglas jason. >> kristin. eric johnson. >> ishicagua. >> joseph. >> aron, jr.
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>> john s. alexander. >> lacy bernard ivory. >> virginia. >> brine j. jack. aaron jacobs. >> ariel lewis jacobs. >> jason jacobs. >> michael g. jacobs. >> steven jacobson. >> maría. >> robert adrienne. >> ernst james. >> grays -- griselda james.
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>> maxima. >> paul edward. >> john carlos jenkins. >> and my brother-in-law, devoted husband to jenny, god father of christy and ryan. >> and my grandfather, we love -- me and my sisters wish we could meet you. >> joseph jenkins, jr. alan. >> sarah judy. alicia jiménez, jr. >> charles john. >> nicholas john. >> denise m. johnson.
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scott michael johnson. >> william r. johnston. >> alison jones. linda jones. >> charles edward jones. >> christopher d. jones. >> donald. jones the second. >> donald w. jones. >> judith jones. >> linda jones. >> mary. jones. >> edward, senior. >> robert thomas jordan. >> albert joseph. >> carl henry joseph. >> steven joseph.
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>> jane josiah. ángel, jr. >> karen sue. >> michael. judge. >> thomas jergin. >> pamela choo and my big brother, the king, our guardian ángel number 41, keep watching over us the spirit lives with all your family. >> and my husband carlos jiménez
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you are a big man, your memory remains each and every day in the eyes of your children. you would be so proud of the intelligent compassionate young women that you have helped bring into this world. i love you. i misand i -- miss you and i may never forget, the world may never forget. >> howard lee cain. >> vicente d. cain. >> robert canter. >> debra catherine. >> robin lynn. >> alvin peter. >> charles h. >> william. >> douglas g. >> charles l. casper.
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>> andrew. robert michael crawford. >> john, jr. >> edward. king. >> richard n. king. >> lisa ivonne. >> carl kiesler. >> bárbara keeding. leo russell the third. chandler raymond keller. >> joseph john keller. >> petter kellerman. fed -- joseph a. kelly.
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>> thomas richard kelly. >> thomas michael kelly. >> timothy kelly. >> thomas, william hill kelly jr. and my husband ana a.lavarty. we think of you with love today but that is nothing knew. we thought about you yesterday and days before that too. we think of you in silence, we often seek your name, all we have is memories and your pictures in a frame. your memory for which will never part. god has you in his keeping and we have you in our hearts. >> and my cousin, words can't express how i feel.
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we love you and miss. we will never forget. >> thomas j. kennedy. >> ivonne e. kennedy. >> john richard. >> ralph francis. >> ronald. >> howard. >> douglas d.ketchum. >> ellen keltur. >> sarah khan. >> michael keeper.
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>> andrew kim. lauren kim. >> mary joe. >> karen m. >> amy r. king. >> teresa king. >> robert king, jr. >> lisa king johnson. >> ryanj. kennedy. >> chris michael. >> robert patrick. >> howard barry. >> clint davis.
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>> richard joseph. >> peter klein. >> alan david. >> karen joyce. >> ronald philip. >> steven a. matt. and my brother, bernard petranaco. you are in our hearts always and in our thoughts and we we look at joe and lexy we see you're very much alive. we love you and we miss you. my big little brother and i see brought the sun, you're smiling on us. god bless you. >> and my older brother alexander ortiz which we called álex. the family missed you. we will never forget. i will never forget memories in
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my memory. god bless the military and the usa. thank you. >> andrew james nobs. >> debra. >> rebecca lee. >> frank jay. >> gary edward. >> have -- vanessa. >> susan rose. >> abulay y. >> john j.
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>> david. >> emilia cassido. >> fed >> thomas joseph. >> angela reed. >> raymond hugh. >> andrew lapuente. >> katherine. >> jeffrey lee. >> joseph a. >> james patrick la --
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>> janet lewis. >> david james. >> and my cousin, i know ángel you are looking down on your wife michelle and the amazing job she has done in raising your two beautiful daughters. i stand here wearing my flight attendant uniform in honor american flight 11 and american flight 77. we will never forget you. [applause] >> and my son patrick. i can still remember # 14 years ago it was a tuesday morning when you left for work. i never know that you wouldn't
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return. i don't know what you were thinking but you are a true american hero. your my hero, your my son, i loved you. your family is here today, i know you're looking down smiling and shaking your head saying that i'm nervous, but i am, so god bless, son, love you, keep smiling. [applause] [bells]
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[silence] >> michael patrick laport. michael patrick laport. >> alan charles. >> juan méndez lapuente. >> vincent anthony. >> william david lake.
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>> michelle. >> michael lamana. >> robert lang. >> vanessa langer. >> peter j. >> thomas marco. >> michelle lanza. >> nathan. >> robin larkey. >> christopher randall. scott larson. >> john adams larson.
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gary edward lazo. nicholas. >> carlos a. >> maría lavash. >> mary la verde. >> robert lawrence, jr. >> nathaniel. >> and my belovedded -- beloved brother alejandro. if i read it i'm going to start crying. you said to me, there's no crying. i just want to say that i love you and i miss you very much.
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mom and dad are here. your son can't make it. it's hard for him. it's been 14 years. he's 27 now. i know that you're going to be very proud of him. you always said why but he has faith that he will see you one day, we love you and we miss you. >> we think of you every single day. your life and spirit shines through our daughter. i know that you're so proud of her. she hopes that you see her and i tell her that you do. we love you and you are unforgettable. >> david w. >> gabriel lavard. >> james patrick.
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>> joseph gerard levy. >> jay levy. >> robert g. >> lya labor. >> kenneth charles. >> alan j. >> elenas. la -- ladezma. >> david s. lee. >> gary paige lee. >> juan lee. >> katherine blair lee. >> linda c. lee.
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>> larrain lee. >> wo lee. >> richard y. lee. >> stewart lee. >> yang lee. >> steven paul. >> adriana a legro. >> joseph leeman. >> david r. >> david credencio. >> joseph anthony. >> john joseph lennon, jr. >> john robertson. >> jorge lewis leon, sr. >> matthew g.leonard.
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>> michael lapoor. >> charles a. >> jeff levine. >> john kenneth levy. >> alicia karen. >> and my beloved husband peter, forever in my heart and thank you all for those who serve to keep our country safe and our freedom. thank you. >> and my uncle john thomas, my aunt sylvia resta and the baby that we never got to meet, we love you and miss you every day. >> robert michael lavine.
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>> daniel m. >> kenneth e. lewis. >> jennifer lewis. >> yee lang. >> edward. michael. >> steven barry. >> samantha alan. >> carlos r.lilos. arnold.
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>> ray lynn. >> thomas leny. >> thomas c., jr. >> dian teresa la punishing erry. >> alan patrick, jr. >> alberto libriano. >> kenneth paul. >> ming lu. >> vincent m. >> harold. >> nancy lynn. >> george a.lang.
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>> martin. >> katherine lisa. >> elizabeth. >> michael williams lomack. >> jerom robert lewis. >> and my son, my beloved son joshua todd erin. not a day goes back that i don't think about you or talk to you. everyone's life you touched, knew your passion and your love and dmished in your absence. you are my gift and i am diminished in our absence. >> and my wonderful loving cousin joseph francis, the
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family misses your funny stories. god bless nueva york city and god bless our first responders. >> steven v. long. >> laura mary. >> salvador. lopez. >> daniel lopez. >> george lopez. >> lewis manuel lopez. >> nicole lopez, jr. >> manuel l. lopez. >> joseph. >> joseph lovrio. >> jenny wong. >> michael w. lowe.
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>> gary w. >> john. >> edward locket the second. >> lee charles. >> john thomas. >> daniel lugo. >> mary lucas. >> william, jr. >> michael v. london. >> christopher. >> anthony luke. >> gary lutnick. >> linda. >> alexander ligon. >> peter lynch. james. lynch, jr.
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>> lewis a. lynch. >> michael francis lynch. >> michael francis lynch. >> richard d. lynch, jr., and my father john joseph fannon. we all love and miss you tremendous. i'm so proud to be your daughter as named after you. i hope you're proud of the person i am today and to your beautiful granddaughter who you never met, she hears about her grandpa jack all of the time. and to my three fellow who also perished on that horrible day, may you all rest in peace. >> and my sister juanita lee, nina we miss you every day. not a day goes back that we
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don't think about you. you will be proud of your daughter nikki who is doing a beautiful job raising your brilliant and beautiful granddaughter, continue to be out angel and watch over us until we meet again, sister. >> robert henry, jr. >> sean lynch. >> mónica. >> patrick lyon. >> robert francis. >> marian mcfarland. >> william. >> katherine. richard madon. >> simon madison.
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>> noel c.myers. >> joseph mateo. >> charles w. mcgee. >> joseph v. >> ronald. >> daniel l. >> thomas a.mahan. >> williams james. >> joseph daniel mao. >> linda c. >> makimoto. debra maldonado. >> merna maldonado. >> gregory malone. >> edward francis the third. >> joseph e. >> jean edward.
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>> cristian. >> francisco mansini and my nephew kevin, you're always in our hearts. god bless you our troops, cops and firefighters and god bless the united states of america and the flight attendant, my cousin karen. >> joseph menglano. >> debra mineda. >> marian victoriaiaiaia >> joseph, jr. >> peter edward.
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>> charles joseph. >> edward joseph. >> kenneth joseph marino. >> visitta marina. >> kevin d. marlo. >> josé juan marlo. >> john samuel marshall. >> shelley a. marshall. >> james marcelo. >> michael. >> karen. >> peter d. martin. >> william martin. >> edward j. martínez. >> josé ángel martínez, jr. >> robert gabriel martínez.
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>> martínez calderón. >> paul rich. >> joseph a. >> bernard. ada akar. >> and my uncle firefighter james, the second. uncle swron you're the greatest example of a hero that i've before known, thank you we love you and we misyou. >> and my father firefighter lion smith, jr. mom, grandma, yolanda, we're confident today only knowing that you did a job well done. for all the 9/11 families, my
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family and on behalf of my family we wish you all peace blessings and continue to pray for those who act cowardly towards others. we thank you for your service. god bless. [applause] >> nicholas george maza. >> michael. >> sarah williams. >> joseph. >> carlos williams mather. >> william a. >> marcelo. >> margaret maddick.
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>> robert c.maxine. >> walter a., jr. jill mora campbell. charles jay. nancy morow. >> robert j. maxwell. >> renee. robert j. >> kathy. >> jennifer lynn posada. >> james joseph, jr.
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>> bryan gerard. >> john kevin. kenneth m. >> michael. thomas joseph. >> justin. >> kevin m. mccarthy. >> michael mccarthy. >> and my father charles joseph. >> and my mother maxima. we love you and pray. we miss you so much. you'll be so proud of us. your sons have accomplished so
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much. i know you're laughing about that. this year i missed you walking me down the aisle. i had an amazing escort, my brother, your son. you would be incredible proud of mommy and how well she had raised us. she's our rock and i know you're always there for her. please watch over all your family members and please say hi, to grandma. love you always and forever. >> robert g. >> juliana mccore. >> charles austin. >> daniel mccain. >> matthew. bryan mcdonald. >> michael b. mcdonald.
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>> john thomas, jr. >> daniel. >> ryan. >> thomas henry. >> michael gregory. >> william j. >> stacy. >> francis noel. patrick j. mcguire. >> denise j. the third.
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>> michael edward, jr. >> robert. >> donald james. >> george patrick, jr. >> and my father manuel osvaldo. dad, remembering you is easy, i do it every day, but missing you is the sorrow that never goes away. your sons and us we all miss you very much, dad.
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[speaking in spanish] >> a very bright light in so many lives. she was a wonderful mother to nicole and a sister and to many nieces and nephews, she was a friend, she was mentor and she was my ángel. she was a child of god. i know she watches over all of us, she will be forever missed and forever loved. >> robert mcman. >> daniel walker mcniel. >> walter arthur mcniel. >> kristin. >> john peter.
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>> firefighter robert william. >> firefighter karen a. >> firefighter timothy patrick. >> firefighter martin esm -- mcwilliam. >> abig el abigael medina. >> firefighter raymond. manuel. >> antonio melendez. >> mary. me -- >> steward todd.
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>> oralia mena. >> carlos r. méndez. >> firefighter steve john mercado. >> alfredo mercado. >> wesley mercer. >> george l. marina. >> josefina moreno. >> it's been 14 years and we have missed you every day, we miss your smile, laughter and your friendship. most of all the sound of your voice. this day never gets easier no matter how much time has passed. we know you are watching over us
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and you will always be remembered as an ángel and true hero. i am honored and proud to be your niece. i love you and miss you. god bless america. >> and my beautiful cousin, you have made such an impression in my life and continue to be an important part of it. i miss you so much. >> debra. >> raymond joseph the third. >> david robert myer. william edward. >> martin. >> ronald d. milan. >> peter milano.
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>> luka. >> sharon cristina milan. >> corey peter miller. douglas c. miller. >> henry alfred miller, jr. michael matthew miller. philip d. miller. >> robert alan miller. >> charles m., jr. >> ronald keith. william george. >> lewis joseph. >> thomas. >> dominic. >> joseph d. >> susan j.
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>> paul thomas mitchell. >> richard. >> jeffrey peter. >> frank, sr. >> lewis joseph. >> and our cousin mark joseph ellis, police officer. you're loved and miss. >> and my cousin. >> manuel d.mojica, jr. >> rolando molina. >> manuel do jesus molina. >> carl. >> justin john, jr. >> ryan patrick.
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>> franklin. >> john gerard. >> kristin lee montenero. michael g. >> carlos alberto montoya. >> antonio do jesus montoya valdez. >> cheryl. >> thomas carlo. >> sharon moore. laura lee. >> abner more -- morael.
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>> paula morales. >> sonia mercedes morales. >> gerard. moran, jr. >> john christopher moran. >> john michael moran. >> catherine moran. >> lindsey moorhouse. >> nicole moreno. >> dorothy morgan. >> richard j. morgan. >> nancy morgan.
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>> blanca morocho. >> jeramomo morocho. >> james gerard. >> and my husband firefighter michael carl. i love you, love you. love never dies. >> and my son ryan. we continue to love you and miss you so very much. god bless our troops, god bless
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our first responders, god bless new york city and god bless america. [applause] >> lynn morris. >> zeth alan morris. >> christopher morrison. >> william david. >> ryan a. moss. >> marco. >> can ican i >> jude joseph. >> damián o'neil. >> christopher michael. >> richard, jr. >> michael mullan.
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>> michael. >> peter james. >> michael joseph mullan. >> nancy núñez. >> francisco núñez. >> carlos mario muñoz. >> teresa. >> robert michael. >> césar agusto. >> ryan joseph. charles anthony murphy. christopher w. murphy. >> james s. murphy the fourth. >> james thomas murphy. >> kevin james murphy. >> patrick murphy. >> patrick sean murphy. >> and my uncle loving husband, brother and son. you'll be so proud of how big
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your daughter has gotten and your nephew paul and niece kathy you're not a victim you're considered a hero. we love and miss you every day. >> and my grand fare who i sadly miss meeting by sadly three months. >> robert eddy murphy, jr. >> john joseph murray. >> john joseph murray. >> richard todd. >> lewis j. the second. >> mildred rose.
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>> alexander john. >> frank joseph naples the third. >> maría, jr. >> norender. >> karen susan navarro. >> joseph m. >> francis joseph. >> glen roy. >> marcus medland. >> jerome. >> luke g.
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>> david williams nelson. james a. nelson. >> michelle nelson. >> peter alan nelson. >> óscar francis nelson. >> gerard nevins. >> christopher c.newton. ..
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>> >> happy birthday. we love you. >> jody. kathleen. martin stuart. alfonso joseph. gloria. one. joy edward nelson. paul.
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john. catherine. michael. dealer:. robert walter. jacqueline june norton. robert green norton. danielle a. brian christopher. brian. jose. james oakley. james o'brien, jr.. scott o'brien. timothy michael o'brien. day hagel o'callaghan.
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diana o'connor. keith kevin o'connor. richard o'connor. douglas. albert '03. >> my god father and uncle richard assam all one decennial gabriel your spirit leaves on he will never be forgotten thank you so much to all of first responders including those who died trying to save his life on the 70th floor of the south tower. thank you for all you do. >> for my cousin, not a day goes by that we don't miss you and think about you prepare your in our hearts forever it keep looking over
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us and god bless you and god bless everyone. thank you. >> stella. fellow. john. james o'grady. joseph. thomas. samuel. william. gerald michael. gerald thomas larry. christine a. and. edward. -- elizabeth oliver.
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barbara ogden. more riegle's and. steven john. matthew timothy. schaede miss. john o'neill. peter o'neill, jr.. john o'neill. betty. michael. christopher. margaret. of virginia. rubin. kevin o'rourke. peter. want ortega.
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james. alexander. david ortiz. emilio ortiz. ortiz. and my brother your family and i miss you very deeply and words cannot express his sadness that we feel in our hearts with your lost. our lives will always be changed because you are not there. my prayer today is that each and every one of us will come together to love one another so that this horrific day and the allies that lost will not be in vain. love thy neighbor a and myself and be blessed. >> and my father river go hernandez. we love you, we miss you.
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>> paul ortiz, jr.. sonya ortiz. patrick. robert william. james. to mitt the frankland o'sullivan. jason douglas oz wall. michael john. michael john. tied joseph. dejesus.
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road lint. michael benjamin packer. diana. jeffrey matthew. richard. frank anthony. alan. christopher matt you. -- matthew. paul.
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john. edward joseph. salvatore. james nicholas poppet george her crowberry. -- marie. maya hero and my life than shining armor. >> my son and anthony we miss every day. we love him very dearly.
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>> james wendell. debra every harris. george harris. with philip parker. michael parks. robert parks, jr. robert. diane marie parsons. michael. gerald. loris robert. suzanne. stephen bennett patterson.
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james matthew patrick. man well. bernard patterson. clifford patterson, jr.. sierra marie. robert patterson. james robert fall. victor hugo. stacey linn. richard allen perlman. thomas nicholas. thomas. todd m. douglas. mike adrian. anthony. age-old. robert. hi richard turco. >> my cousin firefighter we
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love - - we love you, we miss you and you would be very proud how old your family has developed in the years without use. >> and my grandmother everything i worked hard for in strive to beat is for you and all that i love. >> salvatore. carl allen. john. angeles zoos and peres. anthony perez. nancy perez. joseph john. edward.
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glenn perry. glenn perry sr.. john william perry. franklyn alan. dna. michael john. gavin pearson. donald arthur peterson. jean. william. mark peterson. phillips got. -- scott. port authority police officer dominic. called the neck elizabeth. kevin pfeiffer. ken john. led wake -- ludwig.
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dennis appears. and bernard. nicholas. and my eight bader port authority police officer who is forever our hero we love and miss every day. >> and my cousin, 14 years later and we still think about you every day. with your beautiful daughters who both just started there first year in college a couple of weeks ago. a share your tremendous passion for life, your curiosity about everything and your sense of a venture. you would be very proud of the young women they have become. we all love you very much
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and will never forget the q new york for remembering. >> joseph. christopher todd. joshua todd. sandra frazier. john. william howard. warda michael. thomas. susan. joshua. g.o.p. are not. and anthony. richard. stephen emanuel.
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scott allen paul. john edwards paul. antonio. gregory. wanda. vincent. kathryn. richard. robert david. edward. patricia and. herman. >> and my mother we miss you every day and everything about you. i hope you can see up above what a wonderful job.
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we love you, we miss you so much. >> and our son and our daughter is my sister -- in a loss sister. >> joseph k.. edward. linkedin. beth a and. hector. michael. james francis. ricardo. carol. christopher peter anthony. eugene j.. michael paul. peter. harry.
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edward. lucas. maria ramirez. harry because. lorenzo ramsey. adam. jonathan randall. in g. rhonda. robert rasmussen. martha. david alan james. >> my brother on behalf of the whole family including my father who passed away last year, who founded difficult to remember this day but never wanted to forget his namesake son. >> and my father, we are your legacy we think about
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you every day and we look forward to continuing to live our lives in your tradition. >> william. gerard. of the shah. gregory. sarah. michele marie. judith. donald regan. thomas reagan. kristin michael. howard. james bryan riley. kevin o'reilly. timothy ryan a. ready. joshua scott reiss. karen. john.
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john thomas. martha. david. todd rubin. john frederick. francis. david. 11. cecilia richards. and my brother, said the unsung hero of my life, god bless the united states of america. >> my father although i was only three months old never
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met you mom always tells me how i exactly like you and i am very proud to be your son i will follow in your footsteps i know you were all the watching over me. god bless america. ♪ >> gregory david richards. michael richards. jimmy richards. alan j. richmond. john. frederic charles. rosemary. joseph. carmen. isaiah.
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wind william rivera. linda. rivera. david rivers. joseph. paul. john frank. stephen roach. leo arthur roberts. michael roberts. michael edward roberts donald walter robinson, jr.. jeffrey robinson. michele. donald arthur. antonio. raymond james. laura rockefeller.
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john michael. antonio jose rodriguez. and danny rodriguez. carmen rodriguez. gregory rodriguez. marsha rodriguez. my rug rodriguez. richard rodriguez. dated rodriquez and. >> to our above being brother nephew cousin and friend firefighter, thanks for being a hero to our family and to the people on the small island. we love you, we miss you every day. thank you for looking out your twin brother who was also a firefighter in houston, texas and to our sartre -- armed services the firefighters and police
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officers and to all armed services. god bless you all. [applause] >> to ma ree uncle we love you, we miss you. you are the reason that i wear this uniform and stand here today. god bless. [applause] >> matthew. car the rogers. scott william. keith michael. joseph. james. john paul. eric thomas. any data. angelo. mark. broke david. linda. cheryl.
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mark lewis. joshua. joshua alan rosenthal. richard david rosenthal. philippe martin. daniel. norman. nicholas. michael craig. market david. of james michael. nicholas charles alexander. edward. judy. timothy allen senior. paul. joanne. david. >> my father, ed dash d i
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love you i feel you with me and by the nea each and every day. you are forever in my heart and i am proud to be a part of your legacy. >> and my a aunt margaret unfortunately never had the chance to meet her but my name is margaret with the legacy of love and passion that is passed down through me and my brothers. >> susan. adamic keith. robert russell. stephen russell. steven harris. michael thomas russo senior. wayne. william. edward ryan. john joseph wright and. jonathan steven rice and. matthew ryan. christina.
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jason. thomas. scott. charles. joseph francis and. jessica. francis john. edward. john patrick. hernandez o rafael. >> george simmons. kenneth allen. >> for my a beautiful loving sister who my family and everyone who lost a piece of their heart who stayed strong always remember and embrace each gave. little saying from the key
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harrison, grief is like the ocean. it comes in waves at being and flowing. sometimes the water is calm and sometimes it is overwhelming. all we need to do is learn to swim. >> my father come on behalf of mom, and to our family be but like to think all aunt and uncle cousins for love and support. dad we hope to make you proud. keep looking out. cheers. god bless. [applause] >> michael seidman. paul joseph simon. marianne. gary. jane louise. jeff simpson. cheryl.
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thomas. peter syracuse. muriel. joseph michael. john. francis joseph, jr.. paul albert. christopher paul. bin said robert. paul. firefighter stanley, a junior. wendy small. craig.
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kathryn smith. daniel lawrence smith. gary smith. george eric smith. heather smith. james gregory smith. jeffrey smith. joyce patricia smith. carl smith senior. firefighter kevin joseph smith. leon smith, jr.. police officer moros smith. monica rodriguez smith. rose mary smith. romney. rochelle. christine schneider.
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diane. >> roubaix and. rubin. naomi. daniel. marie. michael charles. the baby and. timothy patrick. gregory thomas. donald, jr.. thomas. john and dave. george edward spencer.
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>> my brother, richard, we miss you every day. i will run the new york city marathon for you this year to benefit this fine memorial. we love you. >> my brother the tenant phillips got petty new york city fire department ladder 12th. we love you, we miss you every day still. for you and all the innocent people cover senselessly killed on this site you will never be forgotten. [applause] >> robert anders cancer. mary. frank. joseph patrick, jr..
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>> michael. lawrence. timothy. richard james. mary. patricia. craig william. william. eric thomas. william.
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edna. andrew. andrew. martha. stevens. james stewart. richard stewart, jr.. douglas. jimmy. timothy. james, jr.. edward w.. edward thomas. stephen straus. larry strickland. stephen.
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william christopher. and daniel thomas. christopher sullivan. thomas sullivan. james joseph. >> my brother we love you, we miss you body this year you were blessed with the birth of your second beautiful grandson in day set to an amazing standard how to deal with tragedy in you were in our hearts.
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>> my brother and, bob your family and my family miss you terribly. i never told you but you were my hero and the juan beneath my wings. i love you and i miss you and i will never forget you. [applause] >> robert. claudia susette. john francis. christine. brian david sweeney. bryan edwards sweeney. medellin amy sweeney.
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kenneth swain said. thomas swift. derek ogilvy. kevin thomas g. now. robert. here. joanne. norma. michael. phyllis talbott. robert. john. sean patrick. paul.
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rachel. hector lopez and. michael andrew. michael anthony. dennis gerard, jr.. kenneth joseph. alan. michael. dawn e. taylor. chip and taylor. leonard taylor.
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larissa of a tailor. michael morgan taylor. sandra taylor. sandra dodd and. carl. paul. anthony. david christoph peter. brian john. lisa marie. michael. >> and my brother.
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>> and resistor - - my sister. cady your beautiful smile remains within us. god bless. >> leslie thomas. clyde thompson. nigel thompson. william. eric. edward, jr..
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john patrick. mary ellen. william randolph. kenneth. steven edward. michael. jennifer. roberts. john james. david. michele. location of nicole. john.
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stephen kevin thompson. doris amy elizabeth. daniel patrick trench. blended travis senior. james anthony. maryborough. lisa.
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michael. francis joseph. william, jr.. michael. lance richard. simon james turner. rob. jennifer. j.. my nephew.
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we miss you from your family i remember the happy times. your mom will shoot. >> to my son that we love and a mess so much better know you were in the safest place you could be right here in mommy's heart. we love you, we miss you dearly. >> tyler victor. michael. jonathan. alan. diane marie.
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john danehy and. bradley. william. dash. bonito. santos. , jr.. erica. kenneth. daniel. edward raymond. john charles. frederick. david vargas. scott.
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santos vasquez. peter. jorge velasquez. anthony mark ventura. david. loretta. christopher james. matthew gilbert. robert anthony. >> victoria. it joanna. joseph vincent. frank, jr.. joseph barry. claribel hernandez.
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sergio gabrielle. melissa vincent. francine. lawrence. joseph gerard. joshua. maria. lynette. alfred anton. gregory brutal. karen wagner mary alice. and my sister, mom is doing
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good but this is the first year she could not make the trip she is attending a memorial is given your honor in our home town. we love you, we miss you and we will never forget. >> my cousin we love you, we miss you you are for ever in our hearts. >> a and up. gabrielle lot. wendy allen's. victor. kenneth. benjamin f. james walker. glenn. mitchell scott wallace. peter. robert frances wallace. matthew blake.
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john wallace, jr.. barbara walsh. jim walsh. jeffrey walsh. schaede. michael. stephan. timothy ray. james. brian warner. eric christopher washington. charles. james thomas waters, jr.. patrick j. waters. kenneth thomas watson. michael henry. todd christopher. walter edward. nathaniel. diana webster. william michael. joanne. michael weinberg. steven weinberg.
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scott jeffrey. simon. david thomas. vincent michael. debra jacob wish. timothy. christian rudolph. john joseph. peter. meredith. eugene michael. james patrick. and by another it has been 40 years from all of us here it could be 100 years and it will feel like yesterday's. especially in our hearts.
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>> tangent to my husband thinks you for letting me and watching over us. either of you. >> john white. kenneth white, jr.. anthony white. mullis the white. sandra white. wayne white. liana white side. leslie. michael. very. jeffrey david. william wic. glenn. brian patrick williams. john charles. candace williams.
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david williams. debbie williams. join williams. kevin michael williams. lewis anthony williams. lewis. donald wilson. william wilson. david harold. the top glenda -- glenn. frank paul. david. michael. christopher w. martin philip catherine susan.
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james. james john. marvin rogers would. dated terence. martin michael. rodney. william. john w. wright, jr.. sandra wright. jupiter. my sister which we have the hope of reaching up with her once again. we miss you. >> local one jack costello one of my a guardian angels my beautiful aunt.
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>> john is senior. vicki and see. matthew david. kevin. edward. kevin patrick york. raymond york. suze and martha. donald mcarthur.
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edmond day yong a junior. >> jacqueline young. the son yung. joseph. edwin. robert allen. mark. christopher. i read. abraham. martin morales. j..
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mark scott. evelyn. michael josephson. charles allen xi on. julie zimmer. salvatore j.. joseph j.. andrew stephen zucker. igor. my brother your life and your love and your spirit inspires us every day. for everyone who was impacted that day we will
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never need to be reminded to remember. we will never forget. >> my brother who continues to be our guiding light you will be happy there are six children and how they have come out. we are very proud of them and ensure you would be also. we think of you. never forget. we love you. >> dave said gregory. douglas macmillan. dorothy. mohammed. juan the blow --: .
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scott. susan. vincent gerard. james. christopher. thomas james. nancy. john and gerard. joseph. thomas patrick. william. stephen j.. kevin j.. vincent. steven goldstein. develop.
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ryan hennessy. susan richard john kelly, jr.. debra. gary edward. dennis francis. adam j. lewis. michael william. robert thomas. louise. lorenz. eileen. ruth albert reynolds. john. david. frederick.
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john. gregory victor. thomas. and my brother. >> and my uncle. we miss you both in. ♪ . .
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [inaudible conversations]
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