tv U.S. Senate CSPAN September 29, 2015 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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mr. cornyn: mr. president, i would ask unanimous consent that the quorum call be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. cornyn: i would ask unanimous consent that the senate stand in recess as if under the previous order. the presiding officer: without objection. under the previous order, the senate stands adjourned -- or stands in recess until the presiding officer: the senator from texas. mr. cruz: mr. president, there is a reason the american people
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are fed up with washington. there is a reason the american people are frustrateed. the frustration is not simply mild or passing or ephemeral. it is volcanic. over and over again, the american people go to the ballot box, over and over again, the american people rise up and say the direction we're going doesn't make sense. we want change. over and over again, the american people win elections. in 2010, a tidal wave election. in 2014, a tidal wave election. and yet, nothing changes. in washington. mr. president, i'd like to share with you and the american people the real story of what is happening in washington, why is it that our leaders cannot stop
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bankrupting this country, cannot stop the assault on our constitutional rights, cannot stop america's retreat from leadership in the world? it's a very simple dynamic when you have two sides allegedly in a political battle. one side that is relentlessly unshakeably committed to its principles, and the other side that reflexively surrenders at the outset. the outcome is foreother detained. i will give president obama and the senate democrats credit. they believe in principles of big government. they believe in this relentless assault on our constitutional rights, and they are willing to crawl over broken glass with a knife between their teeth to fight for those principles. unfortunately, leadership on my side of the aisle does not demonstrate the same commitment to principles. now, how is it you might wonder
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that a preemptive surrender is put in place? well, it all begins with the relatively innocuous statement there shall be no shutdowns. that is a statement leadership in both houses, republican leadership in both houses have said we're not going to shut the government down. you could understand the folks in the private sector, folks at home. that sounds perfectly reasonable. except here's the reality in washington. in today's washington, there are three kinds of votes. there are, number one, showboats showboats -- show votes. votes that are brought up largely to placate the voters where the outcome is foreother detained, where most republicans will vote one way,ts will vote one way,ts most democrats will vote the other. republicans will lose, and the
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conservatives who elected republican majorities in both houses are supposed to be thrilled that they've been patted on the head and give their showboat. we had a boat like that in recent weeks on the planned parenthood. leadership told us you should be thrilled. we voted on it. what else do you want? we voted on in a context where it would never happen. and, indeed, it didn't. the second kind of vote, our votes that simply grow government, that dramatically expand spending and stand court will protect those folks past because you get a bipartisan coalition of republican leadership and democrats, both of whom are convinced that career politicians will get real lifted. if they keep growing and growing government, and in particular and held corporate welfare to giant corporations. if you've got a lobbyist and k street pushing for something,
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you can get 60, 70, 80 votes in the chamber because republican leadership loves it and democrats are always willing to grow government. and then there's the third kind of vote. votes on must-pass legislation. in an era when one side, the democratic party is adamantly committed to continuing down this path that is causing something millions of americans to hurt, must pass a vote of the only votes that have real consequence in this chamber. they typically fall into one of three categories. either continuing resolution, or an omnibus appropriations bill, or a debt ceiling increase. each of those three are didn't must pass votes. and if you actually want to change law, those are the only folks of doing so. but i mentioned before you've got one side that is preemptively surrendered.
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republican leadership has said will never ever, ever shut down the government and suddenly president obama understands easy key to winning every battle, he simply has to utter the word shut down and republican leadership runs to the hills. so president obama demands of congress fund every bit of obamacare, 100% of it, and do nothing, zero, for the millions of americans who are hurting, lost their jobs, lost their health care, who have been forced into part-time work, millions of young people who have seen their premiums skyrocket. president obama says you can do nothing for the people that are hurting. senate democrats say we don't care about people who are hurting. we will do nothing for them. and here's the kicker. president obama promises to be try to do anything on obamacare i, barack obama, will veto funding for the entire federal government and shut it down.
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and republican leadership in places okay fine, we will fund obamacare. president obama didn't understand he's got a pretty good comp card. he can pull out anytime. next he says okay, republicans, fund my own constitutional executive amnesty. it's contrary to law. it's flouting federal immigration law that you republicans find it anywhere or else i, barack obama, will veto funding for the entire federal government and shut it down. and republican leadership says at the outset, okay, we will fund amnesty. now you turn to planned parenthood. barack obama, this will surprise no one, says fund 100% of planned parenthood with taxpayer money, mind you, planned parenthood as a private organization. it's not even part of the government but it happens to be
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politically favored by president obama and the democrats. plant. visit also the subject of multiple criminal investigations. for being caught on tape apparently carrying out a pattern of ongoing felony. in ordinary times, the proposition that we should not be spending your taxpayer money to fund a private our session under multiple criminal investigations, that ought to be a 100-zero vote. i mentioned before barack obama is absolutely committed to his artisan objectives. he is like the terminator come he never stops, he never gives up. he moves forward and forward. what does he say? if you don't find this one private organization that is not part of the government that is under multiple criminal investigations i, barack obama, will veto funding for the entire federal government. and shut it down. and what does with republican leadership say?
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it would surprise no one. republican leadership says we surrender. we will fund planned parenthood. president obama has negotiated a catastrophic nuclear deal with iran. republican leadership goes on television all the time and rightly says this is a catastrophic deal. the consequences are that it's the single greatest national security threat to america. millions of americans could die. mr. president, i would suggest if we actually believed the words that come out of our mouths, they will be willing to use any and all constitutional authority given to congress to stop a catastrophic deal that spins over $100 billion to the ayatollah khamenei. but yet, president obama says he will veto the entire budget if we do come into this price of
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nobody, republican leadership surrender surrenders. you know, i will draw an analogy, mr. president, it's as if at a football game the beginning of a football game for two team captains go out to flip the coin and one teams coach walks out and says we forfeit, and they do it game after game after game, right at the coin flip your leadership says we forfeit, we surrender, we republicans will find every single biggest liberal priority of the democrats. now, if 18 dead that, if an nfl team did that over 16 games can we know whether record would be. it would be 0-16. i'm pretty sure the fans who bought tickets to into the game would be pretty ticked off as they watched their coach forfeit over and over and over and over
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again. you want to understand the volcanic frustration with washington. it's the republican leadership in both houses will not fight for a single priority that we promised the voters we would fight for when we were campaigning, less than a year ago. you know, this past week was a big "newsweek" in washington. the speaker of house john boehner boehner announced he was going to resign. there was lots of speculation in the media as to why the speaker of the house resigned. mr. president, i'm going to tell you why he resigned. is actually a direct manifestation of this disconnect between the voters back home and republican leadership. speaker boehner and leader mcconnell had promised there will be no shut down so, therefore, they will find every single priority of barack obama.
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we are right now voting on what's called a clean cr. now i will note it is clean all the into parlance of washington because what does it do? if times 100% of obamacare, 100% of executive amnesty. it finds all of transit. if funds the iranian nuclear deal. it is essentially a blank check to barack obama. that's not very clean to me. that sounds like a very dirty funding bill. funding prayers that are doing enormous damage. now, in the senate for votes were always there. for a dirty cr, cr that funded all of barack obama's priorities. the democrats are all for it, heck, of course they would if they've got the other side funding their priorities. of course every democrat will
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vote for that over and over and over again, and twice on sunday. and the simple reality on the republican side is that when leadership joins with the democrats, about half of the republican caucus is happy to move over to that side of the aisle. so the votes were always preordained. the motion i made just a moment ago was a motion to table the tree, remember the victory, something we heard a lot about the previous congress. harry reid, the democratic leader, did it all the time to senators on the side of the aisle stood up over and over again and said it's an abuse of process. we even campaign our leadership sank we will have an open amendment process. and yet what's happened here, majority leader mcconnell has taken a page out of leader reid's playbook and filled the trigger i move to table the tree. and what you then saw was leadership denied a second, and
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what does denying a second mean court denying a recorded vote. why is that important? mr. president, when you are breaking the you make and women who elected you, the most painful thing in the world is accountability. when you are misleading them and women who showed up to vote for you, you don't want sunshine making clear he voted no. a recorded vote means the senator's name is on it. now, why did i move to table the trademarks of simply to add the amendment i added which would have never once said not 1 penny goes to planned parenthold, and number two, not 1 penny goes to implement in this catastrophic iranian nuclear deal unless and until they comply with federal law, the administration complies with federal law and hand over the full tilt including the side agreements with iran. what you saw was republican leadership desperately does not
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want a vote on that. well, mr. president, i intend tomorrow to make that motion again. and when i make that motion again i would encourage those watching to see which senators are here to get a second or not, if you vote. >> on a neck. i would note by the way when you have not a sequiturs to an unprecedented procedural trick, agency that was a courtesy, that was afforded to all senators. indeed, the opposing party routinely over and over again when a democrat or republican asked for a second, everyone raises their hand. but leadership has discovered we can do this in the dark of night. i would encourage those watching to see, number one, when this motion is offered again, who shows up to offer a second and you either doesn't raise his hand are just doesn't come to the floor. one of the ways you of what accountability is somehow you were somewhere else doing
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something really, really important. instead of showing up to the battle that is waging right here and now. but i would also encourage people to watch very carefully what happens after that after that you get those vote or a voice vote is still a vote. let's be clear, standing near, on the floor that there were two senators, senator lee and i voted i go, voted to table -- imac. take up the amendment barring -- barring funding for planned parenthood and barring funding for this catastrophic iranian nuclear deal. the remaining centers on the republican side, leader mcconnell, with corner, senator alexander, senator cochran. those for senators voted loudly no. and still a vote even though it's not a recorded vote. it's a vote on the senate floor. so why did speaker boehner
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re-signed? i mentioned to you that the vote were always cloaked here. the democrats plus republican leadership and the votes they bring with them ensure plenty of votes for a dirty cr, cr that of one's obamacare, the fonz amnesty, that funds planned parenthold, that funds this catastrophic iranian nuclear deal. of the house was always the bulwark. mr. president, you remember in 2013 we had a fight over obamacare them you were serving in the house at the time. in that fight we never had the votes in the senate. actually the senate was under control of the democrats. they were going to do anything they could to defend obamacare regardless of millions of people hurting. but the house was the bulwark in a fight and in particular there was a core of 40 or 50 strong principled conservatives who
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cared deeply about honoring the commitments they made to the men and women who elected them. that was always the strength we had in that fight. you know, it's been interesting reading some of the press coverage. speculating that there would be some magic parliamentary trick that would somehow stop this corrupt deal. well, anderson there are no magic parliamentary tricks. when you have the democrats plus republican leadership, those votes can roll over any our limit retreat you might use. even with the blood to we just had, there are no mystical powers that allow you to roll over that. but in the house we still got that 30, 40, 50 strong conservatives. so how is it that speaker
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boehner and leader mcconnell to promise they will never ever, ever be a shutdown? because, i believe, speaker boehner has decided to cut a deal with leaders nancy pelosi, the leader of the democrats, that is a dirty cr that's going to be passed out of the senate is goin going to go to thousand people take it up on the floor, passing with all the democrats just like leader mcconnell just did. and a handful of republicans who will go with republican leadership. a very significant percentage of republicans will vote no. but here's the problem. speaker boehner has been that. more than once. and in this instance there are too many republicans who are tired of seeing their leadership to the democrats rather than lead the republican party. i believe as speaker boehner had done that, had passed a dirty cr
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funding planned parenthood funding this arena deal, -- iranian deal, that he would've lost speakership a member introduced a motion to vacate the future. house republicans were fed up with her later not leading, at least not leading their party. leading the democratic party. so speaker boehner faced a conundrum. if he does what he leader mcconnell promised them which is defined all of barack obama's priorities, he would have lost his job -- to fund. and so what did he do? he announced he is resigning as speaker and resigning as a member of congress. that is unsurprising but also telegrams ideal that he has just got. it's ideal to surrender and join with the democrats. notice he said he will stay a
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month. is going to stay a month in order to join with the democrats and fund rock obama's priorities. now, let's talk about some of the substantive issues that we ought to be talking about. let's start with planned parenthood. the past couple of months a series of videos have come out about planned parenthold. now, to some of the people watching this, you may never have seen the video. why is that? because the mainstream media has engaged in a virtually mainstream media blackout. the last thing they wanted to show these figures. watch fox news you can see the videos. but the mainstream media integrate tradition of pravda wants to make sure that citizenry doesn't seek what's in
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these videos. i would encourage every american, republican or democrat, regardless of where you fall on the right to life and even if, in fact, especially if you consider yourself no choice, just watch these videos. go online and watch them and ask yourself, are these my values? this is what i believe? these videos show senior officials from planned parenthood laughing, sipping chardonnay, and callously, heartlessly selling the body parts of unborn children. over and over and over again. one senior official is caught on video laughing and saying she hoped she sells enough body parts of unborn children to buy herself a lamborghini. again, i would suggest just ask yourself, are these my values?
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and another video a lab tech describes a little baby boy, unborn, aborted, about two pounds, his heart still beating. she was instructed to insert scissors under his chen to cut open the face of this little boy, and harvest his brain. because the brain was bible. planned parenthold could sell the brain -- the brain was valuable. this is something out of brave new world. this is human beings. that little boy had a heart that was still beating, had a brain that was being harvested, and he had a seoul. given to him by god, almighty was made in the image of god.
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and we are now a nation that harbors the body parts of a little baby boys and girls. it is a very definition of inhumanity. to treat children like agriculture. to be grown and killed for their body parts. to be sold for profit. now, there is a reason that the media of the democrats don't want these figures show. because anyone watching these videos will be horrified. but they are not just horrific. they are also prima facie evidence of criminal activity. there are multiple federal statutes, criminal statutes,
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that planned parenthood appears to be violating, perhaps on a daily basis. the first and most direct is the prohibition on selling the body parts of unborn children for profit. federal criminal law makes that a felony. with up to 10 years jail time. now, these videos to show them very clearly selling body parts. they also show that bartering offer price. they will argue it wasn't for a profit, but you watch these videos, he watched the undercover buyers saying how much will you give me more than? you see the planned parenthold official saying, well, how much can i get? i do want to bargain against myself. -- i don't want -- on its face that's evidence of bargaining for profit. you want the highest price you can get. it's tied to whatever web you can bring in and planned parenthold is the largest abortion provider in this
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country. there's another one of these figures reflect, it is a volume business planned parenthold taking the lives of unborn children and then selling them. apparently for profit. it is also a federal criminal offense to alter the means of an abortion for the purpose of harvesting the organs of the unborn child. that's a separate criminal offense. on video after video easy planned parenthood officials say okay, what parts would you like? we can perform a different abortion depending on what part you want us to harvest. on the videos they essentially admit to this crime. they are filmed in the act. there's a third criminal offense the provided that you cannot harvest the organs of an unborn child without informed consent from the mother. and yet making these videos seem to indicate that planned parenthold treats informed consent as a technicality that
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is sometimes complied with and sometimes ignored. now i will say, mr. president, that as an aside ordinary when a national organization, if caught on film committing a pattern of felonies, the next steps are predictable. the department of justice opened an investigation. to the fbi shows up in seizes the records. everything on those videos suggest those felonies are still occurring today. what does it say about the obama justice department, that no one on the face of the planet believes there's any chance the justice department would even begin to investigate planned parenthold? what does it say about the most lawless, partisan department of justice that you've got the scoop, hey, it's a political ally of the president, so that's
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apparently all that matters. if it's an ally of the president it doesn't matter that there videotaped committing felonies. the department of justice will not even look at it. i've been an alumnus of the department of u.s. justice. i was at associate deputy attorney general. i spent much of my adult life working in law enforcement. the department of justice has a long distinguished record of remaining outside of partisan politics. of staying above the partisan fray, of being blind to party ideology and just simply enforcing the law and the constitution. i'm sorry to say under eric holder and loretta lynch that the department of justice has completely besmirched that tradition. no one remotely these that the
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obama justice department would even begin to investigate this pattern of felonies. you don't see democrats suggesting it. no immediate suggests it. and by the way, -- know when indie media suggested. if this were a republican administration, and the entity that admitted to the pattern of felonies, was a private entity that supported republicans, you would see an cbc, nbc, abc an indictment clock every night. uac the anchors saying when will this investigation open, when will they be indicted? instead the media retained these videos don't exist. -- pretends. in the face of what appears to be a national criminal
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enterprise, we are faced with a bunch of similar questions. when we continue to pay for it. will we continue to pay for it? with your and my tax dollars what we stand $500 million a year to a private organization to use to fund this ongoing criminal organization? and what's the position of the democrats? hear no evil, see no evil. they do not care. what democrat do you see calling for the enforcement of criminal laws against planned parenthold? what democrat do you sing at a minimum let's not send taxpayer money to fund this? not one. not a single democrat stood up and said that.
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let me ask you, mr. president, what happened to planned parenthold gets indicted? because even though the u.s. department of justice under president obama has become little more than a partisan arm of the democratic national committee, the our state and local prosecutors that are investigating planned parenthold right now. if planned parenthold is indicted, if the democrats maintain their wall of silence and say we will continue to fund been under indictment? by all indications, yes. you haven't heard a single democrat say, well, if they are indicted then we will stop. now, the response, mr. president, from our leadership is we can't win this fight. that's the response. they say, well, we can't win the
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planned parenthold fight. why? because we don't have 60 votes, because we don't have 67 votes. mr. president, if that's the standard, then republican leadership's standard is we won't do whatever harry reid and nancy pelosi approve up. that's what it means. you want to understand why the american people are frustrated? we were told if only we had a republican house of representatives, then things would be different. 2010, millions of us rose up in incredible numbers, and one and historic hideaway the election. mr. president, you were a youth pastor, called to ministry and yet you stood up and said my country is in crisis, i'm going to stand forward and serve.
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the 2010 election was historic. and yet very little changed. then we were told okay, we've got a house of representatives. but the problem is the senator as long as they read as majority leader we can't do anything, over and over again. washington graybeards would go on television and in gravelly tones they would say you cannot govern with one half of one-third of government. the house of representatives is not enough, but if we had the senate then things would be different the problem is harry reid. mr. president, you will be called during the fight over obamacare, a number of members of this body, republicans said no, no, no, no, no. we can't fight on obamacare. we have to wait until we have a republican senate to fight. so the american people obliged.
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in 2014, millions of us rose up. the second tidal wave election a period of four years. we won nine senate seats. we retired harry reid as majority leader. we want the largest majority in the house of representatives since the 1920s. -- we won. it's been over nine months. since we have republican majorities in both houses. and i ask you, mr. president, what exactly how those republican majorities accomplished? now i'll take, mr. president, i've asked that question all over the country and town halls. i've never been in a town hall by the response spontaneously was not absolutely nothing. that's true in every state i visited.
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and sadly my response over and over again is, you know, it's worse than that. i wish the answer were absolutely nothing. it would have been better if the republican majorities have done absolutely nothing. because what impact have they done? the very first thing that happened right after that election in november is we came back to washington, republican leadership joined up with harry reid and the democrats come and passed a trillion dollar omnibus bill. that was filled with pork, corporate welfare, group government, or the debt. the republican leadership took the lead in funding obamacare. then republican leadership took the lead in funding executive amnesty. then republican leadership took the lead in funding planned parenthood. and then astonishingly republican leadership took the lead in confirming loretta
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lynch. as attorney general. i ask you, mr. president, which one of those decisions is one iota difference from what would've happened with harry reid and the democrats in charge of this chamber? those decisions are identical. and that we don't, by the way, with loretta lynch the republican majority could have defeated that nomination to the senate majority leader could have done so. and yet should look at the senate judiciary committee. she looked at the senate when asked how she would differ from eric holder's justice department, the most lawless and partisan justice department we have ever seen, she said no way whatsoever. when asked to point to a single instance in which ability to stand up to present obama to stop this lawlessness, to stop this abuse of power, she could not identify any circumstance in which she would ever stand up to the president who appointed her. attorneys general from both
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parties have done that for centuries. now, with eric holder, the senate could be forgiven because this lawlessness manifested primarily after he was confirmed. with loretta lynch she told us beforehand. she looked us in the eyes and said, hey, i'm going to do exactly what my predecessor was doing. and republican leadership confirmed her anyway. is it any wonder the american people are frustrated out of their minds? we keep winning elections, and the people we put in office don't do what they said they would do. now, some people across the country ask me, is republican leadership just not very capable? are they not that competent or are they unwilling to buy? and, mr. president, it's neither. they are actually quite
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competent and they are willing to fight. the question is what they are fighting for. there's a disconnect right now. if you or i could are hosted, go to any gathering of citizens, we put up a whiteboard and ask the citizens in the room, give me the top priorities you think republican majorities in congress should be focusing on. we wrote 20 priorities they came from the citizens of oklahoma or the citizens of texas, or for that matter, the citizens of any of the 50 states. those top 20 priorities at least 18 of them would appear nowhere on leadership's priorities. on the other hand, if you drive just down the street in washington to k street, k street is the state of washington
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would've obvious primarily reside, whether offices are. you get a cabinet of corporate lobbyists that represent giant corporations and you ask them their top priorities, a list that comes out will not just bare passing similarity. it will be identical to the priorities of republican leadership. that's the disconnect. you know why we're not your fighting on this? because not giving taxpayer money to planned parenthold is not among the priorities of the lobbyists on k street. so leadership is not interested. that's the disconnect. leadership does know how to fight, just a couple of a good deal with the export-import bank we saw leadership in both chambers go to extraordinary
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lengths, herculean procedural steps to try to we authorize a classic example of corporate welfare. hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer guaranteed loans to giant corporations. now, for that leadership disincentivize. because those corporations hire lobbyists out of lobbyists to distribute checks typically by the wheelbarrow. and there's no incentive greater in this body than getting reelected and the of leadership is you get reelected by raking in the cash. how do you think we're gone and $18 trillion national debt? because the way you reach bipartisan compromise in this body today, and a broken world of washington is you grow and grow and grow government. you sit around and rule -- room and said i will spend for your party, your priority, your priority. another trillion dollars, we are done. daily people to lose are your
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children and mine. daily people dollars on the next generations who find themselves mired deeper and deeper and deeper in debt. i think of my little girls, seven and four, if we don't stop what we are doing, your children and my children will face a debt so crushing, they won't be able to stand in the future for the priorities, the future for their needs, whether once, for whatever crises, that the next generation confront. they will spend their whole lives simply working to pay off the debt racked up by the deadbeat parents and grandparents. no generation in history has ever done this. to their children or grandchildren our children -- our parents didn't do it to us.
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us. their parents did to get into the reason is the corruption of this down. and it boils down to a simple proposition that the democrats are willing to do anything to push their priorities. and the republicans, the leadership, is not listening to the men and women who elected us. but it's actually an even deeper problem than that. on the democratic side, the major donors that fund the democratic party, they don't despise their base. the billionaires the right to giant checks that fund president obama and hillary clinton, and the democrats on that side of the aisle, they don't despise the radical gay rights movement by the radical environmentalist movement, or all the people who knock on doors and get democrats
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elected. the simple reality is, a very large percentage of republican donors actively despise our base. actively despise the men and women who showed up and voted you and me into office. i can tell you, when you sit down and talk with a new york billionaire republican donor, and i've talked with quite a few new york billionaire republican donor, the question start out as alter for so you've got to come up for gay marriage. you need to be pro-choice and you need to support amnesty. that's where the republican donors are. you wonder why republicans won't fight on any of these issues? because the people writing the checks agree with the democrats. now mind you, the people who show up at the polls who elected
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you and the and who elected this republican majority, far too many of the republican donors look down on those voters as a bunch of ignorant hicks in rooms. -- and moves. that's why leadership likes of show boat. it wasn't too long ago when the washington cartel is able to mask it all with a show boat or two. and they tell the rubes back on, say, we voted on it, we just don't have the vote. votes. when i was first elected to this body, many times i heard more senior citizen saying some variation of the following. now, ted, that's what you tell the folks back home. you don't actually do it. here's what's changed your the voters have gotten more
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informed. and now understand the difference between showboats and a real boat. they understand the vote we had a week ago on planned parenthood was designed to lose, to placate of those silly folks who think we shouldn't be sending taxpayers fund the criminal organization that is selling the body parts of unborn children. but on the actual vote that could change policy, leadership has no interest in fighting whatsoever. in the past couple of weeks on my colleagues sent me a letter that really embodied the leadership message. this letter said explain to me how you get 67 votes to be found planned parenthold? if you can't produce 67 votes, i will not support it. mr. president, if that is our
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standard, then we should all be honest with the men and women who elected us. we do not have the 67 republican votes in this gym and there's no realistic process is to prospect of us getting 67 votes in the near time future. if the standard installation get 67 votes, republican leadership will support no policy issue, and each of us when we run should tell the voters, if you vote for me, i will support whatever policy agenda harry reid and nancy pelosi decide. because that's my standard. if i don't 67 votes. do you ever go harry reid and the democrats saying how can we get republican votes? no. other side is absolutely committed to their principles. you don't see them holding back at all. if the standard is how do we get 67 votes, name one thing that leadership will fight for.
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well, the answer i mentioned it three times. they will fight for big government. they would like to go cover. to fight to extend corporate welfare. that can indeed get 67 votes. but i've never been to a town hall once were citizen said to me the promise we don't have enough corporate welfare, i need more subsidies for big business. if 100% of the agendas is republican leadership is more subsidies for big business, what the heck are you and i doing in the senate in the first place? that survey was what i read and i know it wasn't why you ran either. -- why iran. you don't have to win every fight. you don't have to fight every fight. but you do have to stand for something. and let's look beyond planned
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parenthood for a minute. let's look to iran. have all of the decisions the obama administration has made, there may be none more damaging than this catastrophic iranian nuclear deal. if this deal goes through, there will be three consequences. number one, the obama administration will become quite literally the world's leading financier of the radical islamic terror. now, when i said that a couple of months ago president obama got very, very upset. he said it was ridiculous that i would say such a thing. but despite attacking me directly, president obama didn't actually endeavored to refute directly, president obama didn't actually endeavored to refute the substance of what i have said. so let's review the facts.
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fact number one, iran is today the world's leading state sponsor of terror. that fact is i'm just beautiful, even by this administration. fact number two, if this deal goes through, over 100 lyndoch will go directly to iran, to the ayatollah khamenei, in fact number three, if that happens, billions of those dollars will go to hamas, hezbollah, to the houthis, to radical islamic terrorists across the globe who will use those billions to murder americans, to murder israelis come in to murder europeans. you know, mr. president? is worth remembering, 14 years ago this month in a horrific terrorist attack is carried out on september 11, osama bin laden
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hated america. but he never had billions of dollars. he never had $100 billion. the ayatollah khamenei hates america every bit as much as osama bin laden did. and this administration is giving him control of over $100 billion to imagine what bin laden could be look at the damage he did with 19 terrorists carrying box cutters. now imagine that same delicate with billions of dollars 90. the consequences of this deal could easily be another terrorist attack that towards september 11 in scale. that kills far more than the roughly 3000 lives that were snuffed out. who in their right mind would send over $100 billion to
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theocratic zealot who chance death to america? a second consequence of this catastrophic you is that we are abandoning for hostages, for american hostages in iranian jails. pastor saeed abedini is an american citizen. his wife lives in idaho. i visited with her many times. ostracize has two little kids who desperately want their daddy to come home. after he was sentenced to eight years in prison, for the crime of preaching the gospel, just last week was a three-year anniversary of pastor contends in prison. reports are he is being horribly mistreated, that his faith is very. and yet president obama cannot bring himself to utter the words
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pastor saeed abedini. $100 billion to the ayatollah khamenei come and pastor saeed abedini remains in prison. also in prison is emir have money, an american marine the president has abandoned. also in prison is jason, a "washington post" reporter. i met with reporters in the gallery, a colleague of yours, abandon my president obama in an iranian prison, thrown in jail for doing his job reporting on the news. and robert levinson whose whereabouts remain unknown. why does the president refused even under their names -- after
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their names? the third consequence of this deal is this deal will only accelerate iran's acquiring nuclear weapons. now, the administration claimed that the deal will prevent iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. why? because they promised not to do it. we have learned from iran they break their promises over and over and over again. and what we do know is that they'll have an extra $100 billion to develop nuclear weapons. i will say the decision is laughingly suggested well, they will use that on infrastructure to rebuild their roads, to rebuild their energy. right now they are sending fast funds to hamas and they have the same infrastructure needs.
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with another $100 billion, you don't think they're going to file an awful lot of it to developing nuclear weapons? and i would point out it is not by accident that the ayatollah khamenei refers to is you as the littllittle satan and iran as te great satan, as america is the great satan. this is one threat that poses a real possibility, of millions of americans being murdered in the flash of an eye. everything i'm saying republican leadership has said over and over again. and yet republican leadership refuses to enforce the terms of the iran review legislation. federal law that administration has defined by not handling -- any the entire deal over. i have -- leadership can follow to stop this deal. leadership refuses to do so. instead we had a show vote that was designed to lose, and he did
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exactly what we expected, the democrats by large put party loyalty above the national study of this country, above stay with her friend alec a nation of visual, above protecting the lives of millions of americans. if we really believed what so many of us have said that this poses the risk of murdering millions of americans, is there any higher priority? the most powerful constitutional tool congress has is the power of the purse. and if we had the ability to stop this deal epitope and millions of americans die, how do we explain that to the men and women who elected us? look, i'm not advocating that we fight willy-nilly. i'm advocating we fight over things that matter. don't give $500 million to planned parenthold, a corrupt
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organization that is taking the lives of vast numbers of unborn children and selling their body parts in a criminal conspiracy directly contrary to federal law cominlaw, don't you $100 billioo the ayatollah khamenei, who seeks to murder millions. in both instances those are defending life. and yet republican leadership is not willing to lift a finger. if only all the people who might be murdered by a nuclear weapon could create a pack in washington and our some lobbyist and maybe leadership would listen to them been. but the truck driver at home, the waitress at home, a schoolteacher at home, the pastor, the police officer, the working men and women, the washington cartel doesn't listen to them.
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and i'll note where this deal is headed. in december when this dirty continuing resolution expires, leadership is already foreshadowing. they plan to bust the budget gaps. why? we talked about at the beginning, barack obama has discover he says the words shut down and republican leadership screens, surrendered, and runs to the hills. so obama understanding that quite well says if you don't bust the budget gaps i will shut the government down. and republicans in this bizarre process, republican leadership will blame whatever obama does on other republicans. you notice how much energy leader mcconnell devotes to attacking conservatives question is how much energy speaker
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boehner devotes to attacking conservatives? just yesterday the speaker of the house went on national television, and on national television he directed an obscene epithet at me personally. now, he's welcome to insult whomever he likes. i don't intend to reciprocate, but when his leadership ever shown that level of animosity? to president obama and the democrats who are bankrupting this country, who are destroying the constitution, nor endangering the future of her children graduate, who are retreating and have created an apartment that has led to the rise of radical islamist terrorist. one of the dynamics we've seen in fight after fight is harry reid and the democrats sit back and laugh. why? because it's republican leadership to lead the onslaught of attacking conservatives saying no, you can't and we will
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do anything to stop the bum. you can't and won't do a thing to stop amnesty. you can't and will do anything to stop planned parenthood. no, you can't and we will do anything to stop iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. it's republican leadership really believes we can't accomplish nothing, then why does america to have a republican house or senate? every two years come october and november we tell the matters it -- we tell the voters it matters intensely. to paraphrase the immortal words of hillary clinton, what difference does it make? if the standard republican leadership is anything that gets 67 votes we will support. that meets harry reid and nancy pelosi remain the de facto leaders of the senate and the house. and i would note, by the way, if in the summer leadership goes through with the promise, not
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promise but their suggestion to bust the budget gaps, they will have done something astonishing. historically the three legs of the conservative still have been fiscal concerns, social conservatives, national security conservatives. between planned parenthold, iran and the budget gaps leadership will have managed to abandon all three. .. the american people do not understand why leadership isn't listening to them. the presiding officer: the gentleman's postcloture time has expired. mr. cruz: i ask unanimous consent that my time be extended.
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>> can we have somebody here? >> on your time. >> the democrats are objecting to my speaking further. both of the democrats and republican leadership are objecting to the american people speaking further. i yield of the floor. >> the u.s. senate advanced a continuing resolution last night, temporary government spending plan got 77 votes, more
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than enough for final passage. going through 30 hours of debate requires after that vote. the center is in recess holding their party meeting to discuss how to handle the situation. if the continue on the current course the final vote could take place tonight shortly after midnight pushing the house to a quick vote tomorrow or the government will shut down thursday. live coverage when senators return after that meeting at 2:15 eastern on c-span2. into the senator rand paul is running for the republican presidential nomination called on republicans to let the government shutdown tomorrow, he says republicans should take a stand to force democrats to get those 60 votes to continue the programs they want and we will show you his comments now but first mitch mcconnell said democrats are to blame for the current situation in congress. >> last night 77 senators voted to advance legislation that
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funded through the fall at the bipartisan level agreed to by both parties. the bill represents my preferred method for funding the government but it is now the most viable way forward after democrats's extreme actions forced our country into this situation. let's remember how we got here. democrats knew the american people were unlikely to buy their desire for more bureaucracy and more debt but they figured it might in a crisis the democrats pursued a deliberate strategy of blocking government funding all year in order to force our nation to the brink. democrat said they would block government funding legislation and even voted for in committee and some of these bills cannot committee overwhelmingly on a bipartisan basis. democrats said they bought government funding legislation, they actually praised in their press releases when these bills emerge from the appropriations committee with large majorities.
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democrats even voted repeatedly to block the bill would fund our military to repeatedly blocked the bill that funds medical care and pay raises for our troops. that is how far, mr. president, democrats are willing to go at a time of daunting international threats to teardown the normal government funding process and force our country into this situation we now face. i am not prepared for government, i am not prepared to let democrats lead us over the cliff. the bill before us would keep the government open, all-out time for cooler heads to prevail, that is why if you want 76 other senators voted to advance it yesterday but look, obviously the best way to fund the government is by first passing a budget, then passing appropriations bills, the senate already passed the budget, the senate is prepared to pass
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appropriation legislation too. all that is needed is for democrats to drop these endless filibusters. all these funding bills are bipartisan. the democrats have supported and praised them and with the sea are behind as we can turn back to the work of passing these appropriation bills. i enter standards the bill at the desk that is to second reading. >> the senator is correct. >> the clerk will read the title of the bill for the second time. >> 2089, a bill to get an investment in clean energy and for the purposes. >> in order to place the bill on the calendar for the provisions of rule 49 objective further proceedings. >> objection having been heard the bill will be placed on the calendar.
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>> under the previous quarter the leadership time is reserved. under the previous order the senate will resume consideration of the house message to a company each are 719 which the clerk will report. >> h r 719 an act requiring transportation security administration to conform to existing federal law and regulations regarding criminal investigator positions and for the purposes. >> i now ask chair corcoran. >> clerk will call the roll. [roll call]
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>> personal. >> in terms of what you are observing particularly competitors have an extraordinarily low bust information operation. they don't lack resources or personnel and are constantly engage in these operationss, discrediting their opponents, actively engaging local groups, and on the sidelines. >> that is quite right and in contrast to us, russian intelligence services are very active and aggressively engaged in messageing. >> admiral rogers, this issue of
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encryption, would be very helpful. >> we leave this program. the senate gaveling back in in about an hour to continue debate. they are moving forward with continued spending for fiscal year 2016, the continuing resolution. live coverage when the senate returns at 2:59 c-span2 and an update on the process on capitol hill from the washington journal. >> nancy bogndonovich joins us, efforts beginning in the senate of a short-term funding bill. let's start there. explain what happened and what a clean cr is. >> the senate voted to move forward on the clean cr, it was
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77-19 votes. it showed strong determination by members of both parties to avoid the crisis and a shutdown:00, the continuation of that, get it through. they have one more vote today where they have to go to final passage. that will be late today or early morning hours, once it is done they send it to the house. >> some fireworks last night involving senator ted cruz. explain. >> ted cruz came to the floor after that cloture votes and complained because he wanted to offer an amendment, to strip out some of the things mitch mcconnell had put in but so-called amendment 3 and put one in of his own that would defund planned parenthood, that would provide no money to implement the iran nuclear deal, but he was blocked and couldn't even get a second from any senator of either party to pursue his motion so he blocked, said he would try it again today
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at some point. >> ted cruz will be watched closely as this moves through. here is a bit from his statement last night. >> there is a reason the american people are frustrated. the frustration is not simply miles or passing or enamel. it is fall can a high. hope for a handover again the american people go to the ballot box, the american people rise up and say the direction we are going doesn't make sense, we want change. over and over again the american people win elections, in 2014 a tidal wave election. and yet nothing changes. in washington. mr. president, i would like to share with you and the american people the real story of what is happening in washington, why is
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it that our leaders cannot stop bankrupting this country, cannot stop the assault on constitutional rights, cannot stop america's retreat from leadership in the world? the simple buy an equity the two side allegedly in a political battle. one side that is relentlessly, unshakable the committed to its principles and the other side that reflexively surrenders at the outset. the outcome is for ordained. i will give president obama and senate democrats credit. they believe principles of big government, they believe in this relentless assault on our constitutional rights and they are willing to crawl over broken glass with a knife between their teeth to fight for those principals. unfortunately, leadership on my side of the aisle does not
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demonstrate the same commitment to principles. >> senator ted cruz last night on the senate floor, the story in bloomberg, the senator said to approve new stopgap as a first step to avoid government shutdown, pretty optimistic that we will be of voiding a government shutdown. >> the consensus among the reporters, among the lawmakers, among the commentators, the thinking is maybe the bullet has been dogged now all this week but the outlook for avoiding one in december is increasingly poor when you take a seasoned dealmaker like john boehner out of the equations and you have people who now are pledging to conservatives who represent more of their views and you see a situation evolve and where these people who haven't done these before will be in a position of power and behold into a small group of conservatives and will
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make it much tougher. >> the house needs to take this up, approved a clean cr. what is the timing and process for that heading into wednesday night at midnight or wednesday night? >> wednesday night at midnight. tonight the senate will give final approval to the clean cr or in the wee hours. we don't know which one will be. they quickly get it over to the house and the house will be considering it tomorrow but i can't imagine that john boehner will want to have time for prolonged extended debate and so the idea is that they have to get it done by that evening and it has to be quickly transmitted to the white house and the president will be there waiting to sign the bill into law, last night the office of management and budget said out a terse administration policy saying they support this clean cr and hope it will buy time to do a
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major budget deal this fall. >> we are asking viewers to weigh in on this process and there will be questions how it is going to work, we're joined by nancy ogdonovich, a congressional report, 202-748-a thousand or republicans 202-748-8,001, independent, 8,002. as we look ahead to december, what is the impact on kevin mccarthy, the presumed next speaker of the house if he does go along with this deal to pass a clean cr, any impact on his ability and opposition he will face in his own party come december 11th? >> you could envision a scenario where he votes against the cr and actually john boehner will be relying on many democratic votes to get it passed, to see kevin mccarthy making a statement right there. by now we will inherit temporary
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cr, with conservatives puts them in the place, a precedent that he now has to be more responsive to conservative in their.of view. he doesn't have the experience somebody like john boehner has had in doing budget deals, has an sherpa major committee, a conference and so on to the president's desk and a lot of people going into a leadership slots, and they haven't been there that long either so there are a lot of questions about whether we can get a big omni this wrapping up fiscal year 2016 approach and whether there's a lot of pressure once again to do of one year cr which
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appropriators hates and putting the government on auto pilot. >> we are talking to nancy ogdonovich for the next 30 minutes or so if you have questions about this complicated process, we will go through big question that come down the road, we will start with gail calling on the line for democrats, good morning. >> good morning. i am calling in reference to the assumption about government officials in washington d.c.. as the businesswomen of operate that way, the way that congress is functioning i would not have a license to do business. it is almost like children playing in that sand box. one thing that i took away from what the pope addressed the congress, the underlying message is unity and working together to get things done for the american
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people. every year is the same problem. to take care of things, assisted living facilities, what is going to happen with the purity benefit, it is so unreal that people we elect, supposed to be intelligent people, some of them a turnes, a lack integrity to go up there and do their job and this is what it is all about and it is across the board, not republican or democrat, you got that going on and this is why, i am a registered democrat and i am watching donald trump and to be honest with you, he may even get my vote because we are tired of this so-called people who have the intellect and not doing their jobs. that is the bottom line and that is what i wanted to say. >> host: you cover many issues on capitol hill, are their areas
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of working together where there are lines being crossed among the parties to move legislation forward? >> guest: there always is and there has been a lot of talk about how democrats blocked the appropriations bills after approving them in committee. what happened there? on the house and senate side, springtime and early summer, these collegial people on appropriations, often by partisan, up said yes, mr. chairman, we will vote on your bill to get it out of committee but understand when it comes to the floor we have real issues with it and we may not be able to support it but we want to move the bills because that is our tradition, that is what we have always done in this collegial committee, we support each other and there are many good things in the bill, understand that the
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sequestration we feel is bad for the country and when the bills come to the floor we won't be there with you. >> host: is the appropriations committee one that is more collegial than most? >> guest: i think so. they have worked together a long time and they care deeply about their work product, they care about the legislative provisions as well as spending. congressman rogers has always been saying in the last couple years how much the discretionary spending under their control has shrunk in terms of the overall budget and they have seen tremendous growth on the mandatory side. with all the checks that go out to people automatically, but the discretionary budget in relation to that is shrinking and there is more downward pressure on discretionary and struggling to cover the program's that republicans and democrats on those committees really believe
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are important and they said earlier this year at hearings against february, march, republican cardinals they call them, subcommittee chairs said we are going to have to wait until the fall to get better numbers for these programs and we wonder why the fall? why not do it now? that is what they said is going to have to happen? >> host: if you have questions on the budget process or the politics of this shutdown fight, this clean cr that is moving through congress, nancy ogdonovich is a great person to talk to. new york, line for independents, good morning. >> caller: good morning. my concern is would this make a big difference if it was a different issue than planned parenthood? or would there simply beyond block to pass through legislation? >> guest: this is a good question. it seems like it is always, there is always an issue that somebody finds. several months ago it was on
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homeland security appropriations. on that, they decided to put a bunch of emigration writers, two years ago, september, another continuing resolution to prevent shutdowns, they decided to attach provisionss to repeal obamacare. they always find something and for the last few years, there is always a conflict about what is really basically a noncontroversial bill underneath it all. >> host: down the road in terms of must pass legislation, legislation to raise the debt ceiling will be coming back up. >> guest: we expect in november, that is the government's filing authority and we are told the treasury department has managed not to reach the upper limit by borrowing employees's retirement funds.
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but they can only do extraordinary measures along so that the issue will come to the fore in november. you will also have a transportation funding bill covering highway and transit programs right now that expires oct. 29. >> because of a short-term continuing resolution on that front. >> exactly. that will expire at the end of the month when john boehner is ready to leave us. so you have that cliff. you have this cliff this week, the transportation, the debt limit cliff and in december, you have the cliff for an overall deal on all of the appropriations bills, plus a package of expiring tax provisions. >> host: reilly awaiting in tulsa, okla. line for republicans, good morning.
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>> caller: the issue is continues to be an arm of the democrat party on this planned parenthood example to say okay, you can't stop funding an organization that practices are highly questionable dealings with the issue of babies and their body parts and this kind of thing so you have to continue to fund that according to the media because otherwise we are going to blame the republicans on a government shutdown. this is why there is such an issue the media does not explain the process, we sent republicans to congress to get control of an out-of-control budget. there is no way they can do that with the democrats in control of the media and the story goes if you want to cut this budget, this crazy organization, planned
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parenthood, the most americans don't like the practice of what they are doing, if you don't find that with $500 million then we are going to blame you for shutting the government down, the lady needs to talk to that issue of what is really in play. >> host: let's talk about planned parenthood. what happens with this issue if the clean cr gets passed this week? how could republicans move forward in their effort to try to block funding for planned parenthood? >> guest: so many things are going on. this morning there's a hearing on newhouse side where the head of planned parenthood is going to be in the hot seat explaining how these videos came to be and what the practices are in that organization. we are going to seek many committees in congress
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investigating planned parenthood, then at the same time as we are here today, there is an effort starting in the house, three different committees are pursuing bills under the budget reconciliation and dogged unified into one bill and will come to the floor fairly soon and one piece of the budget reconciliation legislation would be -- defund planned parenthood. we expect the house will be able to pass that, when they send it over to the senate isn't clear yet whether the senate would take up that bill or develop a bill of its own for reconciliation, but whatever happens, the bill that comes under reconciliation instructions requires only a simple majority to pass, only 51 votes. >> host: why is that as opposed to the 60 vote threshold we hear so much on for a senate side? >> guest: special rules that
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implement a budget that has been passed by both chambers and it is a once a year opportunity at the most to get something through about having to overcome the 60 vote rule. >> host: beverly is on the line for democrats, good morning. >> caller: good morning, thank you for taking my call. i wanted to comment on the pro-life thing. the whole thing is crazy. from my point of view i believe those who are going to be so pro-life it needs to be in its entirety. if you are going to be pro-life you need to be from womb to tomb and i believe there are a lot of people especially some texans who put more people to death and any other state in the union. justify that if you can. i don't think if you're going to be pro-life and the beginning you need to be pro-life at the end and we should do away with the death penalty. that is my opinion, thank you.
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>> host: the pope talked about the death penalty in his address before though joint session of congress last week. is there death penalty legislation moving before congress right now? >> guest: i am not up to speed on the death penalty legislation. i couldn't say. i do think your caller made a good point. i also think that when i listen to the debate on planned parenthood and on abortion i believe abortion will happen no matter what this congress does, even if they made it all illegal, it will still happen just like we have child pornography for whatever reason happening. .. pornography, for whatever reason, happening. abduction, women and so -- women in children. slavery, it is still happening. janice, independence, missouri. janice, good morning. caller: your guest is proving
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what the caller from oklahoma says. you are just an arm of the federal government trying to push your own agenda. what i called about was the spending. everybody is trying to make the republicans the boogie man. you just want to shut down the government. to the people who think their checks are going to stop, they never do. the press tries to scare you with the checks do not stop.the chect republicans are trying to stop the spending. of the spending up and there'stn not enough moneydi and you saida few minutes ago that the-- there is less and less discretionary spending and it is because they cannot stop sending third it'sir like people all over drawn on their checking accounts and it's the same thing and i guess noau one pays attention becausenobo everyone is overdrawn and nody e has the money. i don't understand why-- they always get a resolution that a
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okay, next time we will do the that time has finally come and yet to make a line in the sand and this is where asked to be. >> host: do you want to respond? >> guest: i can imagine that the checks keep coming especially if you're getting social security checks, medicare, medicaid, tri- care and those are all entitlement checks. those checks keep coming to you. >> host: what about bloomberg bma. guesing even covering that?for? >> guest: since the '90s andg ad bloomberg acquired the na four years ago, but i was with bna -- for many many years before. >> host: has it been been congressional budget issues. time. >> guest: that is something perhaps the caller wouldn't see being taken away during one of
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these crises, but we invest money and when you hit that pothole that is what that represents. represe i covered transportation for a long time when they were doing multi- year bills and so withtra what goes on now it is really striking that they cannot get anything and then i covered thee white house during the bush years, so i had to be more of a generalist.ppropria since then i've covered leadership and appropriation all the time. >> host: william is on a line for democrats to read william, good morning. >> caller: i'm calling in a safe 3% of planned parenthood was used for abortion stuff and what i don't understand is why theyne don't defund that 3% and still not not heard the rest of the women in the united states. planned parenthood, if it wasn't
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for them they wouldn't have got the care and they would probably be dead my now from uterine cancer. caerine >> guest: this is a good point and i hear a lot, only 3% that planned parenthood doesn't often abortion, but in that case they don't use federal funds for those procedures. mostly, what they do our cancer screenings and providing birth control instr duction and helpig people with health issues. >> host: let's bring north carolina's up next. forie's on her line republicans. by,-- ronnie, good morning. d >> caller: my question is to ms. nancy and maybe she can tell me why all of the time i have been listening to the debates, e why do the democrats always most all of the time phot against all
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of the bills that the republicans put forward? >> guest: i don't know what he'f talking about the planned parenthood or the appropriation billsnt, but many bills that bor speaker boehner has brought up especially the big important wa. that represent the deals have to get democratic votes and democrats have a voted for manyr of these and a lot of that appropriation bills that came ui this year. not in as big of numbers as innt previous years, but i imagine this continuing resolution that speaker boehner rings up he will rely heavily. >> host: can you explain the history of the pastor rule. rul? this is not a formal congressional rule. has >> guest: i think it was his policy that bills had to be passed with the majority of republicans.epublicans a republican could not rely on it d notcrats.
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i mean, it didn't reflect necessarily that a republican priority. if you have to rely on democrat, the to pass your bill unique need to have a republican stamp on it.un >> host: did democrats do this when they had thhoe majority net did they rely on the majority of their members for their brought bills to the floor? i >> guest: i don't recall that. i'm sure there are instances, but i don't recall.but i doot rl >> host: giri is up next for our line on republicans. good morning. >> caller: good morning. my question is, they talk about defending the government and they are using this planned parenthood thing as an excuse just like they do a lot of things. one thing is like this same-sex marriages, abortion, gun control , same thing every year year after year after year. it's a big thing and instead of putting it on the ballot and
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letting the people decide, a don't want to do that because they know it's been put on the talent in several states these different things and they vote to do or not to do it and someone judge or-- says now, we will do it their way. that's not the democratic way and the people know running the government and that's the way should be damn. these big issues like this should be put on the ballots instead of year after year letting the people decide and be done with it. >> host: gary, you would be in favor of more referendums. how that process work? with a come up as debate issues and realize they can be on the same page about these issues? that process?do >> caller: it should be put on the ballots, the presidential election. if they have a issue that big throughout the states year after year put it on the ballot andyer
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let the people decide and it's done and cut and dried. that is the simple way to do it. >> host: and not on referendums. >> guest: i'm thinking when you are a member of congress, they are so supposed to go andess, t represent you. that is air process, elected representation and then you don't have something like a referendum all the time, but that members supposed to castinl the vote of his constituents. >> host: let's go online for democrats. ashley in houston, texas. ashley, good morning. h >> caller: good morning. i would like to speak to the medical part of this. i worked in the business from a setter here in houston up county hospitalar for almost 30 years d i have seen my fair share of the botched abortions and i just
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think it's ridiculous to be talking about this. women should have the right to make their own decisions about their body because after all,tha they are there ones who have to handle their body. and men should quit discussing this and let the women take their decisions about what they need to do. oody usually make pretty g decisions and i thank you. >> host: ashley, in houston, texas. deborah is waiting in layers, virginia. deborah, good morning. >> caller: the first thing i would like to say is i applaud the last caller considering she was republican from texas. >> host: maybe she was on our hine for democrats. i t i could be wrong.rats. >> caller: hello? >> host: i'm listening and i think that last call it was on our line for democrats. >> caller: i wanted to apply th last call from texas, the tex republican woman who said women have the right to make their own decisions about their bodies. i also was a nurse and i wouldse
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like to tell people that most abortions first trimester, anyway, sit inside the averageie urine assessment container in there and are no body parts in their. after that you will see morets i development, butn he will not se body flirt-- parts 40 around. the point i asked the consummate was i wonder if people who are republican understand that the tea party was established by a group called the john birch society and many people nowadays are not familiar with them, but i graduated from high school in 1970, and this is the same group of people that we were fighting way back in the 60s and 70s for taking things over and they are trying to force what is actually a nazi idea down our throats and if people don't wake up to that fact to understand
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the john birch society was founded to support nazis, i knop that the bushes actually continued trade with the nazis - during world war ii when it was against the law or the rest of the country and i don't really understand how they could've done that without being brought up on treason charges. >> that was in blair's, virginia. i would ask you, about the t republican conference meeting that is said to happen aint 5:00 p.m. in the wake of speaker john boehner's decision to resign both his speakership and- seek in congress. what do you expect to happen today? >> guest: back to the boiler room. that closed room. to the r room we talk about these elections gg that will be hel td and talk abt strategy and talk about tomorrow's of a coupl after that meeting, and that will probably be a couple of hours, but around 7:00 p.m. of what'sa sense
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going to happen for sure tomorrow. we might have to wait that long to really know. tha >> host: it's looking more andt more like the really-- the real fight might be for the majority leader position if kevin mccarthy does get the think the speakership.tion right >> guest: i don't think there is any question right now that kevin mccarthy is in solid shape. he got the endorsement basically of speaker boehner the other day and then he quickly called and talked all of the members in his caucus and got a lot of endorsements and he got the hedorsement of paul ryan, ways and means committee chair. he said he would not run for speaker.ea so, then the intention turns to the majority leader race andy right there it's turned out that paul price, the republican from georgia who is chair of the house budget committee, he got o couple important endorsements yesterday to read he got ryan's endorsement, jeff penciling said he would support him.he mov so, he kind of moved up in the
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line of the people who would like to be a jordi leader. >> host: what about some of those numbers of the republican house leadership that were in some height positions, the majority whip, what are they tions?right now? >> guest: scully's is running for majority leader, but now with these endorsements going to tom price it does not look as him and maybe he would elect to stay on as whip. morris rogers, she said she will not try to get the majority leader post and stay as the chair of the conference. at least for now. >> host: to give our viewers some sense of what is happening with all the communications that go in these leadership electioni , here's majority leader ted mccarthy's e-mail to his colleaguesle in republican conference as part that you know he said i'm ready to be your speaker because i know the b people's works best when thee he
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leader you a lex respectsbers as i amges that a peprocess to committees and goes on to say i am also sensitive to itsside happening outside the beltway and i want to be closer to theoh people we represent and i want them to once again feel likehemf this isee l their governments. they are in charge and we are here to serve them. that is majority lead kevin mccarthy in that letter yesterday and he's running for for the speakership post. time for a few more calls and dan is waiting in texas for our line on republicans. then, good morning speech street >> caller: the reason i was in, there is a report out this morning of planned parenthood, about the plan parenthood abortion tapes. thereport was filed by the code fire systems incorporated. costina digital forensic analysis reports. it says that the analysis of the recorded contain on the flash
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drive indicate that the video ndicatings are authentic and show no evidence of manipulations or anything else. manipu this report-- i got this off of fox news this morning about an hour ago. >> host: nancy ognanovich, have you see that report?e >> guest: no, i haven't, but i'm not surprised that this kind ofm report is out there. >> host: why is that? >> guest: because there has been a lot of criticism that theyot were doctored images or manipulated somehow and so it'so inevitable there will be rea response to that.sponse t. >> host: lets go to des moines, iowa, on our line for democrats with john waiting. john, good morning. joh good mon >> caller: i'm calling about two or three colors back when they-- the man was suggesting the use use eferendums and your guest suggested that the representatives who were there are presented the people fromesp their districts.
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i have a little problem with that because there is so much money spent on that k street lobbyists that often times i don't really think the representative is representingne the people in his district.le ii that he is representing maybe more often the people who have contributed to his campaign, thb people who contribute to his career, the lobbyist where they spend millions and millions and millions of dollars to persuader these legislatorss much more tn anyone boater and even small group of voters can ever do and so i don't think we can always assume every vote in legislator makes is actually to representi. the people in his district. >> guest: i think that is a very good point t and i've talked to members of congress who say they are under a lot of pressure every week to spend so many hours on the phone dialing for dollars, raising money, enormouo
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amounts of time and it leaveseah little time to go to their hearings, meet with constituents in their offices and make all of these floor votes in the before you know it they are off to a fundraiser at lunchtime orkfast. dinnertime or a breakfast and a chase money a lot and there is something to what the call or had to say. >> host: how much money does it take to run for congress these days? to ru >> guest: i don't know. it's huge and it getting more and more expensive. of course, if you are in a cityo or a state with a huge media market, then it's more expensive. >> host: nancy ognanovich, congressional reporter with bloomberg dna and you can check out their work and we appreciate your time this morning. >> guest: thank you for having me.
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>> the senate currently holding weekly party meetings and when they return it to 15:00 p.m. eastern, expect more debate on temporary government funding and temporary-- agencies have to stop spending money thursday left on risk is an approval. the senate is working on a bill to allow spending through december 11, while leaders work on a long-term plan. we will have more coverage when they return here and c-span 2. on how side of the capital group of the members are try to figure out when they will elect a speaker. bloomberg politics reports the exact date of the elections is still to be decided. the second ranking republican majority leader kevin mccarthy is seen as the front runner, but the hill says there is a campaign underway to draft trade gowdy of south carolina who is leading that benghazi investigation in the house. tweets suggest he is out of the running for that. meanwhile, minority leader pelosi deputy chief a step on another person willing to run. a bit tongue-in-cheek, he tweeted out the speaker announcing the run to read washington journal talk to republican house member this morning about the search for a new speaker. >> california republican joins
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us in the wake of speaker john boehner bombshell resignation announcement friday and head of the house republican conferenced meeting this afternoon to discuss how to move for. what is the mood of thewhat was conference heading into that meeting? >> guest: actually, there is aae sense of relief. there had been o an enormous tension building up for reasons that are both fair and unfair. i think john boehner realized he and become a lightning rod for e lot of the frustrationsco, not only house republicans, but als, republican voters and by removing himself from the equation i think he has given the conference and ability to hf take a fresh start. i think he will improve the moralees of the conference, butt won't change the political dynamics that are responsible for that frustration. >> host: interesting to see how it unfolds.ngresp who leads today's meeting of the conference to the conference meetings are always led by the
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conference chairman. >> host: what are your questions going to be at this meeting today? fat will you look for from answers from leadership? >> guest: there needs to be, i think, a reorientation of the relationship between the rank-and-file members and leadership. we delegateetnk to the leadershs her day-to-day decisions, but ultimately the conference isconn responsible for these decisions in the leadership works for the conference and not get away around. i think one of the reasons forn. the internal friction is that --lick let's be honest, john boehner was not a very good listener and i think view to his role more al the director of the conference - rather than as its servant. >> host: who do you think will be the next speaker? >> guest: i think kevin mccarthy clearly has mastered the long-lost art of me he is an amazing guy when it comes to being able to touch base with every member of the
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conference, know where they are know how far they're willing tow go and i think that is what has made him so effective over theth years in finding thatat consenss points with which to move forward. >> host: may be the contentious question is who do you see as the next majority leader to takr that position? >> guest: that is a very tough question. we had some very capable qualified people seeking that office. conteious i really don't want to takeity r guess on that one.? tom price and steve are actually superb people and i have had a policy over the years and i have learned the hard way that when you have two friends in the race e i try to stay out of it, but we will see how that develops. i'm hoping calvin coolidge applies in this case when he when youn you see them coming down at the road at you nine are likely to run off in a ditch before they reached you and i have hoping they are one of thea
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nine.ts >> host: we are asking viewers to join in. tom mcclintock, member of the budget committee and we aremcclo facing government shutdown,comme perhaps tomorrow at midnight ift this budget situation is not mii worked out how do you see the next two days playing out oncapitol hill? >> guest: the house has applied itself and produced six of thata 12 s appropriation bills,ppro something to the senate and despite mitchell calls efforts m to bring those up, harry reid and the democrats have blocked on that 600 ruehl holding it hostage on their demands that wd buzzed the spending caps and t it's been a great deal of moneys that we don't have. how doe get out that is what has gotten us into this mess. how do we get out of it at this point now that we are in the
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11th hour and none of that nonef preparations work hasn't done x i think the only wait for it at this point is a short-term continuing resolution, but and this is in-- important, it must be a comedy by a timetable announced by the joint a leadership of the congress ofcce how we will move forward to produce those preparations. they had to establish a timetable that-- with a distinction. it is not only the link the man's way find the government, but it continues with the mistakes of the past and with iy spending trajectory we are on is clearly unsustainable. we spent $230 billion last year just to pay interest on the national debt. that means for an average family about $2000 of the taxes you set to the irs this year accomplished nothing more than to rent the money that we have already spent. the congressional budget office
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warns within the next eight years out interest cost willour actually exceed our entire defense budget. costs wilactual mike mullen, that joint chiefs of staff chairman four years ago warned in his professional military with the greatest national security threat is that ,ational debt. it is important we move forward, and the spending trajectory and commerce had adopted a budget that changes that and puts us back on a path to solvency. having set the course, it essential that we stay the course with appropriationsay tho process and the onlyur way to do so is channeling the resolution that takes us to the same path of ruin that we have been on. >> host: many members of your conference believe this bite over planned parenthood funding was worth the potential shutdown on capitol hill. what was your view on that? >> guest: i am opposed to funding abortions my entire life. i h i have held office for 29 years and been consistent in taking
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that position. however, the tactics that have been suggested to link the ,udget to planned parenthood, i think, it is highly it is h counterproductive. it alienates the public at just the time when these barbaric videos of planned parenthood's activities are changing public opinion and it deflects the blame from harry reid and the democrats in the senate who havm been consistently walking any dm spending billoc unless they can get their demand to blow the lid off our spending limits. >> host: you mentioned tactics. one of the reason you decided to leave the freedom caucus,ve thee explain that decision. >> guest: that was the reason ford the decision. be their tactics have become counterproductive to the conservative cause time after time after time. they actually not only failed to advance the cause, but actively
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impeded it. it was their decision to block the house taking up the resolution to disapproval on the disastrous nuclear iran treaty agreement that blocked the house from actually having a vote on that, which would have been a decisive repudiation of that agreement. i think their hearts are in theh right place. i think attheir tactics are absolutely counterproductive to everything the conservatives are trying to accomplish. >> host: what do you thing after speaker boehner resigning the freedom caucus will do tactics wisely comes to the next speaker and how much pressure, how much w fluence will they have?t , ho >> guest: i think that willmu depend a lot on the next several conference discussions we havewv on this subject.ey vote the vote that an individual pasa in the congress is a matter of conscience of judgment and ofren their response abilities to their.
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that is their right and no one should question that. might question their judgment from time to time, but not the right to make the decision on the vote they pass.f the however, when it comes to the organization of the house, who are are the leaders of the house, what is the agenda of the house, what are the rules of the house and that is the prerogative of the majority party. that has to be decided by the d majority hari conference and every member ofn. that conferene has to respect that decision. the problem is we have a group that is not respecting that decision.on if time after time threatened or actually combined with nancy pelosi and the democrats to support republican policy andd e they do so as the freedom caucus, which i find very ironis leob and that's becoming very serious problems. >> host: did you try to voice those concerns? >> guest: for eight long month s pointed out that nancy pelosi and the democrats did not get
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the boat of the republican conference. you move these questions over to the organization of the house, out on the house floor well,at e than a hundred and 88 democratse n that and have warned these conservatives time and time again that those 188 1a democrats are far more likely tt two combined with the 29 most liberal members of our house,mot most conservative indecidethat b the conservatives will not like the outcome, but i was getting nowhere with them, so i decided the best thing to do was resign. >> host: tigers min mcclintock, he is our guest and let's get to our call waiting in weatherford, texas.n we under, good morning. >> caller: good morning. might question to the congressman is how do you have o so much believingu heaven mccarthy so much when he was ths wet? how many votes dide youhe pullm the floor because he couldn't count? i will hang up and take my answer off the line. >> guest: i don't think it's a question of the count, people told him they were bony one way
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and then voted another and with all of my high hopes and expectations for kevin mccarthy i cannot reasonably expect him to be able to read minds. why i support him is becausem to bursa by think he is on his own very conservative because he is veryupport him conservative area --. is been very conservative and wanting to end crony capitalism that is per ton -- that is personified by the export import bank. he is been very bold on a number of issues. i think he will continue to be a speaker. he has the ability to communicate with a very diverse spectrum of members in the house republican conference. they can move forward. i think that's going to be a very important improvement in
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the house. to theou know him back california state legislature. about him as a young state legislature. the two things that strike me as most remarkable is his ability to interact with people in the where they are and find a middle ground that moves -- but, not organizationally i've never known anyone to do as much as he can. that very much driven in respect. he is making sacrifices. man ande is a family spending quite a bit of time away from his family in order to change the direction of this country. i admire that in norma sleep. -- enormously.
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