tv U.S. Senate CSPAN September 29, 2015 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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telling the american people there's a pause in global warming may lull the gullible to sleep, but it's phony, it's inaccurate and it's wrong. it ignores the truth. it ignores the science. basically what it is is cheesy fossil fuel p.r. dressed up in a lab coat to look like science, just enough to fool people that little bit. so, now let's turn back to the oceans, that 70% of the earth's surface that the other data left out. these data show the decades-long warming of the surface oceans, 1960 to 2010. no pause. remember the designers conveniently left all this data out when they cherry-picked their pause data. 70% of the earth's surface left
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out. mr. president, the first law of thermo dynamics, conservation of energy, decrease that all of that heat -- decrees that all of that heat in the ocean had to come from somewhere. research shows that greenhouse gases trap excess heat in the atmosphere and that over 90% of that excess heat went into the oceans, was absorbed by our oceans. people who insist that the climate has not warmed in recent decades ignore this one little thing: the oceans, which cover 70% of the surface of the earth. the oceans don't lie. this warming is changing the oceans and our fisheries. and water expands when it warms. that's the law of thermo
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expansion unless somebody wants to come and deny that. so, the seas are rising across the globe. in rhode island, we measure it at the newport naval station tide gauge. basically it's a glorified yardstick. it's not complicated. there's no theory involved. it's a measurement. and it says we're up nearly ten inches since the 1930's. that may be funny to landlocked states, but when there's ten more inches of sea to be thrown against your shores by a big ocean storm, coastal states take that stuff very seriously. nasa measures it around the world with satellites. it's not just the coastal stations that take these measures. nasa measures from satellites. and we measure the exploding acidity of the seas. the exploding acidity of the
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seas is directly related to co2 absorp shun unless people want to deny chemistry. you can put co2 in seawater in a high school lab and you can make the p.h. change. that's what we're doing on a global scale. and we don't get to repeal laws of chemistry around here, no matter how powerful the special interests. last week his holiness, pope francis, called on us to work together to protect our common home. he warned us in his recent encyclical, those who will have to suffer the consequences of what we are trying to hide will not forget this failure of conscience and responsibility. but first, first we have to want to protect our common home.
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if what we want to protect is the fossil fuel industry at all costs, at any cost, we need a priority adjustment. mr. president, in our rotten postsenior citizens united billionaire special interest -- post citizens united billionaire special interest politics perhaps the pope would have had more effect if he had a super pac. but it shouldn't take a super pack for us to heed the pope's warning or to heed the science, or to heed our national security leaders, or to heed everyone else who has lined up to try to wake us up. pope francis also said that to avert the most serious effects of the environmental deterioration caused by human
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activity, now is the time for courageous actions and strategies. and "the new york times" today reports many conservative republicans believe climate change is a real threat. once you get away from this building and the pernicious influence of the fossil fuel industry and its relentless money and threats, it's not a question of ideology. it's a question of special interest influence and conservative republicans increasingly understand that this is real. 11 of them just broke ranks in the house. so it's time. it's time to come together in good faith to tackle this real and persistent threat, the threat of climate change. it is time, mr. president, for us to wake up.
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i yield the floor. the presiding officer: under the presiding officer: under current funding expires tomorrow him meeting the federal government was shut down without congressional action. republicansaction. republicans tried to cut off funding, but democrats blocked that measure. soon majority with john cornyn said a final passage vote is scheduled for tomorrow morning. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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>> we are one day from a government shutdown. think god we have a path to avoid it on a temporary basis. this government by crisis is no way to run a country. we have been calling for a responsible bipartisan budget negotiations for months. these negotiations could have avoided this unnecessary crisis altogether. once we fund the government for a short period of time, i hopei hope the republicans will finally join us to negotiate a bipartisan way to stop the devastating sequestration cuts, and they are devastating. our principles are clear: raise theclear: raise the budget caps to help the middle class and of course our military commando paulison party writers
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attempt to poison the deal. the republican leader has already conceded the budget negotiations will crack the sequester's command i appreciate that. i heard you said a few minutes ago you want to see if they can come up with top numbers for the next two fiscal years which would be wonderful. both parties low-budget sequestration is bad for our countries. how times have we -- how many times have we heard senators talk about how bad sequestration is. so we need to do something about it, not talk about it. there is no reason to wait until december to start negotiating. december 11 we will be here before we know it. we have to also understand that in the mix of this is the debt ceiling. they have to be handled together.
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so let's start working in a bipartisan way to stop all of this crisis, crisis, crisis. we can do it, but only if republicans don't divert us to yet another catastrophe. >> three fourths of the republican presidential candidates think closing down the government is a great idea. three fourths of the american people think it is a dumb idea. today the republicans are congratulating themselves that they might be able to keep the government open until december 11. it is a sad state of affairs when success is measured by not shutting down the government. this is no cause for celebration. the american people have every reason to be appalled by the republican majority in the house and senate
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unable to govern. let's assume the senate will pass this clean cr tomorrow, the house is the same. i don't like to make assumptions. we are setting up another deadline in december. it is a holiday gift for america, the prospect of shutdown america again -- shutting down the government again. there is already talk of another resolution by house republicans who are not yet willing to come to the table. is this how they govern? if they did what they promise it would lock sequestration caps in place, stifle growth, and hamstring domestic priorities. in fact, it would set nondefense spending $9 billion lower than this year when you account for inflation. no growth for medical research, that's a republican answer.
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it would not take into account the new demands of the department of homeland security. no growth for homeland security would be devastating to the department of defense which has never operated under a continuing resolution for a full year. once congress passes this cr republicans must get serious and work with us, as we have invited them to do since last june to put together a budget agreement. and a sequestration, fun defense and nondefense fairly, and let's not get into a war of writers. they may be popular with republican presidential candidates, but you do not have to go far outside of the building to hear how reckless it would be for america. now is the time for congress to do the responsible thing. >> senator schumer. >> as we look forward to the tumultuous weeks ahead, we
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are confronted with deadline after deadline. if the past is any prologue, republican leaders will wait until the 11th hour and then risk disaster. it does not have to be that way. we democrats are ready to start negotiating on a budget that protects our national economic security and create jobs. ready to pass aa bill to ensure we don't devastate the economy and default on debt. but we need to work on these issues sooner rather than later. cbo estimated if we left sequester's we get 800,000 new jobs. i republican friends are arguing no jobs. we hope our republican colleagues won't waste any time and join us at the negotiating table. just yesterday leader mccarthy rolled out a vision
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for american foreign-policy that relies on a strong and robust military, but every military leader from every branch has been crystal clear that sequestration harms a military and that they support a federal budget that makes the necessary investments in the military and middle class. well, what is it, majority leader mccarthy, a robust foreign policy and handcuffed the military with sequestration? you can't have it both ways. democrats and large numbers of republicans agree, which is why both house and senate leaders have said they will enter into negotiations to fund the government in a fair and balanced way. these negotiations are the only way we can reach an agreement to avoided * ball in the economy. we have made progress. anan unnecessary shutdown would be a huge setback that would deal a real blow the
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growth and jobs to five jobs and our economy. so rather than catering to the extreme right ring of the caucus and giving into the same dysfunctional dynamic that has plagued the capitol for years, we hope that we -- the winners of the leadership election will work with democrats to find a path forward. instead of pledging intransigence in gridlock to pick up a couple, a handful of extra votes from the very most conservative, hard right members of this entire body, we hope republicans running for leadership will reach across the aisle and try a new approach. if republican leaders continue to let the hard right tail wag the republican dog, consequences could be catastrophic. we hope they choose to work with democrats and find a way out of this fiscal maze ahead of us.
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>> well, here is a pretty basic piece of advice the republicans can't seem to wrap their head around. if you have a long time to avoid a terrible situation, you should not wait until the last minute to get to work. it is advice we give to our children with class projects , for donald driver suzy danger on the road, and for elected officials and budget deadlines. for deadlines. for months we have been standing here asking republicans to join us at the table. for months they've asked us to wait. for months we have talked about this deadline. and. we said there is no reason to wait until the countdown clocks come out before we get to work. for months they have ignored us. if we had not seen this happen so many times, i would say it is absurd, but unfortunately it has become
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the weight republicans have decided to operate. even today house republicans are far more interested in spending the day attacking planned parenthood and women's health than avoiding a crisis. they are so focused on their tea party based, concerned about the members of the party who think compromises a dirty word and feel the need to engage in this bizarre theater and wait until the last minute to do with a knew all along would have to get done. republican leaders seem to have perfected the art of governing by swerving away. it is an awful way to run congress. it leaves us inches from disaster every time there is a new deadline, and it needs to change. once the senate finishes its work, and once house republicans accept at the very last minute that they need to do the same, i am hoping the next deadline can be different and we can avoid the drama, the
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countdown clock, the last minute's worth and do we did in 2013, work together, negotiate, region, negotiate, region of the bipartisan budget deal, and i am confident that we can. it will be up to republican leaders to join us at the table so that we can do it again. one more thing, i watched some of the so-called oversight hearings today, and i don't think anyone could have called that a hearing because i am confident that republicans did not listen to anyone but themselves. without themselves. without any republicans from the house here to interrupt me, let me be clear, democrats will not allow republicans to get in the way of aa woman's constitutional right to make her own health care decision. and the faster republicans can finally accept that fact the sooner congress can get back to work for our families and communities as they expect us to.
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[inaudible conversations] >> leader mcconnell just said he and the speaker spoke last week. were you aware of that? >> the answer is, yes, i was aware. there are things going on as we speak. >> were you invited? >> no. >> talked about setting up the talks. have you been invited to participate? >> if there are talks i will be invited. >> how did the retirement change your calculus, and when you look to get something done? >> i was not here but was told by my staff senator mcconnell said he talked the last few hours and that they are trying to come up with topline for two successive budget years which i think is good and i hope that they do. as i mentioned in my
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prepared remarks, we have a perfect storm brewing because of the crisis they have created. debt ceiling, xm bank which is going under what was already closed. we havewe have got to do something about funding the government after december 11 , imf that is an embarrassment to our country. we have lots of things. the debt ceiling will not be around forever. we are running out of money. it is going to have to come very soon, and i would hope that he would make it easy on his people that will follow him to get it done before he leaves because the things i see in the paper, as senator schumer mentioned, it's quite frightening, people cheering for default on the debt ceiling, hoping the
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government will close. this is no new textbook. the last closure of the government 17 days, two thirds of the republicans in the house voted to keep government closed more than 17 days. so i hope we can get this stuff done before the speaker moves on to whatever he is going to do. [inaudible conversations] >> there he is. >> i was goingi was going to call on you 1st. i thought i would embarrass you. >> it's looking like leader mccarthy is more likely than not to become the next speaker of the house. have house. have you had dealings with him or any kind of relationship? and can you start holding leadership level meetings in your office again?
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>> zero, i will miss the cigarette smoke. just to remind everyone, the 1st meeting i had with the speaker come i could tell he was nervous. i said go ahead and light up command he did and has been lit ever sense. i lived in a family where there was a lot of smoking going on, so it did not bother me. i liked him very much. i thought he had a good sense of humor in all that. i know mccarthyism california, but i but i have not had any intense dealings with him. i look forward to dealing with him during the next 15 or 16 months. thanks, everybody. [inaudible conversations]
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>> good afternoon, everyone. as you already know, we invoke cloture on the clean cr last night 77 to 19 and had to members absent to would have voted for it. very late tonight or 1st thing in the morning we will be sending that over to the house where i am optimistic that it will pass. this is pass. this is a good time to talk again about how we ended up where you are. the senate passed a budget but has not happen and for the last five years. they marked up all the appropriation bills and reported them out of committee. and the democratic friends because they objected to the spending level in the budget prevented us from going to the appropriation bills, thereby forcing the negotiation that will occur
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over the next couple of months. it is really not the way we ought to run things around here, and i hope that we in the fall negotiations can get some kind of agreement on a topline so that we can finally at long last get back to acting on each appropriation bill. it is not the way to do business. for the senate minority to put us in this position again was very regretful. it is not the way we ought to be. we give them an opportunity to vote again. many supported in committee. we give them an opportunity to have a 2nd thought about that.
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other items will turn to the defense authorization bill conference report. close to final if not final. obviously we will want to pass that quickly and get it down to the president. >> you are aware of the planned parenthood videos that have provoked such a terrific, emotional, and moral revulsion here on capitol hill and across the country. the house is done what it can to deal with this issue past the pain capable which wouldwe take up in the senate which was filibustered by her colleagues. the end of the pro-life agenda from republicans
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which is not the case. i assure you that we will continue to take up and challenge her democratic colleagues to recognize that the united states needs to join the vast majority of developed nations and eliminating late-term abortions after the viability of an unborn baby. many statesmany states have done that, including my state, the state of texas. many states have taken money that otherwise would have gone to planned parenthood and transfer it to women's health issues. consideration by using bucket -- budget reconciliation. so this debate over the life issues is not going to end with the passage of this claim continuing resolution. >> there has been a lot in the news about vladimir
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putin's increased activities in the middle east. he was not a gangster.a gangster. well, he certainly is a thug and bully. hope many nations hostage. president obama has an opportunity to do something about that. the van of the united states exporting crude oil. makes it harder. this past week general betray us was in congress vladimir putin will ultimately run out of money. the energy supplies in front of the united states. cheaper oil and not be held hostage.
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they just as effective with a barrel of oil. energy is called the master resource for a reason. we should be using knows, and it is time for pres. obama to give an opportunity to export and sell our he is given the same opportunity to a ran as he lifts sanctions. >> well, i thinkwell, i think everyone is relieved we are keeping the government open. let me make two points about the appropriations process this year. asas leader mcconnell said, we passed a tough budget resolution. it said very strict appropriation's for all 12 of our subcommittees. unfortunately, we are not
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able to bring those separately to the floor because democrats are insisting on a 60 vote threshold to even consider those. but please understand, and americans should understand, that and all of those 12 appropriation bills that have been reported out of the appropriations committee, we meet the budget caps and every single instance. in other words, we do not exceed the caps on spending that we imposed in this very tough budget resolution. also, americans should no, in terms of fighting what we believe is the egregious executive overreach of this administration,, the 12 individual appropriation bills contain writer after writer after rider. in a strong statement we intend to rein in what we view as the illegal overreach of the administration and many of those areas. unfortunately we will not get to those until october at the earliest. i hope we can save as many of those in the negotiation
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process, but please realize that in terms of the budget caps on the appropriation areas, we are under the's in every instance. >> when are you going to sit down to negotiate that topline number? >> we would like to settle topline for both years so that next year we can have a regular appropriations process. the president and the speaker and i spoke about getting started in the discussions last week, and i expect them to start very soon. >> the world trade center health program, the authorization is set to expire. you setexpire. you said on the 16th that you do plan to extend the
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program. are you going to let that lapse or extended before the deadline? >> i will have to check on that and get back to you. >> very critical of your leadership saying he spent a lot of energy attacking conservatives. >> i tried very hard to stay out of the presidential race , and i think that is a good rule for me. >> how would you characterize your relationship with kevin mccarthy who seems to be the front runner? what skills do you see him -- >> i'm not going to give any advice to the house. ..
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we have a number of different things that need to be addressed and the deadline is december the 11th. thanks everybody. [inaudible conversations] the senate continued debating legislation that would authorize government spending or december 11. current funding expires wednesday night ending the federal government would shut down without congressional
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action. republicans tried to cut off funding for planned parenthood but democrats blocked that measure. some of the legislation before the senate includes funding for planned parenthood. final passage but in the senate on the legislation keeping the government open until december december 11 is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. >> mr. president last night 77 senators voted to advance legislation that would have funded through the fall of the bipartisan level agreed to by both parties. the bill represents my preferred method for funding the government but it's now the most viable way forward is the democrats extreme actions forced our country into the situation. let's remember how we got here. democrats knew the american people were unlikely to buy their desire for more bureaucracy and more debt but they figured they might in a crisis. the democrats pursued a deliberate block of government
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funding all year in order to force the nation to the brink. democrats said they have lost government legislation they voted for in committee and some of these came out of committee overwhelmingly on a bipartisan basis. democrats said they blocked government funding legislation and they praised in their press releases when these bills emerged from the appropriations committee with large majorities. democrats voted repeatedly to block a bill that would fund our military to repeatedly blocked the bill that funds medical care and pay raises for our troops raid that's how far mr. president democrats are willing to go at a time of daunting international threats in order to tear down the normal government funding process enforcer country into the situation that we now face. i'm not prepared to let the government lead us over -- i'm not prepared to let the
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democrats lead us over the cliff. the bill would keep the government open and allow time for cooler heads to prevail. that's why i joined 76 other senators and voted to advance it yesterday. but look, obviously the best way to fund the government is by first passing a budget and then passing appropriation bills. the senate are to pass the budget. the senate is prepared to pass appropriations legislation too. all that's needed is for democrats to drop these endless filibusters. we know that nearly all the spending bills are bipartisan. we know the democrats have supported and praised them and let the sea are behind us we can turn back the work of trying to pass these appropriations bills. >> i'm reminded of that famous line from cool hand luke, what we have here is a failure to communicate. what we have here in congress is
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a failure to legislate, a failure to exert congressional authority. what we have here is a failure to lose -- use our leverage. what we have here is a failure to use the power of the purse. conservatives across america are unhappy and rightly so. we were told that when we took over congress, when republicans were elected to congress that things would be different, that of voters put us in charge we would right the ship, we would stop the deficits and here we are with another continuing resolution. what is a continuing resolution? it's a continuation of the deficit spending of the past. it is a continuation of the waste. it is a continuation of the duplication. what is a continuing resolution?
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it's a steaming pile of the same old, same old. let me be clear, a continuing resolution is not a good thing. it is more of the status quo. it is a warmed over version of yesterday's failures. it is an abdication of congressional authority. it is an abdication of congressional power. let us at least be honest. with the continuing resolution no spending will be cut, no regulations will be stopped and the debt will continue to mount. we are told that we cannot win, that we need 60 votes to defund anything, but perhaps there is an alternate future, where courage steps up and saves the day. all spending is set to expire
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automatically. this is the perfect time to turn the tables, to tell the other side that they will need 60 votes to affirmatively spend any money. you see it doesn't have to be 60 votes to stop things. all spending will expire and only those programs for which we can get 60 votes should go forward. what would that mean? that would mean an elimination of waste, and the elimination of duplication, and the elimination of bad things that we spend money on. if we have the courage we could use the senate supermajority rules to stop wasteful spending. if we had the courage, we could force the other side to come up with 60 votes to fund things like planned parenthood. the budget is loaded with nonsense and waste. some will say our job is to govern, to preside but to
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preside over why? to preside over a mountain of new debt, to be the same as the other side, to continue to add that after debt? our death will consume us if we continue to preside over the status quo. it is as if we are re-shuffling the chairs, a continuing resolution continues the spending of wasteful money. i can go on and on about what we are wasting money on. i will tell you of a few. we spent $300,000 last year studying whether or not japanese quail are more promiscuous on cocaine. i think we could save money. these things should never have money spent on that if you do a continuing resolution it will
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continue. we spent several hundred thousand dollars studying whether or not we can relieve stress and vietnamese villagers by having them watch american television reruns. i don't know about you, but i don't want 1 penny of taxpayer dollars going to this ridiculous stuff. if we continue, if we pass the continuing resolution no reform will occur. we spent $800,000 in the last couple of years helping a televised cricket league for afghanistan. $800,000. do you know how many people have a television i could -- afghanistan? one in 10,000 people and i don't care if they have all got tv, it's for was that our money which we don't even have -- we have to borrow it from china to send it to afghanistan. if we pass the continuing resolution we have agreed to continue this nonsense. we spend $150,000 last year on
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yoga classes for federal employees are you not only do we pay them nearly 1.5 times as much as the private sector employees, we give them yoga lasses. if you pass a continuing resolution this goes on and on. nothing will change. the status quo will continue and we will continue to spend ourselves into oblivion. we spent $250,000 last year inviting 24 kids from pakistan to go to space camp in alabama. we borrow money from china to send it to pakistan. it's crazy, it's ridiculous and they should stop. we have the power to stop it. congress has the power to spend money or not spend money and yet we rolled down and we just say say -- we just roll over and say we don't have the votes to stop it. nonsense. the other side doesn't have the votes to continue the spending
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if we will stand up and challenge them. we spend a half-million dollars last year or the year before developing a menu for when we colonize mars. we said -- sent a bunch of college students to hawaii to study this. $5000 apiece we paid them. they got two weeks all expenses paid in hawaii. do you know what a bunch of college kids came up with for a venue for mars? pizza. this is where your money is going. i could go on. hundreds of hundreds of programs if we do not exert the power of the purse this continues. we should attach to all of the spending bills all 12 individual spending bills not john together, we should attach hundreds of instructions, thousands of instructions. some of the media says while those would-be appropriations
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bills. exactly. that's the power of the purse. if you object to the president writing regulations without our authority congress should defund the regulation. congress should instruct on obamacare, what we object to. congress should instruct them that we don't want money spent on planned parenthood. hundreds and hundreds of obstruction should be written into every bill and passed and sent to them. would we win when all of these battles? do we have the power to win every battle and defund everything we want? no but do you know what we started out with? are negotiating position right now is we started out with we defund nothing. why don't we start out with a negotiating position that we defund everything that's objectionable all the wasteful spending, all the duplicate of spending. let's defund it all and that there has to be a negotiation but start defining it all and see where we get.
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but it would take courage because you would have to let spending expired. if you are not willing to let the spending expire and start a new you have no leverage. the power of the purse is only there if you have courage. you must have the courage of conviction to say enough is enough. this debt is a greater threat to us than letting spending expire. some will report on this and say we want to shut down government. no i don't. i just want to exert the power of the purse and that means spending must expire. i'm all for renewing the spending but let's only renew the spending that makes sense. we have the power of the purse if we choose to exert it. look at the mountain of debt. look at the debt that continues to be added up. we have not been doing our job. the way we are supposed to spend
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money in congress is 12 individual appropriation bills. if passed out of committee plant they present on the floor? is present every one of them and that the public and everyone in america no that it's democrats filibustering the spending bill. it's democrats who desire to shut down the government. it's democrats who desire not to have any restrictions on where the money is spent. it's the democrats who worst are saying we don't want to and wasteful spending. we don't want to end any spending. we don't want any controls over spending. we want to continue the status quo that we should not be complicit with them. we have allowed this to go on for too long. it threatens the very heart of the republic. it threatens our very foundation to continue to borrow a million dollars a minute. it's time that wasted up. it's time that we took a stand and said enough is enough.
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when was the last time we did it in the appropriate appropriate fashion? when was the last time congress passed each individual appropriation bill with instructions on how to spend the money lacks 2005, a decade ago. in the last decade we have added nearly $10 trillion in new debt. it's time to take a stand. i for one have had enough. i have had enough. i'm not going to vote for continuing resolution. a continuing resolution is simply a continuation of the mounting debt. i for one will not do it. a continuing resolution is retrieved. it is announcing your defeat in advance. what we should do is take a stand. we should say to the other side in the senate senate ever acquires a supermajority. what does that mean? 60 votes to pass spending. what would happen?
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you would have spending that is controversial. they can ask for private donations. good luck on that. he wouldn't fund things being funded that are controversial. what would happen is we would no longer be funding wasteful and duplicate of projects. we listed these a couple of years ago and i think we have $7 million worth of duplications. did we fix that? no. every year the president even this president puts forward projects be eliminated. do they ever get eliminated? no because congress is dysfunctional and may continue to pass a continuing resolution which means we do nothing to preserve the power of the purse. congress is a shadow of what it once was. madison said we would have coded up branches and we would pick ambition against ambition. we no longer do that.
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congress is a withering shadow. it's a shadow of what it once was. congress has no power, exerts no power and we walk and we live in the shadow of a presidency that is growing larger and larger and larger. the president is not afraid. he is writing and creating law. one of our founding fathers, one of our philosophers montesquieu said when the executive begins to legislate a form of tyranny will ensue. that is what we have now. we have a tyranny not just this president. it's been going on for a while, probably for 100 years we have been allowing more and more power to accumulate in the hands of a presidency. what we need is a bipartisan taking back at that hour and we need congress to stand up and say enough is enough. we are reclaiming the power of the purse and we are going to do
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whatever's necessary to to get rid of the wasteful spending, the duplicate of spending, the offensive spending. we are going to do with the american people want and that is to spend only what comes in. i will tell you i for one will oppose this continuing resolution and i recommend everybody in america caused the congressman says we are tired of the mounting debt, we wanted to stand up and we want you to stand up and say enough is enough. of the funding expired and let the other side come up with 60 votes to spend the money. it's time we took a stand. i hope we will. thank you mr. president. >> with that to continue debating legislation that would authorize government spending through december 11. current funding expired wednesday night meaning the federal government would shut down without congressional action. republicans tried to cut off funding for planned parenthood but democrats block that measure so the legislation before the senate includes funding for
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planned parenthood. the final passage vote in the senate on the legislation keeping the government open until december 11 is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. >> when you look at the role that the supreme court is playing in our society now our history series had to have relevance that was we thought about what can we do take if relevance to our current programming a series on the court made all the sense in the world. >> the court is an equal branch of government. it's the third branch of government. it still has fundamental impact on american's lives. inside this elegant building is a core from where cases are
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heard and decisions are made that impact all of our lives. there are so many incredibly ingesting cases in the court's history. we have all heard about roe v. wade. we have heard about brown versus education but for so many people they are just names the textbook and what we want to do is really talk about not only the legal side of the cases but the people involved in these cases. they are human beings who felt so passionately that they were being wronged or their rights are being abridged of their brother cases to court. >> i think what people will find the most fascinating about these cases are the personal stories. one of my personal favorites is matt versus ohio and the story of dole matt. when people hear the personal story of this woman they will fall in love with these cases and feel passionate about what happens in the cord and why they matter and why you should care. >> picking the cases was a difficult one arduous task.
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those 12 cases represent our evolving understanding of rights in america. we look at dred scott the korematsu jason miranda all the way through roe v. wade. we learn not only about the history of the company but the evolving rights of america. >> landmark cases historic supreme court decisions produced in cooperation with the national constitution center delving into 12 supreme court cases that significantly influence ours nation story and our evolving understanding of rights in america. live monday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern beginning october 5 on c-span and c-span3 and is a companion to our new series landmark cases the book features the 12 cases we have selected for the series with a brief introduction into the background highlights an impact of each case written by veteran supreme court journalist tony mauro, published by c-span in cooperation with cq press and in
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print this age publications incorporated. landmark cases is available for $8.95 plus shipping and handling. get your copy at cases. >> a signature feature booktv is our all-day coverage of book fairs and festivals from across the country with top nonfiction authors. here is her schedule.
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jeremy corbyn the leader of britain's labour party gave his first speech as party leader. this is just over an hour. [applause] >> hello everybody. this is my first time at the leaders conference. [applause] i'm not going to lie to you. i can't believe i'm standing here. i'm a bit nervous. so i grew up in the north and i knew jeremy corbyn before he was famous. i know him from going on the
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street on the way to the summer fare. i know him from the countless times he has helped parents of my friends on issues from asylum cases to roadmap plus. jeremy has stood up for everyone and such commitment and dedication. like jeremy refugees are particularly close to my heart. my dad was a political prisoner on death row in pakistan anti-escape this country on a passport arrived without a word of english and were shown british humanity with a new s.t.a.r.t. and hope. [applause]
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my dad was given great opportunities by this country and he took them, training and qualifying is a doctor and spending the last 25 years as a committed community dp. he's a great inspiration to me and last week i enrolled at manchester medical school because i like my dad -- [applause] i tell you this story because my background leads me to always see the best in people and that they can get should be it and achieve. the message that this summit has resonated with so many people. when jeremy announced he was standing as excited. then i realized it was much bigger than that. friends of mine who had never mentioned politics worse watching the debate. i could hear people talking about jeremy corbyn and it wasn't just in the north.
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it was happening all over the country. i feel very let you two have had a part in an exciting inspiring campaign. brought together such an incredibly diverse crowd united by the idea that politics could be different. that experience has been life-changing. at my first conference i was so warmly welcomed by so many people new members returning members and members who had been coming here for over 40 years. it's a privilege to engage in debate with so many. i'm so proud to be a part of this amazing party, a party that has achieved so much for ordinary people and still has so much more to do. i believe that this summer -- summit has given us fresh energy to do what we do best and up against injustice. he gives me pride to introduce a leader of our labour party, jeremy corbyn. [applause]
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>> any chance we could start? friends, thank you so much for that incredible welcome. i really thank you so much for the way you introduced me in the way your family and you have contributed so much to our community. it was absolutely brilliant. thank you very much. [applause] i am truly delighted to be able to give this speech today. for the past two weeks as you probably know i had a very easy and relaxing time. hardly anything of any importance at all has happened to me but you might have noticed in some of the newspapers they have taken a bit of an interest in me. i'm at the mall but some of the things i read are -- according to one headline jeremy corbyn welcomes the prospect of an asteroid wiping out humanity.
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[laughter] out asteroids are pretty controversial and it's not the kind of policy i would want this party to adopt without a full debate in congress. [applause] another newspaper went even further and printed them in a novel that predicted how life would look if i were prime minister. it's pretty scary, i have to tell you. it tells us -- would collapse. that makes actually lot of sense because it's quite difficult to understand the top 20 teams in the premiership with play an asteroid that wiped out humanity so that's a no-no for sure. and then the daily express informed readers that, i'm not sure how many greats are here
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for three or four great great friends are here and unpleasant chapter was involved in running a workhouse may want to take this apology -- time to apologize for not doing the decent thing. [applause] and going back in time and having a chat with him about his behavior. then there's another journalist who's obviously been hanging around my street who quotes neighbors often see him, that's me, writing a chairman mao style bicycle. [laughter] some journalists might have referred to it as just a bicycle but no, so we have to conclude that whenever we see some banana bicycle from now on there goes another supporter of chairman mao. but seriously it's a huge honor and a privilege to be able to
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speak to you today as leader of the labour party. to welcome all of our new members, more than 160,000 have joined the labour party. [applause] and more than 50,000 have joined since the declaration of the leadership election results and i'm very proud to say in my own constituency or membership as of last night had just gone over 3000 individual members and 2000 registered supporters. 5000 people in my constituency. [applause] i want to say first of all a huge thank you to all the people of my constituency in the north labour party for their friendship and all the goodies
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we have done and all the support they have given me enough past few weeks. i'm truly grateful. thank you very much indeed everyone here. [applause] above all i want to welcome for members to this party. everyone who has joined this party and this great endeavor to change our party, change or country, change our politics and change the way we do things. above all i want to speak to everyone in britain about the path that labor has turned two. opposing in fighting the tory government and the huge damage it's doing and developing labor alternative. renewing our policies so we can reach out across the country and when next year starting in wales , and scotland come in london and local government elections. [applause] and the thanks he gave after my
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election for all the people to serve the labour party so well in recent months in recent years. firstly to ed miliband for the leadership he gave our party. [applause] for the courage and the dignity she showed in the face of tawdry media attacks and also for the contribution i know he will be making in the future especially on the vital issues of environment and climate change. thank you ed, thank you so much for all you have done. [applause] who wish to change attitude of nauseous or courage and determination. it's one of testaments to her huge achievements. thank you harriet or everything you have done. [applause] i also want to say a big thank
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you to ian nickel are general secretary and dollar party staff in london, newcastle and all of the country for their dedication and hard work during the general election campaign and the leadership campaign and also to all the staff and volunteers who are doing such a great job here this week at this incredible conference where holding. thank you to all of them. they are part of our movement and part of our -- and also i want to say a special thank you to the fellow candidates who contested the leadership election for this party. it was an amazing three-month experience for all desperately want to say thank you to ms. kendall for a passionate dependent determination and her great personal friendship to me throughout the campaign. thank you so much and for all that you have contributed to the party. [applause] i want to say thank you to ed
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cooper for their cooper for their mark upon way in which she change public attitudes towards the refugee crisis and now a passport on how britain and europe can do more and better to respond to this crisis. yvette, thank you for that. [applause] auntie annie brennan our new shadow home secretary for everything you did as health secretary. to defend their nhs health service. i want to say thank you to all three for the friendship which was i contest the election. thank you. [applause] i want to thank all those who took part in the election of the rallies across the country. our party at its best democratic and growing. i have got new people to think as well. a talented colleagues working with me in the shadow cabinet.
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mark french and occlusive team from all the political wings of our party from every part of our country. it gives us the right foundation for the open debates our party must now have about the future. i'm not a leader who wants to impose leadership all the time. do not believe anyone of us has a monopoly on wisdom and ideas. we all have ideas and a vision of how things can be better. i want open debate in our party and our movement. i want to listen to everyone. [applause] because i firmly believe leadership is about listening. we will reach out to our new members and supporters emboldened people in debates on policy and our party as a whole will decide. that may give a huge mandate by 59% of the electorate for supporting my campaign. i believe it's a mandate for
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change. i want to explain how. first and foremost is a vote for change in the way we do politics in the labour party and in the country. politics that is kinder, more inclusive bottom-up, not top-down in every community and workplace not just in westminster. [applause] real debate not necessarily discipline all the time but above all straight talking on this. that's the sort of politics we are going to have in the future in this party and this movement. let me be clear under my leadership and we discussed this yesterday and conference, labor will be challenging austerity treaty will be unapologetic about reforming our economy. [applause]
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the challenge in equality and protect workers better. internationally it will be a@ina voice for engagement with those who share our values, supporting the authority of international law and international institutions, not acting against them. the global environment is imperiled. we need to be part of an international movement to cut emissions and pollution, to combat the environmental danger to our planet. these are crucial issues but i also want to add this. i will be standing up for human rights and challenging oppressive regimes. before that as an individual activist just like everyone else in this hall, just because i become the leader of this party i'm not going to stop standing up on those issues. [applause]
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so my first message is to david cameron. i say dan now a message from our conference, hope he's listening. you never know. [laughter] intervene now personally for the saudi arabian regime to stop the beheading and crucifixion of -- [applause] the death penalty for taking part in a demonstration at the age of 17 and while you are at it terminate that claim made by our ministry of justice to provide prison sentences which will be required to carry out
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the -- that would be put down on mohamed ali aleman. a refusal to stand up is the kind of thing that damages britain's standing in the world. i have huge undying admiration for human rights defenders all over the world. i've met hundreds of these very brave people during my lifetime working on international issues. i want to say a special mention to one group who have campaigned successfully and the release of a british -- [applause] this was a campaign of ordinary people like you and me standing on cold streets for many hours over many years. together we secured this particular piece of justice.
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like ordinary people coming together, ordinary people doing extraordinary things. that is how our rights and human rights are. the tory wants to appeal the human rights act. just to show what they're made of the union bill which we are opposing strongly in the country is also a fundamental attack on human rights on the convention on human rights. [applause] now have been listening to a lot of advice about how i do this job and there's plenty of advice around, believe me. actually i quite like that. i welcome that. i like to listen to advice.
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that's often the best advice you get, the people that tell you you are great and brilliant and wonderful. fine thank you but what if i done wrong? i've gotten plenty of that. i want to do things differently as well. i've been told never accuse your opponent of lying in a political debate but i want to tackle one thing head-on. the tories talk about economics and family security or perhaps particularly for me. i say this, how dare these people talk about security for families in britain. where's the security for fama shuttled around from one private flat to another with children endlessly having to change schools? [applause] wealth and security for those
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tenants afraid to ask the landlord to to make a repair to a dangerous structure in their own homes because they might be affected because they have gone to the local authority to seek the justice they are entitled to. [applause] where's the security for the parent struggling to support older family members as tory inspired cuts take away the health they needed. [applause] wealth and security for young people starting out in careers knowing they are locked out of any prospect of ever buying their own homes by soaring house prices. where's the security? [applause] also for families driven away from their children's schools and communities and family ties by these welfare cuts. and where's the security for hundreds of thousands who have taken on self-employment with uncertain and incomes, no sick pay, no maternity pay, no paid leave and no pension now facing
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tax credits that keep their families afloat. there is no security for 2.8 million households in britain forced into debt by stagnating wages and the tory record of the longest living standards since records began. [applause] economic failure and economy that works for the few and not the many. manufacturing still in decline. look at the tory failure and support our steel industry as the italian government has done. [applause] so as we did yesterday in congress we stand with the people fighting for their jobs and their communities. [applause]
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and the companies that lay workers off, it's not too late now again to call on the prime minister even at this very late stage this 12 hour. step in and defend those people. other governments like the italians have done the same. why can't the british government? what is wrong with them? [applause] there's a big investment crisis in britain or the autumn at the international table. we are not quite at the bottom. we are below madagascar and above el salvador so we are doing quite well. we have a balance of payments deficit of 100 billion pounds last year. loading our economy and every one of us in debt for the future.
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how ill-prepared the tories are to face another crisis. it hasn't been growing exports and a strong manufacturing sector that have underpinned the feeble economic recovery. the only thing is asked of inflation more private debt. we have an economy that's unbalanced, unsustainable and frankly dangerous to the security of the people of this country. that's the real reason. [applause] and think of the people who have had to stretch to take on mortgages. people have only been able to keep their families afloat by relying on credit cards and payday loans. fearful of how they will cope with the rise of the interest rate. the tories austerity is the utterly failed approach of the past. [applause]
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it's time for labor to develop our forward-looking opportunity. at the heart of it it's investing for the future. every mainstream economist will tell you that with interest rates so low now is the time for public investment in our infrastructure. investment come in capital housing, and affordable homes. john haney's plan for 100,000 association announced a year to tackle the housing crisis, drive down the spiraling housing benefits and make a profit for the taxpayer. a profit to the taxpayer because the cost of housing it's quite simple actually in quite a good idea. [applause]
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we also need investment in broadband to support new high-technology jobs. we need a national investment bank to support real investment in our infrastructure to provide finance to small and medium-sized firms have better things continue to have the money they need to grow. we need aid green deal investing in renewable energy and energy conservation to tackle the threat of i'm a change. the tories of course for selling off the green investment banks. they are simply not interested in them. [applause] this is the only way for a strong economic future for this country that is sustainable, that turned around the terrible trade deficit that supports high-growth firms and businesses, that provides real economic security for our people the economies of future depends on the investment we make today in infrastructure, skills and schools. and i'm going to say i'm
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delighted to lucy powell are new shadow education secretary who has set out how the education of every child and the quality of every school counts. every school accountable to local government through local education authority. [applause] not bringing back elections because we have aspirations for all children, not just the few. [applause] my first public engagement as labour leader came within a couple of hours of being elected. i was proud to go across parliament square to speak to the refugees welcome rally in central london.
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[applause] i wanted to send out a message that the kind of politics we are pursuing and a caring society we want to achieve. i've been inspired by the people across this country making collections for refugees donating to charities the work of the u.k. to involve whole communities in this effort. these refugees are victims of war. many, the victims of conflict in syria. it's a huge crisis. the worst humanitarian crisis in europe since the second world war and globally the biggest refugee crisis there is ever been but the scale from our government, from europe and to the wealthier parts of the international community simply isn't enough. now i do welcome refugee camps especially in lebanon but we all know much more mustin shed and i hope will be done. because it's a crisis of human
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beings just like you and just like me looking for security and look for safety. let's reach out the hand of humanity and friendship to them. [applause] now let me say something about national security. the best way part to protect the british people against the threats we face to our safety at home and abroad is to work to resolve complex. that isn't easy but it is unavoidable if we want real security. our british values are internationalist and universal. they are not limited by border. yes we do need a strong military, modern security to keep us safe and to take a lead in humanitarian and peacekeeping missions, working with and strengthening the united nations. [applause]
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on my first day in parliament as leader of the party after prime minister's question time it was at her of which to meet the soldiers and the medics who did such remarkable work tackling the appellate crisis in sierra leone. well done all of them. [applause] there is no contradiction between working for peace across the world and doing what is necessary to keep us safe. today we face distant threats from the cold war time which ended dirty years ago. that's why i have asked our shadow defense secretary to lead a debate to review how we best deliver that detection for the people of britain but there is one thing i want to make my own position on absolute clear and i believe i have a mandate for my election on it. i don't believe the 100 billion pounds spent on the generation of nuclear weapons is the right way forward.
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[applause] i believe that our country, believe that our country should honor our obligations to the nonproliferation treaty and make progress towards international disarmament but in developing that for our policy we must make sure that all the jobs and skills of everyone in every aspect of the defense ministry are fully protected and fully used so we gain from this. to me that is very important. [applause] and on our foreign policy, we need to learn lessons from the recent past. it didn't help our national security at the same time some years ago when i was protesting outside the iraqi embassy about hussein's brutality and use of chemical weapons tory ministers were secretly conniving with
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illegal arms sales to his regime. [applause] didn't help our national security when we went to war with iraq. [applause] it didn't help our national security to -- the hunch that three british soldiers in that war will make making no proper preparation for what to do with after the fall of the regime. [applause] nor does it help our national security to give such uncritical support to regimes. i mentioned only two that there are many i could mention such as saudi arabia and bahrain who refuse their own citizens and repressed rights. these are issues we have to stand up on it also recognizes some cases they use british weapons in the assault on yemen
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on the british side. we have to be clear on what our objectives are. there is a lesson in how real leadership and resolve conflict, prevent war and build real security. this is the leadership and clever diplomacy that are shown in reaching this historic deal with iran. [applause] a deal there was also complex and serious. the scale of the destruction and suffered in syria. over a quarter million people have been killed, fully 10 million driven from their homes. my opposition to the following despicable crimes committed by isil including bombs being dropped on civilian targets. we all want all of the atrocities to stop and the syrian people to be able to return home and be free to determine their own destiny.
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[applause] but the answer to this conflict, this tragic conflict can simply be found in a few more -- i've agree with when they say military strikes against isil are succeeding not because of the high explosives because they do not have a diplomatic strategy in syria. that's the challenge for leadership no for us and david cameron the difficult diplomacy this country and others need to play a leading role in. that's why hillary and i for a new security council resolution that can underpin a solution to the crisis. i believe the u.n. might manage to bring about a process that leads to the end of violence in syria. we want peace for the people of syria and indeed the people of
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the whole region. [applause] i have another important message for everyone here today. people recognize what has changed in our party, recognize what has changed in british politics and how fundamental that change is. what happened this summer and the elections was nothing short of a political earthquake. according to the script socialist and socialist democratic parties were in decline. social democracy itself was exhausted, dead on its face. something new and invigorating popular and authentic has exploded. to understand this all of us have to share our ideas and contributions. our common project must be embraced and emerged and to the moderate left movement to harness people in building a society for the majority. some of the commentators who has spent years complaining about a
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few people have engaged in the political parties are sneered at our huge increase in membership. if these people were sports reporters writing about a football team they would be saying this. they have had a terrible summer. they have got 160,000 new fans. season tickets are sold out. the new supporters are young and optimistic. i don't know how this club is going to get through this crisis. [applause] we celebrate, we celebrate the enthusiasm of so many people holding the young from all communities join your party in every part of the country joining labor as members and supporters and windy to change in response to this movement.
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our new members want to be active and be involved. don't ever say the labour party follows. they want to lead local and national campaigns against injustice and the dreadful impact of tory austerity. they want to work in local communities to make peoples lives better. they don't want to do things the old ways. young people and old people are bidding with ideas. let's give them a the space for that is to explode for a better society. [applause] they want the new politics of engagement and involvement. many of our new members are already active in their committees and voluntary organizations in the local campaigns. i would convince them to take a further step and join our party. wichterman this opportunity to be at the center and the hub of every community and every city and village in this country. together we can make a very big difference to our society. to debate the bills, to develop
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friendships and set up new community projects but above all to talk to neighbors about politics, but changing britain for the better. plus it's going to mean changes for some of us from the way we have done our politics in the past. our new deputy leader tom watson is well up to that challenge. he is leading the charge of the much greater use of digital media as a key resort. that is the way of communication which is not just through newspapers and tabloids. it's social media that really is point of kavinoky super the future. we have got to get that. [applause] i want to make a firm commitment to people who join our party that you will have the real say, the final say in deciding the policies of our party. no one, not me as leader not the
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shadow cabinet not the parliamentary labour party is going to impose policy or have a veto. the common carrier and media simply don't understand it. they report disagreement as agreement is compromised or concessions as capitulation. sorry, this is grown-up real politics where real people debate real issues. [applause] [applause] we take a decision and we go forward together. we look to persuade each other on occasion. we might agree to even disagree. it is not the end of the world but whatever the answer, whatever the answer we stand together united as labor back to put forward a better way to the
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misery of the conservatives and their allies. [applause] another important thing about how we are going to do things. it's a vital part of our new politics. i want to repeat what was said during the leadership election. i do not believe in personal abuse of any sort. treat people with respect. treat people as you wish to be treated yourself. listen to their views. agree or disagree but have that debate. there's going to be no rupert for me. maya angelou brilliant writer said this. you may not control all the events that happen to you but you can decide not to be reduced by them. wonderful words from maya angelou. [applause]
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i want the kind of politics a more caring society. don't let them reduce you to believing in anything less. so i say to all activists whether labour or not cut out the leading and especially them a judge in -- misogynistic abuse on line ants let's get back into bringing in real politics back into business. [applause] ..
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to strike millions of people off the electoral register this december, very clever. a year earlier when the independent election commission advised, what it means is this, 2 million people could lose the right to vote. that is 400,000 in london, 70,000 in glasgow. thousands every town, city, village.
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overwhelmingly students, people in and secure accommodation, short stay, stay, private let's. we know why the tories are doing it. they want to narrow the election by denying hundreds of londoners the right to vote. they want to gerrymander electoral across the whole country by ensuring the new reduced house of commons will be decided on the basis of the missing millions from the vote is registered with the boundary commission starts its work next april. so conference, we will highlight the issue in parliament, work with councils all across the country to get people back on the register, but i make this appeal to you. from today, from now come our party, our labor party starts a nationwide campaign for all our members to work in every town and city, every university to stop the tory gerrymandering and get
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people on the electoral register. i know this is hard work. [applause] i was agent and hornby constituency for ten years and know how hard and vital network is, and we're going to do it. these days we have new resources, the power of social media, our huge membership. conference, let's get to it to get people on the register and give us those victories. [applause] and we need to renew our party in scotland. ii want to pay a bit attribute are leader in scotland. [applause] i no that people in scotland
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are disappointed by the labor party. i know you feel we lost our way. i agree with you. i want people across, to take another look. it will change. we will learn the lessons of the past, again make labor the great fighting force you expect us to be. we need to be investing in skills, investing in our young people. and strong message here, not cutting student numbers, numbers, giving young people real hope and real opportunity. [applause] it is labor that is the progressive voice for scotland. [applause] there is another big campaign we need to lead, david cameron's attack on the living standards of low paid workers and their families and the assault on tax credits. first, remind people that david cameron pledged during the election not to cut child credits.
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he said he had rejected child tax credit cuts. it is a shocking, broken promise commendatory spoke to the stirring parliament two weeks ago. how can it be right that a single mother as a part-time nurse are in just 18,000 pounds per year to lose 2000 pon promise. some working families losing 3,500 per year to the same broken promise. how can it be right or fair to break this promise whilst at the same time handing out and inherited tax cut to the 60,000 wealthiest families in the country? >> so, we will fight this every inch of the way, and we will campaign at the workplace in every community against this broken promise
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and to expose the absurd lie that the tories are on the side of working people and are giving britain a pay rise. it was one of the proudest moments of my life when they were having voted for the national minimum wage legislation. of course it is good to see a minimum wage, but the phony rebranding of it as a living wage does not do anyone any good. thegood. the institute of physical studies has shown that cameron's broken promise means millions of workers are still far worse off. i know there is a big british majority for building a more equal society. eliminating poverty and homelessness. we are rich country. these things are not necessary or inevitable. they can and must be changed. [applause] i traveled the country throughout the leadership
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campaign, and it was wonderful to see the diversity of all people in this country and the way that fundamentally most people get along together. thatthat is now being reflected in our membership of this party, with more black asian and ethnic minority members joining our party who are very welcome, and we want many more members. [applause] even more inspiring is the unity and unanimity of the values. i believe in coming together to achieve more than we can do i around, basically fair play for all. it is an old fundamental. solidarity and not walking by on the other side of the street while people are in trouble. [applause] respect for other people's.of view. that sense of fair play. sure majority values in britain are fundamental reason why i love this country and its people.
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i kind of politics, more caring society. these are labor values, and we will put them back into the heart of politics in this country. [applause] therefore, we want make it fairer, more decent, more equal, and i want all citizens to benefit from prosperity and success. there is nothing good about cutting support for the children of supermarket workers and cleaners, nothing good about leaving hundreds of thousands unable to feed themselves driving them to food banks that have now become an institution. there is nothing good about our prim minister wandering around europe trying to bargain away the workers protection rights of many.
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as our conference decided yesterday, we will stand up for that vision of a social europe, one of unity and solidarity to defend those rights. [applause] i am proud of our history. i am proud of the history of ordinary people, the history of courageous people who defy overwhelming odds to fight for the rights and freedoms that we enjoy today. the rights of women to get the vote, those brave women that did so much 100 years ago to get that, the rights and dignity of working people, our welfare state, the national health service, rightly the center of the opening ceremony, the bbc, both under attack by the tories, both threatened by the idea that profit comes 1st, not the need
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and interest to people. that is the difference between us and the tories. so let me make -- [applause] let me make this commitment. our labor party will always put people's interest for profit of. start by recognizing. we start from that thanks to the work that has been done by the national policy forum , but then we need to be imaginative and recognize the ways that our country are changing. in my leadership campaign i saidi said i had some ideas about how we can support small businesses because one in seven of the labor force now work for themselves, some of them driven into it as there own response to keeping an income.
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many people, like the independence, the flexibility of self-employment raise their lives, but with that independence comes in security and risk,risk, especially for those on the lowest and most volatile incomes. there is no statute of maternity pay. we have to spend time. it is on average just 11,000 pod the incomes have been hit hardest by five years of tory economic failure. what have the tories actually done to help the self-employed entrepreneurs? you have clobberedhave clobbered them a tax cut credits and will clobber them again even harder when they bring in universal credit. i wantcredit. i want a policy review to tackle all of this in a serious way and be rejected of what modern britain is actually like. our party created the welfare state as an
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expression of a caring society. but all too often that safety net has big holes in it that people fall through, and it is not there for the self-employed.self-employed. it must be. that is the function of the universal healthcare state. [applause] so we consider opening up maternity pay to self-employed so that all newborn children get the same level of care from the parents. i shadowed gwp sec. look at ways we can support the self-employed and help them grow their businesses. i want to take this opportunity to thank lillian greenburg for the speed and skill with which she moved on the future of our railways policy. it was wonderful to see congress agree on a new plan to bring the private franchises into public ownership.
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labor policy is to deliver the fully integrated publicly owned railway, the british people want and need. that is a labor party policy [applause] housing is absolutely top priority policy. nowhere has the failure been so complete. in the last parliament at least half a million fewer homes were built number needed. private rent was out of control. one 3rd of private renting homes not be seen basic standards of health and safety. the chance of owning a home a distant dream for the vast majority of young people. there is no answer to the housing crisis that does not start with a knew, very large, very active housebuilding program. [applause]
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with knew homes that are affordable to rent and buy. [applause] john feeley, our shadow housing minister has shown by making the taxpayer a profit by cutting housing benefit bill by having reasonable rents, not exorbitant rent. [applause] and we need new ideas to track speculation. these are issues that are so vital to how things go forward in this country. i want a kind and more caring politics that does not tolerate more homelessness, more people in temporary accommodations. a secure home is out of reach for millions. john healy has made a great start, and we are going to achieve that, a decent tone for everybody. that is our labor pledge,
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labor aspiration. [applause] weil also make mental health a real priority. it is an issue for all of us. every one of us can have a mental health problem. so let's end the stigma and in the discrimination. our shadow minister of health, i want to challenge the tories to make mental health the reality not the slogan. that means -- [applause] -- increased funding, especially for children and young people. only a quarter of those
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people get any of the help that they actually need. all of our work is important on bringing mental health at the forefront of a public understanding and the public debate. and the stigma. in the debate. that is our pledge. [applause] all of our policy work will be underpinned by labor values. that's but those values back in the politics, the kind and more caring world we all want to live in. since the dawn of history virtually every human society, people who have given a greata great deal and many more people who have given little or nothing some people have property in power, class and capital, status and cloud, which are denied to the many. time and time again the people who receive a great deal ~ many be grateful to have anything at all.
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they say the world cannot be changed, and the many must accept the terms on which they are allowed to live. these days this attitude is justified by economic theory. the many with little or nothing are told they live in an economy whose terms cannot be changed. they mustthey must accept the place assigned to them by competitive markets. isn't it curious that globalization seems to always mean low wages for poor people but always used to justify massive payments to top chief executives of global corporations. [applause] our labor party claiming more than a century ago to fight that attitude, and it is still what our labor party is about. they were is the voice that saves the many at home and
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all around the world. you don't have to take what your given. you may be born poor, but you don't have to stay poor. you don't have to live without power or hope or set limits on your talents or omissions. you don't have to accept prejudice, discrimination, sickness, poverty. you don't have to be grateful to survive in a world made by others. no, you set the terms for the people in power over you. and you dismiss them when they fail you. that is what democracy is about. that is always been the message. it was a great nigerian writer who i have such a
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huge admirer of the put it may be the best. the most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create can't overcome, to endure, to transform, and to love. what a genius. [applause] they are at it again, the people who want you to take what you have been given. this government which was made by the few and paid for by the few. and since the coming -- since becoming leader david cameron received 55 million pounds in the nation's room hedge funds, from people who have a lot and want to keep it all. that is why this prepaid government came into being, to protect the few and tell
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the rest of us to accept what we are given. to prove the honesty of their endeavor they have delivered 145 million pounds in tax breaks to the hedge funds in return for the small investment of 55 million. they want us to five they expect us to believe there is no alternative to cutting jobs, slashing public services, vandalizing the national health service, cutting junior doctors pay, reducing care for the elderly, destroying the hopes of young people for a college education or putting university graduates into massive debt, putting half 1 million more people in poverty. theypoverty. they want the people of britain to accept these things. they expect millions of people to work harder, longer, forfor lower quality of life on lower wages. our labor department says no.
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[applause] >> who died a century ago this weekend and we remembered him with a book he launched sunday evening. he made so much of our life and founded our party and stood up to be counted on votes for women, stood up for social justice and stood up to develop our political party. we owe him and so many more so much. he kind of was asked once to
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summarize what you are about, summarize what you really mean in your life, and thought for a moment, and he said this, my work has consisted of trying to stir up divine discontent with what is wrong. so i say to you. don't accept injustice. stand up against prejudice. let us build a kind of politics, a more caring society, together. let's put our values, the people's values, back into politics, conference. thank you. [applause] [applause] [applause]
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♪ >> tonight on c-span2, president obama speaks at a u.n. meeting on combating isis. presidential candidate jeb bush outlines his energy policy. the senate debates a temporary spending bill. and later a senate hearing on cybersecurity. at a u.n. meeting on defeating isis in syria, president obama said success is only possible if syrian president, bashar al-assad, is removed from power. other participants including the british prime minister and leaders from iraq, canada and the netherlands. >> is the mike on? okay. good morning, ladies and gentlemen, heads of state, and government,
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