tv BOOK TV CSPAN October 31, 2015 8:51pm-9:01pm EDT
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tomorrow at noon eastern, economist walter williams is live for three hours on booktv's in depth program. he'll talk about his life and career and answer you questions. mr. williams books include his moe recent, american contempt for liberty, race and economics, and up from the projects. have a question for walter williams? e-mail it to booktv at post it it to our facebook wall or treat it@book tv and also call in during the program. this among's guest on booktv's in-depth program, economist walter williams. booktv, television for serious readers. >> many of this year's presidential candidates have written books to introduce. thes to voters and to promote their views on issues.
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here's a look at some of the candidates' books inch his newest book, reply all, jeb bush catalogues his e-mail correspond turns his time as governor of florida. ben carson argues that better understanding of the constitution is necessary to solve america's most controversial issues. in his latest book, more perfect union. former secretary of state hillary clinton looks back on her time serving in the obama administration in "hard choices." and in "a time for truth" ted cruz recounts his journey from a cuban immigrants' son so the u.s. senate. carly fiorina is another declared candidate for president, and rising to the challenge, she shares lessons she learned from her difficulties and triumphs. south carolina residents senator lindsey graham released an ebook on his web site, in "my story." he details hi childhood and career in the air force.
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former arkansas governor mike huckabee gives his take on politics and culture in, god, guns-grits and gravy. and in "american will" bobby jindal use 14 eventeds from the neighbors' past to explore his vision for the future. john kashich calls for a return to what he sees is a traditional american values in "stand for something." more presidential hopefuls with books including democratic candidate and harvard law school perform loren lessig. he argues for campaign finance reform. george pat tacky is -- pataki is running for president. and kentucky senator rand paul calls for smaller government and more bipartisanship in his book "taking a stand.
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money another entrant in the presidential race is marco rubio in money person dreams" heout lines this man for economic opportunity. beany sand desis a candidate for the democratic nomination for president. his 1997 autobiography now titled, outsider in the white house, was updated to include his time in the senate and a launch of his presidential campaign. and in "blue collartivetive" rick santorumum argues the republican matter must focus on the working class in order to retake the white house. donald trump has written several betts sellers. in hi newest book he outlines his political platform. finally, governor chris christie and former governors martin o'malley and jim gilmour announces candidacies but have not released books. booktv has covered many of thieves candidates. you can watch them on our web site,
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>> next up, dr. ben carson, former neurosurgeon and current republican presidential candidate recalls portion office his life and weighs in on current social and political issues. >> good afternoon and welcome. my name is john hughes. i'm an editor for bloomberg news' first word. bloomberg's breaking news desk near washington, and i am president of the national press club. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. our guest today, is republican presidential candidate and neurosurgeon, dr. ben carson. he'll discuss his newest book, one he wrote with his wife, candy. titled "a more perfect union: what we the people can do to reclaim our constitutional liberties." but first, would like to introduce our distinguished head table. this head table includes club
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members and also guests of the speaker. from the audience's right, joseph morton, the washington correspondent for the ohama world herald and the membership secretary of the national press club. alfaruk is a report nor gray sheet. jennifer, president of respectability u.s.a. bengie sarlan, political reporter for msnbc. candy carson this wife of our speaker. [applause] >> thomas burr. the washington correspondent for the salt lake tribune and the vice president of the national press club. myron bellkind, george washington prosecutor president and former profit the national
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mess club. kevin meredith, the manager editor of the "washington post". gabrielle debenedetti, the national political correspondent for politico. jasmin is the correspondent for the kuwait news agency. dekari aaron, director of strategic communication for the data quality campaign. [applause] >> i also want to welcome our other guests in the room today. and our c-span and public radio audiences. i want to welcome our audience watching the live stream on our web site and you can follow the action on twitter. use the hash tag, npclive. our speaker today has never
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served in congress or as the governor of a state or in any elected office of any kind. he did tell me he was elected -- that gets applause. he did tell me he was elected to the yale board, so there's an elected office but that's as close as it comes to being a elected to any kind of public office. this one of the reason dr. ben carson's supporters say they want him to be the next president. he is not part of the washington establishment that so many fault for gridlock and ineffectiveness. so far, on the campaign trail, he has separated himself from better funded counties candidates with the political experience he lacks. recent polling has dr. carson running second nationally for the g.o.p. nomination, behind donald trump. and ahead of carly fiorina.
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in campaigning, he has shown his sharp opposition to obamacare, his support of the second amendment, his concern about the federal debt, and his goal to stop abortion. he also says, all options must be on the table when confronting russia's vladimir putin. his life story has become familiar to many. he grew up poor in detroit, with a single mother, and excelled in school heavily rose to become the director of pediatric neurosurgery at johns hopkins for 29 years. he became the first person to successfully separate siamese twins, joined at the back of the head. he won the presidential medal of freedom in 2008, and he has published several books, including his autobiography, gifted handses." during various media appearances, he has made a lot of headlines on issues such as
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