tv US Senate CSPAN November 13, 2015 10:00am-8:01pm EST
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penetrate, i guess i can't see that there would be any kind of ideological sympathy between far right groups in the west and i.s., it just doesn't -- i can't see any sympathies. >> all right. we will leave it at that. i think this has been a productive discussion, and two closing recommendations. buy joby's book and follow nelly in various social media at double i, double s, not isis, produces after she joins us next month. >> thank you. [applause]
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[inaudible conversations] >> all persons having business before the honorable, the supreme court of the united states, are admonished to draw near and give their attention. >> my fellow americans, tonight our country faces a grave danger. we are faced by the possibility that at midnight tonight the steel industry will be shut down. therefore, i'm taking two actions tonight. first, i am directing the secretary of commerce to take possession of the steel mills and to keep them operating. >> in 1952 the united states was involved in a military conflict
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with north korea, and at home a dispute between the steel are industry and its union had come to a head. >> the korean war was a hot war, and they needed steel for munitions, tanks, for jeeps, for all of those things that you needed in the second world war as well. so if the be steel industry went on an industry-wide strike, that was going to be a real problem, because it's basic to the things that an army, a navy and an air force need to fight a war. >> to avoid a disruption of steel production crucial to the military, president harry truman seized control of the mills, and as a result, a pending strike was called off and steel production continued. however, the steel companies -- led by the youngstown sheet and tube company in ohio -- disagreed with the action and took the lawsuit all the way to the supreme court. we'll examine how the court ruled in the case of youngstown sheet and tube company v. sawyer
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and the impact on presidential powers. joining our discussion, michael gerhart, author of "power of presidents." and william howell, political science professor at the university of chicago and author of "the wartime president: power without persuasion" congressional checks on presidential war powers. that's coming up on the next landmark cases, live monday at 9 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span3 and c-span radio. for background on each case while you watch, order your copy of the landmark cases companion book. it's available for $8.95 plus shipping at >> and baker says to him, well, i want to be a congressman. i think you're just using this as a steppingstone to the senate. and george h.w. bush says, no,
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no, i'm not using this as a steppingstone to the senate, i want to be president. [laughter] this is 1965. he is 41 years old. he has yet to win a race to be the harris county chairman. but he had a sense of destiny. >> saturday night at 10 p.m. eastern on c-span2's booktv, a conversation between pulitzer prize-winning biographer john meacham and former president george w. bush about the life of the president's father, george herbert walker bush. also on saturday it's the louisiana book festival in baton rouge with presentations including adele levine and her book, "run, don't walk." keith medley and adam rothman and his book, "beyond freedom's reach." and sunday night at nine on "after words," former congressman patrick kennedy shares his personal journey with mental illness and substance abuse.
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>> i really was convinced that no one could pick up on the fact that, you know, sweaty, you know, palms, i was perspiring, i was, you know, furtive and moving around in an agitated way. i mean, i totally thought no one knew. >> he's interviewed by democratic representative jim mcdermott from washington state. booktv, television for serious readers. >> and we are live here on c-span2 for a forum on global youth engagement programs inside and outside of established political systems, and specifically why young people are skeptical of institutions, what motivates them to action and how to leverage that knowledge into successful youth organizing tactics around the globe. this is all hosted by the center for american progress. it should the get under way in just a moment here live on c-span2.
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> hello, everyone. thank you so much for being here today. my name is ann johnson, i'm the executive director of generation progress here at the center for american progress. we are really excited about the conversation that we're starting today about young people and civic engagement and social change both here in the u.s. and
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around the world. generation progress is an organization that works with the millennial generation here in the u.s. the millennials are generally defined as people born between 1980 and 2000, although, you know, sort of depends on who's defining it. but the millennial generation is the largest generation in our history. there are, in the year 2020 millennials will make up 40% of the voting age population in the u.s., and so there's a lot of conversation about what's going on with young people in the united states and their political participation. and as an organization, we really focus on engaging young people around the issues that matter to them. so we run issue-based campaigns on everything from the economy to student debt and campus sexual assault prevention. and we've had an opportunity over the past couple years to meet young people around the world who are doing similar work or who are working on engaging young people in social change in
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their countries. and some of the things that we've learned in doing that is that a lot of the issues are actually very similar. the issues that are important to young people. and if you think about jobs and the economy, that makes a lot of sense. young people are unemployed and underemployed at higher rates than the rest of the population both here in the u.s. and around the world, so there's a big question about jobs and the economy. there are issues around access to high quality, affordable education for young people, obviously, in the united states student debt is a huge issue. but access to affordable higher education is an issue around the world. there are issues related to violence, to gun violence, i think in the united states one of the things that i have found is that when we -- when i talk about our problem with gun violence in the united states, it's absolutely shocking to young people in other parts of the world how bad this issue is in the u.s. there's, obviously, issues that we are dealing with with police
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violence and with police killings of young people which is also something that other people around the world are dealing with, violence at the hands of the state itself. and there's also really important things about the role of government that young people are struggling with here in the u.s. and around the world. and i think one of the things that was sort of surprising to me as i was having more conversations with people is other parts of the world would say, are saying, you know, there's a corruption problem with the way that our political system works. it's actually corrupt. in the united states, we talk -- young people talk about being frustrated by money in politics. but really what you're, when you really boil it down, it's the same issue. it's issue about influence that goes to, like, the very rich and the very powerful, and it takes it away from the people at large. so there are a lot of similarities in that issue as well. so the issues are similar that young people are dealing with, but the structural challenges are also similar. so there are progressive
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institutions here in the united states and around the world that are trying to figure out how to engage the millennial generation into those progressive institutions whether that is labor unions or advocacy organizations or political parties themselves or think tanks. organizations are trying to figure out how do we engage this generation and make them a part of the fabric of the progressive movement in that country. so that's an anish issue that -- an issue that people are dealing with. obviously, political participation is an issue, so actually voting. young people are not voting in the numbers of previous generations, they are not exercising their power in that way, and that's something that here and around the world political parties and candidates are trying to figure out. there's also, we were talking about this a little bit earlier with the panel before we got started, but there's also a lot of very successful social movements that are happening around the world that are trying to figure out -- the young
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people leading those social movements are trying to figure out how to move that social movement organizing and activism into political power. so if you think about what happened with the occupy movement in the united states, it really was very powerful in shifting the narrative around income inequality, but i think a lot of folks in occupy movement would say actually moving into institutional power was a challenge, right? and there are other organizing efforts around the world that are experiencing similar powers. after the protests, after the arab spring, what's the next step? how do you institutionalize your power to create long-term change? so that's something that i think people are really thinking about. so with this new project, this global conversation that we want to start, we want to address some of those issues and say what are, what's the research that we need to do on this? and we're really excited to have our friends here from the foundation for european progressive studies to talk a little bit about this millennial dialogue project that they have kicked off around the world. so what's the research tell us,
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and what actually, what do we know about young people in the united states and young people around the world? what are some of the issues that are engaging young people here, and what are the issues that are engaging young people in other countries? what can we learn from those issue-organizing campaigns that's replicable? what could actually work in other parts of the world? so those are the kinds of things we want to talk about with issue-organizing campaigns. we also want to think, we want to talk about what is working in electoral engagement. what are some of the models and successes that we can actually share with each other to make electoral politics more welcoming to young people around the world. and then what good public policies are actually passing. what policies are really impacting young people, and how are those policies getting through the legislative bodies that young people are engaged in? so what's working, how are we electing good candidates, how
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are we getting young people to actually run for office, and how are we sort of building social movements that move into institutionalized power? these are the kinds of questions we want to ask ask over the course of the next hour and a half but, obviously, over the course of the next months and years as well as we build this millennial organization and start to connect young organizers and activists and political leaders from around the world together. because i think as we move forward, these relationships that are being built and these best practices that are being shared between this generation will impact, you know, ten years out, twenty years out, thirty years out when these young people are running their governments and running the progressive movements in their countries. so with that, i will turn it over to ernst, if you want to come on up. we're thrilled to be working with the foundation for european progressive studies on this research project. ernst has had a very busy meeting of weeks -- meetings in
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d.c. this week, so thank you for joining us, and tell us a little bit about the work. >> thank you. >> >> yep. >> thank you. thank you so much, ann, giving me the opportunity also to address today's conference, and before starting, i would like to say a big thank you also that it was possible to build up this kind of common dialogue together with center for american progress and all the related institutions. i think what we discuss today is not only a timely discussion, but it's also very, very important issue of our times and the challenges we are living and the millennials are facing. not least important for today's debate is the issue of somewhat worn-out story about the younger generations, and you already mentioned that. it features disenchanted, detached or disengaged young people who have turned their back on the political system. this is at least what we can say from the european level.
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people are saying that in your political appeals they distance themselves from political campaigns, and they fail to appear at ballot boxes. however, their absence within the framework of institutionalized political conversations makes them a target of political -- [inaudible] that's why we have launched, together with generation progress and center for american progress, a global initiative. ann mentioned it already, called the millennial dialogue, that seeks to shed some light to this growing phenomena of youth withdrawal. it is crucial that we as progressives take a furtive step to understand today's youth as they are very good indicator of what the future will look like and how progressives will be perceived by this generation. and in addition and, i think, most importantly we should also enable ourselves to analyze what are the real challenges for the upcoming years to reconnect with
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this generation, and what are possible solutions that would bring progressives out of this malaise? i am firmly convinced that the millennial dialogue project is a steady step in this direction. this is a project that aims to give voice to today's youth, to extract what inspires them and include their demands in the progressive for -- [inaudible] with that, we have designed the project as a three -- [inaudible] being positive, being participatory and being progressive. it is to be positive because it's to change the terms -- [inaudible] it's to be participatory because -- [audio difficulty] and to support the progressive and social democratic family in acquiring new connection with the younger generation.
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[audio difficulty] we have conducted so far until this month more than ten countries' specific reports with expectations on what the younger generation is expecting of its politics and political system -- [inaudible] and recognize even more partners within the european union and for sure beyond -- [audio difficulty] of the european states and, indeed, to go global. we have so far -- research for sure together with you here in the u.s., in canada, in european union. it's nearly in all the european countries. we have now contracted with some countries in latin america, in chile and in brazil. we have discussed to do also surveys in africa, especially in
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south africa, in kenya, nigeria and eventually in senegal, and we have had a good debate also with some indian partners to look with what respect younger generations in india also can participate to these challenges. so as you said, it's a global conversation and a global initiative that's going on, and i think it's very needed that politicians and politics are looking at this. and to conclude with four core questions which i think david lewis from our agency who is doing this research will explain more to you in details in what has come out so far. i think the first question we have to tackle is how to prove that -- [inaudible] and the approach of the millennials. a feasible program that will -- [inaudible] economy to a political rule and will make politics remain at the service of the society. the second question i think we
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have to gather, have to address, how to create, you know, political project that would appeal to young people's idealistic belief that another world is possible. [audio difficulty] politics, political culture and culture itself. the fourth question, how to renew the movement so that it presents itself as a real, serious alternative and not a part of a cartel system of -- [inaudible] political consensus. if we work on this basis of such a positive -- [inaudible] that also the democratic movement in europe can convince again a lot of the younger millennial -- >> well, as you can see, we are having some technical issues with our signal from this event. we apologize. we are working to get the issue straightened out. we hope to return to live
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coverage shortly here on c-span2. great honor that i'll be sharing with my international counterparts over the next few weeks. for investment to create economic growth for the middle class and to create that around the world. we need to create jobs and to create this economic growth together. these are investment strategies that we will be discussing in the same way as i did during the election campaign that we have just experienced.
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>> two significant international summits, first the g20 in turkey, the second, the apec conference in the philippines. the topic, both of them, will be around inclusive growth. i'll be talking about the fact that in order to create more global growth particularly in support of the middle class around the globe, we need to be investing in our country's future, we need to be investing in the kinds of opportunities that are going to allow us to grow and continue to flourish as nations. that's going to be at the center of my discussions with my colleagues around the world. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: mr. trudeau, two questions. first of all, on your meeting with president obama that will happen in manila, what message do you want to spend to him?
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on what tangible basis do you intend to renew the relationship with him? well, first of all, there are many issues that canada and the u.s. are close allies on whether it's in terms of climate change, i know that president obama has worked a great deal to insure that the paris conference on november 30th be a great success. i know that we will be working together to encourage countries around the world to participate in that and, obviously, conversations on the economy and security will dominate our discussions. we need to work together to insure strong growth for the middle class. i believe in investment rather than austerity. and certainly, we share views on common grounds and on the needs of remaining vigilant and very active in our fight against terrorism and instability in the world.
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furthermore, when you'll be at the g20, you'll be in a country that has been at the front lines of the refugee issues. they've been asking for a global solution to that for years. it's well and good to welcome 25,000 in canada, but as of now what signal are you sending to your partners on this issue? well, i think, first of all, welcoming 25,000 refugees in canada is a significant commitment that's going to make a very big difference not only for those 25,000 refugees, but also as an example to other countries as to how we can welcome people and integrate them well. and these are people who are experiencing very difficult circumstances. the international community must do better to help countries such as turkey that are in close proximity, but also jordan and others as well. and we need to do more to establish a process through which people will be able to be successful in their lives.
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>> mr. trudeau, during the election campaign you were able to discover this were 26 secret orders in council that your predecessors adopted. they never told parliament or canadians what were in these. has your team had a chance to review these orders in council, and what can you tell us about them? >> our principle as we move forward is always around openness and transparency, but at the same time people understand that on issues of cabinet confidentiality and issues of security there are, there is a requirement to respect confidentiality around certain issues. in regards to those orders in council, we will take a look at them and and make the appropriate decisions in having a balance between openness and trust both for and by canadian people and also maintaining the proper functioning of a government that canadians expect. >> do you foresee either repealing or overturning any of
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the 26? >> i look forward to engaging with them in a responsible way as time goes forward. [speaking french] >> translator: two questions. on refugees, earlier you were talking about the 25,000, and all of a sudden it seemed like it might not be just refugees that are sponsored by the government. so can you clarify the situation, please? well, obviously, as we all know, it will be a tremendous challenge to welcome 25,000 syrian refugees. but it's something that i have a great deal of confidence in. canadians across the country have demonstrated openness and a desire and wish to do more. i know that canada has benefited
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for decades and generations from various waves of immigrants, people who are often fleeing for their lives and who have found, established good lives for themselves and have also contributed greatly to our country's success. so we've looked at various ways of bringing these people, but our promise was, indeed, to bring 25,000 government-sponsored refugees. and now a completely different question. the european union is adopting a labeling project this week so that things produced, products produced in the occupied territories -- >> [speaking french] >> translator: of israel be labeled, be clearly labeled. well, i've always spoken out against any boycott of israel, and i continue to be very concerned by initiatives that
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seem destined to target israel rather than other countries. i think it's important that consumers have information on where their products come from and produce comes from but not at the expense of targeting a specific country. >> prime minister, any plans, any -- on refugees when you get to the g20, it's on the agenda in addition to the economic agenda, are you going to contemplate offering anything else beyond the 25,000 commitment you've made, funding to these other agencies, humanitarian assistance or anything -- do do you expect toe asked to do more than you already have? >> canada has committed to increasing funding and continuing to offer humanitarian support and refugee support. i think one of the things that is most important right now is for a country like canada to
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demonstrate how to make accepting large numbers of refugees not just a challenge or a problem, but an opportunity. an opportunity for communities across the this country, an opportunity to create growth for the economy. this is something that is completely in keeping with what canada has always been able to do, and i think leadership on the world stage showing that this can be done and should be done and is a way of not just helping people in dire need of being helped, but also contributing to economic growth in our home countries by bringing families and individuals willing to work and build and contribute fully as members of our society. >> follow up on iran, reestablishing relations, do you have a timeline on that? >> we continue to be briefed up on a wide range of topics, but as a principle i believe that canada has an important voice on the world stage in engaging in
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fulsome diplomat bic discussions with -- diplomatic discussions with a broad range of people we don't agree with is something that canada does well, and it's something we're continuing to look at. [speaking french] >> thank you. prime minister, on the climate summit in paris you'll be doing before you have a chance to meet with the premiers. so you're pretty much stuck with the targets stuck by the previous government to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030. if you don't have anything better to offer, why are you going? >> i'm pleased to be able to announce that i will be meeting with the premiers and the first ministers' meeting on the 23rd of november. we are having a climate briefing by top climate scientists for the first ministers and for my own cabinet to be followed by a working dinner with the premiers to exactly discuss the kind of strong and cohesive message we will be delivering as canadians
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and in many other ways as well. [speaking french] >> translator: good afternoon. two questions. we are waiting for decision of what you intended to do quick second as a member of parliament for the region of montréal, what do you think of this sewage being dumped into the river? first of all, the decision will be made by the minister based on the facts and recommendations. it will be based on economic reasons. so it's always tempting to make political decisions that are based on symbols, but we will base our decision on economic facts. and from the perspective of the benefit for canadians concerning what decision the minister will take. so far as, unfortunately it has
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been far too long since canada invested in water treatment infrastructure. we are destined to invest $20 billion in green infrastructure over 10 years. and any decision needs to be science-based, and this is what i ask my minister of environment and climate change to make in this situation. [speaking french] >> translator: for the trans-pacific partnership, attacks has been a public or are you accepting it are you going to amend it? >> i committed a long time ago through following the ratification process by presenting a draft or the tpp text for parliament so that we can have a debate on that and
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hear what the concerns are commentaries industries. there has been some positive reactions of some industries, and canadians should be able to study this text and clearly state what they think and whether or not it is in canada's interest. i continue to be committed to presenting this to parliament so that we can responsibly discuss this, and comprehensively. >> two days ago a company expressed some unhappiness about the decision to $5 million worth of shares and this is just and other wto complaint. if you gave an answer how jamaica compliance with the wto speak with the fact is we are not at that stage yet. we are still in the process of trying to decide whether or not
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there's a strong business case. we will examine the proposal. the minister make a decision and we will ensure that any decision taken is in the best interest of canadians based on a strong economic case. but concerns about international impacts, i'm sure we will fold into, folded into dizzied we take in a responsible manner. >> wouldn't make a challenge to make you less willing for us to operate? >> i'm not going to hypothesize on this right now. we will take the right decision based on the interests of canadians end of economic growth. >> ivan sigal it's over. speed we all have busy schedules. i know many of you will be joining us on the some trips. i look forward to continue to engage with all of you on a regular basis in various ways. merci beaucoup. >> thank you much for having being here. [inaudible] spin that i've made a
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long-standing principle in value of freedom of the press to understand how a strong and independent media is an essential component in a strong and vibrant democracy, and the issues raised are issues that we'll be looking into. it is important to make sure that we actually have a strong and free media is able to do its jobs come and that's what i continue to support. sativa. [speaking french] >> translator: obviously i deeply believe that the press, the media plays an important role in the proper functioning of any democracy, of our democracy, and i continue to want to defend freedom of the press, particularly on troubling
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issues. i'm waiting to hear more about troubling issues but you can be certain that the freedom of the press is what i take graciously. thank you very much, everyone. >> and those a look at remarks on canada's new prime minister justin trudeau. he held his first news conference since these election earlier this week. we cleared the signals we will go back now to the form of global youth engagement posted by the center for progress. we joined in progress. >> we isolate to the people who said their were most interested in voting. we support a key reason for not wanting to vote? in the u.s. it was actually no interest in politics, ahead of lack of trust in politicians. that was a difference across countries because many of the countries that could be a lack of politicians was the number one factor. key factors that might encourage you as millennials to vote, if i
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knew more about politics if my vote made a difference, again the contrast with other countries. quite starkly, yeah. agreeing with the status, 68% of you as millennials think about politicians ignore the views of young people. 62% of young americans deal of most politicians are more concerned with older people than younger people in the outfield most politicians want to control and restrict young people. this contribute to voting decisions in the u.s., what was interesting here come when you ask young people what to think what effect your decision of who to vote for if you're going to vote in the u.s.? et al. to do with traditional media come all the things think about, the weighty arguments, the political electoral campaigning in japan through traditional media. we will see a young person would begin to engage with their peers, it's a very different
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thing from the use of social media and yeh, just conductivity. we will see that and a moment. -- connectivity. >> one significant trend becomes a is while people interested in issues that have only two politics and may want to campaign, this is in translation to party political participati participation. there is a sort of jaundiced view. they seem to be inaccessible. there seems to be, there seem to be favorable to older generations and to more hierarchical methods of governance and everything while single issue campaigns, they have a direct linear relationship from start to finish and you can perceive the success this has achieved. but there is a challenge in translating this into politics. we have used what you might
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cultural campaigns as an example in this. one i is a campaign that was run out of this building and actually mobilized, using the means that millennials identified as something they would use in a campaign. the other is the marriage equality campaign in ireland which it made use of everything from the local organization and mobilization at committee level through to celebrity endorsements. so as to encourage other people to vote. there is a difficult and translating this into everyday politics. there's some speculation as to what will attract more. i'm sure you here later in the panel, justin trudeau becoming prime minister in canada pointed toward younger, charismatic
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position to present a bomb is another example. but among a lot of the respondents in our survey states that specifically just these boxes that they want to after executing of a desire for authenticity and politics. there's not specifically the age of the leaders that matters. it's a projection of related build up authenticity. it's icky and translating from single issue campaigns through digital party politics. spoon in britain at the two most popular politician with young people are jeremy corbyn and boris who could be more politically a part of the both have a kind of charisma and on the civilian people just fine so they can engage because they think that they are who they say they are. and it's fascinating the young people say they are authentic, they are real.
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young people into the phone cord with little structures and systems just want transparency. they want honest interest fancy. they want a two-way dialogue is possible through social media. so yes, coming on to that point, what things would be extremely useful to you as young people if you were building their own political campaign looks like a top comes social media. they're not expecting that an electoral campaigns particularly to be huge part but if they were stored at political campaign, social we would be right up there alongside power media, tv, radio, et cetera. in the quality of research we got young people building, making posters of how you would call young people to action, what kind of messaging would you use. i think what we're finding in this piece of research is the answers to engaging in people come from young people. they need to write the script and we need to get politician and called a listing and have a two-way dialogue but that needs to involve young people in terms
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of calling people to political action. >> in terms of high priority for public spending of what came out of the u.s. was again very consistent with the other countries in terms of things outcome of education, job creation, health care, were kind of the central issues. did you want to say something? >> this goes again to the focus on the quality of the economy and the social provision in the country and it's very much reflected in our research. it was a stable labor market people are more focused on other issues. >> again is a bit of a bleak picture. only a third of americans felt that they and their peers could make themselves heard if they wanted to add that one side and
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most of the countries that we've talked to. young people generally don't feel empowered to really be heard. less than a third are saying that few if any politician encouraging people to get involved in politics. that's the feeling right across the different countries get involved in the research. what should politicians work towards and to what extent do they deliver on what they should be working towards? again in every country found that the number one thing from a young person's perspective that a politician should be doing is ensuring the best possible future for young people. you can see with all the other things that a politician should be doing is how americans perceive how well politicians are doing to the only country where that wasn't it was germany what it was more of a sort of more praise for politicians to achieve. in every other country come with lack of ensuring a good future
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for young people being picky thing. the only thing right across the research is building and maintaining strong military forces and stability of its and politicians do better than what they should be doing from a young person's perspective. in terms of believing in importance of equality and gender and sexual orientation. from evelyn a perspective right across the countries we've researched there's huge support for gender and sexual inequality. in norway there was the highest the u.s. 80% in hungary being the lowest of the countries but from a young person's perspective that's a very important issue. as i said in the research we've been building communications, how would young people begin to message the importance of voting. it's not a creative actual suggestion for a captain but just a simple message in terms of the messaging that young sheep -- younger people need to vote. it's their future. again in every touch when we
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looked at different strands of messaging this is the one that comes out on top of the messages. we also see in america there's a call for more women in politics, that the gender balance, fewer than half are happy with the gender balance in politics right out in america. and then finally, i really conscious of time, the fact is we would encourage more millennials to vote. first of all the billy to vote online. i know there have been problems with online voting in holland. there were lots of things tested and shelled because of security issues and lots of debates about whether it's right. from young person affected and can right across the research is just a matter of when. if there's problems they need fixing because many to be able to vote online. and that's a really consistent message. what about the billy to vote in more places? without help?
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just being able to go and cast your vote more widely than the ballot box than the local schoolyard or whatever. young people are saying that's only until online voting comes in. also eligible to vote on who is registered indios, very healthy figure of 70% of young people claiming they have registered to vote. the ability to vote and events. we said what about if you could vote several weeks or months in advance? without encourage more young people to vote? we found this quite a bit of support other than in hungary for a longer period to vote but if we come when we talk about this and the quality of research, if it excluded the idea of months it would've been i. people think you should be held to vote for a couple of weeks but not for a month. should voting be compulsory by law? kathleen not, does not fit with democracy, the idea of adding compulsory so that was widely
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rejected not just in america but in all countries. should 16 and 17-year-olds be given the opportunity to vote? no is the answer in every country. obligate 52% of 15-17-year-olds should be able to vote but when we talk to them even if got doubts about whether they really know enough about the experienced enough to vote and their older linda pearce i think it is too young. in the uk there's more of an appetite. it wasn't conclusive but in the uk they did research work 16 and 17 euros to vote and that got a lot of media attention. generally people feel that 16 and 17 is too young and that's really the headlines for the research. i had to rush through it very much. i think we're 10 minutes giunta schedule, so thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, guys so much. i'm going to ask our panel, i
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want to introduce matt browne is going to facilitate this panel discussion. he is a senior fellow at the center for american progress and runs the global progress program which works with institutions around the world on developing progressive governance and progressive infrastructure of think tanks. but thank you for doing this do i also have to say that has been a thought partner in the process and really appreciate your guidance as we go through this. and i will turn it over to you. >> thank you, david and david for the fascinating presentation. i will quickly introduce three new panelists that we have joining us. we have lia quartapelle, a member of parliament from malone, one of the youngest members of the democratic party in italy. also a member of the foreign affairs committee. we have hilary leftick who was the lead for the volunteer
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mobilization in the liberal party candidates recent election campaign, one of the lead figures that help the new prime minister trudeau get elected. and we have layla zaidane who is taking vacations director at generation progress at least a variety of campaigns, including the very successful campaign. i think those to this panel by coming to you and sort of ask you, it's been is usually successful campaign and it to continue coordinated strongly with the white house, yet is not a political campaign. if you could it's going to is what is the source of that success, how to run a campaign that involves high level politicians, yet transcend political divides? what's the secret to the success? >> so thank you, matt. and i think that we can all agree everybody in this room kind of knows the number but the issue of campus sexual assault is a tremendous problem.
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we have one in five women will be sexual assaulted by the time she graduates. one in 15 and most of the time it's by somebody that they know. and so i think the scope of the problem is huge, which is why the white house launched a task force to investigate this growing number of incidents on campus. one of the things the task force that was this idea of bystander intervention, training people to feel empowered to step into something if they see something happening. so we partnered with them along with a variety of other people to launch the campaign which really is about that, really empowering people to think about campus sexual assault at something they have a responsibility to do something about. you know, if you see something happening and you don't do anything to stop it, then you're part of the problem as well. we want to make sure we're giving you the tools to be part of the solution. so we are fortunate to work with
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the white house on this, but it is very much a cultural change campaign and not something with a very specific legislative agenda, but more again trying to reframe this idea of making it your responsibility to do something about campus sexual assault. >> isn't a -- >> absolutely. i think that we reached out to a lot of cultural influencers the kind of first broadcast that message, and so anyone from kerry washington to josh, do we have the president and vice president are supporters of the campaign. we fed billions of impressions on twitter, millions of views on our psa. so to say the reach has been huge, but we also really have an intense focus on making sure people are embracing the message and as such is a psa campaign but something we want people to be able to take and use and
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implement on their campus in terms of having the real conversation to empower each other to step in and do something about it. i think working with these kind of cultural influencers has allowed us to spread the message far and wide, but the brand itself is so customizable. we put the toolkit online to have events. we made the logo downloadable. we get the tools to the people we want to run campaigns on the campus and we entrusted them with the tools everything giving the trust to the young people has empowered them to take the campaign and run with a. i think that's what made it so successful. >> what is the definition of successful? how do you measure success if it's a cultural change speak with to be honest it's very hard to measure the success of cultural change. obviously we really great numbers i tensions of how far te message has been reaching, but i think at the end of the day the campaign is a stopping campus
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sexual assaults. if nobody ever gets raped again like that, we succeeded and it's great. but i think about the fact that it we would love to normalize bystander intervention and make sure that it's something that is just a given on college campuses, and outside of college campuses as well. i can think of the example as a designated driver, whereas 20, 30 years ago that was the thing that people thought about if you're going to go out and have drinks with friends and socialize. he had this idea of having a designated driver and if so a lot of work and advocacy and campaigning, there's been a shift to like that's just a given that if you're going to have come if you go to be drinking with differen with a fe a designated driver. i think that's a similar parallel to what would try to do with bystander intervention and empowering people to reframe the issue of campus sexual assault in the first place. and then secondly i think that
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kind of working with people to continue this grassroots movement as they continue the conversation on their campuses and engaged each other, making sure that the schools are responding well and institutionalizing that from a university level. i think we would say it is definitely would be a success. >> thank you very much. moving from the cultural and issue campaigns towards partisan, party political campaigns, the research shows people, the younger generation millennials are becoming much less affiliated anti-to a political party. when you're looking at this, i remember a poll that came out just before the election which said if young people vote, justin trudeau wins. of essentially the core message. what technique is used in canada to encourage people to come out and vote and in particular vote
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for justin trudeau speak with a lot of what was in the presentation at a lot of what was just said is what we government relied upon. i mean, it was more of the issues and about identity your people were coming to liberal party and supporting liberal party because of the platform policies that that laid out, doesn't we use to used to connect with people. one of the things, i think it's important to take away is that you are not a special interest group. they are very diverse. to our youth that are very highly successful, you that have young families to you that are in school and is the secret sauce to mobilizing youth. is based on real relationships, not transactional relationships that of a cover-up once an election is called our has started we started building for our campaign about a year and half out, and we really mobilized people around issues that matter to the mix was started by talking to people, finding out what people were
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interested in, what issues concern them, and then talking about how different policies could impact their lives. i think one of the things that also made it a lot come and initiative by elections canada they opened up on campus colleges during the advance polls are just before the advance polls for early voting and it made it a lot easier for young people. they are most on university campuses but also friendship centers and these are two groups that you have low participation in the polls. so i think making it does much i'm a liberal, i'm a conservative, i'm a new democrat but making it about i care about this, what do you care about, and using personal stories and making, giving people tools to sort of mobilize their own communities. >> can you dig a little deeper into the last point you made?
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are there strategies, techniques, techniques our particular forms of camping tools that allow young people to organize better than others? or can you generalize? >> i don't think so. i think it's about doing the real work and having conversations with people and being authentic and honest. also being in places where young people are. so i mean, prime minister trudeau did a talk to sort of an open talk and i think that was something that a lot of people were interested in. they went to the source for a lot of the news and their interest. i don't think you can generalize because i think it's a diverse audience and i think it is just really about making the candidates, usher they were accessible and open and not having conversations just when they were called a month
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beforehand. >> just from the candidate point, david kitching, that a lot of people who are successful are the young charismatic leaders. you had obama in '08. we have trudeau does the do you think that's a factor that poorly defined your success with the think it's more the authenticity speak with i think people like to see themselves reflected in the leadership so that's for sure that that plays the part. but i think if people are not within it and they don't believe that this person is going to do what they say or isn't a real person, that trickle down all the way to the candidate of the volunteers and also the people that are doing organizing. everybody has to find their own voice and their own reason for becoming involved in politics. i think that authenticity says if the person cares, why do i care? maybe i should care and this is what i care about. >> you're a real person and a politician. at least he seemed be from where
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i sit. what's it like from inside? how does it feel to run? >> well, i think that kind of expense is a bit different from what we spoke to now, because we were elected with a strong mandate from all people, to clash bold politics. so we were not elected by young people, i have to say. when we campaigned, we have to be honest. i mean, when we are campaigning in 2013, we had lots of gray heads in rule and the meetings. young people did not vote traditional party like democratic party. ..
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of the but that is not enough because young people did not vote on the government delivers. ed is the second part of what is more challenging to involved in politics which is what we're talking about. one complains the other is how to get people involved for their responsibilities. first of all, you have set an example to involve people your age for what they are requested to do.
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my personal experience to open a shop in the middle of my constituency in italy be open to that up ted years ago. and in 2011 i was the most coated% for their primary elections so yes we made it but we did set example in this really paid off with to do what you ask the young people to do. they don't want to speak a lot.
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to cry out what they are passionate about. it is not the right message or the wrong message. >> one last point. with the shift to campaigning that that was the disappointment are you thinking about this? with that momentum and how you keep that going? >> we mobilize probably more to get involved in politics than ever before so how do we go forward with that?
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soviet will help the democratic process. if people think we all they wanted to engage with them a lot of the idea is is successful because we learn from each other. every will learn from each other and have a lot to learn with a grass-roots community use talk about how redo that moving forward natalie constituents but other areas that we gauge with people of the party in the process. >> with the millenials are
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so with that genuine dialogue to talk about the need of the 21st century to use as another form of lecturing you have to do a properly that is why we need young people on both sides of the discussion. and when you ask questions you cannot just leave it to a few months. and you have to use what is more possible as an initiative rather than a campaign.
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campaign. so there needs to be a lot more people with very genuine the engagement. there up of the political spectrum. >> i will open this up in the second but i want to go back to something that you said earlier the fact that you and your young colleagues have worked together with employment opportunities. has said chavis to collaborate with different
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productive conversation speaking from the but it's on us campaign because we have structured a model outside of the political system. to where they are the agents of change. of change. with any number of issues. >> it is certainly up there and a hugely important issue. >> i am a junior studying here in the washington program. given that we have
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about the refugee crisis and how does that about in the research? >> to help out in the streets when the people arrive that we need to set the example with those instances and we should be there with them to help to deliver food or water and with the institution if you could do much -- much more. >> what's interesting about what you just said but to
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deliver food and but it is using your position and giant microphone to make a real social change. >> as this has unfolded we're finding a very consistent picture with paramount of multi-cultural society. and as you would expect but in general what we pickup they are more frustrated with the government that is very humanitarian and to affect the change.
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and there is less problems because we have found more resistance. >> but to be on the beaches in turkey. >> it was actually the ogles family -- uncles family but it did play into the election and that is at one point for a couple of days it is nice to see and that was a campaign promise before the end of this year.
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but the news we have seen out the last couple days that this is real if you look at the opportunity and now the government tries to push forward. >> hello i of a policy advisor. what we are experiencing and of course, this is the right way to go to say you have to think in the long-term but what we see more and more is in europe is the populism
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to show they are less political dave ideologically motivated. it is up to whoever is in the institutions to make this a jubal answer. >> we have populist in america. [laughter] that is with a new generation? >> on your point of having a responsibility to be authentic i take what is important is the end goal
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the campaign which is different rather than a candidate running for office that is that disillusionment to be outside of the normal legislative process to make a change so that it is realistic to have answered to the problem but to organize around this issue what i found valuable was not just one populist answer but it is that mosaic tapestry of different voices
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that increases the likelihood you will relate to one of them. but to bring in more people to have different perspectives breaks and a wider swath of people. >> this is a fabulous panel. we're focused on intergenerational all engagement to bring people together in the of the vigor with a two-way dialogue. this was created of a lot of fears in washington to feel we need to do a much better job as a listening i have
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never heard you talk about our entreprenuership but my son said those for all sectors and millenials from a the hierarchy to be action oriented. so my question is where is this social entrepreneurship in this equation? i think the government and the politician is behind the curve. and do more collaborative ways to be led by younker people a lot of communities are trying to stay at.
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what i care about. but i want to help bring about change maybe they did not identify as a party but the policy we were pushing forward. so now to continue that dialogue we said we will do this so we will do this but things happen and things change this is what we need to focus on. >> one of the things in the data to take the life challenges so how do we
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to be involved in that. will actually be engaged eridu i have to start to the hierarchical system? so those young people to consider being a politician. because 30 years ago it would have said much more exciting. >> we ran a data center campaign in terms of management to take that hierarchy out of things to be more technologically savvy and then tell you
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where to do things with what we were trying to do it is applicable when an the other people seem to take to that more quickly. >> we are running out of time. >> the magnitude of this crisis it europe demands for sure that this is absolutely needed. to help the refugees when they come to america for politics and what has to be done for example, we have the last three months in my country more than 800,000 people coming.
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we work with to be more receptive to our generation and have a responsibility how we push institutes of politics and politicians to be a great equalizer instead of i have already done it this way so what are the tactics and the tools we can share with people who are engaging in the political process from the inside and from the outside. i'd think that pressure from the outside we can get to of place so i look forward to working with you with your support and leadership in this project.
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we had technical issues that interrupted our programming be you could watch the entire event on line from our web site a live picture from orlando as candidates are gathering today and tomorrow for the g.o.p. debate called the sunshine said it. to route the day you will hear from senators rubio ted cruz lindsey graham and donald trump and jeb bush of ben carson and mike huckabee and other florida officials. coverage continues to grow with rick santorum, chris krispy rand paul john kasich and carly fiorina. live coverage right now there's 7:00 p.m. eastern continuing to borrow 10:00 a.m. eastern also on c-span.
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," what happened at disney? guest: workers were funneled into a room. a lot of them assumed that they were going to be a -- rewarded. it was a horror story that no hollywood writer could conjure up. the reality was so much worse than anything they could have imagined. they were informed that they were going to be laid off, but even worse -- and this is something that has been repeated over and over again in american companies over the last couple of decades. this was like a dirty little open secret of the information technology industry. they were told they were going to be forced to train their cheap foreign replacements from india as a condition of receiving any kind of severance pay. this is not some sort of aberrant outcome of our current immigration policy.
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it is actually built into the h-1bhat created the specialty worker program. i,n miano, my co-author and the timing ofk -- the book is very fortuitous. i think in some ways profit -- providential. at a time during an election cycle where these issues are finally coming to the four and where there is now a growing ever -- knowledge of this practice and the devastating impact that these policies are having on the best and brightest workers in america. host: your coworker -- co-author john miano is also with us. guestworker h-1b process work? guest: it is a three-step process. the employer has to make
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out a labor condition saying that they will pay the so-called prevailing wage and that they will not be violating certain roles. a papersentially shuffling exercise because once it is submitted they are required to be approved as long as the form is filled out correctly. when that is approved you can get it automatically approved -- they submit the actual petition. and if they approve it then they go to the state department to get the actual visa. host: how many workers are coming to the u.s. and where are they going? 120,000here are about to 130000 and year. captainthought it was 65,000. guest: it's a little misleading. ,here is a base cap a 65,000
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and an additional cap of 20,000. it is unlimited for academia and research. if reason you do it that way you can say there has been a cap for all these years. in reality the visas have more than doubled since the 1990's. , the in the book you write manufacturing of a crisis. there is no stem shortage. stem of course being science, technology, engineering, and math. guest: this is one of the of the entires debate over the last 25 years. this month actually marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the h-1b program. all along there has been this underlying premise on the part of both big business and big government cheerleaders for the program that we need to bring in
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these -- we need to have this huge pipeline and it needs to be increased. in some cases many of these wease in ingt whcut all the back room deals to do things like what john says unlimited number of people coming in under the h-1b program who are hired by academics and research institutions. presumptionthis that there are not enough american high skilled workers doing this job. we traced the history of a lot of the advocacy research. much of it was born inside the government battles -- that will -- bowels to post your -- bolster this claim that there
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were not enough legal residents already here to fill these jobs. it is not true. the fact is that outside the d.c. front groups of lobbyists that masquerade by these patriotic names -- we have a chapter in the book called "legion of doom." we catalog ready for the coming from, where the money is coming from, and we highlight a lot of the shoddy research they are doing. but when you look at independent havemics, people who don't a vested interest, people who are nonpartisan. it is clear from all the economic evidence -- just looking at wages in this country in these particular sectors, that there is no shortage. in fact we had a lot of data come in over the last couple of years that indicated that we have gotten millions, millions of americans who have these
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so-called degrees who are not able to find work because they are underpriced by these visa holders. are going tobers be up on the screen. if you would like to debate in the conversation. michelle malkin and john miano, howuthors of "sold out," big business and big government weasels are screwing americans out of jobs. what is a crap weasel? guest: it represents his creature in washington. an official who says one thing to get elected and then turns around and not just does another thing but completely betrays the base of voters who got them there in the first place. well, that pretty much covers 99.99% of washington. upt: how they cooked
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comprehensive immigration reform. everyone in washington pretends to agree america's immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed. john miano? guest: it's interesting you mention it, because somehow we have been sold that this deal would actually reform the immigration system. in reality copper reform did not reform anything. that is essentially how washington works. this distracted public by creating a bill that does not reform immigration, and calling it immigration reform. there is actually nothing there to reform immigration. one of the obvious examples of this is the building created the current immigration system in 1952 was 120 pages long. from 2013ive reform was 1198 pages. on top of198 pages the 120 pages and on top of everything added over the
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decades. host: ok. i have two articles here that i want to push back just a little and get your views as an immigration lawyer and someone who is with the center for immigration studies. bucking the method that immigration harm to america. this was put out by several groups. the consumer electronic association, etc.. myth. lowering the number of immigrants would free jobs for american workers. , immigration helps create jobs for american workers. guest: where's the evidence? anyone can just say that. immigration itself does not create a job. to be other factors are it -- factors. host: which are?
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guest: what is the type of immigrants? if you import someone who is a panhandler as an immigrant that person is not going to create a job. youe have to be certain -- have to qualify more than just immigrant creates jobs. guest: the other thing i think is important in the book, one of my core missions as a journalist over the last 25 years is to help people synthesize information. the synergy that john and i had in writing this book came from my journalism background and being able to tell stories, and john, with his analytical skills and of course the depth of knowledge that he has about how -- about the immigration reform sausage making in this town. part of that entire kabuki theater involves these advocacy groups that pose as neutral
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number crunchers. we have what i think is a very important and enlightening section on one of these very prominent groups. it is the partnership for a new with notin conjunction just -- from my perspective as a conservative journalist, people on the left, but people on the so-called right. big business interests. conservative think tanks. they just pull the figures out and then have them regurgitated by bill gates or mark dr. berg and they mark -- mark zuckerberg. not only do they claim there is a tech worker shortage but they actually claim that h-1b magically create some random multiplier of jobs. 10, 20, 50 times. he really takes just a basic
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knowledge of things like regression analysis. i know your eyes are glazing over, but it is important to understand how they cook the books. host: some of these groups names include compete america, counsel for global immigration, information technology industry council, things like that. left-ish side of the spectrum is the american immigration counsel, and they say -- before the employer can fire a -- file a petition with immigration service, the employer must attempt -- must attest that the employer it meant -- employment of a foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages of american workers. guest: they are quoting a different statute.
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the government claims that does not apply, and in fact they said -- when they make those as a stations the department of labor is required to approve them. of thethis is just part entire smokescreen that goes on, because they assume that your average ordinary american does not have time and is not interested in knowing the distinctions between a labor certification application and a labor condition application. it is part of the big fat lie. we debunk all of these myths in the chapter on all the talking points you always hear. somehow american workers are protected not only with regard to displacement problems but with recruitment conditions as well. thesens out that many of things that they claim protect the entire class of american workers only apply to i -- a tiny amount of businesses in
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this country. for the businesses that they do apply to, you have the lobby in the back room trying to make sure that their special loophole is built into the gang of eight bill and its 6000 pages. host: let's take some calls. michelle malkin and john miano are the cold -- co-authors. stevens calling from phoenix on our democrat line. go ahead. caller: good morning and thank you for c-span. .y question is to both guest i'm not trying to beat up anybody, but the question is, what is the surprise? it is all about capitalism. capitalism is about gathering market shares. it only seems reasonable to me that in the desire to lower the prices we are going to get the lowest priced labor. good withso
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agricultural workers. what's the problem? it works so good with down below, why not up above? that theat you see is big business is coming at the american worker from all sides. we have seen it as you are describing. most of public debate is on the low wage. low-wage immigration. in the problems of americans tech industries, they were fired and replaced by foreign workers and it really has not hit the news until recently. guest: everything i would add is that this comes up a lot. onre are a lot of features the right side of the aisle between the riparian's to join with open borders folks on the left -- this is all in the headlines of the papers today. theink our feeling about h-1b program is that this is not
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capitalism. this is cronyism. businessesrican using the power of government to rig the game. appendix of the book we reprint the e-mails between google and apple fixing wages. they want to fix wages and they want to fix their pipelines for cheap foreign labor supply that is undercutting americans. host: this headline came from this morning. more cheap workers might come to the u.s.. congress is considering legislation to allow u.s. employers to bring in thousand moores -- thousands more unskilled workers for seasonal jobs that will last as long as 10 months at a time. i know that is not what your , it is not about the h-1b program. but what about the issue of unskilled workers? guest: again, precisely the same problem as the tech workers.
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the reality is not everybody in the united states has the skill to become a computer programmer, and so there are going to be people who are going to be doing manual labor type jobs. if we are going to do anything about poverty we have to improve the conditions for them. in theory a free market should allow that to happen but congress is not allowing a free market to work by bringing in more foreign labor. we only have 56,000 these v workers for non--- jesus -- isas issued for nonagricultural workers. in the same way that these tech companies are always cackling about a shortage you will also hear that in the agricultural industry as well. guest: i saw an article just recently where the writer was someone $13paying
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was an absurdly high wage. kerry is in canton, north carolina. republican. is that in raleigh durham area? caller: no it is a national area. my best friend would be so jealous. because i get to talk to you this morning. host: good morning. i have pros and cons on both side of this. i can listen to the democratic party and the latino groups and they say they are trying to blackmail the country into accepting amnesty. but on the other hand i can see a man from san salvador having to walk 2000 miles because he knows when he gets to this country he has a job.
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when he looks at our inner where people won't walk across the street to get a job, i can see why he wants to come. i am poor. i grew up taking tobacco, tomatoes, beans on the farm. that is how i worked my way up to get a skilled trade job. . am a transmission mechanic they said the average age of a mechanic today is 46 years old. mizzou and the average university's out there today and see where the government has failed. not only us but our children. host: we will leave it there and get a response. michelle malkin there is a lot there -- guest: there is a lot there. i would put it this way. as the child of legal immigrants
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to this country i understand what you are saying about the good -- about america as a beacon. but we are ready have many processes in place to bring people here who have something to contribute, whatever part of the pay scale we are talking about. the fact is that the number one problem in terms of immigration enforcement that this federal government faces is that they are completely overwhelmed. great deal -- in inspector general reports and every single agency of immigration enforcement bureaucracy. they are creaking. they cannot even enforce these days ago american worker protections. b1 and theand program selling green cards to the highest bidder, let alone the ongoing program of illegal immigration.
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not only do we have to fight this compulsion that both parties have -- i think that is one thing that is really distinctive. we go after republicans probably even harder than the democrats. it really does transcend all of these party lines. the inability of the federal government to do with basic duty. everything the one of these immigration programs should put american workers and american citizens first. their public safety, national security, and economic security. host: i want to show some charts from bloomberg. here is a cluster of skilled foreigners. it says that total employment, 22% in the raleigh-durham north carolina area is for skilled workers, held by h-1b visa holders. it says that most of these folks come from india.
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you can see that the vast majority of h-1b employees come from india, and then china is next in line. and then who is employing them? maybeare some groups that we have not heard of. it begins with tata consultancy services limited and cognizant tech solutions. the two biggest employers of these h-1b. i want you to address that. we have one more chart? ok. this is jobs this steve jobs the h-1bders aol peso holders are holding. that the university education. but what is that consult consultancy? it is divis >>guest: it is like eds's mitsubishi but there in the business to move jobs out of
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the united states to india. so what you see with the h-1b program is to move jobs of overseas. wantso dota will do is bring a few people in to thees d united states then send 30sent jobs overseas. then there will be 30then americans that use theirill be o jobs that go to india. >>host: minneapolis independent line's cont >> caller: michele, i have to agree with you on this. of up in minneapolis be haveea
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target corporation and best buy and all employees in all their'' un'' engineering because it is all india. home. and they never go home. aut is e to talk about the illegal immig immigrants that come up with ang that h-1b visa with thoses likeb corporations although i don't thank you are aware of then they overstay. >>host: we have your point.f course >>guest: in i minnesota youenate have senator called char who is a co-sponsor of legislation on capitol hill to expand the number ofvisas.
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these h-1b visa with thebook. theme of the introduction of the book there is a flaw in much of the reporting that even "the new york times" is playing catch-up as we have emphasized making american workers trade then toatch them go back to their homese peop at wtries with all that knowledge as a condition ited h happen did disney southern california california, harley-davidson, dan cargill, the fact that the stoi caller disagrees with me on but th we cabut to come together on this is showsing fae there are interesting fault lines.
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. .brought tata to buffalo as pt of this government deal. they said they were going to create american jobs. they created 10. meanwhile they were petitioning for 1600 h-1b visas. where is the democratic outrage about that? the party of the workers. host: from the new york times, large companies game h-1b visa program costing u.s. jobs. she says that many of the visas are given out on a lottery to a small number of global outsourcing companies which has flooded the system with applications, significantly increasing their chances of success. john in virginia, democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i just want to say that i live in anginia and i worked
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area. i am shocked at how many immigrants that are living in this area. we haves to me that seen a lot of young students graduating university, working at costco, and they can't get a job. they have an $80,000 loan on their backs. it really bothers me that when someone tells me that we don't have enough employees we give the job that we are bringing overseas. re'e thing. here's the thing. most of the companies, they care about the money. is just thing the americans 80,000 or 90,000. they would rather pay indians 40,000 so they can save a few thousand four their pockets. most of all, i don't know if this is true or not. there's a lot of bribery going on, corruption. it's not only here. the people that they are bringing are not qualified.
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they have to retrain all over again. when these guys get into the system, guess what they're going to say? can i bring my friend? it's amazing what's going on with our children. >> host: we got the point. a salary. is he right about the salary differential? >> guest: he's correct. the h-1b program allows the employer to play -- pay a 17%, to 70% of the meeting which. what we normally call the prevailing wage. one thing i would like to say that he's focused on the indian aspect of this which is sort of problem but the problem with h-1b program is an indie. it's right over there on capitol hill with americans who are largely european americans, not indians. they are the problem, not the indian companies. >> host: is he right about corruption or is a gaming of the
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system directory it's not even a gaming of the system. the h-1b program is working exactly as it is designed to be. that's one of my issues. i'm glad to see the "new york times" covering this issue but i think, my biggest objection to the new york times coverage other than it being new is that it is portrayed as exceptional. this is exactly how congress has set the system up and now it's working to do anything that's not working as it is designed is that the news media starting to cover it now and have been doing in the past. >> host: we are talking with the authors of "sold out" about the h-1b program. >> caller: i want to thank you so much, john and michelle for writing this book. it's about time the word gets out ther that i'd like you to ds how these trade deals as part of
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-- whether it's immigration chapter in tpp or the fact that we are baked into 6000 h-1b every year because the wto. discuss the executive actions the bomb administration wants to do in terms of spouses of h-1b work permits, the fast track green card if you could do that. and the total number of h-1b host a lot of acronyms. we will get john miano o on and just a second or what kind of tech work do you? >> caller: i do data center network cloud, cybersecurity. so i'm very skilled, well very skilled, well-trained at making wages i was making 20 years ago because of the wage suppression. wages have been flat for tech workers since about 2000. we know there's no shortage because it was a shortage of stem workers' wages would be going a. that's the argument for paying executives high compensation because there's not enough talent. if that were the case for tech
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workers, wages would be going up like they did in the '90s but, in fact, they are not. >> host: we got it. john miano? >> guest: one thing david is raising is the h-1b is just the tip of the iceberg here there are other ways that foreign labor is coming in in this area of technical workers. one of the issues he raised his trade deals, once the inside lobbyists are using trade deals as a means to bring foreign labor in, that the u.s. is locked into giving at least 65,000 h-1b visas every year under the treaty. and now under this new trans-pacific partnership they are also trying to slip in more foreign labor. then, just going to list, the other thing we could add is that there are executive actions
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going on. obama this year started our spouses of h-1b workers to work. industry lobbyists have thought that in the hopes that they can eventually turn h-1b into a twofer where they can get a spouse and get, both spouses to work on a single visa. another one we have is what's called an optional track training program which is a student visa. in 2008, microsoft came to the department of homeland security secretary at a dinner party with the idea of using student visas as a means to get around the h-1b quota. dhs work in absolute secrecy to produce the regulations, and the public didn't even know that these were being considered until dhs put that out without notice and comment. so essentially we had a situation where microsoft was telling dhs. they just did it and drop it in. i've been involved with that because i had a court case that count those regulation set
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aside. the obama administration's response to that was, let's just make the student put a new regular should, then work even longer. i did on several and i haven't even had all the giveaways that are being used to admit foreign labor. >> host: but they are detailed in "sold out." gene is in virginia, democrat. >> caller: thanks for these been. i would like to relate to things and get a comment. the first one is, i'm a refugee from the big blue oval up in dearborn, and when i was looking for a new engineer for y group i went to my h.r. person and all i got was h-1b visa people. now, i've worked internationally most of my life. effective are still working i would be in brazil this weekend, but i went from far from being xenophobic. i went to the h.r. person i said hey, in dearborn we are
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surrounded by university that turning out good engineers. can find at least one american? to which i was told quote, h-1b visa -- h-1b visa people were between nine and $14,000 a year cheaper so that's who we hire. the other issue is on health graduate students who wish when e-mails from ig companies that are literally based within miles of where you guys are sitting to one of sending tysons corner. and then e-mail it says quote, come to work for my company and i guarantee you'll be accepted at one of these two universities. and not one of them is based also in tysons corner and if you look at them they are unaccredited universities. basically what they're doing is using the student visa system as a scam to get around the immigration workers to get it workers in the company. and by the way, despite the company, i did a little research because of the policy were, my
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undergrad is engineering but i do policy work. this company has government contracts. >> host: we got the point. tysons corner of courses in the washington suburbs, high-tech area thank you we have an entire chapter on how the student visa program has been exploited as another one of these alternative channels to bring in all of these cheaper for students to the training program. i think it's interesting again to note that these calls are coming from the democratic line and independent line and the republican line. we really think that we have struck a nerve because if we do come if all the conservative is amplified these voices of america's best and brightest, this is not news to them. but what this is is what a wakeup call to the beltway, to those crap weasels. i will say one more time on
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c-span. to talk about this collusion. and i think that this is really one of the key issues that is a breakout issue for this presidential campaign cycle. because it's talking about how the donor class has brought both parties, and the testimony on the ground from workers like this engineer showed two things. not only are these american workers being devastated, but, of course, all of the h-1b visa holders who are used essential as indentured servants and are being exploited as well needs to be shown. when the whole chapter on that. very perverse practice and they call them names like handcuffing and body shopping, and really of course sabotaging the original intent of the program in the first place. >> host: is there any relationship between this book and your earlier book this year, which was on innovators and
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american manufacturers? >> guest: that is a really good question, and the answer is yes. in part i've been thinking about delving into this issue were a long time because of course my first book was in 2002, invasion, about illegal immigration aspect. all along i wanted to get your everybody was providential that the two of us were able to get together on this. but wha when i talk to anthony, ahead of mag light flashlight and we talked about this back in may, he was such a fierce proponent of american companies hiring american workers. this is an immigrant who came there from croatia for the american dream. he refused to outsource picking the best and brightest were right in southern california. include desperately to tell the other side of the story. these two books i think are flip sides of the same coin. >> host: jenny, springfield, virginia, here in the suburbs. >> caller: i'm really, really glad i have a chance to speak to both of you come into the host.
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please don't copy off. we just went through an election cycle, and the phone calling from the different candidates, and one of the things that was really stressed about how our american students are so under educated and that we really need to compete with india and china. i'm talking about the democratic party telling me how our students are not really getting a math education early enough. well, you know, then they go ahead and say out loud, they can't compete in the work and partly because of their lack of education. i happen to know because i have children who actually are educated as engineers, and really the real world of what they go through. what i saw was they are saying
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that we have to compete come and unlike what about the kids who are graduating from the top universities in the state of virginia? why don't you take a message about how under educated these kids are asked to graduate and go on to graduate school in degrees engineering and in physics? and they can't get jobs, but yet you've got people being brought in. we have -- post but there's a lot on the table. michelle malkin, any response? >> guest: that ask entrenching tachometer as i've heard on this issue. more tense and, of course, ending you here for most of these candidates who continue to buy into the myth of american tech workers shortage and at the same time are doing the bidding of these companies who want to staple green card to every foreign student visa. even among the candidates who are sounding on this, donald
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trump for example. we point out he's got a terrific immigration reform plan, not only on illegal immigration and the southern border but also with regard to h-1b, the most detailed we've seen. he consulted with someone who we think has their head screwed on straight more than any other on capitol hill, jam session. but even donald trump a sort of paid lipservice to this american tech workers sure to talk about the need to import untold numbers of these foreign students. there's another aspect of the education part of this that we delve into in the donor chapter. because you bill gates wanted to open up the floodgates to h-1b, and another side of his tongue talking about how we need common core. and common core of course support the myth that there's an american tech work shortage. what is a delinquent a lot of
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the independent academics who are behind the scenes in d.c. where all the backroom deals were cut on that bracket say that all it will do is lower standards, particularly now in math and science, which they're working on. so in essence he would take this common core scheme which is put hundreds of minutes of the into and put american students at a disadvantage that they are not that now. >> host: from your book, clinton foundation donor and corporate mogul donald trump vaulted to the front of the gop pack -- brutal crimes by illegal aliens against americans. but while battling to build a hel on the southern border also found a path to legalization for illegal aliens. in other words, it sounds a lot like the amnesty passed of his
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rivals. lynn is calng - linda is going in from knoxville, democrat. >> caller: i'm another liberal democrat who never thought i would be agreeing with michelle malkin about anything, but on this one we do. there was an episode of the west wing about this in the mid-2000 that dealt with h-1b visas edit also fingered congress as the villain. there's so many things here. i'm a high-tech worker. these people who are coming in on the thesis are victims, too. you mentioned that a little earlier right after i called. and these people, what they want more than anything is to stay. -- >> just a few moments left in this discussion from this morning's "washington journal." you can see the rest of it on our website. we believe it here and go live now to a discussion on the criminal justice system, what works and what doesn't in the world of policing and its use of
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force. it is hosted by the federalist society in washington, d.c. just getting under way. >> an important policy question. today's session is entitled ferguson, baltimore and criminal justice reform. we have great panelists who will be introduced by our moderators. allow me to simply introduce that moderator. the honorable david stras, associate justice of the supreme court of minnesota. you might think that this former clarence thomas clerk, this former austin lawyer, this former law professor from the university of minnesota looks a little young to be a five year veteran of the minnesota supreme court. well, ladies and gentlemen, that's because he was sworn in at the right old age of 35.
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so with that, david stras. [applause] >> thank you for the kind introduction. good afternoon. welcome to the panel entitled ferguson, baltimore, and criminal justice reform. as you heard my name is david stras. a growing number of minnesota supreme court englishwoman and law professor at the university of minnesota law school breithaupt among other classes criminal law to force you law students so this is a longtime interest of mine as well. i've been asked to moderate the panel which is very time in light of recent developments. ashworth yesterday the current administration is actively engaged in pushing criminal justice reform agenda that includes among many other things greater cooperation among law enforcement agencies, reforms
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related to drug and substance abuse and changes in to punitive policing as a result of the incidents in baltimore and ferguson. as you heard last night at the dinner from the panel of governors, criminal justice reform is also an important issue at the state level. this seems to be a timely debate going on about whether criminal justice reforms are better implemented at the state level and the local level or whether a top down approach is needed. our five panels which were fortunate to have with us today are experts in the field of law enforcement and community relations, crime policy and recent developers of the criminal justice field. chief among the topics we plan to cover is what type of reform, if any, is needed and what it should look like. will also cover the empirical evidence on policing and whether the evidence squares with media accounts. we also hope to address the most
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effective methods of policing, and how they can be promoted and whether the threat of personal liability is the best way to vote good law enforcement practices. now without further ado we'll begin with david muhlhausen was a leading expert on the need for evaluating the effectiveness of federal social programs if the heritage foundation center for data analysis. yes testified frequently before congress on the efficiency and effectiveness of federal programs and has worked on community oriented policing services, as noteworthy for many reasons including it fits nicely within the topic of this panel. in 2000 when he published an analysis showing the highly touted c.o.p.s. program to be a waste of taxpayer dollars. his research illustrate that cops neither had put one of those police officers on the street nor had reduced violent crime. it's also interesting serve as a manager at a juvenile correctional facility in baltimore. so please welcome mr. mulhouse
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and -- david muhlhausen. [applause] >> all right. judge stras, i want to thank for those kind remarks and i would like to thank the federalist society for opportunity to speak today. what i'm going to talk about today is a research technique called the veil of darkness and it gives us good insight into whether or not the police are discriminatory in traffic stops. is, are cops racist? to the drivers race includes police officers to do a traffic stop with this question is difficult to do. bottle and you have to control for neighborhood characteristics but you to control for what's going on in the offices mind.
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why does he officer believes he or she need to go over the individual for a stop? one of the things that many studies do that i think is very questionable is compare the racial composition of those stopped to the racial composition of the neighborhood with the individual to stop. that does not account for individual driving patterns. it an adequate benchmark had a lot of researchers are beginning to realize that just comparing percentage of those stopped by police to community demographics as a highly flawed approach. so the veil of darkness is basically a term, a nifty term, to describe a natural experiment where we export changes in daylight to assess whether or not police are treating different groups unfairly, or fairly. so what happens is it works under the assumption that police
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are less likely to identify the race of a driver at nighttime but more likely to identify the race of a driver or in the daytime. so if you can take advantage of a natural experiment of abrupt shift between daylight and night, you would assume the police are not purely targeting minorities and stopped during the day when the race of the drive is more usually identified, would be higher to stop at night. one of the things that several studies i'm going to go through tonight is taking offense at daylight savings time. as you all know we recently had a change in our clocks. i guess we gain an extra hour of sleep, and by looking at this we can control for patterns of driving. i usually leave work at 5:30 p.m. now it's pitch dark -- pitch black, dark. it's very hard to tell the race of the people you are commuting home with in other cars.
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but right before the change it was light out. you could more easily identify the drivers race. and so by doing this by controlling for the time of day and abrupt shift in time we control for driver patterns, driver behavior, and please deployment assume that if you look at the difference between daylight savings time and its effect on whether it's night or day, that shouldn't affect police behavior of police deployment. so this research methodology is a superior to using community demographics as a benchmark. so if there are five studies in this area, and examined for cities were examined for the first was oakland. i'm going to concentrate on ridgeway 2006 fatty because the results are the same as they were in 2004. just trying to be brief.
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in cincinnati, syracuse and minneapolis. three of four of these cities the research shows there is no difference in, there's no racial disparity going on. the one exception is minneapolis. so if you look at oakland, what they did was they look at the end of twilight. goodbyit by in the twilight i mn five to 9 p.m. they control the windows subsystem when it's completely dark. they look at police stops from june to december 2003. they had over 1100 traffic stops. in the study they controlled for the time of day and also the police patrol area. and controlling for the police patrol area, essentially controls the neighborhood. if there's higher crime and higher police presence you may should ask a control that because that may affect your results on who is being stop. what they found was that officers were less likely to
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stop minority's during the day compared to the day. opposite of what many people suppose the police that they are unfairly targeting minorities. what they did, they look at minority drivers, percent those stopped during the day compared tonight and have to control the time of day and the police patrol area, less likely to be stopped when there were more easily identified. the next study was done in cincinnati and is a more conference of study that looked over 60 years. it exploited not only the difference during the end of twilight period but look at 30 days before and after daylight savings time. it looked at over 3700 traffic cases, they can to control for time of day, day of week and the neighborhood. what they found that police officers were more -- were no more or less likely to stop blacks during the day compared to the night.
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in syracuse, another well done study that looked at four years of data and also looked at 30 days before and after daylight savings time. they also analyzed stops by regular traffic control and a crime reduction teen. the crime reduction team was a division of police officers that were assigned in high crime areas to do project is to decry. the suspicion was that if they're going to have sort of racial pride, profiling or some bias, you would find it among the crime reduction team. the study controlled for the day and week and the police patrol area. and over for years they found that blacks were no more or less likely to be stopped. except for in 2008. for that single year they found that blacks were 54% more likely
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to be stopped during the day. and that was significant that the authors, they offer caution in interpreting that result because it is abrupt difference of all the other years and the pattern doesn't open everything is analyzed together. they couldn't identify any change in police and policy or behavior that could account for that single year. they are a little cautious in interpreting that as being unfair treatment. then what they did was they parsed the data by, parsed the data but traffic control and crime reduction team. and they found there was no effect, no disparity at all. and the long study done in minneapolis was one year updated, just look at 2002 and to look at the end of twilight period between 5:00 and 9 p.m., and also daylight savings time.
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it look at over 29,000 cases of stops, a huge data set. but it only controlled for time of day. didn't control for day of the week or the police beat our neighborhood which i think is an important limitation. so for the end of twilight findings, they found that blacks were 7% less likely to be stopped at night than during the day, or 7% more likely to stop during the night and during the day. hispanic for 5.1% less likely. when did you daylight savings time, i can look at that shift because of artificial change that we have when it's day and night. compared to whites, blacks are no more or less likely to be stopped. blacks are less likely to be stopped. however, hispanics were more likely to be stopped. but the percentage of decreased for blacks been stopped wasn't
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-- didn't go into detail. they just sort of site we did this analysis they don't go into much detail. so that's sort of unfortunate. now just to conclude, as a national experiment, available darkness, what i did was when i start to read up on this topic if you know what i want to present you tonight i didn't pick studies that have a particular findability was i pick studies that had what i considered to be the strongest methodology for trying to determine if there's a disparity. just by doing that we only have five studies to look at and only one of them finds a disparity, consistent disparity. and so i also want a word of caution in this day. these results unfortunately do not generalize beyond other cities. i'm only talking about these studies, these cities that have been studied. so it's very hard to generalize
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and see what's going on in dallas for washington, d.c., let's say. but also this research doesn't generalize beyond traffic stops. and so the message i want to say is that most of the studies at least what i consider to be superior to other studies tend to find that there are no disparity is in traffic stops. so that's how i complete my presentation. [applause] >> thank you, mr. muhlhausen get our next analyst can ever have a wide variety of backgrounds understand what you think is to our benefit. our next analyst is arthur loevy who graduate from users the michigan law school in 1963 and has been a member of illinois bar for more than 4 40 years. although he is serving a variety
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of different capacities, including some outside of the law, he resumed practicing law on a full-time basis in 1997. he's a lawyer who has litigated a variety of civil rights claims, including those arising under 42 usc section 1983. please welcome arthur loevy. [applause] >> thank you, judge. and thank you to the society for including me in this panel. i'm going to beef up my resume just slightly, judge, if i may because i think it's important for the participants to have an understanding of where i'm coming from in my remarks. our firm does almost exclusively civil rights work, as they did under section 1983. we sue individual police officers. we sue departments.
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generally on claims of excessive force. we have exonerated people. we sue for malicious prosecution of departments, and for wrongful convictions. we've had, i can say i think not a modestly, great deal of success over the last 10 or 12 years, at least part of that success is indicated by the fact that many of our cases, if not most of our cases, come from defense attorneys, people whom we have litigated against comment frequently police officers whose family members have had problems of their own. also let me say generally come and i say this respectfully to my fill panel members, in my opinion based on my experience,
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policework, police officers and what they do, are among the most difficult people and the most difficult area to analyze. police officers obviously are given a responsibility in our domestic society that is not given to any other. they have their arm or they have the right to use force, including deadly force against other citizens. with that also comes of course an extraordinary sense of responsibility. a lot of litigation, a lot of the issues that the judge has indicated will be discussed today have very much to do with police officers and police departments. in my judgment, you cannot
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really talk about criminal justice in the united states without an understanding of how police department work, and without police officers work. obviously, there's a great range, just as there's arranged among all of us, who we are and how well educated we are, or not, what our political philosophy is, what our social philosophy is, how well we are adjusted to the jobs that we are doing. but there are certain current connecting can be generalized about and i would like to address some of them today, and it might appear somewhat contrary in, but i do strongly believe that the things i'm going to talk about are not factors that are easily determined on the basis of studies. but can only be determined somewhat anecdotally, not going
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to express some of those antidotes to you in my comments. first of all, i would suggest that throughout this country, small departments, large departments, urban departments, rule departments, and departments pashtun rural departments, departments that deal with very serious crime, department of that for most part deal with less serious crime. the one thing that runs consistently through police departments is there an inherent, may be a learned behavior not to discipline their own. discipline within police departments is, i don't want to say laughable, that's disrespectful, but the fact is it is inadequate. and sorely inadequate.
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let nikki just a couple of examples in it. in almost every department of the country that we have had experience with, the discipline of an officer, if he is accused of wrongdoing, and if he is accused of wrongdoing and nothing happens as a result of it, if his own department chooses not to exercise discipline, that charge doesn't become a part of his personnel file. so if a police officer is accused of sexual assault on a monday, and it is not sustained, using the land of the department come and he is accused by another individual on wednesday, when discipline is being considered, and most departments they don't look at what happened on monday. if he's charged again the following week, they don't say maybe there's a pattern that is
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existing. it's not how police departments disciplined. as a result of that, police officers can engage in conduct which is detrimental to their departments, detrimental to the citizenry as a whole. the way in which citizens complaints are processed within police departments, almost universally, is inadequate and is set up in such a manner as to how the person making the charge in a position of not being successful. now, all of us know that on a traffic stop, or even criminal activity, the first reaction might be a cop did it come he was the one that was at fault. he pulled me over for the wrong reason. searched before the wrong reason. and police, to be sure, suffer a lot from charges that are
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unfounded, can't be substantiated, and are sometimes just to protect the person being in charge. but that does not negate the fact that in police departments all over this country, the strong assumption is citizen is wrong, police officer is right, and there is rarely in any department that i've had experience with, and that includes most of -- that's not fair, many of the major departments in this country. i've never seen an internal process that really works the way that it is intended. just a quick example. we are litigating a case for a man who was wrongfully convicted, slow witted man, was living on the street at the time he was convicted of a vicious
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rape. for many factors his conviction was overturned, and under section 1983 we are suing on his behalf. at the time this happened, this is almost 20 years later, but as a result of our discovery we find letters from other policemen, very unusual, and we know there are other policemen because it came through departmental mail, saying that they saw the subject beaten. they saw the subject being given information about the rape of which he was accused, and after being beaten for a while, the fellow said i was fine anything you want me to. this was internal. it went through internal affairs. internal affairs didn't turn it over to the prosecutor, didn't turn it over to others who were
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investigating. that's an extreme example, but anyone that is familiar with the internal affairs department of most big city departments, i don't think would be surprised. there is another area, too, that is difficult, but in order to in my judgment understand the criminal justice system, you have to understand police. and sometimes we call it the thin blue line. sometimes we call it just police protecting other police. but it's what happens. in hundreds and hundreds of cases that we have had that have involved excessive force. one policemen has never testified against another. recently we had a case, young
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man, getting out of time already, i'm sorry. i will finish the story. a young man was beaten in the street. a myriad of civilian witnesses, including some clergymen saw that did happen. he was accompanied by four other police officers. the policemen denied a bad conduct. the other four police officers were deposed under oath, under oath come of people that have testified and other people's criminal trial, people who have testified that will put you in jail. one of them said gee, at the time for the beating he had to tie both of his shoes, so he walked several feet away and that's where he was. second person said, i heard somebody yell at in the crowd so i left the scene and went there. the third person said, you know,
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i thought i forgot some keys back in the car. that police often left the scene to go back to the fourth person said you guys saw my partner leaving the scene, so i thought that i would join him. that's how police testify against one another. it's denial and/or it's just i couldn't have seen it because i was doing something else. i don't see any of this as criticism, obviously, of the men and women who put their lives in danger and that in and women who serve their communities well. but i will go back to the point with which i begin, and that is for an understanding of the criminal justice system, it takes more than statistics. it takes an understanding
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tremoglie. >> good afternoon. i want to take a look at about myself and what i got and what i think i can contribute to this conversation. before i don't want to read to you and account, newspaper account, testimony given at the top of a police officer accused of murder after shooting in which three of five suspects were killed in a test and is by one of the surviving suspects. he testified quote one of the officers said throw up your hands. the three suspects put their hands and a fourth to open his coat and said he had no gun. at the same instant the officers opened fire does and they want to take a guess as to the needs paper, what that incident was? no gamblers here? the newspaper was a tombstone daily nugget it was october 1881. the incident is don't finish as the gunfight at the o.k. corral. the testimony is by a convicted
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horse thief and officer on trial was wyatt earp. so that hands out don't shoot mantra didn't start in fergusonn was written august the 2014 might've started 133 years earlier in tombstone, arizona. the difference, his toes when he was discredited by neutral witnesses. much as dorian johnson's was in ferguson mystery. wyatt earp like officer darren wilson was exonerated by a grand jury investigation into is also exonerated by the trial. the difference between ferguson and the gunfight at the o.k. corral was back in 1881 people pretty much knew the biases of the newspapers, unlike today where journalists try to pretend to be unbiased and they try to be knowledgeable. .org want to talk about today, the media and law enforcement. it occurred to me that i don't have the rhetorical skills of the other panelists and i don't have their training. so i'm a little bit of a
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disadvantage. but i'm kind of playing rocky balboa through apollo creed, all right? [laughter] i was married in the same church as rocky balboa. but here are the things i can contribute to the symposium. first is were i come from. ethically religiously and racially diverse group in philadelphia. of which and i used to be neighbors, believe it or not. i lived -- lawyers and journalists have not lived. the second thing i can bring is i believe i'm the only one on this panel, i totally blame for not a has a masters degree in criminal justice but i believe i'm the only lisbon a white police officer in a black neighborhood. unlike the other panelists, i can give you a few anecdotes. i know would like to look down the barrel of a 12 day drunken shotgun. it looks about that big.
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i know would like to get a call of rape in progress, turn lights and siren on and arrived at the scene only to recognize it's a domestic dispute as husband is 20-pound his wife said into the sidewalk. into try to arrest the guy who was twice my size only tell the wife and only because she doesn't want me to hit her husband. i know what it's lik like to gea call of a man with a gun inside a house. and nearly shoot a little kid. that's one of the reasons i am here today. the third thing i can bring are the facts, and as john adams once said, facts are stubborn things. and ironically he said that as he was defending some british soldiers who were accused of excessive use of force. so it's a pretty appropriate instance of the first casualty in war is truth and this is no less subtle and come to the propaganda war that is being waged against police. immediate past of moral judgments on police actions that are made in nanoseconds. unfortunately, the perceptions
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of racism will drive all enforcement policy, tactics like stop and frisk whichever disparate impact on minorities or discourage or discontinued at this leads to increased crime in the minority communities. agenda bob woodson is going to touch on this. but this occurs because the media only reports those incidents which follow the template of portraying a lease as bulk of congress. he was the alabama public safety director who was responsible for arranging the fire hoses and attack dogs unleashed on academic source of the trying to get their rights, their civil rights. i would like to do a little experiment i'm going to be ultimate i want you to raise your hands if you're familiar with them. walter scott. anything? some of you. michael brown. okay. eric garner. latonya haggerty. dylan taylor.
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deal caller. anthony -- nearly every new the first three. only one person knew the other five. the first three were black suspect shot and killed come on on -- not killed, shot by white police officer. the next five that only one person knew they were unarmed suspect shot and killed by a black or hispanic police officers but you never heard about the shootings in the national media. let me describe them. latonya haggerty was an unarmed black field shot and killed by a black female chicago police officer after a pursuit. the incident did make national news. it didn't set off in writing to build and it was a white 20 oh salt lake city man, unarmed, shot and killed about the same time as the ferguson incident. but it never got the notoriety of ferguson figure shot and killed by hispanic police
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officer. gilbert called was a white ache in your universe of south alabama student who was shot and killed by a black university south university campus police officer. he was naked so there's nobody could see was reaching for something. by the national media did not report what you think would've been the storyline if the officer was white and a man killed was black? do you think they would be at least one reference? probably. bali tonight was a seven year-old white man killed during a traffic shot by a black together shouldebbieshould prods that did make national news the walter scott shooting to. anthony was applied been shot and killed by black georgia police officer. members of the local american committee rallied around the officer because she was considered the pillar of the community. while the victim was a career
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criminal. this is an interesting point. people in the minority communities are tired of living in fear of criminals that this comports with my experts as to build a police officer over 30 years ago. so the media -- worse than that are the outrageous erroneous allegations made in the media. the ferguson reference was the quintessential example but not the only example. i want to read you a list of assertions made about law enforcement actions or policies. by prominent me from both sides of the ideological continuum by the way. these assertions were later proven to be untrue. there's an article in the st. louis newspaper that sent unarmed black russia every 28 hours. this was repeated by cnn pundit. and elsewhere but it wasn't true. and organization of self-described investigative judgment issued a report that said killings by police of
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blacks to whites was 21 to one. the report was criticized the even a criminologist quoted in the article from university of missouri said the propublica thing needs to be shut down. another leading criminologist quoted the study a substantially wrong. the crime prevention research center said apparently the reporters are propublica don't understand the data that they are using. yet despite the controversy newspapers like "the philadelphia inquirer" trumpeted the report. articles in "the wall street journal," "washington times," "national review" and weekly standard all contain the allocation and you can make this stuff up, they contain the allegation that the consumer product safety commission had a swat team. okay, and the fish and wildlife service has a swat team. it wasn't true. as far as i'm the only "the wall street journal" has printed a retraction.
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probably one of the more egregious, one of the more egregious report has to do with amnesty international u.s.a. and the aclu. amnesty international u.s.a. in its 2004 report come human rights report did annually said after the oklahoma city bomb in 1995, timothy mcveigh, this is welcome was able to live officers worked -- look for characteristic the same claim was repeated by the aclu also been to those for letters they send to congress urging them to vote for ending racial profiling act. my time is up, okay. i will have some other articles tto talk to at some of the statistic i guess we can do that in a roundtable. let me just conclude census this is the federalist society, let me leave you with a quote from federalist number three by john jay. unwanted objects to free people find it necessary to direct the attention that the providing for their safety seems to be the
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first. i look forward to stimulating conversation. thanks. [applause] >> and thank you so much. and just to repeat an and we're going to have some time during the question and answer with another panelist ask questions of each other where we can discuss some of these things in greater detail. our next panelist is tim lynch who is the director of the cato institute project on criminal justice. under his direction it has become a leading voice in support of the bill of rights and civil liberties. his research interest include the war on terror, over criminal session, the drug war, the militarization of police tactics and gun control. he blogs extensively at the cato institute's national police misconduct reporting project, and has written some very interesting articles on militarization of police forces around the country. is welcome mr. lynch. [applause]
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>> thank you. good afternoon, everybody. i also want to thank the federalist society for hosting this discussion and for inviting me to participate. this has been an extraordinary year of debate and discussion of police practices and criminal justice reform proposals. according to "the associated press" there have been more than 50 measures that have been introduced and enacted around the country, pieces of legislation, that deal with how the police interact with citizens. and my thesis is that some of these proposals actually are constructive. and what i'm going to do is briefly touch on some of the policy changes that i think are worth highlighting. let's start with baltimore. the "baltimore sun" ran a series of articles about how the city
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handles civil lawsuits that alleged illegal conduct by older more police. since 2011, millions and millions has been paid out by the city in court judgments and settlements for suits concerning false arrest and excessive force. and if you want to include millions more dollars that have to be paid to the lawyers to handle these suits that are brought. the freddie gray case was settled just ended september for $6.4 million. some of the incidents that are involved are caught on tape, such as the security footage that are found in grocery stores and that sort of thing. sometimes the conduct is so bad, so blatant that the reporters will take the footage to police command and say what do you make of this? uintah police commanders are shocked and they have no explanation for because many of
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officers that are kicking people, kicking people in the head, it's totally inconsistent with their training. so they really have no response and these are some of the suits that are brought. but what was really interesting and what came out was the "baltimore sun" found something that was very peculiar about how the city was handling these misconduct claims. the attorneys for the city would settle matters, they would sit down for negotiations and say we will settle this case for, let's say, $200,000. but there was a clause in the settlement papers so when you signed it and to receive the money from the city, there was a clause of the said you cannot speak publicly about what had happened to you. not just you can't talk about the settlement amount. we see that from time to time, but the people who agree to settle, it's a like a police baton the lawsuit, they are not allowed to talk by the
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underlying conduct. so when you're a victim of police misconduct and you see on tv the next year the officer that was out of line in your case, you cannot speak to a reporter about it. you cannot go to a rally and talk about what had happened to you. you cannot even talk to civilian oversight authorities about what happened to your case if you sign on the dotted line. this policy which has been in place for years shielded the scope and impact of misconduct from the public. but once it was exposed by the "baltimore sun," the bureaucracy, they really couldn't come for to defend it very well. so i'm happy to report that those clauses in the settlement negotiations are now a thing of past. so if one positive thing that has come out from baltimore indie media coverage on it. another item from baltimore, last march, mayor stephanie
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rawlings-blake went to the state capital in an apples to ask for legislative changes that would allow her police chief morley would -- annapolis book festival to discipline and get officers who were convicted of crimes to get them off the government payroll. convicted of crimes, under current law officers that have been convicted in criminal court of misdemeanor crimes like perjury and assault, they remain on the payroll for many months while they appealed the department disciplinary procedures to labor arbitrators. ..
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transparent and other departments to around the country will not make such information available. governor walker in wisconsin to his credit signed legislation after an incident in that state where now there will be an official tally of anybody killed that is tallied at the end of the year with an explanation to what happened and that is available to the public each state should have such a procedure in place. let me turn to ferguson police shooting is another area with no solider accurate information it is unacceptable is subservient have an accurate tally on the people killed by the police each year. the most of those are self-defense cases but we
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should have an accurate tally several media organizations have been tracking this year and other media outlets are tracking things closely so i expect next month we will see a link the article about their findings in we can start to compare to see if the numbers are going up or down or holding steady. talking about action at the state level the governor of texas signed legislation all shooting deaths in the state of texas are to read -- to be reported to the attorney general within 30 days with an explanation and there will be an annual tally and report put out by the state attorney general that is all available to the public. this is texas it is model
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legislation the type of thing we should have in place if we don't have more action going there will be pressure to get the federal government involved the states should take the lead these are their police agencies it to be along the lines of what governor abbott has done. california enacted a law to identify the officers involved in shootings we have seen bills introduced where investigators will investigate instead of the county to investigated selfie serve you the best practices in place that are now taken statewide constructive policy changes and we need to see more.
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the media scrutiny on ferguson brought about core reforms to use citations as a way to generate revenue for the government there were not administering justice but viewing themselves as an arm of the treasury to help meet budget goals in the community i was at a conference last week with grover norquist who called it taxation by citation. they had turned their police into revenue agents stirring up resentment it is imperative to have court reform and reminding the audience of the stories in the bible and we have to get the police out in back into
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investigating violent crimes. it is in just happening in misery. in fairfax county. last month there was a "washington post" article that ran with the headline headline, a fairfax police beating inspection and while they are in line waiting for inspection. [laughter] it is hard to believe they are trying to come into compliance and they're getting slammed with these bureaucratic abuses are exposed we see them put a stop to that but there's more work that needs to be done. i will touch on civil asset forfeiture this allows the police to seize property fromthose who not been convicted of a crime, not indicted or arrested.
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these abuses have been reported over and over by expos say. over the summer there is a story of a young man traveling from his home in michigan to los angeles to start his career. he was saving his money three years had cashen was headed to los angeles and his mother gave him a few thousand dollars because that is what mothers do. he didn't get far about halfway officers came on board they searched his belongings they found a lot of cash. they took his money they said he was traveling to a drug hotspot. los angeles. he said if you have my money
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i can get home and they said that's not our problem. the stories ripple out to relatives and brent and neighbors. was civil asset forfeiture retreat people worse than the criminals because with criminals is after they're convicted but back to the action at the state level if mexico banish it earlier this year and other states are trying to reform but they're running into opposition the institute for justice is doing a lot of great work issuing a report ready to report card her around the country most of
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the states around the country get c & d. there is more to be said with police body cameras, militarizes to police units bail reform measures that i have run out of time so i will stop here for more time for questions and answers. [applause] >> our final panelist the center for urd neighborhood enterprise is instrumental to pave the way to bring together task forces that
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pennsylvania legislature want welfare reform of the nation's most troubled schools and communities. the only person ever to receive this prestigious award the macarthur fellowship as well as the presidential citizens p.m. all. [applause] >> my friends said i the only non-communist to give. [laughter] thank you so much. i want to use my time to talk to you from the perspective of the low income of black neighborhoods in particular.
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also with these issues they are personal over the course of the last 25 years i have lost three family members to violence, predatory violence and two nephews were put in intensive care coming home from work. they were not assaulted and killed by white police officers but by other blacks. what i find troubling of the testimony and statements today there is a drumbeat to vilify the police department around this country but i believe in police unions and correction officer unions have too much power and are not held accountable. i agree the police because their representative of the state have an increased responsibility and obligation to be just in the
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execution of their duties but i represent an organization with 3,000 members in 39 states that live in those high crime neighborhoods and what with their response me to some of the things i have heard today? as race always seems to be the issue but the problem always looking to the prism of race it means we discount the black lives matter oldowan taken by a white police officer and when the perpetrators are black we look beyond their way. geraldo rivera had a special of the rape of women in
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prison throughout the country for two hours and each case the victim's was a black woman because they are black it did not generate a large scale discussion because we have to know the race of the victim before we can take action and if the perpetrator wears the black bass then it escapes responsibility so just to personalize, for the past five years we have had children like this a five-year old girl sitting on her grandfather's lap in milwaukee edward shot through the head.
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we have had 25 black children under the age of five killed not by writing police officers but other blacks for'' the black community suffers 9/11 every six months. 3,000 blacks are killed by other blacks every six months. most of the people in those neighborhoods suffer as a consequence of the of vilification of the police. in cincinnati ohio when a white police officer shot a young black man so civil-rights leaders came to organize a boycott of cincinnati the also vilified the police they said since
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we are as aggressive as a result the murder rate twitter up 800% it did not affect the neighborhoods of pastors and civil-rights leaders they did not have to suffer the consequences of their advocacy. in the say with baltimore those that intervene between the police because they have the respect of the young people they can reduce the violence. they are out every weekend trying to develop a strategy by helping young people that
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our indigenous to take responsibility for themselves. it the leader said for all of these encounters there were not threatened by violence but demonstrators from black lives matter who wanted to chastise them to support community-based efforts. my point is the solutions over the past 10 years to identify the indigenous grassroots leaders to command a change from within the community. with 53 murders 18 years ago the police were afraid to intervene to have the same
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cultural and geographic tiptoed any of those that the lives have been transformed they were witnesses that the transformation is possible in redemption and is available to them. but we spend money on these leaders under the character coaches with the consequence of 53 murders down to this hero in 12 years. rather then the system investing another indigenous efforts with the attitudes and behaviors. we have taken this solution to milwaukee of 60 young
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adults are employed full-time and by investing to what is indigenous to these communities the grassroots leaders need the cooperation and the support of the police because what we are experiencing now as long as they come to forums like this to speak about the militarization of the police they will do what they're doing now because they feel -- der but it is the grass roots mothers and fathers such as the parents of this young lady who will suffer the consequences so we need
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>> i will make some general observations. for people who care what is going on in this country, no one i have heard on this panel has vilified police so to be asked that they are held responsible our sons and grandsons it does that mean they are vilified. there is a big difference between being held responsible and vilification. i feel strongly about this because these are issues we have dealt with both me and my family and what we deal with all the time. criticize is not to vilify to ask things to be done better by police officers by a police department can be
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done and can be accomplished but it cannot be accomplished if every time a police officer engages in a wrongful act use automatically told he is right to police departments make mistakes but our job as citizens of what has been some token of to operate in such a manner. >> can i respond to that? >> i didn't get to read off some of the data that i had prepared to talk about
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amnesty international they were considered the global standard. i start to talk about an oklahoma in a human rights report they talk about timothy mcveigh being allowed to flee. the aclu said the same thing but they repeated media claims in newspaper reports those were not the facts facts, that the fbi profile other immediately had a profile as a white male with military experience probably a militia member it had identified mcveigh he was already in custody by the way on a minor traffic violation driving down the
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road we know lot of civil rights people like those stops he had a suicide best taken as by the time you reach over it is called a suicide holster. he was already taken into custody the fbi had arrayed editor based in oklahoma but nine years later the premier civil liberties organization repeats a false assertion so they are vilified by putting out false data. people incest even after being exonerated, by the jury how you know, this? i could say the reason why
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cities are sued and the high dollar judgments are awarded is to find jurors who are sympathetic. , the plaintiff lawyers than the trial lawyers i know doctors complain about this all the time. i could just as easily say that grand jury but the fact of the matter is the work with people who were indicted so i know better than anyone here if anybody wants to googled names names, please do so you will see guys that work with who will go to jail he called me up one night is and what you think? i said he is a nice guy i
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said what is going on? he told me he was shaking them down a number writer is a bookie like the legal lottery. nobody wants say bad officer. i'd like the cops that were bad or brutal nobody in my family like them and nobody of with friends like them they were bad for us that for police and society in general. to their needs to be reforms made they are prosecuted, i will not argue about that. but i believe they're interested in criminal justice reform when the trial lawyer does rapist on behalf of the rape victims which does not seem to happen i will be happy when
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instead of having police misconduct that have parole boards that release five and criminals and murderers because nine people modesto% on death zero have a prior homicide conviction. think about that. win people have websites for those to kill again because as a police officer you get tired of walking up the same people over and over. my wulff landed -- my wife tells me i have a philadelphia accent. if you need me to repeat
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myself let me know but those of the people who are interested in reform. >> the outrage is selective to be under the justice department supervision for police misconduct talk about ferguson under eric holder we had more police officers shooting citizens in washington than any other place in the country but no lawsuits no public condemnation you have to wear a white face before the challenge and that is detrimental to the people that we serve that is my point about vilifying the process to be a racial
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dimension. >> we all know about the level of crime but the actual statistics are sometimes very content -- surprising with the same level of debt is a big difference for my generation is an african-american child was murdered in chicago you were lucky they got two lines. what is better african americans getting killed by growth in the year it was not newsworthy now released
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there is public attention solutions are complex but bear in mind police today compared to 40 years ago there is publicity given to the black on black crime. >> i will give you statistics. determining the best predictor use of force is the attitude of the suspect if they're acting nasty they will be treated nasty. . .
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intraracial. a black civilian shooting a black criminal. and this is another interesting statistic. according to the university of chicago's research center, general social survey, and any social sign exists you're used to that report -- 12.8% of americans in 2012 don't think police officers should defend themselves even when being assaulted. think about that. this fig increased dramatically from 3.1% 40 years ago. for 2008, 64% of the justifiable homicides by police involved the officer being assaulted. for those involving citizens, 41% involved an assault against a citizen in another arrest relate death record, congressionally mandated report, if 4,813 arrest rerates deaths from 2003 to 2009, six in ten were classified as homicide by
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law enforcement personnel. the racial breakdown for blacks and whites indicated that 60.9% of whites and 61.3% of blacks were killed while being arrested during this period. the fbi estimated during the same seven years, ste and local law enforcement officers made nearly 98 million arrests. this means that only three out of one every 100,000 arrests result in someone being killed by police. according to one source i contact, you have a four time greater chance of being electrocuted than kild by police. a statistic that despite all the negative media in 201, 1 bureau of justice statistic studies determine 93% of persons requesting police assistance felt the officers acted properly. what is even more revealing there was no stackal difference found between the percentage of hispanics, blacks and whites. so, going back, the average person does not believe the misinformation campaign but it's
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important to note that this data is out there, it is not being reported in the media. as bob say, you're only getting when it fits a certain narrative of a white officer and a black -- that's what you're getting. you're not getting all the information. you can quibble, debate it, refute it, do anything you want with it, you can argue it, say what i'm saying is incorrect or what the government says instance correct or it's incomplete or whatever. the fact is, it's not known. and there's too much misinformation, and i suggest in some cases disinformation that is out there about police work. >> i want to turn to some specifics reform measures and hopefully leave 25 minutes for questions from the audience. one i was recently at a conference for state supreme court justices, and we saw a program on the use of body cameras by officers. i know mr. lynch, you mentioned this. it was really amazing technology.
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some of them, although they're quite expense sinks include infrared technology to see things in not well lighted situations, and i'm wondering what you think, mr. lynch, and others on the panel, about the use of -- the proliferation of body cameras and whether that is a good or bad development. >> well, it's not a panacea, but i think it's going to be a big improvement in police work and the best friend to honest police officers. they're the ones that will be able to show that the stop was legitimate, the detention was legitimate, and the use of force that may be necessary in some circumstances was legitimate. it's going to be the enemy to the bad officers, the ones who are abusing their power. now, we just published a study at cato on police body cameras, identifying best practices, because what we're hearing is spending money, giving them to police officers and getting them on their uniforms. but the issues get more
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complicated about what you're going to do with the footage once the police department is holding the information. should it be disclosed in all circumstances, some circumstances, and it can be very expensive if you're going to blur out the faces of certain witnesses who may have been in public near the person being arrested. so, these are some of the complicating issues surrounding body cameras, but the politicians are all over them when the issues of police misconduct come up, it's their first go-to reform. let's spend money on body cameras because they don't want to discuss these issues. body cameras and then move on with the discussion. but we're moving into a new era where people have their cell phones at the ready, and we're catching more and more police interactions with the public, with smartphones, and this is a big difference from a generation ago, because in the past, when
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somebody was complaining about excessive force with the police, and the police depth denies and it just says, the officer used the force that was necessary, for those of news the public, we didn't know what to make of it. we weren't there. we don't know the people involved you don't want to think that the officer is fibbing, so we didn't know what to make of it. now that more and more footage is becoming available, we can reach our own conclusions about what happened, whether or not the officer used excessive force or whether he was defending himself. this is kind of like the new thing going on and it's not going to stop. we have more citizens with their smartphones and police wearing body cameras. >> do you have something -- >> just quick note. again, there's not a single perspective on this. a lot of the homicides, a lot of crimes in neighborhoods occur because people come to the police and report to that police officer something that they have
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seen, or provide evidence that allows them to make an arrest. they're not going to be inclined to do that if they know they're going to be recorded. they're not going to want to cooperate like that. so, i mean -- i think we need to balance the accountability issue against law enforcement effectiveness, and closing homicides and crime. >> i agree. it's a complicated issue. more nuanced than many people are acknowledging in the media. i agree with you. >> but we need to discuss it from the point of view always, on both sides of it. when i talked about the vilification of police, that's my point. whenever we talk about the police, it's always, how can we prevent these bad people from doing bad things? that's the message that keeps coming across. >> the other issue, too is how do you, through the filter of a contentious media, that is really only out to crucify --
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for lack of a better term crucify a police officer -- it generates controversy. they sell papers. what whatever their motivations are. that's the other thing you have to look at. this may be the only thing we concur on, that police cameras are good, but if, as bob says, if it's going to intimidate people, if it's going to be used by a contentious media or scholars only to justify what they want to present, which is a racist white killer cop, not going to be any good. i alluded to in my presentation, an arrest i made of a guy that was twice my size, who was basically trying to pound his wife's head into the sidewalk. she had an fair and he was mat. a guy came out as a call for rape, but as soon as i pulled up i realized was a domestic dispute, not a rape. i had to dislodge this guy. okay? and he is on top of her and hitting her. so i tried to push him. didn't work. i got any night stick and put it
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under his neck, and lifted up, and we beth went up, and we both fell back and then recovered. i got my night stick. he is come might at 90-miles-an-hour and i'm read request to hit him with my stick, and and the wife grabs my nightstick. supposing in that arrest i crushed his larynx or something or i killed him by lifting hem up. didn't intend to do it. do you think the wife, who probably would get -- probably contact somebody like mr. -- want to sue for millions and millions of dollars, you think she's going to say she was in danger? no. she didn't even want me to hit him after i rescued her from having multiple concussions or contusions or whatever, and that is the type of thing that goes on. i guarantee if that's filmed, what excerpts are you going to see on the news? are you going to see anything that led to this? are you going to see what motivated my actions to get this
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guy and do what i did to try to dislodge him from her? to protect her? i don't know. i don't think so sometimes. >> i want to get -- >> i'm really disappointed to hear mike say that the only thing that we can agree on is the police camera issue. i agree with you there's been a lot of media distortion with the racial narrative, but i laid out about six or seven policy proposals, these clauses and settlements that victims can't speak out. municipal court reform, turning police officers into revenue agents. keeping a talley of in-custody deaths. keepingy tally, how many people are killed by the police officers each year. cutting out red tape to allow police chiefs to get rid of problem officers. laid out six or seven, and how heard. the. the only thing we can agree on is police cameras. >> i just want to say -- >> , wait a minute,. >> disappointed to hear you say that. >> [overlapping speakers] >> let him have an opportunity
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to sound and then mr. -- >> just for quick, i share the opinion that the body cameras can be helpful. i also share the point that it has to be used at the discretion, so that those who want to give information to the police are not intimidated by it. we had hoped that when the cameras came in to police cars, that would reduce the amount of violence because at least some of the stops would be shown. and our experience, and it's anecdotal to be sure. nine out of ten accusations that we have dealt with, where the violence took place in front of a squad car in those instances, the camera was inoperative. just happened to be broken. back at the station they just happened to not be able to fix it. it's probably going to be the same reality with the body
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cameras. >> of course you're not vilifying police. i understand it. if you believe that, anybody, i have some oceanfront property in nebraska to sell you at a cheap price. >> i think the use of body cameras needs to be done in a low and incremental process. i would urge caution in adopting it nationwide because -- i want to give you an example. a mandatory arrest for domestic violence. for years when a police officer would show up at a household where there was domestic violence going on, lilt balancely affair and didn't make an arrest. they did research in minneapolis that found that -- randomized experiment, and found that when you instituted mandatory arrests, what you found was that the individual who was arrested was less likely to engage in domestic violence in the future, and so that was a positive
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effect. well, all across the country, cities and towns adopted mandatory arrest policies. then when researched did randomized experiments in other jurisdictions, they found that it had the opposite effect, that in ohama, nebraska, and charlotte, north carolina, they found that after the individual was arrested, the person was more likely to assault his partner because he knew he was going to go to jail once the call was made, so unfortunately this is sick but decided to beat his spouse or a girlfriend, even more, because he knew he was going to spend the night in jail no matter what. so it backfired in that case. i think that we need to take sort of these changes in policing or -- right now we have an experiment going on with the increased use of body cameras, and some cases, as mr. woodson has said, it could backfire, and
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that's an important criticism. so i think we shouldn't just rush to judgment and adopt body cameras on n all police departments. i don't think it's going to happen. but we need to sort of look at it and sort of assess what the effect is, and unfortunately, sometimes it takes years to actually assess whether or not a change in policy or program is actually having the intended result. as always, as a researcher i urge caution because sometimes our policies backfire and cause more harm than good. >> thank you. i feel a bit like a referee, reffing a boxing match. >> nobody is throwing any chairs yet. >> good. but i want to have the audience members enter the fray and see if they -- make sure they have an opportunity to participate as well. yes, roger. >> yes, roger, with the cato institute. bob woodson, your brief against
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vilification of the police misidentifies the issue. tim lynch and his colleague on the other side are not vilifying police. they're vilifying criminal police. you're calling for prosecution of criminals in the communities in which you work. this is exactly what these other people are calling for. prosecution of police criminals. that's not the same thing as vilification of police. >> offer a comment that 90% of the police cameras suddenly weren't working. what is that? i want to know -- >> a statement of fact. >> that's vilification. that is an example of what i'm talking about. >> but it's true. >> well, wait a minute. you're implying that this is
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done purposely. you're. i replying this is done purposely. now -- >> now, now, let me respond to your question, sir. >> one at a time. >> the cato institute wrote in november 2014 it remains to be seen whether officer wilson will be held accountable at some future date. accountable for what? the man was innocent. talk about vilification? why what that written. >> ask tim, he is right beside you. >> why? >> when the justice department report was issued, we immediately update all of stories -- >> why did you say in november 20 4 , after he was exonerated by the grand jury, that the man in your opinion, was still guilty? >> don't attribute that to me. i didn't write it. >> talk about vilification. that's why. >> mike is from philadelphia. again, is chief john tim yonny -- he wrote when be took
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over the philadelphia police department he said the disciplinary process -- >> what's that got to do with what your wrote about ferguson. >> just a second. he said the disciplinary process in place in the philadelphia police department was a joke. that's in his memoir. now, he is not vilifying police. he is identifying problems in the police department to up their standards. i think you say -- >> did i say he vilified police? >> i'm saying all -- >> i'm talking about what you said. >> -- criticism of police department prosided nose vilification. >> you weren't criticizing police procedures. you were saying this man was guilty after he was exonerated. why? >> no. when he was exonerated by the department of justice we promptly updated -- >> by the grand jury -- >> you're a distraction jerk you're the distraction you. don't want to answer the question. >> let's move thon there is fellow right here. >> i hesitate to jump in, but -- >> me, too.
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>> sorry, my apologies. i am -- >> the point i want to make is the most important thing from the standpoint of -- look, policing free people is a challenging job but it's really important that people have faith in the integrity of that effort. and one thing i've been working constitutional lawyer for 15 years, and think i found most surprising is the massive and inexplicable double standard between what other practitioner -- i'm a lawyer, can be sued. my sauer is a daughter, she can be sued. the only vocation in this country where it's virtually impossible to sue is law enforcement. prosecute prosecutors have absolute immunity. police officers have qualified immunity. and there's a law review article that documented that 99.98% of all damage awards found against police are actually paid far by taxpayers, not by the police officers. i have couldn't crete policy
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proposal. what -- concrete proposal. what if we had police do what every other russia does is to self-insurance lawsuits so the payment -- the cost is internalized. you have police officers who constantly have damage judgment, the premiums will be higher and there with a tendency to comfortable control, and the money women come another of your pocket instead of the tax payers, and the -- >> i have a better idea. if you get a bad cop, put him in jail. that's all there is to it. just like if you get a bad ceo -- this idea of suing people and lot can insurance companies bear the brunt, that doesn't touch anything. the only way to do it is you have somebody who is bad, put them in jail. >> you shoulder the double standard where law enforcement is the only vocation where it's difficult to -- >> how many ceo go free because
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the stockholds has to pay for the lawsuits. we say it happen no 2002 and 2008. they -- 2007 and 2008 of. they weren't held accountable. >> by the way, i thought the idea advanced from the floor is a very good idea. but what mike says is really what identifies the problem. i think is a clearly as anybody could. he says if it's a bad police officer, put him in jail. there is all kinds of bad, unconstitutional conduct, that police officers are -- or others, governmental officials, can engage in, do engage in, that is short of criminal conduct, but nevertheless, for the benefit of the citizenry, needs to be corrected. that's what civil law does. that's what the question from the floor indicated.
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unfortunately, most police departments reach exactly mike's conclusion. either you did something so criminal, you're going to jail. otherwise, you're off the hook. there's a huge middle ground that needs to be addressed in order to make policemen and police departments more responsible. >> i hope everybody saw the front page "washington post" story about two weeks ago where local prosecutors indicted an officer for murder, and his attorneys got the -- went to court and said, he was part of a federal task force, and his status as a federal officer made him immune, legal he -- legally immune from state homicide statutes and the case was dismissed. the prosecutor said they're going to appeal that ruling, and so that is one to watch. so it's not as easy as saying, hey, broke a law, send him to
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jail. there are legal barriers in place. some of which are dubious and unjustified. >> can those laws be changeded? legal barriers be removed? >> let's go to the back of the room for another question. right there. sorry about that. >> i'm always struck in conversations like this, i like to imagine they're taking place in the lace '20s around the time of prohibition and we are all talking about, well, the practices of the police, maybe their focusing on hillbillies too much or they have too much discretion how many barrels to destroy, and instead the problem was prohibition. so, i don't know if it's beyond the scope of the conversation here but i feel as though we're in this classic situation where what we have done is in creating this enormous black market for 40 years, we have cultivated a
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scenario where police are naturally going to be in these terrible situations. the communities themselves are going to engage in this bad behavior. and right down to the arguments in front of us on the panel. talking about small points here and there are important to be sure, but it would seem to me that the far bigger problem, the elephant in the rhyme is this drug war itself and i haven't heard it mentioned. if you want to talk it, i'd love to hear your thoughts. >> we have a question about the drug war. anybody want to respond to the questioner's comment? >> well, i would just say i agree that it this root of many problems, but i think it is beyond the scope of this particular panel discussion. >> i agree. >> all right. i'd like to thank all of you for your very diverse perspectives. especially thank the gentleman who spoke about vilification of
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the police. i understand there were some recent articles that not only in the cities that you mentioned, but throughout the country, crime has gone up as a result of police being afraid to do their jobs in light of the recent vilification. i want to speak about a possible -- see what people thing about a possible reform i haven't heard mentioned today, which is better police training. seems like some of the deaths that occurred were due to police not recognizing medical issues, perhaps we need better training of recognizing when something is in medical distress. i also have a friend on the police force who says the police need better training in martial arts. often martial arts are a way of bringing down somebody without having to result to gunfire. that's a possible reform. it seems that could be very helpful and that everybody could agree to. i also want to ask you about the
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people behind the antipolice demonstrations and the total lawlessness of this. as you know the policemen have been killed as a result of some of these demonstrations. real unbelievable. i've been involved in organizing protests on other matters in new york city, and you have to get a permit when you organize a protest. you have to -- you work with the police, restricted to a certain area. but however the antipolice protests were just totally lawless, running through the streets, closing down traffic, people couldn't go anywhere for hours in the city. and obviously the baltimore situation was even worse than it was in new york city. who is behind this? seems also that some of these lawless protests were very well-organized. in ferguson and so on. and there were also other groups
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involved. for instance we noticed antisemitic posters in these protests. so, do any of you have an idea who is really behind financing and inciting some of these protests which have been completely lawless and resulted in violence and property damage and so on? >> let's take the training of officers issue first and then take the latter -- >> just a quick reform that we have been advocating and that is a lot of police officers are promoted if they make a felony arrest, which a lot of times means violent encounters. but there's also some very good police officers who prevent violence by positive interactions with the police. somehow that person should also -- that should count towards promotion, and elevation as well. >> agreed. >> thank you. >> if i can make a brief comment. i agree, of course, about training. we're litigating a case now in
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which a 97-year-old world war ii vet in a nursing home, had a knife in his hand, and was shot and killed by the police when they arrived at the request of the nursing home. what really seems to me needed to be done was the police needed better training on how to disengage someone. talk someone down. obviously, no policeman should not be able to protect themself when he or she is in danger. but there is a skill that, in our judgment at least, should have been used to talk down a 97-year-old man that was in a nursing home in his kitchen, and when there were other mental health people on the premises who could have helped. so training is indeed a factor. i think most police departments in their more reflective moments
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realize that there's a lot that could be done. >> it's very difficult to establish a training regimen that would cover just about every situation, and i hear martial arts a lot. i've studied brazilian ju-jitsu and other things over the years, and as you might have heard i used to coach wrestling. even at that, if i would have applied some of those techniques, it would have caused injury to the person i was trying to apprehend. there is no one silver bullet that would solve every situation. especially when you're dealing with people who are mentally ill, and it's really, really difficult to do that. so, i just don't know what the answer is there. >> now, may be beyond the scope of the panel but it want to give you a chance to respond etch she also brought up the protests
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occurring. anyone want to respond to that? >> i think "black lives matter" has been one of the most destructive forces around. they have no purpose but to protest. i'm a veteran of the civil rights movement. we had, i think, goals. what is their solution? blah "black lives matter" seems to only matter when a white person is taking a black life and not when a little girl gets shot through the head sitting on her grandfather's lap. when they can rise up and protest when that occurs, then i will join them. >> let's go to the back of the room. >> okay. this -- i know that you have been talking about how it feels like the police have each other's back. sometimes i wonder to what extent. it feels leak the judiciary has the police's back and i'm talking about the heightened pleading requirement. to what extent do we end up
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shielding municipal entities and counties that should have made some really good decisions on the front end from continuing to make bad decisions because we basically are shielding them from liablity through the judicial process. >> well, it plays in some ways. one of the speakers pointed out, policemen have immunity from being sued. it's a qualified immunity. prosecutors, judges have an absolute immunity. they can never be sued. in part of the problem is municipalities insure themselves. part of the problem is the municipalities can pay a judgment even for errant police officers, short of criminal
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conduct, even when they've engaged in criminal conduct and what happens is they pay the compensatory damages. a policeman can be sued punitively to give warning to other police officers, they can't engage in the same kind of conduct in the future. they can punish him for his bad acts. again, i'm speaking an n neck totally. i don't have -- anecdotally. every time we gate punitive damage against a police officer, the department puts pressure on the municipality to say as part of the settlement, the person that you're suing -- not the lawyer, our client -- you can get all that money as long as you don't collect it directly from the policeman. it is very unusual in the civil litigation under section 1983,
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extremely unusual for a policeman ever to pay anything out of his own pocket. what happens is the municipality steps up. the more subtle problems, quite often it is the supervisory personnel in a department that are really responsible by the instructions they have given. everybody falls on the sword in most -- again, anecdotally, but in most of this litigation, the patrolmantakes the responsibility for the sergeant, the sergeant takes it from the lieutenant, the lieutenant for the captain, the captain from the chief. knowing that at the end of the day, they're never really going to be hurt by it. i hope that answers the question, ate least in part. >> i'll take the moderator's prerogative here and ask a question which hasn't beside asked. there are different views on the panel about the need for reform and what that reform looks like.
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but i want to ask a more fundamental federalist question, which is where does the reform need to come from? if reform is necessary. from the national government? state government? local government? or all of the above? >> i would say all of the above. >> i think that state -- policing is inherently a state and local issue and needs to be governed by the jurisdictions responsible for providing this service, and i think the federal government is more likely to impose a one-system-fits-all solution that may not work across this very land that we live in, and so i would stress we need to have sort of a maybe outdated but a -- federalism means there are certain responsibilities entirely reserved to the state and local governments and not the federal
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government, and i see this as a local issue and, in terms of the federal government, should play very little role if any. >> then you -- >> i agree, and i think that we should look for reforms. camden, new jersey, used to have one of the most corrupt and ineffective -- they've made some major reforms, with police officers are actually living in the community where they're serving, and there's just been some positive community interaction, violence is down, police relationships are good. franklin township in new jersey where the chief has met with local citizens so if there is an incident involving the police, the call doesn't go to new york to demonstrators but it goes to some local leaders who are able to convene and explain to the citizens what happened. so there are some positive models of reform but should come from the local. but we ought to have somebody spend some of the time, particularly some research institutes, on what works in
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terms of community police reform. where the studies of successful police community interaction. >> david in your opinion do you feel that because of the nature of the politics between city and state, and sometimes you do need the federal government to come in? >> i think it should be extremely rare occasions. >> with saw that during the civil rights era. >> i think there's some cases, but broadly speaking the federal government should not play a major role, and i think that if -- for those who are interested in looking at what the best available research says about various topics in policing, i'm not affiliated with this organization but the center for evidence-based policing at george mason university, does excellent research. i highly recommend the work they do for looking at what works in policing. >> existing -- i'm sorry --
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without existing federal law and law as section 1983 and the way it has been interpreted by the supreme court, without those laws, there would be virtually -- i shouldn't -- let me put it differently -- it would be extremely difficult for a citizen, an individual citizen, to get redress from police misconduct. very viable remedy that is available to them is available under federal law. without federal law, citizens would be dependent on state court remedies and historically they have been inadequate. so, the federal government does have a role to play. section 1983, section 1988, been on the books a long time, and i think they have provided an
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effective watchdog, an effective oversight on police misconduct. >> mr. lynch. >> in the weeks after the death of freddie gray, when baltimore was all over the news, pressure began to build to bring in the department of justice, and eventually the mayor of baltimore did invite low rate to lynch and -- lore retta litsch and the department of justice to come in and investigate the city police department, and so that investigate is now ongoing, and i expect in a few weeks it could be two weeks, might be three more months but the department of justice i expect is going to issue a report saying there's a pattern and practice of problems in the baltimore police department, and it's really not going to be any surprise. a lot of people are surprised when i say that was a mistake by the mayor to bring in the department of justice. i think when there was all that national attention there was no better time for her to make the
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corrections that a lot of people felt were necessary in that city police department. the environment is never going to be better than it was back then when there was so much attention and scrutiny on the department. so the department of justice is going to issue a report in a couple of months, i'm sure the mayor will hold a press conference with the police chief and they'd pledge cooperation and follow through with reforms, and we'll see what happens. my point is that sometimes the local officials shift off the responsibility for cleaning up their own police department by inviting the department of justice in and say, let them handle it and make the tough decisions, and i think it should be done by the mayor and the chief of police. >> thank you. let's go back to the front of the program for another question. >> yes, my name is bill otis, an adjunct professor of law at georgetown. the question has been raised by the panel whether the police misconduct sparks distrust of the police and that distrust in
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turn undermines law enforcement. the question whether the police in other major public institutions enjoy the public's trust has actually been polled, gallup polls it every year and the most recent poll last month, a poll of 15 institutions. the leading two institutions were the military and small business. coming in number three were the police. 52% trust. by contrast, the president enjoyed 32% trust. the supreme court 31. and tv news, 21%. in other words, the principle organizations you hear calling for police reform enjoy half the trust of the police themselves. the reason they enjoy that level of trust is that they have largely adopted what has become the motto of the antipolice movement, that is, hand up,
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don't shoot. it's no longer news that "hands up, don't shoot" is false. that his hand weren't up and he was not trying to surrender. what is news is that the media, an and antipolice organizations, continue to adopt what they know is a false motto, as the anthem of their movement, and a movement that takes root in a knowing falsehood deserves all the amount of trust that we would give, for example to something like, if you'd like your insurance, you can keep your insurance. [applause] >> the motto in poor communities today is nothing to do with you're hand up. it's don't put your hands in your pants becausehat's what results in shooting. the issue of broad surveys of police -- i'm glad it's like that -- has nothing to do with
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the reality of high-crime communities. in a high-crime communities -- again, it's more anecdotal but i think it's true insure a high-crime community, there's an intense distrust of the police. why is there a distrust of the police? because the police in the high-crime communities do the stop and frisk, they -- their issue is not only to reduce crime. it is to make -- this is what is really going on -- is to make a social statement, much like the social statement that the last speaker just made. you have to respect me, you have to respect authority, you have to be in a position that if a policeman tells you to do something, asks you to do something, you can't wise off, you can't exercise even a constitutional right to do it. you, the police, are someone
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that has to be listened to. it is not an accident that law-abiding, decent, fine people, in high-crime communities, won't talk to the police, and it's not just because they're being intimidated by gang members and other bad people. it's because the police in those communities have not been trained very well, and if -- have taken the same attitude that some of the police have presented that, we can do what we want because we represent justice, the citizens do not. [applause] >> and that i think is what is going on. >> well, that -- >> thank you. >> the data doesn't bear that out, arthur. >> it's true. >> i just quoted bureau -- perhaps you didn't hear it, 2011 study which said that the majority of people do approve of the way police do their jobs and no discernible difference between hispanics and blacks and whitement.
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gallup survey does the same thing and other surveys as well, and, bob -- >> shouldn't be a majority. it should be 7899%. >> it was 93%. i'm sorry. go ahead. >> the point is, people in those high-crime communities want increased police. if you look at any study of those communities, they want increased police. they're losing their children. and they want -- it's just not true what you're saying. that surveys of people in those high-crime areas, more of them desire increased police presence in their -- that's what their demand is. >> from the chiefs of police to the officers on the street, their biggest complaint in trying to solve crime is that people are not coming forward to help us. >> well, that was the same -- >> let me finish if i may. >> that is -- >> that was the same issue in the south american communities
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100 years ago. that was the same thing in the italian american communities. >> i wasn't finished. >> -- more interaction with police on use of force other, their nonfatal or fatal use of force by the police the african-american community. the question we have to answer i why and people interested in true criminal justice reform need to answer that question. if if say to you, what ethnic group -- if i say the term organized time and save whatth neck group would you associate, anybody who says anything other than italian is lying. and i'm italian. the question is, why were italians so much involved in organized crime? nobody really answers that question. and these are the questions that need to be answered, and you can't have reform until you have some kind of idea of what you want to reform and why, and what causes things. to have anecdotal afghanistan in
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your opinion, blacks won't talk to the police officer because they're afraid, that's maybe your experience. that's not mine as a police officer and not bob's and bob happens to be african-american. >> arthur guests the hard word. we have to wrap it up. >> you spoke over me. what i was about to say, what i did say is, police complain regularly from the chief's to the guy on the street, that communities, high-crime communities do not have sufficient cooperation from the citizens in those communities. what i was be to say was we can disagree about the reasons. one of those reasons -- not the only reason -- one of those reasons is the fact that police in many high-crime communities have abused their authority and their power. now, you can deny that takes place but it is an element, and i believe that very strongly.
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>> i'm told we have to wrap up. it's 2:15. i apologize to those standing at the microphone. but please give a nice round of applause for these very passionate panelists. filibuster. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> if you missed any of this federalist society discussion,
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along with any on the recorded sessions at the national conference, they been available later today. you can watch them on our web site, c-span the monitor web site in mcallen, texas, has story that ten-term congressman announced he will retire from congress. quote, i'm officially announcing i am not going seek re-election. hossa has represented end mcallen since he was elect felt 1996. read the rest of it in also, smart armed services chair john mccain is threatening a court battle if the president goes around congress to achieve his campaign pledge of closing the military prison at guantanamo bay. the white house suggesting all options are on the table, leaving thissics to believe the president could be degree up --
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gearing up to use his authority to shutter the prison. more at ahead of the world crime change summit in paris, energy secretary ernest moniz looks at carbon reduction plans. live coverage starts in about 12 minutes, 2:30 eastern here on c-span2. >> live picture from orlando, florida, republican presidential candidates gathered for a two-day event to rally supporters at the sunshine summit. earlier today remarks from senators marco rubio, ted cruz, and lindsey graham, and donald trump, jeb bush, ben carson and right there, mike huckabee. florida officials also speaking tomorrow. governors bobby jindal chris christie, rick santorum, rand ball, governor john kashich and carly fiorina.
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live coverage now on c-span, running until 7:00 p.m. eastern, followed by your phone calls. continues tomorrow morning at 10:00 eastern on c-span live. the hill 2010ing out today that congressman look messer is backing jeb bush, and he becomes the first elected house republican leader to endorse in a primary. that from the hill. luke messer represents indiana's sixth congressional district. democratic presidential candidatesles getting together for a debate in des moines, iowa, tomorrow, one of the first nation caucus caucuses will be healed in three months. we'll have replay of that debate between hillary clinton, senator bernie sanders and martin o'malley, sunday, 4:00 p.m. eastern, and 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> a portion of washington
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journal. >> now joining us on "the washington journal" a former presidential candidate. before we get into your issue of campaign finance reform, you probably heard the first segmenting this morning talking about the issue of race on college campuses. you teach at harvard. what's your take on what is going on and what happened in missouri and et cetera. >> this is a microcosm of a much more fundamental inequality, systemic inequality, institutionalized that has spread throughout our society, and my campaign was targeting a very specific substantiation of that and the way we allowed representative democracy to become radically unequal. there's no equality in our representative democracy and that manifests itself throughout our political and social system. i think this is the critical issue that we have to find a way to rally political support to
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affirm the equality of citizens which has manifested the inequality throughout our society. >> host: how and why did you run for president? >> guest: i think we have at the core of our democracy a failed institution, institution sitting right over there congress. failed in the sense it no longer represents the people. it's no longer representative because of the way we fund campaigns, because of the way political gerrymandering creates radical inequality and polarization inside of the house. the system we have allowed to develop has produced not a democracy, not even a government that can function, and my concern was, even though candidates on n my party were talking about the influence of money in politics, nobody was talking about how we could fix this crippled and corrupted congress, and that we needed to fix it first if we're going to
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have any chance to do the other things they're talking about. what i wanted to do in this sprint of this improbable campaign was to in vary short time get to the level that would allow know be in those debates, and nose debates, make this issue the central issue that the democratic party -- >> host: campaign finance reform. >> guest: you say that some that's the way it's framed, a that means i've done not a good job in identifying the issue. i care about the fact that we don't have a representative democracy. the way we fund campaigns is a critical part of why we don't have a representative democracy. the idea that 158 families have given half the money contributed to the -- in the political cycle so far is a measure of the inequality, unrepresentativeness in our political simple. but its also the way we allocate how in the house of representatives it's just the way we suppress the ability of people to vote, through voter i.d. systems. all the way in which we no
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longer live up to the standard of a representative democracy that respects the equality of citizens. >> host: at what point did this inequality occur? was it written into the constitution? is it the last 20 years? >> guest: no. america has a history of striving for equality in so many dimensions. what is so striking is that though the framers of the constitution were obviously not aware of the need for racial equality, and they certainly didn't even understand the need for sex equality and wouldn't have known what sexual orientation equality was. the framers of the constitution were very sensitive to basic equality of citizens. when madison described the government that the constitution would create, he said we would have a congress that would be, quote, dependent on the people alone, exclusive dependence, and then after describing that exclusive dependence on the people, he went on to say by the people he meant, quote, not the
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rich more than the poor. so, their conception of the republic, the representative democracy they were creating, was it would have a basic equality of citizenship. what we have allowed to happen, and i think just primarily in the last 20 years, is the evolution of all sorts of inequality in the basic way in which our government functions, and the consequence of that is a corrupted and crippled institution of congress. we have all these presidential candidates running for president, promising the moon, as if we lived in a dictatorship where the president just goss to say, yeah, we'll have $15 minimum wage, or, yeah, single payer health care will be passed. take on the banks and break them up. what we know is we don't get change unless you actually get congress to enact it, and we won't get congress tone -- to enact it so long is a congress is focuses obsess receively on what they need to do to rates the money they need to get back
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into power, or so long as they come from these incredibly pollarrized, jerrymandered districts which forces them to be sensitive to the extremes in our political system as opposed to representative of the major american. >> host: why were grew not allowed to participate in the democratic debate? sunny. >> guest: when we ran we launched our campaign against hey background of a promise by the chair of the democratic national committee the rules for getting some the debates were one percent in three national polls six weeks before the debate. and we were told those rules were not going to change. we didn't make that in the first debate. part of the problem was the pollsters wouldn't include my name in the polls, o -- political ran a piece if they included my debate. we got to the second debate, it was clear we were going to qualify. monmouth had a poll, one percent, nbc had a poll, one percent, quinnipiac has a poll,
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one percent but the three that counted had the one percent. then at the end of the week, before we -- i withdrew, the democratic national committee contacted our campaign to say, thankfully, it want three polls within six weeks. it was three polls of the six weeks before the debate which have meant i couldn't have qualified. and when i said i couldn't run because of this change there was all sorts of outrage because of that. and then cbs modified the rule again and said, wasn't one percent in three polls. it was greater than one percent in three polls. so, the goalposts were moved, and had the goalposts not been moved i wouldn't be here in washington today. i'd be in iowa today preparing for the debate tomorrow. >> host: our guest is lawrence lessig, professor office law at harvard, former democratic presidential candidates. the numbers are up on the screen if you want to participate in the conversation, about campaign
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finance reform. it's about what he calls inequality in our system and representation and other issues in the political arena. let's begin with a call from jack in maryland, democrats line. jack go ahead. >> caller: good morning. thank you for the effort of the guest. what a noble idea to get the money out of politics. all that money -- just be doing so much good elsewhere. and i think that as well as -- in the blackdrop of -- backdrop of somethings so much wrong with the government hinges on the majority versus the minority and the short-term, shortsight sight edness of things. an impal share rules committee could get together saying eight years from now, don't flow who will be in power. let's rite i write rules that are fair and get rid of things
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line unrelated amendments to bills, forcing thousand page bills through in one or two days, the filibuster, something passes one house and is not allowed to go to a vote in the other house. it could be so fair. an alien would look at this system, of so much money and special interests, influence these elected officials. that is my comment. >> host: got your point. >> guest: i think the point about short-termism is really important. this is a city where elections are basically every two years. to define the control of congress and what happened is the campaign time has evolved from basically six months before the election to 24/7 from one election to the next. so, no longer is there actually a time when congress gets to govern per pet actually --
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perpetually congress is run are for re-election and they're in this mode of constant permanent war mode, where to raise money they spend all their time calling donors, the estimates in the academy say anywhere between 30% and 70% of their time raising money, and when they're raising money they're calling up the into side as being the devil. when you spend all your time referring to the other side as the devil, it's hard to turn around and work with those people to get anything done. i think the critical thing we have to begin to focus on, and i think your idea of, let's set the rules for eight years done the road, is how to begin to get people who can think about what makes sense for america rather than what makes sense for my party to get control of congress in the next two years. >> host: sea of tranquility tweets: in hoyt when has there ever been equality? equality is only achieved with a planet of clones, difference is the beauty of life and that is a
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tweet, and if you can't get through on the phone lines and you want to tweet. >> guest: i'd like to comment on that. it's an important disk. ... i'm talking about equality, i'm talking about equality of citizens. that idea is different from the idea that we are equal in our abilities, equal in our wealth, equal inour prospects, absolute opportunity. we have all sorts of inequality in society and some of that inequality we should celebrate. we should celebrate the inequality that comes from hard work. that is all fine. our ideal, the ideal of her present of democracy is the ideal of the quality of citizens. people should be equal before the law. people should be treated equally. in my view, i'm obsessed with the quality not because dusty
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equality because i'm inegalitarian could i believe in it and i think it is important. the reason i care about equality is that the corruption we have theour system right now product of the inequality in our system right now. a we could create representative democracy again, one where congress was not obsessed the tiniest fraction of the 1% cared about, the funders of their campaigns, we could begin to have a government that could work again. i care about equality because you quality is the cure for the disease of our government and the disease of our government is the cronyism that comes with the corruption of this political system. host: eric is calling in from arizona on our independent line. what would you like to ask lawrence lessig? caller: i've a question in a couple of comments. ae question is -- this is not democracy. it is a constitutional republic.
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if you so worried about the individual, that is why the forebears native -- named it a constitutional republic. i'm curious about what he think the benjamin franklin. thank you. guest: i borrowed benjamin franklin's glasses. admirer of frankel could let us tear up this issue of democracy versus republican the framers gave us a republic. they gave us a representative democracy. it is one kind of democracy like a red apple is one kind of apple. when people refer to america as a democracy, they should not leave that america is a direct democracy could i think would be a disaster to have a direct democracy. i believe in a representative democracy. and i say we do not have the democracy the framers intended, i mean that we do not have a representative democracy. in this democracy, citizens are not equal. they are not equal in the 345 districts in the house where seats are saved seats where the
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majority party basically controls that seat whether it is a democrat or republican seat. 89 million americans have no effective representation in those districts because they know that their views could never matter to the representatives the cosa happened to be from the minority party. the political gerrymandering creates one dimension of this inequality and the way that we raise campaign funds is another. these are inequalities that means we do not have a representative democracy, which means we do not have a republic anymore. that is why my book is titled "republic lost." host: this book is brand-new? guest: it first came out in 2011 and i rewrote 70% of it that just came out last month. host: still the same name? guest: it is the corruption of equality the 2016 edition. host: john on a republican line. caller: mr. lessig, my question to you is how are we going to
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stop this knowing that the obama administration stop the keystone pipeline, not knowing that warned gave millions and millions of dollars toward the administration? called therailroad santa fe railroad that comes from canada all the way down to texas. to that oil is being pushed the railroad. that is why the keystone pipeline was stopped. there are other congressmen in washington that are taking money from terrorist groups. there is one terrorist group in pennsylvania. the only reason i know that is because they grew up not too far from that area. how are you going to stop the corruption that is getting worse and worse throughout the united states and throughout washington itself? guest: it's a great question because it brings out exactly the problem with the current system that we have got right now. right now whenever you see a
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decision you disagree with, the first thing we run to is that they must have made that decision because of the money. i do not and know exactly why a obama made the decision that he did about the keystone pipeline. fair toit is completely point out that whatever financial interest might have benefited the democrats when he made that decision. the same thing the other way around. the point is that we have a system where we have no reason to believe that the decisions are being made in the interest of america as a whole. we have every reason to believe that the decisions are being made to benefit the funders that is exactly what donald trump's point was in the second republican debate when he stood up and said i own all the people and i own you people because i've given you money and i know you will return the favor in exchange. he told us that the system is like as if we needed donald trump to tell us that. the point is that we all believe that this government is corrupted. these politicians are bought. until we change the way that we fund campaigns, that believe will not change. if that belief does not change,
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then whatever government does, we have no reason to get engaged democratically to respond to it. we just sit back and are cynical way on a couch and say that is just politicians behaving the way politicians always behave. host: are any of the candidates speaking to you as far as the issues go? is bernie sanders out there? democratsryone at the -- hillary, burning, and martin o'malley -- have on their websites and in their policy which ificies, enacted, would address this problem could the problem is not that they do not believe in the policies. the problem is that they are not out there explaining to the american people this is what we have to do first. it is just not credible to talk about breaking up the banks when wall street and the financial industry is the number one conservator to congressional campaigns. times"the new york reviewed the health care proposals of different
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candidates and talk about bernie sanders's single-payer health care system, they were so derisive of what this proposal was that they were not given a paragr >> we are going live now to the energy secretary ernest moniz at the carnegie endowment for international peace that will start momentarily. live coverage on c-span2 he is expected to arrive in just a moment. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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>> once again live from the carnegie endowment for international peace waiting for comments from secretary ernest moniz for comments on climate change meeting that is happening next month. the associate press said the supreme court is taking on the first abortion case in eight years over state regulation of clinics. the justices said they will hear arguments over a texas law that would lead to an abortion clinics open across the state. the decision could come by late june for months before the presidential election. the court brief one dash previously blocked part of the law there has been a wave of measures to put restrictions when day pregnancy abortion may be performed. >> good afternoon.
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i am the president of the carnegie endowment for international peace. it is an honor and privilege to welcome secretary ernest moniz. those who had the good fortune -- fortune are intimately familiar with his mit's martz did you have been able to negotiate with them you're familiar with his toughness and all of you with his viral tv appearances. i have learned a great deal from him over the years with the nuclear program to dampen this debate with the most esteemed collection of the house of representatives [laughter] natalie one of the most remarkable wines but i am very pleased he has joined a climate conference which begins later this month. joining ernest moniz is my
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friend the what editor-at-large a atlantic for the american strategy program. and i cannot think of a more consequential debates of policy. there is no question among the overarching challenges facing united states the facts are as clear as they are compelling. one at of 10 incidents have occurred in the 21st century the arctic ice have lost half of its area and three-quarters of the volume the sea level has risen about 3 inches since 1950. half of the population lives on or near a'' -- a clothesline.
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and in addition to the risks it poses to the coastline it argues climate change is a threat multiplier from poverty to pandemic said under obama as leadership across the u.s. government to combat climate change and in paris played that coalition and to work to secure concrete actions to combat the dangerous trend lines and we are glad that secretary moniz agreed to make a pit stop here before the ministerial meeting and have another opportunity to benefit from his wisdom. please join me to welcome secretary moniz. [applause]
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>> first of all, let me thank on a number of issues but i have to say i was in the middle east last weekend it is like every hotel we have been to bill burns was year. [laughter] thank you for the opportunity and releasing a report that i will come back to but let me say a few words especially the department of energy going into paris but in terms of climate risk we need to talk
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change the a conversation ben globally and that they have moved forward with national steps of commitments with china and the cap-n-trade announcement now over 160 countries taken together to be reasonably ambitious that when executed would move the beetle on the approach to climate change the analysis suggests that nevertheless is not to degrees centigrade. may be closer at three but here is the innovation with continued cost-reduction to
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enable increasing ambition as time goes on. and third of why this agenda is so important, if we anticipate going forward also 2050 and 2100 will have to keep going very hard. everyone including the least developed countries who has many challenges of universal service. we need this cost-reduction to continue that his two
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stops in paris and next week will have the pleasure of sharing the biannual ministerial of the international energy agency in followed by the top 21 beating's in paris including the day the french coast has labeled innovation day. so we will be advocating this now through the end and then to implement that agenda. so to say more about the revolution now and also talk
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about the technology's he will showcase. let me just show one grab. one graf. [laughter] we won't dwell on this right now but this is the first that of the report shows the index cost-reduction so last six years of the technology of the utility scale with double takes the battery cost for electric vehicles and without going through all the details out what you see is dash 40% dash 50% dash 60% dash 70% and minus 90% in just half a dozen
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years is a remarkable story the kind that we need to continue for all other options. >> i will ask the obvious question if the hacker get can achieve such a dramatic scale without pricing carbon then why do we need to? >> first of all, if there were a bargain price not but that is our policy, but it would clearly have the advantage with the approach of the least cost approach through market mechanisms so that is still necessary in
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my view but these types of cost reductions make it easier going forward but some of this is clearly happening in a dramatic way. led is the most impressive of those. we had the run from very small a half-dozen years ago even though the life cycle cost was in your favor it was a big barrier to put down $20 for a light bulb now it is months of payback and we have 80 million deployed you talking about
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going gangbusters on el it will -- don led so india is making mass purchases of led they have an order for a few hundred million over three years and with that they have driven the cost down for them at $1. amazing. they will use that to distribute to their world population to introduce light is a game changer and literally a life change your agent requiring roughly 1/6 the power it dramatically reduces what they need to pay to get the source. >> many people see that transition the you talk about as a cost to the
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economy with decrease competitiveness this came up in the debates when rubio said we just cannot go down the path the cost is too high. without being too rubio but does this now deserve a response that the retrofitting around the next generation technology is not as high up a bar? >> it is a big part of that but i want to emphasize any of the economic models of the economy suggest going to a low carbon has a very small impact on gdp.
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however there are distribution effects so if there is any change in a society is what we have to adjust to answer to me the administration is sensitive to but the idea to provide assistance with the neck distributional impact but certainly the idea it is a drain on the overall economy >> with the hair on fire issue, not your hair. [laughter] we had and a panel on global shot dead most were talking about big problems and then said we have to focus on
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climate. to see it as a squishy issue someone asking on an urgency for the issue we are preparing for in paris hagues of other national security issues of the day? >> always. [laughter] the answer is yes. but we have cooked in a lot more because it takes quite a while so to come into equilibrium. that is very simple to see if in fact, at sea levels to
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easily see putting aside so to put aside for the moment you can see that amplification of the impact that is one example. but we cannot associate individuals the rinaldi application of fax. >> rigo the patterns for exactly what was predicted decades ago. we know it leads to issues like wild fire and disease sectors.
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we are seeing the impact. we know we have already cooked in an additional impact it is critical. to the 50 year time frame for those historical changes of the energy system. when obama put out the climate action plan to start off by saying we would love to work with congress something that could have an impact like we discussed earlier of the market based optimization but we don't
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have time to wait to see now with those administrative authorities that we already have so inherently it is the sector by sector approach that we could have if we work with congress of the appropriate legislatures. >> what does that look like overtime? weaver with leaders from that industry the other night to say that is good but you of my reach the scale now reaches the overwhelming dependence on fossil fuel. how do you deal with that? can i go faster or is it the incorrect assertion that
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they cannot achieve such a great scale? >> got the technology side with solar and wind in particular much more dramatically requires other solutions with all of these possibilities but some people like the expression i never get tired it is all of the above. >> what about some of the above? >> and by the way some means my favorite technology not the silver bullet. there will not be a single low carbon solution.
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we will have dramatic regional differences. let me make it clear it starts off the statement is repeated department of energy requirement for all fuels for the low carbon world. ed says advancing and engaging for carbon capture utilization what about natural gas? the answer is yes. right now it is clearly part of the solution as it has a major role through the market driven and substitution.
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what is it like when you heard about the volkswagen thing? >> the epa has to investigate all these issues. given some of these measurements it is something we can tolerate and we won't so i think the epa is correcting -- >> obviously the epa isn't going to move towards much more mobile testing to actually do the measurements in the real world drive cycles of the volkswagen resolves that issue with the regulators. >> i did read your report which i hope folks will pick up and i
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want to go to the audience soon but the role in this in terms of how do you tell -- i know that you are working on lightweight vehicles and trucks, efficiencies with truck transportations there's this stuff you have on the graph but i grass but i know the things in the energy field that we are not talking about that we don't even know about. and i like that part of the reports that flirted with some of the things that were coming up in the future. so can you share with us a little bit about what's not in the report just a little bit further on >> next week i will mention the technology showcase. these are the technologies we are going to do but let me just go quickly. how about flying wind turbines.
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how about a 50-megawatt nuclear reactor that can be built in a factory and just taken over the highways to a site? how about a great efficient fuel cell? how about a great driver [laughter] this is an oak ridge. i was looking at approximately a quarter of you. you should render this is the 50th anniversary of the shelby cobra commander this is oakridge -- >> [inaudible] >> oak ridge national laboratory which accompanies. for this displays is a three d. printed car. this is an electric vehicle shelby cobra but the point is
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things like new manufacturing processes and three d. tv to -- 3d printing. supercritical co2 power fuel cycle is catchy. what's that going to do for me? whether it is applied in the coal plant ended it will increase the efficiency of the plant is a hybrid photovoltaic technology and a novel hydro. >> how did you know i was going to ask that question? and actually those are going to physically be in paris next week so that we can display to the ministers who were there etc. why ambition is a great thing in addressing climate change and
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this will be part of the solution. i know that you have an arpa e that works with a lot of systems but how did this function backs >> i know that it's very well described and it's not very well understood the role that you're playing in other areas of innovation. first of all it is highly varied and let me give you kind of different examples to highlight that. let me start by saying by no means a full research efforts certainly we have national laboratories and they play an absolutely central role from everything like energy to basic science to the nuclear security. now in terms of how it works, again, quite varied. if i start at the basic
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resurgence, we have a network of 32 energy frontier research centers. this is used to inspire basic science. first, we bring the community together. 1500 scientists define the core basic science challenges that would underpin future technology breakthroughs. each one of the centers is addressing each one of those problems and doing it effectively. >> arpa e was created in 2009 as were these energy frontier research centers. 2009 arpa e was created in the process for high-risk technologies investments. for example, that hybrid solar thing i mentioned was one. i might say we believe that program is underfunded by a
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factor of three in terms of innovation in american capacity to innovate. >> let me take other examples. carbon capture sequestration. this is now -- we have a set of large-scale demonstration projects. they are risky. but a couple of them are already working and will have a coal plant moving on in 2017 carbon capture. we have industrial plants with a capture that is cheap and the either use the co2 for enhanced oil production or we put it into a very deep formation. and finally, one of those technologies that we had at the beginning with the cost-reduction etc. plus utility scale solar which fell by 60% cost over that time period.
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in 2009 the country had zero utility scale meaning greater than 100 megawatts of the photovoltaic firms. now another loan program that has issued over $30 billion in loan guarantees provided that financing for the first five utility project all successes. that's all we are doing and that is all we need to do because now there are 21 additional projects with purely private financing. you have to get over the hump to show that these projects can get out there and can work in our finance etc. so you can't delete code you can see it as everything from the technologies and loan programs. i should add one more. again in the solar arena --
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>> it's so much cooler than i thought it was. i already emphasized the technology developments. but you know, the cost has now fallen so much for the photovoltaic modules that the dominant costs are not the modules anymore. it's really the other stuff you have to do particularly if you want to put the module system up on your rooftop and so, another very different thing we did come it's not technology company have something called -- you mentioned you got it not quite right it's called some shot, and it's about getting solar costs down with certain targets by 2020, and in that program besides technology, it's going to need code got a program that
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works with cities and towns in terms of how you should be permitting. how do you get the permit down from the month today since technical assistance to do that. >> let me ask some really quick questions so i want to go to the audience. how does this play out because you are in a political position and has anybody dven across kansas lately? blank and you don't >> i know you don't have this graph but that's the coolest graphic in the report. maybe you should describe it, the point is when you leave that out, i was pretty surprised to see such an investment by someone over a vast expansion of
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land in western kansas how did that happen? >> it's hard to miss them actually. you didn't. first of all, the united states has a fabulous wind belt that runs up the middle of the country from texas to the upper great plains. so, this is when. it may each be just a coincidence that a large part of that has a rather low population density. but it's an honest way and resource at the major centers that tend to be far away. so, building up the high-voltage transmission is absolutely critical. and we are talking about it again. texas has a pretty isolated grid and they have an enormous wind resource in the course the
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centers that but if you get from oklahoma up through north dakota and then a big part of the job is filling up the transmission system to move the window to the market. >> for those of you that can't see it there are a number of graphs and this one i'm showing here with land-based wind power just demonstrating a staggering decrease in that cumulative wind capacity taking off it's just something i find -- accost drop into plain and coming plane and going up. >> so we live in washington which thus far has not proven able to untie the political knots but we are in an answer direction is hard to find. you've been working with cities and states and other non- federal level players and recently the atlantic and others did something called city lab where you bring mayors from all over the world they to have the climate plan so what do you
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interact with at all the non- federal level and help guidance or support in the book of innovation with several cities are doing? >> i was with the mayor in los angeles helping dedicate a novel sold being installed at fire stations and emergency power for them and for the neighborhood. you've got to get your cell phone charged up and if things are down for while the cities are giving a lot of creative things. the mayors conference actually released a couple of years ago i did that with kenneth johnson the former basketball player who's the mayor of sacramento and they are just enervating tremendously. i cannot underestimate how important it is not just in the united states and the mayors are
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beginning active partnering across the globe. may the century the globe is greatly 70% urbanized. it's like willie sutton. why do you rob banks? that's where the money is. if you want to adjust these issues, go where the people are. that requires an urban focus over the next several decades. now, part of it especially in the united states, we are outgoing to be building. we may be enhancing some of the ones we have put in another part of the world they are going to be starting much more, much closer at least and therefore by hope is we also think about the genuinely new solutions at of how you design an urban environment with those opportunities. i will give one example that i've always kind of liked.
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if you think about -- imagine a city that is roughly speaking pretty much all electric, the vehicles are electric vehicles and gives a quite correctly no tailpipe pollution and we say then very different noise levels. the item seal every building etc.. this can actually open up new business for integrating the energy, water, infrastructure, communication transportation systems in ways that are good for the environment but also provide frankly a better quality of life. >> one of the hottest moments in the democratic debate is when hillary clinton talked about how she ended up president heard the chinese were in the parking lot
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and over here and there was this scramble to find india and china at the last minute and then all do you think paris is going to have any fun like that? >> first of all, despite the hurried nature of the conclusion of the copenhagen conference i want to say that i believe the copenhagen conference will go down as having been an important turning point i establish in some very important principles for the future negotiations. now in paris it is well known that the approaches being taken, that is the leaders will be there at the beginning of the conference and charging the conference and charging their negotiating teams and attend the negotiations p6 >> will be left to the negotiating teams and -- is
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gender somewhere? i don't see jim. let's go to this gentleman right in the middle. there are millions of people watching. tell us who you are and make it short. >> i am a reporter. during the climate negotiation how do you leverage future innovations, how do you bring into effect future solutions for the current problems and get other countries to act and what should we expect next week? >> in terms of the negotiations for example, several things. one is we will be looking to make strong commitment and innovation among the set of countries, and that will include the opportunity to more collaborative work, so i will just give you one example of kind of a natural.
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take india that clearly has a tremendous need for the distributed generation as we have a tremendous interest in the distributed generation. we have more that we can do there. so i think the ind c., the targets are pretty much set for this first round but we can talk about how we can work together on innovation to get more ambition when it comes time to revise the targets, said that to me is in some sense how i'm thinking about that. and that will be getting the innovation theme set up to roll just a week and a half later. >> just a quick 32nd follow-up on the questionable other countries bring peace ideas themselves are there things other nations are doing that we can learn from anything you've seen that would be a shocker? >> absolutely there's a lot of innovation going on in many
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countries. >> there's a lot of work, a lot of interesting work going on in the election space in the countries as well by the way other alternative fuel vehicles, so that's one area where i think there's quite a bit. but i think the -- we also should have said in our international activities of countries have an interest in our consultations with regards to building an innovation system
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[laughter] i thought that it was a pipeline. anyway, what was the first question? >> intellectual property. so first of all we had worked out some very suitable arrangements in the international collaborations for example with china we had a significant program a significant threat of death that was working out ip arrangements that worked quite well. number two, we are doing experiments for example at berkeley there is something which is a spin approach in
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which the laboratory provides a central investor opportunities and in terms of power i have been brief on that when i was in mit but i didn't go into any specific technology but i will say a very interesting thing has happened. i showed the new scale reactor but there are something like 50 companies in the united states with private capital looking at innovative nuclear fission and fusion technologies. we don't need more than one to work. it is a new wave of innovation looking at nuclear because of its carbon free characteristics.
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think the president put out a statement on the nuclear import of our own carbon -- >> one week ago there was a nuclear meeting workshop held in the white house specifically to the publics interest to that. >> the agribusiness magazine we have a billion people that are hungry in the world many of them small farmers and many of them live on marginal land so how a fraction of them to adopt the next generation to put it into the chance petition network? that is probably a question that some of my colleagues in agriculture might be able to answer better but clearly what we are giving as you know you're getting the research and development for many different
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types of feedstocks. we are looking at things for as you said biomass on the marginal land, salt tolerant organizations etc.. so we are doing that research. we have outreach for example particularly the national renewable laboratory which has a big biomass component but i will be honest i think the bigger outreach on that. we are trying to provide the tools. >> quick right here in the front we will go between the two here. >> just make it brief. >> first of all economist
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magazine is ruining the closing of nuclear plants. i was concerned and interested enough that the recent atlantic article is suggesting there are places where if you buy an electric car you are actually increasing the emissions. can you comment? >> into bill gates interview in the atlantic he talks about there are places you can invest in their vehicles and do something in the process you actually at increasing carbon. >> i think that depends very much in this transitional phase on with a mix of fuel is. so for example let's say an electric vehicle in the northwest versus one in the upper midwest is going to have a more positive carbon impact because it is drawing upon hydropower for example, whereas
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the marginal benefit command again i'm not arguing against it being deployed everywhere but the marginal -- the marginal benefit of the efficiency investment will be higher in the upper midwest and in the northwest. so come it really depends how the technology fuels are matched to what's going on regionally. now of course, i argue that the electricity sector in particular is going to be pretty much in my view d. carbonized by the time we get to the mid century into and some of those geographical effects therefore would not apply. >> in the beginning of your talk you mentioned china. as i observed when there is a treaty between the u.s. and china such a topic close climate change. some people call it diplomacy.
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so, my question is what is the cooperation between the u.s. and china now from climate change compared with a few years ago and how you work with your chinese counterpart before the paris meeting to ensure a substantial result from the climate change? >> first of all, i've already said the joint announcement last november just about a year ago was a major turning point in has now been followed up in just about every meeting of president obama with additional progress most recently here in september. ..
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and by the way, the united states today, we are producing about 300,000 barrels of oil per day from co2 flooding of mature reservoirs. but now but we added, edited the document from last november and we're moving forward, is enhanced water recovery using co2. so the idea is whether there portable water is a niche but there's lots of issues of water which we can clean up a bit. we have, we are in, right on our side would in the middle of selecting a site for our first enhanced water recovery project and that's something with china. >> you are off to the iea come international energy company than adequate accrue. it leaves china outcome leaves some other energy players out. is that a problem you're going to hang out with the folks that
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are not the problem? how does china built in in this weekend coming up? >> we are going to hang out with the chinese as well because they will be present. so the iaea membership by its construction in the 1970s in response to the oil shock is oecd countries. however, the world looks different today than it did in the 1970s. and so the iaea is in a number of dimensions looking to do some modernization. and that clearly includes among other things the idea of welcoming dialogues with the big economies, the big energy consumers. so frankly we expect china, we expect india, indonesia, quite a few countries that are not today members. >> let's get our friend from brazil right here in the fourth
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row. >> regarding hydropower efficiency act of 2013, what has been done, what is the next status, and what comes next? how many megawatts due respect for the next five, 10 or 20 years? >> in the united states? >> yeah. >> that's a hard one to answer to be honest. there is, i mean, i to see we will ever be building any big mega- dams in the united states. but there is a lot of interest in small hydro. effect when the technologies i shall was a low had hydro project. there's also, there's a lot, if i remember, i'll get it wrong. i think come and this may be incorrect i think there's a quarter of 100 megawatts of opportunity for powering small
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and power bands, for example, get a lot of that is what the corps of engineers, those kinds of projects. we do research in some of the novel hydro. and by the way, also hydrokinetic technologies. >> this gentleman right here in the middle. >> james with george washington university. with the reduction in the cost of producing these technologies, our government subsidies, either grants, loan programs or tax breaks to companies still necessary even with consumer demand for these technologies speak was good question. what if you took all the subsidies away from all of the energy sources, what would the picture look like? >> look, we believe that we are still at the stage because of the necessity up dramatically accelerating the low carbon transition that we still think that some of these well-placed
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renewable investment and production tax credits should continue. now, for ever? no, probably not. would that be helped if we had instead something that enter lies is the price of carbon emissions? yes. but where we are today we think we need those, but there is an issue of the continuing major credits in the fossil areas which i would say are probably a little more difficult to defend. defend. >> just in closing i just learned recently that you are an avid soccer player, not just pashtun opposition deeply and yet any games lined up for paris? >> added should not be confused with a good. [laughter] this is a true. i generally play in the defense but last time to put me up in
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to the united nations climate change conference which will be held in paris beginning november 30 and going until december 11. in a work toward legally binding agreement on climate issues. live picture from orlando, florida, and republican presidential candidates are there today and tomorrow for what the state gop is calling a sunshine summit. marco rubio, ted cruz, lindsey graham, donald trump, jeb bush, ben carson and mike huckabee are there today. florida officials addressing the conference. kamora bobby jindal, chris christie, rick santorum, senator rand paul, governor john kasich and carly fiorina will address attendees. live coverage right now on c-span until about 7:00 today and then your phone calls. tomorrow coverage begins at 10 a.m. on c-span. democratic presidential candidates are getting together for debate in des moines, iowa, tomorrow where the first nation
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caucuses will be held in about three months. we will replay that between hillary clinton, senator bernie sanders and martin o'malley on sunday at for the easter and re-air at nine on c-span. >> now a panel of lawyers, legal specials and supreme court observers discuss the nation's highest court under chief justice john roberts. the decisions he is made and what aspects of his legacy will most be memorable to the federalist society posted this discussion yesterday. >> [inaudible conversations] >> good afternoon, everyone. we are about to get started. the microphone is apparently on. okay. welcome to those of you watching on c-span and those of you
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watching the live stream online. my name is rachel brand. for those of you may not be fully with the federalist society, we are a membership organization of lawyers and law students that provides a forum for rigorous debate on issues of law and legal policy. for many of us in the room this is the organization that brought to our law schools to first professions on lightly balsa that were not otherwise reflected on campus and to continue to provide informative and provocative programming on the right of legal issues all throughout the year. i am standing here today because of chairman of the litigation practice group. my practice group land than what you are about to do. they federalist society is 15 practice groups divided by subject matter and they are responsible for a large portion of the programming hosted by the organization of throughout the year. for those of you may be interested in getting more involved, i would make a pitch for you to get involved in one of the practice groups. you can come and find afterwards fortified jean reuter who's at
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the front table who's on the staff that runs the practice groups. i've been asked remind you certain conferences clean this one are being live stream on the block of the federalist society sick you can't hear in person for the whole conference you got to miss entirely. without light to turn to our topic today. i am very delighted with the panel we've put together. i'm looking forward to this discussion. the panelists that a good reflected on the first decade of the roberts court come from diversdiverse perspective. with a journalist, an academic, a practitioner and a former senate staffer, so thank you all for being a. without i will turn it over to judge thank you. thank you, judge bea. [applause] >> thank you, rachel, for that introduction. 15 years that chief justice roberts has led the court have
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seen decisions that have affected important aspects of our cultural, religious and political lives. our panel today will discuss and deal not only with the chief justice, but also at the nomination process and what effect he sat on the other justices and whether it should be called the roberts court, or perhaps the kennedy court, or some people might say the alito court. in the ninth circuit we may refer to it as a court of reversal. [laughter] because over those 10 years the supreme court has reversed the ninth circuit in 70% of the appeals that it accepted from our circuit. to paraphrase -- [applause] to paraphrase a former solicitor general, it has been suggested
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that one could open a certification by saying this is a petition to review a judgment of the court of appeals for the ninth circuit, and there are other reasons also to reverse. [laughter] but enough about the ninth circuit. our panelists will discuss the important decisions which are seen as consistent with the judicial philosophy of the roberts court and how does perhaps brought surprises to the president who have nominated the justices. we have a distinguished panel with us today and we will hear from each panelist. the panelists will then exchange questions and then i will take questions from the audience. first we have steven duffield, graduate of the university of chicago law school asked even as vice president for policy at crossroads a gps, and president
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of the endgame strategies here in washington. stephen worked for senator john, on the senate republican policy committee during the day in judge roberts nomination and confirmation. stephen is going to discuss the expectations regarding judge roberts role as chief justice at the time was confirmed in 2005. next we have jan crawford is the chief legal correspondent for cbs news, and also a graduate of the university of chicago law school. she covers the supreme court regularly and publish a book in 2007 and titled supreme court conflict, the inside story of the struggle for control of the united states supreme court. she is going to speak about how justice roberts tenure on the court has coincided with and emerged from public expectations at the time he was confirmed. we are also joined by michael
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carvin. he has argued in numerous cases before the supreme court. mike is going to discuss some of the hot button issues that have arisen during chief justice roberts tenure, including the affordable care act and affirmative action cases. last but not least we have professor michael paulsen. michael is a professor at the university of st. thomas school of law in minnesota. he has written extensively on constitutional interpretation. michael is knowledgeable about the course of religious freedom jurisprudence. he is two degrees from yale, one in divinity and you offer some thoughts on the direction that the supreme court might take during the next presidential administration. with that let's begin with the first panelist, steven duffield. [applause] >> thank you, trent whether i'm
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honored to be a part of this panel today. i was a lawyer innocent for senator jon kyl in his leadership office to a truly crazy time in judicial nominations, 2003-2006. for those who were not caught up in a particular vortex, that could include democrats wholly unprecedented filibuster of lower court nominees such as priscilla owen and others. the publican threats to eliminate the judicial filibuster a lower court nominees, of all nominees in what is now called the nuclear option. the infamous gang of 14 partial settlement of that dispute, the nominationnomination of john rod samuel alito and the soviet experience with another nomination. nomination. i had been applied to set the stage for how it was that john roberts was viewed in the senate what the expectations were for him from the perspective of the senators who confronted her i don't speak for any senator put these are my good-faith picks impressions. let's go back to the sum of 2005. the most important thing to understand is that was a great deal of concern that any supreme
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court nominee would be blocked by filibuster. republicans had just 55 votes. many of us believed that democrats would hold together to block all but the most moderate of nominees, nominees the conservative senators themselves could not support. in other words, we feared some disaster. as a consequence of this, senate administrations have spent many months working on how to frame a supreme court nomination. any nomination. the arguments would be the same regardless of who it was. in fact, i'm sure everyone recalls that in judge roberts analogy of judging as umpires as calling balls and strikes. the first of i heard that analogy was not from judge roberts but a few months before the o'connor resignation sitting in bill for it its conference fm chemical republican counsel share the analogy in almost precisely the same language that judge roberts would later use. i suppose it's possible the
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white house and doj staffing never shared this id with judge roberts, but call me a little bit skeptical. if you don't like the analogy, i know many do not, just do what you like to do, just blame congress. keep in mind they were real substantive consequences to this fear of filibuster focus on messaging and framing. it meant there was far less attention given on the republican side to understanding the nuances of john roberts precise judicial philosophies. instead we worked on how to shape the debate to prevent filibuster. let's go back to the timeline. the inconclusive gang of 14 agreement is reached in may, and justice o'connor announced her resignation, retirement rather, in july. the president nominates john roberts soon after. from the outset one thing was clear. senators really liked john roberts but they thought he was brilliant but they also just like his style. my personal to i've always said
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this is that judge roberts excited many senators because he reminded them so much of what they wished they could be themselves. brilliant. somebody who is smooth, cool under pressure and a phenomenal communicator. they wished they could be more like him. at the same time few at the time, at least in the senate, were saying the president had replace justice o'connor with a justice thomas for a justice scalia. at the outset judge roberts was considered an improvement over justice o'connor. a very good choice for the o'connor spot. enthusiasm grew as fighting continued at the left became more vocal in opposition. in retrospect i think we should agree he was a substantial improvement. so after eight weeks of waiting the passing of the former chief justice and the nomination of judge roberts to the role injuries occurred and that kennedy caucus room. john roberts sat patiently while they made opening statements. he gave a brief statement that stunned everyone with his
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eloquence. the balls and strikes metaphor made its first public appearance as did the promised not to be a politician or to have an agenda. there was the beautiful language about his childhood and in those fields of indiana and the promise of endless possibilities. he was formidable. the fight if there ever was to be one was over that day. the next two days of key when they were just defense by the nominees but by also by most republican senators that judge roberts gave us earnest repetitions of doctors and tests but showed relatively little in the way specific judicial philosophy. he was also rather dry. at the alito hearings thank you much later joe biden clown around with a princeton cap on his head and spoke 26 and a half of his 30 minutes before even asked a question. we kept track. i must say we did learn that judge roberts favorite movies were as we on the doctor zhivago and north by northwest. perhaps nothing illustrates the
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nature of the hearings better than judge roberts answer to senator graham's simple question. he asked, what would you like history to say about you? characteristically judge roberts first response was a bit cheeky. he said, i have my drink transcript. he said i'd like to start by saying he was confirmed. [laughter] perfect, right? audience laughed and then he said, but actually the answer is the same. he said, i would like them to say i was a good judge. what does that mean? we didn't really know except that it was a very firm sense that judge roberts was adamant that judges should not bring their policy preferences into judging that, of course, democratic nominees today all say the same. senators saw there getting a very smart man who contrary to his opening statement was an excellent politician, just in a different field. staff conversation as judge roberts to do his private
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meetings with her senators were always the same. that god is good. people were incredibly impressed. there was a sense he would be an institutionalized, that he truly love the court but i'm not sure any senator had any idea on what that would mean in practice. it's interesting to listen something he said in his opening statement, towards the end of the statement. he said, if i am confirmed, i will be vigilant to protect the independents and integrity of the supreme court. i worked to ensure that it upholds the rule of law and safeguard those liberties that make this land one of endless possibilities for all americans. so a concern for the court, and coupled with a concern for the rule of law and liberty. but at least in this sense he placed them in parallel. let me also read what he had to say about results oriented judging. during questioning from senator cornyn, judge roberts said that if a judge is results oriented, quote it's about the worst thing
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you could say because what you're saying is you don't apply the law to tell you what the results should be. you don't go through judicial decision process. you don't look to the principles that are established in the constitution or the law. you look to what you think the result should be and then you go back and try to rationalize it. that's not the way the system is supposed to work. it's been great to see the elephant in the ruper room. these words are somewhat interesting given popular conceptions in both the obamacare cases. those comments should also be read in light of his behemoth in the same-sex marriage case. but i'm going to let others sort that out. the transcript provides other clues. he did not adopt a strict textualism but you said of course a judge should start with text. in response again to senator cornyn he said, i think you folks, i think that when you folks legislate, you do something in mind in particular
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and you put into words and you expect judges not to put into own preference. not to substitute their judgment for you. but to implement your view of what you are accomplishing in the statute. and a few lines later as he said i think there's meaning in your legislation at the top of a good judge is to do as good a job as possible to get the right answer. this nuance was not pursued by senators of either party. the more time you spend with the hearing transcript the more clues you see but in fairness this is maybe another style of looking around the room to find your friends. what matters is that the centers heard what they wanted and needed to be. know which end, no politics, limited will of judging, a desire for unanimity. what they were left with at core was an institutionalized it was hostile to judge is inserted itself into policymaking. when you look back on it just over 10 years, it may well be that's exactly what we got. thank you.
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[applause] >> i think when we think about the roberts court, i'm going to ask us to think back 10 years and this may cause a lot of pain, but these remember how much excitement that there was, because president bush had really been given an historic opportunity to change the supreme court in a way that his father had failed to do so, and even president making. as you all know, the story of this report and survey the rehnquist court has been one of disappointment for conservatives. the rehnquist court, seven of nine justices nominated by republican presidents, yet in case after case after case, those justices failed to adhere to conservative judicial principles. many victories for liberals as
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we do we need to get into here after lunch. but you know, why was that? obviously some of the justices were not as conservative as people had hoped. and when i say conservative i know that's a frustrating term but i'm just referring to traditional conservatism of principles. you know, they were never that conservative to begin with. that would be the story of justice souter. he looked conservative antiwar a three-piece suit and was only polite. [laughter] but he had no real philosophy. others really changed when i got on the court, and perhaps didn't have that is wrong -- it would be the story of justice kennedy, justice o'connor, and failed to provide in many cases the key votes that would have started to turn the court back into a more
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conservative direction and away from some of the excesses of the warren court. other justices who did have strong conservative philosophical views i think affected according very unexpected ways. that, of course, is the story of justice thomas who i believe is really been the most egregiously mischaracterized take your probably in our generation -- mischaracterize figure. is very interesting because the story of justice thomas is one as we all know where the narrative that he is al-awlaki of justice scalia. these justice scalia's intellectual understudy, and for your intellectual and, of course, that narrative is demonstrably false. it's obvious not only by reading his opinions but it's in the papers of the library of congress.
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you can see thomas taking key positions on his own in conference and then scalia later changing his vote to join justice thomas. and it's funny, when i talk about this in speeches, depending on the audience, especially on the west coast -- [laughter] i will start to talk about justice thomas because i think it is an outrage the way he continues to be perceived in the press. people get all excited like i wish you could say timing on pan justice thomas that i started a love story. people, no one wants to hear. and that i think is a tremendous disservice to admit but also been done by my profession. it's something i think is outrageous. but his tenure on the floor i think it's affected the court in unexpected ways. he i think in many ways cause justice o'connor with a strong conservative views to drift more to the left and she already was.
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certainly she was going that way. the rehnquist court was a disappointment for conservatives. he wasn't george bush with this historic opportunity to do what previous presidents had failed to do, which became obvious what justice o'connor shocked everyone by announcing that she was stepping down before the chief justice. so we had to get it right and relied on i think some very smart people. and in capping john roberts that was taking us all back. it's really funny because it's almost like we have kind of come full circle like who is john roberts? 10 years ago i was one who come and argue with many conditions, including on this panel, 10 years ago about whether john roberts was going to be this solid judicial conservative. i was convinced that he was. i remember others were not.
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and i remember even members of the press kit i remember vividly in the supreme court pressroom reporters were saying he's not that conservative. he's not that conservative. because he was really nice and he would talk to them an in retn the calls. he gave them his cell phone number. a conservative would never do that because they are so mean. i was like yeah, right, i know this guy and he is going to be solid. been remember when the memos came out that he had written in the reagan administration and they were like snarky, his comments on the margins suggested that he was really conservative. i called a member who was sitting on the spam and sent see, i told you so. [laughter] -- sitting on this panel. he waltzed through as steven just recounted, waltz through his confirmation you. but he was john roberts?
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we are still talking about some of his decisions. they are hard to figure. i think assess and we'll get into more details as this unfolds but it's fast and we think about how he would ruin obamacare and same-sex marriage but those decisions i think in his mind would be completely, completely, you know, complementary and not at all inconsistent because as he testified courts should not reach out and take on social dispute. court should take a backseat to save it's a bad everything, this is perfectly consistent with his testimony. but the other thing about john roberts did go back and look at his testimony in 2003 when he was confirmed to the d.c. circuit, he had a interesting exchange about whether he was a strict constructionist. some of the republican senators were concerned that what was he? was really going to be in the mold of scalia or thomas involved some of those principles?
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and he would not engage at all. he said he doesn't like labels. that's not a strict constructionist and mean one thing in one case and one thing in another. at the time you thought that's a very savvy answer. but john roberts does a like labels and vacancy right now and this panel will show he defies them in many ways. of course, i think the other nomination that president bush made, and we will talk not just about john roberts but the roberts court more broadly, was samuel alito and that was an absolute home run. his opinions are beautifully written. his presence on the bench has been an enormous asset to the court. is questions at oral argument are penetrating incompletely different and in some ways unexpected than some of the other justices. and my favorite thing about watching justice alito on the bench is how often justice
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kennedy will jump in and ask an attorney, what is your answer to justice alito's question? [laughter] so i think justice alito has been from president bush's perspective of one, the home run and, of course, replacing justice o'connor a very pivotal vote for the future of this court. but what is the roberts court after 10 years? it to me as almost too soon to say now with the two new justices how they will affect dynamics on the court because the new justices as you makes a new court and when we saw justice thomas, the court, a solid vote to change the dynamics on that court. so i think in many ways it is too soon to tell. i thought about writing another book and was encouraged to do so by by publisher after five years, and decided not to because i think it's too soon. here's a snapshot you can take of the court in determining five
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years, 10 years, lord knows we've got a lot of talk today after 10 years but i think that snapshot is being developed. it is not -- what would be interesting going forward is as this court establishes itself and as i did and i want to talk about it and whether or not it has any consistent theme, whether roberts is any consistent approaches, this court is going to change. when you talk about a presidential election in 2016, the next president could well get two, three, possibly four appointments after a reelection. for other justices and the next president's first term will be in their 80s, and these are conservative justices who could very well be stepping down. so john roberts, while has i think been frustrating for many
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conservatives, if a democrat wins the white house, john roberts may well be writing a lot more decent on the other side because of the court and its membership -- dissent -- could be something that is in flux. so on that happy note. [applause] >> mike carvin. >> i will pick up on that happy note. the first point i think to be made is it's a bit of a misnomer to talk about the roberts court and the rehnquist court or any of the court. really the chief justice is just one of nine votes. to be joined at eight liberal justice he would have an entirely different legacy than to join a conservative justices. and to pick up on the judge's remark, i mean really i think it's probably more accurate to say prior to 2000 but it was at the kennedy o'connor court. in the last 10 years it's been largely the kennedy court
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because he more than any other justice is going to dictate the direction of the law. i'm worried that it could become the kennedy/roberts court if the kind of jurisprudence he brings to the affordable care act tends to bleed over into other areas of the law, then we will have some very rough sledding. i think it's probably too early to tell on that. the real consequential tng that happened 10 years ago was not john roberts replacing chief justice rehnquist. it was justice alito replacing justice o'connor because they got a principled conservative replacing sort of the suburban republican state legislature and you got some continuity of the law and principle of the law. that has affected so many various areas that i would like to chat about briefly. the first things i'd like to talk about his substance of some of the things we've seen over the last 10 years, and then just
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kind of jurisprudential approach, an approach to judging and how chief justice roberts differs from people like scalia and thomas. so in terms of the scorecard how about the last 10 years looked? i will start with the good stuff because i'm an eternal optimist. i think we've made some baby steps towards the return to the rule of law, and, obviously, as jan points out and if the election goes wrong mixture, then none of that will matter. we will dissent into a hellish existence from which we will never emerge. [laughter] but for right now you can make an argument that has some relationship to the text construction history of the constitution that people actually listen to, so that's nice. i'd like to just go through briefly the areas where i think we've made some decent progress and then some of the worst parts of the roberts court.
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i'll start with free speech. generally it's been very good about the. again i will talk to each of these very lightly. citizens united was a brilliant decision, landmark to restore individual liberty and enhancing the marketplace of ideas. generally they've taken a very libertarian approach in all areas the speech, commercial speech. there was a decision where they certainly reinforce the basic principles of free speech. case called alvarez is somewhat controversial but made the point that a lease with respect to political and ideological and scientific debate even knowing falsehoods or constitutionally protected, and the reason for that is because we don't want to allow an orwellian truth ministry to govern the marketplace of ideas. again, the dynamic in this area
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and are just about every other area i'm going to talk about is this reflected justice kennedy's jurisprudential inclination. the court can basically go as far as justice kennedy wants to go, and no farther. except with respect to the affordable care act but i will come back to that. but basically if justice kennedy hasn't basic libertarian approach to the first amendment, that's what the court is going to go. he had a step backwards last term which was probably the worst term since the 1970s where chief justice roberts wrote an opinion, very restrictive opinion, about the rights of judges to solicit campaign contributions. you can hope to write that off as economic that judges are given so we're not going to really apply the first amendment to them but the motive analysis i do want to get into the weeds but it's underinclusive analysis was a dramatic departure from president anything but takes it seriously, which i hope they will not, could dramatically
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undercut some first amendment protections. the other aspect of course of the first amendment that's important is religion and again i think generally very good marks in terms of where the court has gone on that. in terms of enhancing religious liberty coming is in the right of religious adherence relative to the state, justice scalia both his and my mind very controversial smith opinion that defend the protection of the free exercise clause that essentially said unless they single out religion for differential treatment they can post any kind of neutral even if it has a dramatic burden on religious practice. so that every switch from the free exercise clause to the statute which restores the protection and saiyou get substantially -- the practice of religion absent a compelling government interest and then we saw most notably last year in the hobby lobby case where
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they've indicated the right of religious employers to resist the contraceptive and other mandates that were embodied in the affordable care act. you saw a very similar development which is actually a departure i thought from smith in the case with this it even neutral regulations you can't infringe on religious autonomy of religious institutions. and so they departed from the notion in smith a neutral law would be okay as long as it was generally applied. seen some baby steps in establishment clause, you can mention god and things like that. in public forums, ma least of you have a strong history of doing so. i think the real issue in establishment clause, the court has the expert difficulty the litmus test in terms of whether or not they will take a sensible approach to the establishment clause. it is not in from the establishment survey should be that it doesn't violate the astonishment clause if you give
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religious organizations funding pursuant to a neutral funding scheme. in other words, turne enough toa friendly discriminates against religious organizations when you're doling out of social welfare money. i think that's the one part of a religious agenda that has not yet been resolved. i strongly agree that will be five vote for that if it comes up. the next area has been a mixed bag and that's of course racial equality. i thought the biggest change were dramatically see when justice alito replace justice o'connor was in the area of racial preferences. justice o'connor in the michigan case famously said we'll take a 25 year vacation from the 14th amendment. [laughter] you can discriminate all you want against anybody who the government doesn't think is a protected minority group and get back to me and we'll talk about whether or not that makes a lot of sense. i suspect justice alito does not
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share that discriminatory the of the 14th amendment, so we're going to find out this term in the fisher case which presents again the issue of racial preferences in higher education. so sort of dramatically reduce its what justice o'connor did in the michigan case is this a number of ways that you could restore some teeth to the protection on on my norse against faith-based racial discrimination without a friendly overturning the michigan cases simply by saying things like look at, if you are invoking critical mass and diversity and the other buzzwords, maybe you could supply some evidence that achieving 14% minority representation relative to 10% minority representation action has some educational bounty. this is the complete absence of any evidence to support that extraordinary counterintuitive notion, as long as they demand
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is proof as opposed to slogans, and i think they could go along way towards restoring the racial utah the command of the constitution. again, fisher is an interesting test case because of bubbled up a couple years ago. supreme court waited nine months to issue a four-page opinion that letter he said nothing except why did you take another look at this? the fifth circuit said okay, send it back up. this time i think we interesting to see if they actually put some teeth to restore some teeth begin to equal protection analysis. the statutory realm there's been some very good decision in the voting rights act at the big surprise and a big step backwards which was attributed to justice kennedy last term was he read and effects test intertidal eight at the fair housing act which prohibits their housing discrimination which was a real surprise to me because at least the employment of the voting every justice kennedy had seen confirming
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understand and adopt the position that the effects test is just another word for racial quota and that we shouldn't turn statutes which say don't take account of race into statutes and so you must take account of race and sort out government benefits on a racially proportionate basis. budget last year title eight cases in texas he took a big step backwards. he laced his opinion with same don't turn this into a quota but had a week issues that for a week later he should have much h of quotas. that will tell you about as much of it as just as kerry has to there. again i do think for the reasons i just articulated the court's decision and fisher would take a lot about how they're going to handle racial issues going forward both in terms of the statutory and nonstatutory context. i think the final big step forward in terms of jurisprudence and determined to rule of of law over the last 10
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years was the decision to recomd the second amendment does protect individual rights to own firearms. the actual practical effect of that opinion i think we don't know yet because they have never taken a follow-on case to sort through the gun regulations that are out there and that kind of judicial scrutiny they have given to it but he was clearly a huge originalist when in a closely divided court. so that was certainly probably the best thing that this court has done. on the bad side of obviously last year's decision, the same-sex marriage case, was about as lawless as you could be. the provision that justice kennedy invoked says you can't deny life, liberty or property without due process of law which, of course, to all english is peaking people means people of the same-sex must be able to marry.
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[laughter] he supported this keen to act in textual analysis with platitudes that are thinking from hallmark greeting cards. [laughter] so it really didn't pretend to be what we are usually accustomed to in terms of overriding the democratic choices and five millennia of tradition of most major religions. of one, and i obviously have distinct prejudice on this, but the other i think hallmark of lawlessness over the last 10 years was a distinguished case in king v. burwell which i argued. in many ways it was worse than the first nfib decision which upheld the affordable care act. because as steven was pointing out, you could attribute that to a normal conservative -- you can at least argue plausibly that this was the fruit of congress and they didn't want to end a
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presidential election year strike down landmark, social legislation but there was really no such excuse in terms of interpreting the statute. the plain language of the statute, and having six of the court state doesn't mean stated, it means federal, was very reminiscent of what the court was doing in the '70s take with respect to the civil rights act under cases like weber and critics with a said north and south, east met west. and i thought that the one thing we accomplished in the late stages of the rehnquist court and in the roberts court was to interpret statute at least have some relation to the plain meaning of the text. constitutions live and grow and there's the argument you shouldn't defer to the policy choices of a couple hundred years ago by dead white men but these are the policy choices, the legislature from four years ago, and there was really no
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excuse other than a naked policy preference to change with a law meant to the opposite of what it meant. this is where chief justice roberts probably departed most starkly from the law was the nfib case which upheld the constitutionality of the affordable care act. i'm trying not to get either of these decisions personally, but for those of the fascists, the school of fascist conspiracy theories can think he just doesn't like me so we only departs -- when i'm available, then maybe that will give us solace for future cases. [laughter] the others i think of a less dramatic in terms of their departures from the text. eighth amendment we've seen a lot of arguments were the court is essentially establishing a code for states in the death penalty and life without parole context where they are dictating
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to the elected representative the state of the need to treat relatively young are relatively mentally challenged murderers, and establish a kind of code without any serious argument that the punishment being inflicted is cruel or unusual. in another opinion from last term that again, not terribly unpredictable in terms of its consequences, it was really a big assault on the text of the constitution was the arizona redistricting case where they said legislature met popular sovereignty didn't mean legislature. i commend to you this was literally two days after the king decision came down. i commend you chief justice roberts stirring dissent about how dead they distort the meaning of the word legislature to achieve the broader purposes of the constitution. again proving yet again the supreme court is an irony free zone and -- last night and again
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maybe confirming the personal animus theory that i am coming to adopt. [laughter] so those are the big pictures, subsidized i think the biggest difference between chief justice roberts, for example, and conservative members of the court, particularly justice scalia, thomas, an emphasis on incrementalism where he wants to take a step at a time. i could want you to understand that in a variety of contexts. fisher is an example where they took a small step and they come back to it. the shelby county decision striking down sex prefaced by small steps but this time they will decide a case which i'm arguing where they cast great doubt on the constitutionality of command agency fees, in public kingston people who don't belong to the union on first amendment grounds and now they've got a case that squid presents the question whether you should overturn precedent
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that it could upheld it. i don't think that, i'm not entirely sure why this should a conservative principle that says incrementalism is preferable to a skill you like approach. the point i was making is you could have certainly and 1954 when brown v. board of education to say that the black schools were clearly unequal to the white schools and upheld plessy v. ferguson law about separate but equal but nonetheless struck down these laws because they didn't satisfy the plessy standard the problem with that kind of incrementalism is that reflects is your tv to place a foundational premise which is contrary to the tax structure and history of the constitution which can't be in the long run good for the coin development of the law or much less the institutional integrity of the court. and that's the last point i will
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make, picking up on stevens point about how justice roberts, there was some ambiguity during his confirmation about whether he was worried about the institutional integrity of the court. in my mind anytime you're a justice or judge talk about the court as opposed to the law, that sense of the real warning signal because if you want to enhance the institutional integrity of the court, just do law. just do it and do it in a neutral way where umpires are calling balls and struck him in a two-minute. if you start changing your view of the law or modifying your view of the law because you weren't about public perceptions of the court, that can only abide the notion that you are not mutually interpreting a text of the legal materials in front of you but you are injecting a thumb on the scales that favors one party or another, or one policy view over another. in the long run that by
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definition decreases the institutional integrity of the court because it just reduces the court to another legislative body where decisions are made based on who's office is being gored rather than neutral principles. so that was always a worrisome sign. again i think it's too early to tell which way chief justice roberts jurisprudence will develop. generally it's been very favorable. there have been a couple of exceptions to that. i'm hoping those will stay in vietnam was a category but we don't know. and again it would lose the next election it will not matter at all. thank you. [applause] >> well, i'm honored to be here at the federal society, it's been a part of my life existed since 1982 when i read at yale and discovered that they were not created as were not created as a tutor i'm not a founding
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father of the federalist society but i think i am a founding nephew, second generation. i have met many of these events and i love this organization. i'm going to build a lot of what michael carvin has said. he stole some of my thunder but then i'm going to move on beyond that you think the things that the future of the roberts court. the title i've given my remarks is a question. i have a handout, what kind of law professor would i be if there was no assignment? the question is what's conservative about the roberts court clerk? i agree the idea of marking the beginning of period or ethics of supreme court from the chief justice ship of a single individual in some way is distorting. but it is convenient to it is a convenient marker. i want to look at the personnel changes for the past four years and ask the question as to the court really become ideologically more conservative in its composition? my answer is no, not very much. there's been not much of an
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ideological change in the composition of the court since 2005 when john roberts was first sworn in. so first consider the composition of the court as it stood. we've heard basically three solid conservatives, rehnquist, scalia and thomas. you had a solid block pretty much a form reliable liberals. by the time of the 2005, solidly in the liberal bloc. and you had to swing justices, so-called swing justices, o'connor and kennedy. i prefer to call them weathervane justices because they can't just win with the prevailing political and cultural winds. they had conservative instincts at least in certain respects but not principle coherent or judicial philosophy. you had three conservatives, for liberals and to swing votes. then you have the substitutions. i laid out my little lineup
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card. the substitution of roberts for rehnquist and i think that's pretty much a wash. you have generally mainstream for the most part consistently conservative replacing another mainstream consistently conservative jurist. the switch from roberts to rehnquist basically ends up being this thing. the material change i agree with mike and with jan, of sammy samy alito for justice o'connor put in some sense it's a little unfair to like a double switch in baseball that they came in at the same type of roberts was going to be 4:00 and he was bumped up and we have is the episode that dominated october 2005 where bush was flirting with a different nominee but then on halloween i think it was alito was that the fort as the nominee and that's the material change because i think it does substitute a solid judicial conservative for a
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liquid judicial conservative. sometimes a gaseous one because o'connor was just not a principled solid conservative. something that change is you have moved from one of the swing justices into one that is more fairly reliable. you now have a difference where kennedy would have voted with the conservatives anyway. there's some issues in which kennedy leans conservative. us of issues in which o'connor leans conservative. and material change in 20 substitute alito spoke for all congress vote come and kennedy was going to be with the conservatives anyway. that's basically the list, and michael did such a good job that i'm just going to bullet point this. as quickly as i can. my theme is that the changes have been few and far between. there have been relatively few conservative victories and the event interspersed between a lot of important and dramatic liberal victories and defeats for the constitution.
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so a quick campus of the cases, all the cases were mostly cases where kennedy leans right and o'connor left and the change from o'connor to alito made them until different. one mention is campaign finance to the switch was a first amendment disaster to citizens united which is a first amendment triumphed as public the single most notable change affected address which is attributable to alito's boat. there's been a shift in abortion. the court struck down nebraska's partial-birth abortion ban in 2000 upheld in the narrowest the ground in 2007 the federal ban on partial-birth abortion. it's a baby step. baby steps on racial preferenc preferences, michael covered the. the court as many of the so intimately it is sometimes hard to see. religious freedom, there's been a think a very important change. unanimous supreme court decision which i think undermines in
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principle the premises of the employment division versus smith case. and will hopefully become for import to the future. i never was an afternoon am devoted exclusively the issue of religious freedom. hobby lobby case 5-4 holding kennedy was extremely important in its interpretation in his recognition abroa of broad righf religious freedom and religious conscience as against government regulations. a little mixed result as mike said on the scope of the governments enumerated powers to put on one of the few federalist society heretics that thinks nfib versus sebelius was rightly decided. it doesn't conform with my policy preferences. but i think the best interpretation -- [inaudible] [laughter] we will talk about that.
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but one important thing to note is that even in defeat, there is a conservative victory or constitutional federalism in that the court to adopt a majority of justices their interpretation of the scope of the commerce power, and had a dramatic new restriction on the scope of the use of government spending power to coerce and adopting a federal programs i think that's meaningful. >> it's a silly opinion. it's brilliant. it is important and i think it's one of the sleeper victories. in the category of other sleeper victories, this is the litigation practice group. in my day job as a civil
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procedure professor. start a dummy to bring back bad memories. but there've been meaningful changes in the law governing pleading, standing, territorial jurisdiction which i think will have a practical impact in changing the way litigation is conducted in federal courts in the future. these victories have been few and interspersed far between dramatic liberal results, some of the most awful cases i think i've been a war prisoner case from the bush administration era, absolutely indefensible and precursor of indefensible decisions in the same-sex marriage cases both the windsor case in 2013 and, of course, over felt. before democratic appointees on the supreme court or a solid block. when kennedy joins them it does not in any mental sense the roberts court. it is the kennedy court. so i'd like to conclude with
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lessons for the next conservative president or lose the next conservative president who cares any meaningful way about the constitution. sort of look forward hopefully, cheerfully to the next 10 years of the roberts court. as jan mentioned on inauguration day 2017 nearly three justices in their 80s when it is late '70s and there's going to be an opportunity for in all likelihood some meaningful changes and also the import. ideology matters. judicial philosophy matters. the supreme court wheels substantial government power and what your philosophy is after the proper use makes a huge difference, huge difference to the country, to the future of the nation, to your faithful stewardship of the constitution and sometimes it is literally a matter of life and death, who you all point to the supreme court. it makes a world of difference, for example, that we've ended up with david souter rather than
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edith jones or laurence silberman in 1990. i think if you edith jones appointed b by a republican president i think roe v. wade is overruled by a vote of 6-3 or 70 because the weathervanes swing the other way. -- seven-to me. it's different if you this conception but in terms of saving millions of lives. it makes a huge difference whether in 1987 you succeed in confirming a robert or a douglas ginsburg and makes a huge difference whether you have a sotomayor or a sudden for a session. a big difference when you have a justice kagan or a kevin na or cruise. ideology matters and of the objection will come and tear up like to get back and forth with steve on it, sometimes you can't read note what is best judicial
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philosophy. and sometimes it's considered not proper to ask or that it is not politic to press the position. my answers are yes, you can no judicial ideology in advance fairly reliably and yes, it is proper and necessary to ask. of course, you can know how these individuals will be as justices on the supreme court. i don't think it's bragging or any sort of special skill but really give me 10 minutes with a prospective nominee and i will tell you how they're likely to be on the supreme court or i would not have everything right but they will not disappoint well-settled expectations based upon an interview that puts straightforward ideological questions to them. you can tell in advance the difference between a scalia at a david souter. of course, is proper to ask
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these questions. sometimes we fantasize this idea of judicial independents. judicial independents in the constitution is a function of life danger and salary guarantees which supposedly the assurance of the essential autonomy. once someone is confirmed. the other side of the constitution is that it enshrines and explicitly political appointment and confirmation process as part of the separation of powers and checks and balances. i think it then becomes the obligation, to constitutional duty of the president during the inauguration of this in consider whether to confirm to press what they understand to be a proper view of constitutional interpretation with all the powers and energy at their disposal. i think it's possible to know what hs is what you and i think it's actually a the most extreme version of litmus tests. i think if you give me just one
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question to ask an individual justice that will yield the maximum amount of information about their judicial velocity i would say what you think of ruby wade? it wit would have whether they k the judges can make constitutional rights, to do something about the theory of precedent and stare decisis, to me about their theory of the relationship of judicial power to legislate a power. it is entirely appropriate i submit as a constitutional matter to push these questions forward and that should be obligatory on the next. i will leave it there so we have time to go back and forth but thank you very much for your attention. [applause] >> we are going to be. the question and answers, and as chairman, i appointed myself to start. first, steven, we have the two
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cases, and the interpretation of what is not a tax on monday is a tax on wednesday in the first case. the word state includes the word federal in the second case. and then we have arizona case where the word legislature includes a non-legislative enactment. question, is textualism now dead backs and did then judge roberts gave any indication of what his views were on textualism when he was confirmed? >> i really don't think he did it. i have the quotes and the hearing transcript, and you get some hints come and in that it is all a bit odd to go backwards
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loop is you find yourself looking forced about it is received at the time. as i went through it and i was reading it again and thinking back i don't remember squarely into being teed up and there was no substantial significant discussion about what that would look like of that, of course, you start with the text of the statute and have this conversation of the legislative history. to the extent to which would focus on the text and what the words can mean something different, no, it's not squared up. i had a note come with no discussion of the i could find of taxing power editing like the first ac a case. these questions don't get keyed up and part of that is because, to your question, no, that wasn't and its odd looking back that was a. i think that these hearings take place in a certain moment in time. kelo had come out a few months earlier and so there was a lot of discussion of kelo. ..
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>> but just to supplement the point i don't mean this disrespectfully but it to the house judiciary committee they're not supposed to know the nuances of how to par's things but the republican nominee those that are the most interested to make sure this person was conservative would be the republican senators but they will not engage a high style postelection and he could run circles around anyone with that confirmation but
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he enveloped the committee in the warmest baffle of bordeaux. [laughter] that is how he did use them so the notion from democratic senators especially joe biden. [laughter] to figure is jurisprudence is unrealistic. >> i want to hear more from you about how you will find out a solid judicial candidate when roberts to the question he said yes subjects to their principles of a lot. and they heard different things.
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id to members of the senate judiciary committee to have 26 minutes with joe biden. >> i a commented nine the north by northwest if you don't let you must not remember but it is a funny moment that senator schumer was completely and totally frustrated with the current attorney for new york to play a daughter very careful cross-examination to figure out what he thought about things he said cassie your favorite movies i like movies better comedies sometimes they are drawn or female leads or the male
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leads he exasperated them but the joke part is that they ran out of time and the german was not inclined to give senator schumer any more time so the question wasn't answered. there was of back and forth judge roberts said i am happy to answer that question number and northwest and schumer was very angry. because they really tried very hard to figure his judicial philosophy. and here they thought they had him. but he slipped right by then
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they made a joke out of it. but at the same time it was not a joke for the inside because there were very frustrated not to draw it out. >> i am not sure that those are the best message apology to she ideology you do that with one-on-one conversations with people who actually understand the issues in the right questions to ask and what to look for my critique is the way the administration have seemingly failed to put a direct simple straightforward questions. >> unit can't figure that out in the interviews they will lie. i did the reagan and judicial screening i think are of -- will be weighed in should be overturned which like some coffee? [laughter] the building is going to say
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that was correctly decided. levy there engaged in public law or the state attorney general or on the bench and that is how you know, how they decide. justice souter was self-inflicted that was obvious when it was done so i don't think it is the hard tuttis out those conservatives but doing in the crucible the white house interview process. >> because of justice alito bill kelly concluded he has never written a wrong opinion is confirmation hearing he was nominated on how levine the democrat said this is scary it is a trick he would be replacing the pivotal vote there was a track record and the
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opinions and memos and his performance was sova masterful he was better then roberts when his wife started crying you cannot script that any better it was like they were ready they ever going to beat him and there were never able to strike never. by the way he did not say -- keep -- she did not read one word of the briefing book that the white house provided. track record although it is appellate court judges but to think about the nominee robert bork could have been on the supreme court of there was nicker red gum at the time.
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>> we still have the senate in 86 he would have gone through and sent via would have sailed through so yes that definitely affects that spirit we have to close punctually if you have questions please stand up and go to one of the microphones and identify yourself of the wish to answer the question. >> i am a real property entered a from idaho. generally for the penalty think the decision of hobby lobby is for the little sisters case but does the robbers score ever move into a position where it doesn't
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necessarily use the bill of rights as a shield to get car bouts to say no? there is no power to do those things with portions of the affordable care act. >> great question if hobby lobby dictates the outcome with the little sisters or the contra -- contraception mandate cases. i hope so but it depends on justice kennedy it is his world and we are just living in it. more broadly if they will move to a position you say you liberty as a way? >> it is a broad understanding of religious liberty it gives you the
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right to exercise religion in some respects differently it is your individual freedom from government compulsion but it usually does not keep the government from otherwise doing what it needs to do. >> justice alito recently spoke to a federalist society gathering and he mentioned his distress with the results of the free-speech cases he was the one dissent of course, and he also mentioned a the crash video case. he would like to see a distinction drawn between aid of limited self expression and free speech. do you think his position to
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encourage this distinction he will be of potential with other members of the court and what might be decided differently if this becomes the case? >> i think justice alito narrow interpretation really does make him an allied air of the court it is this something he does very often but with that aspect the least. freedom of speech position for anyone on the court. with the freedom of speech his dissent is a freedom of
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expression and then to divide their membership and their identity that is an important lost during the roberts court era. >> 88 ink justice scalia is less libertarian. i'm sorry i meant justice alito like stepping on puppies heads or violent video games and things like that that crossed the threshold to be expressive and i think what justice alito is arguing for is common sensibility to protect more verbal members of society from those destructive images and don't think it will be the majority of the court but he is a firm advocate of the first amendment and even
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nominations i there is a handful of members but they keep the data member level and i never hear about it after the fact. my answer is no and justice alito did not appreciate it. he has said he enjoys what we have on the court with his dissent he can be a rages on the bench. but with the disinterested in is so to get struck by lightning with the nomination to the court. the senate has to be the right who will get the nomination but the fascinating question is if
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renquist step down when we all thought he was going to and really he should have have, would john roberts have been the nominee? of request went first? my guess is no but the president saw roberts performing and to pass away but then for that legal powerhouse period myers that nobody is mentioning her name. but i think the court will look quite different. >>. here it out there for a few weeks. high-stakes poker but i give him credit.
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[laughter] >> roberts criticized if they were the intent times that is what more and more legal scholars are willing to brace. so what role do you think that case will play to determine the next appointee should the republican win the election? >> i say zero i don't see anybody on the court including justice thomas going towards the notion of a process that gives the same kind of protection to abortion.
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but they think the constitution does not deprive of the ability of to act with stupid economic regulations. >> the last question. >> talk about citizens united but in cases like those like citizens united your right to life who is the swing vote or the last one to come on board? >> we know there was a famous dispute with dash dispute between justice alito and roberts over wisconsin right to life. that scalia takes the approach you have to destroy the village to save it to justice roberts takes the approach keep the structure there beecher doesn't mean anything.
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if you can tell i am on the scalia cited there is a fundamental president that is basically incompatible and it should be cleaned up not through incremental steps that is a long answer i strongly suspect that chief justice roberts was reluctant to take the steps that builds and really took in citizens united as quickly as justice scalia wanted to ultimately came around. to talk about quirks if the solicitor general had not given the completely truthful answer of course, this means you cannot publish a book criticizing hillary clinton a corporation could not do it, we may have a different result in bad as well lead to the question by the way to people rethinking and real argument.
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i strongly suspect chief justice roberts puts the brakes on that he wants to write a more narrow opinion but once the momentum overturned to restore that first amendment he went along with that. >> thank you to the wonderful pnel. [applause] couple more candidates on the republican side still to speak today -- about 5:20 p.m. eastern ben carson 6:00 p.m. eastern live on c-span will have highlights
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sorry for the delay we have with us colonel warren from operation here result coming live from baghdad. over q4 opening rucks. >> -- opening remarks. >> i appreciated it as that medal of honor server the concluded i do have a couple of prepared remarks. as events unfold with the ongoing operations with the attack is bogus -- easy to focus on these but they are separate and unconnected i am hoping to make a case to
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explain how they are really all connected we are conducting a comprehensive bought out campaign to attack isis across both iraq and syria. all of these are focused on the goal to dismantle ultimately so if you bring up the first map ladino when it is up. >> of which area? >> that looks great so what you see is where isis controls territory and to the east nicosia iraq at the
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bottom of the map and to the left is syria. we will try to identify what is going on with the big picture. the blue squares are training sites there are six of them one through three are on the right-hand corner those our locations are coalition forces are retreating on operations. the green stars are ongoing battles happeni across iraq everybody we have isolated the city with the iraqi security forces.
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star number two we have seized that and the process of clearing. we will talk about the next barrier in the process of clearing back. star number four is fallujah you may be familiar where we begin the isolation process start number five has not ben talked about very much and then number six dead center to the map to the top third which is with the assyrian democratic forces
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are about halfway through that operation looking at isis' ability to fund itself some of those forces that were trading and decrypt outside assyria infiltrated back and they are holding the line there. with that caliphate is the purple circle number four beer continuing operations so that concludes my walk through on the map with facts or figures over the course of the last month and
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purple circle number 318 strikes over the last month moving east and then green star number six we conducted seven the air strikes. along the euphrates river valley that is start number five, one, four, 169 air strikes in the tigris river valley conducting 83 airstrikes. so i lay this out 2.0 it is a camera has said campaign. -- comprehensive campaign. they are continuing their
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attack with a claim to 500 square kilometers in addition to a record 50 from one we last spoke to liberate the stronghold and in addition the forces are there to help set conditions to the reestablishment of the northeastern iraq syria border. specifically they had 66 airstrikes 94 fighting positions and weapon systems with 287 enemy fighters in the iraq crisis has lost more than 1800 square kilometers of trade and this is about the size of
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baltimore. then the coalition is conducting over 250 air strikes with the assault fire for the operation there we have killed over 200 enemy fighters in recent days in the iss will continue to make measurable progress ayatollah to they were fighting near the camp and have secure that and have cleared it there were seven tds in the camp then the oil refinery that was formally turned over to the ministry of oil basf continued to conduct secondary clarence operations. finally i will update you on operation and tidal wave to to illicit oil revenues.
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attacking the ability from the beginning of the campaign but beginning october 21st on the omar oilfield we focused our targeting to include the field as well as others we believe it has made a significant impact so we will pull those up summer on the gas and real separation plant so if you roll all of those videos please?
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>> ladies free your attention and it is under their normal the you can see there is a law going on here. we will make those videos available on the web and as you look at them, each screen you will see the inverted triangle that represents an individual target so talk about the number of strikes and targets keep that in mind so one video is one strike but there could be nine targets. that concludes my announcements now we will go right to questions. >> can you bring us up to
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date all of the jihadi john strike if there has said progress and are there any additional details you can provide? >> it is still early but we are reasonably certain we killed the target that we intended to kill this is jihadi john. we will have to wait to formally declare as is always the case we have several methods that we used to determine if the strike successfully killed the target.
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and then we got to finalize the verification and as the more to follow with an intelligence with they drove straight with a routine strike we have killed on average aided or opel level beater isis label - - level since may. this is a defective because jihadi john was a celebrity or a face of the organization.
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because of that prestige. >> answer my question about the battlefield because he was such a well-known isis member does that make his death to the coalition to the islamic state? >>. >> i think it is more significant for isis. with those guests leave videos of the barbarism that he displayed and is probably
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of the map you assure the location and. you are focusing on northwest rather than an east side and syria were the russians are focusing. >> the moral life is all the way of the far east of syria. or far west. if you go further west the new that the ministry dnc. it makes it clear we're focusing on the entire thread and that everywhere there is sizes there is some form of coalition with the offensive activity with ground and air activity integrated.
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decisions that will result in eventual destruction of. and that completes operation. >> can you broadly give that location where the strikes are placed? >> i forgot to say that. it is circle number for. >> very reasonably confident that this other chemical situation is like we have the james bond villain.
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>> had no the backside intelligence as they were close to the execution time so i don't know the back story but from here we see another day of taking the leaders of the battlefield is. >> there are reports that there was the video of jihadi john getting into the taxi before the vehicle are you concerned and what does it tell us about the strikes? >> i have not seen the report. i don't know what they're referring to.
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of course, we have videos of the strike. >> that would be what you would expect to be available ? >> again we use the camera for the operation. >> there are many british corporations with and the shared operational details? civic is important that the brits are great partners with the war on terror. >> as you may know turkey
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precious for the idea to implement a safe zone along the syrian border. do you see that as a possible idea with the commanders? >> we have looked at this in the public space for some time man right now we believe it is not the right time for this eighth sonar no-fly zone. >> are you concerned of the clashes are you concerned? back. >> we are aware.
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there are clashes among the forces, of course, we're concerned. we have been talking closely with our partners here and we hope this will be quickly resolved. >> last week there was the kurdish intelligence official think tank that said the u.s. is providing helicopters and medivacs support for most of their operations. can you confirm? is that a routine part of the mission to provide medivac support? speeeight no.
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blowup that map please. nobody is asking questions while use that as an excuse. it gives you a sense of the operation of the cigar shaped mountain. to expand above highway 47. the concentration of strikes but the questions i got yesterday was about the operations that we conducted it'll take me a minute to answer your question. so the forces primarily to the top of the map on the north side of the mountain is where the kurds have
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positioned themselves and those curred commanders that go into the battle on how to conduct four final logistics operations or how to deal with the wounded or the collection sites. there is also some reporting and i will confirm a handful of -- a handful of personnel on top helping the poor in - - dash murder forces identify and develop targets. and to get down on the ground. with helicopters here is actually the iraqi security forces that provided iraq support for the kurds during this operation. i will say this to get it is the iraqi forces have provided the medevac.
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they provided five missions on support of the kurds and that is important to note. but we are excited to see examples of them working together. suggest when to show how it was laid out one to the west through highway 47 and to the east and then the main assault parker wanted to get that map but to show to woefully in the answers to your questions. >> could you give some more specifics how many strikes have been made and
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that's our overall philosophy. again we estimate two thirds. >> is this open-ended or do you see an end date? >> i don't have an end date. we are close to 70% through this. we conduct a strike and do a battle damage assessment. we assess if we did what we thought it was due and we reassess. it's been a coalition operation.
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we normally let the coalition partners integrate. it comes out every three days. what about the collateral damage? is there reason to believe there were civilian casualties as a result of the strike? >> know. there is not. >> are these advisors still on the mountain spotting targets on the ground and what's the next phase? what's the next plan, and also, what took so long for this operation tidal wave.
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why did you wait question what these oilfields have been around for a while, right? >> the advisors continued to advise with their counterparts. the task forces and their advisors will be there with them. i don't have an exact status at this very moment. my guess is that they are and they will be coming down soon. the next phase of the operation, now that they have seized or freed sin jar, the next phase is to go back and clear. that will take a while. that will take a week or ten days depending on the complexity of the mind field and obstacles that are left behind. then they will consolidate and reorganize and begin preparation for final operations. i'm not able toetail what
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those operations are right now. we need to keep them guessing as that is information that i so would really like to know. what was your other question?? >> and operation tidal wave, why are we beginning that now? >> right, so we've been striking. i mentioned in my opening remarks, we been striking oilfields really since the very beginning. i think i remember on day two or three having strikes of mobile oil, what are they called? mobile refineries or something like that. we've been doing this since the beginning. what we learned over time though by using our regular and normal
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assessment of strike, assess, decide whether we need to re- strike, what we learned is that the strikes we were taking were against pieces of the oil system that were easily repaired or replaced. many times we conduct the strike against some people piece of the oil infrastructure. then within 24, 48, 72 hours the enemy repaired the structure and were back up and running. we made that determination and we needed to reassess how we were targeting these oil refineries. we did a detailed analysis to determine how can we strike the oilfield to break them for longer. we wanted them broken longer rather than 24 or 48 hours. we wanted something that would take a year to repair. again, we do have to worry about what comes next. we have to think a little bit deeper. so after some more detailed analysis, we came up with some more specific target types.
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general mcfarland, it was his decision to do this one concerted operation, i tidal wave wave if you will, named after operation tidal wave one which was conducted during world war ii against nazi oilfields. >> i wanted to, on the jihad john strike, were there other high-value individual targets with him?? and just to follow up on andrew's question, are there any u.s. forces advising the meta- cap medevac troops? >> jihad john was the only high value individual that was killed
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in the operation. on the medevac piece, the advisors, they advise as far as setting up before an operation is established behind the lines portion of the operation. how we going to do logistics, how are we going to do casually t collection and triage. yes we are advising on that. not necessarily with the helicopter piece of it but certainly as casualties come back there will be an advisor there to help the medics conduct casualty operations. they are part of that casualty mix. >> just be clear, you you said the strike wasn't intended for more than jihad john, but were there possibly others killed in
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the strike that were with jihad john? like other members of the isis captors that held u.s. hostages? >> he was the only high value individual. he did have a a friend with him and he is also now dead. >> two questions, now that you have freed sin jar, how much of highway 47 due have control of? has that supply line been significantly cut down and then talking about the casualty, have you figured out, what kind of casualties did they take compared to the isil fighters?
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>> casualties compared to the isil casualties were minuscule. i don't have an exact number. several kilometers on either side of that area they formally control. it's a significant piece of the highway. >> i understand some of the civilians in this area by oil from isis affiliate or. do you think this operation will affect the quality of civilian life in surrounding areas mark thank you.
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>> the quality of life under isil control is about as bad as it can be already. isil tortures people, beehives people, uses rape as a form of prayer where they teach such a a thing. isil is about as miserable as it can get. what we believe is by cutting off the oil supply will hasten the destruction of isis isil once and for all and bring some sort of normalcy back. not a.
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[inaudible] >> again, we believe these operations will hasten the destruction of isil. all people in syria will be better off. >>, a question about sin jar. you talked about airstrikes. can you tell us anything about the process involved in the targeting question market got a little confusing yesterday on how it was done. where the kurds in any.talking to the pilot? >> great question. i know there was some confusion about that. no they were not speaking directly with the pilots. there is an operation center with the kurdish cell and an american cell. those two cells are co- located.
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in that, the j packs operates. they are there observing the battle through our eyes and platforms. they can control the aircraft in the control station. on the ground you have spotters, if you will, using old-fashioned binoculars sitting on top of the mountain looking down into sin jar and trying to pick out likely targets. they're on top of the mountain and the pick up their hand mic and call back to the kurds in the operation center and tell them we see what looks like a legitimate target at this location. now it's here. maybe though use some sort of identification or whatever it may be. back in the op center, the kurds who receive a call will then do
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a face to face coordination with the j packs which is also there and explain the situation. first they determine whether or not it is a legitimate target and then will clear the target through the government to make sure we meet all of the standards. this happens instantaneously nearly. then we direct and aircraft onto the target and destroy them. part of the air operation is coordinating with the other forces as well. make sure we understand were all understanding because we don't want to hurt our own people. the advisors are just helping to make sure that goes smoothly.
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obviously these are very experienced personnel. the american visors are very good at this. they're going to oversee and teach and train and mentor other troops. >> what can you tell us about this operation in sin jar? >> this operation has elements that we had a small force that participated. i don't have any information on those guys though. >> the jihad john best friend was killed, was he a militant, civilian or civilian or can you describe friendship? thank you.
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>> i suppose that is a term we like to use. i don't know if he was a driver or something just hanging around but i referred to him as a friend. >> going back to that horse so to speak. can you tell us about his final moments of jihad john. was he leaving his house or the base or what were those final moments?? >> i just want to make a few brief comments about the attacks across parrots tonight. paris tonight. we have seen outrageous attempt to terrorize civilians. this is attacked not just on paris and not just the people of france, but this is an attack on
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all of humanity and the universal values we share. we stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance the government and the people of france need to respond. france is our oldest ally. french people have stood stalled shoulder to shoulder with the united states time and again. we want to stand with them against the fight against terrorism and extremism. terrorism represents the timeless value of human progress. those who think they can terrorize the people of france are the values they stand for our wrong. the american people draw strength on the french people's commitment to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bombs are not
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only attacking values of the french people but values that we share. those values will continue against acts of terrorism and hate. we will do whatever it takes to work with the french people and nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice and go after any terrorist networks that go after our people. we don't yet know all the details of what has happened. we have been in contact with french officials to communicate our deepest condolences to the families of those who have been killed, to offer our prayers and thoughts to those who have been wounded. we also offer our support to
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them. the situation is still unfolding. i have chosen not to call the french president at this time because my expectation is that he is very busy at the moment. i actually, by coincidence saw him in preparation today for the g20 meeting. i am confident i will be in direct medication with him in the next few days and will be coordinating in any way they think it are helpful in the investigation of what has happened. this is a heartbreaking situation and those of us here in the united states know what it is like. we have gone through these episodes our self. whenever these kinds of attack happen, we have always been able to count on the french people to stand with us. they have been an extraordinary counterterrorism partner and we intend to be there with them in that same fashion.
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i am sure that in the days ahead we will learn more about exactly what happened and i will make sure we are in communication with the press with accurate information. i do not want to speculate at this point in terms of who is responsible for this. it appears there may still be live activity and dangers that are taking place as we speak. until we know from french officials that the situation is under control and we have more information about it, it, i don't want to speculate. okay. thank you very much. >> again as you heard from the pres., the news tonight several attacks in paris. the situation is still unfolding. reports that 11 people were killed in a paris restaurant,
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more than 15 killed in a theater, also two explosions reported near the stadium north of paris. we will continue to monitor the situation on the cspan network. we'll take your calls on the paris attacks tomorrow at 70 strength on c-span "washington journal". some immediate reaction from a couple of the gop presidential candidates. ted cruz sent out this tory. horrific reports coming out of paris. our hearts and prayers are with the people of france, our oldest ally. john kasich said our prayers go out to the people of france tonight. ben carson said my heart and prayer are with the people in paris tonight. join us on "washington journal" 7:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. we will take your call and get updates on the paris attacks. >> over the next couple of hours we will watch a series of
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discussions. >> on race relations and criminal justice hosted by the atlantic. first the new new orleans mayor on his efforts to reduce crime rates. hello again. i think they are going to cut the music off in a second area i hope. there we go. >> the music was good. it's an honor to be here today. we have mayor from new orleans in his second term. he was elected last term. >> 903 days left. >> a lawyer by training and previously lieutenant governor of the state of louisiana and a
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number of the state house. >> a governor for six and a mayor for five. >> i think what's great about having you here today is you are attacking the entire spectrum of problems were talking about here. you are trying to cut the jail population and crackdown and weed out violent crime at the same time. i would love to talk about that whole formula beginning with the incarceration car's ration which is a fancy word for this process. before katrina hit, new orleans was incarcerating people at five times the national average. it is still really high there, but you have brought it down by two thirds. how is that happening? >> first of all louisiana is probably the most over incarcerated state in america. we are also the most over incarcerated country in the world.
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we fit right where we would be called the sweet spot. before i came here i was lieutenant governor. when i was lieutenant governor i i oversaw the reform in the juvenile justice system in new orleans. incidentally, in louisiana, we found very much the same thing. we were putting were putting too many of the wrong kids in a prison environment. not enough of the right kids and the kids that were the wrong kids, we want treating well. the whole system was upside down. interestingly enough, back then, there was convergence between the conservatives and liberals and moderates. nobody was getting what they wanted. we weren't getting a safe street, we weren't getting a reasonably priced system that produced a result that was really good and the kids were actually getting worse, not better. that's a prescription of what you see in the adult system. now people with the panel before us, you see this false argument.
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how can we fight violent crime unless we keep the prisons high. i think one of the things we have to do is understand that nobody in america is going to not want to be tough on crime. this is true here is active of race, creed, color, and financial space. the city of new orleans which is 65% african-american, most of our citizens are living at a level below -- they're only making $35000. even in this toughest darkest environment where people are not feeling good, everybody wants to be safe. everybody wants to be safe. the issue that people are talking about, in terms of reducing incarceration sometimes gets lost about violent crime and nonviolent crime. as a approach the subject, we really have to be smart about how we do it. in new orleans, which does not set the penal policy by the way,
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for the state, the judges in new orleans, the state judges, we have 12 members on our bench, nine of them are african-americans, they do not set the policy. the policy is that by the the policy is set by the state. the big numbers you are talking about that really hasn't, in a meaningful way other than in texas, hit the state level. nevertheless though, the philosophy and arguments are beginning to move down to the state level. so we have raised the issue dramatically that we are over incarcerating and were not being smart about the individuals that we actually have in jail. now beside a moral issue, it's a financial issue. there some crazy issue where the state gets to say who's in jail in the state has to pay for. when i became marrow and i couldn't find recreation and all the other thing that the community needs, i started
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looking at it and say why are they in jail. is there a better way to get a john done. we tried to come up with thoughtful ways do not arrest everybody that we didn't have to. in new orleans, we would pull you over and you didn't have your drivers license, we would actually take you to jail. rather than giving you a summons to go to meniscal court and figure out why you were driving without a license. >> we had a bucket load of things that were costing the city more money. >> there was some financial incentives driving that to. >> this is about two things. it's about money and about safety. those are really the two things. there was a very strong moral argument to be made. by the way, there was a a consensus forming in this country right now that would not doing it the right way. you see this on the presidential level and in the senate.
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you see it when the folks on the left and right are beginning to acknowledge, for whatever reason, reason, we ought to seize this moment. we ought to have open ears and eyes and listen to each other because i'm in the business, as a mayor, of finding a solution to a problem. advocacy is really important. i'm not sure were changing it. i think the issue has been raised or we need to figure out how to. the how-to is not just what you want. it's what the other side will take as well. you have to find a way to get them to say yes to what it is you need. if in fact it is about money, the question is who has the money and who needs it and how are you going to get it from there to here and how are you going to spend it in a way that reflects that you are actually producing a more meaningful result. that's where i think the conversation, it doesn't have to shift, but it has to expand to include a real pathway to a
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different place that i think all of us want to go. >> so how have you been able to sustain political support question how are you able to build political support when the crime incarceration was still high. >> a couple of things. when you talk to folks and neighborhood meetings, which is where i i get most of my information, they will tell you and the public is pretty smart about this. they know and everybody knows that the more money you spend upfront, the less money you have to spend on the back end. they were talking about the cost of crime versus the cost of incarceration. the cost of a person who killed somebody, to society and the cost of putting him in jail for the rest of his life in the economic loss of him being in jail is about $7 million. when you start adding that up
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and you start think about if you spend money on early childhood education -- [applause]. i think you for your pause but it gets tougher. if you would've spend it money on early childhood education and recreation and you nurture that soul into a better place, you form, because all of us human beings need to be formed by parents or the church or some fashion, and were formed into a great place and we have a great opportunity we produce a better result. i think what we are talking about, as we should be talking about is always spending the money that we've now allocated in a better way that produces a good result. why are we wasting it? that's why you asked me earlier why is it now the conservative side beginning to think about this. i think from this perspective, it's monetary. we went from spending
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$200 million to spending $750 million. we started spending less money on early childhood education and then we were producing a bad result. just from a mechanic's point of view, if you want to government to work better, you would say that doesn't make any sense. can we do something else? i think it gets a little confusing and i would encourage everybody to be very thoughtful about this. there are victims involved. the victims, i promise promise you there african-american, they're white, they're poor they're rich. we need to talk a little bit about retribution. that's not new to everybody in america. it's a sense of punishment and justice on that side of it. then there is a sense that we want to be safe. one of the dangers that politicians face, elected judges, mayors, is if you release somebody in that person actually goes out and kills them the elf, not only is it a politically dangerous place to
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be but you have made a decision that hurt someone else. it doesn't mean we should go slow but we need to be intellectually curious and tough on each other about how we get this done. that doesn't mean we should wait or we should go slow it just means we should be smart about it. >> lets switch to a subject of violent crime. what have you learned about the source of violent crime question. >> a couple things. first of all so as not to be misunderstood by anyone in this room, the nation is over incarcerated. we don't do the penal work of this country well and we should spend more money up front rather than on the backend. the lack of procedural due process and equity in the system should be evident. we have to keep working hard on all of that especially with the police and community.
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while everybody is working on that and that's important, what i have been focused on and i would say most passionately focused on as a try to run the rest of the city, is the number of young african-american men being killed on the streets of new orleans and america. america reports to feel good about herself because since the mid-1990s we have reduced the murder rate in the country by about half. it was about 20000 in 1996 where people were killed. it's now about 14000. that's a dramatic drop. notwithstanding to say that 14,000 is still more than any other industrialized nation in the world. but if you look at the population of that, african-american men make up about 40% of the population. when you look at the crime,
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young men are killing each other. the country wants to look away from this for a lot of reass. new orleans is a little bit of an epidemic in about 74 or 75 neighborhoods in america. we saw in chicago a 9-year-old boy was killed. tomorrow i am going home because two young men are going to be sentenced for the death of a girl who is five years old who had her guts blown out by an ak-47 when these two young men were trying to shoot her father and instead hit her and didn't hit him. the father was arrested for another murder and he's in jail for the rest of his life. this needs to be looked at. there's a lot of reasons it exists in a lot of different answers but that kind of thing really makes it hard for kids in the neighborhood to get up and get to school and actually move onto on to the places they ought to be going.
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i've been spending a lot of time in the neighborhoods talking to these young men. one of the things we do is what we call a call and where we ask some of these young men on probation and parole to come into the courtroom. i'm there with the u.s. attorney in the district attorney and the dea and the fbi and every bit of mite in the world that the united states has standing behind me on the left. on my right i have sister mary sue, pastor, mental health professionals and job professionals. we look at these young men and we say you're really important to us and we love you. you may have made bad decisions in your life and that's okay but here's the thing, thing, you have to stop the violence. if you do that i as the mayor will put you first in line in front of every citizen in the city. you will be the most important thing in my life and i'm going
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to give you what it is that you need. if you choose badly and you go back out and you pull out a gun and you start shooting the neighborhood, i won't be much of a a mayor if i wasn't responsible for the safety of all of the children. we have to incarcerate you and we have to incarcerate you for as long as necessary for you to decide you can't do that. we've been trying to let these young men know that they are critically important. we know who they are and where they are and that has been working to a certain extent. the other thing is it's helping raise the consciousness level of violence in all of the areas is bad irrespective of what community it is in. getting that to the higher level is somewhat of a challenge. not everybody cares in this country about poor young african-american men who are being shot and who are shooting. they care about a lot of other stuff. all of us in that room but i don't feel it's fun as easy as i thought it would be. if i told everybody in this room that 628,000 american citizens
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were killed on the street since 1980. that's more that were killed in all of the wars in 20 century. that that includes world war i into, the vietnam war, the korean war, afghanistan and iraq. that's a moral outrage and there needs to be some attention focused on that issue. i'm trying to do it. >> i'm going to open it up to you after this question. can you talk a little bit more, you set a moment ago it's working to a certain extent. how do you measure it question. >> first of all on the front end, i've tripled the amount of money we spend on recreation. i have really tried to invest in art, music and anything that we can do to touch kids. we like food, we like music. if you come to the city everybody has a horn in the hand. that's true because it's part of our culture. i know you saw that over the past the other day a great musician that has given the
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world the gift. if we can find a way to educate our young children through music or art or sciences, all of those things, the more we can do. there's massive investment for that. we are also physically rebuilding every school in the city of new orleans. we are rebuilding 38 new schools to give our children great spaces to be in. i have job training programs run trying to identify all of the folks in the city that are not working and create specific pathways to a job. everybody knows that just because you live in a place that has something like johns hopkins by you, but in the shadow are these major institutions. you have people living in neighborhoods who don't work in the institutions there were trying to take our universities and hospitals and we say when you come to work, driving from the suburbs and go into the parking lot and go upstairs, take a minute and take a walk and look around the neighborhood and identify the people who live in the space and pay the property taxes. you've got a problem because you
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don't have enough people to work and they have a problem because they don't have enough people who don't have work. can we figure out a way to train these individuals for a a job. we are building two new beautiful medical centers and they are immediately adjacent to people who don't have work. in those institutions, we can be a a phlebotomist. they can be a med tech. you can do physical therapy. you can go to they veered down the street which produces more american doctors than any other university in the country. or you can be the person who leads it. were trying to curate those connections literally. >> what is the autumn line in terms of the crime rate and how do things stand today question it. >> we have the number rate and the number of murders as low as it has been since 1971. that is a very, very good thing. however, in 1971, that was still
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eight times higher than the national higher. one of the things that the mayors of america are talking about is that you have to focus time, attention and resources. i'll just give you a couple numbers. congress needs to invest more money in substance abuse, mental health. everybody talks about community policing. easy to do when you have more police officers who were trained well. if you don't have that it creates stress and strain. back in the day the federal government helped put 100,000 police officers on the street. if you think about the front end and backend and there was a targeted investment in helping human beings become better. then you had really targeted investments for early childhood education, headstart, nurse practitioner programs and the kinds of things that helps families stay together and be strong and give them
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opportunities then you would have less of a problem that you actually have to fix. if the police officers were hired and there were a lot and they were trained with resources, and they were trained in the right way we might see justice and produce a better result. this is a very serious problem. it's a very deep problem. it's one that's going to take a very long time. i would caution the country not to get stuck in the argument about whose fault it is that we got here. as i like to say, i don't know who's going to win that argument. i know it will be a big fight and i don't know whose fault it is although i have my ideas. i do know whose responsibility it is to fix it and because we are in this moment in the country seems to have an open mind and open heart, i think the conversation ought to be tough and construction constructive and we need to move the ball forward. i think we have that opportunity. if congress can't agree on
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anything else, it seems like they are willing to think about this and we should take them up on their offer and give them some direct answers to the question of what am i supposed to do about it. >> let's go to the audience here. >> good morning, my name is charles curtis. i work in behavior intervention at a charter school. my question is about an article in december 2014 that focused heavily in charter schools in new orleans in particular. i'm curious about the content of that article and the state's position on that. the content of the article talked heavily about no excuses and exclusionary policies of a lot of charter schools in general. talk specifically about the practices that charter schools have. i'm curious about the mayors decision on how those discipline policy and exclude suspension
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and how that relates to prison on the backend with what we are doing on the front-end. >> you said you work in a charter school? >> yes. >> you like it? >> yes. >> my question is primarily about the discipline piece. >> and what to tell you what my position on charter schools is. then i will answer your question. there are couple of things because there's a big fight in the country about what's the proper governance model that will give our kids an opportunity. in new orleans, what he is alluding to is that post- katrina, we went to a different system of educating. before we had a school board and it was a centralized system. the bore didn't function very well. 80% of our schools were going to
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schools that were failing. we decided to do something different because the school board couldn't get their brains off of adult issues. it was generally employer and employee relationships. before the end of this year, year, 100% of our kids will be in charter schools. i'm just going to give you the results. the graduation rates have gone way up. dropout rates have gone down. the gap between african-american students and white students has closed over five years. the reason those things are working is not because their charters or typical public schools but because there is some level of parental choice and some accountability. the principal and the teachers can run the school and it seems to be producing a good result. now what he is alluding to are the suspension policies that existed in the public schools
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and in the charter schools and he's completely right about it. this is part of juvenile justice reform. you know how when a kid gets in trouble and it's a suspend first and ask questions later, that's wrong. you shouldn't do that. what we are doing in the schools in new orleans is reworking those policies because you have to make sure that the children have the resources they need to learn how to have their behavior formed in a positive way. that separate and suspend first rather than working with them over time is just wrong. i think early on in the charter schools one of the challenges was that in one of the challenges was how you deal with special needs kids. the one handling that very well. they really weren't handling the expulsion policies very well. they have to get a lot better at that. all schools across the state and countries have to get better at that. what's happening, there's
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nothing unique about us except we have better music food and fun than everyone else. other than that, everything else is pretty much the same. >> can we take one more quick question. >> thank you very much. i'm alexander. at the risk of. [inaudible] will you be running for other positions? >> no. i'm not thinking about that. but thank you for the offer. >> some lady told me on the plane she doesn't like me and would never vote for me and can't wait for me to get out of office. >> my name is jennifer. i'm with the lawyers committee with civil rights.
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james asked about political support. what about constituent support especially your communication policy. when you try to build consistence about the reform and the high crime levels question >> will have to ended on this one and it's a great one. >> i know this room is full of smart people who have researched a lot and i would put it in the category of advocates for a big idea. that's really important. when you get down to the level that i work on which is really low and is on the ground, that's what mayors do. unlike a congressman or senator or president, when you're 40 or 50000 feet away from your
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policy, it gets implemented and you actually see the people who get effects. if you don't believe me try to raise the parking rate in the city of new orleans. or try to take away to go cups. [laughter] you want to see people get emotional about something, tried to take away their to go cups. you wonder why they care more about that than they do about this, but they do. when i messaging constituents, i'm being able to measure and test out what i'm talking about today. if you tell anybody in the city, and it doesn't really matter if they're rich or poor, african-american or white, especially in some neighborhoods that you're going to do something that will make them unsafe, even if it's the young man who they know lives down the street and if he pulls out a gun they're gonna go to jail for the rest of your life if their child is at risk, they're going to say take him. i'm telling you. it's not a theoretical thing for folks on the street.
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the challenges, how to get people to talk about theoretically what is right, practical what is right and then personally what makes him safe. then if you have summary without an idea of what you want to do and they say yeah and they say now i'm gonna raise your property taxes to do it, primarily childhood education, do something else or help with mental abuse, all of a sudden in real life and real time, when it's not theoretical anymore, you actually have to figure out how to do it. that is the hardest thing. that is when you to be the biggest challenge. in this country right now, and again i would end with this, we have a moment where we have open heart and open eyes to fixing this problem. i would really encourage both sides of all generations of this debate to listen and hear each other because you can move the ball. generally in american politics, we don't move in huge footsteps.
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we move in incremental waves and then we look back at what we did and if it was good we keep going. policy is that moment. in order to do it, the strong advocates on both sides are going to have to not just advocate but come up with the how-to, the who, the when, how much in the who is going to pay. if you can answer all of those questions and you can give the public at large, nationally, state-level and local level a good sense that you will produce a better product, they will say yes to that everyday. it's getting through that forest a very difficult thickets and weeds in a way that doesn't vilify the other side that will get you to a better side. at the end of the day it's about making those american citizens that are over incarcerated, because i'm visiting them all of the time. a lot of them can come back into the community but they have to have a place to go.
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they have to have a training to get there and it takes money to create that. it's a real problem that needs to be solved and we should seize the moment and see if we can get somewhere. >> thank you [applause]. >> news coming out of france is that at least 35 people were killed friday in shootings and explosions around paris. many of them in a popular concert hall where patrons were taken hostage according to police and medical officials. the situation is still unfolding but french television is two explosions have struck near paris at the country's main sports station facing the evacuation of the president. the explosion occurred during a france germany soccer match. in a briefing at the white house, president obama said he had not yet called the french president. mr. obama called the attacks and outrageous attempt to terrorize
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innocent civilians. meanwhile cnbc is tweeting that u.s. homeland security department officials are monitoring the attacks in paris say there is no known credible threat against the u.s. reaction continues from u.s. lawmakers. mitch mcconnell tweeted, the american people stand with the people of france our strong ally and partner as they face these horrific attacks. from house speaker paul ryan, all of paris needs our prayers tonight. they will continue to monitor the news reports out of france and reaction in the u.s. on saturday mornings "washington journal" we will take your phone calls on the paris attack. "washington journal" is live on our companion network cspan at 7:00 a.m. eastern time. more now from the atlantic form on race relations in criminal justice. criminal prosecutors and the former judge judge talk about the balance of power between prosecutors and judges when
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sentencing criminals. >> good morning. i'm looking forward to a lively conversation. i met thompson and i have with me a distinguished panel. this happened on many fronts. one i think many of us would agree, the most of significant and visible has been what happens between defendants, prosecutors and judges. so i have with me here this morning, a judge, a former judge nancy graebner and adam fox who is the assistant district attorney from massachusetts working primarily with juvenile,
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and the judge who has become a lecturer at harvard law school. two of our prosecutors, both of our prosecutors come to us from an interesting history. both i believe, were defenders at one point. so, i'm going to ask, what brought you to the dark side? >> that's a nice easy one to start off with. i wanted to be a defender for all the reasons that we are sitting here today and the reasons we are sitting here today. i knew jail wasn't working and the people who were in there looked a lot like me and i felt
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the way that i was going to help that situation was to become a defender. i learned two things while having those experiences through law school. those two things were that one, you have the least amount of power in the courtroom and the prosecutor has the most. instead of asking for things all the time, i wanted to to be able to tell people things. >> that was the one thing i learned. then the second was, i wasn't really fixing any of the ells that brought my clients into the system by trying to absorb them of guilt. i really wanted to help those individuals make sure they wouldn't be back not only on that case but any other case on their path.
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>> you said the prosecutors are the stewards of the integrity of the system. you have recently overseen and cochaired the new york post sentencing and in those recommendations, there is an idea of where sentencing power should be in the system. i'm curious to hear where do you think that power should be? >> it happens differently in different jurisdictions and different than the federal system. new york state sentencing laws are not like washington sentencing laws. that said, the powers of the prosecutor really rests principally in discretion. whether a prosecutor decides that he or she is going to charge this crime versus another and whether that prosecutor decides how it should be charged
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or what is disposed of. where i think it should land is, i'm very comfortable with having judges have the power or latitude in broad regions. in new york state we have among the widest sentencing ranges in the country for certain offenses. things are called nonviolent offenses, judges have the ability to sentence anywhere from one year to 25 years in certain cases. i'm very comfortable for that. i fink it's our job to advocate for the outcome that we want. i was a defender for 25 years and i understand the importance. they have to advocate for their client. ultimately the judge has to decide and it rests on the judges shoulders, at the end of the day. they take the weight of the decision. >> nancy l . the question for
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you. we have many who think that a prosecutor has a significant role in the outcomes of lives. as a former judge, where do you see the balance of power in the courtroom. where do you think it should be? >> the balance of power is overwhelmingly in favor of the prosecutor. they have the ability to offer someone six months if you plead guilty and 20 years if you go to trial. it was essentially a system of pleads. i was supposed to be there. has anyone coerced you into pleading guilty. i knew that it was a ritual. of course he was coerced.
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mandatory minimums bring power to prosecutors. then when someone gets sentenced to a mandatory minimum, i was just doing the obvious. i love issue of judicial discretion. one of the problems of being around for a while is we see sets. i want people to talk about some of the things which is evidence-based programs. what should we do with addicts. what should we do with the young kids. it's great to me discretion of the judge, but i want guidance on how to exercise that discretion. not just guidance about numbers but guidance about real,
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if you you will go to jail if you don't get the service that you are paying for. we set people up for fail, and when they fail at what they are doing we lock them up. so we need to expand the conversation about reentry in prison and policing to all the players along the way that play into it so speaking, nancy is
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smiling nancy being a judge having been a judge in your state saying i'm one of your good guys he's thinking about this problem in the right way as a prosecutor. there was an interesting study that you opened your books to a few years ago and he said come in and look at how race affects outcomes for defendants, part of what that report did race did affect that outcome for other cases were just dismissed, one of the things that was interesting was going back to my first question. it was one of the factors in several of those
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cases it was the council that people had access to. we do not hear the word defendant much in this conversation but how do we get a better defense? >> you have a resource of the defense and it should be not a last thought issue and who gets funded in the criminal justice system. i think the legislature or the missing of pallet he has to on the defense function. that is how the system works well. the courts in the body to look over licensee have to make sure the lawyers practicing in these courts are up to speed. i think that is sometimes lax. that doesn't happen enough. in the vera report, bringing beer into analyze in our system
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was a real help to us. ultimately it led me following the report to focus our efforts on appropriate diversion particularly for young men and women before they go downtown to deibert them before they have to go to the criminal justice system and give them the opportunity to reset, make good judgments and giving them the opportunity to get out of the system. also in new york city to change the practice of making arrests for summons which are actually tickets and push them into a civil summons. altogether altogether you're talking 25 or
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30,000 people who we hope will have a different route or alternative route through the criminal justice system in a given year. so help me see that this is how we can address issues of who comes in the criminal justice system at the bottom. you have to do a good job when they come in young. >> you're dealing with the system that didn't have the kind of mandatory minimums and on the federal side you can give them gigantic resources and it will make no material difference to the kind of difference i am describing because no fabulous counsel will take the risk and what hangs in the balance of mandatory minimums. it's a funding issue for the defendant is interesting. after i left the bench i saw a rule that they were going to
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have supported since unless they had a psychiatric condition. the black kids who came before me were seen as discipline problem when they are teenagers, not a one with them was sent to a shrink. so that would conflicting of resources had a biased effect. those are the kinds of things you have to analyze and look at. they do not speak the language of psychiatry. they spoke. >> i think adam would agree to me that we are capable now we're looking at where it could be that they go to a hospital for some injury we have the resource , and if we are able to
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use data and be more intelligent who is at risk and reach out if it was a women in a domestic violence situation and we know she was in the hospital three times the last six months, if you had to choose between prosecuting a robbery preventing it from occurring you pick the bet prevention. but we don't spend money on prevention like we should. >> prevention is about the turning of people i sentence are expecting to go to jail. >> you have about people we people who are predominantly 18 and 244 years old who are filling our jails. you can tell them you will spend the next 50 years in prison and that means nothing to them.
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>> we need to stop acting like we are different silos, they go to the schools, they get sent to the police department we give them probation, probation gives them to jail. there is a problem. we are all complicit in the creation of the problem and therefore we are responsible and figuring out a solution to that problem. from the prosecutor side that means more than where do i stand, how do i give a closing argument, it requires we learn about adolescent brain development. about the history of race in this country, about the effect of trauma on people and how that impacts, so that when i'm standing there with the police department whether it's a day or ten years, i look at that police
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report and i see more than a case, i see the individual at the other side of the aisle. we need to use everything we know and apply that in development of appropriate ways to avoid that person forever coming back. >> that is crime-fighting. >> i have many more questions i want to ask you, i also want to give you an opportunity. i want to talk one second about solution, you had proposed last week as one of the other back into this what does that look like. >> the notion is that you cannot do things going forward. to deal with these issues.
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what we have really failed, there are consequences and the consequences of these communities are being decimated by whole generations of men there is an intergenerational problem, and economic problem. i said why don't we look at this the way we look at the post-world war ii. we now have to rebuild communities that are decimated it is not just going forward it is a rebuilding process. we are at a very crucial moment if we don't take advantage of this crime we could go backwards at my discretion it is not, what
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we have to do is rebuild, we have have to talk about evidence-based practices, we need to think about how we got here. when i was a kid it was a liberal mantra. in fact we actually do much more about brain architecture, the impact of effects on children. if we focus on that we can make changes. >> we need to do that by immunizing the public. it's on all of us but particularly the media. you don't see cameras at high schools, there is not a gun in the school today. they only go there when their guns in the school. politicians, district attorneys, the idea of safety is not the idea safety of people in the community. you need people to see that and stop using public safety as a shield for the real issues that we are dealing with.
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one of the people that is out there that is bringing the conversation out and trying to immunize the public. >> blame the media to loud. >> my question, given that there is structural and institutional racism that is embedded in pleased to apartments and core processes, how have you been able to navigate and say those types of issues?
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>> i have the luxury of working in an office where there is a lot of discretion and i have been able to exercise that. it was not easy early on but after a while when i had taken these risks and given the people that decide whether or not i have a job, being able to give them nice stories about people we have taken risks on built up enough capital be able to continue doing the things i am doing today. >> good morning, i am here with catholic charities, today i'm here as a mother of an incarcerated son who has gone to prison. obviously we can see this as a national security problem that we are talking about. 2 million people in prison,
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700,000 on parole, 7 million in probation. the numbers add up. we have a problem with lack of accountability in my opinion. so what are we doing at the level of counties -- i understand states have jurisdiction over federal matters, there are states worse than others. my son is in florida and he went to prison at 16 and he is 21. if you if you don't pay your restitution your back in prison and that kind of cycle. >> taught focus on the accountability, the the difference between the federal and state system. i have great respect for federal prosecutors. they are not accountable like elected prosecutors are.
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in each election cycle there are people in my community get to decide if i'm doing a good job or not. i think that makes for healthier criminal justice system. when as an elected individual i have to go to communities to understand what they care about and stories of their children who they feel should not be incarcerated. contrast that with the federal system and you have honest, diligent prosecutors but they are not accountable except through the president. their boss, the u.s. attorney who is appointed by the president. that is not a criticism a criticism but a reflection that we actually do have accountability at least every four years. >> that could go one of two directions. you can be accountable for the loss in a particular area.
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who we kid around that our justice department is decided by the criminal that is going on. you also need some independence and the federal system has that. that is why we talk about the mandatory minimum system. unido's system or different players balance each other so that if a prosecutor comes to me with a charge that is ridiculous and find out more about the case i want to be able to say that charge may be appropriate in a dealer megatons but not this kid. but it doesn't have to be a ton of what they do. i think there is a balance there. right now the system i used a
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sentence people and by the time i got to the number, i that cannot be. but there is no discretion that would enable me to say i cannot sense you to this. >> the problem with accountability peace with elected prosecutors as you are assuming that accountability applies to everyone and everybody. everyone has the ability to exercise that right. if you disenfranchise people and they don't want to vote for the prosecutor, people not being educated about what a prosecutor does and is capable of doing. let's also talk about those who are convicted of certain felonies are not able to vote.
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>> we have a very brief question. >> my name is george, i want to -- there is a lot going on today using words that are not nice words so we throw around words like well society in society is supposed to be good and were not talking about the fact that this very society has produced a product that is just a symptom. it is not actually what the problem is. boy talk about prosecutors and accountability, we look at hillary clinton, it wasn't necessary until she wanted to be elected and again you have to touch on that and he say well so many people are disenfranchise from the system so when i say how can i realistic expect this
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rally, this is a country that didn't need more rallies. how can i really respect the system that is created all of these conditions to really be the system? >> we are not going to be able to answer that question in the timeline. but thank you for your comments. >> thank you. [applause]. an update on the attack in paris. french president close the country's borders and mobilize the military in a national emergency after what he called an unprecedented terrorist attack on his country. some french television quoted the police essay and at least 60 people have been killed. many
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dozens are wounded and at least four coordinated attacks. here in the us, the u.s., the president spoke in the white house briefing room saying the paris attack is on all of humanity. >> good evening everybody. >> i just want to make a few brief comments about the attacks across paris tonight. once again, we have seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians, this is it not just on paris, not an attack just on the people of france, this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share. we stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance the government and the people of france need to respond.
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france is our oldest ally. the french people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the united states, time and again. we want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism. terrorists itself represents the timeless values of human progress. those who think they can terrorize people of france or the values they stand for, are wrong. the american people draw strength from the french people's commitment of life, and liberty. , the pursuit of happiness. we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of libertarian are not only values of the french people but they are values that we share. those values are going to endure far beyond any act of terrorism or the hateful vision of those her perpetrated the crimes this evening. we we are going to do whatever it takes to work with
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the french people and nations around the world to bring the terrorists to justice and go after any terrorist networks that go after our people. we don't yet know the details of what happened, we have been in contact with french officials to communicate our deepest condolences to the families to those who have been killed, to offer our prayers and thoughts to those that have been wounded. we have offered our full support to them. the situation is still unfolding. i have chosen not to called the french president at this time because my expectation is that he is very busy at the moment. i actually, by coincidence was talking to him earlier today in preparation of the g20 meeting.
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i am confident i will be in direct communication with him in the next few days and we'll be corn aiding in any way that would be helpful to them. this is a heartbreaking situation, obviously those of us here in the united states know what it is like. we we have gone through these episodes ourselves. when these types of attacks happened we have been able to count on the french people to stand with us, they had been an extraordinary counterterrorism partner, we intend to be there with them in that same passion. i'm sure in the days ahead will learn more about exactly what happened and we will make sure that we are in communication with the press to provide you accurate information. i do not want to speculate at this point in terms of who is responsible for this, it appears there may still be live activity
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and dangerous activities taking place as we speak. so we know from french officials when things are under control and have more information, i do not not want to speculate. thank you very much. [inaudible] >> we are continuing to monitor what is happening in paris this evening. on our companion network c-span, will we will we are simulcasting the news from france 24 right now. in about 20 minutes or so on c-span we'll be taking your calls to get your reaction to the attacks in and around paris earlier. we will do the same to on tomorrow's washington journal. that that is live at 7:00 p.m. eastern. also on our companion network,
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c-span. more reaction from here in the us. this from former president bill clinton, he is twitting my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in paris tonight. from house democratic leader nancy plaza, the world aches at the violence in paris. tonight we recommit to the fight against terror and hate across the globe. here in c-span2 we continue with more from the atlantic form, the atlantic coast of the day long series of panel discussion on race relations and criminal justice. next, discussion on the documentary think of calvin. chronicles the families with the washington d.c. police and racial profiling. >> we are going to hear from family now, they have had the talk with their two sons. we are first going to hear and see families, husband and wife and their two sons.
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we will learn about what happened on the evening they went to visit a family member and things spiraled out of control after they had an encounter with police officer. we will hear their story, we'll talk about what happened that evening and what could have prevented what happened that evening and what we can take from that. we'll begin begin by listening to a clip of a film that asks us to think about what happened, what about calvin? >> they were jumping around, so
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i said fine. >> i'm sitting on the couch in the house when i heard my mom banging on the door saying the police were outside. as we're heading out the door you see three white police officers walking toward my son, putting their gloves on. >> the glove that you put on when you want to arrest someone, his work love. he said you, come here. be in the dad, i walked over and said hold up.
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>> calvin said no you are not going anywhere, why do want to talk to my son? >> he. >> he was like, who are you? >> i said i'm his dad is their problem. >> will first of all i wasn't calling you. second of all, we got him from fleeing the scene. >> of a what? >> he didn't do anything but when i called him to come here he kept on going it did not stop for me. >> he was writing a little tricycle bike. >> i was going at a steady pace that if they really wanted to get me they could hop out of the car and walk at the same pace. when i was turning to come into my grandma's back alley, they said and told me to get off my
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bike but i heard no police. i didn't see a cop. >> the explanation was the boys down here run from the police. >> that gives us the right to stop and search your son. that is not how somebody call someone's child. >> and i said okay fine you can come and search my house. >> he tells me, well since you're getting in my face i should lock you up right now. >> i said well since you feel like i'm up in your face i will back up. so i backed up and that is what i said look, just call your supervisor because this is getting out of hand. i would really appreciate if you just called your supervisor. i just need someone to talk to that is not angry right now.
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we will talk about what we saw but before we do let me introduce who you have on stage. you will recognize some of them. kelly is the filmmaker and founder of the film. car let davis is here and calvin davis. these three you saw on tape. what was it like to -- i imagine it is difficult to watch over and over again. i was on stage with you when i watched your shoulder. carla, yours in particular you are so emotional.
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>> when you look back any think about what could have happened is there anything in your mind, what was one thing that might have stopped this problem escalating to the point it did? >> the only thing i can think that could have changed it is the police actually listening to us. we just wanted to know why was it, why you you wanted to search our son? if he just talked to us than they might've said okay. then again, i don't know because i don't know what the reason was. that is so frustrating. >> the reason we see this is because your sister was filming all of this. >> she was filming it because of the way everything was on her cell phone because of the way
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that three cops were approaching us. >> kelly you actually had a relationship with this family for some time. you are not drawn to this because of it. >> no calvin was last person on earth that i would expect to be arrested. we were already filming the family and continue to follow them through his growing up years in high school and beyond. it just happened during that time. since i knew the family and when i heard the story, think of the sister filmed it because i don't think we would have been able to tell us so well. >> so not just tell it but i'm wondering if it would be hard to even get people to understand what happened that night. if you are not able to see and
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listen to the discourse last night. >> you hear the term assault on a police officer, that brings up a very specific idea. the police officer spoke and he said why do you want to talk to my son, why why are you putting your gloves on? is that illegal? is that assault? >> part of what we get to do here is understand the epilogue. so what you didn't see in the film is what happened after this. you were taken were taken into custody. >> yes, i spent the night. >> then as the case proceeded you are given a choice. you are offered a deal. >> the deal was that i do 32 hours of community service and
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have the charge expunged. >> and why did you do that when he felt you did nothing wrong? >> when i went to court the next day they appointed me a court-appointed lawyer and i was thinking it was a small case i will take that. the court appointed lawyer's words were, it's your words against the police officers words and nine times out of ten you are not one to beat this so i would take the 32 hours of community service and get it over with. >> did you think about that before you decided to do. >> i talked to carletta about it, i had a week before going back to court. she really wanted me to just fight it.
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but i grew up in d.c. my whole life, the interaction between the police officers is never good. so to me, i just wanted to get it over with. just be done with this part of it, go on with my life and after the 32 hours of community service just be done with it. >> where did you do your community service? >> it was at a landfill. the department of public works landfill. right on michigan avenue. they gave me two months to complete 32 hours. i think i finished it in the first month prior to going back to court. i did eight hours on the land
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field cleaning the trash. >> so you fulfilled your community service and the deal was that it would be expunged from your records. >> right. >> has it been removed? >> well not in a sense. my wife and i wanted to adopt to twins [applause]. and the prospect of adoption, i don't know if anyone here has done it but there is a core part of it. >> they do a full background check. >> it came up and luckily. >> how are you informed it came up?
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>> yet luckily it was not one of the things that would stop me from the adoption of the twins. the social worker that we know came up. >> and you had to explain it? >> yes. assault on a police officer, specifically to me his physical violence against a police officer. so i got to explain my part of the story. >> how will you eventually get that removed? as of the deal. >> i don't know. there is something they call expungement. you you have to go to the courthouse from what i have been told then investigated myself, you have to go to the courthouse and set some type of date and like you can get a
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trial date expunged from all of your record. >> are you going to do that. >> of course. >> she said it will never be removed from your record, it will be sealed. but it will always pop up on his record. >> so it's not expunged it will just be sealed so only certain people conceal it. so if you want to do and it like inet fbi check it would come up. if you want to do like a local police check it won't pull up. >> so if you are applying for a job it would come up. >> yes it would come up. >> if your if you're ever convicted of a crime? >> i don't think on the paperwork part where you've ever been convicted of a crime because technically i was not
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convicted. but just for purposes i would probably put yes and case it comes up i can explain. >> so once it you put yes you have an opportunity to explain it. >> yes, that is what obama is working on now. >> the police officers involved in this and i should say they'll be police officers on stage soon and we'll talk about these issues. the police officers, which means some of the gentlemen in that back alley we might see as you move around the neighborhood. what have those encounters been like for you question work. >> i have not really encountered any of the police officers in the video recently, school,
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homework, my brother. >> and you said you never write a bike anymore? >> i may not necessarily never ride a bike but when it gets dark outside and they say don't have light on my bike again. i would rather just walk. >> so you will get on a bike at all. >> knowledges walk. >> how to u.s. young person process something like this? you live in a community where as you said many people feel like their encounters with law enforcement are negative, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. it could lead to going to jail. at the same time people in the community say make our state safer. some people who need to go to jail and we need police to go
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down hard on them so we can enjoy our front porch so that kids can go read their bikes. so what would you say to those people in the community might look at this. there are some who would say this type of aggressive places sometimes necessary. >> it is needed for the situation that it needs. for me riding a bike without a light, i don't think of the situation it was needed for. [applause]. i mean if someone's getting hit by a car, getting stabbed or something like that. [applause]. it's crazy, like the other day i'm on the way to school with my friends and we are walking in the officer was looking at my
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friend so my friend was like, what are you looking at? is like come on let's go to school. it was on call for situation. >> that was my first time hearing this. >> he showed his mom, [applause]. >> have your parents given you the talk? >> what talk? >> when you leave the house, particularly now after this encounter did they tell you, do
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they say this is how you should carry yourself, these are the dues and the don'ts. what do what do they say to question work. >> every day. they say come back home, families first. >> and then we have an 8-year-old who mimics everything he do. he well wears his pants hanging down he thinks that's cool but since all of this has happened, my 8-year-old is terrified of the police. we can driver and he can say there's a police behind us. and i said we okay. he is actually terrified. >> how do you deal with that?
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do you want your son to be afraid of please? >> i don't want him to be afraid of the police. because there are situations where you do on police in your neighborhood because you do have young kids committing so many crimes in doing so many things that you do want the police in your neighborhood. you want your child to be able to grow up and speak to the police and know that they are here for you. after he was in this real-life situation, how do we tell them that? how do. >> how do you tell them that? >> it is no secret, i will protect you, don't be scared to tell me anything. i'm there more. let me know i will handle it. >> do you know any of the police officers in your community by name? >> no.
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>> i'm not asking to be provocative? what does that say? >> this is a lot actually. i have the conversation with kelly the other day leading up to this, when you get these officers in the neighborhood, their duty is to protect and serve. i was talking to kelly the other day and we're having a conversation, i said when the officers come to the neighborhood with their hoe duty is to seek and destroy. that's what it feels like because the encounters like this, there is no positive encounters.
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>> when you talk to police officers, they feel feel they faced a wall of distress or hatred. they would like something different and figure out how to bridge that gap as well. there people doing innovative things, police officers interviewing people in the community and vice versa. it is interesting what they can actually say to each other if they are you are alone in a room and have a chance to talk. in birmingham, alabama the police was in the school that a young age to read to students so students with the in officers badge and name and get to know young people. and then as they grew up they would remember each other. some of those things, do those kinds of things make any sense to you? >> they do.
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>> i want to point out that prior to the incident both calvin and carla were raising their children to be very respectful of the police. for the negative that he has had he cannot remember the the number of times he has been approached by the police and d.c., walking his dog, riding the metro with his friends. >> as you get older it gets worse. >> the police are here for you, you're the good guys, when you when you see the film you'll hear them talk about that. so when you talk about having a community, there is no accountability right now. just because someone put it on cell phone footage even after the sergeant in charge found out what was actually happening,
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he's still charged him with two crimes. so where does it stop? that is incredible. >> how do people watch this and let it happen? >> they said when he got arrested he would be let out tonight. but then when he got the interview and the cops decided zero, no they wanted him to stay. the arresting cop wants you to stay the night. >> was a police officer and tampering with evidence. so i wanted to know what the evidence was? were you you calling my son the evidence? >> so kelly you looked into the charge of assaulting a police officer and it is not always physical in nature.
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>> and the processes of making and editing the film i read a report about assault on a police officer and how the law is vague here in d.c. nearly 4000 people have been charged with assault on a police officer in d.c. in 2012 through 2014. 90% were black, majority were not charged with anything else. so if you can use a lot that just by talking to police officers you can be charged with assault and nothing else, what is happening? they are all black citizens. how can you expect want to believe and expect an institution that treats his father like that and treat him like that. >> that is something that is being discussed in the police force and it will be interesting to hear from lon's forstmann
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officers. we don't have much time left. i want to make sure there's time for a few questions and the audiences. >> thank you very much. that has been a very heavy panel. i would say as a citizen, i am sorry. i'd say you have to teach your children to not look someone in the eye, i am sorry about that, that is not america. >> i have a question for a young man i want to know what what you want to do what you want to be? [applause]. >> actually, i am playing rugby
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they changed it in 2007. i want to know why in 2007 was it changed to be so bag. prior to 2007, that law was specifically assault on a police officer, hands-on with the police officer. that's in 2007, why did the law become so bag where people can actually get locked up for a long time, lose their job and not be able to get a job because of that law? what happened in 2007, after 2007, when that law change? >> [applause]. >> thank you very much.
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>> tonight the situation in and around paris is unfolding. paris has declared a national state of emergency and has closed its borders after at least 40 people were killed. some sources say upward of 100 and multiple gun and bomb attacks in paris. on our companion network on c-span we are taking your calls and getting the reaction to what occurred in france. we will do the same in "washington journal" tomorrow morning live at 7:00 a.m. eastern. also on c-span. some reaction from presidential candidates. mike huckabee tweeted my prayers are with the people of paris france. america will always have your back in the war against terrorism, always. this from from jeb bush, praying for paris tonight. america will stand with you against terror. in new jersey, governor chris christie tweets the attacks are alarming and heartbreaking. are thoughts and prayers go to the victims and their families.
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here on c-span two, of next to conversation with npr special correspondent michelle noris and atlantic national correspondent. we continue our coverage of race relations and criminal justice from the atlantic. >> good afternoon. i hope everyone had a great lunch. >> good afternoon. >> we did. >> i think that's enough fuel. >> i'm joining him, i'm with npr and founder of the project. we will talk a little bit about something that we spent a lot of time talking about in private. the e-mail and on the phone, phone, we are both parents and we both have teenage kids. we are both african-american
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adults who were once children ourselves. we are now in the position of giving our children this thing called the talk. preparing them for what they need to know when they go out into the world. we are thinking about all of the things that we were told and we come at this at a different perspective. is that fair to say quest mark. >> yes different dimensions. the thing i was thinking about, i believe our sons are the same age. you have a son and a daughter. i think that was the first thing that i was wondering about. do you find yourself, in your conversations, are there differences in how you talk through things. are there things that your daughter needs to worry about it and things your son doesn't. >> there are differences and i should say i a stepson who is 30. so the talk has changed. i'm amazed at how much i have to
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tell my son now is different than what i had to tell my stepson around this age. some of the things are the same and some are different. it's all born out of fear. when my children leave the house, this worry that will they conduct themselves in the right way if they encounter someone in a position of authority who questions them based on who they are. the reality that my kids go to school here in d.c., they have a rainbow friend, but when they go to the store, they are the ones more likely to be followed in the store. >> yes. >> when they go out, if someone has pulled them over, they are driving age and that's terrifying on its own. but when they do go out, if they're behind behind the wheel
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of the car, the advice that you give them. i used to think that the advice was different for my son that it would be for my daughter, but i realized it really is the same. they both have to have that armor. they have to learn how to deal with teflon and carry with them something that unfortunately many of their friends don't have to carry. i used to think when they were younger, i'm going to have to talk to my son differently than my daughter. i don't think that is the case. >> wow. i think it's interesting and you started off talking about the generational aspect of this. the things that are parents said and the things you have to save your kid. that is sort of compounding. as you said, it all boils down to fear. i was in the session yesterday, at another place that is important because in talking to you right now. one of the things i kept coming back to is the way in which,
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particularly young african-americans, because, the way that you have to modulate yourself. there's a way of modulating yourself when you're talking to police officers. we have talked about that and how to conduct yourself. in fact, when i was in school there was a way we talked about how you conduct yourself in school. i think one of the most disruptive aspects of it is there is an entirely different way i had to learn to modulate myself in the neighborhood i grew up with and with my peers. there was not much overlap with those two. >> help me understand that. >> they said it was very important that we not be focused on violence in our neighborhood. not just that the police aren't acting the way they should but
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that we all are not participating in violence. i agree. you had topped a framework and put on some armor to shield yourself from violence. we see these actions among youth and we often view it as anger, but ultimately what it is about is securing your body. that is exactly what i mean. >> but that is the pretzel twist that you go through as a parent. i was raised in minnesota. my father was from birmingham, alabama. every time they sent me to birmingham, i would get the version of the talk. carry yourself in a certain way, don't call attention to
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yourself. >> is this a south north thing? >> don't look people in the eye. i didn't think that in 2015i would be telling my 15-year-old son, for instance, son, for instance, not to look someone in the eye. i just did not think that would be necessary. the pretzel twist that you go through is that we don't presently live in neighborhoods that violence is the same kind of issue, but you want to send your children in the world so they know how to be confident and step up to challenges. yet at the same time, you have to teach them for their own safety and for your own comfort how to modulate themselves so they know when they can step up and when they can be confident. at the same time, when they have to dial it back. i'm not sure, in fact i'm positive that not all the kids
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that my children go to school with have to do the same thing. i try to tell them and teach them that ultimately they will and if it from them because it teaches them a certain level of bike cultural bicultural. it has to be really difficult for a 15 or 16-year-old to deal with that. then we have the added dimension of the years that we've lived through. with our kids,. >> this is like a cause, something that happens. in all likelihood it will continue to happen. you will see this because the reason that is happening is deeply rooted and not just a matter of, although this is good sensitivity training and all the other solutions we are talking about in terms of policing, we have deep deep policy and
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something we've made within our society. you see it compounding and coming down here in terms of how individual people have to conduct themselves. i was listening to talk about the way in which you have to talk to your children and the views being different. i remember coming to d.c. i went to work for an alternative newspaper here and i remember a reporter talking to me about how he got pulled over for something he thought was wrong and how he cussed the officer out. and i i thought you're talking to me about it without a black eye? this is an exchange that happened #that's not to say that all police are going to be guilty of misconduct. i'm not condoning cursing them out either. you use this term earlier about creating space.
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it's just a privilege that they inherit, you know. >> i have so much respect for people who do protect and serve the community. i think about that all the time. how do my kids view law-enforcement question what is their view of the system of adjudication in this country and what could it possibly be given that they have watched these issues. this is an important point that we need to consider. something happens in the news and i think how my going to talk about this and present the news which is written ridiculous
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because they've already seen it on buzz feed and other places. i don't even have a chance to filter that. they have already seen someone perish literally in their eyes. i think about that because i go back to alabama and my brother had six brothers and they talk about living in the jim crow south and they talk about how people disappear. the one thing they always talked about is how people who actually saw something happen just weren't right again. it was different when you heard it on television but when you saw it affected you in a different way. you had psychological bruising that you didn't get over. >> that was the intent, right. i don't want to compare what's going on with what's happening then, but it was a kind of terrorism. it was a political act meant to keep you in your place. the idea of seeing the violence. >> that is where there is a
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conflict. the idea of of seeing things happen to people who look like you. >> let's not describe anything, the intense, at least in the moment that we are in is the wrong way to look at it. you talk about affect. it's worth considering. a black boy or girl who sees that, that, this is the message they take away about the police department. i think this is like a social contract issue. folks should feel protected by police and i wonder about this era. i don't know that the era is revealing but seeing it, i think, as you as you say, i think it does something to you.
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those folks who would see a back then, they weren't right. i wonder if our relationship with our police officers, whether they have the same whole relationship with the people who are supposed to seek cure their safety with other. >> animals feel like we need to figure out how to interrogate even police officers because right now in order to process that, and maybe especially police officers because often their voices are missing from this discussion. they're not allowed because their cases are under to figure out how to invade that space and try to understand the impact of all this. i think we get a certain kind of
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attitude that went when it happens so often it's not shocking anymore. >> i think it's important to talk about how we got here. if we are having police officers adjudicate things that may be other aspects of society don't want to deal with, i've been talking about this for the past couple weeks and i'll continue to talk about it, but i lost watch that young girl in columbia south carolina before dover and dragged across the floor. everybody gets angry at the police officer, right? i guess what i want to interject is why does the anger stop there. when i see that video i see there's an administrator in the room). it feels like the focus is on the cop. then as the reporting started
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beginning, i see that south carolina has a criminal law. that's the law. a disturbing school law. a if society decided at certain points they were going to criminalize certain behavior in schools, what do we think that looks like. can we actually see shock when we see the actual effect of what it was. not to go too far here, but it's very similar where people read police reports and video images come out and they're horrified. what did you think this looked like. when you say were going to use police officers, certainly in other communities, we deal with the effectiveness. >> are there other ways to take a student out of that situation.
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>> right, that's it exactly right. so we end up in these conversations about police reform and how do we talk to our kids about that. that sort of thing. i just wonder, like where having a talk with our kids but maybe others are talking to themselves about how we got here to begin with. >> we think about the talk and it's now become sort of code as if this is something that happened on tuesday and i'm in a sit down and have the talk. but they're always going on. people are always passing on things back and forth on race. oh your daughters about to be able to drive. make sure she keeps a copy of
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her driver's license. so that if she's ever pulled over, she can tell the police officer could you please reach into the visor and pull out the copy of my drivers license so she or he doesn't reach for it. people actually pass on information. >> right. it's the little things. we are doing this in a million different little ways. were talking about children and how they conduct themselves. we are having several talks. one of the things that concerns me about this is that it is a wait. to have your child and to say i
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can't control that, i can't make that okay for you. you are around people and it's clear there is not a quality in terms of the weight that you have to carry and i can't change that. i can talk to about it but i can't really change it. >> but i'm an optimist. >> i need some of that. >> no, but i am. i believe that when you push against the weight it makes you strong. if you spend any time in the gym you know that if you continue to pick up that 2-pound weight you're going to have a different result than if you actually push it with something that's much stronger than that. that's the message i pass on to my kids. we were asked to talk about how you conduct the talk and how you talk to your kids and i think the best message is just talk to
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your kids no matter what, talk to them but listen to them also because that's the difference between our generation. to figure out, especially at this moment where young people are caring so much right now, the in important's to actually talk through what they see. >> i think that's a great note to end on. thank you so much. [applause]. >> the chief congressional correspondent for the washington examiner, congress is returning to face its first deadline under house speaker paul ryan. highway and mass transit funding
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is expiring on friday. as the bill goes to the house at a conference committee, what are we hearing on any consensus on how they are going to fund the highway program? >> what's interesting is there has been a little news out of this because the senate just appointed this prior week. what they are telling me is that the freeze from the both the house and senate will get together this week and look at a plan that has been put together by staff behind the scenes. that is a fairly typical way for the congress to negotiate a house-senate compromise on legislation. those bills are multiyear highway bills that keeps projects going for six year but only fun lamb for half that time. the big mystery is will they produce legislation that comes up with the missing three years worth of funding or will they just decide to go ahead with only three years and then have to deal with the missing funding down the road question that were not sure if they're going to do that yet but we do know it is possible this week that if they don't have time to finish a compromise and vote on it, and of course the vote can take a
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while to get through the senate because of the rules there, it's possible we will have to again pass a short-term patch because authorization expires on november 20 which is friday. they may need additional time to get together on this multiyear deal. that's not guaranteed or confirmed but there are some sources telling me it's a possibility at this point because lawmakers have not sat down together yet to look at these plans, a compromise plan between the house and senate. >> let's talk about the other deadline, december 11 a short-term funding will expire for short-term funding on 2016. you say in a historic move, paul ryan will offer the spinning process to all republicans and you're you write about that in the washington examiner's, he opens this to all republicans and you talk about the listing.
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what are they intended to do question it. >> typically only be the appropriators have a real say in what goes into spending ills. the appropriations committee is considered the most powerful committee in congress both house and senate. this time around, given the shakeup in the gop leadership in the house there has been a move to let everybody have more of a say so that they feel more included in the process and there's less turmoil as it comes to the house floor. in that regard the new speaker paul ryan has decided that rather than just capping a large spending bill, once he gives them a chance to have their say, there are six unfinished spending bills that will be given a hearing this week and each and every member, if they want to go and comment and make suggestions or requests, they can go to special hearings that are scheduled beginning on
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tuesday and talk with the chairman of those subcommittees of appropriations and say what they want about the spending bill. this is a new thing on the hill. they don't normally have everybody having a say in appropriations. typically things are done by committee. if your elected or appointed to a committee that gives you the power on that panel. this is a really unusual step and it's never been done before so no one is quite sure what it will look like in the end or if it will matter if these members will have significant input on the final outcome. but as you say, there is a december 11 deadline of congress to pass what will be termed as a spending package. those six bills i just mentioned will be rolled into one package that will have to pass the house and senate and be signed into law. >> let's finish up on this
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senate and ask you about the republican plans to d fund affordable care act and repeal obamacare and defund planned parenthood. what would that process be and are we expecting to see that in the senate next week. >> it totally could happen as early as this week but it's not guaranteed to happen this week. it's possible and it's a really interesting procedure. it's a budgetary procedure that will allow the senate to pass basically a repeal of many of the terms in the affordable care act with just 51 votes rather than the typical 60 votes. it's not clear whether they can really got the bill in a fashion that republicans would like to because there are certain senate rules that would prepare prohibit that from happening. the democrats and republicans don't agree on that. it's going to be left up to the
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chair whether this can happen. i think there will be a lot of back-and-forth between the two parties on it. it's not guaranteed not guaranteed it can get through in the fashion that many republicans would like to see it happen. it's going to be really interesting and rather historic for them to try to undo such a major piece of legislation. of course it will face a very likely veto by the president but it will again be pretty historic because it's just such a major law in a major part of healthcare in this country and congress, republicans have been just determined to show their base that they can clear from congress and repeal it. that is what the action will be about in the senate. >> you can follow her reporting on the senate and the house. she is a correspondent for what washington examiner. you can follow her on twitter and the washington
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>> thank you. >> cspan has the best access to congress. watch live coverage of the house on c-span in the senate on c-span2. watch is online or listen live anytime on our c-span radio app. get best access. get best access from behind the scenes by following c-span and our capitol hill reporter on twitter. stay with c-span, c-span, c-span radio and for your best access to congress. two all of you, thank you to your support and the kids for just saying no. thank you [applause]. >> i hope is that the women of the future will feel truly free to follow whatever paths there talents and desires want. i think they thought the white house was so glamorous and what
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you did was so glamorous and the life was so glamorous and all of those jobs were parties and meeting people. i have to tell you, you, i never worked harder in my life. >> nancy reagan served as longtime political partner, ferocious protector and ultimately as caretaker for ronald reagan. it involved first lady. she was active with key staff decisions, policymaking and campaigning. she made drug use her signature initiative with her just say no initiative. nancy reagan this sunday night at eight eastern on c-span's original series first ladies. examining the public and private lives of the women who filled the position of first ladies and their influence he on the presidency.
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