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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  December 29, 2015 5:47pm-6:16pm EST

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disrupting all the commerce and everything else. >> you know, you're right, business owners are smug busy. one of the things of air doing, you as a consumer by looking at the list, we try to the fire messages. if yours can be resilient. we are talking about one step, two steps, three steps.
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>> let me just, you raise the holiday season. people should specifically be paying attention to? >> most cans are imposter scams. be very careful if you receive an e-card and it does not say who it is from four ask you to give personal information or have a special link. they tried to deliver a package to you, please click this link to find out. if it doesn't say who the packages from don't click the link. the the sneaky ways to the malware loaded. the family scam wherein this holiday time i have been stranded, email me money so i'm in the hospital for the
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real. please doplease do not send any money until you talk to a family member. they scale, these are the ones, it's a special sale. click now. prepaid debit card which can be traced. once it's gone and stuff. if you take them,them, most of the scams rely on an emotional response. the bad guys out there. take one more moment and think about it, stop and think. the hebrew people to drop off shopping carts because there concerned about the amount of personal information being connected for their trusting their got about what is going on, any advice for businesses when
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they are communicating with their customers about completing a transaction? >> look for ht tp. that way any payment trying to collect if it has been fraudulently obtained. and most businesses will not encourage you to pay by wire transfer or prepaid debit card.card. the more a business can do to show they are working to protect your information or promote through paypal give the customer another reason to keep going. today people are starting to be a little more savvy. they may not get down your postcard that they are
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looking to say this is a good company. >> it's how they express that out to everyone. >> pass the conscience. >> one of the top things that we still see. it doesn't matter. if they engage in wire transfers for the beautiful vulnerability where we see cases come out. >> elected january or february also from a small business perspective to have discussions on staff training and with your bank. the mother vulnerabilities and experiences in cyber
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protection. it's a hectic season. you want to be as diligent as possible. but also start thinking about january and february. looking inward and talking to others. not everything is in your immediate span of control. in my prompt with you need to look at a service provider, having those discussions. now cyber security is a must discussion point. >> businesses with new year's resolutions. >> i would encourage it. we will all try to get fit. >> that we have a few more minutes here. maybe we could shout.
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[inaudible question] >> and i am just wondering, somebody scrutinizing and this is something. [inaudible question]
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who is watching that? >> so the question in the back, the gentleman here is trying to look for things so line. there is a way to protect that effort as he undergoes and make sure that no one is trying to steal his ideas. >> using search engines for email solutions and conducting market research, looking for branding opportunities. it is something to be aware of. i have not heard many cases of people doing in general surgeon in finding that
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somebody is tracking it immediately and snatching up a url or product name. there are millions and billions of these going on every day. that does not guarantee if you do a search today that url or product name will be taken are gobbled up somewhere else. people are doing that every day. search,day. search, search, search. there are great small business tools that will give you alternatives. and if you get to the point where your going to copyright or patent something we have a lot of solutions of the local level and also at the federal level, tips when you are at the juncture what might be involved. any other tips in terms of folks trying to protect intellectual property your ideas? >> i agree with all of that. one more thing.
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something that is really possible to write something that you think will take off. limit how much you get that out there. at the university with our research we deal with intellectual property all the time and have lots of disclosures. the bestthe best advices until your ready to move quickly hold it back because once it is out their someone else can grab it up. that's the last thing i would add, holdback is much as you can. >> ican. >> i would just add, if you find a domain name, and internet name and you find one that is available that you like go get it. a lot of people have good ideas. as unique as you may think it is a lot of people may be thinking about the same thing. a lot of us hold domains associated with things that
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we do as a protection or because we just have a great idea and wants to hold it because who knows. any other questions? a couple down here. we will try to get a couple of these in here. speak up. >> how many of your company's have been hacked, compromised in the past three to five years? >> piraeus forever. what is the 1st one or two? how do you feel that that? >> intrusion, every
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university, like a lot of big concept, peopleconstant, people are constantly trying to hack into the networks and do malicious things. and so we have a large staff that handles cyber security and very aggressive policies changing passwords, things like that. but even beyond the university itself, for example, benefits or through anthem, and infamous act. a lot of people do classified research for example. the federal government clearance process was hacked into. a lot of times i'll have different monetary staff because of all these
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different things. so whether it is target of the federal government or health benefits, this happens all the time. the general advice, the higher levels of authentication when you get on the internet and are doing things online. >> a lot of people were getting caught fishing scams. let people know, let them know that there is a phishing scam. that is a good policy for any employer. if someone is accidentally downloaded the worst thing that can happen is they are afraid to tell you because the longer that since the more your company is in danger. we have a policy if anyone suspects anything you have to let us no right away. very going to act on it and protect as many people as we can.
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in employee that inadvertently downloaded something for notice there's a problem and sits on it too long. >> just looking at this from aa little bit different perspective, a lot of times my colleagues will come to me to say do we have a number because they have to do a victim notification. ..
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for a web site and that led to a vulnerability that was actually across the whole web at this particular open source system had that hackers were using and they use their web site to put out, to direct people to malware and other kinds of things that
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we did do a notification we posted a blog about what happen our web site to let people know that if it issues they should change passwords. it's not always about data. sometimes they could hear web site being hacked or compromise. it could be used for other purposes and used to redirect people to places that i want to go so they can happen in a lot of different ways. the important pieces we are getting better at telling people what is happen. in the old days it was like a data breach the first thing you do is don't tell people. now you are like tell people so that's a good change. i think we have another question right here. maybe this will be the last one and we will have closing remarks. >> i wondered if you see two-factor identification being compromised? >> and information about two-factor compromise?
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i don't know unless you know from the education --. >> i'm not aware of that since we have gone to the two-factor we haven't had any realm's with people's accounting compromise. that was the requirements worst drawn passwords and sending something out through your phone or phone record in that sort of thing is really worked very well so i think that's really a really important thing to do and once you do that you still have the other vulnerabilities that we just talked about. at least in. set the universities. >> i mean if we had superduper cybersecurity i'm sure someone would say that two-factor could be hacked. there is no such thing as perfect security so let's remember that. someone said that earlier in the day today there's no such thing as perfect security. in the current world, right, you have people who are using to
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factor in people that aren't and let's just say the bad guys are opportunistic and they're always going to go to the lowest hanging fruit so if i got a million compromised accounts and 800,000 of the minority have their login and passwords in the other 200,000 have multifactor up and occasion to make it harder for me to get it to guess which 800,000 going to first in this environment we are in right now. hopefully but as time goes on i'm sure there will be efforts by the bad guys to break any system that we put in place and we'll have to keep increasing the ability to make these systems more secure. so with that said does anybody have any last thoughts or resource that might be helpful to them and we will start from that end and work towards here. >> thank you for inviting us to be here and thank you for everyone is joining us. this is a very important topic and is not going to go away and it's growing so we are taking baby steps to take on a huge challenge.
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the work that i'm most proud of his bbd.orcs because we share information with the ftc and the fcc and reports that are recorded we make sure no personal information is available scammed we know people are embarrassed. nothing about you will come out, just about the scam and we share a lot of our data so a lot of these web sites and the sources here are often linked and i would do a little plug that though we are talking about cyber in the internet there are great materials upfront so please take an old-fashioned copy and read it and you can view the same information on line but there are great resources from everybody here. >> in closing i would just say if any of you are interested in learning more about the educational programs that we are doing our web site has
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links that will lead you to a lot of what we are doing and cybersecurity. the one thing i didn't mention as a research university we do have the experts to do research and some of them are sitting out in the audience right now. we are also trying to really do the research work with industry and the federal government to stay one step ahead or maybe stay two steps ahead. >> five steps ahead. >> right and we are doing really creative things and we are getting a lot of support from all of our partners and the universities all working together well. just as an example this is rapidly rapidly changing and brand-new and years ago there weren't very many cybersecurity programs another hundreds and in five more years there will be a lot more than that so we are also working with different groups to set standards and
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common outcomes for programs in that way we can go and and get accreditation and those sorts of issues so as a rapidly changing area and we want to create opportunity and again as a university educator we encourage our own people as a career opportunity. >> i too would encourage you to look into it as a potential venue to find more resources available to you as well. i echo my college statements -- my colleague statements. you will see a lot of links to each other to afford you the opportunities opportunity to get the information to help you detect yourself. >> a reminder as b.a..ghafour on social media. punch in your zip code to find a local resource or use these digital tools that will provide. if you have something you really like from a small business perspective and you don't see it on our web site feel free to e-mail me jack back at
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happy to find the material that fits better for us -- best for small business owners. send me a note and we will get a process and toward digital team that go to our web site and a workshop at a library or university or better peers -- better business bureau. >> let's give a and to the panel. [applause] thank you aujali spirit of great lively conversation with a lot of experts appear that i want to thank our partners and made it possible infragard, bbd, google, george mason and being here at the arlington public library has been a great honor today to the do that. i want to thank all of you for coming and please take the time to do one or two things to make yourself a little bit safer on line and remember you will make the internet better for all of
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us. certainly have a great day and thanks again. [applause]
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>> the republican party has been beaten in the 1892 election. grover cleveland would come into office and mckinley has seen a country descend into a deep depression and the republicans think the election of 1896 is going to be there is and he wants to be the nominee buddies by these not the front-runner. he's not be favorite of the party bosses.
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>> host: now on c-span we want to introduce you to john watters who runs a company called isight partners. mr. watters what is isight? >> guest: it's a cyber company to protect against the cyber guys. >> host: when you say cyber thread what kind of cyber that's a looking for. >> guest: they call into three categories. cyber criminals after financial ovation hactivist trying to
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pursue an ideological goal for disruption or brain damage or individual damage at some point in time and their cyberespionage operators that are trying to get it an advantage to advantage their own business or industry. >> host: do you look at all three of those categories? >> guest: that's correct. >> host: what kind of clients do have? >> guest: when rewritten a starter was government financial services. it was the most targeted. where is everybody going after where where where the bank is or usually cyber rhyme or some government orders espionage events. last three or four years business has expanded dramatically to cover everything from telecom to retail to industrial manufacturing, energy and follow the hack. it used to be limited to financial services they have had about and the health care breaches and then the sony breaches so it's expanded dramatically across all sectors.
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>> host: do you work with the federal government? >> guest: yes, they are a client. >> host: there are clients. is this consulting or do you do the actual investigation? >> guest: then adjusting business. investigation, something happened and try to figure out who's behind it now that did it. we start off when he decides that we sell annual subscription to our cyber thread intelligence research so that research is conducted without a task to the customers. they say i'm concerned about cyber threats in my enterprise so we build an intelligence collection plan and hear the threats irrelevant with an abc company are xyz government agency that would cause much damage. we task the research teams around the world from 20 different countries. go look for a thread in the development cycle people building tools and capable infrastructure targets as they would pose a threat to our customers. we then analyze the threats in a thread fusion center in chantilly where


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