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tv   Interview with Luther Campbell  CSPAN  January 2, 2016 12:48pm-1:06pm EST

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to protect the first family because they understand they are living in a museum, a place where they have to be wary of course walking up and down and seeing them. rosalynn carter put a gate up so she was the choice to go to the east wing office every day. there is no privacy and i think especially when there are children in the white house there is a desire to keep it as private as possible, the obama girls have sleepovers in the solarium on the third floor like a family room. it is as normal as it can be. >> guest: kate anderson brower is the author of "the residence: inside the private world of the white house" published by harper. thank you so much. >> you are watching booktv on c-span2, television for serious readers. here's a look at what is on prime time tonight.
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>> we are agile and by "the residence: inside the private world of the white house". luther campbell. here is the book, my fight for justice and liberty city. luther campbell, what and where is the birdy cd? >> guest: probably ten minutes away from here.
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on 58. 60, martin luther king boulevard. >> host: what is it? >> guest: what is it again historic black neighborhood i talk about in my book, neighborhood in which black folks from here, when we first moved here, when we first came here everybody lived in overtown and we started moving to the gritty city when i-95 was cutting right through the african-american community in south florida. my dad was one of the first to purchase the home there. they didn't know he was a black guy when he came and showed up and had already given it the project but at the end of the day when he showed up, didn't know we were assigned to a black guy so he opened up, one of the first guys to move to liberty city. >> host: it went to 2500 overnight.
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>> guest: exactly. >> host: what is "the residence: inside the private world of the white house" -- what is 2 live crew? >> a group we got into after i started out early on in my career. i was a teacher in miami. the guys came down like every other band that was struggling, not getting paid royalties and eventually songs won't get paid. i will help you but i want you to help me out because i want you to do a song of one of my dances i created and they did a song -- remember this song, it was a great dance. it went from that point -- >> guest: it was rap music, the first hip-hop song done in the south and from there we started
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and created the sound. >> host: what is the relationship between 2 live crew and the supreme court? >> guest: 2 live crew and the supreme court's, 2 live crew got into this record in a case, it was something that was destined to happen. under attack by the governor, martinez, my friend, judge john dollars, federal judge in broward county, you name it, everybody was up there. >> host: was it a first amendment case? >> guest: it was about the first amendment. their word two cases i talk about in the book. i went to the supreme court, the most important case was the one
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my lawyer overturned in the district court of appeals. the court of appeals where it was the obscenity case, judge john dollars originally said the music was unseemly and we had to get it overturned because the music you hear right now, they would have been told was different. >> host: ask one point you write in your book that you were worth $100 million. was not money -- did it come easy? >> not really. it is tough. just like the biggest song says more money more problems, the more i got money the more problems i got. i tried to do the right thing, be smart about it, a higher good competent people, attorneys, general counsel build my corp.
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but when you are reading a book, those people, intelligent, smart people, they stole from me in my opinion. it was difficult to make the money but it was hard to keep the money. >> host: was your work as part of 2 live crew graphic? >> guest: my work was not graphic. the works of other members could be considered graphic but their artistic values and free-speech, when you listen to the record and the lyrics that i wrote it was totally different but i was a producer. everything that was put out and given to the general public. >> host: from your book at the end of the day there's one simple reason hip-hop historians and journalists don't give me the credit i and do. it is because of uncle luke.
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>> guest: my mom raised luther campbell. she raised my other four brothers, all these guys, rockets scientists, navy pilots, comptrollers, not me, and i was the young guy, the baby of the family, i heard those guys complaining about money they needed for college or whether they bring in the armed services and they were being mistreated because they were black. particular the my third oldest brother who was in the navy. i don't think -- he was trying to be a pilot. an end ed up from becoming uncle louis. it was originally luke sky
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walker and george lucas sued me. so i'd look out for my community, i try to do the right things for everybody. >> host: was uncle luke a stage persona? >> guest: no doubt about it. so luke on stage was a guy that gave people what they wanted. if you listen to a record, it was our responsibility, other than going into a concert situation and tearing it down at the time. as the government pushed back, we pushed back, the records got more aggressive and wanted them
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to become, we were in this thing called fighting for free speech. >> host: the fight for 2 live crew's explicit lyrics was never about the lyrics. it was about the principle of fighting for the right to do the same thing white artists did without legal harassment and censorship. >> when i looked at it at that particular time, the first hip-hop label, owning and operating myself, i looked at artists like leroy scali, these guys, andrew dice clay, those guys were already on record, already affiliated with major record labels. they were not getting their records taken off the shelf. i looked at it, i am a hip-hop artist, i own my own record company, i am an easy target end if i got to take all the money i
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earned and fight for free speech i will do that. >> host: what are you doing today? >> guest: i am coaching high school football, still have the record label, luke records and we do quite a few musical of jingles for commercials or movies and i am helping my wife with her agency in restaurants and i am just happy doing helping out for the community. >> host: how did you become a defensive coordinator for miami high school? >> guest: my passion has always been football. i went to miami beach high plains football. i will go back to lie youth program and along with sam johnson 25 years ago, i end up
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coaching to, got some great players in the nfl whether it is carry williams or friedman, going to be up the redskins, just duke johnson, you name it, we have quite a few kids in the league but the most important one came out of my program, assistant commissioner of one of the most import barriers which is this harry as well. iron role is to stay here and do everything i possibly can to help the people who did not have a voice. a are all owned by
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special-interest groups that don't have any interest in the african-american people in south florida. so my job is to fight for them, fight for kids and schools, fight for jobs, unemployment rate is horrible. communities like overtime and everyday is that challenge for taking their property and putting condos on their property. ..
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>> host: you have 11% of the vote overall? >> guest: yes. >> host: you also talk about how you look at it as one miami. has that in anyway been achieved? >> guest: it's still a struggle. from outside looking in the people want what miami want. there's not a day that goes by that some of my latin friends, jewish friends, anglo, you name it, what can we do to help these communities, what can we do to help these schools, how do we help this community. those are the ones who try and create this diversion and this separation of our town.
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but we have some great people here in miami. i think that's going to be my slogan going forward. >> you talk about the explicit lyrics was put on not until white kids started buying music. it was okay for black kids buying it. >> guest: yeah, in the book i talk about it in detail because i wanted people to know what i was going through. i had to really figure out why i was going through all of the controversy. why all the governors and everybody was coming after me. as i went on, i started thinking about it. well, hip-hop has been around.
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it's crossing over and rock and roll is being phased out a little bit. a lot of white kids were listening to the music. guys like myself, ice t, al gore's wife. at the time that's what i figured that's what it was all about. white kids getting the music. but when i looked at it is because white kids should listen to struggles of the black kids. it's the modern-age blues like tupac, flo rider and different guys talking about the struggles that happened in the community. nwa. when there was a lot of kids today, and some great stories in
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will i talk about that suppose periods of time when black guys were getting shot and killed. it's still happening today. i just think the book is so important for the people to read from a historical standpoint. >> host: explicit lyrics inside. the book of luke, my fight for truth, justice and the liberty city. >> here is a look at some of the candidates' books, in his newest book, jeb bush catalogs e-mail correspondent as florida governor. presidential candidate and ben carson, a better understanding of the constitution is necessary to solve pressing issues in his lit *egs book a more perfect
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union. secretary hillary clinton looks back at her time serving in the obama administration. senator ted cruz recalls his family from cuban immigrant son to senate. carly fiorina, former ceo of hewlett-packard is another declared candidate in rising to the challenge she shared lessons she learned from difficulties and triumphs. ohio governor john kasich calls american values that stand for something. more presidential hopeful with books include marco rubio in american dreams


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