tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN January 21, 2016 2:00am-4:01am EST
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>> what to have for dinner whereas their public is a well oiled machine. and solid like to say americans republic. please visit me on twitter tempo 2016. you can see my twitter poll where i will pull to everyone including some democrats. i can beat hillary one-on-one. visit tim cook 2016 .com. please support me. >> i am running for president of the united states because none of the candidates with paul numbers are telling you the truth. they are not telling you the truth about al qaeda, isi s. i get military people telling me how they feel. we don't need another politician in the white
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house for the start of another dynasty. we need a business person. i have been a business person since i was 15. i have been an administrator for over 50 years. you have to tell the truth to the american people and help the working people, or you will not have programs in washington. i will eliminate them. i promise you that. please remember my please remember my website because there is more information coming out. the government will be after me again because i admitted to the tape recordings. the only person i'm going to give those tape recordings to his obama. >> your time is up. i want to thank all of our republican lesser-known
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candidates.candidates. we will take a ten minute break while we -- [applause] they will take a ten minute break while we set up for the larger field of democratic candidates, and we will be back in ten minutes. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> let's introduce our next group of candidates. we have 20 democratic candidates. i will start by a request for our viewers on c-span, when you're answering a
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question if you can make sure you'reyour speaking into a microphone so that the viewers can here your answers. there going from five candidates to 20. we will make sure we keep things as fair as possible and make sure everyone has a chance to answer questions, but we will probably do more in terms of show of hands to make sure everyone has a chance to make their wishes known. with that, we will begin with our two-minute opening statement. >> thanks. first, i should introduce myself because i am relatively unknown. i have a former college philosophy professor and assistant state attorney general running for president because i believe in a better tomorrow, we need to have other options. everything i have done has
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been behind-the-scenes, but, but i have been quietly supporting democrats my entire life. i have been bleeding from the shadows and requesting and asking for special forces to fight extremism in the middle east ever since i ran for congress. president obama sent more special forces, so i applaud that. we need to work with russia to combat the problem and it needs to be a priority. i also want to thank you for adopting my position on student loan interest rates. it was my position that we must cut those in half and keep moving forward. i'm looking forward to getting talked to more. i would also like to thank jim for introducing marriage equality.
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he introduced marriage equality 2009, never like to thank new hampshire for being the 1st in the nation, being the guardians of the presidential election process. how much time do i have left? thank you. i would like to thank new hampshire for being the guardians of the presidential election process. i am targeting new hampshire. i have a new england connection. i feel that what i have done , a lifelong democrat. i felt it would be better for the country. everything i have done for marriage equality all the way down to water rights please take a look at my website. >> rocky disappointed.
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>> thank you. >> is the only person i am here representing the great state of california. anyway, i will try to keep it under two minutes. i consider myself lucky that i was born in san diego. i have become successful. i am very proud to be hispanic. it is my heritage. i know how it feels to jump through hoops. i know most of us have faced the same type of hurdles in our daily lives. however, i always found a way to overcome them. in case you do not know, i have qualified over 30 ballots, and 30 states including american samoa and
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americans abroad. in addition, voters will have only three choices, clinton, sanders command myself. so the race technically has decided by the i hope borders by three different people. i am tired of the republicans blaming the democrats and the democrats blaming the republicans. a potholes, bridges,i potholes, bridges, and homeless are ignored or washington does absolutely nothing. ignorance, arrogance, and eight. this up because i'm pleased to be here tonight i am here
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today because of the leaders are not. >> massachusetts. >> thank you. on october 1 i returned from several months of conducting focus groups in indonesia. i was troubled by what they showed and decided to enter the 1st primary in the country as a forum to discuss ideas and move things to a whole new area of understanding. i will leave those troubles to you turn the question time, but ii would like to share with you a solution that i see in that i have not heard in this campaign. the problems and the states her job, is divide and
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conquer is a way to play them off against each other. assuming they are continuing to fight these proxy wars that we are playing a role in, my suggestion is we redraw the map of the middle east so that we create sunni and shia countries that would allow democracy to take hold because democracy is the confidence of people advancing one way of life instead of using dictatorial powers to suppress your opponents. thatopponents. that is an idea i would like to inject into the campaign. i come from that by having directed a program at harvard. i was thei was the director of the national strategy think tank for president obama and then currently the ceo of the strategy,
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national security corporation washington dc. the last thing i want to raise is the other best kept secret of the campaign, the amazing president we have them barack obama. the greatest president of my lifetime, and i started with harry truman. thank you very much. >> bill french from middlebury, massachusetts. >> i am a single dad with a stanford economics degree, harvard mba and a successful business. middle class in the us is hurting. he cannot support a familya family on $7 in the quarter an hour. a $15 minimum wage will bankrupt many businesses and hurt exports in the economy. what do we do? for everyone earning less than $15 an hour the government should make up half the difference between their pay and $15 an hour.
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heavily financed this? with a supplement, a 25 percent tax on imports from china. free trade is not working between the united states and china. we import 480 billion a year and export 120. the us will receive about 75 billion a year in new revenues and about 2 million jobs will be created. saving about 30 billion and welfare. we should adjust the tax each year based upon netthat import so that china does not have an incentive to stop buying from the us. although this tax will result in a small increase in the price of goods coming from china, i would rather pay $5 for an item that is
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made in the us than pay $4 for the item made by children in china. other items, weitems, we should limit the price of each prescription drugs sold in the us to the lowest price messenger is sold anywhere else in the world. criminals should be in domestic job court learning job skills rather than in jail, skills that will keep him out of jail in the future. we should require any unemployed person who is offered a job that they can do to accept the job will lose benefits, increase the standard deduction and close loopholes from have the educational testing service give tests on online courses. >> thank you. >> the overall cost of all these programs zero. >> thank you. i next candidate. >> thank you. i am a lesser-known candidate trying to make the case to be a well-known candidate.
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i think there is aa good reason for the nation reporters to pay attention. i am a liberty minded democrat. they do not here that often. some people call it a conservative democrat. i am in the space that jfk once was, but our current leaders in my party have vacated. they do not get liberty. in their attempts to support groups, they hurt them. i make a message to every one of those groups to think how liberty actually brings you together. students is one group. you heard bernie and hillary it is ludicrous when you try to make something free when it should have value. bernie and hillary pander as if you were fifth-graders are worse.
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liberty is something that actually could unite progressives and conservatives. i think it is a pretty good message. i am a lot like rand paul in that way. you will here this all the way to california. i hope i collect enough delegates to make a difference. with enterprising reporters it really might work. students get hurt but bigger government. women have not been advantaged despite a lot of the leaders of my party saying, i am all for women. disabled people, we care for them, but the government can't care for them as well as individuals can. i tried to make that message throughout the primaries. it's a good site. i have have more content there. thank you. >> thank you. >> my name is henry hughes.
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i am the pro-life democrat. the democratic party has traditionally supportive and thought for those without voices in power. i am troubled by illegal immigrants in the country who drive down wages for working americans, troubled byamericans, troubled by students who are burdened with huge debts from going to college, troubled by 3,000 drone attacks in foreign countries, troubled by social security and medicare verging on bankruptcy, but food stamps which have created an epidemic of diabetes. ii am troubled by an income tax system which penalizes labor and rewards capitol. most important, i am running to try to make the point for life. being distinctly pro-life.
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hillary clinton, bernie sanders are both pro- abortion radicals. they stand in support abortions in the late-term. the support partial-birth abortions, abortions for population control and abortions for sex selection. we have to understand, 3500 babies died today. 25,000 will die this week. 100,000 babies will die this month and never 1,300,000 will die this year. hillary clinton is not concerned about this. i am concerned in the great majority of democrats are concerned. the democratic party is not populated i am majority of pro- abortion radicals, good people who want to support
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the right to life of every citizen. >> thank you. we will go to our 2nd level. >> good evening. i am running for president because we are jeopardizing our children's futures with contingent budget deficits. currently we have a national debt approaching 19 trillion and are poised to have almost 500 billion more than 2016. imagine going to the store, buy a bunch of stuff, put it on your credit card, get home, take the credit card bill. you hand it to the kids and say here, you can pay this off over your lifetime. you and i would not do that. i have a plan to fix the problem. excluding social security and medicare which i would not cut, i would cut all other federal spending by 10 pe.
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that would reduce the deficit by about 250 billion. additionally, i propose raising the medicare tax, not the social security tax, raising the medicare tax which is 1.45 percent to a rate of between two and two and a half percent. you're only talking of 1 percent tax increase, yet it would raise 8,280,000,000,000 in additional revenue. additionally i propose a national entertainment tax of five to 10 percent because if you can afford entertainment you can afford a little more tax. finally, i want to emphasize i believe we need to pass a constitutional amendment to enact term limits for members of congress. as we know, democracy can only flourish if everyone
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can participate. >> north carolina. >> good evening, everybody. i have a trial lawyer from north carolina. i do a lot of family law. i also have a wife deborah and five children altogether , stepchildren, i guess you would say. about 12 grandchildren. they have a nice life, and i could be out sitting by my pool, but i felt the alternative would be to get involved in politics and do something about the state of america. so this election is about a lot of things. this next president will decide whether we will be at war workpiece. going to decide whether the
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middle class will keep going down or come up. going to decide whether the poor that we have are going to completely go under or be able to rise up. i have a plan to deal with these things, how we deal with our tax structure. i would change the on social security and reduce the amount of tax roughly 45 percent and get rid of the altogether. the making some of these changes we can make a huge difference in tax revenues. i would also like to change the way we handle veterans health care. the medicare card for all veterans, and we try to make sure they get the same care as everyone else in the country. i don't think there has been much talk about veterans care tonight, but it has
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been a part of my policies and campaign. that is just the start of what i want to do,, and i would like to see big changes made in america. >> thank you. >> fix it america .org. so many of us have started to believe the system of government is broken and highly unlikely to be fixed in our lifetime. so many of us want to do something but have no idea where to start. i have come across to proclaim as loudly as i can that there is something we can do. i have come here tonight to say to as many people and introduces many people as i can to the fix it america constitutional amendment. before you tune out and stop listening, the people want
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you to think it is utterly impossible to amend the constitution. it is anything but. all you need our votes. you areand i vote for and elect the people who cast those votes. the amendment does two very critical, simple, but important things. it stops selling our elections to the highest bidder. number two, it stops the process of gerrymandering so that we draw lines to benefit particular political parties. number one, stop selling our elections. number two, stop cheating when you draw the line. if you go to the website can get your legislators today to sign up to be part of the solution. if not,not, you can learn how to run so that they will. do we really think that those people went into
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public service believing that what they would do is find total gridlock and be rewarded by spending 40 percent of their time raising money? i don't think so. we hear it every election cycle. every time they come out until us washington is broken and needs to be fixed. >> next candidate. >> thank you. i appreciate the introduction. i would like to thank the college for the event and think new hampshire for allowing a non- politician like myself to put his hat in the ring. my feel is technology, computers, and security. what i want to let you know, a little bit of personal and family history.
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there is a book we have a mother side of the family the talks about one family member who converted to republicanism and the thought struck me, when i registered to be a democrat when i was 18 you could not find republicans other than on the sample ballot president, senator, congressman. he could not run a dogcatcher. now you look at kentucky, both of our senators are republican. our governor is. we have one democratic representative. what has happened? even my mother has started. anyway, it is good to hear there are other democrats here who are conservative or
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moderate. i consider myself a moderate democrat. we need to adhere to the constitution. we need to balance the budget, secure the borders, but all in all we need to make sure those who can't take care of themselves are taken care of. >> on the only candidate running for president which includes a wide area. i want to raise particular
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issues that i think are outside the political mainstream. it is very contentious but our politics is completely polarized when you look at the election of 2012. something like 88 percent of the transgender, the immigrant vote, hispanic immigrant vote. generally the majority of the female vote something
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very strange is happening. i decided to run as a democrat partly on the issue of dignity for white people. want to have race discussed in a different way. married to an african-american woman. but this racial division is not going to help the country at all. i think at least i want to run so that we can to five okay. i am also for a shorter workweek, a 32 hour workweek which i think will help all people. >> move on.
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>> make sure to use your microphone. >> thank you. proud union member from the state of new york. my nephew came in from san diego and asked me, why are you running for president? i said, o'brien, irish mexican ukrainian, this should not be a wall. there is no need for that. among other things. and thehe asked me to list some of the things for him. probably by next week the supreme court will decide friedrichs versus california teachers association crushing the public unions. and that was one of the reasons i came here. unions are being destroyed
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by the corporations. new hampshire had a proud union history. that should be reversed. also i would like to try to get a living wage the college girl. 10 percent reallocation for intelligence, not hard army reserve stuff. and for gun-control you should create a federal bureau of gun statistics based on the congressional budget office. no 50 caliber guns and people's backyards. and for the veterans, i don't think they should wait
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one minute to setset up going to the va go to any hospital. >> thank you. >> a small child on christmas morning, all people who have ever lived 12 things, happiness and healing. the 1st after that is for all of us to treat everyone with love, forgiveness, mercy, tolerance, kindness, respect, dignity, friendliness, chivalry, courtesy, and old-fashioned matters. the great football coach completely turned my life around through his friendship. they did that to thousands of other people. that is our job, to turn
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lives around. my oldest niece is a nurse. my middle niece has the gift of healing. spend one 2nd with her and you feel better. my youngest niece is very good at visiting the sick. that is our job, to help other people. this is a guy who never has one moment of happiness. he will be remembered through the ages. our job is to help people, love people, encourage people and to bring the message of christmas to as many people as possible.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. our next candidate. >> hello. i want to thank new hampshire for ballot access. i have been a progressive democrat for 30 years. i am running to promote the most important issue of our time, saving the natural world, stopping the best extinction of species and habitat for doing this now because we're out of time, destroying guns green and blue eyes. what i see is if you do not love the earth and all living things, you love nothing, neither god nor man with your own children.
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i must demand this issue be dealt with by everyone, in particular the democratic party. i have to say, if support is not forthcoming i am sorry to say i will have no choice but to go to the republicans. let me say a few things on economy and social justice. i would like to see a shorter workweek. enough vacation, sharing, and profits. i support black lives matter and feel that it is vital perform the prison system are reduce the population by at least half, and mandatory and excessive sentencing. and i will finish by saying, how we cowards now? we are afraid to help a few
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women and children the need our help? so i want to finish by saying that i think we need to kick the republicans out of congress as soon as possible. >> our next candidate is sam's loan. >> i am a candidate for president. the parents were both born in america. over to my great grandparents were born in america. two of my ancestors fought in the american revolutionary war. five of my uncles fought in world war ii. one with the invasion of iwo jima. a children and five grandchildren. one daughter who served four years in the war in iraq.
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the 3rd son is in the army, just got back. if ii am elected president he will not be going. the no troops sent overseas. going out all over the world and we will not pay any other countries to fight for us either. we will not be involved in these wars around the world, especially the middle east. the republicans want to drop bombs. one republican candidate wants to start a war with russia. but another question is, 6 million americans have been adopted. every day i find more
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children who have been given away for adoption. i can find the parents and the children. there should be a law that anyone over the age of 21 should have a right to their own birth certificate. allowed to have a drivers license. >> thank you. our next candidate of new york. >> thank you. and economic forecaster born and raised in new york. when he presents with specific details comeau workable solutions for economic, social, and foreign-policy, not the platform and empty slogans and promises. you can see the detailed solutions i propose on my website.
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my main economic policy reform is revolutionary. tax rebates of the standard tool for economic stimulus. that would allow us to prevent recessions and high unemployment in the future while maximizing economic growth. this is how it works, whatever the real unemployment rate which includes part-time workers seeking full-time jobs, when that rises above 4 percent the president together with the federal reserve in congress will determine how big a tax rebate will be required to quickly get the economy growing and the real unemployment rate back down to 4 percent. a rebate of about $2,000 for each and every taxpayer. the tax rebate is financed by the federal reserve.
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the obama stimulus program was the equivalent of a $5,000 tax rebate. for $10,000 for a family of two. the past few years we have had $3 trillion of qe but it was not the right type since it was mainly used to benefit the bank. always needed instead was aa $5,000 tax rebate for each and every american taxpayer. >> thank you. >> thank you. my name is michael steinberg, 56 years old and the owner of aa medium-sized social security and veterans disability law firm in tampa. a member of the national organization of veterans advocates.
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thethe hillsborough county florida democratic executive committee and currently a member of the florida health care advisory board. i have been practicing law for 33 years, given lectures throughout the country. all of 50 percent of our budget involves payments for social security, ssi, we need someone with the expertise in these areas, command i don't mean someone who sits on the veterans committee and hears from bureaucrats bragging about how well her agency is doing. the social security trust fund is facing insolvency. the social security administration is not going to be able to pay you the benefits they promised. you'll get $0.7 on the dollar. the disability trust fund would have been bankrupt this year.
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extending the solvency for a few more years. they are waiting to get there hearings command veterans are in worse shape than we have millions without healthcare. -handling thousands of cases over the past 33 years. the job of the president is to make sure government agencies do their job, and i will make sure they serve the people in a fair, prompt, and courteous manner efficiently and on budget. >> thank you. our last candidate for the opening statement. >> good evening. as we all know, washington dc is completely frozen. if this is your computer you would reboot. i propose we reboot america.
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in 1980 when ronald reagan began a massive tax cuts tax rates were cut from 70 percent to approximately 30 percent. the start of the country on a course where income inequality became a major problem. for a taxpayer making 10 billion a year, this meant his income went from 3 million to $7 million. 4 million came directly out of the u.s. treasury. >> and took money away from goods and services that we need for the people of our country. this is a cause for our deficit. i propose that we raise the tax rates 70 percent on incomes above $3 million. these funds could then be used to fund the education for our citizens to help fund the health care for our citizens and then raise the
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minimum wage to $22 an hour this brings it down to 1960s levels for people can live with the subsistence level which is the least amount of money necessary to survive. i also propose we take the income ceilings off the social security tax. presently most americans pay social security, 100 percent of their income. let's take the caps off and allow the millionaires and billionaires to pay the same amount of social security tax is all other americans which would allow social security to be solvent and 75 years. >> that does it for opening statements. now we will open it up for questions.
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we have a much bigger field of candidates. we're going to do our best to keep it fair and give you all a chance to answer questions. why don't we open it up. you have a chance to ask a question 1st. >> one thing that was not addressed and i will direct this randomly, the 1st java president is commander-in-chief. i would like to know, i know you praise president obama. are there any areas -- at what point would you commit american troops to the middle east? is there anything that you can foresee? >> a very good question. basically we have been bombing islamic countries for 15 years now.
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the islamic world is starting to identify with the people being bombed. that means it's like september 11 every week. they were very effective. we don't need to be in the middle east. brought the country to its knees. president obama is a long-term vision of extracting as. right now we need to acknowledge the fact that the republicans have been building momentum for some years. and be thankful for what he has graciously done to get
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out of the middle east and can prevail by redrawing the nationstates in a way that don't require us to get involved. >> yes. what i propose is a new foreign-policy. the goal of his life was to wipe every tear from every eye. i propose ai propose a policy by which we focus almost 100 percent of our efforts on feeding, clothing, housing, employing the third world poor. the wars are spying on people and having our embassies help the poorest of the poor. so a new foreign-policy to help people all over the world.
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>> president obama has done such a great job why do they still have soldiers in afghanistan? >> this is not success. helpless, senseless, winless wars. eight long years under president barack obama, we are still sending drones to assessment people in their houses and it is unbelievable to me that when obama, barack obama ran that this was the legacy he would leave. we need to repudiate that and make a decision that we are not going to assessment people abroad and that no crusader army is ever going
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to solve the problem of the middle east. >> i want to echo, we don't understand the middle east, so it's not even attempt to try and fix it, especially when lives on the line. we don't understand people who will blow themselves up for a lot. that is not an american thing. the people in the middle east, many of them have been fighting for something that started 1400 years ago because one sect thinks that mohammed bequeathed a descendent see the one relative instead of the other. there is one other difference they will self-flagellation on mohammed. i can't understand why they would be fighting life-and-death for this. don't try to get into words
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the oligarchy. the foreign-policy on deposing another dictator because you don't know what is doing to his own people. we have to prioritize safety and security, get rid of isi s. i will be sparing and using ground forces. i don't rule it out. >> show of hands, anyone who would send american troops into the middle east? >> wood. >> would. >> i would not rule it out. >> what is your timeframe? is an timeframe important?
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i would not sending ground troops right now. in the end, the islamic arab states have to address these issues themselves. you have a civil war going on that we have been drug into. my now i would not do it. i would never take any option off the table. your question -- >> we will move on. >> i think we need to take a defensive posture. in the us that means watching mosques, watching the internet and facebook and seeing what is going on, where people are radicalized. many to watch it by having computers having to do with
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attack and jihad. >> we want to try to give everyone an opportunity. >> thank you. several strong opinions already. i even heard the name trump. should the us be accepting refugees? >> well, under some circumstances yes, but that should be very much the 2nd choice. i think the key to it is that we supported dissidence or insurgents because we have kind of a romantic notion of the arab spring
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and i going to bring democracy. that hasn't worked out at all. we have to try to bring the government together with the radicals that have been fighting it, but we do have to defeat isys. that is news that needs to be addressed. this war on isys. muslim people radicalized all over the world, they are going to start taking on his cause.
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the result of americans on the streets. and very quickly that will end american preeminence because we can't get out there. it will put in danger the whole concept, and it may even put in danger whole concept of modernity because we all struggle between fundamentalism of modernity. and we are thinking immediate results. but we have to do is project out. we don't want islamic work to consume the 21st century. we are driving that. we are driving that. the american industrial complexes heavily invested.
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>> have not had a chance to answer yet. >> first and foremost have to know. you need to understand. you cannot telegraph your move. he cannot tell a chessa chess player what you are going to move five before. eventually army, navy, and militia. the question becomes what you tell the people you telegraph your moves. you have to keep it close to your best, they need to know how -- they have to understand that you mean business. >> we have the next question. >> you cover a lot of ground in your opening statement. the so-called major carriers they were one in office.
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what is the 1st if you take, the biggest priority? the one that needs to be addressed and how would you do it. .. the first day, i'm going to have to get a thorough briefing about the situation in the world. i'll need the details. specifically, that that you want to know about that. >> it's something we'd really like to talk about.
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>> with your adversaries, they can work up against that. it's all strategically. >> thank you. >> what would you do on your first day in office? >> i would plan to try to raise the minimum wage. i would put forces together, and put together a program to increase our infrastructure standing, our standing on education. we can raise the wage to the level and create much more
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demand for workers. those two things will automatically raise all wages in america. the second thing i would try and do would be use a program to solve our problems in the middle east. at this stage of development in the civil world -- >> do you suggest $22 an hour? is there anyone else who would support that level. >> i saw your hand. why do you think we should have a minimum wage of $22 per hour?
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>> the first thing i would do, there's $800 billion in the bank accounts of our nation's charity. you have billionaires who want to save america. you have school schoolkids who would send in their pennies. you take most of that money, you hire every unemployed and homeless person and prisoner and they're guaranteed a job. they pass out literature for small businesses. they have no customers and nobody for advertising. picking up litter. there is money and recycling. we the shovel ready jobs for the unemployed. the free market will not hire -- the unemployment rate is three times what the government is telling us. >> i believe minimum wage should be a minimum of $14 per hour. more importantly why did i raise my hand at 22? i believe believe it should be more than one minimum wage.
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it's not the same from the bottom of our social structure. what about the auto mechanics? what about the aircraft mechanic? we need to have four different types of minimum wage depending on skill level. like they do in other countries. we do not need to reinvent all the rules. just look what happened in other countries. based on what happens in other countries, we should tell labor and union what to expect within my first four years of government. that question will be for mr. steinberg. >> mr. steinberg, does this country have a problem with police brutality? if so, what would you do about it? >> there are good cops and bad cops, good attorneys and bad attorneys, and good doctors and bad doctors.
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most officers are good, however when a a police officer does something bad, it's hard for the agency for whom he works to decide, to regulate him. i think the attorney general needs to get involved and -kéat occurs on a local level. i like the idea of citizen review boards that are made up of nine police officers who evaluate whether there is a violation of civil rights. i think on a whole, police officers are doing a pretty good jobs but you see these isolated incidents. that's what makes the news. what would you do to help address the issue between law-enforcement and communities of color? >> there seems to be a real
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problem in terms of attitude of some police and the code of silence, the defensiveness among police on this issue. it needs to be addressed. i think the police, we need to talk about much better training for police and how to deal with these crazy situations. and, if there's a problem and 70 does something wrong, others in the organization need to point that out. >> we need to try to work some kind of inner standing between all parties. i think the police try to do great work with people and keep them out of jail. we need to have a new criminal justice system where we are reducing a vast number of people in jail. >> this question will be from
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john. >> i'd like to know, this week is the anniversary of the roe versus wade decision. i'd like to get a discussion going about what restrictions you feel should be put on, if any, on abortion, and whether if the supreme court justice would use that issue as a litmus test? >> your? abortion? that's all you got? i think the first day in office, i would get the fbi involved and ask how one state -- won the election. it's 17 trillion-dollar debt sitting at the top and all the big issues that we care about, we spend every day thinking something is going to be
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considered in our government and doesn't happen. essentially, while we spend all of our time in government trying to pit one side against the other, finding a way to dislike each other, nothing gets considered and nothing gets done. i think abortion sits squarely in the middle of one of those things that eventually will never be considered or move forward in congress, which are the people who would have to move it forward anyway. when it comes to the supreme court justices, i sit on the democratic side so certainly what a point someone who believes that a woman's right to choose. but those constitutional amendments matter. you've got fix the government. >> i have a masters degree and i'm a democrat myself, but i would not take away a woman's right to choose in that situation. i think roe versus wade was up
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pretty recent decision. i don't think after the first trimester, though, roe versus wade doesn't support abortion after the first trimester. i think the interesting thing is how republicans have used this issue over the years and we have had 25 years of republican president and hasn't done anything since roe versus wade pass. what have any of them done to change it? they have not. they just use the issue to attract christian votes. we've got to get to a point where we are not using that issue as a litmus test for judges. i will not use it. >> did you call yourself a pro-life democrat? >> i am the only pro-life democrat in this race. i don't know anyone else who considers themselves pro-life
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and considers roe versus wade recent. >> roe versus wade has paved the way for second and third trimester abortions. we live in a country where a fully viable child can be taken from its mother's womb, except for the head, and then a surgeon can go in and section out the brain and in certain states, under the roe versus wade concept, that's illegal. i am pro-life. nobody who thinks roe versus wade is well recent is pro-life. >> most republicans would align themselves with pro-life and most democrats would call themselves in favor of women's right. i think nobody in this room would say abortion is a wonderful procedure. what we need to do is make sure
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that people, that women don't get pregnant in the first place. there are a lot of women who get pregnant because they cannot afford birth control. one of the things we should make available is free birth control to anyone who cannot afford it. we should also have developed a birth control for men so they can avoid making babies. i think we start at the beginning, before the problem comes up and you have to make a decision about having an abortion. >> we just saw debate in washington about whether the federal government should be giving money to planned parenthood. is there anybody on the stage who would side with republicans who wanted to defund planned parenthood? >> i have eight children that were born. i also have four children that were abortion. so naturally i have a special issue on this particular topic.
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>> i'm against the principle of abortion because i think human life is sacred. not for religious reasons, but just humanistic reasons. i would put the emphasis on encouraging adoption. there are so many people who want to adopt children and so if we facilitated that, that could be an alternative to abortion. and second, as as a prevention, i think most unwanted pregnancies are had by young, relatively uneducated women and father by relatively uneducated young men. so a potential solution is to make sure all our boy and girls
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get a good education because if their focus on learning and going to university and having a professional career, they will not end up with an unwanted pregnancy. >> some an offense have to go if we are going to get the balance sheet in order. >> what benefits are you talking about? >> retirement benefits. >> no nothing should be cut in terms of benefits. we have military expenses that need to be cut. they're using it to pay for the cold war. there is no cold war anymore. i would not cut security or
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retirement. >> would you be in favor of raising the retirement age? >> no, i would not. >> we have to cut them. it's immoral not to because if you keep pensions going at this rate, it's grandchildren who are suffering. they can't pay off the kind of pension debt that elders have incurred. we want to help retirees whose life expectancy at the time was 67. two years after retirement. now if you're retiring at 62 and living until 95 and you're expecting younger generations to take care of you, it doesn't work. the numbers don't come close to adding up and it is an immoral act for a government to take money from generations unborn that can't vote in favor or
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against. i am a democrat in favor of radically reducing government spending across the board except military environment. >> mr. hutton, you you had raised this issue in your opening statement. >> if you could make sure to have the microphone. >> as i mentioned previously, i do favor an increase in the medicare taxpayer and i would suggest 1%. social security, you don't have to raise. if raise. if you raise the retirement age to 70 and probably phasing that in would be the best approach, and and for the cost of living increases you use a different formula which is commonly known as the consumer price index minus 1% which most people believe you can better track the
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inflation. you can bring social security into solvency. i don't think we need to increase the tax for social security and i would not cut benefits because our elderly depend on it so much, but the medicare tax i'd cut. >> the problem is not as great as people think. if if we would simply raise the age for medicare and social security eligibility by three months every year, we would solve our basic problems with medicare and social security, and if you went out among people in america, even people nearing the retirement age and you told them that the price of saving the program for future generations was a three month increase in the minimum wage for social security and medicare, they would be the first ones to tell you do it. >> everybody says we don't have enough money. that's not the issue. we do have the money in the wealth. we need a full employment economy. we can pay for the things we
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need, social security, pension system, europe does it. the democracy does it. it's really not a question of we don't have the money. we are the richest country in the world. the problem is that the 1%, if you will, or the 20% are hoarding the wealth. we can pay for these things. we these things. we don't have to take a backseat. we don't have to take a backseat. we can take care of our own people. >> the next question to you, you talked about the things you had done in indonesia. the president is going to be pushing congress to pass the transpacific partnership. what is your position on that trade bill? would you support a? >> we are ignoring where our real problem of interest lie in the pacific. china is the off ending and we
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are the defending empire. china wishes to dominate the pacific basin this is our way of creating a set of allies that are cooperating from the growing chinese influence. yes i support it. it will need to be built on in the future but it is the kind of move that has long-term implications that the president is wisely pursuing. >> a number of unions are critics of this trade bill. what do you think of the trade deal and what are your concerns about what its impact would be on american workers? >> it would devastate american workers. if you go to the afc i/o website, trump has come out
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against the ttp, i believe they call it. it would take take tens of thousands of jobs away from americans. i'm against it. i don't see any reason to sign that. any unionized worker would lose their job because of that and it's not worth it. >> are there any trade deals. >> or would you consider yourself a free trader? >> no. >> the next question is for you and mr. adams. >> mr. adams, i brought this up earlier and i'd like to hear from the democratic side. what is the main -- you are here and were happy to have you here on this forum, but what has to happen in this country to allow someone like yourself to get onto the so-called mainstage. what needs to be done in our election system? do we need to have public financing? are there other options you see where truly the average person
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can get to the level where hillary clinton and bernie sanders are today? >> thanks for the question john. i do think we have to have campaign-finance reform and we need to level the playing field a little bit more. new hampshire really plays a critical role in allowing candidates to express their views. there's no reason at all that any one or two of the candidates that are at the table right now couldn't jump into the top tier and become a top candidate. although we do need campaign-finance reform, we don't want to have an entire government for sale. that's my opinion on that. to answer the other question, i've got 25 more seconds, on my first day in the white house i cut student loan interest rates
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across the board. with your national debt you can't give everyone free college but you can cut interest rates and help people anyway you can in a way that makes sense. >> we haven't heard from you in a little while. what would propel you into the top tier? >> i happen to be a well-known person in certain fields. the game of chess, every tournament chess player in the united states knows my name. i'm synonymous with the game of chess. i'm one of the best players in the world in chinese chess. i also play thai chess and japanese chess as well. everybody in the world who plays these games knows my name. >> even though hillary is a great candidate, if i could get into the debate, i think i could
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win and win the election. >> we spent a year trying to get something on television called more to run. i started the poker television and it's now an international phenomenon. we started born to run. we would've had two people in the primary here basically having done the apprentice, or the american idol of politics in the new hampshire primary. there was one democrat and one republican that would have been brought by television audience to the forefront. the reason i offer that and support is candidly, when you look at the logjams that sit in the system and make it so hard to get in, something like that is going to happen.
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it's going to be a disruptor that has nothing to do with the system and it will change it for good. that was not done. we still have it in the hopper. >> some of the things i've learned in the last couple of months is how expensive it is to get on the ballot in each of the 50 states. new hampshire charges $500 which is reasonable and another state is free but most are very expensive. to run in the ballot on all of the states would probably cost $1 million which most of us don't have. >> just one more thing, the real problem for all of us is that you do not get the media exposure. there's something called the communications act of 1934 which actually requires all of the broadcast media to provide equal access to all the candidates
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with some very specific exceptions. but, with all due respect, if you categorize the number of minutes that hillary clinton appears on wm you are and you characterize the number of minutes that all of us here together, she would she would vastly outweigh us. if that communications act was actually enforced, and in particular, the broadcast media was required to provide access to everyone who was on the ballot, not equal for everybody, but reasonable access, that would go a long way toward broadening the process. not only not only in new hampshire, but in every state in the union. >> what would you say to john's question about how you would get into the top tier? >> media access would be the answer. if we would have that opportunity to speak on national tv on a regular broadcast, if it
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was just two minutes, we would get a better opportunity for people to know who we are. the other other thing, once again, new hampshire doesn't excellent way of doing this and the thousand dollar fee is reasonable. that means for $50000 you could get it for all 50 states, but some states are incredibly far beyond that. it becomes very difficult to get any kind of effective campaign. >> if you really want to shake things up, we say we support rocky de la fuente but i know he is a multi- millionaire. he can afford to run a campaign
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if we say we support rocky de la fuente we are going to shake things up. he's on the ballot in ohio. i thing it's going to take an outsider. like ross perot in 1992, he stirred things up. maybe that's what it takes is for all of us to say let's take one of us who's on the ballot and let's support him. maybe he'll take all of our ideas and will work as a team and will be the lesser-known candidates for president. >> let's have another question for mr. hutton. >> were talking about access right now and i can't help but notice that there is all men on stage tonight. what will you do to make sure all americans are included in the political process? >> i noticed that as well.
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>> if you want to weigh-in on the question that john has then you need to do that. >> about i pose a new question to you. let's look at the issue of illegal immigration. they said it would take up the constitutionality of president obama's action for the parents of immigrants. if this were to strike down the program, what what would you do as president to help address the status of the parents of the so-called dreamers and also on the issue of legal immigration? >> it's been the backbone of our society since the formation of this country. we've been trying to watch trump violate the constitution by saying they can discriminate is probably the saddest chapter in our country.
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it's sad that this is going on. all were trying to do is a lit set the sport and reform our immigration system and make it such that this country opens its arms to immigrants that has made a strong. immigrants are model citizens and the rhetoric that we have heard from mr. trump is probably the blackest mark in this country in a long long time. being a jewish man, it's very distressing to me when you start with mexicans and go to muslims. historically it all comes back down. to think that any one group is better than another is just a crime. >> how would you address this issue of illegal immigration?
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the mexican border is 2000 kilometers long. if you take a look at that issue, the canadian u.s. border is twice as big. what happens to alaska westmont what happens to the pacific coast? what happens to florida and the atlantic coast. are we going to put a law, are we going to create the chinese law all over again? it did not work in berlin. we have to take a look at a logical plan that will work. the chinese had of problem. i don't know if you've been to the chinese wall before. i've been there. that's their weakest link. they were not able to put the wall in the middle of the river. if you put it in the river becomes a damn. if you want to pull back china you just come in by the river.
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>> we haven't heard from you in a while. what would you do on this issue of illegal immigration? >> i think one thing that really strikes me is immigration of people who don't embrace our values. i don't understand why any person would want to immigrate into the united states if they did not love our values and share our values. so i would not allow any foreigner to immigrate to the united states unless it were very clear that they embraced our values, specifically human rights and equal rights for women and nondegree discrimination on the basis of religion. i think that's very important. we should make this a public matter. it's not acceptable for anybody to immigrate to the united states unless they embrace our
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values. >> i think the problem is the relationship between the supply and productive labor and what were neglecting is the influence of productivity. between the 1930s and today, labor productivity has increased four times. this has had a strange effect on the economy because the agricultural produce, mainstream manufacturing production can be handled much more easily now than before. what we've had is creative ways to view the xx labor.
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we engage in enterprises now that are not necessary. we have to somehow get productivity and production back. >> i speak about 15 languages. i live with immigrants all the time. most of the people in my building are from nigeria. the police made a mistake and shot him 17 times. this poor guys five blocks down the street from me. unfortunately, what obama did, we cannot open our doors to everybody to come here.
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we have to have some control over the border. even though the people in my neighborhood predominately did come here illegally, and nonetheless, they are here and i have no problem with them at all. but we just can't open the border to all these people. >> let's do a quick show of hands question. if president obama could run a third term as president, would you support him? raise your hand if you would support him for a third term? >> some of those who haven't raised their hand, why not? >> i think two terms is good. he's great, but i think two terms is fine. >> as we said before, we are looking at a president who has essentially continued the george bush record in terms of war. we've had growth at 2%. we have a black people and white people at each other's throat in this country.
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this is a failed presidency. we need to have somebody new and somebody who is going to take us in different directions. the affordable care act is just coming in to a huge disaster. it will be bankrupt by the end of the year. >> all people, all the poor people who did not sign up for obamacare as they were required to, they are are going to be find $1000 each. do you know how those fines are going to be collected? poor people get their tax refunds. they rely on those tax refunds to pay their bills. those tax refunds are going to be confiscated by the irs. >> it's going to be a complete disaster. >> everybody will have a minute for our closing statements. we'll take one last question from john. >> let's say you made it to the main stage. you won the new hampshire
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primary. you are now a national candidate and you're on the main stage with bernie on your left and hillary on your right. is there something that we do here in our local debates, we have candidates asked each other questions and they try to differentiate themselves. what question would you ask hillary in which question would you ask bernie? >> i'll be honest with you, i'm in favor of every elected official in the united states leaving public office. i think we have to start the whole government over. i'm proposing a hundred citizens, two from each state, and start the whole government over again. it does not work. >> i don't even want to acknowledge the existence of a
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current crop. i think they need to get out, all of them. >> i would like to make a, about that. >> when you play chess, you have to look several moves ahead to become a champion. you'd have to qualify each individual state. the rules are prohibitive. the rules, every state is clearly covered. besides that, it's very difficult to qualify. the question is, the chance of anybody making it, even if they happen to be sitting next to hillary, it's none. it's not possible possible. you have to be on the ballot. people have to have the right to vote for you. i believe i have done the best
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thing to give people the option to strike my name or say my name or have me as an alternative. >> this is very important. i would ask bernie sanders, and i'd i'd ask his supporters who are socialists, why can't you be content with socialism in your own enclave? hundred thousand who want retirement their way, labor relations their way, educations their way. as a libertarian, i have no qualms about that. there are people can fund their own system. it's when they try to voice it and force it on everybody else. it's off the rails and it will never pass. a liberty minded person, i am am one, iran paul is on the other side will allow it in the socialist best friend. even though i think they're way
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worse, i would let them try it. let's see if there enclave is indeed happier, more prosperous than a more liberally minded enclave. let liberty allowed socialists who don't force it on others to try it and see. >> one more question it and i will get into our closing statement. >> if i had the chance to question bernie and hillary. hillary is by far the most competent on either side and either party. within the existing paradigm. within this unique collection, we have this guy called bernie sanders who is a unique figure who in the past could never get within striking distance of the white house. i believe if anybody really wants change, he is the candidate that can operate
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outside of this paradigm and introduce innovative ideas and operate from the deep compassion that i believe he has and i believe this country needs both to heal as well as to find a new destiny of this country. because of his unique role in the campaign and his unique status, anybody who has supported me and any person that i have managed to convince to be interested in me, i would like to throw my support behind bernie sanders in this campaign. >> thank you all for participating in this debate. we are more or less on time but in order to get everyone to have a one minute closing statement, will begin our closing arguments. >> i would like to thank bill gardner for making each one of
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us feel like we belong here in new hampshire. i think it's very important to this nation to understand that the region we are are where we are is that our congress decided that we would make a massive transport to the wealthy. when we cut taxes from 70% down to 30, we gutted our treasury and our ability to educate feed and give healthcare to all of our people. until we decide, the people to get together and register to vote and go out and vote for people who will believe in them as people and not serve the wealthy who really do not need any help, then we are going to be in a world of hurt. we need to elect people who will fight for the people and not just for the wealthy. >> thank you. mr. steinberg. >> i'm the former chair of the
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florida democratic --dash the most important job you can do in politics, young people out here need to join and become a precinct man and woman. it's very important that you get democrats elected at the city council level, at the county commission level, the state representative level, those are going to be your future leaders, your future president. don't just get involved in the presidential election. get involved in the local and state elections. get involved to become educated. don't be ignorant. my message out there to people who are listening, al gore lost
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by 537 votes in florida. if we had 537 more democrats who are out there voting, al gore would have been president. , al gore would have been president. please go out and get involved. >> thank you. >> you mentioned a litmus test for the supreme court justice. for me, there's a need to recognize the death penalty is unconstitutional because it is cruel and unusual punishment. number two, we have many failing public schools, at least in new york, we have we have them and i'm sure in many other of the inner cities. having volunteered to teach a couple of courses in them, i realized what what the problem was. one, there's no discipline imposed in the classroom. there's no institutional discipline. practically no homework is assigned and not enough is done. a third point is that a lot of these students need individual tutoring and mentoring. if we want to get rid of poverty, we have to make sure that we find a way to get every
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child well educated. the last one is to greatly reduce prison inmates and have real rehabilitation. >> the things i didn't get a chance to say because i didn't have enough time in the opening statements are number one, you must reinstate the estate tax. that was abolish. no one had to pay any taxes like the rockefellers did. they never had to pay it. we have to bring that back. even the children of rich people still have to work because all these children of which people are working now. everybody can have a drivers license if they know how to drive. a lot of people are driving
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without license because they can't get one because they're illegal here. regardless of whether or not there legally here, they should be able to drive a car. and the third thing is, basically everybody, you give all of these immigrants and id and fingerprint them so at least you know who they are because the problem is we have no idea. we have no figure of how many are here. we have to get some handle on how many people we have in this country. >> let me repeat, on the environment, we don't save the natural world, i don't believe we deserve to be here. i don't see how we can stand before god or whatever and claimed to be moral and let me conclude by saying that in this age of war, i want to say
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something. i love jesus but i am not a christian. i believe that mohammed was a great prophet of god, if not the last. i believe bhutto was a great teacher and i try to follow what is practice. but we cannot wait. we have the words god, allah, yahweh, people of the book, the sun and the moon and the earth and the sky. all of the same, all are one. >> he said if there's no literal heaven, the entire bible must be torn up. jefferson wrote back and said yes john, the persistence of a god of love presumes a literal place where family and friends will live together forever.
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love people, help people and you get into heaven. god gave peter a vision of heaven. it's like a perfect day at the beach in the summer. at the fitness club with a whirlpool spa. help people, love people and focus on heaven. >> thank you. >> i would say save the middle class, vote for raymond. if you don't vote for raymond, vote for bernie sanders. >> please have the microphone in front of you when you speak. >> while this is going to be a very important election. i think my two favorite candidates are bernie sanders and donald trump. part of the problem is that we can't really talk about things
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anymore. there's politics of hate and despising each other. too many people in prison, i'm focusing on white people who are the majority population in america. still there's shame which leads to debilitation. we really need to hold our readers to a higher standard. both are political and business leaders. we are being misled. just to do anything to stand up to participate in an election is something, this could be a wonderful year. it could be a wonderful year if the right people are elected. i'm proud to be part of the process. thank you for inviting me and others to participate. >> for those who think that isis is not a threat, be reminded that hitler started off with a bunch of unemployed drunks in a
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muh hall. to think that bullets and bombs will fix the problem is not true. we are fighting the same theology or a similar theology that the, khasi's used to fly into american targets with the hope of just killing americans that they would go to heaven. >> what i want you to know is that we have a lot of problems from drug abuse, real unemployment and that we need to deal with them in a logical manner and deal with them one piece at a time. i can work with republicans, new hampshire, send a message and vote for robert lovett.
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>> recently new hampshire lost one of its greats. perhaps a professor at dartmouth was annexed ordinary representation of this state. he grow grew up very near here. his memoir, the unfit mind is a great inspiration. rather than read the amendment which is what i was going to do, i will just suggest that you go to fix that you dare to unzip your mind and think that what we need to do is tinker with the system.
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the isis situation in the only one that stands for your security in americans here at home and abroad. >> i would like to think everyone for having as here this evening. we hear our children will not have the same opportunities those of us on this stage have had. it is more than a shame that a disgrace. when you are the best nation or the greatest nation in the world we can change this outcome if we stop stealing from our children and pay and balance the budget for what we consume now and take steps to give a better opportunity specifically expanding aid to community colleges. and given the opportunity
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that we have had. thank you very much. >> that would like to use speak directly that if you were not satisfied with bernie sanders you still have an opportunity to do something. the death of 58 million babies in the united states are the fall of the moral prime high and the pro-life candidate endorsed by democrats for life let the record show once again there will be 3500 innocent babies killed today. 34 -- 100,000 this month. the constitution and
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declaration of independence and religious tradition and humanities calls on all of us to do what we can i stand with john and bobby kennedy and the majority of democrats please go to pro-life. >> are they to get a show of hands from those in the audience raise your hand if you think there is something it you could do better than congress. [laughter] anytime you explain the policies of congress. and maybe they want more
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power and then they get more power. go to the leaders of my party who has feel-good statements president obama has been the worst president for blacks since buchanan. black lives matter and black education matters. we need a more responsible government. >> mr. french? >> if elected in congress is supportive ben tax rate is 70% the top business executives to make $1 million will be looking at the after-tax income of $100,000 in the united states versus going to another country with net income after their taxes.
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in the nation will become for. with immigration we need to keep the good ones that our hard working in terms of on line, the college system of lectures has been around. some of it is good but it is old technology. online is new technology and the need to support it is very expensive but we can deal off from that. >> when you visit the you can stay in the lincoln
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bedroom. [laughter] ion not important in this at all. one idea i'd like to express is american leads the national service corps. that what they give to their country that will solve these problems of the immigrants for the white cops in the black people. when they're rich guy has to live in the same barracks they understand each other. so one of the things i advocate for a national service corps to use new technologies and their towns and country in international but the idea that i believe in democracy that everybody
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in the country can contribute to solving the problem. that is what i represent. i've not important. >> however got here. the great granddad came on the mayflower. whether grandfather came from france. eventually from mexico they made it back here. so what is interesting is guess what? i will reduce by at least 3%. nobody talks about jobs.
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and neck in a way to minister before that. with 32 million jobs. >> thank you for mentioning the environment and i have been talking about the in beverage 20 years starting with southwest mexican -- mexico aa to take a moment of silence for:friday of the eagles. my time is short but i did want to take that moment he died of colitis and arthritis. it is important that we can spend more than a trillion dollars going to war in iraq but we cannot spend 5% of that researching diseases to cure diseases why is there no cure for record arthritis or ulcerative colitis? he did not have to die.
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applies the country now focused on what matters to people like curing diseases toward financing science to reassure children have better opportunities the the environment is safe and clean for them thank you for coming in secretary gardner and douglas new hampshire in the united states of america. good night to speeseventeen the key for putting
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