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tv   US Senate  CSPAN  January 29, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EST

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other politicians, look at them. it's like crazy. but i say, how did i do, were they great, were there many people, like in the mavericks' arena, mobile, alabama, 35,000 people. we get the biggest crowd by far, much bigger than bernie, i have to say he is second. no other republican, we get the biggest crowds. they never show the crowd. and i realize they never turn the camera. and i always say, i figure new cameras, the only way you find out that they're not fixed, they're like pretzels. they turn. but they don't want to show the crowd. it's one of those things. so we have a rich man from new york, a good guy who has become a little bit reclusive. $1 million.
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he's a good guy. [cheers and applause] >> we have another unbelievable man ike from marvel, he did such an unbelievable job. one of the great men in our country in terms of business and talent and is giving ike $1 million. [cheers and applause] >> j.j.cafera from florida and cleveland, $50,000. j.j. thank you. another great friend of mine, one of the most brilliant man you'll ever need, he doesn't do that for a living, he makes money for a living in every way. you cannot make a deal with this guy and come out on possible. i'm thinking about him
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negotiating with china? [cheers and applause] >> you know, china this year in trade will make over $500 billion in terms of our trade deficit. $500 billion. that's no partnership. and i'm a free trader, i love free trade. but we have to use our heads. we use political hacks to negotiate with the chinese. they have the smartest people. i deal with them all of the time. i have the largest bank in the world from china in one of my buildings. i love them. i'm not blaming the chinese. i'm not angry at them. i'm angry at our politicians because we have people that are incompetent running our country. why should we be losing $500 billion a year. that's not going the happen. if i took a guy like this, put him in charge, his wife is so incredible. will you both come up, mr. and
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ms. ruffen. come up. [cheers and applause] >> come up. [cheers and applause] >> he's never had anything, it's like everything he touches turns into gold. whatever deal goes into. he bought a spent in las vegas, made plenty of money in between for 1.3 billion, just about. 1.3. every single -- when he gets a million, you know that says ten cents but to him very important. say a couple of words. >> yeah. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. i would like to introduce my wife alexandria.
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about two years ago i said, donald, if you ever run for president i will give you a million dollars. well, he ran, i gave him a million dollars. he sent it back. [cheers and applause] >> he said, i can't take your money. i couldn't believe it. in any case, he's a great man and i'm very happy my wife and i will donate $1 million to your charity. >> that's good. [cheers and applause] >> he actually, he actually sent me a million dollars and he said, there's 10 or 20 more of them if you want and if you need. i just can't stand it. i am self-funding my own campaign, right. i'm fine. [cheers and applause]
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>> all my life i've made money. all of my life i did well and my father always said, everything he touches you touch to gold, that's why i use the same expression. there's this guy, fantastic guy. everything that my boy touches becomes gold. being number one they all want to control you, they want to give you money, remember i gave you $5 million, i told the story about the ford plant, nabisco plant. all of my life and i'm turning down millions. i was in iowa in a different location, we had 4,000 people. i went to those people and said, listen,i don't feel good about turning down money because my whole life i've been greedy, greedy, i've grabbed all the money i can get and now i want to be greedy for the united states, i want to grab all that money. i'm going to be greedy for the united states. [cheers and applause]
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>> and it's true. but i always feel guilty. we have the most incredible people in this country in iowa but in this country it's like a movement going on. the cover of time magazine this week is a whole thing, a cover story, in fact, -- there is. hold that up. they have the back of my head. they have the back of my head with a massive crowd in front of me and they are covering the story and i said, i didn't know they were doing the story, a cover of time and they are covering about the movement, it's actually a movement. what happened, i said to the crowd, supposing, i promise you i won't be influenced, could i take all this money because i'm turning away so much money, stand up, please, could i take all this money and everybody went crazy, no, no, no, there was only one guy and he was in the back corner of the room and he was a crocked looking guy and i said, it's okay to take it.
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i don't want anything to do with that guy. i feel a little bit foolish not taking the money, but, you know, you look at a guy like jeb bush, 120 -- extremely low. i shouldn't say right now, he's probably looking for me. has anyone seen trump. where is trump? [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> jeb, $128 million, killers like him, people that i know like him they put up $5 million, $2 million, $8 million, special interest, they're not doing that for their help. whenever we have a problem -- i was a big giver, but i know these people and i said, believe
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me, when they put in 6 million, 1 million, they're not just doing -- they want something for it and when you see these horrible deals that are being made and they are horrible, the politicians aren't that stupid. you think they're horrible. how is it possible that iran got $150 billion from this country in one of the dumbest deals ever and they just went out and their first purchase 114 air bust jets, not boeing jets. think of it, think of it. and then they go to russia, they are buying missiles. somebody said the 24 days, they have 24 days but the clock doesn't start ticking, they do self-inspections. can you imagine it? we didn't great our prisoners, hostages, we didn't get them back. and then we get the money, we paid $150 billion, sets such a bad tone for kidnapping, that is
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a disgrace. who would believe what is going on? when you see that air bust gets the jets and russia gets the missiles? by the way, they're not supposed to be ordering just so you understand. everybody is getting the money but us. when you see the politicians and you say, man, that's a bad deal, that's such a stupid deal, how can anybody be so stupid? the reason is the politicians are being taken care of by their lobbyist and special interest that have interest with russia and missiles, that have air bust with all of the people that are taking the $150 billion. we have mike huckabee here. governor get up for a second. get up. great guy and rick santorum. senator, where is rick?
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[cheers and applause] fellows, come up here for a second. just so you understand. these two are not in that category. come on up. they're not the two politicians, they wouldn't do a thing like this. come on up. look, stand up. and mrs. huckabee and rick's daughter, stand up, stand up. usa, usa. >> usa! usa! usa! >> so these two people would never have done a thing like that. when you see deals that are so bad, believe me they're not bad for the politician, they're bad for the country and that's why i don't take anything, i don't take anything. we are going to do what's right for the country.
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okay. thank you. i want to ask rick and then mike to say a few words. i heard they did really well these two and who the hell knows, i didn't get to see very much of it. i think if you did poorly you would go back and be depressed. mike say a few words. we would love it. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you. not to be offense, i will stand over here so that i'm not photographed with the trump sign. [laughter] >> i'm supporting another candidate for president. [laughter] >> that doesn't mean we can't work together when it comes to help our veterans. that's what mike and i are doing tonight. [cheers and applause] >> you know, i grew up on a va grounds. i was -- my mom and dad worked for the veterans administration for 40 years and i watched it over that time and i heard my parents talk about how the va
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system has been degraded over time. used to be the best healthcare system in the world. it's not the best healthcare system in the world. and we have an obligation to do something to make sure our veterans are the best possible health care in the world. [cheers and applause] and we can give them that by allowing them for any veteran to go to any hospital and allow them to get the care they need when they need it. [cheers and applause] >> we also have to say let the private sector take care of this stuff, we have a big problem with our veterans, i hope that a lot of the money tonight that's raised goes for that. 22, 22 vets a day commit suicide, 22 vets a day commit suicide because the ptsd and related mental illnesses. here is what i would like to do, let's take all the money for the va and let's put it into making
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the veterans administration a center of excellence to deal with ptsd and take care of vets with their mental health problems. [cheers and applause] >> so i appreciate all those folks who raised money, let's put some of that money toward helping our member and women who are suffering, god bless you and thank you for being here tonight. [cheers and applause] >> i figured you were going to get the photo anyway. i might as well stand here. we may be competitors in a presidential race but tonight we are colleagues in unison starting here for the people who let us breath every breath of
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free air we breath as veterans of the united states of america, without you, there is no government. [cheers and applause] >> usa! usa! usa! [shouting] >> you see, in my mind i was hearing you say go, huck, go. but i want to say how grateful i am to donald trump to invite us here. the easy thing for him to do is ignore that anybody else cares about veterans and he's not that kind of person. i want to say thank you, donald trump for asking rick santorum and me and any other candidates to come, for reasons some of them because had a slot at 8:00 o'clock. i had nothing to do at
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8:00 o'clock. it worked great for me. but it says something about him that he would bring us here to his own event because bigger than even the election is the fact that we wouldn't have free elections in this country if it weren't for the people that stood between bullets, bombs and our freedom and thank you. [cheers and applause] >> i want to do one simple thing tonight and i will turn it back to donald trump. in september 2005, a very good friend of mine who teaches school at the joe. robinson high school in little rock, arkansas did something extraordinary on the first day of school. she got permission of the principal, she had all the desks of her classroom removed. every day taken out. the kids came in for first period and they say,
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ms. katherine, where is our desk, she says you don't get a desk in my class until you can tell me how you earned it. well, the kids say well i guess we get good grades. no, that's important. that's not going to get you a desk. well, we have to behave. she said, you will behave in my class. but that won't get you a desk and none of them could figure it out. second period came, same thing you don't get a desk until you tell me how you earned it, third period, fourth period. by now kids are calling their parents on cell phones. news organizations from little rock started coming out to joe. robinson high school to figure out what has happened with this teacher who has snapped because she has taken all of the desks out of her classroom. last period of the day kids came in and asked the same question,
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where are our desks and she said, you have to tell me how you earn it. none of them did. she said, i guess i'm going to have to explain it to you. martha walked to the door of her classroom, she open it had door. and 27 u.s. veterans wearing their uniforms from various wars walked in carrying a desk. they brought those desks in and lined them up in rows and as they said mart that he said, on a day that i'm sure will never be forgotten by those students, she said, kids, you don't have to earn your desk because these guys, they already did. that's why you have a school desk. that's why you have an education and that's why you have the united states of america. god bless you and thank you. [cheers and applause]
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>> usa! usa! >> two amazing people. really great people. i've gotten to know them very well. being on the trail as they say, and i'm very happy with what's going on in the trail. i've had an amazing period of time and i'm not going to be doing polls tonight. usually i look to get up and do polls, everybody, even mike say why do you keep doing those polls, because they're so good. we have had amazing polls in iowa, we've had amazing polls no matter where we have been. we are leading by substantial margins in iowa and every single state. we are leading every national poll because people -- [cheers and applause] >> people are tired and they're sick of seeing what's going on with our country, how
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incompetently we are run. the veterans are the most amazing, the warmest and we are going to take care of our veterans, so i just -- i just think it's great. so i'm going to introduce somebody who is going to speak for a little while. i said, take your time, he's going to introduce a couple of his friends. he's been through a lot. john wayne walding, i think you have heard. he should be famous than me because he's more courageous than me. i'm financially courageous but the other stuff i don't know. he spent 12 years in the united states army, seven being in the top of the line, grew up at north carolina, he has combat deployments to both iraq and afghanistan and during his career at the third special forces group, really the elite,
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these are the best, he worked as special forces operator, sniper detachment and instruction. he is a phenomenal classman in shot. special operations target, special forces, advanced urban combat, not easy, third sfg sniper special forces qualifications courses and airborne and assault. he has every single thing in the book. john's awards and badges include silver star, bronze star, purple heart, combat badge, airborne and air special forces tag. john participated in numerous battles during his deployment, most famous of all was the battle of chok valley which was a tough one, bad results and
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brilliant result. the victory was brilliant but tremendous carnage which you can read about in the new book new york city way out, a story of mountains of afghanistan, john lost a leg. he is an amazing guy and i thought -- i heard him speak once before, i was so impressed. i asked him to say a few words and also introduce your very brave friends. john wayne, come on up. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, thank you very much. man, i tell you very much i feel better kirk. if you don't mind, i will move around as i talk.
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standing still sucks. also in the military this is how we call everybody going to sleep. but no, i want to thank all of you for coming out and trump is here. i'm not here for politics, i want to make that absolutely clear. i'm here for people. i don't care about republicans or democrats. i care about america. i've known donald trump jr., he's never asked me for one thing politically, what he has seen me is hotel, conference, i have a gun company. i was in the restaurant. being mr. trump he was eating with duck dynasty guy. mr. trump left, he came back and squatted next to my table and talked with me almost an hour and didn't ask for one thing. he just genuinely wanted to say hi and letting me know he cared
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about my service and wanted to make sure i had a good time. i'm here for people as great as he is and the trump organization that i hate that how many people say they get the bad rap. another story that i know that no one knows is that i remember donald and his son, senior, correction his wife a long time ago they broke down. nobody would ever help them, finally a couple stopped, they helped them with their vehicle and helped them get transportation, guess what they did, they paid off their mortgage. do you ever hear about that? no. because they're people. that's the movement that i think that everybody in america is actually getting onto, is that he is unapologetic american. we are american, absolutely. [cheers and applause] >> america is the greatest thing that ever happen to this planet. why should i ever say i'm sorry for that?
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mr. trump may say things that may not make you feel good. they told me at first i only had a little bit of time, so if you know me by now you know getting me to talk for a little bit easy, probably finding hillary clinton's emails. [laughter] >> i was pleased that i could get up and speak with you. mr. trump, thank you very much. i was born on fourth of july from grosbeck, texas. you can't write this. on that note, so i asked my dad, really was born on fourth of july and i asked my dad when i was about 16 and i remember asking, dad, why did you name me that, thinking i would probably
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get this story that he's a great american, blah, blah, he said it just like this, had a cool birthday, figured you needed a cool name. [laughter] >> so i'm glad you thought -- heist kind of a hippy. i did 12 years in the military. the majority of that in special forces and people didn't know. the actual true is special operations is what they navy sales and rangers and everybody else. one thing i didn't know as green barade, all of the missions done are done by green barades, why no one does that, we don't write books, we do the job. a good friend of mine was chris and he was a navy sale and it was fun whenever we were at a
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training event. navy sale sniper, you suck, no, you suck. that was fan back and forth. that's statistics. we get hurt the most, die the most. around 35 million and foundation had three. it's one of the things that americans don't realize that we do our job, our noto is quiet professionals, you know, and one thing that we've learned, there's a difference between quiet and silence professional. the job of a green barade is we teach them to die for their country other than us doing it. that's a pretty good mission. instead of sending 100, why don't we teach 15 and let them do it.
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that was our job and we loved to do. within 30 days of the towers fall there were green berets. i'm a little biased. i lost my leg in afghanistan in a fire fight in a battle of shot valley that we weren't supposed to win. there's no reason we should be alive. about 15 americans went along and we went up over 200 when they had the elevated position in a mountain and after six and a half hours, 70 danger close air strikes, tensile very stars given we won. [cheers and applause] how awesome is that? zero american lives were killed. how can you be a taliban or
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isis, commander, 15 americans can go wipe out 200 of you? i don't know how they do it. i would be in a formation and say, hey, guys i have something to do tomorrow. i don't know. that's when i lost my leg. i got shot halfway through the battle. it was folded halfway over and hanging by an inch of flesh. i turned it into my growing, i said crotch. [laughter] >> really, john, that's -- i married you forever. i say groing.
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check out the other guy. that's not the end of the story. that's the beginning. and that's why i'm here. that's the beginning of me learning the word, can't. green beret, can't, i cannot walk without the help of a prosthetic leg and let me tell you that's some gut-wrenching gut that no one should ever feel, not only a husband but a provider of the family, when you lose that leg that's an instant insecurity of am i good enough, am i okay to make sure that my family has food, can i still provide and three things is what made me get better, first and foremost is god because without him we would be nothing. amen, amen. [cheers and applause] >> that's the first thing. the second thing is my wife and
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family, my beautiful wife who, amy, if you're watching, i love you, sugar. that is absolutely my wife and family making sure that every single day i have to look forward to and say, thank you. and the third thing that made me always want to continue to lean forward is you, americans, great american that is get it. [applause] >> absolutely get it. it's the americans that say the two words, thank you. never underestimate the magnitude of what the two words thank you mean to veterans. if you don't believe me, ask a vietnam guy. [cheers and applause] >> ask somebody in vietnam what it's like to come back and get spit on. ask somebody what it's called to get called a baby killer. i tell you right now if i lost my leg for my country and i got spit on, i would be homeless, single and have an addiction
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problem because those two words are absolutely, that mental validation that says it's worth it, right? it says it's worth it. [cheers and applause] >> i like to joke and have fun. i make one leg look good. i don't have a face for radio. that's not too bad. i'll be honest with you to tell you that it sucks being one-legged. it sucks not being able to do races, it sucks not to be able to walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night. it sucks whenever your kids are want to go play soccer and you can't do it because you have been working all day with a real job trying to make your money, but it's worth it, why, because thank you. great americans like yourselves that say thank you and makes the mental validation that says it's worth it. it makes me not only want to be a husband but a loving husband and not just a father but a
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loving and compassionate father. somebody that wants to be with them. not just a accident but a successful, a productive citizen of society, somebody that actually wants to be with other americans and not just be in that wall in that prison that they call home because nobody validated their sacrifice. never underestimate the value of thank you to veterans. [cheers and applause] >> so when i hear those two words and somebody says thank you,i say you're worth it because you are worth fighting for. you're worth fighting for because we are the best place in the country to live. all right. god bless you. [cheers and applause] >> this is awesome. all right. so when you say thank you, i say you're worth it and i mean it.
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but let me tell you something else though, we lose 22 vets a day to suicide and lack of transition and i could tell you i felt that firsthand, not only when you get back the military gives you a big shopping cart full of drugs, they'll make you feel better, about after a year i know i'm healed, my leg ain't growing back, i tried. anyway. i've tried, it ain't going to heel. me incision and stitches ain't going to heal. guess what, i still hurt. fortunately i had god, my family and my country behind me. but not everybody gets to feel that and you lose that compass, right, whenever you get out people don't care, you know. they don't care. everybody loves you and pat you on your back but who is going to
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pay the bills. when you get out you don't know where that compass -- i challenge you to find veterans or someone who has better work ethic than a veteran. when that compass is spinning, that's when that insecurity builds in and becomes saddens, you have the bobo lip out. i rarely bring it out only when i'm home. you get that out and that becomes depression. man i suck at life, i can't even pay my bills. i don't get a check on the first or 15th and four walls become a prison. that's how it happens. and i want to punch that in the mouth. i want to punch 22 vets that commit suicide in the mouth. absolutely. [applause] >> the best thing -- and i want to speak specifically for veterans right now. if you're having that problem, that life sucks, right, because you are one-legged or no legged or a civilian.
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it is weird being a civilian. i ain't going to lie. you don't know what to do. we start getting sad, you need to tell yourself that you owe it to the fallen to live well, and think about that, all right. [applause] >> i have over 30 names that are embroided into my center consul, i knew every single one of those names and they're dead now and i had the stomach death. i'm not saying that needs to be the mission. they should be able to communicate and do the great things that we do. however, it's something that we don't have the coping mechanism, ryan, got it. aaron is no longer with us. what if you're state side and you see the caskets and his wife
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is there with a three-month baby looking at you, do you say i'm sorry. what do you say to that? it's impossible to actually make a statement to say, sorry for your loss. here is how you do that, you live well for the fallen. that's a debt that you owe. if your life sucks, they win, right, if your life sucks they win. that's something you cannot let happen. [applause] >> so whenever you get that feeling that it's -- a guy is sleeping over there. there you gogo. i got you. on tv calling me out. just saying. whenever you get that feeling of hopelessness or that feeling of saddens, remember, you owe it to them to live well and that's the best middle finger that you can give to the taliban is to live great and live awesome. [cheers and applause]
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>> so to remind myself i wear this ring as a simboil of 22 that commit suicide every single day and i want to bring jacob and kyle, great friends of mind. come on up here, sugar. [applause] >> jake is the executive director of the 22-killed project and that's what -- that's why he breaths air, to punch 22 suicide vets in the mouth. we are going to present one to mr. trump tonight. [applause] >> so much america, john wayne, so much america, love it. i can't say it, sorry, brother.
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so we wear these rings to fight staggering statistics, not only do we lose them on the battle feed but we lose when they come with their own hands. it's unacceptable. so we fight every day and you're worth it. people wander why we are the best military in the world. i'll tell you why, because it's one team, one fight. we are all in it together. [cheers and applause] >> and that is how we are going to end the statistic. so we wear these honor rings.
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it's not a face thing, it's a life thing because this life is absolutely worth liveing. -- living. [applause] >> so we are so proud to be here and honored to be here and i've only met mr. trump a short time, his family but two of my brothers know him a lot longer than i have and i tell you right now their word, it's gold. if they say it, it's so. [cheers and applause] >> and with that, these honor rings mean so much to us because it's a silent salute to those who have served and/or are serving. together we can crush that, we can stop it. [applause] >> so thank you. so with that, before we do this
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preparation, i would to be remiss if i didn't say to all those in the audience tonight who served and the family members who went through those with them, thank you, thank you for being here and thank you for what you did. [applause] >> to our vietnam veterans, welcome home. welcome home. [cheers and applause] >> with that, i would like one of my best friends and fellow marine, we're better. [laughter] >> to present mr. trump with honor ring that we brought for you, we hope that you wear it with pride and remember that one
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, one-fight aspect so that we can bring america together, brother. [cheers and applause] >> usa, usa! [cheers and applause] >> that was amazing. >> thank you! >> isn't that better than this debate that's going on. [cheers and applause] >> they're all sleeping.
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they're all sleeping, everybody. you know, i see two of my friends in the audience and they've become very famous and very rich. come on. get up here for a second. these two are unbelievable. [cheers and applause] >> melania called me, there's somebody that's so amazing. i watched these two incredible women, they were going back and forth. [shouting] [shouting]
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>> all right. thank you. you know,i really believe that if we took them in a room and talked to them, we want strength, we want good health care, we want borders, we want the wall, we want the wall. if we could sit with them for about ten minutes maybe, maybe they'd understand. say hello. >> how are y'all doing? hi, hi. [cheers and applause] >> you know, it's really amazes me how people from the other camp want to come in here and mess up our stuff because their stuff is boring. [laughter] >> but we all know that donald j. trump is going to make america great again. don't we? [cheers and applause] >> now, we know that this is not aurally but this is for our
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veterans but i want you all to know that it's imperative and caucus for donald j. trump and vote for donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] >> yeah. >> and see why they are on the other side debating. [laughter] >> we have a negotiator and a job creator right here. [cheers and applause] >> yeah. >> and it is up to all of us to help donald j. trump make america great again. [cheers and applause] >> i tell you what, they are something those two. was that something. they have become a sensation all over the internet and all over everything. we really appreciate it.
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just to sum up, we have an amazing country. we need strong leadership, we need compassionate leadership. we have to take care of our health care, we have to take care of our borders, we have to make our military so strong, so big, so powerful that nobody messes with us. we are never going to have to use it. we want nobody, nobody to mess with us. [cheers and applause] >> all over and i tell the story all of the time, i see our generals, they're always on talk shows. i don't want generals that talk, i want generals and so do you, folks, i want generals that have action, we want generals, we want people that are going keep us safe. so i just say this, we are a country that doesn't win anymore. we don't win anymore.
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when was the last time we won? we don't win on trade, we don't win in military, we don't beat isis, we don't do anything. we're not good, we're just not the same place. we are going to win so much. we are going to win at the military, we are going to win at the border, we are going to win on trade, we are going to get rid of obamacare and come up with great powerful and wonderful health care. [cheers and applause] >> we are going to win again. i will tell you what, you are going to windshield wiper at every single level and we are not going to be laughed at throughout the rest of the world, believe me they laugh at our stupidity. they cannot believe what happened. we sent allies to our allies, they hear one sound of a bullet, they drop the weapons, enemy takes them and now people come back from the middle east and they tell me, mr. trump, they have better weapons than we do, they have the new versions, they
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have the best weapons, the enemy. that's not going to happen anymore. not going to happen anymore, i will tell you. [cheers and applause] >> this is a special night for me and i had no idea that -- this was going to happen. we started out literally 24 hours ago or maybe less. we went out and set up the website, i called some friends and we just cracked. the sign was just given. we cracked $6 million, right? 6 million. [cheers and applause] >> and we have outside list of organizations, they're going to get a lot of money. they're really great and we watched and were very careful in selecting because we want to make sure that the costs are down and the people are really doing it with the heart. the heart is so important and we have picked out some really amazing, amazing veterans'
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organizations. so this has turned out to be a much different evening. i thought it was going to be small. it turned out to be a phenomenal, a phenomenal night. i have gotten to meet some incredible veterans. i've gotten to meet john wayne and their friends and they are something, i'm not going to mess with them, okay. [applause] and i want to thank my entire family, i will tell you, have necessaria and don and jarrod, big success, right, john, jarred is doing good and ivanka is going to have a baby. [cheers and applause] >> we have a hospital all lined up. you know what, i love the people of iowa, but i said, ivanka it would be so great if you had your baby in iowa. it would be so great. i would definitely win. stand up, honey, say hello. [cheers and applause] >> i want that to happen. i want that to happen so badly.
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and laura and my boy eric has just been fantastic and my staff has been great. and again, thank you, sir for that million dollars and i will tell you what, special guy and we love him. so just to end an amazing evening, you veterans are incredible, brave beyond comprehension, on behalf of everybody in this country and iowa, i want to thank you for the job that you do because without you we would not be here tonight. fantastic people. thank you, everybody. thank you. thank you very much. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> during campaign 2016 c-span takes you on the road to the house on c-span radio and c-span .org.
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on newsmakers, iowa terry talks about iowa caucus, first in the nation, presidential context, impact of the caucus on c-span. >> our prime time lineup on c-span2 tonight begins with white house chief of staff denise mcdonoa. he sits down one-on-one tonight at 8:00 eastern. on c-span tonight three presidential candidates campaigning in iowa, new jersey chris christie and jeff bush in carol and ben carson in iowa
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city. iowa caucuses just three days away. >> the weekend prior to the caucus there will be a frenzy and they will have each of them three, four, five, six events a day. what we are going to look be looking for are events that give you a sense of what it's like to campaign in the caucus, what's key is the organization. you need to make sure that those people that support you get to the caucuses. and it'll be interesting to get general out -- them out to vote for you and candidates make final pitches.
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>> c-span live coverage presidential candidates in iowa. republican presidential candidates senator rand paul called on iowa voters to caucus for him when speaking at aurally in des moines yesterday. after ward he answered questions from the audience and some boarding the c-span bus to answer for questions. [cheers and applause] >> any fans of freedom in the house tonight? [cheers and applause] >> well, you guys aren't here to hear from me but i have a few announcement, we are planning to turn 10,000 students for rand paul. [cheers and applause] right here
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we have a meet-up location, we are going to be right here. we are expecting tons and tons of folks. if you're not a student, right, we are trying to build a big coalition. we have the volunteer cards, if you're interested in speaking at your caucus or helping us out making phone calls leading up to monday, fill this out. if you're willing to speak at your caucus we can get you set up at that. who is ready to hear from the next president of the united states? [cheers and applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the next president, senator rand paul. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you. thank you, thank you. are there any liberty lovers in the house? [cheers and applause] >> thank you, thank you. welcome to the home stretch. here we come, iowa. i want to tell you why america needs to hear your voice. we live in a world that is increasingly become -- becoming delinked from ancestors and great questions of faith elude us because we have led vulgarity accepted as the norm. einstein wrote the most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. he to whom this emotion is a stranger who can no longer wander and stand wrapped is as
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good as dead, as snuffed out candle that sense behind anything there can be experience, something that our minds cannot grasp whose beauty reaches us only indirectly this is religiousness. in order to embrace the mystery, we must be free. without liberty our senses are dulled and dumbed down by rules and regulations. what victory is faith if we are not free to choose it. the question we face is not of the moment but a such a magnitude that we choose today whether liberty can survive in a democracy unrestrained by a constitution. can a civilization that chooses to transfer the fruits of labor from one group to another, can such a civilization long endure, won't we inevitable run out of
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other people's money? [cheers and applause] the american experiment with liberty is not totally one. today, tomorrow and the day after we must fight to restrain big brother. [cheers and applause] >> will you stand together against the rising tide of government excess that threatens to trap us in the clutches of big brother, will you stand with me? [cheers and applause] [shouting] [cheers and applause] >> liberty is under assault like never before. in washington and on the
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campaign trail republicans and democrats alike call out for bigger government. only a president who understands the corrupting influence of big government can stop it. on the right, the call is for enlarging the military state, on the left, the call is for enlarging the welfare state and the dirty little secret, the dirty little secret in washington is that the right and the left always get what they want, more spending and you, you get stuck with the bill. the loudest voices in washington for more spending are actually right now coming from republicans. recently cruz and rubio, they put forward an amendment to increase military spending $200 billion. this would add $200 billion to the debt. when i countered them with an
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amendment that would have cut domestic spending in order to pay for it, they refused to support the cuts. the inconvenient truth you can be a conservative if you're a liberal with military spending. [cheers and applause] we do not become a stronger or a safer nation if we borrow from china to inflate our military budget. we spend more on our military budget than russia, plus china, plus the next eight countries combined. there's waste everywhere from $43 million for a natural gas gas station in afghanistan.
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.. >> >> the national taxpayers union has recognized this named the most frugal lawmaker in washington because i am willing to look
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for ways everywhere across the board. that day are carelessly infringing on civil liberties. both parties are contributing to an assault pollen your bill of rights. to attack your second amendment the right to bear arms the right to be left alone. the only candidate that stands for the entire bill of rights is meet. [cheers and applause] >> since the terrorist attack in san benardino calling from oregon control while they call for more people control the left calls for billions of the sales the right clamors for
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the government to gather them up. i don't know about you but it our full records are none of their daily business. [cheers and applause] >> they claim he cannot be safe without having the government expect everything but there is no evidence that these actions have made us any safer. till bipartisan commission's found absolutely zero terrorist plots were thwarted. ruling bubble collection of records is illegal but yet some still want to bring it back. we cannot be saved unless you look at everything we
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own it is wrong and it passed end and we need to protect your privacy. [applause] claiming he was with us on reforming the nsa but the talks out bull's-eyes of his mouth. did you hear his explanation in the debate? he voted for the bill to reform the nsa to allow the government to collect 100 percent of sulfone records. [booing] if his goal is to collect 100% of yourself and records he greatly misunderstands the liberty movement. [applause]
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how about we collect a zero%? [cheers and applause] when i am president we will once again respect the fourth amendment with much vigor as the second amendment. what i am president we will once again defend the entire bill of rights from the top to bottom. ted cruz, marco rubio rubio, donald trump. [booing] [laughter] they all tell you they want to carpet bomb the middle east. cruz wants to make the sand below.
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trump says the problem is we have not been willing enough to use our nuclear weapons. [booing] i am the only candidate that asks will indiscriminate bombing of civilians create more terrorists they and it kills? i knew it one willing 2.0 every time we use the military might the result has been chaos and not with jeffersonian democracy the iraq war alone cost as $1 trillion in we lost 5,000 of the finest young men and women and thousands live with catastrophic injuries.
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and never ignore this human cost of four. [cheers and applause] chanting] >> the other candidates of three more of the sale of the macho rhetoric and fear mongering and perpetual war. once as he should punch russia in the nose whatever that means. is ready to shoot down russian planes over syria and iraq. no one asks what next. and i call for a a real
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foreign policy a when we stand strong enough but not eager to start world war iii. [applause] when i am president i will live here to the reagan doctrine that war should be the last resort and not the first when i am presently will only excitors setter constitutionally declared by congress. [cheers and applause] when i am president will not
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be for nation-building. [applause] one candidate in particular to elgin he is so rich he must be smart. he will fix america there is another tradition that believes power corrupts and our goal should not to be to gain power and limit presidential power. >> our founding fathers feared centralization.
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madison wrote where power prevails no man is safe in his opinion is person or possession and. and to restrain the accumulation of power by government, a trump is ignorant of this. in many cases he is opposed to the limited government philosophy. he believes the government has a right to seize your property to give it to rich crony with eminent domain. [booing] this is supported to anyone who champions the right of the individual. supporting the government bailing out the big banks. using the government to get rich and bore the competition and now asking you to give him power. this race should not be
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about -- or should be about which candidate would protect you from the overbearing government not which one will grab the ring of power. that should not be our objective. [cheers and applause] i am the only one in this race who doesn't want power or dominion over you. i want to leave you alone and a government so small you can barely see a. [chanting]
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for several years i have been fighting against indefinite detention. a law that allows american citizens to be imprisoned without a jury trial that unfortunately was signed by president obama a few years ago. [booing] my fear one day a president could use that this a maya of fdr to send japanese americans or to detain african-americans like in the old south. power corrupts as we have seen with the out-of-control irs to harass and intimidate conservatives for political beliefs. the ira's presumes you're guilty until proven innocent. imagine being detained without trial because your own government is suspect that doesn't have to prove it.
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thinking of indefinite detention i reminded of the scene of "to kill a mockingbird" when advocates stares down the vigilante mobs. scheldt comes to the rescue with can recognizes the leader of the mob does the father of the boy. i go to school with your son walter. he is in my great guy beats him up was when he was nice about it. tell him hey for me. and she broke the angry mood by personalizing it. scout found the inner humanity even in a mob. when there is a mob intent on it in deep skillet surges or detention without trial trial, and then someone must stand and shout down as
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president i will not only shut down the mob, i will end indefinite detention once and for all. [cheers and applause] when everyone says we must give up our liberty for a false sense of security i cannot help but think of that a kiss when he took the case, most of the townsfolk thought he was wrong and in washington that is true often. after my filibuster sunset i was the most unpopular man in washington. it felt that way. [laughter] but i thought of what advocates said. before i could live with other people i have to live with myself.
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the one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is that they are not always right but often they're wrong. an idea whose time has come come, by victor sego is stronger than all armies. for republican to win again again, we get caught up in the primaries it is about winning the presidency and winning iowa which isn't always easy. we need to be brave enough that ideas are powerful maybe even stronger than armies. [applause] to the a bigger better older authority for all walks of
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life black light brown ted to without ted to with hearings are without hearings. we need to be a bigger more diverse party. as my dad says. [cheers and applause] liberty brings people together. [cheers and applause] is the common desire to be left alone that binds us all as unique individuals. big government hurts people from all walks of life. rich and for. the women in detroit who wants to run a hair braiding business who is shut down by big government. the developer moving church who is jailed by armed epa
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agents. the small business that can compete with corporations of compliance officers. the elderly woman losing her home to eminent domain also known as donald trump. [booing] , a teenager from the poor family jail time for marijuana what do they have in common? they're losing their liberty to big government. today your government has 48 federal agencies from the irs to the department of education that all have their own s.w.a.t. team. is that freedom? >> no. >> nine president comedies attacks on your liberty will stop once and for all. [cheers and applause] [chanting]
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to the g.o.p. has been the party of civil-rights we need to be the party of justice. justice begins when the war on drugs and -- are over. [cheers and applause] a generation of young black men have been incarcerated and permanently lost the privilege of voting and the opportunity of work. the war on drugs has is for a portion of the incarcerated those although blacks and whites used drugs at similar rates riata for imprisoned are black or brown. we must begin to treat
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addiction as a health problem not as the incarceration problem. [cheers and applause] five years i fought for a vote. [applause] [chanting] when i finally got the vote ted cruz was nowhere to be found. [booing] [laughter] the effect he was the only republican to miss the vote. [booing]
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but even worse, he maintained that correct response to the great recession was to have the fed more aggressively lower interest rates when we all know that artificially low interest rates are the problem not the solution. [applause] when i am president the federal reserve will learn the days of unlimited power over. [applause] [chanting] america as much grain is left in her and we're still exceptional and a beacon to the world. we will thrive and we believe in ourselves again.
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i have seen america strong enough to deter foreign aggression but yet wise enough to avoid an unnecessary intervention. i have seen america where criminal-justice is a life equally in any log a disproportionately incarcerates people of color is repealed. [cheers and applause] i see in america with a restrained irs that cannot harass american citizens for political or religious beliefs i see a simplified flat tax to unburden the citizens from the freer and intimidation of the irs code [cheers and applause] i would eliminate the entire
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tax code the irs and unleash the engine of capitalism to create jobs and opportunity like never before. [cheers and applause] we have the highest corporate tax is in the world. is it any wonder our companies are leaving our shores? i want to bring corporate investment back to really bring home to a trillion dollars of american profit. [applause] ice see our big cities once again shining and beckoning with creativity and ingenuity with american companies offering american jobs.
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i have the vision beyond partisan squabbling. with your help this message will ring from coast to coast a message of liberty liberty, a justice and personal responsibility responsibility, that will gain support from across the political spectrum and prevail to win the white house. [cheers and applause] the journey to take back america will not be easy. it will not be without obstacles but together we can do but others say is not possible. stand with me now has to have a new vision for america. i ask for your vote today
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for the presidency of the united states. [cheers and applause] [chanting] [chanting] [inaudible conversations] if. [applause] >> we will san benardino
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happened in four days if you don't know. oh i your chairs you see these cards when you came in. i ended chief strategist here in iowa for rand paul. we know we have to do to win and a lot of money spent on television, phone calls. i will give you a quick kick -- a quick update we have over 1,000 precinct captains helping us out over the state the 1700 precincts who are still looking for a few more people who will stand up in the caucus to speak from the heart or read a statement on behalf of rand paul if you are willing to do that please allow this card whether in state or out of state. in state is first preference but if we don't have somebody than there are tables we will put you into
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a precinct. felt this card handling and your card. but if you just want to go to the caucus major hand if you have never been to the iowa caucus. maybe one-third of the room. you are who will make the difference right there. [applause] here is the tricky thing. people think they go to the caucus where they go to vote with a caucus the state republican party has set up locations in schools and fire houses and crazy places across the state.
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either go to your and putting your address or before you leave here today to allow this card and dropping off with our team and we will call you or e-mail to verify the location of your caucus and make it easy. we there at 6:30 p.m. no later on monday night. if you're not registered that doesn't matter. you can register to vote at the caucus. sova especially show up 630. may be or 17 or somebody who lives with you as long as their 18th by the general election this fall they can vote. take them with you. my mother took me to my first one when i was 16 i am still doing it 10 years
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later. [laughter] we have a chance very few people in this state have a chance to make a big difference not just in the united states that we have a greater impact in collecting the most powerful position in the world than any other group of people. we have four days to make a dramatic difference for freedom and liberty and our children and the united states of america. thank you for coming. let's go rand paul. [applause] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> we drove all the way from georgette just to see you. >> thank you wonderful.
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we are trying. we cannot do any more pictures. we have to get outside.
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[inaudible conversations] >> we will see what the debate tonight. thank you. >> we're just signing our stuff. thank you. >> is the interview inside or outside? [chanting] >> go straight to the bus.
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>> we will do one quick snap chat. [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] welcome aboard. >> how are you? speeeight joining us from campaign 2016 bus in des moines iowa is senator rand paul. they explored being with us. we appreciate it savings ratting me. >> your on the main stage tonight with competing events donald trump across town what is your strategy on the fox news channel? >> i think is important for me to get my message out and
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the uniqueness of the message but i believe fiscal conservative of the stage because i am the only one willing to hold the line on spending across-the-board rather outrageous and wasteful military spending or outrageous and domestic spending. many republicans go around with democrats for higher military spending but they trade with the progress for higher domestic spending by the deficit doubled under george debut bush and then began under president obama because the right and left want to spend for different reasons but they get together and we're curve a borrowing $1 a minute and that is a real problem but i am the only one consistently has said the cattle spending to balance the budget. >> we just showed three men to live on c-span and many viewers have questions.
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are you going to go to the caucuses on monday? >> caller: i am. i will be supporting ron paul. rand paul. i followed his father for the last 20 years and i thought he was by far the best person to help our country and preserve liberties. i think it has been proven over the past eight with past 16 years our liberties have been taken from us. i think they may have pushed the overall debt past the point of no return maybe in a position we have to renegotiate or do something with it.
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>> senator? >> a lot of supporters are concerned about losing our liberties particularly in a time in which there is fear promulgated. harris cannot be destined any military battle but they want to cause fear and terror and we should not let them cause that or give up liberties. we don't want the government collecting the phone records or credit-card statements we want to be left alone this there is a right to privacy. also the government programs to do double collection has made us safer or stop to any threat -- any plots. foreign policy should be defend america when we go to war as a last resort and declare war when rigo and don't get involved with regime change or nation-building. every time we try they have
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a notion somehow thomas jefferson will live in the next election but we end up with chaos and the rise of radical islam and things were worse than before. people like to question foreign policy to say has the intervention worked? i think the resounding answer is no it hasn't. we need to try a new foreign policy. >> columbia kentucky go-ahead. >> caller: i just want to thank senator paul for what he has done for the people supporting liberty. i don't think we should be all over the world fighting for everything to destabilize countries to come in to take up the profits we appreciate what he is doing and we support him here in columbia.
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>> i appreciate that. there is a growing consensus. we have people who are independent and republicans and democrats coming to this message because frankly the candidate that is most likely to take us back to war is hillary clinton. can marco rubio with the republicans are the most likely to get us back involved in a massive four. and a growing number of americans who have said can we have a strong national defense and not be so eager to be involved? we really have to think before we get involved. my fear is isis takes over. thinking before reacting is important and growing consensus coming to this
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belief. >> caller: thank you. rand paul is the most intelligent and the most particulates about identifying the problems and resolutions with the liberties we have lost in the federal government to save us in the belief, that a smaller government is the way and the means to get back contract with the free trade, a free economy of supply and demand to take this federal government it is quite clear there is nothing getting done.
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with stealing and non truth coming out of washington and rand paul is exploiting and doing a great job. had to pay off the national debt? stop spending. host: senator did he think he would be at this stage two days before the iowa caucus based from what you are hearing today and the campaign trail? >> you never know what to expect. i was just the small town i surgeon never even knew ever run for office a few years ago period i ran for the senate it has been an amazing journey to be on the national stage and excited to be a part of it. i am a great fan of our country's history and a huge believer the founders and
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the government to be small and our freedom to be expansive. i continue to believe in that vision let's keep government restraint and is exciting albion the national stage tonight to say what i believe that our government should be constrained by the constitution. >> now likely to be challenging year senate did were some strategists are urging you to not run for president and focus on your own reelection in kentucky. how would you respond? >>. [laughter] i think it is funny when people tell you what to do. i have tried hard to represent in be a good senator and a show up for virtually all of my a votes
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i have a great attendance record and have given back of my a $2 million to the taxpayer and to the treasury. i continue to have a loud voice across the nation for kentucky to oppose the war on call to defend our native industries. kentucky voters will look how hard i have tried this overbearing and overzealous government. but ultimately they get to decide and i will show up to make a job. >> senator paul i agree not going to war in the mideast
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and with israel and how we can protect them in our friends over there. and hal we go about getting the hostages back? >> with the safety and well-being we should have a more stable the regionalization. to make iran more of a threat and to be aligned with the close allies. in to have that good relationship to have stability in the region if we topple aside and things get worse as well. looking for stability with a the better way of government.
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and to not pick and choose their leaders and to prevent anybody to fall into the hands of isis. and all those that are pouring arms in to the civil war by giving arms to the allies of i -- isis. i said that was a mistake from the beginning ended is telling a - - churning out to be true because isis snatched them up. and to be insulting they paid with their own money that we confiscated.
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but to tapia told secular dictators makes the better i think it makes it worse. although longtime communication a hanging with the paul family on the seas and thus. we have seen your wife and your son in new hampshire. and also in des moines, iowa as well. >> it is exciting with nieces and nephews and brothers and sisters my dad is coming to a few with me at the university of iowa. is of a family affair so we are looking forward to a. several of the kids will speak in the caucasus for me.
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and try to have a good time to do that. host: we have a few more minutes of your time. illinois go ahead. >> caller: senator paul imf fiscal conservative and i am wondering how you have a plan to bring down the national deficit or reduce its rather than the point to zero? >> we don't have the great connection could you repeat that for me? this may have to be the last question. host: the question is how do bring down the national debt? >> the web but added the first thing is quit adding
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to it. the annual deficit is what we had and over the last eight years president obama has added $10 trillion. you have to have a compromise between both sides for right now we have the reverse compromise. the lot more domestic spending everybody gets more and you are stuck with the bill. stop adding to the debt and just make a rule you cannot spend with does not come in. we have $3 trillion of revenue we should make a rule that says you can only spend what comes then. the american people are for it. but that is what we need. they're not very good to balance their books but the annual budget before it to tackle the national debt. to make that smaller to hold
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the line you could get back some of it and if you hold the line don't add to the dead as the economy grows the debt will become a smaller percentage of gdp. and then to go the opposite way with $19 trillion is approaching 100 percent and will exceed that and it is a real problem. quit adding to the debts i when sen back many powers to the states and the people and i would veto if the budget does the balance i veto if spending bills don't lead to a balanced budget by veto. read a president who stands up for fiscal responsibility.
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i've read a first without question for either not be running for office if i was not absolutely certain. thanks for having me. host: day you feel your message has received the attention compared to donald trump in this campaign? >> i think we do getting a decent amount of air time i think he gets as much. so there has been a problem in the media has to succumb to a celebrity it hasn't been good for the campaign but makes art rather candidates to compete on equal footing but eventually the american people will wake up and discover he is not a conservative. nearly seven years old never even voted in a republican primary before for president.
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end to believe in giving you seven in domain and a single payer system, higher taxes, so there is a lot of evidence he is not a conservative but nobody asked me i cannot make decisions on that. and we will see with the voters decide. >> we are grateful for your time. thanks for being with us and stopping by the bus. >> thank you. in des moines and i laugh at drake university if you're on the campus it will be there a couple more hours because of another event. touche to you on the scene
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in just a moment. when
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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one. >> enjoy the rest of your time. now new both syria and iraq
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did then politics on campus. you came here specifically for iowa pollen sixth. >> when i was making my college choice i saw a location near des moines this has then a world end of opportunities whether senate elections other currently happening right now i to be a fellow with the hillary
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clinton campaign. and i live here in i was. host: also president of the college democrats. when did that happen in? >> so i grew up a republican but after trying to educate myself i figure i and in line with other democratic values. >> in to be active in the rubio campaign what do you do? >> chairman for warren county and help run the campaign across college campuses. is in that role the work with different students and we make sure there are defense planned whether the debate party or discuss the
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kennedys and the issues. >> what of previous generations? >> we have some who are pessimistic and like to think we're not engaged. there are plenty of people who are concerned about the state of our nation to get back on the right track. >> how did you become a republican? >> race in a fairly conservative household. my great-grandfather actually with the republican party if i was served as treasurer and help to the ford campaign. i will be supporting marco rubio. >> i will be here on campus. to support hillary.
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and it too far . .
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>> in his will, visionary publisher joseph declared i am deeply interest in the progress and elevation of journalism. having spent my life in that
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profession, having regarded as a noble profession and an equal influence on the minds and moralofmora morals of the people. the pulitzer prize still has that tone to this day. it calls us to produce work that has impact and makes us a better people. the pulitzer's invite us to unearth what we never knew or draw attention to what we failed to notice. it invites us to hold powerful interest to account and to give voice to those who have been fall n or pushed to the margins of our society. it invites us to clarify a world that often defies underinstandi. it also invites us to understand the


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