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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  February 2, 2016 4:00am-6:01am EST

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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> everybody will be welcome to fill out the survey online. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> were doing a great job, everyone is sticking with us. if you need to use the bathroom, now is the time because wants us get get started i cannot have you leave. we are electing the next president of the united states. [applause]. we need every single volunteer to participate tonight. we need your vote to count.
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we need you to stay in your seat. i'm sorry, i know it's incredibly hot. it's really uncomfortable but this is really important work. we have some caucus math worksheets it's easy it's just based on the total count of how many we have. but i will get some sheets. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] feel the burn feel the burn! feel the burn! feel the burn! [applause]. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] if you registered at the door today, and did not fill out a registration form, you need to do that right now. if you did not fill out a registration form we cannot count you. if you want to count, make make sure i have your registration form. if you have any questions about that go to the table. if you do not fill out the registration table you can we cannot count you.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] if you do not fill out a registration for the you need to do that otherwise your boat will not count. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [applause]. [inaudible] [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] we need to come to people who are registered. no one else is coming in? no. [inaudible] [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] >> we are counting all the people who have registered here today so we have a total number in order to proceed. it will not be much longer. if. if you could do me a favor, if you are with a group at this point clinton over here, sanders over here [applause]. hold it down. i need to get through this. i will try one more time. clinton over here, sanders over here, malley here, malley over there, on committee can be right here.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> i need your attention please. i need you to listen. this is very important. i have a few sheets of paper here where people may not have completed the registration. so i will call these names. i am the pre-think temporary chair. i need to make sure these folks are properly registered. if you are a new registration, i need you to come up and finish this form.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> listen up so we can get started and complete the process for the see me. thank you for your patience. i know it took some time. this. this is an outstanding showing for our precinct. [applause]. we have a total of 459 people here to exercise their right in
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this precinct. this is to be congratulated. thank you. [applause]. what i did about 45 minutes ago it was supposed to be 50 meters be poor start, there is a survey that each of you can take online we only needed one participant that was closest to the birthdate and did that. if you go online you can take the survey yourself. >> we had to people in the wrong precinct and they were in the building before seven. i don't know which that there on. >> unfortunately they had to be in line at this precinct in order to be counted. >> sorry. >> we can keep the doors open as long as you like.
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clapmac. we have done a good good job making sure that everybody's boy scouts. if you go on line you can participate in the survey if you like. if you want to know more about it ask me afterward. i will keep you all for that. we are going to call this caucus to order. we have the agenda listed right here on the wall. we have gone through the registration portion of the evening, that was a long one. i am calling the caucus to order as we speak. we will need to elect a permanent caucus chair and secretary. we will then have various presentations, will go through the liability and then divide if we must, then we'll figure out
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who gets how many delegates based on the total in each preference group. following that will go through additional pieces and we will report the results of our caucus, then will go forward with choosing who is going to be delegates to the county convention for each preference group. then we will make sure we have people to be on each of the committees based on who is going to be on the county convention. just because you don't get picked to be a delegate for the convention does not mean that you cannot participate. you can sign up to be an alternate, alternates are very often needed. alternates alternates can also participate on the committee. >> we will go through and have our election, will talk about
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resolution and then will we will get to new business, and then last we will adjourn. [inaudible] >> he wants me to tell you about the process that is going to take on from the county. if you want to go to the national convention, you have to be a delegate to the county convention, to the district convention, to the state convention, and then get elected to go onto the national. the only way to do that is only way to do that is if you are participating at each level. it is a fantastic opportunity to see her democratic process in action and go to philadelphia at the end of it to see who gets the eventual nomination.
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>> bear with me. i have to reach of this letter. i wish i could sum up. >> dear i would democrats, good evening welcome to the 2016 iowa democratic party precinct caucuses. congratulations. is upper to the pit one of our state's most storied tradition you are now a part a part of both iowa and u.s. history. welcome, as well to all of the observers in the room, whether you are a family member, young student, young student, or a member of the media. we hope you enjoy this opportunity to witness democracy in action. we take our first in the nation role very seriously. i once prepare for this night all year by attending events and asking candidates tough questions, by volunteering on campaigns, by knocking doors, making calls, making calls, and talking with neighbors and community gatherings.
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we work very hard to make sure the issues on the minds of all americans are discussed here in iowa. your involvement here tonight demonstrates our continued shared commitment to the important role iowa place in the nomination process for the president of the united states. tonight, we'll have a discussion about the issues affecting the future of our country. we will declare our preferences to the individual we believe to be best equipped to handle those issues. we also take the first steps in organizing our party for the general election in november. because the i would precinct caucuses are the first step in the nomination process for our country's highest office, the the eyes of the nation are honest tonight. note, c-span. after presidential references declared and results are reported we turn inward and begin the process of organizing our party for the general election. the future of our state and the progressive policies and
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elective i would democrats have fought for the last several years depend on the strong, organize structured at the iowa democratic party. the organization begins here tonight. our precinct caucuses are the largest gathering of democratic activists in iowa, it is an absolute imperative that we take care of necessary housekeeping details tonight, like updating updating our database of activist information. that means gathers addresses, emails, phone numbers, and information about your community. please fill out the iowa democratic party survey. tell us how we can contact you and how you can help us turn our democratic voters in november. we want to have a big turnout in november, right? [applause]. tell us who you think should be running for the school board and the city council, the courthouse, the the state house, and the federal congress. this information is critical for
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to our success in november. if we do not gather this information tonight then we have missed a critical organizing opportunity to build on the moment and that i know we all feel. all year long as i travel across the state i been amazed amazed at the enthusiasm of i would democrats, so tonight i'm confident no matter which issues drive our discussion, or which candidate inspires us to action, we are all united by a common desire to continue to move iowa and our nation forward and ensure every family has the opportunity to succeed. thank you again for participating in the iowa democratic party's first in the nation precinct caucuses. have a fantastic night. let's turn iowa blew up and down the ballot this november. [applause]. that's for the chair the i would democratic party, doctor andy mcguire so now it is my duty to
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ask each of you to dig as deeply as you can to help us support funding these caucuses, the conventions, and, and the party apparatus of that we can continue to bring democrats up and on the ballot to november. this is the green envelope, can i ask for someone to volunteer to carry the green envelope around for me and return it to me for contributions. free will contributions. thank you. this is a big cost for us to run these caucuses so i appreciate any help you can provide. >> i need one more volunteer.
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this is for the polk county democrats also important because the polk county democrats pay a lot of money for each of these caucuses to happen in both counties. they put on this caucus presentation. please help us as well. thank you. now there are additional letters and petitions that you can read that are on the table and back. if anyone is interested, i am not going to read all of those to you tonight. [applause].
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now, we are at the stage of election for permanent officers on tonight's meeting. we need a precinct chair, you can choose to nominate others or we can stick with me since i prepared for this, apparently. are there any other nominations from the floor. anyone else who would like to run the caucus site? [applause]. hearing no other nominations, all in favor say i. i. all opposing a. >> thank you. that will help us move along. now we need to elect a secretary. my wife has been very helpful he
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is also available and is willing to assist. >> anyone else? you willing to accept the nomination? yes i will accept. >> tim would you like to be a second secretary? so we have donna's first secretary and kim as sec second secretary. all in favor say i. >> i. >> all opposing a. >> excellent, moving right along. we are just a bout to the exciting stage of electing delegates and alternates.
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before we start that i'm going to give each of the campaigns an opportunity to address you, they will each get three minutes so we can move this along. that is an opportunity for those of you who may not have heard yet what there is to hear. i will do it in alphabetical order by last name. i will start with elizabeth buck who is going to speak for hillary clinton. >> [applause]. >> hello cindy and i are cochairs for the hillary campaign. my name is liz, i live on polk boulevard. i got committed committed to hillary about one year ago when she first ran. i do not think i've ever known a candidate that is more qualified a more experienced and can take the job from the day she is elected.
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the other reason i got drawn to her is we have too many people in this state and in this country who are working hard and are not succeeding, not financially self-sufficient. i believe in what she set about that night believe in what her platform is on those issues. i also was attracted to her this summer when she started talking about alzheimer's research. an offense that she thought would be important to put into that research. my family has been greatly touched by alzheimer's, so i'm really interested in the work she is living. >> have been supporting hillary because he has the most experience, the most qualified and both sides of the aisle. she takes it very seriously. she supports women and children her entire life. as a mother of three daughters, it is high time we elect a female president. [applause]. >> we have rick miller who is speaking as a surrogate for martin o'malley [applause]. >> as a democrat i feel blessed
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that we have three fantastic candidates. i am not going to beat around the bush. it has been a very hard choice for me. i made it not very early. i really looked at all three candidates and realized that one candidate is great in foreign affairs, another one has energy to spare, and then we have o'malley who has all the experience as far as being an executive in the governor's position in maryland and as mayor of baltimore. he has been fantastic at working across the aisle which is what i think it's most important in the leader that we need today. we need someone that is less polarizing and someone who can bring us all together and make decisions and help us move forward. he has done it. it is not that he proposes that, he has done it.
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he has done the dream act, he passed marriage equality through referendum in maryland, he has done all kinds of things to improve education making marilyn's five years in a row, the best in education in the nation. he he is an excellent candidate that works across the aisle and i will end with one little story. he needed to do something about the gun violence following the stony brook incident. he went to people in the hunting community and marilyn's and he worked out a program with them in which they were able to close loopholes and a lot of other things to make gun safety an issue in maryland. the nra came in and made at math may mailing to all marylanders and told them that they should put down the legislation and not passive.
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what did o'malley do? he sent a letter to everybody to and told him how he worked with all of the different hunting constituencies and how they have come together to make this happen. and it passed. i hope that some of you will come and join us in the o'malley corner, we need 44 more people to be viable and some of you can make a difference. thank you [applause]. >> last but not least, we have carol from the bernie sanders campaign. >> [applause]. >> do we carry on as we are? or do we fight for fairness? bernie asked to fight for an economic agenda that creates jobs, raises wages, protect,
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protects the environment and provides healthcare for all. this is the most important question of our time and how we answer this will determine the future of our country. friends and neighbors, i thank you for coming tonight and supporting bernie sanders. i do think he is the lead of our time, think is really person who cares about us, about the working class, about the average everyday guy. thank you you for supporting bernie sanders. thank you everyone. [applause]. >> my name is jessica i live in des moines, i am am here to support bernie sanders. when i boil it down hillary clinton is fighting to preserve what we have an bernie sanders fighting for future. i graduate from iowa state university, i have 30,000 dollars in debt and the only presidential candidate who is a clear solution on how her next
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generation of people are not going to start their adult life out in the hole is bernie sanders. bernie sanders is the guy who is going to make sure we can go to the hospital and not have to worry if we can pay the bill. bernie sanders is the guy that is fighting for us and it's not just about him, he is clear that it is about all of us in this room. it's about grassroots organizations like iowa action fund has been in this community for over 40 years fighting for justice. if people say he's not electable and can accomplish what he wants, we need to remember that we are part of the grassroots movement. we have organizations here in des moines that have been fighting for this and will fight for this, and we will win if we elect bernie sanders [applause]. [applause]. >> okay. so we are at that
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exciting point in the evening where we are going to determine how we will elect our delegates. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> it is up to the group if you want to have more speakers. >> know! >> okay, just checking. there are two ways we can proceed. the the usual ways everyone divides up into your preference group and we take some time to count everybody off and each preference group to see who is viable and not buyable and then we have a never their shift for anyone who is not viable to move around to see if we can get more viability or not. that is the general way. there's also another way which can speed up the process but you
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don't get to do all of the extra caucusing activities that are normally associated. the extra activity take more time, it's up to you. it's the will of the body. the other way you can do it is simply have an election based upon who is here. in order to have the election based upon who is here and just elect delegates straight up, one round of voting, we would have to have 85% of you agree to go that route. do i have a motion to attempt that? >> how does that voting happened? >> is there a second? >> we have have a motion in a second. so not have before us the opportunity to vote on whether or not to proceed with the straight vote or preference groups. i think the easy way to start this is a hold up your hands if
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you do not want to have us write votes. you do want want to go to preference group. hold up your hand. >> raise your hand and vote for your candidate when it's time we come them out. >> we can do that if you are but that is going to take a lot of time. we will raise hands and count up. i'm telling you, listen. if you want to do it this way you simply will raise your hand and vote for your candidate, we'll say who is for hillary and they will raise their hand. we we will say who is for bernie and they will raise their hand. who is for o'malley and they will raise their hand. who is uncommitted? and then it is done. what we are voting on right now is not that. right we are voting on is whether or not to go that route.
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so i need to know if there's more than 15% of us who want to split into preference groups. if if you want to split into preference groups and not have the one-vote procedure i talked about raise your hand. simple and quickest is to do the straight vote. if you want to do preference groups, raise your hand. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> i'm calling it. it looks to the chair like we will split into preference groups. [applause]. we will split into preference groups. at this point, with all hillary
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supporters come to the side of the room. elizabeth will you be in charge of counting your supporters. will all of the bernie sanders supporters come to the side of the room? cara will you be in charge of counting your supporters? rick, will you get your o'malley folks in that corner and count them off and give me your totals. if there is an uncommitted group ? the uncommitted group can go to the back corner if you are uncommitted. [inaudible] [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] everybody else keep your hands up. 123, 124. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> it we have 214. >> 215 [applause]. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> .. ..
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[inaudible conversations] >> do not switch them yet, i have to confirm the total. >> we are not moving on. [inaudible] >> we have to confirm the current numbers with each campaign.


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