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tv   US Senate  CSPAN  February 5, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EST

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the state of alabama and privileged to be here with my cochair for this event. my new best friend juan vargas from the state of california. [cheers and applause] >> just so you know, over the past 13 months we've been praying and we've been working and praying some more about what happens over the next 75 minutes. we pray this head table together. we pray for you that are here in this ballroom, for those that are in the auxiliary room which are enjoying a better breakfast than we are having. some of you are out there watching it on a computer screen, monitor, some are watching it by television. we pray for everyone that's listening or in our presence because we believe that jesus and power of prayer is so desperately is needed these days. so thank you for showing up and for your prayers.
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here is the most obvious thing that you'll hear and that's all we need all the help that we can get. i would like to introduce my cochair congressmen juan vargas. he served in the jungles of el salvador as a jesuit missionary and now he serves in the jungles of the house of representatives. he grew up on a chicken ranch. [laughter] >> quite honestly, that's a high qualification in my district. he brings great joy and passion to his new responsibilities in the house of representatives. i wish all of you could spend a couple of hours with him. what's so maddening about the place we work is that there's so much division and it prevents us from appreciating each other and from understanding the wonderful strengths, 435 unique individuals have that we all work with. and if you're not from around here, you might not know that
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juan here, we call him paco. he is a progressive democrat. i'm a conservative republican and our voting records are probably about a similar as our hair styles. [laughter] >> but i love him. i know he lost me because we share a common, jesus. >> i appreciate it. thank you. [applause] >> that is so true. i do love robert and i appreciate it. i just got here. he served 20 years in the house which seems like 90 dog years, i think. [laughter] >> prior to coming here he was a judge and i bet he was a great one. he's good at seeing things from all sides and all angles. it's a really rare gift. i represent southern california and he represents northern alabama. these places are very different
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according to most demographics but they are alike in that they are both full of folks with very deep faith. one of the landmarks of robert's districts is a beautiful 60-foot high sand stone bridge called natural bridge and like that bridge robert is able to connect people, he brings people together to get work done for america. robert and i have the responsibility of facilitating the weekly prayer group of the members of the house. the house has had such a group for over 50 years, this group includes, democrats, republicans, older members, younger members, men and women. we have much yet to establish but we this morning a big public version of what we do intimately and privately every week the house is in session. we hope we all make progress here today as well. one idea we would like to plan in your mind and this morning is despite our very busy schedules
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and our differences, we make time to come together every week and pray. could you that in your city, your workplace, your mission in life? if a lefty chicano and a conservative from alabama can do it, why can't you? [applause] >> now, i would like to introduce to you the -- who will be leading this morning and if you could, please hold your applause until i introduce the entire head table, way down to my right is the hero of alabama, heisman trophy winner, the national champion university of alabama. [applause] >> he's got some big shoulders so we've asked him to carry us all the way through this program so he's going to finish with the
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closer prayer. thank you for being here. next we have our counterparts from that other chamber that are here with us on the capital and john of arkansas and they will be sharing greetings from the senate group just shortly. and you should know that -- in about an hour they will start working on the 2017 breakfast, so gentlemen, thank you for your leadership and as we hand the torch over to you in a few minutes. >> thank you. most important to me i would like to introduce my beautiful wife of 25 years adrienne vargas. honey, you are truly a gift from god to me and i love you very much. next is a distinguished member of the president's cabinet, secretary of housing and urban development which he has dubbed the opportunity of opportunity. prior to federal service he was the mayor of san antonio, texas,
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secretary julian castro. next, of course, is the first lady michelle obama. [applause] >> and it is impossible to hold your applause for her, it really is. we love her. first lady michelle obama is a lawyer, a writer, and the wife of the 44th and current president, president obama, has become a role model and advocate for poverty awareness and higher education and healthy living. >> continuing down the table is brand new speaker of the house paul ryan of wisconsin. we haven't cut the tags off him yet, he's so new.
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sitting next to him is democrat leader and former speaker of the house of representatives nancy pelosi of california. [applause] >> she has been a strong and gracious on so many issues serving in congress and she'll offer a reading from the scripture. next to her is my dear wife and best friend carolina, we are blessed -- [applause] >> thank you. we've been blessed by trying to put god in the center of our relationship each day and i appreciate her being here and her support through all this, and by the way, adrienne, juan's wife and caroline has informed that this does not count as a date. [laughter] >> we tried. next our keynote speakers who will be introduced in a bit. next is honorable judge robert
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r.rigsby, he served our nation in so many ways including service in the united states army for 34 years. his service makes him the first district judge ever deployed to a theater of war. robert and i are blessed to have judge rigsby. next is distinguished rabbi jack, he's a great hero of ours because he has done as much as anyone alive to try to bring people together to find common ground. he will offer a reading from the scriptures. >> quite a group, isn't it? they will each approach the podium when it's their turn and so thank you all for being here and for leading us this morning. [applause]
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>> wow, i would like to introduce the returning favor to the prayer breakfast andrea bocelli. [applause] >> andrea bocelli has lifted souls all around the world. we're pleased with you as he sings heavenly bread. he will be singing in in in bread from the angelic, old miraculous thing, the body will nourish even the poorest, the most humble of servants and even the most humble of servants, amen.
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to share a few remarks and the song please welcome mr. andrea bucelli. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[applause] >> i can promise you one thing next year when tim and i are running the show, we won't be following that. it really is a pleasure to be with you and my colleagues, i great deal appreciate his friendship and have had the pleasure of working with him last year as coshare of the senate breakfast. together we realize that we are part of a very long great
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tradition. it's humbling to think that the prayer breakfast that we are a part of has been meeting longer than either of us have been a live and in my case, it's been a while. [laughter] >> we meet, we pray, we have personal prayer requests, someone shares testimony or spiritual thought, who would believe that an hour of fellowship for a week centered on the teachings of jesus could make such a difference. it's not logical, it's a matter of the heart. so i would encourage all of you as you go back to the communities and the different countries that are represented here to start a prayer breakfast, the example that we have today, the example that we have every week in the house and the senate that's how you change
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hearts, that's how you change the world. >> well, good morning. what a wonderful occasion. it is truly good to be with my friend john boseman. when i was young i spent time living for jesuit mission arrest in honduras and learned from that arrest the powers of advancing spiritual life and it's been blessing to have opportunity since in my parish in richmond and now in the senate working with john and my other friends and the prayer tradition. we are here in a very, very large group and there's greatness in a large room but i think a lot of us are here because there's greatness in small groups and john, i would encourage you to advance your spiritual life by joining a small group that focuses on
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spiritual fellowship. now a word of introduction, when i came to the senate within nine months the government of the united states shut down. because i'm catholic i was tempted to blame myself. when the government reopens, when the government reopened, we had a hard task on our shoulders was that congress was charged with finding budget deal. i got to watch my chairwoman, patty, i came to know that paul is a person of strong principle but a person that know that the american people send us here not to express our opinions louder than the next person but respect with the principle of others and we found the deal that enabled us to move forward. i want to offer a prayer for the
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speaker from a letter of paul, we will reap if we do not give up. ladies and gentlemen, the speaker of the house, paul ryan. [applause] >> that was quite nice. thank you very much. [laughter] >> first of all, i want to express my gratitude to my friends robert and juan vargas for hosting us here today. thank you, thank you for what you have done. and i want to applaud their work to raise awareness of the persecuted christians around the world. [applause] >> i also welcome all of you to
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washington. you could not have come here for a better reason. this breakfast is a nationial tradition because prayer is a part of our national heritage. it goes all the way back to the declaration of independence. we believe that our rights come from god and our job as office holders is to protect those rights. so it is only natural that we should ask for his guidelines as we seek to do his will. i've noticed a growing impatience with prayer in our culture these days. you see it in the papers or on twitter, when people say we are praying for someone or something the attitude is don't just pray, do something about it. the thing is, when you are praying you are doing something about it.
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[applause] >> you are revealing the presence of god. whenever people are in grief or even when they're about to start some great undertaking, they feel the worst pain of all. they feel alone. how am i going to get through this, why is this happening to me, my god, why have you fore saken me, that is why there's nothing more comforting or more humbling really than to hear someone say i'm praying for you because when you hear that, you realize you're not alone. god is there. thousands of people are speak to go him on your behalf. they're not praying for some
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abstract notion, they're praying for you the person. it says a lot about our country that people of both parties and of all faiths will drop everything and pray for their fellow americans. what it says is we believe in the dignity of the individual, of the human person and that is why prayer should always come first, all americans believe this, but as christians we specially can appreciate this truth. we believe in jesus christ. we believe god came down from heaven and became a man with a name and a body so that we could know him, we could begin to understand. he walked among the poor and the lonely of this world so that he could raise us to new heights in the next. it's a miracle. it inspires us every single day. and that is why we should
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rejoice always, pray and give thanks, thank you and welcome. [applause] >> i think in these few day that is we are together there's such a spirit of love and joy and affection, a sense that an environment is produced these days that elicits the very best
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in us and a constant struggle in everyone to find a way in which our best selfs emerges and that manifest the love of god and fellow human being and it calls us to something higher, to a calling that gives us the nobility. i would like to read from the book of isah. it's a reading that's done every day in every sinigog where jews fast and on this every day where jews fast they read this.
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bow down his head and spread ashes under him, will you call this a fast and a day acceptable to the lord? it's not this the fast that choose to lose the bonds of wickedness and to let the oppressed go free and to break every oath. is it not to share your bread with the hungry and to bring the homeless poor into your house, when you see the naked to cover him and not the hide yourself from your own flesh. then shall your light bring forward and your healing should spring insteadly, your anxiousness should go before you, then you shall call and the
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lord will answer, you shall cry and he will say, here i am. if you take away from the mist of you the pointing of the finger and the speaking wickedness and if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted and the lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire with good things, make your bones strong and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of garden and your ancient ruins will be rebuilt and raise up the foundations of many generations, you shall be called the repairers of the breech, the restorer of streets to dwelling. thank you.
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[applause] >> good morning. >> good morning. >> to president and mrs. obama, coshare vargas and congressman aderholt and all distinguished guests, on this day of hope and harmony, let us pray. dear lord, we gather here as one connected by the strength of our faith, by our pride in this great nation and by our common bond as children of god. let us remember that each of us is beloved equally in the eyes of our lord and let us serve as instruments that spread your
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mercy to our brothers and sisters. jesus told the disciples that what we do to the least among us, we do onto him. just so the grace of god provides nourishment to our soles and sanctuary for our spirits, we must provide food to the hungry, care for the ailing and care for the poor. the bible instructs us to find unity and compassion for all men and women through the example of christ and i pray that we will find inspiration from the second chapter of felipians which reads, so if there's any encouragement in christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being the same mind,
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having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind, do nothing from rivalry or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves, let each of you look not only to his own interest but also to the interest of others, have this in mind among yourselves which is yours in christ jesús, who though he was in the form of god, did not count equality with god a thing to be grasped but emptied himself by taking a form of a servant and being born in the likens of -- of men. thank you and god bless. [applause] >> good morning. >> good morning. >> mr. president, and
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mrs. obama, all of the distinguished guests gathered here in prayer. i know we all want to thank congressman juan vargas and congressman robert aderholt and i thank them for giving me the opportunity to read the following reading from the gospel of john. in the gogos bell of john we see the golden rule that stands at the heart of the gospel and as we hear the words from john 13, 15 and 17, we know that this message, this command of love is not confined to the new testament. the same message stands at the center of the tora and the teachings of the prophet mohamed too. from the tora it says, love your neighbor as yourself. and now from the gospel of john,
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before the feast of the passover when jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the father, jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands and that he had come from god and was going to god, rose from the mill, took out his outer clothing and wrapped a towel around his waste. ..
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no servant is greater than his master, nor is any messenger greater than the one who sent him. now you know these things. a little while later jesus said is the father has loved me, so i have loved you. now remain in my love. i have told you this so that my joy may be with you and that your joy may be complete. my commanders, love each other as i have loved you. greater love hath no one than this. and finally, listen to jesus
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prayer for us. my prayer is not for them alone. i pray for those who will believe in me that message that all of the maybe one, just as you are in me and i am in you. may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you sent me. i have given them the glory that you gave me that they may be one and we are one. i am them and you and me so that we may god. that is the gospel of the lord. togetherness community, and love. united by service to god and to one another.
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>> good morning. good morning. mr. president, first lady, this is the day the lord is made. let us rejoice in the light in it. let us pray thank you for allowing us live in a country where we can come together in piece, fellowship, and communion and offer you praise, glory, yes you watch over a president and carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. the courage of david and the wisdom. bless all of our national leaders. blessed leaders from around the world the responsibility
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to bring hope, calm in the midst of chaos, and peace in the midst of what. >> as doctor chase says the begin and end the day we become silent about things that truly matter. that our leaders never forget that is local community are strength, dignity, and humanity are closely linked to our willingness to help each other. because we have been bred to grand this responsibility to lead we have the legal and moral obligation. your word in our faith provide us guidance. we must 1st cast out and
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then cast out the modemoat of my brothers on. impress upon our leaders the profound this passage. positions of leadership must constantly sit in judgment ourselves. this is not an easy or comfortable task the weather is at a prayer meeting more times of self reflection must examine our action in the crucible of our faith. and 3rd king solomon is reminded of the promise that god made to david, if our people remain faithful then when in need our god would here them. faith is essential for all we do and has been vital to me.
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back states army officer. my unwavering faith sustained me while i served in a combat zone away from my wife and son. more importantly, faith sustained me when i was paralyzed shortly after. my wifeafter. my wife and i rely on our faith to sustain us and keep us. without faith i know i would not be standing here today. i literally would not be standing here today. father, remindfather, reminder leaders that you told us to have faith in all we do, not some mobileof what we do. not just what it is popular to be. let our leaders no that our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines that work to secure our homeland will return home and what will be no more. reminder leaders that faithful sustain them, keep
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them command guide them where i know firsthandi know firsthand it is because of my faith in the power of prayer that i stand before you today. i also pray that with continued faith and perseverance our president will be strengthened fortified, guided and directed to lead this great nation and be a beacon of justice and piece around the world. inworld. in the precious name of jesus i give thanks. amen. [applause] >> thank you. thank you for answering our prayers. thank you again for this morning and offer all these prayers up to the father. mark burnett and roma downey are two of television's most successful producer been made over 3,000 hours of
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american tv that are known for 70 countries have received it in the awards. you know them from their productions of some of television's most iconic shows including the voice, shark tank, survivor, the bible series commands a major motion picture some of god. mark burnett is the president at mgm television. his wife is chief content officer of life works media. many of you also no roma from her starring role has monica in the long-running hit tv show touched by an angel. and they give you an idea of some of the work we will look at a brief clip from their hit television series the bible. >> maybe your son is the king of these people.
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he said there was trouble. >> as if he's a profit. some even call him the messiah. >> i'm just a man in the wilderness. >> what are we going to do? >> change the world. >> easier. >> who. >> jesus. >> there is is the kingdom of heaven. they shall inherit the earth. >> you are messiah, the chosen one? >> we are doomed. >> you can comes to writing on a donkey.
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>> there is nothing unusual about his ability to cause havoc. >> crush any rebellion. >> forgive them. they know not what they do. [applause] >> join me in welcoming the 1st husband husband-and-wife couples ever address this breakfast. [applause] [applause] [laughter]
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>> good morning. senators, congressmen, members of the armed forces, esteemed foreign representatives and guests, we are so grateful to be here this year. wewe are used to sitting out there and have been for many years and love this prayer breakfast. they are especially grateful this year to be speaking at president obama's last prayer breakfast. it is such an honor. also really, really had to be here to share with you some of our story, however blue-collar roots of coming to america. >> a great blessing also be here is a married couple and to get to do this together.
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as you heard, the 1st husband-and-wife team members speak at the national prayer breakfast. mark and i have been working together side-by-side for years, and most couples we know can't even do yard work together without arguing. and yet we have been together every day producing the bible as affect future film. and i just have to acknowledge mr. morgan freeman who is here today is one of the stars. spending so much time together as a husband and wife is a blessing and a challenge and, perhaps the real miracle is that we are still speaking to each other
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as business partners we have different styles and approaches. i might tap gently out of door, and my husband mike the door down. and both can be effective and like all partnerships will be a blend work as a team. there is an art to public speaking. we will try not to step on a child's sense. i am reminded of some of the great dancers from the past like fred astaire and ginger rogers have move so well together and ginger did everything fred did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. [applause] of course as you may be able to tell from our actions, i am irish in my husband's english, but we don't hold
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that against them. [laughter] >> okay. i was born in england. we can officially celebrate fourth of july. the only person in it was married to an actual answer. i know what your thinking. yes, i have been test by an angel. well, we are married. >> i was born and raised in northern ireland, the 2nd city of new york. as you all know his home to a great deal of violence and unrest. inner-city was divided by river which flows through the middle segregating the
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community was. we hardly ever cross the riverriver to the other side. those were scary often dangerous times when shootings and bombings became a way of life. when i was just ten years of age my mother died and i remember going to visit her grave when a fierce gunbattle broke out in the cemetery. and i narrowly missed being shot. the bullet holes in chicago's wearing and missed my head by inches. surely i must of had an angel watching over me that they. q my teenage years ii can remember sitting in my little bedroom or the speak to the working out of the ring and listening over and over one of the only cassette i own simon and garfunkel's greatest hits. i love the lyrics, for they
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created a political way you can here the sounds assignments and it seemed possible that you could build a bridge over troubled waters. and then the leader of a picture of america and the seed was planted. the american dream is in it for you an opportunity, and then as a young irish teenager in the american dream was born in my heart. like so many immigrants before us this great country has provided us with the opportunities make our dreams reality. >> we both came seeking that same american dream. thirty years ago i left the british army parachute regiment and moved to los angeles zero skills, i didn't get a job in the place to live. i had a friend who lived in
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beverly hills and show for it for a rich family and suggested a show from a big job. only second-round the car. but there were none available. there was a job advertisement. a live-in position in beverly hills, the pitta hundred $25 a week and a job that come with the room, car, and even cable tv. patrol was there were two words right at the front of the job description which makes no sense for a guy from the parachute regiment, childcare. my friend told is a waste of time getting going to an interview but i remember saying to how are you going to go from being a commander very fox's. [laughter] but i knew i was desperate so i showed her that night
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at 624 north drive for a job interview. it was crazy. keep in mind it was 22 years old and had just come out of the army. my husbandthe husband began by asking what on earth i thought i was doing there. here he had a three -year-old from his marriage, a 17-year-old a 19-year-old previous marriage, and what did he possibly need another 22 -year-old kid for? what he said he needed was a nanny and the housekeeper. just then his wife cut them off and said you have an ax. i'm from london. we love london.
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he did not crack a smile. it was just annoyed. it's actually me to get rid of this job is about chasing a three -year-old. can youcan you claim? circum- i just love for years in the british army. they came around with a white glove to inspector lockers every day. she smiled and got more annoyed. then he asked me okay, you do laundry? cirque, laundry, i could iron a shirt that increase so sharp you can shave. patty was loving this that the family got me. if you cook? circum- british. my mom candidate kirk.
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anyway, a few hours later patty called the number and said it was a tough sell but he got the job. i began the next as a domestic health nanny housekeeper at 624 north beverly drive. this year the company merged with mgm. i was given an office on the top floor right next to the chairman and ceo. pilots on beverly hills. the address of this building 245 north beverly drive. i looked out the window and can actually see the house
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while is a nanny is 624 north beverly drive. [applause] you have to know this can utterly happen in america. >> there are certain things that can only happen in america. back when i emigrated from ireland lived in new york city in the very 1st job i had was checking accounts in a very fancy upper west side restaurant. the meals were lovely so expensive and i never could have afforded to eat there myself. i used to get maybe a quarter sometimes a dollar on average. one night i checked the coat of regis philbin very 1st celebrity that i ever met and he gave me a $20 tip command i thought i'd died and went to heaven.
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in just a few years later i was living in los angeles starring on a tv show called test financial in the show had millions of viewers each week and was a big hit on cbs and soon i was invited to fly back to new york and be a guest. checking coats one, starring on television the next, only in america. and i remember a toll reaches the story and he laughed and laughed and was just so glad that he had not stiffly. [applause] anyway, for almost ten years i had the privilege of playing the angel monica on television opposite the
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great galleries. and we were undercover agents showed up at a crossroads in people's lives , often within the bottom, and in their bookings they had reached out to god for help. every week ii got to deliver a message of god's love on national television to millions of people. and as a believer myself it was such an honor to share with the audience that there is a god, that he loves us, and that he wants to be part of our lives. and beforebefore we found these angel revelations things each week we would pray a very simple prayer, blessed me more view. less of me more view. we pray because we hope we
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wouldfelt we would be used to touch people's hearts and open there lives to god and thankfully that happens, both mark and nine have been so blessed our careers here in the united states, and they are both so fortunate and incredibly grateful. >> yes, we are really fortunate in very grateful, but faith has led us to entirely build our tv and film careers on family-friendly franchises and shows like as was mentioned. the voice, apprentice, shark tank, survivor, often every week for nights out of seven they have the number one show in america. we took that leverage and told hollywood who wanted to make a brand-new series.
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yes, the bible on prime time american tv. of course our friends told us to destroy our great careers because mixing entertainment and religion would make people angry. is thatsaid no one will watch the bible on prime time tv. they know the story and can get it in church. well, the bible became the most talked about television show in america, the number one series, and 100 million of you watch it. and here is what is really great, the bible is shown in canada, but they showed it up against the national
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hockey league. but head-to-head the bible beat hockey. we know we can officially say that hockey is not god. >> at that time the model is also up against the show called walking dead. and my favorite headline ran on cnn's god be saw this. but far more important than the ratings with the stories of families sitting together in their living rooms watching the bible, the stories about god's love for us unfolded through the ages , moved some and engaged in his faith was and is alive and well in america.
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end the series helps to ignite a much larger conversation about god and faith in this country command were also humbled people were inspired cbs, hollywood couplehollywood couple of producers during the speak out about our love of jesus our sincere belief in the power of prayer. cannot say i've never made a decision in my life big or small that i did not pray about 1st. the bible series began with a prayer for started as a whisper in her heart. and your friend said to us once, the most dangerous very bright is is me because then you have to be ready that he might just so. all they did was ask him to use us. >> and use us he did. trust me.
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it was a tv show, but we are also telling the story of the most sacred book of all time command we knew we had to get it right. it's really important, huge responsibility. the 1st thing we did sign up 40 scholars and advisers for many of you are in this room right now. you know you are. he stood shoulder to shoulder with us and thank you so much. [applause] it is difficult to bridge all the theological gaps all the theological gaps only prayed away through the process and managed to create a series of brought people together and glorified god. i think it's fair to say we
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have become hollywood's noisiest christians. you know, at least 90 million americans attend church each sunday in this country. millions more find inspiration and hope the person, story, and teachings of jesus christ. the christian community is a mainstream community. they watch the nfl, the voice, buy tickets to star wars and go to beyoncé concerts. ..
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>> >> to pray together as they prepared for their seeds. when we were getting ready to issue decrees -- the crucifixions seed that the prayers would be sent ahead of us they were emotional and spiritual to fill such as seed -- is seen to hang an actor on across. then the sun was scorched eight -- and that god reduce the series to open the hearts to him.
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of the onset who had a job to rankle the snakes from all locations. of the boarding of the crucifixion he would move 48 snakes from around the hillside and we believe that was the power of prayer at work and the symbolism of the snake. we also prayed you're only a few months away to begin we still didn't have the most important role. so i set out an e-mail to all my contacts looking for jesus. [laughter] we asked that the right actor would show up address series ever workable
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coincidences' we came up the actor for the first time to say there he is. there is our jesus and answer to our prayer and the performance as jesus with millions of people around the world. [applause] >> rabil was so important and it was the answer to prayer. the incredible hispanic actor beautifully portrayed jesus everyone whole country was talking about a hispanic actor. there were some questions one was an old black man one was an old white man they
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were sure he was black and the other was just a share he was a white rand one day the rich and a car accident he said you're about to find out your right all along. he said i am sorry have to find out this way. that jesus is a white man and he smiled at his news said blood sts. [laughter] [applause]
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>> i suppose when you think about he could have an irish he lived in and -- at home until he was 30. he never got married and his mother thought he was god. [laughter] as a husband and wife producer team not only do what we love to do but we chela do it together and we have fun. you can tell. that we also know that comes with responsibility that too much is given and much is expected you we are so pleased we have reinvigorated program we in this country and hopefully
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inspire told the generation to invest their talent and this is why we keep the company that produced the bible life workers media because we have only believed it is far more effective to light a candle bankers the darkness. i will say that again. we believe it is far more effective to light a candle than curse the darkness. that is what we try to do to allied as many candles as miki and to we just keep lighting candles. >> it is very difficult to bring people together just among christians there over 30,000 denominations. think about that.
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and many have argued about the use of jesus for thousands of years. so for us working across a protestant and catholic community in a detailed way in the jewish community is very challenging to make everybody happy with the whole story of the bible and as many have advised us we learn to become bridge builders and that was our mission. >> i know the power of a bridge from war-torn northern ireland. you will find something new there. now there is a walking bridge built across the river and it is called the
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peace bridge over very low bridge over troubled water. but more than that the old hurts are dealing. and to listen to each other and started to work things out together. we are at a time in the world's history were there is so much paid and fear and division mission to use religion and politics the dividing line is very easy to find those bridges are harder we we all find the dividing line so we can build a road bridges of
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peace across them. on this day of the national prayer breakfast we pray that with god's help our world can't heal some of the hurt and the confusion and. it begins with us. but perhaps to simply see the reach of god in the eyes of everyone you meet. by this everyone will know that you follow me. for in this spirit is the power of true faith to learn to love each other. we know that television bin filled more powerful ways to bring inspiration and hope the emotional stories that opened your heart. and berndt my dear friend maya angelou said people
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will forget what you said. people will forget what you did. the people will never forget how you beat them feel. thank you so much. may god bless you. [applause]
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>> 8q so much. the purpose of this breakfast every year is to lift up jesus as a solution to last for the lord help and then we come together and to love them pray for the president of the estates and his family we do this of all our hearts and appreciate that a message. it was so uplifting. mr. president when we were in moscow altogether we had lunch with the classmate i asked who was really smart and he said this guy named barack obama. he is really, really smart and he be even become a supreme court justice someday.
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[laughter] so there is still time you are a young man. we are ready for your dignity and your integrity and your faith the way you honor god with your life in service to all of us ladies and gentlemen, for one last time at the national prayer breakfast it is my honor to introduce the president of the united states. [applause] >> they give you -- very
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kind thank you so much will praise and honor to guide to bring us here this morning the want to think everyone who helped organize this brought -- is practiced -- this breakfast with friendship band fellowship and a prayer. i have always felt a tinge of guilt motorcaded happier during rush hour. [laughter] i suspect all the commuters were blessed me. [laughter] but it is for a good cause. the national prayer brunch
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does not have the same ring to it. and we are extremely honored as always with members of congress and faith leaders across the country and around the world to be with the speaker leader thank you for your friendship and their extraordinary story. with the inspiring words. and don this occasion i enjoy scripture that has been meaningful to me and read am praying john and a verse from second timothy. for god has not given us a
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spirit of faith but of power and the love. and of sound mind. we live in an extraordinary times. had with our economy by destructive conflict disruptions to our environment the way we work had lived by the media that is unceasing its fees are at
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shrinking the stands and eyes say the challenges the we face are not unique. the threats of civil war or world war or cold war those challenges perron into perspective the moreover i believe very deep strikes as a nation and make us better equipped than others to harness the change. with the sheer rapidity of change in the uncertainty that intrigues the hardship of a family to make ends meet.
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but those things are real per chair is some. even the very progress with the stability that sold any joy than any previous generation of humanity to shine brighter light to reveal the gap of prospect for the children of the world. and that gap to give us vertigo. not only with the of possibility that maybe we
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have more to lose. and fear does but he thinks. two lashed out against those who are different. or lead us to try to get some sinister other under control. alternatively with fear can lead to despair or paralysis. or cynicism. to feed impulses it is a primal emotions that we all experience and it can be
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contagious spreading through societies and nations. if we let it consume us the consequences of that fear can be worse than any our threat for me, and for so many of p.o. faith is a great cure for fear. jesus is a good cure for fear. guide gives believers the power of love had the sound mind required to conquer any
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fear and what more important moment for the faith and right now. what bin airtime to have jesus beside as cleansing our hearts. [applause] his love gives the power to resist temptations the courage to reach out across the divide rather than push people away. he gives us the courage to
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go against the commercialism to stand up for what is right to stand up not just to our enemies and to our friends to give us the fortitude to sacrifice ourselves for a larger cause. or to make tough decisions knowing that we can only do our best less of me and more of god. and to have the courage to address our feelings while pledging to learn from our mistakes. in to try to do better. certainly during the course
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to serve as a president of the united states with the common everyday fears that we all share. then made one i am feeling right now is that our children grow up too fast. they're leaving. that is tough so as a parent you worry about will harm beyond them or how will they manage without you? do you miss the essential moment in their life? will they call? or text by. [laughter]
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each day we're fearful the purpose becomes a lucid and cloudy to figure out his broader plan. the universal fear that we have. in my faith helps me to manage those. into deal with some of the unique elements of my job. as one of the great departed heroes want said to learn that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it he who conquers that fear. in that is when i've had to repeat that to myself. when you hear from a parade
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of experts that will get your attention if you tell cadets who have made a decision to send them in harm's way. knowing they may not return safely. with innocent children gunned down in the classroom that reminds you there is evil in the world. the new understand what president clinton meant when he said he was driven to his knees by the overwhelming conviction he had no place else to go.
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like every person i have known fear. but my faith tells me i need not fear death but the acceptance of christ promises everlasting life. [applause] if scripture and strikes me to pull the full armor of god so i can say and surely i could face down the temporal setbacks. and should that faith waiver or should i lose my way i
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have drawn strength from the remarkable life with the colleagues and friends but i have drawn strength from witnessing all across this country and all over the world good people of all faiths hoodoo the lord's work each and every day. to feed the hungry to teach our children so to think about the extraordinary work fighting global poverty working to end the scourge of human trafficking the
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leaders of the march of living in hope. christians said the volunteers to distribute aid to rebuild homes for the homeless. when ebola was in west africa jewish christian and muslim groups responded to save lives. and with that powerful rebuke to welcome survivors. with nine worshipers were murdered those of all faiths who came together of a shattered community and
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syria refugees seek sanctuaries on our shores to mosques and temples and churches to worship -- will put them to offer blankets and food and open their homes. and now coming together to help those who are suffering inflicted. -- in flint michigan. and now all across this country helping people. to see guided others a we are driven to do this we're driven by the value of that so many of our faith teaches us i and my brother's keeper
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i am vice sister's keeper. as christians we do this compelled by the gospel of jesus. to love god and and one another. so yes, like every person there are times when i am fearful life eighth to what i have seen in so many of you that makes me hopeful about our future. so many that have not given us a spirit of fear. power to ungloved and a sound mind. id to be imprisoned for a real crime other than a holding god in his heart.
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reprieved one dash parade he may be phreatic now he is told save. [applause] we pray for god's protection all over the world including christians who have been driven from their ancient homeland had just as they call and other countries to respect the rights of religious minorities, we respect the right of every single american to practice their faith. [applause] this is what each of us is called want to do to see community in each other to make sure politics and
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public discourse reflect that same spirit of love. to assume the best not just the worst. and not just of the national prayer breakfast. to begin each work with a shared belief what is right for our country and future. we cannot draw such streak in the quiet moments of hair was on so let me close with '02 such stories i have come to go over the past week. a week ago i spoke get a ceremony held at the israeli embassy for the first time.
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honoring the courage of people who saved the jews during the holocaust. one of the recipients the grandson or this side of the eric in and soldier -- american soldiers or group of american soldiers are captured as jewish pows to identify themselves. and a wide christiandom from tennessee ordered all american troops to report alongside him.
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they lined up information and approximately to madrid and and and the colonel said i asked only for the jewish. all of them cannot be jewish. the master sgt stick their hands said we are all jews. en the colonel took out his pistol and food held at -- and held it to his head and tell the hupeh jews are he repeated we're all jews. interfaced with the choice to shoot all the soldiers
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the chauncey -- the nazis relented. so through his moral clarity to deactivate sargent evans saved the lives of his jewish brothers in arms. [applause] second story from moscow in baltimore. -- a bomb scare and baltimore. that they too are americans. [applause] add a but as american and two runs a nonprofit food
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forums collisions with latino groups that african-americans and had held said day after the tragedy in california pizza kitchen and children to a playground. and while they're out the tiny cave four daily prayers that are essentials to the aha -- muslim tradition and the other day he did put the rug on the grass right there and pray but that day he paused. he feared any unwelcome attention would attract to himself and his children. and his seven year-old daughter asked what are you
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doing? isn't it time to pray? end he thought of all the times he had told her the day that dr. martin luther king, jr. or 700 other people would march during hatred end bigotry and did order to challenge segregation for america's highest 80 is. so with men of different religions of different to teaches children.
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instead he taught them of that sometimes they will be tested and we are asked to show like others have before us of a better reflection of all ideas he put down the road again and he prayed. [applause] those stories give me courage to help end construct new rate old christian faith i cannot imagine in which the young of american sergeant expressed his christianity were profoundly hands said we are all jews.
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[applause] ikea it imagines and of his teachings a better expression and of islam and withdrew from the example in the jewish rabbi to teach his children what god dubuque's. [applause] for god hasn't given us the spirit of faith but of power and the love. and of a sound mind. i pray that by his gray's real find the courage to set examples in our lives.
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not just during this wonderful gathering of fellowship of what we profess by the smaller movements when it is difficult unchallenged and a greek confer there was someone who does not agree with us when no one is watching. i pray that our differences will to believe are bridged that the god that is that each of us comes together that we don't divide with humility and generosity that
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my feelings are forgiven. -- feelings and we have told the obligation and that we will see every single child of our love and human compassion and a prayer we answer to stand up for justice to ensure that everybody lives in dignity. best buy prayer for this breakfast and for this country. may god bless you and continue to bless this country. [applause]
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[applause] >> thank you mr. president as you go this practice began and with one of your predecessors of delight
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eisenhower we appreciate you being with us all eight years. outside of walls of this hotel is here from our friend and a brother sidney amazing grace. [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[applause] >> a few words in my terrible heat /. [laughter] ladies and gentleman and mr. president there is a dark shadow on the world many children and an elderly died. the war is the worst incident of our intelligence. a very small word that is at
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the base of our tragedy. and greek the word means pride. so a big reason and -- to be an optimist to be altogether had also for a to put aside our opinions and ideas at different goals add it to
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pray. thank you for this invitation. [applause] >> what a great war become a better than we ever imagined. so let's take away the right kind of pride we have experienced my vet -- rather often said you'd never want him to be ashamed of you. as the democratic leader policy reminded us to be
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brought to complete unity. so here is my question of its work for unity asking god to defend us all together. >> i will challenge you with this that is what we wanted division is a great problem and we believe we need to pray our way to get you dirty. humanity has tried hands failed unity is a gift of god and jesus said seek and ye shall find.
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and now to offer a closing prayer. [applause] >> good morning. i am so glad to be here or jesus they queue today on these great peters and people to hear about you dirty and our important it is. i pray for those who were not able to eat breakfast today but i pretty make them find a way to see better days.
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for those who have cancer to sever every day with pain or heartache and i want to pray for my generation and for guidance and wisdom of that we can stand appear to be united as one. our father i pray we continue to use our platform to help others i would like to pray on the food the reading today to read nourishment to our bodies. a bin and. [applause] [inaudible conversations]
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>> t. ted m. again and we are happy you have joined us let's give everyone a hand. [applause] >> that concludes our breakfast and the president had first lady will be leaving shortly so stay in your seats for the next few minutes and with their support for the national prayer breakfast.
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may god bless the united states of america and every country around the world. [inaudible conversations] >>
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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>> says is a sense of the grand estate are not easily won. id villages had a town that had the city they come to cast their votes thanks to the people of captured. >> first did the aged primary. >> new hampshire. >> new hampshire. >> he is from new hampshire.
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>> they call the primary and most cherished. >> governor thank you so that each step right this is a place to observe a candidate and get tough questions on the issue is not just a place where it is scripted speech. >> they take the first of the aged statice seriously. >> is the series of town hall meetings we are having. >> welcome to the 158 town hall meetings
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>> i am voting for bernie sanders because he is honest and has a good record had cares about the people had want to make changes services such a historic race if you don't participate you will not have a voice. >> i am participating because either side could give us the first female president
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>> 3-1/2 billion people of california. many of them are in in the bay area. >> handy all the dishes in santa barbara.
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. . c-span city tour.
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sunday afternoon at 2:00 on american history tv on c-span3. the c-span city tour is working with affiliates and visiting cities across the country. tonight president obama talk about the economy and job market. and secretary kerry and the president of columbia talk about a solution to the civil war. and later an effort to address puerto rico's death. according to the bureau of labor statistics 151,000 jobs were added to the job market last month bringing the unemployment rate to an 8-year low at 4.9%. president obama spoke about the new numbers and took questions from reporters at the white house briefing today.


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