tv In Depth CSPAN March 12, 2016 11:48am-12:01pm EST
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harassment? >> guest: the evidence supports anita hill's claim that clarence thomas spoke to her explicitly about it in ways that made her uncomfortable. when do that is legally a definition of harassment i don't know. i am not a lawyer. what we discovered was clarence thomas had a long history of speaking explicitly about sex, he loved to see pornography. many people if you go to that book, fellows in school with him, he had a history here that supported what she said. i don't know whether that meets the legal limit of harassment or not. made her very uncomfortable and other women and comfortable and there were other women who wanted to testify against him during confirmation hearings and part of the news of that was there were other women that were
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never allowed to testify against him, they were waiting in the wings. there was someone named angela wright, rose jordan who has since passed away. there were other women with memories of him acting inappropriately. at that point what was considered harassment, a new concept the way people were talking about it back then. now you would find a lot of people would be upset if their boss spoke to them the way clarence thomas spoke to anita hill. there was a lot more haziness and debate about how bad it was or wasn't. many people also wondered why anita hill had gone to another job with clarence thomas after she had undergone this behavior she said had upset her so much. there were mitigating questions but the description she gave of clarence thomas was born out by the work we did.
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>> host: does it hold up 20 some years later? >> guest: i think more than ever, 22 years later i think completely. i think complete the, including the fact david brock who took the other side has come out and saying he was wrong. it is a pretty devastating picture. >> host: what is ani hill doing today? >> guest: a professor at brandeis university speaking out more, i think she is in a comfortable spot and i believe there is a docudrama starring kerri washington playing a indeed a hill that is going to come out any minute now. >> host: a few minutes left, mohammed hadi, please go ahead. >> caller: thank you very much. i love the new yorker.
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your comment about what happened in beirut in 1982, surprise you used islamic terrorist thing, they don't even know who did it and it has become so easy, everything that happens in the middle east, on that religion. >> guest: they named to the person was they thought was involved in it. it was an iranian-backed terrorist group. it was working out of syria at that point. it is not -- it is not a big mystery really who was involved in that case anymore. it is not to say -- i am not trying to say anything anti islamic.
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but it was an iranian-backed terrorist group. >> host: gary in wisconsin, please go ahead. >> caller: glad to talk to you. i have been watching a lot of television and getting more and more confused at the injustice being done. what i look at is the supreme court, which seems to control the way the nation is run. i think that is cause for separation of people. and families and everything else. my question is have you or anybody else studied the supreme court's and find out if a koch brothers and their friends have integrated some way in there? i know they controlled the house of representatives by putting funds, supporting party, tea party ears and stuff like this who got in there and now they
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are controlling who or when the supreme court, also gone into the senate, really jumped up a step. >> host: let's see if we have a comment. >> guest: people don't control the supreme court but the briefs are filed in many cases, koch funded groups are very involved in many supreme court challenges. you can also see they helped fund the right wing legal movement, the federalist society, the economic movement and helped generate a number of cases that their money supported organizations the funded a number of cases including the citizens united case.
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there has been campaign finance limits for a long time. a push to get the law revisited by the court. you can definitely see the influence of koch funded organizations in generating cases. >> host: a lot in the media koch brothers are active in criminal justice reform. >> guest: they funded the judicial crisis network. to t -- keep the democrats from obama specifically from naming or confirming a new supreme court justice. the thing that is amazing, the reason i hope people get a chance to look get the book including the charge in the front is so much money on so many levels.
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you practically need to be a forensic accountant to follow it. >> host: this is the chart and there's another one in the back of the book. here is the charge on the opening cover of "dark money: the hidden history of the billionaires behind the rise of the radical right". it is where the money goes, the groups that are involved, you can't figure this out for yourself and there's a similar chart that continues in back. peter, we have 30 seconds. >> caller: my name is peter. i have not read your book but watch three or four interviews, i am curious about issue that i have not seen race.
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dimensions the koch brothers are strict libertarians, the government is evil. do they hold that view towards national defense? i suspect not. >> guest: they are not libertarian's when it comes to national defense, they want to see less spending. >> host: jane mayer is that our guest for the last three hours, 1988 "landslide: the unmaking of the president, 1984-1988," "strange justice: the selling of clarence thomas" came out in 1994, turned into a war on american ideals" in 2008 and "dark money: the hidden history of the billionaires behind the rise of the radical right" is her most recent book. we appreciate your time. wikipedia >> guest: thank you for having me. >> when i tune in on the
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weekend, new releases. >> the best television for serious readers. >> un c-span they can have a longer conversation and go into this subject. >> booktv weekends, they bring you offer after officer after author and spotlight the work of fascinating people. >> here is a look at the current best-selling nonfiction books at powell's book store in portland, oregon. topping the list --
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>> our look at the best-selling nonfiction books continues with marie condo at the like changing magic of tidying up followed by "dark money: the hidden history of the billionaires behind the rise of the radical right" in which jane mayer talks about how big money has infiltrated the american political system. jane mayer was a recent guest on booktv's recent "in depth" program which you can watch online. wrapping up the list in the geography of genius. that is a look at some of the current nonfiction bestsellers according to powell's book store in portland, oregon. many of these authors have or will be appearing on booktv. you can watch them on our web site >> welcome to booktv's live
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coverage of the tucson festival of books. this festival is held annually on the campus of the university of arizona. we have several author panels and call ins for you today. topics range from fdr to education, women in washington, guantanamo bay and many in college sports. for the full schedule of events go to our website, and follow us on twitter to get schedule updates as well at booktv is our twitter handle. we are going to kick off today's live coverage with a conversation about franklin delano roosevelt and the environment, this is historian douglas brinkley. booktv live from tucson. >> good morning. welcome to the tucson festival of books, the world's greatest book festival.
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[applause] >> my name is jim cook, executive director of the national parks association and sponsor of this session. western national parks association is the non-profit organization partner of the national park service. our purpose is to educate visitors about the history, nature, cultural and recreational opportunities in 67 national parks in 12 western states. ..
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