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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  March 19, 2016 12:00am-12:25am EDT

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fired from the magazine because he had behaved in an unacceptable way. with regard to muslims there is almost nothing that is unacceptable. it's a no-holds-barred atmosphere. this hypocrisy, this double standard is what outrages muslims. ..
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>> >> that is fundamentally flawed. and journalistic up bollandists. >> you cannot diminish the language of the conflict the occupations that come from the security zone from the disputed territories they become neighborhoods when the picture appears to say caught in the crossfire is killed in crossfire the crossfire when it is
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palestinians killed by israelis but when the israelis are shot it is dave rader i.r.a. terrorist act. >> we make the middle east and intelligible. >> the photographer captured these images of the boys running for their lives in the neck of a target's? finigan only target the definite military targets. >> it is very carefully chosen to multiple layers. >> that they used for shelter and it was used by fire. >> at least 15 were killed including two children still neck there is no conflict between israel and palestine
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that is a single unitary state in the conquest carried out by the jewish state to have part of that 70 years of to consolidate the ethnic purity of the jewish state. >> more and more having difficulty dealing with half turning itself into the apartheid state. citizens is accepted by most politicians. >> democrats and republicans for your support year after year and decade after decade.
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>>. >> donald trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown. and tell the country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [applause] >> here is a question for you, how did we get that movie into the tv and -- tv networks? >> we have been turned down by hbo and showtime and pbs. we have tried to get the phones distributed by all the big networks. we ran a one in our version of the film on 30 or 40 pbs stations but it is a boring
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distinction but important tip was provided by the third-party as content to run that if they chose in in the results that plenty of people ran into but it had zero marketing. because then nobody knows it is coming we're still seeking wide distribution in this country. >> with descendants independent film festival what was their reaction? >> we sent it to do sundance with their in courage member of the one of our colleagues who was a consultant has a big position at the sundance film festival in she would talk to her friends that the review were who looked at it
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e-mail us and said she that it was fantastic and one of the better ones she had seen but it was too political also of course, we did not get and. >> he said if i can get them to have 10 percent of my copy uncensored is it worthwhile to continue? >> maybe that goes for all of you. >> the "l.a. times" reporter? >> that is eight good ratio. [laughter]
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this is as censorship if we couldn't get away with 10 percent on this issue we will revolutionize america. is a 90 percent censorship ratio. give it to me. and betty york times magazine. >> that is 90 percent censored. >> i did a cover sought -- cover story on the gun lobby i did very long articles on the nra talking about that sexual fetish of guns n you never received an article about the israel lobby with one-tenth of that free speech involved.
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>> one of the reasons that i did on and msnbc was that these officials led the 99 percent of the time and never ask about the occupation or the siege. i almost choked on my coffee one morning i was watching an interview obviously they were soft ball questions like mr. prime minister how do field he was bombarding him regarding gaza and he said by former prime minister of israel said you would never forgive the arabs for forcing us to kill their children.
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i said is this a fucking joke? >> one of the best ones never had them recover the cause of war in 2012 and he just killed and three kids killed on the beach he just told it i was in the egg tv station and some of the panic because suddenly there is one story and it is a major story filled on camera with the missiles striking and this kid is playing football on a beach in the third kit is six year-old is running in the second missile plumes and strikes him. you could not explain that there is no justification.
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the telephone starts ringing then there is an assault in the producers kept calling for you sure there wasn't another missile in that area? now we watched it. it is on film you have three or four cameras there. that story was taken from him in a given to another city just arrived it was called out of gaza because he witnessed the moment i went on an error and i said our coverage is utterly disgusting leave biased it is a disgrace retrain the american people because we're not telling poles story we are applying to them and every show was canceled and then left the building no legal would never come back. leaving the building every member of the producers say
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you understand that bullying and harassment -- respite recently submitted for "the washington post" said every article they write they have to insert to lobbyist in organization and i said i don't care justin and up to it so i submit an article. >> and arab muslim black woman from these networks you can handle little bullying? do your job not only are you in the wrong job but if you cannot stand up to these guys then they will get away with it over and again. kerry so thankful that the independent organization and
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but what i am asking all of you we need to support these organizations that live on the nation's. this is the ultimate battle. if that is $7 then give it to them because this is what will change america forever in the public opinion. in he said i don't bite newspapers.
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we can shift the of public opinion you can put much less. that can shift the public opinion. >> [applause] >> we have time for one more question? talking about the e-mail exchange? that wasn't covered in dash it foia request he found it accidentally and that is the thing that's appalled us when we read dash it and would regulate to talk more?
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>> i am grateful we expose this misogyny again like when they lecture me or others have we go to the middle east to liberate women in their choices and then they put someone against meet forgive me if i'm about to throw up and he tells me a terrible man like myself and was patronizing me in with my minority rights the only way we are described as arab muslim woman as a terrorist or a bid to win without nationality every question stars how do you feel? whether i am tall or short torbay course all it does
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not matter if i look like this or plastic surgery ultimately is about the argument and since i start working every betty's thinks we predicted of the trajectory of the war on terror. about invading iraq to stabilize the entire region the only had 200 jihadist according to the fbi. then we have hundreds of thousands. and what is failure? and what is the weapon against people like me? her looks. it is the public mindset i
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had that in italy because i was of muslim or brown or something is hard for me i have no comment if you think burlesconi was bad imagine and donald trump up there he is already saying these disgusting people. with that type of attitude under burlesconi 10 years is the same type of thing. where did -- men and women would call us and threaten us real threats in these threats can happen and i
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believe it easily is translated into violence and forgive me for repeating the same thing to reinforce each other's we have to have a culture that reinforce them push back carter. and sorry we're not pushing back carter enough with everything that they have from threats to bullying or harassment were beating up of a journalist who live in the era where it's still functions so let's hold it together the akio. >> she will be signing her
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book at the reception after and also to have a comment from ralph nader who said to let the audience know that the news was not allowed to cover the convention they denied access. >> i am sure that is wrong and then also deny 80 percent of the people. >> what was happening on monday august said go to church for their sometimes i see the way that they pray so give me would everyone. it is painful for someone to travel around the world to see millions of people standing in the street and
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people who are willing to die for the personal democracy and this is the model they look up to. then they squeezing the balls of these people. [laughter] [applause] >> we did have a lack of media the came to this event and the room is bursting at the seams. the americans want to hear these stories. if you go back to your news room please insist that your editor let you do your job. [applause] >> things are coming we have a special treat for you now.
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the badges are for the complimentary beverage and we encourage you to stay and mingle people that are out there and should have been happier seek them now. and we want to remind you that transcription video with the new web site thank you so much for coming. >> i like to think the publisher who has been sitting here and his whole generation and of leaders. in the many students at cape and audience members and
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donors sent exhibitors we could have this remarkable day without your help. [applause] [inaudible conversations]
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>> this seems obvious the government cannot regulate the finding in the constitutional right so sincere have a right to free speech when the framers really wanted to protect that you cannot spend money on that. >> the former first lady laura bush.


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