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tv   After Words  CSPAN  March 22, 2016 1:22am-2:20am EDT

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same time. thank you. [applause] i am happy to take any questions. >> first volume stick about moving from the left to the right. is there a tendency similar to that moving from the right to to the left? it seems like you're the perfect person to talk about bernie sanders.
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[laughter] susumu talk about the movement of those moving in the opposite direction from the right to to the left and maybe you are the perfect person to say something about bernie sanders to say something insightful. and i grew up in the soviet union and reagan is our hero >> so obviously there are people who move van demographically looking at
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ideological affiliation, uh the numbers is shifting all the time and in recent years probably bodily the numbers that move far more significant if you look at the intellectuals that is very you see the interest being cohort likes television or bartlett moving from the left to the right in reaction to rue the action of the bush administration with the warriors and how poorly they went. that points to the broad movements have been in reaction to a political movement that one side or the other is in that big
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left to right movement with the interest of communism to the '60s with the black power and feminism and gay-rights. so the reason we see more right to left recently is that big movement and a reaction. now we are in a moment for there is a lot of energy living in both directions. i didn't write about it because coming from the left that jury feet out of pity for the way did it make it
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to i did have were empathy and historically the intellectuals that move left to right have been flushed out are more significant so there isn't the same history of rate to left as the influence of left to right. i don't have a lot to to say about bernie sanders said the of the thing that i will say, donald trump has been all over the place with partisan affiliation i was comparing him to bernie sanders to has been consistent for a long time. i think part of the appeal of bernie sanders is that consistency and the promises
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a certain type of politics. agent that in a sense the change ability and the danger is the promise of disruption. it isn't in sight to about sanders but that competing appeal. >> that is interesting about reagan and i've heard he is considered a hero but it is interesting to hear it from a former soviet. >> relive than were active in russia us and one of the families that we do have a number that was orthodox and a ticket least a couple of
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years to be about the orthodox in the church. so those you have written about is it a personality trait where it doesn't matter if the philosophy but if it is all encompassing and people need to have that? >> absolutely. it isn't true of everybody but that orientation i talk about and with that the schema and added is a tight battle the were i would differ from what you are saying, i would be careful to say almost doesn't matter what the system is because
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that could be the identification of ideological can sometimes be a way to do dismiss their politics and that is what we should resist for the people in the book and and the universe is a belief to be profound and moving away isn't something that is likely. it is painful even for ronald reagan who did not experience acute pain but it still took him a good 15 years and we were talking
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about this the other day, i of the opposite. i come in to the presence and that is why the book is the way it is and i cannot touch the messiness of the world. i think i am allergic. my tribe can be incredibly frustrating but part of the interest of the book is we from that perspective is divided is interesting about them is a book about me might be less interesting. [laughter]
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>> there is a little book called the god that failed that talks about a resolution in the 30's and '40's. was that it influenced on you? >> what about the influence of p&g's data on ronald reagan? >> i seek in the book of six essays by writers. >> late forties or fifties. we have that disillusionment and dark at noon and that
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was a great book. but maybe in the introduction it doesn't show the quotation marks but it says of those that were a rate tyrian that failed budget it is the question then wrote a biography of reagan i interviewed him at the texas book festival a few months ago. there is no question when he married nancy i didn't see direct evidence he fell under the sway but no question very nancy with you moving into a social world that was more conservative
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in orientation and politics had an influence in his your more of a conservative than liberal because most french upset that point where with people that were pretty conservative. >> a middle-aged white male phenomenon. [laughter] and also american and. women typically get more liberal as they get older and to having the experience in socialist countries over 25 years, i don't think in to fourth fallout they understand. and i just think it is
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really about idealism and i still think the majority of people who grow up on the left stay on the left whether your father or my dad who grew up on the lower east side in the '30's may not have been quite has left wing but were always. >> tavis just doing research that broad demographics are not my expertise but how predictive of your parents politics. if it wasn't very political it is not that predictive but if you did it was 80%
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then he would probably be the same. i am still left so absolutely their offer petite of people covered in the same environments. who may be saw the same flaw as angeles said that peace we need to let go. a i am'' affiliate absolutely. i was interested more extreme because that much bigger transition allow the to explorer how complicated a belief is you don't see the debts when there is, and
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depression you concede that more clearly the book was about six guys i am a little embarrassed. it is where started from my own story. and wrestling with the beliefs of mine a father and grandfather like david horowitz.
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>> end related to this question there are those of have been on the left with the excess situations with the belief system. is a teacher in the belief system upside down. and what i said in the beginning the she was deeply involved she has written a book on the history of psychology so it is that intellectual world and the deepest part of my interest
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of these people at the same time it says in an effort to to ward off the people that shift because of their psychology. what are weaknesses san fiers say and vulnerabilities. i don't say that to dismiss but to complicate. i pick them because they were different tin the extent to that day were a typical and it was embedded at the core of their identity.
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and as intellectuals with a coherent system of ideas. and then they just see a little bit and that complicated system. went those that needed to believe passionately tickets is the extent beyond what we experience and that was not very appealing to them to become good liberals.
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newt had contempt for that person for liberals. >>. >> to some extent it depends like the person and. lithos temperaments the best example of that is whitaker chambers where hair is greatest commitment is dead christianity.
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and have more space to be more human there of marxism. and that is so profound a does not seem any more. the last book is about how content he is and it's clear that isn't true. but to make it more interesting than of their
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right to a proposal that depends. thanks for coming now. i am happy to sign books. feel free to e-mail me go to the university of texas website. [inaudible conversations]
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booktv weekend rate this year offer after october after all curve. the work of fascinating
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people. i love booktv and i am ac spee entry and. >> host: united. why now? >> guest: i appreciate you not making me feel follicle challenged.
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[laughter] but i ran for in this office across the state of new jersey to all southern counties. i heard from people end the was federal so we could leave the country not justified yet and now want to speak to that with my personal experience. living in the all white town i had to a crisp cross the lines a lot going tuesday and furred and yale and it would show me how united we are as a country and some of my best leaders taught the the urgency that the ties
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that bind as an astronomer. >> host: it is interesting is the day chronological memoir but it is almost cinematic for interesting people and a double bed said your life. >> she is a remarkable sold revered - - and i worked with inner-city communities but i bet i would try to find the most difficult street i could find. one that was ripe with the drug trafficking and abandoned buildings that i
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move onto the street in my first reaction is high bushes broad or the university will send people to teach how to fly. and elderly woman tough and not rough and profoundly wise and a broken down. the first movement i had with her cover i am cory booker. [laughter] >> and you have to get an audience from her. >> there will never forget where she is cost -- cast
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but the projects that i described and then said you cannot help be. iran after her to say what? she said you need to understand the world upside is a reflection of inside. if you are stubborn every time you obey your eyes you see hope, said to be the face of god but think to myself okay grasshopper. [laughter] sweptback selachian corrective first to solve the problem said victimized by crime but now looking at that willingness to surrender she had agreed to
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read neil work and what was that capacity he did not appreciate but her son was murdered in those buildings. but she stayed there. and i trace that in she the every gave up.
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but i decided to go back to interview or track down the everybody in the ideas that could help me with the observed for profound drug dealers so this is what i found out, it was very moving. soc he made me feel. >> after the first meeting she said that is my son.
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vitter wanted to go during by the guys who were dealing drugs they alleged the was a threat to. >> and she was saying leave them alone but schaede was calling the family from the beginning. so she really shape to be in profound ways. not just her character like rough justice but the what i
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found out handsaw with said her is the american in character is the best at who we are into whole he did it as a committee is profound. >> family is a recurrent i
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was raised by a single mother event that point they had the feeling this of a growing gap. but. >> because what he did to me >> i will pardner you with john lewis. >> but going back to the
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earliest american in this country ben night descended from a confederate soldier they could introduce those connections that they never knew they were directly related to a black family because that was the time but the flip side is that they're ready bridges that
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they don't know about. that is the idea of the discovery was we are a spiritual family, much more they and he didn't also he says give up the powers we have the power to touch. [laughter] and i dedicate my book to those of the work you jersey. but but to find the people
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better there is handed to view them. why did you get involved? in and i watched the bridges and others and said we need to go to alabama and they were just starting you incurred traveling and what do we have right now with this great movement?
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but their actions sent out ripples in the is are the ties my father would say that eventually could not take care of 70 he broke the cycle because of the conspiracy of love it if they understood you cannot solve the problems with to of her cage in to see love in a heck and he says all the time i have a good worker bio of debt to these people who did that.
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that is how we are related in this country with the death the idea us of self-reliance especially. but it didn't map the human genome or get this to the moon. it was our ability to recognize the need each other. read the words when they say we pledge to know each other our lives and fortunes and sacred honor it is a recognition we may not be blood brothers but that is the cause of the country.
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>> you date your lineage great great great great grandfather from the pilgrim era and your father is taken who is writing a funeral home.
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then from your interaction it is the obvious feeling of the because of the privilege of violence and i have lived . .
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