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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  March 24, 2016 7:21am-9:22am EDT

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>> i thank you, mr. chairman and i think our ranking member. a good afternoon, chairman wheeler into the entire panel of commissioners seated before us today. my time is short i want to get right to my question. mr. chairman, as you know some of my colleagues in the congressional black caucus, the congressional hispanic caucus and i've express our concerns about the potential irreparable harm your this concern was expressed recently by donna kauffman, a former chief of staff to democratic fcc commissioner. and i quote, if the fcc adopts the we love proposal in a final orderlies this year it will embed a regime that creates more not fewer hurdles for smaller place, new entrants, the minority content providers. mr. chairman, you continue to
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assert you don't believe that this disruption will harm or limit minority content and programming. so had the fcc gathered evidence to this fact was has the disparity study being conducted for programmers who filed the building is not only driven by viewership but also proven business models? >> thank you, congresswoman. the entire nprm is designed to elicit this kind of information. and then to collect that information in the first round and then to have a rebuttal to that information or adding -- >> so there's been no study? >> that's the process, collecting that right now.
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>> i consider this a reasonable request. would you consider delaying the rule making until the report is completed and to work with the committees to address any concerns that may be raised by the report speak with we would look forward to working with you and the committee on any issues that are raised that as you and i have discussed previously. >> so you would consider a delight? >> i don't know how long the delay would be. >> okay. we can talk about that. commissioner clyburn, i want to commend and congratulate you on all your efforts on inmate calling services. this has meant so much to so many families across our nation, and i know it will happen. i have a question about the lifeline program. i'm hearing from many constituents they're concerned with a portion of the proposal that would start charging for services that have been free for use. i think it's been a consistent theme this morning. would you further explain the proposal of the lifeline
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program? >> what we are attempting to do, it was a very simple, for me, objective, to ensure that the lifeline program looks much like everyone else's offerings and options and opportunities. right now it was, it just goes to finance voice services. and we believe in the 21st century economy, in a world that is insufficient. so we are still in a deliberative stage. i have heard concerned as i mentioned in my opening remark from consumers that are concerned, particularly on the mobile voice problem, mobile voice, concerned to be a problem here. but what i want to assure you is i'm going to take all of those into consideration because i want, as i have the option to pay little, nine, or more,
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depending on, depending on liability and what i want from the market and that is what we are attempting to create all price points starting at zero. >> my question related to the maintenance of the voice service for constituents that may not have access to high-speed broadband or may not want to adopt the market technology because they are seniors or disabled or perhaps less lyric. is the fcc deemed too presumptuous that broadband will be competitively available for all americans in the next three years as outlined in the agency's draft proposal? >> i will answer this would and more succinct a based on time. it is my wish to whatever your desire is from a communication standpoint, whatever your need is from a communications standpoint, that this is a program that answers your needs. >> very well. mr. chairman, i yield back thank you very much. >> the chair now recognizes itself for five minutes. chairman wheeler, recently i was
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shown a quote attributed to a former venture capitalist, you, regarding the fcc's regulation of what was then a cutting edge innovative search was -- service. i quote i hope the commission recognizes that despite the fact that they're very capable and dedicated individuals, it is not smarter than the functions of the marketplace. in that regard i would just point to the cellular industry, the recent the industry has reached the level it has is because the fcc was smart enough to know that they did not have all the knowledge. so looking at the situation, you have a team scrutinizing them notwithstanding the overwhelming consumer response. it sounds like down the fcc's enforcement bureau does have all of the knowledge come in your opinion. so what has changed at the fcc
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since you made that statement as head of ctia? >> far be it for me to challenge the wisdom of that previous statement, congressman. the model that we built for the open internet is based on section 332, and what i'm speaking about at that point in time. and the job that the congress and the commission did in saying is a common carrier, and here are the things from which you'll forbear. and that the responsibilities of common carriage continue to obtain. and just like the common carriage responsibilities of data roaming were applied to wireless carriers in the last several years, so, too, do we then look at other common carriers responsibilities that
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they fall out and be affected by internet service providers. >> it sounds like your position has changed, that now the enforcement bureau does have more of the knowledge than the private market. let's go on to a second question. on your watch, and one of our colleagues wrote here said we are not really talking about your budget, which is what you here to talk about, i'd i'm going to segue to the. on your watch average personnel costs were employed in enforcement bureau have gone faster than was the case under chairman genachowski. certainly average salaries for those into enforcement bureau have grown faster during your tenure than was the case under your predecessor. how do you explain this trend toward higher spending? >> you have given me a piece of information that i was unaware of. >> would you get back to us, take a question for the record? thank you. would like to know that.
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also chairman wheeler, the sec as a matter of practice, as a matter of practice since enforcement bureau field agents to the super bowl, correct speak with yes, sir. >> gets the job of the field agents to ensure that no harmful or malicious in event interrupts communications broadcasting or public safety, is that correct speak with yes, sir. >> group what they should come am i correct, this past february speak with yes, sir. >> ism given the task that his team is responsible for, they are made up of primarily engineers that come resolve those problems, correct speak with i don't know the answer to that. >> could get back to us on that speak with yes, sir. >> to the chief of the enforcement bureau attended visible as part of the fcc's presence of mr.? >> i don't know the answer. >> do you know of any force in bureau chiefs in the past have attended the super bowl?
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>> i don't know the entity that. >> so there aren't thrilled for questions for you if you can get back to us on those. stick with you, chairman wheeler, but changing focus. as the head of an important agency i'm sure you're aware of the challenges have risen in agencies and department like the epa, irs and state department with respect to the use of nonofficial means of communication. often to avoid or evade things like the administrative procedures act or the freedom of information act and the federal records act. does the fcc have a policy that clearly requires fcc employees to comply with these obligations? and how do you enforce that policy and ensure that personnel cell phones and direct messaging over social media platforms are not used by your employees to avoid the sunshine and openness we expect in a record for agency like the fcc's? >> i'm sorry, let me see if i understand you are saying what policy do we have to make sure
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that you don't do business on private -- >> essentially. >> that's policy. >> what do you do to enforce it? what kind of enforcement mechanism? >> we don't go spying on our employees. >> how do you enforce it? >> we have the rule in place speed and so you don't enforce it? >> there's a complete -- it is a complaint against the rule unsure we would enforce it. >> i yield back and now i recognize mr. mcnerney from california. >> i thank the chair. concerning the isp privacy proposal that chairman wheeler, i believe consumers should have -- what they disclose and other data is used. recognizing that the average internet users may not be aware of the multiple entities such as the isp and websites that collect their data.
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will your proposal ensure that consumers have an understanding of what entities are collecting their information speak with yes, sir. >> how we do that? >> there are three legs to this. first is transparency. that it must be disclose what information is being collected and then how that information issues when it is collected. a second is that you must be given choice insofar as do you want that information to be collected and used, and the third is that information must be secured so that it does not end up violating your privacy by leaking out of some other sources. >> are you going to require opt in or opt out? >> yes, sir. >> so that consumers want off in or opt out depend on what they want to? >> any information that is collected by an isp that relates, that may not be
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distributed to a non-isp, in other words, may not be sold to an advertiser or somebody like this without the opt in consent of the consumer. >> thank you. data security is a critical element of the isp privacy proposal, at least in my opinion. one of the things you could do is calling regional steps but what does the commission mean by reasonable steps? what does that constitute? >> so that is noticed by the -- the reality is that on companies solution may be as adequate as another company's solution but what we don't want to do is to say it is a black and white cookie cutter that everybody has to do. let me give you an example. there was one company that
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allowed their employees to operate, allowed is the wrong word. under supervision, their employees sold information for about 280,000 customers. there must be a reasonable structure in place to prevent that kind of activity. activity. >> so you don't live in establishing a standard through some process and then upload speed we established the expectation that you will do it that there are multiple ways that it can be accomplished. >> okay thank you. regarding set-top boxes, as you know i wrote a letter to you with others regarding the privacy issues under your proposals. i appreciate, he responded. we got that letter last week although i have a few questions about the certification process. how would consumers go about by raising a potential violation of self certification or independent certification?
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>> the enforcement exists as it does today under section 631 applicable to wireless carriers, but that is the expectation that applies. their first full of responsibility is the cable operator themselves. and the second is an appropriate complaint to the ftc or the state ag. but that we have the same level of privacy protection that is put in place today with existing alternate set-top boxes such as kelo and others. >> who would decide violation warrants a revocation speak with the revocation of a licensed? >> of the certification. >> the cable operator can make that decision and it can be enforcement action taken by the ftc or the ag's. >> thank you. commissioner clyburn, i'm also
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interested in the lifeline but in california our customers get a state subsidy along with the lifeline subsidy and get some of our providers are saying even with that, the most generous state subsidy and the united states they are still not able to provide the basic services that are warranted. do you see that is how do you see addressing the problem speak with our universal construct has always been viewed through a public and private lands. we always knew that to a certain limitations from a government standpoint in terms of application of resources be it state or local. to what we are attempting to do there are other initiatives and conversations and partnerships that we are continuing to forge is to ensure that the markets -- the market as options that would be more in line with the affordability construct in which he laid out. so it's a continued work in
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process and i think we are on a correct trajectory to marry in spent so that maybe co-payments involved? >> we always knew that $9.25 from a federal coffer would not be enough in all cases to bridge the divide. that's what it so important for adjuvanted states like california to recognize that come to complement the fund economically and we are hoping for more interaction with the private marketplace to bring things closer to affordability for those who need broadband of the most. >> thank you, mr. chairman for indulging me. >> thank the gentleman for yielding back. the chair recognizes mr. bilirakis. >> thanks to the panel for the testimony today. i have a couple questions. chairman wheeler, i understand a lot of robo-polls are automated text messages are an unwelcome part of our life and should be
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limited as they are not under the telephone consumer protection act. but in some cases consumers, customers have a legitimate need and a real desire to receive important information from some businesses. for example, utilities may need to contact their customers with information about the outages, repairs, service restoration or other important service updates. this is especially true in a situation we face in florida when we hurricanes and tropical storms so it's a public safety issue to understand there's a petition from electric and gas utilities go but then at the commission to clarify that the tcp a does not apply to non-telemarketing informational communications from utilities to their customers. does the commission plan to act on this or can you comment on the status of the petition, please? >> thank you. i'm an someone with a specific petition. we did with several issues that
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come out of tcp i. i would love to get back with an answer. answer. >> second question for chairman wheeler. we recently had first set up your own would you public safety bureau, one of the things we discussed was coordination between fcc on closing fcc field offices since the field agents played a critical role, i'm sure you agree, and resolving interference to public safety communication. yet i still don't have a clear answer to my question. was there any consultation between first that an fcc about reducing the size of the field office presence? a simple yes or no? >> i don't believe so. >> you don't believe so? >> correct. >> that is probably a no comment is that correct? >> yes, sir. >> all right. market definition in the chairman's set-top box proposal seems divorced from the reality
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of how consumers watch video today. the video market already competes for consumers giving options based on program channels or bundles. isn't the fcc's market definition backward looking considering what the market is going? what do you think? >> i agree with that. i can't put it better than forward pashtun henry waxman who suggested this is a 21st century to a problem the market is already solving on its own. >> i agree. >> next question for the entire panel. is the commission word about all the automated telephone dialing system cases being decided on a case-by-case basis works should the commission revisit the definition and help to bring clarity to the issue so that businesses can have clear guidance?
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we will start with the chairman. >> we had a larger proceeding on that within the last six or eight months, and what we are trying to hugh to its specific language that is in tcp a that says end of our wireless calls are concerned that wireless subscriber has the right to determine whether or not you get called. >> commissioner clyburn. >> i interpreted them hopefully my interpretation is in sync with the spirit of your question. what do the things we recognize that every situation is different and we must have the capacity what it comes to an ine of those calls and complaints which are huge. they are large in numbers, that we have the capacity to compartmentalize them and address them. how we look at them en masse, there's a lot of commonalities to many of these calls and we will address them in such a manner that would be in sync with that. >> thank you.
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any other commissioner wish to comment? >> as the chairman oliver do we get address autodialer capacity in the summer of 2015 the innermost recent decision, but if i could make one point they would be a plea, this is a law from 1991 and one of the challenges that the agency has right now is we are taking all sorts of technologies that did not exist in the early '90s and trtry to figure how to fit them into this old the law. we are as a result struggling with more robocall for consumers and more challenging lawsuits for companies that never intended to be on the wrong side of the consumers they are calling. >> commissioner pai, should the commission revisit the definition and help bring clarity to the issues? >> is without question but in the absence of the commission doing that i don't see any indication it will. i think of commissioner will commercial point out that they would be help to update the actor one of the strangest such
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which we find ourselves in now on one and having converted definition to include everything is affected by the rover phone call all these legitimate business are seeking a special exemption from the tcpa. at the same time the administration is exempting entire categories of the favored robocallers such as government student debt collectors, the prison payphone industry and others to they get a pass for a lot of legitimate businesses don't. >> commissioner o'reilly? >> i agree. i think the definition was wrong at the time and we should clarify. >> i yield back. >> the chair now recognizes the gentleman from missouri, mr. long. >> thank you, mr. chairman. and before i get my remarks i'd like to just come along with many others, send out thoughts and prayers to the victims of the tragedy in brussels today, including a u.s. service member
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and for this family members that were injured and three mormon missionaries were also injured, two of which i know are jason chaffetz, chairman of oversight and government reform, constituents of his. at another note, note the passing of my predecessor, passed away last i've had in a a lot of folks had not heard that yet. and i want to add to the accolades even though he's not the norm, everyone has been throwing out -- after he wrote the wizard of oz i thought to be done. i thought they could live off his residuals but ray is a great guy. i came to congress with different background than most. i was auctioned under builds a broker for over 30 years. i'm a salesman and a salesman has to be upbeat, optimistic, open. and rate them i've never seen him in about the is always
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upbeat, optimistic and open records of the challenge i do wish you the best of luck over at nab. i realized out in all he is one week younger that i i know you can't tell by looking because i look younger than him i'm sure. but anyway, congratulations to write on his move. commissioner rosenworcel, i want to commend you on your trip down to austin promoting the broadband to rural areas which is a very, very key object or what have we working on that we need to work on. i spoke to austin to participate in an attempt to basic of today on the very subject on the living world broadband, rural areas which for the students and the study everything is critical to get that done. i just want to congratulate you on your trip to austin to promote the same thing. chairman wheeler, in the spirit of john dingell i'm going to ask
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you for a yes or no answer to my question to i've got a future. i don't have a lot but chairman wheeler i like to focus this morning or this afternoon i guess it is now, undertreatment of television joint sales agreement known as js is that i don't know if you're aware but there is a gsa in my district between tv stations ksm f. and -- and joplin, missouri. and it was because of his js a better able to buy doppler radar which at the time was a benefit to the joplin community but in 2011 when the ef-5 turner ripped through job of building 161 people in a town of 50,000, so everyone knew someone from the tragedy when it ripped through job that wasn't much more important, than the doppler radar which tried multiple vortex tornado, stayed on the ground for six miles and the reason they were able to afford
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this piece of what equipment was because of the jsa. i've got to admit i was pretty frustrated with the fcc when they made the decision back in 2014 to basically outlaw jsa is a special and i saw first in a difference they can make to small and medium markets like joplin. clearly also my hometown of springfield there's a gsa operating there. clearly many others in congress have the same frustration which is why blaster we included a 10 year grandfather for jsa's career before march 2014 in the omnibus spending bill. chairman wheeler come again in the spirit of john dingell just are no answer, were you aware of the passage of this law? >> yes, sir. >> okay good. i thought when congress passed a law that would've in the end of the conversation of jsa but, unfortunately, to my surprise icnc seed has decided the merger process to decide to use the merger process to circumvent our recently passed law.
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in a number of instances the sec has not provided a grandfather to jsa's involved in a merger. is that correct yes or no? >> no, sir spirit that is not correct? >> that is not correct. cannot explain to speak with i am aware you are the there's long-standing precedent that gives the fcc modify new licenses. have you read the language in the omnibus bill that grandfather's jsa? >> yes, sir. >> can you tell him if he on the language includes any exceptions to the 10 yea danger grandfathee jsa? >> talk about license -- >> can you answer yes or no? let me repeat the question. i would like a yes or no. can you tell me if that omnibus language includes any exceptions to the 10 year grandfather in jsa? >> in the definition of -- >> yes or no, can you give me just or no?
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that's a simple question. >> yes. >> thank you. deadline which include an exception indicates merger reviews or fcc precedent, yes or no? >> yes. >> and indicators for the fcc precedent that conflicts with a federal statute, which trumps come is in the statute, it's in the statute, isn't it speak with the statute does not conflict. >> it appears others were surprised as i was in your interpretation of the statute. the statute recently, the 12 oh bipartisan centers represent a full political spectrum from senator sherman to senator blunt sent you a letter telling you congressional intent of that omnibus language, namely to grandfather all jsa created before march 14. and your in receipt of that letter, yes or no? >> yes. >> i yield back. >> that shared a recognizes the
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deadly from north carolina, ms. ellmers. >> thank you, mr. chairman and thank you to our panel. i'm going to continue the tradition that we are hearing on here of congressman dingell, and chairman wheeler, as you know i have legislation requiring the fcc published any rule changes on the website within 24 hours. h.r. 2589. transparency has been a priority for this administration so i find it strange that somehow balked at this proposal to do that and i would like to ask you if you yes or no questions. does the fcc had the ability to publish rule changes online within 24 hours? >> yes, sir. >> thank you. so you confirm that within 24 hours we will be able to publish that information at the fcc speak with your asking a question t we have the technical ability to publish within 24 hours. >> and your answer is yes, correct? >> yes.
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>> thank you. i want to move on to another subject. chairman wheeler i've been a little disturbed to read about the fcc's quote antibusiness bias in a recent hill article. the commissioner's job is to ensure that their communications workplace is functioning to promote benefits for consumers and not to be beholden to radical special interest groups. i would really listen to the wide range of stakeholders involved in the fcc matters, or is there a real bias as been pointed out in his article? >> yes and no. yes, there were two questions there. one was am i listening and the other is there a bias. spent yes, you are listening and no to the bias. thank you. so in 2012, there was a white paper that was created and sent to i ask unanimous consent to
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submit this for the record. >> without objection, so ordered. >> thank you. it was a white paper on video reform from one of these groups a special interest group called public knowledge. which seems to indicate that you're listening to very few voices. i look at the executive summary and fine that there are for recommendations listed that you have basically initiated by your administration. and i will go through a couple of them as time allows. one, the fcc should issue a declaratory ruling that multi-channel video programming distributors, goes on to say, may not engage in unfair methods of competition or deception acts of practices. with regard to online figure distributors. you started this process. to the question from have you not started that process? >> i'm sorry. i'm confused. i wasn't chairman in 2012 and i'm kind of -- >> you a part of the sec at that
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time speak with no, ma'am. i was a businessman of them. >> basically the point i'm making is in this 2012, not that you were there in 2012. this white paper was generated in 2012. the point of going to make is that you are adhering to this white paper. >> i'm sorry i'm unfamiliar with that white paper. >> i would just point out in that this particular white paper outlined this particular suggestion, and you are following it? >> on which topic speak was okay, i will read it again for you. the fcc should issue a declaratory ruling that multi-channel video programming distributors, and he goes onto say, may not engage in unfair methods of competition or deceptive acts and practices with regard to online figure distributors. and that's part of the white
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paper. you started this process with questions to that practice, is that not true speak with i guess i apologize. and online media distributor speakers i will tell you what let's leave that on a site. the fcc, this is again in the white paper, the fcc should begin a preceding to determine which regulations ought to apply that choose to operate as nppd's themselves. you have begun this will making as well, have you not? >> thank you. i have proposed and that have not -- >> yes or no? >> have not moved on. >> and again i'd like to submit a couple more of the quotes from the white paper. we are submitting the white paper for the record but i'll be honest and tell you, at this point, and after watching this process i'm not sure exactly
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whose opinion you are actually -- >> would the gentlelady yield? >> no. i time has expired. it's very troubling to me. this is very troubling and i think that we need to take more time to acknowledge the fact that you may be taking opinions that are truly biased. that's very frightening to me moving forward, and i yield back. >> and the gentlelady what a to specifically say what you want to add to the record, your last comment? >> what i was is i basically, country and i think you, i have a couple of quotes, and basically i will ask for those yes or no answers in written form. thank you. >> that you're no recognizes mr. conyers on new york. >> thank you, mr. chairman, and thank you witnesses. i have to admit i took a break and had lunch. but what would be a hearing without the new york yacht asking about pirate radio? fully recovered i don't think it
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will take the whole five minutes but mr. wheeler you and i've had this discussion back and forth. and so questions following the march 19 oversight hearing, you were asked about the report that showed a decline in enforcement on pirate radio. the question was, as any guidance or instructions in given by the office of the chairman or enforcement bureau to commission staff not to enforce a statute or commission rules with regard to the unlawful operations? july 21 we did get a response. july 21, 2015 from you that stated the office of the chairman and the enforcement bureau have not given or instructed to the commission staff not to enforce a statute or commission rules with regard to unlawful operation. i'm assuming you remember that. >> yes, sir. >> one week later we spoke again in the searing and ask you if
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there was any truth to the reports, to the suggestion that the fcc had actually directed a few offices to step down. and back away from enforcement. you respond and i quote i heard that. inderfurth added that any such command did not come from you. >> so last december the existence of an internal e-mail within the enforcement bureau, last december, in october 2014, the staff of the bureaus northeast region was informed that the fcc's response to pirate radio operations was being scaled back. and the enforcement bureau would not be issuing notices of apparent liability to the majority of individuals engaged
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in such unlawful behavior. so my question is, since that disclosure came forward last december, have you looked in to that directive? >> i have not looked into that, which i maybe, you know, was not -- i do not remember that. but i have taken serious interest in pirate radio. i'm told about 20% of the activities of the enforcement bureau are directed to pirate radio, that we've had about 130 enforcement actions last year that we continue on that. and i would add my voice to commission of o'reilly's comment earlier about one of the realities that we are finding is that we need to get to those who enabled.
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we can't just pat ourselves on the back for playing whack-a-mole, that we need to get to those that enabled. and if there could be legislation that would address that and empower others to do the best speeches i've got a couple of questions. first of all i would like it could look into that and get back to our committee about who issued that directive. would like to know where that came from. but also -- >> the e-mail does not say? i'm sorry it is there an e-mail? >> i don't have the details. but real quickly, my last question, you just mentioned the need for congressional action to take on the landlord and the others that might be behind the scenes working on this. but by the same token there was recent release from the fcc and advisory notice from the enforcement bureau that stated that the fcc already has the
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ability to take fcc enforcement against those individuals. your own bolton said that. i think it's a bit disingenuous to say you need congressional action on your own enforcement bureau regulations as you've already got the authority. >> we would love to come back to you and be able to specifically identify the legislative authority that we are talking about. ..
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>> it is news to me. >> i appreciate that fairly direct answer. with that, mr. chairman, i yield back. >> thank the gentleman for yielding back. the chair now recognizes the ranking member, miss eshoo. >> thank you mr. chairman. i have a unanimous consent request to place in the record a compilation of documents. the documents include press reports documenting that broad bond investment has not decreased as a result of title two reclassification. documents also include analysis of sec filings and earnings reports of major telecom companies similarly showing that broadband investment has not decreased and also a letter relative to broadband privacy rule making which all which we've shared with your counsel and ask these be placed into the record. >> without objection, so ordered. >> thank you, mr. chairman.
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>> i remind members that they have, first of all i want to thank the panel for being with us today. thank you very much. i'm not used to sitting in this area. i almost forgot that part. thank you for being here. i remind members that they have 10 business days to submit questions for the record. i ask the witnesses to respond to the questions promptly. members should submit their questions by the close of business on april 6. without objection, the subcommittee is adjourned. >> thank you. [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations]. [inaudible conversations].
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[inaudible conversations]. >> today on c-span2, a look at the relationship between the federal government and the states including discussions about drug abuse, state government finances. live coverage of the national
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lieutenant governors association begins at 9:00 a.m. here on c-span2. >> for this year's studentcam contest students produced documentaries to tells issues they wanted candidates to discuss during the 2016 campaign. students told us the economy, quality, education and immigration were all top issues. thanks to all of the students and teachers who competed this year. congratulations to all of our winners. every weekday in april starting on the 1st, one of the top 20 winning entries airs 6:00 a.m. c-span. all winning entries are available on line at >> at a hearing on the smithsonian institution budget, significant smithsonian secretary david skorton discussed the request of $50 million to renovate the air
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and space museum. this house appropriations subcommittee hear something just under an hour. [inaudible conversations]. >> the committee will come to order. dr. skorton, like to welcome you to today's hearing. we appreciate you joining us this morning to share your vision for the future of the smithsonian, to discuss your budget priorities for fiscal year 2017. the members and staff are also grateful that you brought some interesting historical items for show-and-tell. always one of the highlights of our hearings season. you clearly have one of the most interesting jobs in town. i think most of us around this table would love to trade places with you but something tells me wouldn't be in the best
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interests of the smithsonian. so, we'll all keep our jobs. the smithsonian's mission is to increase and diffusion of knowledge. as 13th secretary of the smithsonian you are entrusted with the challenging responsibilities of operating and managing one of our country's most revered institutions. the smithsonian is often referred to as america attic. no wonder. you are the steward of more than 13million objects in the national collection reflects america's artistic, cultural, and scientific lair damage. the smithsonian provides education, outreach programs in art, culture, history and science for visitors and scholars alike. governed by a board of regents consisting of the chief justice of the supreme court, the vice president, nine private citizens and six members of congress including our good friend tom cole who serves on this subcommittee.
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overall the proposed funding level in the smithsonian fiscal year 2017 budget request is 922.2 million. which is 82 million or about 10% above fiscal year 2016 enacted level. compared with other major accounts under the subcommittee's jurisdiction yours is one of the most ambitious as measured on a percentage basis. like most big organizations smithsonian faces some enormous challenges which we'll be discussing at some length today. the subcommittee recently learned of need for enormously costly repairs to the national air and space museum. if approved this effort will place extraordinary burdens on the smithsonian as annual budget for the foreseeable future. subcommittee congratulates smith sown on the news of opening of national museum of national african-american history and culture on september 24th this year. the committee met its funding commitment, providing
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270 million, one-half total cost towards construction of the museum. we're pleased this extraordinary public private partnership enabling the museum to be built has proven successful and crux is now nearly complete. the construction of the african-american museum and proposed repairs to the national air and space museum are illustrative of the real challenge this is subcommittee faces. there is both increasings demand for and shrinking supply of federal dollars to address many legitimate priorities. for this reason it's essential that the smithsonian outline and clearly communicate its highest and greatest priorities. every member of this subcommittee would like to support a 10% increase for funding for the smithsonian but given the incredible demands across this bill it is probably not realistic. difficult funding decisions will have to be made. the subcommittee will do very best to address the
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smithsonian's most urgent priorities. i look forward to your testimony and continuing to work together. in closing i want to commend you for the smithsonian's effort to improve the display and storage of your vast collections. based on the input this committee receives from members from both sides of the aisle, it is very clear that the preservation and care of these priceless and irreplaceable collections remain a high priority of this committee and this congress. i'm now happy to yield to my good friend and subcommittee ranking member, mrs. mccollum for any opening remarks she would like to make. >> thank you. i would also like to join the chairman in welcoming you here this morning, doctor. this will be your first budget hearing before the subcommittee. you were officially installed as secretary of the smithsonian this past october. i'm pleased to have on the opportunity on this subcommittee to learn more about your vision for the institution, how you plan on working through some of the challenges the chairman
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pointed out. the smithsonian was created for increase and diffusion of knowledge. it has the ability to capture the imagination and curiosity of children and adults. it has something for everyone. in particular the unique imaginations, children's at the national museum of american indians is delight for families. native craft and bookstoreries, the exploratory learning that is there. it is destination for young children i know whenever they to to the nation's mall. i want to applaud you for the triumph and reopening of the true experience of wonder and joy for record number of visitors, young people and adults alike. i got to be there for the opening exhibit. it was fabulous. the smithsonian institution fy-17 budget request is 220, ask
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excuse me, $9,229,000,000, increase of $82 million over the 2016 enacted level. this will help support the smithsonian robust research programs, make essential investments for both the facility and the workforce. in regards to your collection i would note that the administration has not proposed funding for save america's treasures programs. the park service began in 1999 and preserved national historic collections, some housed within your museums at the smithsonian. for example "the star-spangled banner" flag was recipient of save america's treasures. i hope if given the opportunity the smithsonian will restore efforts to restore the important park service program which has direct connection to being able to preserve your collections. like other agencies in the subcommittee's jurisdiction the
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smithsonian is facing challenges with the facility and maintenance backlog. many are operating under original major buildings and equipment and some are more than 50 years old. facilities index rating from the national research council is considered poor. in order to achieve acceptable facilities condition and score and assure health and safety for visitors, staff and, yes, at the zoo, the animals in its care the budget requests $163 million. this amount would continue major renovations and efforts at national zoo and other priority areas, including the national museum of american history, the national museum of national history. it also provides $50 million increase for the national air and science museums. beloved by millions and one of the most visited museums in the world. unfortunately the museum is facing significant challenges with the deteriorating facade which allows moisture into the
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building. i'm sure we'll hear more about that, mr. chairman. this funding is the first of several significant increases the smithsonian will be requesting to address the issues at the air and space museum. it will fund preconstruction activities at museum and construction of off sight storage. all those these are large investments they are in long-term interest of the nation. it is also the federal government's responsibility to provide the necessary funding to insure 28 million visitors to the smithsonian are welcomed each year and have a safe and enriching experience. so i am pleased that the national museum of african-american history and cultural will be opening this fall. the museum will provide a place to learn about the rich history and cultural experience and achievements of americans of african descent. it will also be the first digital museum on the national mall. that means anyone can share the experience. we were out in minnesota talking about it. people in minnesota are so
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excited they will be able to be there as part of the opening. virtual collections provide amazing educational opportunities for millions of children. and you are bringing the museum right into classrooms. i say that as a social studies teacher. doctor i appreciate the work that you and all the employees the smithsonian do to achieve civic, educational, artist lick life of this nation and preserve it. i look forward to your testimony. i yield back, mr. chairman. i thank you for the time. >> thank you. with that dr. skorton i'm happy to yield to you your opening statement. you're recognized. >> mr. chairman, members of the subcommittee, new for this opportunity to testify. on behalf of the entire smithsonian institution we appreciate the continuous, generous support of congress. this support makes our huge and varied collections of national treasures accessible to the american public. from care and display of "the star-spangled banner" to research on the evolution of
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t-rex we take our obligation to the american people very seriously. we leverage the federal dollars with private support to expand our reach and capabilities. this unique public/private partnership is working well. in july i was privileged to begin my 10 iras the 13th secretary of the smithsonian. i am most honored and humbledded to be part of this great institution. today i would just like to share a few of our recent achievements and then touch on the two major objectives, the two major categories of funding, strengthening our intellectual foundation and programs, and strengthening our physical infrastructure. your support advances civic, education, scientific and artistic life of our nation. just a few recent highlights. our stunning new national museum of african-american history rand and culture opens on the national mall in september. smithsonian scientists your our
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collections to provide important and practical insights on variety of topics. consider the zika virus. the department of defense is working with our national museum of natural history to study and map the zika outbreak. the national zoo is exploring how it might spread through non-human vectors and the smithsonian tropical research institute in panama is examining the zika-carrying mosquito's genetic makeup. always but perhaps especially in an election year, the national museum of american history and the national portrait gallery offer revealing insights into our nation's leaders. our diverse music-related collections would comprise the largest music museum in the world if they were all in one place and now in a sense they are at a new website called smithsonian music. the smithsonian american art museum's gallery reopened to the public in november following a two-year renovation. its debut exhibition, wonder,
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attracted more than 368,000 visitors in the first four months. and in 2015 we welcome ad new panda cub baby at national zoo, beloved by the public. bae-bae represents our extensive work in species bio diversity. in addition to nearly 30 million visits at our museums in washington and new york city, we are extending access and education across the country. we now have 208 affiliate museums in 46 states, puerto rico and pan n and the smithsonian traveling exhibition service reaches more than four 1/2 million people annually. we offer online educational materials in the k-12 to students at all ages and teachers with more than 2,000 learning resources available on line and all of them for free. our science education center has been helping to transform formal
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science education on the k-12 level for more than 30 years. and this curriculum is used in every state in the country and in 25 other countries around the world. we have more than 138 million objects in our collections and to expand access we have created millions of digital images and electronic records and we have become leaders in the field of three dimensional scanning. i was recently at the national air and space see yum as our experts carefully climbed into the apollo 11 command module to create a 3-d scan of interior revealing first time notes and calendar written inside by american astronauts. what a discovery. all this information we will-off online this summer for everyone to explore for free. such treasures explain why the air and space my see yes, i am is always the among the top three most visited museums in the world.
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and we are gearing up to transform it so that it will be there for generations to come. this is a perfect example of with one of our major objectives, strengthening our physical infrastructure. our request also includes funds for construction of the air and space museum's collection module in the center in virginia. funds for revitalization projects and funds for planning and design of future projects. these funds will enable the institution to continue major revitalization work at national museum of national history, the national zoo and national museum of national history. as we mentioned our other priority is strengthening our intellectual foundation and our programs. our ranks of curators throughout the institutions have shrunk substantially especially in some of our museums. we need to reverse the long-term trend in loss of curator staff
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and we need new experts to acquire and exhibit our unique collections and insuring availability of collections for critical research. the smithsonian does face a future that holds both excites opportunities and imposing challenges and working with the congress and the administration we willinging a aggressively address the challenges and create many new opportunities. thank you for the opportunity for testifying. thank you, mr. chairman. >> thank you, doctor. as you mentioned in your opening statement the national air and space museum which is the most visited museum in the united states and second most visited in the world behind only the louvre in paris is in need of major repair work. projections i've seen project the total cost to be extraordinarily, $600 million. this exceeds total cost of new museum of african-american history and culture.
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can you explain in some detail the nature of the repairs needed and why the estimated cost to address them is so high? >> thank you, mr. chairman. the museum as you know is about 40 years old. so we have projected for a long time the need to update mechanical systems in the building. and that accounts for something on the order of magnitude of $200 million of the projected cost. much of the rest of the cost is due to unanticipated problem found in the cladding or exterior of the building which will require replacement by new cladding for the safety of the public going into the building and for the building's own integrity. it will also be necessary from my perspective to keep as much of the museum open during the restreet tallization as possible given enormous appetite the american public has to visit museum and gain from its collections. so some funding will go are to
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the necessity to move items to off site storage while a particular part of museum is being worked on and move it back at that right interval. when you add all these things up it does come out to extraordinary number. our plan is to continue planning for this project for approximately another year. then to actually do the construction over a five-year period from fiscal 2018 think fiscal 2022. >> i will ask this question because if i don't somebody will ask me why didn't you ask it. people are curious. what would replacement cost to tear the existing museum down and rebuild it? >> thank you, mr. chairman. this was the very first question i asked when i was brought on board and they told me about very challenging price tag on repairing this building. and although it is counter intuitive, although, at first you would think it would be much
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more parsimonius to replace building, on magnitude of $2 billion. bear with me while i explain a little bit why that would be. we would have to have a place to move the entire collection. since it is such enormous building with such an enormous collection, all objects in there including very large objects we have to rent or build a massive storage facility. we would have to shut the museum down for years and in addition to the very generous steadfast support that congress has given us across the whole smithsonian we also have been able to raise some considerable funds through retail operations. imax theater, the shops and so on so of course that would be off, we would lose that revenue. so when you add it all up, although i say it is counterintuitive, even though this very expensive project to replace it while keeping say half of the museum open throughout the project, is
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actually much less expensive than it would be to replace the entire building. but i thank you for the question. >> and of the $600 million, how much do you anticipate would be funded through federal appropriations and how much would be addressed through non-federal funding sources? >> in this particular case i have to ask that the entire amount be funded through federal means, may i please expand on that, mr. chairman? i've had the great opportunity in my career to participate in fund-raising of a variety of distinguished non-profit institutions and the smithsonian also uses the leverage that you supply by such steadfast support to do philanthropic fund-raising. in my experience it is difficult to raise philanthropic fund for a repair or replacement type of procedure, as opposed to something new. and i must hasten to add that in the planning for the future of the national air and space
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museum, we have plans for approximately $250 million of changes to the way we show exhibits to the public. increased use of interactive and electronic technology. a whole different approach. and we intend to raise those fund, additional 250 million, through philanthropy. we're already on our way to do that but the actual reconstruction of the building itself i'm asking be done completely through federal funds. >> before i ask betty to take over and ask a few questions, why don't you explain some of the items that you brought here to show us and show everyone. >> thank you, mr. chairman. although i gave you an amateur's run-through before i would like to give you professionals give you more in depth, more succinct discussion. i will name them all and get up in the order i named them. i want to thank you on all of our behalf for allowing you to
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share a bit of collection today. dr. hairy rubenstein of national museum of american history brought, inc. well used by president abraham lincoln to sign the emancipation proclamation. ann from the national portait gallery of cracked plate portait of president clinton tank by the president's favor photographer. they have also brought a prototype of the protective heat shield. part of nasa's solar plus spacecraft. dr. harvey of the smithsonian art museum, brought moran's beautiful water color of the yellow sown manages park. >> america's first national park. >> i'm been advised to stay out of the argument. above my pay grade. >> second park acquired. >> whatever you say in aggregate
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i agree completely. >> my name is harry rubenstein. i'm the chair of political history at the national museum of american history. this is a ink stand that sat on the major thomas eckert as war department's telegraph office of the as you know abraham lincoln would go to the telegraph office once or twice a day to keep tabs what was happening during the civil war. and in the summer of 1862 rather than swapping stories and jokes with the telegraph operator he sat quietly at major eckert's desk and began to work on what became the emancipation proclamation. and so major eckert kept this and eventually saved it and presented it to the government.
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the eveningwell will be in the open -- ink wellwell be opening of african-american museum and move back to the exhibition on american democracy. thank you. >> and so what these are, so you can see, these are part of the stand but these are little inkwells. what is on top are little figures of griffins. giffins. >> beautiful. >> thank you, harry. use this mic. >> hello. i'm ann shumard, senior curator of photographs at the national portait gallery. this is one of portait galley smithsonian's treasures. portait of abraham lincoln taken at gardiner studio. it was taken on february 5th of 1865.
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just a month before lincoln's second inaugural. and at time of course that the picture was taken there was the expectation there would be many opportunities to photograph the president during his upcoming second term. the large glass plate negative that was used to produce this print cracked probably when varnish was applied to it after it was developed. and so just one print was made from this large glass negative before the negative was discarded. it wasser rep aably damaged. what make this image so evocative today the expression we have on lincoln's face this is man who has seen so much trial and tragedy but there is that hope, i think you almost see in that sort of faint smile that the war that has torn the nation asunder is drawing to a close and there is, there is hope for the future. the portrait came to the portait gallery's collection in 1981 and
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it is, as i say one of the true treasures of our holdings. >> thank you so much. >> hi, i'm dr. kelly clark i brought with me today a prototype of the solar probe cup. this will fly in 2018 on nasa's solar probe mission. this is a mission to actually touch the sun. we're sticking out there to collect parts of sun. it is not just a scientific enterprise but somewhat practical. understanding the sun and what it throws at us well help us understand space weather which can save the national power grid as well as communications satellites. and so this is a part of one of the four instruments. there are other instrument suites aboard here. they will all fly in 2018. >> thank you so much. >> good morning. my name is eleanor harvey. i'm senior curator of 19th
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century art at the smithsonian american art museum. former geologist as well as art historian i bring to you today thomas moran's water color of excelsior geyser in 188after congress in it is wisdom set aside yellowstone as the first national park. the park behind you, yosemite was assigned by abraham lincoln in the middle of civil war a postwar sanctuary, recognizing the power of nature we hold dear as part of america's cultural infrastructure. this water color was reproduced along with a suite of others to promote visitorship to yellowstone. i see the see america proposals from the wpa. they were based on a northern pacific railroad campaign called, see europe, but see america first in order to get people out to places like yellowstone. they created both the railroads and the infrastructure so that you could go watch old faithful
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and excelsior geyser erupt in full display. it was a patriotic moment in america that we recognized we have such unique features in country instill a civic pried pride and make people want to explore this country and vastness we have here. >> thank you. i want to be quick to indicate the comment that being the first one was historical, not a political comment. [laughter]. thank you. >> since we have the portrait of abraham lincoln here who wisely designated yosemite to be the first federally-acquired eventual park, that was a very wise. >> yes, it was. >> as secretary, mr. chairman, i must say that i and entire smithsonian family values every single aspect of the american park system and park service
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itself celebrating its 100th anniversary. >> we also. we have this private joke. miss mccollum. >> thank you. i'm sure miss hendry will make a plug for her park. we have great ones in minnesota too. i wanted to kind of take an opportunity, we met in the office and then i've been doing more and more homework. so i want to understand how to better where you see yourself going in the future, now we have all of these, surprises i should say for the air and science museum renovation. last january the board of regents gave the smithsonian permission to explore creating exhibit space in london. it is my understanding such a venture would be done completely using private funds but you've been talking about leveraging a lot of private funds here today for current collections and current buildings.
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i'm concerned that congress has not been a full part of this discussion. i bring this up because at a minimum, the smithsonian is establishment of the united states and its funds are held in the u.s. treasury and in event of a lawsuit, it is represented by the department of justice. so we are intertwined here. and in 2006 the smithsonian entered into a business venture with showtime networks that drew ire of congress because of lack of consultation. so was former secretary small later admitted hindsight of the smithsonian should have consulted with the congress. so you can tell us when we can expect to learn more about the smithsonian's findings regarding london. maybe it is on hold. how do you plan on consulting with congress? as you look around and you're addressing problems as i said earlier at your domestic facilities like the national zoo, you know, can you really rely on having a private
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contributions and private foundations like the friends of the national zoo to assist you with the deferred maintenance operation? so if not, you know, we have to come back and ask the federal government to address some of these problems. so kind of give us an update where you on london and elsewhere. then, if time permits i have a question on the arts and industry building as well. thank you, mr. chair. >> thank you very much. i'd like to try to answer what i heard were three questions within your three embedded questions. first of all on the extremely important matter of consultation with congress, not only do we get 2/3 of our funding because of your generosity and foresight but we are an organization in the public trust. so i couldn't agree with you more. it is hard for me to look backwards what might or might not happened in earlier consultation but i pledge to you
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today and to entire subcommittee that we will make consultation and transparency a hallmark of our administration. i think it is very, very important for all the reasons that you stated including but not limited to the issues that you brought up. secondly i heard you raise the very, very important issue of leveraging federal funds and other ways and i'll be very quick about this but we do that in two ways in what i'm going to call roughly business or retail operations like the shops and museums, the imax theaters, and the magazine, other things, that you can purchase something or drive a benefit. and second philanthropy, outright gifts and the smithsonian has been very effective in both the retail and philanthropic side of the house but as you mentioned, and as the chairman mentioned the needs are very challenging and it will
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take everything that we can do to keep faith with the very strong support that you have given us and keep faith with those who purchase things from us and those who give philanthropic donations. so i take that very seriously and i believe as a personal comment, a personal observation, still new at the smithsonian and new at washington, i believe part of the reason my predecessors, especially secretary cluff and secretary horvath were so successful raising philanthropic funds is because of the stalwart congressional support and it been my experience in other public institutions raising philanthropy, when there is solid public funding other people will also join in. so i thank you very much for that because you made the philanthropy possible. now getting to main focus of your question about london, it ties together a lot of these issues that you raised up and i think the opportunity for the united states to tell its story overseas in a time of obviously
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today is one of those terrible days where we're thinking so much about the international situation, i think being able to tell the story of america overseas would be a good thing for the smith sown union and good thing for the country. however, however, given the pressure on federal funds that the chairman has indicated and pressure on us that you, congresswoman, have indicated we have to make sure, and i've already pledged earlier and pledged again today we will not use federal funds from the united states for this project and will not do the project unless the finances can stand completely on their own, including not interrupting other flows of funds we have to do. i believe that is what you're asking me. i can't tell you today whether the project will in fact come to fruition. i hope to have an answer for you through our board of regents on second week in april at our next full board of regents meeting but i think it is an exciting prospect. we have to have it stand
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completely on its own bottom and i'm not there yet. >> real quick, the smithsonian arts and industry building an icon on the national mall is right next to the castle, important role of the history of the smithsonian of the at one time it was included by the national trust for restored preservation as one of the most endangered historic sites in the united states. so the building was closed in 2:00 for renovations t was just last did, 2004 for renovations. it was last spring, that the smithsonian was opening building for short term exhibits. could you update the exhibit how you see the arts and industry building fitting on south campus, the current condition of the building and when will you finally be able to host events? and is the challenge still properly adequate plumbing and hvac systems there?
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and then, i hope that you also talked to congress about renovating the guard ends there too. we're already starting to hear about that right adjacent to the building. >> thank you very much and let me talk specifically about the arts and industries building and if you have more specific questions about the garden or areas around i will be glad to answer those as well. i have one of these dream jobs and one of the part of my dream jobs i have a dream office that looks right at capitol, and my line of sight of the capitol is the arts and industries building and carousel room and watching a lot of young people enjoy. as i look at three objections i often focus on arts an industries buildings ask them first time i came for interviews, what are we doing with this old victorrian building second oldoldest building in the universe. only recent has the building been reopened.
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the systems you talked about are reopened. i asked for my installation to be there. thank you for recognizing that. it was a beautiful chance to use the building. so it is ready for those occasional uses right now. we're opening it for those kinds of uses this year. we are beginning to plan and are not at the point yet where i have something concrete and intelligent to share with you about some more strategic uses of the building going forward. but it is another one of those areas, congressman, where which need to stay in touch with this and the other subcommittees who oversee and appropriate funds for the smithsonian but this will be the year, this very calendar year we're in where you will begin to see more use made of that building. >> thank you, mr. chair. i will follow up with your staff on the questions of the gardens. >> thank you very much. >> mr. joyce. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i have a question -- [inaudible]
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>> thank you for all you do for us. >> thank you, mr. chair. thank you very much for being here, dr. skorton and thank for everyone who brought interesting exhibits for us to see. that is pleasure. very appreciate tiff of the work that you do. i echo all the things that my colleagues have said earlier. i just want to talk a little bit about some of the things that you do through the smithsonian outside of d.c. and i represent maine. we've been very fortunate to work with you on a variety of things. recently the portland museum of art had a major retrospective on richard estes realism which we were able to do with the cooperation of the smithsonian. that is really important for small states like ours that don't always have resources but are lucky to access your resources. i want to talk a little bit the marine geoprogram. that is growing within the smithsonian and it's very
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important part of what you do in research. i have a lot of coastal communities of course interested in things like climate change but we don't have a marine geo site in maine and i want to talk a little bit about some additional funds requested for marine geo staff. will you be able to expand the number of partner sites? have you thought about how you could work with smaller, more narrowly focused organizations interested in becoming research sites by providing additional resources to help expand their research or encouraging a consortium model to allow them to contribute? so that is one of our particular interests. >> thank you very much. i hear two important questions embedded in what you asked me. if i may take a moment to talk about our activities outside of d.c. it is very, very important. it is really a lucky subset of the united states that can get to the mall and it is expensive to get here. one of the reasons that my predecessors began this very
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vigorous thrust on digitization so people anywhere who have access to the internet which is most but not all can have a chance to view major parts of the collection. and also being in the public sector for most of my career i think for a federally-funded institution where taxpayers are paying for it in every corner of the country it is exquisitely important we're responsive to their appetite to taste the smithsonian. besides the affiliate museums, 208, traveling exhibition service both which were embedded in your comment about the portland museum we have other projects that through research end of it touch the nation and the world and our mission which was part of the letter that james smith son wrote to establish the endowment 170 years ago, our mission is the increase and diffusion of knowledge. we talk a lot about the diffusion of knowledge, that is the interface between the public
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and these unbelievable collections but increased part, research part is unbelievably important whether we're talking about zika, climate change, you name it. and so the forest and marine geo consortium, were set up to do exactly what you said, to have benefit of research thinking of smithsonian, touching communities everywhere and to help gain knowledge that would raise all of the ships. and so, for those who are not familiar with it, the marine geo is project that studies coastal waterways and coastal waterways are very, very important because that's the area where there is a tremendous concentration of life forms and in our country a tremendous concentration of population. and so the interaction between the human population and the wildlife that lives at the edge of the coastal areas is very important to study.
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we do not have enough funding so far to expand the extent that i would like to expand. we do have a request as part of this budget request to continue staffing and planning for marine geo. marine geo is made possible actually think a combination of your support and very generous contribution of an individual from our smithsonian national board. and so it's my hope to leverage again the funds that you give us through philanthropy so that we can begin to think more broadly about bringing more partners on. and so we have very good intentions in that regard. and i need to be cautious in what i promise because we do need to raise more funds but i think having spent my whole life in science, my whole career in science it is very important that scientific research touches not only different parts of the country but that scientists and people who want to participate be able to in areas of far spread.
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so i'm totally with you on intention and will work my best to make that reality. thank you very much. >> we'll look forward staying in touch. thank you, mr. chair. >> thank you. mr. simpson. >> thank you, mr. chairman and thank you for being here today. we got votes that have just started and going on so come by my office and talk to me. i would like to talk to you about many so of the things, some -- panama, what is going on in panama and what smithsonian does there is obviously important. want to talk to but the cladding. is this the same thing that happened with the national art gallery? that needs to be replaced, exterior of it? >> may i answer that. in a sense yes, in a sense know. is that a helpful answer? >> political answer. i give that all the time. >> i will stay away from the national park on this one but it turns out the cladding when it was cut for the national gallery of art, which i serve as a board member was cut to a thickness
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about twice as thick as the thickness of the cladding on the national air and space museum. our thinner cladding was done as i understand it to save funds and speed along construction at a time when they were trying to get the building done for the bicentennial. in the case of the national gallery of art, congressman, it was possible to reuse that thicker cladding. it is not going to be possible to reuse this cladding. it will be discarded and we have to start from scratch. part of my reason to the answer to the chairman's most important reasonable question why it is such a expensive project. >> is it the same issue relative to what caused the necessity for replacing it? >> in part it is, yes. >> okay. and the other thing i'd like to talk to you about at some other time when we have some time is, are you getting pressure on the art industry building down there
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to use it for the hispanic museum? >> so the -- >> or is that a question you don't want to answer? >> no, i will answer any question you have. i just want to give you the right answer. so first of all, part of our, part of our charge, part of what you expect us to do is tell the story of america in all its completeness and beauty and story of the american at lien toe has to be -- american latino has to be very important part of that story. as you know a new museum of smithsonian is established by act of congress. that act has not occurred. however my predecessors have already begun some years ago to begin to gear up our efforts to tell the story of latinos in america again through the two secretaries who preceded me. we have a project that you've been very generous founding through the latino fund that funds projects through the smith sown that has been very effective. we've been hiring although we
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don't have a specific museum we've been hiring curators with particular expertise telling experience of latinos in america and working through the smithsonian latino center. we have multiple exhibits, something on order of five or six this last year, touching on some of those areas. so, it will be in your hands to decide should we have a national museum of the american-latino. meantime we're pushing ahead and i'm pushing ahead to tell moore r more completely the american latino. >> i appreciate that. i can tell you it is not fair you get to bring in all this neat stuff. so it distracts that we don't listen to your testimony or care about the budget. epa could something in but it is not very exciting. you have an advantage that others don't. >> it's true. the world isn't fair but i'm so glad to be on my side of it thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. mr. israel. >> thank you, mr. chairman, dr. skorton, thank you for your
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work and bringing these treasures. i want to follow up on miss pingery's comments and your comments on value of outreach and education. think we're in environment right now in this country where we're witnessing an historic breakdown in people's faith in all institutions across the board. institution of government. and institutions just across our social spectrum. and part of that i believe is because there is a lack of civic engagement and part of that is because we just don't teach civics anymore in our classrooms and in our schools. you know, there is this famous quiz that is circulating that when you ask a certain age cohort who won the civil war, majority will say the british. and that's a function of just not having access to history. and not having access to the traditional civics lessons that we all were taught when we were growing up. so i would like you to amplify
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in your comments on the importance of education, not just in washington. and whether the smithsonian has a mission or would consider having a mission with respect to greater civic engagement in civic education across the country? >> thank you very much, congressman. first of all the, before when i quoted the mission statement, increase in diffusion of knowledge i think it is unbelievably important that the diffusion of knowledge not just involve people crossing the thresholds of our beautiful museums here and new york city and elsewhere. we have to go out and help people where they live. and as i mentioned, just very briefly in my opening remarks, the education work of the smithsonian, for example, in stem disciplines, i will get back to the social sciences in a moment, is very, very well-established throughout the country. as people wish to use it. as you know our k-12 system is
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local phenomenon largely and varies a lot but we're there for people who want to use it. in fact that use occurs in every single state of the united states. however, i think we could be doing even more in terms of outreach, and i think that outreach could and should occur in two directions. it is one thing for us to go out and offer, all we can do is offer, educational services and arts and culture and history and science for that matter, or it is a partner with people who want to do scientific research as congresswoman pingerry brought up. it is another thing to get their input. one of the hallmarks i hope to bring to the smithsonian which has been a part of it but i hope to strengthen it is listen to the public on what they want. i will start small and at home. we'll focus on city of washington since the city of
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washington is where our home basis. with the hope of mayor bowser, i'm establishing a youth advisory council to meet among high school students in washington, d.c. i'm hoping that those high school students will be able to tell me what they're interested in, what they believe they need, and i want to go directly to the place where we would like the education to occur. the first meeting of this group i hope will be this very next month and i hope to ask them the very question you're asking me indirectly. that is, what do you think you need that we can do for you. in terms of a more direct answer to your question about the lack of focus on civics, as i'm sure you know because i know it is an area of interest of yours and everyone on the subcommittee, there is a lot of consternation about where america youth are in terms of their knowledge of american history and civics. there is other organizations, non-profits have been brought up
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to deal specifically with the civics problem and i think what we can do is really three things at the smithsonian. we can over the exposure to the history of the night and its culture through the collections themselves. secondly, these museums already offer enormous numbers and very effective types of public programs, public outreach programs. some of those are done through the smithsonian associates. some of them are done individually in different ways. and again all we can do is offer and hope they will come. then thirdly, i want to go out and find out what the public would like from us. in asking those questions ask, what could we do to be helpful broadening your perspectives. just one quickened to this very long, windy answer. when i have a few minutes in my daily schedule i walk away from my office and go to the museums and talk to the visitors and talk to the families and tourists that come and one of the things they ask most
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consistently, not a scientific example -- sample of just nine months of asking them, parents will ask what can you do to help my kids understand a bewildering changing world? if they don't specifically ask about civics, they do ask what can you help us to bring our kids along? so i really appreciate the question and your thrust. >> well, if you would find time to visit with me in my office and follow up on this and specifically understand what outreach you have to teachers and schools across america and how we can be helpful. thank you, mr. chairman. >> thank you. we would love to spend the day, doctor, unfortunately we have to go vote. >> saved by the bell. >> saved by the bell. i would like to bet in more depth somewhere down the road. i will visit the air and space museum with you. that is a huge number as you know. see if there's, find out how we're going to do this. i know it has to be done. your most visited museum and certainly a national treasure.
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with that, we're adjourned. >> thank you very much. [inaudible conversations].
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[inaudible conversations]. [inaudible conversations].
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>> for a woman to be at the head of the most powerful country in the world when one of our key allies doesn't allow women to drive, and our most significant
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enemy at this time, isis, is literally executing women and girls simply for being women and girls. i think this sends a powerful message from the bully pulpit about what america stands for. >> on for the complete weekend schedule. >> the need for horses on the farm began to decline radically in the 1930s. it was not until the 1930s they figured out how to make a rubber tire big enough to fit on a tractor. starting in the 1930s, the 1940s he had an almost complete replacement of horses as the work animals on farms. i do believe one of my books on horses, i read that in the decade after world war ii, we have something like a horse holocaust. of the horses were no longer needed and we didn't get rid of
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them in a very pretty way. >> sunday night on q&a robert gordon discusses his book the rise and fall of american rope which looks at the growth of the american standard of living between 1870-1970 and questions its future. >> one thing that often interest people is the impact of superstorm sandy on the east coast, back in 2012. that wiped out the 20th century for many people. the elevators no longer work in new york. they electricity stopped. you couldn't charge your cell phone. you could pump gas into your car because it required electricity to pump the gas. so the power of electricity in the internal combustion engine is something that people take for granted. >> sunday night at eight eastern on c-span's q&a.
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>> in a moment we'll go live to inform on federal and state relations, government regulated talk about intergovernmental cooperation and support india with various health commerce social and infrastructure issues including drug addiction, trade and assistance to veterans. is hosted by the national lieutenant governors association. we will take you there live shortly. while we wait a look at yesterdays prime minister's question time from the british house of commons were members address the terror attacks in brussels among other items. >> order. questions to the prime minister. >> number one serve. >> thank you, mr. speaker. adrian, i felt as prison officer died last week as a result of injuries caused by a bomb placed under his vehicle. a murder investigation is underway and one man has been charged in connection with this attack but we should today offer
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our condolences to the family and friends. mr. speaker let me also briefly update the house on the terrorist attacks yesterday in brussels. details are still emerging butut our understanding is at least 34 people were killed and many others injured. daesh claimed responsibility which followed horrific suicide bombing they carried out in istanbul on the 19th of march. we are aware of all british nationals -- for british nationals who were -- we face a common terrorist threat and msha the whole house will join me in expressing our full solidarity with the people of belgium following these terriblete attacks. i spoke to belgian prime minister yesterday to pass on our condolences. our police and agencies are doing everything they can to support this investigation. in this country we've increased police patrols. right honorable friend will be making a statement later setting out all the steps we are taking. britain and belgium share the
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same values of liberty and democracy. the terrorists want to destroy everything our two countries been for but we will never let them. mr. speaker, this morning i had meeting with minister colleagues and i shall further such meetings later today. >> bombers everywhere and every time aim for public reaction and disunity. can we disappoint them are uniting a hope, not hate? >> my audible friend is right to say that. these people packed the explosives with nails in or to kill as many innocent people, women and children as they possibly could and we should unite in their condemnation, stand with the people on the go but of belgium and with all countries that are being afflicted by this appalling terrorist menace in sweat andnd say they shall never win. >> thank you, mr. speaker. can i support the worst just a
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by the member for more than a by the prime minister in solidarity of the people of belgium and the victims of the horrific attacks that have taken place in brussels and also in ankara in the last few days. we pay respect entry to all thee families and friends and with enormous respect of emergency services of all denominations for the huge work that they've done to try to save life. we must defend our security and values in the face of such terrorist outrages and refus red to be drawn into a cycle of violence and hatred. we take pride in our -- diverse faith can raise and create and will not allow those who seek to divide us to succeed. my right honorable friend the member will be responding to thl labour party to the statement of home secretary we we making at 1230 be. can also joined the prime minister in sydney my deepest mi condolences to his wife and three daughters. that people made a profound choice to follow the path of
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peace when it widely adopted the good friday agreement, the actions of the representative you should not be allowed to change the course supported by the overwhelming majority of people in northern ireland. mr. speaker, on a different subject altogether, last week ia got a letter from a dream. he wrote to me saying i am disabled and live in constant fear of my benefits being stopped and being forced onto the streets. as the prime minister do with a chance or fail to do yesterday and apologize to those that went to such anguish and upset during the threats of the cuts in their personal independence payments? >> first of all let me thank the right honorable gentlelady said both about the terrorist attacks in belgium and also for what you said about northern ireland and the fact we have achieved so much peace and progress in that viable part of our united kingdom. turning to the issue of disability and if it's, as
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listed in this house on monday, when you are faced with having to take very many very difficult decisions including manyty spending reductions as we were after becoming the come in 2010, you do not always get every decision right.ght. i am the first to accept that comment on every occasion that happens it's important you learn the lessons. but as we do so we will continue to increase spending on disability benefits, which willr be 46 billion pounds a year by the end of this parliament compared to 42 billion pounds when i became the prime minister. >> mr. speaker, government figures published only this morning children of the people with disabilities and homeless is now up by 39% since 2010, 300,000 more disabled people are living in absolute poverty. that's why people like adrian are very worried. there has been a big disarray in the cabinet over the last few days.
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so can the prime minister now absolutely, categorically rule out any further cuts to wealthy spending in the lifetime of this parliament? simply yes or no? >> let me respond to all the points he just me. first of all the talk about the number of people in poverty. we've seen poverty fall over this parliament. the second thing you refer to is the regrettable rise in homelessness, with figures out today, but homelessness is still 58% below the peak that it reached under labour. i think that is important. he talked about the number of disabled people. this is a government committed to supporting the disabled but it is worth making the point that in the past two years there are extra 293,000 disabled people who got into work. we want to continue as we set out in our manifesto to close that disability gap. as for the question about for the welfare reductions, that me repeat the statement that the
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new welfare secretary made on monday, the chancellor made on tuesday. i'm happy to make again. i dealt with these issues on monday. i mean, if he doesn't ask the questions he can't exactly, i gave the answers even though he had not given the question.e but we are very clear we are non planning additional welfare savings other than the ones we set out in our manifesto and that are in train. >> we will lead the british house of commons here to go live to a forum on federal and state relations. >> we want to make sure these are good programs to be able to do that. we welcome a continuing to support grants to states that support a wide array of activities. just last week secretary burwell announced $100 million in new funding to community health centers across the country to integrate treatment into particularly our community health centers. we know we will look at particularly overdose of data
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that many parts of our country, rural parts, suburban parts that don't have treatment program need access to care so we've been focusing on how do we get some of these grants into communities that don't a bricks and mortar treatment programs. i would encourage all of you and will continue to do that to make sure you are taking optimizing any company will have more grants, calls coming out next week, making sure you are taking opportunities for grants. just last month president obama in part of this fy '17 budget announced $1.1 billion for fy '17 proposed money to support and to close the treatment gaps that we have. the vast majority of that money, $920 million, would support to your cooperative agreements with states to support expanded treatment capacity. despite our advances with the affordable care act and medicaid, we know there's a big
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gap between how many people need treatment and how many people get it. in my job i can't ask you to advocate for things, but i would thoroughly encourage you to communicate your state needs to your congressional delegation in terms of, quite on, we need funding for this issue now. last year congress appropriate over a billion dollars for ebola and we had one person in the united states die of ebola. with 70 people dying every single day of drug overdoses. we know despite support from congress of additional funding over the past few years that we have too many people who still need treatment in the united states who are not able to get it. these are people who end up in our criminal justice system, people who end up in our child welfare system, people who end up in our emergency department. and these are people who end up dying and we need to make sure
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we are doing that. but clearly it requires a partnership, and we've seen i think some significant opportunity. and then i will in and talk about -- states i think we're beginning to tennessee and emerging picture of what are the things that we need to do a both a federal and state level. we sent out a letter to governors last week as a follow-up to the meeting that we had in terms of what our state based best practices that we think are important as part of your overall state plans to be able to do that. and again one is starting with prescriber education. we have i think 14 states that have passed mandatory prescriber education. we've gotten commitments from many of the major medical organizations to enhance their training on it. we think that's an important priority. continue to support and fund prescription drug monitoring programs.
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we have these databases. we've seen some really good results in states that have really to prescription drug monitoring programs that require prescribers to check them. we've seen in states like new york and tennessee and florida dramatic reductions in both overdoses and doctor shopping behavior where we have really good programs to do that. so clearly more timely data to prescription drug monitoring programs and require prescribers to check it. one of the things we've seen i think with 33 states that have some level of legislation that about four darrell syringe access programs. -- significant increases in viral hepatitis associated with sharing needles. many of you might have seen what happened last summer in scott county in indiana, very small county, 9000 people. because the needle sharing behavior with prescription drugs, the over 180 new cases of
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hiv. the governor pass legislation to allow for syringe access program so i would encourage you to look at the. we all have seen i think remarkable results around naloxone gum everything we've all probably know, naloxone is really tremendous and safe drug that reverses overdoses. we i think they look at a number of ways to do that, making sure that every first responder is carrying naloxone. we sing great uptake by law enforcement across the country to do that. and ems and fire departments to be able to fit and also family and friends to be able to do that. we've also seen states that in passing legislation to allow for over-the-counter access to naloxone flowed into to take a look at the. i think we have 35 states now that i passed some legislation to look at third party prescribing and pharmacy access for naloxone.
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i know we have some of our partners from pharmacy chains, and i want to thank them for the work that they're doing. one of the things we have seen, i think has been great, particularly law enforcement and public health working hand-in-hand. i think we've all come to an understanding that we can't continue to criminalize addiction, arrest and incarcerate people without come and we sing great partnerships between law enforcement and public health to be able to do that. i was with a police chief in day in ohio where they are identifying people who that an overdose and worked with him to get into treatment. in massachusetts and around the country law enforcement officers are working to quite honestly case finished people into addiction treatment. so let me just talk to them just talk to minute abou about me inr absence syndrome. it's one of the issues that we've been hearing a lot lieutenant governor talk about the magnitude of pregnant women with addiction and i think there
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are a number of ways that we need to respond to this issue. and one i think is looking at, making sure that having a compassionate response to pregnant women with addiction. i think -- we have seen quite honestly legislation that puts enhance criminal penalties on pregnant women with opioid addiction and i think we know that that really discourages women from seeking care. it actually ends up costing particularly our medicaid systems for women who are afraid to access care because increase criminal penalties. we have to make sure we are doing everything we can to encourage women to come into care to get good prenatal care to make sure that they're getting treatment, to look at not getting good treatment but we also need that pregnant women and postpartum women need access to a wide variety of support services posttreatment.
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so we continue to ensure that at the federal level we are providing grants to states to so pregnant and postpartum women, particularly give them access to long-term residential care. we are very, very happy that actually congress passed and the president signed their protecting our infants act. part of what that does is making sure that we have good treatment protocols in place for dealing with pregnant women. and the last thing i will say, i saw this in massachusetts as a state person, that we really need good solid collaboration between our child welfare agencies and our -- i think that is particularly important to look at how do these two systems communicate and ensuring that while we are simultaneously protecting the welfare of children, that we are working collaboratively to do with the addiction issues for pregnant women and making sure that we're not working across purposes with our child welfare agencies and
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our substance use agencies to make sure we have a coordinated response to this. i was just in connecticut where the governor announced what i thought was a really interesting project using social impact the bonds to focus on reducing costs and reducing the magnitude of addiction on the child welfare system. if you haven't seen it, we have representatives here and lieutenant governor from connecticut who could share that with you because i think it was the first time that we've seen the use of social impact bond focusing substance abuse issues, and how we leverage, how we can leverage private equity to be able to do with that. so let me just end by saying i think you all know that this is an important priority for president obama. last october he went to west virginia where we held a town hall forum where you're from impact of population. the president is going to be going next week to atlanta to the national prescription drug abuse and heroin summit run by
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chairman rogers, just to demonstrate that this is a presidential priority, that we need all hands on deck, that we are working on will all of government federal response to this. so with our health and human service, department of justice, but we also need and we've also recognized that we need strong partnerships that the federal, state and local level. that we need an offense on deck at the state and local level to make sure we're dealing with this issue. so we are really pleased that you i'm really pleased to be her today and want to thank you for all of your leadership, your continued focus on this issue, and making sure we have continuous dialogue with both states and the federal government to make sure that our policies and resources are attuned to the issues that you are facing at the state level. so i want to thank you all for the work that you do, and happy to answer questions or hear comments. thank you, everybody.


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