tv After Words CSPAN March 31, 2016 8:55pm-9:55pm EDT
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supremacists and they would actually -- this is -- remember mailing letters, why actually mail them, and i swear they would write practically in crayon, always misspelled but always conveyed the message that i didn't belong and i should go back to where i came from, san diego, california. an and that -- so, i really -- i a get depressed when i look at cartoons that i drew back in 1992, during -- we had this thing in california called the proposition 187 and it's kind of like the grand daddy law to your sb1070 here, and i could almost take those cartoons, change the date, 2016, and they still apply. the xenophobia comes in cycle.
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we're in a really bad cyclee right now thanks to orange hitler. and so they come and go. so, i mean, i feel, yes, there's more diversity. we're -- brown people are creeping into more establishment places like in hollywood, but -- and politics but it's really, really slow. i'm just happy i made it this long to see at least one of the good cycles come up. but i think it's got to improve down the road because, yeah, people got to deal. i remember this marine recruit that got let go from the marines when he was spotted on the -- at a trump rally, screaming, and almost hitting a young black moster, -- black protester, and
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i'm not a militaristic guy, and i thought good job marines. that was good, sane work decision right there. that guy, that kid was not fit to protect his -- what would be his diverse fellow soldiers. if we can find another young man better qualified, i'm sure it would be kind of easy, but someone that is not ready toy play with the rest of us. so, that's the reality now. we are diverse and we -- we know -- i know -- i've always been diverse. i always grew up -- i grew up in san diego with asians, blacks, n mexicans, and whites. and it is just -- sometimes when i hear comments from some
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xenophobes i wonder, did you grow up in a bubble on jupiter? we're not -- the country is not that 100% white. you have in your imagination. so the answer is -- >> eh.k >> thank you.ould you comment dr. alcoff could you comment on whether there's a lesson that you can can be drawn from your book? what lesson do you wish people would learn after reading your book? i'm speaking of your book "future of whiteness" because you have several. >> i think we have to start talking about. i that's what i'm trying to dodo is make it easier for us to talk about our differences. i think the language of universal humanism, the attempted hash tag all lives matter, the attempt to say race is a thing of the post, or post racialism, really are bankrupt methods of dealing, as lalo puts
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it, with the realities in the united states. so we have to find a way to talk about it, and i think also i'm trying to really think about whites who are struggling in the united ... write off the -- in some cases the legions of trump supporters who have been led to believe that he's going to change their situation and improve their economic livelihood. so i think we have to -- was led to believe he will change their situation. i think the book ends with somee stories of a klansman who was a grand wizard of the clan in durham, north carolina.ife.
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he had been a mill worker and he had experienced identity-based discrimination. they were called went heads if you worked in the mill in north carolina back in the day. his father died of brown long in his 40s and he had been working since the eighth grade to support his family. struggling his whole life. through the experience of the 60s he came to have a conversion experience, he figured out he was on the wrongs side. he came to realize that african-american kids had it as bad as his own poor white kids did. he had a lot in common with the poor african-americans of durham, north carolina. he had the zeal of a convert. when he figured this out he thought he is going to go to his clan group. he was going to tell them what he had learned. talk about hate mail or death ts threats.
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they wanted to lynch him. [inaud always interesting in this case, it's a great story to read but what was interesting was that h? had really had no place in his society when he was a lint head. as a mill worker. he felt he had no place in town, he had no respect from anybody. everybody made fun of him because he dressed for and his kids dressed the clan gave him a place, they gave him a uniform that woulde hide his poor close. they gave him a title, they gave him respect from the political leaders who call him secretly at night and tell him what was going on.rolina. when he had his conversion and had to give up his white supremacist views he lost his
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place in the white community of durham, north carolina. he didn't exactly have a place in the black community of durham, north carolina although he developed strong friendships. he got a job as a maintenance worker as duke university, got elected a shop steward with a constituency that was a majority african-american. that was at the end of his life. but he struggled. he converted, he figured out the truth and then he had no place. that is what we have to address and that's what we have to change in this country if we're going to make social progress. nobody's going to be able to do it alone. nobody is going to be able to change the conditions of their own groups, economic livelihood, alone not coalition with others. we have to we have to find a way to make that coalition even with the white poor and the white
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workers. >> can i say something about that. i'm actually from durham, northo carolina. [laughter] >> you know this guy, right. >> i know of him. probably have worked with some people who were in the union with him. i grew up in the 70s and 80s in north carolina, in durham and i went to for the most part capi majority black schools and my teachers were black which is part of how i ended up writing a book about how slavery shaped american capitalism. if you go go back far enough to my early teachers. i remember an incident in 1979 when i was in the fourth grade. in 1979 in greensboro north carolina, there is an anti- klae rally. clan and american nazi party members descended upon it and stopped the cars, there is confrontation, shouting, and
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they went into trunks of their cars and got out shotguns and rifles. when they got done shooting six individuals from the anti- klan march were dead, sever were from durham. durham had a very active black militant tradition and some folks i got over to join this march including the mother of one of the kids in my class. a p i believe the march was on a sunday and monday she was back in class. the mother survived the march minutes you can imagine she was really upset about the fact that her mother had been shot at. she was so upset that she put uo a poster from this anti-klan march in in the bathroom that was attached to the classroom and this caused one of the students in class, one of the white students to become very angry. he talked me about it and he said my fathers in the clan, my uncle is in the clan. this girl would be so scared of him. i remember thinking in my nine
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euros take, this person is insane. you [laughter] i talked to my parents about it and said this is wrong, surely the people who did the shooting are going to be punished. in fact, they were exonerated, they felt their lives are threatened in sort of an early standard round type of ruling. eventually they all got off but i remember as a very formative event and i bring it up now to a say i agree that we have to address the legitimate economicr grievances that all americans were not part of the top four or 5% have. we know that that median income for most peopleos have not risen in real terms, or
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adjusted from inflation since the early 70s while the cost of many other things have gone up in real terms. college education for your kids, house to live in. the cost of retirement, most of us have legitimate economic grievances. but we also have to address racial and political violence. m we have to do so because otherwise we cannot actually solve the problems that we have. we cannot solve them together. that's a particularly frightening about this moment. h today in talking points memo it's a great open-source source reporting site, josh marshall wrote somebody's going to be killed at a trump rally, it is just a matter of time. that poisons our ability to come together and actually solve our problems. but to remind us we have to say
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no to this kind of political violence. on eithe >> were going to start taking questions from the audience. if anybody has a question for a panelist you can make your way up to the microphone. >> we can just line up at the microphone. >> my personal thanks for being here and letting me learn more about race in america.pi i thought i knew quite a bit i'm a 60s child. p and have been happily married to african-american for 49 years. again i want to thank you for being here. i want to read a list of names, henry louis gates, fuchs cornell
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west, coates, holder, congressman lewis, jesseminute jackson, toni morrison, that's only a partial list that i brainstorm for a couple minutes. the reason i am reading the list just ask a question, question, how come they are not here? [applause]. >> as a person who arranged and invited all the authors it's a good question. >> because in a memoir i have just written an article for collection writers which had not been published yet, it will will be published saying how exhausted i am, how totally
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exhausted i am that every time i have to go from the auto to tryy to pull myself up to say i am a writer, i'm going going to write the best book. the publishing industry is totally white. i mean on every aspect of it. the publisher, the agent, the marketing the marketing person, the distributor. i go very often to literary organizations and see all of these people from the publishing industry and you can count on one hand the people of color. now if these are the gatekeepers of books, just right here i've been here two days just going around, i can see the results of it. how then do you learn about the black experience? how then are you exposed to the black experience? i mean bernie sanders he is a well-intentioned man but to make
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the mistake to think of african-americans only living in the ghetto is not his particular problem, it's the problem because we don't have access, ou we don't know about the black experience. we have the stereotypes running around even in the best intentioned people. so that i find myself i'm a distinguish professor at hunter college, i have a phd. i have i have written many, many scholarly books as well as novels. but every time i go to pick up my granddaughter from her school the parents, the teachers, everybody thinks i'm her nanny. so i have taken to using props. i was was telling a friend of mine how humiliating it is, that i go there with props. the new york times, like i'm reading the new york times i'm
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not a nanny. or i go with the prop, the new yorker, well if if i'm reading the new yorker i'm not a nanny. to but the minute i put those things down, those props down, i'm a nanny. >> thank you so much, it would any of you like to comment on your experiences especially with diversity in publishing? >> [applause]. i would just like to say that i have never been handed the keys to valet park a car while i was at any place in the dope but in beverly hills it has happened a couple of times.know, [laughter] as mexican-americans, chicanos,r latinos, every male has that experience of either being handed the keys to park a car or
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being asked if you are the gardener of this beautiful home, how much do you charge. they're like clichés. we have all of the stories. latinas i think sometimes go shopping. i did a comic comic strip about this my female character go shopping and every white lady is asking can you help me with that, can can you help me with this, where's the restroom. it happens today. >> i just had slight anxiety the tendency to substitute a discourse to one of race. i'd be very -- to be mistaken as a nanny. because it represents attainment and a skill set which i know is beyond my competence.
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i was -- it's the same, if, i kind of think an absolute sympathize with the question. te i kind of wish that i could share these deprivations and these humiliations although i suffered in my defense is to substitute a discourse of class and race. >> if you are a nanny there is no prestige event [inaudible]time to
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you can't imagine what humiliation it is.chieved -- every time of mistaking yourself >> that's the result of being mistaken for a nanny. so i think that is a result result at least as much of class prejudice as of race prejudice. i just want usre to be aware that there are two problems here. both of which we need to address and we must not take refuge in class prejudice as an escape route for race thik prejudice. racialized and we should resist both. h >> i think they're connected to be seen as a nanny is a segment
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of the labor force that is both racialized and has a class identity, both. i think don't put so much weight on the examples. i think the issue is that yourhu scene as not necessarily having a phd when you stand in front of a college classroom, that your scene not having as smart of and argument when you give a paper at your scholarly conference. so the of the set buys that works on the basis of racism in class, gender, and other vectors of and identity under minds of our perception of the merits of our work and the quality of our ideas on a daily basis. it has to be addressed in a serious way. [applause]. let's take another question. >> my name is john, i'm a nativi of california, i lived in san francisco bay area. one thing i want to test the panel or give comments on, we have tremendous asian
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diversification happening in california and of course on the west coast. even in our high school district we see more and more likehe students are being encouragedre and the german teacher retired versus having german, they are now having mandarin beside spanish of course. the impact is becoming higher and higher for someone professional in the 21st century to learn mandarin also be knowledgeable in mandarin. thank you.kidding. >> does anyone want to comment?t >> as the only only mandarin speaker up here, just kidding. [laughter] >> let me just say one thing. ge i think we devalue spanish vis-à-vis french or german
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because i work in philosophy. if you comeat into the classroom with the french accent or german accents, student strain to understand what you're saying and give you enormous amount of credit. but if you come in with a caribbean accent or spanish accent, forget about it you get it bad evaluations. clearly it is. clearly it is an advantage to have more than one tank which for every language. we we have to stop drinking the hierarchy of languages that are worth having and those that are not worth having..[a >> [applause]. >> my name is mike, i guess my comment, welcome to -- which you call tucson. i say that as a public comment
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not -- because if, and this is where my chicano brothers and sisters we need to revisit thate because the myth of -- is a form of colonialism. you name it, you claim it. i think i have have the discussion and we need to revisit and challenge for decades of chicken -- this is our land. because if we agree as one of your map shows what does that say about us? as native people?
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>> it doesn't say that at all. a map reflects the borders of the spanish -- i'm talking sir. >> it has no borders. >> man finish? >> may i finish? this is the form of imperialism i'm talking about. you see the color of my skin. >> it's not the color of your skin.ssion. >> mn it's you have intellectual support he, obviously. now respectfully we cann disagree. but i think we have to have tha, discussion. the map of >> i agree, and i'm down. [applause]. conversatio >> i also agree that was not intended to be the map, it was as t the conversation in the cartoon and the one that trump has been making is the one between the
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international relations between u.s. and mexico, as they are. are. we can have the discussion all day long about whether mexico should exist because there's a lot of indigenous nations there that are have obviously been colonized, or whatever. it's a snapshot. >> forgive me, but i do have toe softly the gentlemen's accusation is dominant. listen i have a have a particular perception of the color of his skin. but those are childish insults and when you make a mistake and you are corrected, that is not imperialism, that's a promotion of a rational discourse because less we have our discussions on the basis of fact we will never get anywhere. [applause]. >> will take the next question from this woman. >> you are so cool. don't
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i want to thank all of you on the panel. i'm the daughter of -- that is when my father was invited to come to the united states to work. his hands were hired. so fell in love with a beautiful women in arizona, they went to colorado, they worked on the railroad. my mom created the very first potato chip. what i am also a documentary film maker. what i find disgusting disgusting is the type of news that we have today. i was independent producer for nbc in denver for about 15 years. move our stories were special stories about community, they were about art, culture, language,g, politics, sports. it was done through a coalition through that time to the chicano
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movement when they are saying look we do not have any representation here. media, television, film,m, theater, art, all of that. that was in the late 60s and seventies. i'm 65 years old and i'm still trying to get my documentary on a film secured or on television. what i'm finding is social media, i produced a story and story and had 11000 hits within three days. so what is wrong with media? you're on tv and i think what helps a lot of people in this ta country is two things, music and humor. when we can laugh at each other and we can laugh with each other i think i think that is the most powerful medicine here. i really like to applaud and i would like for you too may be just discuss a little about what you're discussing with the others, the whole idea of humor and how we look at each other and we make fun of it but we love it at the same time. so.nt
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>> we have about a minute left. >> you know what i will reduce it to a plug-in say if you want to see some political satire that is current, funny, vital, smart, watch my smart, watch my show that i work on called an border town tonight at 7:00 p.m. on fox. it it is the funniest animated show you're going to see. >> all right, thank you. unfortunately will have have to end the session now, i like to thank our panelists for participating. clapmac do not forget to become a friend of the festival to ensure that our festival remains a free event. [applause]. all audience members are asked to please continue with your day they give her much. >> a former israeli ambassador to the u.s. will talk about some of the challenges facing israel and the middle east including the palestinian complex. will be at the wilson center
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tomorrow and have live coverage at ten eastern on c-span2. later, discussion of of new privacy rules proposed by the fcc to cover broadband service providers and what those rules might mean for consumers and businesses. that is life in the congressional internet caucus at noon eastern. >> the media teaches us that democrats and republicans are supposed to be at odds with each other. i think that people need to recognize that we need to be respectful towards each other and we need to understand that senators are respectful towards each other and that will be more conducive to getting real policy done instead of just acrimony. >> the the truth is these people we see on television, and c-span are real people. when we saw president obama, perhaps the thing that mustered out to me is that he had bags under his eyes,
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he was tired, he was a real he was a real person dealing with real things. i thought that was perhaps most interesting. >> sunday night on q&a high school students attending the annual youth program talk to us about their experiences plus their plans for the future. the students met with members of the executive, judicial, legislative branches of government plus military immediate representative. >> jonathan capehart came to talk to us and i love the inside he gave us about to the outside source, reporting back to us and the electorate about what is going on in our government. >> ruth bader bader ginsburg was the most inspirational person we have met this week. she has been one of my idols for a long time. i either want to be in the legal profession or possibly a senator. >> i understand the need for bipartisanship at times, i also understood think it's important
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politicians go to washington or their state capital with her eyes on a goal. and they are determined to meet that goal instead of sacrificing it in the light of money or bipartisanship or whatever. >> we need to go back to have a respective discourse no matter what the background. and to make in this country a more respectable place where people feel welcome to give their opinion. >> sunday night at eight eastern on q&a. >> princeton professor at eagle law joined us on afterwards how ray still enslaves the american soul. he's with mark of the national urban league. >> i'm mark, president of the national urban league and i'm proud to be here with professor eddie claude of princeton university. >> i'm honored. honored. as my mother was a back home in mississippi, this is is high cotton. we have some time to talk.
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>> of course you've written a new book which we want to talk about but we also, i think it is always fascinating to viewers and certainly too many how you got from mississippi, great community tea on the golf coast all the way to princeton so just start with talking about yourself. >> guest: i'm a country boy who made it big, that's what i like to say. my dad was the second postman, african-american postman that was hired. thousand big job. so we are living in moss point at the time, he moved us from one side of time to the other. we're the third african-american family that moved into this nice neighborhood on the hill. we went to a better school system, much more disciplined, did not have as many distractions.
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we went to an integrated school, relatively because mosques point was predominantly black. the paper mill in the porgy plant. we had to do with the periodic layoffs and i had some wonderful teachers. i sister graduated valedictorian of the high school. i wanted to leave home because i had a contentious relationship with my dad. >> tough love. >> yes. so i went to summer science program, i lied on the application of that i wanted to be a dr.. and this shows you how beautiful
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these are, i went into the office of the dean of admissions at that time. i sat down and i said i'm going to convince you not to send me home. and for 30 - 40 minutes i sat there told him him why he should admit me. i walked out of that office with a scholarship. my mother put me on a bus with a powder blue suitcase on a greyhound bus. from that moment on morehouse has been in me. >> host: when did you know that you wanted to be a scholar? when did the idea of teaching and being a scholar really grasp you? >> ..
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and he is a theologian trained out of memory and took an interest in me. and i remember,i remember, i would say something and he would put his head on the table. >> host: the beauty of the relationship. >> guest: zero, close friend. and what was so beautiful about it, i did not have to navigate or negotiate. i walked in to all of the halls. everything around me affirmed who are wise. even though i was coming from a working-class family.
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my mother cleans toilets for a living, had her 1st baby in the 8th grade, but my dad stuck in there and they made a life for their family. but it was at morehouse that something was put in me. they tried to kick me out three or four times, but it was something about this, something about this dedication, something about martin luther king from the king chapel, as you know, giving us a charge that changed my life. wherever i am, ii am supposed to be. morehouse educated me, princeton trained me. >> morehouse was transformative. >> transformative. >> host: you would say to
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young men who are looking for that outside experience. >> guest: become a morehouse man. sisters, look at spellman, look at bennett, such a crucial role, but the challenge -- and i say this in the book, the challenge command you know this is that much -- many of the institutions that were so central to our flourishing were crucial for our salvation, providing free space to imagine ourselves and robust terms. many institutions are struggling to keep there doors open. >> host: i want to talk about this. our institutions and those who may look at these institutions from the outside may sense a remark
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ability about how, in fact, in the days of reconstruction and during the days of segregation clearly you have 100 plus institutions of higher education that were historically black. and that next to that you had dozens, dozens and dozens of voluntary associations, whether they be religious, paternal, civic, professional organizations which gave african-americans who were excluded an opportunity to organize themselves for the betterment of the community. so some would say that in the age of post- civil rights these institutions
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have outlived their relevance and usefulness. >> guest: that is as wrong as two left feet. the presumption is post- civil rights integration has happened in a substitute and significant way but you know and i know that integration is not really a reality in many factors and more importantly in addition i talk about something in the book called the value gap, something that is fundamental. the achievement gap, wealth, empathy gap, but underneath it all is something that is much more fundamental, the belief of why people matter more than others. it is the way in which the
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country has been built. moving from one side of town to the other. when we move from the east to the west i remember when my dad was moving, eight years old, the police drove by. i was playing with my talk a truck. i have my neighbor and i said stop playing with that. i grabbed my truck and ran inside and tell my daddy, vietnam vet who worked hard, his eyes darkened and he ran out front. typically that is the story of american racism. child gets wounded and has to spend his entire life
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working against that, but the interesting thing is i knew we were moving from the black side to the white side of town. >> host: i had an experience comeau we went to school, my sister and i in the mid- 60s just as the schools integrated. the school we went to was about three blocks past the dividing wall between the black neighborhood where we lived in the predominantly white neighborhood called gentilly woods. and one day when i believe i was in 1st or 2nd grade the white kids invited several of us to go play at the playground which was about a half a block away, but it was the predominantly white
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we began to play, and after rivera 15 minutes a mother came and ran us off by saying you know that you should not be here. you don't belong here, and if you don't go home your going to be in trouble with your mother. of course, at that age you interpreted as come i was doing something wrong, not understanding are really knowing that she was basically saying, look, black kids don't belong here so this is post- civil rights act. years later the realization dawns that you are being run out of the place you had every right to be. those experiencesbe. those experiences are tough. did you harbor or sense, if you will, anger, before moment, how do you reconcile
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you move into a neighborhood and all the sudden find out maybe he is not such a nice person and may be a racist. >> guest: my father, strong personality was not happy and always made it clear to us that we were valued. that whatever these people said meant nothing, and his rage in response to it signaled to us that we should not abide. i remember when we moved in, neighbors shot the back window out with a pellet gun and my dad responded with a 12 gauge shotgun.
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shoot back here again. that was the model. we think of racism, the moment of injury. something much more broad. i already knew that something was different by the environment that i grew up in before moved. every time it rained our neighborhood flooded before we moved to the west side. our sidewalks were not paved. baseball fields high grass, no backstop, schools not good, houses smaller. by being called that word it was just the icing on the cake. >> sized it up. >> where is the value gap, it is built into the very environment of our society.
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how does it manifest itself in 2016? if one says, you are absolutely right, what and how does it manifest? the concept of institutional issues are hard for people to grasp because it can be in front of them and they do not see. >> two quick examples. one examples. one is a story and one is a tragic reality. my son is now at brown university. majoring in urban studies. he had an assignment where he had to do ethnography ever rich neighborhood. he goes, doing his ethnography, police cruiser drives by. the police cruiser drives by
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hits a quick u-turn, pulls up on the sidewalk, jumps out, hits him in his feet with his flashlight, looks at the bushes and says, who are you and why are you here? i am a student of brown and doing an assignment. the park closes at 930. yes, but it is only 730. the other officer comes around with his hand on his weapon and they both lean in, the park closes at 930. my son puts his hands up, we don't want me trouble and they left.left. that is another story. the other story is flint, michigan. a community devastated by deindustrialization, as you know, the loss of manufacturing, automobile industry, and now dealing with the fact that they have been poisoned.
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>> host: not upgrade the pipes as opposed to going to detroit. made a decision because they view these people as somehow valued less. a white person will get 45. we know in terms of social networks. >> host: when you talk about the value judgment, talk about the book and the context and why you wrote the book because i read the book. what is the take away that you want a reader of this book? >> we are at the present and
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what, i mean, by that is we have experienced the extraordinary joy and symbolic significance of the 1st african-american, but as you know more than anyone , the reality is african-americans are catching at every turn, particularly young folks who came of age trying to figure out how they will make a way all of this economic devastation not only over the last eight years but over the last two or three decades. and so i wanted to write a book to say that we need to fundamentally reimagine politics because the stakes are high and we are in a territory we have never seen his we are coming off of eight years of the 1st african-american president and will have to speak to black suffering in a way
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that is radically different. the book is really about dealing with the paradox people talking about the great recovery in relation to the great recession and the fact that our babies are being shot down in the street. >> host: i want to take you back. the self-congratulatory narrative being created that the country because of a single action on a single day had somehow transformed itself into this post racial america. at that point and it manifested itself because there were those that said that organizations now can close their doors, discontinue work, are no
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longer relevant because your community has one of its own in the white house. at that point and time what was your reaction to that thought process and narrative? >> guest: i remember this very, very, very well because i remember watching cnn and bill bennett saying on election night no more excuses. and i said, my god, we will have to be diligent, alert, more politically mature, and at that point i remember saying this to my wife even though we were experiencing the joy of watching president obama in chicago at hyde park.
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we are in for dark times. these they will not only question urban league but acc you but they will and have questioned any attempt to speak specifically to the suffering a black communities. and what we have witnessed is how difficult it has been if your voice is being given to the suffering that is taking place. >> host: i also have the time immediately believed that the post- racial was a spin move being contacted that it was false and overblown. because historically the ascension of the advent of the 1st african-american in any institutional instance whether jackie robinson and baseball, the 1st african-americans who
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were in the class my father was in, it never meant that there was this immediacy of change. in fact, history, the corollary is true, all of these advances are followed by backlash. >> guest: contraction. >> host: and an irrational fear that somehow things are going to hell in a handbasket. i thought it was not only falls but that the objective for america should not be what i call post- racial. it should be a multicultural democracy that functions for everyone, the vision was wrong and somehow you can get past some aspect of history without a clear sense of what you are trying
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to create. in that sense you must concede a couple of things. when the president took over in 2009 no matter who that would have been in 2009 they were facing 700,000 jobs lost per month, a banking debacle and a financial crisis which was more extreme than any in american history. the decline and almost demise of the american automobile industry, and in many respects black people were suffering but they were not the only people suffering in that context with those facts how would
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you evaluate the presence performance. what did you expect? barack obama giving in the january 202009 memo what would it have said? part of what -- let me tackle what i expected. i did not expect much, but i also was hopeful. does that make sense? there is something about that iowa speech, seeing him in hyde park, but at the same time i understood the forces that were afoot. we green screen did making president obama everything we want them to be.
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african-americans, that is all we wanted. you see what he said. he is a centrist democrat plain and simple, not some lefty, not someone coming from the green party. not on the left. and so part of what i have been wanting if i were to write something is a progressive agenda, do what you must to stop the bleeding of the economy, but let us reorient, change the frame so that every day ordinary working people could have a chance to not only dream dreams would make
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them a reality. what would that mean? how do we get these wages from being flat, get home ownership to be such where folks are subject to predatory lending, check the financial position of the economy. president obama understands what it means, the level of inequality that is happening so on his watch black wealth is 13 times that avoid. child poverty is increased. 38 percent for the 1st
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time in the history three times as many white children and black. so hpc you is trying desperately. >> gone from 14 to 8 percent. healthcare and health insurance. happy and satisfied with the status of the economy and the conditions of black joblessness and joblessness, not at all, but i do think that it is important to recognize that on his watch the black unemployment rate has come down significantly and that simply if you take
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so are level of crisis. no one take the affordable care act away. there are certain moments, a way in which president obama narrates the story which narrows it to culmination when the moments when there is a sense of which the more radical elements did read, the speech, the 50th anniversary of the march on washington targeting wrapped into a narrative and what has happened over the course over and beyond the actual politics is a narrowing of tradition
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