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tv   Interview with Crystal Wright  CSPAN  April 9, 2016 9:47pm-10:01pm EDT

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some of this is known well and some of it's is not known well but you can see the cathedral ex-the national borders at the time this was created. the three kingdoms here ex-england, ireland, and scotland, and there's waste here. >> host: pretty accurate map. >> guest: pretty accurate the way the atlantic world takes shape is through exploration and mapping so our collection holds a large quantity of items about that exploration moment, which includes the moment when elizabethans and -- well, come to the united states. so, you have the colonies and jamestown. that is really shakespeare's world, planting itself in north america, and that's a complicated history. it's part of the history of this country, also part of the -- what was good and bad about
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colonialism. >> host: was william shakespeare aware of the new world? >> guest: yes, he was, when he wrote "the tempest" he read a book about a ship wreck in bermuda and read stories. never visited it. probably had great information about it but when he uses a phrase like "brave new world" he is saying there's this place that we haven't explored and what is overturning our expectations what human beings are like and what nature is like, and that's something that is just kind of firing his imagination. >> that was just a portion of the tour that booktv took of the library. you can watch the full tour online at now, booktv on c-span2 will be live from the folger shakespeare library at noon on saturday, april 23rd, this is to commemorate the 400th
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400th anniversary of william shakespeare's death. >> your new book, con job, who is being conned and who is do the conning. >> guest: democrats doing the conning, particularly of black americans, and women. i argue in my book, con job, because they're kind of like -- the democratic party in any view over the last half century is like a used car salesman, pedestrianles all these promises and pledges to black americans. we'll make things better, since lbj and 1964. make your smatter, richer, more aid countied. fast afford to today, black americans are none of those things. talk be in con job how the head of the congressional black caucus last year said that blacks were in, quote, state of emergency, under the first black president, mind you. so, i look at the democratic party kind of like a used car salesman in that they say -- they're slickly dressed and want to sell you a great product and
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say, don't look under the hood you. might not actually get what you're voting for. with women it's always the war on women, right? the abortion lobby is very strong in the democratic party and they paint it under this veil of pro choice. when i did some digging on planned parenthood's web site and what i found by the age a woman turns 45 in america, three out of every ten women who turns 45 in america will have had an abortion. they boast about it on their web site as something we should champion. and as a woman, i find that -- it's nothing i -- women that i know who have made the tough decision to have an abortion, don't agree with abortion, that's not something that we should be proud of. but that's just a statistic they boast about. and i could go on and on. those are just some of the highlights in the book. when it comes to illegal immigration, often times what i found in doing research for the book is if you 0 go on the dnc's web site they have about a -- a
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list of 50 different constituents. my mother told me a person who tries to be master of many things or many people are usually master of none of those things. a lot of times they advocate for one constituent that cannibalizes others and no better example, and i high light this in john con, than illegal immigration. illegal immigration is enemy number one of black americans. what happens enimmigration increases by ten percent, illegal immigration, jobs decline for blacks to the tune of six percent and wage biz 2.5%. you have hillary clinton and bernie sanders -- hillary clinton is going to go further than barack obama did and use executive orders to allow the 11 million people to stay here permanently. that harms black americans. so my book really -- i wrote this book and the timing is perfect, 2016, my book came out a little over a month ago -- to wake everybody up to say, our don't have to be a conservative like me, but know what you're voting for.
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has the democratic party delivered on promises to blacks or women? and really liberals in general is what the book is about. that's probably more than you wanted to hear. >> host: 96% of african-americans voted for barack obama. over time 90% african-americans vote for the democratic candidates. >> guest: yes. i think that is a tragedy because the lock, stock and barrel vote, that blacks have given democrats over the last half century has not gotten us, i don't think, the parity with white americans that martin luther king wanted for us to have, and i think in many ways it has kept us -- hate to use analogies about slavery and all these but i feel like it has kept us impoverished as a race ask -- in 1964, daniel patrick moynihan -- i talk about this in the book -- said he was
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disturbed by the fact that 23% of black babies were born out of wedlock and be warned president johnson in his moynihan report, which is called "the negro family: a case for national action." he told president johnson if we don't do something about this, you're going to see generational poverty and crime developing within the black race because tilt that moynihan found the broken family emerging among black americans, he also saw an increased dependence of black women in single family homes, and they were the head of the homes, dependency on welfare. fast forward to today. 72% of black babies are born out of wedlock and you gook to brookings institute or heritage and all the database the same on theft and right. a child who is born into a single parent household has about a 70% chance of growing up in poverty and knock getting an education. so, i really want black americans to think -- this is an
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important election -- who is really talking to you about what policies they're actually going to implement to get you jobs. not making promises like hillary clinton and bernie sanders, on records -- both of them have been in office a long time. they're prompt missing all these things. we'll stop massen ini cass racing of blacks, bring black jobs, reform the prison system, all these things but they haven't done any of that stuff over the last, you know, 30 years that hillary has been running for president. had every job under the son. they're pandering -- i say they're saying black lives matter but for. the it's about black votes. what have either of them done in their records to help improve the state of black america? that's what i -- i think you have donald trump on the other side, while he is making some statements that i think he needs to clarify about white supremacists, the klan and david duke, at the same time he is
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actually uttering the words money black americans" and talks but how he is going to ease black unemployment in his immigration plan but by getting rid of j-1 visas which allow young foreign workers to come over here and we wants to replace it -- all on his web site, a great'll policy lap do -- replace if with an inner city jobs bank where businesses, corporations, you name it, actually have to -- be forced to go to a jobs bank where young black people who are unemployeds put their resumes. it's innovative. enterprise zones and i want to hear him talk about that and really repudiate white supremacists voters, which he kind of did today on "the today show. o'he says he does not want their vote. you can't talk out oft both sides of your mouth. >> host: we hear from people on our morning show, on call insure programs on c-span and booktv, black conservative, i just don't get it. >> guest: they don't get it.
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they don't trust me. they think i get called untell tom, couldn't -- uncle tom, coon. you're working for the man. i don't get paid -- none of my activism is paid. got paid to write the book but it's a mod test sum of money, and i think the reason why, though, is because we do see, i would say, my party, use a lot of black conservatives to their advantage and use them as puppets. i think at a certain point there were times when ben carson when he was appearing on a certain conservative network before he ran for apparatus, was saying things that weren't authentic to dr. carson when he spoke at the president's prayer breakfast. what happens is i think black americans have a right too distrust some black conservatives, because the ones that you see sometimes propped up through conservative media outlets somehow lose their identity and they're not --
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they're no longer authentic in their voice. would say to black americans, however, there are many conservatives like me who i tell it like it is, i'm able to be introspective about my own party, when my party says student things like donald trump ahead stupid things, like hailey basher who said he didn't remember the civil rights movement being all that bad and segregatessed when the grew nip the segue degree grated south in mississippi. tell it like it is and -- i don't paint all liberals alike and -- i know its sounds like my book is a critique on democratic party but for black americans what i would say is, we do -- do a little homework. there's a rich history with the party of lincoln. that was a good party then. the party was created because they wanted to break away from the wigs who wanted to expand slave states. lincoln wanted parity like martin luther king for black
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americans, and republican party for the 13th, 14th, 15th 15th amendment. so there's a history there. there's a reason why black americans like me believe fundmentally that the policies conservatives offer empower more than democrats. i think some of that is going away because you do see, after president barack obama's nearly two terms black americans are frustrate. tavis smiley and others are saying i don't know if he delivered on the promise he made, and does he really deserve -- did we deserve to give him over 90% of our vote? so this is a good thing. think everybody should have their eyes wide open. i'm a republican but that doesn't mean just because you have an r next to your name you're always going to earn my vote. i'm just saying that black american, in order to have enough political power, we have got diversify our political thought process. we have to do it. no other race -- i'm going to repeat this -- no other race gives their nearly their entire vote to one party, but black
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americans and then we complain when democrats don't deliver on promises. so, i just think that's got to stop. that's the only way to have real political power and lift yourselves out of poverty. have to stop asking what a party can do for you, what you can do for yourself, then the party can help you along, i think. >> host: is the republican party comfortable with you? >> guest: no. i think the republican party has a great uneasiness with me because they can't put me into a box. i'm not going to use names about my peers that i like but i'm not necessarily predictable, and i frankly don't think that any party should have patsies that are supporters. that's what we're dealing with right now fundamentally. the party wants to be controlled by the g.o.p. establishment, which is frankly a bunch -- it's an exclusive club. i have taken great offense to them trying to rig an elect that
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donald trump is winning. ... it repugnant because romney ran one of the widest campaigns that i can remember. i wanted to help us can pain volunteer. i was shut out. i was a gingrich delegate. i what i national television when my guy was not winning anything down south carolina and i got behind our nominee, met romney. mitt romney did nothing to grow the party. it stayed very white under met


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