tv BOOK TV CSPAN April 10, 2016 1:12pm-1:31pm EDT
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best way to respond to that is a cheerful truth-based way. it is not just complaining about how the sky is falling. we really believe in order for this issue, the free exchange of ideas and cutting down on demagoguery, cutting it out of our political diet has to come from both sides. people of goodwill on both ends of the spectrum have to link on and say let's come together as americans. calm down a little bit and not assume the very worst about each other on every issue so they can have a discussion rather than admit before it begins. >> you can see guy benson on fox news. you can see mary katharine ham on cnn. you can buy their book, "end of discussion: how the left's outrage industry shuts down debate, manipulates voters, and makes america less free (and fun)". you are watching boat tv on c-span2.
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>> heidi rosen is a venture capitalist in silicon valley. and a few years back a colleague of time that a case study. the kind of case study across the world to help our students understand what good business, good leadership and management looks like. but you did as a notch burner, as a venture capitalist in silicon valley. the other colleagues have creative idea to replace your first name by howard. but they then did was to give half of their students the case of the protagonists being called howard and the other half of the student the same case absolutely identical with the protagonists being called haiti. they prepared for class and then have to fill out a questionnaire
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and how they feel about heidi and howard. you might not be surprised knowing what the topic of our discussion tonight is that students thought that both heidi and howard did a good job. they were both calm content, but they did not like heidi. they wouldn't want to hire heidi and i didn't want to work with heidi. why is that? heidi does not conform to our stereotypes of a venture capitalist looks like. she is a minority. the same is of course true for male nurses are male kindergarten teachers. this is how our minds work. if you do not conform to the norm, we tend to punish you for that violation.
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this is what we collectively are up against. we are up against how our minds work and that we put people into boxes and seed is believing. if you don't see kindergarten teachers, we don't naturally associate that job and if you don't see female engineers, we don't naturally think that women are made for engineering. so what do we do? here's the good news and bad news. the good news is this is not about pointing fingers at anyone. but in fact, this is about all of us. this is about well-meaning people who kind of want to do the right thing but find it hard to always get around to doing it. here is the bad news. our minds are stubborn beasts. they'd be really hard to change. so when i'm trying to do in my
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book at the beginning was to really learn what works, what works to overcome such gender bias. >> this is published in 1623. it's the most complete single volume record and it's important that his friends assembled it because they probably had a better idea of what shakespeare thought was important. they actually did a wonderful thing. they said here at the types of plays, comedy, history and tragedy. this is an engraving. it was part of the book missing from some copies very valuable in and of itself.
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this is the likeness of batman and it is once again one of the person-to-person familiar connections to shakespeare. so we would say that this has real authority as the likeness of this writer. >> host: 82 folios in the shakespeare collection. how many worldwide? >> 233. >> somebody wanted to buy one, what would it cost? >> very very few and complete first folios can go for somewhere between five and $6 million. so what is a very valuable book. >> currently you have been going around the country. >> one of the things we realize that the matters when it comes face-to-face so we realize we could safely take the first folio to all 50 states and the two territories which is what is happening now. the response has been tremendous
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someone proposed marriage successfully on the occasion of the first visited in oklahoma. there is a funeral for shakespeare company and the marlins. a jazz funeral for shakespeare. there's a great rock band that is doing a concert in duluth. we've been inspired by the fact that people want to see this book face-to-face. >> what else do you have? >> a smaller version is known as a quarto. you might wonder why we call this the folio in this a quarto. folio means that a single sheet of paper has been printed on one side and the other and the bookmaker fold the sheet into a set that are sewn together. but it is wonderful. a quarto is actually folded
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twice and then you cut the edges to thumb through them. this is a smaller format cheaper to produce. half of shakespeare's plays appeared in this format before it was printed. so that means there are multiple editions of shakespeare's play and there are real differences between the quarto editions of the folio editions. in the language and also in some of the stage action. so here we have mr. william shakespeare, his true chronicle history of the life and death of king lear and his three daughters. in the first folio, this is not described as a history that is a tragedy. so if you are creating an edition of this play, you have to decide for yourself what to call it because they were to complete team versions of what the play is. in addition of hamlet, you've got several editions and in one
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of those, to be or not to be speech read for me to be or not to be the point. it is so different from the one we recognize and that is because they were different ways of capturing the performance and perhaps that version is from his series of scribes who were transcribing it in the audience and real time. are interested in that our collection covers much more than shakes here. it's a picture of the entire renaissance that extends to the european renaissance. we really covered print in the 1470s through about the 1730s which is the fully merchants of the atlantic world, which includes the part of the world we are standing in now. this is a copy of cicero, which is a schoolboy's book. this copy happened to be a lot to henry the eighth. king henry the eighth --
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divorce, beheaded, but this copy of cicero is one that henry annotated. he says here and is early modern spelling, this book is mine. just so you know. >> host: who can access this beside you, a c-span camera crew? >> you can see this online visiting our website. but if you were a reader here, we will put many documents in your hand because people need to look at the real thing. that's a really important point. you can learn so much by looking at a digital scan. upstairs you will find people who have handled 100 books with 500 early modern books and being able to look at the paper and ink and all this extra information.
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if you were to do his job interview face-to-face versus the telephone, you would refer face-to-face is there so much for her nation and it's exactly the same way with materials. the more you work with them, the more you get a sense from the feel and touch and how things are put together. so we move around a little bit more. i want to show you a couple more things. this is a copy called the bishops bible. this is queen elizabeth the first. this is her bible given to her by matthew parker and it was probably used in her chapel so their readings during those celebrations in her chapel would have come from this book. you can see it has a beautiful red velvet covered. clearly a very expensive book. it has the roses here and there has her identifying marks here.
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elizabeth regina saying she is the queen. you can also see on this side of the cameras can come in. this is actually captured on the book so even the side has a set of patterns carved into it. when i think about this book, peter, this is the equivalent of the cathedral in the sense that it is tremendously complicated. the amount of learning and craft that you have to develop as a community to get to the point where you can create a book like this is just tremendous. that is why is created in this way because it is given to elizabeth bennet a monument. it's not made out of stone but it's a fabulously complicated object and you have to learn how to set type. you also have to handle classical languages because the services are greek and latin and all that goes into creating the beautiful object.
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>> host: when you see this beautiful print or you tell me what it is. the colors are still so vivid 400 years later. >> this is a wonderful example of hand tinted print. this is a not less, latin title or brister room. the theater of the world or the globe and you've got these figures representing africa here, and other figure here. you've got some pretty stuff down here and then you've got probably something like the goddess wisdom on the top frame on it -- that's probably a monarch here. what is done here is that they've made a beautiful printing using a copper plate that has been attached. it is a high quality print.
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someone has hand colored the page itself. this edition is wonderful because they hand colored extends to every plate in the addition. that would show you this one. this is europe this is known was the mother not gone well. you can see the cathedrals, the national borders at the time created. you can save england, ireland and scotland in there as well as here in the west. >> reactor is not. >> this is pretty accurate. the way in which the atlantic world takes shape is through exploration and mapping so i collection holds a large quantity of items about the expiration moment which includes the moment when elizabethans come to the united states. so you've got the colonies and james town.
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that is really shakespeare's world planting it off in north america. that is a complicated history. is part of the history of this country, also part of what was good and bad about colonialism. >> was shakespeare where the new world? >> yes, he lies. he pretty clearly read a pamphlet which was about a shipwreck in bermuda. but he makes reference to stories about the new world that were coming back. he probably didn't have great information about it, but when he uses a phrase like brave new world, he is saying that there is this place that we haven't explored and is overturning our expectations about like human beings i like and what nature is like. that is something that is firing his imagination. >> that was a portion of the tour that the tv took at the
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>> there's just certain principles woven within the fabric of the earth that you can't -- you can't deny them. you can't circumvent them if you are to ever stand on the mountains. fortunately as i said in politics and business and athletics and as a youth pastor, i learned some of them and i learned that the hard way.
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>> welcome back to southern california. day two of "the los angeles times" festival of books and book tv inside. we are on the campus of the university of southern california with a full day of author panels and colin programs. you'll have the chance to talk with several authors including area in a huffington radio talkshow host dennis prager. for a complete schedule, follow us on twitter@otb on facebook,
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