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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  May 2, 2016 6:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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types of commands or units may cultivate an environment in which there is an increased risk of sexual assault. one such risk factor may be hazing in our february 2016 report on dod's policies address and track hazing, we reported that initiations and rights of passage can be effective tools to instill esprit decore and loyalty and are included in many traditions throughout dod. however such traditional activities as well as more ad hoc activities have ad at times includes cruel or abusesive behavior and has not always been easy for service members to draw a clear distinction between legitimate traditions and patterns of misconduct. also, we reported that hazing incident maize cross the line into sexual assault. we noted that service officials and male service members at several military installations gave us examples of recent incidents in involving both hazing and sexual assault.
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we found that a series of hazing incidentses may escalate into a sexual assault and that service officials stated that training on hazing-type activities and their relationship to sexual assault would be particularly beneficial to males in that it might lead to increased reporting and fewer inappropriate incidents. dod also included six protective factors fed eye cdc in the prevention strategy but does not specify how the factors, such a emotional halve, relate to dod's five domains. the protective factors that d.o.t. include are group together, whether than being listed under the domain to which they belong. thus, dod may not be able to accurately characterize the environment in which sexual assaults occur or to develop activities and interventions to more effectively prevent them. for the second objective in our november 2015 report on
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implementing prevention activities, we found that dod and the military services developed and are in the process of implementing prevention focused activities, but they've not taken steps to help ensure that the activities developed at the love or installation level are consistent with the overarching strategy. dod update prevention strategy, identified 18 prevention focused activities, and according to decide officials, two have been implemented and efforts to address the remaining 18 are ongoing. colorado officials said the remaining 16 activities identified in this strategy will never be considered complete because as the program develops the department will consistently revise and renew its approach to these areas, as such-officials sad the status of the remaining 16 activities will indefinitely remaining a ongoing, in addition to the actives hissed in dod
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strategy, installation-based personnel have developed and impreempted various prevention activities at their installations. dod acknowledged that the 18 activities in the updated strategy are not the only required prevention activities and encouraged the services to develop their own specific initiative. however dod noted the objectivity of the prevention strategy for achieve unity of effort and purpose across all of dod and the execution of sexual assault prevention focus activities. but they have not taken steps to help insure that the activities developed at the local level are consistent with the overarching objectives of its strategy. these activity maize not be consistent with dod's preventioning extra because dod and the services have not communicated the purpose of the strategy and disseminated it to installation based personnel responsible for developing and implementing activities at the
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local level. for example, during our site visits to select installations we found that program managers were largely unfamiliar with the dod strategies strategy. further the military services sexual response policies, key conduit of such communication, have not been updated to align with the guidancey the updated strategy. we also found during our visit to select installations there's limited co lob operation for a number of reasons, taking place on the prevention activity developed locally which would affect eefficientsive though department's efforts for prevention. for example, during a visit to an army base, program officials informed us on of attempt to co lob operate with the services on prevention activity. however, the other services declined to collaborate because the other services, whose programs were solely tuesday
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kess odd sexual all thought it would be confusing too collaborated with army since their program addresses sexual harassment and assault in conclusion, since our first oft report in 2008 on sexual assault in the military, colorado has made progress in improves itself efforts. still, without filly developing its prevention strategy and communicating throughout the department, dod may enkoontzer difficulties in carrying oust its investigation to eliminate sexual assault in the military. that conclude mist remarks. if you're something in the of doa's reports you can find them on the internet at, and if you have trouble finding it, should me an e-mail. -under addresses are listed in brochures. that concludes my remarks. [applause] now we'll snake questions, and
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while we wait, i have a couple i wrote as i was listening to you all. one of my first questions is doctor, if you talk about if you look at whether or not sexual oreern addition is a risk factor in the military population? does that put people at more or resurrection of sexual assault. >> we didn't study it. we actually wanted to ask -- have a question on in the survey that asked about sexual orientation because it as risk factor in other populations. it's a recollection factor for bullying and harassment and assault in high schools and colleges and prisons. and so it's certainly possible that sexual orientation is a risk factor in the military as
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well. we weren't able to -- at the time there was a policy against dod collecting that information. i think that policy has been changed. i think that behavioral risk factor survey that just went out did have that question. >> any audience questions? >> hi. i'm jessica from the army sharp program office. this question i had is about male experience of sexual harassment and assault and i appreciate you bringing that it. to what extent do existing instruments capture male experiences? >> survey instruments. well, we designed -- we were given an opportunity to completely rewrite the sexual harassment and sexual assault items that had previously been
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used for the wgra, and one of the objectives we had in designing the new survey questions was to capture both male and female experiences as they relate to the law. the prior sexual harass. questionses that have been used and are widely used concerned a form of sexual harassment wasn't tightly aligned to the law necessarily. more -- i think the developer, dr. fitzgerald, describes it as a psychological construct. so so our instrument was connected to military equal opportunity hostile workplace environment, sexual quid pro quo, and gender discrimination. so, and we tried to develop questions and we pretested it with men and women that would
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capture both male and female experiences. i think we captured a lot of male experiences, our estimates from our survey suggest there are more men who are sexualitily assaulted and harassed than women so we certainly got a lot of them. >> the 2014 rand report is a vast improvement over previous ideas by dod to collect information you've still have to be careful in terms of trends. rand has tried to midnight previous questions with their new questions to get at the heart of some of these issues, more so, but when we looked at male victims we found there is data, a lot of data, going back years, including on male victims, but dod had not used it, and that's an issue. as you possible probably know, as a report to congress is hundreds and hundreds of pages of data and there's even more
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behind that, but it's -- being from gao we leak to see decisions data-driven and we know there's a lot of data available regarding male victims and dod needs to capitalize on that in order to determine where does that fit in this prevention strategy. >> good afternoon. hi i work for the coast guard. my question is twofold. participate in the rand study and so i just would ask why those results weren't compared. we were pretty well in line with the air force and also realizing -- i know we fall under the department of homeland security, with the gao report. believe with all the service wiz suffer the same issues and can learn from each oomph my question is how come sometimes we're compared and sometimes we're not.
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>> that was my fault. apologize. i have sometimes included the coast guard findings alongside of the dod findings. didn't prepare that for this briefing. i'll say that the coast guard looks very much like the air force in terms of sexual assault rates. that is they are significantly -- men and women are exposed to significantly lower rates of sexual assault and that's not explained by all those demographic differences between the servicesful. i apologize for toe the coast guard for that including they're dat in this. >> i just would like to ask a followup to that. do you think it's related to the percentage of women that serve in the air force and the coast guard relative to the other services? to me the correlation is the population with the fewest women, the marine corps has the highest problem live assault, and the highest population of women in the air force and coast
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guard seem to have fewer or less. >> so, what we were able to -- our statistical analysis, included percentage of men in your student the percentage of men in your installation. so we ruled those two differences out as an explanation. so i think the answer is, no. i don't think dish think we know that it's a risk factor but that doesn't explain the differences. >> usually when gao looks at this issue, it is across dod and coast guard. when we started this in 2008, that was the scope of our effort. sometimes we have been focused just on a service, like the air force, after the scandals at the initial training down at
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randolph, we were asked to look at that particular situation and what the air force is doing, and as you probably know they had 44 recommendations that they implement most of those, focused just on basic training and how to prevent sexual assault, and currently we've got a review that is just focused on the army reserve components, which i the army reserve the national national guard. prefer when we can really zero in on a service -- because dod being so large, we can usually go deeper when we have a scope that doesn't include everything. but our work is driven primarily by mandates from congress, gao is part of the legislative branch and we do our work generally, especially with the defense issues, usually work that is directed in the national defense authorization. sometimes they're requests -- in fact this work that we have now
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is driven at this point by mandates and actually started with a request from the house oversight committee. >> thank you. another hand out there. >> i'm from the university of san francisco. i have kind of two different points, one concerns the question we just talk about. what might explain some of these differences, and i'm thinking if we look at understandings of combat and masculinity in combat we might be getting there. i don't know if you looked at that. in the differences in terms of the significance of particularly -- that's what i'm talking about -- and how does that play into this? research is all over that mass christianized nature of this, and -- the second point is in
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terms of whether you have done your very first opinion on the difference paths of reporting and the different language used, again coming from the feminist culture, i would think there's something there in terms of how issues around shame, sexual violence as a private versus a public, all of these kind of things, kind of play into how men and women report these. i'm wondering how much that comes into your research. >> in terms of -- two of the things we were able to look at is the differences can be explained by the proportion of personnel who have been receiving combat pay, and so those services that have the more higher proportion of their
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personnel getting combat pay have higher exposure to those environments, that did not occur in the service differences, and simultaneously we also controlled for the number of months deployed. deployed looks different each service, and so that is -- it's not a perfect control, but that didn't explain the differences either. so we looked at a lot of these things where we can. there's a lot of nuances to what it means to be deployed in the navy verse marines. quite a different environment and we can't control for that perfectly. i'm sorry. the second one? >> the second one was about the question of reporting. the different language. >> right. i totally dish think that's very likely -- i think it's very likely that even when -- we don't have direct evidence to
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draw on to answer the question, but my hunch is that, yeah, men are -- they may have different kinds of feelings of humiliation that might prevent them from report organize from whatnotting to think of it as a sexual assault. we also heard a bunch of examples of the kind of assaults that occur against men where i can kind of believe they probably didn't think wait sexual assault. they thought it was razzing or horseplay or other kinds of misbehavior that can occur in a unit. >> thinking back around 2008, when we started this work and dod could not tell us where in the most incidents were happening or the least incidents
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so that we could go to -- those who had the least number reported and see if they had best practices that should be shared. dod has come a long way in refining that dat and being able to pinpoint more where these incidents are, who is happening, and as i said the 2014 report is very robust and rich with data. as far as the male not reporting, it's -- our report noted it's part of the culture, being in that male dominated environment, which was discussed earlier. it's also we saw this crossover from hazing to sexual assault, when we looked at male victims and looked at hazing. hazing is a term thrown out a lot, especially i've noticed in the last couple of years but very little is known about hazing because dod doesn't track
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hazing. it's either -- each service does it differently. some track substantiated and unsubstantiated cases. some only substantiated, some just from certain sources, like hazing can be referred and can be to the ig's office or can be a criminal investigation, but we -- hazing in 2016 reminds me of where sexual assault and dod was in 2008, that there's not a lot of data out there, and there's no oversight in terms of, yes, there's policy on hazing, there's boundary about what is acceptable and appropriate, but dod has not been providing the over sight to see if the policies are being implemented as intended. so there's a lot of series about hazing and sexual assault and male victims but not a lot of
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data still to understand the issue. >> thank you. >> i'm -- [inaudible question] -- i am a retired army major. i've been in special operations in training, i've been in -- just about every kind of environment so i know about hazing and session all assault and sexual harassment. >> i'm surprised i don't see more of my military colleagues because so much of what way da is top-down, and we are mandated to do brief examination things like this and also you notice in a military setting that pretty much the command culture is dictated at the top and we don't have more -- but my question was
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in terms of this overlapping between hazing and also sexual assault, i was very surprised how you uncovered that. >> the survey we did had a question. for those people who we identified as having had a past year sexual assault we asked them a bunch of questions what they did about and it who did it to them and what circumstances were, and alcohol and all these other things. one question we asked them, define the concept of hazing, and then said that's what we meant by hazing, and then said, do you consider this event you experienced to be hazing? and gave them a definition. and then asked them, is that described what happened to you? and so men were six times as
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likely as women to say yes to that question. >> your earlier point, we did invite dod. we sent an invitation to quite a few offices and we were surprised at the lack of interest as well. we held this event here very close to the pentagon, with the express purpose of having as many dod participants as possible. unfortunate that there's -- [inaudible] >> thank you for that. i saw another hand over here. >> i think it's on. >> hi. social worker in the sexual assault program in the navy when we were first creating it.
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i want to go back to something you said which was more men are sexually harassed than sexually assaulted in the department of defense, and just want to point out, 85% of the people that are in the services are male so of course the numbers are higher. the incidents are not higher. the percentage of women is much higher than the percentage of men, and so i want to be clear about that. dod makes a huge effort to make it sound as if sexual halt and harassment are jennifer newell neutral and they're not. they're not gender neutral in the civilian system or in the department of defense either. so i want to make sure we're clear about those numbers. >> thank you for clarifying that you're absolutely right. the women are five dimes as likely as men to be sexually
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assaulted and four or five times -- three or four times likely to be sexual hi hard raced if -- sexually harassed if i have that right. >> next, right here in the middle. [inaudible question] >> my name is -- i served five years active duty at the marine corps and now currently a reserve. i have two-part question. the data shows the marine corps has the highest number of sexual assaults. now, the marine corps is talking about doing integrated training from basic training. do you think that will increase or decrease the number of sexual assaults? >> great question, and one thing i didn't -- we were able -- weren't able to survey people in basic training.
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we did -- for those people who had been in the service at least six months we were able to survey them. and so we asked, did it occur during basic training? so we got some information how often this occurs during basic training but we -- just like all the prior wgra, the survey of active members, we didn't -- we didn't survey basic training. but the question is, would integrated training increase rates? and so most perpetrators are men, and so if you're bringing women into an environment that has more men, i think the risk of sexual assaults will increase. [inaudible question] -- basically my entire career
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training is just check the box. we go through training because it's mandatory and always a power point, someone walking around and tapping people on their shoulder, hey, pay attention so they're not paying attention to the training and the active duty service i have had one female marine approach me. as a reservist i had six, so within this last year, i have permission to tell already story. she is my friend who was really raped in japan, and it was towards the end of her pts and she was going north carolina. she gets to north carolina, she there is for about six months and has to go back to japan to testify against her offender. she comes back, he had zero support from her command, and to the contrary they kind of label her, always got medical appointments, why always late,
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and because it's some heavy duty medication. but instead of helping her, they victimized her and now she went from a superstrong woman to a shell of a person who lives off medication, who has a service dog and can't good to a corner store without someone there with her. and zero help from commend. so this training i feel like it's a waste of our time because we're listening to the power point and i see people texting, falling asleep. no one is paying attention to the training lamp goetz to happen to really pay attention to -- this is happening, this is happening in our community, this is affecting morale, unit leadership, and it comes from the top. it's comes from the commander, and shows that 50% of perpetrators are from a supervisor or someone in a high leadership position.
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so kind of hard to say, i told my po but he could be the one that harmed me. >> talk a little bit more specific about some of your questions and what are we doing at an individual and an organizational level. so the army will talk about some new army ways because we do recognize that much of the training that's been developed has not been as effective as we want it to be and we're constantly trying to evolve and develop new ways of tackling this problem. this is complicated. >> there is a continuum of hard here that includes hazing and sexual harassment and sexual assault and one of the recommends to dod was it would be useful to review the training, to make sure that there's some prevention occurring on all these levels, and of course, effective training is the only kind of training that's worth doing.
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>> i mention we made a number of recommendations, including recommendations to measure the effectiveness of the training because i know what you're talking about. the 200 people crammed into an auditorium, sitting through a power point is probably not going to be effective, and there are other ways to deliver the training and make it such. on the sexual harassment, we issued a report on that back in 2012, and what we found at that time was that not too much was known about sexual harassment. commanders surveys which you probably are familiar will have been in play for years and years and years, and the commanders climate survey, administered at the installation level, would be a way to understand more about sexual harassment, but in 2012, at the sites we visited,
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majority of the installations, the commanders had not administered those surveys to take a temperature pulse read on is harassment an issue in their unit they need to address. there's been improvements. and in fact it's now statute tierly required for commanders within a certain period of time to administer the surveys and there is a set number of question that have to be asked and then they can on their own initiative ask up to an additional ten questions to understand the environment for the command they've taken over, and then those reserve are to be forwarded so somebody else can look and see what's going on at a particular location and other issues that are related to harassment or hazing or issues that. need to be addressed. ...
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>> we will look at a preview while reiterating -- we are waiting. >> date you for being with us. vs. space new hampshire rand donald trump and the delegation the talk about
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tomorrow with indiana. >> we're looking at the corporate state pretty much every trick he has endorsements also a vice presidential nominee and so for him a lot of it is unwarranted you want to stop him then you need to start with tomorrow in indiana and then not just up the could either but all the way to the finish line. actually carly fiorina not lung dash purina fell off the stage and had a concussion and they're
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calling him the zodiac killer. >> other polls show that the polls are closer but. >> yes. he does have a broader area if you look at the applications their pay space attention to that but that is now with the race appears to be headed right now stages need to bunkered down and that is where they are. >> if you look at the 1,232 delegates from the first ballot if donald trump wins tomorrow if he could gain all the delegates what happens then? >> there is in a way that donald trump can mathematically clinch those in even if he does win in
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indiana you have to win california also. so there are some other options but no matter what it will not end until june at the convention somebody will say we will keep fighting to see whoever can beat him that in the northeast as were trump is a strong guest he won every single county that voted except one. even the rural areas so bnp turnaround? but now we're in a different region. >> whitey think this point -- despite the endorsement of carly fiorina why has ted
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cruz band struggling. >> a huge part that donald trump is winning all the states among the republicans who have been unwilling to stand behind him i talk to you to committee chairman who endorsed him they are major players at a time when members of congress are choosing between the two but they're picking donald trump because he is quitting and also with ted cruz in the senate is a necessary but indiana but with that inevitability around donald trump with the presumptive nominee. he does have to win and the delegates but for ted cruz
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it is very hard to swim upstream. >> of course, it does come down to delegates you are reporting the new hampshire publican party has canceled their delicate for the committee assignments? >> number eight peas is said to do this usually but potentially it could be contested convention but what committees they are on the rules committee the credentials committee that plummeted out of those delegations so the new hampshire republican party has said pretty as pocket -- outspoken to say here is our slate who will have all these spots and on that word zero people were tromp delegates that is pretty notable because he won the state the people threw their arms up and complain to it
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was a transparent and then she pulled back today with the votes would be counted to say we will have an in person meeting to put this together that is until friday. >> we will look for your reporting on line at "politico".com. thanks for being with us. >> now we're back live to south bend indiana for a donald trump campaign rally tonight we will have live coverage of the indian a presidential primary with the results and candidates' speeches of donald crump -- donald trump and bernie sanders and ted cruz and hillary clinton right now we're live in south bend indiana where donald trump will speak with voters and reporters in the hoosier state. while we're waiting we will
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look at today's white house briefing. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> good afternoon. i hope you are well recovered from a busy weekend of source building it is all business all the time. we hope you found time for fun as well. we can go straight to question. >> what is though white
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house reaction. [inaudible] >> i hope it does create a member -- urgency for members of congress. with 194 days to go without a legislative proposal. i think that should be an indication into you and to the people love p.r. to focus on this. unfortunately we have not seen that movement. >> it is to empower the puerto rican government and
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the administration believes they should be contingent upon the port we can government needed financial reforms and for accountability and those are warranted. >> that is why it is wrong for people to describe the bailout but the situation gets worse by the day. and in some situations it gets notably worse. to only make the bailout more likely with the situation that has a negative impact on 3 million americans it.
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>> as they're selecting government services. >> you'd be hard-pressed to make that case but analysts said puerto rico government of nova you can possibly, well, that is exactly why authority that is needed. and it is also wise said its financial firm -- reforms are overdue. they are plaguing the puerto rico government but also with the negative impact on the broader economy. this requires an urgent response.
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>> describing what is practical or what is the u.s. prepared to do to enforce this? >> with that chaotic situation in syria there has been some confusion. that does not stem from any government officials that i have seen the press and does not believe that the safe zones are the effective alternative for what is currently happening in syria right now. there are some no-fly zones or sissonnes for the syrian citizens but that its united
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states on the hook for safeguarding for the ground troops because presumably you have isis trying to infiltrate that doesn't actually make a lot of progress but those sissonnes have been in the context of the proximity is that was an agreement that was including the voskhod regime. -- assad regime with the
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implementation and the truth is over the last couple of months that has been more effective than most people thought. and we were frankly surprised at the level of violence to reduce as much. there have been violations all along. to have an increase in the severity and the increase of the hostilities. to those areas of the country united states has
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been engaged in conversations with the russians to move back to living up to the context of the possibilities it is a nationwide commitment and in many places in the country with the impact on the ground because there are some areas and that is where we are reinforcing our efforts. >> so with a narrower area? >> i would not call them to save some. with the u.s. government i haven't and the reason is that it is too complicated
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to differentiate for what we're talking about. be clear because he doesn't want to put the united states in a situation. but the focus of our military should be degrading isis but collectively as an international community be conscientious about living up to those commitments of all of the parties in those areas that we need to reinforce our efforts and in particular the assad regime to see the rushes use the influence that they have. russia did that once before to do have the implementation justin the
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last couple of weeks to go back to those tactics and to like to see the russians backed using their influence >> for those that are negotiated her damaging for the white house? >> i cannot speak to the veracity of that in public but we're not deeply concerned about those proposals but to see what our strategy is but around
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the world these are the values. for worker rights and environments. we want the world to observe higher standards but even for those american businesses should have those standards. dash opportunity for the american people so that is the strategy and a strategy that has guided the of participation. >> in with the negotiations.
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>> no. as the president described its are trying to complete these negotiations to get congress to act on it ago think there's anything about this to have a material impact. >> right after this obviously if this turns to interfere with the islamic
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state and then as they begin to look. >> the president did the news conference outside of seven arabia he was directly adamant about the political situation in. and was concerned about the situation and he noted the the political debate the better different from they have traditionally ben and that dialogue is so challenging to to have the disagreement within the community and how that governs back to. >> to present some unique challenges with that
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situation inside iraq. at the first trip by have made in more than four years. psycho -- so the significance of the challenges that are facing and the purpose of the vice president was to reiterate our support for the reforms of your being pursued the vice president also would underscore the commitment for economic support that the government needs to implement the also needed assistance that could be provided to iraqi authorities to rebuild the
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communities that isis control that is a critical part of the effort to prevent isis for retaking those communities with the need to support this iraqi effort and and vice president brian -- biden has ongoing international support for the military to destroy isis those military efforts are under command-and-control of the iraqi systems. we have been able to work with iraqi forces of the populated character. we're looking for ways to keep that going to support
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iraqi operations to retake cassidy so there is a lot of business as he was engaged in iraq for those conversations that took place at a critical time. >> those events can you just remind us. >> i am not aware of any high-level government meetings but i checked with the state department about that so we should confirm that information.
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>> i am certainly no expert the influence but as a matter of policy government respects the sovereignty of the nation of iraq in irresponsibility to be entirely respectful of that process and reading the news coverage over the weekend talking to senior officials there isn't enough to work on this issue all the time. you would recall as it was ago june to iraqi territory and wondering if it could get isis out of the country.
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and with those political failures of the minority government in iraq it is necessary they could connect to the support they are providing now. six significantly with the iraqi government with that impact of the iraqi security forces that are on whom based on sectarian of that
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military with the establishment of the government to prioritize with the abilities to work together would be critical to their success our government philosophy that is why it has been supportive of his efforts but ultimately they need to be responsive to the concerns of the priorities of the iraqi people. he is the leader of a sovereign nation that is why united states can be supportive of his efforts
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listing to the iraqi people. >> i think he has demonstrated during his time in office to a multi sectarian iraq and with that vision is a national said -- security pyridium he in the stands and i also think it is unjust for his own personal preference or national-security of the country but because it is a reflection of the iraqi people with the success of this country to depend on the success to unify the
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country with the challenge is that they currently face. remember it is said just isis that poses a threat but it is creating challenging challenges in their economy was significantly lower price of oil has proven to be a certificate challenge for that company those that are in terms of the monday that is required but lovell of expertise that is not easily found. there are significant challenges and that committee would be supportive of him of the
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changes consistent with the minister of iraq. >> in those plans to retake those old and those parts of iraq but now with seems that they're back. and now there is the push back. >> basically our national security professionals have not detected any impact base
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of the political instability in the region. united states and its coalition partners with six artillery strikes and the ongoing effort to of the assistance to the iraqi forces. so what we have said all along for those military decisions when they begin the operations will be made by iraqi forces with the spiritual respect of the sovereignty to partner with them to carry out ongoing
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operations to plan for future military operations in. >> so to be under pressure with that solidarity i am wondering? >> i am not aware of any photo opportunities based on what the epa communicated to the public so that is how we encourage people for what they get from scientific and public health experts about what water is safe to drink and the president will follow that advice.
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>> [inaudible] >> with the howard university commencement what is the plan or how does that include leaders? >> i did not reveal the cummins bid to address at this point he has been working on a for a couple of weeks now. check them later this week may be acting debut a better idea. >> i also want to ask at the white house association dinner.
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[inaudible] >> the first thing any comedian can setup to follow the president at the white house correspondents' dinner is one of the most difficult tasks in the comedy. just by the nature of the engagement is a tough job following the president of the united states. president obama over the years has showed himself to be rather adept at delivering one or two items and enjoys an opportunity. the point is he had a difficult job and the
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president's expectation is that canadians will go for the line. >> but civil-rights and black comedians were very appalled even black republicans. but that they feel really crossed the line. >> is a the first time people on the monday after the white house correspondents' dinner have observed that they would cross the line. many people feel he had overstepped his bounds to deliver his remarks and then they make that observation from 2009. it isn't the first time we have had a conversation like
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this. i had an opportunity to speak to the president and he said he appreciated the spirit of the sentiments. he ended the speech by saying he could not put into words the pride that he felt in his presidency and to make workable progress. so not been willing to accept an african-american to be elected and reelected but also to lead the free world. every find that to be a powerful transformation.
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>> i have no idea. of where in the neck speech will happen along spend much time worrying about it. >> but with those issues but there was are really awkward silence. >> i will say this this way i am not confident he was seeking to be provocative but the reading of the
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comment the president was not the but of the joke. what is true is that it is a tough assignment any comedian takes on when they sign up for the job. and more than they ordinarily would. >> but i will just say to appreciate the spirit of these expressions. >> so what about that
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meeting? >> is scheduled. it is traditional for him to invite the governor trolley's decree tim and the invitation was extended to governor schneider. >> [inaudible] but what a waiting for what
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needs to happen? >> you are right pretty simple message the we are delivering with the supreme court nominee has received an indoor robo i united states senate that is what the republicans are vowing to do is the unprecedented. and a dramatic escalation apart from policy because in this era of divided government and politics there has been an effort by both sides to insulate the u.s. justice system from the
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political stray voltage but in this case to rand said up even senator graham has a knowledge our doing is unprecedented. several republicans have indicated they're treating the nominee by the republicans and acknowledging this is not driven by a peculiar reading of the constitution but rob partisan political calculations not because of in the concerns about the nominee's judicial philosophy but simply like barack obama.
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especially when you consider they have more experience on the judiciary than any supreme court nominee in history taken a close look get that record it is evident to interpret the law not advance your political agenda. that is the argument we will make but this is an opportunity for the president to set before to make the argument once again to not have an impact on the constituents. >> but with these arguments better made over and over to
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apply that pressure? >> we started off with republicans across the of board to said they could be with the president's nominee now meeting with 14 different republican senators with more plans when congress and before they go on recess next week. we have made some progress. and to make the case from either job. but they're not doing it the
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you said there is space between them on the question of their areas to carve out of syria of what he calls the states serious that what you are suggesting that he supports the idea to carve out these areas is serious to the political process but he doesn't say any such thing? >> we're trying to put back in place across the country to apply everywhere in syria >> with those political transitions and then that is
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the concept. so there are first and foremost, supports the idea. >> but our goal is to reinforce the implementation of possibilities nationwide. and in our particular areas that were repeated with increasing violations. and the goal is to reinforce the effort to refresh that sensation of possibilities for receive violations with that tactic to address the political situation of the goal all along this for all
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across the country to add momentum to those political talks. as they said before of a relevant fact neither have extremist groups signed on we will see that all across the country but it will not have an impact on the coalition partners to go after isil. >>. >> with the state environmental apparatus but what is its that they apologize for? to act more quickly of the
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resignation from the epa. but is that president prepared? for america and the president is prepared to of knowledge he takes is a possibility for a lot of things but also with the independent commission with the primary responsibility it lies with the state read environmental agency had also and they also have the charges for their role as well. but i don't however specific accountability with the ongoing investigation to be
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perceived to weigh in on one side or the there. but the president will certainly go to michigan to make a forceful case as president of united states to feel responsible for the safety and well-being of every american and that will explain the widespread federal efforts to deal with the emergency situation as water has been distributed by federal employees we have seen 55,000 filters to be distributed about one-quarter of a million replacement cartridges cast doubt as well with the significant expansion of health care access. paid for by the federal government.
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this comes to the forms of spee in the medicaid eligibility but also offering grants through local health care providers it is a reflection of the federal government's commitment. >> that is the response to the crisis from the our presidential care but if they looked at him to say there were failures at the state level where was the federal government one year ago when this was happening? >> because the epa takes irresponsibility to work
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effectively with regulators to ensure the clean air and clean water of america and that is why more than six weeks ago the administrator sent a letter across the country to make clear what responsibilities they have and was also clear there is a response from the epa with that level of clarity will prevent the situation from reemerging that is a top priority as well. >> we're leaving the briefing to go live to south bend indiana where donald
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trump started speaking a few minutes ago. >> the press is so damned dishonest. so this is thousands and thousands of people by the way they could siphon fill the three rooms by does want to take you all for coming it is an amazing experience i have met so many people in indiana i stayed we're doing well. but we are really doing well. we call him lying ted cruz. he is lying. almost worse than the press. almost.
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and donahue heard because the press will not tell you this but a new poll came out a few hours ago and i am beating hillary clinton and. [cheers and applause] and i haven't even started yet. even the senators and governors even ben carson who is a great guy. he endorsed me. chris chris d. he endorsed me. a lot of people have endorsed me. jerry falwell, jr. just caved of is so many ministers and pastors.
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in new york we did the exit poll we won with 11 end with the bed. -- with the with the ad with a bed. and highly educated with a rich rand up for the then we went to the five states you went to connecticut and had to maryland. had every single one in a landslide. because if we win and the indiana live in rivers over with.
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-- it is over with. [cheers and applause] but remember we began with 17 and one by one they were off a governor and the senator and the senator and a governor what happened and. now we're down they are hanging on by their fingernails. it has been unbelievable i have bad here a lot with many friends i have met such amazing people. we have such incredible ride to the head right into the corridors of the big room shift we're going to make
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america great again we have everything. but the truth is that the trump proudly the safest place you can be because we lookout for each other and for everybody. 31,000 people recently it was unbelievable did you read about that you read the had some problems outside. i don't want them dirty the american flag. not the people inside that the people outside that were agitators'. many were professionals highberger you don't see it california was unbelievable
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55 / 20. [cheers and applause] but now we go up and with hillary clinton is indiana coming out of the "wall street journal" and nbc poll leading hillary 48 / 41. n. ely thing that cruz can say is i can watch. but we want trompe. lying ted cruz. nobody can live but they weren't and they had these guys debating and they get it. so many of the things that
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he said that i supporting donald trump and i.m. campaigning as my vice president who would you rather have? himself or curly or donald trump? so first of all, where did that come from? to raise taxes 40% i have a tax policy we have a tax plan and i give by far the biggest tax reduction for anybody running especially to the middle-class and business with the highest nation in the world than the fact is the one criticism is
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i give so much but yet you listen to this guy donald trump wants to raise your taxes 40% i have only done this nine months. i think am doing a good job do you agree? [cheers and applause] and all my life i have the business started off with a $1 million loan and then i had the greatest assets i am not saying braggadocio but bad as well be needed our country we have to bring the country back. if they were ripping us off like china or vietnam or japan i could name any
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countries they are beating us. i here's this guy i wish i could stand next to him so i could tell the truth. repeal and replace obamacare. so he gets up with the big flourish honestly held the key is very good at debating every single online poll or debate i have been hampered got my whole life is a debate. i talk about obamacare for everything we will repeal let it replace it with something great.
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your premiums are going up. 3545 or 55% the deductibles are so high you can never use it. it is the disaster. and blogging ted said donald trump loves obamacare he wants to take it to the next level. he is such a liar. i was given a little better shelter with one of the debates marco rubio call him a liar. so now i feel much better. but i have never seen him live like this. he said donald trump will not build the of all. -- build the wall.
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>> we will build it. [cheers and applause] . . i think he's crazy. lion ted does not have the temperament to be doing this. he is choking like a dog because he is losing so badly we have to put them away tomorrow. we have to get out and vote. we have to get out and vote. [applause] we have got to get out and vote.


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