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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  May 26, 2016 12:00am-2:01am EDT

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to. what is a political commitment, secretary carry has referred to the jcpoa not as a treaty, and the reason is because he said he would not have been able to get a pass. that's what he said right here. the reason why this is not a treaty is because he would not be able to get it passed. we dig this answer, but moving on. but moving on. he says it's not an executive agreement it's a political commitment. what is a political commitment as defined by the obama administration? >> a political commitment is an official policy of the united states government that we are fully committed as a government to implementing the deal on its terms. as a political commitment we or any future government is free to withdraw from that agreement with a minimum of legal difficulty. we have decided that. >> i'm sorry you're allowed to withdraw from the political commitment without legal difficulty? >> that's right.
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>> okay that's what were defining the jcpoa is something that you can withdraw from without legal difficulty? >> give other parties namely iran withdraws from a there's going to be serious consequences for that. we have preserved by establishing as a political agreement our freedom of action in assuring that are dramatic consequences for withdraw from that agreement. >> so should the iran sections act be extended as is? >> i know it is in place until december of this year, we are are ready to work with congress and addressing that congress. >> what is the administration's position on the iran sections act, should it be extended as his. >> our position is that we are willing to talk with congress and congressional leadership about that. >> what you plan on coming up with a position on the iran sanctions at? >> again, we are open to work with congress on this, we are at your disposal. >> i have a position, the iran sections act should be
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considered as his. >> what about you. >> let's sit down about that means. >> it means that the iran as his should be extended as his. >> but in previous efforts to extend the act there have been efforts suggestions to change the implementation. >> extending as his. >> there are voices in congress who would like to amend it. we just just need to have a conversation. >> well, the obama administration needs to come i know this whole thing about legacy and turning over to the next administration that iran never acquired a nuclear weapon but many of you all need to pray to god that the next demonstration cleans up your messed. i you'll back. >> the germans time has expired we go to mr. scott. pennsylvania. >> thank you. mr. countryman, good morning. he started with the administration in september of 2011. >> i've been a foreign service officers of 1982.
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i started my current post in this position in 2011. >> did you have any participation in the negotiation/agreement that we are speaking of what the jcpoa. >> i was not a member of the negotiating team. >> what was your involvement? you are the assistant secretary for the bureau of international security and nonproliferation. i would think this would fall into the nonproliferation monitor, if you would. what were your duties regarding this program, the negotiation, the deal, et cetera. >> as you know the negotiating team was small. they worked very well. i provided a couple of my experts for technical support. >> so you are fully aware of what was happening and who was
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doing it, even though you are not there, you provided experts but you knew when things were happening, who was talking to do in those type things? >> i knew when people were talking to each other, i did not know a lot about the substance of what was being discussed. >> okay, so so you knew when people were talking to each other. so then you knew when ben rhodes made the claim that we were dealing with moderates in iran that was completely false, that was a fraudulent statement, you knew that because you knew the timeline. you started in 2011 and you provided expertise and then he would have known that negotiation actually started in mid- 2012. >> i know when negotiations began under the previous iranian presidency. i know when negotiations began under president ronnie's presidency, i did not not know the substance of it. >> but you knew when that happens. >> so when ben rhodes said that we were dealing with and sold to the american people and the
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appearing congress, the primitive people in congress that question the timeline but you knew at that time that was a falsehood right? you knew because you knew it started in 2012 and ronnie wasn't elected until june of 2013, you knew that right? >> i do not believe it was a falsehood and no, i did not know. >> there is no secret, there is nothing concealed here. at the time of the preliminary agreement - mark. >> the negotiation started in 2012, did you know that? >> did i know the instant they began? no. >> so around sometime mid 2012, may be december, but sometime in 2012, you in 2012, you knew that, because you are providing material, right? >> i was providing an expert was given advice. >> so did you know or didn't you know? >> you know what sir? >> when the jen when the talks started generally. >> what did you provide the
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individuals that help? >> generally speaking, i knew. >> generally speaking you knew. and you also knew, i'm thinking that ronnie wasn't elected until 2000, june 2013, right? right? >> yes, sir. >> so when ben rhodes made the statement that we are dealing with a moderate in room on a. >> and what time did he make the statement? >> he made the statement about the negotiation because that was what we're supposed to accept even though many of us to the question that, did you know that? >> in 2013 when the jcpoa, the interim agreement was concluded there is extensive briefing to congress into the press about the history of contacts between iran and the united states. >> leading up to that we had questions about that and the word was that we are all supposed to accept that these were moderates and this is where the negotiation began.
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i'm not saying that you came to congress and said that, but you knew that was not necessarily the case. >> i strongly disagree sir. i have not heard any false statements from the white house. i heard a lot of statements. >> did you make any statements in support of the claim that this administration was negotiating with moderates from iran with a steel, did you make any the statements were did you support any of those question statements that you make? >> not that i i recall. >> not that you recall. >> my focus has been on the substance of the agreement and having the nonproliferation for five years, i see an agreement that is the most detailed of any kind. >> mr. countryman, understand that while the last question just outlined the fact that we're 36 months on late on triggers that designation for sanctions, we have a trust issue
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here. we have a trust issue between congress and the administration who objectively falsified the timeline when many of us your new it. i think you could have said something but you chose not to. for whatever reason. >> i have not made a false timeline. >> mr. chairman, i you'll back. >> we think the witnesses and we think general scott and the other members of the committee here for their participation as well. we'll continue the dialogue on this issue. thank you very much. we appreciate your attendance. we stand adjourned. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> c-span's washington journal, live everyday with every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up on thursday morning, virginia democratic congressman, bobby stocks will join us and talk about a report released by the gao which talks about k-12 schools across the u.s. are segregated by race and poverty. the report was released last week on the 62nd anniversary the supreme court brown versus board of education decision. congressman scott will also discuss what it means for education and the future of nonwhite individuals and that u.s. then, arkansas republican congressman will join us to talk about the efforts to pass a republican budget and the current budget impasse, the recent bipartisan to restructure
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the puerto rico's debt. also the presidential campaign and lgbt issues before congress. be sure to watch c-span's "washington journal" c-span's "washington journal" beginning live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on saturday morning. join the discussion. >> coming up on c-span two, a british parliamentary committee looks at how scotland will be affected at the united kingdom leaves the eu. then a. then a hearing on the conduct of john -- following the investigation of the irs targeting of political organizations. later, the house foreign affairs committee on the implementation of the iran nuclear deal. >> there's a, another hearing on increased wait times at tsa checkpoints. the house homeland security subcommittee will hear from representatives of airports and most severely impacted. you can see their testimony live at 9:00 a.m. eastern on c-span three.
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>> doctor tom friedman, director the centers of disease control and prevention discusses the zika virus outbreak thursday at the national press club. you can see his remarks live at 1:00 p.m. eastern on c-span three. >> this memorial day weekend on american history to be on c-span three, saturday evening at 6:00 p.m. eastern on the civil war. >> sherman could not have agreed more, about the time he captured atlanta in september 1864 his 64 his thoughts on the matter had slowly matured. once again, the rebel army had been defeated and another major city had fallen and filled still the confederates would not give up. so, rather than continue the futile war against people, he people, he wouldn't now wage war against property. >> turgeon historical society president, an union general sherman arguing that his march to the sea campaign was hard war rather than total war and that his targets were carefully
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selected to diminish southern result. sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. on american artifacts. take a tour with mitch mcconnell you and some of the oldest rooms in the capital, like the republican leader's we, conference room, and his private office. >> i had the good fortune to actually be here on august twentieth, 1963 when martin three when martin luther king made that i have a dream speech. i confess, cannot hear word because i was down at this end of the mall and he was at the lincoln memorial looking out at literally thousands of people. but you knew you were in the presence of something really significant. >> than it a p.m. on the presidency, former aides to lyndon johnson and richard nixon talk about the role of the presence during the vietnam era. >> lbj anguished about that war every sunday. that is not an overstatement. the daily body counts, the calls either to or from the situation room, often at two or 3:00 o'clock in the morning to
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see if the carrier pilots had returned. >> historian h&w brand is joined by tom johnson and former nixon aide will explore the four policies during the conflict. monday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. eastern on real america, our five-part series on the 1975 a church committee hearings convened to investigate the intelligence activity said the cia, fbi, irs and nsa., fbi, irs and nsa. the testimony by cia director, the fbi, and nsa director, fbi informants and others. >> we're here to review the major findings of our full investigation of the domestic intelligence including the programs aimed at domestic targets. fbi surveillance of law-abiding citizens and groups, political abuses of fbi intelligence, and several specific cases of unjustified intelligence
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operations. >> for the complete american history to be we can schedule, go to >> on june 20 third, the united kingdom will decide whether to remain in the european union. wednesday, british parliamentary committee consider the implications of that decision on scotland. this is just over two hours. >> hello everybody. >> welcome. we're having have john edward from scotland and i'm going to ask for an opening statement but we don't have much time, if you have an opening statement tell us why scotland's interest that the u.k. remains a member of the
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european unit? >> sure, very simply it is my contention in our contention that scotland and the united kingdom are better off staying in the european union. simply because we have been part of the system for the last 43 years. the networks and protections, the rights an opportunity we built up during that time some of which are almost invisible in terms of -- there are extremely
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important. i was speaking last night and every person in the audience stressed the importance of geographic in terms of their recruitment to start in terms of producing the markets we dealt with and also in terms of standards and markings that they thought were crucial to business. i find find that because every aspect of scottish life including those that were marginalized and realize that -- >> i will try to put this as gently as possible, let's perhaps i think scotland is familiar with some of the things and torn with some of the claims made in the campaign. >> that is certainly not our intention. i made back in february because we are very determined that we're not going to be going on the attack, definitely know the bowl not the man if you like. i don't see any reason to go negative. there are all sorts of economic arguments that stack up but it would seem at least from an international body and other bodies that we hear from that
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their thinking in terms of a stain. for me, the positive is all there in terms of corporation, engagement, joint opportunities being common threats. there's there's no need to go into attack. of course, slightly hundred to do so when you don't have a white paper on the other side, there is no manifesto, no blueprint test what it would look like. for us to simply it takes what we have at the moment and reminding everyone what we have how much of a role the united kingdom has in europe and how much scotland as a part of that. rather than it being some argument. >> so taking from this from afar from the me campaign, can you talk a little bit about what the relationship between the
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campaign is with the national campaign? and all the other with a scottish entity in terms of giving information. how does it fit in with these activities and campaign. >> where part of the designated campaign u.k. why. we recognize late last year when the referendum was coming soon enough that a campaign run purely from one capital city would not suit the nations of the united kingdom. and that was much true in northern ireland and wales as much is in scotland. so we set up a dedicated office in scotland in the campaign spokesman we took somebody from the campaign to be a grassroots organizer and someone from the
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scotland campaign to be a media organizer. the idea of reminding people that scotland was probably more tuned to issues of the referendum than other parts of the united kingdom. mr businesswise in retrospect. there there is not any need to get to parts political because there is a center which people do not want to be in the same platform as each other. so we very deliberately set up an advisory group that had no politicians on it. academics, and other citizens so that we would be talking if you like over and around to the political parties, talking about issues that affect them. obviously obviously each of the political parties in scotland, the leaders of the party themselves are supportive of remaining and they've all indicated that there'll be doing their own level of campaigning starting as the scottish elections in a few weeks ago. i know there's a debate tomorrow morning. we are happy to dovetail with them. we do not expect that we
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would try to chew on political parties. >> but we have questions just of the scottish and general election in this comes in six weeks before the referendum. you think scotland is warmed up but for this debate and you detect a sense of energy and excitement about the upcoming european effort and is there more to be stimulated. >> i have worked in and around scotland in europe for 20 years. i'm not sure there's ever that much enthusiasm to be seen. i think we always knew that until the scottish elections were out of the way that we would not see the political parties and political leaders talking about this in isolation. yet, i can understand i think six or seven weeks is quite a long time to talk about an issue
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that most people lives in the day today is not something -- i'm fairly comfortable that well plenty of time to get around about the issues and try to do it in ways that rather bring it homes it to people. europe tries to put it at a side issue. >> thank you. were actually following the polls and what they have to say. there is a few i think that suggest that actually scotland is more enthusiastic than europe and the rest of united kingdom is. from your experience would you concur with that? >> yes, to an extent. surly some of the polls we have seen and said something along those lines were not taking that for granted. it has been my experience in the past and during the campaign that the narrative about europe is different in scotland. i was once held up in the previous a job to say that the
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scotland was not working for the european, there's some truth to that. some of the issues that are central to the campaign down here maybe migration really don't ring true with scottish audiences because if nothing else it reminded people that -- elides whatever we choose to share. so on the many debates and i meetings and aggressive spoken to the last few months there's not been the same kind of antagonism that i detect in the discussion that some have the language of wanting their country backward we were misguided or deceived back in 1973. that has not come across at all. not to say that people are outrageously euro fanatic anymore than i am. >> [inaudible question]
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>> a new yourself a said that scotland would have an impact on the referendum. given -- [inaudible question] >> indy, might be. if you follow the polls to carefully you be a very nervous person. so we recognize one might be put a sized in a might be slightly higher in scotland. if that were the case and if it were true we can hopefully get someone in the region, two thirds-one third boat and it could be a substantial amount of votes on one side, when you think of all the varieties you have between wales, northern ireland and other parts of england.
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>> is a practical for two thirds-once there,. >> i think they'll be for scotland to decide. in our view we really one vote ahead of us and it is this one. all other questions about scotland's political future are entirely hypothetical. >> okay. thank you. >> concerns have been raised that there is prospect and not a possibility shall we say that the u.k. wants to leave, searing thing in scotland, this is a feature that you'll be using an campaign and what is your response to these claims made by scottish administers?
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>> i already's responded to that is just remind scottish people that every single vote in this referendum matters. because it was a simple binary vote there'll be huge numbers stack by the side. it could have quite a decisive influence on the vote. of course, the idea of somebody being dragged in the direction of where they want to go, it may be a large part, london, scotland, and wales, very wales, very large parts of england feel like they're being dragged, so it works both ways. perhaps it simply a case of if you think it matters to you and it should, make sure you vote. >> we also have a bill that went to parliament an amendment that suggested that it would require each of the nations of the u.k. nations to all vote in favor, is that something that you would
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find as an attractive prospect? >> that has not really come up at all. i think that is maybe because we're talking about a one off binary vote. if you start to put qualifications about nations and regions could you say all of england could leave but london could remain, if on the home nations were to remain and england were to leave, there's also limitations and no cutoff percentage as there were 1979 referendum. so it's not an issue that is come up in people's mind, it's more about the basic principle of whether you think it's a good thing or not. >> the initial question was is there excitement, what he think in terms of number of people?
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>> obviously well north of 50%. but we are realistic about it. i think it helps in high summer, i think it's we like to see it in the 60s. that is probably dependent on the energy of the more politicized in scotland as well. i don't know to what ask dent we can rely on party activists who it's been a very grueling couple of months running a campaign to come out from underneath that's all were building up a group of volunteers to be ready for that. >> no-no -- >> ..
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>> >> that was speculative last night. there is the element of a lot of the research is wendy
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is a least twice as much money the city would not get that same effect in also there is the sense that they have benefited from in the past with structural funds with the european budget to identify the areas of the needed development in the ellen every distribution. that if they feel if they cancel all income tax and get nothing back but the cbi belt of figure of research and innovation i don't think it is just a fairly empirical gain. >> i think interestingly
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that on behalf of scotland levy case smaller contribution bezel whole but where the northern ireland and wales. >> is what i first arrived in brussels with the partnership and the european partnership and others that are in terms of maximizing pending a. >> scotland is stronger than europe and what is that based on? to reconfigure that has come from cbi so we put it the
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figures in so that was based on the impact in terms of every generation and other aspects suggest the economic calculation. >> i have one more question. so what do you think are the key risks? so back in 2014 to the alternative future end if we
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don't have rent then there will be delayed in areas like that. is in terms of the rebate it aspects and the currency waiting for perot in the point we're trying to make the a have not advantage and is reminding people of the common market due to the capital movement is much more sophisticated in talking about a political
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system in with the united kingdom it is nothing like that. and it is reminding people you really notice when it isn't there anymore. between educational groups and retailers and the supply chains are not affected by the e.u. membership as well. >> the abc in as part of the e.u. because they have you k
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government speaking on their behalf and the u.k. minister in to be speaking on behalf of the u.k. or the scottish government. >> en this was discussed a time has all aspects of the society that is extremely influential. so when we get to the final
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decision in that has shifted to the european parliament since then. the also the with the drafting of legislation and that is something scotland has been very good at. the of relationship but with business organizations didn't we have something about a debate in that cultural interest? so just for a minute how
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these conversations. when the firing bad was fired drive a the referendum to the representation by these. and we continue that. and over a couple of weeks we're all over the place for :but with the debate did say membership chosen for one reason or another not to show if he weren't in the referendum but almost all discussions are with the
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general public and the political discussions for go far. >> what are the risks? i cannot think of any without the top of my head i have seen the scottish tourist that the top of the commission that we played a pretty good game in to a continued membership presenting any further threats and tall now. those who believe that union of the treaties refer to a single state that up that
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euro was the threat until the government changes its mind. >> but can i just suggest? one is that the european union takes a lot more members? and those are poor countries in scotland as a result that that scotland gets in to support a albania and turkey but albania is not exactly an enormous country but that
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was true in 1981 or in 1986. >> but the amount of money that they currently get would be diminished as a result but it has collectively reduced. to save is a desirable rest. the scottish coverage back by the scottish people with a minimum pricing and that
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was dismissed by the european courts of justice. and those aspirations having a decision was a cause of justice that was supreme. in choosing to do it the way that they did in the court decided that first determined to do what perhaps was nine the best currently at peterborough and that is where it presides so the scottish people have not been overturned at all. not yet.
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still nepotism pishogue that indeed it is supreme and in the decision that it takes in the future with scotland that scotland has no control >> only in areas of the of member states give the e.u. and ease cj. but that is our limits of competency is. and to interpret that is why the european course of justice and the jurors paid
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it -- jurisprudence for the european union. under that treaty in the european court of justice has said the interpret european union law for them to exceed. >> lenovo with that example if that was yet a single legal body. but the reason is for them to be subordinate with european course of human rights. so why doesn't it want to go on its own?
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with the scottish agriculture with those institutions and for spots to access higher education since there are all sorts of benefits that come directly to the scottish people. >> working with the campbell commission and other parties and to you by the stroke of a pen those that if we the
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people of europe decide to get in bed as a we have done. that is the fault of the prime minister and those who signed the treaty. >> but that point about stagnation i used to visit luxembourg a lot. the national motto is we want to remain what we are. it is proud as is portugal and latvia so the idea they give up national sovereignty any more than scotland doesn't bear any relation to the understanding i have of europe. >> had rather than the
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scottish people and with that scottish agriculture strip but i do have a voice to hear from scottish every culture as well. and for those were the experts in their field. absolutely a lot have a different view. into bear in mind to their market and then we are part
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of a market. and then why we seek to renegotiate a completely different arrangement. >> but i have to be honest. >> we only have 10 more minutes. >> added don't see that to be desirable at all for pro and elsewhere in the united kingdom and those he used students also it is a two-way street.
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>> to be fair so those questioned that he had been asking in the strong view and the university of scotland does give us that. but a couple of questions. >> want to ask in with the workers' rights more genuinely end with the benefits of the e.u.
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>> taken from the moment you get up from the moment you go to bed. so it is like the water they drink or the time is rather or other books that you after you are born. food quality common nutritional value, the labeling of her food, have network saddam partnerships it with debt cheaply deregulated air system works with transport across europe europe is not a stand-alone constitution. and people need to realize
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in a way that is positive and with the unique elements is based on the rule of law. tavis st. access. >> the what has been mixed at best, what are your views of how that affects scotland? >> we think it is sanguine as a new party campaign. we have another referendum was in some form or another.
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that was the decision one political party took for the referendum and there hasn't been any questions but somehow we will be lured into things we want to be a part of. from single european states but at least to complain to that text to say and those cities to work for because it would never happen that way after the berlin wall.
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but if you are a federalist to a certain extent with the bigger issue but on the 24th adjourn speeleven not a certain extent it is important and there are people that were about the sovereignty but i would be pretending it is said that was a strong issue in people's minds. with the many debates i have been to.
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>> such talk about immigration is visible site connectivity with the knowledge that the northwest frontier the european union rather visual trade of manufacturing terms or services or capital. you need to have many opportunities in with those opportunities abroad with those other 27 member states as their backyard not i am
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going abroad to work by and just going somewhere else. if sovereignty is the word pro so that since we are a part of the system is therefore we state the value the more terrifying arguments of the campaign as those of not been used up all. >> it is a hard fought case but there really hasn't been one opposite.
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with the membership to negotiate our own view and so you recognize those options that could be available. >> inevitably with the downside to be delayed if you want to remain a part of the free movement you have to accept the regulations at the same standards.
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but that is where the decisions are made and that is one option. but was sovereignty it is the way to go to relinquish some sovereignty i know people within the wto said they're still struggling to implement the regulations of what changed 20 years ago but after that was started and there are restrictions that is located is as good as the deal that you give up but take the swiss
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free-trade agreement with china. switzerland overnight drop 60% of the chair said china did not drop any because it is china against switzerland and that is politics and economics. i know how that makes life look better for us. >> with the sovereignty of trade and that seems to be the case that is coalescing in that seems to be diminishing.
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but is there anything in particular to reject more enthusiasm and energy. and not to say that is to be so much worse off. we can do we have always done there is no reason why we cannot continue to do that to get that strand of positivity in that geographical distance in with admission of defeat and
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a half of the commonwealth to be successful. but one thing we tried to avoid doing is that he said/she said but one thing i a binding accusingly acute is that i'm starting to get a sense everybody agrees but they all must be wrong but we have to ask themselves who they trust. >> opinion them want to join the opinion in despite the
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disadvantages would say no because they are not members of the european union? into joint field fashion by the. >> with your trade falling is going up. as tennis is going up but it has chosen not to join so they always had a slightly different view of the world for pope my contention that somehow these countries to
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move directly in our direction. but ioc why now you have a situation similar thank you very much for your in entering all those questions. [inaudible conversations] >> welcome to the committee
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i thank you know quite a few people at the table here. and why scotland should. spirit for many of the same reasons in seven of which they have appealed for example, there is no need for the commission or by default automatically with fishing or agriculture is automatic right to view of scottish fishing is run by the scottish as always.
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but actually to protect long-term. and also any other university student if we could charge them to live with that oversees label would be that could be used for anything the scottish minister wanted to use that for in to protect the long-term future. >> there is a democratic
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deficit. with the overwhelming majority but that is whether politics but just today there was another report. into equities% more ocala's scotland or england if you think it is the resolution is not relevant. edition that particular occasion. and have never much they want to argue about to
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contribute to the memberships that money simply does not have to be sent. as there was more money available and with that ability to have money to spend the edison the scottish and would be in charge of. in with the much simpler method that education for the scottish ministers. >> so that make scotland
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share and with the support of their private sector to significantly diminish and the money that comes back. select i absolutely said that the money that has been spent in britain the neck charlotte get a rebate.
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so what we do is paid out. because show the office of national statistics but if you want to have a debate and for that label for the privilege. >> how confident are you that scotland has secured its fair share? in the government proved.
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>> to trust the conservative party but we do have a the formula. and that agriculture that has more of the biggest for inevitably do continue as a related public spending increase. to understand the political dynamic the fact is to have bad extra money available. >> and i think the case that
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could be characterized this significantly different. with the population growth. >> yes i absolute recognize that reality. and in defense of the e.u. membership therefore he is absolutely right. from which the we must accept.
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in the u. k government so few are a businessman it is much more difficult and the non e.u. citizens that is for what we tried to create from anyone else in the world. we don't have this free movement and anybody who wishes to come to scotland.
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>> the first of all, to recognize it is economically beneficial. and has been managing and reassured and in fact, to agree in principle we cannot manage of indications. if you are a dentist or doctor from beijing. >> but we did see an example today but for the u.k.
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government and with some of those issues and looking at that demographic gap but what you have suggested to have proper control with the scottish economy. they feel with the citizens. with the am predicted number. with those ability of scales.
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so to be realistically more flexible. >> and the partners with that exercise i get the impression of what this is about that the standard from the u.k. with some of the colleagues looking for an out for the e.u. >> but with david cameron as the vehicle it is a different campaign in surely we would recognize that.
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>> we have heard the fact that they cannot give examples? what about what you are concerned? >> yes i will just put that in context you are right and that is historical because the legal system in europe is different in the u.k. and scotland or england because something is unregulated it is implied if you want to limit access it that is your approach to regulation but through the competency work every few years drivers have
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to get a qualification witches day qualifications obligation but once you have that for the next few years there is no chance to fail the for them to take that test that is the cost of the industry a company that hopes with local authority would and contracts to apply for permission for a project must be approved and i've had reports from people in construction industry that does not guarantee a level
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of quality it is an improved european mark know i thank you are wrong with all of these regulations that is and what it is about the basically to those companies that export to the single market fish in the one out of 20 companies in scotland regulation does have to be done on a transcontinental basis but with the circumstances of the scottish and in. >> but people do consider
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that in regards to the gold plating am not sure that what you said is necessarily true but how they implement these to make that happen. >> but now from what i hear over the last five years the coalition government made some vantage but the problem is in the regulations that apply to companies and you wonder why that have the export relationship with the e.u. and the export to the
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single market we must comply of course, to those standards but that doesn't mean every other country has to comply i think that is just common sense. >> we all take an interest in the opinion polls in the view is from scotland would be in favor of the e.u. would you agree with that? >> we will see. [laughter] clearly adducing kit is exaggerated from a personal point of view there is a number of reasons for that
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the constitution of scotland has been the number one thing for scottish independence so religious hasn't had any type of the level of contention but importantly if not for those of have been seen a peculiar obsession and in scotland to be isolated or cast aside gives an argument because these are issues that should have been debated much longer but that is one of the reasons why. >> is you don't anticipate scotland if the united kingdom voted tuesday? >> i am optimistic doorstop
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to dealing with the majority of scotts but for understanding those reasons and just from personal experience so that is something that i welcome and for those elected members you can seek wide to offer that chance by default you to understand why that is attractive ceramics you say the welcome majority see such movement so it is quite
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something to characterize the conservative issue so there must be something that they must react against it they just welcome they membership to the european union and something we have enjoyed. >> it remains to be seen depending on how engaged they are in this debate from my discussions with neighbors i don't detect a great deal of knowledge i don't mean it condescending but it is almost there rather than enthusiastic bidding for the support the use scotland i don't think it is very deep but once
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people here the reasonable arguments against the membership i am confident they will listen to them. >> who has questions so tell me what is the case with the remarks of some of the benefits. >> i thank you said 25 years is that not plenty? you said that was the argument 25 years ago. >> if you will remember i
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don't want to trespass but they did produce a white paper all it did was set up a number of targets i came into this campaign i have not been. >> with formal negotiations with the implementation i am
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not personally convinced. >> and by that referendum date but i am astonished that all these years that there is the single white paper being published you said that they lose out on tuition fees but then you also don't have to pay tuition fees. >> that is the case spirit is a benefit for both ways. >> will not run a campaign to everything is wonderful and useful but i do think there are benefits but there
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are fewer scottish universities than 10 years ago i kinky the actual figures but there is the increased number so it isn't just those issues to teach them the actual the application to university now i thank you should be given preferential treatment if you are applying that you were scots are going to university that is great for them but i am more concerned >> so if every single one of them. >> you are right i am not
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aware of a single organization. >> so it does benefit the university's? >> the money that we get back once we pay every single penny of that investment there is a lot of money left over but the fact is if you're receiving extensively from that he would is not surprising they will advocate. >> select presumably you are skeptical. >> but with these campaign movements it does kind of amazed me but not to be
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confused from the people so tell me the difference between the two if it is already covering that field. >> the two campaigns for legal reasons have to be completely separate so we cannot coordinate activities we have a budget of the coordination it would look like a single budget we don't want that to happen grassroots are not protected and i haven't been involved in that campaign since march and there is a long history and they do feel quite
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privileged. >> do understand leading up to this in april so i am confused of the differences between the two. >> i don't think the public could care less we're asking support for a particular campaign fifth i will leave because i have spoken to them or the grass roots. >>. >> digest want to go back the mark of the toy to be seized in a safe to be have certainly you're not saying that this unnecessary red tape.
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>> no. we do still want to have the safety markets prime talking about the construction industry within the company is bidding for government contract it is not only affected by the industry but doesn't guarantee any level at all. >>. >> the prime minister has said the campaign from the u.k. government what do we do? >> let me point out on the 24th of june every single member of parliament with
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make sure that has the good deal. and they will say let's get behind the u.k. negotiating the deal. and is important to say that with a majority interest. with the european governments and politician to make sure your kids the absolute best of the negotiations. >> i certainly hope so.
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on the day that we leave become the largest export market depending on the trade threats of the u.k. there is no conflict of interest. we are told they are our friends and want to keep us close but if you leave we will destroy your don't think that is what they're saying and once we can have that right to negotiate our own trade deals which most people are not even aware we're not able to do panera cecily no reason in terms of regulation or the relationships of already exist.
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>>. >> the technical things that you have to do first of all, to revoke membership to the e you right away and negotiations last as long as they last at the same time we have the facilities and resources with other big players like india and china and the united states. there is absolutely no reason for sticking to the association and asking about the barriers of the trade deal with india the e.u. in 20 different countries have been trying to we are still not there but yet they have 2 percent of the market?
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and pronounced the figures it was a piece of for the indian citizens to the u.k.. they're not going to get because they can going back to the immigration issue we cannot significantly increase the number of these said that we issue to mexico getting back to the suggestion or their proposal >> historically given what we had there is a reason why
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>> but to think it could change with the e.u. generously. >> it is about our best interest. >>. >> just to carry-on the present government isn't doing enough? >> i don't know what's going on i imagine it was far as civil services concern but i cannot speak to that. >> to say we do believe is important for the united kingdom to join the european
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union the policies are central slid as played that simply and easily and for the single market so there is no talk of that of a major criticism. >> end for the record to be unequivocal plea in favor and i want to be clear certainly pointing out of fog in the strategy to achieve a trade deal with india it will be possible on the chance but actually the
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membership was not important what was with the argument i have been making for a very long time it isn't the trade deals you can trade without a trade deal the market will decide in reproducing was of high quality so in france we sell more scotch whiskey in and month then resell brandy of the year because it is a high-quality product because people will buy it to the guy just want to ask the eu's single market rules of strong core of social rights for example, health and safety parental leave and
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paid annual leave and for the moment we see the human rights and ensure he would not be interested in the safety of these products so really it is not a subject so that is just some of the benefits to be a part of the e.u. >> let me say the recent publicity about the government than he writes is being done at the moment
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with the you who is no protection at all so that is something that is happening from those in the main camp if you would get some of the great leaps forward for protection of the national mineral wage there were all brought in at the u. k level >> they were members of the e.u. >> and completely separate the was the national minimum-wage. >> day understand your point but there is nothing that could stop us. >> correct but complete the
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two say they were made by british politicians. >> but to be solely charged with the employment rates that is at the site of the european union level enough to leave the conservative government. >> but as i say the attack on human rights starting within the you is being done with support but actually yes. i am still a member of the labor party yes but remember
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any government still was to be elected will people say the minimum wage came out people say what about the taurus with the minimum wage? but governments do what they need to do to get elected in they'll legislate. >> can you give the guarantee? how to do not insure there will always be there? with these mechanisms to have a feature. >> and that is to public
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policy in the european union i don't think has done very much. >> we really appreciated. >> one more question you heard the argument the previously you talked about with the prime minister would come back to speak in brussels in thank you said it needed to be defended did you change your mind? so where does that fall short? >> three have enough time? >> in essentially i have a problem with my own party
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yes the unions are flawed but what i realized with david cameron was nothing from negotiations with a conservative prime minister goes to the e.u. and says they need these reforms i have referendums happening in three months and the second-largest contributor may leave the e.u. given these reforms and they say no if you cannot get that consensus i promise you never will. >> let me just make the point from earlier there was that great point when asked why the prime minister thought he would get a better deal he genuinely
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thought the prime minister believed he could persuade his european partners in they would make concessions in because he didn't win those concessions so they had themselves a rather confused position so going back and what you said earlier you were challenging as to what anybody else said we need to have control over all migration across the world we have controls on the you immigration have to clamp down on everything else in his old-fashioned discrimination to turn away students and mathematicians
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that was open from the brightest and the best all over the world in which the situation in scotland but lee scott would be much more prepared to have the open borders with the rest of the world on the basis of merit and they themselves have made such a big contribution >> of course, it does come back to the referendum it's about skills and attracting people of a particular skill set and also into have confidence in the government >> gave very good point
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ambassador. >> thank you for that. [inaudible conversations]
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so ago i ungrateful for go to you this afternoon we're having to go through as many questions as possible because the president is renegotiating it is campaigning for the u.k. to remain how will these reforms affect scotland? >>. >> in terms of how the reforms are achieve specifically in scotland i think in particular scotland like the rest will benefit from principles that's will define the future relationship between those countries and real look to
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the long term of the overall renegotiation because i believe that economic logic will require those neighbors that committed themselves of a single interest rate and a single central bank and that will require some mechanism with accountability for those decisions so that is how to make that possible in that should be stable as a currency but how you do that at the same time respecting the integrity of a single
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market in those countries outside the currency for providing the principles agreed on grants of currency in the of principle to take place that does not compromise the single market and not with the non euro countries those are important principles in what i refer to was the declaration of economic competitiveness and the commitments of smarter regulation was concerned of the scottish government. >> there was a lot in there
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really have to understand if you have 100 people lost in scotland if they're secure that would be hard for anybody to recall what we negotiated in february so there is nothing whatsoever to do with the negotiations but the sovereignty of the trade. >> but if i have to start off the central achievement was a commitment by all member states of the european union that should be one we accepted the different levels of
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integration could be chosen by the french e.u. members never a question of a single destination better permanent choice not to proceed to the level of integration for economic integration that other members. >> we tried to identify and it seems to be similar of sovereignty and trade because of the campaign seven by to ask the scottish secretary this question to recognize there is a different direction requirement that is possibly not hoping?
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in which he looked at those issues involved? the wreckage to recognize your characterization of the debate is about the economic issues in the economic benefits of scotland within the single market impact with hundreds of thousands of jobs in scotland with the membership of the e.u. in the impact on individuals. that is the debate here in scotland. obviously we have the scottish parliamentary elections but in my
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interpretation is focused on those economic issues. >> in looking at this is distinct from the rest of the u.k. >> i wouldn't say distinct that a number of the issues that could arise but obviously there's a raises those scottish questions it is enormously important industry to scotland in we have been very clear for their industry it is important for them to remain in the e.u. because of the trade arrangements with
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labeling and tagging better in place to be opened if britain was to leave i do think farming is an industry of a disproportionate importance compared to other parts of the united kingdom and you check evidence yourself is very clear of the benefits of that industry so those distinct elements necessarily shape our debate with the farming interest in england the spirit producers would echo those arguments. >> to read perhaps have a different type of conversation?
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as we fight on the same side with these claims from the government that we remember does this have a more negative impact? anything you could do to caution the minister to tone it down a little bit with these claims? >> to read first point in it is one to your party and they do have the calls for a positive campaign but is usually followed up with negative statements the way the campaign has been run or the process wordy impact on the second referendum those
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people that are positive on scotland remaining in the e.u. should make a positive case and the tall shape the debate by making a positive case it isn't enough just to say do it to you recall 10 days ago to of course, the case of scotland leaving was from the leaders there. >> it just seems like mentioning war in an economic ruin do these things help to form the debate?
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>> i would not read too much into the headlines in the tabloid newspapers to look at the results of the recent security for policy dimensions you will find is a very positive case being made in which the e.u. can reconcile ancient hatreds that did lead to blood thirsty conflict to the nations of the earth but also to how the membership of the european union and the united kingdom's own tendency to secure hour global diplomatic and commercial zero objectives instability am for economic growth is one of the key driving forces toward the
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european continent working methodically together using diplomatic action and training police and military border forces and trade access agreements so for the hope of a decent living for filling that ambition we manage those challenges over time. >> that promise there is little distance between scotland and wales and northern ireland contrary to that lee scott are more than enthusiastic about the you in the united kingdom. what do you make of that? >> about whether it was
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demand within scotland or a referendum but the last time specifically it indicated 58 percent of the people supported there being a referendum though i think having the referendum is entirely consistent with scotland or the united kingdom for 2014 i think they can have their say in the debate clearly support scotland remaining we do have to read knowledge there are people who want to leave and is a right to characterize those that support that are those who voted in this girlish --
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scottish parliament election but they do expect united kingdom to vote to remain. >> is that in terms of support? >> we have had a number of debates obviously of the referendum but this is the u. k wide vote everyone can say in the result is determined on the vote to a guy unconscious on the time. . .


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