tv US Senate CSPAN June 16, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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strong economy. in ohio that's how he won everybody single county. but he was a guy who would actually vote againsta tax break when he thought it was not face cally responsible to do it. further a revenue base and enlarge our budget deficit. he was a very courageous elected official. and someone that you just liked. sometimes you meet people and it's all about them and it was never all about george. and a guy who had ever reason to be pompous and proud, he was not that way at all. how do i describe this, mr. president? he was -- he had the heart of a servant. he understood his job was to serve, not be served. he was humbling, not haughty. he came from a humble background and never had a lot of money he
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and his wife, until the day he died, he died in his sleep, almost at the age of 80, two days before my wife and i were supposed to have dinner with him and his wife here in washington with his other friends to celebrate his impending 80th birthday. but he had the courage to keep out of step when everybody was marching to the wrong tune. he -- how do i say this? he would -- face wad dilemma, like maybe voting with his caucus or voting with the president, and something that he just thought was wrong, he was amazingly -- he would, like, say, what is the right thing to do? i've heard him say this moreen this a few times. as governor, chairman of the national governors' association, here, he would say, what is the right thing to do? he wouldn't say, what is the easy thing to do, what is the expedient thing to do, but what is the right thing to do?
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he was a person of deep faith. we have a bible study group that meets here every thursday, just upstairs not far from this floor, about seven or eight of us who need -- i say this -- the most help. it is the republicans, the democrats, not all just one religion or the other. but it's -- and it's a meeting that he came to every -- just about every thursday. and he was a person of deep faith. he felt that the most important rule of all for us to follow, regardless of what religion we were -- protestant, jew, muslim, hindu or buddhist, they all have some version of the golden rule. even confucius in china had something like a golden rule 2,500 years ago that goes something like this, don't do to others what you don't want to have done to you. but george had a temper. i saw him loose his temper a time or twovment but he lost it
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when he should have. today we had a round table, mr. president, and the round table included folks from -- someone from g.a.o., general accountability office. every two years, as the presiding officer know, the g.a.o. puts out a high-risk list. i describe it as high-risk ways of wasting people's money, taxpayers' money. and they lay out all these different things this should be done in agencies that -- where they've done -- would not only provide better service for citizens of this country but also do so in a more cost-effective way. and george was always really interested in how do we get better results for less money? always interested in that. and we, at this hearing -- the round table today, which when he convened it, today, with workes who were working to get off of g.a.o.'s high-risk list, and in
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order to do that, you have to figure out how to address the concerns raised by g.a.o. and their reviews of agency operation. and we talked about some of the areas where senator george voinovich worked. in one case it was daniel akaka from hawaii to address a number of areas of expenditures and practice that needed to be addressed. subsequent to the round table, i left there and came over here to the capitol building and went to the office of the president pro tempore, orrin hatch, senator who are are inhatch, where he was signing a document related to the adoption of legislation that the presiding officer and i and others worked on, which is focused on, how do we do a better job in this country when we transition from one administration -- this present, current administration, president obama -- to the next administration? how do we do that in a way that we just don't drop the ball, get
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further behind, stop making progress in particular areas, undermine our national security? how do we transition in smarter ways? and the legislation has been named after two people, in honor of two people, senator ted kaufman, joe biden's successor here, our senator for two years following joe's departure to become veterans administration and before chris coons was elected president he joined us here in the senate. but ted kaufman and two years he was our senator from delaware. one of the pieces of legislation he offered was one to make possible better transitions, more effective transitions, smoother transitions from one administration to the other. another person who has done a whole lot was a fellow named mike leavitt. mike leavitt, former governor of utah, later cabinet secretary in george w. bush's administration, a friend of mine. i succeeded george, as george voinovich was chairman of the national governors' association.
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mike leavitt was the vice-chairman. we were all close colleagues then right up until george's death p. but we went over literally to the president pro tempore's office and signed the documentation, we had senator kaufman there, we had governor leavitt there and we remembered george voinovich because when the bill -- the first version was passed, ted kaufman was the democratic lead and george voinovich was the republican lead. that's just one of dozens of examples where he provided leadership for this country, and did for ohio in the roles that he played there. i really loved george voinovich, just loved the guy. and i think when we think of leaders, sometimes people say, do ace -- some folks in leadership position, they'll say to others, do as i say. george actually said, do as i do. he was a big believer in leading
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by -- leading by example. and the other thing that i loved and respected about him, very tenacious. people who could have gotten something and been is and they gave up. he never gave up. he's one of those people when he knew he was right, he was sure that he was right, he never gave up. and tomorrow people from all over ohio -- actually from around the country -- will gather in cleveland not far from the home where george and janet and their family was raised and where they lived for many years, where janet still lives. and it will be sad, but there'll also be a sense of joy. there's probably not many good ways to die, but to die at the age of almost 80 and to die in your sleep without pain and suffering and to have a legacy of won doerful children -- of
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wonderful children, children any of us would be proud to call our own, a bunch of grandchildren -- the same thing, any of us would be proud to call our own. that's a great legacy if you just stopped there. but the legacy goes well beyond that in terms of the way ohio is governed today by governor john kasich, who is another close friend and someone who came -- he and i came to the house together in 1983 and i'm delighted that he's had the chance to serve as governor there, a worthy successor to george voinovich and frankly, i might add -- i'll probably get in frowcia -- in trouble in my s for saying this -- he would have been a great nominee for our friends in the republican partiment but apparently that's not in the cards. so, mr. president, i won't go on much further, but when people say bad things about elected officials or unkind things about elected officials, i just think it's too bad they didn't know
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the presiding officer and they didn't know george voinovich, because they wouldn't feel that way if they knew him or had any idea of his commitment and dedication and sacrifice in his leadership. i'll close with this thought. a fellow who used to serve here was filming "alan simpson." alan sirch 0 so -- alan simpsona senator from wyoming. he was a cosponsor of the bowles-simpson plan. probably about six, seven years ago established by president obama and it was a good road map there. i still think it is a good road map today. alan simpson used to say a lot of funny things. he was probably as humorous as anybody who has ever served here. but also said some serious things, too. one of them reminds me of george voinovich. alan simpson used to say -- talk
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about integrity. "integrity, if you have it, nothing else matters." "integrity, if you don't have it, nothing else matters." think about that. integrity, if you have it, nothing else matters. integrity, if you don't have it, nothing else matters. george -- george voinovich did not have a partisan bone in his body, but he had a world of integrity, a world of integrity inside that body of his. and the other thing i would say, i like to think, as important asintegrity is -- and it is -- the other thing that's as important for the success of an organization, whether a state, county, state, business, school, this body, the most important ingredient for the success of that entity, any of them, is leadership. prinked leadership. -- principled leadership, committed leadership. and george voinovich embodied
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those qualities. so to the people of delaware who supported -- not delaware -- delaware is a little town just north of columbus, ohio. i used to think that delaware was a town just north of columbus, ohio. the later i found it was a whole state. when i got out of the navy, i moved there. they were good enough to let me serve in a couple different capacities, including here. but the people of ohio were smart to elect him, smart to share him with us. we're just blessed that they did that, really blessed that they did that. so i felt the presence of george voinovich today at our round table working on the issues that he loved. i felt his presence at the signing ceremony in the president pro tempore's office when we signed into law the transition legislation he originally cosponsored a number of years ago with senator ted kaufman, and i feel his presence here today. and it is a good presence. it is a good presence. while we mourn his loss and his
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death, we just appreciate so much his life. with that, mr. president, i will yield the floor and -- almost. but before i do, mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the -- before i do this, before i ask unanimous consent, that the senate adjourn under the previous order, i just want to say on a totally different subject -- then i'll ask for unanimous consent to adjourn. there is a lot -- my wife and i had the opportunity to go to new york last saturday. we were invited up by our oldest son to visit with him and his roommate. we visited the 9/11 museum, the memorial. and for anybody who has a chawrns a in new york, new york city, have a chance to go visit that memorial, i urge that you do that. and so it was walk back in thyme to 9/11 and the horrors of that day and the days and weeks that
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followed. but out of that terrible disaster our country came together, our country came together in rather remarkable ways. and instead of pointing fingers at each other, we decided to join hands and work together under the leadership of george w. bush, and we created a 9/11 commission chaired by republican tom king, former republican governor of new jersey, and cochaired by lee hamilton, congressman, former chairman of the house foreig foreign relatis committee from indiana. and a bipartisan commission, nine or i 11 people in it. they went it work. they had a great staff. they worked for months and drilled down, what went wrong? how could this happen? and came up with a whole host of recommendations. irthink it was about -- i think it was about 40 recommendations. they adopted them unanimously and gave them to us. they came before our committee, at the time, the committee on governmental affairs. now the committee on homeland security and government fairs.
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-- and governmental affairs. and we adopted about 80% of them, pretty much unanimously. and it was a time that -- and rather than us being divided as a country, it was a time we came together on the heels of a terrible disaster. when i look at the political back and forth that seems to flow out of the tragedy in orlando and i compare what existed when we lost, gosh, maybe 60 times as many lives 15 years ago, i would hope that we would remember as a people -- i hope thoafs house serve here in this body and those who would like to lead our country will remember the words right over your head where you're sitting, mr. president, and i don't know a lot of latin, but the words that are inscribed over the chair where the presiding officer sits, the latin words are e pluribus unum, "from many,
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one." "from many, one." and we are strong when we're united, when we are united. and we need to be united just as we did 15 years ago. we need to be united as a nation today. george voinovich, if he were here, he would remind us of that. and since he's not, i wanted to. and with that, mr. president, if there is no other business before the senate, i would ask unanimous consent that the senate adjourn under the previous order. the presiding officer: under the previous order -- is there objection? without objection. under the previous order, the senate stands adjourned until senate stands adjourned until
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of being the junior senator. they are rising up and demanding that they take action. we are doing it in part because the courage of survivors and victims of gun violence who all across america are demanding action. i have the privilege of beginning today to introduce to of those heroic survivors. tina is from california. her father was an employee of san bernardino county and was shot and killed by a coworker in his office. his wife also pledged allegiance to isis with the shooter. she will be followed by reverend sharon richard, her mother ethel and cousin were shot and killed
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a year ago june 17, 2015. they were shot in the emmanuel ame church in charleston were that shooter was able to buy a weapon because of a loophole in the nation's background check law. please welcome tina and reverend richard. >> thank you senator schumer, murphy feinstein, booker, marquis and baldwin for inviting me here today. i'm grateful for to you and members of your delegation of taking action on this issue so other families do not have to live with the heartbreak and anguish my family has been forced to endure for the rest of our life. your leadership has been a source of source of comfort to my family. my name is tina. my father damien minds was killed on december 2 last year at the inland regional center while at a work event with the san bernardino county environmental health department.
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when a coworker and his wife who had pledged allegiance to the terrorist group isis burst through the doors of his office spraying bullets from their semi automatic rifles. my dad, along with 13 of his coworkers was killed. in near seconds, my life my life and the lives of my mother and sister were ever vocally changed. our family was small but close. very close. dad was always happy to spend time with us weather was helping us with their homework, teaching teaching us how to ride her bike , helping coach our soccer team or later, just going for long walks with us. we traveled the world together and spent countless hours talking about the importance of helping others and everything else from politics to current events to whatever was on her mind. in our house there was laughter all the time. now that laughter is gone. as. as news of the horrific mass shooting on sunday in orlando
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started to unfold for eyes and the number of dead again to rise, i was immediately taken back. i know exactly what those families were going through. i know what it's like to get the call telling you the worst news you could ever imagine. the pain of knowing that this is happening again in our country to so many families was too much to bear. each person in that club was someone's child or sibling, a lover, a friend. i wish i could say i wasn't here again, but we are and we will be again if our elected officials failed to take action to keep people like this from getting their hands on a deadly weapon. it's time to disarm hate.
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one day after the san bernardino shooting, congress had the opportunity to take action to make our nation safer but instead, a majority of senators voted in lockstep with the gun lobby against a common sense measure that would of prevented people on a federal terrorism watch list from purchasing guns. how can we ignore the fact that in this country we make it easy and legal for dangerous people, included the expected terrorist to commit unspeakable acts by providing them with easy access to guns? suspected terrorists are prohibited from boarding planes, yet they can still purchase firearms. since 2004, more than 2000 terrorists suspects have taken advantage of this loophole in our laws to buy gun. i can't wrap my mind around why anyone in congress finds this acceptable. closing this gap could've affected what happened on sunday in orlando. the fbi had investigated the shooter many times for terrorist
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ties and homicidal threats. based on his history, legislation could've blocked the gun sale to him and prevented the death, injury and emotional scars of hundreds of our fellow americans. it wasn't easy for me to be here today. it wasn't easy for my mom and my sister and i to get on an airplane and fly across the country. we are still in very early stages of our grief. i think about my dad every single day. i lost my father, my best friend in a horrific and brutal way that seems to defy all reason. that is also why i couldn't not be here today. i want my story to remind others that it doesn't have to be this way. it's time we take a stand in this country and disarm hate. thank you.
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thank you senator schumer, blumenthal, murphy, feinstein volker, baldwin and markey for bringing us here together today. it is hard to believe that tomorrow will be one year since i received the devastating news that my mother and two of my cousins were among nine people who had been shot and killed while praying at the emmanuel african methodist municipal church in south carolina. by a man so filled with hate, armed with a gun. the pain of knowing my mother and cousins were killed in a racially motivated hate crime
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carried out against black churchgoers peacefully praying is something that i carry with me every day. i've spent the most of my professional life working as a trauma chaplain, but no amount of training could have prepared me for this shock, pain and emptiness that consumed me in the days after the death of my family members. i struggled to answer why why my loved ones and so many other people have been killed. along with so many americans, i was baffled fold at how the shooter was able to get his hands on a gun and how we lived
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in a country filled with so much hatred. racism, sexism, misogyny, nationalism, homophobia and religious intolerance are all things that we have sadly experienced over and over in this country. but hate becomes deadly when we make it far too easy for those intent on causing harm to get their hands on a gun and that is why i am here today, to disarm hate. my mama's life with and it was an expression of her faith, her strength and resiliency, coming from humble means my mama always wanted more. the circumstances of her life or hard.
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yet she found a way to keep on dreaming. after the shooting in charleston , i needed to be a part of the solution, to find a way to keep on dreaming like my mother did. i needed to channel my pain in action. i became part of this group, every town survivor network joining my voice with others who have experienced the same incomprehensible grief. on sunday when i learned that 49 people people were killed at a gay club in orlando and 50 more were injured, making it the largest mass shooting in the
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modern u.s. history i turned off the tv i did not participate in social media because my heart could not take hearing about that, knowing that families were getting ready to feel the same kind of pain that all the people in charleston were feeling. i was overcome with sadness and anger. i was full of heartbreak for the victims and their families. their lives are forever changed, physically and emotionally by the sheer horror of that day. i am still learning how to walk this walk of action and advocacy. i must profess, i don't know all
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the things. i don't know all of our nations gun point. but i do know the unspeakable grief that accompanies the death of a loved one killed by gun violence is something that stays in your heart. i know that there is more that we all can do. we must do to profess prevent the next tragedy. and i know that america is with us. in less than a week since the orlando tragedy, more than 19000 americans have called their members of congress and more than 70000 people have signed petitions demanding our elected leaders do more. as our communities come together
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to remember the lives taken and the horrific events that took place in charleston south carolina one year ago and the lives taken in the tragedy that occurred in orlando on sunday and more than 90 americans are killed every day by gun violence and hundreds more are injured. i plead with you, i plead with you with everything that i have in my heart. i ask everyone to join me in this walk to disarm hate and for those of you watching this, i urge you to text disarm hate 264433. together america, together. senators, everybody we can build
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a safe future and spare other communities from experiencing tragedy by someone who should've never had access to a gun. thank you. >> back to senator murphy. >> we all wish that overflowing grief that you hear from sharon and from tina was isolated, but it happens every day, 80 times across this nation, someone's life is cut short by gun and every day there are 80 families
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who live through that same undescribable horror. this weekend, 50 families are figuring out how to reorder their lives because their beautiful son or daughter, sister or brother is no longer with them. just because they wanted to go to a nightclub and have fun, celebrating celebrating with their friends and the community. how on earth in the face of the largest shooting in the history of this nation could the united states senate ignore it in the week following? that is the question that we all ask ourselves when we got here on monday. that is the reason why we took the floor yesterday at 1120 and held it for 15 hours, demanding that this week the senate take up votes on commonsense measures
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to make sure the terrace and would be killers can't get there hands on firearms. this is supported by 90% of the american public. members behind me were there on the floor, 40 democratic senators joining together to make this passionate her case. senator blooming paul and senator. my heart is strong because i know we made a difference yesterday. i know that we galvanize support all across this country, 10000 people called our office from every state in the nation. i know we were given that chance because senator dianne feinstein, for years has made it a priority to make sure that those who are suspected of terrorism cannot get their hands
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on a deadly weapon. she will tell you had her amendment been in effect, we wouldn't be sitting here talking about this today. i think her for giving us the power to bring that issue to the floor yesterday. >> we have a number of members who want to speak. i am glad we are on a path forward to get votes on these two amendments. we will see where members come down. we will see if republican members can vote with the nra, vote against 90% of their of their constituents who want terrace to be kept from buying guns and return home and look the victims of gun violence and the people who care about this issue deeply in the eye and tell them that they've done their job. we will see, but when we started this week we didn't know whether we were going to have any debate or any vote on these measures. now we believe we are on a path and that's a start.
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i want to thank senator booker and senator markey and senator blumenthal. i didn't have to do as much talking as i normally do because i had all these men and women by my side. now i turn it over to the senator from new jersey. >> i want to thank the senators who showed a level of strength and grit which is aptly needed needed in the united states senate. i went think the victims were here right now and usually i get very excited when americans come together and i feel very
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uplifted when you have diverse people coming together, blacks, whites, latinos, christians, jews, muslim, when you see diverse group get, when you see diverse group get together for a passionate purpose, that's an exciting thing, but this is an agonizing affiliation represented by these women. these are people this they are bound by brutality and bloodshed and tragedy. their numbers are growing every day and every hour. victims of gun violence, of savagery that is preventable. they are not content to wait on change. how can we be? people who think things will
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just get better, every hour, every day can use to have that march of violence in our country. and sometimes that march, sometimes in in newtown orlando or san bernardino, there are another 10, 20, or 49 americans gun down. if we don't have that courageous empathy that can look at them and see the others and see themselves, see your mother or your child to know that you are doing nothing other than inviting them into your neighborhood, your community, your church, your school.
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so we have to make something happen. senator murphy is right. that old saying i learned when i came to washington, change does not come from washington, it comes to washington by people demanding it, people saying enough is enough. no more business as usual. right now what we need is a whole bunch of democrats who got together yesterday and forced to the floor, vent a vote on the amendment that won't solve violence problems but it certainly will make it better than a known and suspected terrace who can't even get on a plane, we can pass legislation to make sure that person can't go out by gun. that's not radical. this legislation is pending now.
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it's up to us to change the hearts of the people who are intent on voting against it. this is a fight that should not belong only to the victims of gun violence. this is an american fight to do what our country said it would do when we founded this nation, make for the common defense and ensure domestic tranquility. i want to bring up someone who was with me all night long. i wish we were hanging out doing something social, but last night he stood with me and senator murphy and 40 of my colleagues. he's not new to this. he's been a champion as a senator in a champion is one of the top legal officers in our nation and he fights this fight
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every day. i want to bring up my friend and my colleague and the hero from last night, senator blumenthal. >> thank you, let me just save you have to spend 15 hours on the senate floor with anyone, i want to do it with cory booker and with my great friend and colleague from connecticut and - on this issue, chris murphy, and if you have to spend 15 hours straight on the floor the center and transcendent, there is no better cause to champion and stopping gun violence. the most difficult question i am asked, having spent the better part of this issue is what has changed. the issue is americans have changed. their realization gun violence cannot only be prevented but it must be prevented. it is not only linked to hatred
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and bigotry and random anger and sometimes severe mental illness but also to terrorism. a simple fact is, people budging allegiance to violent extremists abroad, whatever label you want to use for them, are now committing acts of terror here. acts of terror and hatred in nightclubs and churches and schools, places that have assumed to have been safe for all history. no place is safe in america from acts of hatred and terrorism. just as we must stop terrorist extremists abroad from advancing
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and gaining territory and intimidating people there, we have to stop acts of terror and hatred at home. these stories are worth a thousand of our words. this picture says it all. that's what americans feel now, in a way that is unprecedented in our country. part of it is what we did on the senate floor yesterday, giving it a faith and a voice of elected officials were willing to take a stand. when i came to the senate, almost six years ago, the idea of having three of our colleagues go to the senate floor and unequivocally and clearly emphatically take this
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kind of stand would have been difficult to expect. it happened yesterday. it happened without anybody twisting arms or needing to persuade people. they volunteered, it was an outpouring of our colleagues support. that fact reflects how america has changed. one last point, america wants the senate to change washington. americans want change. they want us to be changemakers and change agents. this issue presents an opportunity and an obligation to show america we can change. that's what were going to do. we are going to change the dynamic and stand up to the nra and the opponents of gun violence, people who are too dangerous to board a plane are
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too dangerous to buy a gun. to prevent them from buying guns and from other dangerous people from having access to firearms, there needs to be background checks. they need to be expanded. it's really that simple. if the attorney general of the united states, based on fact and evidence deems someone to be aiding or engaging in terrorist activity, that's the the standard in the law, been proposed, they should be too dangerous to buy a gun. there is a due process. they need to verify and remove that name from a list and the background check should be seen as a means to enforce those laws in existing laws that keep laws out of the country guns out of the hands of people. someone who has been a model to me on all of these laws
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including stopping the spread of assault weapons, which should be another priorities, these two measures are just a start. we need to stop the spread of assault weapons and better protect survivors of domestic violence and remove the opportunity and band illegal trafficking. sam feinstein has been at the forefront of this effort. she has been a model for me when i was atty. general in advocating common sensible measures. she is now continued at the forefront, not just as a strong voice but a great intellect and symbol of courage. i am really honored to be with her today and to join in the
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amendment that she is offering. >> thank you for your exaggerated comments about my intellect. i appreciate that. i want to thank those who did 16 hours on the floor yesterday because anyone who watched saw the emotion and saw the commitment and also saw the harm that has been done to this great nation. it would be one thing if i thought that it was going downhill. i don't. i'm on the intelligence committee. this morning in an open hearing they said they would anticipate that there will be more attacks by isil as they lose territory in iraq. they become more violent, in fact, what we see in this latest attack is the homegrown lone wolf. the enormous damage that he did to literally, what are hundreds
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of lives, many dead, many seriously injured, many families affected for the rest of their life are witnesses today. i think their courage and stamina and determination to stand up and say, america, do something. what i have i have tried to do is just that. we have three different levels of terrorist lists. the bill that we would propose, we have developed with the attorney general and the deputy attorney general and they called yesterday and said the justice would support it and chief of staff called to say the white house would support it. that gives me some heart that we may have some unity to come together to say terrace and
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potential terrorists should not be able to buy a gun. that is what this bill does. it does it in a way that allows the justice department to be pinged if somebody goes in and is on these lists in the background check is done, the background check would alert justice and justice could prohibit the sale of that weapon i think this is extraordinarily important. it would cover the latest shooter. it does have a good strong appeal process and i look back, i started this a long long time ago. when i was mayor of san francisco, as a matter of fact.
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it was passed in the law and lasted for ten years, i believe it began to dry up the supply of assault weapons. he it went out of effect, we couldn't get it back in and so, here we are today with the situation of guns being more more sophisticated, more more assessable. the time has come, mr. and mrs. mrs. america, the time has come to do something about it. this is just one piece of it. it should be the easiest piece has senator blumenthal and senator mercy murphy and senator book book or know well. it deals with potential terrorists. the potential person that is going to go in and create a massive act of violence. this is not a safer world than it was when we began. it is a much more dangerous world. my hope is when this comes up
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for a vote, which i think will likely be next tuesday, we, we will have the votes to defeat it i just can't tell you how strongly i feel about being able to stand with this group of senators, particular particularly those who are willing to go down there and spend 15 hours on the floor of the united states senate. mr. and mrs. california, please hear us. we are trying to do the right thing. now, i would like to introduce a relative newcomer, but somebody that cares deeply and represents a great steak and that senator baldwin. >> i have seldom been at a press conference where i have seen so
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many in the audience including the media wiping where tears and holding back tears. it bears repeating that in the wake of orlando and all of these horrific tragedies that our country has witnessed, we routinely ask for moments of silence, we tell victims that they are in our thoughts and prayers. prayers are important, prayers are important but they are not enough. it is time to disarm hate.
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as i woke to the news on sunday of the worst gun attack in modern u.s. history, by u.s. citizen inspired by terrorist groups filled with hate had legally purchased a weapon of war and targeted the lgbt community at a gay bar on latin night, i asked myself how many more times do we have to wake up to news like this before we act. i was so proud yesterday to join my colleagues led by senator murphy on the floor. the first time i was on the
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floor i had the opportunity to read the names of the 49 victims in orlando, tell a little bit, as much as we could collect quickly, on their lives. it's so vital that we never forget. i want to stress that this was a hate crime. what is a hate crime? it's a crime in which the victims are targeted based on certain characteristics. in this case lgbt americans, latino americans and it's meant not only to kill or gravely harm
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its victims but to terrorize all those who share those characteristics who belong to that community. i attended a candlelight vigil in madison wisconsin this week by people whose hearts were broken by this. as as a member of an lgbt community and surrounded by many others, i could see fear and terror. i remember back to the murder of matthew shepard after whom the hate crimes legislation signed by president obama 2009 was named, seeing young members of
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the lgbt community and their whole lives ahead of them, wanting to live out and proud wondering whether doing so would subject them to bullying, discrimination or violence. i've seen that again. and so, as we join to disarm hate, i want to say that i am so appreciative to make sure that we get a vote to close the gun show loophole so that every gun is subject to a check and making sure that the fbi has the power
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to do them and i a weapon to someone who is on the terror watch list. there are many people who hate america who won't necessarily be on the terror watch list. they may be inspired by domesticate groups and therefore i will also be offering an amendment to fund the department of justice civil rights division in their effort to both prevent and fully investigate and enforce the hate crime law of this nation's. i hope in light of all this tragedy, we have reached a moment where we have decided that our silence, or moments of silence, our thoughts and
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prayers are not enough. america is better than this and we need to pull together. we need to stand united, and we can't light let those who want to divide us when the day again. i am honored to call to the microphone my colleague of many years, even though he too is a relative newcomer to the united states senate, we served many, many years in the house of representatives together. ed markey of massachusetts was there on the floor time and again last night. thank you for your efforts. senator markey. >> thank you senator baldwin and
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thank you tina and sharon, thank you for being here representing the hundreds of thousands of families who have lost loved ones to gun violence in our country. so were at the critical juncture. we are at the juncture where we are about to have a showdown on the senate floor on the issue of gun control in our country. in 2118 people hijacked planes and killed the flight attendants and killed the pilots. we passed laws to prohibit box cutters, to prohibit knives and
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guns from going onto those planes. we passed laws ensuring that all cargo that goes on planes would be screened for explosives. we made sure it would never happen again. this killer said that the brothers from boston were models for him. we know, unfortunately, that the dzhokhar tsarnaev brothers, they are models for so many people. we have a chance to do something. we have a chance to have a showdown on the senate floor. the nra has a viselike grip on the republican party the nra has
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a viselike grip on the agenda of the party leader, donald trump. donald donald trump said he wants to make america great again, but he doesn't want to make america safe again, for people not to fear that we are going to have these kinds of horrific events. they involve cities and towns all over our country. donald trump said he has the ability to talk tough to terrace , but he does not have the courage to talk tough to the nra. that's the challenge for the republican party. what senator murphy did by leading this 15 hour debate on the senate floor was to focus
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the american people on this issue. senator blumenthal, senator booker, everyone here, despite, want to help so they can bring this to the american people. they want to know who side each party is on. the nra is not relative anymore in american politics. that's what senator murphy and senator murphy and senator blumenthal want to do. to farce the vote and force the debate. the the
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this is, for me, such a powerful moment. people go through sadness but i think it is anger the american people feel. i think it is anger the people up here feel about the inability to do something about it. 23 years ago, chuck schumer led the fight to ban assault rifles. he was the leader in the house of representatives and the person responsible for that becoming a law in the united states. so to have him still here and giving the passion, leadership, and wisdom that is necessary to win is important. >> thank you. >> i want to thank all of my colleagues.
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i particularly want to thank senator murphy, bloomenthal, and booker. their took the anguish of america that is focused on the senator and every senator will have to say whether they are for terrorist getting guns or against terrorist getting guns. i thank them for their inspiration and amazing job as so many of my colleagues do. tammy's reading of the names was so touching i got a lump in my throat watching it. i want to thank our victims who are here and our families. you know what the bible tells us, when terrible, tragedy befalls you the natural
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inclination is to be upset and angry. but these beautiful people, and so many like them, are lighting a candle and making sure the horror that happened to them is not repeated. the reason we will win this fight is the people behind us, and the thousands like them, sooner or later we know we will win this fight. we have all had more than enough gun violence. enough is an enough. the world has changed. maybe 20 years ago, passing a law that said a terrorist couldn't get a gun was a good thing to do. now we have isis and lone wolves. it is essential and when are our republicans going to learn that the world has changed and there are lone wolves inspired by isis who can get guns and will rip
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america apart up till we get something done. our republican colleagues are feeling the heat for the first time. so instead of saying they are against it they come up with proposals that are wolves in sheeps clothing. i have read there is a democratic and republican proposal. that is dunk. cornin's proposal says if the fbi thinks you are a terrorist they have three days to go to court and get an adjudication and if not you can get a gun. this is a fake. it is a way for them to say they are doing something whether they are doing nothing. it is a way for them to pay to the nra without changing the
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world as it is. this idea that each terrorist has to -- before they can be denied a gun has a whole court case and it has to be done in three days. who would think that would make any sense. no one except a handful of our colleagues. let me just say one other thing. senator toomey's co-called proposal was even worse. in addition -- addition to the problems i mentioned, every person has to be to a fisa court before they can go on. we will be here for decades. you know who drafts these propoles or has to give their stamp of approval to these proposals? the nra. we need senator fienstein's measure that says terrorist can't get a gun.
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but we also have to close the gun show loop hole and the idea that anyone can buy unchecked a gun online. a universal background check goes hand and hand with saying terrorist can't by a gun if we are going to stop terrorist and that is why we are pushing both amendments today. and my colleague eddy markey mentioned donald trump. donald trump, like the republicans, he is talking the talk. but he ain't walking the walk. he is going to meet with the nra. our republican colleagues have been doing that for decades. what is he going to come out saying? the nra and i agree we should not have terrorist have guns but then do nothing about it? or fight it? use false proposals like they have done. the nra wants support of smoke
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screen proposals so they are not going to do anything. the american people won't stand for a group that supports the rights of suspected terrorist over the health and safety of the country. will donald trump allow that? the only way donald trump can prove me seriously wants to keep guns out of the hands of the terrorist is to convince the nra to support senator fienstein's bill and senator murphy, booker and my bill. that is it. let's stop this dance. if donald trump feels terrorist shouldn't have guns all he has to do is issue a two-sentence statement. donald trump supports the fienstein bill which keeps guns out of the hands of terrorist and donald trump supports the
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murphy-booker-schumer bill that causes universal background checks. we are ready for your questions. [inaudible question] >> senator bloomenthal put it well. we have a lot of issues we want to pursue including an assault rifle ban. these are the first two things we are doing but we are not stopping there. we don't know. fl for the first time a few of our colleagues are saying we ought to do something. whether they have the courage to buck the nra and actually do something instead of hiding behind these wolves in sheep clothing proposals we will see. but at least they are feeling the heat and the heat is on them in a way that never has been before.
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unfortunately because we have 49 more people like these fine women and many more every day. [inaudible question] >> we will first try to pass these bills. [inaudible question] >> you know, let me say this, first, the bill that we have proposed, senator fienstein has proposed has protections and an appeal. the difference between that bill and the toomey and cornin proposals is those two are intended to almost never deny a gun even to a terrorist. thank you very much, everybody. >> the senate is out for the
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week but earlier today members continued work on the 2017 commerce, justice, science and spending bill. democrats have offered gun-related amendments to the measure which we should see procedural votes on. the spending measure provides 29 million for the justice department, 9 billion for the commerce department and 19 billion for nasa. follow the senate live on c-span when they gavel back in on monday 3 p.m. eastern. tim scott and lindsay grahm came to the floor to mark the one year anniversary at a shooting at an emanuel church that left nine people dead. here are their remarks. >> when i started preparing to give this speech i must admit i was overwhelmed with emotion. one year ago tomorrow, a brutal attack fuelled by hate led to
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the death of nine parishioners at emanuel church in my home town of charleston, south carolina. a year later, the idea of someone's heart could be filled with so much anger is still jarring. and then over the weekend, we saw it again. in orlando, florida, an attack led my hate caused the death of 49 people at pulse nightclub. this was an assault against the people of orlando, the state of florida and the united states as a whole. we will have a longer discussion on isis, islamic terror and the steps that must be taken in those areas. but today as orlando mourns and charleston remembers i want to
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return to 365 days ago and show how, with the world watching, love overcame hate. on the night of june 17th, 2015 i was here in washington, much like this week, debating the ndaa, our military priorities. but in charleston, there was a bible study. sanders, daniel simmons, shirrando coleman singleton, myra thompson, marisha sanders and her beautiful five year old grand daughter, and my friend revland clemente pickney
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gathered for a bible study at emanuel. a young man among them was new to the church and they welcomed him in with love. why they didn't see the darkness in his heart, they showed him the loving nature of their own hearts. so much so he later told police he almost, almost, did not go through with this vicious attack because everyone was so nice to him. but tragically almost was not enough. the horrors unleashed by this young man changed south carolina forever. i remember getting a phone call at 9 p.m. that wednesday night
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from one of my friends at the sheriff's office about the shooting at mother emanuel. i text my friend hoping he would respond me and tell me what is going on at the church. looking at my text from june 17th, 2015 at 10:31 p.m. i asked him are you and your parishioners okay? it was met with silence. silence that is still deafening. silence i will never forget. he should have been able to text back. he should have been able to go home see his family, raise his daughters, he should have been able to go on and finish his
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historic at the state house, to continue spreading god's love. as we people of faith know sometimes things don't go as planned. as the families showed us, god had a plan. within 48 hours the men and women set the tone of my grieving city and state and grieving nation. they told the killer on friday morning, about 36 hours later, looking into his eyes they said to the killer of their family members i forgive you. family member, after family
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member, after family member, nine consecutive times said to the shock and amazement of the world that was watching i forgive you. your life can be better in god's hands. those of us here today we cannot even imagine how hard that must have been. how in their immense grief these families chose to take this unique path. but they did. we as a nation, as a state, and certainly as a city are forever thankful. i am fortunate enough to have talked to many and all of the families at some point. i continue to be amazed at their grace and dignity and righteousness.
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they are truly bearing the rock on which we all stand. in the days and weeks after sh shooting, charleston and north carolina came together like never before. as the parishioners of mother emanuel said wrong church, wrong people, wrong state. wrong place to try to break people's faith and the wrong day to try to bring down the people of south carolina. last summer, we saw chapters of history close and new ones opened. while the debate over the confederate flag may by the most widespread civil of emanuel's aftermath, the actions and words of folks across charleston, south carolina are the most endearing. we have some so far but we face
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many, many challenges. it is going to take a lot of effort and strength to stand together in times of division. it is going to be hard sometimes in a world that is too often so full of hate. to know we are taking steps forward, it is going to require continuing conversations on issues that are uncomfortable for some but necessary for all. where are we headed from here? three words show where i believe we as a nation are headed. three words show where i believe we as a nation must head. very simple words. words found in first corrinthians 13.
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faith, hope and love. we saw these in abundance over the last year in south carolina. that wremains our final goal. as i head back to charleston tonight, i will think about the events honoring the nine emanuel tomorrow. i am certain there will be lots of tears. there will be moments as there have been in the last few minutes that are hard to speak to truly show what all of this means to all of us. for the world will also see this from charleston, south carolina; they will see that you cannot destroy love with hate. you cannot kill the spirit.
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we have not been torn down by this hate. instead we will continue to build a bridge, brick by brick, to a future without hate, a future filled with faith, hope, and love. i will close by asking one more as i did a little more than a year ago in this very same place for a moment of silence to remember the nine victims. heard, pain middle ton, sanders, daniel simmons, sharonda coleman singleton, myra thompson, and my good friend former state senator, reverend clemente
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pickney. you are forever in our hearts. . a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from south carolina. a senator: i would like to thank senator scott for those very eloque >> mr. president? >> senator from south carolina. >> i would like thank senator scott for those words and leadership he has provided since the tragedy. what can i add? just ask the young man who did it what his goal was. he wanted to start a race riot. quite the opposite happened. i am 60 years old and we have had our fair share of violence in south carolina and still do. but churches were full all over
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the state trying to come together and heal each other. so this young man's dream of starting a race war, well, pal, you are a miserable family. i am sure the guy who attacked the club in orlando wanted us to break our will and get us to bow to his religion. we will not break and we will stand behind the folks in orlando and come together as best as we can. senator scott said it is hard to understand the hate someone has to do what these people do. what blows my mind is you can sit in a bible study for an hour, be welcomed off the street, discuss the word of god and get up and shoot the people you were playiraying with. what this man did in orlando is
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beyond vicious. here is a question i have asked myself a thousand times. i am beginning to understand the answer. why was it different in south carolina? we have had shootings throughout the country where people took the streets, there were riots, sores were exposed and scabs pulled off. what was it about south carolina that was different? i promise you we are not perfect people. i promise you under the right circumstances what you saw in other places in the country would have happened in south caroli carolina. here is the difference. we were in such shock that someone could go into a church and kill people they were praying with.
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it was hard to get our heads around that. what woke us up was how the families behaved. within 48 hours there is an arraignment of the accused. and all of the family members appeared in court. instead of taking to the streets, and showing their frustration with the system that i am sure can always be made better, that is by far from perfect, they decided to channel their grief into something constructive. i promise you i could not have done this. if this had been one of my family members i could not have done this. the daughter of ethyl lance who
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is 70 years old said the following: her voice was breaking, he took something very precious from me. i will never talk to her again. i will never, ever hold her again. but i forgive you and have mercy on your soul. that is what is different. that is why the people of south carolina followed her lead. she and the victims touched our hearts. they appeal to our better nature. they reminded us of our humanity and what humanity is all about which is love and forgiveness. politicians can take all of the
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cred credit we want but if these people had not done this it would have been a different result. i could have talked until i was blue in the face. if people had chose to be angry there is no way i could talk them out of being angry because they had every right to be angry. but after these families did what they did in open court the rest of us followed behind and followed their lead. a year later, i am hear to tell you the reason south carolina handled this so well, in my view, is because the people in that church charted a path for the rest of us and we were smart enough to follow their lead. it would be nice if, in the future, when we get mad at each other, here in this body and other places throughout the country over something maybe not as important as loosing a loved
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one, that we could slow down just for a moment and try to imagine how things would be different if we could draw upon the example of the families of the fallen. look what we argue about. look how we enter act in america today over things not quite as significant as having your loved one gunned down. so, if you really want to honor what happened in south carolina as an individual and a society, whenever you can, remember what the people in that church did after loosing their loved one.
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try to follow their lead. that could be the greatest honor you could give to their family and for those who died for no reason. there is no better feeling in the world than being petty. think of a reason why you are wrong. it feels good. but every now and then i catch myself and i go back to last year and i wake up and i realize there is a better way. to those who showed us the better way, i know your pain is as real as it on the day it happened and i know you will never get over it but i hope you realize your loved ones did not
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die in vein because through their tragic death you gave us not just in south carolina but throughout the world the way forward. whether we chose it or not is up to us. you have done all you could do and then some. to the people of south carolina, i am proud of the way we handled this tragedy but we have a long way to go. this weekend will be tough throughout our state and as we look back let's make sure we learn from the past and apply it to the future. if we can take the love and forgiveness and apply it in a constructive way to future problems in south carolina then we will have honored these victims and their families. if we go back to our petty ways they will have died for nothing. here is my bet: south carolina
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is never going to go back because the people at mother emanuel church showed us the way. it is up to us to follow and i will do my best to follow their lead. to the people throughout the country who have been generous to this church, thank you. to the dollars that have been raised, it is appreciated. to the prayers and support given, it was essential. you helped us in our time of greatest need. so on behalf of south carolina, to the people of this great land, thank you for having us in our prayers and support and being there for us a year ago when we needed you the most. >> c-span's washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. larry press, executive director
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of gun owners of america will be on to discuss new gun measures. and david stacy, director for the human rights campaign is on to talk about the orlando gay nightclub shooting and what concern his organization has when it comes to hate crimes and attacks on the gay community. and an afghan ambassador to the u.s. joins us and shares his per spec spective on sh shooting n orlando, the taliban and the afghanistan fight. join us on friday morning at 7 a.m. eastern. >> booktv has 48 hours of non-fiction authors every weekend. from book expo america, the annual trade show in chicago and former nba player discusses his coming book, writings on wall,
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about the current political landscape. on sunday, a round table discussion about donald trump's book the art of the deal first published in 1987. a book critic for the washington pose is here, michael cruise senior writer for politica and a senior writer for "the wall street journal." and sunday, we talk about isis a history which looks at the history and rise of isis. he is interviewed by the author of mecca and mainstream; muslim life after 9/11. >> so the surge of isis was a result of the deepening secretarism, the civil wars in the arab east, the security vacuum that exists and the perception that arab springs, the peaceful action couldn't change the existing order.
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>> go to for the complete schedule. >> earlier today, nancy pelosi held her weekly briefing and she talked about the orlando shooting and support for the no fly-no buy bill. this is 25 minutes. >> good afternoon. 28 votes, pretty exciting. ank you all for being here. it is a very sad time. early in the morning on sunday, we lost all of these people who we will carry in our hearts. so young. so young. representing the beautiful diversity of our country and
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started. -- targeted. victims of hate crimes. no question about that. again, we stand with orlando. every time something like this happens there is a very big expression of concern. we go to the floor of the house, we have a moment of silence. and that moment of silence is indicative of what will follow: silence. no real legislation, no action to address the concerns that were brought to the floor again this sunday. but since sunday, as tragic and horrible as that hate crime was, since sunday, more than 100 people have been killed by gun violence in our country. this is a daily ongoing challenge to our oath of office to protect and defend the american people, our
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constitution, our national security, our homeland security, personal security of the american people. and yet every time this happens, again, we have a moment of silence. today, we did that one better and that is to have a legislative moment of silence by having a bill which has captured bills that have passed the congress already, which are okay bills but they don't really address the problem, and they have already passed the house so why are they bringing it up again except to look as if they are taking some action. we have had some meetings since all of this happened to mobilize the concern of the american people to have an impact on what happened. we salute senator murphy with his stamina and commitment until
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he got a promise for a vote to continue his filibuster on the senate side. i don't know how we can allow another tragedy to occur when it was little children we thought for sure, this one more time. we have to make sure this one time that a massacre of this time doesn't hapb again. but in doing so to recognize part of our purpose is to make sure guns are not in the hands of people who should not have them. stop a massacre that is happening on the steets streets of our country every day. that is why we are focused on no fly, no buy. if you are on the fbi no-fly list, or have been on one, then if you are on it, you should not be able to buy a gun.
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if you have been on one, we hope the legislation indicates that information would go to the fbi so they can see someone who was on a no-fly list is now purchasing a gun. both of these have bipartisan support in the country and congress. 87% of the american people say no fly, no buy. except were the republican members of the congress of the united states. on the other bipartisan bill, peter king of new york and mike thompson of california who have been working on gun safety for a long time together put together a bipartisan bill on background checks. one that was similar to what was put on the floor in the senate and closed to being passed there. they need 60 votes. this is our focus, no fly no buy, background checks which will prevent more gun violence more so than anything you can do.
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there is enthuiasm in our caucus for what we passed before with the assault rifle ban. but we did that in a democratic congress. i don't know if this congress can do thereat. but i know if we brought no fly no buy and the background check to the floor these would pass. we hope people will recognize nothing is more eloquent than the voice of his or her c constiuents. when we had the moment of silence there was no recognition this was a hate crime targeting the gay community. that is why people get upset. they are a moment of silence without the recognition of what we are having a moment of silen silence. while we are not protecting the
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people with gun safety legislation we are also not protecting them and here we are gathered to say 115 days since the president asked for emergency supplement for zika virus. 2200 americans have confirmed zika virus and house republicans have voted seven times to block the request from the president for what is needed. in terms ofopeed is, 600 million to pay for vital resources to address the opioid epidemic that kills 78 americans every day was blocked. that gives me hope in addition to passing legislation, which we have done but it has no money and it is therefore not enforceable. and flint, poor flint, it so hard to keep calling your attention and leadership as the
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republican majority challenges the conscious of america that these children would be subjected to the poisonous wa r water. there are answers but it takes resources. and we are saying michigan should match the resources. all of these things are an investment that will end up costing less in the long run or even in the short run. prevention, addressing the needs of the children in flint, putting the funding with the policy on opioids. all of that will save us money because they are good investments. there we are. another day, another resistance to doing what we need to do to protect and defend the american people. any questions? >> talk about spinding lots of money.
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we are trying to follow the story with medicaid fraud and it looks like by now it is double what it was three and a half years ago. the amount of fraud. close to 11%. is there anything congress can do to counter act that? >> improper payments means a technicality in the payment and fraud is another thing. both have to be corrected but they are not synonymous. the obama administration has taken steps to reduce fraud in medicare and medicaid and try to get resources to put back into medicaid and medicare. the affordable care act gave the cms more tools to comprehensively address these issues. the most important part of the affordable care act. fraud? i don't think so.
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the tools we put in the bill have already saved the taxpayer 1.4 billion dollars. in terms of the improper statement, the vast majority of improper cases are beneficiaries receiving the care they need from legitimate providers but there has to be better accounting. that statistics is misleading to the public because it is not intentional fraud. >> is there anything lawmakers can do to improve accounting? >> we do in the affordable care act. the chance to comprehensively address all of these issues. and the administration has taken steps to reduce that. but no, it is important. we have to subject every dollar of the taxpayers that is spent to the most intense scrutiny. nobody, any of us who have been supportive of initiatives that
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help people are the most critical every dollar is spent in the most effective way and no taxpayer dollar is wasted. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders. i have asked you about the position within the party. we are through the entire process now with washington, d.c. voting on tuesday. where are we now? what needs to happen at this stage to get those two parties together going into the convention? >> i think the unity of the democratic party springs from your values. no question. no question. is everything unanimous? it is rare to have anything unanimous. that is why we have the democratic party with a capital d and a small d. fresh off the elections a week ago in california, we raged in
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terms of what we needed to do being in the top two we have a different system. i don't like it. but it is a different system and none the less we raged. we have democrats where they need to be for the general election. i think that is thanks to a vigorous primary campaign by secretary clinton and by senator sanders. i have told you that before. that give us so much hope and turned out so many people. that is what is going to happen and what comes next? bernie sanders is one of the people who knows better than anyone what is on the line in this election and unity is important and it is important for us to recognize the revitalization that he has brought, the invigoration he has brought, and all of the people he brought to the floor and so many priorities he has. campaign finance reform has always been our priority. so review delegate selection
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rules? why not. i don't think so many of these things are difficult. they may not all be addressed and finished but the difference we have among us all, between the two candidates, is nothing compared atto the chasm of the republicans. and every day trump invigorates the democrats. >> senator sanders did say he would like to see the head of the dnc be replaced. what are your thoughts about senator sanders addressing that? >> as a member, well yauz i was
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on the dnc and we took pride in voting who would be the chair of the dnc. so i think you should look to the membership of the democratic national committee. >> should she resign as senator sanders is suggesting? >> again, it is up to the members of the democratic national committee. i haven't seen the list of senator sanders' requests. i don't know how much weight he places on each of them but i think if we could have comprehensive campaign finance reform that would mean everything. >> would tailoring the second amendment of keeping our citizens to keep and bear arms
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for the sake of terrorism? referencing the bill on the senate floor. >> that doesn't pertain to the second amendment. the second amendment is like any other amendment and it can be clarified. first amendment rights are something we all cherish. but doesn't enable you to cry fire in a theater or if you have in press to libel people. there are standards and same thing with the second amendment as was said in the heller decision that affirmed the second amendment is the right to bear arms but action can be taken in relation to it.
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if you are saying if you are on a terrorist watch list you should be able to buy arms will affect others i don't agree and 78% of american people think the same thing. i don't think it laz anything to do with the second amendment but everything to do with our oath to keep people safe. >> do you think the right to keep and bear arms helps americans in terrorism? >> i think what we saw in orlando is that coming together of national security, homeland security, and gun safety. i don't see a relationship to unfettered let people on the
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no-fly list buy a gun. >> madam leader, how optimistic are you that some sort of gun control legislation passes as a result of this attack? >> it is up to the american people because i said, there are many other things, for example, there is legislation that says if you have been convicted of a hate crime bill that you should not be able to buy a gun. there are other constrictments. in terms of no fly no buy, how the fbi is informed if somebody was on no-fly list and isn't now and they buy a gun the fbi should be informed. what we are talking about is so simple. it is so common sense that i think the republicans have to explain the to american people why they are just playing hand
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maid maidens of the national rifle association and the gun owners of america. why, as i said to you yesterday or the day before, they are subsi subsisu subsidiary. we will see what comes down on the vote for no fly, no buy and background checks which both of worth have over two 3rds of the american people supporting them. i am optimisic if the american people weigh in anything is possible -- optimistic -- because we are representatives and we should be representing that point of view in our country. i think we have time for one more. >> in the aftermath of the orlando shooting, specifically madam leader, the gun issue is one part of this but you had
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your briefings with law enforcement and i am sure you had others yourself. where, if anywhere, have you sign your briefings and information you gotten, might the fbi fallen short on the surveillance or apprehension of this assailant in terms of their own activities or the authority they might need? on the law enforcement side, are you and other democrats, going to be willing to support more money and broader authority for keeping these cases for longer. he was on the list and then taken off of it as we know. gray areas there. have you seen any law enforcement specific areas you think might have to change here? >> it will be up to the fbi to do an after action review to see what they recommend. but one of the changes that we are talking about even before
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sunday was that if you are on a no-fly list, and you come off, and you try to buy a gun that the fbi should be informed you are buying a gun. you can still by the gun but the fbi will be informed you are buying the gun. i think that would be very important. but if they have protected us, the fbi has protected us from so much in our country and when something like this happens you have to do an after action review to see what could have avoided this and in addition to that how do we learn to make sure it doesn't happen again. but i think i can say with confidence in terms of what i have been briefed that we owe a great delta the bureau for what they have done to protect us.
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they have to act within the constraints of the constitution as well. and so, if it comes back to our debate of security and civil liberties and again, our first responsibility is to protect and defend the american people. but this terrible tragedy of somebody who was a regular, a frequenter of this place, somebody familiar to them, someone who had made anti-gay, lgbt statements. clearly a hate crime. how much of it was hate crime and how much was it inspired or justified or rationalized by isis or whatever i don't know. but we do know it was a hate crime. we do know that it was horrible. >> would you have liked to --
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forgive me, there may not be an answer to this in retrospect to quality, but would you like to have seen law enforcement have pore ability to keep closer tabs on him or arrest him at an earlier point? >> it depends on what evidence they had. they had him in their sights. what is required by the law to surveill or appear -- apprehend we will have to review. if this is an act of terrorism, it is domestic terrorist, but other terrorism as well. the goal of terrorist is to instill fear. that is their goal. they put no value on life. that doesn't matter to them.
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but to instill fear and if that fear changes the character of our country they will have succeeded. so we have to address the balance of our civil liberties and the need and responsibility we have to protect and defend. but i -- looking at the bigger picture, we owe the bureau a great deal of thanks to what they had prevented happening in our country. thank you all very much. >> let me ask this. is there just a little part of -- [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] >> known as the center of the country music industry, the c-span city tour hosted by our comcast cable partners explores the history of tennessee's state capitol nashville. on booktv, the history of the auditorium that was the event of the civil rights rallies and the
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hole home of the grand ole opery. >> the lunch counter sit-ins happened here along with john lewis and they got arrested here and challenged the system of what was going on in nashville tennessee and the conscious of america. >> and visit andrew and rachel jackson's home from 1804 until his death and learn about the property's history and how the home grew from a two-story log cabin into a presidential residence. then tour the dillion cash exhibit. michael gray and pete paint talk about the relationship between 1960's folk icon bob dylan and johnny cash and how the music
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helped bridge political differences. >> their friendship had a lot to do with changing perceptions to nashville and bringing rock and roll people here. the social establishment in nashville didn't accept country music. there was lots of people that pretended that the grand ole opery and you can imagine the division between the long haired hippy culture, if you will, that was coming out of at the time, and more conservative elements. >> watch the c-span's city tour saturday and sunday on american history tv on c-span3. >> madam president, we proudly give 72 of our delegate votes to the next president of the united
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