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tv   BOOK TV  CSPAN  July 9, 2016 11:49pm-12:01am EDT

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>> thank you. please stay if you can endure the heat but before you go you really must get a copy of mary's hook. it's a wonderful book and it's a must-read so stay, she's happy to sign, have another glass of wine and thank you for coming. >> thanks a lot. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> it's so good to see you here. booktv recently visited capitol hill to ask members of congress what they are reading this summer.
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>> you know i thought it would take a little break and i'm reading, this is one of those classics were you see the movie and you want to read the book, the martian and i think in the where and i got intrigued by this new netflix thing a man in the high castle which is old books, 62 word when a payday used to read science fiction when i was a kid and for some reason i did. that went. guy named philip decker who is now dead. i just finished up a biography of roger sure no's wonderful book on washington which is a fabulous book of boy it's long. >> booktv wants to what you are reading this summer. post zone our facebook page >> george dickson is the publishing director of blue
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scary. what is blue saberi? >> blues berry in the u.s. is a division of the will of lounsbury worldwide publisher so the u.s. division founded in 1998. bloomsbury company was founded in 1986 and the first harry potter novel layup opened in the united states and the publisher the adult division here. >> host: a kind of books to publish? >> guest: we publish about 110 books a year largely nonfiction. we do 20% fiction put a lot of history and politics and current events, food related books, popular science, those are the four areas and publishing memoirs as well. >> host: who want to catch up with you at the publishing convention to talk about some of the books coming out this fall and you've got one coming up. guess who was called a faustian bargain by woman named joan mellon and as the story of the
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trial and lbj accomplished to an enormous amount of the dark side. the stories told of the lens of a man completely unknown to system history named matt wallace who only attracted with lyndon johnson on a couple of occasions but his life and his life story tell us a great deal about the dark side of the old b.j. in the deals he made with cronies in texas to which matt wallace was very much involved and aware of his period wallace is an amazing way in the best way to describe this is he a 1951 he walked into a small golf course owner in austin texas and shot the man dead. you was arrested to our slader and he said to the arresting officers the texas rangers i work for linda and i have to get back to washington or within an hour or lyndon johnson's personal lawyer was defending him and he was exonerated. and then he got top security clearance working for weapons
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contractor in texas and had top security clearance for the next 12 years. there is a hidden story here behind the story of lbj who with all the great accomplishments he had had a dark side as well. >> host: where did ms. mellon get this information? >> guest: it's really interesting. on the day before, the day after john f. kennedy was assassinated in lyndon johnson became president that next day "life" magazine was set to release an article investigating lbj's dealings in texas with the likes of billy so less than bobby baker in washington. that article never saw the light of day and indeed the senate intelligence committee was doing an investigation of lbj and that too was stopped immediately. you could say lbj was one of the luckiest and alive because jfk's assassination put them in the white house which is one of the reasons have argued everson said
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he was response up over jfk's death which he is not. he did in a fit from it by becoming president but also by aborting these investigations and that is what the book it's into as well. >> host: what is the term that didn't mean? >> guest: a deal with the devil appeared she argues the young man who like walesa came and lbj's orbit were in fact dealing with the devil and making a bargain with the devil. they got something for it that they. a steep price as well. >> host: a new book out on the american revolution. what are we going to learn? >> guest: paul is the former head of the art department at mt. holyoke college but also an historian and the story of the revolution through the lens of the five great painters of the era charles wilson peeled john trumbull john coughlin benjamin west. they are a fascinating group of men to begin with but you see the revolution through completely different eyes when
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you study the paintings they did which are so iconic of the time. they were very influential in guiding americans feelings at the time towards britain. there were plenty of paintings that arouse positive sentiment for england and many that supported the cause but each of the artists had their own connection to the revolution. peel did portraits of people at valley forge. e-5 at the battle of princeton. john trumbull a great artist was very involved with the army and his whole family was involved with the continental army so benjamin west was in london the whole time. he was very much in favor of the american -- but he was also the painter of george iii so we couldn't go too far in what he painted. he had to hold back in his own sentiments because he would have lost the court. fascinating individual stories to give a whole different look
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at the american revolution. >> host: what was your reaction when you first heard about the book sex. >> guest: i did not know this aspect of the story. i've read a lot of books about the revolutionary period but i have never. about any of those artists and i know them better face of all of them but i've never. their biographies cited in other stories. in reading the proposal for the book i was stunned by the vibrancy of their own stories and how amazing they were as individuals those five painters and the effect they had on the mac in public at the time whether you were in favor of the revolution or not. these painters have a huge impact. peel was an in fact a war photographer peter is the equivalent of the war photographer today. was a valley forge doing portraits of the people involved with her, and soldiers are george washington himself. he did a painting of washington at the battle of winston. he was the war photographer at war photographer of his time in taking great risks as well treat these men had fascinating
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vibrant lives and they come alive in this book but they tell the revolution a different way. >> host: george gibson who is carol anderson? >> guest: carol anderson is the head of the african-american studies and history department at emory university in atlanta a really great african-american professors in the country. at the heart of the riots in 2014 in july of 2014 she read wrote an op-ed for the "washington post" which he argued even though everybody stands why we are talking about black race with the dessa people like eric garner but we should be talking about white race because every point since the civil war and it wouldn't lacks had made a personable social progress in america they have been met with a concerted wide opposition whether it was in reconstruction the period of the great migration northward after brown versus board of education in 1954 change education this country or the war against drugs or the obama presidency. every time blacks that made
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roberts robertson this country there has been a concerted backlash against them in the courts and the legislature. it has been coded as protecting democracy or preventing fraud or some other word but it's systemic racism pray this is the first time that someone has connected 150 years of history from 1865 to the present to show the attitudes that were very much alive during reconstruction are sadly very much alive today. they are worded differently but the systemic sense of racism in the pushing down of a minority is still very much in our culture are sad to say. >> host: when is the book coming out? >> guest: publishing on may 31 it is perhaps the most powerful book that i've ever published. the end of it i feel for savant anger but a sense of this is undeniable and we can't deny
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this is happening. >> host: finally a little bit off the beaten path may be for blooms very and for booktv -- >> guest: roff king is a historian of art in history. his skill is connecting great art with a history that stands behind it and matt and chapman is a story of the water lily paintings that are seen now over the world. didn't start painting them until he was 75 years old. his wife had died in world war i was approaching in 1913, 1914 great as he was painting he could hear the guns and his son was in the army and he was terrified of losing his son. where he lived turned into a military hospital and he produced these extraordinary paintings in his old age. his great friend was at the moment he wasn't the president of france buddy up in a president or the prime minister of france and he became the prime minister again and cuomo
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so when he wasn't doing his politics would check up on monday who is notably depressive to see how he was doing. he felt that mo'ne was the treasurer of france and he the ultimately convinced monet to give a lot of his paintings to the country after he died. they are famous giant innings of water lilies but he was the man who made that happen. it's a fastening frigid between he and mo'ne that is at the center of this book. >> host: that's just a quick preview of some of the books coming out at bloomsbury. you are watching booktv on c-span2. ..


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