tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN July 11, 2016 12:30pm-2:31pm EDT
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amendment 172 sponsored by wind mccormick on page 16, line 45. the proposed amendment is as follows: arts and culture. democrats are proud of our support for all arts funding and education. we are committed to continuing the policies and programs that have already done so much or our creative arts industry and economy. investment in the arts strengthens our communities and contributes to our nation's rich cultural heritage area we will continue to support public funding for the national endowment for the arts, for the national endowment for the humanities and for programs providing arts and music education in primary and secondary schools. the entire nation prospers when we protect and promote the unique and original artistic and cultural contributions of the women and men create and preserve our nation's heritage. >> the maker, you have one
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minute to explain . >> everyone will probably remember that mitt romney promised in 2012 that the first thing hewas going to do on his first day of in office was to defund obamacare . but maybe you don't remember what he said, the second thing he was going to do. he was going to defund both the national endowment, that was the second thing was going to do on his first day in office. these endowments are in the sights of the republicans because they would like to get rid of them. mister chairman, this is a good amendment but the one thing that's missing is a sentence calling for increase in the funding of these endowments. we are getting less money now than when obama came into office the cause of the sequester and i don't know if it's possible to add a sentence.
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>> so ... hang on. for fear of reopening other issues, i think i'm going to referthis to the technical side . i think your motion speaks to the issue of support. we will let the technical drafters decide on whether that can be included, okay? you. do we have 15 supporters? we have 15 supporters. is there anyone wishing to be heard in opposition? i will call the question, all in favor please lift your white cards. anyone wishing to register a negative point of view? it passes unanimously. please refer that for
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consideration. it does support whether that's sufficient to move it to the next level we will leave it up to the technical side. another amendment? >> amendment number 94 has been withdrawn, there are no more amendments to the section. [applause] >> where are we going now? do we have some cleanup on other ... we haven't amendment number 38 and what section is this? >> i'm sorry, this is that same section . >> this is the first time courtney, both you and i have broken down. >> please forgive me. >>. [applause] [applause]
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[applause] by way of explanation, courtney has not been my foil. she came up to connecticut for close to a month in 2014 to help see me reelected so we've been having fun together and she's done a great job. now we address 38 please? >> thank you very much mister chair. amendment 38 sponsored by future vargas. on line 44, the language, the pros amendment is as follows. we will promote best practices among local law enforcement in terms of how they collaborate with federal authorities to ensure that they maintain and build trust
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to local law enforcement and the communities they serve. we will also vigorously oversee any programs put in place to make sure there are no abuses and no arbitrary deportation programs. we will establish an affirmative process for workers to report labor violations and to request deferred action. we will work to ensure that all americans regardless of immigration status have access to quality healthcare. that means expanding community health centers, allowing all families to buy into the affordable care act exchanges, supporting states that open up their public health insurance programs to all persons and finally and acting comprehensive immigration reform and we will expand opportunities for dreamers to serve in the military and to then receive expedited pathways to citizenship area. [applause]
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>> are you going to address the unity aspect of this? >> mister chairman my name is david leopold. i am from the state of ohio, a hillary clinton data delegate and we are offering what's in the form of a unity amendment from both sides. >> did you want to say anything quickly before i asked if there are 15 seconders? are there 15 seconders? there are 15 seconders? did you have, did you want to say something to mark go-ahead. >> hello everyone, my name is cesar vargas. we have all heard that 04 with rhetoric of donald trump when it comes to immigration. we have heard the nonsense that mexicans are rapists. we have heard a military force is going to locate, and detain little children,
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parents and wives. we have heard the vision that we are not going to be part of this nation. this amendment ends arbitrary deportation programs like secure communities, like the priority program, like carry where immigration agents go around latino neighborhoods with a biometric device targeting our community, where police liked shermer pyle in arizona targets latinos with no impunity. this amendment protects workers. this amendment allows students to pursue their dreams, to go to college, to serve as the nextofficers in the us military . platform is a first step
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because we need to do more because this step is to ensure that the next president can create a nation that is inclusive, that is welcoming. i want our next president to succeed because at the end of the day, this is not about senator bernie sanders or hillary clinton. this is about family. i'm doing this or my 74-year-old mother and i want to thank senator bernie sanders, i want to thank the bernie sanders campaign, i want to thank warren, billy, matt, everyone who made sure that i'm not and our mexican people have a voice even though we don't have the power to vote, we have the power to change this nation and we need to confront and make sure our political opponents but also our political allies for real change.
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>> 2 and ahalf minutes . >> thank you mister chairman, i come to stand before this committee today, i am the son of a refugee and i spent hours and hours every day and for the last many years representing undocumented people, people who want to come to this country's to build this country, to make it what it is, to make it better than it can be and make it great. immigrants are not, immigration is not aproblem to be solved, immigration is an opportunity to be seized . [applause] and i stand here tonight, i am so proud of the democratic party and i am proud of the hillary clinton campaign, i am proud of the sanders campaign for ending in a unity amendment like this. this is about what america is going to be. this is a pivotal moment in our history. are we going to be a
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inotropic country? are we going to close our borders because of religion? are we going to close our borders because of your? are we going to lock children up at the border with no lawyers or are we going to be america. are we going to do better? we are going to do better and under the leadership of hillary clinton, and the hard work that thought into this platform by both sides, we are going to be the promise of immigration to america and make america greater then it already is. [applause] >> mister chairman, and this is about one minute. thank you very much. i'm stephen wardrop from the northern maryland mariana islands and i strongly support thisamendment . we have a very large non-citizen population in the northern mariana islands of close to 50 percent of the population and in 2009,
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federal immigration took over from cmi immigration and we have had many problems with that as a result. we had 20 some thousand legal aliens in the siena minds on the transition day and because of the way that homeland security has administered the law, many of those people who have been there for five, 10, 20, even 30 years were being put into immigration arbitrarily and maliciously and the commonwealth transitional worker program right now is resulting in families torn apart because of a sickly i would say blunders in the department of homeland security, thank you very much. >> so the item has been discussed.
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it is a unity proposal. does anyone wish to be heard in opposition? no one wishes to be heard in opposition, i will call the question, all those in favor please raise your white cards. anyone wishing to demonstrate a different view, raise your white cards. kathleen, are you up or down? you are up. with one or two exceptions, it passes. [applause] after 130. okay. the chair will recognize deborah parker and maxine waters to speak for one minute each about how the platform process has been reached and agreed to. . and we have just a couple of things, we're going to get it
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done.gecongresswoman. >> thank you very much. and if i could have the attention of everyone in the room. i'd like to say to the honorable shirley franklin and governor daniel malloy, cochairs of the 2016 platform committee, thank you for the phenomenal job that you have done leading us and managing this 2016 platform committee meeting agenda. >> thank you again. [applause] thank you. very much appreciated. >> thank you congresswoman. debbie wasserman schultz, democratic national
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committee, thank you reverend aaliyah daughtry,ceo democratic national convention committee . thank you mayor buddy dyer of orlando florida. to all of today's participants, to the staff, volunteers, the workers, everybody that's worked so hard to make this meetinga success, give them a big round of applause . [applause] ladies and gentlemen, i am so proud to be a democrat tonight. [applause] i want to thank both of our campaigns, i want to thankbernie sanders. i want to thank hillary clinton . and i look forward to electing the first woman president of the united
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states . [applause] >> thank you mister chair. i'm representative luis was also from washington state. first-generation peruvian american and a proud supporter of senator bernie sanders . [applause] i know as a former labor negotiator how hard it is sometimes get to yes. i know that the passionate positions we may take make it difficult to find agreement but i wanted to congratulate ourselves for the work we've done here tonight, for taking the higher ground. in the last two days and nights, making sure we come out of this committee with a platform we are proud to take to philadelphia, where more work may need to be done but we can do it in the spirit of togetherness and unity and i'm glad i was able to spend
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this time with you and speak up for the folds of washington state and i wantto thank all the delegates here tonight , have a good evening. >> senator friar. >> this is mark friar from arkansas and i want to thank everybody for doing this, this whole process has been phenomenal. it's been wonderful. we've got a great platform. it's been very unifying and also we have to remember that we had 28 million people who voted in the democratic primaries and caucuses this year. it's a great number, let'sget out and win this in the fall, thank you . [applause] >> tom logan from connecticut. thank you dan, i'm proud of you. you are from my home state, you're my governor and you've done fantastic . but i would like to get one other person who's gonna recognize tonight, i don't
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know she was going to be mentioned but there's a young lady in the corner, christine who has recorded these entire proceedings, never took a break. christine, i want to thank you. she's been remarkable to sit and watch, justunbelievable, fantastic . >> christine, you have to stop writing. stand up. come on, standup christine . thank you. thank you very much. please. >> good evening, my name is deborah parker, i'm a member of the toilet tried and i've had the offer honor of representing on the platform committee, the drop tank committee so that i had the honor of traveling to several cities listening to americans across the nation talk about what is important to them in their lives and not only what's important today but what's important for the future generations and that is something that i know as a
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native american that we are taught that from birth that we look to the next seven generations so i want to thank the members of the platform committee, members of the drafting committee, chairman cummings and all the beautiful people i've met along the way, i have a lot of love andrespect for you. we had big debates , we've had some great moments where we came together and i want us all to really come together in the spirit of unity and it's okay to disagree. it's okay to come together and to compromise because this has been for me a very much a learning experience and i just wholeheartedly support our 2016 democratic platform and i asked that we take this to philadelphia so thank you.>> thank you. [applause] we're almost done,
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we have one last motion which is a unity or is it, yes. >> amendment 134 sponsored by italy's code and randy weingart. substitutes amendment as proposed to insert our candidates names in the platform. they will speak on this amendment . >> please. >> chairman, how are you. i am a lease with hillary clinton and i am asking you to move this amendment. >> okay. so the amendment, are we going to read this or how are we going to do this? okay. is it up there, i'm sorry. it's up there, excuse me. it's up there. so for the purposes of gauging whether there's sufficient sufficient seconders, are you out of time to read it? all right. could you read it? one more time.
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>> yes. on page 3, line 45 a should read to say hillary clinton and the democratic party believe that when workers are strong america is strong . on page four of line 36, it should read as president, hillary clinton will take steps to expand and strengthen the home care workforce. on page 6, line 40 it should read to say democrats believe one of the best ways to innovate, prosper and create good paying jobs is to make more in america which is why we firmly support american manufacturing with hillary clinton make it in america plan. on page 10, line five it should read hillary clinton and the democrats believe that everyone in america deserves the chance to live up to their god-given potential . >> it's being read first, thank you. >> on page 14 line 37 it should read as president,
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hillary clinton will also protect and expand proven programs including robust report for nutrition assistance to stop people from going hungry as well as programs that help people grow their skills and provide training opportunities. page 25, line 39 should read hillary clinton and democrats believe that america must lead in the world to grow our economy, protect our interests and make our country safer and more prosperous. page 30, line 44 should read as hillary clinton has said, human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights. we believe the united states continue to be the world's strongest advocate for the rights of women and girls. continue to insertother references to hillary clinton where appropriate . where appropriate, insert the democratic party commends senator sanders for running a campaign that mobilized over
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13 million people including young people and working people that brought issues like income inequality to the for and that brought vital new energy to the democratic party. [applause] >> chairman, is my honor to him as you ethically move this amendment and make sure the platform reflects our commendation of senator sanders and my many friends who have worked with him and for him. to bring so much enthusiasm and vigorous debate and bring us together over the course of the last two days and through the election. we share the same values, we fought for the same policies and we will fight together for justice and equality to move the country forward and
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by introducing ... >> wait, wait. >> wait. there's a conference going on, let's take a minute. i think there's a misunderstanding with respect to where people are so take a second. allow that conference to complete. take a deep breath. not yet. there's a conference. there's a conference goingon, just give it a minute . just give it ... there's a conference. [inaudible conversation]
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>>. [inaudible conversation] >> the campaigns have had a discussion, we will have a resolution terry shortly, very shortly. we need to clear the area, we have the floor. who are the original makers? >> the theory that we stand up here together as supporters of hillary and bertie is one of unity and therefore we are willing to withdraw the amendment . [applause] moved the platform. >> thank you very much, thank you. you.
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>> the motion will adjourn. >> no, not unless you want to have a whole other meeting, we're not going to recognize that particular motion so we have a couple other things to do. we really need to clear, okay? i want to thank the committee for all of the work they have done. before i call for a final motion, we have singled out a whole bunch of people including the chairs and both of your chairs and all of us deeply appreciate that. others have been thanked as well, debbie wasserman schultz, lee has been thanked in her role and i'm very grateful but you also have folks who have worked on the platform committee staff. andy grossman, i want to thank him in particular. jessica schumer, yj fisher
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and graham cruz, thank you all for the hard work you've done in getting us to this point. thank you julie greene, director of the office of the secretary and patrice taylor, director of party affairs and delegate selection whose health has really moved this meeting along. with everyone also join me in thanking all the staff and their colleagues and the work they've accomplished preparatory to these past two days. let me also say i'd like to thank the united hotel staff who have cared for us so exceedingly well. with them, i'm sorry? maxine? >> thank you very much. we have come to a point this evening after having done tremendous work, i know there
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were some disagreements. everybody didn't agree on everything but this was a democratic process and we heard the cheers, we saw tears and we had people who were very happy to be a synthesis in this process. the unity amendments, the last one that was up past and pulled, it's no longer an issue. so ladies and gentlemen, we are all democrats. we're all democrats. and even though some people did not win on the amendments that were so dear to their hearts, the work doesn't stop here. the work doesn't stop here. of course, the platform is an indication of what we care about in general but you have
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your elected officials to work with, you have the dnc to work with, let's go about the businessof making this country what it ought to be and we can do that working together . let me ask you in the name of unity, can we leave this meeting tonight having accomplished the most progressive platform in the history of the democratic party? [applause] >> very good. >> and i want to say to bernie sanders and all of his supporters, you've done a fantastic job on the progressive agenda. i want to say to hillary clinton and all of her supporters, you have been wonderful in the way you've been able to make compromise and to agree on things that perhaps we had not thought
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you would agree on so can we all have ourselves a baby round of applause? [applause] and we all believe that we are strong democrats. can we leave here tonight and thanked the american people and say we are on our way to making sure this is the strongest country in the world. it is the best country in the world, we're going to continue to work toward that and nobody will stop us. can we do that? [applause]. come on, let's give ourselves a big round of applause, come on. come on . [applause] >> with that in mind, go ahead. >> thank you. i have two sentences here. i intend to support passing this platform onto the convention and we will see you in philly,.
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>> so now thank you committee, we are almost at the end of our work . the committee will now quote on the main motion to approve the draft platform as amended for recommendation and adoption by the 2016 democratic national convention reflect our deliberad agreements between the campaigns. do we have 15 supporters? so, for awareness, many of the amendments were withdrawn by the behor, and they will included in the manager's mark. that discussion has been had throughout and i think everyone understands that is also included in the boat we are about to take. i have raised the issue, will someone make the motion to adopt? there are sufficient seconds that's also included in the votes you are about to take. i have raised the issue. will someone make the motion to adopt? there are seconds.
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i will call the question, all the favor in approving the recommendation to the convention of this platform?yes and he knows? two, three, four, five. there we go, so it's declared past and so moved and now i would like-- sorry i would like to my cochair and vice chair and like to thank each and every one of you for what we have accomplished.yo let me give you a historical note. there's been no duration of a platform like this in decades. we have conducted business as democrats always do with lots of deliberation, lots of conversation, but we are produced by far the most progressive platform that this s party has seen in multiple generations.
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congratulations to all of you. a we should take a great pride in what we have accomplished.form so, please be on the lookout for communications from the platform committee or the folks, the staff and also please be prepared to gather in philadelphia in 16 days. shirley and i look forward to seeing you there. thank you very much and god bless you all. motion to adjourn has been mader and seconded. this is a way of saying goodbye. thank you very much. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] scenic the republican national committee begins a week of meetings in cleveland prior to their convention later this month and today they start work on the party platform. live coverage starts at 2:30 p.m. eastern on c-span3.ll >> we are going to talk about events at leading up to the republican national convention including work on the platform, which kicks off today and on the phone joining us to talk about those proceedings, henry gomez
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of the cleveland-- he's chief political reporter for mr. gomez, thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> tell us what happens today as far as work on the platform. >> today the platform committee convenes in about 45 minutes and then we break off into subcommittees. they will be reviewing the drafts of potential platform changes for 2016. hearing that there will be movement, perhaps, on trade as we know the presumptive nominee donald trump has a much harder line on foreign trade than do most mainstream republicans. we will be watching to see what they might do on marriage equality and on abortion. >> is this a part of the activity where those who want to possibly not-- those currently pledged to donald trump am looking to be released from
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that, does that take place at this point? >> not today, not tomorrow but that will occur during the rules committee meeting, which convenes-- i think they start wednesday night with orientation and the meetings continue thursday and then they have a session that is if we were talking for years ago we would say that friday session would not be necessary, but there will be efforts this timet to change up the rules to make it tougher for donald trump to reach that magic number of 1237 on the convention floor next week? host: you talk about some of the topics that were up for discussion and as far as contentiousness, do you thinkat you will see that starting out today or is that a fight for another day?ss guest: welcome i do think there will be contentiousness only because at this point those whoh are opposed to donald trump wils be looking for moral victories k
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and if they could keep him from moving the party to left on some of the social and cultural issues that is import into today's conservatives, think they will try to do that, but for the most part this platform is not going to be a huge battleground for the party this week. host: some of the stories in the papers in the last couple day has talked about social issues and do they take prevalence in this kind of discussion is your? guest: i think if anything you may see it dialed back a littlea bit. there have been reports out as morning and over the weekend that the party could soften its tone of the gay marriage because the supreme court decided that issue last summer picnic or do something that makes it more-- attempts to make it more of a faint issue rather than leave in language that's been there in the past, and for a constitutional amendments to ban gay
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marriage. so, i mean, that could beat considered a softer stance on-- stance on the issue, but also reflects the fact that donald trump has not made gay marriage a calling card of his campaign speech to. host: in terms of gay marriage,e with activity today, when does that wrap up and then whatha happens? guest: we are hoping everything wraps up, i think, friday with the rules committee and then ease into the weekend and a sunday big party for all the people coming into town for the actual convention next week. but, these next few days , conversations happening in the cleveland convention center will be the real litmus test for how much trouble donald trump faces once he arrives in town next week. host: henry gomez covers politics and talking about the platform hearings on the report in national committee. mr. gomez, thank you for
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your input. guest: you bet, thanks a lot. [cheers and applause] >> the hard-fought 2016 primary season is over with historic conventions to follow the summer. >> colorado. >> florida. >> ohio. >> watches c-span as the delegates consider the nomination of the first woman ever to had a major political party and the first non- politician in several decades. watch live on c-span. listen on the c-span radio app video-on-demand as you have a front row seat to every minute of both conventions on c-span, all beginning monday july 18. >> could 5g mobile connectivity be around quarter of ex- sec chair tom wheeler is pushing for and says the us must
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lead the world to develop it appeared tonight on the comedic communication executive kathleen talks about 5g what it means for the us she will also discuss why 5g is needed for the internet, self driving cars and the expansion of virtual reality. she is joined by communication daily executive senior editor howard bunker. >> the bowl-- goal is to say that the spectrum, division going about where we want to go with wireless and we are going to push ahead to ensure that the us maintains its global leadership in the wireless arena and i think that is terrific for our country. in fact, i would argue it's essential because this is one of those areas where us global leadership has yielded tremendous benefits economically from a technological perspective and from a job's perspective. >> watch the communicators tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> we are awaiting the start of it speech by
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donald trump on veterans issues. he is speaking in virginia beach virginia today near the site of several military bases. we will have coverage when it begins. in the meantime, portion of today's washington journal on the presidential campaign. >> separate from political joining us as chief polling analyst for the publication. good morning. h we will talk about polls and how it affects various candidates. how much attention should the average person be paying attention to polls these days when it comes to the presidential race?s? guest: it's pretty early on in the process are generally speaking, when we look back it can become more accurate after the convention them before this convention. it's about a month earlier than they have been the past two elections, so we are still in the early stage right now the numbers you see lay down a baseline of the two candidates will spend the next three weeks introducing themselves to voters in a more formal way as their
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party's nominee, officially. then, once we move towards august and weau moved after labor day these polls not only measure how americans feel about thehe candidates, but also which of these americans they intend to vote for and when we get down to the likely voter polls in august and september things tend to get more accuracy one so, if you go to websites like real clear politics they do a sampling and then they show some of the current to give you an example, if you go to the pewew poll it says when it comes to support for hillary clinton its 51% versus donald trump 42 and reuters is the same 4 way. it's only when you get to polls like rasmussen, which donald trump is leading i two points. what do those-- do those numbers show trends and how is that trend and going for either of these candidates. >> the reality is of the past roughly 50 polls ii
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have a conducted nationally, donald trump has led twice and hillary clinton has led 48 times or somethingti along that kind of trend. there's no doubt right now that you look at the numbers and hillary clinton enters this general election face with an advantage.vantage. now, a lot of these polls are conducted before-- before the fbi talked about her e-mail case and decided she would not be charged. the polls were conducted before some of the things that happenedek last week in the country and these polls will be conducted before each candidate selects abe running mate, before each party has their convention and these candidates get the opportunity to talk to voters. once we get all of that in the rear-view mirror they become a lot more accurate. right now it tells us with of that exception of the two rasmussen polls that were conducted on automated telephones with only landline respondents and
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only half of american adults live in a household with a landline now other than that, the polls are basically unanimous that hillary clinton has a pretty small, but also significant advantage going into the general election. host: we will talk more about the candidates and what the polls say about that with our guest stephen shepard, but if you want to ask him questions about the candidates, you can do so. when it comes to the trends like we see with hillary clinton like right now have we seen those before another contest and what does it suggest about ultimately who wins? guest: it's a bit unusual in at least modern history in the past few campaigns to a candidate in the middle of the summer with a lead like this big. you know, barack obama and mitt romney were basically tied. j barack obama had openedca up a slight lead over john mccain in the summer, but that was ath
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lead john mccain slowed with his parties convention when his party got to go second as the incumbent party. bey came into labor day basically tying the race up. george w. bush and john j kerry were very close. basically you have to back to 1996 when bill clinton had a solid lead over ball though basically for the duration of the campaign to find someone who at this point had a lead of a five or six points, which is about with the real clear politics shows. historically, that's notri necessarily that big of an aberration. i will say that it's no guarantee that she's going to win. you can go back to 1988. george a shelby bush trailed for most of the early summer and really overtaken in the summer never looked back in one of what we would considers land slide victory. i would caution against the smi is ahead in the early summer and that means they will win.
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that's not what it means. it means if the election were held today she would most likely when. host: the conventions coming apart likely important.o much does the vp factor into how much people change their mind about who they vote for? guest: we talk about whether the vice president matters and for the most part they don't, but they matter in this way, it's really the first presidential decision that voters get to see these candidates make and particularly someone like donald trump there are a lot of republicans in washington that are really on the fence and want to support their party's nominee , but have reservations.ave they wanted to see his first presidential decision and naming a running mate this week will be that decision, psychic a lot of folks, maybe even more than usual voters are looking to see where these candidates come down on these running mates and having the opportunity to sell that running mate and sell this campaign at the convention next week and the week after that
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i think that will be pretty critical. e host: a political tip sheet that comes out daily and also pulling editor at hotline. arthur, you're up first, democrats line. good morning, you're on with our guest. caller: good morning. i would like to correspond with this tragedy that happened in texas. i think a lot of people don't know, but donald trump instigated this with the way he been treating people in thisca campaign and everything, hit them in the mouth, throw them out of here. hit them in the mouth, i will pay huge bail if you go to jail. he instigated all of this and i think the people should know this. now commie you want to act like he is so, so, so, righteous. he's a racist and a bigot and he ain't got
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no business writing to be the president of the united states of america steven that's arthur in chesapeake, virginia. stephen shepherd previously made by donald trump have a factor into how people are pulled and what they say about a candidate. how long does not last as our sentiment iss concerned?ink the guest: that's an interesting question. i think the tenor of this campaign has been already very verygn negative from both parties. the democratic primary is pretty positive, but when you look at where the messaging is now from both candidates, hillary clinton is running positive advertising, but most look at her in atlantic city, for example, last week really talk about donald trump and attacking donald trump with over these candidates going into the general election with high negativity and i really think you are going to see two candidates who need to bring the-- bring their opponent down and it's
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only going to increase the negative tenor of this campaign. there's a difference between negative campaigning and some of the violence of that we have seen that some of these events both from donald trump's opponent and his supporters and i think that's going to be something to watch it next week in cleveland at the convention. host: from vermont, indiana. thank you for calling and go ahead, your own. caller: good morning. thank you very much for giving me a chance to talk. my impression to who i vote, i don't vote for hillary because with the background she has i'm not voting. my only-- [inaudible]ernie caller: bernie sanders, but.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] caller: vote for hillary, i don't. i respect hillary, but i don't.ry. this right is taken from me. that's all i want to say. guest: i think this will be an interesting question in the polls will actually be a good measure of this. hillary clinton only 155% of the vote in the democratic primary and that means you about lot of democratic primary voters who voted for bernie sanders. how do you get his supporters to come on board? you. step one, have bernie sanders endorse you and we will see that t tomorrow morning in new hampshire. i will be tracking two-seat if she can
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increase. she is winning, 80, 85-- a little under 90% of democrats in these polls and if she can get that up to 95% that will be worth a few points in the polls overall and could help expand her lead over donald trump. host: does the same thing apply to donald trump would it comes to the libertarian presidentw mh gary johnson how he polls and how much tracking he gains? guest: certainly and also applies to the republican voters who are still on the sidelines about donald trump. they will look at the convention and looking at his ramie and looking for cues as to whether or not this is a candidate they can get behind kurt laseak otherwise, for a lot of the republican voters who not vote for hillary clinton, gary johnson remains a legitimate choice and at the same time gary johnson has to pitch himself to those of voters are key needs to get attention. he needs to get people to know who he is so we can get up to 15% in these polls possibly make the debate stage in late september and
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command this large% audience and be able to make a picture. host: generally, what is he pulling?his pitch guest: some polls ask about him in some polls don't and that's been appointed controversy so far. he's called on all with donald trump and hillary can so that he can get that measure to right now depending where you look and it depends on how they ask the question, but it'sne generally about the height single digits, so a little under 10% if he can get over 10 and it was 15 he could make this stage it. host: tennessee, democrats lineo vivian, good morning. caller: good morning to both ofi you. on calling to talk about the polling. and 65 years old and hardly anyone ever calls me and i would like to know how many people are you polling so you can get their views? number two, please, i live here in memphis, tennessee, and i am so proud about police department and the citizens.
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last night they were down here talking about the shootings and also about the shooters with black people here in tennessee killing each other and a father got up there and spoke about it and steeples-- people spoken but everyone listen to our place in turn. the mayor spoke out and i'm very proud of that, but one thing, our black people stop-- got to stop killing each other. black lives matter. sir, all lives matter took my son the police officer down there and i was praying to god that everything would go okay and we need someone to lead this country, not put up hatred like donald trump is talking. to crime scene to independence, republicans and democrats, get out please" for our country. host: thank you. guest: to take her purse question first, how may people are called in the polls, for
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most national polls like thisca about a thousand people statistically speaking you can get when you look at the overale population of the country you can get a statistically significant sample out of a thousand people, so now, for people who say that they are not called statistically speaking that often happens, but there are a lot of folks that say i don't answer when i don't recognize the number that'sev calling me yet i don't get encouraged to produce the impulse. i know people are bombarded by telemarketers, but there are legitimate public opinion research being done on the telephone in the same way and i would encourage folks when they are called to participate and that the same time there are legitimate public opinion research being done online and folks can sign-up if they want to give their opinions and that's one of the things that becomesistou w
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harder and harder to reach people are people still want to give their opinions to go early this year, so you can sign up for some of these online panels and participate in online pulling, so there are various ways to get your voice heard at a time when so many people want to do that. host: how long does it take to take eight polling?t guest: most are around the between five and 15 minutes and mica said these are legitimate scientific polls. they are not selling you anything. sometimes they are and sometimes they are trying toconvince you to vote for one candidate or another, but when talking about the polls we are talking about, these are legitimate scientific polls that they are not trying to convince you of one thing or another. they are trying to figure out at least in this case whom you support what is driving that. how do you feel about the issues right now.he host: here is the polar guests mention the story from the washington post an abc newsou about the fbi decision toat exonerate hillary clinton. most disproving of that and you see that on the
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post website. stephen shepherd, talking about polling. let's go to virginia in the independent line. bob, good morning. caller: good morning. my question has to do with the quality of a--ll of the polls themselves with only people being polled who may be misinformed or confused or decided or ignorant. we have seen popular tv shows where people don't even know who the president is or who is on the supreme court's or anything of that nature that makes me wonder whether randomized questions of a thousand people are really getting the true feelings of true votersnd part and the second part of the question is when youdo do put out a full, do you think it influences the undecided and ignorant to vote in a way that they wouldn't not otherwise what about? thanks. guest: altered the second part of that first.t, there is no doubt--en
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there are a lot of questions that have been asked about the value of polling and when we go into election day let's say hillary clinton's current advantage of five or six points in the real clear politics average hold until election day foror argument sake. what does that do to voters who may be a quite as motivated to get out to the polls if they know one candidate has a pretty significant lead and the outcome isn't terribly in doubt. does affect turnout? does it affect if people want to join the winning ticket if they went-- have been undecided? may have seen that in great britain with a referendum on leaving the european union or the polls assured basically a tie even race, but the vote to leave broke with the end and won by three and half, four points. as far as the first part of my think that is part
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of our democracy that any us citizen of 18 years old or older can turn out in their ballot counts the same asas someone who reads the "new york times" or the "washington post" everyday or our website of political. there've zero, one person, one vote in their vote the same. i will say pollsters particularly as we get later the electionon process into september and october and november, pollsters really try hard to discern when they call these folks who is actually going to vote and who isn't. right now, we are kind of-- the pollsters cast a wide net and they want to know about registered voters how they can about the candidates and once voters get to know the candidates and they get to see the race after the convention then you start drilling down and you only want those people in your poll who are going toin vote because frequently the people who are not going to vote are not the same as the people who do vote. we have seen in, for
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example, the electricyears more so in midterm years, but also to some degree in presidential years tends to be older, white or a more affluent than the overall population, soap pollsters try because they want to get it right in the end and they try to weed out the folks who will not cast ballots, but that does not come until a bit later in the process. host: stephen shepherd of political joining us. florida on a republican line. med, go ahead. caller: my question is why should we not that the presidential candidates like trump and clinton when they are going to be the most powerful person in the world? .. rience with president obama who was not vetted. it is important that we vet t
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rump on his tax returns. irony thate is some donald trump has asked applicants to be his running >> guest: if that person were named to the ticket while donald trump hasn't released his tax returns to the public. that's not -- >> you can see the rest of this program on our web site, leaving it here and taking you to virginia beach, virginia, where donald trump will be giving a speech about veterans' issues. this is live coverage on c-span2. >> thank you very much. [applause] thank you very much. great to be here in virginia. thank you all for being here. it's an extraordinary, troubling time for our country. and the reason it's so troubling is that we have a nation that
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today feels more divided than at any time in my lifetime. and we're divided in large measure because our leaders are not providing the type of clarity about what are the important priorities that the people want our country to be pursuing. the first and most important thing to me not only as a governor, but more importantly as a husband and a father, is the safety and the security of my family. and i was expect you feel the same way. [cheers and applause] and that safety and security is not just about being safe and secure from threats outside this country, it's about making sure that we are safe and secure from threats of violence from within our country as well. we need a president who once
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again will put law and order at the top of the priority of the presidency in this country. [cheers and applause] our police officers, the men and women who stand each day to protect us, need to understand that the president of the united states and his administration will give them the benefit of the doubt, not always believe that what they've done is somehow wrong. we need to stand behind the men and women in blue in this country. [cheers and applause] i spent seven years as a member of law enforcement as a united states attorney in new jersey. and during those years, the president i served made it very clear to us that our first job was to protect the safety and security of the american people
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and that every other priority, while important, fell in behind that. we need once again to have a president who puts the safety and security of our citizens first and does not blink or hesitate to take the strong action that needs to be taken to make sure that those both at home and around the world know that lawlessness will not be tolerated from anyone, no matter how powerful or lack of power that those people may have. law and order to needs to be the first priority once again in our country. [cheers and applause] and in this coming election, there can be little question about where law and order stands and where lawlessness stands. the fact is that we had the spectacle last week of watching
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a director of the fbi twice in one week repeatedly say that the democratic mom fee for -- nominee for president lied to the american people, that the democratic nominee for president put her own political convenience ahead of the safety and the security of the american people, an fbi director who said that the repeated assurances that mrs. clinton has given us over the course of the last year regarding her e-mail scandal, in fact, in every material way were false. that's not a person who will stand for the rule of law, that's a person who will stand for the rule of her. and that's not what we need in the white house. [applause] and everyone who's involved in law enforcement should be rightfully concerned if you have
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a president who puts the rule of law behind their own personal interests. i support donald trump and have for quite some time because i know that he will be the type of president who will put the rule of law first, who will make sure that the law is enforced aggressively and appropriately and will put people in his administration who understand that the rules in this country and the laws in this country apply to everyone. not just the least powerful, but also the most powerful. they apply to everyone. [applause] and so i am grateful and happy that you are here today to lend your voices to that effort and to also listen, listen to what these candidates have to say, listen to how donald trump will
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stand up not only for those who serve today in law enforcement, but also for the men and women who have served in our military. they deserve much better than what this administration has given them. [applause] that will mean making tough decisions. that will mean breaking some china all throughout the government. it will mean stopping -- [applause] it will mean stopping this pattern of accepting less than the best for the people of this country. we need someone who has always demanded the best from everyone who has worked for him and with him and who will place the interests of the american people first and foremost. that is the person who is going to be our republican nominee
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next week, and it is the person who i firmly believe will serve this country best as the next president of the united states. we need to make sure that we go out there and fight as hard as we can to make that happen. there will be no could have been, should have beens on the day after the election. it's going to be we did it, we fought for it, we stood up, and we took our country back the law and order once again. [cheers and applause] the seven years i spent as u.s. attorney, i made sure that justice was both blind and fair. and we need to make sure that that returns to our country. it has left it in this administration. and we need to restore it. and that's why i'm so proud with the -- to be with the man that's here, and you're going to hear
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from him in a few minutes today. because he is someone who will make sure that he absolutely gives you the confidence every night when you put your head on pillow that his number one priority will be the safety and security of your family. thanks so much for being here today. it's great to see all of you again. [cheers and applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the chairman of the house committee on veterans affairs, congressman jeff miller. [applause] >> the great thing about a military town like virginia beach is that there are folks that understand what it means to take care of those that have worn the uniform of this nation. unfortunately, in recent years your government has not done the
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job that it's supposed to do for those who have served this nation. it's not for a lack of money, it's not for a lack of resources nor manpower. the department of veterans affairs' budget has quadrupled since 2001. they have almost a 350,000 employees -- almost 350,000 employees. but the same department lurches back and forth every single day from scandal to scandal, and veterans continue to pay the price. what's missing leadership at the top. as a candidate, barack obama promised veterans the moon. as the president of the united states, he has not delivered. his department of veterans affairs has become a model of government dysfunction.
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what's worse is he refuses to defend a law that he himself signed that would give the secretary of the department of veterans affairs the ability to fire those that have done veterans wrong. [applause] america needs a commander in chief that understands the problem that faces the veterans of today and is committed to doing what it takes to solve the problems, whatever it takes. we won't get that from a career bureaucrat like hillary clinton. who is so painfully out of touch with the veteran community that she thinks even though veterans, 40 of them at least in phoenix, waited on a wait list and died,
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she thinks that it's been overexaggerated. she can't solve the problems because she doesn't believe that there are any problems out there. and if she ends up back in the white house, which she won't, but if she ended up back in the white house, we would continue to see scandal after scandal within the department of veterans affairs. but donald trump, donald trump knows the challenges that face america's veterans today. he has the experience and the leadership that's necessary to boldly reform the department of veterans affairs. he's built a fantastic business, one that's known all over the globe. that's precisely the type of person that we need to boldly reform the department of veterans affairs. and unlike hillary clinton, donald trump doesn't view v.a.'s problems as a fantasy that's
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been created by the opposition party. he knows that they're real, and he has a plan to fix them. and that's what we're going to hear about today. ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce to you the next president of the united states, donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. wow. what a great group. thank you very much. [applause] well, i'd like to thank chairman jeff miller. he's a terrific guy, and on behalf of all of those who have served this country in military uniform and for working with our
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campaign on developing real solutions for our truly great veterans. thank you very much, jeff, i appreciate it. thank you. [applause] before going further today, however, i'd like to first address the contributions of another group who serve this country in uniform. the men and women in blue. [applause] [cheers and applause] thank you. our police officers -- [cheers and applause] we love our police officers. thank you. that's very nice. [cheers and applause] thank you. our police officers rush into danger every single day to
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protect our communities, and they often do it thanklessly and under relentless criticism. they serve thousands of lives every year, perform countless public services every day, and yet their names will likely never appear in a single headline or media report. but i want our nation's police to know that we thank you from the bottom of our heart. [applause] and we support you, and we will always, always, always stand with you. [applause] the attack on our dallas police is an attack on our country, our whole nation is in mourning and will be for a very long time. yet we've also seen increasing
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threats against our police and a substantial rise in the number of officers killed in the line of duty. very big rise. america's police and law enforcement personnel are what separates civilization from total chaos, and the destruction of our country as we know it. [applause] we must remember the police are needed the most where crime is the highest. politicians and activists who seek to remove police or policing from a community are hurting the poorest and most vulnerable americans. [applause] it's time for our hostility against our police and against all members of law enforcement to end and end immediately.
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right now. [applause] we went through an ugly chapter in our history during vietnam when our troops became victims of harassment and political agendas. for too many police today, that is their daily reality. at the same time, the tragic deaths in louisiana and minnesota make clear that the work must be done to insure -- and a lot of work -- that americans feel that their safety is protected. have to do it. we have to get better. better, sharper, smarter. we were all disturbed by the images that we saw. we must discuss as well the ongoing catastrophe of crime in our inner cities, our inner cities are rife with crime. according to "the chicago tribune", there has already been
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more than 2,000 -- 2,000 -- shooting victims in chicago alone this year. this epidemic of violence destroys lives, destroys communities and destroys opportunity for young americans. violent crime has increased in cities across america. "the new york times" described the startling rise in murders in our major cities. brutal drug cartels are spreading their reach into virginia and maryland. too many americans are trapped in fear, violence and poverty. our inner cities have been left totally behind. and i'm going to fight to make sure every citizen of this country has a safe home, a safe school and a safe community. [applause] we must maintain law and order
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at the highest level, or we will cease to have a country. 100%, we will cease to have a country. i am the law and order candidate. [cheers and applause] hillary clinton, on the other hand, is weak, ineffective, pandering and, as proven by her recent e-mail scandal which was an embarrassment not only to her, but to the entire nation as a whole, she's either a liar or grossly ine competent. one or the other. or very simple. [applause] personally, it's probably both. [applause]
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not only am i the law and order candidate, but i'm also the candidate of compassion. believe it. the candidate of compassion. but you can't have true compassion without providing safety for the citizens of our country. every kid in america should be able to securely walk the streets in their own neighborhood without harm. everyone will be protected equally and treated justly without prejudice. we will be tough. we will be smart. we will be fair. and we will protect all americans. [applause] without safety, we have nothing. it's the job of the next president to make america safe again for everyone.
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everyone. [applause] that promise of protection must include taking care of every last veteran which was going to be the sole topic of today's speech prior to the horrible attack in dallas. the men and women who have served in our armed forces represent the very best of america. now is the time to follow their example of unity, public service and selfless devotion to our nation. we made a promise, and we have to honor the promise that we made to these great heroes. you defend america and america will defend you. [applause] thank you. thank you. [applause]
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thank you. [applause] but that promise has been broken by our politicians like so many other promises our country has made. not only to its veterans, but to its citizens as a whole. president obama has allowed our veterans affairs, health care, all systems, really denied them the help and the support and really have to do it, we have to get on the ball, we have to do it right. hillary clinton recently said of the v.a. scandal that it's not been as widespread as it's been made out to be. that's a quote. she actually thinks that veterans health administration is well run. that's because she's been part of this rigged system for a long
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time. perhaps it's easy for politicians to lose touch with reality when they're being paid millions of dollars to read off a teleprompter speeches to wall street executives instead of spending time with real people in real pain. [applause] the disconnect -- thank you. [applause] the disconnect in america is deep. there are two americas; the ruling class and the groups it favors and then everyone else. the v.a. scandals that have occurred on this administration's watch are widespread and totally inexcusable. an internal memo from the senior v.a. official describes, quote. lawlessness and chaos at the veterans health administration.
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including the payment of $6 billion a year in violation of federal contracting rules. the memo also says they waste millions of dollars by paying excessive prices due to breaches of federal laws and warns that these unlawful acts may potentially result in serious harm or death to america's great veterans. and you know it. and you're seeing it. even the white house's own deputy chief of staff described, quote: significant and chronic, systematic failures in veterans affairs including a corrosive -- that has led to personal problems across the department with poor management and a history of retaliation against employees who raise issues, and very good issues. he said, he said there is a lack of accountability across all
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grade levels. on that he's correct. forty veterans, just as an example, have died waiting for care in phoenix. forty different v.a. facilities nationwide were found to be manipulating and falsifying wait times. a v.a. employee who was involved in an armed robbery was kept on staff as was a convicted sex offender. the v.a. spent $8 billion op solar panels -- good old solar panels -- for a facility knowing they would likely need to be tearing it down in the very near future. the st. cloud, minnesota, v.a. built a $2.3 million wind turbine in april that hasn't supplied power since 2012.
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can you imagine the waste and corruption we'll find when we begin a full investigation this january of 2017? [cheers and applause] thank you. [applause] thank you. most of those responsible have still not been held to account. fixing this corruption will be one of my many and really highest priorities. and believe me, it will happen. i'm really good at things like that. [applause] it will be fixed, and that begins with a simple promise. every veteran will get timely access to top quality medical
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care. every veteran. [cheers and applause] veterans should be guaranteed the right to choose their doctor and clinic whether at a v.a. facility or at a private medical center. [cheers and applause] we must extend this right to all veterans, not just those who can't get an appointment in 30 days. or who live more than 40 miles from a v.a. hospital which is, unfortunately, the current and wrong policy. in this promise includes guaranteed access to the best available health care services for our female veterans. [applause] they're not being treated right. we must also do more to help our veterans find jobs. [applause]
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every year large corporations bring in many thousands of low-wage workers from overseas and across the border to fill jobs that could easily be filled by our veterans. veterans should come first in the country they fought to protect. they fought hard to protect us, they are going to come first in a trump administration. they will be. [applause] they will be a part of america first. it will be america first there now on. america first. [cheers and applause] thank you. thank you. veterans' health care must also
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include the best mental health care. a shocking 20 veterans are committing suicide each and every day. especially our older veterans. this is a national tragedy that's not talked about. evidence shows that of veterans in the system receiving care, they are much less likely to take their own lives than veterans outside of this horrible, horrible and very unfair system. [applause] that is why we must increase the number of mental health care professionals inside the v.a. while insuring that veterans can access private mental health care as well. have to do it. have to do it. we have no choice. [applause] america must take action to improve mental health services for the country at large. this is for everyone.
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this includes expanding the number of facilities, integrating primary care and mental health care professionals, reforming confinement rules -- very important -- and making it easier for family members who see warning signs to get their loved ones to the care and of the care they need, especially in the many emergencies that we're having all over the country and doing nothing whatsoever about it. [applause] one of the most important reforms we can make is accountability. right now when v.a. employees fail our veterans, you can't discipline them. that's because of outdated civil service rules in need of reform. have to do it. we like it, we don't like it, we have to do it. it's time. in fact, employees are given bonuses after making bad
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[applause] >> thank you. here is my ten step plan to insure quality and timely care for every single veteran in america. one, i will appoint a second of veterans affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the vva. and this will be a person of great confidence. amazingly, president obama va's secretary recently downplayed
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the waiting times saying people wait at disneyland so what is wrong with that? two, i will use every lawful authority to remove or discipline federal employees or breach the public's trust. three, i am going to ask congress to pass legislation to make sure the veterans of affairs has an authority to put the veteran first. four, i am going to appoint a commission to investigate all of the wrongdoing at the va and then present those kind
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findings to congress has the basics for bold legislative reform. five, i am going to make sure the honest and dedicated people in the va have their jobs protected and are put in line for serious promotions if they continue to do great work. i will create a private white house hotline. that is really and importantly going to be answered by a real person. a person. not a computer that picks up a phone. and that will take place 24 hours a day to insure show valid complaint about the va and its wrongdoing falls through the
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i will instruct my staff that if a valid complaint is not addressed that the issue be brought directly to me and i will pickup the phone and fix it myself if i have to. believe me, i will fix it. cat lean seven, we will stop giving bonuses for wasting money and start giving bonuses to people for improving services, saving lief lives, and cutting waste.
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if an employee finds a smart way to save a large amount of money that also creates really better outcomes for a veteran then a small responsible portion of the money saved will be given as a one-time bonus and the rest will be returned to the taxpayer's and it will be a lot. [applause] >> we are going to reform our visa program to insure american veterans are in the front not the back of the line. nine, we are going to increase innumber -- increase the number of mental health professionals and increase the number outside of the system. ten, we are going to insure
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every veteran in america has the choice to seek care at the veterans administration or to seek private medical care paid for by our government. never again will we allow a veteran to suffer or die waiting for care they deserve. these are our great people. we need to clean up the corruption in government and hillary clinton will never be able to do it. she is incompetent and proven time and time again she doesn't have what it takes. doesn't have it. crooked hillary clinton!
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hillary clinton put the country at risk by using a private sever and keeping her e-mails from being read by public officials. what she did was wrong and others did far less are paying a tremendous price. he was willing to risk our foreign enemies reading her e-mails as long as the voting american public could fought. her conduct was will full, intentional and unlawful. her repeated false statements about her conduct prove that she was fully aware of her guilt. she is probably the most surprised person that she was able to get away with it.
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this wasn't just extremely bad behavior but this is calculated, deliberate, premeditated conduct followed by a cover-up that includes lies to congress, the media and the american people. when the fbi interviewed her for only three hours during the fourth of july weekend her interview was not recorded and she was amazingly not even under oath. she carried out her dangerous schemes at the same time as her bad judgment and enthusiasm for regime change was unleashing isis all across the world.
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afterwards, hillary clinton erased more than 30,000 e-mails at part of a cover-up. she got away with all of this. it might be her greatest accomplishment. [applause] >> when thinking about her e-mail destruction let's not forget many corporate, foreign entities and special interests before hillary clinton were making massive contributions. these contributions were made to both the clinton foundation and the clinton's directly.
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if elected, hillary clinton would be the first president elect today the president of the united states position who could not pass a background check. just look at what the fbi director said about her. come november, the american people will show her she is not above the law. [applause] >> the decades of decay, division and decline will come
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to an end rapidly. the years of america's greatness will return. we are going to become for the first time in a long time one, united country. we will dream big, bold, and daring things once more. once more we are going to go big. we are going to go great and be proud of the country. let me conclude by paying tribute to the other hero who has served this country and most especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. [applause]
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>> and the latest poll for virginia released on friday has donald trump ahead of hillary clinton by two points. other polls from earlier last week show hillary clinton leading in virginia. and from the hill newspaper, speaker paul ryan plans to speak during next week's republican national convention in cleveland. ryan's address will last ten minutes and focus on the republican agenda in the house. politico said ryan's team finalized the speaking slot last thursday after donald trump met with house gop lawmakers. >> the hard fought 2016 primary season is over with historic conventions to follow. watch c-span as the delegates considering the nomination of
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the first woman to head a political party and the first non-partisan client in years. you have a front row seat to every minute on both conventions all beginning monday, july 18th. >> attorney general loretta lynch heads to capitol hill tomorrow to appear before the judiciary committee and members intend to question her about what the gop seize as the politization of the justice department. live coverage starting at 10 am eastern on c-span3. c-span, created by america's cable television companies and brought to you as a cable service by your satellite or cable provider.
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>> former fcc commissioner, kathleen abernathy, is our guest on the commune. she is the president of frontier and what is is that? >> gues >> guest: it is a company delivering voice and internet services and pure play to 20 states. all of our infrastructure is wire line base and that has been a good thing for through put. we just acquired three additional properties in florida and california and texas where we bought some of the assets from vierz. we have got lightning fast
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speeds with content and choices for consumers. >> how big is frontier? >> we have the forth largest post-. vise, then century link, then us, and we are the eighth largest provider of video content. >> we invited you on the communicators to talk about the roll out of 5-g and the fcc is meeting about that next week. i want to show video of fcc chairman, tom wheeler, talking about 5g. >> if the commission approves my proposal next month, the united states will be infirst country in the world -- the first -- to open up high band spectrum for 5g networks and applications and that is damn important because
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it means u.s. companies will be the first out of the gate. we will be repeating the formula that made the united states the leading in 4g. unlike some countries, we don't believe we should spend the next couple years studying what 5g should be or how to aligate spectrum. like the examples i gave earlier, the future has a way of intenting itself and turning innovators loose is far preferable than expecting communicators and regulators to decide the future. >> host: do you agree with the chairman? >> absolutely. in 1993, i joined one of the first wireless companies and i
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remember when i was offered that job and left my stable government job at the fcc and they said why are you going into that world? they will be out of business in a few years. but the market flourished and the benefits to consumers, not just technology, but job creation, technological advancements, driving the framework for the wireless services. what contactly is 5g or fifth generation? >> more faster better. it just shows there is an evolution in technology that
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allows you to do more with less. spectrum is a finite resource. there are airways out there being used by the government and private sector. when you talk about the next evolution you have to find spectrum, insure you are not interfering with existing users, and then you have to develop the technology that allows you to tap into that spectrum and deliver the products and services consumers want and value. >> there has been a lot of discussion about the u.s. decribing steps and what are the steps the fcc needs to take to spur the move toward 5g? >> they are moving ahead and figure out the framework, the rules, and creating a regulatory landscape that senses the innovation and investment. there is a lot of standard settings that have to happen
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because you don't to go off and in another direction so there is a lot of standard setting. but the steps forward, identifying and bringing up the spectrum is hugely important. >> where do you see consumers using it every day? >> i know about as much as other professionals and it ranges from anywhere from 2017-2018.
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the consumer doesn't care about the labeling but just can i do it, make it faster, will it help me with medical care and education. >> what will consumers notice? >> they will have different kinds of applications, maybe wireless friendly and you may be able to get health care records or monitoring of medical devices. when you drive down spectrum
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cost, then the finite resource, you can be more creative about the kinds of products and services you can offer to consumers. it is too late to go compete with the five incumbaents. they are well positioned to leverage the market but frontier and i personally view it as complimentary. no one entity has enough spectrum, resources or fiber, and everything is over broadband
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and that means that more entities out there investing even if it is wireless versus wire line drives better technology, better options for us as we use our wireline infrastructure and it is very competitive. we are tough competitors, as is cable, but we have our own unique spaces in the wireless services with the data we deliver and the voice products we deliver and security and education and all of those products, the market is big. it is just going to grow over time. >> i see it as a strength you are a pure play company. are the problems associated not having a wireless component that you are able to offer consumers?
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>> in a perfect world we would have it all but we don't. you see us scaling up because size matterss a far as having the resources and eyeballs to enter the video content market. we just to have the pipe to the home on the phone where you could just talk but now it is delivering so many other values so we had to invest, redefine, build and that is what we are doing with our acquisition. we are lucky we have been able to redesign companies to move from being what many would say is a very sleepy rural area into the fourth largest wire line
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broadband company in new york. >> the connection between the cell tower and tying back into the network that is important. how big of a roll do they play in 5g? >> how this is impacting 5g is interesting but it has nothing to do with this because 5g is going to happen regardless of infrastructure cost for billing the transmission. that happened historically all
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of the time. the real issue is investing in the spectrum and holding the auction for the spectrum. the large carrier a to large carrier b negotiations about back halls is part of building up the network. and where you have to have spectrum to have a wireless provider, these are just build out infrastructure costs that many people compete for. we compete for them, cable competes for them, other carriers compete. it is bit of a red herring and i think it is an example of where every country tries -- ever company tries to get what i call their fair regulatory advantage. if i can leverage regulation to get a pricing advantage that is great for me. i don't see it as having any impact on 5g whatsoever because that train has left the station
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and we will see it build out. >> the fcc is looking for price and the special act says they like to call it vision data services and i think they are similarly punky terms but what do you see coming out of this fcc investigation? what are your concerns? >> you know, i think the fcc has been a bit meslead on the business data service market. if the fcc looks at that market and says two providers for big companies with lots of lawyers negotiating contracts that is not enough we need to price regulate that and i would say wait a minute. you are starting down a path where two providers isn't enough and certainly in the wireless world there are plenty of markets where there is one or two wireless providers and the consumer can't directly negotiate prices. they are going consistent and price regulations makes sense.
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i think you are heading into this and say maybe we need to start price regulating other products and i disagree with that. >> do you expect to see the fcc wrap up this probe during the wheeler administration under the current chairman, tom wheeler, and if so what do you expect to see the fcc do? >> i am hoping as they look at the market and the fact these are company negotiations and there is no path through on any of these pricing negotiations about special access. remind you the wireless spectrum will have a hundred billion in earnings and the companies they are negotiating with is a fair point. century link, consolidated will
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have about 10 million. we are smaller but sophisticated. engaging in and micromanaging those business negotiations in my mind makes no sense. i would certainly continue to urge the fcc to focus on rolling out 5g not on managing pricing practices that have been unregulated. >> host: next thursday, july 14th, the fcc is meeting to discuss and potentially vote on a roll out of 5g. what are they going to be voting on and doing? >> guest: they will be identifying the spectrum and other stuff they are not allowed to share that information with any of us. the goal is to say we have got the spectrum, the vision thing going about where we want to go about wireless, and we will push ahead to insure that the u.s. maintains its global leadership in the wirelar
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