tv The Communicators CSPAN August 1, 2016 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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broadband in the u.s. and, ultimately, globally. we think it's a really great big opportunity to do that. >> host: it's been described as a disrupter. [laughter] >> guest: no. and it's not just -- but really the next frontier in wireless communication is -- [inaudible] and what that really means is you're looking at ten times, fifteen times the frequent i of cellular operator. the big advantage of that, it gives you a -- [inaudible] you can pump about a thousand times more data. and one of the first use of that makes sense in wireline broadband replacement. so there's a huge trend we're looking at, you know, what are the opportunities of using -- [inaudible] now, these things have other limitations as well. for example, they don't go as far as cellular signals do, they don't penetrate buildings, they
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have difficulty of operating at these frequencies, but if you can figure your way around those things, there's a lot of fun to be had. >> host: have you figured out a way around that? >> guest: we think so, yeah. >> host: okay. can you give us just a thumbnail of what the technology does or what you put in there? >> guest: the basic idea is that we've built what's known as an active base rate which is historically a technology that's been used in re daughter systems to be able to -- radar systems to be able to send long, high frequency signals. what we're doing is using the same strategy for communications technology which is very novel and new. but a lot of new systems are beginning to look at these things, because as you go up in frequency, how you deliver power in the airwaves becomes an expensive and interesting challenges. and the radar systems have been ever sho to solving them for a long time. so we got our inspiration from
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radar systems. so that's one. and the second thing is cta members, in particular wi-fi, is a really, really exciting technology because there's a lot of innovation in wi-fi at the radio level. so we've adopted a lot of those approaches and created a system that allows us to overcome typical challenges that exist -- [inaudible] >> host: well, chet kanojia, wi-fi is almost an old technology today, isn't it? >> guest: really, it's so advanced. in fact, a lot of the innovations that have happened -- [inaudible] and now the new standard that has to be worked on is are by far the best. and the beauty of that is that they're consumer grid technologies. so the cost curves of those technologies is just incredible that you can get for $5 or $10 a radio that is so sophisticated that it takes billions and billions of dollars to develop. it's just, there are two really
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interesting things that have been developed, the next innovations in wi-fi and in 5g. and i think they're all coming together for really a common approach of what the next, the really sophisticated of delivering wi-fi -- wireless is going to be. >> host: when do you see 5g being a norm? >> guest: well, 5g is an interesting feat because this whole idea of -- [inaudible] but high distributed in iot. on the other hand, it's got this notion of high -- [inaudible] to devices and on the third side it's got the use of millimeter waves, largely driven by, i think, the lack of spectrum on the lower end band. so i think it's a very interesting speed. the conventional wisdom is the standard will be developed maybe by 2020, and after that i think
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you're look at silicon development, so i i think it's not that far away. and i -- we think it goes in ten-year cycles, so lte is going to be ten years old soon, another five years, four years, i think you're going to see the next wave of innovation. >> host: all right. what's in this box? >> guest: ing this is your smart home wi-fi station. and it's basically how you experience our services. our service starts with our -- [inaudible] 12 inches by 10 inches. really powerful devices. the idea is they're self-contained stations is so you could deploy them on rooftops, building tops, houses, whatever you choose to. they send a signal to devices like these which are mounted on top of buildings which can be used in single family homes like an extra antenna. and then this device allows you
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to access that all-powerful signal inside your home. >> host: does this technology in any way relate to your technology that you developed for aereo? >> guest: no, 100x different. we're talking about millimeter -- there's nothing related to aereo. >> host: now, viewers may remember the supreme court case. is there, could this be enough of a disrupter to take it to the supreme court case -- >> guest: oh, no. no, no. this was an -- aereo, there was a question of law involved. in this case, there's not. >> host: chet kanojia, the founder of starry. >> guest: thank you. >> host: the next display we want to show you on "the communicators" this week is invidia.
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what are we looking at? >> guest: it's an automotive supercomputer to enable cars to drive themselves. we plugging in all the different senators, cameras, radars, lidars, which is a laser camera -- [inaudible] on this display here, we're showing our vehicle. it has cameras and the laser scanners added. now, that data comes in, and what we can show is how that data would appear within the brain of the system. we're actually building a three-dimensional model of what the cars can see. laser information, the camera information. we can now use artificial intelligence to identify what the car -- [inaudible]
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so we would never display that to the driver, but this is what we use in our development driver because everything that's going on around the car. so if we go back one slide, we can show you how we're able to detect all the different types of objects in the scene, what's a car, what's a truck, we can identify people, bicycles. and usually all this massive amount of information is coming in all at once, that is really overwhelming to a driver. we can do this at 360 degrees around the car and understand where the car can drive and where there are potential obstacles or hazards. now, this last thing is showing potentially how it would appear to the driver. here's the windshield at the top, and in the instrument cluster we could show what's coming up behind our car before it even enters our field of view. >> so this is the rearview camera here? >> guest: this is your
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instrument cluster: so as you're driving, you can see cars coming up in your blind spot before they even pass you. so this is also giving you the confidence of the self-driving car which understands what's going on around it and also will indicate the path that it's going to drive. >> host: well, we've heard about google self-driving cars and other larger companies. how is this technology right here, this box different from what they've been doing? >> guest: we're working with over 80 different car companies, tier i manufacturers, internet companies as well as start-ups that are using our car computer and building their self-driving cars on this technology. we're not developing the cars, but we develop the brain going into all this. >> host: now this box here, what's contained in here? >> guest: a lot of processing power in this system.
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[inaudible] we want to go back in time ten years to do this level of performance which is 24 trillion operations per second. it would require a massive supercomputer that would fill up this entire room. this is designed for an automotive application. you can notice -- [inaudible] for radar, for lidar, for all those sensors that you have on your car all come in here. we process that information and then make a map of where the car can drive safely. >> host: mr. shapiro, is an after market part that anyone can add to their car? >> guest: absolutely not. we're adopting with automakers -- developing with automakers, and there will be regulation. that's what we're doing, we're adopting this product in conjunction with automakers, but
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we want government entities to insure there's uniform legislation. not state by state, but at the federal level to unsure that vehicles all have the same standards. >> host: and that's why you're up here on capitol hill? >> guest: absolutely. we already have a lot of programs going on in other countries, and we'd love to see the same level of response from government agencies on the hill. >> host: so when you show this to members of congress, what's been their reaction? >> guest: people love it. the reality here is there are so many people that are injured or killed in traffic accidents every year. a big problem we have. this technology has the ability to dramatically reduce the number of accidents, injuries and fatalityies. the technology is coming very fast. >> host: all right. how long has this technology been worked on, and what's your role? what's your background? >> guest: i've been working with automaker ors for over a decade. our technology is actually used
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to design cars, to engineer the car, to manufacture the cars. nvidia creates simulator ors to help figure out how to make safer cars with virtual crash tests and virtual wind tunnel simulations. and our technology's also used to -- [inaudible] showrooms, even using virtual reality. taking all of that graphics and computing horsepower and brought it into the cars to make the cars safer. >> host: , again, your role working with nvidia, you're the ceo and founder? >> guest: no. my title is senior director of our automotive business unit. we're actually a small part of nvidia, but it's the fast best growing part that's bringing this technology to the industry. we have over ten million cars on the road today with our technology inside. we're using it for the infotainment, the big screen in the model s or audis, bmws and
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hondas, and this is the next wave that's really enabled self-driving technology and driver assistance to dramatically make this system on the road a lot safer. >> host: and we've been talking on "the communicators" with danny shapiro of nvidia. [inaudible conversations] >> host: 1776. >> guest: yes, sir. >> host: what is it, brandon pollack? >> guest: a global start-up inventer right here in washington, d.c. and san francisco and -- [inaudible] we focus on world changing start-ups that are tackling major challenges like health care, energy, transportation. these are company that are disrupting all these sectors, and our focus on 1776 is to really help them build, giving them the right connections
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whether it's to capital, mentorship, policymakers here at ce sexer on the hill to -- ces on the hill, all the things they need to grow the company. >> host: when you use the word incubator, do you mean you're a fundinger? >> guest: that's the second part of our business, but we provide a mix of services for these company. we work with a number of great institution, and certainly we invest -- >> host: so, brandon, if somebody had an idea, they googled, you know, help me type things, and 1776 would pop up? is that how it works? >> guest: well, we have this -- we're very unique in the fact we focus on highly regulated is sectors. these are companies that are disrupting and touching government in some sort of fashion, right? you have starts literally all over the world that we're working with. not only here in washington, d.c., buttal i over the -- but all over the globe. we run a global pitch
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competition to identify these most promising start-ups. we've had the fortune of traveling around the world to find these very best companies from africa to israel to silicon valley. we brought two of our companies here today. let's meet a couple of our companies. this is kathleen hale with rebel desk. >> host: what is rebel desk? >> guest: we provide desks so you can move while working. all theme have been doing is sitting in chairs in their office. as the rise of computers and television in homes and then commuting in cars, the sitting time has been tripled since 1900. so we used to have the phrase be sit down, take a load off because you were running around
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all day, on your feet, moving around. now, no, we have to build in time for exercise because all we cois sit. the word disrupting, the way the technology has caused us to be inactive. but then let's build in some activity into your work day. >> host: so is rebel desk on the market? >> guest: yes, rebel desk is a product that's for sale at our own web site. we sell both the individual tread mill itself and the desk that goes up and down so you can make it the perfect height for you while you walk. we sell the products together or separately. it's designed just for walking and just for an office. so it doesn't go any faster than two miles an hour. very safe. you can walk in your work clothes without working up a sweat or needing to change into your gym outfit. >> host: so what, what's the benefit? i mean, how many -- you probably used it. how many steps have you gotten in a day? >> guest: you can easily walk, i
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easily walk four to five miles a day on the rebel desk even going at what's considered a leisurely pavements we have customers who are doing as many as eight and nine miles a day on their rebel desks. so you can use it however you like. stand a little, walk a little. if you need to, the desk goes to sitting height so you can sit down and take a break. >> host: kathleen hale with rebel desk, brandon pollak, what else does 1776 -- >> guest: we have one other company here. >> host: and this is deb necessary weppner with crossdeck. what is crossdeck? >> guest: so crossdeck is a productive software suite geared towards distributive work forbes mainly now the don and the navy. you can see right here -- >> host: what does it dosome. >> guest: we're aiming to take a lot of the navy's current paper product systems and put them digital.
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be so tomorrow morning, right, hundreds of thousands of sailors are goingto wake up and start their day by printing out their schedule on a sheet of paper and putting it in their pocket. crossdeck solves that problem by keeping it in their pocket but allowing that to be updated as the ever-changing needs of our military and armed forces happens. so another feature we have is personal qualification systems. today's military, a lot of their training is peer peer-to-peer. so, you know, i might have a qualification that you need, you might have a qualification that i need. and in order for us to both get qualified, we train each other. and the navy says they carry around these big 3-ring binders with hundreds of pieces of paper and thousands of signatures, and that's how they get qualified. there's no way to track it other than i hand you this binder. it's at 0%.
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you hand it back to me, it is now at 100%. we allow them to sign digitally so we can track in realtime and make sure that on naval ships, marine corps units, what have you, people are qualified in the places that they need to be qualified when they need to be qualified. [inaudible] >> guest: so the idea came from our three founders are all naval service worker officers. they met each oh at the naval -- other at the naval academy, and they all saw this need as, they served on naval ships. i came on in september. i'm a marine corps-enlisted guy, and i obviously saw the same need, and i thought, yeah, this is a no-brainer idea. i'm going to join up and help you guys up. >> host: dennis weppner of crossdeck, and these are a couple of the companies that 1776 has put on the board.
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>> host: and now joining us on "the communicators" is democratic congressman bobby rush from illinois. congressman rush, why are you down here at the technology display? what are you looking at? >> guest: well, you know, technology is one of my interests. ing. [inaudible] i sit on the subcommittee on technology and the internet, and so i'm always amazed at american innovation. is and we've seen it can help us save money and also help us to really make our life a lot easier. and so i'm really excited about the display on your home in terms of your heating -- [inaudible] administered and controlled by your cell phone.
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so that best buy display was amazing to me. as a matter of fact, i'm just is so excited, i can't wait to get back to my local best buy store so i can invest some more of my money in best buy to buy these home improvements. >> host: so you're down here more on a personal level than a congressional level. >> guest: i am here -- look, i'm a consumer. we're all consumers, first and foremost. so i'm here first as a consumer, then i'm here to see what i'm just excited about as a member of congress, about the advancements in the technologies. the advancement in telecommunications, how the smartphone and allied instruments are really linking the american people's lives a lot simpler and easier. [inaudible] now, i'll tell you one thing that amazed me, when i look at
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the lights we have there and you can change the color of the lightbulbs just by running your finger around the surface, it reminded me of the disco. you know, i'm old school. i like it. it reminded me of a discotheque. you know i had a lot of fun playing with that. [laughter] with that device. but this is amazing. i'm glad that you are filming or -- [inaudible] we don't have a chance to visit and actually have our hands-on interaction. so we can actually play with the toys and touch the instruments and utilize the instruments and imagine how they can fit into our lives. that's what's -- >> host: all right. you said you're a consumer first
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and a congressman second. when you look at some of this technology through a congressional eye, is there anything that you think congress can do to support the technology and the advancement of technology? to maybe regulate it? >> guest: i don't know whether regulation is called for right now. i am, i do believe that we need another, you know, we haven't had a technology bill since 1996. you know? and it's about time. you can imagine what the world was like in 1996 with the telecommunications act of 1996. these things were a figment of somebody's imagination back then. so we need to, congress needs to catch up with some of the new innovations. we need to make sure that --
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[inaudible] in terms of regulationing that provides a level playing field, make sure our american innovators have the best that we can give them in terms of keeping some of the regulations away from them and looking at whole -- [inaudible] this whole sector. looking at it from a different perspective. i was -- in college i was on the committee that wrote the 1996 telecommunications act, and i know it's old and obsolete. so we need to really bring it up-to-date in order to really be of service in america. those are some of the things that i think about as i walk a around to the different booths of interest here.
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>> host: and we've been talking on "the communicators" with consumer and congressman bobby rush. thank you, sir. >> guest: all right. i'm glad i didn't bring my wife down, because she'd be buying stuff already. [laughter] thank you so much. all right, bye-bye. >> host: and now joining us on "the communicators" is tom simon of a company called source3. tom simon, what do you do for a living? >> guest: we are enabling creators and commerce through light -- [inaudible] developing databases and data structures, allow creators and marketplaces to license created content in the right way and be able to sell and monetize to scale. >> host: now, if you were talking with somebody, a member of congress and you said that, would they understand what you were saying? >> guest: no. >> host: so say it again. >> guest: what i would say is we're trying to help, for example, an example like this, we're trying to help bring together licensed products that creators can make that can then
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be -- [inaudible] for rights management, administration purposes, right? so licensing in itself is a really ubiquitous process and challenging. we're making a platform, we're making it scaleable to monetize, to profit from the marketplace side and the creator side. >> host: okay. so this is, whoever created this -- >> guest: yes. >> host: -- this is their intellectual property, correct? >> guest: this could be the intellectual property of journey, right? licensed, copyrighted. they know they have a right to sell this as an item instead of having to worry about somebody taking it -- [inaudible] they do that, the rights management process behind it. so we help make it easier for them. the creators can focus on making -- and marketplaces can focus on selling without keeling with the headache of -- >> host: when you talk about ip recognition, what does that mean? >> guest: a combination of both image and texting where you can run products through our image
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and text recognition, and it will return a series of day points back that we've either collected or pulled from trademark database saying for a special license, you have to apply for a license. doesn't have a license. so it provides feedback and information so that the creator or the marketplace knows what they can or can't do with that particular object and what steps they can take to be able to make it so that it can become monetized. >> host: where did the concept come from? >> guest: our founders started a company, right flow, back in the early 2000s, and they ended up selling that to google, and that became the rights management engine that helped drive youtube. so they were able to -- [inaudible] therefore, you could put your content up that youtube -- [inaudible] or sell ad space. they created this nice monetized -- for youtube. so a lot of ways -- [inaudible]
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these other marketplaces that are becoming -- amazon. to applying similar principles that are more difficult -- finding that process and trying to grow it out. >> host: tom simon, source3 is the name of the company. >> you've been watching "the communicators" looking at new technology at ces on the hill in washington. if you'd like to see some of our previous programs, go to >> up up next, a look at the ste of working class families. later, a conference on the quality and security of food with remarks from foreman fda commissioner margaret ham berg. >> all this week here on
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c-span2, we're showing you programs from our q&a series. today we'll feature michael ramirez, an editorial cartoonist whose work appears regularly in "usa today" and the weekly standard. he discusses his career and his book, "give me liberty or give me obamacare." q&a starts at 7 p.m. eastern today here on c-span2. join us this saturday for c-span's issues spotlight. our focus will be on police and race relations. you'll see president obama at the memorial service for five police officers shot and killed in dallas as well as republican senator tim scott of south carolina and his speech from the senate floor about his own interactions with police. our program also includes one family's story about an encounter with police in washington, d.c. followed by a panel with the city's police chief, kathy lanier p. that all gets underway saturday at 8 p.m. eastern on our companion network, c-span. with the national conventions in
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the rearview mirror, road to the white house is on the campaign trail and headed toward the candidate debates. three are currently scheduled; monday, september 26th at of have university, sunday, october 9th at washington university in st. louis, and wednesday, october 19th at the university of invest-las vegas. all will start at 9 p.m. eastern, and you can watch them on our companion network, c-span. >> to a discussion now on the state of the working class family with a focus on the well being of children, family structure and marriage dynamics. the american academy of political and social science and the annie e. casey foundation hosted this event recently. it's about 90 minutes. [inaudible conversations]
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