tv QA CSPAN August 12, 2016 10:56pm-11:56pm EDT
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on public affairs programming and focus' the latest non fiction books. our snaig sure programs are in-depth, live three hour look. questions with viewers. in-depth airs the first sunday. afterwards, one-on-one conversation, between an author and the interviewer, familiar with the topic. and often with an opposing viewpoint. it airs saturday 10 p.m. and we'll take you across the country, visiting book parties where authorities talk about their books. book t.v. on c-span 2, television for serious readers.
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♪ >> this week on "q and a," corey, former deputy inspector, he discusses his book, once a cop, the street, the law, two worlds and one man. ♪ ♪ >> corey, your book is called once a cop. what is it about? >> it's a memoir, it's my life story. detail, i have been through, me retiring as police officer. >> when did you retire? >> march 2013. officially retired. i was injured, 2011, so, i was out of work for like a year-and-a-half. i had two back surgeries, based on the injury. i was injured at work for trying to arrest someone. i popped a disk in my back. >> at the time what was your
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rank and where were you a a policeman. >> i was a commanding officer, 67th presirnts. >> in the new york police department. yes. >> let me get to you talk about this moment. you talk about it in your book. >> this, this is crack cocaine, seized a few days ago by drug enforcement agents, in a park just across streit from a white house it, could have been heroin or pcp. it's as innocent looking as candy and it is turning our cities into battle zones, and it is murdering our children. let there be no mistake. this stuff is poison. >> you say in your book, you sold that stuff. >> yes. >> why?
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>> i sold it because i was, you know, the environment i grew up with. i was young. i grew up on welfare. i was in a family of 6. five girls and myself. my father left after the third grade. once a cop, i have a picture of me in the fifth grade and i'm sitting in the front, and i'll holding my feet because i will have holes, and i had cardboard so my socks would not get wet. i got involved in the street. met some frequents and they were selling drugs. it was the thing to do. and i started selling drugs and marijuana, and, cocaine and then crack cocaine and we started selling that. so i was in the streets 13-18-years-old. five years. >> what's the difference between cocaine and crack cocaine? >> cracked cocaine is cooked.
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rock form. >> like in the bag. what's mess ka lynn? >> it's a pill. a little tiny pill. what's lucy? >> unlike what, garner got killed for, he got killed for buying cigarettes. it was allows joint. so, instead of selling like a nickel bag or dimebag of we'd, we did the rolling for you and we would sell you a little strength for one dollar. you have loose sis. >> a wooly? >> a wooly was just a -- [laughter] >> allows joint. marijuana joint lace we had cocaine. sprinkle a little bit of it in. >> you got the high and the low. >> who is smooth?
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>> smooth was very good friend of mine who i grew up with, and, he actually introduced me to the streets. the ironic thing, he didn't have to. he had a good family home. mom worked for a telephone company. and father worked for the post office. house and car, and, just because of the environment that we grew up in, there was a lot of people involved in the streets and he brought me in, on the whole drug game and i started hanging out with him. >> why did you you want to you t to write 9 book. >> i'm glad you asked it, the reason really wrote is it for generations. my kids and grand kids and i wanted them to know this life transformation and then it morphed into this book that i had to write and tell my story because i was put on the front-page after newspaper in
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new york city. they really, like took some shots at my personality, and my character, and called me a thug cop. so i had to tell my story. the backdrop, i wrote my own book and i stopped at walking across the stage, graduating, and all this stuff, i was in the street selling drugs and went to the military and became a cop. that was the end of my book until the newspaper and then i had to go through my entire police car rear so i could, you know, lessen some of the stuff that was put out, that was lies. >> here's the front-page of that "new york post," right there. it says, i don't crack as gangster, n.y.p.d. hon cho reveals. calls you a thug cop. what was your reaction? what happened? >> how did it happen? >> yeah. it happened, my reaction to
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that, you know, i wasn't happy about it. because i never was a thug cop. i did sell crack when i was out in the street. i don't know if i consider myself a gangster. i was not putting hits. i was a street hustler. i was a criminal. it was really bad for my family my family had to evenly do you remember that, waking up in the morning and there's a picture of me with the president of the united states, and the book, maybe the future president, hillary clinton, and, lgbt cooljay, and i had such a great life and now, with me being on that front cover, it took all of that away. and it wasn't an easy time. i knew that i was never a thug cop. the n.y.p.d. has a federal probe going on, there's going to be numerous executives, and some
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lower range people. i never committed a crime as a cop. i thought that, they were always looking at me because of my past. because of the way i came to work. because of my tattoos. i thought it was a set up. >> let's come back, go through some brief outline of your life. you were born what year and where. >> in 1968 in queens. >> where did you go to school. >> in jamaica queens. i left there in the third grade and got kicked out for pushing girls down the stairs and they all fell down the stairs. and i got busted out to junior high school. and then i went to newtown high school for an engineering program and insprited some of my crack frequents to see me play basketball.
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they had a riot and i got kicked out of there and went to one of the worst schools, and i graduated from andrew jackson high school. 1987. >> so what were the years that you were selling drugs? >> about 1984 and i left in 1987. >> after high school, and after 1987 what happened? >> i went to the u.s. army. >> how long? >> three years and eight months. i did a little bit long because iraq one, that what are we won in 30 days, it was up. so george bush was the president, and he extended everybody. so i had to stay a few more months. >> were you on duty. >> yes. >> active duty and the national guard. >> and then the national guard for 14 years. i got about 18 years. >> so takes us up to what year. >> 1992.
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>> march 1992 -- 1991 i got out of the military. and then i went to the police academy. >> when did you become a policeman. january 13, 1992. how long did you serve as a active duty new york police man? and what happened? >> 21 years as a police officer. >> i want to show some video of you, on the street-corner, talking about where you used to sell drugs so people can get a sense of what it was like ♪ >> this is my spot, right here. i spent countless hours here. 12, 24, 48, this is where the drug trade was. all day, everyday. there was nothing else to do, but to sell drugs. it was cool, almost like a cool
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thing to do it so we the whole park, with the supreme team. i had this area here, i would will have this area. you have to understand, supreme team, all the lieutenantss had difficult caps. blue and, the handball court there was another worker and, in the basketball court and somebody down here, and it was just crack all over the park. >> who was buying? >> everybody was buying. when crack came it des decimated that community and i was the people that was supplying t. everybody was buying. you had friends and family members, that was drugs. everybody, it came from all walks of life. people without money and with money. middle class maybe hoovmentd nice houses and they were buying.
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you had white people come, and, it was a black community. white people was driving in to buy. everybody was buying. >> you talk about the blue tops and how much would it cost. >> we had two vials a. small one and big one. jumbo, that was $10 or $5 -- $5 for the little. or -- >> 10 or 20. >> how much did you make a day. >> we, we made, i worked two different places. i was a freelancer, where you saw that video. that wasn't with the supreme team and i was working on my own. 1,000 a day. and i worked for the supreme team. it's been written that they made 200,000 a week. >> who was the supreme team. >> it was a drug crew cran ran
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by supreme and he had, his nephew worked with him and he had five lieutenants. and they had an iron fifth organization. it was run like a fortune 500. we worked, shfts. 12-8. and 8-4 and 4-12 midnight and we got paid on fridays. it was a job. makes it to face. and the thing was, we worked the exact same hours as the police officers. some of these criminals, they could -- these cops were smart, they emulated the schedh schedule and they started to pate police off. >> did you ever get paid off. >> no, i could not be bowvment i was afraid. i a little thought it was a set up. nobody offered me money.
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we stopped somebody with a bag of money and he said, i don't know who's money it is, and take it. i don't care. and i was like, no. because i did the math, if he got 15, 20,000, and split it with my partner and i will make $1 million, and i'm going to embarrass my family. >> so where would you get the drugs, on a day-to-day basis? how much -- where did you keep it? >> back then a lot of times we held drugs on us. the police were not around. it was more police, 50,000 police officers, back then, and now 36,000. and they weren't proactive and we we would put it in the tire well and a tree, and keep some on
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you. and i can't carry 200. i would have a package of 2, 300 for the shift. you can't have that. so, you lay it down somewhere. >> are there supreme team members that you know. yes. was it ever uncovered. in this book, there are so many names. how many of those are the names, the actual names of the people? >> only two people. everybody else name -- >> those are. supreme and prince. >> who was prince? >> when we saw you in that video who was the other fellow? >> smooth. >> tell me more about smooth. >> smooth went on, to become high ranking official in law enforcement also. they find out in the book. he changed his life. he went to
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catholic school. he went to catholic high school and he went to a university, all while doing these things that i was doing. he changed his life and became a law enforcement supervisor and he retired. >> here is the former mayor of new york city, rudy giuliani, and this is only about 25 seconds. >> the morale of the new york city police department is so low. he blames it on me and you. >> the reason, the morale of the police department is so low, is one reason, and one reason alone, david done kins. >> you called him a con.
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>> i was there. i was on the steps of city hall. because it was going to be a big protest. they had to have police officers there. i'll never forget it. cops and these were all cops. news and signs with the "n" word. and it was bad. i felt bad. >> 1992. the things that he was saying and we saw a little bit. he was just ruling up, a major racist protest. you could just look back at the old footage, a bunch of drunk white cops and a couple of white agitate tors, egging them on. and saying these things the
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mayor was black. yes. he was saying, racist things. >> what was the reason for him making that particular speech. >> he wanted to be the mayor. he had lost the election to him. he became the mayor because he beat rudy giuliani and now for the re-election, giuliani was going hard because he wanted to be the mayor. with a few missteps, the washington heights riots, he tipped the expail and he won. >> someone else you call a clown is bernie -- >> bernard. >> yes, former police commissioner. >> why a clown? >> well, it's almost, exoan knee i. at its best.
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he was a detective, which is on the same scale as a cop. and, sergeant, detective, captain, and inspector, and chief, chief, chief. and he became the mayor, in new york city and he made him, down here, and brought him and made him the police commissioner. number 1 person, in this organization, which is the biggest police department in the country. i mean, after, having ray kelly and bratton as police commissioners, to bring him, you exol see he just did four years in prison for corruption. and taking things. that wouldn't happen to a seasoned veteran. you know you can't do this and that.
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>> what was your personal reaction when bernie went to prison? >> i didn't, i was like, basically, he was -- he wasn't prepared for the job. that was it. it was like, he wasn't prepared for the job. since you published this book, you made some people very unhappy. i want to run, some video of the fellow that runs the p.b.a., you have seen this before, and explain it. i think this gentleman's name is patrick lynch. tell us what his job is. >> he's the union president for
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like 35,000 cops or 30,000 cops. >> right after this story came out, talking, by the way, before we do this, the thug life thing, where did that come from? i could not tell you. >> the tattoo. >> it just started, the rumor mill. they said i had thug life. >> i never it had removed. >> you can't write over writing. and that would have a shadow. it don't work. if you took it and wrote cat and dog, it will not be legible. same thing with inc. you can't where i e write over writing. >> which wife is it? >> my current wife.
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>> that's what's on your neck. yes. that's where the thug life thing came from. >> patrick lynch runs the p. -- p.b.a. >> you go to the sergeant union and as you move up, you changeups. >> what was the highest rank. >> deputy inspector. >> what is that? commissioner the top. where does that come in. >> commissioner is about four or five average higher. but, in terms of numbers, in a department of 36,000, you probably have 35,000 people under you. >> here's patrick lynch on the streets being interviewed. >> there's a headline about a retired deputy inspector, on a podcast and now saying he once sold crack cocaine and -- [inaudible]
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>> new york city police officer. if he was palling around, if he had information, that killed a new york city police officer. he never was a police officer, he should not be allowed to carry an id card, that's a privilege, and, he is not entitlessed to that. they should look back and find out where he lied, and, pull the pension and never allow him to be a police officer. >> what's your reaction. >> that shows the major difference after cop and executive. let's say i lied. he's so not informed that, lying is what you call per gerry and the statue of limitations may be five years. he's a cop. he's just talking and arrests people. he was never in a policy making position.
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>> why was he mad at you? >> he is standing next to eddie burns' brother and that's it. and they are upset because i know the killer. >> when was eddie burns -- >> he was a cop. >> when was he killed. >> february 1988. i went to the military. okay toy ber 18, 1987. >> who killed him. >> three guys who are in jail for decades, now. >> the one fellow that they're upset about, that you knew. >> david,. >> he's in prison. >> yes. >> so, again, why would, just because, that's his brother. >> yes. >> for him to make -- you know, there's no push back with the reporter there. for him to say i withheld vital information, do you think, that if i had any information leading
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to probably the most infamous murder, if my name was on any sheet, anything, do you think i would have been able to be a new york city police officer? no way in the world. nobody ever asked me. that wasn't one of the questions on the application. so, i would have told him, because i was scared. i just got out of the military. and my wife and kids, i wanted to do what was right. and i wanted this job. first police officer and first one to get my mass -- masters
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and i wasn't going to say anything. >> what were the circumstance of eddie being killed. >> it was a murder. there was a murder out there, the drug gang murders a witness. it was pretty much friends with the supreme team. they ordered a hit. because he got locked up. this kid was sitting in front of this house, guaranteeding a witness and these three guys murdered him. the whole thing, every year his family, they add memorial, and i would go, every year. i met his brother and mother and father. and i met all of them. i did that every year. but because i wanted to tell my life story of this transformation, and i knew these people and i shot at people. but, i was never arrested, and convict of a crime.
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why shouldn't i be able to tell my story. >> every month, they send a few hundreds. pension checks. they want to take my pension. but i never did anything. >> you make 135,000 tax-free as your pension? >> that's -- that's what the publication say. i have a tax free pension, yes. >> they want that taken away from you. >> they can't do. it's impossible. >> isn't there a lawsuit. did you sue them? >> i have a lawsuit pending against the n.y.p.d. for taking my guns and the "new york post." i have a couple million dollar law suit i told my story. i was on a pod cast. and i'm trying to get a book deal. and get as much excitement.
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we got the book deal. but i didn't know i was going to be on the front-page, next to jeter. [laughter] >> as a podcast. >> what year did you talk to him >> fourth fourth. >> who is he? >> he has the number 1 podcast in america. every hip-hop star goes on his show. i was able to meet him, through my lawyer and they were law partners one day. he is fascinate had by my story. >> how long did you talk to him. >> about an hour. hour-and-a-half. >> that's the first time you ever told your story. >> that's the first time i publicly told my story. >> so it was after that, that
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the post picked that up and put that on the front-page. >> look at this headline again. so people, there's the headline. thug cop. now, i want to run just a little bit of the audio, from combat jack's -- >> program. >> just so they can hear what started this, that led to the book being published, by simon and shoes center. >> i think about eric garner getting murdered. you heard what i said, murdered, he was murdered. >> i want to get to that. >> we'll go that. so, at 13 i'm selling lucys, and you know what they were. they were the -- >> loose joints. >> exactly.
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>> so -- explain more of that, what you were talking about there. >> we were talking about the looseys, and in the street they call them joints. but it was marijuana cigarettes for the most part. the murder, what's that story in case people weren't following it. >> eric garner, he was a young man, in staten island who was selling untaxed cigarettes, in front of a store out in staten island. the police responded to the location, and, pretty much was going to arrest him. he didn't want to go. it's all on video. he had a little bit of a push back. enough for him to be arrested? i strongly reflect that and he was choked out and killed. the m.e., i was the first person to say this guy was murdered.
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i called it. because i knew, n.y.p.d., it's illegal to do a chokehold. it was a homicide. >> that's what is making the p.b.a. mad. >> you have to understand, this blue wall of silence -- >> blue wall of silence. >> it's very serious. i'm my brother's keeper. i'm going to go with. don't worry, we'll make this story up and i was never a part of that. so for me to pay say that a cop murdered somebody, they didn't will take that too lightly. >> you know, you trigger another memory, a guy named o'rourke and greeley, you have some strong things -- are they both irish. >> you have some strong things to say. >> well, i sod strong things to say about irish cops when i was a cop.
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it was still an old guard. these guys were like, i came in 1992. so they were like, 18 years, and late 1970s, and they were getting, they were second and third generation. so these guys were coming in they had a lot of racist tendencies. they wouldn't even speak to me. and hey guys, how are you doing? they would look at me like i didn't exist. i write one story, i'm watching television. eating my lunch, and an irish guy comes in and just turns the t.v. off and i flipped the table over and, we were getting ready to have a big fight. it was so nasty and disrespectful. >> he was there 20 years and you were there. about two. >> you were watching television. he comes in, doesn't ask you
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anything just turns it off. >> that wasn't like the first thing. they would use the "n" word loosely. this is 1992. but they were still doing that. i was in a freedom nanltsly white precinct. >> so my tour, from 4-midnight, it was about four of us. so, you know -- it was tough. >> how did you see racism? >> as policer? >> give us other examples. >> that's a lot. most of it was like promotions. assignments. just, i talk about putting in papers to go to this elite unit with my partner who graduated the same day, and he's italian and i get the letter, saying we
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had two years, and put -- you need three years to apply and we go roll call and call him and say you got 20 minutes to go down for your interview for the tempt he was a nice guy and he almost had tears in his his eyes. and he got that elite unit. so, i was seeing things. we got nine milmighters, and, al the white guys that were under me, they got theirs first. and i had to wait in line. there was a lot of things. but it made me stronger and get promoted. one thing that could stop racism is being in charge. they don't have to like you, but i tell you to move. you do it. i don't care what your feelings are.
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so i knew i could make change. >> you mentioned your lawyer, how much did your lawyer have to approve? >> into the attorney. i have a whole staff the lawyers. so that book has been heavily vetted. back-and-forth names and places. and take this out. >> how did you do the book? >> well, when i got injured, september 2011, and i had major surgery, and i knew i would never ab police officer again. you have to be full duty, like if you are the boss. you have to be able to run and jump a fence. if you get hurt, i was going to be a liability. so they won't let you work again except for exceptions. and i knew i wasn't one of those good exceptions.
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so i started writing my story in the hospital bed. >> did you where i this all yourself. >> i wrote my own story. i walked in with a script like this, and big stack of date books. i should have that picture in the book. so, i kept a journal every year. after the break i'll show you. i kept a journal every year. and i wrote down, i didn't where i i write everyday. and, it was stories, the giuliani story. i wrote them. so, when i walked in and we sat down, with harper collins, and they were looking like, wow! you wrote all that stuff. and you wrote your own -- it was already -- i wrote the book, it was written. >> let me read something.
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your book is so fill of things. let me read back to you what you wrote, and tell us the circumstances. by the time they pulled the guy off of me, i was hot. he was seeing red. i was covered in cuts and scrapes. this guy's >> tell us that story. >> because i wanted to be transparent. the worst thing i ever did as police officer. that's the worst think, i could have killed a handcuffed prisoner by not securing him. that taught me, at that moment, it's like, the incident, years ago, when they took the night
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stick and stuck it up inside of him. whenever you're involved, and it goes south, once it is over somebody else should be the calming figure to come in. you sit to the side because they didn't have any interaction. i learned, if i have a fight with somebody, let somebody else take the arrest. i was happy that he didn't die. the best part is, he was hiv positive. i had to do tests for a whole year. >> some of these things, that you wrote, in goes back to your earlier life. what's how fly. >> we looked good. >> how good we looked. >> what's good shooting? >> i hate that term. but it's a police term.
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if the shooting, looks like it is justified, they call it a good-shooting. as i got older i hated that, because any shooting, it is not a good shooting. but in the police world -- a cop would have a shooting, and the investigation. the chief comes and they want a briefing, and it is a good-shooting. >> why did you tell us about your personal life? you talk, correct me if i'm wrong, you talk about having two women in your life early, pregnant at the same time. tina, is that her real name? yes. >> and terria, they were born, around the same time. and you were -- yes. why don't you tell us about that. >> because i wanted to be real. i put my life out there. some of the things, some family
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members are not happy about it. but the only way i could come on c-span, and do these, is to be real. and honest with people. because that's one thing people understand. when you're honest with people they believe in you. >> what was the story? this happened twice. >> when was the second time you -- how long were you married to teresa? >> about eight, nine years. >> how many children. >> just one. >> what's that person's name? >> natasha. >> you call her tash. >> tina had one. >> corey junior. >> where he? >> he's in queens. he's still in queens. >> how is he doing. >> he's fine. >> are you in touch with him. >> yes. >> which one was the most upset when they found out -- >> flip a coin on that. i was living the life.
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i add girlfriend on queens, cheating on the one in brooklyn, so when they found out, they were upset. >> you told us, you have a tattoo, and, didn't you have another affair at the same time, and have another woman pregnant. >> no. no. >> no. i misread that. >> yes. i wouldn't be significant here today. [laughter] >> they would probably kill me. >> she had children before. >> yes. one. >> and then you two had how many? >> two. >> and, one big happy family. >> where did you meet her and how many other people, are cops? >> i met her in the third grade, in this picture. she's sitting to the left, with the big bushy hair.
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>> when i did get with her. >> after we -- >> after my divorce from teresa. so maybe, 20 years after that, picture in the book. >> what does she think of this book? >> well, she likes the book. she's not happy with everything in the book. >> when did she read it? >> honestly, i don't think she read it. i don't think she's finished reading it. she's picking and choosing. it's very emotional because of the things, with the whole "new york post" thing. she don't want to involve herself. but she definitely read the early parts of the book. >> so you are friends with lgbt cooljay. and dmc. >> i'm friends with lgbt cooljay and i was friends with master jay. we grew up in the same
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neighborhood. ironic think, i talk about that, crack and rap, it all like came up together. it came up, the rappers, back then, they wasn't making big money. the drug dealers were driving the fancy cars and now, all the crack dealers want to be rappers. so lgbt cooljay. i have three or four cameo's, in one of his albums. >> you were a cop then. >> yes. >> security for him. >> was that independent. yes. he puts you in the middle. >> we have that clip. >> i haven't heard that clip since that day. >> you got listen very careful limit because do you remember what your lines were? >> i thought you fell off, kid. >> this was from his rap song, god bless.
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>> you can see the whole thing on u-tube. you have to listen, because it comes near the end. run this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i thought you fell off. i thought you fell off, kid. >> he's bragging about what he got. i come in, and saying, i thought your people said you fell off, kid. >> explain the world of rap and hip-hop. >> it's all the same. rap is hip-hop. it's the way you talk, walk, and the dress and cars and it's everything. >> what's your diddy bop.
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>> my walk. >> it's probably, dipty do you now. >> didn't it particular people off? >> well, i had this distinctive walk. i grew up, i was in hip-hop. you got, 50 cents, and they walk, it's a confident step. it's just more pronounced. >> where did the bling thing come from? people had so much money they went out and bought all this jewelry. >> it's all dress to impress. and for the young guys, growing up, it was always impress the ladies and the other guys know that you're making more money. i'm not blinked out. i have agent watch on here. [laughter] >> we're older. the bling is gone. >> i want to show you a clip
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from a movie, new jack city. and, tell us, how close this is to the real world. >> i think my cousin also likes the fact that you're in the tradition of joe kennedy. >> who? >> good. >> because you got to rob to get rich. they're running a strange program. more po, and disenfranchised folks. meanwhile the rich get richer and the poor don't gate. [bleep] real high and real fast. and this is going to do it. ♪ >> and make us rich ♪ ♪ what? >> people going crazy over this? i mean, it look like pieces of soap. >> how veal that?
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>> there's a lot of hollywood to that. but they say that that movie was largely based on the supreme team. that's what no say. i'm quite sure, i was a street hustler, so i wasn't privy to the meetings that he had, but i'm sure it was sort of like that. >> what was it, being a cop -- >> it wasn't just being a member of the supreme team. being a young black man and i understood what would go on, in the city. so, police work came fairly easy. if they threw me in chinatown it would have been harder. most of my precincts, i worked, in, minority neighborhoods. so it was easy to fit in. as i was going higher through the average i was able to impart
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my knowledge on officers that worked for me. every time somebody in the street call you son, they're not disrespecting you, that's how they refer to each other. so, i would drop jewels on them and say this is how it goes out here. you know, in the suburbs, when they go to the park, and, the bench, so, you are going to keep writing them summonses, they have nowhere else to go. keep them, all day long. what are we going to do? so a lot of police work is common sense. >> do i have the name right. >> nay sean, the lucky i have the thing in my life. the day the gun didn't fire. >> yeah, that was probably december 12 or 13th, my son was
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born on december 12th. it was either that day or the next day and i go back on the block because, i'm happy. my son is born and then, walks up, and hits me in the head and tells me get off the block. you can't hustle down here. so i left. he had a gun. i ran, and i went home for two days and thought about, what i was going to do, because back then it was all about street credit. so i had to get my revenge and i exited i was going kill him myself. i had a gun. and, i went down there two days later, and, i was like so crazy back then, i wanted to do this in front of everybody, 3 in the morning. 8 in the morning and 6:00 when everybody is out there, and i'm going to kill him. for hitting me in the face with the gun.
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i walked down there, he walked right up to me, didn't i tell you. and i pulled the begin and i pulled the trigger three times and it don't go off and he pulled his gun and i run, and a friend of mine turned theforer and he pulled his gun out and started shooting at him. and he ran in and we wanted them out of the house. but my friend's mother would not let us come in the house. >> what happened, that the gun didn't fire. >> because, we were so young and crazy, i didn't know anything about guns. it was a semi-automatic. i never pulled the chamber, there was no bullet in the chamber. >> if that gun had fired you would not be significant here today. >> definitely. did you ever shoot somebody? >> some stories in the book,
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can't giveaway everything in the book. they have to read everything in the book. >> i had some brushes with guns. yeah. >> i want to show uclip of you in a barbershop. listen to the dialogue between you and the barber. >> no. no. >> it's printed the same way. >> if you ever did jury duty, and, to a jury. he did it. no matter what the case is, they are looking at you. [inaudible] >> you are not hitting on it. i don't care about no jury duty.
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>> hold on. >> no. [inaudible] >> what i'm saying -- >> it helps. >> hold on a minute. >> training. and they're not supposed to discriminate. can you fill in the blanks on what that is all about? >> yeah, that's my u-tube web series barbershop cop. and talking about real issues that's affecting the community and getting feedback. so that's live stuff. that's not scripted. i started a topic. and, we just start talking about it. this is good stuff. so america can see, how young black men feel about cops and law enforcement.
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what i was trying make, was that cops are getting paid -- when i say this, i'm talking about n.y.p.d., over $100,000 a year, to make sure that they are not discriminating against people. i would tell my cops. check your attitudes. ii know you just had a domestic violence incident. people look to the police for everything. cat in the tree. police. car accident. somebody shot. police. drug dealer. so you are asking somebody to, that's 19, 20-years-old, six months of training, and never lived out of the basement, and, go concoverage the world. when i criticize i'm i'm talking about the bad police.
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and that's a small percentage. they are just coming to work, and you don't hear about them. you hear about the rice and. you hear about the bad cops. and once, law enforcement starts, weeding them out, because you see them, you look at the person's background, 7 complaint. use of force. he's been -- the guy was a mess. we don't find out until they kill somebody. so what are you doing prior to killing somebody. we should be handling if. >> where does your last name come from? >> well, i had french or a agains. and my dad was a alcoholic. he went to work and drank
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