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tv   QA  CSPAN  August 12, 2016 11:55pm-12:55am EDT

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and that's a small percentage. they are just coming to work, and you don't hear about them. you hear about the rice and. you hear about the bad cops. and once, law enforcement starts, weeding them out, because you see them, you look at the person's background, 7 complaint. use of force. he's been -- the guy was a mess. we don't find out until they kill somebody. so what are you doing prior to killing somebody. we should be handling if. >> where does your last name come from? >> well, i had french or a agains. and my dad was a alcoholic. he went to work and drank everyday.
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>> what year did he die? >> third grade. >> no, my father, i'm sorry. he left in the third grade. he died my second year as police officer. he came to my graduation. it was one of the happiest days. he told me he loved me. he told me that day. >> what's the difference feeling for you, if the guy sitting here is black versus a white guy? >> it doesn't matter. see i don't base the things on race. unless it is obvious to me. i'm comfortable in any setting. i have white, spanish and black friends. when people show me racism it pisses me off big-time. i know what i'm made of, and i stand on the back of the three m's. malcolm, martin, and, if they didn't fight for civil rights i
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would not be able to stand here, and have this interview. so, i feel very strongly about it. >> do you notice a difference in the questions that a white interviewer will ask you versus a black interviewer? >> the combat jack show. it's a lot more loose. no suit and tie. and a yankee hat on. >> i mean, i go on interviews, somebody to want take a shot. it's hard. because everything is vetted in that book. you can fact check everything. you see me holding them. >> what's the question you're asked all the time, as you do this? >> howdy become a police officer, when i was selling crack cocaine? >> what would you say, you say you never missed a day of school. >> no.
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>> i didn't. >> you didn't use drugs. >> no. believe it or not. my little team around me, i didn't smoke marijuana. that was a big thing. i even, very rarely, we used to drink 40 ounces of beer. i very rarely did that. i was so more than hungry i wanted to make money and didn't want to waste my money and hug my girlfriend, and i didn't mess with none of that. i never smoked a cigarette. >> still haven't? >> no. i smoke a cigar once in a while i had one last night. >> so, what does corey want to do for the rest of his life. >> i just want to go out and spread my mess safnlgt i believe i have a transformational story, that can touch the life of some of these kids and start a
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non-profit and open a computer center. and, you know, have financial literacy for these kids and help them. because they are hurting out there. they need somebody. when they see me, they see somebody that looks like them, that did it. i can go to any community, i want to get on the campuses and talk to these kids because they are going through things, and they think there's a dead end. i'm here to tell them, you can make it. >> is there a website. >> yes, they can find me and hit me on twitter. >> and i'm all over the internet. >> everything pops up. >> we'll show the cover of the book.
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♪ >> this week on q&a author at hudson institute senior fellow arthur herman. mr. herman discusses his look, "douglas macarthur american warrior. c-span: arthur herman, what made douglas macarthur so controversial? >> guest: well, a number of things. there was the aspect of his personality. there was an aspect of his politics. and then there's also simply be, what can i say, the business of the man. i will start with that first. here is someone who was a major
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american figure for more than half a century, someone who commanded american troops in action and help to shape american war policy in not one, not two but three world wars, world war i, world war ii and the cold war and here's somebody who with the pulse -- possible exception of franklin roosevelt, was presided at more advanced and made more decisions that shaped 20 century united states then come i can't think of anybody else with the exception of fdr. there was his politics. he was considered republican, which didn't rope well with the democratic presidency of the work with particularly fdr and harry truman but he wasn't a conservative taft republican. he was not someone that taft
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republicans ranchers in overturning aspects of the new deal and the incipient welfare state when he runs for president in 1952. he is more moderate than that and that offended some conservatives on that point. he's a resolute anti-communist at a time when again a lot on the left is more sympathetic and more willing to work with the soviet union. he is somebody who always gives out that he he is the smartest person in the room and if you don't know what you are going to find out very soon. the decisions that he made are made from the best possible evidence, from the weightiest judgment and therefore shouldn't and can't be questioned. this is something again that rubs other people with similar large-scale egos the runway and
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it led to friction and conflict both with american presidents, two in particular, fdr in, fdr and chairman but also, but also lead to conflicts with people within his own service and in the other branches of the u.s. military in that half-century plus career. c-span: when did you decide you wanted to write a good book on him? >> guest: the idea of a book on macarthur was planted in my head by an editor at random house originally and i have actually thought about macarthur as a great follow-up of the vibe -- biographical work that i've done. i had done a joe mccarthy book for example. the war in the pacific particularly at the southwest intrigued me when i was working on my look on gandhi and churchill and it was one of those moments when someone flashes a sign even suddenly
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everything converges and you realize this is something i would not only love to do but something i think it could be really different from the kinds of books that have been written about macarthur in the past in a way in which to really rethink and reevaluate to this person was, what his real significance was, what is his virtues really were that made him the most, one of the most adored in activated figures in american history and also what were his flaws and what were the things that made him in many ways even hated by millions of people. c-span: we have some video from a the 1952 republican commissioner who spoke. the reason to show this is not necessarily because he was at the convention but so people that never seem him get a chance to see what it looks like. this video is not very sharp but let's watch this and i want to ask you about it. >> i speak with a sense of pride that all my long life i have
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been a member of the republican party. [applause] as before me was my father and a supporter of abraham lincoln. [applause] i have an abiding faith that this party is hurt remains true to its great conditions, can provide the country with the leadership which as in the days of lincoln, will bring us back to peace and tranquility. c-span: that was 1952. in 1964 he died coming as 84 years old when he died. where was he at this point in his life? >> guest: life? >> guest: it's an ventures include for many reasons. it's hard to believe that man is 72 years old. he looks great and everybody who knew macarthur from all these were stunned at to the degree to
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which even during enormous stress like her in the korean war and leading the southwest pacific area and world war ii people were stunned by the fact that he seemed to be very healthy and he seemed to be very strong pre-people talked about how tall macarthur was. he was under 6 feet. it's just that he stood so tall and erect that he had this bearing about him that made people add a couple of inches to his height. the other thing i will remark about that is that's not macarthur at his best. that is a speech of a man who was at that point deeply disappointed. to really get a sense of where macarthur is in terms of his rhetorical policy you have to go back to his speech to the joint session of congress right after he returned from korea in which the house rose as a body over 50 times to applaud lines of his
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speech and of course the one that finishes with the famous old soldiers never die, they only fade away. a soldier as he saw it, that's macarthur at his best but this is an interesting clip. this is a disappointed macarthur. this is a macarthur who had hoped that speech at the joint session of congress would be propellant for getting him into the white house and getting in and to their public nomination and in fact he got got almost nowhere. was swamped by the taft and eisenhower forces and of course eisenhower, his former chief of staff in the days of the philippines, the person he always looked down on who was sort of the junior officer type protegé and ends up with the nomination said. c-span: does he support him? >> guest: he does and he comes out in favor of him. at the convention he took his 10-dollar gift that he had, he
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was originally a taft supporter. he was worried about the way in which eisenhower treated the campaign and treated him but after the election they become more reconciled. eisenhower reaches out to truman to ask is it wise about how to end the korean war which looks like it's on the point to becoming one of those infamous wars that we have gotten used to but that was a new experience for america. he's a disappointed man. he is a tired man. the rhetoric sounds from that clip are old-fashioned old stage actor. what was interesting about it is not how we usually see macarthur. macarthur was someone who early on understood the importance of trademark look as a way to project leadership on the cover of the book. the type which by the way he didn't smoke. he actually preferred cigarettes
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and cigars but because it was a trademark corn cob pipe which he personally designed as a matter of fact that the meerschaum company because he knew that was douglas mcarthur to see the type in the hat, the with the scrambled eggs on top and then the eagle which he designed himself as a matter of fact and he had a haberdasher in new york on park avenue who when he lost a hat or or outward right to them and have an exact copy sent to him. the air force jacket that he wore, the ray ban sunglasses. all of these things are what made douglas macarthur and icon. all had been consciously worked on in his thinking about himself as a leader because he saw these as ways in which to communicate the essence of leadership, that sense of confidence which inspired his troops really from the first world war all the way
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through to the darkest days of korea. c-span: in this clip he mentions his father, arthur macarthur and you point out in the book of course how the two of them or both of the military. they both got a medal of honor. they were both generals. >> guest: the medal of honor that arthur macarthur earned was for his actions during chattanooga leading the charge in the yukon mountains, the civil war. you've got to remember he is 16 years old when he goes off to war, becomes adjutant of 24 wisconsin. when you look at pictures of him he kind of had a feeling that you are looking at somebody who is dressed up for halloween as a soldier, some kid but that's him. that's the real arthur macarthur. he is a civil war hero. he is severely wounded several times and at the end of the war he becomes the tenant colonel and commands his regiment. he's not old enough to vote but
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he is old enough to man a union army in richmond. after the war he had a choice of careers. he could have gone into politics. he could have gone into business. instead what he did was to remain in the army and served as i describe in the book, series of john ford ruby sets from films like fort apache where he goes and eventually brings his wife and then his sons are all born there. his career is in many ways a pathway to douglas macarthur's and one of the things i want to did too in this book was to really make it clear for the first time just how much the linkage between macarthur the sun and macarthur the father and how strong that link really was. most -- mostly i want to talk about the mother. she's a very powerful figure in
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macarthur's life until her death in 1935 but arthur macarthur is a person he teaches them about the art of war, who teaches him about the honor of service in the u.s. military and the u.s. army and also opens his eyes to america's possibilities as a great power in asia and becoming the light of democracy and freedom in asia as the european colonial powers and empires fall apart. arthur macarthur was the david petraeus of the philippine insurrection. he's the one who figures out a way to defeat the philippine insurrection at the end of the spanish-american war and managed to capture the philippine guerrilla leader, who he then signed a peace treaty with and releases from prison. he begins the process of
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reconstruction of the philippine philippine -- philippines as military governor there and does a whole series of reforms to bring the philippines and the spanish colony into the modern world and give her rule of law, independent law, sanitation and roads services and roads. he then writes a textbook on the philippines history for school kids. he is a master administer as well as a brilliant military strategist and as i point out in the book when his son douglas then goes to japan to administer the occupation of post-war japan everyone is amazed at his ability to pull the society together and to make these important and even radical changes in some eyes to juggle all of the forces and all the different pressure groups within japan and in washington and the other allies with such effortless skill and imparted
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videos as i explain in the book he learned all this from his father and his father's experience in the philippines. c-span: you mention and we might as well go there, did you say in the book he finished first at west point? >> guest: is probably the finest record as a student at west point and he won since robert a. lee and a record that still stands unchallenged to this day. c-span: i know that fdr's mother moved near him when he went to harvard. why did douglas macarthur's mother moved to west point? >> she moved there for two things, to help supervise his studies. she lived in a rooming house outside of the grounds of west point. c-span: there they are. >> guest: that's young douglas on the right in the force's mother pinking mccarthy is she she -- macarthur. she looks pretty formidable in that picture and she was but when i started this book i was
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very much led by previous biographers of mcarthur so i think that for us this domineering woman almost like a lady macbeth type and sort of pushing and propelling her son were to discourage you did push and propel them forward but what i came to realize the more i learned about their relationship and how it was built, i realized this was the second thing she did at west point issue provided strong emotional support and guidance for him with the tough decisions he had to make. macarthur throughout his life conveys this image of a man who is totally certain of themselves, completely in command, someone who is sure of every decision that he makes and the choices that he makes. from west point on this is one of the characteristics that everybody knows about him. he was very insecure and someone who needed support, filled with self doubts. mary macarthur, his mom
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provided that support. he would find it later on with his second wife, jean macarthur but her world like came to realize more and more was really much more, very constructive, very helpful and i don't think he could have had the kind of career he did or achieve the kinds of types of success in his career in the army if she hadn't been there to support him and provide help and guidance. c-span: i hate to do this to you. >> guest: go ahead. c-span: short, quick points from the different periods in his life. we have so much to go into and you will see why i want to do this but what did he do that was significant in world war i? >> guest: he did two things. one was what earned him or should have earned him a medal of honor. nobody had any doubts about it, was his incredible bravery in action leading troops of the
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42nd division and then commanding a combat or gate within that division. he won seven silver stars in world war i. c-span: what does that mean? >> guest: the silver star simply means for exceptional bravery under fire. he was a staff officer. he's the one who leads the troops from the front. he said i have to go and see what's happening for myself, what our guys are going up against and what the terrain is and what the enemy positions with like so he goes into action on a regular basis. seven silver stars and distinguish metal and nominated for the medal of honor but in the end general pershing says no , his incredible bravery goes without question however if he had been killed maybe he would get a medal of honor but he survived so we will skip the medal of honor at this time around.
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but i want to stress this, part of the general staff help to structure the american expeditionary force as the one over. he helped to build the 42nd division is one of the first units to go over there and to organize petitions for the u.s. army. he wasn't ready for this large-scale conventional warfare. he is the one who masterminded the whole campaign, the whole putting together this forced the pershing needs in the war so he is a hugely influential figure and as a young major and brigadier general. c-span: what year did he go to europe and fight? >> guest: 1917. it would be in the fall of 1917. the main action that he and the 42nd division saw was in 1918. c-span: was he married than? >> guest: no, he was still single. c-span: he would have been in his 30s? >> guest: he would have been in his 30s. c-span: he was a brigadier general.
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what's the major congressman in world war ii? >> guest: the major accomplishment from my standpoint is he manages to turn what looks like a massive defeat in the philippines into a springboard victory. the philippines comes under attack the same time as pearl harbor. a surprise attack the wipes out the b-17 force that macarthur and everybody else in the army air force i would defend those islands from japanese invasion. he's completely outclassed in terms of equipment and quality of soldiers, numbers of soldiers that they rely upon in the campaign and yet at the time he manages to fight the japanese to a standstill. he is pulled out by orders from franklin roosevelt. contrary to myth macarthur didn't arrange to leave the
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philippines and the fortress of corregidor where he was holed up with a handful of his staff. he intended to fight to the death. he assumed that was going to be his fate in the philippines but roosevelt orders them to go to australia to help organize the war effort. c-span: let me ask you about the geography of all of this. the philippines are located -- >> guest: closer into japan. as macarthur understood they were the spring -- springboard for the successful invasion. c-span: who owns the philippines? >> guest: in those days he was still an american protectorate and. c-span: wears corregidor? >> guest: corregidor is in manila bay and overlooks manella harper. it was built originally by the spanish and fortified by the americans as a way to control and to block japanese or any naval forces from seizing control from the manila city but
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the japanese didn't bother with that. c-span: what about the todd? >> guest: baton is the peninsula that sticks out like an oversized thumb from the island of luzon just to the west of manila and sticks into manila bay. that's where macarthur's army makes its last stand. right to i know this is quick but the next step would be when he was in charge of japan after the war. what did he do there? >> guest: he took the situation in which he had scant supplies of men and women and turned it into a major victory. he took over that right after he left corregidor so march of 1942. three bloody years of fighting in guinea and solomon sent up to liberate the philippines and new guinea. c-span: where sncc in a?
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>> guest: does the second-largest island that sits north of australia and it was a jumping off place for japanese and dominated the whole southwest. c-span: how many troops were under his control? >> guest: in the early days he had perhaps 5000. in the end he commenced the largest military the united states have ever assembled with the invasion of the philippines and then he was to be placed in charge of the supreme command of all of the invasion forces in japan for the final onslaught for operation downfall which doesn't happen because we dropped atomic bombs. c-span: is a true he didn't know about the dropping of the bomb. >> guest: he learns about it when he read stars and stripes come the newspaper. that was going to be used and when i was going to be used all of this was kept secret. c-span: would he have used a?
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>> guest: i think not. he felt that the bomb had this tremendous potential to completely undermine and demoralize the japanese. he was more in favor of using it as a demonstration and set up the dropping. for the rest of his life to macarthur looked upon nuclear weapons as being something that the british had marked and of warfare as we know and was part of his whole campaign later on his life starts unilateral disarmament. c-span: during world war ii was he married in didn't have children where did his mother live at that point? >> guest: as i explain in the book, he had access to the oral history that is why did in the late 1990s before she died. this is jean macarthur, his second wife. they met on a voyage to the philippines. he went to assume command of basically the philippine military mission the united
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states had set up to help the philippines built the self-defense force basically an army that could be used to defend the island. that's why he was headed out there. his mother was very ill at the time. i don't think it's coincidental that shortly after his mother dies he's buried -- she is buried in the philippines. it's not coincidence of them that his friendship with jean faircloth was her name, a grover murfreesboro tennessee, not far by the way from where his father fought during the civil war at the battle of stones river where my great great grandfather fought as a matter of fact. coincidental that there friendship blossomed into a romance and of course she returned united states and they had a secret agreement to married next to me is back in the states. c-span: when did he divorced his first wife? >> guest: the divorce comes in about 1927, 1928.
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c-span: i have it down as 1927 from your book. why did they get divorced? >> guest: is a very unhappy marriage. he fell hopelessly and helplessly in love with her when he attended west point. his first wife not the film actress but an heir to an wall street fortune. she was very vivacious and delightful company. she was very and of course she was anonymously wealthy as well. i think she was irresistible to some and mike macarthur and it was only a think after the marriage he began to realize he had picked the wrong person. she was not going to be the strong emotional support that he really needed, that his mother who disapprove very much of a marriage was able to provide and jean was able to step up and
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provide while at the same time providing that same kind of vivacious outgoing personality that made her the perfect companion as wife, as mother and his confidant. c-span: why did you have access to the oral histories of his wife jean? >> guest: now macarthur morrill archives in northrop virginia were. >> a good deal of time working on this book. it just hadn't been available. she had always promised to douglas that she would not do an oral history. and her son also had made that same promise to her, don't do that. our life together are private. a public record about myself douglas hotel or douglas hotel hers public in our lives together is private but just before she died she realized it was important perhaps to ignore that promise and to carry forward with it and we are all very glad she did.
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c-span: he dies and 64 and she lived to be -- >> guest: she dies in 2002, you might want to check on that. c-span: how long did they live in -- >> guest: they lived there until his death in 1964 through the not entirely clear about how long she continued to live in waldorf-astoria by herself but her son after all is a new york city arthur macarthur. the waldorf-astoria apartment was a place that really was for him not just a refuge but also a watchtower where he could keep track of current events and have distinguished guests including including -- it was a place to gather momentum as from his years in japan. everything else of his earlier life had all been destroyed during the recapture of manila during world war ii. ..
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>> >> he was empowered by a the other allies and by president truman to reconstruct japan and he did it with the success even
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with his most severe critics today and go over with a fine tooth comb to give him high marks. take that country of a broken nation organized by defeat with a cloud and behave eagle for it with the allied pows a country whose reputation was in in tatters did he manages to rebuild the economy and a source of pride that comes out from
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the soviet n chinese archives of the previous biographers. but this is a biography that takes full account of the degree to which allied and u.s. intelligence plays such a vital role in the cell plus pacific area the first army codes me to provide him by the means to have those japanese opponents on the
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battlefield for those polled moves bobby. >> where teeeleven now? >> washington dc ims senior fellow to. >> this is what number perhaps civic this is number eight back to the modern world was number one. >> was that the number-one bestseller?
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>> it was not the "new york times" best-seller by yes. over half a million copies worldwide at this point the book of which i am enormously proud and it was a good one to start. cspan: when you are writing a book like this? >> when did you start greg. >> about 10 months ago with the process of galleys and adjustments. >> >> the new book with harpercollins said history of the british navy and
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those two decisions for wilson to enter world war war i, and to topple that provisional government and delaware revolutionary bolshevik and how naiad of ricocheted world history bob but it will be shorter laugh laugh. cspan: moving to the next war video people have seen that harry truman. >> i looked long and hard to
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have discussed that many times with the military advisers in the country will believe the course you're following is the best course whenever of the events that general macarthur did not agree with that policy. i have therefore considered did essentials to relieve general macarthur so there is no doubt or confusion to the real purpose of our policies. with the deepest regret i felt compelled his mother greatest military commanders that that is much more important than any individual. cspan: what happened? this is where the clash of personalities is a clash of ideology was or collision of
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defense even though one was president the heather gave the power of the supreme commander after north korea invaded south korea. macarthur believe toby -- the way to / backup the peninsula with chinese intervention that is the process liberating the second time around that is
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not highlight of the military career the use of nuclear weapons through which the chinese cannot be supplied their armies in north korea. there is a famous statement
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is no substitute. the truman administration thought there was the stalemate to return them breed and south korea from communist domination only north korea and the chinese to remain in place north of the border of the boundary line. >> macarthur book was outspoken, not put it that way as the approach he thought would be a mistake and why is he advertised for in terms of lashing out with the chinese this is what he does he does all his career but for truman this is a moment in which she had to decide if he could lead
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continue to abate -- embrace that stalemate strategy anarchy as mouth shut. cspan: did he answer directly? to nike goes to the joint chiefs. as i explain all of this news in korea with his push during the initial drive the the joint chiefs had approved the actions he had taken from a military point of view but from a political standpoint, there was a feeling there may be a full war number one to force the european allies to dropout they did not want to see of war continuing to engage be
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tied up. and to see the chinese ally to launch an offensive in europe where the soviet divisions were placed. cspan: comedy american troops are in that vicinity? >> guest: 400,000. cspan: now. >> guest: is still has not and did. there is not a peace treaty. barris is an armistice. that they could be defeated
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but now we know that macarthur that basically stalled and thought the entire operation was botched from the beginning. by the dictator book that if north korea invited - - invaded immediately intervene from the point. cspan: teams headed is your problem not my problem in the longer a buddy he didn't do the right thing? is the necessary quacks i guess he was was that the right policy but history may have to have but history is dotted by those necessary blunders end of that
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stalemate. cspan: now the first world war, the second world war and we saw him address the other national convention. >> that is interesting. >> with his own assessment during be fdr years and macarthur from talks to fdr that was more nuanced the most dangerous man in america. tuesday i have known dog
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four years you never been heard him talk with the most pretentious style and and a voice that comes as adorable he never suggests he makes pronouncements. but what does that tell us about the relationship? >> this is a point that douglas macarthur holds the highest post in the u.s. army as the chief of staff and has just blown through a debacle that was a public-relations disaster for the who fred ministration where are we troops were used to oust world war veterans including many who served with macarthur who came to demand payment of those bonuses they were promised on their pensions for their services
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during world war i in they set up the tent city and refuse to go when ordered but the police were not able to control the crowd and macarthur as chief of staff shows up to supervise the operation been in debt was ugly a propaganda campaign was launched by the communist supporters above bonus march of the passions innocent men and women. >> so the question is if
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when he becomes president if they great depression did sink his chances the bonus army really dead so the question came up if fdr would keep the dash chief of staff. becard there is out he is a liberal democrat is a no-brainer. bestowed despite these characteristics or the egotism of the infallibility to those standards this is a man to be useful that could be a support to the administration and douglas macarthur uses that as well and i describe with the
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interesting cooperation that began to rise after roosevelt became president be. but the arch conservative inarch liberal become partners to rebuild the economy spins rebel read it through this again for the third dash last time in my life macarthur confessed that paralyzing not shy that have overwhelmed at west point said the feeling of discomfort grew he grew more reckless, when we lose the next war bobby usually be served for biblical profits.
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>> did taken serious acts to funding and appropriations. macarthur as chief of staff bought from the roosevelt comes with further cuts in seoul that scene unfolds in the oval office in there fighting it out over the implications how crippled was the u.s. army if they were put into place as the boys are dying needlessly
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some images bowman did on the steps of the lighthouse the way he describes it. >> this is very interesting because these other memoirs he writes just before his dad before the first time permitting people and there
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is no doubt that he is wrong . he knows he should not have confronted that president and is thus seen on the steps where he throws up is a similar feeling. as secretary of war turns to him to say you just saved the u.s. army. cspan: there are others one is isabel. that there is the major eisenhower bid is hard to put together at this stage and went on to be president. but talk about back isabel.
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>> everybody is, jr. to douglas macarthur. that is a simple fact of life. even in world war ii. no one else to choose from by then he had commanded syrians but just about the only officer that has seen military combat civic that is an important thing to keep in mind because they are all latecomers but this
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is after him is divorce she is nicknamed dimples because she was the actress in the first philippine movie to show a kiss on film. she is a couple of decades younger they have a very close relationship. sixteen. that is they've made november romance he was so taken with her he arranged for her to come to the united states and be in washington d.c.. she had an apartment over
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here on 16th street where my wife and i first moved we looked for apartments there. i did not know at that time it was a historical landmark be. it doesn't matter because it soon fell apart as he realized although attractive in delivering, she was young and to root inexperienced and shallow she goes off to hollywood and has all kinds of problems. cspan: i am watching the clock box but we have some much to get over. what about his ex-wife? did make she is very bitter. fabulous in a wealthy and vivacious but very similar
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with the disillusionment. a settlement in a range for them to be buried forever in the archives.


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