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tv   QA  CSPAN  August 13, 2016 12:54am-1:54am EDT

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a settlement in a range for them to be buried forever in the archives. i was able to get the
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letters at the university of texas library. they are quite something. we have to say douglas macarthur in the end be also to his first wife they were cool way in the '20s become not only was douglas macarthur great military commander and a great statesman, and any the master of erotic pros. cspan: and then somebody else got involved there was enormous conflicts of how much money was to be appropriated for the rv over questions which branch should get the support necessary. macarthur was certain and it is a good lesson there was
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the question of mechanize welfare there was a question to put money into that. cspan: that he knew about the affair and he would leap dash and it would be published. how does this end up? >> washington has changed. [laughter] no stories like that anymore cspan: one last clip what macarthur's says after the republican convention. >> our people are desperate that we will revive pope as we have the oppressive
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burden sec astronomically rising public debt and the well-being of the community of our children and our children's children. and there is no desire no prospects to return to that wicked idealism and tranquillity of our fathers. cspan: only 64 years ago. they have been here and gone per coburn in many ways a precious and speech with debt and public spending and how that has become a way you mortgaged the country's
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future is an issue hanging over us the last couple of decades if not longer. people laugh me of macarthur had won the election what he would be like as president. i think what lies in how world lot of the policies appealed to macarthur. he believed the federal government had a strong will to play like it for structure covenanters highways. but also that you could control as a runaway trade and i think that is one of the things that you can say he saw the future more clearly than he saw the present. whether america's role in asia as a finalist for the
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pulitzer prize. >> my pleasure spee1 spee1
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>> not just flyover nation there is a back-and-forth to pull them in one direction to show up to support this issue because that is scary that it makes a difference if we can defend ourselves against a threat.
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♪ while then on the presidential campaign best you may go we can stop at his home why did you leave with that? i got into writing about african-american history because of the above the campaign. there was a lot of interest in american and african history with the first president in the white house said i was lucky enough to be assigned to cover him
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that weekend and i literally remember pulling up a couple of blocks away from their town house in chicago and what book will i write next? right there in the spot it hit me i got so excited i immediately called my editor to say this is what i want to do next. she could not tamp down the enthusiasm. she said major you have a really good idea but i think it sounds great and it took off right there. cspan: was the idea? >> guest: to ride a story of the african-american slaves who lived at the white house. we were so excited talking called great and unique it would be of the african-american president lyndon said the white house.
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the e cannot have been the first to live there. and so that thought process went on. so who were the first? we knew there were others but i thought there had to be someone before the butlers so i wrote about the slaves that lived through the first president and how they got their start in. >> we have a rendering and you say in your book there were nine slaves working for washington inside that building? >> explained that. >> guest: the first president washington did not live inside the white house he lived in side dash executive residents. when the country for started , congress did not
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provide funds for dollars handmaids. also the first president had to come around with their own pockets and pay for them or bring in the latest from there plantation in the majority were all slave owners and. they would bring slaves from the plantation. washington did this as well. coming from mount vernon they served he brought them to do your city and philadelphia. and both of those places we would consider them to be non slave holding so washington took good vantage to bring the slaves from
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mount vernon of two new york cspan: you tell a story. >> guest: but one of the rules say having is pennsylvania. any slayed the owner who brings us slave across the state lines into pennsylvania and kept them there and in six months had passed, the slaves automatically became free. washington doesn't want to keep praying people up for six months then have them walk away but so what washington did appliance every five months 10 days couple of weeks to take the whole household back to build a burden than they would go back to pennsylvania with the six month clock started over
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again and he would do this over and over to ventura that the slaves would not be free. none of them we're done these. bayview when he was doing at this point so that is why one of the slaves took the opportunity to was caper and she had bed with them to her entire life but as the president's second term was winding down that she ever set foot back so while the washington's were packing yep to gatt redi she was packing her gold fangs and
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as you were born and then sailed away to a couple of days for washington to realize she was not packing to go to virginia but to escape but we've made it to said north he's without ever having to go back to virginia. did isn't that they didn't want her back. washington put advertisements to find her and he actually said a couple of relatives to the area once and one of them found her.
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if you were buying a slave you have a choice. and by a fully grown slave. the money amount depends on what you wanted and for most house slaves they would most likely by the end we could trade them how we want them to soleil one dash how to be slaves and then take the young child how to serve as a ballet.
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baby paid $5 but date he was very young but full grown back could go for much, much more. >> ended at being sons and
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daughters. pet date did not by then they basically had grown up on the plantation but when they bought the slaves the contracts with specifically state slave decks is purchased by slaveholder. but as we went off through the records in there were very few presidents who actually bought slaves while inside the white house jackson was one of the few who did and john tyler did as well the jackson and did that openly he needed extra help inside the white house to help the house run correctly. the most interesting thing about that story because is
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that the herstory route -- a sister worked as a free woman but she wanted her sister and dash leave recommended tear jackson but it turns out that to be the best seamstress at the heritage. so living hurling whole life with the jefferson family. >> >> sometimes they did not want people to know. so they did not want people to know what they we're doing so tyler would hire an agent and then transfer them
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into the title. and tyler was so adamant that people would not know what he was doing, he vp used to use any of the monday he was paid as president to buy those slaves. those were his personal funds. they have all different types of ways to get the sleeves into their hands. so they'll have their different ways spirit george w. bush at the white house with the unveiling of his portrait and see what that triggers with your research. >> when the of british pondered the white house in 1814, led dolley madison famously said this portrait
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of the first boy george w. laugh laugh so michele, if anything happens waaf lab here in is your man in love left. >> i promise. i'll will go straight for that. i have been sure it will be closer that i can get right to it to. >> guest: one of the great stories of the white house that dolly madison saved the portrait of george washington but i know the that is exactly what happened because one of the great dane with i've been out, paul jennings was one of the first slaves, one of
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the first people . to write a tell all of them more about the white house. d'alene medicines story about her saving that portrait when the british came to bird be coming he said that wasn't exactly what happened. it was a great story but according to mr. jennings, she didn't have anything to do with saving that painting. he and other workers pull that off the wall to put it in a wagon to make sure the british would not get it. there are still people today who will argue that given in his relationship you can
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read it anywhere. it is a great book. i tended to believe him but he did have a reason to hold a grudge against the medicines. because he told him before he died, he would be freed then and then dolly madison
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run out of money. and instead have followed the she starts and he expected her the ex-president's wishes to free him but she never did. so there was a reason to hold a grudge if the story is true. luckily for him he is sold to daniel webster. who eventually freeze him. he was no fan of dolley madison's alike could see how we got a little pleasure to pogo hole in that story that she got more famous.
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cspan: no list of presidents that had slaves that any time. use a 12 for 18 had slaves with toward to washington and miro but poehl can tailor but those that did it alone the slaves but not at the parkin but who had the most? >> iq was low-cal washington jefferson and maybe taylor. keep in mind both monticello was huge but one making plantations. bay both had in the hundreds as some point.
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but it is hard to count at any are a slave i would expect washington or jefferson. cspan: you talk about servants in president's who literally slept him of room with seven? >> go back to william who was the body servant of george washington. everywhere that washington when she would find billy. it is probably safe to say beyond phyllis he buys the most famous african-american in all of america because you'd did not find the george washington during the
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revolutionary war without washington in crossing the delaware and has surrendered his sword and to make sure that washington had whenever navy did whether a horse or telescope and ended if there is one story that is interesting in the book where a group of suborders and northerners got into an argument over in the kiev. billy and washington hereabout the argument that is about to break out. washington grabs his horse and galloped into the middle of the argument to break it
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up but bright behind tennis billie on his horse. even with all of these major battles washington is out there of a horse and billy is next to him. if something happened then believe would have to campaign of all along the best he could. but billy lee was there it was his job to take off his clothes, the whig, foods, his bible, and basically he is number two to make their everything around him washington did not have to feed about it. >> may find people in
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history food and that being robert week representative. he says that billy lee was the second-best course been in the country simply because he had to be to keep up with him. we these were the men that were entrusted have had day and care of the keeping. they got their clothes than their wigs to make sure they got bed at night both of them lived in the same room as the president. >> ken package in 20106 years ago you wrote a book blackie and built the capital.
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and once the union forces left to cross the atomic - - potomac river. 1 million generals decided we never wanted robert e. lee to insure this would not have been the he begin to bury best soldiers and his for yard. that is out arlington national some might get started. but the freed slaves would come up with the town with.
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it wasn't small. they had their own churches churches, schools but the people of freedom in villages and -- >> if i guess right that is where the cemetery takeover? cspan: what happened to all the freelance lack? >> guest: eventually even though freedman's village must end the city and to what self to bring in people with sojourners truth and freedom village but the views that they had people
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discover that and were kicked off the and it was returned to the estate so where freedman's village stood before, there is no trace. but now what i had discovered since is when of the churches was called the old bill church lady came up afterwards to save my church has that bill. it moved from freedom village into alexander county. sell some of the people who live there moved across the
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potomac and down anderson will in the areas. i give these talks about washington history but there is no trace of the city left. cspan: he said he started thinking about this in 2008 he showed an early draft and he proclaimed this to be a could book lacks is he still alive? >> guest: he is. live originally from a small town and my parents are both now retired educators my mom taught english in northern mississippi she was my seventh and eighth grade
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english teacher and my dad taught science and industrial arts in my early years of abrupt and of this than we moved back to mississippi and lived on the same land our great great grand grandfather got so my grand - - my family is still there. being the oldest son your expected to go into the family business but that would never happen with me. i knew i wanted to be a writer in appearance release encourage me to follow my dream is to write. but my dad's a farmer when he stopped teaching he went into farming full-time he reads when he is not operations. but when he read something and he says it is good it is high praise probably one of the greatest compliments of my entire life that my
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father bed the early draft to say this is good. cspan: how far have you gone back genealogy of pro-family quacks. >> guest: i am the family historian the starter when my daughter was born in 2006 but have a nine year-old and a seven year-old. wanted them to know their family because we live in washington and most of family is still in mississippi but i want them to know their people so i started to chase history and talking to relatives to figure out our people so we've gone back to just before the civil war but there is an acre of land outside of mississippi in my
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great great great grandfather results so named jesse holland bought 1 acre of land and that is still in my family the 1 acre we said we will never sell. book that is where we can trace our family were restarted you'll always keep that 1 acre of land. both parents therefore i'm northern mississippi in bayonet in high-school. my roots are in mississippi i always make sure i go back as much as a kenyan i graduated 1994 but i did stay in extra year because i became editor of the campus newspaper me for the 1993
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year and i only knew from high-school i would do some type of riding but college i decided leaderless i have been with the ap since 1994 started at an intern in south carolina i was there for a few years then went to albany new york to cover hillary clinton's first senate campaign in came to doubt d.c. in a been here ever since. cspan:. forces? -- the forces that the white house? >> andrew jackson american war hero, also a big gambling man and love to the
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zero horses. player pretty safe to say he brought the only sporting print ties to the white house the imported some of his thoroughbreds from tennessee at to washington d.c. and kept them at the white house. he was also a politician so he made sure that forces -- were run under somebody else's name and he was at the racetracks in the d.c. urea while president. basically he was-- stable over a major sporting franchise owner in washington d.c. most likely jackson's forces in the race
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he had some incredible thoroughbreds and was known as one of the most powerful racine owners of that time. he ran racing in tennessee basically as he became president he bring some of them with him and actually build a stable on the white house grounds to keep his horses in respect he brought some of his black jockeys to stay in the stable with the forces. we cannot identify many but we do know a least one and there is a great story where jackson is running a course in the prince george's county area and his vice president dan baron -- van
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buren was not the sporting man that jackson was. trying to get his forces under control the jockey does not control him the way jackson wants him to so he moves toward the track and the ampere in moves towards the track as well. so jackson and the jockey get the horse under control and jackson backs up the van buren does not. / man standing in front of the horse in front of the starting gates jackson house to move the impure in back and that once an obscene follows the vice president the rest of his life that jackson house to pull him of not of the way of the forces white he is a child
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cementing him as jackson's puppet in the pilot and the rest of his career. cspan: you're right about george end monkey's seidman? >> guest: he could have a book to himself the greatest black jockey of his time. 4-foot 6 inches tall. >> guest: you have to be small you are a jockey. [laughter] he was one before some that jackson could not be he tried over and over he sent a different horses after him and he never could beat him. and monkey simon we know one of the first publicly got into trash talking with
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jackson and got away with it . he was a man known for his temper. he would do all, a fight, he was rough andretti. a and b ready but the victories were over and over he would publicly tease him he even wrote an embarrassing song and he would sing but jackson never retaliated even toward the end of his life one of the beans that he regretted he never got to beat monkeyed seidman but we do disguise
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it discovered become friends. we're not scheerer if he owned timber bought him in the future or rented him but we do know they had relations later and they end up at least talking once or twice. book sochi probably was the only living person who's sending to jackson's face to get away with it. cspan: from your book complaining to jackson one day he was attacked by white bien in tennessee. andrew jackson had hominy slaves total? >> guest: in the hundreds. it is one of those weird things when we look at it now. he actually owned people. the he had affection for the
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people that he owned. he was not one that was known to mistreat them in good stand-up for them when someone else attacked them. cspan: he went to lebanon on tennessee beat him up with the cane so severely he was laid up for five weeks in warned him if he ever touched any servant of his again he would shoot him best be met jackson and stood up for his people you know, that if you mess with anybody he would come for you and that included political allies that goes all late to jackson slaves he would called them servants but they were
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slaves. if you were anywhere close you have to deal with the jackson himself. one of his slaves was charged with murder because of a fight at a christmas party. there was all called involved in the the slaves get into an argument and somebody dies so his political enemies in tennessee said it would charge jackson's sleeve with murder. most of the time a slave owner would get this to go away first of all i know
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where you need to prove the case if you don't you will make this go away because he will not use my slaves on me for political reasons so jackson himself took over the case to make sure his people were not treated unfairly in the end up getting off because it wasn't one person over another was a general melee so he got the charges dropped is far in beyond expect a slave owner to do in that time . cspan: go through stories quickly we are running out of time. william andrew johnson was the soleil for did he get his name? >> this is an area you have to be careful because we
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don't know for a fact. we know that he lived within entry johnson we don't know if he was related. it hasn't been proven one way or the other annie he is one of the few slaves that we know so we know pretty
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well he is the only soleil that has been honored by a u.s. president. cspan: news said james buchanan freed a couple of slaves for political reasons >> wednesday star to get close they are getting more squeamish about the slaveholders the buchanan
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decided he needed to get them out. he transfers them then we start to find out they are all lot more careful about publicly been slave owners and they start to divest themselves of any public holdings. cspan: it surprises people that agreement had slaves. >> guest: is surprised me as well you would not think the man put in charge of the army during the civil war would be a slave owner himself but he was. he inherited his slaves through marriage. he did not buy them but the family owned them and what he did himself is he freed them that shows where he was
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so he took it upon himself to free the slaves speech making was the first to eliminate but it seems to me that a lot said they would eliminate slavery but not until they died or their wives died? >> guest: one of the things that i saw was the most of the founding fathers knew slavery was wrong. there are not willing to inconvenience their own lives to make that come true . solana of them said when i
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died my slaves will be free or when my wife dies they did not do that during they're lifetime because they knew, it was pretty clear it was wrong there did not want to perpetuate to another generation also keep in mind they put their lives in a pretty bad situation because the president dies first n beutel all of the slaves that you will be freed once my wife dies the only been that stands between them is one woman's life and freedom you cook for her, clean, a simple accident gives you your freedom.
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allot of the first lady's started to move toward making their slave free quicker instead of waiting until they die. cspan: john tyler fiancee her father died there is a slave quacks. >> at that time he was supposed to be one of the navy's crowning achievement it had to of the biggest t3. so to show this off a sale up and down the potomac some
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people want to see this great creation of the armed forces. they comedown the potomac near mount vernon his slave as the board as well. they decide to honor the first president balefire the cannon. a song is saying that tyler wants to hear. so they tell people they will fire the cannon but they decide to go upstairs to see them fire the t3 unfortunately it is a misfire ended actually explodes on board.
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tyler is baird because he is below deck but the people round the cannon most are immediately killed because it actually exploded so shrapnel it is across the upper deck and several members are killed of the including the personal servant. cspan: talk about when the t12 goes back to the whitehouse. >> this is an example of how they treated slaves the people are taken off of the boat with the beautiful t12 with the cherry atop coffin there is a theme described
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of the mall headed back to the capital he does not get to lie in state he is sent home to his family in a pine box. everyone else is honored. that is how little they were regarded. >> tel 12 over characterize the use seem like a positive person telling the stories but i will show you and then talk about something that you wrote about.
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>> q. what into the capitol to see all the paintings but there is nothing. node douglas, nothing. move was putting up the statue of freedom plaques
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and adams was not very happy to be in washington. he was happy to be president but moving into the white house was not exactly, it was finished but not done. he could live in it but they didn't have the slaves so his wife would call led the drafty mansion to bathe then the potomac it wasn't as we see that now but it got there. cspan: you also talk about


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