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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  August 18, 2016 3:47pm-5:36pm EDT

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prisons. they talked about ending the incentives of mass incarceration. the question will be what we need here to do. she says she has an expiration date. as a minister i'm obligated to tell you all of us have one. the question is, we don't know when that date is and when that day comes, what will they say our time on earth achieves? the hardest job of a preacher is to preach the funeral of somebody that did nothing in life. we are supposed to get up and make up for you what you didn't make for yourself. we hope that you will leave here having heard all of this and not do this for some people somewhere else that are unnamed and that you can't see their face. do it for you so that your life will have meaning and
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you will be part of really making this nation that great again but as great as it can become and the continued pursuit of greatness. i'd like to thank mark mario, all of our panelists, sponsors and you for attending the morning session. let's not leave this discussion in the room but take it to the power and use it for the greater good of our brothers and sisters who are disproportionately and adversely affected by the criminal justice system. president obama pledged more than two hundred inmates a few days ago and most of them were black or brown. he understands the system as it is now working but he's on his way out. we must continue his momentum to right the wrongs that created this lopsided justice system in the first place. get ready.
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this is going to be a bumpy ride no matter who succeed. with that i bid you all audios and pleas enjoy the remainder of your day. i hope to see you all tonight at the gala and see you in the trenches when the convention is over, thank you. . [applause] >>. >> thank you. please helpme show appreciation to all our sponsors . eric etienne, allstate insurance company and eli lilly. none of this would be possible without your assistance and support so we thank you again.
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>> this week we had the pleasure of hearing from some of the top leaders in this country and this afternoon, we have another from the great state of maryland. governor gary hogan was inaugurated as the six governor of the state of maryland on july, on january 21 2015 since taking office he has worked tirelessly to grow maryland private sector and create more friendly for his state. his focus on improving quality of life for marylanders, making it an easier place to live, to work and raise a family and retire was the goal of change in his state. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the honorable larry hogan, governor of the state of maryland. [applause] >> good afternoon. good afternoon. thank you all very much. great to be here with you.
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as your official hostgovernor . i want to take a moment to officially welcome each and every one of you to the great state of maryland and i want to thank you very, very much for holding your 2016 national urban league conference right here in baltimore city. thank you very much. [applause] lieutenant governor boy rutherford is also here with us, somewhere out here, stand up. boy rutherford? he's been a wise and steady partner in government, he's an important part of everything that we are accomplishing together. and the citizens of maryland are truly fortunate to have him as an outstanding lieutenant governor. i'm both lieutenant governor and i, for both of us it is really an honor to be here among so many business
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leaders who have made it their mission to bring real change to communities and to people all across the nation. the urban league has a long and proud history with deep roots in the civil rights have built an incredible legacy of helping our nation move forward and to heal amid some of our most serious moments of division and conflict. from detroit in the 60s to los angeles in the 90s to right here in baltimore city just last year. and for all of your great work, we say thank you. i am here, thank you. [applause] i'm here today with you as the 62nd governor of the state of maryland area
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i'm also here as a lifelong maryland are. grew up in inner beltway prince georges county from the neighborhoods of landover and capitol heights and i'm here as someone who decided to run for office, not out of any desire to see something but because i wanted to do something and i know that each and every person inthis room can relate to that . all of you truly understand how much is at stake. i know the theme of your conference this year is say that ourcities . education, jobs and justice. so it is very fitting that you are here in baltimore city. a city rich in history and filled with an incredibly hard-working resolute and resilient people. but it's a city that has been infested and it was just 90 days after i became governor, worst violence in 47 years.
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the fabric of baltimore city. we worked hard to turn peace and called in our most important city and our team has earned praise from all around the nation for the way we handled that crisis. but after those dark days that ended, we were faced with questions. what would happen next? we knew then that if there was any hope of truly changing this city for the better that we had to address the long-standing and serious problems and we had to face them head on. getting with your priorities, education, jobs and justice . education is and always will be our number one priority in our administration. we had delivered record investments two years in a
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row, $6.3 billion just last year in education. but in addition our administration is also committed to thinking outside the box and advocating for innovative solutions to ensure that every single child has the opportunity to get a world-class education regardless of what neighborhood happen to grow up in area that's why last year i announced our administration's goal to launch the tech schools in maryland with the first two right here in baltimore city. that will be opening for this upcoming school year. it is an innovative program that plans high school college and workplace experience to produce students who have both the skills and the opportunities they need to be successful. there are program students in baltimore city will be able to have a chance to gain in demand skills that employers
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need in the 21st century workforce and employers here in maryland will gain a steady pipeline of the most highly skilled professionals. our state is already proud to be the home of the most highly skilled workforce in the entire nation but i have stressed over and over again that in order to create more jobs and more opportunities that we must address the supply that we have seen in our schools. and while we make sure that in a constantly evolving landscape that our children have the tools they need to succeed, we must also make sure that our communities foster economic development and economic empowerment. fortunately our state is making incredible progress. we've added more than 74,000 new private sector jobs. we've gone from last place in
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the mid-atlantic region in job creation to first place in the mid-atlantic region in job creation. in march we moved to number one in the entire nation. [applause] our small state of maryland not only do we have the fastest rate of job growth of any state in the country but our little state actually added more jobs than any other big state in the country. [applause] we are fighting to bring thousands of new jobs to those areas of our state where unemployment is high. including right here in baltimore city. and to improve access to those jobs we are investing in our transportation infrastructure including $135 million to completely transform baltimore city and tire transit system. we are working hard to find ways to restore our communities and to keep our streets safe .
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earlier this year we announced a historic initiative called project core to address the long-standing problem of blank across this city. we are investing $100 million in blight removal and providing another $600 million in financing opportunities for redevelopment here just over the next couple of years. project core is not just about tearing down unsafe and unsightly buildings that are a hotbed for crime and drugs, it's about rebuilding, revitalizing and transforming this entire city area in addition, i've recently signed into law the justice reinvestment which was brought up the product of months of bipartisan negotiation and debate, aimed at protecting maryland citizens and modernizing marilyn's criminal justice system. these laws will finally help our state break the cycle of incarceration and create an
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environment of economic opportunity or every maryland are or it will be an important tool in the ongoing fight against the heroine and opioid emergency, a crisis that has played city and communities from one end of the country to the other. and we've been leading the nation on this site and lieutenant governor boyd rutherford has been leading the effort in our state, carrying the maryland heroine and opioid emergency task force and i want to again recognize him and thank him for his contingent leadership. [applause] our justice investment act also allows our state to improve reentry outcomes and provide second chances for those who have served their time and have a desireto be law-abiding and productive citizens . in baltimore just like all of our cities does face some
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serious challenges. but we are committed to finding solutions and i've always said that i don't care which side of the aisle that those ideas come from. but that we must find bipartisan common sense solutions to the serious problems that face us. in order to do that, we must all be willing to work together to be a part of the solution. we must seek to empower instead of seeking to demonize. because we must not give up on our cities and we simply cannot afford to leave anyone behind. [applause] >> thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be here with you today. and i want to thank all of you who contribute so much to improving our communities.
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your success truly is baltimore's success and the success of cities all across america. don bless you and may god blessthe urban league , thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you governor. we appreciate your hard work and taking the time to be here to support the conference this year. let us give the governor another round of applause. [applause] our next speaker is carolyn colden, acting commissioner of the social security administration. carolyn colden believes there is no greater calling to public service . pulling out of her own retirement, miss coleman returned to public service at the request of president barack obama to serve as
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deputy commissioner for the social security administration in january 2011. since february 14 2013, miss colvin has served as acting commissioner. recently inducted into the national forum for black public administration, hall of fame and named one of baltimore's sons, 50 million to watch. she raised more than 30 years of senior executive leadership experience to the agency . she has elected numerous health and human services organizations in the state and municipal level. including various capacities within the social security administration. miss colvin also serves as a member of the social security board of trustees and the national academy of public relations. please welcome commissioner carolyn w colvin. [applause]
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>> good afternoon. it's such an honor to be here with you today. i first wanted to thank mark morreale for extending this invitation for me to speak to you today and for his exceptional leadership of this great organization. i also want to j howard henderson, president ceo of the greater baltimore urban league. i want to thank all of you for what you do here. you. as a supporter of the urban league as a young woman and all of the movement for many years and i'm committed to work on this historic bill of rights organization and i'm very proud to be in the midst of such dedicated and public individuals as yourself. we are in an incredible.
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in american history. but there are so many opportunities to take a difference in the lives of those who are in need. i'm so proud to serve the american public as the acting commissioner of the social security administration. this is an organization that has impacted the lives of so many americans. the work that we do is extremely important but it is also the work of auxiliaries such as yours that is so extremely important. at the federal level, we understand that we are quite limited in what we can actually accomplish if we don't pass into thelocal resources . but men and women with their boots on the ground who help shape our policy and to meet the needs of the community we serve. your role as leaders of the urban league is well to making this happen and in our brief time with you today i
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want to talk just a little about why social security is so important to the american public and why your partnership is so vital to us. one of my priorities as acting commissioner has been to ensure that everyone understands their social security protection. this is especially important in our cities where many people face serious economic disadvantages. our newest slogan is also security is with you through life's journey. few government agencies such as many lives as the social security administration area the services that fsa provides touch everyamerican and it's a part of the american family . social security is there on day one with a social security card number that stays with you through your lifetime. it'sthere with you as you grow , protecting your family in case of disability or
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death. it's there with you when you get your first job, helping your employer secure your identity and report your earnings accurately. it's there for you if you are severely disabled to help you cope by replacing a portion of your lost income. it's there when you marry to protect your new family and change your name if you wish and of course, it's there for you at your retirement to provide extra measures of financial security. although we usually don't like to think about it, americans need to be financially prepared not only for assistance tomorrow but also for what could happen to any of us today. the following workers through licensed security, social security interest families have something to fall back on in old age or inthe event of a catastrophic illness , injury or death. social security was never
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intended to be the sole source of one's retirement income. yet all too often it is. among african-americans, more than a third of elderly americans who receive social security rely on it for all or nearly all of their income. for those who are not married, more than half do. these figures are higher than the national average. all segments of the population need to save more. african-americans face unique challenges when it comes time to prepare for retirement. the average african-american household owns only six cents for every dollar in wealth held by the typical white family and african-americans families are more than twice as likely as whites to hold no financial assets at all and have zero or negative
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network. not surprisingly, retirement savings are disproportionately low among this population. most african-american household have less than $10,000 in retirement and nothing in our retirement account. the fact is, retirement benefits is a serious problem in this country for people of all culture backgrounds but for americans, african-americans, they already have a huge gap to close. the situation is even more distressing. to enjoy a comfortable retirement, workers should think of social security as a foundation. it should be continued with other sources or combined with other sources of income like pensions, savings and investments. so far i thought mostly about social security but we also manage the supplemental security income program known as ssi. ssi is a need-based program
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or elderly, blind and disabled people with a limited income and unlike social security, people do not need to have worked to qualify for ssi. this program is particularly essential for many african-americans since it's african-americans who receive ssi or more likely than the general population to live in poverty. ssi benefits averaged only about 75 percent of the federal poverty rate for individuals and just over 80 percent for couples. that's not a lot of money to live on but it goes a long way to reducing the number of people in extreme poverty. many people who qualify for ssi never apply. please help us get the word out to people who need this program but maybe too proud to apply or just don't know
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that it is available. so why am i sharing this with you today? as i mentioned, i need your help . as leaders you interact on a regular basis with individuals and families who need to be informed about the national planning. alone, we can do only so much. but together we can make a real impact on the stats that i mentioned earlier. i want to again extend my warmest congratulations to those of you are being honored today . i'm certain that you are being given this recognition because you have demonstrated how important and committed you are to this organization and the principles for which it stands. as noted at the beginning that social security is with you through every stage of your life and this is so important for everyone in this country but it is especially critical for those in our society who must get
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by on less income and have fewer opportunities to get ahead. so i encourage you to visit social for a wealth of information and online tools for this program and i hope you will share this information with your resources. i also welcome all of you to stop by in the exhibit hall to argue and our staff will be happy to answer any questions. how many of you in the audience have established a retirement security account? thank you so much for those of you who have. for those of you who have not it's important to protect your earnings statement each year.we are very good at social security but we could make a mistake. record the weight of 176 million individuals and we want to make sure that we got there information for the
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benefits that you will ultimately receive will be based on the information we have on your earnings. again, i want to congratulate you. i want to commend you for the very important work that you do with this organization. thank you so much for taking the time to listen to me. thank you. [applause] quest thank you commissioner coleman. your service is of great importance and greatly appreciated. the next is oneof the most respected , revered and in a few words, successful attorneys in the country and i daresay in the world. consider the second most successful attorney practicing today. he is none other than mister willie e garratt, attorney extraordinaire on the law firm of gary william, pardini, watson and gary p llc. willie e garratt earned the reputation as the giant
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killer by taking down some of america's most well-known corporate giants on behalf of his client. . he has on some of the largest jury awards and settlements in us history. including cases valued in the excess of $30 billion. gary and his amazing success has earned international recognition as one of the countries leading trial attorneys . last year he made headlines with a stunning $23.6 billion case against r.j. reynolds tobacco. his mass appeal stems from his desire to be the best and compassionate work ethic he learned from his whole beginnings. the georgia native one of 11 children raised in migrant farmingcommunities in florida , georgia and the carolinas. known as the businessman's churchman, and humanitarian
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and philosopher, gary is deeply involved in charity work and civic work area is committed to enhancing the lives of young people and through education and drug prevention. he has formed the gary foundation to carry out this political task. gary foundation fights scholarships, direction and other resources. gary has pledged $10.1 million at shaw university. he has also donated millions of dollars to dozens of historically black colleges and universities through the usa. in addition to being a lawyer, fled philanthropist and motivational speaker, gary continues to serve on the board of trustees of numerousuniversities and foundations . he has received honorary doctorates from dozens of colleges and universities and is active in numerous community organizations from
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the urban league to the naacp. ladies and gentlemen, welcome the giant killer, mister willie garrett. [applause] >> cynthia, i want you know that after orchestrating that introduction your check will be in the mail next week, let's give her a big hand. [applause] as the mayor of this greatcity , the governor and to my good friend julianne malveaux and to all of those that are here to make up this urban league family, it's a pleasure to be here with you and to be a part of this gathering here today. i'm excited. and again, i want to thank you for those very kind and generous remarks.
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after standing there and listen to you say all of those good things about me, it started to get good and just as you are about to fill in, i wanted to tell her to keep on talking. but it is gratifying to have done something while you're here and you can hear it's as worthwhile. so i just, you know, trying to say god every day for looking down on this farm boy. i was born in eastland georgia in a cotton field. and to be here in this big city and sit next to the mayor and talk to the lieutenant governor and the governor and all these, it was all cotton for me.
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i want you to know that. but you know, at the end of the day no matter who you are, how much time you have you think you have , and i hope it's all right to say this. i just feel that no matter what your status is in life, how much faith you have, you should never forget the bridge that brought you over. >> i want to say if it's okay with you all that you have to be careful about how you give god the praise but is it all right if i say board, i thank you? is that all right? [applause] and i say that because i know that when we were trying that case against one of the largest tobacco companies in the world and they had over 100 lawyers
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just a few of us. but it didn't bother me because i knew that i knew a lawyer. can i get a witness? i knew a lawyer that hadnever lost a case . and we fought that fight and because of his grace we brought home victory. and i'm excited about the sender being with me today because it's been this organization and many others like the urban league that have been fighting the good fight. that has made this great nation a greater nation and i think we need to applaud the urban league for having done so much for so many, give yourself a big hand.
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you made a difference over the years. and you know, i want to expand on your theme just a little bit. i know we've got a saying about citizens, there's no question about that but something about it i don't get, i told men and women, that need role models, that need someone to look up to. and i'm telling you, i'm challenging you, this is what i try to do every day of my life, i try to sit some young boy or girl down and tell them about what it takes to make it in life. they got no free ride. nobody's going to give you anything but young people, you can be whatever you want to be, don't let anybody stop you i was told that i wasn't college material but it didn't stop me.
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because i wanted to be something and people, i challenge you today do not let anybody hold you back. make it happen. i was talking to some people the other day and they said well, i don't have this, i don't have that. i said forget about that. i don't want to hear it. , you can be whatever you want to be but you need us, you need role models. be the average file, go to the parks and playgrounds, where they are and sit the young people down and tell them about what it takes to make it to stay away from jobs, they need to hear that from us. , there was a time that when i was growing up, everybody used to help everybody's job. , you've got some problem down the street, esther jones would put you in your place and went on home and you got it again. i'm not going to say what you
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got. because i'm not going to jail. but you know what i'm talking about. can i get a witness? our young people need this and it really bugs me when i see those of us who can't . we make it to our ivory tower offices and forget about the least of these are we forget about our young people. let me just tell you, i witnessed this every day. those of us who make it and we got there because of our own superior power or intellect, the first thing we do is on our do not disturb sign,you don't have the right to do this . you don't have a right to put on shades of indifference and think that you've got where you are on your own. because doctors and the mayor, they all had a grandmother, they had and
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most of us have on purpose, they didn't get to where you are on your own. [applause] and another thing, let me saythis and i have to do this . i promise. the negro college fund, i do it anywhere, everywhere and at a time. and it's a historically black colleges, let's give black colleges a big hand. give it up for black colleges. i say that because they were there when i had no place to go. i'm not saying your child has to go to us historically black college, and say what i am saying, don't you put colleges down. you have no right to do that. and a lot of us wouldn't be where we are today and let me tell you something else. if your child, it's been four
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years or like in some cases like my voice, five or six years. if they can do that and graduate from one of our historically black colleges, chances are they've gotten one of the best educations they'll get anywhere in this nation. [applause] can i get a witness to that? i graduated from shaw university, historically black college. and ccu law school, ablack law school . and i have lawyers working for me that graduated from harvard, yale and princeton and i've found their bracelets everytwo weeks, give black colleges a big hand . >> and let me tell you anotherthing , are you
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qualified, i hear those words, are you qualified and our young people are more than qualified, they just need to be given a chance to read give them an opportunity , are you qualified? i'll never forget it. are you qualified? of course i'm qualified. i remember back in the 60s when i was coming home from college, my wife gloria and his son kenneth just got my new car, the first car i ever had. you couldn't tell me, i couldn't wait to go get home to show off my shaw university t-shirt . and show off my son, you know how i had to do it. and i'm riding throughgeorgia . and they're all talking about being qualified. being qualified. we are more than qualified. first, let's say this. it was amazing.
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and this is a true story. i'm riding through georgia. and gloria told me about carrying my drivers license on me and they said today, i don't care. my drivers license and if they stop me, you have to get me out. i said if they don't carry my license on me, just don't do it and i'm going through georgia. i'm in the car, got my eight track tape playing. james brown was singing, got a brand-new bag. and i know you all understand. you talk about being qualified. i got my speed up there good and all of a sudden i saw big blue lights flashing. i look up and i said lord have mercy. you know we forget about the thing but we don't forget the call on the law.
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when we get in trouble. and gloria was telling me and i knew i didn't have a driver's license. i just didn't have one. but i was alone there, james brown is singing got a brand-new bag and allthat stuff . and i got out of the car. and i saw this tall, big billy. state trooper. talk about being qualified? listen to this. he had stopped dripping down his lip. and he walked up to me and i just was shaking in my boots, you understand. all of a sudden he said boy, let me see your driver's license. and i knew i didn't have a driver's license in the first place and i'm scratching and patting.
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i automatically pull out my urban league card and he's next it away from me. he said boy, let me see what you have there. he took it and he looked at it and he looked at it and he looked at it. he said boy, you better have had your driver's license on you. get on out here. and then he stopped me. you wanted to give me a ticket anyway. but guess what? he wanted me to write the ticket out for him. and i did but i signed his name on theticket . and they had a warrant out for him and not for me. thank you and may god bless you. [applause]
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>> thank you mister garrett. the giant killer. we are privileged to have you with us today. we appreciate you tremendously, please give him another round of applause. thank you. our next speaker epitomizes what it means to be a woman of power in every way. she is doctor julianne malveaux, president of affinity college for women. she is also an economics, an author, a highly sought after political commentator who is whose writings have appeared in usa today, black issues and higher education. mrs. magazine, essence magazine, progressive and many more. well-known for appearances on national network programs and
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cnn, bet, pbs, nbc, abc, fox news, msnbc, cnbc, c-span and many others. doctor julianne malveaux is offering commentaries on subjects ranging from economics to women's rights and public policy. a committed activist, civic leader. doctor malveaux has held positions in women's rights and policy organizations. currently she served as secretary, treasurer of economic policy . doctor malveaux is president of xl education grant of the rainbow coalition and author of we are better off. race, obama and public policy. please welcome doctor julianne malveaux. [applause]
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>> good afternoon everyone. come on, we got you all. afternoon everyone. i am just very flattered to be here. i wanted to continue to speak after our wonderful mc, give her a round of applause. a copy of my most recent book which is are we better off, i could not have worded that any better, how are we better off? race, obama and public policy, please enjoy. you know, i'm very rarely intimidated in my lifetime but i have to come after the giant killer? i mean, you do not want to be in a courtroom with mister gary when he comes up in there. we do know in english but you don't use standard english
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when willie garrett is up in there. as a matter of fact, if you are a company or if you are messing up, you'd better take your wallet and run when willie garrett comes up in there so i just, my brother and my friends we go back to work together, we post a television show? again, i have to let the brother go.
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foremother, who have earned that will degree, doctor, was an amazing woman whose life could be swallowed, if we don't remember the history belongs to, she who holds the pen. she who tells the story, she who does the history. i must say, doctor sadie was also the first president of it. and, i know there's some red and white up in the house. once said i wasn't supposed to say whoa, i wasn't supposed to do. the story about doctor alexander that is so will a vanlts, the black lives matter, and the national urban league is she got
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her doctorate in 1921, against all odds, with people not paying her tonight mind, the dean of the -- she got a phd, could in the find a job teaching and went to work, in north carolina mutual, came back, and got a law degree, first black woman to make matriculate at the university of perngdz. first, and instructed over people not speak to her so she was hazed. and isolate he. once she wrote, after a harrowing day, she had walked truth rains, and, she approached two young white women and they wouldn't speak to her. so she wrote, in her journal, imagine seeing the people that you ask a question, sitting in the front row of the class. i many all alone lord, all i have is you. and i think when we talk about
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black lives matter, we have too talk about sadie. because, that faith was something was going to get her through. she wrote her disser tasting on the migration of the -- the economic state tuesday of 100 negro families in pennsylvania, she created consumption indexes, before they had done so. why is it relevant? somebody tried to swallow that lady's life. somebody tried to say it did not mat ter so you have a stellar woman who, i bet you didn't know about. maybe three quarters. i'm not going to s we don't know a lot of stuff because nobody tells us and we didn't look. and yet we know a whole lot of my new sha, about fools.
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stuff happens you turn on the television and they have fools pontiff know indicating. we have our maryland governors, but the man is a man of courage. because he said he was not going to conform to his crazy party who found something in a tour nip patch and decided to make that his nominee. they had me, so they're used to me. i wasn't going act up. but we know more than we need to know about mr. disprum all hills offspring. but we don't know in his many marriages. i'm not going there. we have to make room for sadie, in her head and history books.
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the guild has to be proud that they nurtured a sadie for 27 years as a secretary of this organization and when we talk about what matters, we have to talk about the mattering of the lives that we don't pay attention to. if we didn't get sadie, who add doctorate and at law degree, then what about the folks, no degrees. so you got the degrees, and no "d's." so who asked about the story of the sister whose outside directing us to go to this room or that one? who asks about the story of the young brother, who yesterday so kindly carried my heavy bag, which i was foolish enough to bring. but do we know hills story? did he graduate from high school? is he trying to go to college. we talk about education saving people's lives. do we begin to actualize that.
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so when we talk about lives that matter, it is about what we are doing to honor life and to lift life up. we can't save our cities in theory. we can't save our cities, by city. we will save our cities life by life. we will save it, street-corner by street corner. block by block. we will save them when we decide that the suburbs and the inner city deserve the same kind of the education as opposed to those gaps. today we learned that the unemployment rate went down to 4.0 -- went to 4.8. but the black rate remains double. how come we can't close that gap? are we committed to close it go. do we accept it oh, well, it went down under president barak obama. yes, it did. but no, he didn't.
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he didn't move black folks backwards, but he could have dawn whole lot more, in my opinion, you can beurks to move us forward. i'm good with it. don't throw anything too large unless it is a diamond or a nice sized bill. all i'm saying is, we have accepted less than we should, when we talk about saving our cities. we have not heard from this will administration or aggressively enough from our platforms about urban policy. what are we going to do about our cities? you can't just save cities. you have to talk about how we revive, and, i love that blake was here, mayor of baltimore, amazing woman.
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>> she was calling it. she was seriously calling it. but also didn't we have a contrast, when states came forward to report their results. wasn't that -- contrast, in our states, with 3, 4 people, and them over people, who will remain nameless. who had 18. >> i want i want to say to us, when we talk about lives matter. they will only matter, if they matter us to. they will only matter, if we do the work. who is doing the work? this is, i love coming to urban league conventions, it's family is d.n.a. mark is a good friend. and amazing leader. i love being at the conventions. but i more love being in the streets with the folks.
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if we're going to make a change and save our cities, one of you all, are going to have to take a young person, to a school, do something, say something, be something. if you don't do it, balls you want to do it, for sadie, think about sadie, i didn't tell you heard whole story. you know what they're going to do to me. they did it to al sharpton, he was talking and he wouldn't stop talking and the podium started going down. so, he bent over, and he could not bend but so far, thank you very much. anyway, i cop take my shoes off, so, i have a few inches to work with. i'm just kidding. but what i want to say, i want those who don't know about sadie to google her. understand her and then, i want you to understand, is when we
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say that all lives matter, i'm talking, we're talking about the minutia of lives, when you get up in the morning, leave your house, have to walk-through crime and go for a school that's rad get, if we're going save our cities we'll have to deal with the minutia. all lives matter when we make them matter and that includes, all black lives. thank you all so very much. it's so good to be with you, and thank you for not lowering the podium. >> today, on "q and a," democratic senator, talks about her career, in wisconsin's political history. "q and a" starts at 7 p.m. through the end of august. and on book t.v. prime-time, global politics, david sander,
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the less you know, the better you sleep. russia's road to terror, under yet son and putin. >> politics in mexico. at 9:30, choosing the hero, my improbable journey in the first woman president. at 10:10, this brave new world, india, and chin into and the united states. >> a history of violence, liferling and dying. all this comes up tonight on book t.v. prime-time on c-span 2,. >> p senator tim kaine talks about his life story. he's introduced by the group's c.e.o., mark.
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♪ let me ask you to please proceed to your seats. thank you very. give yourselves a big round of applause. good morning, again. [applause] >> as we prepare for our presidential, let me offer a few important thoughts. it has been tradition, of the national urban league, as 501c3 tax exempt organization, to extend invitations to the candidates, of the two major political parties in the united states to be a part of our presidential plenfarry, which is
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taking place every year recall that going all the way back to 2003, the year before the 2004 election, the natural urban league hosted a presidential primary plenary, at which a number of democratic candidates and then incumbent president george bush attended, and participated. in 2004, when the nominees were john kerry and george w. bush, both of them joined us in detroit, michigan. and addressed the confer res at that usual ban league conference.
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the year before the 2008 election we extended an invitation to each and every announced candidate for both of democratic and republican nomination for president. we were joined at that time, by a number of democratic candidates, including president barak obama, and, we were also joined, the, he didn't speak but he came by to say hi, by mike huckabee. moving forward, in 2008, we were pleased when we net orlando, pleased that we were joined by both senator obama and sennat tor mccain for our presidential plenary event. in 2012, the year, of the
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presidential election we extended invitations to both president barak obama as well, as governor mitt romney and he declined. but president barak obama joined us, in new orleans. last year when we met, in florida, in a wonderful meeting, remember, it was almost as hot as it is in baltimore. we add grand time. we were joined by five candidates. those five candidates, included three democrats, and two republicans. this year, consistent with our effort to extend invitations, to the candidates, of both major parties, we extended an
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intratasting to both the hillary clinton campaign and the donald trump campaign. to both, to attend or send an appropriate high level representative. i want all of you to know, today, that the hillary clinton campaign accepted our invitation, and has sent its vice-presidential nominee tim kaine to be with us and i'll introduce him in a minute. the donald trump campaign, who we corresponded with, declined, our invitation to be here this morning. so i want each of you and the media to have that very important history of how we have proceeded and what we have done, is consistent with what we tried to do over the years to provide
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an opportunity for people to come and speak to urban leaguers from all across the nation. as we gather, we gather with our main street marshal plan, in mind. we gather, under the theme of save our cities education, jobs and just items. we gather for serious and sobering conversation about the challenges, that we face as a nation. so before introducing senator tim kaine we're joined by a number of elected officials, from the state of maryland. if any are in the audience, let me ask if they would stand so we can properly recognize them. please stand. representative cummings, great leader. from baltimore, and the state of
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maryland. thank you. now, onto tim kaine. some of you may not have known a lot about tim kaine prior to his selection as hillary clintons on the running-mate. but it's no secret, in close and open circles that he is a man of integrity, who has helped people throughout his life. he's been a missionary, he's been a civil rights lawyer. he's been a teacher. he's been a city council member, a mayor, lieutenant governor. the governor. and now a united states senator. in fact, he is one of only 30 people in american history to serve as miefer, governor and as the united states senator.
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elected to the senate in 2012 as can do optimist skilled in bringing people together across lines of parties, race, region, and gender, in the senate. he's on the armed services committee. the budget committee, the foreign relations committee and the aging committee. he's a ranking member on the armed services, and foreign relations, committee, and international operations and buy lateral international development. a man of great accomplishments. it is no longer that is so well received by most who meat him. he grew up, in his father's iron working shop, in kansas city. he attended and was educatedded at the university of missouri,
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and harvard law school and started his public service school by taking a year off to run a technical school founded by missionaries, in honduras. after law school he practiced law, in richmond for 17 years, specializing in the representation of people who were denied housing. he also began teaching part-time at the university of richmond, in 1987. first elected to office in 1994 as a city council member and then mayor of richmond, as i said, he went onto become lieutenant governor and now serves in the united states senna.
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>> let's hear what tim kaine has to say. please greet, senator tim kaine ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good morning. what a treat, please. what a treat to be here. i want top just start with a set of thanks and then, get to the important business of the day. i'm thrilled to be in baltimore as a richmond, i consider baltimore a neighboring city and the city shows off so well. i want to thank your president, mark, he as dear friend because mark was as mayor's mayor.
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i met him when he was the mayor of new orleans and was the president of the u.s. conference of mayors. that's an important position. when the mayors of this country choose somebody to be the president that's a sign of unique honor and that's how we met back in 2001. we both had a little more hire and it was a little less gray. but his role as president of the urban league is so important. did you a great job for the people of new orleans, and that's why they elected him and now he's here doing great work. i also want to thank the chair of the national board of directors, who's a long time friend, and all the board members, orges like this can't be successful without dedicated boards. so, to you and your color licks i give you my thanks. i was greeted by three wonderful public servants. somebody who, just is such a leader, in the united states senate. barbara, i have learned so much
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from her. please give her a round of applause. [applause] >> to an effective congressman that i have had amired from afar and now i've had the pleasure to work with, congressman cummings. so glad to be here, in your city. and then finally, as former mayor i'm glad to have your mayor, she did a fantastic job as the secretary of democratic national convention and we applaud her. it is an honor to be here with the urban league because of the issues that are close to your heart are also close to mine. i got my start in politician in the richmond city councilcy. as your presidentry anded i was city council, mayor, lieutenant governor, and, governor, and, u.s. senate tomplet i have a hard time keeping a job.
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[laughter] >> only 29 people in the history of the united states have been a mayor, governor and united states senator. i was surprised, but then i thought back, being mayor is o hard, and you make so many people so mad, that the miefer is the last job you'll hold. they are important and nobody knows that, more than the urban league. i always say that the most valuable lessons that i have learned, and if i'm good at anything, in politics, it is because of the lessons i learned in local government. that's where you are close toast people's lives and that's where you can see how your choices impact communities. like which schools you decide to renovate. what neighborhoods you direct your investment towards. what policing and law enforcement philosophy do you adopt? these are the decisions. just like urban league, strives
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to do, we try to, in local government, empower people and communities. so, i'll just begin, by saying thank you, thank you for fighting for long overdue reforms. thank you for helping people get good jobs. thank you for those missions in your chapters, and throughout the history. when i was mayor of richmond we add an urban league, that worked with us on summer job programs. because they knew that a job for a young person would change somebody's life, especially, if that young person maybe hadn't felt like someone was believing in them. that's what i saw, in richmond. the impact, is an impact that i have seen up close. i want to know, if hillary clinton and i win this november. you'll have two people in the white house who understand the unique set of challenges, facing the cities and we are committed
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to working together, to solve them. [applause] >> i am amount believer in the power of our cities. they are huge sources of the national frequent to thrive. they have to have a partner, in washington, housing, environmental issues, and jobs and so much else. i know it first hand. i promise that our cities will find a partner in clinton-tim kaine -- hillary clinton asked me to be her running-mate -- that she called me and asked me to join the ticket. and, so, it's still pretty new. just twelve days old, as i have become part of the ticket. one state, in this country, virginia knows me well and i need introduce myself to the
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people of the other 49 states. we took a bus-tour, with my wife ann, who just stepped down to campaign full-time and with president clinch ton, a bus-tour, last week, after the fan fast particular convention, that we indeed philadelphia. were any of you there? [applause] >> philadelphia really showed off well. we were in pierzynski pennsylvania, and ohio, this week i have been in florida, and north north before coming to baltimore and i'll be in wisconsin and michigan tomorrow. we're not wasting a single minute because it is 967 days until e lex day. we have to make everyday count. the stakes are just too high for too many people. you know that, better than anybody. i had the chance to work with some of you before and i'm grateful. i see my long time friend, herman, who is a great friend.
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what i want to do, is just to tell you a little bit about who i am, what i care about and who i'll be fighting for everyday, if america elections hillary and me. you heard a little bit from mark. i grew up in kansas city. do we have any missouri folks here? >> right here in the center. the heard land of the audience. i grew up, that didn't care about politics. they cared about service and treating people right. my dad ran a small union iron working shop. he would tell my two younger brothers and me, it is the artistry of these welders that will put these committees and my business skill that will put my workers kids through supreme court it wasn't a battle between management and labor. it was a partnership.
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my dad, and my mom, they're alive and healthy. they are why i believe, so deeply in standing for partnership with workers and labor today. my faith was always important, because of the way i was raised. i went to jest witness high school, you know how seriously they take service. our high school's motto, it was a boy's school. men for others, you measured your life by what you could do for others. i knew, that's what i wanted to do it i wanted to grow up to be a man for others, fight for social justice and watch out for people. that's one thing to say it, but i had to figure out how to do it. i went to mizzou, and harvard law school, in the middle of harvard, i took a year off to work with missionaries, teaching kids in a very im
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positive very riched, community how to be welders and carpenters. that was a transformative experience for me. it exposed me to what a lot of world is like. not just a poverty that i was unfamiliar with, but also, it was a military dictatorship. people continue vote, and participate. and they longed for a day when they could participate, in politics and i came back to a country, where, so many of us took it for greantsdz. i came back to law school. got my degree, and the greatest stroke of life met my wonderful life ann. we're been moreried for 32 years and still go to the very church we were married in. [applause] >> unlike my family, non political, anns a family is very into politics. her dad, was the republican
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governor of virginia, who made the decision, to de segregate virginia schools. the previous governors, had fought to maintain segregation. 16 years. all kinds of tricks were being blade. but len decided, everybody is equal. he integrated the schools, and his wife, they didn't just make a rule, then they sent their own kids to the public schools, in the heart of the city. that sent a strong signal. [applause] >> to the people of virginia, that, their governor wasn't going to backdown, that the leaders, had to not just pass rules for others and then be willing to live by them. there's a front-page picture, on the 'new york times' of of the y that he is escorting his daughter, into what had been a
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single race. >> i'm proud had to say that many years later, scan i sent our three kids to the same richmond public schools their grand father had opened to everybody, 40 years before. [applause] >> she was just about my age. i was 26 which i started practicing law. she was just starting her career. she saw an ad for an apartment in the local paper, called the number. felt like it matched what she wanted and she set up an appointment to visit. she went on her lunch-hour.
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as soon as the landlord saw her face, he said the apartment has just been rent. she went back to work, and she asked a white colleague to and the landlord was of course it was still available. so, lorraine came to me and i filed my first lawsuit against the owner of that apartment. with the testimony, that case was a slamdunk, but because i had done one case, i was now the fair housing expert, in the entire virginia state bar. for the next 17 years i worked to bring dozens of suits against banks, landlords and insurance companies, and even local governments that had treated people unfairly. in 1998 i represented a group of families, challenging, red-lining, in the insurance,
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when i tried to case, in 1998 i won the largest jury verdict, in a civil rights case in american history. took me six years to get to the verdict but we were battling. you know hillary clinton's story, she was working at the children's legal defense fund, going under cover, and, in the alabama schools. but i got to paint a contrast. because hillary clinton's opponent, donald trump, was taking a different path. here's what he was doing, in 1973 'the new york times' reported, that the justice department had filed suit after donald trump and his father, for refusing to rent apartments to african-americans. it was one of the largest federal cases, at the time. when federal investigators spoke
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with the employees, they said they were instructed to mark rental applications, people on the back of the application with a c., c. for colored so, they would know who they wanted to rent to. and the reason the justice department became aware of this was because of testing and work that the urban league had done to bring that to the attention of the justice dipt. [applause] >> this was as huge lawsuit. the government took action and filed the lawsuit, to stop discrimination, but at 39 different properties, and part of the resolution of the suit, also involved the urban league. it had the ability to recommend tenants at all of these properties for a period of two years. so, the urban league was working on this, and has been forever. i'm battling it in virginia. it was the kind of housing discrimination that i made the
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heart of my legal career. so this is real personal to me. i could have stayed in the civil rights field for my whole life. i thought i was. but, i found myself going to city council meetings. i heard senator tell her story about fighting city hall and i found myself, in richmond, raising some of the issues, that i was dealing with. like a lot of great cities, richmond has a lot to offer, and a lot of problems. wherever a city with a history. now i had seen extreme poverty, and some of the parts of richmond weren't that far off. i had seen inadequate healthcare, and some parts aren't that far off. too many schools were de lipadated. two were back in the 1880's, and the buildings didn't send a message.
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you can guess, which student were sent to the oldest and to the most broken down schools. poor kids, it felt like just somebody if you walked in these schools, somebody had quietly decided that these kids just deserved less than everybody else. so the same thing, got me in local office. i wanted to stand up and see if i could make a difference and not wait around for somebody else to tackle these issues. so i ran my first race in 1994. it was something i never thought i would do i knocked on every dor, and i won my first race by 94 votes. [applause] >> i ran more mayor. it was odd, the city was about 60% minority, and about a painful part of my city.
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it was formed in the 17 80s, and it was majority white until 1977. during that 200 year periods the white majority never let at african-american be mayor, never. so now the city had become majority african-american, and just a few years, i decided, as i was in my third term of council that i wanted to put myself forward to be mayor. asked the african-american community to do something for me, which the caucasian community had never been willing to to do. and, that was hey, judge me on my record. let me do my job. i went to one of my mentors. henry marsh, civil rights
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lawyer. henry was elected the first mayor, in 1977. we had been friends. he asked me, look at me, dead in the fairks if i would work my heart out for everybody in the city. i told him i would, and then he said, run. you'll run with my blessing as long as you never forget who you are working for and you never forget the privileges that made your success possible and we're extending you an opportunity that nobody ever extended to us. you remember and you'll run with my support. i ran and i won and i was a two term mayor, and i tried to honor that promise. years later, we stood together, to watch president barak obama accept the nomination for president. we worked together on the floor when the votes put president barak obama over the inches. and i turned to henry, and tears
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were streaming down our faces and i asked henry, and he just said to me, my dad was the smartest man i ever knew, and they only let him be a waiter. that was what he was thinking about, when president barak obama became the nominee. his father, the most talents man he ever knew and he was held down, because of society at the time. i wouldn't be here today, without the example of my republican father-in-law, who integrated, and then got frozen out of politics. and i wouldn't be here without henry marsh, a dear friend and said we'll take a chance on you. if hillary wins and if i win -- [applause] >> i have the honor of serving as your vice-president, these are the people whose stories, i
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will carry with me. my civil rights clients -- and henry marsh, and these are the values. i think we have to face injustice and fight it. i know the wrong that still remain. i know them. i know them and i learn more about them. because so many things that i know that are wrong, i haven't felt the sting of them myself. i have known them because i'm able to listen. and because of my spanish, i don't see i'm a great speaker but i do have the ability to listen and that's an important thing to have. we have to tear down the barriers and hold ourselves to the ideals, that sets us apart from the world, no matter your race, national or sexual, or anything else, everybody in this country should gate fair chance. everybody is equal. everybody should be treated tha way. [applause] >> it starts with facing our history, as governor of
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virginia, i owe licially apologized, tor slavery, i have done the same thing as mayor of richmond. i worked, with my friend, mark warner to fundraise a civil rights memorial on our capital grounds. i worked on a project to digitize all of the records of the freedman's bureau. oral history of slaves, so we could digitize them so that more people could serve and get data about their families. many families have been able to find connections. when the history that is written has been whitewashed to leave out the profound suffering of the folks. what message does that send about the value of your life? that's why the black caucus and i are working together to form a commission to memorialize the
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400th anniversary of the slaves. we add federal commission, of the english. we add federal commission to commemorate the 400, of the span initial, florida. that was celebrated last year. if english and history, and spanish lives, and history, then african-american lives, should matter to us too. it matters because black lives matter. [applause] >> hillary has been fighting these fights for a long time. she's been an advocate for children, women and families and since her very first speech she's been focused on racism. and inequality, whether it is in the economy, criminal just dispis schools and she has spoken fran licks that white americans need to do.
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and she believes that taking on these profound things is one of the most important tasks. i agree with her. and i believe one of the reasons she asked me to be a running mate is she knows i'll be fighting, on this agenda. >> we have a real plan. you can check out the details. hillary to create jobs with hundred of billions of dollars in new investments and the cities, that the urban league is in. hillary and i are big fans of jim, in his 10-20-30. >> 10%, and 20% have lived in poverty for 30 or more years. we have to focus in the areas where they will do the most good. we have to have a targeted
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approach. the plan includes $208 billion aimed at creating jobs for young people. because the unemployment rate, is twice as high as for young white folks. we have to get all of our young people in a foot good paying jobs so they can develop their skills. we have to make sure that we're not only creating good jobs, but connecting black communities to where the good jobs are. which means being strategic about our infrastrucsure and transcy. i was a mayor, mayors get the connection between housing and transportation and work. they have to be connect. in cities like baltimore and richmond and cities around this country, and cities that don't have a subway system or, in richmond, a metro look taken bus
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system. we have to do more work. we have to support black women who represent the fastest growing segment of women owned businesses in this country. [applause] >> that's a success story. when you see something, sometimes you want to invest, where something isn't working and sometimes you should start, where something is working. businesses owned by black women is starting to grow. this is something that you're focused on. let's finally insure equal pay for women. this is one of the simplist things we can do. it would benefit women of color in a very significant way. we have to reduce inequality in our
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educational systems, starting with greater access to early childhood education. pre-k is not just great for the economy, and a lifesaverrer for working parent. but it gives the best start. you have one term. i happened to draw the term, that coincided with the worse recession, and i had to make a lot of painful moves. but the one area, that i significantly good speanldz was pre-k education. 40% more kids, were in pre-k class rooms, when i left than when i started. because i know the power of that investment. on schools we have to reverse the dangerous slide, back to resegregation. it's a huge step backwards, and it's bad for our kids.
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every child deserves to learn, and we have to plan to rebuild infrastructure. the support for schools isn't just about school construction t. has to be about the renovation of schools, in communities that were built a long time ago. so that our student questions learn, in the 21st century way. on college, we have a plan, we'll give tax credits to businesses that invest in training, and because there are many great paths to a great job. car rear and technical training, and there's a lot of paths. and the plan includes a $25 billion investment in historically black colleges and other my enterties serving institutions. [applause]
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>> i bet there's some, have produced some of the finest leaders, and they're still doing really critical work. finally we have to plan and this is so important. i know our hearts are very, there's fresh wounds, that make us think we have to tackle, this criminal justice reform. the urban league has been very thoughtful about that. i practice law enough to know that the legal system is steakd who have the least power. we have seen the toll it takes on families, torn apart. and children growing up in homes, that are shattered by prison, and the powerty that prison produces. we've got to not just acknowledge it, there's now starting to be a acknowledgment that we need to do something. but we're still waiting for
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action at the federal level. we have to take action to end the era of mass incarceration. i want to commented president barak obama he commuted the life sentences of more than 2700 nonviolent drug offenders, including some from virginia. [applause] >> but you know this, we can't rely on executive pardons. we have to revamp the whole system. we have could tut sentences, for low level drug offenders and we have this make sure there's jobs, and a sport available. so when they want to get their lives back on track we give them a path. [applause] >> these are issues, that i worked on as governor of virginia, i'm co sponsor of much of the reform and wherever a country, we're second chances are possible.
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we believe in second chance as a people. we just don't have policies that necessarily put that the believe into action and finally, this is the one i feel most acutely, as former mayor and governor with the state police department, we have got rebuild the bonds of trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. we have to do it. [applause] >> this is something across our nation that is spotty. there are communities where those bonds are very strong. but there are too many communities where the distance is too great. too many african-american families mourn the loss of family members by police, and at federal level we still don't keep track of the data, to know how often it happens. that tells you that it is not a priority, when we don't bother to measure it. people here know this, just as people in virginia know this, a
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profound distance has grown up, between law enforcement and communities in too many places. that distance is dangerous. it's dangerous for the communities, and it's dangerous for our police. we had "national night out," and also you, two nights ago. we add celebration, in richmond, a family did it on their front porch. and the reason they hosted, was their boy had just graduated from the police academy, coming in to ab police officer. i knew him since he was 5, i look in the eyes of nick, and police officers, and there's so many honorable police officers who don't get in the job to fight crime, to work with communities onto prevent crime. but that distance that has grown up for a lot of reasons, stands
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in the way. montrel jackson who was killed in baton rouge, wrote about that distance on his facebook page, in an erie what i just a few days before he died. he said, when i'm in my uniform i get nasty hateful looks and when i'm out of my uniform, because of the color of my skin, some people look at me and consider me a threat. he was took beg that. in doing his job he happened to be one of those good police officers who was killed. he concluded and said these are trying times. please, please, don't let hatin' if he can't your heart. and then he said to any protestors, i am working in these streets. if you see me and need a hug or to want say a prayer. i got you. now police officers, give me hope and they give a lot of people hope. there's a lot we can do. let's invest in training, training, where the budgets that
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most got hammered, when we went into a national recession. you go into recessions and, what's the first thing, is training. so, at the very time as we were seeing it, we were cutting the training. we have to invest in more training, so, they don't turn violent. let's support independent data collection, investigation, and if necessary, pro a cushion of police involved deaths. let's learn from the communities, we brought crime down in richmond, with community policing. there are cities all over the country who are doing this. we just have to go to the places that are doing it right and do more of it. let's learn and let's apply that, as hillary said we have to get back to a principal that everybody, in every community benefits when there is respect for the law. and when everybody is respected
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by the law. i could go on and on, and, you all know that hillary clinton is famous for being a policy, and i am too, i'm a wong. i'm a details guy. if it is about your kid, if it is about your business, if it is about your job, if it is about your community it's not a detail. it's a big deal. so, these what we are b. because these things matter. if you elect us, you'll have two people working hard on these issues, listening, partnering, bridge building, and we will go after it. look, we're not going after it, on our own. we want to do it in partnership, even in robust dialogue. hold us accountable, for the promises we're making p. we have a lot of work to do. you know that. we have a lot of problems that need solving, and, face it, this campaign, has laid there some of the deep divisions that still
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remain. racism, sex i am, and so much more. america has some healing to do. and the urban league is so well positioned to be part of the healing crew, to help this nation heal and it's more about laws and plans and it's more than about policies, it takes people from all walks of life, reaching out, and trying to see things from other people's points of view. trying see folks, humanity. i learned, when i started to practice spifl rights, you have to learn the ways of the majority.
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we need your help to win this fall. please call your friends and family make sure they are registered to vote. just last week there was a series of federal court cases striking out in a number of states history restrictions that are trying to hold people back from voting. and one of the most severe sets of restrictions it said that they had been put in place intentionally to block african-americans from only participating in voting. if you know anybody who ever
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says to you that their vote doesn't matter you say this if your boat doesn't matter why is the other side working so hard to keep you from being able to vote. if they think it matters that should tell you that it matters and so we need to vote and volunteer in participate. put in our hands. that's where it ought to be. whoever we elect this fall well magically fixed the administration. you will have a president and vice president who will be your partners every day. it's a great opportunity to reduce inequality in battle incorrect injustice and give all of god's children the chance they deserve for a bright and healthy future. we will stand up against the force of division and say with one voice that love trumps hate. it's great to be with you. thank you urban league.
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today on q&a tammy baldwin of wisconsin talks about her career in the political history. it starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern time each week night. and on book tv primetime global politics starting at it the less you know the better you sleep russia's road to terror and dictatorship. coming up at 9:00. politics in mexico. and 9:30 choosing the hero my improbable journey and the rise of africa's first woman president. at 10:10 this brave new world. india and china in the united
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states. and at 11:00 oscar martinez the history of violence, living and dying in central america. it all comes up tonight on book tv primetime. forty-eight hours of nonfiction books and authors every weekend. here are the featured programs this weekend. it is live at the second annual mississippi book festival taking place at the state capitol grounds. and then at eight p.m. eastern the examine the decline in influence of white christian america in shaping america policies and ideas in the end of white christian america. on sunday night at 10:00 eastern afterwards. investigative journalist tuck saw his in his book the killing of osama bin laden.
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he challenges some of the facts presented by the obama administration and others. contributing editor for the nation. the president also said i want to think the intelligence forces for the help and they have to get rid of that. within days they were saying the president misspoke in the next week he went on television and this time i knew the day after the race that there was trouble. get a book for the complete weekend schedule. the supreme court struck down a texas abortion law that limited access to abortion services in a five-three vote a texas law requiring abortion doctors had admitting privileges within 30 miles of the clinic and abortion clinics need


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