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tv   QA  CSPAN  August 24, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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teddy roosevelt led the charge to protect the special places. he believed in the life, and now more than ever our young people need to get outdoors and enjoy america. i'm up in maine hiking in the national park. participating in the 100 mile challenge. so i urge everybody, support the national parks and get outside, america. >> 100 years ago woodrow wilson
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signed, the park service and we look back on these treasures. beginning at 10 eastern we take you to national park service sites as recorded by c-span. at 7 p.m. we're live from the national park receives most visit evidence home, arlington house, the robert robert e. lee memorial. join us with your phonecalls as we talk to robert stanton, and brandon, the manager who will oversee the resser raising of the mansion, and, grounds. thursday, the 100th anniversary of the national park service. live, at 7 p.m., on american history t.v. on c-span 3,. ♪ ♪
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♪ this week on q. and a, mark green. mr. green discussions his book, a generational memoir on the progressive rise. mark green you say in your book which is title he, bright future a memoir on the progressive rise when you were running for mayor of new york city that you made 30,000 phonecalls to raise money? >> yes. it's not a typo. once you decide, i would like to be the mayor of new york city. well, to win the marathon, you have to run 100 miles a week for four years.
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i have to make 80 phone calls a day. reach 20 people a day. get eight commitments a day and you have two people, in front of you. they put out calls, i have in front of me -- oh, he gave $5,000 to schumer. and, he likes water skiing. >> how is the waterskiing? >> and if you don't do that, you can't run competitively and win. i didn't know that i would run against the richest man in world history to run for offers. michael bloom burg. and i wasn't paying because it's the ticket of entry. >> 2001 -- september 11th the date of the election, give us a
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little bit of the flavor of what it was like. >> well first, i have almost never spoken about september 11, and its effect on me. because i lost an election, because of it. >> 2,000 people lost their lives. it sounds so self-centered. so, the statute of limitation has run, you have to be candid. let me start two years before, the apartment i had, i said to my wife, i'm going to run for mayor. i think i have the record and i think there's a very good chance i will win unless there's an external event that no one can anticipate. like there was a racial shooting and, na affected it, in 19 --
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1989. >> two years later, the night of september 10, 2004, i said, honey, there's no external event, nothing has upset the applecart and it looks like i'll win outright or get into what's called a run off. >> jews super an expression for this. knock on wood. the next day, september 11th, in the morning, i went to vote and i was supposed to see that night, john o'neill. bill bratton has been the supporter of mine. and bill said, why don't you meet john o'neill. he was the head of -- the bin
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laden task force. i said, you know, i want to spend time with my wife. and i'll see him later. at 8:46, i'm at p.s. 41, 11th street, and i go that's it, the last handshake of the whole campaign. let's go back to the apartment. >> a woman was walking by and she looks up and gasps, and i look up, and everybody knows what i saw. i saw it live. i didn't, i wasn't able to interpret it, through television, i had no experience, with anything like that. the only thing was diehard movies. it affected everyone, the world and my city. and the election and me least of
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all. but it shifted the conversation from education, and housing, and traffic, urban national issues, to one issue, security and rebuilding new york and so it changed the conversation, and it affected me as well. >> that was a pry mayor day it wasn't general election day. how much people were you running against. >> four of us. it was a good race because all four were known city wide officials. none of us were f.d.r. no jerks. but we were running under a campaign finance system, with where they spent the same amount of money. so it's even mondayny, and a city comptroller, and i was called the public advocate.
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>> they get 59%. so you want to make sure a percentage gets a majority and it ended up that that night i was in a run off with a freddie, a rising latino star. >> we have some video, from a documentary. this is 2001, explain what jonah was allowed to do. how old was he? >> at the time he was 17. extremely good writer. and, artist. and he had a school project. i'll film my dad. and i go yeah.
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so he was shooting everything that happened. it was a boring election until 8:46 september 11th. and then it got not only interesting but historic. and he ended up having inside access to a candidate. so, the war-room we now know, was to what happens with the top aids and staff of a major candidate. in a great film, i'm the father, allow me. on what it is like for a family to run for a high office. highs and lows, and the overconfidence. everyday, you live a lifetime. and he shot, finished it and sold it to sundance, which airs it on a reel with a film called the perfect candidate. it was about ollie north.
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after the election the chaos, said, sorry about nine prison and it made for a better film. >> so, you can watch the whole thing on u-tube. if you go to jonah green, you can access the film. >> some of you're point tenants, and you can fill in the blanks. >> my father had been in the lead, but it wouldn't be easy. most prominent democrats were dominating, giuliani. >> freddie was the bronze borough president. and, assemblyman from queens,
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city comptroller. and, peter had been speak of the city council. there's also michael bloomberg, democrat turned republican, and political novice, and last, there was mark green. >> who is mark green? >> second generation. my grandparents came from poland. my parents were first generation jewish americans. my father was a lawyer but a small time landlord owner. my mother was a kindergarten teacher. she had five miscarriages, before i was born. i was like a miracle child. so they treated me like, wow! he's here. i had an older brother, steven, who is well-known, he's just a
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funny older brother. he grew up and he's now, he founded what is now the largest owner of commercial real estate property in manhattan. so, my brother, the character, mentor in my life, we live on long island, in brooklyn, and then moved, and so, son after suburban family. my family were rockefeller republicans. >> it was extinct, when a com met hit the experted killed them off. they were moderates. i go to cornell and harvard law school, and that's my incubator. and i become very progressive,
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and very anti-war and very pro-civil rights. i emerge as a participants, in several of the huge movements that characterize the 60s. tapping the shoulder of 2016 at the same time for civil rights, anti-war. pro-peace. pro-drug reform. and women's rights. and then i leave harvard law school, in 1970, where i was the editor and chief law review. the law review. this was the alternate law review. progressive. and i have a job lined up with
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the mayor, and i would be like fetching coffee. >> was he a republican. >> he won as republican for mayor, in 1965, and then he won preelection as a independent. because they didn't give him the nomination. i get at phonecall from ralph nader, but i admired from afar. he was on the cover of "newsweek" -- his face was photo shopped on a knight's costume. and he and he had would i consider working with me. that's very impressive. do you want to map coffee or history? ralph is a very persuasive person. i worked for him for ten years.
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i'm off and running, and it was, to this time, the most influential professional emotional period of my life. because every night, ralph would call me and we would talk about what we did. so it sounded like two peers. we weren't. am i correct, run into, some problems. >> after he was a city controller, and he lost, he ran for state controller, very smart guy who accepted a big -- who solicited and got a big chron take ever contribution. it was regarded as a "quid pro
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quo." and jailed for corruption. and he's now out and rebuilding his life. >> what happened to freddie. >> he the next election cycle, ran for mayor himself. so, in 2005 i wasn't running then. and he ran, won the democratic nomination. he lost by. here's some more from your son's documentary. >> when people hear my vision of focusing on the twin towers, as you get children, protecting families, laying out my program, that will take me to victory.
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>> ground zero. >> what's your reaction and people are -- they want your autograph. >> first, before 9/11, the twin towers are my candidacy and now we're ground zero. so, my reracks is that's erie. and the second, i used to be an athlete. when you're playing a sporting event and the crowd and screaming, you wall it out. because it can affect your performance. it's one thing to shoot a ball in the hoop. it's another to communicate to the crowd, that's sullen or excited.
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so, the best people at that time, trump in his way can read crowd and feed off of it, and the key is to be yourself. >> they can smell a phony. >> i just tried to to be candid and blunt. and you like it when people are cheering. but, when, i once learned this, mario cuomo was campaigning for me. hey, how are you? >> i hate you, you did this, that and the other thing. i was a rookie candidate and he was like, nothing. thank you, sir. now he's a -- he's a very
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animated brilliant guy, who add temper. so you have to stay calm and carry on. >> people overreact. trump, struts while sitting down. or if you are too cool then people don't connect to you. i tried to keep an even keel. when good things happened, i was like okay. >> it's necessary. >> other than jonah, you have two women. >> my wife, we have been married, 39 years, personal best for me. she's a professional. she was in public affairs, working for the american way and public affairs company. and my daughter, the mother of
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our two grand children is it a lawyer. now, works for a not for profit educational firm. you mentioned for the senate. the number of elections, that you have lost. there it is. if we missed one, let me know. congress, senate, attorney general. and public advocate. >> go back to the 80 election. who did you run against? >> i worked for ralph nader, and i loved it, but i'm new yorker, in many ways. i was lobbying congress, and it occurred to me, can i combine my advocacy interest and skills, with public office?
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and so, i decided to go back to new york, run for the house against bill green, very effective low key moderate republican. >> in the year of reagan, i won, and he won the election 57-43. >> how it was to lose? >> it was okay. i say i have a big defect. i was born, without an insecurity gene. fy think something i can do it. >> this is good and it's bad. i didn't have self-doubt. that ended 9/11. so, i was an underdog, and i was unknown.
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ed koch and lindsay had represented it. so, i just went all out. it was a a constant sprint. when i lost i said don't many people lose their first races. i'm so kay. ralph asked me to come back to run public citizen. i'm going to stay, i want to see what i can do in new york. so i wasn't crushed. it was like i was young and it was inform maketive experiences. >> i suspect that steven l. green has made a lot of money. question, have you ever made any money. >> any money. >> relatively speaking.
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>> no. >> no. my brother and i were growing up, he's a realtor in new york. he has not run for president like another realtor in new york. growing up, we divided up the world. you, at that time, private sector, and i'll take the public sector. so he gets paris, and i get baghdad. he outnegotiated me then. he's a very generous older brother. 7 years my senior. he loves public affairs, and i don't tell him what to do in the private sector but he gets to do in the public sector. i want to learn from everybody. he started out a moderate republican. when i ran for the house senate, and mayor. >> the reason i and that, when you were running, and having your round a lot of people, did
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it ever matter to you. did you want money? >> no. i don't not want money. >> i'm talking about lots of money. >> no. it never occurred to me. the reason is, i grew up with parents who were not wealthy, but comfortable. i grew up, in a northshore superb. it's a prosperous community and because we had some money, i never felt the urge to, make money, what turned me on in the 1960s, was to make policy. that sal's what drove me. >> 1986 you ran for the senate.
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who did you run against? >> i add primary. john guys son, a very wealthy new yorker, who had twice been in the governor's cabinet. i was -- i liked the new governor cuomo but he wanted him to run. but he stayed neutral because he didn't want to dictate to the voters. and there was day where he said, mark green, he can't raise a dime. so i announced that day, the mark of dimes campaign, pre- bernie sanders vibe. reyes 700,000, under 1,000. he wrote one check to himself for $7 million. and when i heard that, in august of the primary, i went, what? i can't win. i won 54-46.
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i was more of a street level activist democrat. and he was an elitetist. and i won, in a big upset. and then i ran against senator d'amato, who had won an incredible primary victory, in 1980, but, by 1986 he was the chairman of the banking committee, and had millions of dollars lars, and i called him a walking "quid pro quo." giving to get. he won 57-41. and he ignored me because i was the underdog. but, again, i was standing upward. >> having lost in the house and senate. my next was pope or president.
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and i decided neither. >> you won a race in 1993. >> for public advocate. >> the job created for you? >> no. every country had a number two. it was always the president of the city council. it was held by people with the names al smith, and, la guardia. >> so, when the position became available, i thought, oh, i fit the office. you monitor city services to make sure that there's no fraud. you represent people who don't otherwise have a voice. so, i ran for it, and, won easily. one of the people i ran against, a state senator named david
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patterson. after 15 years later when he succeeded, the governor spitzer after the the scandal he said you should have let me win. fy had won maybe you would be governor. he wasn't being serious. >> al smith, you were at dinner, dressed in white tail tie and tails and then you were called away, in the middle of the race, to meet with freddy, and, i want to -- tell what that was about. >> i hope you will see the time sequence here. al smith, was a governor of new york and catholic. ran for president and was the very first catholic nominee in
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1928, he was subject to horrible anti catholic commentary, and then the next catholic won, john kennedy. dinner, that's the elite of new york, the catholic elite. >> cover it -- >> the cardinal, o'connor would come. in 2000, bush and gore came, and, the nominees both come and make humorous toasts.
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>> >> i was a leading white liberal in new york city with the racial profiling be supporting the black and latino community. along the lines about sharpton who seems to endorse me still think in there were racially hostile not me but some supporters. so finally she calls back to say i will meet with you tonight so i leave the
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dinner with the tails and a tie and go to headquarters. to go to bernie sanders into endorse president after the nominee. and with city hall and then i had a meeting with sharpton with the primary that was an election is to come. the next day i've been with the president and his supporters in now that you define party has a bad problem but now tromping clinton is going through with sanders. >> they said that you were attacked in the middle of the campaign that somebody
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distributed cartoons out of the "new york post"? >> if you want to relieve racial campaign but the chair of my campaign with the mayor of new york city. and was with me on stage. the white progressive democrat with the interracial support. in your post is very high style been adjusted is. they ran a cartoon of them kissing sharpens we are end to get his support by paid no attention to it. now was an ugly metaphor for what was true as he did that
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coalition. now some in some of taking credit but the rates did not come not been bought runoff.
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racially tense but then as city with a majority 40 percent jewish, now 20 percent jewish and now minority majority. there was racial tension but the orthodox jew in brooklyn? look what that did. i hated sharp did. kobe that is a double-edged knife soared as americans admire him with the 60-point disparity with his readings in new york ended you get him from the upside menus support the downsized.
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♪ ♪ ♪ and. >>cspan: explain it t6 to people. >> impossible. i have never met anybody in public life a bigger his performance skills is emotional intelligence his intelligence but his character is very low. so i had to tell the truth as i saw that.
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so this is among the reasons that i mentioned 75 percent favorable ratings among those and americans. but guiliani racially divided the city. his bid racial anxieties became more apparent says he said of the first black president. banda of all, later. after that the democratic nominee will a black brown or coalition and t6 blew that that's why would not ask for his endorsement
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but i will treat him with respect because he is african-american civil-rights leader. so then we went to see opening night in this i decided not to answer his endorsement. and then two months later he said he begs me for my address now he denies that. maybe i want to. , lead dancing around it was t6 saying something different every day. there was a great statement of the 13th time of the clock from everything before which sharpton said before
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that i could never trust him again and because they stood up to him he causally attacked me and when i lost to michael bloomberg that was very substantial and successful and was wrong in any way, it sharpton that i am glad we beat markedly green so we can be respected . what? with this type of personality and we all went to see it at that level. >>cspan: why has a bomb and gotten so close to him? >>guest: i don't know and i so i admire brock. -- brock of bombing but i said he will never again
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have a president like this guy. under the first call and cool and he has his own politics. when jesse jackson the reigning civil-rights leader with broad common-sense a candidate, sharpton was smart enough to say i am for you. with that leader and zero bombing and and valerie jarrett, silly have that and they speak about his legacy and with that i will not
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second-guess t10 -- broccoli , . >>cspan: ran 1993 in 1997 but then again? >> looking back that was a mistake but i ran for the senate but then i had a choice of was a well-known public advocate to mayor guiliani i could have run against him for mayor or a could have run bid in 1998 or exit have waited and ran for mayor in 2001.
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i decided not to run against the guiliani. we were tied me but i fell in love with the u.s. senate and with ralph nader pin in 2000. my wife and i would take hikes away carry arthur schlesinger's biography, i would read it when we paused during the height. so i ran for the senate in 1990 and was ahead in the polls but charles schumer it also geraldine ferraro so it was a strong lineup. but there was a lot of scandal whiff t12 but he was
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the better candidate as a force of nature. >> i don't think i am dead interesting that so many forces are freaks of nature like chuck schumer was so smart and driven knowing how to raise money. he brought himself to the edge of majority leader. >>host: what does that mean he bought himself to the edge? >> the very good question but god only knows we know it when we see it and check had that. and with bill buckley. and then to have a talent.
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to have a lot of lies but ended up running against blumberg, schumer, bloomberg and they did what it takes to win. but do whenever you have to do. just don't get caught. to be tough as nails. there are moments of my public life that was edgy
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ethically but what i listened as a successful politician but ralph nader is the uncompromising purist. i would be more nemerov later than and cuomo. solos keep ellensburg i feel like a natural advocate. it is good to be smart and hard-working but the advocate bruce toward that like ralph nader but then he raises money to get ahead and win the election. and there are very few advocates been a great advocate a governor of massachusetts and ron wyden
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the white panther represents senior citizens who were reported his home state and he won. t is a great example. >>cspan: hovering around the election and we got sidetracked -- sidetracked by one to go back to the video. with that came out years later, when did it actually hit the airwaves? >> i think it was one year later. >>cspan: did you approve that? >> i'll let him play whenever he wanted. it would have lacked integrity but there was one thing i begged them to cut.
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% primary night when i run it -- one -- i'm sorry when i got into the runoff, i kolbe peter who is a city council speaker and they said yes he could get into the runoff. i say everything now 15 years later. that was not relevant to anything. >>cspan: here is video from that night. >> [laughter]
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[laughter] [inaudible] [inaudible] i would like to see some changes but state called. >> that was the night the ed
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date of that i run - - one the runoff. it was true be until bloomberg cable long - - k along but that many was the difference and the blackberry diu know what that is quite / five there was the exit pullback and i ended up winning by two. but once i saw that i would be the nominee did facto eyes had a very private moment. it was unconscious. >>cspan: and not to be irredenta or self importuned ? >>guest: every politician
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but to stage he is arrogant and cocky and know little and it was two-thirds truly -- true. but i thought i could do what i said out to do. when bill clinton would bite his lip and pause to convey his humanity he would be 10 steps ahead. but i've never felt bobby i was better than people there was a leader who said you were not to arrogant hugest
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appeared to be. >>cspan: what was the outcome with bloomberg acquired. >> closest mayoral election and 100 years. to points. if the truth is 20 days out be i never had anybody lose 20 points ahead he is spending $1 million per day to slam you in advertising
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catching up 1.per day. i did that nafta -- the math. so you try to outflank or to have on an antidote i had none. he did move his money to an account but the strike was not helpful but between then and now they're reminded of being crosbies davis comment of frank sinatra comes along several generations. happened to be mine.
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so i did not anticipate a multimillion-dollar mobbing candidate spending and also did not anticipate bin laden so we try to unify and reconstruction. but bloomberg would link guiliani be going from like nixon to turtle with popularity -- churchill but when he got him to endorse it which was likely, that was a great peter who said that bloomberg net 16 points with giuliani's endorsement. >>cspan: with the actual election the original was
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the 11th. >> it was september 252 1/2 weeks later. >>cspan: we will run the last clip we will see who is in there. >> speefive >> do i have been a honorary title? [laughter] this is not a time to take a chance on someone who has
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never spent a day in government service. >>cspan: now the governor of virginia he had never spent a day in government - - government service to those comeback to haunt you? that was the unity dinner before election and it was great except going back to the unity point berger zero but he would not come. because he and his folks were angry about the distribution.
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so the new york times wasn't that it comes to gather with the clintons and john stuart . so we raised a lot of money there were 1100 people in the audience with your spouse and mother in law is not easy. not the reason that iran off of collateral damage. >>cspan: your wife suggested is your last race you did run for attorney general and you lost. >> ebs. 2006 michael jordan quit basketball, i love basketball and he comes back. i loved public service and advocacy. the attorney general's
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office was to be opened as eliot spitzer ran for governor. been so andrew cuomo was embarrassed by bad racing in 2000 to pulling out just before she would have lost about primary and he was bruised. i was talking throughout the race to give him a vice. but his father had endorsed me in the mayor's race. he said this was his redemptive race. guys saw the 2006 race as my ability to get back into public life. bob burt after kennedy, jr. who was cuomo's brother-in-law came this close to running for attorney general but for various family reasons but
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he is said barry's guilt politician i would have helped mining to later run and i called him election night and endorse him. >>cspan: pylos 2009 what happened? palm. >> i show more courage than joshua. [laughter] and i served by eight years as public advocate and i got a lot done through legislation. people thought was adept at that be. when the vacancy, three people were running for one year. i decided late to run for
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public advocate and i enjoyed that. i was supported that i lost and disappointed me. yes. i was well known by bad the race was locked up with support pdf and has mixed-race children n i a mention him because it is a positive obligation. all of his word but that my family. he did extremely well among african-americans because of his story. i support him but that really is my last race.
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i was the fugitive from the all law of averages. enough running against superhero politicians bob. four years later whopping by then the public is tired of bloomberg and deblasio was running back for the general election a very small republican, 73 / 27 and now he is mayor. banks for joining us. bops. . .
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war in iraq and afghanistan.


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