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tv   US Senate  CSPAN  September 9, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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increase in those eligible for food stamps 1% economic growth in our nation more division, disaster and challenges you can vote for an alternative. you can vote that he just said to make america great again. number two. i believe. the best is yet to come.
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there's all the divisions and the challenges with all of the naysayers about who we are as americans all over the globe and even at home our best days are ahead of us. i have sat down with some of the great thinkers of tomorrow basically youngsters in our schools and our colleges and the things into breakthroughs that we are seen coming nearly to fruition the manifestation of breakthroughs the fact that we have a whole new generation of young folks who are anchoring themselves through homeschooling .
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they are anchoring themselves to this notion that we are an exceptional people israel the foundation of this nation is the word of god i believe that the next generation is going to draw and bring us into a place where the greatness of america is felt and seen all throughout the world may god bless you he is already blessed the united states of america. [applause]. and now ladies and entitlement please welcome the president and ceo of fox radio network
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and cosponsor of this year's summit. it is my pleasure this morning to introduce to you another great american we know from the book of proverbs that when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice and when the wicked rule the people mourn. while the good folks of oklahoma are rejoicing in that they have elected as their senator james lankford to serve them in the u.s. senate. he serves on the powerful senate appropriations committee. homeland security, the select committee on intelligence and the committee on indian affairs. more important than that he serves knows and loves the lord jesus christ accordingly,
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he loves and serves people. one of the most important things in his bio is that for me anyway before he came to congress a number of years ago he was for many years the director of the oklahoma baptist student ministry and the dirt rector of falls creek. he lives with his wife cindy and edmond oklahoma. married for 20 years. he enjoys spending time with his family. ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome senator james lankford from oklahoma. >> good morning to you.
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i have the unfortunate position to be able to speak after tim scott today. i can't tell you what a joy it is to be here. it is a great conversation that is happening as a nation as rich mentioned before i'm a member of congress before i still see myself as a youth pastor. my wife calls this life's greatest interruption for us to be here. i have never been involved in anything and politics before. i would tell you 22 years of working with juveniles prepared me for congress while. --dash while. it's just like all of you. i'm another american another oklahoman that wants to be able to serve. we are in a word spot as a nation we feel it as much as
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we see it we can also see it now as well. let me give you a couple illustrations that are happening. recently in one of the armed services court there is a decision called the sterling decision. sterling decision. it was trying to determine whether the united states arms forces armed forces could force individuals in the military to take down scripture references that they have posted. to say if they put a piece of scripture up it was against discipline. they could have on their desk don't worry be happy and that's okay but in this particular soldiers desk it said no weapon formed against me shall prosper that was not okay. and what they said in that decision was if they had requested an accommodation than they could have received an accommodation.
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literally saying if you have faith and if you ask us permission you can use it. i've asked the question very simple if someone sneezes next to me and i'm in the military do have to seek an accommodation to say bless you. if someone talks to me and i'm in the military and they are struggling in their family to ask permission before i say for them to pray for you and your family. this is one that will be challenged. it will be one of the basic decisions in america can you live your faith or do you have to go request permission from the government for an accommodation to be able to live your faith. in the recent days the supreme court has denied taking up a case that came out of washington state. it's a very interesting case. christian family rent a pharmacy. their neck and a carry that abortion patient drug. what they did instead they
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handed out if someone came in they handed out a referral. the referral was 30 different pharmacies within 5 miles the carry that. they gave them a list and said we don't carry it here 30 different pharmacies that do. washington state was infuriated state was infuriated in washington state passed a law banning that pharmacy from being able to refer insane if you're given the prescription no matter if it's your faith or not you have to give it to them. they argue that all the way to the supreme court. they agreed with washington state. and said they can't compel them to carry something that violates the religious industries. there's an argument right now about whether a christian preschool can get scrap tires
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from the state. they are allowing and they put out grants for scrap tires to go on playgrounds they put out little pieces of rubber and it makes it more cushy. they put out these. any school could request that. they also requested in the state of missouri said no. christian kids when they fall can't get a cushy spot. can i remind us again that what happens in the supreme court in the days ahead will matter for generations. we have a culture that has become afraid of faith.
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i'm not sure how it happens but it most certainly has happened. we've a culture that would say it's okay for you to head faith as long as it is over there and we can't see it. just keep it out of sight. if you bring out to where we see it it makes us uncomfortable so you need to put your faith over there to where we really can't see it. the supreme court will make decisions in the days ahead that will matter long-term. the two most reliable liberals on the court today were both up pointed by president clinton. does anyone believe the next two supreme court justices won't be the next to most reliable liberal justices on the supreme court if the next president clinton gets a shot. i believe they well. so now what do we do about that. in the days ahead well had to continue to address who we are as a nation. united states is always been
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the beacon in the light to be able to demonstrate to the rest of the world here is how you do it. we had set the tone for freedom and opportunity and outspoken liberty. when we pull back so does the rest of the world. and around the world today they passed a new anti- terrorism law. you might not have noticed that. not many of you probably follow russian legal issues. they redefined missionary activities. in those religious practices. not allowing any missionary activities to take place. so in russia today just to do evangelism on the street just to talk about your faith on the street and as a foreigner
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coming into russia to be able to talk to other people is considered a terrorist activity in an act of extremism. and it doesn't require violence under the new definition. it can just be extremism. and already they are being and in russia. and already individuals had been arrested. we are the beacon and if we pull back from religious liberty the rest of the world will pull back as well. and instead of president obama maybe we need to do that religious reset in our own country first. you see there is this belief by some if you would just limit the visions and anything that is controversial it will
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stop all of the factions. so some people will define and say all this would be okay. we think somehow this is not new. there was a great illustration he said what areas the fire. and some people would say if you want to get rid of fire and forest fires just a limiting oxidant. and you won't have it. that would be absurd would also kill all animal life. you would it kill all animal life. and for those that would want to eliminate that he said it's just as absurd. liberty thrives on diversity of opinion. and on the options for people to be able to live out liberty and if you want to be able to
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put down factions. increase the opportunity to be able to live out not only their faith and their opinion about who they are. that actually builds on the foundation of who we already are as a nation. my choice to speak out for what i believe doesn't restrict your choice to do the same. in the 1950s president johnson was furious at people and nonprofit organizations. they would speak out against him. so he passed the amendment so that the irs would go after nonprofits. the irs then later reinterpreted that to say it included churches. the churches could do that. they have an actual threat of the irs coming down on them. the irs continues to dangle over churches if you ever speak out about faith issues
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we could come after you not that it's ever been used for that. continues to dangle over churches to say if you choose to speak out about our culture we could come after you. restricting faith. trying to limit words it looks like restricting the press and public assembly basic values for who we are as americans. people of faith gathered. it have not gotten overt racism. it was a born of faith. and it was shaped of his faith and it affected the nation and challenge the nation the
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people of today want to silence people of faith when they speak out in public. when he said i have a dream that every hill and mountain should be made low the crooked places made straight and the glory of the lord should be revealed and all flesh should see it together. they are not any different than those in the 1950s who sought to silence martin luther king junior. he changed the nation. the freedom to live your faith is essentially. it's okay for not a baptist. there's still time by the way. this is a big deal to me. roger williams the first baptist pastor that kicked out a massachusetts because most
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of our colonies have official religions and he helped found rhode island on the basis of religious liberty that any one could come and could be able to live out their faith. it is anchored in who we are as a nation. the real question comes how do we affect the crazy culture. it's that obvious. we know where we are and we see it. have we affected and how do we turn things around. i am amazed by the people i talked to that as believers in jesus or people of faith still falling into the traps of the ends justify the means. i don't. comes up over and over again. we do the right thing the right way. first peter chapter two. let me just go ahead and read it to you. for any of you that are
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familiar with this passage i think is a good challenge for us today. you are chosen people holy nation god's special possession that you may declare that. once you are not a were not a people but not give the people of god. dear friends i urge you to abstain from the simple desires which were against your soul. they may accuse you of doing wrong they may see your good deeds and glorify god on the day that he visits us. it's a great challenge and people -- he laid it out. if you want to make an impact in your culture you want to live such a good life among people that people will come to know god in your culture and it will turn around. and then he gave them for practical ideas.
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they don't know the practical illustrations. it will make a difference in your community. here is four ways you can do it. this is the very next verse after that. submit yourself to the lord for every human authority weather to the emperor or to governors who are by them to punish them to do wrong. it is god's well that by doing good you would silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. it is shocking to us that people that they want to turn the culture around. do these four things. honor authority work with integrity have an honorable family and endure and suffering. those in the next four things he talked about. but he started all with how we
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handle authority we often will say we want to turn our country around and we do it in the most aggressive means possible and i have to tell you i work my tail off to be able to push the ideas in the cap steps. but when we work work with integrity. we want to not just turnaround legislation we want turnaround the heart of the nation. we sent out. and we can make a difference. sometimes our anger overwhelms us. i'm always fascinated with the number of people that said jesus turned the tables over. but if you do every day it's not righteous indignation. and you need anger management. there is a time to be able to stand up and boldly confront
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but the challenge of scripture over and over again is live a life that stands out. we can confront unrighteousness we can confront what is clearly wrong and honor god in the process. and as we do it people will look at us and say that's not how i do it. it is and describe in wine. i always challenge christians to say they should pray more than they complain. it is a challenge to all of us. sometimes it is the most obvious and we miss it i was doing it on might 2000 ford expedition. for a long time the light have come on. it's one of those things all the time. late in the day i said i'm in
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a a try to fix that. i went to youtube to try to figure out how to fix it in the first video that came up show them taking the door panel off and rewiring everything. we find another video. let's figure out something else. so i go to the next video and it has a guy that has my door jar light came on. i sprayed the latches in it worked. i can do that. i got my 3-dollar king can of wd-40 i close the door and the light went off. i said i'm a genius. it took me ten seconds i can
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of wd-40 which is the most obvious solution to every problem. and somehow i missed that. i think for those of us who are strong in our values we are missing the obvious solution if you want to turn a country around live your values don't compromise your values to go restore your values they are afraid of your integrity to live your values. we need to turn our families around we need to mentor young families. we need to demonstrate the affection and how we work.
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we need to endure and suffering because it's most certainly coming. we began it all by honoring authority and setting the tone for a nation that desperately needs a reset. i read proverbs every day. some of you do that as well. i'm stuck in proverbs 25 in my heart. proverbs 2526 said like a muddied string or polluted while is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked. that spring is supposed to be a place of refreshing and you go. we are called to be a place of refreshing. we've a lot to do an important election bus god bless you.
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>> think you. what a powerful message and we have a number one -- another one coming. the first republican lieutenant governor to be elected in over 20 years. and over -- only the second since 1897. he serves as the president of the north carolina senate and our next speaker was the one who called the special session in north carolina to strike down charlotte's radical bathroom policy.
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and as he comes would you not just welcome him to the stage but will you also can for his courage and common sense. welcome north carolina lieutenant governor. thank you all very much. what a great crowd we have today. how many of you heard yesterday they tested their biggest nuclear weapon yet. they are now going to target soft targets in america. it is still chopping christians heads off around
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the world today. we know that we have racial tensions like we haven't seen in a long time in america. i'm here to talk about bathrooms. the most important issue in the world today. and what shower they go to. it's pretty unbelievable is in it. what's going on in the world today that many people in america on the progressive left. they think is the issue of the day. i'm just an architect i'm just an average citizen just like you i handful of years ago i felt called to not be on the sidelines complaining and to get into the rat race and figure out how i can serve my fellow americans. thirty years ago i graduated from high school. it's hard for me to believe. and think about how much has changed over the last 30 years. it's really quite unbelievable to think about that. when member when ronald reagan
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was president. apple was just a brand-new company at the time. it would not even be invented it is unthinkable. but major corporations and sport teams in the nba standing against those. so here we are. we find ourselves in the crazy place. i've been amazed at how may people have come up to me over the last handful of months and said why did you pass the hb two. we pay down the debt in north carolina and we put billions of dollars away and we cut taxes and put the money into education.
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teachers the largest race in the america last year. let's pass bathroom policy. it's not quite the way it happened. as you will know. this is a response. we actually had the unconstitutional law ordinance that the city of charlotte passed in charlotte. it's pretty unbelievable. this is a trend in the pattern. we see municipalities trying to trump state legislatures. we certainly knew it was coming. it came to charlotte this is a pretty broad overreach here. ..
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>> and men to go to show wirth facilities and the city of charlotte? is just not that is no sign it is a free-for-all. not many people know that if the person that actually pushed the charlotte ordinance through the city council through the mayor was a registered sex offender in north carolina. this is opening up showers and locker rooms and bathrooms that was not an overreach to do that. with a sexual predator nobody ever said transgendered people nobody that i knew the that is what the media said that the republican legislature
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things that transgendered are sexual predators' not at all. care is another thing they did and just do this for this city of charlotte it is for all private businesses in the state of charlotte. all private business what to do. sun also people say what is the agenda? why would they do this? water they trying to prove? i will say this is not purely the ideological battle many probably know that is involved but many of you know, north carolina is a battleground state with a tight election as long as those with the general assembly for the first item 140 years. [applause] they cannot win on education
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in the last few years we have done more in the last decades year's spending more and more on education and we ever have rebuilding solid education on a platform that is one rail of the campaign. the header is the economy creating 300,000 new jobs cutting taxes by billions of dollars it can win on those. that is the charlotte bathroom ordinance so we have to do that bathroom bill telling you exactly what they did with that is unconstitutional you cannot tell private business what to do they can do whatever they want to do take the signs off of your bathroom's
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you cannot do that. that is common sense policy in america. [applause] and let me say this something else that is wrong begins important is america is a great country with reasonable accommodations this was of bill of reasonable accommodations called hb2 to remember in the american n with disabilities act? the ada? so passed in 1990 every parking space has to be handicapped accessible every entrance and exit has to be handicapped accessible. every bathroom stall house to be handicapped accessible. they did not say that they
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said reasonable accommodations for a small amount of people who have issues that need to get in and out to use the facility provide a reasonable accommodation and that is what we did and that is why it hb2 did as well for people who were fearful walking into a public bathroom facilities to fear for their safety provide a single small facility that is reasonable accommodation that is what america is built on and the way we should operate. that is what we did. say you think this time people would read the bill lacks corporate america, again. they said we will not expand in north carolina or create 400 new jobs but here is the truth they did not pull out of north carolina they still market up how discriminatory
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we are they did not pull out of those 28 other states they still do business as saudi arabia and yemen but now instead of persecuting plg bt community they execute them. this is not ideological when the nba pulled out guess what they could have done whatever they wanted. they had the right to do that and they knew that but the pressure coming from the human-rights campaign and corporate america putting pressure on north carolina for police took - - political reasons to push the social engineering experiment on america that is what is going on. guess what? the department of justice came swooping in to rescue and said we're going to
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withhold title line funding for the least disadvantaged children and keep your education money unless you repeal the complete extortion guess what? then they compared the bathroom bill to did jim crow laws that is shameful. so there wrote those words different times with bathrooms white only and black only we got rid of those in america for good reason because the color of a person's and have cecily nothing to do with the bathroom that the use or where they sit on the bus or the lunch counter but a person's biology has absolutely everything to do with one - - which bathroom they use. [applause]
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>> to go through this ever-changing narrative the edicts dead they did not give it they wanted to with the justice department and the president says now all bathrooms in schools across america have to be open for everybody and number of states is said that's not right and you're fighting back we're doing our job you're doing your job and thank-you to let people know this message by will end on this to make sure we know our purpose water we here for to vote our values and the candidates preserving society and the constitution but there's a greater issue at stake that we as christians need to remember going forward by friends as a better than i ever cut its level paraphrase in closing
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to say we have to resolve to be counter cultural living god's way and now broken world some people that are broken might be healed and as we have seen in same-sex marriages and gay-rights those practices once associated with minorities with the support of those lead opinion makers to become mainstream astonishing speed once these ideas become mainstream people are expected to conform even if those ideas contradict the deeply held belief and the church shin respond by the tangible ways eventually love the members of the old ddt community in human-rights campaign calls for laugh that no one should outlaw of the of christians through all hope and redemption to all live in such a broken culture so as we go forward lets be
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counter cultural and act with humility act asking god to empower us with as much grace never failed to be courageous or bold or do the right thing now matter that cost or the consequences of a pray you will all leave here more courageous thing you appeared here this morning in april you go back to your communities to do amazing things. pfeiffer got and righteousness and what is good in america. stay strong. god bless. [applause] spee1. >> >> thank-you ladies and gentlemen i am honored that you give me standing ovations each time i come to
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the podium laugh laugh i am moved and humbled by that. seriously thanks to dave and forest for his views in his speech and especially his views for north carolina serving his sixth term in the house of representatives are next speaker boldly stance on america's founding principles and is widely known and respected for his innovative problem-solving based on constitutional fundamentals. imagine that. , responsibilities as the vice chair of the judiciary subcommittee on crime and terrorism and all land security, from the great state of texas please welcome army veteran judge began sunday school teacher husband father and our u.s. representative. [applause]
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spee1. >> is so good to be here with you today. i mean comparatively. [laughter] i just above the republican house of conference and so i will say it is good to be with you guys. [laughter] there was a movie called broadcast news and 1.the lady that tries to get the network to do the right thing and says passionately this is what will happen don't do that and he says it must be wonderful to always be right.
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and she tears up and says no its terrible. we are in some trouble. do you know that? we are in big trouble going back and tell 2006 the last year in the minority because the first of the year we had a new majority leader to go along with our vibrant speaker in the dollhouse and they made a decision by freshman term, look, we know there will be massive changes with the tax code to do something different and shore up social security summit is there for generations to come, but now leander stand there is a little chance we might lose the majority next november. this is 2006.
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so we changed our strategy we will just try to get by and not do anything big bang keep the majority in november then we will combat to do tax reform and all that stuff. i am a freshman but i can see where this is going and it isn't good. i stood up unbidden -- with my term if you said if you really think there is a chance to lose the majority in november then this has to be the year that we do the big things we promised berger you cannot wait you don't want to lose in november than in j. reese said we should have done the big stuff last year because now we are in the minority. that was the minority position because it is
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always easier to do the easier -- easier thing if you look at those running for president no-brainers are a good thing. [laughter] and they do want to warn that since most people here are christians and i am serious about this comment a true believer does what jesus did, but you don't make fun of people who are impaired and have special needs. whether you like her or not not, how larry clinton has made clear she is mentally impaired. [laughter] this is not somebody you should be making fun of laugh laugh. [applause] so i get the impression m.
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law school along the way she has been very, very smart but i don't know. maybe it was the concussion when she fell back or who knows? they will not tell us and really what is going on with her but if i were going to smash cell phones and blackberries i would use a 2-pound sledge. gounod's maybe somebody got to swinging and hit her again laugh laugh but we need to pray for hillary clinton. there are special needs their and mental impairment. [laughter] seriously. she can't remember and i made the mistake i got the stupid song in my head that rush limbaugh used to play to the tune try to remember and it is hillary clinton
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saying i don't remember my brain is in a blender. [laughter] so anyway, earlier this week when i was on fox and friends, that stupid line came back with that headline that her brain is in a blender laugh laugh but that was not a proper thing to say because again i am making fun of the mentally impaired and that is not right. [laughter] so going back 2007 loss of majority and the democrats were pushing something called hate crime. i could see as clearly as i can see you where this was going. whom we were told it will never affect christians or
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churches because we know that is the religion of love and jesus himself said nate the man laid down his life for his friend and that is what he did but yet after all of the belittling i have gotten and you want to stand in the way of hate crime? this will stop the heedless know it it will be used against the christians so stop it now and republicans think we are overreacting. no. i could see where this was going and i have said all along eventually a christianity is the one religion totally based on love. some day people will say what you believe if
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everybody doesn't think just like you think then they will go to hell. that is hateful. know it is loving if you care about people that you don't want bad things to happen rb ending somebody's life for something bad to happen. [applause] that is loving and caring man. that was nine years ago. today this article on civil-rights said because of religious freedom and religious liberty are literally codeword for intolerance that christians supremacy and committing every form of identity politics before the
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anti-discrimination laws. they say it is okay if you never talk about christianity but it is official whom the head of u.s. commission on civil rights telling christians they are hateful and intolerant. jesus dead lion the truth for i did not say that. but i know that to my core and sense i do love even people that hate my guts they say you totally disagree with me i totally hate people that disagree with me but you cannot tell me you don't hate me but
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they don't understand you can love people who disagree with you but they don't get that. and scripture would say because they are natural. anyway that article today is the official for'' want to remind you very quickly the document that we referred to as the bill of rights congress shall make no law with the establishment of religion or the free exercise their of religious freedom is what that is increasing there is nothing there that says you have the freedom. that is not right if you have a freedom from religion you can show up everybody in
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the constitution to say there is no law like that the supreme court has said secularism is a village in and they have established that. and now to abridge the freedom of speech. hillary clinton and the u.n. and u.s. commission on civil rights all are now totally advocates for taking away your freedom speech and allowing that part of the muslim brotherhood, a plan for the future because once you cannot say anything negative about radical islam , and then the goal to subjugate the constitution will get a check in the box in religious freedom is gone and freedom of speech is is:freedom of the press?
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that isn't officially gone just a few expressed truth they will make fun of you but the rise of the people to redress the grievances that will be gone you cannot assemble to make plans as christians because you are talking about something that is hateful according to the u.s. commission of civil-rights. ferrite of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. kiss that goodbye. go after assault weapons every weapon is an assault weapon a pressure cooker, a box cutter, it is all about in the hand of which is
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dislocated that it is the assault weapon. the person. [applause] i take we will be okay on the third amendment for a while eventually will have to go away but the right of the people is already in jeopardy because you are not secure in that anymore because despite what they said we don't want the government in our bedroom and now they are advocating successfully not only your bedroom or bathroom and your kitchen, and what the government in your house the fifth amendment those things go away. most of you know, i have traveled all over the country speaking for and with ted cruise. chair clapper cheer claps.
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>> people were pushing for him 10 years for now i am concerned about november anyone who has any concern they need to understand if hillary replaces my friend justice antonin scalia those rights and that i read to you are gone and/or a memory they will not go forward to the future there is no choice right now and if you vote for the third party and you make easier for her to
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win and looking at what the future would hold they gave north korea the ability to have nuclear weapons and all you need to do is a sign to say if we give you everything you need to make nuclear weapons then you sign here that you agree will not use it for nuclear weapons. really? yes where do what we design i will sign. and now we know undersecretary clinton and she probably doesn't
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remember and i give her that. [laughter] so too mushy when french freedom of speech to assemble in a church he better make sure the republican gets elected. [applause] cheer clap we have no other choice. there is no other choice. i have no doubt that just as i have butted heads with a guy that i love and is smarter than most people in the media give him credit we butted heads no child left behind i have no doubt with
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president trompe such to understand that the cassette christian -- understand is a christian to make america great you need to make sure the republican nominee. >> with those impromptu speeches from 1976. stealing the un nomination and i am not speaking imagine the convention. and at the podium putting him on the spot. he knew reagan would not
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confuse totally impromptu and was very gracious and talked about the platform had them pleasantly you treated him but to use the word united and then he said there is no substitute for victory. we have to be united and we have to win nn november. that said. no other choice. [applause] ♪ ♪
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>> the approach life pro-family group ladies and gentlemen, ♪ >> i have been given the job what will i say about this guy? with the founding president of the family research council he gets out of bed at 3:00 in the morning 27 of the leading newspapers and watches all the news to put all that down into one-half of 1% of what is truth to separate that from the up
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propaganda and publishes that to you every day so cancel your newspaper subscription you don't need all that nonsense. get on his mailing list. and he has an intellect that borders on genius. he is one of the kindest individuals ever met. very gentle and outstanding husband and a terrific father and don't remember the other thing you wanted me to tell bam. [laughter] ♪ [applause]
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>> thank you for that wonderful introduction. and donna personal note join with me and celebrating our 44 wedding anniversary. please stand. [applause] please pray for that lady. seriously it is an interesting trip. [laughter] in 48 hours we will observe another anniversary which is the 15th year since the horrible attack on the of morning of 9/11 not much different than the one we're having today.
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and was carried out by this promised -- islamic supremacist. even george bush had a hard time to bring him to say that because declare a war on terrorism of course, barack obama getting to say who the enemy is almost impossible. the proud chief hottest -- the g. hyde that believed with all their hearts. think about that what a strange thought they must worship to think that killing or massacring civilians that this was a noble religious thing to do. and 15 years later.
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and those that carried out the attack are engaged in a blood soaked rampage across the world. leading in their wake the crucified and be headed the rate and the enslaved each day's headlines are worse than the debut for every word the army of satan goes by the dozens and by the hundreds. as the corpses pile up and while this solicitation faces the existential threat we have been cursed with leaders better clue less. [applause]
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>> howdy explain in german of the young muslim migrants coming into the country and m. lane except her as an invitation and then in the weeks and months that follow in those under being molested and raped. what did she think would happen? those that have been taught in their houses of worship. that the infidel women are all scorers huang dash
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whores and you can do with everyone to do. clan france after the approval attack, families were run over with empty carriages all over the beach where babies were sitting. in french official says this in is almost impossible to stop. with this symbol of terrorism in our pluralistic country. and then there is president obama. to share the competition when dash contradictions of what is going on and if you months ago he had incredible insight to the president
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said he americans have risked to drown and a bathtub then you of being killed by terrorist. thinking mr. president for that incredible insight. winston churchill's he ain't [laughter] [applause] i guess my reaction would be when my bathtub starts to yell and tries to kill me i will worry. by right now i worry about the people whose numbers are growing who have declared war on western civilization. secretary carey went to a conference it is a conference of open society and they said if the media
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would just doc reporting the terror attacks, the impact they have to be lessened. in when they come across of mass graves. and another dead christians or other religious minorities people may say that is big news. who killed them? with some of relative strength it isn't even a close call we are stronger than any material nature.
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bottom we have low weakness among our elites. with 4/6 century enemies that are willing to do anything they have to do the the two pillars of the civilization of israel and the united states are under attack in of way that we haven't then in a long time. and we need leaders to understand that and will fight back. if anybody doubts this donald trump and mike pence are those leaders. [applause] >> you know, i m preaching to the crowd so we will try to do our best with these
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ideas the founders of the men on the of way to constitution hall they went there familiar with the roman classics and the greek classics so the main thing for the american republic from all fully bible that is where they found there it is. i say the old label i will say that always because i have been watching and listening for a couple of years i cannot tell you how often n the the american media on one of the network's refers to the holy quaran. rarely? but instead of profit of muhammed.
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really? can you imagine they said bill fully bible they are associated with jesus? care is no way they would say that. but it is the profit muhamed. if anybody has time and then it is just the bible or not the holy bible but it is unbelievable. again it was of holy bible of were founders read where they found their central ideas about the country they were getting ready to build. the central idea is that we were made in the minnesota tough guy the eternal god of the scriptures. we were made in his image
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off and we have dignity and value. that is the central idea of america. it is in the second paragraph of the declaration of independence. if you have down's syndrome or if you are 90 years old. [applause] and with senility you have dignity and value of wirth. it or how much money they have in the bank. you know the of words in the second paragraph and they are like fingernails on a chalkboard. that is why they are not taught these words anymore.
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there are few schools that teach them today we'll hold these truths. that is a problem for the progressive right there they don't believe in universal truth there all relative. if you don't believe they don't believe in truth listen to hillary clinton for five minutes. by the way i think i figured out why she is having these unfortunate coughing attacks even she is choking on her lies. [laughter] in my doing okay? as special speech for our 44 anniversary we hold these truths to be self-evident they are endowed by their government. [laughter] what?
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o that is wrong that was at the democratic national convention. in doubt by their creator the god of abraham that the stars in the sky and the hairs on your head and among these are the rights to life . fully cow. the right to life. this has to be big news for hillary clinton and her planned parenthood friends that even before sonograms the founding fathers knew that the right-to-life the other rights are beside the point life liberty in the pursuit of happiness that is a central idea of america america was founded on the bible. america was not founded on the quaran and thank god for that.
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[applause] now what i just said it was built on the bible and not built on the quaran 20 years ago everybody would have said of course, . but now it is considered controversial and intolerant . this will make you a big if you have kids or grandkids in college or on their way to college and a lot of class's that they say their professor you know america was built on the bible not on the quaran that probably be in big trouble at american university's maybe even sent to re-education effort to help them be more open to other cultures. the reason this is so easy to say and if we were this is a different place just
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look around the world and there are dozens of places built on the quaran they are not pleasant for women or religious minorities or homosexuals. there not even pleasant places for muslims or end a minority creed in a country that has the majority of a different type. is it a coincidence that seven out of the top-10 abusers of human rights in the world are islamic countries? that is an odd thing to happen if there wasn't a relationship but the fact that they are islamic countries. if you are a muslim pdf flu dash getting ready to be born there is no greater
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blessing you could experience and to be born to a muslim mother living in the west of judeo-christian civilization the chances for a decent life practicing your religion without fear of being blown up to have all the full rights and dignity afforded to as the human being are much crater if you were born in the heartland of america and endow heartland of islam. [applause] donald trump has been crucified because a number of months ago he said we should have limits to muslim immigration and it took 10 minutes for a the press and republican leaders to run to microphone to say that is
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not who we are or our values. they are wrong. [applause] teddy roosevelt and force the allies during his presidency that prohibited immigration to the united states of anybody that believed in polygamy polygamy, promoted polygamy or live in a country that practiced polygamy. could you think he was trying to keep out of the country? episcopalians? [laughter] what about jimmy carter that right wing bigoted extremists the guy that i worked for, ronald reagan clobbered them on election day jimmy carter after the iranian revolution announced effective immediately there would be no more immigration from iran and to the united states. that's not all. jimmy carter went on national tv to say there are
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25,000 iranian students you have 30 days to report to your closest immigration center with your papers. he expelled thousands of fire iranian university students from the united states for a goal that was left-wing democrat jimmy carter. to take that common-sense position gets you attacked the waitron has been attacked donald trump's has done more with his proposal and now says he will see roe and on the of countries and that is fine if there is a lot of terrorist activity but then he says to go off on a tirade that of course, we should. with the research center
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that did this study of the muslim world to find that it is permeated with hatred of jews and christians and rejection of religious liberty why would we import that to the united states? [applause] help donald trump has a chance that a presidential debate to say you are pro with anyone to bring in hundreds of thousands of young men but hundreds of thousands of people that think they should be killed. use a new round side of america's jewish. ♪ to bring in millions of anti-semites. this is modern day progressivism. i will try to wrap this up and i will commend an article to you the author says they are the head of a
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conservative group in town whether a man or woman the title of the article in is the flight 93 election. the hijack plan it came down in pennsylvania. that is the equivalent of a hijacked plane. unless we can get control of the cockpit again and then maybe we will have a chance. now let me take you for a second to that morning on that flight. there were 40 passengers for them more hijackers and in the middle of that flight they found themselves in the middle of a war they didn't know what's going on when they woke up that morning.
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the flight attendants were dead with their throats cut the hijackers got into the cockpit to kill the pilot and co-pilot. the passengers gathered in the back of the plane fly and. just like you. college kids going back-to-school. businessmen. families on a late summer vacation, what should we do? they said get back in our seats. the plane has to land there will be negotiations that is our best chance to get out of here. other passenger said no. wife told me the country is under attack other planes have been hijacked this plane will motley and it will be used as a weapon. and even with that news there was still the center or disagreement for she must
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have misunderstood that could not be happening. so these americans are disagreeing and one of them says to think we should vote . can you imagine anybody in favor of fighting back raise your hand to be betty's things he should take our seats raise your hand. the guys who wanted to fight back one the vote so those passengers amino this because of cellphone messages they left calling home i let you tell the kids i love them we will fight to i don't know what will happen. these passengers took whatever they could as weapons. one flight attendant was still alive with the pot of boiling water, utensils from breakfast.
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graduate of leigh in university he supposedly yelled let's roll and a letdown in to the aisle to the men of the box cutters. i cannot imagine. they overwhelmed the men but they still could not land and airplane. but they took the only shot that they had. ladies and gentlemen, this is flight 93 election. this may be our last shot. it is time to roll. it is time to run down the aisle and save western civilization. if we make the effort with the grace of god we can prevail to ensure that your children and grandchildren and mine and carroll's will have a chance, adjust as be
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did to live in a shining city upon a hill, naked be so. got less. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> thank you so much. it is my great honor to introduce our next speaker who became a household name as the hit tv show growing pains. he may not have known this but during those years he was an atheist. that the age of 20 he found jesus christ as his personal savior and ever since then is an outspoken christian activist speaking on behalf
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of jesus christ through his outstanding films and radio and television and media appearances to courageously stand with the values for all of us? please welcome to the stage kirk cameron. ♪ [applause] ♪ >> good evening. i have a little jet lag i got in from california i am working on the time zone and to be honest of oslo rattled by gary speech. [applause] audit lead like to have five
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minutes to recover from some of the statements because they know they are true. i gutted last night from california and i flew in to stay with my sister and her husband and kids. did we win and visited my eight nephews soccer practice and talking about about, exciting it is to come to speak at the values voters summit am looking at pictures of the kids what a great country it is that we live in and how good god has been to the assassination and a country in spite of our mistakes and with this incredible place n our history as gary pointed out out, we are at a pivotal point where choices will be made but in the world we will do? either we turn back or continue on a path to take
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us over a cliff. i am a little rattled by the idea. i am here with some of my hero's with me statesman, presidential candidates, doctors, lawyers candidates, doctors, lawyers , congressman, filmmakers, a nd i have asked gary to be followed by a mike seaver. [laughter] we are honored and humbled and very excited. such an anomaly of the hollywood imf reached not normally what hollywood produces. as a quick reference point, i was an atheist as a young man i get on a hit television show called growing pains and become a household name to many. my girlfriend on the show becomes my real life wife and we get married we are now married 25 years which
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is like to hundred 50 of pauley would years to clap. [applause] we have six children together now they are 19 through 13 so pray for us. igo from a radius to someone taking me to church i was interested in a girl. not church for keifer a message that captured my erhard and turned my attitude around a pulled my head of the sand to look at the truth and i became a christian and began to love god and my neighbor and to make a difference in my community. i play a role as a firefighter in a movie called fireproof. . . bob
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>> i get to do these kinds of things. and i'm making movies about faith and family and i still live in hollywood. i am being asked, even yesterday and today to speak to major news outlets and entertainment programs talking about the state of the republic and the vitality and the declines of the church. and i thought why are you asking me? it's not because i'm political correct or have the best looking suitor on a hit tv show. and i wonder often, lord, what you have in store, with what's going on? what a way get to be here at the most exciting time in america's history to be a conservative and to be a christian. when future generations will
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look back and say, wow, you were there. were there. what was it like to be there? when the whole thing took the final turn and the republic and the freedoms that i read about in history went up in flames. or what was it like when you are there? and the whole thing turned around like thomas jefferson said it would. when americans woke up and realize that they were about to give it all away and you turned it back and you made it. i traveled across the nation because they teach at marriage conferences i want to help strengthen the family. i think family is critical in the dna building blocks of everything else in our communities, churches, businesses, or local local governments and federal
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governments. [applause]. our military and everything important. so i spend a lot of time and thousands of small communities in big cities. i hear the concerns of people. they they mirror my own in my own community. people are concerned about the moral decline that they see, the darkness that they feel pressing in on them. the think their kids are learning in public school. they see the moral apathy in their own church, they wonder where's the power of the church to shape culture? why is everyone running in the corners of their churches and just wanting to pull up the shades and just hold the line? i hear that term a lot coming from christians. let's hold the line. when we should be advancing. we should be creating culture. we culture. we should be pushing back the darkness because we have all the firepower that we need. we have a god who has conquered death, rose from the grave, seated in the heavenly places, in session ruling with the trinity and we are seated there with him by faith.
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he has given us the nations to bring the good and godly principles of the gospel to bear on every culture and every generation. and promises to bless our efforts if we are just be faithful to him. people are told me that they are experiencing political exhaustion and i understand what they mean. you turn on the news and it is depressing. it is so heavy. so heavy. it is so hard sometimes to even keep up with articles in the stats it and the news. there are times or i understand, you want to just shut it off and say i cannot listen anymore. i just can't. but we have to. i asked one woman if she would listen, read this article or come to this avenger in a series she said i really can't come i have three kids, too busy, i
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can't listen to anymore political stuff. it upsets me too much. when i think i want to do instead is just crouch down at night while my husband is at work and just pray at my child's crib. that is about the best thing i think i can do. i understand that. people are people are wondering where is the hope? where's the hope? i had a very interesting phone call come to me this spring. i'm thinking this is maybe a part of why i have had such an interesting path in my life. i had an interesting phone call from someone on the bank carson presidential campaign team. they
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asked if i would come to iowa during the iowa caucuses and help organize and put together a prayer and worship rally that would be centered around people in the local community repenting of their own sin, calling out to god, worshiping and praying for his wisdom and guidance in his blessings on our nation. of course nation. of course i said yes. i will help you. so i came in i started calling friends and it came together and doctor ben carson was there. doctor james james mcdonald was there, one of my favorite pastors and bible teachers. casting crowns, the music band and doctor marshall foster, one of my favorite living historians , other friends came and we had such a sweet time of fellowship. the wisdom that was being shared in that room and afterward we got to watch a steakhouse and i got to have a steak dinner with doctor ben carson in the back room. it was awesome. i thought how i get to do this stuff? secret? secret service all around, you should looked at the patrons of the restroom there is doctor ben carson running for president, the figure service and mike seaver, and they all going to the back room. they think what is going on. and i'm i'm there and i'm hearing from him. as he sits there so calmly he says, god knows what he is doing. i don't understand it all but i know that god knows what he is
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doing and i just want to serve him. he is talking about how good the idea of government is. that national government never works if self-government does not kick in first. that is the way it has eyes been from the beginning. adam was in the garden of eden and there is no simply surround to tell them what to do and what not to do. got expected him to self govern. he was given freedom. but it required self-government. it is not until later that civil government kicks inches when people have people have no self-control start killing their brothers. and devising wicked plans to enslave other people. he was talking about the idea that government in washington said this as well, it's like fire, what is small and contained it is helpful. it brings you warmth, you can cook food over, gives you like. over, gives you like. when it becomes out-of-control and grows too big it is terrifying and it will consume you. i'm thinking, i am hearing
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am hearing these things in a back room in a steakhouse and it is being wasted on just me. i want other people to hear this. why. why can't everybody hear these things. it is helping me bring cap clarity on who to vote for and what to do and how i can make a difference. and and then i got a phone call from someone who is going to a meeting in new york city and i asked tony perkins if he would let me come to the luncheon of a thousand evangelical leaders and we're having a conversation with donald trump and ben carson. he invited me to, and he and he sent me right next to franklin graham and eric -- who wrote the bia capri for bob hoffer and james dobson is over here and these tremendous people and i'm hearing people who are smarter than me and are tripping with humility and a deep love for god
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and 1000 people who are of different races in different denominations in different economic classes, different ideas and different loyalties to political parties coming together and praying for our nation. it was so great and i'm thinking, why can't the whole nation see this kind of wisdom and humility and truth and unity. i felt frustrated with it at i went to lunch with a buddy in new york city and was explained to him, i wish there is someone who could pull all of this together and get it out of the smaller rooms to a national scale. he has done a lot of big things himself and he said i think i know a guy. i mean he's passionate about these things come he knows most of these people, he has met them personally and he makes live events and lots of movie theaters seven can go to the values voters summit and tell people to tell their friends to go see it and i was thinking who?
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and he's like hello, marty mcfly, answer the clue phone, you. me? okay. look, we'll get some friends together. all the sudden my -- shows up and pulled up to the table and says we are inches doctor ben carson says we are inches i want to bring all of what you're saying to other people. eric says that he is in. amc, regal legal theaters, are putting together an event on october 18, the night before the final presidential debate between donald trump and hillary clinton. all of these people are going to be gathering together in a historic church in downtown chicago at ground zero so much of the attention to talk about what we can do and where is our
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hope. a night of hope, vision, and courage. it for bible passage in psalm 85. it says, restores the 85. it says, restores again lord. oh god our savior. will you be angry with us forever? will you not revive us again? that your people may rejoice in you, show us your unfailing love lord and grant us yourself nation. this historic event is going to be happening and broadcast into 1000 movie theaters the nightly for the presidential debate. it it is a night of worship, music, wisdom, courage, and hope to get this out in mass to people so that they will show up and vote. and vote to our values. and give us as people who love god and love his word, more time to rebuild and revive the
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republic from the bottom up and inside out. it is called revive us. i bought i bought the trailer here for you to see tonight so that you can get excited about this like i am. can we please play that trailer? ♪ ♪ ♪ >> people are saying things in our country and i never heard before. they are arguing over who should be king. who will save us? but don't we already have a king? isn't he called the ruler of the nations? isn't it here and no further. where where is he in all of this? why are we arguing? what if there was a way to
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bridge the divide and work together, a plan that is strong and clear and full of hope? join me, francis chan, doctor ben carson, eric attack this for a live interactive night. [applause]. >> i am so excited about this. it is a chance for people to call in and tweet in their questions and ask this panel of wise, humble, and godly people what they should do. i'm hoping you'll help me get the word out and that this can be my small part of contributing to make a difference and gives you a tool that you can use in your communities to help to the same.
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i want to to read a quote to you that i heard that was mind blowing to me. i'm going to see if you can guess what kind of person said this. this person said, quote the bible is the best of all books, for it is the word of god and teaches us to be happy in this life and in the next. continue therefore to read it and to regulate your life by its principles. you know who said that? think it was a pastor? minister? , that was actually said by a man named john jay, the the first chief justice of the united states supreme court. the same supreme court that legalizes ripping babies out of mothers rooms and selling them for parts.
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that wants to get god out of government and crush and struggle our religious freedoms that made this country so great. the same supreme court that has us supreme court justice, the prototype for the rest of the supreme court's route the history of our nation, he said that. the bible is the best of all books, read it and regulate your life by its principles. why, because why, because they are good for all. regardless of your ideologies or your economic class or your race. there is a french statesman, perhaps you've heard this quote, who understood the devastation to france after the revolution and yet looked over at the americans revolution and saw there were such strength in america. america had come to a place of being a pinnacle nation
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it was so blessed the people had a character about them and there is a freedom about the way they lived that was just worldly. he went to america to try to understand what was the source of its greatness. alexis -- he has been reported to say, i thought for the key to the greatness and genius of america, in her harbors, it was not there. i went went to her fertile fields and boundless forest, in her rich minds and vast world commerce, in her public school system and institutions of learning, i sought sought for it in her democratic congress and in her constitution, but i did not find it. not not until i went into the churches of america and heard her pulpits slain with
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righteousness, did i understand the secret of her genius and power. america he said is great because america is good. if america ever ceases to be good, america will cease to be great. if we want america to be great again, america needs to become good again. that happens when america remembers again that god is great. [applause]. the god of the holy bible is great. as you heard me say in that video, i turn on the news i hear people talk around the coffee
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machine and it seems is that we have lost our bearing so much and we do not understand our history. it is like we're scrambling to elect a king or queen who will step in and fix our problems with all of the right ideas. no. america does not have a king. we don't want to king. they try to make george washington king, twice and he said no. we are getting away from that. the power and the authority is going to rest in the hands of the people. we have already got got a king. i speak as a christian. church, we already have a king, his name is jesus christ. clapmac he. [applause]. he wasn't elected into office and he wasn't voted in by the media. he doesn't need a background check, you can always trust his word. his foreign-policy is perfect.
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he gets it with discrimination, welfare, healthcare, and border control. he border control. he is the ruler of the nations. he himself was discriminated against as an outcast and crucified. he understands welfare. he feeds feeds the hungry and cares for the needy. he is the great physician who heals the sick and has conquered the grave. he is the one who understands the borders, he gives every nation has boundaries and says to the ocean you come this further and no further. he is the king of kings and is firmly seated on his throne. he's. he is not going anywhere. what we need is to remember who we are. and whose we are. we need to elect leaders who represent the king's ways in our land so that we can have the air
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cover that we need as the people to begin reviving our nation from the bottom up in the inside out. and to get back to the work that we have neglected over the last 50 years. [applause]. i would like to share this final story with you. in the 1700s when america was in the womb, it was preparing to be born officially in america, its colonies were experiencing massive cultural divisions much like we are today. these divisions were threatening their freedoms and the very existence of their union. they were divided, they had separate governments, separate denominations, separate loyalties, separate loyalties to
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political parties. some were all about local freedom and others were about loyalty to mother england who was as powerful as the roman empire in their day. there was all of these tensions. the freedoms of all americans was on the chopping block and in the hands of an out-of-control governments, thousands of miles away. does that sound familiar? all americans freedoms, people don't think about the fact that if you have an overreaching, out-of-control government that overrules the will of the people even when they vote on critical issues and just say no, you do not think the right way, this is how it's going to be. don't you think that when somebody else gets in power they're going to use that same power which is going to continue to grow to come around and hit the other side with the same stick. it is bad for everybody for
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government to get out of control. they understood this when god raised up a leader who is a student at harvard university and he became a devout christian during the great awakening. in the preaching of the gospel with george whitfield and others. he had a deep love for god and a deep love for other people and his goal was to unite all of the colonies, all of the people across all of these divides and he discovered a peaceful peaceful ancient strategy to do it. it had worked for centuries. on different continents around the world and it brought peace, strength, and blessing. it was a bottom-up strategy, not a top-down strategy. it. it was an inside-out strategy that started with the heart and
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then penetrated the family, the church, and the community, and all of the way through, all of the way through, all of the way to the top. he set out to do what he called set up brush fires of liberty and freedom in the minds of men. he did it by teaching people the art of self-government and the exalted virtues of the christian religions. because, as i learned from eric, our founding fathers understood that in order to have freedom, which was an insane concept to get people, give your kids. freedom, let them do whatever they want, good idea? no because they don't how to self govern most likely when they are young. up until this point there has never been a group of people who have survived without a king that tells them what to do and governs them. here they have an idea that you can self govern but in order to
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do that you must have a virtue and character. the only way to have that is to have a transformation of the heart which comes from experiencing true religion and that is the love and grace of god. it transforms the heart through the gospel, they were witnessing that because of the great awakening in the preaching of the true religion changing the very virtue and character and nature of the people. they said they have matured and gone to the point where they can handle the freedom. he taught them self-government based upon virtue which is based upon a sincere, voluntary faith in the lord jesus. that is why they can trust him with it. he began walking the streets of boston i got to know all of the people in his town by name. he learned from his dad how to hold house meetings and he taught these principles of freedom and
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unity. he united the the people of the colonies and he joined them to see that they were all fighting the same battle for their freedom. against an out-of-control and godless governments. he he began working with friends like patrick henry in 1776, they assembled the continental congress of the declaration of independence they had the unity and strength they needed for the very difficult days ahead. the last man to speak at the declaration of independence on the fourth of july with samuel adams. some people said they just as a guy with a great beard he said we have this day to restore the
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king to which who was it? it was a jesus, the son of god. from the rising to the settling of the sun but his kingdom come we want heaven to come to earth for all people. we want god's will to be done his kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. that is you and your community. that is mia and my wife and my family. until we can get it right in our house we will never get it right at the white house. [applause]. our nation as tony perkins said to me the hallway before i came up here, it is hanging by a
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thread over a raging fire. all of the progressives need is one more term. and it is locked down for a long time. it doesn't matter what you try to do after that. it is now or never. in the last election there were 25 million registered christian voters who voted for no one. they stayed home. the election was one by a gap of less than 5 million votes. please, get out and vote. vote for representatives and leaders who will protect you, me, our friends, and get your friends how to vote. if we do
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not vote we will not win the election. we need, if nothing else the air cover so that we, as the ground troops can begin correcting and course correcting and reviving, restoring, rebuilding our nation from the bottom up in the inside out. thank you very much. god bless you. [applause]. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> for campaign 2016, c-span continues on the road to the white house. >> we are going to get things done, big things, that is who we are as americans. >> we will have one great american future. our potential is is unlimited. >> ahead, live coverage of the presidential and vice
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presidential debate on c-span, the c-span radio c-span radio app and monday september 26 is september 26 is the first presidential debate, live from new york. then on tuesday, october 4 vice presidential candidate governor mike pence and senator tim came debate in virginia. on sunday october ninth, washington university in st. louis host the second presidential debate. leading up to the third and final debate between hillary clinton and donald trump. taken place at the university of nevada, las vegas on october nineteenth. live coverage of the presidential and vice presidential debates on c-span. listen live on the free c-span radio app or watch live anytime on demand at >> this we can book to be bring to 48 hours hours of nonfiction books and authors. here are some of the programs
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for this coming weekend. saturday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern, new york city principal nadia lopez talks about starting an inner-city middle school in her book, "the bridge to brilliance" how one principle is inspired the world. she gained national attention -- and then at ten p.m., afterwards former u.s. attorney alberto gonzalez talks about his life in the george w. bush administration at in his book true faith and allegiance. a story of service and sacrifice. he is interviewed by a legal affairs reporter. . . ...
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>> next, a house oversight hearing on the federal response to flooding in louisiana. after that, a look at the congressional agenda with new york congressman tom reed. then new york congressman, gregory meeks talks about the 2016 campaign and outreach to minority voters. now the august 2016 flooding in southern louisiana and the federal response. fema officials and john bell edwards discussed the displacement of thousands of people and the response of federal aid. this house oversight hearing is almost


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