tv US Senate CSPAN September 23, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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to call terrorism islamic extremism. we know that isil, though it claims the banner of islam, occupies no part of your religion. a religion founded on peace. after i am gone, i hope you will always regard your department of homeland security aligned in interest with you for peace, the safety of your family and the protection of your homeland. i hope he will always regard our new office of community partnerships as you partner. tonight, in this last and biggest opportunity i will have as your secretary of homeland security to address an audience this large, all at once, i went to take our conversation to a
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new level. a leader of this organization reminded me that we spend a lot of time telling young muslims in this country what you should not become. a more effective message is to tell you that in this great country what you can become. [applause]. >> we must not simply curse the darkness, but offer a candle. tonight, i will not look at this large group of that muslims before me through a homeland security lands. tonight, i will not talk about counterterrorism. tonight, i will simply address you as you you are, my fellow americans. [applause]. >> tonight, i speak especially
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to the young people in this audience and to the parents worried about your future. many of the young people in this room worry that because of the current climate your religion, your skin color and your attire, because of that you will never win full acceptance in this country. i come before you tonight to assure you this is not true. your struggle or full acceptance in this country is one you will win. had i notice? because my african-american ancestors and i have traveled a similar road. i hear your stories of discrimination, vilification and of the efforts to tar you without broad brush as the-- suspicion. i hear about the bullying and the physical attacks that muslims are experiencing
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nationwide. they are familiar to me i recognize them. i look out on this room of american muslims and i see myself. i see a similar struggle that my african-american ancestors have fought to win acceptance in this country. [applause]. >> realize it or not, your story is the quintessential american story. your story is american story, told over and over again, generation after generation of waves of people who struggle for , seek and will eventually when your share of the american dream. know the history of this country and you will know that, whether it's catholic americans, jewish
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americans, mormon americans, irish-americans, italian americans, japanese-americans, african-americans, americans or muslim americans, this will be true. [applause]. >> the ark of the american story is long, it is bumpy and in certain, but it always bends towards a more perfect union. some of you are frustrated that you have been publicly denouncing violent extremism four years, sometimes at your own peril and have not been recognized for it. some of you are discouraged that you must continually point to the patriotism of american muslims, by pointing to your military service, to those american muslims who have died in combat for your country. i have another story for you.
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it's about a black man named charles s johnson who lived in the segregated south years ago. doctor johnson was born in virginia in 1893. the son of an emancipated slave. doctor johnson fought in combat in world war i, became a prominent sociologist and president of fisk university in nashville, tennessee. and a public champion for civil rights for the african-american. despite his academic degrees, his honorary degrees, his reputation and his many achievements, in 1949, doctor johnson was called to testify in congress before the house un-american activities committee. historians in this room know about the house un-american activities committee. part of its mission was to ferret out communists in this
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country in the late 1940s and 50s. during the red scare, mccarthyism and a great fear that communists were hiding among us. some of that suspicion was focused on african-americans who dared publicly challenge the government to deliver equal protection of the laws were all people. doctor johnson appeared before this committee and had to deny that he was a member of the communist party and defend the patriotism of all african americans. of this, he testified: it's like asking if tennesseans presbyterians or foreign-born citizens or american women or persons with freckles are loyal. at the prime example of the african-american patriotism, he noted that quote in time of war have pleaded for combat service,
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for the supreme hazards of military service. they have offered and wrist their lives freely for the country, even while bitterly resenting at times the conditions under which they were permitted to die in honor. charles a johnson died 60 years ago in 1956, just as the civil rights movement he championed was about to take flight. at the time, jim crow still existed in the south. trials johnson knew nothing else in the south. but, one month before he died, doctor johnson wrote this about the segregated south in which at the time we were not allowed to vote or live with, travel with, each with ordinary anyone of the white race. quote, it is expected that negro southerners as a result of our limited status in the racial system would be bitter or hostile. bitterness grows out of hopelessness and there is no
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hopelessness in the situation. faith in the ultimate strength of the democratic full odyssey-- philosophy and cut in the nation has always been stronger than the impulse to despair. i believe that, also. i believe that because charles s johnson was my grandfather. [applause]. >> he died a second-class citizen. in fact, and in law. but, he had faith in this country. perhaps he imagined the unimaginable in 1956, but his own grandson would one day-- when they become the person in charge of the homeland security for this entire nation, or even more incredible that i would serve in the cabinet of a black president. this is something--
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[applause]. >> this is something as recently as 10 years ago, i thought would never happen in my lifetime. the house un-american activities committee was abolished many years ago. i am told it used to hold its hearings in room 311 of the cannon house office building on capitol hill in washington. this is the same room in which the house homeland security committee holds its hearings today. therefore, 67 years ago my grandfather likely testified in that hearing room to defend his patriotism. now, his grandson testifies in the same room to explain what did the us government is doing to defend our nation. this is the promise and the wonder of this country. followed the example of many people in this room, the leaders
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of this organization and become full participants in our great democratic society. continue to prod us towards a more perfect union. aspire, excel, contribute, engage and vote. channel your energy in a way such that muslim americans to become recognized as a full part of the fabric of this diverse society, like others who have done before you. this injury moment of opportunity. models and inspiration, you can look to muslims who are already shining examples of great americans. [applause]. mohammed ali was not just a hero , he was a great american. delilah mohammed, who last month
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about home from the olympics the gold-medal for the 400-meter hurdles is a great american. [applause]. captain humayun khan who gave his life for our country in iraq is american hero. [applause]. >> his gold star mother and his gold star father who carries a copy of the u.s. constitution in his pocket are american heroes. [applause]. >> like those who came before you, do not lose hope. do not despair. have faith in the code of this nation. we will continue on the path toward a more perfect union. if you know american history, take comfort in learning from it. yes, it is frustrating to listen
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to those who foment fear, suspicious and intolerance, who don't know the mistakes of history and are in the midst of repeating them. have a faith that the character of the american people as a whole is such that in the end, in the end we will choose not to drink this brand of soiled milk. ladies and gentlemen, fellow americans, public officials in this country are often reluctant to ask the public we serve for your help. on behalf of myself and the president, i ask for your help. hear this message and assure it with others in your communities. light a candle. show others the promise and the wonder of this country. thank you for listening. [applause]. [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> we have our brothers and sisters in the military of the department of defense to him introduce our next speakers. you know, we live in interesting times. this presidential election has redefined social norms in america. things that were only said behind closed doors one year ago are now said on the open on tv, on radio without any source of embarrassment or any sense of remorse. that islamic phobia has taken an uptick dramatically in the last 12 months. organizations like care and empower and others have been
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fighting back against islamic phobia. that, who would have known that the undoing of the islamic bulbs , the undoing of this hateful rhetoric would come from a beautiful, humble, genuine, modest couple speaking at the democratic national convention. ladies and gentlemen, my next speakers are ghazala khan and khizr khan. they are the parents of three children including captain humayun khan whom we unfortunately lost in iraq. ladies and gentlemen, please help me to welcome our next speakers, ghazala khan and khizr
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khan. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> thank you very much. you are all my children and i feel very close to you because you have shown me lots of love and respect. may all of blessed us all and give you power to fight against yourself. bring all the goodness of your heart out and give to others. you will receive more. look at me. i'm an example of that. thank you very much. i love you all.
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thank you. >> today, what to ask three favors, through you. went to reach 1.6 billion muslims. we are at crossroads today in history. my creator and our all a is witness that i ask you, isn't it because the majority of muslims have been silenced against this smear of terrorism on islam. i ask you today to stand up, stand up in the name of your
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creator, to clean that smear from the name of islam and for you i ask 1.6 million muslims that have been quite today, no more, no more, no more. it ended today. , it ended today. it ended today. the smear from the name of islam. that smear from the violence has ended today. one point six million project the violence and we will be standing tall in front of allah and say that we took the lead. we were silent, but no more. >> i second request is we live in a democracy of the united states and the first principle
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of living in a democracy is participation. there are muslims in this audience from all corners of the united states. when you get back, please, get back. be part of the process of democracy so that your voice will be heard. this generation, all of us are the message of islam, universal message of islam, which is peace. please do justice to your position in this generation and participate, regardless of issues where you stand, but participate. register. vote. let your voice be heard so that tomorrow our future generation, our children don't have to hear
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this ugly political rhetoric that we have heard. enough. it ended today. it ended today. [applause]. >> please, we are brothers, protectors in all faith and especially to our immigrant newly arriving brothers and sisters. why we cannot make it our mission that each family that comes into this country, each muslim family, each refugee family will be accepted by the community, by the muslims and i cite the example of the little town that we live, any muslim immigrant family that comes we adopt them as our family. we go to school with their children to register them.
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we are their caretakers. we go to grocery stores with them. we go to register them for medical services. i appeal to all people in attendance, all muslims in attendance and through you to all communicate that adopt a new immigrant family. a be their to be there caretaker and be there brother and sister in time of need. may allah bless you. thank you very much. [applause]. >> my brothers and sisters, as you all know we are celebrating the 53 years of islamic course in north america. through nsa and through isna.
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in the last five decades, every single day we strived to get the message across to tell our fellow americans what we are doing. few weeks back, in seven minutes what we were able to do in 50 years ghazala khan and khizr khan were able to get that message across in seven minutes. these amazing individuals have been a blessing to the american muslim community. this sister that stood for seven minutes in silence became the voice of millions of americans and she gave the voice to millions of americans. she showed the entire world what a dignified woman stands for.
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so, this evening, want to confess that this beautiful couple have inspired millions of americans and this extraordinary couple inspired ordinary vigils like myself to carry the constitution of this great country. [applause]. tonight, we are recognizing this community of muslims and people of other faiths who have gathered under this roof. together we are recognizing ghazala khan and khizr khan, so it's islamic society of north america in recognition of their strategic and most timely contributions towards the improvements of the image of islam and muslims in america, this award is presented to
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ghazala khan and khizr khan, outstanding ambassadors of islam, 53rd annual convention. so, on your behalf i present this award to this amazing couple, so please join me with a very loud applause. [applause]. [applause]. >> and i'm joined over here from the members of the us armed forces and people from the department of defense. these honorable men and women defend our democracy, our nation
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[applause]. >> amazing. strong woman can say more with her silence than other people can say with their words. our next speaker is the president and has been with us now, for well over date decade and served as the vice president he served on the executive council before that. is currently based in dallas and is the senior national director of isna, the largest muslim charity in the united states a very active locally in dallas where he serves in various capacities with many it-- islamic organizations.
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[applause]. >> my brothers and sisters, my dear friends on behalf of the islamic society of north america i went to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to each one of you. i am immensely grateful for our creator for giving me this opportunity to serve this very important and very amazing islamic organization, islamic
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society of north america. i am grateful to all of my colleagues. i'm indebted to the staff of isna for their dedication, their hard work, for their commitment to islamic work in north america. isna is an association of muslim organizations and individuals to provide a common platform for presenting islam, supporting muslim communities, educational and social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other religious communities and civic and service organizations. during this last two days, we were blessed to have semi- guests who came and shared their thoughts and shared their wisdom with all of us. we were very blessed to have
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senator dick durbin, one of the senior senators representing this great state of illinois. he was our keynote speaker at the inaugural session. we were very blessed to have the archbishop to spend last evening with the leadership of islamic society of north america. i'm very honored to welcome our very own from the white house. reshot hussein from the department of justice. we are very honored to have today reverend jesse jackson among us. [applause]. we are very honored to have again, mr. isna and sister khizr khan, semi- members presenting
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the different branches of the administration of law enforcement and people serving our nation. very honored to have the secretary of the department of homeland security, secretary johnson and other members of the administration. i brothers and sisters, this year election campaign has been one of the most arising campaigns that we have seen in recent times. is very sad and it's very unfortunate that in this great nation of ours, people who are a spine for the highest office are making insensitive reckless comments, not only against muslims, but against minorities. ..
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>> i urge each one of you to register to vote and on that election day, we should do our best to make sure that american muslims 100% contribution participate in the election. i know it is not a religious nonprofit organization, we do not endorse any political party or any political candidate. but i think and urge you, i trust your wisdom, i trust that you'll pick the right person to
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serve our nation for next four years. the most important message that we have been given since the beginning of this year is for each one of you to vote, people before us, especially our african-american brothers and sisters make immense amount of sacrifices so that people who would come later on, people like like you and me would be able to enjoy the blessings of democracy and be able to participate in elections and vote. once doctor king said, we must not be a segregated nation but in integrated one. we must not be a nation enslaved to racial discrimination but a nation where all people are free. while we talk about the challenges that we see or hear
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and our own backyard i just want to draw your attention for a minute or two to urge you to do your part for our brothers and sisters in syria. last year exactly at this time, we saw the images of the boy on the shores of turkey. that picture, that image changed the hearts of thousands and thousands of people. as a result, many european nations opened up their doors the syrian refugees. exactly after one year we saw the pictures of om -- was pulled out of rubble and the picture is again reminding us that their millions of syrian children who are suffering every single day.
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he became the symbol of millions of children who are urging us to do something to help her brothers and sisters in syria. my brothers and sisters, i mentioned this in my speech, i mention this this in the luncheon today, that each one of us should do our part to ensure that in our lifetime will be an independent, free, sovereign nation that has been suffering for decades. the oppression should come to an end. and by just chanting slogans or by just protesting the change is not going to come. each one of us should do our part. if we have contacts, if we have relationships, if we know people who can make a difference
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, this is the time for all of us to rise and to go above and beyond and do our parts. this is the hour. this is the need of the hour. i have seen it with my own eyes the suffering of our brothers and sisters. i can very proudly say that i have spent in travel more in the holy land to than most of the palestinians because i was able to go to every corner of this holy land. it is imperative on all of us to see that this injustice comes to an end. we also lent our support to our brothers and sisters in kashmir who are suffering for the last two months [applause]. and now more than 200 young boys and girls are blinded because pallets are shot in their eyes. this form of violence, this form
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of injustice should come to an end. my brothers and sisters, the muslims are our brothers and sisters in faith and inhumanity. i know they do not have large numbers over here, each one of us should do our part to represent their cause. my brothers and sisters in our own backyard, here in the city of chicago and last year 2200 incidents of shooting, we have seen racial discrimination that people are getting discriminated and becoming victims of hate and bigotry. we need to do our part, each one of us should offer their hands in their support to ensure that this great nation of ours is free from all forms of discrimination. from from all
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forms of bigotry and hate. my -- only wiseman said only those who dare to fail can ever achieve greatly. in conclusion, i want to remind myself into you with this work that we are reminding us when he says for -- the blessings of your law that you bring tonight. in this great nation of ours we enjoy so many blessings, so many bounties so we need to express our gratitude toward the creator for the mercies them for the bounties that he has bestowed upon all of us. islamic society of north america is your organization. for the past 53 years this organization is working tirelessly to serve the american muslim community.
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and last one year this organization has been to more than 100 cities across america changing our programs, changing our image, taking over conferences, education forms, youth camps, taken over matrimonial events to serve the muslim community. tonight i urgent appeal to you, everyone, young and old, brother and sister to strengthen the hands of islam. support the important work, ensure that this organization will continue to serve american muslim dice bora for another 50, 100, 500 years. i will conclude, since we are in the land of lincoln i will conclude my message with this very famous quote from abraham
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lincoln who said, i like like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. i like to see a man man live so his place would be proud of him. no matter what you do, if i sna is working for you. please continue to support the important work. [applause]. >> have mercy on you. you know what i love the most about muhamed only? this man would look you dead in the eye with a straight face and a smile and tell you that everything that you believe was absolutely wrong.
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he would challenge every social norb that he felt was unjust and yet by the end of it you cannot help but love him nonetheless. very few people have that talent and may god bless you, mohamed ali. ali. my next speaker is no stranger of controversy. he is the current resident scholar at memphis islamic center. the associate professor of that road college at memphis. the dean of academic affairs, i speak of none other than of course -- a prolific commentator on political issues which is very germane to our time. he started off his career as a chemical chemical engineer and then had a change of heart. he went to the islamic university where he got his bachelor's and a masters in islamic theology. he then decided he did not have enough degrees so he went to yell and got his phd in islamic study. more important than any of that,
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more important than any i just said, he is our only speaker today that has his own barbecue sauce named after him. if you go to tom's barbecue in memphis, tennessee and asked for yq sauce, they'll bring you a special sauce. it is a barbecue sauce on the spicy side but it is delicious. [applause]. >> it is such a pleasure and honor to be here. a little while ago people come up to me to take selfie's and take pictures. pictures. i pass by in the hallway and there was people and i went up and i said people come to take selfie's with me but i need to to take a selfie with you. and i took one with them. years from now, when his story
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ends and political analysts are going to analyze the strange rise and eventual fall of donald trump, when when they are going to discuss how he lost resoundingly in the november 2016 election they will say that the turning point in his popularity, the beginning of the nosedive that caused him to disappear from public life was the powerful and emotional speech along with a dignified silence. mr. trump, mr. trump attempted to devry an islamic phobic near but i swear by allah that the dignified silence on that democratic convention stage and calm demeanor was far more eloquent then an poignant and profound thing compared to anything that donald trump has
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ever uttered with his mouth. [applause]. the message that all of us learned on that day was very clear. america, never underestimate the power of our uncles and on teeth. you know, speaking of trump and unfortunately i have to speak of trump, he is on our minds, he is in her nightmares for the last year, speaking of trump, last month over 50 senior republicans published a letter in the new york times asking their fellow americans not to support their own parties candidates. imagine that, senior republicans are saying do not support trump. but i have to be honest here the republicans only have themselves to blame. for the last few years they were the ones campaigning
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relentlessly about obama, immigration and people of other faiths, people of other colors. for years they did everything they could to be racist and xenophobic without actually becoming racist and xenophobic. the results was that they succeeded beyond their wild bliss and trying wildest dreams. they piled up the masses, they, they fermented hatred to an extent that even mainstream republicans deemed to make into passive to fulfill the rhetoric that they themselves had spawned. in that environment on turd donald. being the shrewd, bombastic, businessman that he is clearly understood that he could offend the republican party by playing their own game and bettering it. he rode the the republican wave to the max and he verbalized what republicans could not,
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quite literally the republican party in the far right created the very frankenstein in donald trump that is now destroying them. i have a message for all republicans and especially the far right. you claim you want to take your country back, you you claim you want to make america great again , well perhaps you should start by taking your own party back from the radicals and bigots like donald trump who have hijacked it. [applause]. and yes, while there is a lot that can be said about the sharp right turn the republicans have taken, let us be fair at the law commands us to be fair. let to us to be just against those who we like or do not like. the fact of the matter is there is a lot to blame to go around. the democrats as well have their fair share. this is president barack obama/year in office and we all
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remember, i remember the hope and the excitement we felt when he was elected to the highest office in the world. it made us feel so optimistic, so passionate, and i cannot help but recall how excited and happy i was when the very first bill that president obama signed was the executive order to shut down guantánamo bay. well, eight years have gone by and guantánamo bay remains open as we speak. for many of us guantánamo has become symbolic of the stalemate of politics. of the fact that names and faces may change but policies really do. you know, i am appreciative that we have the secretary of the department of homeland security here, but facts are facts, and
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the last eight years that patriot act has been renewed, unsupervised wiretaps have increase. the entrapment of dozens, dozens of young innocent men and women via the fbi entrapment program has increased. the situation in the middle east has been out of control and worst of all the immoral, unethical, counterproductive tactics of drone strikes which have caused on told civilian deaths have increased more than tenfold. [applause]. last months issue of the atlantic, the most mainstream magazine in this country, it, it has been published for 160 years, the last month issue of the atlantic had a cover story that highlighted the fact that after 15 years after nine/11 we have spent 1,000,000,000,000 dollars on the supposedly tell you.
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yet the magazine concluded that far from making our country safer, we are less safe than we were 15 years ago. the fact of the matter is the threat of islamic radicals overtaking the countries or even of terrorist plot has been highly exaggerated to the point of ludicrous. statistically speaking more americans died from furniture accidents them from radical jihadist attack. yes, of course we criticize even one radical jihadist attack but we don't spend 1 trillion-dollar trying to correct furniture. we don't don't invade sweden demanded that ikea produce furniture according to our standards. we have to to be realistic in our response to the threat. never forget that we here in america are far more likely to be killed by a loan, angry, christian mass shooter or even by a rogue policeman who pulled
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us over for a traffic violation them by radical jihadists. clapmac mr. president, we elected you on the promise of hope, on the problems of change, many of us believed in that promise. many of promise. many of us believe when you said, yes we can. i'm sorry to tell you that eight years down the line instead of hope, many of us feel even more despair. instead of change, the status quo remains. or perhaps has even gotten worse. but not all hope is lost mr. president, you still have a few months left in office. i don't speak on behalf of millions of people around the world would i say that you can still leave a positive legacy. you can still leave a positive legacy of your presidency. you can still leave a positive legacy on the books of history but you're going to have to do some very, very simple promises that you, yourself campaigned on. mr. president, close close down guantánamo bay. mr. president, scale down and
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back down the drone strikes. mrn refugees, support the rights of the palestinian people to lose in dignity and freedom like the rest of humanity. our fathers mentioned that when it comes to political power and stability, a values of justice even more than he values faith. that is why just society, even if it does not have faith will be blessed in this world with strength and might, and a muslim society that does not have justice will not be blessed with that power. there is no doubt, and i say this as a critic, there is no doubt that our country overall has many strengths and freedoms. the freedom freedom to criticize even as i stand on the stage. we appreciate those freedoms. american muslims, if you if you ever feel that the situation is too depressing, all you need to do is look over the pond and see the europeans. we think the law that we have freedoms farm better than our
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muslims brothers and sisters in europe. i'm still trying to digest these bands coming from france. the same country that in its ruling said that the bertini and i quote, is liable to defend the religious convictions are nine convictions of some people". the same quote that insisted on the right to defend other religions and that insisted to defend profit, itself got offended by the modesty of a muslim woman. another point must be made here, and any other contacts, if a group of men surrounded a woman and forced her to take her close off their be labeled as delinquent bullies and rowdy hooligans. i have a message for the french politicians and police. simply because you wield power, simply because you have
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the law behind you, simply because you are wearing police suits, it makes you no less of a bunch of hooligans and rowdy thugs when you surround a lady and force her to take her own close off. shame on you. shame on you. shame on you shame on you and your hypocrisy and your shallow claims to be an vanguards of liberty and the galatea fraternity. but you know what? enough of grumbling and complaining that has its time and place. enough of the islam of folks. our religion tells us that we should be thankful and appreciative for blessings. the grand mentions the two blessings that you have art [speaking in native language], food that we are not hungry and safety so were not worried about civil war. american muslims have by and large these two, far better than all other lands. here we are in the best ten days of the year, in the ten days as the pilgrims are gathered, here we are in
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these blessed ten days and i remind myself and all of you that let us think of the plight of muslims around the world. look at at our brothers and sisters in syria, look at them in kashmir. see what is happening in so many other muslim lands. our brethren our brother and go to sleep at night worried about bombs and they wake up in the morning worried about where to get their food. so tran1, we thank the law for all the blessings he has given us. we strongly disagreed with the sentiment that some people have that they are always complaining about the times that we live in. recently i heard somebody moan and say that this is the worst time to be a muslim in america. i disagree. in fact, i agree this is the best time to be a muslim in america. there has never there has never been a better time. do you know why? it goes back to the theme of this convention. navigating challenges and
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seizing opportunity. we are facing colossal challenges, unprecedented challenges and it is a struggle navigating our way through the challenges. the struggle to always try to find opportunities in the problems around us. these days were constantly having to struggle to maintain our faith, to struggle to stress our faith, the struggle to defend our faith. in fact it is a never ending struggle to overcome this xenophobia and islam a phobia. in that struggle we feel a renewed passion for our faith. a renewed commitment to our cause on earth. in that struggle is our continuous attachment to our lord, our our prophet, our books, our message, our calls and that struggle we find meaning and purpose in our life. you know what brothers and sisters? i have been using english way too long. because arabic has a word for struggle.
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and the koran has a word for struggle. do you know what that word is? do you note the word for struggle in the koran and the arabic languages? it as a taboo word. it is a word that has been hijacked by a small minority within our own faith and criminalized in foundational lies by the outsiders of our faith. but i don't care about those two extremes. the word is a koran word, it is a noble word, noble word, it is up you are word, it is a blessed word, despite the extremism of the radicals in the smear campaigns of the biggest. it is a word that has been praised by our lord and our profit, and our religion. so i for one ask allah to make me of those who do not fear the criticism of the critic and do not care what other speaks as i
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speak the truth so i will speak my mind. the reason why i love being muslim in this difficult day and age is because i must constantly engage in jihadist. there i set it. i set it again let me say again, because it again, because i must constantly engage in jihadist. in fact to get ready for this. i stand before you today, fox fox news are you filming? i stand before you today and i say in front of the largest gathering of muslims in north america, i openly, brazenly and unabashedly call for a struggle, a jihad. i ask all of you to join me in an american muslim jihad. [applause]. what will our jihad be? well, for sure sure it is not going to be this pseudo- jihad, of violence and bloodshed, of isis and al qaeda. that is not jihadist, that is chaos.
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that's evil, that is not she hide. the jihad jihad that i am calling you to be a part of is a koran jihadist based upon the prophetic methodology, our jihad that i want all of us to join, are you listening donald trump? sean hannity take notes. our jihad, are you listening islam of folks? will be to respond to your evil with good. our jihad will be to seek the truth even if you lie. seek the truth even if you like. our jihad will be to behave with dignity in the face of your crudeness. our jihad will will be to counter your ignorance with education. our jihad will be to respond to your bigotry, your hatred, your islam a phobia a phobia with love, kindness, and compassion. our jihad will be to stand for justice, to fight alongside the oppressed, to preach the truth to power, especially to preach the truth to to radical power
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because they said that is the greatest jihad. our jihad, brothers and sisters will be in attempting to make america great again by being true witnesses of all law on this earth and by demonstrating to the world who our beloved prophet was. are you going to join me in this noble jihad? [applause]. let me take it up one level and then i will conclude. they don't like the word jihad, we have to reclaim it back because it is our word and it is a noble word. there's another phrase they do not like. there like. there is another phrase that has also been hijacked by the extremists within our own faith and the islam of folks outside. but we, mainstream american muslims have to reclaim the phrase because it is a karana and islamic phrase. that is the phrase that we say
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when we are happy, when we are excited, we praise the love of hannah and we announce to the world that nothing is more important, more holy, more grandiose, more beloved to me than my creator, and we say to the depths of our hot, allah -- that is supposed to inspire courage not fear. it is supposed to encourage nobility and virtue not injustice. we have to reclaim that phrase because it is a karana phrase. so when i ask you are you going to join this american jihad? i want you to respond with zeal, that is going to be heard from shining ease to shining west, that will shake the halls of this very convention center, that will send a loud message to all of the islam of folks and bigot that we are not scared to be who we are. we are not scared to claim that
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we have no loyalty and no fear of being muslims who want to worship our lord and be a part of this country. will will you join me in this jihad? louder. , you can do better than that? entre one last time and i want the halls to shake. [speaking in native language] [applause]. >> this weekend on american history today on c-span three, we are live saturday morning at eight eastern from the smithsonian national museum of african-american history and culture. with the opening ceremony beginning at ten. speakers include president barack obama and museum director. >> what is most important is every exhibition of this museum has a goal to humanize the stories.
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in most museums would tell the grand story of slavery or migration, we want those stories told and we want you to think about it on human skill. so you can relate, understand, and that you are moved by the experience of these people. >> just after seven p.m., ardis peter why dell shares his painting depicting washington d.c. during the 19th century. >> visitors from the east during president buchanan's presidency, harriet in the blue dress, the japanese ambassadors, those giant, wonderful lights outside the white house that were taken out during the roosevelt rehab in 1902. >> seventy 70 sunday evening at 6:00 p.m., this house was owned in the 19th century - medicare how the family maintained a large shipping manufacturing and how it has been passed down. >> when they did that pain analysis and doug underneath the layers of paint they struck gold. twenty-two and a half carat gold. it was largely in tax it only
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had to be repaired in a few places. but today it is considered one of the most elaborately built fireplaces in america at this time. >> for the complete american history tv schedule go to >> c-span, created by by america's cable television companies and brought to you as a service. >> join us in one hour when the most recent first lady, michelle obama and laura bush talk about their support for veterans and u.s. service members. we'll have that at 8:00 p.m. eastern. first, discussion about the role of the first lady in wartime. this is about one hour. >> pleased to be here and join with us to group to discuss
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issues of great importance and ongoing interest in the united states. i do want to thank anita for her leadership on this your work has brought tremendous visibility to the role of the first lady and the scholarship to the role of the work has been increasing as a result of that. [applause]. i want to thank you in advance first lady's michelle obama and laura bush for participating in today's panel discussion. we are especially proud to be participating in a conference that recognizes the service and sacrifices of americans in combat, military families in the country's veterans. american university is very proud to be recognized as a veteran friendly campus. we offer opportunities for returning servicemen and women that we think are special and we
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commend the other universities in the united states have stepped up as well. it is also our privilege to have for veterans in the audience from american universities. the student body and alumni core. a second year masters of public administration student in an army veteran. a first-year mba student and an air force veteran. matthew matthew mcguire a second year student and justice law, and criminology and lieutenant julia lopez, 2010 graduate. please stand. [applause]. i want to also think the archivist for assisting in helping lead this conference in this great facility. so thank you very much david now i would
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like to introduce our panel. william seal is the author of white house historian. he is a nationally recognized expert in historic restoration and has published 15 books. he is serving currently as the editor of white house history, the journal of the white house historical association. catherine is professor of history and director of the american studies program at st. joseph's university in philadelphia. she is editor of a companion to first ladies. anita mcbride has contributed to one of professor sibley's works. professor sibley has worked extensively including books, florence harding the lady behind the tragedy and controversy. in rats by america. susan swain is president and co-
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coo of c-span. she is moderator a first ladies, she directs programming at c-span for three television networks and over a number of years have moderated and conducted on air interviews on a wide range of issues. susan tells us that she is now currently covering her eighth presidential campaign. she also heads up the publication of c-span books, the latest being first ladies. our moderator, someone who needs no introduction but i will provide one just the same. cokie roberts. she is abc news commentator and a commentator on mpr's morning edition. she is a member of the broadcasting and cable hall of fame. the american women in radio and television selected her as one of the 50 greatest in the history of broadcasting.
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she is the author of four books, the most recent being capital gains, the the civil war and the women of washington. i now invite the panel to the stage and turn the panel over to cokie roberts. [applause]. >> a morning. this is a great location as we convene here in what i consider a second home, the national archives where i have been on the foundation board since birth. [applause]. in our chairwoman is here and a wonderful leader of this organization. anita mcbride has but doing a fabulous job. let us give her a hand. [applause].
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she starting to attend the conferences in 2011 and they have been very instructive as well as often amusing. and there teach in america about what first ladies are all about, because there is the smith that first lady sat around tending to -- until eleanor roosevelt. and nothing could be further from the truth. so american universities butter on it started this initiative and having it broaden is spectacular. so thank you for that. i do want to, we're going to do a little right through history through the centuries here and i will start with martha
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washington by david, our wonderful leader leader here at the archives reference martha washington when we are at valley forge which is, by the way almost people know about her they know anything. but martha washington spent every winter of the eight long years of the revolutionary war at campus soldiers. it was very hard for her. it was dangerous, first row she would have to travel over roads to get there, she was a prime target for hostagetaking because patriot wives were taken hostage, some were killed and she of course was a patriot patriot wife. she thought she was leaving behind duty at mount vernon, always and would just be torn about it all the time. but she would go because the general summoned her. she was frightened at the beginning and she said she would shut her every time she heard a bullet but that she went because
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that's when duty call. mainly because the general thought she was absolutely essential to troop morale and to keeping the army together which they said it was george washington's great genius but george washington was a continent without martha. and she would arrive at camp with the food, cough, and all kinds of things that have been prepared at mount vernon over the summer, one of the many controversies that brought americans to the revolution. should be cheered into camp, lady washington, lady washington is here. they loved her, she would cook, so, pray with the soldiers. they were put on and nurse them, she put on entertainment for them which was a good thing because was a good thing she was on hand because george washington could be indiscreet and there is a time that he
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dance for three hours straight with a very very pretty katie green. good thing martha was there. she also had a wonderful sense of humor. you would never know seen her in that little mop cap. she named her tomcat hamilton. and that was appropriate. and it was the winter of 1779, there's -- this one and that particular winter was a terrible time in the war. troops were threatening and she was, her presence was credibly important. the the british were also very nearby, as was -- who are moving around a lot because they were traitors to the king and all subject to being hanged at any moment. so martha was sometimes in a precarious position.
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when british rates would occur various members of the troupe would be assigned to guard her. one particular one of these raids, george washington was a way and a soldier was sent in them they brought home and said i am happy with the importance of my charge, as well as the presence of the most amiable woman on earth. but then he was very upset about the members of congress who kept coming around and try to guard the first lady. she was at first lady, the commanders wife, lady washington. and he wrote and said, he wrote about the members of congress, the rations they have consumed considerably over balance all of the service done as volunteers. for for they have dined with us every night almost and drink as much wine as they would earn in six months.
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[laughter] but after she did become first lady martha washington lobbied for veterans benefits because she had been with the soldiers all of those years. so the notion that this was something new in the 20th century is so amusing, but i'm fortunate that people not know this history. she also would agree any soldiers who had come to visit, as she would give them some money, food, and reminisce with them. her grandson wrote that every holiday she cordially welcomed veterans as old friends. so this is a long tradition that we have had among our first ladies. really what you will hear is a various ones of them over time but actually i want to start with you bill because that
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little note of the with the -- sense than at the white house you certainly seem that and one of the things that struck me when i was thinking about you writing history at the white house is how, when you are in the white house you really are surrounded by military. there are members of the military everywhere. they're guarding the place, gritting you, the marine the marine band is wonderfully entertaining you. it is really part of the white house. >> well not so much from the start. there were never many cards per there was a dormant dormant back in the days of the adams and called the porter. and then later on james munro who is a very afraid, he was
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living in france in his life and they're very much afraid of being killed. door assassinated so sharpshooters paraded on the roof hidden by the ballast state. they're told to shoot anybody who came to the house without order. but the military always crowded and at the big public reception. they had huge public reception at the white house where everyone got to go. in the 1850s they tried to stop that and it ended by invitation but it cannot work. it got so big at the turn-of-the-century that herbert hoover went fishing. there was july 4 and it was originally new year's at the white house. the military military was there but not so much until tyler, tyler was -- they became frightened as they
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had them alter polity and police formed and that is what the people who go to the white house, not the military. but but military camp in the front grounds during madison and during the war of 1812. and they left they left with everybody else when the british came. >> there wasn't a lot of defense. >> knowing of course munro that i talked about. jackson had no guards. beyond military policeman or so. it really began in the 1840s 40s with tyler during the mexican war. also there was lots of military people at the white house during that time. >> i want to stop either because i don't want to get ahead of ourselves historically. so i will come back to for the period after that. but i'll but i'll go to katie about dolly madison. we just talked about madison and the troops. >> this would be totally undefended and later historian
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saying she was the best soldier there was. let's talk about her for a minute. >> i think they know the story of the british attacking washington right, during the war of 1812. this was a score in a trance carry moment and telemedicine left. she took with her, this portrait of washington. she left in her night shirt. it was very scary and exciting moment for it was very scary and exciting moment for her. she knew how important it was. it was like the great general, she took this out of the white house and made sure it was protected. and telling madison was also so interestingly very political. if you want for her probably lots of deals were not of happened in washington. so issue summit is very his very attuned to politics, she brought people even to the jefferson administration to talk and meet with those that needed to know
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to make deals. on the other hand shows to the importance of symbolism and she had this picture of washington really needed to be saved during this war. >> because it was the equivalent of the statue of saddam hussein or so what happens is the british eight their dinner susan you have really found first real what was so interesting when you're doing the series of first ladies and this is new in our history writing, you found that there was someone for every first lady who had written about her speemac's terms of scholarship. >> yes. >> i think it's something that those of us who recognize the important contribution of women to a nation's history perhaps understudied over the decades and could take some heart. i think it is been phenomenon of the last 20 years or so that first lady scholarships has been taken so seriously and of course
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we have wonderful first ladies library but in terms of scholars like katie who are studying this at the university and teach it to the next generation of students in writing biographies, it's a relatively new phenomenon. first of all we did it year-long series in each first lady had their own biography. some less rich than others but there is a propensity for early first ladies to burn their papers. >> yes i would really like to kill them again for it. >> yes but we managed easily to find historians for a series and what i also loved about it those of you who know c-span does we make it interactive with calls and tweets. there is a genuine group of women and it was multigenerational. >> an eight-year-old could call could call and watching with their johnson women in their
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30s with their moms in grand -- grandmas i think where realizing there's a hunger for this history to be told. i'm sure you experience this with your books that people want to know this place in american history. >> talk about burning the letters, thomas jefferson burned all of his correspondence with his wife martha jefferson saying he was brokenhearted and cannot stand having it around. i don't think that's what you do in your brokenhearted. but it's but it's his story and his stick into it. but the one letter that we have, one is a letter of when she was first lady of virginia, calling on the women of virginia to raise funds for the troops. what had happened was in this year that i referenced earlier,
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this 17 80., before, before the french showed up basically the situation for the troops was terrible. the women in philadelphia asked to read and started a drive and the women of philadelphia with all overall. esther we was a first lady of pennsylvania she got the other first ladies of the state to do the petition drive. they raised a fund-raising drive they raised 300,000 dollars thousand dollars in a period of six weeks. but her letter says mrs. washington has written to me and asked me to make sure that we raise money for the troops. that is how involved they were that early. >> you told so much richness of the martha washington story of two small points to. first while the use of lady washington, many people think that is what the term first
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lady, and it was a great mark of honor by the troops. but she was a woman of society and yet there are many stories being told if you walked into came she would be sitting knitting socks and encouraging others to do the same. i also read in the fund drive she gave 20,000 dollars of her own money as a contributor contributor which is quite a lot. >> she was rich. but when she was. [inaudible] the woman of moorestown were horrified they went to a camp there and just like any time, the sailors are import and sell we she was setting the example
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of knitting to put forward all the rest. and then the civil war. we have gotten to it was jumped over a few times. >> you don't want to hear about what telemedicine really did. >> well, go for it. >> the congress was absolutely nuts at the time of the war of 1812. congressmen and senators stayed in their political taverns, they had fight to the street. it was really bad, madison needed them brought together. dolly madison began to have a receptions and she would asked nice ladies and young women from town to come there, and they would mix with the crowd and in those days the women sat on
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stools and the men moved behind them. well, well, she had everybody came. the whole congress came. she served hot coffee, she served served wine, and that she served what was really -- it was heated whiskey. everybody just loved it. and then madison used to the green room to lure the ones that he needed to talk to, to men, one from each party. he was were useful. people very useful. people never forgot her for that. dolly was a bit of a street angel but she was, she cleverly did that. she did, skinny was a there are notes that survived that she brought issues to the president, mainly wives that came to them
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for their husband but that is what she did and it was extremely important at the time. she clung to that story all of her life. and finally, probably finally, probably wrote a letter which she claimed was original and it was written while the fight was going on. but it very likely wasn't. probably wasn't telling the whole thing. nonoaud and then some people at the time zone had had come to the press and said that the story wasn't true about the painting and all in she got in touch with everybody she could to write letters and say what was. >> also been at the time of the civil war there actually troops in the east room and so talk to us a little bit about how -- the volunteers camped in the east room at the very beginning. we committed call for volunteers and they were gotten out of there and there were troops in the grounds, mainly on the south but some inside. there were guards that would patrol, the the white house has
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a long haul across it going east to west. they patrolled that hall. family quarters were on the west and the offices are on the east end. and on both floors their guards patrolling constantly. during the civil war. that was a protection they had but the interaction between the family and the truth is very personal. chad lincoln was made an officer and got a uniform. they were like family. >> and particularly at the lincoln county. >> yes but mostly at the white house i think. actually there is a problem. todd lincoln was coming to town in the carriage fell apart and someone had sabotaged the carriage and she could've been seriously hurt. and then mrs. lincoln are self went went to the hospitals and camps around washington and greeted the soldiers who were wounded and brought things from the kitchen at the white house and
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was very friendly, she's a woman who had a terrible terrible difficulty with the press because she was the first first lady that ever became red meat for the press. she did not understand it. she didn't understand why washington considered her a hit from the sticks. she suffered a lot of that. she was very, very sensitive. in all of these wonderful people were the stars of the age, victorian england, and she wanted to be. it didn't happen. but the international the troops, lincoln repeatedly tried to center to new york but she wouldn't do she insist on remaining with them. >> katie you want to pick that up? >> yes it's very interesting about mary liking, what a sad a sad story in so many ways. losing several children, particularly willie and their white white house and some suggest this made her more empathic for the soldiers.
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she had a great suffering herself and later after husband died she thought she suffered more than any other family that had lost someone in the civil war. so she could take thing sometimes too extreme. but she had great empathy. she was saying to the soldiers of the suffering that she had for her supper and i want to pick up on something susan was talking about what you had talked about with their show and help the development of first lady scholarship. it so interesting, here we are all today, very focused and excited about this topic but this is not the way it was for long time. i'm glad many of us have spoken to friends and family about our work and they said first lady, they don't, they don't understand why it's a compelling project. as so compelling but it's interesting on when it came about when it became something that people cared about. was relatively recent. as for as i can tell he began to spark at the betty ford library back in the mid- 80s. around the time nancy was first
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lady because she to like mary lincoln was vilified by the press. horrifically vilified for her close, the china, and all the stories. in fact in the end she tries to turn the tables and dress-up and secondhand close into the funny show for the press. which everyone was surprised that she is such a great sense of humor. the focus of the negative focus on her really drew interest in in the traditions of first lady set of course you had carter had just written her biography as well. there is a new interest and more people came to the gerald ford library than anybody had expected. more than 200 people came and so there's presidential members of families, some of of the daughters of lady bird johnson, it really began to spark. you had great books coming out at that time. the book on edith roosevelt knew
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began to see what scholarly work was being done and then a number of big contentions like carl anthony, robert watson and others and then first ladies began to be categorized in certain ways. the players, are they activists, are they -- type? these are things we wrestle with today and how we categorize them. as you will see in the course of our discussions today, somebody who would be considered a subdued first lady today, if there is such a thing is so much more involved than once earlier in the 20th century when it was much more difficult. even someone like lawrence harding who i love very dearly and i'm sure we'll get a chance to talk about later. [laughter] , she did not speak to the press directly. she didn't want it to be manipulated against her husband. we can't really imagine it with the first lady. things had really changed. >> when you don't talk about that categorize we all had a
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great treat a little while for now and laura bush that when she came instead of you going to be hillary clinton or barbara bush and she said, i thought thought i would be laura bush, but susan one of the reasons people have gotten excited about this is they are good stories. what are you tell us about the story of her the haze? >> when you look across first ladies with a particular run of military, the one thing they noticed right away is how often our nation is at war. so the real job of the first lady is to support and to preserve the family legacy. when the commander-in-chief is acting at that role that really is a natural for first ladies to be involved with the military and with veterans issues. when i look across the board the ones who really stand out on this issue, martha washington, lucy hayes, florence harding, and eleanor roosevelt either
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real, committed beyond belief personally because in many cases a family circumstances. lucy hayes is one of those. so the civil war was declared when rutherford hayes was a 40 years old in hand lucy already had children. they decided as a couple that they should -- because they believe so much in the cause of the union. . .
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the interesting thing is that lucy hayes' brother was a surgeon and lucy hayes participated regularly and in battlefield surgery assisting with amputations, good spent for perhaps mary lincoln, she saw more upfront the horrors of war. so when she came to the white house, in that famous children, she brought this concern for the soldiers to the white house and really became an advocate for them. she was one of the first, first late deaths to realize it. for concern and care for
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veterans, and also for their mental wounds and she regularly brought soldiers and their family total white house and one of the most touching stories, not told by her, but told by the british ambassador, there was event, honoring good relations, and he was invited and there was a very soldier who was invited to take part and he had had his union form sent, and they arrived without his stripes on the arm, and she sat, on the floor of the white house and got her needle point out and stitched the soldiers stripe's to the uniform. so that he could be properly attired. and the british ambassador saw this. so, lemon night lucy, it was really her husband who was
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the temperance person. she got the nickname but she's so much more really interesting and has so many layers of her own care. in fact, other the library has just reopened and she is, her story is coming much more to light. >> another one was, july gregrand, and when she came to the white house she had a wonderful time. >> she did. she loved it. she married him for love, they were engaged when he went away for the mexican war, and files noticedded and they came back and married. and they had a pretty hard life. she lived in army quarters. good and bad and he drank a lot. and then, in the 50's, he became very despondent exquisite the military, only to rejoin and become a hero.
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and then when he was elected president, mrs. grant, it was her turn. [laughter] >> and she moved in, she add welcoming party later on, for lucy hayes, and it was, she loved every reception. every overcrowded event, that served only ice water. they put a ladder, to the guest room. she was very happy, she knew the military, and of course, one of the things that i could go back to the white house past and do, there was a billiard room, which they had as a greenhouse. and, i mean the lincoln -- no -- johnson's, and, they turned it into a billiard room and the
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generals, would play billiards, and then they would go in and drink. and, usenoonments and relive the battles of the civil war and then go on until 2 in the morning and argue over this and that and, what did jones do. all the things that happened, i would love to witness that. but, julia presided over it all. >> they got into it, and she fell on the sofa and started screaming and pounding. but she didn't want to leave. >> a important point to know about grant, is attached had to julia, he was despondent that she didn't write him often enough. he needed her letters. and one of the reasons we believe that she didn't write, is that she was born with one eye that was off center and she
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had very difficult time writing. and, so she resisted writing letters because it was so difficult. and the census that he left because he missed her so much, and she was also part of the encourage meant to get him back into the service and one of the things that i'm doing an event next week at the lincoln cottage and it's a book on lincoln's generallals, lives, and julia, had affects for lincoln is why his career advanced. >> well, she invited the lincolns to city point when the troops were trying to get to richmond and they had a nice time and then, mary lincoln comes back and wouldn't have anything to do with julia grant and they're on boats and mary has a party and, so julia goes up and down the james, playing
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you'll miss me when i'm gone. [laughter] >> we got to get to the 20th century. florence hardy. >> one mention about letters, early 19th century, thomas jefferson, his daughter kept him going with letters. so, really interesting about the letters. so florence hardy was a fascinating woman. she but she was and one of the most underrated first ladies and hopefully that will change, as we learn about her role with the military. as a senator's wife, so she was very concerned, as many would have been including wilson, with the war and with the soldiers and what was happening.
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and florence had a special connection, like mary lincoln because she had suffered great physical pain. she had a terrible kidney ailment and had surgery and she felt the connection with the soldiers, and the military. and she really felt called to help them. meafd immediate when they got in the white house there were some opportunities to honor these soldiers. the tomb of the unknown, that was a body that was chosen there france, and brought back, and it is still remembered today. she also was quite concerned about the opportunities just as our first lady today of jobs for former veterans and she prevailed on her husband to sign an executive order to make sure that the former military candidates, for positions, post
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master got five points added to their score, and use it, as time allotted towards their positions. but i think more poignant she was so concerned about the treatment, of the veterans, in pain and suffering, she would have gathers and she would entertain them, and she would allow them to touch her face on the blind ones and she would sign autographs and she add connection with them. she was particularly concerned that they be well taken care of. so it was set up just at this time. the first veterans bureau. however, it was run by a very, what seemed to be a very qualified man. many he had been in hawaii. charles forbes.
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well, he was extremely the wrong person for this position. he, in the end took about $2 million in kickbacks for setting up hospitals, and he took supplies that were meant for the soldiers, and sold them and he had people who did this for him as well and one of them was exposed and shot himself. and how did this come about? >> florence knew about this, she had contacts. but she didn't know how bad it was and when she found out, there was lot of pressure on the president. he was absolutely right there. he was furies. he tried to throttle him. he sent him away and accepted his resignation. you're done. but many of us remember them for scandals and they didn't care.
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they cared. florence add role in trying to protect them. >> i think it's an important point about what function first ladies play, she was visiting hospitals. she was not just shaking hands she was observing and come back and report and try to get things changed. this is true that first ladies can find themselves interacting, with the public the way presidents. >> it's so true. that's so perfect. because first ladies listen, and you know, both mrs. bushes troops to teachers, initiative, and, mrs. obama's program to get states to waive licensing time-period those are direct
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results of listening to people and, presidents go in and make speeches. first ladies listen, and that's a way that the change can happen, that is different from the presidential role. >> i must say, the cartoons of the time, the president and mr. harding. [laughter] >> she had great hats. and reason to keep him down. [laughter] >> we then saw eleanor roosevelt in uniform. right? that she became very involved with the military and was a w.a.c. k. -- uniform that she worry, and she made endless trips to all, everywhere,
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military. horrible all night trips, where, on the old airplanes and, wherever she went it was cheery. >> the protesting soldiers were still out in the park together, camping, in a park. and she went out to see them and the whole thing broke up. she sang. she had lunch with them. the army was feeding them and she talked to them and sang, and the whole thing broke up. she got started, early on that. and she was heroic. she was a presence. and attracted news coverage. and it seems so strange, for her to do it. >> well i think people don't realize how charming she was. they think of her as being very stern. >> she was very old-fashioned.
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the teacup was not unfamiliar to her. in a way it created a nice transition between her and everybody. because, of -- you can respect her for that. that's who she was. and then her interest in other things, made her an interesting character, and everybody, was fond of her. roosevelt, down. >> we talked about the fact that her empathy for the military began in world war i and she travel we had him, and it was what was so tragic, she saw soldiers bodies stacked up, and was so deeply affected that this was a life-long interest that she brought to the white house, and then when war was declared,
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to show the personal commitment. i don't know that the president didn't mind her being out of washington. but, she took 3 major trips to combat zones during the war. and the second one of those to the -- she traveled for many, many hours, in uninsulated military air craft and it shattered her eardrum and no hearing in that ear for the rest of her life and then when she got to the bases she walked, 50 miles to see and shake almost every hand that she could. so much her that her arches fell and she forward wear special shoes. the personal commitment that they make. it is estimated that bath time, when the war was over she had
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shaken 400,000 hands. about 10:00 of the entire fight are force. this war was personal for her and she brought back her knowledge to the president and that was an important function. >> i love to add she -- there's more. because she was, pretty. she broke the mold. one. things, that i think you're talking about how she was, in these trips and she was trying to find a way, there was anyway that things could be settled without force, and when she leaves, they'll be instrumental in helping to draft the declaration, based on some of the things that she had seen. so she really did bring billion such great changes, and she also tried to change life at home which many of you have heard
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this story. she was a great listener and she was contbiectd a man, on a base, who amounted on the fact that there was 1,000 seat theatre and only 20 seats for blacks in the back and they were not allowed to use the transportasting on the base. she heard about this, and she tried to change it. and, she did not have much luck. but, at least there. but the point was that she raised the issues. she care bed racial equality and this was into the popular stance. she was an interesting woman that took in all the soldiers. and wanted to report on them and study them. >> her support for he airmen, and flying in their planes as a way to demonstrate her interest in advancing equality. >> do you have the tape of best
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truman. yes. beginning with hard link, the media, began to be. she had the early movies and they began to record. as the 20th century progresses video, sound becomes more part of this. i have, i brought along, it's just, it's fun. your heartbreaks at the same time. this is best best truman. so, ample opportunity for her to be involved in the military. her very first big public act was involved with the military.
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it was that national airport, and let's show you what happened >> navy and army. ready to be chris send with harry s truman, and mrs. true man is in for a surprise, by an oversight, the champagne bottle hasn't bin properly prepared, edged to break the glass, and na is behind successful chris sendings, and now, -- [laughter] [laughter]
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>> many let's see how her military aid meets the crisis. [laughter] [laughter] [applause] >> that could never happen before, because staff work has improved. the sad thing is, remember history swept her into this role. she was so happy being a senate wife and she was reluctant to be in this big -- come to town. she spent much of the time in missouri. they were flying medical air
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ships, and she looked pretty game, but she was really, embarrassed and never did a large public event after that. >> her devotion to the military continued, and they were living in blair house, and, she had almost weekly gatherings at blair house. bringing in veterans, and their families and she also was a regular volunteer at the uso. what i like about this, she absolutely insisted on not being treated as the first laid difficult she was a regular volunteer. and working right alongside of the other people. she just wanted to be helpful. she also burned a lot of her letters. and, margaret said, what about history?
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she says that's what i'm thinking about. [laughter] >> she burned huge numbers of them. >> harry kept hers. love letters. >> mrs. eisenhower was a military wife and how did that affect her time as first lady? >> well, she was so aware of the needs, she continued and these regular functions, the annual garden partitioner she continued that. she was an advocate for members of the military, understanding what their specialize needs were, but i would say, in terms depth of work, i wasn't able to find as much with her which was surprising, giving her long history. >> there isn't that much. >> she was never happier, when spo old military buddies came up, and stood on the roof, and
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cooked steak's a little cooker. have a couple more -- bourbons, and, a good salad and have dinner and talk. that was their idea of the best time. it was eisen hur who started having those huge dinners, but there would be breakfast for hundreds and that was fine. but mrs. eisen hur and he enjoyed that. they lived in 37 different houses before the white house. but of course so did george hw bush and mrs. bush. so they were about even. they just moved all the time. >> katie talked about categories, and maplemy eisenhower, she saw her major job as support for the president. >> she left an impact.
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how many have a pink bath reason. [laughter] >> when they moved to the white house, the chef went to the president, and worked eight menu, and well, she saw the menu, later in the day and hit the ceiling. and she wrote it and said i will plan meals at the white house. and ike is in the office and i'm in the house. so she staged everything including the first open bar at the white house which was in the east room. she was a trip. [laughter] >> i always got a chuckle, so many of you have made the trip to the farm, but, maplemy pink is everywhere. everything in pink, including the toilet seat and i always
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this chuckle, imagining the great general of world war ii surrounded by pink. >> she was probably tired of all that khaki. >> she was de or, and she didn't want to look like a grandmother. >> one funny, everybody thinks of her with the bangs, they were so popular and could you buy clip on bangs. [laughter] >> the biggest event, at the white house was the one that pat nixon had for the prisoners of war. >> pat nixon was second lady during that time. so yes, it was very interesting. she was the one to be in a combat zone. she went to a place called long bin, and, she was in the middle
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of it and we talked about ella ella -- eleanor, and she went to hospitals, and, she listened and went to orphanages, and she was very moved, and she supported the war and wasn't necessary immediate sympathizing with the protestors. she this big gathering for the pows. this is in 1972. 1973. and there were 600 people. it was as billing gathering. no came to the state department. and there was a talk there but no room to have them in the white house. so, they had them on the lawn. it was amazing, this connection of the nixon's, who remember, pat had a lot of empathy, in not the most favorable circumstances. there she reached out to the pows. >> both sons in law fought in
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the war. i believe bill did that white house event is still the largest to date ever held at the white house. >> yes. >> well, as with all history lessons you never get to the end. [laughter] >> but we will have the great treat of having laura bush and michele obama bring us up-to-date. and the loop has our most and recent first lay dead, barbara bush, clinton, and laura bush, and, o bam marks and you see them in all kinds of situations with the troops. barbara bush, in full camouflage. and pearl earrings. >> this has been wonderful. i think that, having this come
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to life here is so important because, the presidential libraries are part of the national archives, and administration. the presidential libraries are beginning to understand the importance of the women who were very instrumental in the presidency. thank you and we'll reconvene. [applause] >> you can learn more about presidential spouses, first ladies. each chapter includes photos and a brief biography. you can purchase it, at the retail price of did the 17.9. we go back to the national archives, with a discussion of
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