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tv   US Senate  CSPAN  September 30, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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wickedness of the world and called him naive. but whatever he shared with his family, his closest friends, to the world he brushed off the critics. and i know from my conversations with him that his pursuit of peace was never naive. read the names of the family that he lost. as a young man, he had fed his village by working the fields during the day, but then defending it by carrying a rifle at night. he understood in this war-torn
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region where too often arab youth are taught to hate israel from an early age, he understood how hard peace would be. i'm sure he was alternatively angry and bemused to hear the same critics depend on the defense architecture that he himself helped to build. i don't believe he was naive, but he understood from hard-earned experience that through security comes making peace with your neighbors. we won them all, he said of israel's worse but we did not win the greatest victory that we aspired to, release from the need to win victories.
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and just as he understood the practical necessity of peace, shimon believed that is ra -- israel's exceptionalism was rooted not only in fidelity to the jewish people but to the moral and ethical vision, the precepts of his jewish faith. the jewish people weren't born to rule another people, he would say. from the very first day, we are against slaves and masters. on the hardships of the diaspora, he found room in his heart for others who suffered. he came to hate prejudice with
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the passion of one who knows how it feels to be its target. even in the face of terrorist attacks, even after repeated disappointments at the negotiation table, he insisted that as human beings palestinians must be seen as equal indignity to jews and therefore must be equal in self-determination. because of his sense of justice, his analysis of israel's security, understanding of is israel's meaning he believed his idea would be best protected when palestinians had an idea of their own. of course, we gather here in the knowledge that shimon never saw
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his dream of peace fulfilled. the region is going through a chaotic time. threats are ever present, and yet he did not stop dreaming and he did not stop working. by the time that i came to work with shimon, he was in the twitlight of his years, although he might not admit it. i would be the tenth u.s. president since john f kennedy to sit down with shimon. the tenth to fall prey to his charms. i think of him sitting in the oval office, final remember of founding generation, under the
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portrait of george washington, telling me stories from the poos but more -- past but more pofn talking with enthusiasm of the present. his most recent lecture, his next project. his plans for the future, the wonders of his grandchildren. in many ways he reminded me of some other giants of the 20th century that i've had the honor to meet. men like nelson mandela, women like her majesty queen elizabeth, leaders who have seen so much whose lives span such momentous epics that they find no need to posture or traffic in what's popular in the moment.
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people who speak with depth and knowledge, not in sound bites. they find no interest in polls or fads and like this leader shimon could be true to convictions even if they cut against the grain of current opinion. he knew better than the cynic that if you look out over the arc of history, humannings should be filled not with fear but with hope. i'm sure that's why he was so excited about technology because for him it symbolized the march of human progress and that's why he loved so much to talk about
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young people because he saw young people unburdened by the prejudices of the past. it's why he believed in miracles , because in israel he saw a miracle come true. as americans and israelis, we often talk about the unbreakable bonds between our nations and, yes, these bonds encompass common interest, vital cooperation that makes both our nations more secure, but today we are reminded that the bonds which matter most run deeper. anchored in a judeo-christian tradition we believe in the irreducible value of every human being.
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our nations were built on that idea. they were built in large part by stubborn idealist and striving immigrant including those who fled war and fled oppression. both of our nations have flaws that we have not always fixed, corners of our history which date back to our founding that we do not always squarely address. but because our founders planned it not just flags in the eternal soil but also planted the seeds of democracy. we have the ability to always pursue a better world. we have the capacity to do what is right.
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as an american, as a christian, a person partly of african decent, born in hawaii, a place that could not be further than where shimon spent his youth, i took great pleasure in my friendship with this older, wiser man. we shared a love of words and books and history and perhaps like most politicians we shared too great a joy in hearing ourselves talk. but beyond that, i think, a friendship was rooted in the fact that i could somehow see myself in his story and maybe he could see himself in mine because for all of our differences both of us had lived
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such unlikely lives. it was so surprising to see the two of us where we had started, talking together in the white house, meeting here in israel. i think both of us understood that we were here only because in some way we reflected the magnificent story of our nations. shimon's story, the experience of the jewish people. i believe it is universal. it's a story of the people who over so many centuries in the will -- wilderness never gave up
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and suffered the boot of oppression and shutting of gas chamber's door and yet never gave up on a belief and goodness and it's a story of a man who was counted on and then often counted out again and again and who never lost hope. shimon peres reminds us that the state of israel like the united states of may recollect was not built by cynics. we exist because people before us refuse to be constrained by the past or the difficulties of the present. shimon was never cynical. it is that faith, that optimism,
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that belief even when all the evidence is to the contrary that tomorrow can be better, that makes us not just honor shimon peres but love him. the last of the founding generation is now gone. shimon accomplished enough things in his life for a thousand men. he understood that it's better to live to the very end of his time on earth with a longing not for the past but for the dreams that have not yet come true. an israel that's secure and lasting peace with its neighbors. so now the work is in the hand of is ra although's next generation, in the hands of israel's next generation and friends.
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like joshua we feel the weight of the responsibility but we draw strength from his example and the fact that he believed in us even when we doubted ourselves. scripture tells us that before his death moses says i call upon heaven and earth to bare witness this day that i have set forth life and death, blessing and curse, therefore choose life that you and your offspring may live. choose life. for shimon let us choose life as he always did. may god bless this country and
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this world. [applause]
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>> the next president making appointments to the supreme court of the united states will be donald trump. the rest of the world will never forget why they have always looked up to the united states of america. the campaign 2016 continues on the road to the white house with the vice presidential debate between republican governor mike pence and democratic senator tim kane tuesday night life beginning at 7:30 p.m. eastern with a preview of the debate. 10830 the briefing for the audience live coverage of the debate followed by viewer reaction. the vice presidential debate watch live on c-span, on any time on demand and listen life on the radio app.
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on the radio app. go for the vice presidential debate. the video on demand of every question to the candidates in their answers. use the clipping tool to create clips of the favorite debate moments to share on social media. listen to the debate life on the c-span radio app. or google play. live coverage of the vice presidential debate tuesday evening on never gonna take you life to the monk debate. on the presidential debate. donald trump can make america great again. arguing for the resolution tonight will be the former house speaker. arguing against will begin
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former labor secretary. the debate to be moderated by the organizer live from toronto this is on c-span two. .. a whatever you want to call it the system a mafia state is a
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disaster for ordinary russians. >> that's a typical argument. chinese foreign policy can be described as nefarious management. >> why is religion not incompatible? >> religion forces people to do unkind things. >> show me the word pretext. show me the word. >> it doesn't change the point. we do not want sympathy. we do not want. we want opportunities. >> it's appalling slander. >> i never said the word. >> it is that kind of restraint, is that kind of sober minded sensible intelligent foreign policy that obama represents so i guess what i'm telling you is
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he a sort of a quasi-canadian. [applause] ♪ [applause] >> we are in the heart of downtown toronto a city that is home to more than 6 billion people. carved into the water of lake ontario and here we are everyone at roy thompson hall. it's distinctive interior design, we know what well reflected by day transparent by night. this is toronto's premier concert hall. the venue usually for the biggest names in entertainment but tonight before 3000 people, the latest in a series of munk
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debates, a clash of ideas over u.s. presidential election. good evening. it is once again my pleasure to be your moderator tonight for this debate. this important debate. want to start by welcoming the north american wide television audience. joining us right now on c-span across the continent to usa and here in canada coast-to-coast on cpac. a hello also to the on line audience watching right now, facebook livestreaming this debate over facebook. our social media partner. on the web sites of our digital and print partners and of course on our own web site the munk and hello to all of you. the 3000 people who have once again filled roy thompson hall
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to a munk debates capacity. bravo. [applause] our ability year in and year out to bring the debate to bring to some of the worlds best debaters from the brightest minds, the sharpest thinkers to weigh in on the big global challenges and the issues and problems facing the world would not be possible without the generosity and the foresight and the commitment of our folks tonight so please join me in a warm appreciation for the munk debate founders. bravo you guys. thank you. [applause] so it's a real treat to be of the host these debates in toronto. let's get our teams at debaters out here center stage and our debates underway. we have a controversial motion. it's designed to fire up our
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participants and fire up the on line television and in the auditorium audience. that resolution be it resolved donald trump can make america great again. speaking for the motion our first debater tonight, please welcome the former speaker of the u.s. house of representatives and an adviser to the trump campaign, newt gingrich. [applause] speaker gingrich team made is the best-selling author, renowned radio broadcaster with over 5 million daily listeners coast-to-coast in the united states and she is a force of nature and the american conservative movement. ladies and gentlemen, laura ingraham.
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[applause] one great team at debaters deserves another and we have not disappointed you tonight. be it resolved donald trump can make america great again the former u.s. labor secretary, acclaimed berkeley professor, filmmaker, author, one of the most formidable debaters at this time, robert reich. [applause] roberts debating partner canadian born to time governor of the state of michigan and the cochair hillary clinton's white
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house transition team, please join me and no warm welcome to jennifer granholm. [applause] let's go through a very quick predebate checklist before we go to our opening statements. first we have a hashtag going tonight. those in the hollow those watching on line hashtag munk debate. let us know what you think. join the debate in china conversation take part in our rolling poll also as the munk and of course our countdown clock. for those of you who are regulars at the debate this is how we keep our debaters on their toes and our debates on time. we have a clock that will appear as the debaters opening and closing remarks count down to zero. join me in a round of applause
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and that will let them know that it's time to move on. we like to do that here. we like to keep our proceedings moving quickly. let's finally preview how this audience of 3000 people here at roy thompson hall voted on tonight's resolution coming into the debate. in toronto, canada i'm curious here. be it resolved donald trump can make america great again. do you agree or disagree? let's see those numbers up on the screen. okay. [applause] 14%. 14% agree and 86% disagree. now, hey look you can change her mind. you will hear a lot in the next hour and a half. depending on what you hear are
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you likely to change her vote over the next hour and a half. assessing those numbers now, please. okay, look at that. 46% of you could change your minds. 54% are decided. let's just see how the decided you are. we will begin with their opening statements now and by colin speaker gingrich. your six minutes begins now. >> first of all thank you all for coming out. i want to thank peter munk for creating a remarkable institution today was here a few years ago was secretary reich to debate economics and it was a great experience. it was one of the great debates in the entire north american cities so that delighted to have a chance to talk to you. you might about laura and i would be put on edge by an 86-14 vote but if you operate as a conservative and a washington news media that would be reasonably good.
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so it does not particularly affect us. they also want to give a distinction. i would not have even come. the question had been resolved, the canadian should relax and not worry about the donald trump presidency. i think trump represents very real change. i think you will aggressively put america's interests first and i think frankly that has to raise issues because that's a very different frame of reference than the way we have negotiated over the last couple of generations and it sets up a lot of questions which aren't answered and can't be answered until we lived through it. what i would suggest to you is in the long run a very dynamic america that regains a reagan level of economic growth, four, five, 6% a year. in america that is generating jobs, generating rapidly advancing income and america in
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which overhauls its infrastructure in america which reforms the civil service which is in fact a better neighbor, a better customer, a better market to sell into that better support for national security than an america which continues to decay. i think part of what you don't feel in canada is the degree to which the american central government system is decaying. for example we learned last week that the veterans administration , one third of the cause of suicide lights go to call waiting so you can leave a message. just think about that. you are veteran and you are depressed. you are literally thinking about suicide. it's 2:00 in the morning. you call a number you were told will help you in one out of three times you get a tape recording. this is a government level of incompetence that is beyond breathtaking and you see it again and again in our system. the liquor of the structure we
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are now $19 trillion in debt and in large part due to the the infrastructure does not work. it has to be a profound overhaul to compete in the world market. the director of national intelligence reported, staff reporter earlier this year that the chinese last year stole $360 billion in intellectual property in the united states. we have an 800 billion-dollar. deficit. you can't sustain it and you also can talk about free trade when your largest trading partner or your second-largest trading partner is feeling a third of a trillion dollars a year in intellectual properties. and so the requirements that we think finally the whole issue of the war in the middle east. it has been 37 years since the ayatollah khamenei illegally seized the american embassy beginning iran's campaign against the united states.
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it has been 15 years since 9/11 when islamic supremacists killed 3000 people in the united states. we are not winning. we have spent trillions of dollars, lost thousands of young men and women, had tens of thousands of severe ones and no serious person can argue that we are winning. when trump says we need to rethink this i would argue that he is not a lib and he is not a harbor -- harvard trained lawyer but as a crude rough-and-tumble businessman that has a habit of actually building things and making them work and projects he has the entrepreneurial drive and i think he has the courage and i think he has the originality that will enable us
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to start to break through and to literally make america great again and i think in the absence of very profound change the united states is going to continue to change. we will become a weaker partner for you. it's going to have bad implications for both of our economies and bad implications for both of our national security than an america for example this year we have over 3000 people shot in chicago and over 500 killed. somebody is shot in chicago every two hours. that requires profound fundamental rethinking. we have lost more americans in chicago since 2009 than we have lost in iraq and afghanistan combined and if that means we are -- we need a rough-and-tumble guy who is frankly not a very subtle, not a very glib, not a very sophisticated person but he may just be like andrew jackson the kind of person you need to break through and actually make the system work again and i would
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argue that's a much better gamble for the future than to continue the current system, the current policies, the current bureaucracies, the current mess in washington and that's why i think we have a better chance of making america great again with donald trump. [applause] >> thank you speaker gingrich. robert reich you are up next for your opening statement, six minutes on the clock. >> thank you. i love to debate newt gingrich because we agree on nothing. [laughter] but in a very good-natured way. i have been in canada for about 24 hours and i am so reassured to learn that country to my fears that the canadians are not contemplating building a wall. the off chance that donald trump becomes president most of us
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want to come north. but let me just say this. on a proposition and the fact that 86% of you are with governor granholm and me is something of a challenge. we want to get you up to 88 or 90% but the difficulty of arguing this proposition is knowing where to begin. honestly. [applause] let me just say something here and it's very sincere. when you have a lot of people in a society who feel economically stressed and in the united states to a lesser extent in canada, you have a much much better safety net in canada. in the united states we have a lot of the old working class and a lot of middle last, lower middle class people who have
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been on the downward escalator for years and part of that i don't want to cast aspersions for part of it i remember because i was labor secretary when speaker gingrich was speaker and one of the frustrations i had, no dispersions of all is trying to get job training and more education spending in trying to get infrastructure spending and earned income tax credit which is a wage subsidy for people at the bottom and getting a lot of opportunities and recreating equal opportunity, widening the circle of prosperity but the republican congress and the republicans wouldn't do it. all they wanted was trickle-down economics. trickle-down economics are tax cuts for the rich and you pretend it trickles down to everybody else. it didn't come it doesn't, it is a cruel hoax and the net results of those years are all of this year's senate fact we have seen basically the standoff now for about 25 years the net result is
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you have a large and growing percentage of americans who feel with some justification that the game is rigged against them. my friends, you know as well as i do what happens when you have a larger percentage of their population feeling like the system is rigged against them. we can see a lot of the same stresses occurring in europe and elsewhere around the world. you create the conditions in which demagoguery is rife. you always invite authoritarian populism. there is an history to different forms of populism. one i will call authoritarian. those are the demagogues that want to channel that anger and anxiety and fear and channel it toward scapegoats and want to blame foreigners or immigrants were minority groups. this is nothing new. we have seen the tragedy of what happened 70, 80 or 90 years ago
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in europe is still within levering memory or at least within the minds that the reform and political system. you make equal opportunity a reality and that's the only alternative when people are stressed. in other words it really is a choice between authoritarian populism or performance populism and that's what we face right now the united states. that's why donald trump is in the words of the cincinnati inquirer for example. the cincinnati inquirer if you don't know is a republican publication or it has been, back in 150 years has not endorsed a democrat but what did it do a few weeks ago? endorsed hillary clinton. if said quote donald trump is a clear and present danger to the united states and also to the world. now i don't have to do this.
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fact i have about one minute left but you know this. this is a man who denies climate change is caused by humans who calls vladimir putin a stronger leader than president obama, who says president obama invented isis who for years has claimed president obama was not even born in the united states. ironically it's an embarrassment embarrassment -- an embarrassment here. to suggest that the death of supreme court justice antonin scalia was part of a plot. he refers to women he doesn't like his pigs and slobs and call the former miss universe miss piggy. he said thousands and thousands of muslims in new jersey celebrated the twin towers collapsing, wants to ban muslims from entering. says a federal judge has a conflict of interest in considering a case against trump
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universiuniversi ty because of his mexican heritage and i could go on and on. you get the point. this is demagoguery. this is wielding anxiety and frustration and pointing it at them. this is hatemongering. this is undermining the social fabric of the united states. so it's not just that donald trump is a problem. the problem is that donald trump has already poisoned the well and we have got to all of us here tonight get rid of him. [applause] we will next go to you laura ingram. your six minutes is on the clock. >> i want to thank everyone here for coming tonight.
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it's such a great privilege to be with all of you and i can't believe 14% of the people in this room actually support the proposition. i will buy margaritas for all of you, all of you at the fun table. i am honestly thrilled to be here to support the proposition and i would like to begin with a quote from march of this year. here it goes. i have seen first-hand how excessive wall street in the corporations are at wielding influence using lobbyists, campaign donations and subtle promises of future jobs to get the global deals they want. opal feels like a transpacific partnership will boost the profits of wall street's corporations and make the richest 1% even richer but they will will conjure you to the steady shrinkage of the american middle class. that quote was posted by robert reich former secretary of labor
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for the clinton administration and our opposition tonight. next i would like to quote at 2000 article about the decision of electrolux. we have had electrolux vacuums in my house in connecticut. they will leave greenville michigan for mexico. governor jennifer granholm was disappointed by electrolux decision to abandon greenville. she promised to persuade the company tuesday to stay assembling a package of more than 120 million in state and local tax credits. the city offered to build the plant, the local union agreed to give as up as much is $33 million in wages. they said there's nothing you can do to compensate for the fact that we are able to pay $1.57 an hour to mexico granholm recalls. that's when i started to say quoting governor granholm nafta and cafta have given us shasta. i like that line. i'm using that on my radio show on monday.
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i did not quote the statements to embarrass our distinguished opponents tonight, i really didn't. i quoted them to show that we actually share common ground and i think it's important to say that even at a debate. lots of folks in washington complain that we don't have enough bipartisanship and people from different parties can't agree on policies to make the lives of the at average american better but when it comes to this issue of globalization i believe people of good faith on both sides increasingly agree that the current system does not work for blue-collar workers. for years people like governor granholm and secretary reich have warned about the harm that are trade policy is doing to american workers and some of us, some of us on the republican side including people like senator jeff sessions of alabama, have done the same. so we are not asking for protectionism. we are not asking for mercantilism.
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we are not opposed to all trade. we are simply asking for a system where american workers and businesses in america have a better chance to compete, where it's easier for american businesses to grow and expand and for american workers to obtain higher wages and after all the united states is the largest most attractive market in the world and of all countries we shouldn't be forced in the united states to enter fields of put our people at a disadvantage. what happened? absolute nothing despite the common ground that a lot of democrats, people like bernie sanders and people like myself and obviously donald trump at this very moment president obama is pushing yet another massive trade deal the transpacific partnership and this is the exact deal that he criticized this year and he's absolutely right. but you know when i know that everyone in this room knows that hillary clinton if she is elected president, this country,
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our country the united states will soon be bound by the transpacific partnership and it might happen in a lame-duck session of congress and it may happen after secretary clinton if she becomes president makes a few minor tweaks to the deal but it will happen. why are we doing this? i will tell you why. the same people who the same gridlock in washington for so many years are in favor of it. because they have always been in favor of the things that benefit them and it's usually the top 1% of the country. it's usually big donors and it's usually big corporations who have really fancy lobbyist who have made a lot of money they eat fancy dinners in washington d.c. and wine and dine everybody at the capitol and then along comes donald trump and described it. accurately. he's a rough-and-tumble guy without any political experience and he comes out and he calls everybody out on their blanket
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the blank and he does in a way that is offputting and i think it's frankly terrifying to a lot of people because when you mess with their status quo than they start getting really serious about fighting you. donald trump will not be beholden to big donors. he will not be behold into wall street. wall street is endorsing hillary clinton. hillary clinton refuses to show her transcripts after goldman sachs speeches and i would like to know why that is. we need a government that represents all the people, no matter where they come from, no matter what color their skin and donald trump promises to do that. i think a system that. [laughter] i still think canadians are nice. [laughter] we need to break the oligarchy in washington d.c. that dominated the country restore democracy in which the voice of all the people is respected. [applause]
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>> the final opening statement goes to governor granholm. >> thank you so much and thanks for the invitation to come. i know the monk debates wanted to get a canadian born u.s. politician who is against donald trump to come and pick to endorse donald trump a couple of weeks ago, so here i am. [applause] so i want to talk in that vein of robert reich as an apology really do how do we start? i want to give you in my brief six minutes a couple of reasons of the 4003 to 65 that you might vote against this resolution for and just to wet your whistle. for example donald trump is so erratic that nbc has done an
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evaluating and of his positions and where he has stood and what they have determined is of 20 positions donald trump has changed his mind 124 times. on the issue of immigration he has changed his mind 18 times alone. he would be a danger as a president notch with -- not just because he's erratic. don't take my word for it. take the word of economists and there had local intelligence unit. their unit rates all of the global risks. they have determined this month that donald trump is the fourth highest global risk among all global risks. in fact we have never put a politician on this list before. [laughter] [applause] ..
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... >> give them an ability to recruit. he is a danger because as secretary reich said because of putin and that is not just because he says obama or vladimer putin is a better leader than vladimer putin. but for anybody who has been watching, and i am sure you all have, you may recall his second campaign manager, paul manford, represented for many years the head of the russian-backed
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ukraine until he was kicked out. and when he was the head of donald trump's campaign during the republican convention, this campaign went in and removed from the republican platform, a provision that was a standing provision that said the united states would go in and defend ukraine in the case of russian invasion. he said among this foreignpa policy advisors, there is a guy carter page who does a huge amount of business in russia, and it this week yahoo news determined and reported he was under investigation, his foreign policy advisor, is under investigation by the united states intelligence agency because he is apparently having conversations in moscow about lifting the sanctions against
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russia in the event of a donald trump victory. we know he called upon the kremlin to hack hillary clinton's e-mail. we know the former head of the cia, mike moral, said that donald trump and vladimer putin has recruited donald trump as an unwitting agent of the soviet federation. the man is a danger. he is incredible deceptive as well. i am sure you have been following this. he is a con man. he has trump university trump mortgage and separating the little guy from his money. we know he is a chiseler because he is involved in 3400 lawsuits many are from contractors who sue just to get paid.
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people who built the base for his slot machines and pem who served as waiters and bartenders had to sue him just to get paid. we know he is hiding something because he is not releasing his tax return which is a 40 year tradition that presidential candidates release their tax returns so we can see if there is conflict. we know he is a liar because the news agency, politifact and fact checker evaluated donald trump's statements, like they do everybody else, and they found of all politicians they evaluated donald trump is by far the biggest liar. [laughter] >> "usa today" took the position for the first time saying vote
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for trump. 78% of the facts checked were lies. the man is untrustworthy. the resolution says please, vote against this resolution. protect the states. [applause] >> terrific opening statements. react to what you heard and what is your rebuttal in the debate. >> as canadians having listened to these two you would have to ask the question how could donald trump be this close to winning? [applause] >> there is a profound reason. it is the same reason brexit won
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in great britain. for the first time in rome's history there is a female mayor and she won as part of the five star movement that was founded by a comedian for anti-corruption. in brazil their president was indicted for corruption and the brazilian petroleum company has a $40 billion scandal of bribery and 74% of brazilians according to gallop believe there is widespread corruption. in the united states, 75% of people believe there is widespread corruption. republicans were not in charge of chicago. our inner cities are declining, schools don't work, kids don't have jobs, and violence all over the place. these are democratic-controlled area. donald trump changed his opinion about as often as hillary
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clinton has changed her explanation of her e-mails. [applause] >> the fact is almost 50% of the country maybe a winning percent is sickened. we talk about russian influence and bill clinton got a million from moscow. the clinton's gave 20% of the uranium to russia at the same time they put a donation in her foundation. donald trump may be a risk but he is a better risk than hillary clinton. [applause] >> rebuttal, let's let you have the pro-side rebuttal. >> it is convenient for the elite to blame someone who
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hasn't been in office over the past 15 years for the ruin they left behind. syria, a massive refuge crisis, a consumer confidence crisis across western europe, the rise of the population movement in western europe, brexit, 7-10 americans think the government is going in the wrong direction. the trustworthiness for donald trump nature not be high but it is in the basement for hillary clinton. she is the former secretary of state and fr the united states and in her first trip to russia couldn't get the translated button right when handing to the foreign minister. and donald trump is the imcompeteimcom incompetent person. i am delighted, i am thrilled as someone who lived in the former soviet union, i am thrilled to
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hear the democrats are concerned about russia. in the '70s they called president reagan rbecause he wa out of control and was going to bring chaos on to the world scene. america in decline is the threat to instability. four or eight years of hillary clinton promises the same policies over the same last years of failed policy. america in decline under hillary clinton is the threat. [applause]
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>> i disagree. for example, laura, you said that hillary clinton is indebted to wall street. donald trump is not indebted to wall street because wall street won't give him any more loans. he declared bankruptcy four times. where is he getting his money? could it be perhaps from russia? with regard to trade, i was there. i implemented the north american free trade act. [applause] >> thank you. nafta to my way of thinking did not have adequate labor or environmental protections in it. it was the best deal we could get.
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free trade is not itself bad but the problem is if we don't have, and the united states doesn't have mechanisms in place to ease the adaptation of workers who get hurt by the loss of jobs because of trade or technological change. if you don't have job training, education, reemployment insurance, if you don't have anything in place then obviously those workers are growing to be stranded. the problem is not trade. the problem is lack of adjustment mechanisms for the people who get hurt by trade and technological change. [applause] >> and let me say finally that trade is not and should not be considered as donald trump considers it a zero sum game. a trade should be a positive sum gain. if you don't trade you actually are going to condemn the rest of the world particularly the poor in the world to a life of
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lifetime poverty. that is not good for the world, foreign policy or peace. thank you. [applause] >> laura quoted my huge anxiety over the loss of the election and they have given us the shasta as they have been enforced. ontario has seen its share of lost manufacturing jobs and the question is who is in a better position to create industrial clusters, to go after advanced manufacturing and make the investments necessary to make our region irresistable to those who would create jobs here. who is in the best position to
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be able to be smart enough and maybe it is because he doesn't pay any general taxes and he said that is because i am smart. somebody who is being guarded at this moment by secret service agents who are paid for by federal taxes, somebody who uses airports with his big jet that is paid for by federal taxes, whose limos drive on roads paid for by federal taxes but cannot himself see fit to tribute in any way to the common. this man -- they talked about corruption. this man has manipulated the laws to his benefit his entire career. if you want somebody bringing
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jobs back to the united states you don't rely on someone who is outsourcing to manufacture stuff in china, mexico, turkey and everywhere else. he is not the model that we need to bring a change we require. [applause] >> thank you, governor. very strong opening debate. we will move into the moderated portion with more free flow. the themes the first half hour of the debate you mention laura an america in decline. let me start with you, robert, to get why in a sense clinton isn't, in your view, the status quo that laura and newt are condemning therefore proposing that trump is the solution in the absence of a disrupter on the democratic side of the
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ticket. >> disruption for the sake of disruption is not what the world means. stalin and hitler and all of them were disrupters. i have known hillary clinton for 49 years by the way. if you can keep it in this audience i will tell you something. [laughter] >> i went out on a date with her in 1967. [applause] >> i blew it because i could possibly be the first gentlemen of the united states. [laughter] >> i had known her always as a woman of extraordinary principal, a person of deep, deep commitment to social justice, a person who worked so hard over the last 30-40 years to improve our society. to me, even mentioning the word donald trump or the name donald trump in conjunction with
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hillary clinton is absurd. [applause] >> if i may, let me say one other thing and that is health care does not represent the -- hillary clinton -- the status quo. hillary clinton is a fighter and has been a fighter all her life. i was there in the white house when she was fighting for example health care reform. [applause] >> who is she fighting? she was fighting the republicans who she has always been fighting, i have been fighting. we have two parties in the united states. one is a party about the future and one is a party that wants to go negative, backwards, and we cannot afford -- >> let's bring in laura to respond. you brought up the notion of decline and trump being a manife manifestation of change but you believe change is necessary regardless. >> first of all, robert mentioned hitler, mousselini and
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stalin and -- let me talk and you have get your time again. this is what happened in a conversation about the future of america where substance issues fade away in the background and the conversation just moves to personal attacks or the most outrageous adjectives or trump is crazy and before you -- trump could go away tomorrow and maybe you would clap and strike up the band and i understand that. trump could go away tomorrow and the carnage left behind between the established cobble in washington which is comprised of democrats and republicans, that status quo that left america
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behind and left the working class infuriated is still going to be there. i am sure hillary clinton is a great person to know, and to date and all that but that is not relevant because for the last three decades almost she has been in public life and has almost nothing to show for it. that might sound harsh and i am sorry but her four years as secretary of state rendered america not stronger on the world scene but weaker. her four years in the u.s. senate after promising 200,000 jobs in upstate new york guess what they got? a big goose egg. hillary clinton is the celebrity of the moment to the democratic party because obama is going away. but the idea there is a substance of record in the accomplishment of the economy or
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phone policy that is going to galv galvanize the country behind her is not playing out. if donald trump is the character made out she should not be struggling in florida, nevada and states like iowa where trump has a narrow lead. if he is that outrageous you must think half of your country men are bonkers or more. [applause] >> i want to stay on the topic of decline and how the candidates -- let's stay on track. >> i beg the question to begin with. >> good. >> we are -- our unemployment rate in the united states is 4.9 percent. it is less than half of what it was when barack obama took over. [applause] >> we have had 15 million jobs created since february of 2010. the end of the recession.
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it has been almost 80 straight months of job growth. now we are seeing wage growth as well. so this notion we are in decline -- the challenge certainly has been for barack obama that he has been saddled with a congress that refused to invest in a lot of things he would like to do to continue our progress. [applause] >> i would say -- donald trump would shove america into the filler of international esteem so fast, believe me. the idea he has people on his team that have given oxygen to this dark, underbelly. it is not everybody on the republican side. but there is a swath and that
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swath of the electorate who is animated by this movement that when you go to donald trump's rally and they have the most horrific signs and chants. words we cannot even describe here that you would be absolutely mortified. and it is perfectly common at his events. the idea that he and that -- the people running his campaign, who run this bright bart news site which is the home of this white nationalist movement, the fact they trumpet this america first as that is the rise of america. when that america first movement is a movement that started during world war ii to convince america not to engage against hitler when it has been seen as a spin-off of this white nati nation
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nationalist movement would put america in decline. the world is complicated and complicated things are happening in the middle east. what has donald trump said he would do? he said he would think about disengaging from nato or thought going to the defense of countries -- >> i want to get to international affairs in a moment and it will be part of the debate. but speaker, how do you respond to the governor saying america is not in decline? >> there are two parts. one is a left wing fantasy that you have to invent a new horror in order to hide from reality. the fact is, a famous reporter on labor day, ten million men have dropped out of the job market. they are not looking for work, playing computer games or whatever. the fact is right now the opioid
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epidemic is so bad for the first time since the development of the mass produced car there is a new cause of death larger than automobile wrecks and it is opioid addiction. more people die today because the underclass of america, the whole sense of what is going on, is led to an epidemic of the combination of mexican heroin and oxycotin. third, gallop reports 25 million people dropped out of the middle class in this administration. 25 million dropped out. this wasn't donald trump's fault. he wasn't in charge of the presidency. how much money was in the original package in 2009? how little went to infrastructure and how much went to paying off various political allies. and you talk about investments.
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557 million for solar power and it went bankrupt in your home state they invested in a battery company that went bankrupt and was bought by the chinese. case after case. it is a bit much to exist there is a group on one side that america is going through three parallel revolutions. they are going through all the people who are drifting toward donald trump, sanders, and there is a black lives matter rebellion among younger blacks who are sick and tired of being lied to and having nothing happen to inprove their lives. all three occurring at the same time and none are donald trump's fault but a manifestation of an establishment that failed, is corrupt and can't deal with reality. [applause] >> i think there is an important kernel of truth to what both of
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you are saying. just a kernel. with regard to the hopelessness and despair and anger and anxiety and frustration placed by many people who used to be in the middle class, and even though the economy is improving and i think we have a lot to be grateful for, that underlying structural problem -- that it started 30 years ago is still very much with us. but i think we are reaping the worldwind of failing to invest in people. failing to invest in education. failing to invest in infrastructure. we are reaping when whirl wind of failing to provide the security people need to go on with their lives. we have made a fetish and i don't mean to be partisan, newt gingrich, but it starts -- [laughter] >> i was there when you became a speaker. your contract with america.
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that deregulation, trickle down economics, that austerity economics. do you know what happened to america because of it? a lot of the despair and declining of the middle class is at your feet and the feet of the people you have drawn in. [applause] >> so, when laura asks me how is it so many people find donald trump to be somewhat exciting and interesting it is because of the choice that i indicated at the beginning that when you have so many people who are economically stressed some will be moved and tempted to follow an authoritarian leader and who many have said is deeply flawed and deeply dangerous.
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[applause] i want to bring laura and -- >> let me say two things. the largest decline of children in poverty, the largest taking children out of poverty occurred after the welfare reform because people's tendency was to work. and bill clinton takes credit which is fine but we moved more people out of poverty in childho childho childhood than any other time. this is the tragedy of liberals. it would be great to invest in education and i believe in passionately. in detroit, 9% of the third graders can read. in baltimore, 13% of the eighth graders can pass the math exam. the baltimore system is a
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billion system and fails the children. we have been going through this for 30 years. those of us who believe in choice and picking a school that works are defeated consistently by the power of the labor unions who own the democratic party lock, stock and barrel. don't you have to reform the system so you have something positive happen with the money? [applause] >> very quick. very quick. it is very, very important for us to acknowledge that money is not the only thing that is necessary. without money you cannot do anything. the united states is only one of two oecd countries that actually provide less funding per poor child than funding on average for middle class children. that to me is a scandal. >> i want to bring us back to the resolution which is be it
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resolved donald trump can make america great again. these are big problems. inner city, failed education, suicide, drug addiction, what are the characteristics you think trump has that can address these complicated, entrenched problems you are saying this informed educated elite were unable to fix over the last 15 years. >> i think he has the courage to be called every name in the book and still hold on to the idea what happened over the last couple decades has been maybe great intentions but it hasn't worked for the average person. it is unpleasant to be walking through that fire and i know jennifer and bob face the same thing. in public life you have to deal with a lot and it isn't pleasant. it isn't pleasant to take on both parties that agree on a lot. there is a reason the bush's are at least probably a couple
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supporting hillary clinton. they agree on a lot of issues. they agree on globalization, probably on immigration, agree on a lot of foreign policy and trump has, i would submit that trump has a much -- is much closer to reagan than george w bush. i am someone who was for the war in iraq and something i had to reexamine and did a broadcast in baghdad and love our troops but i think right now we are seeing america stretched every which way: financially, culturally, stretched in every way and donald trump is basically saying, guys, it is not 1984 and it is not 1994 even. we are $19 trillion in debt. we can't do this to the next generation. we can't pile this on their shoulder because america will
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cease to exist. i have a new way forward. it is not going to be easy. when he says it can happen -- of course it can happen fast. but it is certainly not going to happen if we keep saying let's spend our way out of this or we have a foreign policy that is so confused and muddled that our advisaries take advantage and friend don't trust us. trum comes along saying we will layoff regulations, lower the corporate tax rate, and simplify life of the small business owner in america which is tethered to environmental regulations, labor regulations, and i know some of them are necessary but not all of them are necessary. he is trying to streamline that with a little bit of common sense. i don't think it is as partisan as people would make him out to be. i think he is a commonsense pragmatist guys and if he gets in the white house and fails


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