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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  October 11, 2016 8:00pm-12:01am EDT

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then obama will campaign for secretary clinton. after that former vice president al gore will go to greensboro. while we wait for the rally in panama city beach florida to get underway we will show you part of this morning's "washington journal." >> host: what do you think was the impetus of paul ryan going to the republican base in the house talking about the actions he was about to take? republican members of congress have just about had it with donald trump in the release of that video, the 10-year-old video was essentially the final straw for a lot of these republican members.
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i've seen polling in their districts and they know that trump is deeply unpopular especially in suburban districts and paul ryan is trying to thread a tough needle right now which is satisfy the trump supporters who may not show up or may not vote for republicans if he distances himself and says i can't support trump and i can't endorse trump at all but reassures some of the more suburbia and constituencies that are not going to be taken down with the trump tornado. >> host: is it simple how house seats are up for grabs? >> guest: . >> host: we have heard about aren't a lot of questions the house in the senate republican infighting over many issues. you expect the same kind of infighting about these recent actions over donald trump? >> guest: here's a fascinating dynamic. republicans all the way back to when trump won the nomination came with this formulation, that they would essentially support trump did not enthusiastically endorse him especially in the
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swing state key races in the house and senate that are going to decide the majority in both chambers. and the kahn scandal and over the intervening months they basically said this is horrible and we don't support what you said but we still support trump and what he said was racist when he is talking about the kahn situation but i still think he's better than hillary clinton. over the weekend in the news coverage developing over this video from 2005 they didn't look at polls and all of a sudden it was the weekend and they ran their home states or home districts and it was a state of abject panic with every republican senator doing what they thought was in there on best interest. kelly ayotte from new hampshire jolt act from nevada said they can't support donald trump or others like marco rubio and pat toomey from pennsylvania basically doing what they have been doing all along. looks like republicans have stuck with trump in his awkward
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formulation are actually, the worry worry that the ai's and the hex saying they can't support trump anymore as a lot of the trump supporters they only care about trump and they would hesitantly vote for the republican. the worry that a lot of republican officials have is that either trump supporter's don't vote at all down ballot and the non-trump supporters and the republicans may not show up on election day. >> host: and the first debate on sunday night. >> guest: it's amazing the two polls that have been done even before the debate the nbc "wall street journal" poll and it landed pole the came out today showing clinton out leading by double digits. there was a separate poll that was released this morning sponsored by "politico" which shows trump everything and after the debate that shows trump trailing by only five points points. the weekend coverage in a poll done over the weekend would be
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effectively the low point for donald trump i think he stabilized the performance enough to reassure base republican voters that he still their nominee and there isn't going to be a lot of panic going forward or at least not publicly and trump has a tough challenge to win this election but now for republicans it's all about saving the senate. >> host: "the wall street journal" poll that her guest talked about gary johnson and joel stein the green party in there as well but let's see what the numbers are. guest to talk about all these events leading up to election day 2027488001 or 8000 for republicans democrats 2,027,482,000 and in the. >> pence: -- and he composed on our twitter page and our facebook page can you talk about the electoral college and i bring this up because i see a lot of stories
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saying that even if donald trump get so many votes they keep old electoral college still favors hillary clinton. is that true? >> guest: i'm a little bit skeptical about these is the new carter a lot. trump is affordable challenge with the electoral college but the reality is donald trump was tied in the popular vote in running neck-and-neck with hillary clinton as he was three or four weeks ago. you would see states like ohio and iowa and florida and nevada were leaning in trump's direction when he was narrowly closing the gap with hillary clinton in the polls. when she had the momentum clearly those states including more trump friendly states like ohio are starting to move into hillary clinton's territory so there is a rust belt map for donald trump. if he was running a good campaign if his method was geared toward suburban women instead of his base he certainly could see an electoral college map that would be possible for trump to get 270 electoral votes
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buddies doing so badly in the popular vote but a lot of these states are wavering away from him. that's when third-party supporters by the way if you want to call the conversation 2027 or 82,003. donna is in hampton virginia republican line you are in with our guests. go ahead. cocco i just have a comment about the first part of the show paul ryan is going to lose his seat. >> host: okay let's start with that likelihood. >> guest: meaning the house sponsorship. the question is did the house looked to the democrats? i'm very skeptical because gerrymandering limits the number of competitive seats that have been implanted that democrats until recently have been pulling money out of the suburban districts and a lot of these potentially competitive districts that would be necessary for them to retake the
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house. we will see the video changes things. the other thing is even the most always pulls the nbc wall street and journal poll conducted at trump's lowest point showed democrats with a seven-point advantage of a generic which is very good and it's likely democrats will retake the senate by the d+ seven, think democrats need to have the end point advantage on the generic ballot to really have a chance to talk about to get back the house. was that here's a headline from oc post house democrats with a possibility. >> guest: i'm still skeptic about that possibility. the polls were taken before the video and one poll that came out over the weekend in long island to the swing district in a long island district district with a freshman house republican showing the republican up 15 points above 50% even in a district for donald trump is not particularly popular. you see this all across the map. minnesota area districts that
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democrats really thought they could take the seat of erik paulsen and a lot of money is leaving that district. suburban seats that democrats need to put in play are not in play right now. >> host: pottstown pennsylvania independent linei'o them. bitt: there is been quite a
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of anecdotal evidence that in the wake of certain republicans saying they can't support donald trump, the trumpet base has been very upset about it. saturday in the midst of all this controversy, joe heck, the senate candidate in nevada who was leading in most public polls in a big swing state race was booed at a campaign appearance when he said he couldn't support a donald trump president. we also saw paul ryan had a unity rally that was supposed to feature donald trump when he was talking about is worse about what trump event he was booed at this rally so this is dilemma that republicans face. his supporters that 30% base 35% base they not only, they are not people who are going to say well i may like trump but i like a lot of other republicans. they view it as part of the establishment. they don't have a lot of desire to support these guys of these members of congress are saying i can't vote for trump and the risk is some of the trump voters won't vote for them. >> host: from virginia
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democrats line, tom. hi. >> caller: do you know why donald trump stood behind him at the debate? >> host: why don't you tell us? >> guest: >> caller: he's got to be the center of attention. he couldn't stand her being on camera and him standing way off someplace where the people couldn't see him. he had, he had to do it not because of politics. he has to be the center of attention when the cameras are on him. >> guest: i think that much is true that the good thing about a town hall format is a lot of that has to do with body language and what the candidates are saying this debate was so nasty and so negative, and so over-the-top that when trump was pictured hooking behind hillary clinton -- he was an opportune
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moment for trump but i think a lot of the debates content was reactive. >> host: do you think we will see similar tactics by mr. trump in the future? >> guest: he was in pennsylvania campaigning yesterday and spent an awful lot of time talking about bill clinton and his scandals and trying to connect with bill clinton during that time. republicans are looking at the polls and don't understand why he is using these tactics because they think it's a base only strategy in trump wants to win the presidency. he needs to win some of the suburban women and these arguments don't really buy it but it is rallying the base and i think his performance at the debate reassured a lot of wary republicans and core supporters that were really taken aback to what happened this weekend. they are back and forth and not
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reassured by the debate performance. >> host: is here from james annapolis maryland, republican line. jane go ahead. call:i'm an immigrant and i'm voting for trump and i'm a woman and i am absolutely disgusted with the republicans who have now been scared of their own personal benefit in the re-election and i've got to say that it has nothing to do with what trump said on friday. it has everything to do with their lack of leadership over the course of four or six years and now they are scared for their own re-election so now they are using trump again to excuse themselves for people failing to vote for them or staying away from them and not voting for them. i believe that americans are much smarter than the media. the media is running his re-election and this election
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the media is the one telling voters who should they vote for. they been doing this since the clintons since the 90s and i would call all the folks and listeners to read the traditional court cases to buy judicial -- that talks about all the scandals and violations of freedom of information act. voters do not know the media is pushing off their own agenda for hillary clinton to prevail in their own globalization policy. >> host: "the wall street journal" poll that we referenced earlier has this. the poll found democrats advantage of on the question of which party should control congress back from three points last month. >> guest: that's a big difference and a seven-point democratic edge on the ballot question means it's very likely they would take the senate. even if it's closer to zero they still have a fighting chance
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given how closely divided the senate is. at the same time the house republicans can will lose 30 seats to lose the house. with the democratic seven-point advantage paul ryan doesn't have to worry all that much. that's not the worst moment in the trump campaign. referring to the callers phonecall this is a problem for a lot of congressional republicans. they stood with donald trump despite his insults to captain kahn and stood with him despite that he insulted miss universe alicia machado. he said so many things that were beyond the pale and yet they still stood with him. a 10-year-old videotape push them over the edge? that those who isn't what passes the smell test and that's what republicans were nervous about watching the coverage over the weekend and decided to distance himself with donald trump and i
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think they will pay a political price than the ones that stay the course. >> host: so this eventually blows over? >> guest: i don't think it blows over. think it's going to enrage a lot of college-educated voters and a lot of women it's certainly going to hope -- per trump for the video came out there were key senate races where senators were leaving him a lot of these closed demographics propel the sun that dynamic is totally influx and a lot of the close races democrats may have the advantage to their site. >> host: here is catherine staten island new york independent line. go ahead. >> caller: good morning. i'm exactly like the lady before i'm an independent. i'm going to vote -- i'm not going to vote for any of the republicans. they think they have to make everybody follow them because of the people voting for them and what business do they have two
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tell the people to vote for trump? who supports those people? the democrats go after trump. why don't they do that instead of going after him? they don't like the way things are going and i don't know what trump is going to be doing and they like the way things are going. if they only knew that the e-mails have been out, why nobody talks about her. they got the tape because the -- works there. that's why and he's the one that put it out because they want trump out of business. >> guest: again this is another voter that is a trump supporter who is taking the anger out on congressional republicans then the nominee's
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problems. this is a dynamic republicans are dealing with. if you talk to republicans senators and congressmen privately very few of them have any support for donald trump that they feel they need all the support publicly because so many of their constituents are trump-based supporters and there are trump skeptics. you have the bush party and you have the trump party in their operating in coexistence. there's a civil war taking place in the party. >> host: from kentucky on the democrats lined lewis, hello. >> caller: hello. i am lewis from kentucky. i'm a coalminer, a union coalminer and i have had jobs taken away from us and the thing about it is they have made over $12 trillion in now they are taking my insurance away.
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at the end of the year i won't have any insurance. this was a rigged contract. paul ryan said we were a bunch of welfare people when they voted on this. mitch mcconnell voted across-the-board so wouldn't get voted on and that's not right. i'm voting for trump. that's all i'm telling you because we have next door to us as far as i'm concerned they are not running this country right for two years and they're not going to run it again. all they want to do is talk and they're not standing up for the working person. the working person of this country and that's what we need. we don't need nobody making a million dollars a year. we need somebody was standing up for the working person. >> guest: this is part of the republicans party's dilemma. it used to be a heavily democratic working-class coal-mining area that was
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heavily democratic and has now swung heavily republican. the republican party has new voters. they have the working-class voters that are part of their coalition and they are angry and disaffected and they are trump supporters but they are at odds with the business-oriented leadership that the party has had for many decades. in the way the party is bigger than it's ever been that they are at war with each other in this caller, the area where he is from used to be the working-class democratic vote was a part of the clinton coalition. a lot of these voters that were once voting for bill clinton are now trump supporter is yet they are making republican party's life miserable as they are trying to balance between the bush and the paul ryan and trump supporters. >> host: all the republicans have one thing in common. they are all part of the establishment. >> guest: the establishment is an interesting word. sort of a catchall to describe people that once were conservative and the more conservative elements that the
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party must like trey paul right was the hero of the tea party movement in the hero of the conservative right not that long ago and now you hear talk show cohost like laura ingraham or sean hannity describing him as a traitor. you get whiplash looking at who is in good standing with the conservative movement. ted cruz at the convention ted cruz even after losing the primary still had high approval ratings with conservative republicans in the second he decided not to support trump's numbers plummeted back home in texas which forced him to do a flip-flop and ran doorstop or endorse trump later on. this is the dilemma that republicans are in. the voters are at odds with the leadership. >> host: doing of cruz is taking with trump? >> guest: very awkward. he has not withdrawn that endorsement and he did that would be three or four different flip-flops in a matter few months. >> host: josh is with national journal of political editor joining us for conversation about campaign 2016.
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doc is up next and is at baton rouge louisiana. hi. >> caller: hi, good morning. the videos that were brought out the other day about trump i would. that at about a one because no one was hurt in that. other people call it and groping people in iraq data 10 on the scale but for some reason the media doesn't want to talk about that and not only that he did it but the fact that his wife tried to cover it up, tried to belittle the ladies like it was their fault. this country has turned upside down. what was good is now bad, what was bad is now good. what a world, what a world we live in.
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>> host: that was doc in louisiana. >> guest: here's the political problem with that caller's argument. voters do care what donald trump says behind-the-scenes and clearly that was responsible for the panic and even the polls that have come out since it shows people support women especially and also young -- among college educated men have ditched trump in the wake of that video. we are divided country and we are polarized country and a lot of callers share that callers viewpoint but it's making it very difficult for him to find a tattoo proudly. >> host: we have heard a lot of callers and e-mailers supporting trump and those are with them will stay with him. what about the undecideds? where is our fallen over the last weekend and after the debate? >> guest: it doesn't help trump with the undecideds.
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some of them have gone with gary johnson badia 10% post-debate that came out today but right now republicans are focused on the senate and to a lesser extent the house. you will find very few republicans in washington that gives trump a pass at this point. >> host: westchester film amateur democrats lied ron. hello. >> caller: how are you doing? listen c-span you guys are just the greatest. your guest, i'm very honored to speak with you sir. bill clinton come i don't want to see him, i'm a democrat and i don't want to see him back in the white house but he is not running it, hillary is in as far as hillary protecting her husband and everything she didn't do any thing that any wife wouldn't do for her cheating husband if she found out. at least i would hope i wife would be that if i would cheat on her which i would never do. donald trump listen, i hate to
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say it but he is being kind of like a high-end slumlord his whole life. i knew from the time he got into the republican party that he was going to split the republican party in half. i've known this for over a year. i been telling my friends and my family. i've been laughing about it because i know. you are talking about the latest video released. that's exactly what it is. it was the latest figure release and i'm sure you can expect more because donald trump has had years and years where he has gone on to these radio talk shows and howard stern and all these others shows and he is shown just what kind of a person that he is. trump is not going to get elected in this election. there's just not that many people that are going to tolerate this type of behavior
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and he's just not going to be the president. i don't were see that happening at all whatsoever. hillary clinton, do know she's got some problems, benghazi and the e-mails but all of that is -- four americans died in benghazi compared to the 10,000 that died and were wounded after bush sent us into iraq for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist. i think it pales in comparison, so you know again. >> host: ron, thanks. >> guest: it's interesting that even though most voters do you trump as sexist misogynistic it's not like voters haven't been paying attention to the election that's been going on for 18 months. trump had gone on howard stern radio show several times and said some. awful things and yet there is this videotape that really panic
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the republicans and change the race with less than a month ago. my hunch is the numbers will stabilize a little bit and trump is certainly behind but the poll that came out that weekend with all republicans running away from trump and the media coverage was red-hot against him i think it's too late to salvage his campaign. it will probably be down six or seven points. >> host: about the time of the release of a tape there was the release of wikileaks what's the impact on hillary clinton? >> guest: if this was anyone other than trump running against hillary clinton this would be a serious issue and the point that was litigated during the debate was that some of the e-mail in private she is at odds with her public positions on the campaign. there are a lot of democrats them bernie sanders supporters being too close to wall street and being too close to the
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wealthy and lot of the mouse over release will underscore that image. speaking the trunk video got so much attention and so much traction that is drowned out a lot of scrutiny that hillary would have otherwise received. >> host: win this up next from tennessee, independent line. >> caller: good morning, how are you? i just wanted to say that it's sad that so many people would leave trump over this with all that's gone on with hillary and i think if paul ryan does not want to vote republican than all the republicans should not vote for him. and that's my comment. thank you. >> guest: like i said before after they kahn video and when the controversy developed paul ryan didn't say he wasn't going to endorse trump and stood by him. he was very critical of what trump had said so i do find it a
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little bit surprising in the immediate aftermath of this. republicans basically are in a bargain with their voters. they basically said i will support trump we are not going to endorse him. we will not defend his comments that we will make this argument that hillary clinton is even worse. that strategy fell apart this weekend and that's why republicans are trying to pick up the pieces and figure out the path forward with less than a month ago. because republicans do that hueneme chances of them coming back is unlikely though i think you may see some republicans who ditched trump tried to reach out to their supporters and remind them of why they should be voting for their own candidacies there are a lot of mad trump supporter's. >> host: bobby from maryland,
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good morning to you. you are calling on our republican line. you are on with our guests. hello. >> caller: first of all i'm 72 and i've been a republican since i was 18 and i've never miss. this time i will do our right in and i will tell you why. are you there? >> host: you are on, go ahead to. >> caller: i'm sorry. let me tell you why. please don't cut me off. first of all this was the case. i remember when his first wife made a comment that he sued her because she said something. he has that the dash the non-disclosure with all of his wives and his children and his fans and everything. they say anything he sues. he sued his wife anyone. second of all as far as his work and his work ethics he has never paid a decent wage in his life. he has from day one with this
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first hotel he paid $4 an hour and cheated them out of that and to me all of these -- i did construction years ago. i was the first woman in ireland to did construction and what we went under all the subcontractors and all lost. i quit. i had been there for 18 years. the company came back because it was incorporated. they bought the property back in the nest it out and all the little people lost their money. this is what trump does. he never pays anybody. >> host: bunny we will have to leave it there. thank you very much for the call. >> guest: this election we are seeing something of a realignment like the caller perhaps voting for hillary clinton were old-school democrats or people who may be used to be a democrat a decade or so were supporting donald
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trump. it's absolutely remarkable. in 2012 despite losing very college -- carried college-educated voters. trump is losing white college-educated voters by 10 or 12 points. he is winning blue-collar white voters non-college-educated white voters. you are seeing at least as far as the white vote goes if you're college-educated you are voting for clinton and if you're blue-collar you are voting for donald trump. the class divide is as large as we have seen in some time. >> host: as far as that goes two weeks what to expect from the trump in the cleansing campaign in light of everything that's happened up to this point? >> guest: trump is trying to pick up the pieces and his campaign event in pennsylvania said just he is waiting for the
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base. all he is doing is trying to get his hard-core supporters to the polls and energize them and some of his surrogates are suggesting and about trump senate and sweet sweet this morning being critical of how speaker ryan so the divide is growing within the party and donald trump is showing no signs of trying to paper it over. as for hillary clinton i think she understands she has to lead and early voting has begun in many key states. she doesn't want to make any mistakes or any gaffes. what's interesting is there was a report out this week that the super pac is backing the hillary clinton campaign and may start spending its money in the senate in the house race. they feel so comfortable about their standing in the key swing states they may transfer use that money to air senate as a set of presidential ads. >> host: alabama is next on the democrats line, gwen is hard guests.
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go ahead. >> caller: good morning, how are you? i'm calling because you know what, as a woman i am -- to my core that we have men that have daughters, wives, nieces. this shows you what america is about. that you would defend sexual assault and you would make the statement well he didn't make -- so what? if someone shows you who they are the first time please believe them. and i want to make my point because you have everyone calling you making their point and i want to make mine this morning. donald trump gives a -- to
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america, two to children and families and for some of the men to call in and defend these actions it is sad in america. and for this man pull out the sexual assault victims that he said bill clinton assault that was a disgrace. hillary clinton did not rape anybody. hillary clinton did not have any sexual affairs on bill clinton. that woman was demeaned. >> host: when we will have to leave it there. thanks. >> guest: it's a depressing state of our politics in 2016. at the base and like any other debate i've ever seen the negativity and the personal attacks. you can just see the
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polarization of the people that are trump supporter said nothing will change their minds about donald trump. on the flip side you have the scholar who clearly has very strong feelings. we are about as is polarized to the country as we have been in many generations. >> host: is bill clinton fair game in a candidacy? >> guest: donald trump needs to win working class suburban women. he has really looked lousy margins and he's losing the suburban vote by many points like philadelphia and northern virginia. it could be a way to stop the bleeding and it could be in a way saving the senate by getting the base back on track but is not a way to win an election. >> host: olinda ohio -- will go rake in jacksonville florida. on the republican line.
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>> caller: yes, thank c-span for taking my call. i wanted to make the point that the reason donald trump's gained so much popularity is because the republican house and senate has refused to listen to the republican voters and this is the whole reason donald trump is so popular and i just don't understand why the republican establishment doesn't see that. they have been told time and time again yet they refuse to see it through that's all i have to say. thank you. >> guest: let's be clear donald trump has the worst favorability numbers of any presidential candidate in american history but he's popular with a the segment of the republican base, very popular. they won't move for them no matter what but this is the dilemma. he is not popular.
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everything is hurting his favorability numbers throughout the campaign. the challenges the 30% or so days republican voters or based trump voters nothing is affecting their perception of him so they are still voting for trump no matter what and they punish republicans for being disloyal but the swing voters and independent voters and obviously the democratic voters are all either voting for hillary benson for voting for a third party candidate and donald trump will struggle to get 40% of the vote which will be a historic marker. >> host: where're hillary clinton's favorability numbers? >> guest: the second worst in history. they have gone up a little bit but they are still pretty dismal and the e-mail server the high point for donald trump at the debate was challenging her to take the bait about talking about her personal e-mail this server. it's a vulnerability for her as
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donald trump sexism and misogyny is for him but ultimately some some -- trumps numbers are trending in a downward direction and hillary clintons are getting a little bit better. >> host: from pennsylvania we will hear next from tom republican line. thanks for calling. go ahead. >> caller: thanks for having me. i'm deadly voting for trump and i will tell you something all the financial money coming in for hillary clinton as well as jeb bush it all comes from the same puppet masters. if you vote for jeb he would be helping him and if you are voting for hillary you are helping the same people and trump's and appended and they are scared to death of him because he's going to clean out washington and this rat's nest of theft and all the theft going on from the taxpayers. it's no more. we are not going to put up with it anymore. vote for trump all the way. >> guest: he certainly has a strong view. you have the populace can to truancy in both parties.
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bernie sanders won about 40% of democratic voters by no one taking them seriously the beginning of the campaign and trump got over 40% republican primary. >> host: if you are on twitter talking about donald from supporters thing i don't call them supporters, more like -- guess who we learned of the primary that nothing can really affect their view of him. it's pretty remarkable that the paid performances that were sub par he still maintained that 30 to 40% support during the primaries and they stuck with them during the general election. the general election you need to win over new voters and expand your appeal when you move on to the general election. >> host: tell us what you are closely watching in the weeks ahead on both sides. >> guest: the dynamic between
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donald trump and the republican leadership on capitol hill should be fascinating. we saw mike pence saying he was debating whether to stay on the ticket on saturday and he gave a speech on monday where he was praising donald trump and saying we are all sinners and everyone can heal. the republicans after moving away from trump are now s
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>> "washington journal" continues. guest, bradley beychok, media matters for he serves as the president. tell us about your organization. 12-year t is a presidential watch dog in the media. simpler way of putting that, we in the e at 5 a.m. morning, read the local, national newspapers, monitor
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news, online local and broadcast and take a fact checking perspective from a fact-checking point of view. host: why do you think that is important? is larger than it's been. peeper are consuming through media, internet. a fact-filled media 5 a.m. to midnight real time. applyingt do you think to campaign 2016, how would you it?racterize guest: unprecedented and this campaign has brought firsts. donald trump has brought a number of challenges for the media and i think while lately pretty good about holding himccntable, donald trump was a media fueled candidacy and we monitor primarily created his candidacy. over the course of the year from may of 2015 to may of 2016 we look at the amount of coverage they gave to the candidates
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running and we found that covered donald trump about 50 hours which is double what they cover everyone else. so i think donald trump's candidacy is promoted by right wing media promoted by "fox news" and in some ways mainstream media allowed them to grow to such an area as their pocan omni. >> host: our previous guests compare that to hillary clinton. would you agree with that? >> guest: i would not. secretary clinton took a rise of media scrutiny in the last two years and even earlier than donald trump. i was 23 examples first thing benghazi which for a time you couldn't turn on the news where there was some thing that happened in benghazi which was the tragedy and that we lost for americans but also a fact was meeting environment. conservatives said there was a stand-down order or we didn't know where the president was in the oval office and there were secret e-mails. all these things that were absolute myths and that was the
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first in the second was female controversy with who she apologize for early but again as soon as you say there's an inkling of new information or maybe even a rehash it would dominate news coverage in the third is the clinton foundation which the trump foundation is under investigation by the new york attorney general and the said problems with donations with pam bondi and their attorney general. the clinton foundation is a global charity five-star but we some are coverage about the clinton foundation last year than he heard about the trump foundation and that's a real travesty. >> host: particularly from conservative meteor would you describe it overall? >> guest: of course conservative media and the right-wing, this has been a campaign cycle that originated in bright art and the movement. alex joneses of the world and really that is who is leaving donald trump's campaign now but putting that aside i think mainstream media decided very
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early that they would give hillary clinton more thorough vetting that they did in 2000 focus a lot on there though. >> host: our guest with us for about a half hour to talk about coverage of campaign 2016. if you want to ask him questions if you support donald trump (202)748-8000 hillary clinton or third-party candidate 202-74-8800 to an undecided voters 2427482003. you talked about the coverage of donald trump tape and he had disparity. >> guest: i thank again for the last two years we have had various minute e-mails that it cannot only think we should treat them as big moments. i think the false balance or false equivalency of this is not always accurate.
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donald trump's tapes were abhorrent and people were very offended. he apologized for them. the front page of "the wall street journal" where paul ryan is saying he may want to run away from him. i think when you look at the depth of those tapes and what was on them and a few benign e-mails that are in wikileaks which a foreign act or is trying to influence her democratic election i don't think they should be treated equally. i think you should treat the issue based on the set of facts and a set of facts is trump is very misogynistic. >> host: our first call is brian in washington. he is an undecided voter. you were on with our guests. go ahead. >> caller: brad, thanks for being on the show this morning prayer will he wanted to speak to the previous guy more so but i'm glad to speak to you. we have been issued go down on super tuesday in idaho when ted cruz was there. his minister that led the prayer
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there was an attempted assassination on the minister of the next day in the church parking lot and we watched it on the sunday local news. we watched it on the monday local news. we never see it on the national news until thursday of that week. and i personally saw the breaking news hotlines for "msnbc", nbc and "cnn". i talk to family on the west side of the state wednesday 72 hours later and they are tied into the main social media and the news. they don't miss anything you ask them about the ted cruz minister shooting in idaho and they were clueless. >> host: thank you. >> guest: i know very little with nothing about the issue you
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just race but i think in terms of our media environment in general one thing that is better about the media now that i was five years ago or 10 years ago or even five months ago he said through social media reporters producers and newsmakers where we used to have the news from a top-down roach there is a grassroots involvement down certainly these reporters and as you all know you read your twitter feed feed sent want to see what's going on you can call attention to things that are happening today think that's an improvement in our media environment is the beginner information from a larger variety of sources. >> host: from mike in florida supporter of donald trump. >> caller: good morning c-span. i have to take issue with you. you initially showed your hand when he said the look of the news from a progressive viewpoint. there is no viewpoint to look at
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news rather than the objective reporting of the truth and just by your glossing over the facts about hillary clinton let me tell you where you haven't done so. you mentioned her e-mails. okay, you didn't mention that she had her staff destroy with a hammer their personal devices. if these honestly worried e-mails reported in a fashion that you are claiming were harmless why did they do that? that's one. number two you are always citing about media matters funded by george soros with a 1 million-dollar grant or donation. everyone -- i would implore everyone to watching this looking to george soros and what his stated goals for america aren't aside or yourself. number three you want to talk about the trump case how does
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the rape victim and you want to talk about what trump said on the tape. >> host: we will lead our guest respond. >> guest: to the first we don't hide the fact that we are progressive organization we are very proud of that fact. to the second i am at a loss of where we were going with the second on george soros, funding from george soros. he certainly didn't found 80 matters. our funding is available and you can look pretty in terms of e-mails in particular went and did or didn't do has been rededicated by the media over and over again and the fbi found no wrongdoing. i will stick with what the fbi's report is in terms of ozar. >> host: a supporter of hillary clinton susan from st. petersburg, florida. >> caller: hi. i'm just wondering, everyone seems to be talking about bill
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clinton but it's hillary is running for president. when is that going to and? >> guest: that's a great question. think secretary clinton has done a fabulous job. i think the reason we have heard a lot about bill clinton in the last seven days is because donald trump's in an awful position with his campaign and they have decided to launch a tabloid dumpster diving campaign where they want to relitigate her rehash things that were brought up in the 90s and you saw donald trump perform what many an economic conservative side says is an unprecedented stunt that for this last debate by bringing out these four women and hosting a facebook live. i think if the republicans and the conservatives conservatives in the media want to focus on things that happened in 1990s and they want to hold hillary accountable for these things it's an unfortunate media environment that is one of the web. >> host: freddie is in
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maryland a supporter of donald trump. hi friday, good morning. >> caller: first of all i want to say i am an african-american and i am so shocked that americans are blind looking at everything going on. they are talking about bill clinton. she knows how hillary clinton treated all these women and she doesn't care about it. when you look at hillary clinton you see what the foundation did to hillary. they took money from all over the world from all these countries. the whole country is so upset about that. when you look at the ivory coast there president is in jail now because of people like hillary clinton. you see war all over the world.
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they don't have anybody. this is a group that is simply tried to make money. there is no help. this is a crooked group. this country is going to hell. i voted for barack obama twice and that was the biggest mistake ever. >> host: caller, thanks. >> guest: i think the clinton foundation is a five-star charity and obviously well respected around the world. it was a large charity looks like they are going to wind it down as hillary takes her candidacy. i don't have much more to add. >> host: "politico" has a story about the founder. who is the? >> guest: is a former conservative journalist that had written extensively about the absence of the 1990s and afterward see the transformation into progressive liberal after a book in the early 90s called
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blinded by the right. he's the founder and chairman. >> host: he has connected to a group called correct the record. what is that? >> guest: correct the record is a super pac coordinated with the clinton campaign so a number of these political groups are able to take unlimited numbers of funds a 527 group in terms of tax benefits. >> host: is their coal mingling between the super pac and the organization media matters? >> guest: no there's not that i say that because in "politico" david brock was saying he would pay for any -- or the legal fees. i wanted to see if that is skewed as as the organization's effort at media matters. >> guest: david brock is chairman of the number different groups but in terms of media matters where an independent watchdog. we take no part in that. >> host: our guest media
8:55 pm and the web site by the way if you want to see what the organization is about the kind of contest they have and what kind of things to put on the web site? >> guest: we see things that happen. we are in some ways have to talk about what the news media's talking about that day. i imagine between now and the end of the year we will be talking about the next debate and the role of fact checkers in the debate and chris wallace is probably going to be the hardest target in some ways. he said he doesn't believe there's a role for fact checkers and they shouldn't be playing referee in the debate. we feel it's an important piece and anderson and martha did a great job sunday night during the debate and providing the facts for the media and for the audience. donald trump has been the most untruthful presidential candidate by independent fact checkers that we have so we will be looking hopefully at questions about climate change and lgbt rights, about guns and public safety and a debate we
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need to have in america and less on the optics of the campaign on personal attacks and more about the issues. we will be pressing the media's moderate is to focus on that misled in a slight debate. >> host: here is jane a supporter of hillary clinton from newark new jersey. >> caller: hi. i just wanted to speak. we want to be politically correct. jesus was prosecuted by the christians and 99% of the ku klux klan were christian and the police were christian and i'm saying i'm a christian but they are just using that as an excuse. most of this is over race. that's what it's dealing with. it's not dealing with being real. if you don't like hillary you don't like hillary but trump is despicable. you don't want to vote -- you say you are not about that then don't vote for trapani don't vote for hillary but you act like it's the 50s and the 60s. it's not like that anymore.
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>> host: caller media coverage of campaign 2016 b of a direct question about that? >> caller: yes, i wanted to know again i love that he was speaking because the guy that was on before wasn't speaking the truth as far as trump getting time. six months ago, three months ago the media would build trump up. they were speaking about trump 24/7 and every day was good. they didn't go into his background are or dealing with this organization, nothing about the rape allegations he had. he has a lot of stuff, charges in the past that he is paid for and they can't say anything because he paid people to do that. >> host: we will let our guest is bob. >> guest: i think the caller pointed out donald trump got very good coverage from the media in the buildup.
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cbs news chairman les moonves said donald trump cannot be good for america but he's good for cbs. that was early in the campaign and that was an odd admission. in many ways because trump is getting ratings they covered his rallies at a higher pace. if you turn on a tv at almost any point in the day you fell like you're watching a trump rally in a big stadium. he has been built up by the media and now it's a little bit of a step back into reality if he could be your president, i hope voters take notice of that and take a look at it. i agree with the caller on a number of points. >> host: this is illinois a third-party supporter. good morning. >> caller: good morning. thanks for having me. i just wanted to say we have to deeply flawed candidates. in any other year hillary would most likely be losing terribly. unfortunately media coverage,
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simply the essential is simply been replaced by the trivial in modern media. so that being said, there has never been a time where we needed to hear the views of third, fourth and fifth party candidates. so i guess that's my question, all these things being said about the two parties, where's the coverage of the third-party candidates? i have seeing jill stein talk and i'm concerned about energy policy which i think everybody should be and there is nothing in the media covered about that. so i'm just curious why there by it is media to allow third-party candidates to debates orome of the be heard at all. i think the coverage of candidates has probably been about three to 5 percent of total media coverage. just my hat is question. host: paul, before we let our know go, i want to let you
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8:00 tonight we will feature gary johnson and jill stein on our program. ask them a chance to questions, hear about their position, hearboutheir .. 2016.mpaign that starts at 8:00 tonight on c-span, you can see it on, and the radio app g. ahead. the with voters deserve to see all the candidates. it does i don't have the exact figures of the cycle that you have seamless coverage of the t third-party candidates and thatt is a result of the media is obsession with the scandals or donald trump's rise and people like to watch a train wreck and in a lot of ways he provided a way for people to see that, so i think that has come at a cost for the coverage they've received. >> host: west virginia, an undecided voter.
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>> why isn't the media covering the $6 billion hillary clinton cannot account for as secretary of state and by if the clinton foundation is so great why haven't they covered the cd earthquake relief fund, and why don't you tell viewers about the progressive liberals and your self for the financial distraction of the united state of america. >> guest: i think you've heard a lot of coverage of the clinton foundation. i'm not familiar with thell secretary of data and there'sm not many of me. >> host: from twitter in the role of the moderator can a debate b be marketed effectively
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if the moderator is preoccupied with fact checking? >> guest: lester holt used it sparingly but when it was of great importance like the support of the iraq war and getting that right, he injected himself. i don't think tha that's the roo make the distinction for the candidates but i thought they did a very good job and i wouldd also point to yesterday martha raddatz did a good job pointing out the difference between the view on this eerie and issue you and what we should be doing and whether or not that conflicted with what trump was saying during the debate and that's important when you can distinguish in the presidential and vice presidential nominee. it should be sparingly but a tool in the toolkit and that's what we would ask in that debat next week.
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>> host: is against this idea of interruption? >> guest: it ended up being a back and forth between the four of them, the moderators and thee candidates with the voters interspersed so it may be a little bit more than we've seen in the first debate and then we will have to see in the third but i didn't think that it was overly used and i think both candidates were following the facts.d i know the team love to say they are treated unfairly by the moderators and to attack them in advance it would be interesting. >> host: one of the things youa pointed out was the term staunch the bleeding when it comes to the use of the term and the headline carries to say despites losing.ra
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>> guest: certainly the closer the race the more people are going to follow that and add that debate polls secretary clinton won overwhelmingly with undecided voters but i think because trump had such a disaster in the last couple of weeks they were quick to say they got up there and should be put in jail if they get into office. he confirmed he never paid any income taxes. the media was quick to say he is back and now we have to race again. but the data doesn't necessarily provide that. >> host: let's hear from georgia, nancy. >> guest: good morning.l, >> caller: it does meannt to as
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prosecuted and thrown in jail. i want to ask you when comcastfr signed an agreement with house energy commerce committee on record that the justice department about not confusing the program with different rules i think that you will expect to find snow. >> guest: all of the media properties and we've seen a conglomeration take precautions and take the news division and we think that's an important thing. i don't want to get my news from the apprentice certainly listening to the tapes lastnly e week. >> host: germantown maryland, third party supporter.
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>> caller: yes, thank you for having me on.n, i have a question for the gentleman. i feel like both of them are one the same team. we've never seen a candidate acn the way donald trump facts and we've never seen a candidate like hillary that comes with so much baggage that somehow made it to the top. that's why the american people are so upset and confused. they are on the same team and i would like the experts to do this explain the campaign so
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that both sides can step back te and see and understand how they are on the same team. >> guest: i don't think theyey are on the same team. they've known each other in the past and attended these different family weddings and in terms of the senate candidacy,yr i'm not familiar with what you are referring to. any money she ha had would be reported to the fec. i imagine on a zero balance she won by an overwhelming margin is started from scratch and ran in 2008 and had the debt so in 2016, we started a new. >> host: the organization is media matters america. bradley, did the president talk
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about media coverage in 2016. thanks for your time. >> once again, standing by for donald trump in panama city beach florida scheduled to start about 40 minutes ago. when it gets underway we will have live coverage for you on c-span2. more of this morning's conversation on the media coverage of the 2016 campaign. >> host: the first guest is tim graham of the media analysis.. good morning to you. tell us about the center. >> guest: we are coming up on the third years now. we basically monitor the national news starting with thee television networks and print, still some newspaper and analysis but mostly focus on television news and recording
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cable and broadcast and try tons analyze those and study the patterns and to be able to talk to people about how much coverage. his and how much there isn' >> host: with those things in mind when it comes to campaign 2016 after the events over the weekend come friday. >> guest: how many minutes as the story getting w geared up to 167. that is an enormous story. we are then comparing that to other scandals that generally get started off in a very slow fashion. they never take off like this. it's more the equivalent where we counted 88 minutes in thetheo first 88 hours. the media is going full on this
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and thinks that it's something enormous. whether that is true they areru, making it or creating it. it's far less with a little ovei ten minutes.eaks, but w of for e-mails, they all t less attention and the tone ofy the story is obviously different as well. so there isn't a ton ton of crih when they report. it is hillary is so in battle to fight these people that won't let her be. it's a different tone and that's harder to analyze.
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he's dominated the news in the republican primary and in the general question of whether that is good for him. the >> host: wha would you say that there is bias in the general coverage? >> guest: i think the news media has been very plain when they have an essay on the front page saying it's too important to try to be evenhanded. the coverage basically has that whole flavor of this man is some sort of a threat to the country and has to be stopped. we are not seeing objectivity and matches where we are. the talk is the republican party is going to explode and fall apart.
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is that wishful thinking, i don't know but the media keeps talking about it.whatever so whenever they talk about is what we have to talk about. >> host: our guest is with us and if you want to ask questions about coverage of the candidates in the (202)748-8001 i (202)748r donald trump. if you support hillary clinton, and undecided, 202, 748-8003. we do have calls lined up. canton north carolina you are on with the guest. if you were a donald trump supporters. go ahead. >> caller: during the firstmess debate, hillary mentioned that obama inherited a mess but the
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last i remember -- are you still there? sorry about that. democrats gained control in 2006 to keep the economy from falling apart. if that is true, george w. bush inherited the war and if the i infidelity does come into play because if he would have had his mind on this country instead of his hands on monica, the towers would still be standing and we never would have went into afghanistan or iraq. >> guest: it's interesting in a sense and that is congressss never gets blamed for the economy. we have a tendency when we talk about the news media.
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the economy is a very big thing but yes i think a lot of times we would argue that the news media excuses the democrats from things. they certainly were not going tl blame the collapse on the democrats in congress and i think when it comes to 9/11 i'm not sure that it could have been prevented. it was a scandal and the attacks itself and never really wanted to investigate how did presidend clinton do in preventing this threat even in the 9/11 commission. that wasn't a story for the networks. they didn't really want it on his watch in any way. the assignment of blame is one
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of the things you look for and i would tell you i think bill clinton has never really beenn blamed for the leak on terrori terrorism. >> host: carol come are supporter of hillary clinton. >> caller: how are you? [inaudible] in the primaries these were for all the things he does. trump asks putin to attack ours e-mails. [inaudible] we are going to break away from the program to go to florida for the donald trump rally in panama
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city beach florida. >> it sounds like we have a pretty enthusiastic crowd, am i right? hillary clinton wishes she could draw a crowd like this. she had to drag out al gore, remember him? we don't have to drag anybody else. we've got as many people outside as we do inside. that's because you know you're here to support a man who's going to change america. we are going to go in a different direction. are you happy with the direction america is going? do you want to change it? then vote for donald trump. he is the candidate of change. she is the candidate of the
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corrupt past and the boy, is she corrupt. he is the only one that is running against the establishment. she's part of the corrupt system. she is the corrupt system. he wants to get you more jobs and improves your education. he wants to make sure that we have safe borders. he wants to make sure that we have safety and supports the police. he will defeat them. she runs away from it and refuses to acknowledge it. and one of her speeches that was
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revealed today, she said that islamic terrorism is not a major danger. but remember during the debate the other night, she said you have to have, and now i am quoting this speech was paid $225,000. $225,000. this was just revealed today. she said you have to have both a public and a private possession on policy. she tried to wrap that in abraham lincoln. there was nothing of abraham lincoln an in the 225,000-dollar page speech. it means that you are a liar.
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i say one thing back then to the people i want to get money from and then i come to everybody else and say something totally different. and she did that time after time after time. it is impossible to know if hillary clinton is telling the truth. she could possibly pass a polygraph test while she was lying. in a paid speech in canada for $262,500 she said we should have a socialized healthcare system like in canada. and yoyou want a socialized sysn canada?
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do you know anybody that goes to canada to get an operation. hospitals in new york or dallas or minnesota to get treatment i don't know anybody that tries to get into a hospital in canada because the healthcare system is a heck of a lot better than the healthcare system because we've at least maintained it as private and when donald trump becomes president, we will get rid of what bill clinton called crazy. obamacare, gone. we will have a private system, a private health care system. you will be able to pick your healthcare policies from all over the country. and that competition will drive the price down. the reason hillary clinton doesn't understand the competition drives down prices
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is because she doesn't understand our economy. she wants a socialized economy just like she said we want to socialized medicine. she doesn't understand the greatness of the economy and how it works. t the roles of the interview i've never heard of that. i was investigating to tell them in advance what the rules o role interview were going to be. you know what that's called, that's called corruption. i will give you another one. for weeks donald trump has been saying that the media is corrupt
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and talked about cnn referred to by all of us as the clinton news networks. during onnetwork. during one debate with bernie sanders according to what was revealed today, he was the head of the democratic national committee and he got a question one day in advance and she gave that question to hillary clinton in advance and then the next day asked almost exactly the same question hillary clinton had gotten an advance. you know what that's called but that's called cheating. that's what you get thrown out of west point for the naval academy. we are going to have a president who is a cheater well, i don't know.
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we have one that is a bribe taker and destroys e-mails. we have one of smashes up telephones. she shouldn't be running for president. she should be under a real investigation, an honest investigation but imagine imagine cnn allowing her to get the questions before the town hall meeting. how many other times did she get questions in advance, did she get questions in advance in the debates that we've been watching, and what is the democratic party going to do now that we found out that she is a
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cheater? are they going to fire her because she was a cheer. this man isn't just a builder of buildings come he's a builder of dreams and knows how to accomplish things and get things done and you'll be proud to have him as your president again because we will be a country that is successful again and that we don't have to get our planes almost shot at or do anything into the next time we will. when he is president of the united states they will be too
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afraid. [cheering] the few moments you will hear from him. i want to make sure you get out and vote and get more people. do you promise you will go get ten more people to vote. promise me. come on. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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♪ we set a new record with 10,000 inside. introducing the next president of the united states, mr. donald trump. ♪ ♪ ♪
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thank you very much, everybody. a lot of people. [cheering] thank you very much. fellas, can we move over a little bit, please? we need room. we want people to be able to s see. we all love each other. we want more room. it's great to be in florida, my second home. i live here, stay here, i love this place. we have like 11,200 here, and outside we have over 10,000 people. would anybody like to switch places? you are great.
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there is no place like being at a trump rally. we are going to win back the white house. i would like to begin tonight by extending our thoughts and prayers to those recovering from the tragic aftermath of hurricane matthew. i watched and it took a little bit of a turn and we got lucky but it was still very bad. so, to everybody our thoughts and prayers are with you. due to the hurricane, voter registration has been extended. did you hear about this? through tomorrow, so register. you've got to go and register.
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we are doing something that's incredible. it's a movement. but if we don't win, all it is is that the * in history. make sure you get out and vote november 28. if you have already registered, requesting absentee ballots today and vote really early. the hillary clinton documents released today make more clear than ever just how much is at stake. this will determine whether we will remain a free country in the true sense of the word or become a corrupt banana republic controlled by the foreign government. it would lead to the destruction of the country. it will lead to the destruction of the country.
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today we learned that amazingly that's the department of justice sent information to the clinton campaign about the e-mail investigations of the campaign could be prepared to cover up her crimes. what is going on? rudy giuliani said it, this is collusion and corruption of the highest order, and it's one more reason why i asked my attorney general, i will ask, to a point a special prosecutor. [cheering] we have to investigate hillary clinton and investigate the
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investigation. they deleted 33,000 e-mails after congressional subpoenas. they got a subpoena from the united states congress and then they deleted everything. if you did that in private life should go to jail. then destroyed her phones, anybody store your phone with a hammer? people have gone to jail for doing far less. she also lost, think of this, secretary of state, lost as much as $6 billion in taxpayer money while she was running secretary of state. some people say it was misplaced. billions of dollars misplaced. these e-mails confirmed what those of us here today have known all along.
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hillary clinton is a corrupt global establishment that is raping the country and surrendering sovereignty of our nation. this criminal government cartel doesn't recognize borders bu boh the leaves and global governance on unlimited immigration -- and the rule by corporations. it also believes in no borders. just come on in folks. speaking to a foreign bank again just revealed, hillary clinton said my dream is a common market with opium trade and open borders. there goes the rest of your business is and there goes your country. she doesn't say that. behind closed doors, when she thought no one was listening she pledged to dissolve the borders of the united states of america.
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they've given us a window into the secret corridors of government power where we see the former secretary of state announcing the desire to end the american independence that our founders gave to us and wanted us to have. american soldiers have fought and died to keep america's freedom and now she wants to surrender those borders to an opium trade and world government and by the way, we want a government for the united stat states. crooked hillary is so radical on immigration that as secretary oy of state sheikh refused to make foreign countries take back their illegal aliens. the countries were smart and said we don't want them. okay we will take them.
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then you look at the crime and wonder why. and by the way did you know it was just announced that murder is the highest it's been in our country in 45 years. one such killer that was set free on her watch went to jail, came out and went on to kill a beautiful young american girl named tc chadwick. people have heard that name, beautiful, wonderful person. the killer who had already been convicted for shooting a girl in the head should have been sent home instead he was set free and stabbed her in the face and neck 15 times violently and stuffed her body in a closet. the corrupt establishment wants to surrender america's borders even if they send the troops overseas to protect.
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the administration will secure control, defend and protect the borders of the united states. we are going to protect. then the border patrol agent just gave us the endorsement. even the e-mails show that expressed serious concerns. during a recent trip to florida i had a chance to spend some time with the incredible residence of the haitian community that's contributed so much to this country and the state. i also learned from them how
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much they despised them and it shows that during the deadly earthquake that killed over 1,050 people at least, they couldn't stop cashing in. as people were dying in haiti, they were segregating out requests for president bill clinton vips so that the interest contracts would receive very special treatment. people that were labeled not friends with him were placed on the sidelines. a u.s. taxpayer funds to build what amounted to a massive sweatshop and guess who set it
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up, the chief of staff that helped destroy the e-mails and then got immunity from the fbi that included a distraction of her computer. there's never been anything like this. it revealed to block says the e-mails and information were missing. they were gone. the company that benefited from those actions put a lot of money into the company owned by cheryl mills. today the death toll is on the rise. we should never forget how bill and hillary clinton handled at the last time out. to all of our friends in haiti,
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your day of justice is coming and it arrives on november 8. not only have they ripped off haiti but it shows members of the team attacking catholics while this is offensive it's just the latest evidence that the clinton campaign has been using so much. you have all read the reports and heard the stories about how disrespectfully she treats law enforcement by how disrespectful she used the secret service and many others in uniform even dare to protect her and b. is our weapothese areweapon carrying p.
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they carry weapons. hillary clinton wants to dismantle so maybe she should start with her security people not carrying weapons. does this make sense to you? by the way, i want to give a shout out and a salute to our law enforcement and police. i am proud of the fact they've treated the people with dignity and respect and law enforcement personnel these are amazing people. the e-mails show that hillary .
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staff has given up secret notes. by the way did everybody see the debate? [laughter] debate?laughter [cheering] it's gotten good reviews. we will see what happens. pat buchanapat buchanan said tht of any presidential debate, the greatest performance -- thank you very much, folks. we had eight online polls and every one of them at the "time" magazine and so many others said we won by a massive margin so let's hope it all boils down to winning on november 8 otherwise honestly i've wasted my time, you've wasted your time. i will have spent over $100 million on running for office.
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that's a lot of money. that's not the thing. if i don't find them it will be the single greatest waste of time, energy and money. it's never been duplicated. there's never been anything like this in history. bernie sanders was second. she had this little crowd. she had nothing. and they are talking on television because the media is rigged. the best thing she's got going is the rigged media. can you imagine working with her for four more years?
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the last thing we need is another four years of barack obama. that's what we are going to get if we get her. but it also shows that the democratic national committee rigged the democratic election. the vice chair was caught reading information about bernie sanders plans to the campaign. in all fairness, he made a deal with the devil and made a mistake. he could have gotten something important in american history. when he made that deal, he
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thought without and very bad. but to all the voters out there, don't vote for a wall street sellouts like hillary clinton. remember this, the one thing i had in mind and we had in common was crooked hillary. the borders are much stronger. that's why i have all of the endorsements with everybody on the orders. but he knew we were getting ripped off on trade and he was right, except my numbers are much different. we are going to redo it and have unbelievable deals. but to the bernie sanders people come to you get sold out but remember this, i'm much stronger on trade and trade was a big deal because he i he's right wee getting sold out. our jobs are being lost and taken. we are being sold out.
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it's a vote for more reckless invasion, more terrible trade deals and as confirmed just today by wikileaks, she also wants to cut medicare and social security. a vote for donald trump is a vote for america first and to protect medicare and social security. believe me. we are going to protect social security. she will also raise your taxes. it also shows something i've been warning everybody about for a long time. the media is simply an extension
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of the campaign. it's just one more way the system is rigged. reporters do work for those like the "washington post" and "new york times" who may think of themselves as journalists but they are actually just the corporate political machine. the dishonesty of "the new york times" is unbelievable. the dishonesty of the "washington post" is unbelievable. the dishonesty of all the cameras, so many of them is unbelievable. the e-mails show "the new york times," "boston globe," univision, a third-grade reporter, remember he did the debate and made a total fool of himself all doing favors for the reporters smothering.
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you saw her on the debate stage. do you think that is pretty poor but the country is all about? they even gave her veto power. i would like to have power when they misquote me all the time. it's actually corruption. before the big debate against bernie sanders is that possible? the vice chair e-mailed from time to time i get questions in advance. do you think that is fair? aren't we starting to feel sorry
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for him a little bit? the media can't report on the establishment because it largely is the establishment and the corrupt media is teamed up against you in th and the amerin people. i used to get great press until they said he's running. i got great press. my wife said the other day you'd use to get such great press and now every story is a slander. i tell you what, it's slanderous and it's horrible and it's unfair, thoug that we are goingo beat the system. we will create a bright american future. i didn't need to do this but we have to do it and we have the
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greatest people on earth. we have the greatest people on earth. today it dredges up al gore. did you see him, anybody see h him. >> to campaign in florida. it would help create china. when they are making them they
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talk about all that stuff going up into the air but maybe we should be making them instead of china and germany and other places. instead of repairing the water infrastructure tinfrastructuress like flint. my administration will address those like the everglades and including the fixing of water problems like lake okeechobee. do you notice they are always letting the water out. hillary has received millions of dollars from donors that wants to shut down american energy altogether.
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radical activists like tom promised to spend $70 million to get clinton democrats in return to shut down the production all across the united states. we need to put the miners and steel workers back to work. it would cost america over $5 trillion cause the electricity rates to skyrocket. think of it. we are going to spend $5 trillion you know what's going to happen we will become noncompetitive in other countries. we will become noncompetitive.
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the largest polluter by far one of the united states makes drastic cuts immediately what's that all about why aren't we doing it together it's one more way that they've surrendered american prosperity to china and so many others. we are led by people that are grossly incompetent. it turned out to be 1.7 billion. it's like the stage loaded up with money. no one has ever seen it. can you imagine these people three years ago before we made them rich as a country they were ready to go but we made them rich.
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how about the people ready for deportation. ready for deportation. they made a mistake. they all became united the citizens. and these were people that were not exactly good. that's why they were being deported. somebody said i was wrong on a number. here we go. with 400, 799. it was like 17 or 1800. they said i was wrong because i was low. i said that's okay you can deported them and they said that wouldn't be constitutional. would be constitutional. we are being led by stupid people. hillary clinton will be worse than obama. if i am elected president, we
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are going to start winning again. the speeches even show clinton praising the president of china for promising to assert his authority. my energy proposals will unlock the $50 trillion in energy reserves right here in america. this means new jobs in florida not new jobs in china. we are going to make america first. it's all part of our plan to make america rich again but we also have to repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare. in a moment of truth telling he's had obamacare was a crazy system where people wind up with their premiums doubled.
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on this he was right. the next day he came in and said i'm only kidding. premiums are going to surge beyond what you have diversity report and all across the country. i just left texas. they've gone up 60% through blue cross blue shield. and remember this. on november 8 they are trying to amass these increases. there will be 100% increases, 95% increases if you've already got 68%, 72%. insurers are fleeing and patients are losing their doctors.
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28 times obama said that. he lied. the best students don't want to be the hers anymore. it will destroy american healthcare for good if we don't get rid of it and this is going tif this isgoing to be so pivots of the cost for healthcare so remember you are goin were goint great health care at a far reduced course. obamacare is a nightmare and hillary wants to go to single-payer. canada would have a better version of what she's been talking about it people want an operation they come to the
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united states to get it. it's slow. it doesn't work. we have concepts that are so good they will only get better. we have to repeal and replace obamacare. it's killing the country into thand thepeople that have to pa. but you have to get out and vote. we will replace obamacare with health savings accounts so you can choose the private doctor you want. we will be fixing our terrible trade deals and if you remember on june 1 16th last year that's when i said we are going to run and it takes a lot of guts and courage to do this. i started off into their verses and teen people. some didn't honor their pledge but these are minor details.
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but we had some great people many of whom are supporting us, doctor ben carson, great guy, chris christie. we have incredible support, mike huckabee, he is so good. he said the other night donald trump won that debate by a landslide. he said trump wanted easy but that doesn't mean the cnn of the world will never say. complete great abraham lincoln debated it and wa and was repree point of view, cnn was a abraham lincoln went down to a massive defeat. these are dishonest people we are dealing with.
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.. the 45 million americans are in
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poverty. this is the legacy of obama clinton. energy taxes regulation and trade were creating 25 million jobs are the next 10 years but it's going to be unbelievable. will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created, believe me. [applause] the state of florida has lost one in four manufacturing jobs since nafta and china deals happened. thank you, i love you too darling. i love florida. i love the people of florida. [applause] i have created many, many jobs in florida. jobs in miami beach, to row and a tremendous success and mar-a-lago mar-a-lago and the clubs and we have done all of that. and remember when we were in the primary i ran against marco, jeb
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and all these guys and we had -- marco has been very nice lately and i hope he winds, i do but we won by 21 points. whenever back? everyone said would happen? i went into a couple of states and trump is one point down and then we win by 14 points. we could have this happen. we are pretty even in florida and i'm a little disappointed because hillary hasn't created a job and i have created thousands of jobs in florida, thousands. at the role radel i have over 1000 people working. mar-a-lago. many jobs. buildings along the beach in miami. we have created a lot of jobs so if you guys don't vote me as a victor i'm going to be very angry. hillary doesn't come down to florida. if she comes down to florida to try to get your vote you won't see her anymore.
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hillary clinton gets it manufactures that are left in florida ohio north carolina pennsylvania, michigan will be shipped to other countries, shipped overseas and go to mexico. there's no doubt about that. if i win day one we are going to announce our plans to totally renegotiate nafta which is a one-way street for businesses to leave our country. [applause] they get the businesses, they get the cash and you know what we get? we get the drugs. we get nothing. we get unemployment and we get drugs. years of all talk and no action politicians like her will end. i'm not controlled by special interests and i will immediately get to work and that's what i'm putting up my own money for the most part of her than getting massive amounts of small
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contributions average of $61 per use of the numbers in effect they're going to be announced tomorrow. we set records for republicans on the small contributions. i love that. and we are doing good. we just came up with the a new commercial on crooked hillary. she is as crooked as a 3-dollar bill. i used to say if he had a 2-dollar bill but now they make 3-dollar bills. if we don't get the daily one on nafta, remember i said it, we believe nafta and start over again and make a much better deal. we will terminate. a trump administration will also stand up to china's product dumping and what they are doing to our steel companies is unbelievable. we are going to start making things again in america. we are going to have apple make their iphones in this country, not make everything in china and vietnam and these other countries.
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[applause] we are going to bring apple and many other companies. they are going to be back in the united states. our jobs are going with much lower business taxes. we will bring the tax. from 35% to 15% and we are going to be booming again. our taxes are so high, our taxes are so high that businesses are forced to leave him by the way when businesses want to be ripped out of florida, rep out of your community, it's not going to happen anymore because there are going to be consequences like carrier air-conditioning in the state of indiana where mike pence by the way is doing a great job for me. we like mike. [applause] so mike did a great job. he absolutely be tim kaine who you know, tim kaine raise taxes
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in his first week when he was governor of virginia. he was not a popular governor. he raised them by $4 billion. mike on the other hand indiana you take a look, he has done such a great job so here's my question to you. by cheering, who did better in the debate? are you ready? you can share let me know. i did very well. did you see hillary today? did everybody see the debate? e, you lost. i look forward to next week we have another when. did you see, wait, wait did you see what she said that i entered her space. you saw that. this is a liar. so i am standing at my podium, i've got my chair and crooked hillary walks across the stage right in front of me. i didn't move, right?
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so i'm standing and she walks across the stage. she's standing right in front of me. i didn't care. i didn't care. and she is answering the question and then she walks right back. okay, that's fine. the next thing i said, i read the paper. she entered my space. but did you see what she said? that i entered her space. and i was very careful because years ago if somebody did come in and talk to her and the poor guy lazio, i said i'm not getting near this woman. i am not getting near this woman at all. no interest, no interest. i have no interest. so i'm standing there. she stands right next to me and the next day they said donald trump entered her space. these are dishonest people.
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anyway next week we have another debate in las vegas. america, if i am elected will become, they always go when. you don't want to sound too eager. the polls are pretty even in florida. just don't let me down. [applause] don't let me down. honestly, don't let yourselves down maybe more portly. america will become the great jobs magnet of the world. remember this. we are also going to fix her inner cities and help our latino americans and believe me that so what we have to do. the hispanics in this country have been treated very unfairly. the african-americans have been treated very, very unfairly. 45% of african-american youth live in poverty.
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58% of african-american youth don't have jobs. only 41% own their own home. that's much, much lower than other groups. 41% is a very low number, one of the lowest. more than 4000 people a man shot chicago since january 1, 3000 people. so the inner cities don't have jobs, they have a lousy education, right? a lousy, horrible and they get shot walking to the story. so i say to the african-americans, suffering in our inner cities, what do you have to lose? vote for donald trump. what do you have to lose? i will fix fix it fix it. i will do the job and in four years from now, when we have
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another election, i will win with african-americans and i will win with hispanics in very large numbers. we are going to fix fix it. these politicians have been lying to you for years, these democrats. they have run a inner cities for up to 100 years, even more, uninterrupted and they come to vote every four years. hillary clinton comes for your vote and you will get a vote and if after you get the vote she will say i will see you in four years, here's the door. she didn't do anything for new york state. upstate new york is a disaster. she came out and she said she would create 2000 jobs. everybody laughed. she was a disaster and she's a bad person. remember that, she's a bad bad person. i will fight harder for you than anyone ever has for people and that's why i want to guess the african-american vote and i want to get the hispanic vote.
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we are going to fix your committees and fix those inner cities once and for all and we are going to create jobs and a great education and we are going to have safe inner cities instead of these horrible horrible death traps and that's what they are. [applause] we are going to fight for the tino's trapped in poverty. that includes school choice for every low-income african-american and latino, hispanic child in this nation. disadvantaged children will be able to send their kids to the public private charter or of magnet schools of their choice. i also have a message for our wonderful cuban-american community. many cubans here are? cuban-americans? obama made a one-sided deal with the castro regime. by executive order, everything is executive order because he doesn't have enough time because
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he is playing so much golf. he doesn't have enough time to convince congress to do it. this guy plays more golf than people on the pga tour. we will cancel the obama order unless we get the deal that we want including political and religious freedom for the people of cuba. we will also stand with their friends in venezuela as they struggle for freedom and doral is located in a big community where we have tremendous numbers of people from venezuela. the people of venezuela and cuba know how dangerous corruption is and how dangerous socialism is. two more reasons why we have to keep crooked hillary clinton out of the way. [applause] here is the more amazing thing as we finish up that we are going to do for our country starting in 2017 which is right around the corner. we are going to massively cut taxes and regulation. she is going to increase taxes.
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we are going to protect internet freedom. you see what they want to have the internet run by the world? you see what obama wants to do? i hope we can stop that belfast. did you see that? he wants to give up the tremendous rights. we are going to defend religious liberty. [applause] we are going to safeguard a very obsolete electrical grid from cyber attack. cyber attack is in a big problem. we are going to rebuild a depleted military and we are going to take care of our great veterans. [applause] we have tremendous veterans support, tremendous veteran support. we are going to construct a state-of-the-art system of missile defense. we are going to expand america as the leader in space.
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we are going to save our 2nd amendment which is under siege by hillary clinton. [applause] and the national rifle association, the nra as you know endorse me, the earliest endorsement they have ever given to a presidential candidate. this is so a port and, we are going to appoint justices to the united states supreme court who will uphold and defend the constitution of the united states. [applause] you have 28 days to make every dream that you ever dreamed for your country become true. on november 8, so important. the arrogance of washington d.c. will come face to face with the righteous american voter, you. [applause] we are going to replace our corrupt global establishment
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that is failed us on the borders, on trade, on foreign policy, on the economy and so much more. we don't win anymore, folks. when did you see us win the? we lose on trade. we can't beat isis and by the way we are going to knock the hell out of isis. [applause] we are going to replace the failed leadership in washington who have squandered your wealth and sold out your country and by the way we are going to have strong borders and we will build the wall and we will stop drugs from pouring in. [applause] [chanting] we will build the wall.
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okay folks are you ready? who is going to pay for the wal? 100%. they might not know it but they will. mexico is great and the people are great. you probably saw it went to mexico and met with the president and it was great. and we are going to build a wall and they are going to pay. the reason they are going to pay as they are making a fortune on trade. our trade deficit with mexico is massive than our trade deficit with china is beyond anything you can even imagine. worldwide on trade we lost almost 800 yen dollars. you say to yourself that negotiates the steel's? my friends who are good business people are sitting here saying who here saying that negotiates the steel's? they are in the advance and one guy is looking at me laughing. and competent people or corrupt people, okay? they are either incompetent or corrupt. i am asking all americans,
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republicans, independents back and democrats to join us in our campaign to give our government back to the american people. [applause] i am going to fight for every citizen of every background, from every stretch of this nation and i'm going to fight to bring us all together as americans. we are a divided country, folks. we are divided in so many ways. we are going to be unified country again. we are going to love each other, everybody. not just the people here. and by the way is there ever a better or safer place to be than a trump rallied? [applause] you had better make sure we win or there will be no more trump rallies. the hell with the rallies. imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people under one
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god, saluting one american flag. [applause] you are going to look back at this rally for the rest of your life. you are going to remember this day. this is a movement like nobody has ever seen before. it's an amazing thing. we take it for granted almost. it's an amazing thing when we go out to pennsylvania, we have 20,000 people. we go to alabama and we have 35,000 people. we go to different places and we get crowds that nobody has ever seen before for what we are doing and i don't have the guitar. somebody said you get the biggest crowds in the world for a guy without a guitar which is an interesting way of looking at it. i will tell you who said that, very famous guy. he happens to be very liberal and i will really get in trouble. we are going to make history together.
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you are going to look back at this election and say this is by far the most important vote that you have ever cast at any time in your life, november 8. a vote for me is a vote for change. a vote for me it's really a vote for you. we are going to run things right [applause] america first, remember, america first. we are going to put our country first for the first time in a long time. once again we are going to have a government of, by and for the people. [applause] we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong. we will make america safe again and we will make america great again. thank you, god bless you everyone. thank you very much. [applause]
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♪ ♪ at the "washington post".com this is the headline headline, donald trump declares war in the republican party for weeks before election day. john sullivan is joining us on the phone from the "washington post" newsroom. thank you very much for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> for donald trump today once again it's back to the tweets. what has he been saying? >> will he took to twitter earlier today to unleash a barrage of attacks against paul ryan against john mccain and
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really against any and all republican elected officials who have backed away from him. he said that paul ryan is a weak and ineffective leader who has been providing zero support for him. he insulted mccain. he called mccain foul mouth and said begged him for his support. he basically signaled today that he is going to go all out against these republican critics at a time when usually parties they ends together and direct all of their energy at the opposing party's nominee to its. clear that that's not going to be the case for the republican party in downtown during the final four weeks of this race. >> so for all practical purposes is that now the party of trump more than ever? >> it's really two different parties. on the one hand it is very much the party of trump. he won in record numbers of votes during the primary and continues to draw thousands of people to his rallies and he
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continues to generate a lot of enthusiasm among voters and grassroots at this, people in some of these key swing states but in washington a lot of that enthusiasm has operated -- evaporated and there's a lot of dynamism towards trump right now as they were looking at a party that's divided between the candidate that gets a lot of people just up but one who has alienated almost completely the powerbroker's, donors and party leaders who basically run the party in washington. >> in this conference call yesterday between house speaker paul ryan and others it seems based on what you and others have been reporting a lot of frustration and even some anger towards the house speaker on his decision. >> yeah anger and i think some surprise that ryan didn't more forcefully stand behind donald trump. there were some members who said
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you know they wanted to see him get behind the nominee and the idea of a hillary clinton presidency should be enough to make people support donald trump of course paul ryan has to protect his house majority which for most of the cycle hasn't been in play and may not still be in play but things keep getting worse for donald trump to. the house might be in play so ryan has to think about that. it's a very difficult position no matter what he says. they're going to be many members of the republican party that don't like his positions so whatever he would have said yesterday people would have been angry about it and we saw that in the conference call. >> sean sullivan let me get your take on a question that so many have been asking since friday and saturday. how do you distance yourself from donald trump but not his supporters and not those who go to the polls on november 8? >> it's a very difficult question and i don't know that any republican candidate has successfully figured out how to
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do that. when paul ryan disinvited trump from a rally on saturday he got. circus backlash. people showed up to the event of a process at him and tackled him. we have seen protesters go to the rnc and i expect we will see protesters go after some of the down ballot senate candidates that the republicans are trying to get across the finish line. even when these republicans are saying i disagree with donald trump and not going after trump supporter's the supporters taken insult to them. they take it as a slight to them that look we have been working so hard and trying to get this guy elected and for you guys to just pull out and essentially abandoned him, that's an insult to us. that's an insult to the voter so i think that's one of the things we really need to watch in these final four weeks. how angry does this make a trump voter and how angry does this make a trump activist and doesn't spur them to protest and perhaps even not vote for somebody's down ballot candidates?
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it's a really important question that i think will provide a lot of answers for what happens on november 8. >> you would have to go back to 1964 in the nomination of barry goldwater. the last time there was such deep divisions within the republican party and yet this seems even very different from 1964. >> it's basically unprecedented in modern history history. you hugo back more recently to 1996 an election where candidates to distance themselves from bob dole who at the time was basically, basically they concluded he wasn't going to win but nothing like the open animosity that we have seen between republican establishment leaders and donald trump and donald trump's allies. this is outright war going on in the republican party and there is no clear solution for how to resolve this even after the election so this is something
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that's not going to go away on november 9 when people wake up after the race is over. >> finally what is happening inside the trump organization? is this all about donald trump and is there any organization or hierarchy? who is calling the shots? >> one important enter members at the end of the day it really is donald trump that calls the shots. there has been a rotating cast of aides and strategists who have tried to work with him. some of that more success than others but i think the one truth that has been apparent from day one is that trump wants to do something he's going to do it. i was on trump tower on saturday with reporters in the lobby just as staking out and see who would show up. trump walked doubts to the sidewalk to greet supporters. a very surprising move, something that came with no announcement and who knows how little planning. that's the kind of impulsive
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thing that donald trump has done over and over again in this campaign. if he wants to tweak something is going to tweeted and if he wants to insult someone is going to do that. i haven't seen any evidence there's anybody who he has worked with who can stop them from doing that so the only person who knows what donald trump is going to do during this final four weeks is donald trump. >> the state of the republican party and donald trump and reporting of sean sullivan at the "washington post." his work is available on line at "washington post".com. thank you for joining us. >> tank you, steve.
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former vice president al gore joined hillary clinton a campaign stop to talk about climate change and the effects of hurricane matthew. this is about one hour. [applause] ♪ ♪ [applause] ♪
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♪ [applause] >> hello miami-dade. it is so great to be here with all of you and i want to thank everyone for gathering and in particular i want to thank all the elected officials. thanks to congressman patrick murphy who i hope is the next senator from florida. [applause] thanks to congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz. [applause] thank you to mayor philip levine of miami beach. [applause] thanks to mayor philip stoddard
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of south miami. [applause] thanks to all the others who were part of the program who were coming in. we heard lots of energy coming from this crowd. [applause] and i was told as i was coming out there's an overflow but they could hear is in the overflow and we are so happy that you are here as well so thanks to the overflow crowd. [applause] but what i am the most excited about is to be here with one of the worlds foremost leaders on climate change, al gore. [applause] you know, about a decade ago al made a movie called the inconvenient truth. maybe some of you have seen it but if you have and i hope you'll watch it tonight.
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it doesn't have a lot of special effects but it does have a lot of drama and here is the main message. climate change is real, it's urgent and america can take the lead in the world in addressing it, right? [applause] we here in america can develop new clean energy solutions. we can transform our economy. we can rally the world in carbon pollution and above all we can fulfill our moral obligation to protect our planet for our children and our grandchildren. now let me just say -- [chanting]
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>> so, let's remember, let's remember what's at stake. i'm running against a guy who denies science, denies climate change and says it's a hoax created by the chinese. so this is something that al gore has been working on for a really long time and i want you to know how far back he goes. it was in 1982 when he held the very first hearing on climate change in the house of representatives with the world-famous climate scientists jeff hansen and when al became a senator he continued to raise the alarm and look for solutions. as vice president, he led america's efforts to negotiate the kyoto protocol to cut
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greenhouse gas emissions. [applause] you take all this together, those 30 years of leadership led al gore to be awarded the nobel peace prize in 2007. [applause] i was very proud because he had been determined and persistent and in the face of a lot of people come in public life and business and elsewhere -- elsewhere who were trying to diminish the importance of the science. he never wavered and in the years since the climate challenge has only grown more stark. i will tell you this, it is one of the most important issues at stake in this election. [applause]
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look at it this way. our next president will either step up our efforts on climate change, protect their planet, protect our health and to create good jobs that cannot be outsourced by growing our clean energy economy or in the alternative, we will be dragged backwards and our whole future will be put at risk. so we have really got to get this right. if you need additional convincing, just remember what happened this week. hurricane matthew killed at least 26 people in our country, more than 1000 as far as we know right now in haiti. north carolina is still dealing with serious flooding and will be at least for the rest of this week if not longer. we all need to support each other's our community puts the pieces back together and begin
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the long road back from this disaster. that's why i've encouraged everyone to give what you can afford to the florida disaster fund or to the veterans organization working to respond to hurricane matthew or to unicef helping children and families on the ground in haiti. some will say we have always had hurricanes. they have always been distracted then that is true but hurricane matthew was more destructive because of climate change. right now the ocean is at or near record high temperatures and that contributed to the torrential rainfall and the flash flooding that we saw in the carolinas. sea levels have already risen about a foot, one foot in much of the southeast which means maffia storm surge was higher
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and the flooding was more severe as you know the impact of climate change goes beyond extreme events like hurricanes. it's become a daily reality here in miami. we have streets in miami beach and inshore crafts that are how did -- flooded at high tide. the ocean is flooding up through the sewer system. sometimes people call 311 because they assume a water main must have broken when actually it's the sea rising around them. so if you need proof that climate change is real and that it's costly, there you go. at this. , at this. my friends, my friends please,
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let's focus on what's really important in this election and your future in the future of our country. [applause] because this is what i want you to hear and understand. at the rate we are going one in eight homes in florida could be underwater by the end of the century and when kids like the adorable young boy over there on his dad's shoulder, our grandparents, we believe that more than 400 billion dollars worth of property in florida is at risk and nationwide it's 882 billion dollars in property at risk but there is also health consequences. mosquitoes that carry diseases like the zika virus and six that
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carry lyme disease are expanding their range is and hotter summers and longer pollen seasons are making allergies and asthma worse and it's especially bad for our children. look at what has happened in california, a brutal five-year drought. wildfires that have earned more than 9 million acres in our country last year. and it's also about our national security. the pentagon has identified climate change as a threat to our national security. the u.s. it had landed -- the largest naval installation in the world and because of rising sea levels the basis frequently flooded even when it's sunny. that's why the pentagon is looking at how climate change will affect readiness and the operations not just in norfolk that all of our military bases around the world. you would think if you look at
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the facts, if you listen to the science and even the most committed climate skeptic would say okay i agree something is happening here. we need to take it seriously but unfortunately there are still too many people in washington and on the campaign trail who won't face what's happening right in front of us. donald trump is not a big believer in climate change. and as i said he said it was a hoax created by the chinese and in our first debate two weeks ago he tried to deny saying that. but you know that tweet is still there for everyone to see. i would wish that donald would actually listen to people here in florida like miami beach's mayor philip levine and others who are doing incredible work.
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[applause] or maybe he would listen to miami beach commissioner. she is a republican but she supporting her campaign because she knows and merit that can afford a candidate who doesn't address climate science. [applause] or maybe donald would listen to our military leaders who say climate change threatens our national security or what about the ranchers in colorado or the mayors and arizona and the community leaders in alaska to say our lives and jobs are being affected. please let's come together as a country and do something about it. he cannot risk putting a climate denier in the white house. that is absolutely unacceptable. [applause] we need a president who believes in science and usa plan to lead
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america in facing this threat and creating good jobs and gas saving our planet. here's what i want to do. first we need to do a lot more in clean energy. the clean energy superpower for 21st century is probably going to be there germany, china or us and i wanted to be as and i want you to be part of making it to us. [applause] and we need to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and create high-paying jobs, building and installing more solar panels and wind turbines modernizing our electric grid, retrofitting buildings, building resilient 21st century infrastructure and we have to make sure no community is left out or left behind. not our inner cities or our small towns or our remote rural areas. [applause] now you wouldn't know it if you
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only listen to my opponent talks about how terrible everything is. he has such a dark view of america but that doesn't tell the story about what's really going on. it's actually. exciting. in red states and blue states local leaders are stepping up. rural electric co-ops are investing in community solar power and you see that across america. union workers in michigan, union workers in michigan are getting ready to build electric chevys and a plant powered by clean energy. iowa is already getting one third of its electricity from wind. wind turbines are going up in new england and unlike gary. renewable energy is already the fastest growing source of new jobs in america. [applause] i think that is so exciting.
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they're nearly 2 million people already working in energy efficiency and in spartanburg south carolina a project called re-genesis is taking the old landfill and turning it into a solar farm. that landfill was the blight and a health threat 250 feet away from a residential neighborhood and now that same land will generate enough clean renewable electricity to power 500 homes. so this is what we can do and i think it's time washington should back up and support doing more of that. as president i want us to have 500 million more solar panels installed across america by the end of my first term. [applause] and let's generate enough renewable energy to power every home in america within a decade.
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[applause] let's make our buildings and factories more energy-efficient and cut our oil consumption by a third. we can get there by investing in supporting and cutting-edge research to keep developing cheaper and better clean energy technology, investing in clean energy infrastructure, putting big partnerships together between states, cities and rural communities. we can do all of this and create millions of good paying jobs. so i am hoping that these good jobs will offer security and dignity while we produce clean energy that will power the economy of the future. a clean energy solutions are being developed right here in america. we want the manufacturers and america america america and a installed in america and putting people to work in america. [applause]
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and while we do that, let's make sure that our communities are ready for the impact of climate change, better coming right at us. we need to invest in resilient of the structure. sometimes that might mean building a seawall. other times being more creative like in new york harbor where we are replanting oyster beds to form natural barriers to storm surge. [applause] sometimes we will overhaul in outdated sewer system to deal with flooding from heavy downpours. in philadelphia they are trying something else. green rooms, curbside gardens to help absorb stormwater and here's something we don't talk enough about. let's make sure our hospitals can stay open and operational and any kind of disaster.
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[applause] because sadly i saw what happened in new york during hurricane sandy. newborns who had been on respirators had to be evacuated down nine flights of store -- stairs in one new york hospital new york hospital to get the electricity went off. i love nurses, heroic, courageous nurses. [applause] nurses were carrying those babies and manually squeezing bags of air to keep them breathing. here in miami you know how important this is. you have retrofitted at children's hospital with the hurricane resistant shell for stackley this reason and every hospital in the country should follow your lead and build in more resilience. and then finally we have got to lead the world to confront the
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climate challenge. if we don't do it no one will do it. we must confront the climate challenge, there's no doubt about that. so let's move on with the kind of leadership that the world as well as our country deserves. when i was secretary of state i worked with president obama to make climate change a top diplomatic priority. we fought to get china and india and other major polluters to agree for the first time in history to be part of the solution. we had to crash a secret meeting in copenhagen denmark. it was all very cloak and dagger but for a really important purpose. because of american leadership, 195 nations signed on to a global agreement last december. it's called the paris agreement. [applause]
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i am not exaggerating when i say it is our last best chance to solve the global climate crisis and what does donald trump want to do wants to cancel the paris agreement. you know he doesn't care what it would do to the planet. he doesn't care how much it would damage american leadership. he doesn't care what it would do to the future we live our kids and their grandkids. he may not care but we do and that's why this election is so critically important. [applause] because on the ballot is not just my name, it's every issue we care about. it's the values in the country. climate change needs to be a voting issue. we need to elect people up and down the ballot at every level of government to take this seriously and are willing to roll up their sleeves and get something done. please, we cannot keep sending
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climate deniers and defeatist to congress or statehouses and certainly not to the white house. [applause] and you know if you care about climate your senate race is also really important and i will tell you why. [applause] it is unacceptable, it isn't on acceptable response for marco rubio when asked about climate change to say i'm not a scientist. well why doesn't he ask a scientist? maybe then he would understand why it's so important that he representing florida be committed to climate change. that's why i hope to elect patrick murphy to the united states senate. [applause] we need leaders who can get results. not enough to protest.
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we need creativity, we need hard work and when it comes to climate change we don't have a minute to waste. i know it's easy to get cynical especially about our politics. i kept that but this election matters more than annie has been a really long time. i believe that as strongly as i can but got to address this issue for our children and our grandchildren. so critically important when you think about how leadership can make a difference and just look if you will, look at the difference between your state, the sunshine state which has less solar energy than new jersey has right now. and do you know why? because you have a governor who has ordered your state government never to use the word climate change. so friends this is a big deal in
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this election and it's going to be a big deal for our country and our world. there isn't anybody, there isn't anybody who knows more, has done more and has worked harder and i know he was in miami last year training and educating people to the climate change activists. i can't wait to have al gore advising me when i'm president of the united states. [applause] so please join me in welcoming our former vice president and climate change leader and all around great guy, al gore. [applause] [applause] >> thank you. thank you very much. thank you.
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thank you. thank you so much. thank you very much secretary clinton and ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for the warm welcome. i appreciate those kind words very much. i want to knowledge all of the elected officials and distinguished guests who were here and i want to say a special thanks to president eduard up from at miami-dade college. i understand you have a pretty good women's volleyball team here so -- i am here today with two very simple messages. number one, when it comes to the most urgent issue facing our country in the world, the choice in this election is extremely clear. hillary clinton will make
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solving the climate crisis a top national priority. [applause] very important. [applause] her opponent based on the idea that he has presented would take us toward a climate catastrophe. that is my first message. the climate crisis is and must be regarded as the top national priority and a the top global priority. here's my second message. your vote really really, really counts a lot. [applause] you can consider me as an exhibit a of that group. now, for those of you younger, for those of you that are younger than 25 you might not
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remember the election of and what happened here in florida and across the country. for those of you older than 25 i heard you murmuring just now but take it from me it was a very close election. [chanting] >> that here is my point. here is my point. i don't want you to be in a position years from now where you welcome hillary clinton and say actually you did when but it just wasn't close enough to make sure that all the votes were
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counted or whatever. elections have consequences. your vote counts. your vote has consequences. [applause] and in this election, the future of miami and cities up and down the west coast and east coast of florida are on the ballot as well, indeed the entire state of florida and its future on this ballot. so with our economy, our health, our national security, the common thread that lines all the pieces together and what we decide to do about carbon pollution and damage to the ecological system of the earth. i don't have to tell you here in florida that the climate crisis is real.
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yes it's true that some of your elected officials have not recognize that it is real but every single night on the television news you look at the floods in the droughts in the mudslides in the fires and incredible downpours and secretary clinton just mentioned hurricane matthew just recently. it spun up from a tropical storm into a category 5 hurricane in just 36 hours. that's extremely unusual. the reason that happened is the climate crisis is trapping so much extra heat in the earth system equivalent to what would we release by 400,000 hiroshima atomic bombs going off every day. the big planet but it's a lot of energy and its warming the ocean
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more than 90% of that he goes into the ocean so the southern caribbean for it spun up into a category 5 so was much warmer than normal. the gulf stream is way warmer than normal for this time of year for the same reason. this means also all the water vapor coming off the oceans into the atmosphere is brought over the land so we get these record downpours. just in the last year we have seen one in 1000 year downpours in louisiana, west virginia, texas, maryland and in houston and 112 month period they just had two, 500 year floods and one, 1000 year downpours. ..
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may remember hurricane andrew. when hillary and i were first campaigning together in 1992, hurricane andrew came through. the sea level and water have gone up 3 inches since hurricane andrew in every vertical inch of sea level rise means four to
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8 feet on top of that and there are fish in the ocean swimming in the streets of miami beach and fort lauderdale. they've got 17 inches of rain because the warmer oceans not only make the wind speed much stronger than it has been in the past on average but also dumps all that water on the land and she mentioned the role it plays. just yesterday there were six more cases in dade county. they are doing a good job wrestling with it and they've spread so quickly because of airline travel but changing
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climate conditions become in roots in the mosquito's mature faster and th a virus and mosquitoes incubate much faster into bite more often. the metabolism goes up and it spreads more quickly. mother nature is giving us a clear and powerful message. the global pollution atmosphere into each day as if it is an open sewer. we have to stop that and wake up and recognize.
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so, most people know here's the good news more people should know. we can change us and w this andw have the ability to change it. it's going to be a long hard fight. we have a long way to go but we have the renewable energy technologies. between the other way rates of changing our lives for the better that ten sharply diminished the amount of global warming pollution that we are putting up their. secretary clinton is right we can create good jobs in the process. [cheering]
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she's also right that china or germany or some other country other than the u.s. could become members of the superpower of the new century. one day last december, germany that is much higher in latitude in this pretty cloudy at that big of 80% of their electricity from wind and solar and renewable energy. we can be on track to do that as well china is the biggest polluter but they've begun to change big time. they use is going down, the overall emissions are going down and they just announced that next year in 2017, they are adopting a nationwide program and taking other measures to reduce and create those jobs in china and paris and the paris agreement is a big deal.
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it's not enough yet it's needed to do more. but it is by far the biggest step forward the world has ever taken to solve the climate crisis. every nation in the world virtually i think there were three or four little one who didn't, but virtually every nation in the world agreed to phase out the greenhouse gas emissions early in the second half of the century and to begin that process now. and it sent a powerful signal to businesses and industries and investors, and i can tell you that signal is being received. every single day there's more businesses making the shift. so, the question in this election is which of the two candidates is going to continue the progress and actually
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increase the rate of progress. we will build on the progress made under president obama with the paris agreement and she will receive the opportunity. after all, solar electricity and wind electricity is now way cheaper than it was years ago when some of us started sounding the alarm about this crisis hillary clinton does very well and has worked with president obama since the beginning of the obama administration, the cost of wind electricity has come down by half. solar is down by 64%. 64%. led is down by 94%. we've seen the electricity 30 times over. last year in the entire united
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states in the calendar year 2015. if you look at all the new electricity generation that was added in the u.s. last year, what percentage do you think would solar and wind, 71%. virtually zero. [cheering] and it's already creating millions of jobs and it continues to get cheaper and cheaper every single week. world records are being broken every month now as it continues to get cheaper. now, hillary clinton does this not only because she's studied it and not only because she's worked with president obama, but her work in the senate on child asthma and air pollution and helping to improve children's health by cutting down on air pollution is important. her work on environmental
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justice and the fact that it's the poor people and minority communities and people of color that are almost always victimized more than the rest of us by these environmental crises and she has proposed a terrific plan to install -- she said it herself, when she put out her solar plan was enough to power it america i looked at that very carefully and i will say to all of you, you will hear a lot of candidates for office who will put out plans that have words you are not even sure they might be because there are ways to do things. i went through that with a fine tooth comb and i will tell you the plan on solar panels and expanding renewable energy is
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right at the limits of what we can do, and that is exactly the kind of ambitious goal that we need from the nex next presidenf the united states of america. [cheering] almost 100 years ago, america's most famous inventor, thomas edison, said these words. i would put my money on the sun and solar energy. what a source of power. i hope we don't have to wait until the oil and coal run out before we tackle that. i want to say a brief word. i'm going to return to my second point in a minute but i want to say a few words about something else that all of you can do. here's something else you can
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do. do. vote no on initiative one. [cheering] she mentioned that there are fewer jobs in the sunshine state fan in new jersey. actually, florida is also behind massachusetts which is even further north. despite having three times the population of massachusetts, florida has less than half of those that have been created in massachusetts. massachusetts installed more solar energy last year alone than florida has installed in its entire history. it's ridiculous, yes that is right. and the head of one of the fossil fuel utilities actually
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said yes i florida is the sunshine state but it's also the partly cloudy state. they are trying to cloud the truth by putting forward a phony baloney initiative that sounds like it protects solar. it doesn't protect solar. the things they claim protect solar are protections. they have the authority to shut down and do what they did in nevada and just kill the solar industry. now this is a question -- our democracy has been hacked and the fossil utilities have spent more than $20 million to try to pull the wool over your eyes and $20 million can buy a lot of
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rule. so the fossil fuels by making it harder for the homeowners to go solar. the state in this simply couldn't be hired. you could hear people from podiums like this one savings like that at election time. i've even said it before. those who can't hear my voice by whatever means this election really matters. the world is on the cusp of building on and solving the climate crisis are stepping back and washing our hands of
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america's traditional role as the leader of the world and letting the big polluters call the shots. it is that clear for not just our children and grandchildren. it's really quite a significant. so please, take it from me. every single vote counts. every single vote counts. if you are not registered to vote, do so today. if you think your vote does not matter, take it from me your
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vote can make all the difference in this election. vote early. it begins on october 24. if you have any confusion whatsoever about where you vote or whether you are registered. i will if you want to be in touch with this process and get involved taking other people to the polls come if you like the text, text
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climate 247246. 27246. i have made two points. it must be a top priority. they've internalized it and they are passionate about it and determined to lead the country to lead the world when we really do have the opportunity to solve the climate crisis and make the country more strong and prosperous.
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this is why i will vote for hillary clinton. i know that my vote counts. the future in making your decision this november or beginning when early voting starts when you go to the ballot box. together, we have the opportunity to look at this year as a time when the nation finally chose to answer the alarm bell on the climate crisis and went into action to solve it. i know that there are still some who doubt in their hearts that
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we as human beings and as americans have the ability to bring about such a big and important change. do we have the capacity i will remind you. let's make hillary clinton the next president of the united states of america. [cheering] ♪
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♪ ♪ >> watch c-span five coverage of the third debate between hillary clinton and donald trump on wednesday, october 19. alive debate preview starts at 7:30 p.m. eastern. the briefing for the debate studio audience is at 8:30 p.m. eastern. the 90 minute debate is at 9:00 p.m. eastern. stay with us afterwards for viewer reaction including calls, tweets, facebook postings. watch it live or on demand using desktop, phone, or tablet at listen to the coverage on your phone with
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the free c-span radio app. downloaded from on your phone with the free c-span radio app. downloaded from the app store or google play. >> wednesday, conversation conversation on community policing at the cato institute. that is live at noon eastern. then maybe secretary is live at 1:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> are wrote to the white house coverage continues from greensboro, north carolina where president obama campaign for hillary clinton this afternoon. this is just under one hour. [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause]
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>> this is a good looking crab. [applause] i have to take off my jacket. we have some work to do. how have you all been? [applause] it feels good to be in north carolina [cheers & applause] let me begin by saying what an honor it was to have judge introduced me here today. the extraordinary work that he has done, i love you back.
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i love north carolina. i do. i always used to say north carolina people are so nice that even the folks who did not vote for me are still nice to me. [applause]. you you have some good people in north carolina. we have also got a number of outstanding elected officials who are proud to work for you, each and every day. your representatives in congress, -- adams is here. [applause] butterfield is in the house. [applause] david prices here. [applause] and your next united stated state senator, deborah ross is here. [applause] although he cannot be here this
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evening, i want to mention that your outstanding candidate for governor, roy cooper. [applause] he is a good man and he deserves your support. he is outstanding. [applause] those of you -- feel free to sit down. if you don't have a seat, don't sit, you will fall. you will fall. but you don't have to, i'm just saying if you make attire. i'm going i'm going to talk for a little bit. i want to begin by thanking everybody in north carolina for looking out for one another these past few days. as all of you know, a lot of communities are dealing with terrible flooding. lives have been lost.
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and so the entire country has been thinking about north carolina, thoughts and prayers are with folks who are still dealing with rivers that are overflown, homes that are being flooded, we made sure that fema was on the ground early. we have been making sure that the governor, local and state officials all have what north carolina needs to recover and rebuild. it is a reminder of what we do here in america, which is that we have to work look out for one another no matter what. when it comes to making sure the people are safe and cared for, there are no politics. everybody has to look out for one another. now, this will probably one last time i get to visit as president. [applause]
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it's okay, i'm gonna come back more when i'm not president. [applause] now, i'm just allowed to come on business, and come in for fun in north carolina, next time i come our term is coming to an and. michelle and i, our, our lease was only for eight years. we are already looking around and making sure we haven't broken any china or messed anything up, we want our security deposit back. [laughter] even through that, right? sometimes these landlords will be like no no.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> you know, this is politics in america. it's just, it takes all kinds. [applause] folks will just do all kinds of stuff. now where was i? >> [cheers & applause] >> those are some folks who are, they were auditioning for a reality show. [applause]
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okay. hold on a a second. settle down everybody. goodness gracious. i'm just trying to make a simple point here. i wanted to say thank you for all of the support they have given us over the years. and i remember campaigning here in greensboro, eight years ago. it was in the closing days of another hard-fought campaign. we were's living through the early days of what would be the worst economic crisis of our lifetime. we were tackling challenges like health care, climate change, that we have been putting off for a long time. we have just been kicking the
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can down the road. for way too long. when we look back, eight years later we fought back from the recession. [applause] our auto industry is setting new records. our businesses have turned job losses into 15,000,000 new jobs. our unemployment rate is cut in half. we slashed our dependence on foreign oil, double their production of clean energy, incomes are rising, poverty is falling, incomes are rising, poverty is falling, uninsured rate of an all-time low. [applause] across america, you can marry whoever you love. [applause] we are bringing troops home to their families, deliver justice on osama bin laden. [applause] shut down iran's nuclear weapons program, opened a new chapter with the people of cuba, brought brought nearly 200 nations
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together around a climate agreement that might save this beautiful planet for future generations. [applause] america is viewed more positively around the world setting the global agenda on the challenges of our times. no wonder i got great, we have been busy. [applause] we have been busy that mac that is why i have all this gray hair. well michelle says i still look good. [applause] now, my daughters on the other hand, what are they say, they said your dad cute.
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[laughter] you like cute for a dad. which i guess is the best you're going to do. so that's okay. but, i am telling you greensboro, all of that progress goes out the window if we don't make the right choice just four weeks from today. the closer we get, the clear the choice becomes. it is a choice between is somebody hollering again? you know what, here's the deal. tried. try to get your own rally [cheers & applause] you have to get your own rally. [laughter] if you can't get your own rally, don't come mess up somebody else's rally.
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[applause] we got work to do here. [applause] we have a choice right now between somebody who is as qualified as has ever run for the office of president and somebody who over and over again has proven himself on fit to represent this country look, democrats and republicans, we have always had her differences, that is the nature of a democracy. there is nothing wrong with that. when i was running against john mccain, when i was running against mitt romney, we had serious disagreements on the economy, a form policy and social issues. those elections were close and contested, we had debates, but the truth is, although obviously
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i believed that the agenda we set was the better agenda for america, i never thought those people were not honorable. i did not think that the if they were in the oval office that america would spin out of control. i do not think they cannot represent us on the world stage. i just thought they represented a different political party and different philosophy. but, look, and not be an honest year, that is not the case with the current republican nominee. [applause] he doesn't have the temperament, the judgment, knowledge, or apparently that desire to obtain the knowledge, or the basic honesty that a president needs to have. [applause] that was true even before we heard about his attitudes towards women.
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of course it was true when we heard what he thought about minorities. and what he thought about people of the muslim faith. and when he made fun of the disabled persons, or when he insulted goldstar families. but you don't have to be a husband or a father to hear what we heard just a few days ago and say, that is not right. you just have to be a decent human being to say that is not right. if it makes it you mad, if you want to say that's not someone i want representing the united states of america, you can do something about it north carolina. register to vote right away. make your voice be heard. [applause]
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early voting starts next thursday. you can reject a dark and pessimistic vision of a country where we turn against each other and turn away from our role as leaders in the world. you can reject fear and resentment, blame, anger, and hate. and you can choose the america we know, an america that is full of courage and optimism, generosity and ingenuity. we have real challenges. families are still struggling to pay the bills for all of the progress we may. young people are still worried about paying off student loans are starting a career. even with obama care they're still folks who don't have healthcare. they're still kids were worried
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about their safety. everybody is frustrated with political gridlock and people are worried about racial division. the pockets of america that still haven't recovered from factory closures. there is still young people who wonder if there have the same opportunities that we had. i have traveled to every state in this union over the last eight years, i have talked to tens of thousands, millions of people and what i have seen consistently and what i see in north carolina is what is right about america. i see people working hard. i see people starting businesses i see people teaching kids. i see people serving our country. i see folks who are inventing new products and services and doctors coming up with new cures. i see young people across this
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country of every color, background, and faith who are full of energy and ideas. they're not going to be held back by what is because they want to see what could be, what ought to be about americans of every background in every faith who believe that we are stronger together, young, old, black, white, the two trend latino, asian, native american, folks with disabilities, men and women pledging allegiance to the flag. that is the america i know. there's only one candidate in this race who shares those beliefs and who has devoted her life to it. a mom and grandma who will do anything to make sure our children thrive. a leader with real plans to bless down barriers and break through glass ceilings. and widen the circle of opportunity for all americans and that is the next president of the united states of america, hillary
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clinton! [applause] if there's one thing i can tell you greensboro, and i and i have said this at the convention, nobody fully understands, including me the demands of the job until you have set behind the desk. i thought i knew, but once you're there suddenly it is like oh, oh. the buck stops here. and cilic tweeting doesn't qualify. [laughter] soundbites don't qualify. insults certainly don't qualify. no one can fully know what it
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it's like to manage a global crisis or know the feeling of sending a young person into war. but nobody has been closer to those decisions than hillary. and the first lady as a senator, is my secretary of state, she knows what it means. she knows what it takes, i've seen her intelligence, judgment, temperament, and judgment. i saw her in the situation room where she argued for the bid bond mission. i saw it in capitals around the world where she was looking for diplomacy that led to new partnerships in new democracies. she understands that decisions you make in this job mean life or death, they affect soldiers and veterans and workers who need a good job or race, or decent retirement. she understands that accounts for families who are trying to climb into the middle class or stay in the middle class kids
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who are looking to get a decent. she listens to people and keeps her cool. and treats people with respect. no matter how daunting the odds or how many time she gets smacked down, she does not point fingers or complain that it everything is rigged if it doesn't work out the way you wanted to. she doesn't check her microphone. she. she just worries about getting up and working harder and she doesn't quit. that is the hillary i know. that is a hillary i admire. that admire. that is why i believe she is more qualified to be president of the united states of america. [applause] and she has real plans to address the real concerns that you have heard on the campaign trail. you watch these debates and everybody is like will the commentators afterwards were like well she was really may be explaining some stuff in great
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detail in contrast to the other candidate. that's because she actually knows what she is talking about. [applause] which is helpful when you are president of the united states, to know it you are talking about. [applause] come on people. this isn't an audition for like some show. [laughter] c has specific ideas to invest in jobs. to help workers share in their company's profits, to put more young people and children and toddlers and preschool. to make sure that students get through college without taking on a ton
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of debt. she is actually sweating the details, she cares about this stuff. i remember five years ago i asked every cabinet secretary to give me new ideas for ways to get our economy creating jobs faster. at that point republicans were in charge of congress and were not passing a lot of legislation. we're trying to think creatively of what we can do without congress doing anything. and hillary sent a 12 page, single spaced memo with footnotes. i was like lord, i had to do my homework. but that is who she is. that is what she spent her life doing. fighting for fighting for every child in every family. not just popping off. but working, to actually do stuff now, way. and by the way, deborah ross
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will do the same thing when you elect her to be your next senator. she is a worker. she has has heard your story. she is going to fight to make sure working families have a fair shot. that our kids have a world-class education. that seniors have the secure retirement they have earned. unlike her opponent, she certainly is not going to keep standing with donald trump. let me just make a comment on this. can i say something? oh. someone is yelling at me again. [inaudible] >> you know what?
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this is democracy at work. it's great. i heard some people doing, don't boo, don't boo. because it doesn't really matter of some young man runs across your, gets his five seconds of fame. what matters is his his vote. but i get back, i have another have another thing i want to talk about. let me just say this, there is -- i do not believe that every republican elected official thanks way donald trump does, think many of them do not. hold on a second, to me make my point now.
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it's good having-man or woman, but y'all way before i make my point before you hype it. so the overwhelming majority of republicans they love their families, they love this country, they're good they're good and decent people doing good things. but what is true is that over the last eight, 10, depending on however long you want to say, if you have been only about obstruction, if in order to score political points you tell your voter base crazy stuff like
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i wasn't born here. or that you know, i am a muslim. or that well, it's just a long list and you just repeat it over and over again and so that your only agenda is negative. and you just make up facts so if 99% of scientists say the planet is getting warmer and you should worry about it and then you bring a snowball into the


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