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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  October 18, 2016 4:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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armageddon, the destruction of the world, may be imminent in our times. do you ever feel that we are in for an armageddon or a situation, a time of anarchy regarding the population explosion in the world? reagan: no. as a matter of fact, the population explosion -- if you look at the actual figures -- has been vastly exaggerated, overexaggerated. as a matter of fact, there are some pretty scientific is and solid -- scientific and solid figures about how much space there still is in the world and how many more people we can have. it's almost like going back to the malthusian theory when even then they were saying that everyone would starve with the limited population they had then. but the problem of population growth is one here with regard to our immigration, and we have been the safety valve whether we wanted to or not with the illegal entry here. in mexico where their population is increasing and they don't have an economy that can absorb
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them and provide the jobs. and this is what we're trying to work out not only to protect our own borders, but to have some kind of fairness and recognition of that problem. >> moderator: mr. mondale, your rebuttal? mondale: one of the biggest problems today is that the countries to our south are so desperately poor that these people who will almost lose their lives if they don't come north, come north despite all the risks. and if we're going to find a perm -- permanent, fundamental answer to this, it goes to american trade policies that permit these nations to have a chance to get on their own two feet and to get prosperity so that they can have jobs for themselves and their people. and that's why this enormous national debt engineered by this administration is harming these countries and fueling this immigration.
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these high interest rates, real rates that have doubled under this administration, have had the same effect be on mexico and so on. and the cost of repaying those debts is so enormous that it results in massive unemployment, hardship and heart ache. and that drives our friends to the north -- to the south up into our region, and we need to end those deficits as well. >> moderator: mr. president, your rebuttal. reagan: well, my rebuttal is i've heard the national debt blamed for a lot of things, but not for illegal immigration across our border, and it has nothing to do with it. [laughter] but with regard to these high interest rates too, at least give us the recognition of the fact that when you left office, mr. mondale, they were 21.5, the prime rate. it's now 12.5, and i predict it'll be coming down a little more shortly. so we're trying to undo some of the things that your administration did. >> moderator: mr. kalb, your question to president reagan.
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>> president, i'd like to pickhe up this armageddon theme. you've been quoted that you do believe we are heading for some kind of biblical arm questioned done.alal your pentagon -- armageddon. your pentagon and secretary of defense have plans for the united states to fight and prevail in a nuclear war. do you feel we are heading for, perhaps, some kind of nuclear armageddon, and do you feel this country and the world could survive that kind of calamity? reagan: mr. kalb, i think what has been hailed as something i'm supposedly as president discussing as principle in just some philosophical discussions with people who, interested in the same things, and that is the biblical prophesies of what would portend the coming of armageddon and so forth and the fact that a number ofct theologians for the last decade or more have believed, that this was true, that that the prophesies are coming together
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that portend that.s but no one knows whetherer armageddon, those prophesies mean that armageddon is a thousand years away or day after tomorrow. so i have never seriously warned and said we must plan according to armageddon. now, with regard to having to say whether we would try to survive in the event of a nuclear war, of course we would. but let me also point out that to several parliaments around the world in europe and in asia, i have made a statement to each one of them, and i'll repeat it here. a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. and that is why we are maintaining the deterrent and trying to achievement and a deterrent capacity to where no one would believe that they o could start such a war and escape with limited damage. but the deterrent -- and that's what it is for -- is also what
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led me to propose what is now being called the star warsrs concept, but propose that we research to see if there isn't a defensive weapon that could defend against incoming missi missiles. .. more humanitarian to say now we can defend against a nuclear war by destroying missiles instead of slaughtering millions of people? >> mr. president, when you made that proposal, the so-called star wars proposal, you said if i'm not mistaken, you would share this sophisticated technology with the soviet union. after all of t distrust over the years sir that you expressed toward the soviet union do you really expects anyone to take seriously that over you would share the best of america's technology in this weapons area with our principle adversary?
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>> why not? what if we did, and i hope we can. we are still researching. what if we come up with a weapon that renders those missiles obsolete? there has never been a weapon invented that has not led to a defensive counter weapon. suppose we came up with that? some have said that would make war imminents because they would think we could launch a first strike because we could defend against the enemy. why not do what i offered to do and ask the soviet union to do? look, here's what w we can do. we can give it to you, now now will you sit down with us and once and for all get rid, all o us, of these nuclear weapon and free mankind from that threat. i think that would be a good use of a nuclear weapon. >> you have been sharplyns critical of the strategic defense initiative, and yet, what is is wrong with a major
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effort by this country to try to out as many incoming nuclear warheads as possible. >> first well, let me sharply disagree with the president on sharing the most advanced, the most, the most dangerous, the most important technology in america with the soviet union. we have had, for many years, understandably, a system of restraints and high technology because the soviets are behind it. any research that's been developed would inevitably involve our most advanced computers, engineering, and the thought that we would share this with the soviet union, is in myt opinion, a a total nonstarter. let them get their hands on it at all. there's nothing wrong with the c theory of it. if we could develop a principal say both sides could fire all their missiles and nooo one would get hurt, i supposefa
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it's a good idea, but the fact of it is, we are so far away comesesearch that even close to that that this director of engineering research at the defense department saidfe to get there we would have to solve problems which are more difficult than the atomic bomb and the manhattan project. it would cost something like a deploy weapons.s the second thing is, this alld wouldn't respond in kind and they always do. we don'ton get behind, they wont get behind and that's been the tragic story of the arms race. we have more at stake in space satellite than they do. if we could stop right now, the testing and deployment of these base weaponsto and the presidens proposals go clear beyond
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research, if it was just research we wouldn't have any argument because maybe someday 70 will think of something, but to commit this nation to a buildup of anti- satellite and space weapons at this time in the crude state would bring about an arms race that's very dangerous indeed. mostinal point, the dangerous aspect ofth this proposal is, for the first time, we would delegate to computers the decision as to whether or not to start a war. that is dead wrong. there would be time for a president to decide. decided by these remote computers. it might be a dead exhaust, the computer might decide it's a missile and off we go. why don't we stop this madness now and draw a line and keep the heavens free from war. >> mr. mondale, in this general area of arms control, president carter's security advisersis sa, nuclear freeze as a hoax.
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if the basis of your arms proposal is to us and a freezefi on weapon system, in your view, which specific weapon w systems couldpe be subject to a mutual d verifiable freeze and which could not? >> every system that isle verifiable should be placed on the table foren negotiations and agreement. not agree to any negotiations or any agreement that involved conduct on the part of the soviet union that we couldn't verify every day.t i would not agree to any agreement in which the united states security interestst was t fully recognized and supported. that's why we say mutual and verifiable freezes. why do i support the freeze? because there is ever rising arms race madness makes both
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nations less secure. it's more difficult to defend this nation,, it is putting a hair trigger a nuclear this administration, by going into the star wars system is going to add a dangerous new escalation. we haveav to be tough on the soviet union, buthe i think theh american people. >> president reagan, your rebuttal. >> yes, my rebuttal once again invention that has just been created here, how i would go about rolling over for the soviet union, no, mr. mondale, my idea would be with that defensive weapon that we would sit down with them and then say now are you willing to join us. give them a demonstration. then say here's what we can do.a if you're willing to join us in getting rid of all the nuclear weapons of the world, then weu will give you this so we would
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both know that no one can cheat, we bothth both know we got something that if anyone tries to cheat, but when you keep t *warring it, i never suggested where the weapons should be. i saidt in the chief of staffat agreed with me that was time for to turn our research ability s to see if we could not find this kind of a defensive weapon. suddenly somebody said it has ta be up there and star wars. i don't know what it would be, but if we can come up with one, i think the world would be better off. >> mr. mondale, your rebuttal. >> that's what a president is supposed to know, where those weapons are going to if there space weapons i assume the be in space. i if there anti- satellite weapont i have assumed they will be against anti-satellites.
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now, this is the most dangerous technology that we the soviets try to spy on us,ou steal this stuff, and to give themic technology of this kind,i disagree with.n you haven't just accepted research, you've set up aou strategic initiative, an agency, you're beginning too test, you'e asking for a budget of $30 billion for this this is an arms escalation and we will be better off, far better off if we stop right nowt because we have more to lose in. space than they do. if someday 70 comes along withwi an answer, but something else, but if there would be an answer in our lifetime is unimaginable. why do we start things we know the soviets will make us all less secure. >> that's because it's more. respect to the soviet union you want to negotiate a mutual nuclear freeze yet you would give up the b-1 bomber and the missile before the talks had even begun and you have
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announced in advance that reaching an agreement with the soviets iss the most important thing in theu world to you. aren't you given away half the talk. >> as a matter ofvi fact, we hay a vast range of technology and weaponry right now that provide all the bargaining chips that we need. i support the air launch cruise missile, the ground launch the persianle, missal, the d5 submarine, the technology, we have a whole range of technology. why i disagree with the mx is that it's a sitting duck. it'll go off an attack, it puts a hairtrigger and is a dangerous destabilizing weapon iniz the b1 is similarly because for 15as years the soviet union has been preparing to meet the b-1. the secretary of defense that it would be a suicide mission if it was built. instead i want to build one tha
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is mobile and less formidable, contributing contributing too give us security and contribute incentive for arms control.eciv that's why i am for stealth technology, to build a stealthgy bomber which i have supported for years that can penetrate the soviet air defense system without any hope that they can perceivest where it is because thereop radar system isha frustrated. in other words, president has to make choices. a stronger. the final point is, we can use this money that we save on these weapons to spend on things thatc we really need. our conventional strength in europe istr under strengthened. to strengthen that to ensure our western i lines, are present thereon has a strongni defense but also to diminish and reduce the t likelihood of a commencement of i the war and
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nuclear weapons. a in this way, by making wise choices that we are stronger, we enhance the chances of arms control, every president until this one has been able to do it and this nation or the world is more dangerous as a result. >> i want toe follow up on a question. it seems to9át on the question of verifiability thatha we do he some problems.. it seems to me that testing would be very difficult to t verify because the soviets. [inaudible] research would be tough to verify, number of warheads would be hard to verify and production of any kind would be difficult to verify. what is going to be frozen? >> i will not agree to any arms control agreement, including a freeze that is not verifiable. let's let's take your warhead principle. the warhead principle, there's accounting rules for years. weapon is tested wehe count the warhead and when it's
4:17 pm these are standard rules. ive will not agree to production restrictions or agreement unless we have the ability to verify those agreements. i don't trust the russians. i believe every agreement we reached must be verifiable and i will not agree to anything thaty we cannot tell everyday, inh other words we have to be tough but in order to stop this arms madness, we have to push ahead with tough negotiations that are verifiable and we know the soviets are agreeing and livingt up to their agreement. >> mr. pres., i want to ask açç question about negotiating. you criticize president carter for helping to undermine two friendly dictators who got in trouble with their own people, ron in nicaragua. now there are other leaders heading for trouble including chile and philippines. what should youou do and what cn
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you do to prevent the philippines from becoming another nicaragua. >> i did criticize the president because of our undercutting of the ally and i am not at all convinced that he was that far out of line with his people or that they wanted that to happen. they had done our bidding and carried our load in the middle east for quite some time and i did think that it was a blot on our record that we let him down. have things gotten better, they might've been different. theyou were building low income housing and distributing it, but we turned it over to the maniacal phonetic who has slaughtered thousands and thousands of people calling executions. i never defended somoza.
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as a matter of fact the previous administration stood by, and so did i, not that i could have done anything in my position ato that time, but for this revolution to take place, and the promise of the revolution was democracy, human rights, free labor unions, free press, free press and then just as castro had done in cuba, they oustednd the other parties to te revolution. they exiled some,e, the jailed sum, they murdered some and thes installed a venomous totalitarian government. what i have to say about thispi is, many times, and this and this has to do with the philippines also, i know there are things in the philippine that do not do good to us in the of democratic rights, but what isst the alternative. it is a a large communist movemt to take over the philippines. they have beenen our friend sine
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their inception as a nation. i think we have had enough of the record of letting, under under the guisere of revolution, someone who thought was a littl morego right than we would be, letting that person go and then with totalitarianism as the alternative. i thinknk we are better off, for example with the philippines of trying to retainen our friendshp and help them right the wrongs we see rather than throwing them toow the wolves and facing a power in the pacific. >> mr. pres., since the united states has two strategically important bases in the philippine, would they overthrow the threat to american interest and if so, what would you do
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about it? >> we have to look about what ao overthrow would mean a what the government would be that would follow. indication thatbi government would be hostile to the united states. that would behe a severe blow to our abilities there a in thehe specific. about it. >> sorry, you asked a follow-up question. mr. mondale, your rebuttal. >> perhaps nowhere do we disagree more than this policyn on human right. went to the philippines as vice president, pressed for human rights and made progress that have been stalled in both. the soviet. [inaudible] fortunately a democracy took over, but this nation was embarrassed by this current administration adoption of theia what happens in south africa where for example the nobelni prize winner, two days ago said this administration is seen as working with the oppressive government of that south african
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region. that hurts this o nation. we need to stand for humanar rights. s we need to make it clear that we are for human liberty. national security and humanan rights must go together but this administration, time and time again, has, has lost its way in this field. rebuttal. >> the invasion of? afghanistan didn't take place on our watch. i have described what has happened in iran. we weren't here then either. i don't think our record of c human rights can be assailant, i think wein have observed and doe our best to see that human rights are extended throughout the world. mr. mondale was recently announced a plan of his to get w the democracies together and work with the whole world to turn to democracy. i wasto glad to hear him say thd because that's what we've been
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doing ever since i announced to the british parliament that i thought we should do this. human rights are not advanced when you stand back and say whoops, we didn't know the government was loaded and you have another totalitarian power on your hands. b >> in this segment because ofno the presser of time there will be no rebuttals and no follow-up question. each candidate. >> mr. pres., i'll take you back to something you said earlier i misquote you please correct me. development of space technology was successful, you might give the soviets a demonstration and say here it is which sounds to meor as if you might be trying o gain the advantage that would enable you to dictate and i would then suggest to you that might mean scrapping a generation of nuclear strategy called mutual deterrence where
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weweur in fact hold each other hostage. >> is that your intention? >> i can't say that i have sat c down with the chief of staff but it seems to me this could be a logical step in what is my ultimate goal, my ultimate n ultimate dream and that is the elimination of nuclear weapons in the world. it seems to be, if this could be an adjunct, or great assistingt agent and getting that done, i am not going to roll over as gg. mondale suggests and give them something that could beco turned around and used against us, but i think it's a very interestingg proposal to see if we can find, first of all,te something that something that those weapons obsolete, incapable ofmo their mission. he seemss to approve mad, mutual destruction. the only thing that will keep us
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from doing it as we will kill as many of you as you kill of ours. i think we should do everything we can do to find something that would destroy weapons and not humans. i think thatat would be a great step forward in human rights. >> mr. mondale could you address the question of nuclear strategy. the former doctrine is very arcane. you believe in mutual deterrence as it has been practice. >> i believe the sensible arms-control approach that brings down these weapons to manageable levels, i would like to seeev their elimination and n the meantime, we have to be strong enough to make certain the soviet union never tests us. we have to decide between generalized objectives and reality. thenu president said she wants o eliminate 4 or reduce the number of4 nuclear weapons. w in fact, these last four years we have seen more weapons built,
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a wideril and more vigorous arms he said he wants a system that will make nuclear arms wars safa so nobody will get hurt. maybe someday somebody can dream of that word why start an arms race now? why destabilize our relationship?po why threaten our space satellite we defend, why pursue a strategy that delegates two computers thequ question of a starting a war. president can defend this country and get arms-control and they must master what's going on. i except his objective in his dreams, we all a do, but, but tw hard reality is we must know what we are doing and pursueje those objectives that are possible in our time. he has opposed every effort of every president toad do so and n his administration he has failed to do so. you want a tough president
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to get arms-control andd trials a line in the heave, vote for walter mondale. >> we have arrived at the pointe in the debate where we call for closing statements. you have the full four minutes, each of you. mr. mondale, will you go first.e >> i want to thank the voters, o the good citizens of kansas city, president reagan for agreeing to debate this evening. this evening we talked about national strength. i believe we need to be strong and i will keep us strong. i think strength must also require wisdom and smarts in its exercise. that is key to the strength of our nation. a president must know the essential facts essential to commit. the president must also have a vision of where this nation should go.
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tonight, as as americans, you have a choice. you are entitled to know where we would take this country if you decide to elect us. as president, i would press for long-term vigorous economic growth. that's why i want to get these debts down in the interest rates down, restore america's exports, help grow america which is suffering so much and bring the jobs back here for our children. i want this next generation to be the best educated in american invest in the human mind and science again so we are upfront. i want this nation to protect its air, water, land and publicd health. america is not temporary. we are forever and as america, our generation should protect this wonderful land for our children. ii want a nation of fairness where no one is denied thene fullness of life or wecriminated against and
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deal compassionately with those above all, i want want a nation that is strong. since we debated two weeks ago, the united states and the soviet unionvi have built a hundred moe warhead. enough to kill millions of americans and millions of soviet citizens. this weakensnc the chances of civilization to survive. i remember the night before i became vice president. i was given a brief ending and told anytime night or day i might be called upon to make the most fateful decision on earth whether to fire these atomic destroy the human species. that lesson tells us two things. one pick a president that you
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know will know if that tragic moment ever comes whattr he musr know, because there will be no time for staffing committees or advisors. the president must know right then. pick a president who will fight to avoid the day when that god-awful decision ever needs to be made. that's why this election is so terribly important.ns america and americans decide not just what's happening in this country, we are the strongest and most powerful free society on earth. when you make that judgment, you are deciding not only the future of our nation that you areec providing the future of the world. we need to move on. it's time for america to find new leadership. please join me in this cause, t
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move confidently and with a sense of assurance and command to build a future of our nation. [applause] >> president reagan, your summation.>> >> my thanks to the voters, the panelists panelists and the moderators and the people of kansas city for their warm hospitality and greeting. i think the american people tonight have much to be grateful for. an economic recovery that has been expansion, freedom and most of all, we are at peace.ea i'm grateful for the chance to reaffirm my commitment to reduce nuclear weapons and one day to eliminate them entirely. the question before you comes down to this, do you want to see america return topo the policies of witness of the last four
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years or do you want to go forward marching together as a nation of strength that will continue to be strong. we shouldn't be dwelling on the past or even the present or theh meaning of this election is the whether we are going to grow and provide the jobs and the opportunities for all americanst that they need. several years ago, i was given an assignment too write a letteo it was to go into a time capsul0 and would be read in a hundred years when the capsule was opened. d i remember driving down thefo california coast and one day my mind was full about the problems
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that i would put in that letter but i couldn't completely neglect the beauty around me, the pacific pacific on one side of the highway shining in the sun, the mountains of the coast range rising on the other side and i found myself wondering what it would be like for someone wondering ifdo someone e years ago would drive down the highway and seeg. the same thin. with that thought i realized what ath job i had with that letter. i would be writing a letter to people who know everything there is to know about us. we know nothing about them. they would know all about our problems and how we solve them and if the solution was beneficial or if it hurt them. they would also know that we lived in a world with terrible weapons, nuclear weapons, terrible destructive power aimed at each other, capable of crossing the ocean in a matter of minutes and destroyingtt civilization as we know
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then, i thought to myself, what are they going to say about us? what are they going to think? they will know whether we useus those weapons or not well, what they will say about us a hundred keep our rendezvous with destiny. know must be done and know thato one day, down in in history, 10 years or before, someone will say, thank god for those people back in the 1980s, for preserving our freedom, for saving for us this blessed planet called earth with all its grandeur and its beauty.op you know, i am grateful for all of you for giving me these
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opportunity to serve you for these four years and i seek reelection because i want more than anything else to try to complete the new beginning that we charted four years ago. george bush waiting is 11 of the finest vice president this country has ever had, we have, crisscrossed the country and we have had in these last few months, a wonderful experience but we have met young america. we have met your sons and daughters. >> mr. president i am obliged tt cut you off under the rules ofry the debate. i'm sorry. >> all right. [applause] perhaps i should point out that the rules were agreed-upon by the two campaigns. >> i know, thank you. >> thank you mr. president,
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thank you mr. mondale and thanks to the panel. finally to the audience, thank you and the league of women voters has asked me to remind you not to forget to vote on november 6. [applause] [applause] [applause]
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[inaudible] [applause] watch c-span's live coverage of the third debate between hillary clinton and donald trump on wednesday night. our live debate preview from the university of nevada las vegas starts at 7:30 p.m. eastern. the briefing is at 8:30 pm eastern and the 90 minute debate is at 9:00 p.m. eastern. stay with us following the debate for viewer reactions including your calls, tweets and facebook posting pad watch the debate live or on-demand using your desktop phone desktop phone or listen to live coverage of the debate on your phone with a free
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c-span radio app. downloaded app. downloaded from the app store or google play. >> join us today at 6:30 pm eastern for the white house state dinner for italian prime minister matteo renzi. our live coverage coverage includes the arrival of the prime minister and his wife, dinner guest arrivals through the white house east wing, the grand staircase official photo in the dinner toast offered by president obama and prime renzi. former obama white house social secretary will join us to talk about food, decor, entertainment and protocol for the visit. we will also revisit previous state dinners under the obama administration. we will talk to the italian ambassador to the u.s. and washington post fashion critic will review first lady michelle obama's sleek dinner fashion over the years. the white house state dinner, for up italian prime minister
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matteo renzi airs today at 630 eastern minister matteo renzi airs today@630easternonc-spanandcspan .org or listen on eastern on c-span and or listen on the free c-span radio app. >> earlier today president obama and italian prime minister matteo renzi met at the white house. they met "after words" and spoke about the assertion that the presidential election is rigged. >> one of the great things about america's democracy is we have a vigorous, sometimes bitter political contest, and when it's done, historically, regardless of party, the person who loses the election congratulates the winner and reaffirms our democracy and we move forward. that's how democracy survives because we recognize that there
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is something more important than any individual campaign and that is making sure that the integrity and trust in our institution sustained itself because democracy by definition works by conception. not by force. i have never seen, in my lifetime, or in modern political history any presidential candidate try to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. it's unprecedented. it happens to be based on no fax. every expert, regardless of
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political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who have ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found, keep in mind elections are run by state and local officials which means there are places like florida where you have a republican governor who is a republican appointee who will be running and monitoring a whole bunch of these election sites, the notion that somehow if mr. trump loses florida it's because those people that you have to watch out for. that is both irresponsible and, by the way, it doesn't really
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show the kind of leadership and toughness that you would want out of a president. you start whining before the games even over. if whatever things are going badly for you and you start blaming some of the else, then you don't have what it takes to be in this job. there are a lot of times when things don't go our way or my way that's okay, you fight through it. you try to accomplish her goals, but the larger point the suggestion that you could even rake america's elections, in part as they are so decentralized and the numbers of
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votes involved, there's no evidence that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. so, i would advise mr. trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes. if you got the most votes then it would be my expectation of hillary clinton to offer a great gracious concession speech and offered to work with him in order to make sure the american people benefit from an effective government. it would be my job to welcome mr. trump, regardless of what he said about me or my differences with him on my opinions and escort him over to this capital in which there will be a peaceful transfer of power. that's what americans do. that's why americans are already great. one way of weakening america making it less great is if you
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start betraying those most basic american tradition that have been bipartisan and have helped hold together this democracy for well over two centuries. >> he told the cincinnati rally that hillary clinton's the best change maker he has ever known. ♪ clap along if you know what happiness is to me ♪ ♪ clap along if you feel like that's what you want to do ♪ ♪ hello cincinnati.
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give him a hand, he did a good job. i want to thank all the folks on the program and thank you democratic chair, thank you denise and good luck to you in the selection, and thank you alisha who has led ohio in believing that more people should vote, not fewer. thank you. you ought to give this guy a hand. he has had a very bad week so let's try to make him feel better. [applause]
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[applause] he doesn't contribute to his taxes or his own family charity, he doesn't pay contractors, he takes life savings of people who go to trump you and don't get anything except trumped. he's really good at making people mad. the final decision you have to make is how do you feel about america and where were going. if you feel like it's going to hell in a hand basket, maybe one have summary whose great at dividing us distracting us and deeming engine demonizing those were different.
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if you think that her best days are ahead, if you think we have too much income inequality and too much tension in our communities and we have to address mental health issues and drug addition needs, we are still outperforming every economy on earth. we still have the youngest in the world of any big country, we still have the most productive chin in manufacturing and production in the world and we can get a lot of those jobs back don't treat them, if you want to know what this is about, turn on the tv when you get home and
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look at what president obama said on television. [inaudible] if you believe that, you you should not vote for hillary. if you believe that, america's best days are behind us. i believe america's best days are ahead of us. [applause] we just had the 79th month in a row where we had more jobs than the previous month. even when i was president, i gave you balance budget and surpluses and we all rose together for the first time in 50 years, even then we didn't have 79 months of job growth.
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i am telling you, we are just close to taking often it depends on our attitude. are we thinking about the future or looking back. do we want to go back to trickle-down economics? well, that's one of the issues in the campaign. all that talk about the establishment, the truth is, hillary wants to go forward to invest and grow this economy from the bottom up. her opponent once to go backwards and cut taxes on millionaires, billionaires and big corporations and you just have to decide what you want, but you can't pretend there's not a choice here. it's clear. it will affect your life. i'm going to commit something that is really weird in the selection. i would like to talk about what
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this election means to you and your future and how we are all going to live. here's what i think. you might win an election distracting people, demonizing your opponent, but after you get there, you won't do anything good for anybody and we won't be better off. on the other hand, if you decide to reject that and you concentrate on what we can do good instead of distracting people, to cooperate instead of dividing and to create opportunities for everybody to rise together because we are stronger together, america will be a whole lot better off. this is a very straightforward choice. there's only one person you can vote for who has a plan to create more than 10 million jobs
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by modernizing our infrastructure. not just roads and bridges and airports. look at metal building. one of the things in that foundation was to convince the public employee unions to put $16 billion aside for their pension fund for good rate of return to invest in infrastructure, putting people to work in private-sector construction, we've allocated 12 and half billion dollars of that and we have a hundred thousand jobs out of it. no government action. i just got back from two days in iowa. the secretary of agriculture was governor of iowa. he is the most underrated person in the president's cabinet. he never asks asks for any credit for himself, he just shows up to work. he took all these programs and
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put it all together and the agriculture department has created 200 50,000 jobs jobs in small towns and rural areas in america to give people there a chance to be part of our shared future. i'm telling you something, you know when you reach a certain age, all you care about is whether people are better off, whether kids have a future and whether were coming together instead of tearing apart. the rest rest of it is all background music. we just got to decide what it is were about, what kind of people we are and whether we really believe we are stronger together. whether we believe it matters. it does matter. i have now spent half my life
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trying to help somebody find a job, start a business, make a farm work, get healthcare and education for their kids, resolve problems in the community so we can all go forward together. i know wherever people are working together, good things are happening. in america and all over the world, wherever they spent their time, good things are happening. i don't think you should feel surprised, but if you pour acid down people's throat, every single day for your half, some of some of it is going to come back out. you can't deaden the spirit with poison the mind, numb heart without having some consequences, but they won't be good. nobody's going to be doing anything for anybody else. so first, we need a modern infrastructure.
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it's not just roads and bridges and airports. it's things like that building and recognizing that flint michigan is not the only place in this country where children have elevated led levels in their blood for drinking water from rusty pipes. think about it. if we ripped up all those rusty pipes we could give kids a healthy future and create an enormous number of good high-paying jobs doing that work. i'll give you another example. every single day and someone between three and 5 million school children are given a homework assignment that requires them to get on the internet and they can't do it. why? because here we are in 2016, a device that was born in the u.s., the internet, but they can't do their homework because they don't have broadband where they live. you could create millions of opportunities for business growth in places that have been
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left out and left behind in all those kids could do their homework and they would have a better chance in the race at life in the future. i will give you another example that directly relates to ohio's capacity over the long run to generate new manufacturing jobs. i just spent two days on a bus in iowa, and i was traveling around and some of you probably know this, but iowa has the biggest capacity of wind in america and did they pay a penalty for leading the cause against climate change know and they also have the lowest electric rates because once you build those things, the power is free. that's the part of our future to. that's the first thing. the second thing is, we have to
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get back into the small business business again. hillary supports the dodd frank laws which the president signed which keeps wall street from wrecking mainstreet again. another big choice. behind all the screams her opponent has bowed to appeal it which is just what they want. you tell me who the establishment candidate is. however, she does want to make more lending available to small businesses and make sure that banks don't have to spend as much money processing alone for $50000 as they do for one for $50 million. we have to get back to the small business business again. it's two thirds of our new job growth. [applause]
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the third thing we have to do is make sure we are investing in all of our communities. tim ryan, your congressman, is the democratic cochair of the bipartisan caucus. your senator knows more about manufacturing trade than probably anybody in the city. they have worked hard for hillary because they know she has a good program to bring manufacturing jobs back to america and she got the right idea on trade. we have only 4% of the worlds population. we have to sell something to
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somebody else. she wants to make big changes. one is realize that for other countries, the negotiation don't stop when the deals are signed. you've got to enforce these deals. when i left office, they cut enforcement by 75%. haley wants to have a special trade prosecutor to bring action every single day if that's what it takes to make sure our people are treated fairly. the third thing she wants to do is to make sure we don't allow people to get the tax benefits of doing business in this country when they are ribbon american workers and communities off. i will give you two examples. this came out the other day. her opponent builds the building with chinese steel being sold through dummy corporation so he
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wouldn't have to fess up to where it came from when there had already been a determination that the steel was illegal to be sold in america because it was being sold so low that the cost of production, even in china. the other was air-conditioning in indiana where they through 2100 people and their families under the bus. they were making, not air-conditioning, but furnaces. they were making $2.9 billion a year. the profit margins on each furnace were going up. it was booming. it was just everything you would want in company, but the richest shareholders said we want more money right now. it will drive the stock price up and we want our money up in a year and a day. i want you to hear me. this is complicated. this is a big part of our problem in america.
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if the riches shareholder say we don't care about the workers, we don't care about the communities, we don't even care about the customers and what's good for the company over the long run. all we care about is can we take all our money out in a year and a day. that is terrible news for the long-term her health of the american economy. if somebody does what they did, and let me say, the union said you're only going to save $65 million. we will save the money for you. will reorganize the work schedules and save you the exact same amount of money. they said no, we want to break the union so we can loot this company and take the money away. :
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>> >> movie trade their workers to be more productive and more valuable and invest their money in areas that have been left out and add the left behind in the left
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-- less 10 years. they must be rewarded with lower taxes. [applause] i have been doing this a long time. this will work with better than trickle-down economics. so we can all grew together. then you have to be sure everybody can participate. we need to do skills trading people don't need for your college degrees to get good jobs if they have proper training. she wants to fund that and report it. [applause] we have to make college affordable for everybody. talk about cooperation at the democratic convention sheet and bernie sanders pledged to get together their college plan to come up with one band better than what they had before. [cheers and applause]
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and here's how it works. this is a really big deal. to people who ran against each other with a close race what we really care about is to make college available to everybody number one free tuition for everybody at community college. number two free tuition at public institutions of about $125,000 of family and tom. -- and come in every greg to ration of private colleges so ever but they can get out okay. so what about the debt that is already been run up? the average college debt is
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$30,000. but people who have gone to law school is around 150 or $200,000. first we have agenda the of practice of college loans. that you cannot refinance. that is wrong. [applause] i don't know how many people out there i bought a pair of teams i knew she had a son who just graduated from college she said she graduated with great grades and will get a good job. does he have debt? quite a bit. would is the interest-rate? 9%. do have a mortgage? of course.
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did you refinance? she said absolutely. what is your interest-rate? under 4%. america is supposed be the country that trinity chair business and to lead the world with the opportunity of tomorrow for everybody will into play by the rules matter where you come from or your religion it doesn't matter. how can you justify charging young people into streets more of their twice as high than what their parents pay on a home mortgage? [applause] if you just let everybody refinance at the current rate that would be 20 million who would save an average of more than $2,000.
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then she proposes to let everybody turned college debt into a mortgage instrument and never pay more than 10% after-tax income. if they do any type of public service work then a lot of that could be forgiven. and then nothing after 10 years or 20 years. no matter what you owe it is after-tax income. think about that. then if you have college debt and want to start a small business she would suspend the repayment of the college loan over three full years what you get the
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business up and going. [applause] i met a young man a couple days ago in this early 20s in iowa with $20,000 started a business but he bantu africa to find how to do better law school architecture school and then had to pass the board's. the average person pays betrayed 1,000 and $2,000 to get ready for these tests. they have to go through the backgrounds they have flashcards they make it on the internet to $30. guess what? now they have 50 employees. that is where most of america's new jobs a always come from. that is the future of this
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country deserve the right to pay their college loans off to have access. you have to forgive me. we have to grow this economy faster with more upward mobility. everybody thinks that tomorrow will be like yesterday. i want you to believe they can be better. we are so close. but you have to vote for the right kind of policy. there are two things to keep america from rising together again. one is political gridlock in washington and fuelled by the animosity we see on the streets in this election and
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and then travel abroad but also very slow economic growth. there's only one person who has good ideas, a proven record of breaking gridlock she doesn't take it personally. shoe will never close the door on everything she has accomplished as a first lady thomas senator from new york she could get republicans to join the democrats to support her perk a bad as what you need a president to do. [applause] and rashid left office as secretary of state the approval and africa and asia every continent was 20 points higher than when she
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took office because they believed she had their back and wanted a peaceful and inclusive future for the world. she is literally the best changemaker i have ever known. we just celebrated our 41st anniversary. [applause] what i meant her in-laws school she had already gone to south carolina to figure out teenagers out of the adults jails other features would not be wiped away. she went to south texas to register mexican-americans who for generations were systematically shut out of the political system. she started the first legal aid clinic in northwest arkansas for the demographic
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group that i grew up in. i was the first of my family to go to college. and before you know, it she also went to alabama and posed as a racist mob trying to get a kid in the all white school to prove that these so-called academies were dishonest weekly b and illegally cleaving federal tax credits for what they said was a good private school that was segregated public school and they lost the tax credit per car she has always been able to get something done that needed doing. [applause] stover saudi efforts to raise school standards the
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head of the cattle farmer said i think we elected the wrong one. with iran for president had the highest performance'' in our region. to disable have the worst school system in the country . she made things better. in or out of office. that is what you want. [applause] her opponent in the second debate stated totally true fact. that she will never quit. she will never quit on america. she will never quit on u.s. beer -- quit on you. [applause] so our candidate and if you
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think that the health care law should be repealed then she is not your candidate. she takes it is good 25 mar million americans have health care. she thinks it is a good thing that 100 percent of us, believe me when you are my age now week goes by that i don't have to say goodbye to somebody i love to. it is the rhythm of life. there comes a time you have
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to be grateful for every day and a new opportunity. but nobody knows. it doesn't do anybody good to lose their insurance. but there are problems. with co-payments and deductibles. prescription drugs are too expensive for everybody not covered by medicare program and those a have the toughest time either small businesses or working people why? they don't belong to big corporations. in their easy pickings for rates they said the six the problem. here is how we would get the co-payments and deductibles
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down and make them more affordable and we will have a public auction so those people of individual policies are above the subsidy rate you will get affordable health care. it is a big deal. [applause] i always get tickled that these debates. but this is your life that will shape the country wikileaks in the future that you have. we will grow together or not. you have a choice. acre or answers. you have a choice. empowerment? you got a choice. you've got a choice conflict
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or cooperation? said to have a choice. look at this crowd. you have a choice are easy will relate to with people with bridges said here is a copy of the hamilton county democratic ballot elicit united nations. [cheers and applause] get the data was in ohio during a bus trip i was virtually in tears. he told me who he was but that's not what is important to mr. president, what's important to me i am the grandson of luther black
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from where i was born. in the first business that i was ever inside across the street from the town cemetery so both of my granddad's customers were african-americans. his position was straightforward if you are working hard during the best decanter take care of your kids keep in mind there were no food stamps. no supplements. he said my grandfather told me that your grandfather was a wonderful man whenever he came he was the delays paid on a regular basis but said take whatever you need for your family. we have to get that back
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america. [applause] when somebody says something you have to trust them more believe that began. we don't care your religion. this tirade against this family because of muslim mother could not talk that the democratic convention then after that he lays down his life. but if it was my child i could not have talked at the convention. could you? i could not believe the father could do with. me have to stop this. it is bad for us. it is dumb. laugh laugh to want to prevent these episodic is senses of terror like orlando he did said he was inspired?
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would you like to support the people rode the world who agree with us to roll back the tide? if that is what you what we have to have the help of american muslims who believe in this country. [applause] this has been a heavy elections so the other day i called a buddy of mine and we have been friends for than 40 years ago he has the best one-liners. i said i need to light in this up. give me a good web later he did not miss a beat. if you don't want a guy to drive the truck off the cliff that don't give him
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the keys. [laughter] [applause] here is what i want to say. give her the keys. because if you give her the keys she will open up the back of the truck to put every american on board the matter who they voted for. she will give the team to a brighter tomorrow in an appellation. she will drive the trucks on top of the new mounted in be well above where we talk now god bless. thank you. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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live coverage is coming up now from vermont. c-span2. [inaudible conversations]
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>> welcome to the studios here in vermont i work for the of my news public posts - - publication will to the debate with the candidates for the united states senate this will be a six year term that is being competed for with five candidates. this is the first debate of the season to let the candidates are together we will have five candidates joining us tonight also we are taking phone calls from you across the nation. we will have questions for the candidates before righetti yours.
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we will go from my left out to my director left senator leahy he is the incumbent and is a democrat. scott is the republican candidate. next to him is jerry redding as the independent and to chris is also with the united marijuana party peter with the liberty union party will be joining us during the of program you have the candidates answering questions we will limit them at three minutes to honor each other's time so they can get the maximum amount. let's begin. we will start with the five the view please limit to one of the cinco biggest issues
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of the u.s. and erase. leahy: thanks for having me back again also those thousands of people of vermont who would encourage me to run. the biggest is to make this said that what did should be with the conscience of the nation. it can be done as redo of the violence accused women act especially in the national races. we have to have somewhere where republicans a democrats and not to be the conscience of the nation. >> i agree with my opponent don't have that 22 track record to not live up to that but this single issue is a dysfunctional united states senate. the problem is caused by
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career politicians to be propped up with the election after election with special interest money. i have seen that the problems have taken root last friday -- 42 years i am offering a voice and i am looking forward to the next three weeks from election day three weeks from today. >> regarding conscience would about yours? because one out of three vermonters are struggling to survive in this economy. tied for first place is the early endorsement of hillary clinton. here i have the est card that has recordings that i took myself that there are so many vermonters that are upset that you have lost their vote. the issue boils down to
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cronyism. you had a fund-raiser your former chief of staff is now the campaign manager for senator clinton you are such close bedfellows it is not funny this was lighted up years in a dance although bernie sanders of set the apple cart a little bit. so what about those that the trust was the trade credits besides the economy itself. ericson: i represent the united states marijuana party. the biggest issue in the united states of america is we're suffering from a lack of democracy and the system is american and just to give you an example because i did go to school that our lavender eighth graders to
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watch this program they are concerned about bullying. but senator leahy has been a bully and he has then a police in the political playground the way children are believed in the schoolyard. and i mean i ran is a democratic candidate this past summer and the senator refused to have even one debate or one for of with be. he is a political playground bully and ps sexist and a totalitarian that is undemocratic and un-american and he should be ashamed of himself. >> if you can have an opportunity to respond. >>. leahy: as a person who wrote the violence against women act i don't see there is any group of women in this
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country that calls me sexist . and referring to senator sanders i admired him. he and his wife are close friends. i am pleased that he is holding a rally this week to endorse me and the rest of the democratic ticket. we are both supporting hillary clinton and that the national convention we both voted for him i admire him and the issues that he raised the debt ecolab do what has been supporting him >> i would like a quick rebuttals. right after pass the violence against women act i filed in court with at act was a salted and battered
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dog movie set. i found out years later you took campaign donations from those attorneys and you should be ashamed of yourself. >> moderator: we will pick up of the integrity of the electoral process. did you have concerns if the election is in jeopardy? >> if we look at history for of windsor county if i am fortunate enough to serve vermonters i will be the first senator from windsor county per i see cuirassiers a dialogue that the national level to stand up as the global leader as the united states senator. but to be concerned that the national level with a lot of the rhetoric. my opponent and is candidate was called the basket of
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deplorable. i would like to have been issued that i clearly called out that was borderline hypocritical. that is the campaign should be about. the matter with a say they will do boy they have been doing to say it is completely consistent with the campaign for the incumbent senator for the first time to defeat a senior member of the united states senate for the first seven history. that is a lot of comment and to change america. [booing] depression is about the electoral system are you confident of the integrity? >> yes. trudell: if it is that paper about it i am in redo have paper ballots. there is a very low
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incidence i am not concerned of voter fraud for the sake of their agenda. so the company then manufactures electric and machine they claim that they would deliver ohio. select chronic voted without a paper trail is intentionally suspect. ericson: the last election when i ran it danced peter wells. he lied to say that he took campaign donations from defense contractors and was in the photograph with both of them waving their checks for $1,000 so he boldface
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light on this stage in when the votes came in. my folks were cut in half and the secretary of state said there was an accident that is why they had to cut them in half so there's a lot going on. furthermore there is talk problem with other democratic candidates this summer who were excluded from debates and forums to told the people running the state democratic committee, they are wonderful they said came from out of state. one of them was from ireland if they could have been from the irish republican army them look better carolina
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you have to be concerned leaders of the democratic party they should be vermonters. >> i trust the elections in vermont. and i was asked about that is a democrat because those city clerk's licet that i know two things at their august and that they can count. that they are not concerned that somebody would vote twice but he just wants them to vote. people are voting for me or my opponents. and we have to have a higher turnout in this country.
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>> good evening my friend. we will catch you with the next round of questions. who will you vote for president and talk to me about the tone of the presidential debate. trudell: deplorable it is one word. i don't want to depress myself even more than that. but the biggest spectacle as a contest of insults that is all we have it has been degenerated to such a low level that we are embarrassed. >> moderator: to you folks for? trudell: i am not sure. ericson: we have a secret ballot and it should be that way ddt what about the tone of the presidential debate? ericson: it turns my stomach i am shocked and i'm
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horrified and disgusted. people over and over should be voting for the candidates to have the biggest campaign funds or the most money and you have to go back to reading though holy bible the city should not worship money because when you were shut monday you end up with the worst candidates not the best. >> moderator: who we vote for for president? it is interesting the so-called alternative candidates in the capitalist system that the addition be allowed into the debate but make no effort to get the socialists into the debate.
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the socialist party candidate i am exhausted. want and the decent freedom candidate is gloria. but understand and i am pretty wiped out. so that really isn't fair so why bring messages from liberty union for example,
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to declare patrick leahy a war criminal for his work with the appropriation vote to give israel the zionist state in palestine. and as you know, those who aid and abet for those who perpetrate. >> would do to think of the tone of the presidential race greg. >> i am disturbed. but i am supporting hillary clinton both pretty sanders
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and i are voting and have campaigned for him. to pick and choose which parts of the constitution to violate the freedom of religion to fill all of those naval obligations some of which ones of those he will follow. to be the leader of the of free world to say i will pick and choose and then to publicly mocked somebody to condemn the the mother of
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the fellow serviceman. and is opposed to people like john mccain even though he served honorably. he applied for five deferments and from the draft. >> election is three weeks from today we have a national audience as we decide who to vote for. one of the contributors of that bad rhetoric fifth was my opponents decision was to disenfranchise the voice that was supporting his opponent. i was a republican.
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so i am not asking people to run for senator i am not decided to i'm voting for president but i did sam will not go for donald trump. i find that very troublesome that might competitor calls the people the support him the basket of deplorable. so everybody has their fingerprints on this mess. after it was more relevant on this side of the table. >> moderator: it good evening. you are live with this senate candidate debate go ahead. >> caller: i have a
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question for the republican candidate. if he is elected will he follow the constitution? and what about the justice for the supreme court? that they're in violation of the oath of office and are derelict of duty. >> >> i do believe he is ready to go along with this position there should be a vote with eric garland. i agree but the contrast is relevant looking to the future and to tie a lot of problems with the
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disintegration of the sx the advisor and consent role is advisory and has a 42 track record when they read at that nominee up for the instructions of the republican president if hillary clinton or anybody is president everybody should have been hearing i would clearly vote for a hearing ended most likely vote for him. >> sometimes we are so used to attacking me they are more important than the facts. whoever it is the majority leader determine who will devotes will be. to have more republicans
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elected announced two hours after justice scalia body was discovered and hard-won to decide that that rheostat it is not complementary to revise and consent. and contrary over 90 percent of republican nominees with the judiciary and everything yao's. and i believe very strongly that it they will dominate death qualified. >> moderator: you are on
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the air. >> caller: i would like to thank senator leahy for his service. i have watched some of ridley years. i am north carolina by mfn of his and it is not his fault that the judicial system did not give the chance to have that job common that's blocking every issue that he tries to accomplish and with the beautiful state of vermont. >> quarter is your thought of the supreme court nominees? >> voting for garvin with ivan the senate this time. i a little slowdown but i
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can't keep up. and the bombing of gaza. but with the dough for budget to 80 we have your point. i will get the others. do support judge garland?
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>> if i ever voted into the united states said it, i will question the nominee is to find out if they would give one who did percent support for gun rights, and of which senator leahy has been in favor of. with that supreme court nominee to have a gun rights. to have potential of hillary clinton to be president and all kinds of terrorist behalf to have gun rights. >> >> dive would vote for any qualified nominee.
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there has been a a serious refugee do support the program. ericson: if everybody i talk to one does not want this. i also known jerry collected signatures that there are homeless people and american standing across the street from wal-mart and people begging money and they want the people to be taking care of first. as to the obligation of the people of syria, of resupplied the army's with the weapons sunday have of
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moral obligation to take care of the refugees to look at the entire globe to provide them with tense and fishing poles and farm animals. >> what about putting syrian refugees in vermont? >> laugh laugh i have no problem taking as many as three can. -- as we can i am not seriously concerned whether they will be a so-called terrorist for those suffering at the hands of the united states. of the so-called civil war
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and syria is a product of the united states government to international policy not just something and have been done of the blue. and if we take appropriate responsibilities for what we have done we will take as many as we can and that means hundreds of thousands of believe. >> this whole question of immigration. those are mostly immigrants. the shops are here. just to or three blocks from here. those immigrant families
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gladden of the theory went to go through this texas grating to come here it is so intense of. i think the united states said the same way that they are persecuted for their religion bedroll of the various wars to the united states the all-star did businesses. will we say no because they have a different religion? help they have not come to that point. >> first of all, as chris
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would respectfully disagree. i have met a lot of people that as with wobble nation's -- with most nations to be a prosperous nation we have irresponsibility and immigration and trade i don't think they are anti-immigration. that the federal delegation has their hand in it. let's get the smart people on board and down the track. and shove it down every betty's throw. that -- everybody's throat. vermont should be be spec did. as the senator said my
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grandfather is friends with him. i remember hearing stories to your conversations in was the enriching part of the planet in what is rooting democracy is a big political system to of career politicians as well as the other problems we're talking about. that people would not be hollering and screaming. with the interest of responsibility. because the bomb in blowup been destroyed people's homes in syria we do have some responsibility when we create refugees for the sake of our political big switch chip that we carry on over there. at the same time people at
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home deserve jobs. such a focus on the economy once again. and then they start to play blame. so the real response abilities for a the politicians to come up with real solutions like the of blueprint of prosperity. them that makes me mad that you sit there with your condescension as if you are the king of the road by have not heard one original idea other than on the gravy train. from the crack campaign. steve mcqueen will get to that in a moment.
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we will get back to the phone you are on the air. >> caller: i would to alaska republican and why doesn't he support donald trump? miline: iran into years ago. i believe lybrand for governor to have a problem before i acted. clearly the senator disagrees with me. that was up big mistake i am answering that question but
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i said i was not supporting donald trump early on but i am now with a '01 negative analysis and not voting for donald trump wanted to save that for a debate but now i am sitting next to one of the experts i say if i could go through a type machine to play dodge ball in 1947 we are dodging debates. it was just too far. i have a campaign that was to inspire young vermonters. i was inspired and i was older. by a lot of vermont political leaders. and about being presumptuous i want to do that. did but was validated about
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the republican nominee made it consisted for me to hold my tongue. soleil not voting for donald trump. i do feel bad for those that are supporting him there is not a need for change in america the authors that to people but not what i can agree with. >> moderator: you are on the air. >> caller: good evening. talk about the eb5 project down the vermont tax code is a top tier of the most tax states in the country. how can we address a less complicated tax code so i can start up the company in the state of vermont? and rather than funding of eb5 money why don't we make


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