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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  October 19, 2016 2:30pm-4:31pm EDT

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.. this was not really the fifth. and i bring messages from the liberty union. arming saudi arabia to bomb yellen and appropriation vote to
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give israel state in palestine. give them money to commit war crimes in gaza. as you know, those who aid and abet are the once that perpetrate. >> what do you think of the tone of the presidential race? >> i'm disturbed by the tone of the presidential race. i'm supporting hillary clinton. i made that very public. both bernie sanders and i are voting for her. both of us are campaigned for her. i am disturbed at the republican candidate, donald trump, has said that he will pick and
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choose which parts he's willing to uphold and willing to violate freedom of religion, freedom of speech, he will not commit to nato obligations. he will pick and choose which treaties are the law of the land, which ones he will follow. you can imagine the concern it gives the rest of the world. we are supposed to be the leader of the free world, leader democracy. he condemns the mother of somebody died in our service, protecting servicemen where he will say that he is oppose like people like john mccain even though he served the army and bravely because he was captured. he said he would never be captured.
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of course, he applied for five deferments from the draft so he wouldn't have to serve. >> i can't remember which hill it was. >> i'm asking vermonters to take a careful look at the differences between senator and myself and other candidates as you divide who to vote for. one of the contributors to the bad rhetoric at a national stage i would say it was my opponent's decision as a vermonter early onto disenfranchise the voice of -- the voice that is were supporting his opponent. our other senator from vermont. i'm a republican. i was supportive of howard dean when he was running early on so i'm not asking people to decide tonight who they're voting for for u.s. senator. i have not decided who i am voting for president. i did come out and say for many months that i'm not supporting
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anybody. i did come out and recently said that i would not vote for donald trump. i find it troublesome that the candidate that my opponent is supporting supports to the supporters of the other candidate, donald trump, basket of deplorables. i've had a direct conversation with vermonters who are supporting donald trump. everybody has fingerprints on this mess but i would arguably fingerprints are deeper than myself or anybody else on the side of the table. >> we are going to go to the phone. good evening, you are joining us on the u.s. senate debate? >> hello. >> go ahead. >> yes, i had a question for the republican candidate. >> go ahead. >> i would like to know if he's going to follow the constitution
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and go ahead and vote for a justice of supreme court? i believe senator leahy and the other senators in the senate are in violation of oath to office and duty because they haven't voted for justice garland for supreme court. >> okay, thank you very much. let me start with you mr. milne. >> i believe senator leahy is unable to get the senate to go along with the position which should be a vote on merrick garland. i agree with that. our nation and our planet are in parallels time. you can tie a lot of problems to getting things done in the united states senate over the last 42 years. i believe that the advising consent role is clearly complementary to the executive role to choosing supreme court justices. my opponent has a 42-year track record of being in the bag for democrats when they have a
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nominee up and being an obstructionist when there's a republican president. if hillary clinton or anybody is president, i'm going to give them great difference. i would clearly be voting for a hearing and i would most likely vote for him to be confirmed. >> senator. >> sometimes when mr. milne is so use today attacking me that attacks are more important to him than the facts. let me set the facts. whoever is the majority, majority leader, they determined when votes are going to be his party's leader seeking to have more republicans elected so it boost his power and now it's about two hours after justice scalia's body was discovered that there would be no vote on the supreme court justice. he is the one person who can decide that.
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the republicans went along with it. i disagreed. the constitution says we must have, not complementary to the executive, we shall advise and consent. now, i believe strong in that, contrary to what mr. milne said i vote 90% of republican nominees for the judiciary and everything else. so i believe strongly with the president's ability to nominate somebody and i will vote for them. >> good evening, you're on the air. hello. >> go ahead, sir. >> i would like to thank senator leahy for his service. i have watched him over years. i'm in north carolina but i'm a
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fan of his and it's not his fault that the judicial system did not give a chance to have the gentleman have an invitation to see if he was qualified for the supreme court. the republican party is blocking every issue that he's trying to accomplish. i thank you for the call and i thank you for your beautiful state of vermont. >> thank you, sir. >> what do you think about this election of the supreme court nominees? >> i'm looking forward to voting for garland when i'm in the senate this time. i'm a little slowed down but i can keep up. i want to impress on folks the importance of this vote some people call it a -- one or thor but it isn't.
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you can vote for confirmation by voting for me, you can vote for me and get a reference to the criminal court, international criminal court for the bombing of yemen and the bombing of gaza . and the zero war budget, no war budget. >> okay, i think we got you -- let me get the other two, if you would like to comment on the supreme court selection? would you support merrick garland? >> if i'm vote intoed the united states senate, i will question the nominees and find out whether or not they will give 100 support for gun rights and repeal laws that take away gun rights from veterans with post
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post traumatic suppress disorder, one of the most important things is to make certain we are going to have gun rights. we have potential of hillary clinton being president and letting all kinds of terrorists in the country. we have to have our gun rights and veterans with post traumatic stress disorder have to get their gun rights restored. >> i was just about to get to the gun issue. >> peter, let me give these other people an opportunity? >> jerry. >> i would vote for any qualified nominee of any party or no party. >> chris mentioned people coming from the outside. there had been syrian refugees and do you support that program? >> many of my ballot petition signatures to get on the ballot,
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you know, so i could be here today, everybody i talked to in rutland said no, they don't want them there. when you're in rutland and i know jerry also collected petitions, there are homeless people, americans standing across the street from wal-mart, people sitting on the streets begging money and the people of rutland want the people of rutland to be taken care of first. now, as far as our moral obligation to the people of syria, we are arming armies, we are supplying armies with weapons and this results in the syrian bombs. we do have a moral obligation to take care of the refugees but we don't have to take care of them here in the united states. we can look at the whole entire globe and say where is the piece of earth that's not populated where we can provide them with
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tent and fishing polls and farm animals and let them take care of themselves. >> peter diamondstone what do you think of putting refugees in vermont? [laughter] >> i have to problem with taking as many as we can. and i'm not seriously concerned about whether they will be so-called terrorists. these are people who are suffering at the hands of the united states, let us not forget that so-called civil war in syria is a product of the united states' government international policy. it's not just something that happened out of the blue. and if we take appropriate responsibility for what we have
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done, we will take as many as we can and that means hundreds of thousands, i believe. >> you know, this whole question of immigration is -- we can walk out of the studio right now, go to blocks around here and you see the vibrance, mostly immigrants, the shops are here. the kids go to boys and girls club. it's two or three blocks from here. those are immigrant families that have come here to the united states. now, we are not being asked in the united states to bring anywhere near the number of syrians but canada, a country much, much smaller in population than we are, that they are taking in. the difference is i don't know if any of us here would ever wanting to through the kind of screening that these people have to go through to come here.
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it is the most intensive screening you can imagine. i think that the united states in the same way that my ancestors in the 1850's came from ireland because they were being persecuted for religion or my grandparents, pra ternal grandparents came from italy after all the various wars there to the united states they all were able to come here and all made the place better. are we going to say, no, to syrians because they have a different religion than we do, i would hope that we do not come to that point in the united states. >> thank you, mark. first of all i was in rutland last night and chris would respectfully disagree with you. i met a lot of people that are in favor of as with people with nations to those who most is given, most is expected.
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we are a blessed nation and a prosperous nation and we have a responsibility on immigration, trade, all kinds of issues to lead the world, i don't think folks in rutland are antiimmigration. what they are is antirigged political system. what we saw in rutland and the federal delegation has its hand in it. senator leahy has his hands in it, essentially shove it town everybody's throughout. i think rutland should have been respected. vermont should have been respected and been able to essentially solicit to refugee -- i think it's great for vermont, as senator leahy, my grandfather, i remember hearing stories where my family immigrated and you could hear conversations in five languages. immigration is enriching part of our planet, lives.
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what's ruining democracy and ruining america is a rigged political system propped up by special interest money and career politicians and you can see senator leahy's fingerprints as well as all the other problems that we are talking about. >> all right, jerry. >> first of all, i think if the economy were if it should be, people wouldn't be hollering and screaming. we do have responsibility. yes, because we bomb and blow up and destroy people's homes and lives in syria we do have some responsibility when we create refugees for the sake of our political brink'smanship we are carrying on over there. at the same time we have people, i would like have expanded economy, it's only when the economy is and people start playing blame games. oh so the real responsibility is
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politicians to play the same-old politics and come up with the real solutions like the blueprint for prosperity that's the real reason i'm here tonight because identify got ideas and he does not. >> we are going to go -- >> that makes me mad. >> thank you. >> yes, senator, it makes me mad that you sit there and your condescending as if you are the king of the road when i haven't heard one original idea out of you the only substantial plan is the trade which the real deal differs into deep dive of crack cocaine, what do you say about that, senator? >> thank you, jerry. >> i can't wait. >> we are going to get back to the phone. good evening, you're on the air. >> hello. >> hi, go ahead, please. >> yeah. why doesn't he support trump? >> all right, why don't you
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support trump? >> well, again, i think i ran for governor two years ago -- thank you, jerry. that was good. i think it's going to be a good answer. >> he didn't pay for me that. >> i believe when i ran for governor i made a few promises. one, i will listen before i act. i was watching what was going on. you know, clearly senator leahy disagrees with me. i think he made a mistake coming out early for secretary. i think that was a big mistake. >> the question is why aren't you supporting trump? >> i'm answering that question, mark, with all due respect. i said i was not supporting trump or anybody else early on. the question is not why did i announce that i'm not voting for trump, i wanted to save it for a debate, however, it's three weeks to election, i'm sitting next to one of the expert debate dodgers of all time.
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if i could go to a time machine in 1947 and play dodge ball, clearly he would skunk me. he's great at it. >> go ahead. >> i was pretty good at dodge ball but you were much better than me. so we are dodging debates. it got too far. i have a campaign that sincerely wants to inspire young vermonters. i was inspired by dean davis when i was older. i have been inspired by a lot of vermont political leaders and humbly i want to at least be able to do that. the things that were validated about the republican nominee made it inconsistent for me to hold my tongue and so i have enough and i'm not voting for donald trump and it's a succession of things. i feel bad for the folks that are supporting him. there's clearly a need for change in america and trump
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offers a voice for a lot of those people but not a voice i can agree with. >> we will take another call. thank you for your answer. >> yes, good evening. my question goes to all the candidates about the eb5 project and the vermont tax code. presently vermont is in the top tier of most taxed states in the country. how can we address less complicated tax codes so young entrepreneur like myself can start a company in vermont and rather than funding through eb5 money by selling, you know, basically a green card for 500,000-dollar investment, why aren't we making it easier to start up businesses here in vermont? >> all right, we are going to start, peter, your end on that question. >> i don't think we need to expand the economy as jerry says and others. that's the attitude of capitalist candidates.
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what we need to do is increase the wage by having a 20-hour workweek at a 40-hour pay so that we produce less and that people get paid more, and we don't need most of the crap that we get to buy, we need to start producing for need and so that we can give the people what they need including the syrians, syrian refugees and we can give them what they need and we can get from them what they offer and mostly that means work. i mean, the syrians pay taxes, the syrian refugees, all the people who come to this country and work, but we don't need more work, we need less work. we need more leisure, we need more time to work at home, to
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grow your own part, to do many things including training for militia, my view of that one is that we the people should have whatever weapons the government has except for nuclear weapons should be able to have those weapons and as the nation disarms itself, then we can disarm ourselves and i'm a candidate that stands for zero military budget except for the veterans budget that would be transferred through social security. >> okay, thank you, peter. we are going to go down the line. senator, you're next, economic development and you can touch on eb5 but we are going to get into it more. you're next. >> well, i believe we should have. i have brought millions of jobs into vermont.
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a number of businesses i have helped. last month i was tough socks. [inaudible] >> kind of work that i wanted to -- yesterday or at the university of vermont we saw what young entrepreneurs can do. we want to expand that. eb5 has not worked as it should. i saw good men and women in the newport area getting jobs, excellent jobs. i think and all of us -- i'm glad the sec, the justice department was in there and they'll get to the bottom of it.
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in the meantime, the one good part, the receivers say jp and burke will open, those jobs will be there for vermonters and that's good news, but what do i hope what i have been trying for years to do is either tightened up or make it work like it did or get rid of it. >> the question, i think, was talking about the vermont tax code. vermont piggy backs on the income tax. i would say that's missing it can be delivered by a functioning united states senate. again, eb5 my opponent vote today shut down the government because he couldn't get the 99 colleagues to go along and when you have people voting to shut
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down, when it's time to shut down the government, it's fine. that's what's wrong in washington. we have people on either side, it's so polarized. george akin who my opponent succeeded, i'm blessed vermonter, my father worked for george akin. i grew up hearing stories from my grandfather. he was a centrist republican, new england republican that worked with dixie democrats, there's one left and they'll be two if i'm fortunate enough to get elected. we need people that work in the middle to get things done that aren't vote to go shut down the government because they don't get eb5 thing through or whatever else, once we get a predictable functioning united states senate that's working, businesses are going to be more into investing capital in the united states be the greatest
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contribution. first of all, my comment of eb5, i think you said that this was the first time you heard of this big mess. isn't that what you said when you were interviewed? it's on the public record. >> i don't want to take your time. >> well, anyway, you did say that. it's a public record. to me what that is the proof that there was zipo oversight even though they claimed that they were checking the books once a year. i think this is appalling. i would have hired a part time accountant, i would have been down there and interested enough in the program to keep tabs on it myself because i'm very hands on. so i just think it's inexcusable that you knew nothing about this or you claim that you knew nothing about it because there's proof that there was no oversight. i would like to read -- ib5 is a nationwide program and you commented about what's going on down in new york.
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what's going on down in new york, eb5 train, you seem to think that was quite all right in that interview. how do you feel about that now? don't you think that these other people are important too? that's eb5. my comment -- that was my comment. on the economy what i have to say we are the poorest rich country in the world, our country is falling apart and we do, in fact, need to rebuild it and it would create some substantial jobs which is what we need. we need to fix these -- these safety hazards we sometimes call roads in vermont and the way we need to do it is with what i'm calling the 1% solution which is an investment tax on wall street to raise a truly substantial amount of money for investment. instead of eb5 gravy train poncy schemes is the best you can come up with -- >> thank you. >> very good.
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>> hi, i'm chris ericson and i have plan to fix state tax code in vermont and every single other state. if you vote for me for united states senator i will sponsor a bill in the united states senate, in the united states senate to outlaw the making of any state or federal law that has blank spaces and by blank spaces i mean when the united states congress or the state of vermont passes a law and says an unelected administrative official can make the rules and regulations to fill in the law. these people have been cheating. they have been collecting your taxpayer dollars in their paychecks as representatives and they have been cheating because they leave blank spaces in the law saying that unelected officials can fill in the blanks and add the rules and regulations that can end you up
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in court, end up losing your property, your home, your children and everything else. so what we need to do is stop the uncons -- unconstitutional and make it a federal crime for state legislatures to make any law to pass any law that has rules or regulation that is are unconstitutional because they're made by unelected officials which is unconstitutional. you have a right to representation by elected officials. >> you don't feel that you bear any responsibility that there was lack of oversight for this program that resulted in the allegations that are brought here in vermont? >> the oversight is done here in vermont and by the state but i do believe that there's ample reason for the sec, the
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department of justice to look into this. they looked at two people, that investigation is under way. i'm not going to say anything to jeopardize or affect that but it's a good thing they do. what i'm concerned about, my mother was born in northeast kingdom. i believe in the kingdom. i brought hundreds of millions of dollars worth of jobs. i don't just talk about it. i bring the talks to the northeast kingdom. i want those jobs to continue. if eb5, if people are defrauded, there are legal resource -- recourses and they should take it but i think it's always why and no, i did not vote to shut down the government but it's a nice talking point. it is a good eb5 can do good things. we have seen it do in vermont,
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sugar bush, but we have seen places where it has not worked right and as by senator and i are working very hard to reform it or to end it. >> you did not in favor of the continuing resolution. >> no, i i did not. >> it had already passed and made it clear to people and a number of people voted against it for one reason or another. my point being is we have to come back for a long term and you're going to have to pay attention both senator and myself. >> let go back to the phone. good evening. you're on the air. go ahead. >> thank you for taking my call. >> go ahead. >> thank you for taking my call. are you there? >> go ahead. >> awesome. i have a question for senator
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leahy and the republican in particular and curious on what the other candidates have to say. i'm interested in the protection of the minority, our government has a majority, the house majority gets whatever it wants. the president he signs onto whatever his party wants only the senate filibuster are the minority with the tyranny of the majority. i'm hoping that both senator and republican candidate and possibly the others as well will commit in upholding the filibuster -- >> not used in nuclear option, great, thank you. senator, we start the round with you. >> one of the biggest things that's been questioned is the supreme court and i have opposed the idea, but i would point out to the caller, works better when
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we worked together. i have passed more legislation than most people there. almost all of my legislation i've had republican and democratic cosponsors. that's why it goes through and that's how it works. i have voted for most nominees by republicans and democratic presidents because i believe they have the right to do it unless the person is not qualified. i've had some that i felt are not qualified and i voted against. most i vote for. >> are we going to come back to eb5 because senator leahy said two things that were completely wrong. >> you go ahead use your time the way you want. >> first of all, senator leahy says that he didn't vote to shut down the government, you clearly did. he doesn't have any responsibility for the problems and senator leahy loves to talk about the kingdom, we know
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there's a campaign and we have news media and people talking about what's going on, there's four times, maybe five times as much money going through e be 5 projects in hollywood as there are in the kingdom. not only are there poncy schemes in the kingdom but we have hillary clinton's brother involved in the eb5 scandal and i didn't say you were the god father of eb5. you're saying that it's up to the sec and the justice department. it's like somebody building a bridge and then blaming it on the maintenance people when it falls down. you went around parading saying you twr god father with the program, you were hanging out with everybody, you were talking about country kitchen, a grocery store in the 60's, country home products is an organization -- didn't hire one new person,
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put the $12 million in the bank and sold to a company from wisconsin, how do you claim that's a success story from vermont? you changed rules with your buddy so that jobs that are created through investments in the northeast kingdom don't have to be in vermont anymore, how is that sticking up for jobs in the kingdom senator leahy? it's a story of fiction and you need to come clean on it. it's a big deal. >> the question was on the filibuster and use of nuclear option. >> first of all i support the use of filibuster when necessary, period. nuclear option, no. i don't think we should have world war 3. i don't think anyone should
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cause that to occur. >> okay. >> i think there's some rule that you can't believe to go to the bathroom. some childish rule about not going when you're going to the bathroom when you're doing a filibuster. >> peter, any comment on that? >> the capitalist zero taxation and the purposes are totally different from mine. i would tax away all the stock, all private industry, the major means of distribution would be taxed confiscate whether it be rail, whether it be airplanes, whether it be car building,
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whether oil exploration, all major means of production and distribution should plong to the community at large. private enterprise is robbery. you see the set of robbers trying to make things work out better. i call on you to vote for socialism in this election. >> i disagree with my opponent on socialism. he has yet to find anything that i have done right. his whole campaign has been on attacking me, most negative campaign i have ever seen anybody run. all i would ever say is how many jobs has he created in the northeast kingdom. i can point to thousands of jobs
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i have created with my programs. that's what i do as a u.s. senator. >> would you like to respond to that? >> i think you do your job in some ways that are effective, but you're the poster child for a dysfunctional united states senate, you're the post e child for the per vausive -- dwight eisenhower left white house in 1960, be aware of the industrial complex. my opponent is a poster child for eisenhower. you can look at all the numbers. most of the numbers that i looked at were number six out of seven on what we get on per
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capita share and other ways. small states have an advantage. we have 160, 170 trillion-dollar deficit. the reason i'm running so our grand kids have a country and kids. >> thank you. we have a question from the audience. >> about the homeland security budget, which of you support an initiative to use all or large portion of the homeland security budget for community centers in all of our cities? >> i think that's a great idea. >> we have a great lake, lake champagne, maybe starting here and float this on the lake or put it on land but could be moved around from town to town
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and do it in all the great lakes. >> thank you very much. >> it's a great concept. i think we need to start off with saying no to things that cost more money and doesn't seem like it's directly related to the mission of homeland security. we have 170 trillion-dollar deficit that's too easy to get elected by saying i'm going to give you whatever you want. that's why our country is in parallels times and we need a new vermont senator. >> first of all we need to stop spending money on wrong things. what we need is an ovation, a vision and reinvest in america because we are the poorest-rich country in the world. now i already answered that question. i think it's a good idea that we took money for so-called homeland security and other federal project of potentially big waste and put it towards
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community investment. that's my comment. >> if we use in community centers, all kinds of cameras and sound cameras and use them to spy on people. >> homeland security using the money for community centers, peter? >> that's fine with me. but it's got to be financed by taxation so that the major means of production and distribution as well owned by the community at large so these community centers become centers for management of the automobile industry, management of the other industries. excuse me. that we've taken over through
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taxation. no compensation to those folks who own those major means of production distribution. they belong to us. they always have belong to us and we have been robbed by the capitalists sitting on this table and you can't make it nicer, it's still oppression and shows itself and the killing of gadhafi, the killing of -- the attempt to kill the minister from haiti, we kidnapped him twice. we just murder all over the world and that's part of capitalism. >> senator, you're next.
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>> we have many community centers walk from here. i complement the people that run them. no. >> why? >> let me restate what the suggestion was build a community center on lake champagne. i think there's a far better use of money that would create community centers as we have tone in vermont. >> the senator is only in favor of 100 jobs in vermont at the air base he wants to militarize the air base, he and sanders and the dubbie brothers and militarized everything that they touch and one of the things that
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they touch is the air base in burlington. >> i think i got it first. >> that's one per lake. >> okay, i misunderstood your question. i apologize. >> my answer might have been different otherwise. >> good evening, you're on the air? >> hi there. am i on the air? >> yes, go ahead. >> you spoke earlier about how nuclear weapons were the only exceptions in the rule of what people should have. given that everything nuclear is capitalist etiology would you consider -- [inaudible] >> thank you. >> no, we have treaties barring the proliferation of nuclear weapons and i think we should standby those treaties. i'm not in favor of nuclear proliferation but when we look at places like korea, for example, the fault is in the
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people who ran that. i was in the military during the acceptance of the truce and one of the provisions in that truce was that within 60 days the parties, north and south would sign a peace agreement and that peace agreement would include a vote on whether to unit the country, well, the united states interfered and would not let south korea sign that agreement. senator leahy is one of those people that participated in blocking south korea. the other thing is we didn't -- north korea didn't bring nuclear weapons to the peninsula. we did. north korea has to respond to having nuclear weapons because we put submarine in south korea. so we started it and when they decide to match us, we get very upset about that. nobody can match us, nobody can
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do what we do, right? start war everywhere, prevent peace treaties from being signed and nuclear weapons within every region in the world except for the people who we are aiming them at. >> let me take a minute on nuclear proliferation. chris, let's go back. >> chris ericson. they are dual capable to carry nuclear bombs. they're not safe to have in the largest most populated area of vermont, near burlington international airport. they're simply not to have adjacent to the next to burlington international airport. the f-35 fighter jets have been
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built with taxpayer money, what happens is the united states senate and members of the house of representatives vote to give your taxpayer dollars to pentagon and the pentagon decides to give millions and millions of each defense contractor to design more models of the f-35's and components, there are several different designs of the f-35 fighter jets and sold to foreign countries and capable of carrying nuclear weapons. >> let me -- >> then what happens is the defense contractors use some of the millions of dollars they receive to give to their political action committees to give u.s. senator. that money comes to senator leahy. i call that money laundering. >> we were much more worried
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when we had two super powers and worried about the threat of global inilation. in a sense it's scarier. you touch on a couple of things. this country spends enormous amounts of money and part what you're doing senator leahy is wasting hundreds of billions of dollars on, yes, we are still spending money on nuclear weapons in this country. look into it. if we are truly to be the leaders, should we be leading by continuing to do this so that other countries are playing catch-up? no, that's not how we will accomplish the goal which i haven't heard words out of your mouth or your mouth, but maybe now. [laughter] >> here is your opportunity. >> that's right.
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[laughter] >> it would be great if it were the perfect war. i clearly agree with the leader of your party, president obama that, you know, you want to avoid mistakes but mistakes of action are better mistakes of inaction. i don't know -- i'm not on the inside and i don't get classified briefings. i applaud what president obama has done in iran. they are somebody who we need to respect and work with and have cordial relationships as with a lot of things. we have horrible history how we treat first democracy in iran in the 1950's and some of the chickens come to roost, so north korea is another place. you're very right. people getting dirty bombs, all kinds of problems but it's a big problem. i think we just need to be a nation that leads by example and need to be working hard to get
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countries engaged. china, i think senator leahy, was right, we are in the eve of a cold war with russia. that's one of the reasons i'm looking forward to get to go work for vermont and america and the united states senate. >> with the exception with the last snens or two -- sentence or two i grow with him. i agree with president obama on trying to stop nuclear proliferation. that's why i was shocked when donald trump talked about, well, maybe we give nuclear weapons to south korea and japan. people in south korea were shocked too as the rest of the world. it is a major problem. now you have pakistan and india with nuclear weapons. historic rivals.
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this is a very frightening thing. it is a threat to all the rest of the war when there's nuclear proliferation. i will tell you another very significant threat and we have to start working for more and it will require spending money and when it's time to do some of this work here in vermont and that's on cyber warfare and cybersecurity, if north korea, god forbid fired a missile at the united states it has a return address, we know exactly where it came from. what i worry about in cybersecurity somebody hack in the power grid and they turn off our power grid. that's something we have to worry about. i'm very proud of what university is doing on this whole area of cybersecurity. i visited many times.
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they should be applauded. they're training people the right way. >> i appreciate it. we will take a minute on the answers. go ahead. [speaking in spanish] >> we are running short. thank you, thank you. >> my name is enrique, this question to senator leahy as well as other candidates. i'm part of immigrant community
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doing some of the most difficult and dirty jobs here in the state. recently we've seen a growing attack against our community from ice immigration and customs enforcement and i would like to know are you willing to be part of the solution to calling for an immediate and to deportations against our community? >> all right. mr. milne, we are going to start with you. >> i would disagree with it being auditory job. there's tremendous dignity in work and i applaud you. i assume you're talking about working on a dairy farm? yes. good job and i applaud you for doing that. i think the bigger issue is our immigration program and what we are going to do. again, i don't want the election to be all about you senator leahy, so i have to talk about you. after his election him and partisan friends are going to get together and be bipartisan. i'm telling you i'm going to be bipartisan now.
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i don't have a record to the contrary. we need comprehensive immigration reform. one to have biggest priorities for america so that folks like yourself that are here illegally don't have to worry about being deported unless you do something that's completely wrong and pathway to citizenship and something that i'm working hard to get a plan together and obviously i will be a junior member of the united states senate but there's a lot of momentum there and i'm looking forward to it. >> mr. trudell. >> i'm against deportations. everyone is an immigrant. this entire country was built by immigrants, let's not forget that. so i don't see immigrants as a negative force. they're actually a positive force in a vital economy which we need to build and i want to quickly add that senator, you have to take responsibility for some of your defense appropriation pork barreling
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that goes towards building up the problem with nuclear weapons here. squeeze that in, okay. i hate to see someone make a good talk but when actions speak louder than words is what i'm saying here, go ahead. >> your turn. >> okay, i'm chris ericson and when i was a party my parents two four hungarian immigrants during the revolution. i'm 64 year's old, this happened in 1956 when i was about 4 year's old and i remember teaching them english and teaching our new boys english. they stayed with us, they graduated college eventually, they all became good citizens. while i was in junior high school i had a pen pal from india, he went to medical school, came over to the united states through legal immigration, all of these were through legal immigration, you can look at his website, he's
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one of the finest surgeons in northern california and we were pen pals for years before my mother helped him to legally immigrate. my question to you, sir, is why haven't you gone through a legal immigration program. >> i have to stop you there, peter. >> hmm. i would take the wall down and immigration should be freely available for everyone to go in and to come out. should go both directions. we should have no restrictions and no ice and nobody barring people from coming in. that's where our strength comes from except for one group of people to whom we owe at least each one a quarter of a million and that is the descendants of black slaves.
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we cannot -- we must understand that this nation was built on slavery. it's not an accident. slavery is not an accident. >> okay. let me interrupt you there, thank you. >> contrary to what my partner says you can do, when the democrats were in charge of the senate i got 68 votes, key number of republicans and democrats across the political spectrum we pass add comprehensive immigration bill. 68 votes. we then -- it was blocked by mr. milne's party in the house of representatives. he said it would -- a haster rule and respect the memory of former speaker house and they wouldn't bring it up. i've been meeting quietly with a number of the same republicans and democrats in the past couple of months.
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we intend to get back together after the election and we are going to try to get. we have proven in the senate we can put those bipartisan coalitions. we did it. >> just a couple of minutes there left. i want to give you a 30-second opportunity make your last pitch here. we are going to start with mr. trudell. >> go to my website. see a blueprint to rebuild america that no one else has. my -- what i am saying is vote for ideas this time instead of the same old 20th century pork barrel politics which isn't getting us anywhere. it's keeping the politicians elected in office. that's all it's really accomplishing besides what would they claim, their accomplishments. >> thank you, jerry. chris, next. >> my name is chris ericson.
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marijuana were legal then. please go visit the united states marijuana party. we believe that marijuana should be legalized under federal law, thank you. .. in case of illegal drugs the price has to be no higher than cost. that is, you ca you can't add ts because as soon shoot at anything in it builds the place -- >> thank you.
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nature last 30-second pitch. >> i believe in vermont. i am a vermonter. thousands of people asked me to run but it's more than just that. it's because i know i can help them. i was talking with a world war ii veteran, a member of the greatest generation. he said i am so glad you are running again, because i have upheld the values that he fought for. i was humbled by that. i'm humbled by the trust vermonters have put in me. i will use every single second to fulfill the trust. >> thank you. thanks everybody. thanks russ to the audience. three weeks from today hopefully will shock america by changing the united states senate seat in vermont, passing our system is running a campaign with all volunteers with no special interest money. i have not made one phone call company now, direct meal --
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e-mail asking for money. i would also -- >> you have to wrap up. >> i want to say check it out, a big day for america. we are going in the right direction and to want to thank the wonder thousand was vermonters who will support me in the election. >> thank you for joining us tonight from parliament vermont for united states senate candidate debate. and for all of us here at channel 17 have a great night. >> watch c-span's live coverage of the third debate between hillary clinton and donald trump tonight. live debate preview from university of nevada las vegas starts at 7:30 p.m. eastern. the briefing for the audience is at 8:30 p.m. and the 90 minute debate is at 9 p.m. eastern. stay with us following the debate for your reaction including calls, tweets in this book posting. watch live or on-demand. listen to live coverage on your
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phone with the free c-span radio app. downloaded from the app store or will play. spewing into indiana than race republican represented todd young, democrat evan bayh a libertarian lucy brenton debate health care, climate change, middle east policy, gun control, social security and trade. republican senator dan coats is not running for reelection. >> good evening and welcome to the indiana debate commission just senate debate. we are coming to you live from the studio at public television station that the fyi. joining me tonight are three candidates hope to represent you the people of indiana in washington. the winner will succeed senator dan coats, a republican who is retiring. i am your moderator ken owen, executive director of media relations at depauw university. of mostly former television news
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anchor and reporter. my experience in overtime at indianapolis and in weighing in fort wayne. for the next hour the candidates will debate a variety of domestic and international issues at a u.s. senator is likely to face. many of the questions came from you, members of the public, who submitted queries to the debate commission about what concerns you. some of those who provided questions are here with us tonight in person. none of the questions that will be asked have been shared in advance with any of the three candidates. here are our candidates. lucy brenton is the libertarian candidate. she is a finance professional. evan bayh is the democratic candidate, a former u.s. senator and the former governor of indiana. todd young is the republican candidate, a congressman representing indiana's ninth district in the south central and southeast part of the state.
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the candidates positions on the stage in the order in which they will answer the questions were determined by lot conducted by the debate commission to after i ask the question each candidate in turn will have the opportunity to respond for one minute. rebuttal of 30 seconds each will be on an as needed basis. if they can't exceed the amount of time given for his or her response i would ask them to stop it before the final question each candidate will be given an opportunity to address the topic of their choice. this allows the candidates to discuss topics they feel is important but hasn't been touched on by the questions in the program. they can go back to top that was discussed earlier so they can delve in it for the. the candidates have agreed to a set of rules which include no props or prepared notes at the podium. at this time the candidate for the opportunity to further introduce themselves. we'll have to make a one minute opening statement starting with
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ms. brenton. >> good evening. like to thank the indiana debate commission, my fellow hoosiers and my esteemed composed. my name is lucy brenton occupied on the way because i haven't spent $30 million to in the java-based under $200,000 to you. but you know me because i'm a wife, mother, but the daughter of a disabled veteran and the hoosier like you get sick and tired of what's going on in our country. special interest groups have hijacked us and it's time we sent them a new message that hoosier voters can't be bought. i'm running because mr. bayh spent too much time looking for a lobbying job instead of serving hoosiers. use that one of us. i'm running against the shia and because although he talks conservative, when it comes down to vote a vote to raise the national debt. that's okay because as sure sender i will uphold the rule of law so there's justice for everyone. and i will call for a strong national defense so that we can be safe. i work to in the debt burden that is facing our grandchildren hopefully you'll see for me a
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brighter future for america. >> mr. bayh, one minute. >> thank you. it's good to be with you and discreet have an opportunity to have a conversation with my fellow hoosiers. i'm pleased to be joined by my wife of 31 years susan, sweetheart, i love you. i know we'll hear a lot of negative attacks during the course of this evening from congressman yet and am looking forward to answering those. i wanted you why i'm running and what we can do to solve your problems. that's what this election should really be all about. unburned chip small business get the capital than to expand and create jobs. i'm running to level the playing field on trade deal so jobs will not be shipped to mexico and china. i'm running to make sure college is affordable. i'm running to make sure social security and medicare are there for you and your golden years. i will work with republicans, democrats and libertarians to make progress for you. i will fight against the extremes of both parties to make progress for you.
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because making progress for you helping our families building a better indiana at a better america, that's what this election should be all about. >> mr. young, your one minute opening statement. >> growing up in indiana my dad used to tell me everyday that if i drink it, if i work hard, good things would happen in life. i believe it. i still believe it. we want our four children to believe as we'll. we want for those children with every hoosier wants to a quality education that turns into a good paying job, a lease remaining career and affordable health care. my belief in the future took me to the u.s. naval academy. it gave meaning to my service in the u.s. marine corps and it served well and the private economy. i spent most of my professional life fighting to protect and preserve america's promise but right now it's under fire. i'm not a career politician. i'm not a lobbyist. i'm a hoosier, a marine who wants to put people before politics. at a time when far too many of
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our career politicians seemingly have forgotten who they work for, where they live, you can you imagine a cause greater than themselves, i will always serve the greater cost greater than myself. i hope to garner support. >> thank you mr. john. we are on to our first question of the evening as i told you at the top several questions will be presented by voters. with us tonight is brian, a teacher from chesterfield. >> to the general public, congress is seen as an institution that is not working. republicans and democrats alike fail to come together in order to address major issues affecting our country. where in your political career can you point to a time in which you worked with numbers of the other party to accomplish something meaningful speak with mrs. brenton, then mr. bayh and the mr. young. >> i appreciate that. i'm a libertarian so that's not yet been a political office that i've held.
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what you have inside 10 children and i would say there's no more peacemaking and causing a house that comes along when you're looking at a fight between 16 euros and 14 year. i like to bring that experience to congress because quite frankly sometimes our congressional members act like children. sometimes they should probably be put in a quarter. without those extremes it's time we work together as a family and as a nation for those solutions that will bring us economic prosperity and peace. >> mr. bayh? >> thank you for your question, thank you for your work with our children. i'm proud to be endorsed by indiana's teachers in this election. let me key to its apples. the first is probably something that is near interviewer. i work with republican state senate and a democratic house of representatives to passively for century scholars program that has enabled 70,000 to go on and afford a college education. it's good for them. they will be better employers, better taxpayers, more responsible citizens but also good for all of us here when we
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create a touch of opportunity that allows young people to work hard and do the right thing and get ahead. that's what we need more of from washington, d.c. another example is i worked with senator collins, a good republican to bring together all of the efforts in the country to the alzheimer's. it's a terrible disease. it inflicts to recover from this. we added resources, and i was honored this last spring to get an award. making it possible for kids to go to college, fighting alzheimer's, coming together in a bipartisan way to move this country forward and to grow our economy, that's what this election should be all about. >> thank you for the question. hoosiers are part of the incubator. about my very short political life i've been able to work across the aisle to get consequential things done. one example be repeating the 30 hour provision in obamacare and restoring the 40 hour work week. this is a provision in obamacare that has put at risk the jobs and hours and wages have 2.6 million american workers. i've been proud to get that
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passed out of the house of representatives and hope to continue to fight for it as your next united states senator. it's unfortunately at this provision provision to do with in the first place. obamacare never need to be passed. hoosiers pleaded with evan bayh to vote against obamacare but he ignored her wishes. he instead decided as a d.c. insider to listen to political interest in washington, d.c. he listened to his party bosses. i'm a hoosier morning. i will always fight for hoosier values and do whatever is in hoosiers best interest not the interest of party leaders in washington, d.c. >> mr. bayh, would you like a rebuttal? >> of course i would. i agree with congressman young can we should extend the definition of the work week from 30 hours to 40 hours. i think we should expand the definition of a small business from 50 to 100 to make it easier on small businesses. congressman young want to take us back to the days with the entrance countries have unlimited profits. he wants to take 350,000 health insurance away.
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he wants to open the donut hole. we don't want to go back to those days and i will fight to make sure that we don't. >> i really am fighting about the interference the financial relationship between an employer and an ugly. employee. it's not up to government to decide whether 30 hours for 40 hours isn't a proper workweek or it's up to deploy an employer to negotiate that between themselves. if we can get rid of the interventionist then perhaps we can go back when people matter. in world war ii the only reason we cam give up with these entrae benefits is because there were price and wage controls that prevent us from paying workers what they're worth. >> after by just offended obamacare. hoosiers find obamacare highly unpopular and 50 because it's a real job code but it's the largest tax increase in american
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history and was impose by evan bayh despite the wishes of hoosiers it was imposed during the worst possible moment during a recovery. it's the one we're not growing more jobs. 21 new taxes in obamacare most of which fall on middle-class families. middle-class hoosier families, health care costs continue to go. we need to start over in a bipartisan way. spewing i will give you 15 seconds each because i see that i've wants to wait in. >> we need to fix the parts of the law but may be fixed but congressman young wants to take us back to the days insurance covers could charge women more just because they happen to be female. that's not right. he wants to deny coverage for 350,000 of our fellow citizens. governor pence and i don't think it should be done. he wants to go back when insurance companies could cancel your policy just because you got sick. i don't think that's a step in the right direction. >> these are clearly d.c. politician talking points. they bear no resemblance to the
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rally. what i want to do is work together, republicans, democrats ground of. i want to consult with hoosiers about the health care program they want, to bring down costs, expand access to all americans. and by wants to maintain obamacare in and love cannot be sustained and it's causing way too much harm. >> what are we bickering about what a person should be forced to do? the fact is americans deserve to be free. they deserve to be free from the cabinet regulation that comes along with a forced insurance scam. >> now a question submitted by a voter to the commission, we received several questions regarding climate change. some argument activities play key role in climate change and others say the very notion of climate change is a myth. we're just and and spectrum the spectrum and how should u.s. prioritize its energy sources? mr. bayh? >> i think climate change is real. the question is what should we do about a? several things. we should emphasize renewables
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like wind and solar which are expanding across india. we should emphasize efficiency, retrofitting our homes and businesses so we can save energy. that's a good thing. we should emphasize clean coal generation which met in indiana that would help the money business and hope hoosier utility ratepayers. we should emphasize ethanol which congressman young has voted against. i don't think we should have a cap-and-trade system and i don't agree with the clean power plan. that's something i disagree with mrs. clinton on. let's go about this the right way. renewables come efficiency, clean coal but let's effort indiana businesses or consumers. i would not support that. >> this is a global issue. it's not a hoosier problem. we don't want to wreck our economy trying to do with it and evan bayh has support an energy tax in the past. haze plan goleta increase of $1700, tax per american
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household. it would hurt our manufactures disproportional. we are the most manufacturing intensive state in the entire country. we need to stand up for our workers. it would also hurt our farmers. i'm proud the indiana farm bureau has can should be a friend of farmers, proud to carry that title but if we are opposing carbon taxes on our fuel, on our fertilizer and other sources, that's going to injure indiana's economy. witty these ideas come from? they don't come from hoosiers themselves. they come from party leaders in washington, d.c. and special interest. special interest like the one that evan bayh now works for as a lobbyist and that has enriched him and some to the tune of millions of dollars. >> climate change is a sticky subject to it's almost a religion with people saying it is there and it is not. humans have only been here for a blip of the art and not enough data from last 100 or 200 years to determine whether we're getting colder or warmer. when i was a child, i suggest
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let's prioritize energy source of bullets let the free market do it. most importantly let's end our dependence on foreign oil. the way that we can do that is allowing commercial hip growth. indiana has amazing so. we could get three to four harvest of him and the oil, that biodiesel is what can save us. it will save our economy and it will save, it will save the environment. >> opportunity for rebuttal. >> desperate people do desperate things. it's not true i was for cap-and-trade. i'm against cap-and-trade. it's not your i have ever been a lobbyist. simply not true. congressman young is met with lots of them. he's taken $160,000 in campaign contributions from lobbyists and voted with a lobbyist for the big banks repeal consumer protection. the photo for the insurance industry to reopen the don't know. he voted for the tax deduction for carriers.
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so this is a conflict of interest in this election is a conflict between congressman young and voting record in the best interest of the people of indiana. >> with respect to the carbon tax perhaps i can keep all the taxes you are forced to it has led to stagnant job creation in the state of indiana and devin by cast the deciding vote for obamacare. we would not have obamacare but for evan buys the. with respect in a lobbyist of okay, he's a partner at a lobbying firm. maybe the don't pay him $2 million not to lobby. >> can we talk about the carbon tax? isn't that silly we're going to give an international organization the right to tax us? maybe i will become a barbarian and you can tax me for breathing since i will not be eating. let's talk about real solutions to bickering back and forth.
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>> michael let's say everybody an equal shot is possible. let's turn to a very serious international issue that's been in the news. under what circumstances should america's sent additional troops and humanitarian aid to middle eastern hot spots such as iraq and syria were to afghanistan? we will begin with mr. young. >> we ought not be placing artificial limits or timetables. that's one of the things we've learned in iraq, in afghanistan, on our troops. we need to establish a clear mission for victory. throughout the middle east. we want to defeat isis. want to move aside from now and i proposed a resolution, calling on our nato partners to collectively pool our resources can put our intelligence and pool our energies to come up with a multilateral strategy to accomplish those couple of things. i can imagine some of the components to a strategy will
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involve flying more sorties, losing the rules of engagement so we can do more of the terrorists on the ground and establishing safe zones to address this humanitarian crisis on the ground rather than leading to a refugee crisis both in europe and here in the united states. none of this will be accomplished if we continued the obama-clinton lead from behind foreign policy. i am a marine corps intelligence officer i will be vigilant, making sure they have a very clear policy in the u.s. states engaged in the world. >> i'm glad you asked because as a mother what i want visible much of to grow up in a world that's full of peace. i don't see that. in fact, of them remember congress declared an act of war and they did because this war so seems to be an illegal war so it should be stop. the first thing i would recommend and i would do is i would stop arming everybody. can be stubbing the world's gun salesman? that would be a good thing. i want to stop dropping bombs of everybody. we are bombing wedding parties
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and double tapping into first responders like my brother was a five and. boy, does that make the net. what we need is diplomatic action. summer between the world's policeman and an isolationist, there's got to be somewhere in that range that's better than what we're doing. humanitarian aid only, people are hurting, real people are starving because of the people we should be helping. let's not can see these endless foreign wars. >> i think it's a good thing that we can agree on a bipartisan manner that we should fight vices and to defeat global terrorism the we need to continue a sense that just are the last 48 hours. our special forces in series or work with the kurds and the turks to retake raqqa to deny them their safe spaces in syria for which they can launch attacks against us. we need to about our intelligence services and i've been pleased to work for the last six years as an adviser to the cia to make sure we can combat crisis abroad so they can't attack us at home.
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we need to empower our department of homeland security and our fbi so they can find local attacker attacker settle e them a chance to strike. most of all what we need to do is combat the scourge of global terrorism is to win the war of ideas. destined to put we are better than our adversaries. we stand for freedom. they stand for nepotism. we stand for the right to worship god, to elect our officials and to speak their minds as we see fit. if we stand for those things and principles then in the long run we will triumph over our adversaries. >> we will now on to the next question. >> i would love to be but that's okay. that was really impressive, and fight the shark with the talking about this faction and that faction of the faction the army today is the one that's what they could rent in point that desk and the ones we gave them our troops. and her sons and daughters are dying that's just not right.
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it's time to stop the killing. >> remind people have real-world experience. i haven't just sat in committee hearings and committee rooms and monitored the situation to i understand what a marine on the ground goes through. understand. i've seen generals and admirals wrestle with difficult decisions. heaven by sat on the senate armed service committee buddy skipped multiple hearings entering his last year in office he spent 60 be shopping for a job as a lobbyist as opposed to being vigilant in this war on terror. >> i've always been strong in the war on terror and i'm proud to say that i've always supported our troops. congressman young has voted repeatedly against our veterans. he's voted to cut funding for psd d. suffers. he's voted to do something for suicide prevention the he's voted to cut funding for reintegration of our fence so they can get jobs. it's surprising to me that some of the congressman young would
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talk tough on the state to better and i will stand with our veterans. spit and other international question. vladimir putin in russia. russian has become active in national in the past few years. do you see russia as a potential ally in the war on terrorism that needs to be courted by the u.s. or as potential aggressor and enemy that needs to be confronted? >> you know, friend of mine just told me they saw an interesting video on tv and it was putin appealing to the american people to let them know the things that our country doing that we don't know about. it seemed like every day to get on with the least to find out what's really going on. quite frankly from the get information that is being been given to me by my own government i simply don't trust it. trust equation for which we done with putin, with the limited information i have, i think i would trust wikileaks a little bit more. without looking at the wiki-based document will be difficult to decide what to do. i'm in favor of making friends and i think the best way to make
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friends is by making economic alliances, free trade, fair trade. when you agree with someone, looking in the eye and making those relationships it's difficult to go drop bombs on them. >> vladimir putin is a tyrant and is deeply hostile to the united states. really think that it understands is power so we have to push back. went to push back and opposed economic sanctions for his aggression in the ukraine. i agree with secretary the should be war crime trials to bring those responsible in series and in russia to account for the crimes they're committing inside syria. i think we should encourage the europeans to develop the natural gas exports we could make a more independent from the russian natural gas. above all we need to work with our allies t to make sure that t would put knows we will stand strong and united against an aggressive russia. the final thing, these reports rush is seeking to meddle in our domestic elections, this is deeply disturbing. there should be a consequence of
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that. we should take cyber actions against the financial interests of those in charge of moscow. we cannot let the russians commit crimes in syria, iraq or meddle in our elections. >> this is clear why we need a change. we need a change with respect to our lead from behind obama-clinton foreign policy. it's inviting aggression from dictators like vladimir putin and he's not done. it's ukraine, crimea, it's syria. the baltic states certainly are now being threatened. this is an object lesson of what we can that lead from behind. we have just engaged in the world. it something other than the naval academy, something i learned in th in the marine cor. only strong nations can consistently form alliances, deter aggression and when necessary wars. we will have to be very careful about where and when we engage. i support further sanctions their eyes were were working together multilaterally with our allies and partners in various regions around the world
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wherever possible, pooling our resources. we need people on the ground experience not just professional politicians who have sat in committee hearings or d.c. lobbyists like evan bayh. >> i wish we were just not talk about dropping bombs. i was born in 1971 and yet we've been at work my entire life. this is unacceptable. you have putin he was a kgb that george senior was cia. what we have? l. bunch of kooks running our country. i think it's somewhere the real person running a country like maybe a mother. spinning with anybody else like to weigh in before we move on to our next voter question? we have several voters with us tonight. the next question will be asked by alexa, a parent, and cheesy y with us in the studio. thank you. >> what do you think needs to be done if anything to make it more difficult for dangerous people
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to get their hands on guns in indiana? when he worked to require background checks on all gun sales? >> begin with mr. bayh. >> thank you for your question. it's a good one. let me begin by saying i support the second amendment. i think our sportsmen, our hunters and people who seek security in their own homes have a right to own firearms. but also think it's deeply wrong for those of been identified as terrorists, no one cares who are so dangerous that we can't even get on an airplane, i don't think we should be selling guns to them. i agree with the gist of the question that violent felons, people have been convicted, committing acts of violence can should have background checks to make sure they don't have access to firearms. we need to strike the right balance, protect the second amendment right, that's something i believe in but don't the people who have been terrorists get their hands on weapons. that's something congressman young has voted repeatedly for those who are on the no fly
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list. he wants them to have guns. i just think that doesn't make sense. >> hoosiers can count on me to protect the gun rights most certainly. it's enshrined in our constitution. our supreme court has been clear but every right has its limitations that we should ensure that no one who is mentally ill get access to a firearm. i have worked very hard in congress supporting legislation to divert money from other programs into those programs that are evidence-based and will keep a mental illness from becoming a public safety crisis. i supported funding or more psychiatric care of to give those who need help so that they don't get access to firearms. that's one bipartisan constructive thing we can do. one of the things i will not do and one of the things at stake in this election is not just control the united states said but conceivably control the supreme court. and we time and then by his had a chance he is voted for president obama's nominees for the supreme court biggies are
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against president bush's more conservative nominees who have grounded the decision and the text of the constitution as opposed to legislating from the bench. your gun rights will be will be jeopardized should happen by become the next u.s. senator for indiana. >> your gun rights are safe for me. i'm a strict constitutionalist and constructionist. one thing i've learned is i don't just support the second amendment, under the. i have a carry license in indiana and it bugged me for misty and visit the right has its limitations. if somebody hasn't done anything wrong, then why we preemptively charging them with a prime pacific into something. they shouldn't be limited. was in no-fly zone watch list are you kidding? my goodness, we are the epitome of political punishment. so many people, cat stevens a pacifist was on a no fly list, we wouldn't give them again.
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i'll tell you i'm in favor of for background checks, the people we're arming overseas who end up with those guns. $110 billion worth that appointed right back in your moms and dads and people serving in the military. it's time to put them on the list and stop selling guns abroad. we should not be the world's largest arms dealer. >> it's just that you what congressman young was saying. i support your second animal rights to bear arms. english or a known terrorist, have been convicted in a crime of violent felony, or adjudicated to be insane, you've got no trouble from the. >> i proudly bear an a+ rating frofrom the nra but the areas oe other responsible stakeholders will vindicate the tragedies that occur and my wife's hometown, our current home of bloomington, those that occurred right here in indianapolis and other large cities across the state are completely unacceptable. so many of those are committed by people were mentally ill.
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not be providing fire arms to the mentally ill. i will give a constructive voice and make sure we get things done on this front. >> every time i bought a handgun i passed a background check and it was easy because i don't have any of those problems. we need to have a real discussion about mental illness in this country because if you look at everything with the school shooters, they're all on prozac, zoloft. the real problem in this country is pharmaceuticals that are harming people's brains and causing them to commit these acts of atrocity. eli lilly is famous if i can pick on them. creating settlements with the families of those homicides and suicides. >> a domestic question. social security, is action need to update the program so it's financially sound that provides adequate income for generations? if you say yes what would you do? >> i'm so happy to have this question.
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let me be very, very clear. we must keep our promise to all of our seniors. this isn't art benefit to our senior citizen thank you. what i propose is absolutely no changes whatsoever for our current seniors and those approaching retirement. 55 or older. the program according to president obama's own actuaries is unsustainable after 18 years. that means there's not enough money coming in to pay out all the benefits. i'm in my early '40s, i'm prepared to work in a couple months to make this program sustainable. my record is different than ever by. he has voted to increase tax us also security benefits. decided to give social security benefits. your earned benefits to illegal immigrants. to throw one more thing in there, he voted for obamacare. we wouldn't have it except for obamacare -- evan bayh. if you want someone who will fight for hoosier values vote
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for a hoosier marine who's connected to the state as opposed to a pc lobbyists give listeners party leaders. >> i haven't thanked you for your service. i do want to thank you for your served in the marine corps. i don't mean any disrespect. i have been in imam corps for 20 for gist of what i teach my children is to speak the truth. the first truth we must speak is that when you run out of money, is dubbed a gamble and you stop spending. mr. young has been criticized for calling social security a ponzi scheme but he's speaking the truth when he says it. new workers coming into paying for the old workers. do you believe the myth there's a magical trust fund with this plan is coming from? you can't because it's been stolen from by inflation and by deflation. in 1913 look at the federal reserve act. attended our opportunity to have it on display system. because the donovan on his mother's sit in a box of kosher
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to cost you a single dollar bill in 1913 takes $20. and then we get back to honestly system we can't take social security or anything else for that matter. >> will move onto the next segment of our program. please. >> congressman young has told so many whoppers tonight it's hard to keep track. it's not your i voted to increase the tax was also security. it's not true. it's not true tha. it's not true that if a digital security benefits to illegal immigrants. that's been fact checked multiple times and been determined to be just flat out false. he talks of $700 billion. those are profits from the entrance in history. he's voted repeatedly, he wants to privatize social security, turn it over to wall street or he called medicare quote welfare. welfare. we pay to that system. that's a buffer. we shouldn't balance the budget or salsa city situation on the backs of our seniors. he voted to increase the premiums an average of $6000 per
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year. he's voted to reopen the donut hole. $1400 a year for seniors more a prescription drug cost. that's just not right. let's grapple with the problems missiles is good and medicare but let's not balance it on the backs of hoosiers seniors by making their lives more difficult. >> these are the words of a d.c. politician, a career politician. spewing out talking points with very little veracity. he spent 30 years in public life. he's had his opportunity to make a social security sustainable. for my generation, for my young children and i want to keep it around he hasn't had anything to he passed two bills in 12 years not known as a highly prolific professional. he's all talk. he spent our money. he spent our social security money on everything but social security. stimulus, obamacare, things hoosiers don't want to that's the record of an insider, not a hoosier marine that will fight for your colleges.
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>> what we're talking about is the fact that put the fact that there were people that were put into a ponzi scheme. they are victims no less than the bernie madoff. my own father receive social security and he is a victim having paid into it just like anyone else. when you have something that's wrong you don't continue doing what's wrong. humana india which right. what's right is to pay off the people who in the salsa city system and to the benefits run out and then sunset the program. don't enslave my grandchildren for you. >> the last time i checked congressman young is in congress so you don't like congress and maybe you shouldn't vote for congressman young. he mentioned my record and all the terrible things he alleges are done. i was proud to work with dick lugar. congressman young said let them go belly up. we don't do that to our fellow hoosiers. i'm going to fight to end the
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tax loophole that would shipping our jobs overseas some companies like kerry. he has voted for the tax cut for businesses to ship our jobs to mexico and china. that's not the kind of representation we need in the training senate. >> we will move forward. we've come to the same and which of the candidates can speak on the topic of their choice. we are going to arrange it so that the candidate who went. .. time which is mr. bayh will go first and talk for up to one minute. i've had to scribble mind is because we've been moving around. this is brenton will go with a follow up on the same topic for a maximum of two minutes, and then mr. young will have two minutes. if you're keeping score at home and are scorecard is so clean, you're doing better than i am. will have up to one minute of rebuttal. the other two candidates will have the same opportunity to become a topic of the choice following the rotation i just attempted to describe. as i promised, mr. bayh, the floor is yours.
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>> i'd like to talk about growing our economy and the like to talk about trade. my top priority is expanding hoosier business, creating good jobs and helping wages rise. we've got to have a level playing field when it comes to trade. all too often that's just not the case. i've visited recently, there was a countr contact because china s illegally importing into our country products at below the cost of production. that's got to stop the i was that dow science, they can't export their products into china because of illegal trade barriers. i talkei have talked to too many businesses that are losing jobs and losing this is because of illegal currency manipulation. or intellectual property theft. does have to stop the what also system is a tax deduction for companies like kerry or that ship our jobs overseas. i met with those workers, teaching and the others. they are losing everything. how does explain he wants to get
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a tax break for shipping the jobs to mix at a time when i tried to make ends meet? it's just not right. >> it's so hard to listen to people banter back and forth because what they're saying is how can i want time in congress flies off a little bit of pi for my constituents with when you spend $30 million, those people expect a return on their investment. literally i sat down and i thought and that's the lesson 3000 of this race so far, for every $1000 bill markopolos and up into this, to make sure their corporate cronies get the free trade or magistrate that they want, i get a copper penny. if you want efficiency in government and should look to somebody from the mom core who's had to balance the budget, who couldn't go off into deficit spending. you want to talk about illegal currency manipulation, we are mad because brazil, russia and india and china went around us.
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may be don't know that when people are buying oil we are making money off of it. a lesser sometimes ally china and is off doing their own thing. you really don't know what's going on until you do a little bit of research. what i'd like for you to do is as americans to think about where our monetary system has been at the reason our economy to stagnate, the reason we have a bubble and bust is because we don't have an honest my system. the very foundation is wrong. one thing i learned from flipping houses is that you have to have a strong foundation. anything you put on top of that, window dressing, smiling senator scott it doesn't matter. either foundation is corrupt and i must tell you our foundation is corrupt, you've got that. you want business to flood in this country, set the corporate income tax to zero. give corporations certainty about our tax laws. that's how you stay late and economy. they will come in droves.
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double bubble the playing field and then make sure you hold them to strict accountability so they don't pollute. thank you. >> i support good trade deals. trade is indeed about jobs. i support those who create jobs. i oppose deals that do the opposite, that will destroy our jobs and lead to lower household incomes. when it comes to this entry just i think we need to revisit those that are no longer working, work with our partners to make sure those now work for hoosiers. we need to strongly enforce existing trade deals but one of the things i will never do come and have invited you, it's about to unleash a flood of outsourcing to china. a flood of outsourcing to china. that's not consistent with hoosier value some wondering where he might of heard it perhaps he heard it from the d.c. insiders who he be friends. his neighbors in d.c. where he lives. perhaps his clients now is lobbying clients, they were people who prevailed upon him
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when he was in the nicest send and encouraged him. i don't know whether of the things we need to grow our economy as we'll. we need a simpler tax code. stop overtaxing made in america product. we have effectively doubled tax. our manufacturing goods. we have a proposal. i've -- medical basel ii do just that. i think we need to simplify our code for our small businesses so that they are not disadvantaged as compared to our large corporations. i think most of our individual players should be able to fire, file on the size of a postcard and let's create a new lower small business rate because two out of every three jobs is good by small businesses. perhaps the most important thing is to regroup the largest tax increase in american history. it's obamacare. we would not have obamacare ifdef and i didn't cast the deciding vote against the interest of hoosiers in a bipartisan way.
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he didn't invite republican ideas in. there were no republicans that supported this legislation. we can hold seven but accountable in this election for his deciding vote for obamacare which is hurting jobs so so mu much. >> we are to the second phase of our lincoln-douglas debate style. if you would give us two minutes on a topic of interest in google round-robin again. >> i appreciate that. i have grown up in the end. i'm a native hoosier. i graduate from northwest high school on the westside but it would to school for ballet. i planted my roots and a steady. there's one thing that has really always caught my heart and that's our farmers. our farmers to economic prosperity. they needed without dumping tons of chemicals into our soil. what i would say is our farmers want to cash crop and i need a cash crop commercial hemp is the way to go. you can make rope with the.
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massive but it would end our depends on foreign oil and that's ever the very reason wert going it right now because these two gentlemen to my left are paid for and received money from the oil industry. if you could overlook at to it's exactly where the money comes from and know that you here to do a job for the people that paid them and that's why you were denied commercial hemp. >> indiana's farm state and we require a strong farm economy. i've consistently vote for a phone bill that gives our farm can reduce, are from operations the sort of resources they need. that includes crop insurance so the exigencies of the web and so forth can be controlled. we need to make sure we tackled big regulation coming out of environmental protection agency. we've seen an uptick in the obama administration and hillary clinton promises to double down. evan bayh phone with hillary clinton 85% of the time when the
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two were in the senate. we can expect them to rubberstamp her policy agenda. she's helping to fund his campaign. there are other things we can do to help our farmers. when it comes reform our tax that we need to eliminate the death tax. death should not be a taxable offense. evan bayh is consistent vote against putting the text tax -- death tax. he voted against exemptions for family farms in indiana. perhaps the best thing we can do to make sure farming interests i recognize, advance the interests of farm and converted is we grow the economy faster. that gets back to regulatory reform. ..
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he listened to dc special interests who he later worked for, he did not listen to leaders on the hoosier marine who will always fight for your interest, your rights and values. >> that's probably a former reason i'm a former newscaster. the debate format was 211 and i miss the one on the back end of the first question so mister by, i'm going to allow you to go back and talk about trade again, wrapping up your comments and you can respond. my apologized. >> i got to 21 minutes here? what you need.
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you noticed that congressman young never explained tj and those four workers at carrier, why he's voted repeatedly force the tax obstructions, shipping their jobs to mexico. for our viewers at home, companies like carrier get to deduct the cost of shipping our jobs abroad under their us taxes and congress now thinks that's just fine. it's not just fine. that's something i'm going to fight to changehe also mentioned trade agreements. i voted against captain. he was for the tpp, until he had a deathbed conversion in the last couple of weeks when the election , he's always way the winds were blowing. i'm going to get tough on trade by standing up against illegal subsidies that affect companies like edsall, intellectual property theft, we've got to do more against that and we've got to make sure we stop china from engaging in illegal currency manipulation. one final thing, there are so many charges flying around
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here tonight. i only had one minute? oh well. we had on and on. >> and this then mrs. brenton gets to wrap up her summary and we go back to you with one x i may change. thank you lucy. first i'd like to thank lucy for raising the topic of what we can do to help rural indiana, that's absolutely right. i'm for broadband expansion into our small towns and rural communities, that would be good. i'm for more research into better crops, that would be good. i support indiana ethanol, that's good for our corn hours even though the audience voted against that so i'm actually going to shock all of you and say i agree with something congressman young just said. we had too many rules and regulations making it harder for indiana farmers. we need a timeout on all that sort of thing i don't support that. but congressman young drops
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all these false allegations around. it's flat-out not true that i am for the death tax. i voted against the death tax. i disagreed with hillary clinton on that. i'm for repealing the death tax. mister gump voted with the lobbyists, the insurance companies, companies like carrier. i've consistently voted for hoosier interests and i always will one minute to summarize. >> we want to stop playing full political football with our farmers lives whether it's through subsidies for picking which copies the winner or loser depending on which is contributing to your campaign, that's what we need to stop. what i like to see is across-the-board legalization of commercial have so our farmers can be free to innovate across that and end our dependence on foreign oil and replace a lot of the deforestation that we see in the second of all, if our taxes and regulations are not driving businesses out of this country and we wouldn't be seeing them fleeing to mexico.
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the reason they do is there's a lack of certainty in ourtax code. you have to contribute to political campaigns in order to get the loophole later you can drive a truck through. let's in that political campaign contribution as it's going to see what happens in washington dc. a zero percent income tax rate on our corporations would level the playing field and countries around the world would find you are losing business to us . >> mister young, your two-minute topic thank you so much. obamacare has been a job killer. it's been a disaster for this economy and its hurt so many americans. premiums are going up so high, up 41 percent in the state of indiana. deductibles are so high, even if people have insurance through obamacare it's so frequent they can't use insurance. 2000 people have had their policies canceled. this is the largest tax increase in american history and its a millstone around our economy. but you know, perhaps you need to spend a little more time in indiana as i have to get the real impact of obamacare. i think of carrots up in mishawaka. i think of lori in lebanon and lori is a waitress. her husband is a truck driver who has had some health
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problems, he can no longer drive his truck. there obamacare premium was $26 a month. they got great deal. then it was $343 per month next year. recently it's been $1100 a month. they are taking the penalty, they no longer have insurance, there's a human cost to the deciding vote of obamacare so we have to repeal it with a bipartisan law that works for everyone. >> there's a real human cost to what congressman young wants to do. he wants to take the insurance away from 350,000 of our fellow hoosiers. this is something governor prince did that i agree with that congressman young wants to undo. that would not only bad feedback from those people because they would have healthcare, that wouldmean their costs would be shifted onto all the rest of us , forcing premiums up. there's also a real cost to what congressman young wants to do.
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making it possible for insurance companies to charge women more for their health insurance than men just because they happen to be female. there's also a real human cost to congressman young wanting to lift the cap we put in praise to insurance company profits so they can charge what they want. unlimited profits, unlimited increases, that's not right. there's a human cost to our seniors at home, congressman young was to reopen the doughnut hole or sing hoosier seniors and grandparents spend $1400 more on prescription drugs. those are real people for hurt in real ways if congressman young is able to do what he wants to do to the united states senate. as i said before, what we need to do is get the law fixed and keep those that are working well. we need to help small businesses by increasing the definition of the work we do 40 hours per week. we need to let the small businesses from 50 to 100 people. we need to help those in the individual marketplace lower
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costs of health insurance by having competition across state lines and having more transparency so you can shop for your services and get the lowest cost option. those are the kind of things we need to do, not harm people or seniors, not drive premiums up the way congressman young wants to do the floor is now yours. >> thank you. mister young, we've both spent time in washington dc. so much time that i'm afraid it's turned you to the dark side. in fact, what i mean by that is, why are we discussing programs that people are forced to buy? let the free marketwork. we are arguing over obamacare and how much people have increased, why are we discussing why the government is forcing the taxation of people to buy products they don't want or need? i'm a woman, i have 10
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beautiful children. seven girls and three boys. you should charge me more because i'm more likely to use you and that more might be more expensive but it's a free market , i can negotiate with a healthcare to get the coverage i want instead of that shoved down my throat by the government, then instead of having a 15,000 hundred dollar cost to version number eight of the hospital, i could affect $500 over cost paid for by my health insurance instead. the only thing i can say to the american people and hoosiers, these are not the percentages you are looking for her. >> mister young, you get a chance to wrap up. >> clearly, evan bayh has become a creature of washington. he doesn't get it. this is not just about obamacare. this is how evan evan bayh handled the situation. hoosiers pleaded with him to vote against this law. the partisan law, it doesn't invite republican ideas. we've got a lot of good ideas and the reason we've had a policy war is because there's no consensus on the front end that's not it. he's left us the entire healthcare cost. what did you do, evan? what did you do after that?
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you took the money and ran. evan bayh took the money and ran. he joined a major lobbying firm in washington dc and he represented clients that needed relief from the problem he created. from obamacare. our premiums skyrocketed and left us and our doctors with our constant specialist. evan, when we needed a center most you left us to work for them in washington dc and made millions of dollars and now we can hold you accountable in this election. >> we are now at our final question. >> we are literally out of time. >> that's flat-out wrong what you just said. [overlapping conversation] >> we have 30 seconds for each of you to answer and you start, mister young. why would voters you would be the best candidate to represent them in washington? >> after eight years of the failed obama clinton policies which make no mistake, resemble the evan bayh policies, americans are left with debt and a broken health
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care system. we need more common sense hoosier conservatism in washington dc. we need more indiana and washington, less washington in indiana. everyone's tired of career politicians, you may want to clean house. some may think i just want to send in the marines. you can send in on. let's put people before politics. i humbly ask for your vote x mrs. brenton, your 30 seconds. >> they are slinging so much mud and i'm wearing a white suit but let me tell you this, both these gentlemen have voted for things where they businesses were too big to fail and the taxpayers had to bail them out. i say we are too small to mess around, stop bailing out businesses, not bailing us out instead, let us keep our taxpayer money in our pocket. you can send in amom . >> mister evan bayh, finally. >> thank you ken and i'm running for the united states senate and for user families and all the challenges they face. i'm helping create good jobs for small businesses. i want fairtrade deals that
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won't send jobs to mexico . i'm running to make college affordable, building on the 21st century scholarship program itself to send 70,000 of our young people to college even though congressman young has voted to the pell grant and rate their interest rates. i'm voting to have local democrats and republicans and even libertarians do what's right to help you because that's what this election should be all about.>> thank you all for being here, we apologize. we had a hard out we're going to say good night, thanks for watching and listening around the state. i want to get a special word of appreciation do w fyi for hosting the program and the league of women voters for helping keep the timeclock which is important. a reminder, you can submit questions for the candidates in our last gubernatorial debate, set for october 25 at the university of southern indiana in evansville. do that by going to the debate commission website, it's indiana debate i'm can open, on behalf of
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the indiana debate commission from all of us here, have a great night. >> watched c-span's live coverage of a debate between hillary clinton and donald trump tonight. our preview from the university of nevada las vegas starts at 7:30 p.m. eastern. the breathing is at 8:30 p.m. eastern end of the 90 minute debate is at 9 pm eastern.
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they with us following the debate for viewer reaction including your tweets and facebook posts and watch the debate live or on-demand using a desktop, phone or tablet listen to live coverage of the debate on your phone with the c-span radio. downloaded at the google store. >> this tweet from huff post politics, obamacare expected to grow next year but not by much here's health and human services director sylvia burwell. >> as we look to this new open enrollment period, the marketplace will grow by another million. at the end of open enrollment for 2015 we expect 13.8 million people to have selected a plan. we know it won't be easy but we are confident that americans will choose to enroll when they discover the quality affordable options that are available to them. the president set during the debate over the law, we did not come to see the future, we came to shape it.


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