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tv   BOOK TV  CSPAN  October 23, 2016 11:50am-12:01pm EDT

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and so this is a high school principal, one of the most optimistic people in the city. so, i think there is an acceptance and robert feels otherwise. the funny thing about the cops in laredo, they always want to tell you how much the criminals love them. they always want to tell you i treated that guy well and he came at me and bought me a beer seven years later. everyone has the one story that everyone has was the time the guy they put away pick up their dinner tab or something. [laughter] >> except for robert, robert never told me that. picked up the dinner tab and then paid for their house. [laughter] >> well, thank you.
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>> thank you. [applause]. [applause]. >> . >> here is a look at authors recently featured on book tv's after words. our weekly author program. sarah goldrick-rab discussed possible solutions to rising
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tuition cost. former state department official mary thompson jones talked about thousands of leaked diplomatic cables. and face the nation moderator john dickerson remembered moments in presidential campaigns. in coming weeks, columbia university law professor explains the way society has been shaped by advertising. , capitol co-founder, inequality to growth. and discussing the career of former federal reserve chairman alan greenspan. and former goldman sachs president talks about her experiences as an undocumented immigrant. >> when my visa expired at age 14 my mother was very reluctant to talk about that and reluctant to tell me about my visa having expired and once my visa was expired, us being unable to renew it because of our financial circumstances had
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changed and also because it was a turn visa and i had been studying in the u.s. i was 14-year-old girl, never asked to come here and here i am now having to understand what it means that my visa is expired. >> afterwards, on book t vchv. and you can watch all previous after words on book >> i think the trend has been clearly in the wrong direction on both sides. the congress has not been assuming its responsibilities which has forced at least this president to do more things by executive order. there's no question that they should have come together and passed immigration reform legislation. [applaus [applause] >> and they weren't that far apart.
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and yet, this president and this congress, the congress would not sit down and talk it through. so, in the book, i emphasize that, you know, it doesn't take-- to change this it doesn't take, but one thing, one person that is willing to be a leader and step up. whether it's a congressman or senator paul ryan has the potential do do that kind of thing as a speaker, i have lot of faith in him. say a president, i worked all the time with bill clinton. we didn't agree philosophically, and he was a character. we talked, lot of times i didn't want to talk. he called at 2:00 in the morning, and trisha's side of the bed, it's the president hands to over to me, yes, sir, mr. president, we'll look into that. yes, sir, i hung up, goodbye
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and handed the phone back, what did he want? i said i don't know. something about central america. [laughter] >> here is the point, we talked all the time. we worked through all kinds of things, budget issues, tax issues, defense issues, safe drinking water, portable insurance, you name it. did we agree? no. a lot of times we pressed each other to the point we'd get mad, but we communicated and that was true with reagan, when i was whip in the house, we met with president reagan nearly every tuesday morning when congress was in session 9:00. and sometimes bipartisan and sometimes just republicans. it started developing with george w even though he tried hard to get immigration reform and by the way, i say to mississippiens, look, immigration is one of the big issues in this campaign, let's admit it. if we'd done what we should
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have done in 2007, we wouldn't be here. immigration reform is not just about illegal immigrants, we've got legal immigrants. we've got people who got something to offer and can't get here. one time i had two doctors from canada who wanted to go a pi pickaune, mississippi. i saw it with president bush and now this president and this congress they don't talk. the deficit worries me more than ever because now i worry about my grandchildren. it's not about me or us, it's that generation. and it's a booger here and congress and the president are not dealing with it. the next president, all hillary would have to do if she's president is follow the role to the degree of president bill clinton. because he did meet with us,
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and he did talk with us. or if it's trump, somebody, some of us, have got to reach out and, you know, say mr. president, you say you're going to change washington, the first thing you need to do to change it is to begin to communicate. four things you need to make washington work. number one is communication. if you don't talk you ain't going to get nothing done. real simple. number two, you have to develop a chemistry. i mean, clinton may make me nervous, but we had a relationship, it was a chemistry that made it possible to turn that into action. the other thing we've lost is a vision. what in the hell are we really for anymore? republicans or democrats? do we really know? do we really know what either side would actually do if they're in the majority of congress and have the white house? and last but not least, i've seen it, leadership.
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one man or one woman that will face the, you know, the slings and arrows of the vicissitudes of the media and say we're going to develop an energy policy in america. we're going to have all of the above. we're going to do it. so, it could change, stuart, on a dime. but it's going to take a person of strength because i've seen it. it's -- washington is a tough place, you know? i rode the high road and i got knocked down into the valley, but the best thing about being in the valley, you learn when you get back up how you can do things better. so, it can change. i don't see it right now. i don't see it with mitch mcconnell. i don't see it with nancy pelosi. i do see hope in paul ryan. i don't know what to expect from chuck schumer, who will probably be the senate democratic leader.
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he's smarter than reed, he's ever bit as partisan as harry reid, there's one difference, he's transactional. you can do business. they don't say it that way in new york city, but they understand it. so, there is some hope out there. but it all begins in the white house. leadership begins in the white house. we've got to get a different, you know, tempo coming out of that place. >> you can watch this and other programs on-line at book >> here is a look at some of the most borrowed books this week at madison public library. home of the business business book festival. topping the list is executive director of equal justice initiative, brian stevensson's memoir. the late neuro surgeon contemplates morality, when breath becomes air. and tidying up, end of life
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care. and national book award winner gives his thoughts on the current state of black america in between the world and me. next on the list of most frequently borrowed books at madison public library, jd vance remembers growing up in and moving away from the appalachia region. it's followed by marie condo's spark joy. and the list concludes with anderson cooper and mother gloria vanderbilt dual memoir "the rainbow comes and goes", that's a look at the most borrowed books at the madison public library. >> c-span created by america's cable television companies and brought to you as a public service by your cable or satellite provider. after words is next on book tv.


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