tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN October 25, 2016 9:51pm-12:01am EDT
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challenge the law before the government enforces it against them. we got news recently the state trial court denied the request for a pulmonary injunction which means this would've prevented this ordinance from being applied against them is the case moved forward. oral arguments have not been scheduled at the trial court and they have repealed that. jack phillips is not here today. he is the colorado cake artist. he has owned masterpiece cake shop in lakewood, colorado for many years. because of his religious beliefs he declined to do what a kick for same-sex customer and offered anything else in a shop. the colorado court of appeal declined to take the case. he is now asked the united states supreme court to take his case. we should hear if they will
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decide to take it sometime in january. is not with us today but i'll be talking about this case later on. molly hemingway, while he is currently not being sued and she is today's moderator she the scene here -- she's longtime journalists talking about the election. her work as appeared appeared in media outlets including the wall street journal, u.s. aid today. and i could come on and on. before molly get get started will be hearing from calvin. he is the former chief for the city of atlanta. he is not an artist. but he knows what it is like to lose his crew because of his belief. join me in welcoming him. [applause] >> good afternoon everyone.
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it is good for us to be here. there are a couple of other housekeeping items that are appropriate. in an event of an emergency and there is need for evacuation, please let us make an orderly evacuation down the stairs to my left. if there is a need or occurrence of an emergency i'm going to ask blaine to be the one designated to call 911. now i feel better about getting started. [laughter] i'm not a creative artist or creative professional. i do know what it is like to lose my career for speaking out or standing on my religious belief. i'm honored to start the conversation with a short version of my story. i was born in shreveport, louisiana in the early 1960s. one of six kids. my dad but my mother and my mother raised all six of us by herself.
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she never remarried. when ice five years old, after hearing sirens lazing outside of our door, the door of our shotgun house, we ran out the door and saw firefighters fighting a fire in our neighbor's house, ms. maddie. i was. i was smitten on that day and at that moment and i looked at my mom, brothers, sisters and said i want to be a fireman when i grow up. in those days the grown-ups told us that all of our dreams will come true in the united states of america if we believed in them and had faith in god. if we we go to school and get a good education. i don't know why they are said good in front of education, but they said get a good education. respect to grown people and treat others children like you want to be treated. and they said all of your dreams will come true. it is those principles in serving god faithfully as a christian throughout my life
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that led to my family and career successes. in 1981 my childhood dream came true. i became the first african-american for the shreveport fire department. one of the first african-americans for the city of shreveport. however, because because i was one of the first african-americans i face many obstacles because of my race. some of the fire stations that were designated plates, forks, forks, spoons just for the black firefighters. one fire station i had to wash the dishes and scalding hot water and soap and the captain always check to make sure was hot enough. there is a designated bed and some of the fire stations, all fire stations at first did not have a black firefighter. on the shift that did not have a black firefighter it helped to have a designated bed so that the firefighters who came on duty on the other shift could make sure they're not sleeping on mattresses that were slept on by a black firefighter.
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i faced a constant barrage of racial slurs. i also had an insatiable belief that if i practice the values that i have been taught as a child i would eventually overcome those racial barriers i do hard work and professionalism i could eventually become recognized as an equal to my shreveport firefighter others. sure enough, 1999 i became the first african-american appointed to fire chief for the city of shreveport. in 2008 i was blessed to become the fire chief in atlanta, georgia. because of what i had previously experienced i made a promise to myself that under my leadership nobody would ever have to go through the horse of discrimination that i adored because i was different from the majority. using the strategic planning team i created the atlantic fire rescue document which establish
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a culture of justice and equity for all members of the department and how we would serve our community and one another. the task force included all people groups and demographics of the department including women and members who identify themselves as lgbt. one of our core values that we identify to create a culture where everyone looks were to come in to work everyday and eliminate barriers that would hinder us from giving our very best was a core value that we call is him free. we wanted and amateur that there is no racism, sexism, nepotism, favoritism or territorial is him so we can have a department that we believed in our hearts that we could become. after 20 months of serving under the leadership of the honorable mayor i was appointed by president barack obama and confirmed by the u.s. senate as united states fire administrator.
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the nation's highest-ranking fire official. during my senate confirmation hearing a few members remarked that it was the most bipartisan and least controversial hearing they had ever experienced. less than one year later, the honorable mayor recruited me back to the city of atlanta and icing my duties as fire chief of the city. in 2012 i was internationally recognized by my professional association, the international association of fire chiefs, as the career fire chief of beer. but, in late 2014 my 34 year career came to an abrupt halt when i was suspended for 30 days without pay after the city of atlanta officials, who disagreed with judeo-christian beliefs about marriage learned that i had mentioned those beliefs and a book written on my own time for a christian men's bible
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study. during the suspension the city launched an investigation that determine whether my religious beliefs cause me to discriminate against anyone. i welcome the investigation. because i was confident that adjust examination of my work towards inclusion, tolerance, and justice would dispel any concerns regarding my leadership and integrity. my face faith does not teach me to discriminate against anyone, but rather it actually reinforces and instructs me to love everyone without condition and to recognize the inherent dignity and work of all peoples until late on my life if it was necessary for anyone in my community. after concluding its investigation the city determined i had never discriminated against anyone. nevertheless, on january 6, 2016
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the city of atlanta terminated me anyway. it is still on think about me that the very faith and patriotism that inspired my professional achievement is what the government ultimately used to bring my childhood dream come true, fairytale career to an end. i simply wrote a book to encourage and inspire men to fulfill their purposes as husbands, fathers, and community leaders. just a few paragraphs in a 162 page book, addressed biblical teachings on marriage and sexuality versus taken straight from the holy bible. yet, atlanta city officials included mayor reed made it clear it was those religious beliefs that resulted in my suspension, termination, and ultimate investigation that really exonerated me of their concern. following my termination, and atlanta city councilmember stated, and i quote, when you
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are a city employee and your thoughts, bleeps, and opinions are different from that of the cities you have to check them at the door. ". the city's actions do not reflect the true tolerance and diversity that has always set america apart from other nations. equal rights and true tolerance means that regardless of your position on marriage you should be able to peaceably live out your beliefs and not be marginalized or suffer discrimination at the hands of the government. i strongly encourage you, ladies and gentlemen, to consider this perspective today as you hear from creative professionals that have similar experience. thank you so much for your participation. [applause]
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>> i molly hemingway and it's honored to be here with these people who are dealing with these very serious issues. i'm a journalist interested in religious liberty and i've written about it in great lengths. sometimes when we write about is strike, were talking about the underlying pencils at stake, talk into attorneys and we get a little glimmer of the people that are involved in this. this is a real treat today to actually from people whose cases are at play. also i think for many of us were not journalists, with about how we would handle a situation if our belief, are deeply held beliefs, came into conflict with the government. this gives us a chance chance to see how various peoples have engaged that and how they have come to deal with those problems that arise as government expands in scope and size. i have a couple of questions for our panelist and we can begin with you, blaine. it's always fun to be able to go
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first. you are more than a t-shirt printer. your t-shirt designer. can you explain the distinction. >> from the beginning it was about the design. when we started the company it was back in college. one thing that i cannot stand his christian t-shirts. they were the worst. they. they were so cheesy. like an example would be, the slogan back then was have a coke and a smile so they change it to say have jesus and a smile. something, it was awful. so we set out to say, let's create create something that people actually want to wear. twenty years later that is really what is going on with the company. people call us and say i have a bible verse or we have to christian camp coming up and we want to print this on the kids. so we'll take that and create something off of it that will --
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our hope is that the kids will want to wear it after the events. that it speaks a clear message but when they get home they will take it out of the joint where versus be embarrassed of and say i don't want to put that on. it was always about the design from the beginning. >> great .-period-paragraph. can you tell us a little bit about your relationship with a gentleman who is suing you? >> rob has been a favorite customer of mine for over ten years. i love working with rob. he would come in and tell me what kind of event he was celebrating, birthday, anniversary, or party. he would tell me the theme and then pick out these unusual bases in containers and hand them to me and say do your thing. which i absolutely love because i got to get out of the box to make something different and unique. i love doing the arrangements with him and we had a good relationship. >> can you tell us about what happened that led to this lawsuit? >> rob had been in twice before the shop and asked me and told
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the girls he was going to get married. so i knew why he was coming inches i went home and i talked to my husband. and we discussed it at length. in the things that faith teaches us is that marriage is between a man and woman and it symbolizes christ in the relationship with the church. so when so when raab came in to talk to me about his wedding i just put my hands on robson i said i'm sorry. i can't to to your wedding because my relationship with jesus christ. and he said he understood her and we talked his mom walking him down the aisle. we talked about why he decided to get married after living with kurt for so long. we talked about how we got engaged. we just chitchat it for a while and rob said, would you recommend another for us. and i and i said sure. and i recommended three that i knew would do him a good job. rob and i hugged each other and he left. he went home and told his partner. his partner put something on
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facebook that simply, she has a right to her beliefs, but she hurt her feelings. and it went viral. from there we have five lines in our business and for to excel and we had nothing but death threats, bombing threats, computer threats, threats, ticketing threats, i had to contact the police. i had to get a security system put inches i had to change the way go to work, come home. and even today we are in constant threat of new customers coming and that might harm us. the attorney general and the aclu without a complaint from rob filed a lawsuit against us personally and corporately. so basically right now if we lose our lawsuit, the aclu to attorney fees are over 1,000,000 dollars now and will probably be over two by the time it is finished. so we stand so we stand to lose everything we have worked for and owned.
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>> i just want to share and discussing religious liberty on an npr program a few years back and somehow the topic of your case came up. the person who i was talking with said something about how you are nothing more than a bigot, you cannot throw sticks and flowers and hr. i mention that the case involved a customer that you sir for nine years faithfully. this was a distinction on that the type of service that was being provided. and i remember the host stand or the other participant said wait, really and i said really and they said that's totally different. this is totally different than the case that it's been presented in the media. i want to ask about the thing about throwing sticks and flowers and a chart. is that how you would describe your work as a creative professional? [laughter] >> i hope not. when we do weddings they're very, very involved. i spend hours and months with the bride and groom.
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to find out what their ideas and what they want to convey in the wedding. what message they want. what event they want to have. so we spend all that time to create something that is perfect for the and symbolizes what they are to each other in their ceremony. many times i will go in and help the bracket trust. i. i will so buttons on the talks. i greet guests as they come in, there's a lot of involvement in the wedding and for me to create something that was celebrate something that is totally against my belief, that would dishonor christ. that is something i cannot do. >> thank you. >> can you tell us a little bit about how your business get started? >> we started about one year ago. a little over, over, in may of last year. we have been working together a plan in the since january 2015. we officially filed a me and we
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have both been artists on her own for a while. just doing that in our spare time and we decided we wanted to make a business out of it. >> you have different specialties, right? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes, i am the painter, artists. and joanne is the clicker for. >> and how did you meet your how did you get to know that you're both interested in this? >> we go to the same church. so we had met and a group that we are are a part of. we're talking and i was getting ready to start the business on my own doing calligraphy. i wanted that painting element. i'm not a painter. so i'm struggling with that. in talking with her she was new to the group and looking for work. i found out that she was a painter as i thought, i wonder if she would want to work on something like this. i talked with her about it and said i've never done something small-scale like that but i will give it a try.
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so i saw the first thing she created and it was what i was looking for. from there we started collaborating and it went from there. >> what has it been like having a business together? what you enjoy about a? >> it has been a blast. we love creating our together, especially because we pull ideas from each other and most of the art we do is custom. so our clients will bring us an idea. we take that idea together and put it into something custom and unique and beautiful for them, their event, their home, whatever the piece of art is for. it has been really fun to be able to work together. >> what he create? can you tell us about the products you're creating? >> we create for all sorts of things. our our favorite and the majority of the business is for
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weddings. will do invitations, reception signs, menus, place cards, the, place cards, the decor stuff that make it really special. >> back to playing. part of being. >> sometimes people were criticizing your case and saying what you're doing is just a t-shirt and you should be able to just printed t-shirt. what you say say to that? >> again i scratch my head at the comment of it is just a t-shirt. i thought the example out there with that, when you look at the shirt you look at it and see it as a nike swish, will suddenly just the image, it has no words on it, just the checkmark and
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you see it is a nike swoosh serve some how there's power behind that whether it's vintage michael jordan or lebron james, shoes with a nike swish, companies by millions of dollars to promote something on t-shirts. it's a credible advertising avenue. i disagree with that because companies, businesses across the country spend millions of dollars to use teachers to speak a message. >> was is the first time you have ever turned on work? >> no. that is consistently and the judge noticed in our case that we had to climb messages over and over again throughout the years. even churches. i've had people come and one case somebody wanted to have jesus on -- and their silly stuff that you all the time see. >> i think that was a great idea. [laughter] >> the bottom line, we've had to decline messages over the years.
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i've i said there is a local company who will honor whatever price i gave in so it's our practice to send it to that of the company. the customers have have another avenue to make sure they could go somewhere else of my conscious won't let me do it. >> so in the case at your doing with your did you do that what happened? >> s. i mentioned the other company, said it was something they would handle the same price, everything would be fine but that's where the conversation ended. they hung up and that was it. >> with a able to get t-shirts? >> yes. good news for them, they got their shirts for free because the other company stepped in and took care of it for them. i was happy that they're taken care of. that is the end goal. >> were you willing to refer to another business?
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>> absolutely. i recommended three floors to rob. and i chose it very carefully because i knew he won a custom work that was designed for him and i wanted to to do good job for him. >> there was something else he said that gave me pause. the harassment they are company received when he took the stand. was that difficult for you knowing this affected people other than you, the stand you're taking? >> it was very difficult for me and my staff. the things that came through the mail and through the phone were things that i cannot repeat. but it's okay because the message that comes to my mind is that god will blinder hearts for the truth so people who have that kind of hate are very hurtful inside. it's okay. >> this is great that you're
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starting your business. think of all the joy that can come in this but what you like about being entrepreneurs? >> i think the art part of it obviously is getting to create what was love and what we do and we enjoy taking those ideas that the brides or any other clients bring and to make something really beautiful out of it. as entrepreneurs we bring a unique perspective and that fresh twist to the art we create. were able to look at traditional ideas of art and add something fresh to it and make it modern and new. the brides really love it and all of our clients. it's really fun. >> there's something interesting about your case which i'm not really sure if you can talk
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about, which is the nature of the questioning is that you cannot talk about your beliefs on marriage. i'm wondering actually your attorney is here. >> yes. >> i think it is interesting, this is perhaps something, i think of it as a private citizen we all wonder what would happen if the government came after us or if laws were passed or somehow came into being that would affect our ability to practice our religion, or speak our minds on things. this, in some ways all of these cases are on the this is very chilling. what should people take away? >> i think that is a good point into understanding nature nature of the law there challenging. the law there challenging says that no business can publish any
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communication that state or implies that someone is unwelcome, unacceptable, or undesirable. that type of language. it is so broad that it could prevent a business from posting on their own website, i disagree with same-sex marriage because i can make someone feel unwelcome. and you flip it around and it could prevent a business for saying i disagree with christianity. again, that can make someone feel unwelcome. it's it's very scary when the government has the power to tell a business or anyone that you can post the statement on your website, on the internet, you can't pose that statement. one of those messages is to unwelcoming or not acceptable. in that situation we no longer live in a free market place of ideas, we learn in a society where the government can tell us what to say and believe. that should be concerning for
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not just people of all faiths and all beliefs when the government can tell us what to say and not say. >> another thing. the state trial court in a ruling denying the preliminary injunction has some interesting things to say about, there's nothing about custom wedding invitations made for same-sex couples that is expressive. the creation of custom lettering or artwork displayed on plaintiff's wedding invitations and related wedding products does not constitute expressive speech. that seems insane to me. >> it is a bit strange. i'm only a lawyer. i don't have creativity at all. i can't draw, paint, or do can't draw, paint, or do other things. but i do write words. you things think that words communicate messages and sodas painting. it's a a strange world that we live in that you can put on an invitation the word come join the celebration of this marriage and that does not commute get a message. that seems bizarre to me. that's
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how how we feel confident in our case. >> nothing but creative expression so to say that it is not those things is interesting also. >> i will go sit down off the couch year. >> maybe you can give us an update to the cake baker in colorado at the federalist just wrote a piece on that case which is a very interesting. can you you tell us where things stand. >> jack is a christian man who had been running his bakeshop masterpiece in lakewood, colorado for many years. like i said earlier he declined one custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple and said i can't create something that violates my beliefs and promoting message which i disagree. the commission ruled against him and the lawsuit was filed.
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what was concerning to me was what the commission said about jack for this 32nd plate exchange. they compared jacket to perpetrators of the holocaust and slaveowners. this was extra upsetting because jack's father had fought in world war ii and was part of the d-day invasion and got injured, think in him hall, beach. he ended up getting a purple heart later on. he refused to stop there because he wanted to go on with his troops. he ended up in part of the group those the first to liberate from because attrition can. you can imagine imagine how he felt when the commission compared him to the very people his father sought to liberated people from. another thing interesting about the cases that the same people, the same area, the same commission, commission, the same law, there are three bakeries
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there and someone went to those bakeries and asset to create custom cakes expressing religious views that disagreed with same-sex marriage. that the same commission that ruled against jack under that same exact statute said that was okay. it was just okay. so you look at that have to wonder what is going on here. at the supreme court jack has asked the supreme court to take the case are there's no question the guys, i think it was season two of cake boss, it was a jack's work that was featured in the commercials promoting the upcoming season up this show. if you're to go back and look at the commercial it is a jack's hands and jack's work that is featured on camera. so we have an artist being forced by the government to promote a message which they disagree and being called terrific things long way.
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we'll see what happens and if the supreme court decides to take it or not. >> thank you ray not you alluded to this already but you're being sued in both your personal capacity and corporate capacity. you stand stand to lose everything, your retirement, your living place, if you lose your case. because washington state where you live is a community property state, that means your husband also stands to lose everything in his name. it is worth noting for people have not been following this case with respect to this, it is unprecedented level of attack on a person practicing her religious liberty. you were offered a settlement and and you declined to take it. can you tell us why. >> i was not offered a settlement. i was offered an ultimatum. either you will do as i tell you to do, you will think the way i think, you will perform the way think you should perform and you will create.
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and if you do not, i will destroy you. i don't call that a settlement. i believe in the constitution. i believe in our free rights. and it is not just us. it is all of us. whether you are religious or not. if we do not stand up and fight soon will have nothing to stand up for. [applause] i think that it's a good place to leave things unless you have anything else that you think would be good to mention. >> well i was thinking you could hear little bit about the cheap perspective on this. i think it we could talk a little bit about -- you talked earlier about your faith motivating you, driving you you come inspiring you to do it you do. how is that played out even now? >> all of my life since i became
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a christian from an early age my family has been heavily involved in sunday school, vacation bible school, baptist training, which is constantly been on the tape. one of the terms that describe our faith is a living faith. which simply means that it is a faith that when you live it out through faith and obedience there should be evidence that it is real. so growing up in poverty in shreveport, louisiana, eating mayonnaise sandwiches when the welfare checks and the food stamp groceries ran out and having utilities cut off from time to time. having a dream that i wanted to be a firefighter one day, have to dreamed that i would be a father and husband one day. i was taught that your faith and
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obedience to that would cause that stuff to happen. especially in the united states of america. living out that faith, i'm one of those american christians who have my life is proof that it is a living faith and that what jesus said he came so that we may have life and have a more abundantly. none of my children know what it is like to have tea mayonnaise sandwiches and drink sugar water because we ran out of groceries. they don't know know what it's like for water to be turned off and are lights to be turned off because we have a living faith. i became a firefighter, in fact i became the highest fire official in the united states of america because of the living faith. and are fast, we believe we should live it out. should be a public demonstration be a public demonstration of our faith so that when people are asked and so curious about how is it that you can have this life, we can
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point them to jesus christ's. as a matter fact, matter fact, jesus specifically said if you denied me publicly i will deny you before my father in heaven. so we have to make a choice according to the way i was race. when you have to make a choice between your faith in your job you choose your faith. that is what i did. >> i'm curious on that for the rest of the panelists. i cannot imagine that you had a lot of advanced thoughts or preparation going into the battles that you face. or did you? i'm curious. did you think this might happen? what happened happen? what happened when this fight came to you? >> well i can say from my experience personally and from what i have learned over my life, you really don't think about the totality of the preparation until you have actually passed that moment and having made that decision. but god has been preparing me for that moment all of my life.
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i believe he never puts us in those circumstances unless he is convinced in his heart that he has adequately prepared us for it. >> speaking personally, i'm a christian and when i took my confirmation vows we take a pledge in the lutheran church that you will suffer all, up to up to and including death rather than renounce your faith. always thought that's on a really romantic that used to happen to christians or people in far-off lands. the older i've gotten the more i realize that the suffering, of course happening globally and dealing with the loss of life it deals with the loss of reputation, anger from family members, other persecutions that you did not necessarily realize where possible. it does seem to me one thing i think is interesting about your cases as well as other cases that we hear, they seem to have a strength that allows them to fight these battles.
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where do you find your source of strength? >> while my source of strength, we have all been through trials and tribulations in our life that have brought us to where we are. they're not necessarily things we want to go through but we are put through. one of the things, couple of the things that i been through and i've had hard times in my life which i won't go into, but right after i was married i found out i had breast cancer and my father passed away. i think god took all of those things that i did not understand to prepare me. god doesn't need me. all i have to offer him as my sins. but he says if we seek them out amount and are obedient he will take care of us.
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>> did anything tag? >> was the question of intent. i got caught up in the process. >> i cry every time she talks. i think it's interesting. we are all learning about these cases and all wondering when this fight might come to us. you guys are already experiencing the fight. but how do you have the strength to take this on. it would be so much easier to succumb and you're not doing that. i'm curious where the strength is coming from. >> definitely the relationship with jesus christ. my life and my worship with god is not just confined to a building. >> . .
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this and so he is the thing i say whatever the cost is my hope is in you, not me. >> whether you have received support from the quarters so often when we talk about these issues seems there is extreme partisanship on this topic. is that how it's been or have you received support from people that disagree with you or the right to religious expression?
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>> some of our employees who are homosexuals called inside worked with you for years if you want me to stand up with you and kind of explain this i will do it. then nationally, there was a company that came out and supported us and they said look, you need to stand up because we don't want messages the government would require us to so they kind of get it it's not just the issue that when the government wants to come in and force us to do things against our conscience that is kind of the line. so absolutely, we got support on both sides. he said i have $5,000 in savings and i will give it to you and he
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said i know but i don't care. they said you've never treats us poorly you've always respected us and we appreciate it and we will continue to shop here, so there was encouragement in that and the cards and letters and phone calls and prayers are overwhelming so there's many blessings to come from this. >> you've been here before and there were some interesting things said at that time. >> it's on >> it's one of the greatest experiences i've had in my life
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and i enjoy the entire process for the department of homeland security really prepared me for days and days to meet with the staff. in the homeland security committee it was a whole lot easier than i had anticipated. they lay their lives on the line in the prevention and training that is necessary through an emergency preparedness to take our profession to the highest level so across both sides of
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the aisle they are very pleased with my responses. it's one of the shortest they said they'd never experienced one of the least controversial so that was an honor to me. >> if only you could be honored for everything. when you have your hearing you were asked how you are willing to take on this work and how it would disrupt your life. >> i believe in the constituti constitution. i personalize the preamble of the united states constitution especially the part for the profession of rustic tranquili tranquility. it is insure domestic tranquility and through my participation in professional
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associations over the years they have a firm grasp on the national issues and had relationships i could use to collaborate to make a difference at the federal level. >> senator carper the u.s. asked to provide what it meant to have the heart of insurgent and where that came from where did that come from? >> it came from my faith. when you come from meager beginnings and your hope is god and the constitution and it actually works it drives them away for everything you do in life if he was sitting here
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today what would you say to him? >> i miss him. >> i think that concludes our time for now. if you are interested in coming up and chatting people that have been sitting here today, i would've more thewasmore than w. i appreciate you coming out. thank you and we look forward to talking again soon. [applause]
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chicago to meet with the powerful major richard daley and his son who was chief of staff to barack obama says there's a 70% or greater chance that his dad would have endorsed bobby kennedy during the trip to chicago. ahead of bobby kennedy beat richard nixon the way i think he would have, america would have been a different place i think in some of the issues we are revisiting today, racial tension and international discord might be a little bit different if we tried to address them 50 years ago.
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♪ ♪ good evening and welcome to big your vote 2,162nd district congressional debate. this contest between incumbent republican and democratic challenger emily kane has garnered national attention. tonight we'll hear from both candidates in the traditional debate format. for some background on the two candidates in alphabetical order, emily moved from new jersey with her family when she was 17 and studied music education at the university of
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maine and holds a masters degree from the harvard graduate school of education. in 2004 at the age of 24, she was elected and rose to become chairperson of the appropriations committee and minority leader in 2010. she later served in the senate and worked for more than a decade. two years ago she lost to bruce in the race for the second district. the man who won the contest was born in waterville and studied economics at harvard and built a career in investment management in chicago and new york city and returned to live in mid coast maine where he has been in the real estate business. he served as the state treasurer and won his first term in congress two years ago. thank you both for being here and at the coin tos the coin tos first. why argue the best candidate to serve the second congressional district? >> cain: i am so honored to
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have the opportunity to talk to people about the important choice that they have before them in november. my background is one i am proud of. i helped bring back the tax cut and to try to bring good jobs back across maine. that's what this is about, it's about putting them back in charge of our economy. a lot of people know my legislative background but they don't know that my dad is a shoe salesman and my mom is a sign language interpreter. i learned about good jobs and tough work. sometimes we were forced to change under difficult circumstances and i'm proud i learned from them the value of hard work and staying out of it
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time and time again. that's what i did in augusta and i want to do in congress. the problem is right now we have a congress that isn't looking out for us but is out for himself and those that fund his campaign. this is about who is going to have your back and who can fight for you effectively. i'm ready to do that and put my work in congress. >> moderator: bruce, why are you the best candidate? >> poliquin: thank you for the opportunity to be here. first, it's important to have someone like myself who grew up in maine. mom and dad are also born and raised here and my grandparents are also from central maine. it's important to understand the people you represent and the communities you are representing. the key issue before us in our
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state and district is jobs. we need more jobs, better paying jobs so our kids and grandkids can stay here instead of being forced to go out of state. my whole career until years ago has been to create jobs. i understand how the economy works and how to create jobs. it's something i've done since i became state treasurer. emily says i'm all for myself, first of all, i sleep in my office on a pullout bed and i come back just about every weekend to stay connected to the people i work for. i also refuse to catholic healthcare plan provided members of congress. i have my own plan i've been paying for for quite some time and i also refused the thrift savings plan offered to members of congress. i've had it great career and i have a wonderful son whose 26
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now. mom and dad are doing great. this is my time to give back and i will give back by giving job skills to congress. we have too many career politicians and as you mentioned, she grew up in new jersey and has been running for political office for a dozen years ever since. so those are political skills. we need a jo job creation skilld business skills. we have too much bickering and fighting down there and it comes with career politicians doing anything to get elected. >> moderator: the first issue question goes to you. the opiate epidemic is up 31% in one year. what can be done about this epidemic and what is the role of congress and what have you as a representative do about it? >> this is personal to our family.
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we dealt with this for 35 years with my brother was a grea who t guy with a big heart and a heck of a musician by the way. he got wrapped up in this stuff and is no longer with us. i understand that this issue very well and we have been doing everything humanly possible to help the state of maine and this is all hands on deck, federal, state and local. we cannot give up on these young adults and in the cases of ants, uncles and appearance by the folks addicted to opioids and heroines, we can't give up on them. they don't want to be addicted that they are trapped. second, if someone has a problem with addiction, you've got to go and tell someone. don't be embarrassed or ashamed. next, we need to make sure we have plenty of beds for the folks recovering and once they recover whe we need to hold a pe of individuals accountable.
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they are meeting with recovering addicts. it is incredibly hard on them and their families but the rewards are tremendous. >> moderator: you say there need to be more beds. who pays for those beds? >> we voted for extended funding so they have additional resources to deal with this but this has to be done at the local level. everyone has to be involved to make sure we help secure our borders. 98% of displacing is coming over the mexican border. we need to make sure and that's why i voted repeatedly it has to come from the federal level and that's what we've done. >> moderator: what can congress do to help stem the epidemic? >> cain: too many stories like the one you've heard. too many families are being
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ripped apart by substance abuse and drug addiction an and too my businesses are unsettled by workers who are dealing with addiction and need help. i believe we need treatment, education and enforcement. the treatment because addiction is a disease and people need help when they are sick. we need education to make sure we break up the stigma so those who get through and get sober and get back to work and can get back to living a full life and we need enforcement and make sure our law enforcement officials have the resources they need to crack down on those that would bring drugs to the state and those that would so drugs in our state. it has to be and all of the above situation and this is something there should be no partisan disagreement on. it is everybody's challenge an obligation to dig in and help and when it comes to funding i know right now the congress passed a small amount of funding that the full request is over a billion dollars. i hope the congress can fund it all the way through because this is the time where if we don't
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take action, we don't get our law enforcement, treatment professionals and communities to support what they need. but i'm willing to partner with democrats, republicans and anybody willing to work on taking on this typical crisis. >> during this campaign season each of you have been the has be beneficiary and the victim of a lot of advertising funded by so-called super pac money. do you believe the campaign funding system needs reform and if so, what needs to change quite >> cain: pc whether it is negative ads or you can see where it comes from and this is something the congress and i disagree on. those that are making contributions to need to reveal their donors and citizens united
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has taken the place away from people. i'm proud of that in my campaign, more than 3,500 have stepped up and made personal contributions. the people powered and people funded campaign is making it able for me to reach across the state. by contrast they voted to say that they are a big organization that can keep them secret and they are secrets that means the money could potentially be coming into the state, could potentially be coming in and speaking louder than the voices of the people. that's wrong. i would never take a vote like that. it's time to put people in charge of the system and get the money out of the way. >> moderator: uvb this system needthat thesystem needs reformt needs to change? >> poliquin: we have seen millions poured into the state with these funds. five or six of them are falsely
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criticizing and attacking me for who i am and what my career has been and what my voting record is. there is one called and citizens united. they have come up to support my opponent and spend hundreds of thousands attacking me and their stated purpose is to get money out of politics and they've come up here to attack the. an example of this is there is an out-of-state group that claims to be someone from maine and emily has pared the falsehood. i voted to increase funding by $4.6 billion. there's a big difference from counting a billion dollars were claiming a billion dollars to make sure that veterans get the health care they need that's the
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example people are sick and tired of this. i believe in complete transparency and another thing that's important is this campaign has been going on forever. emily has been campaigning for the office for almost two years. within the three or four months she started campaigning again and that is the difference i represent business skills, job creation skills, hiring people. that's what we need, not more politicians who just follow nancy pelosi's super pac to attack me. >> cain: it's interesting when you hear the congressman mentioned these out-of-state super packs or politicians he's trying to distract from the fact i have a strong record when it comes to doing the right thing
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for people and i focus on transparency. two years ago when the stat staf the terrible grade nationally for the ethics and transparency in government i partnered and passed legislation to improve the likes of transparency right here in the government. and the truth is the congressman did vote for the budget that was a billion dollar short of the request. that's true iif that's true it n dollars short, short changing by a billion dollars. that's not okay. and when you look at the record it's clear my campaign is funded by individuals across the state who care about the future and want to see the driver's seat put back in their hands when it comes to the economy and instead we have a congress that is one of the top recipients of wall street campaign money in the entire congress. that means more than a lot of representatives from new york or california. that's a shocking and raises the question about who our congressmen is looking out for him to the voting record tells the story.
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time and time again they loosen regulations to give tax breaks to those at the top in the middle class leaving working families behind. >> guest: what you heard of someone that had cut and then said fell short in funding. if you increase by $4.6 billion, that is an increase. it has to be 5.6% increase. if it falls short of someone's opinion about the funding should be that's fine. what is happening here it's really interesting. i want to talk about how i can help the families. i don't believe in an elite team'emily kane'sidea to imposen
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carbon. with tax carbon you drive up the price of energy and electricity and the reason they've been having so many problems, one of the main reasons is the high cost of electricity. the plan to increase the carbon tax would drive up the price of electricity. it also increases the cost of gasoline and diesel.
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let's start with the facts. no one wants to increase the cost of energy and in my time working in the legislature i worked hard work across the aisle with republicans and the governor to expand access to natural gas and this is something i take personally. i was there the day we opened up a natural gas line to try to keep it going and i was also there after the boiler exploded and hundreds and hundreds of workers lost their jobs. energy costs me to come down. that's why i believe we need to focus on the renewable resources that we have right here in the state. it's one part of the puzzle when it comes to creating good jobs. so there is an opportunity because of the natural resources and the fact that we can put ourselves in charge of that energy future if we focus on expanding access to natural gas.
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so helping those with older homes i had lunch today with some wonderful seniors who talk about the struggle they have because their houses need to be winterized. even companies like exxon mobil say we have to think about the way we change energy. that's where we've come as a country and a state and i think we could be a leader and this could be part of how we grow good jobs. but i also want to touch on taxes. the congressman brought up taxes and i want to quote that. i'm happy to talk about taxes all day long because my record is clear i was part of negotiating the largest tax cut in history and the congressman on the other hand, paying his own taxes late 41 times including while he was the treasurer and as a member of congress he is also made headlines for years because he
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avoided paying hundreds by using a tax loophole in the tax credit program. these are not the kind of leadership we need when it comes to paying our taxes and my record of lowering taxes through bipartisan work. it's the kind of leadership we need now. >> moderator: going back to energy, do you support any kind of subsidy for solar, biomass, wind? >> poliquin: it needs to be lower but let's go back to this because we just heard a whopper. i'm going to look at the camera at the people and tell you flat out the truth. i've always paid all my taxes in full, always. the reason and only wants to pitch on something persona persi take very seriously is because her record on taxes is hurting our families. let me give you an example. she just said and skipped over something about one thing to
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lower the price of electricity and wanting a huge national carbon tax that drives up the cost of electricity. we just went over that. she also pushed through or helped push through several years ago a new sales tax on 102 items that had never been taxed before. haircuts, trip to the beauty parlor, if i may come actually it was 2009 and it was so onerous on the poorest among us to pay the sales tax on the items that it was rescinded in the people's referendum i think in 2010. on top of that, she talks about working with the governor to implement income tax cuts. she campaigned and worked as
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hard as she could against those income tax cuts as the treasurer at the same time and once they were passed, she then said i hate those. what she doesn't say is those income taxes cut removed the poorest among us from paying mainstreet income tax. we need to help our families, not hurt them. my record is very clear, lower energy costs especially for the working poor so they can keep more of their own money and our businesses can create more jobs. emily kane has zero experience running of the economy and creating jobs. when she was in the state legislature she voted 71% of the time against the businesses and their workers and this is something that was scored by the national federation of independent businesses who endorsed me, they are a nonpartisan group and she voted against --
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>> moderator: i want to get to the bottom of the ad campaigns. are you saying today you defend your land in the tree growth tax abatement program and you never put any waterfront land into that program? >> poliquin: i'm saying xp every single tax info. >> moderator: but did you overtax because you took advantage of the program? >> poliquin: i have programs in different parts of the state and when i get a tax bill a look at it and buy a business manager does it with me. property is taxed in different ways depending the parcel it is and this happens to be out of parcels that are not and i paid every dollar i owed in taxes. i will tell you the issue when it comes to taxes is not individual attacks levied against me. it's the taxes that she has raised on the hard-working families, sales taxes, she hated
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the income tax cuts that were passed and now there's a huge carbon tax. those are the taxes could christ. >> cain: i'm happy to respond to that. when you hear him mention my age it is just him trying to discount my experience. i'm proud of the fact i served in the house and senate balancing budgets and the recession and while learning taxes and working across the aisle to do it. i believe if you want to serve in congress you should be proud of public service and that is why i am so proud and it's pretty cheap shot to talk about my age when i come with more experience than anybody in this race. i'm proud to talk about my record on small business. in fact a few years ago i earned a national award for supporting small business because i worked across the aisle with the then senate president kevin ray to create a program including the filter they added 80 jobs and unlike the congressman that voted against the export import.
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when we talk about the 2011 budget, we have to talk about the facts and the timeline. the original budget proposed in question was full of tax cuts for the rich and thriving them right under the bus on the health-care program but i believe the best budgets are the ones that are bipartisan so i stayed at the table even as the members of my party many of them hated the tax cuts and i talked about that. but my definition of success over to taxes. i've been a part of every bipartisan effort to do that and that is what i want to bring to congress so we get results and lower the income tax like we did in 2011. >> moderator: we are going to move onto another issue. both of you criticized president obama . decision to issue an order but now the national
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monument is monument is a reali. what is the best path forward and what do you envision for the future of the park and the communities near its? >> cain: there is no question that timmy th to me the monument enough of a guarantee and that's why i will be holding the national park service accountable. i will be holding the department of interior accountable to make sure the promises made about hunting, fishing, snowmobiling and local access the promises were kept and the funding that is supposed to come to the region will be there. i'm ready to work with local landowners to make sure that relationship is positive so we can keep the what's working and make sure as a member of congress i believe it is my job to bring people together, to bring together local, state, federal officials as well as financial institutions, educational institutions and local businesses. i was there the other day and heard a story about a local bed and breakfast that has been full
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since august. that is a good sign that it's not enough. we need a concentrated effort to build the infrastructure out so we are ready and the economy in that area isn't just about the monument but a year-round economy where we make things and grow things to create good jobs. the kind of stuff that used to be there at the mouth. a good jobs where you can work one job and earn enough money to pay your bills, own a house, have a car, help your kids go to college, for retirement, and maybe even go on a vacation every once in a while. that isn't too much to ask. it's bringing back those good jobs and waiting to be a part of it. >> moderator: what is the best path forward for that region? >> poliquin: we have access to
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snowmobiling, hunting, camping, fishing, kayaking whatever. but we need to protect the 4100 good at taking career jobs supported by the working force. i objected to the president having the sole authority to stick a flag in the ground and say this is now federal land. we own it. so we made that decision and he had the authority to do it and now we work with everybody to make sure we protect those jobs. also we need t to welcome recreational jobs. that's why the congressional office has been very involved to make sure the national park service is working out and make sure we protect those jobs and invite other jobs. let me go back to wondering if i can. she mentioned her ability of the legislation to balance budgets. she voted repeatedly to expand welfare and what happened is we
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ended up in a huge 500 million-dollar debt to our hospitals because the state didn't pay for the welfare expansion voted for. since i've been in washington i pushed a balanced budget amendment to the constitution and they voted for the budget to balance over time and it does it without raising taxes and unlike the president's budget it jacks up spending and debt and taxes. we need to make sure we grow an economy where your kids can stay here and have an opportunity and that means businesses need to be more competitive. we not only pa paid a volvo's hospital bills and i stay up late nights and literally saw the sun rise from the room in the statehous state house to mae that we got it done.
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making sure that they can get help when they need it while sacrificing education or sacrificing health care for seniors. by comparison in congress, the congress's version of a successful budget last year the congressman said he was excited to vote for the budget that cuts social security and turns than to turn into a voucher program in cuts to programs which means working families who need help sending their kids to college would have less. that's not my definition of success when it comes to a balanced budget. what is is holding people accountable. i've been there to make sure that we withhold and make sure those programs are working well so we can put more people back n that we should have a complete 100% government takeover. everybody that's listening tonight, you've seen the
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premiums go through the work debate have roof. i have a health insurance policy that i've been taking for years and my policy was canceled from an command of my premium went up 45%. others experienced the same thing when you have a complete government takeover of our health insurance industry, which is what nancy pelosi and emily kane wants, you'll see the premiums, copayments and deductibles continue to go through the roof and you get less care and less coverage. >> poliquin: how would you fix it? >> cain: it needs to be fixed and i was wondering what position he would take tonight and then just weeks later voted to repeal the affordable care act and that's tough because that isn't what we need to do when it comes to those pre-existing conditions and the people that have been held under the law there is no question thathat the spoken and that's wy it's frustrating the congress time and time again focuses on
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repealing it. they want to do right by their employees but they can't afford it and it's challenging. the individuals that are following the rules to get their insurance on the exchange see their premiums go up so we have an issue of prescription drugs and it brings us back to medicare because medicare the congress prohibited from being able to lower the cost of prescription drugs by negotiating the price is down. i've taken on insurance companies. when i was in the senat senate i learned if you got cancer and needed a certain type of chemotherapy and you have private insurance they wouldn't cover it, costing thousands and thousands of dollars every single month. i was wrong and it took two years after the bipartisan work the legislature overwhelmingly passed parity so that those that needed oral chemotherapy could pay the co-pay and that helps families every single day. we need somebody ready to take on the insurance companies and
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that's why i'm proud to years ago the committee to preserve social security and medicare came to me and endorsed susan collins and this year the national committee to preserve looked at the congressman's record and looked at mine and endorsed me. that's the kind of champion their businesses and individuals need when it comes to lowering the cost of health care. >> do you endorse your nominee donald trump? >> this is something the media has been so consumed with around the presidential election. they hired me to bring my business skills to washington and that is what i've done. i'm not getting involved in this frenzy and i know i've upset folks in the media because they live on confrontation that causes more people to watch the shows.
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>> moderator: so your constituents are not asking you? >> poliquin: they are saying how can you build a strong economy without jobs. we had a great victory last week. i don't think it was reported widely that we are convinced the european union rather to abandon their plan or idea or thought process about not allowing, this is a huge deal. we have 10,000 jobs on the water in maine, folks that carry them around and then there are thousands of others if so rope and traps. we worked together with everybody. we pushed with the white house and we convinced the european union to drop their plan to not
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allow us to sell -- are you endorsing donald trump? >> poliquin: 25% of the lobsters we sell the celtic europe. this is a big deal they been trying to answer the question that this is what the people have hired me to do to use my business experience not political to help save, protect and create more jobs. that's what i'm doing. i'm not getting involved in a frenzy. >> moderator: so you're not going to say whether or not you endorse a candidate? >> poliquin: i can't control who will be the next president. if everybody has a strong voice in congress for more jobs my opponent is a career politician that has no experience in that area >> moderator: does not always a lot in common when it comes to the senators, we don't always
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agree, we disagree a lot in fact but one thing we do agree on is the question you're asking about who they are supporting for president isn't about confrontation or media circus. it's about telling the truth and being clear and honest. it's not about whether we always agree, it's about whether or not we can be trusted to speak up and tell the truth when it comes to where we stand on fundamental questions about the direction of the country. >> moderator: have you ever broken from the leadership of your party on a significant issue and if so, why? >> guest: it started with my work on the budget where i stood as the democratic leader of the caucus looking than any i am saying it's time for us to step up and make good on all the time we talked about lowering the income tax. it's time to make sure we do it in a way that helps working families.
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i took heat in the press and from members of my own party and in the past when i ran in the democratic primary, that vote was thrown in my face. i am always willing to take those arrows when it comes to doing the right thing. that vote, that leadership i was able to show, the steady principled leadership of doing the right thing is a difficult time. it was a terrible budget when it started that in th but in the ee final vote was 147-3 in the house and thahouse and that is f success that took standing up to my own party to get their. have you ever broken from the leadership of your party and if so, what and why? >> poliquin: i have an independent streak i don't work for the democratic party, i don't work for the lobbyists or wall street and emily likes to say. i work only for 650,000 people i represent in the district and here's an example.
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shortly after i got down to washington i realized that the largest bureaucracy in the world wasn't issuing 100% american made uniforms to those in training. you need to use u.s. taxpayer dollars to pay u.s. manufactured goods that happens to be a long-standing law. so i worked with a democratic member of congress from massachusetts and we worked together and ushered a new bill in the house of representatives, never been done before saying the pentagon must issue 100% american made athletic shoes to the men and women in uniform going to basic training. here is why it's important, they were made in mena, 900 of the best shoemakers in the world work at new balance if we have three factories and icky tsongas in her district have to.
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the largest shoemaker in the worlshoe maker in theworld absot me. once we got it for the armed services committee, 65-nothing. i lobbied everybody to get that through. then i had to beat back or fight back i should say a vote from a member of my own party. 255-155 and at the leadership in my party didn't want this done but we did it and we secured 900 jobs at new balance. one thing i might add is the senate took this languag languad they helped to ushe usher it the senate so now we have passed the house and the senate and hopefully it will stay in the defense and then we have more security and more jobs. that's what the people of maine have hired me to do.
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>> moderator: they face five issues and i would like to find out your stance on both of them hoping we will not take up the rest of the hour with these answers but quickly we will start with question one. to legalize and regulate marijuana for recreational use, how do you intend to vote on that? >> poliquin: we had experience in our family with substance abuse so this is persona servic. i also have seen the referendum the way that it's worded might be a problem for kids getting a hold of pot if this goes through but i will tell you, i'm joining forces with senator susan collins and i'm not going to tell the people of maine hel hoo vote. we need to make sure we balance constitutional rights to consume products we want but at the same time it's a public health issue. but they are going to decide this november 5. i agree i'm not going to talk on how to vote. >> moderator: are you going to say that to every question?
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>> cain: you will find me being clear and consistent. voting no on question one might focus is on the addiction problem we have around the state and bringing more resources for treatment education and enforcement. >> moderator: to 3% tax on incomes above $200,000 to fortify school funding how will you vote on question number two? >> cain: i believe we need more funding for teachers and students in it's tough to pay their fair share. they will put the top rate in rn the state of maine, the state income tax to 10.251%. i think the highest in the country along with california and new york. we have a state right behind us, new hampshire, that has a 0% personal income tax rate. if that happens to me, we have to make sure we think about this long and hard. >> moderator: so you are not going to say?
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without question number three that would impose background checks? >> poliquin: it's been very clear i've been endorsed by the sportsman alliance which is the hunters and the campers and folks that do kayaking and so on and so forth, so we need to make sure we understand that this is one of our constitutional rights and at the same time, we need to do everything humanly possible to keep firearms out of the hands of terrorists, criminals and those that are mentally ill. again the people of maine will decide this and my position is very clear. >> moderator: do that you are opposed to that? >> poliquin: they didn't hire me to tell me how to vote. >> moderator: how will you vote? >> cain: it is fundamental to who we are to keep and bear arms as a country and as a state this is something i have a lot of experience working with gun owners whether it's been with
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the nra, local gun owners protecting privacy rights when it comes to conceal carry permits and also making sure we protect the rights to keep and store the gun safely wherever they want to. i also worked with the sportsman's alliance to expand access which is a key part of who we are as a state. i'm voting yes on question three because i believe we need to make sure we do everything we can to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals and those with a serious mental illness and domestic abusers. >> moderator: we changed into a ranked choice system for the officers in the senate. do you support the voting? >> cain: i don't think it's going to be a perfect solution to all the challenges we have, i think there's a lot of other things we need to do but ultimately question number five gives more voice to people at the ballot box. >> moderator: how would you
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vote on that? >> poliquin: the way that the process would take place i encourage everyone to look at this carefully i'm not going to tell the people of maine -- i'm going to say go vote it is your responsibility but i won't tell you what type of process needs to be passed. they can decide that. >> what about the $12 an hour by the year 2020? >> poliquin: i'm focused on high-paying jobs in manufacturing sector. that's what i'm focusing on. i am not consumed with this issue about forcing a specific wage on businesses. we need to make sure that we protect entry-level jobs, and
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everybody wants a bigger paycheck but what we have to do is grow the career jobs. that's what i'm focused on and that's why i believe we cannot stand the tax that will drive up the cost of electricity and killed at a manufacturing jobs. >> but i asked about minimum-wage. >> i won't tell them how to vote. >> $12 an hour by 2020. >> cain: i'm voting yes on question four. no one should live in poverty and it's important that we put something in place but predictable and sustainable for small businesses which is where we need to be growing the jobs we have across the state and i hope it is clear to those watching at home i hope it is clear to those listening what the differenc defense has been e last five questions. i've been straight with you, upfront and direct about where i
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stand because i think it is important to be truthful and to be honest and direct and what you've heard from the congressman is a lot of political doubletalk. >> moderator: the second district has seen hundreds of jobs lost due to the closure. what is your plan and emily, and i will give you two minutes to answer to help those devastated by these job losses and i will give you about two minutes after that and then we will be out of time.
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>> >> with people i meet every day working harder than ever to one to make ends meet. with farming and agriculture fishing and aquaculture manufacturing to make things here in maine that they will want all over the world. to focus on transportation and cellphone service retry to run a small business if you cannot connect then you are in trouble. my vision for success is the
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economy built on small businesses that we can be in charge of our destiny when it comes to our economy we do that by lowering taxes supporting economic development, ready to go to congress to work for you not wall street to grow the economy not grow more jobs simply sells the trade deals and sent scorsese's and i can be trusted to bring those home. >> what did your plan to help the communities devastated by the job losses greg. >> what we have to do to make sure we bring these high-paying career jobs back to maine. first of all, we need business skills not career politicians with no experience. we need to make real with the cost of energy there is
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no carbon tax is a long way to go. it will kill the manufacturing jobs mosser need to make sure regulations are fair and predictable. i hope the man to make sure the regulations are so putative to help them cost to jeopardize the future investment. to make sure that the taxes are lower if you talk to those it is the high cost of energy and taxes and regulations and unfair trade . that is why analyst at up to make sure trade is there. when i was growing up my grandmother worked at the shipping yard my best friend's dad was a machinist at the paper company.
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we have seen all of the bills was ashley bills go drip drip drip high-energy cost high taxes punitive regulations. it might have the knowledge and experience. >> i will take a page from the presidential debate can you please tell me we would meyer quick. >> to pursue a career in politics. to go to the university and after graduation with public office ever since. that is her career but my career is job creation and hiring people to grow the economy. but she made that decision that is not what we need.
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>> thank you so much. i haven't had this chance to meet him but now he is a good father. so to talk about my background when i was the kennedy is the attached to my family and i would never do that to the congress and private never question his family are background he takes cheap shots at the fact when i was a kid my parents had to move to find good jobs. that is not fair or not right off with the tough choices they have to make every single day. my dad was said good data also. we move several times and i am proud of that. those decisions families make everyday. >> moderator: talk about comprehensive coverage your vote 2016 everything is on line.
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easily won by nine points. now state senator morgan carroll does what the allies could not tying into donald trump but representative coffman tries to take the tough stance on trump asking them to quit the race in right now they go head-to-head in a race that could decide which party controls the house. >> good evening. me alone shows tonight questions they have not been shared in advance. thirty seconds for each answer with the 30 minute live debate. and as they are being
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discussed. live polling data appears at the beginning of the screen. also with emigration as we continue the conversation. >> so start with the of question earlier this week you told us people who enter the united states illegally will remain here illegally. above what disagrees with you on that. carroll: by standby the reason people come here is the same reason why my family came here for a better life and religious freedom. the process itself is broken >> said they have done nothing wrong but what can you confirm with your critics would say to respect the rule of law quick. >> sometimes it is done just that was true during jim crow with a broken
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immigration system so we must up cold the of rule of law but the most impaired important part is to make sure the of what is just inhumane and not hurting families. so the law is part of the problem. >> moderator: you have done a lot to reach out to be in a grab population but ended transeven pretty a good idea of the tear major parties for immigration reform. they're actively supporting policies to obtain legal status. by your party uses amnesty as a dirty word. why should they believe you are the more compassionate candidate quick. >> that we either need to have everything to discuss
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the path to citizenship for everybody. >> that we want to share the border and go step-by-step. i think both parties have to come to gather for immigration reform to secure the borders into keep families together. >> so try to crack through that? >> i think after getting the new district i have have-- sympathy not the adults but the children who were taken when they were very young, they went to school here. and i do think we should treat them differently and i put forward legislation to
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give a path immediately to citizenship based on the work history and the education representative coffman another question for your military career for personal courage has figured prominently in the story that you like to tell to the voters deerfield that you displayed curse personal courage in handling donald trump to sit on the fence refusing to commit? >> and then to put out an ad. separated myself from donald trump. and i was the first member of the congress so i have been consistent on my positions. i think both parties, led
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the differences i will take on donald trump and. but morgan carroll will not take on hillary clinton. silent when hillary clinton is giving speeches to bolster executives. >> moderator: that is your time. it is rather unusual for a congressperson to reject their own party's nominee. not all g.o.p. members have done the same. but he did take his stance before the ballots were mailed to you really think he is dangerous should you embraces congressman coffman? carroll: what we saw was dangerous and donald trump was obvious and waited a long time before him. donald trump is taking in the polls and if you were up
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in the polls i think we would hear a different reaction. but when he first called immigrants rapist and criminals and whims' word pegs and slavs. with the goldstar families. and it is a symbolic gesture and is an act of self preservation more than encourage. coffman: i always put my a country first. eye and a combat veteran first i was elected official was a state representative and come back to see how the first bush administration i criticize george w. bush and i did volunteer to go not because of war was right but
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i stood up to get funding for the virginia hospital. but morgan carroll has no record t18 ec did not see a connection between donald trump to show -- you don't think it strengthens to have elective republican like you to promote the same like he was promoting quick. >> absolute not be was one time i was wrong to make that statement and i said so but to somehow influence any influence on donald trump is ridiculous. >> qc issue with republicans using hillary clinton the ada to have one public/private position and use say discount what i said not being an american at heart queen. >>.
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>> moderator: you say that hillary clinton is trustworthy why are there democrats you chose bernie sanders that clinton cannot be trusted? carroll: we have a big tent in the democratic party and there are different parts of the platform and the priorities going forward we had eight years under a strong personality with the obama what i have seen is a remarkable showing of unity paul in what could have been a toxic primary after get out the vote efforts. to have a lot of passion of folks make sure we have campaign finance reform and climate change and when they work together for a new platform we see the party, together. >> we will continue this conversation to tell us how
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we make your decision in the race as we talk. of what people are dissatisfied with those top two choices. what's if we talk hal of party split their nominee? coffman: how we got to this position but to be the of representative of this district will be either for nancy pelosi or paul ryan i will vote for him. when nancy was speaker she pledged obamacare three without a single republican vote now we see 40% increases to know what will it is it after it passes.
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>> any changes to the primary process by. >> and needs to be longer eye a think the process was too long in 2012 so they shore and it. >> anything how this works quick. >> both parties need to be honest and with the two-party system and most are unaffiliated but they need to be where it is easier for their rank-and-file not just those who have self-declared by candidate recruitment to feel who they can pick on the front end tables need to do a better job to reach out
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to earlier in the stage. >> moderator: we said they could ask questions of each other. >> my question is do you except congressman coffman, any responsibility when for the billion dollar overrun compared to everybody else's? >> and then of district january 2013. i dropped at of the natural resources committee transferring to the veterans committee to provide oversight and the gao report to show they are hundreds of millions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule i stripped them of their authority. but the veterans affairs
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refuses to turn over the report. we would not be where we are today in terms to have the army corps of engineers to cover the project in to do everything they can to trim costs without my initial. >> in 2009 and to get an education and you voted against it. do you regret that though? >> the dream act under my leadership is sometimes it takes more than one year to get there. we actually got it done and passed.
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where is your bill corrects to make 2009 a did not pass. >> get past because of me and my allies but you have nothing to show for your time in office. coffman: you have a lack of leadership. >> moderator: let's try a bipartisan palate cleanser. [laughter] you pledged to be leaders with bipartisanship in congress. celebrity leach to name the legislative accomplishment that you respect and would be happy to support. >> first-year you is accomplished in that respect in the legislature. [laughter] >> i do not know one. carroll: and. >> moderator: you are entitled to 40 seconds of silence.
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i will say that congress managed to do to bipartisan things of criminal-justice reform and another word changes to no child was left behind i do not think that was his place but i was happy to see bipartisan work there. we did not have support on that pledge those are two examples with a stark contrast frankly congress has not been getting anything done that is the problem. >> moderator: we should have put that into the short round laugh laugh the first one is have you ever done governor business three personal e-mail? carroll: yes because we don't get government to e-mail us.
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>>. coffman: yes. there are times on the weekend i have the iphone with me a somebody e-mail's me it comes to my account i will e-mail them back. there never classified. >> moderator: it is not part of the controversy bieber just curious. but based on the claims he has made you believe donald trump is a sexual predator? coffman: i don't know. but i do know that i have worked very hard on a bipartisan basis to prevent sexual assaults. >> moderator: this is a short answer. carroll: yes. the definition of grabbing people without consent is the definition of sexual
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assault and sexual harassment. >> moderator: to support the ballot initiative for the independent voters quick. >> i have problems with measures that on the ballot. >> unaffiliated voters can go right now but that elevates those in handwrites -- enhanced rights. coffman: i gave the presidential primary i support the other adults feel comfortable with regard think people should be able to vote in a congressional or state elective office. >> moderator: name may democrat in the was house to you respect? coffman: certainly i mention
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jackie spears from the state of california i have worked very hard on sexual assaults in the military. from the state of minnesota gently on mental health for veterans. >> moderator: thank you. a republican in the u.s. house? carroll: republicans' overall and click the starkly bob dole and john mccain. coffman:. >> moderator: democrats say that if you win in the fifth contests - - congressional district gives a majority after the first supreme court justice confirmed there is little control of the supreme court .
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last time america saw that in one party control ideological was a jimmy carter a penetration. is that good for america? carroll: i think having but reflects the country is all whole is good for america. i think for a while will be have seen in contrast is just obstructions of what we need to balance to be problems with one party control and basically nothing more than to obstruct so the american people lose under gridlock system as well. steve / unified it only works if they go represent the people of their community who have different views on different issues otherwise one party is railroading. >> moderator: congressman coffman you voted several
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times to repeal obamacare. it did help people get coverage to could not get a before because of cost or pre-existing conditions. how will you handle repealing the law? coffman: most was medicaid expansion that has hurt people and talk about consumer protection. lot of them already exist with colorado law because i was in the state legislator in the small group markets. with portability and a blocked amiability to discriminate on the basis of gender. i think we still need to reform our health care system as obamacare has not promised would it would do looking at 20 through 40% increases in the insurance exchange.
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it is punitive to the middle-class families. >> moderator: and expression with colorado care will be need another part of a public option arena verso coverage? what about those price hikes carroll: no question people are paying too much for too little public health care that is a right and a shed have a right to affordable access but the public auction we need to negotiate the drug prices through medicare and looked up at the antitrust laws so with these entities driving up the price of health care to bankrupt families. congress has a role to make sure they're not getting price gouge and not getting bankrupt. >> see you have committed running for nancy pelosi is there any part of the agenda
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that is outlined that you cannot support? >> the piece that needs to be addressed within the universal background check to make sure we adding to the terror watch list after the theater shooting but there are more concerned of the who is on bill this. is an accurate or due process to challenge? it has to be two steps with that database that is not quite the solution we are looking for. . .
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at the end of the day they are going to look at do they want to return to the good old days when hillary clinton and the white house and democratic controlled senate where they cram things through. >> to restrict any woman's right to abortion during her pregnancy there is free speech to gun rights and the subject to
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