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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  October 28, 2016 5:20pm-7:21pm EDT

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their primaries in, according to it is showing many counties to the east endouth o south of the state, who do you think might win the edge in some of these different counties, henry? guest: i think what we will look at closely on election night are two counties right in the northeastern part of mahoney in trumbull county, the youngstown area, it's overwhelmingly democratic and it has been for years. but, it is filled with the white working-class voters, the blue-collar workers who have becomes and very frustrated with foreign trade deals and donald trump plays well there. he may not win mahoney county or trouble county , but he will cut into the democrats margins there and the question is how much and then if you go south of those counties along the ohio river, these are counties that were
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democratic until the last few presidential elections. they started trending red with john mccain and then with mitt romney and donald trump plays even better than those candidates did. are there enough votes there for him to flip ohio back to republican? are not sure because the senses hillary clinton will be doing better in some of the suburban counties such asan delaware where county north of columbus. it's an overwhelminglypu republican county, but filled with suburban families, higher educated families, high income families on theig types of independence or moderate republicans that my have voted for mitt romney, but an easy voting for donald trump.gome host: and we are speaking with henry gomez, that she political reporter for as we focus today on the battleground state of ohio. colors from ohio can02)-748- join our discussion at 202-74-8000 and all others can call to a two-7488 kenya next line
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early voting in ohio and how that works? guest: so, there are three weeks of early voting in ohio and it's a bit different that it was four years ago when there was a fourth week in which you could also register to vote and vote essentially the same time. cey called it boating week, but was subject to lots of court challenges from republican groups and democratic groups who are campaigning hard to uphold that we can it went away this year, so early voting has been going on since october 12. there is quite a bit of the boat already had with a lot of ballot requests out there and you can essentially vote from home by mail and return your bat-- belt by the court going person to your counties board election to vote in person during set hours and we are at the point now the calendar where the boards of election in each of ohio's 88 counties ore open the last two weekends of this campaign and the democrats are very excited about thatab
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because they engineer a certain port-- point in their turnout operation around the states. host: turning to the senate race there in ohio, that's also very highly contact us-- contested in addition to the presidential where senator rob portman is going against former governor strickland. tell us a little bit about where that race stand. rob por guest: this has kind of been a bit of a disappointment if you are hoping for a close and exciting race.en senator portman has pretty much put this one away. it would be one of the most colossal surprises if the former governor strickland was able to come back and win this. is not able to raise money. he hasn't been a very energetic-- energetic campaigner and senator portman's allies, the super pack, code brothers and a lot of outside spending groups have dumped a lot of money in ohio early to
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divide ted strickland appeared they brought up the bad national and state economy during strickland's term as governor. they reinforced some of the negative feelings r about strickland going to work for liberal think tank in washington washing after he was governor and really buriedrn strickland in the hole that he is not able to climb out of and portland is leading by double digits could to portland credit he's run an outstanding campaign and that ticket splitting democrats and really you can't say enough about the great campaign rob portman has run and the comparatively poor's campaign strickland has run. host: let's look at one of the ads from rob portman's campaign focusing on heroin epidemic in the state. >> on j mcdonald president of the paternal order police of ohio and ohio's police officers need a senator who will have our backs and after examining the candidates records we endorsed rob portman. is always stood stronghebeen str for law enforcement and no elected official is
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doing more to fight back against the heroineca addiction epidemic. please support rob portman. he's on our sob. >> rob portman endorsed by the fraternal order of police. >> rob portland. host: we do have a color, bill from wilmington, north carolina. bill, you are on with henry gomez of good morning. caller: good morning. how is everyone this morning? host: we are good. go ahead, bill. caller: yeah, i grew up in hubbard, ohio, and i lived in youngstown for over 30 years on the north side and young sound like many other towns was an industrial powerhouse in a great place to live and has just gone by the way of detroit. i call it many detroit and it's a crying shame. when i retired, fortunately, my house
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was not my biggest asset or i would have never been able to get out of there because you practically have to give your house away. i was back there about a month ago and i hate to say this i felt like i needed to have a gun in my lap. is just disgusting the way things have gone in this country. you can blame companies, you can blame unions and politicians. there is plenty of blame to go around, but what has happened to many of our seating-- cities including youngstown is a damnedest race. host: okay, bill. let's let henry respond to that.ti is that an issue responding in a campaign? guest: i grew up in young stem myself, born and raised there and went to college there and i go back often because my family lives there. i don't feel unsafe when i'm around the city, but it certainly has seen better times and i think youngstown has been a bit on the rebound, but law and order plays right into trumps big
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campaign theme and east targeting that pours people who'd do feel unsafe in inner cities. i think you would hear from the other side on that that he feels that they feel he drive stereotypes, but sure, it is a theme that has resonated with some voters and donald trump is hitting that. host: we are speaking with henry gomez of focusing on the battleground state offon o ohio this election yearhio. with just 11 days-- days to go. grandma line dedicated just were ohioio residents. we saw an ad from senator portman or classic a look at an ad from former governor ted strickland. >> ted strickland. [cheers and applause] >> love this man. son of a steelworker and first of his family to go to college. is a minister in a public servant. pro he fought for that children's health
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insurance program and as governor he froze public college tuition even though he took office as your governor about a year before the recession hit by the time he left ohio was the fifth fastest growing economy in america.. ted delivers and when he -- it matters most he has your back. host: on the other side senatori portman rescinded his endorsement of donald trump according to he rescinded his endorsement of the party's nominee become in the latest republican to do so in the aftermath of the release of the 2005 video showing donald trump making bulger aggressive comments in a statement posted to his website he said he will instead go for indiana governor mike pence. how has that worked out.e how has the top of the ticket in general affected the senate race there? guest: not as much as the democrats were hoping it would. ted strickland's-- he has sort of eight two-pronged attack and that's president obama supports me and rob
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portman used to support all child. you know, i think that portman did not want to rescind his endorsement of donald trump turkey struggled with it and fumbled for a bit. he was one of the last in that batch of republican senators who revoked their endorsement that weekend after the access hollywood tape came out and we talked with him a few days later and you could see in his thought w process he struggled with that decision and felt he needed to support the voters of his party who had nominated donald trump for presidents and it was a decision he did not take lightly even though i just about every issue, everything that comes out of donald trumps mouth rob portman has disagreed with and when donald trott makes crude comments about women or minorities the first thing ohio reporters do is ask if he agrees and that puts portman in a tough position. it has not hurt portman.he he's running at the top
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of the ticket in ohio because he has been ables into h to bring some democrats into his coalition and really has not been are problem for him. host: you are on with henry gomez of good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to make a comment your kind will be brief. for the people of ohio, i have been to ohio maybe two or three times i want everyone to look back into 2008, how the economy was. they cut down on hours because the economy was bad. because restaurants were not hiring. no employment. today we can talk about that economy growing. it's moving fast.
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and the only suggestingg people look at the boat. the current governor of ohio is on top of the ticket. as a democrat i can vote for him, but i can't imagine myself voting for men like donald trump who has not held office before. just a businessman and does not even release his taxes. host: thank you.u. let's let henry respond? guest: you brought up governor john kasich, the governor of ohio who ran for the presidency and did not end up winning that. there has been pulls out recently i think i saw it focus group the other day that showed if john kasich were at the top of the ticket right now they would be beating hillary clinton by 12on by 12 points. that's not what happened, but john kasich's message has been that the economy iswhat h improving in ohio and the unemployment rate has been dropping and jobs have come back.ears
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president obama once credit for that and republican governor casey once credit for that and really, that is not the terms in which this race is being which fought. is being fought on a population that isand feeling that they are underemployed and underpaid and they are looking for moreosty prosperity of not are the voters donald trump has been playing to effectively. host: come all his comment in from from hilliard, ohio. you are on with henry gomez of caller: my question is-- i have been in ohio for about 18 hours-- 18 years. this election is a paradox to me. on more of an independent in this election. trump is shocking. my question is, in ohio governor casey is a
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republican and reasonable man the way everyone sees him. he is popular in ohio, so how and he openly criticizes donald trump and everything againstd him, so how come he is a popular governor. he is popular, but trump is winning. people who like a sickvo is voting for trump and if not trump should go down. terrible message.dering h i'm really wondering howis this is happening.t henr host: let's let henry gomez respond. guest: it's fascinating isn't iy these two different republicans both popular in ohio or at least, you know-- remember john kasich won the republican primary here in ohio. if the november race
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were between john kasich and donald trump john kasich would probably win the electoral votes overt donald trump your cutting donald trump appeals to a lot ofir first-time voters are people who have not voted in the last two, three, four electionsealing and he's appealing to some democrats and independents. so, that's why he's been able to build a coalition in spite of governor k-6 and not having governor k-6 support. host: we are talking with henry gomez, the chief political reporter as well as a former staff reporter for cleveland business. henry, a little later in the show we will talk to the chairman about the republican and democratic parties in ohio, buffers can you give us an idea about the ground game and howing? each party is doing? >> there is really no contest.
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hillary clinton has the superior ground game in ohio and when the polls at show donald trump hasus a slight edge, that's one thing to keep in mind, but also keep inin mind on election day and these a few weeks of early voting hillary clinton and the democrats are better organized to mobilize their voters to that process.ce june, they at least sense of june have had over 100 democratic staffers on the ground working almost in perfect harmony to let the democratic ticket this fall or conversely, donald trump and this is almost or the trivet ill to the fact that governor k-6 does not support him and has had a hard time building his ground game in his organization in this state. the governor controls the republican party and many of those peoplele have been reluctant to take spots within the trump campaign and it took a while for trump to campaign-- announce eight infrastructure in ohio and he and his ohio campaign manager haveh the feuded openly.
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and there has been lots of tension there. the rnc has had trouble finding staffers that want to work on the ground in ohio for donald trump. they have been through two to medications directors in ohio, both of them quit because ofd trump. the first one said he did not want to work to elect someone like donald trump and thehu second had a huge blowout with trumps ohio campaign manager, so that soft manners-- matters. it absolutely matters when it comes to getting absentee ballots in the hands of your voters and making sure those ballots are returned to making sure people get out for early voting and making sure those people who have not done so before election gets out there on election day. hillary clinton and the democrats will have all of the advantages when t it comes to that. host: the german's calling in from washington dc. caller: good morning. how are you? host: i am good. caller: henry, and 2012, in the
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presidential election, the secretary of state of ohio was really at the center of great controversy for a number ofce reasons, primarily for backing away from his order that would have banned counties from planning early voting and after being summoned to court by a federal judge he was still resentful after the election. he felt that he should have been allowed to do this. now, since them-- then he seemed to have kind of put his head down and i'm wondering what your perspective is on his role and intentions and pulling such a maneuver in 2016? i know that he has made statements against trump , but apart to its happening in the scenes
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back when 2012 was really tempted to be done covertly and i'm interested in your thoughts.reat quest guest: john houston had has been chastened a little bit i think by losing some of these courtit battles over access to early voting and i think while he still holds true to his belief that it was already easy to vote early in ohio, you haven't seen him-- he has lost a few moreof battles this year that were as high profile, but sort ofll of s hovering above all of this is the john houston wants to run for governor in 2018 and it's going to be a competitive primary between him, the sitting attorney general and possibly gr kasich's lieutenant governor, so i think john is keeping his head down and that's a great way of putting it because he wants it to be a smooth election. it's in his best
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interest to preside of a smooth election because that is sort of another notch in his belt if he does run for governor inr 2018. host: so, looking at the spending that has been done in ohio, democrat hillary clinton and the democratic party has spent $4.5 million on ads in ohio this week, nearly twice the 2.3 million that donald trump and the republicans will spend. is that disparity making a difference? guest: i think that it's making some of a difference. i think it's what's keeping this raise close you don't see donald trump run away with the club-- polls. she needs to have those ads on there because trump does have theseou advantages demographically in certain parts of theay state. host: treece's calling in from: as ohio. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call this morning and my comments is that i'm very disappointed in rob portman and i voted for rob
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portman my entirely-- entire voting life. i'm an independent and i can believe it took him out long to come up with walking away from trump. the man has not been forthright with the voters of ohio in that respect and just a quickea comment on the earlier comments, i don't knowf if people are aware, but a lot of the blue counties in ohio have been taken off the election rolls to bebecoun counted as absentee ballots. after the election because he has decided that the way he wants toan deal with the voters of ohio, so i think mr. houston will have quite a problem to become governor of the state of ohio once this election is over with them these people find out that their votes are going to count because they haven't voted in the last six years. host: let's get an update on that end let henry gomez respond according to
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ohio voters improperly removed can vote. ohio this from last week ohio voters that were improperly removed after not casting a ballot for several years will be allowed to vote in the november general election picked a federal appellate court last month ruled ohio's practice of vocational and canceling voter registration after six years of inactivity wasal illegal and the us district court issued a decision mandating that voters purged since january 1, 2011, will be allowed to cast ballots. henry, tell us a bit more about that and how that affects absentee voting. guest: that was one of the cases i alluded to with the last call her about how john houston has lost a couple more battles this year, not as high profile, but that is the one case at the center of the democrats argument this year that the republicans in the state including secretary of state are not administering
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fair this has been something that he has been pretty f consistent on and it has been up to the courts to decide. i'm not all that convinced it's having a big effect on early voting, but it is something we justearly vo haven't seen any measurable data on at this point. host: maureen is an in from gerard, ohio. you are on with henry gomez of caller: i would not vote for rob portman and i can't wait until we go back-- host: are you there?e? caller: yes, i'm here. host: go ahead. caller: i said i can't wait until sunday that we get rid of our i want to go back to a democratic governor. i live in gerard, ohio. roads-- roads stink and i hear on tv that john kasich has just been so wonderful for the state
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of ohio. we wouldn't have collective bargaining. he try to take that away a few years ago and we voted that down. i just can't see what john kasich has done. my husband works in pittsburgh.. he was laid off as an electrical engineer and cannot even find a job in ohio. i live in ohio and he lives in pittsburgh andb this rob portman and some of these republicanth governors and thesean republican people and to me of pittsburgh, they go out and tell you that they are for social security, all thesecu programs and then when they go back to congressthey v they vote against everything. host: let's let henry respond th some of these issues. guest: maureen brings up a really good points about john kasich, another caller earlier talked about how he comes off as a reasonable guy and there are a lot of people that are very angry at out some of the things
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governor kasich did in his first year in office such as go after collective bargaining for public employees and the voters of ohio overturned that at the ballot box in 2011, and since then kasich is moved more to the middle. as far as issues that have been brought up, i mean, yes, that is what you hear a lot especially from democratic voters who are unhappy with republican leadership in ohio. that is a ted strickler -- strickland by) hillary clinton, most likely. it's the feeling that the republicans st controlling the state have not made things as well as they could be. host: david, in addition to the spending advantage that democrats have over republicans it seems that democrats have high profile surrogates in ohio according to joe biden and jay-z are t among what it calls ade never-ending parade of presidential surrogates
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took it says with 11 days left to election day, president joe biden will be dropped in for an unexpected visit as well as jay-z will host a concert there, not the first time he has hosted a concert there despite the fact that he's from brooklyn. what is it about this race that's trying these high-profile folks? guest: well, you know, it's such a more expanded battleground map this year-end ohio although it's always been hugely important to the electoral college there is a sense issue that states like north carolina, pennsylvania, possibly now even arizona, utah and georgia are more important in ohio and we are not used it to that here. we always think we are so important everyone should be here all the time, but hillary clinton in particular, her most valuable resources or time and she can't be in every state that wants, so her
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campaign has mobilized celebrities and other high-profile democrats to barn store in the state for her when she's not here in the strategy is not to necessarily-- we cover those events when they are warranted, but to get headlines of some of the smaller 10 newspapers who, the cast shows up in your small town and that's a big deal and that something those people will talk about for a long time, so to me that is the strategy. you might bring someone to an event that was not likely to go to a political event otherwise. that person seems more motivated to go vote and maybe knock on doors. host: david is calling in from houston, north carolina. good morning, david. caller: how you all doing up there? mr. gomez had brought up a good point and he kind of jewelry parallel to north carolina and i had frequented the state of
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ohio or whatever little bit and mike workers union and hillary clinton is connecting with, you know, a wider more diverse group of voters in which a sum of the talking points that mr. trump has, you know, has it been so welcoming, i mean, he's going to lose the women's vote. even though some women may do with her husband say when they get behind that curtain they will think about those things and, you know, to the latino vote and really breaking down the demographics of the boat and it being very unbalanced when you look at the inconsistencies in the history of the republican party and how it's almost been hijacked by donald trump and, you know, they are going to have to rebuild because it's going to fall apart.
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host: okay, david. that a lot to unpack. us let henry take a shot at it. guest: those are all good and fair points especially about how the republican party will have a lot of soul-searching to do and we said the same thing four years ago and ended up with a completely different candidate, but when they're really did not fulfill a whole lot of the gop autopsy after 2012. it's interesting because when i cover donald trump events and when he's at his best he has a focused message, which is around to the fact that people are frustrated that they are not making enough money and not as employed as they should be and they don't have the jobs they want and that no one is looking out for them. when he just sticks to that it's a message that resonates, but when he gets into these little sidebars by picking on minorities, picking on mexicans, talking crudely about women and that's not helpful. those are the headlines that are hurting him in preventing him from extending his base beyond the 35 to 40% of
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americans who are really tapped into that sort of anger right now. host: so, just looking at the more of the demographics of ohio, on statewide offices are held by republican at the moment. republicans also have a six to one majority on the ohio supreme court and the democrats and republicans each hold one senate see, but it is strongly republican. at the same time according to the latest politics average donald trump is averaging only a one point lead over hillary clinton there. with the differences between voters who clearly like electing republicans, why isn't he doing better? guest: we are talking different years. the statewide office voters you mentioned are elected in off years, midterm years in the electric is different and when we have a national election like a presidential election the full weight of the party machinery theoretically is behind
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you. democrats sued up well for demo-- presidential elections in ohio and i think the fact that you have had democrats on the ground for months is showing up in hillary clinton's poll numbers because she has been on tv, because her people and been in the field knocking on doors and i think that is showing up there. we may talk with the ohio democratic party later, but the democrats in ohio have been in the dumps for a long time and ted strickland is like the only democratic governor in 30 years in the state and he only served one term. dammit tough time recruiting-- recruiting good candidates. they are still reeling from that and i think they are having a tough time recruiting candidates for the next round of statewide elections in 2018. host: good morning, stephen. caller: good morning. i just have a question, if the president of the united states during the inauguration have to swear to uphold the
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constitution, very many of the things donald trump has said throughout his campaign have made me question whether he would uphold the constitution, so my question is, how could we ever consider electing such a person? host: go-ahead, henry. guest: well, there's 40, 40 to 45% of the people showing they are considered electing him. he has his weaknesses, sure. are not the best person to answer that. you have to talk to the voters picked a feel donald trump gets them and they recognize there are things about him that are undesirable, but they still vote for him in spite of that because they feel that he is going to shake up the system in a way that
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hillary clinton won't and then you talk to other republicans, more mainstream republicans supporting donald trump and their big issue is the supreme court whereas donald trump is unpredictable they feel they have a 70, 75% chance of donald trop picking conservative justices and they feel that chance is zero with hillary clinton and that's the thought process i hear from republicans that i talked to. host: bob is calling in from tennessee. caller: thank you for taking my call. i will tell you what it is. we are tired of what's been going on is why we are voting for trump. we are tired of the liberalism. we are tired of murder. we are tired of lawlessness. we are tired of all the coverups and one last thing, democrat christians, why don't you get on the right side of god and support not murdering those babies? the homosexuals, you are
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citing with the devil-- host: okay. how are social issues like the plane in ohio? guest: i mean, not big, i mean, you hear the abortion issue mentioned by a lot of mainstream republicans that i mentioned previously who are worried about the makeup of the supreme court, but again donald trump is not speaking-- that is an odd call her to me because donald trump is not speaking to this. donald trump at the convention in cleveland, talked about supporting lg bt q issues and people and he has not done a lot to back that up in terms of policy, but donald trump is not that strident when it comes to social issues and in fact he is talked openly about being pro-choice, so that to me is not with factoring into the trump coalition. host: we are talking with henry gomez, the cheap political
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reporter from header, can you talk about the urban versus rural divide in the state with about half the voters in the whole state residing in nine counties and the rest of them are spread out over the remaining 79 counties. how is that plane out about the senate and presidential race right now? guest: well, we talk about there being 405 ohio's with the northeast, eastern ohio, southwest, central and northwest and it really a campaign gets fought on one major front mess the big cities. hillary clinton is spending a lot of time in columbus and cleveland and to a lesser extent cincinnati because those are the three major urban areas that will drive the lions share of the vote in the lion's share of the democratic vote come election day. whereas, donald trump and mike pence, there'd
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strategy has been different pick their hitting the big cities, but last night donald trump campaign-- campaigned in geneva, ohio. that's about an hour east of here in cleveland, but no presidential candidate has visited there since jfk in 1960. is a small county pick obama won four years ago i think by double digits , but it is so small. it's not like it would necessarily be the difference maker. mike pence campaigned in ashland, ohio, which is deep republican territory. that must have been a visit to make sure you get out the base to vote because donald trump and mike pence-- they should be focusing more and traditional public and base areas or some of these blue-collar democratic areas where they might be able to chip away at the margins. hillary clinton is focusing on those big urban areas that will
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drive the lion's share of the vote. host: david is calling in from st. joseph, missouri. good morning. caller: good morning. i'm just going to say i am sick of these marxist democrats and their mouthpieces in the media. you know, you clowns, i fought for this country and my brother and sister fought this country and we are constantly being disrespected by you and put down because we dare to fight for what this country is all about. all you guys care about is these thugs from the black lives movement that think they are entitled to commit crimes against anyone no matter which way-- race they are. they want to promote the murder of unborn children for the most god-awful reasons and i'm just going to say that even if trump loses i and many of us will never surrender to you marxist democrats.
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i pledge-- i did not pledge my life away to see it through to wait for greed, corruption and evil. host: henry, is that the sentiment you hair on the ground in ohio? guest: not so much. i've read stories about trump supporters at trump rallies expressing thoughts similar to that and there are deftly questioned as to whether some voters will accept the results of the election and those flames are fanned by donald trump himself and being evasive as to whether he will accept the results. i think it is unfortunate and dangerous rhetoric. i am saddened to hear some of the hatefulness in his remarks and i am proud of my country also and i'm a journalist and i work every day and i'm proud of what i do. just sad to hear that rhetoric, but we do hear it a lot in this election. host: as we mentioned of that later on we will have a republican chairman on, but but
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just before he comes on from your perspective how has the dispute between his announcement that he is supporting donald trump's bloody from previous support for governor kasich, how is that resonated in the race? guest: from an organization standpoint it has been helpful. a lot of the rank-and-file republicans have moved on and agreed to support donald trump and there were some unhappiness that he was taking a public stance, not against trump, but coming out publicly insane what he disagreed with donald trump and he talked to me a few weeks ago and that really got under republicans skin about advice given to donald trump and he would advise donald trump not too had to harsh rhetoric when he comes to ohio because ohioans don't want that and some of the trump people and other republicans were unhappy that match is going with that, but what it did
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was created more dramatic headlines for the trump campaign and i don't understand what they thought was helpful about going public with this feud they were having because it just promoted this ongoing storyline that they are disorganized, but that-- that the establish republicans don't like him and the only thing i can think of is that it feeds into this that the system has been rigged and look no further than matt who is kasich's successor in his same things that are disparaging about the trump campaign and that it's not about the system. it fits into that, but i don't think the headlines that come out ultimately helpful. host: mary is calling in from maryland. you are on with henry gomez of caller: hello. host: you are on, mary. go-ahead. caller: i'm calling to say that donald trump is only for donald trump.
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donald trump has no plan , no agenda to do anything for the american people. besides, even if he does have something he is so terribly disliked-- chernow. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] ..
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>> i understand you play houston this weekend. are you guys feeling all right? are you fired up? are you ready to go? i'm fired up. look at this crowd. [cheers and applause] >> i think it's being broadcast outside the auditorium. everybody who couldn't get in we ended up being too packed and the fire marshal had the close things out, if you're outside, i want you to know that i love you too. can everybody please give debbie
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a big round of applause for that great introduction. [cheers and applause] >> a young lady that makes us proud. a couple of other people i want to acknowledge, your outstanding mayor buddy deyers in the house. your wonderful senior senator bill nelson is here. [cheers and applause] >> your next members of congress, former governor charlie chris, stephanie murphy, daron soto, your next united states senator patrick murphy. [cheers and applause] >> and all of you are here. and i am here to say thank you. i want to say thank you because
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it has been -- i love you back. [cheers and applause] >> you know, it has been -- >> you know, it has been a privilege of a lifetime to serve as your president. and michelle and i could not be more grateful for your support and your prayers over all these years, but -- hold up. hold up. but we are not done yet.
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i've got one campaign left in me. [cheers and applause] >> michelle have a little more work to do. so i'm here today, florida, to ask you to work hard as you did for me to make sure that hillary clinton is the next president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> i didn't see the band back there. what's going on? [cheers and applause] >> sorry, but i just love marching bands. i had to acknowledge the marching band. are you guys --
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[cheers and applause] >> are you guys from -- you're from the the college, you're the high school? where you're from? what did they say? high school. there you go. we are proud of you. where was i? listen. hold on. you guys are just so excited. [cheers and applause] >> now, let me say this, florida is always a battleground state. florida is just a big diverse
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state which means that the races in florida are always close. i remember when i was campaigning here on the closing days, another hard-fought campaign eight years ago and some of you were only four, but if you will recall, we were going to two long wars, we were in the early days of the worst economic of your lifetime on everything from health care to climate change to criminal justice issues, we have just been kicking the can down the road for way too long and i said -- i said at that time, i said at that time that i wasn't a perfect man, i wouldn't be a perfect president. i said at the time that if you elected me, we wouldn't solve
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every problem on day one, we wouldn't solve it all in one year or one term or even in one presidency, but what i told you was i would work hard to do right by you. [cheers and applause] >> that every day when i walked into the oval office i would be thinking on the folks i met on the campaign trail, i would be thinking about the students who are trying to get a good education without a ton of debt. i would be thinking about the working families who are trying to figure out how to pay the bills and maybe they had lost their homes or they had lost -- they had lost their pension because of the economic crisis. i told you that i would be thinking about folks who didn't have health care and were worried about how they were
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going to make sure that somebody in their family that they loved got treated fairly. and i will tell you this, i have made mistakes during the eight years and there have been times where we have had ups and there have been times where we have had lows but i kept the promise to work for you as hard as i could. and you kept faith with me and working together, what we have seen is that an america that was at the edge of a depression battled back. and we turned job losses into 15 million new jobs and last year incomes went up faster than any time that that i have been keeping records and poverty went down faster than any time since 1968.
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we just learned this week that the economy grew faster than any time in the last two years. [cheers and applause] >> we have seen an america that went from too many people unsured to now 20 million people with health care who didn't have it before. and the lowest unsured rates in our history. we have seen an america that was hopelessly hooked on foreign oil, kicked that addiction and suddenly we are producing solar energy and wind energy and fighting to protect our planet by reducing harmful carbon pollution. [cheers and applause] >> we've seen our men and women in uniform, the best that there is, sign up to serve and meet every mission, to pursue the terrorist responsible for 9/11
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get osama bin laden, make sure that justice was served. we have seen a country where freedom was limited in so many places to a situation now where in every state in this union you can mary the person you love. [cheers and applause] >> we have increased access to pel grants, we have seen the highest high school graduation rate in our history. we have seen the biggest college enrollment in history. across the board by almost every measure we are significantly better now off than we were eight years ago.
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[cheers and applause] >> and -- and part of it is because we have policies right but part of it is because of you. i traveled across all 50 states and i have seen what makes america great. i have seen folks working hard, starting their own businesses, teachers reaching into their own pockets to make sure kids get their education, i have seen doctors serving the poor, i've seen our brave men and women in uniform and our brave police officers and first responders running towards danger and working to keep us safe. i've seen the the patriotism calling on us to live up to our highest ideals. i see you. [cheers and applause] >> americans of every party and every faith knowing we are
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stronger working together whether we are young or old or men or women, black, white, latino, asian, native american, folks with disabilities, gay, straight, it doesn't matter, all pledging allegiance to the red, white and blue, that's the america i know. [cheers and applause] >> that's the america i love. that's why through all the ups and downs i haven't been worried about this country because i've seen the heart and soul of the american people and it is good and it is decent and it is strong and it is resilient and there is only one candidate in this race who i believe can continue the progress we've made and i know that because she's devoted her life to making america better and that is the next president of the united
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states hillary clinton. [cheers and applause] >> so i am going to work my heart out over the next 11 days. you know, i don't know about you but i'm not tired. i'm feeling good. [cheers and applause] >> i'm ready to work and i need you to join me. florida, i need you to join me. young people, i need you to join me. [cheers and applause] >> and you don't need to wait until november 8th to do the work because here in florida you can vote early.
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[cheers and applause] >> here in florida you can vote right now. and if you turn out to vote and i want young people to listen here, hold on a second, i'm going to get quiet for a second. hold on, hold on. i'm going to talk to young people here for a second. if you vote, if you, young people, vote, if you vote for somebody who wants to make sure that college is more affordable, if you vote to make sure we are dealing with climate change instead of denying it, if you vote to make sure that we have somebody in the white house that cares about civil rights and cares about making sure that everybody has a shot, if you vote, you will send hillary to the white house. you, you. you will send patrick murphy to the united states senate. it's up to you.
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and by the way, for those of you who are not young but just young at heart, don't be offended. see, i have to speak to the young people because us old heads we generally vote because we have, you know, because we don't have enough energy to have as much as fun as the young people do so we are not as distracted so we go to remember to vote. the young people they have a lot of stuff going on but i need you, young people, to vote. and by the way, the nearest early voting location for orange is down the street. the nearest seminole voting location is down the road at avito aquatic center. and you can find other early
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voting locations just by going to but here is the thing. you guys are just being so sweet to me and i appreciate it but but understand this, understand this, all the progress we've made over the last eight years goes out the windows if we don't win this election. [cheers and applause] >> health care for 20 million people goes away, the progress we've made on climate change goes away, all the work that we have been doing to make college more affordable goes away. i mean, the stakes could not be higher and i understand that right now the polls show hillary having a lead -- no, no. hold on. hold on.
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you know, sometimes when you get a lead whether it's in sports or in politics, you start feeling good. you start celebrating too early. you start getting turnovers, you start missing free throws, suddenly it gets a little closer, you start tightening it up and next thing you know you look up and you let it slip away, see, i don't want y'all feeling too good. i want you hustling all the way until the polls close on november 8th. i don't want you to take things for granted. i don't want you to do a usain bolton looking back smiling because politics isn't like track and field, you're not always as fast as usain bolton.
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you have to stay focus and run through the tape, we cannot kick back and think that we have this thing won because this has been a volatile race. folks in a volatile move. media stories go up and down and sometimes it's hard to sort out what's wrong and true and what's false which is why the other guy can say what he wants, right? and so we have to work hard, and by the way that's who hillary is . that's who hillary is. i have worked with hillary, she works hard every single day. she doesn't take a day off. she just keeps on working.
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i have seen it, i have benefited from it, i have seen her in the situation room making argument to go after bin laden even after it was risky. it's not always flashy, people at home don't always see it. folks like big speeches and sound bites, she doesn't always get the credit but she does the work, she does the work. she understands the challenges we face. she knows what we are talking about. by the way, when things go her way, you don't see her whining or complaining that things were rigged, she just comes back and gets up and works harder and she works harder and she works harder until she gets done what she's supposed to get done.
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and the reason she works to hard is because she cares. she knows about hardships. her mom was an orphan. she knows the decisions that you make in the presidency are not abstraction. she know that it just the game of politics. she knows that we decide, what i decide and what she would decide as president means everything to a soldier or a veteran or military families, a family who is trying to make ends meet for the children who is trying to go to college for the first time. for a young person that was brought to the country as a child and contribute to the only home that she's ever known. hillary knows that order --
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ordinary people need a champion. she has details and read them through and thought them through which is why she's in a debate with the other guy, she's talking about stuff that she actually knows something about and the other guy is just making stuff up. [cheers and applause] >> i was a good student in law school and when i was in high school my first two years i was one of the guys that kind of was talking and trying to get in good with the teacher, i was kind of charming and -- but i wasn't always doing my work. you know, that's okay for a
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while. just like you want a pilot who did their homework when it comes to flying a plane. you want somebody who is actually going to work hard and do the job. you want somebody that knows what they're talking about. and by the way, you know who is also a hard worker, it's patrick murphy. [cheers and applause] patrick murphy. unlike his opponent, marco rubio, patrick actually shows up to his job. [cheers and applause] >> he puts you ahead of politics. he didn't try to defund planned
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parenthood. he fought to make sure women could make their own healthcare decisions. he didn't say that he was supportive of florida's latino community but when the policy got tough you walked away from comprehensive immigration reform. unlike his opponent he actually believes in science and that climate change is happening. [cheers and applause] >> in a recent debate, marco rubio didn't accept that sea levels are rising. now, he's from miami. [laughter] >> so you can go to miami and on a sunny day you can see a foot of water and if you want you can
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put your finger in it, it's salty. [laughter] >> it's in the middle of the road, it's a problem, but apparently what 99% of scientists and what your own eyes tell you is not true from marco rubio's perspective meanwhile patrick murphy brought democrats and republicans together to fund everglades restoration, he cares about the environment and as your next senator, he will fight along side hillary to protect this planet for the next generation. [cheers and applause] >> patrick! patrick!
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marco rubio still supports donald trump. don't boo, vote. don't -- you know what, i always have to say this. trump can't hear you booing but he will hear your votes. [cheers and applause] >> rubio doesn't care if you boo, but he will care if you vote. you know what, for some voters -- hello. for some voters, marco rubio will say i think that what donald trump said is terrible and then in front of other
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voters he will say i'm still supporting donald trump. you know what, you can't -- you can't have it both ways there. this is a cynical as politics get. you can't just say anything or just pretend to be anybody in order to get elected or stay elected. if you run for office on family values, then you should have been walking away from a nominee months ago who is calling women pigs or dogs or slobs or degraded them not on the content of their character but on the scale of 1 through 10. you can't with a slight face say you respect women and support somebody who brags about assaulting women.
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you don't have to be a husband, you don't have to be a father to stand up for women, you just have to be a decent person. and i will tell you that i know everybody has been knowing michelle has been pretty passionately lately. [cheers and applause] >> this is something that as parents when we think about our daughters and listen to that kind of behavior, we say that is not the kind of example we set for our children, for our boys, for our girls. [cheers and applause]
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>> obama! obama! obama! >> now, obviously i can go on and on why i don't think the republican nominee is fit to hold this office. but i will say this, in my two campaigns for president, i had very strong disagreements with john mccain, i had very strong disagreements with mitt romney. i believed i had better ideas than them on how to lead the country, but i was never concerned about the fate of our
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democracy if they had won. [cheers and applause] michelle doesn't love politics. she wasn't thrilled about me going to politics. she understands because there's something more fundamental at stake in this particular and that is who we are as a country, what is our character, what values do we stand for. we cannot teach our children to treat women as objects. we want to treat -- we want to teach our kids to treat everybody as full and equal citizens, capable of doing anything. we can't teach our children to bully immigrants and people of other faith, we have to teach them that everybody matters and everybody is deserving of
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respect and we are stronger together than we could ever be apart. [cheers and applause] we shouldn't let our kids think that politics is about pitching a new hotel or a new golf course or a tv contract. it's about working on the common good and promoting opportunity and justice. that's what hillary believes. [cheers and applause] >> that's why she has to win this election. it's at the heart of methodist creed her mom instilled in her do all the good that you can as long as ever you can. that's why she's in this. she believes like i believe that
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we can summon what's best in each of us and we can make the country better for all of us. she believes that together we can do big things. that we could never do on our own. and isn't that what america is all about? we are a country like no other in the world. we are a country that was founded for the sake of an idea. we hold these truths self-evident that all men are created equal. that we are endowed by our creator with certain rights. you don't have to be born in wealth or privilege, you don't have to look a certain way or have a certain last name, that if you're willing to give of
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yourself, you can move the wheel of history. that's what drove patriots to choose revolution over tyranny, that's what led gi's to liberate, that's what gave women the courage to reach out for that ballot, that's what led marchs across the bridge in selma, that's what let workers organize for better wages, that is what has made america exceptional. that is why america is great. [cheers and applause] >> and all that progress, all that work hasn't happened because some person from on high did it for him, it's because we did it together because ordinary people worked hard because immigrant families like debbie's parents worked the night shift,
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they saved and sacrificed, they got involved, they spoke out and even though sometimes that progress is slow and coming, sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's frustrating ultimately that process of self-government moved us forward and that's what hillary understands. that's what she understands. she knows that in a democracy that's big and diverse like this, you can't be demonizing each other all of the time. you can't -- you can't just make stuff up about each other. you can't spend all your time calling each other names. you've got to compromise sometimes even when you're right. she understands nobody is perfect, not even presidents, but we should try our best to conduct ourselves with just some basic home-spun values, honesty,
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decency, generosity, fairness, the things we try to teach our things, the things most of us should have learned in kindergarten, that's what we should expect. [cheers and applause] >> look, i am here to tell you -- i am going to be honest with you. i understand that this is a polarized country right now. i understand that everybody is routeing for their side. i understand that so much of the news in this election cycle has been discouraging or cynical and these days because of the nature of the internet and social media sometimes it's hard to sort out what's true and what's false, i know that so many people can
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feel cynical sometimes about our prospects for progress and change and sometimes it feels like washington is very far away and distant, but i'm urging all of you and i mean this, the choice in this election is really clear. you've got one person who is really, really well qualified who really, really cares about doing the right thing who is committed to sustaining the work that you and i have done together over the last eight years. i believe hillary clinton will be a great president. i believe she will move this country forward, but she's going to need our help. it's not enough just to elect her and then have a republican congress that is already talking about not being willing to
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cooperate with her on anything, when they control the senate and the house, right now they can't even pass their own stuff. and all we are going to see more gridlock and more obstruction and more threats to shut down the government and more threats to wreck the economy. they've given up on their own nominee but they are promising more unprecedented dysfunction in washington. they didn't work with me when i took office even when we were in the middle of a unprecedented crisis, they sure will not work with hillary now. some of them are already promising years of investigation and hearings and obstruction and repeal votes. they're already saying they may not appoint a nice supreme court justice at all. they boast about refusal to compromise as if that in and of itself is an accomplishment and all it does is prevent what
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everybody is looking for which is fixing up our roads and putting people to work and cleaning up our environment and fixing immigration, educating our kids, keeping them safe. you know, if you think that the slogan vote for us because we are going to give you gridlock, if you think that's a good slogan, then you should vote republican. but i'm hoping that you're not that sin -- cynical. if you care about creating jobs, the families can live on it. if you care about child they can afford, if you care about equal pay for equal work, if you care about raising the minimum wage, then i need you not just to vote for hillary but i need you to vote up and down the ticket. i need you to vote for patrick murphy. i need you to vote for our members of congress.
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people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and move this country forward. so young people let me say this one more time, i know you maybe cynical sometimes and you may be fed up with politics, i know there's a lot of crazy stuff on tv and even crazier stuff on the internet, but you have the chance right now to reject a divisive mean spirited politics that would take us backwards. you have the chance right now to elect a woman, our first female president, who has spent her entire life moving this country forward. [cheers and applause] >> you have a chance to shape history, so don't let that chance slip away. you've got to vote.
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if you've been marching for criminal reform, you have to vote for a president and congress who cares about reducing the pipeline from underfunded schools to overcrowded jails. if you've been marching for the environment i hear you but you have a president and a congress who believe in science and will protect the progress we've made because they care about the children, you have to vote for congress who doesn't consider immigrants as rapists or criminals but somebody who loves the country and ready to contribute. whatever issue you care about, you have to vote. this is where democracy happens. this is not where it ends. it's where it happens. with your vote.
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i need your help, hillary needs your help, america needs your help. what you do is what's ultimately going to matter and if you -- if you do everything you can, not just to vote yourselves but to get your friends out there, your family, your cousins, your uncles, your neighbors, if you tell them, this is the moment where america has to take a stand and decide what it is that we believe in and who we are and we are not going to succumb the cynicism. we are not going to believe in fear and instead lift up hope. if you want hope instead of fear, then you will elect
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hillary clinton as president of the united states. patrick murphy as senator and you will continue what we have started eight years ago and america will continue on this amazing journey. this amazing journey in which every single person in this country has a chance to live out their dreams. god bless you, florida. god bless you. the united states of america, let's get to work. [cheers and applause] [music]
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♪ ♪ >> president obama wrapping up remarks in orlando, florida, next week the president continues campaigning for hillary clinton with several stops and rallies planned including ohio on tuesday, north carolina on wednesday and florida once again on thursday. all those are considered swing states and have a total of 62 electoral votes. >> c-span brings you more debate this week from key u.s., house and senate races. tonight georgia senate debate between republican senator and
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democratic challenger jim and libertarian alan buckley. just before 9:00, democratic congressman rick nolan and stewart mills. at 9:30 debate for colorado sixth congressional district with mark kaufman and carol. followed at 11:00, debate in south carolina race. north carolina debate, mccory. listen on the c-span radio app. c-span where history unfolds
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daily. >> earlier today donald trump held a campaign rally with supporters in manchester, new hampshire and said he hope that is justice will be served. here is part of his comments now . >> i need to open with a very critical breaking news announcement. the fbi has just sent a letter to congress informing them that they have discovered new emails pertaining to the former
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secretary of state hillary clinton's investigation. and they are reopening the case into her criminal and illegal conduct that threatened the security of the united states of america. hillary clinton's corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. we must not let her take her
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criminal scheme into the oval office. i have great respect for the fact that the fbi and the department of justice are now willing to have the courage to write the horrible mistake that they made. [cheers and applause] >> this was a grave miscairnl of justice that the american people fully understood and it is everybody's hope that it is about to be corrected. [cheers and applause] >> so that is a big announcement that i heard ten minutes ago
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and, i guess, obviously you folks have heard about and in all fairness for all of the people who have suffered for doing so much less including recently four-star general james, general portreis and many others, perhaps finally justice will be done. [cheers and applause] >> that was just part of what donald trump had to say earlier today during his campaign rally in new hampshire. you can see his entire comments tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span2 or any time online at this weekend on american history tv on c-span3. saturday morning from 9:00 eastern to just afternoon. >> the british empire and common
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wealth, -- >> live for the churchill conference. speakers include british historian andrew roberts, authors of masters and commanders, how four titans won the war in the west. lateron saturday josé menendez talk about the alamo. >> the memories of that time were that this group of people were going and they knew they were going to die or they were there. they kind of -- there was something noble and very romantic. i've learned that it wasn't
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quite as black and white and that's one of the things that would be good in this day and age. you know, we put it into context. >> sunday evening at 6:00 on american artifacts. >> macarthur is up front. you also notice he's not wearing a weapon. and the men looked at this and realized, hey f the -- if the colonel can take it, well, i can take it too. >> we visit the macarthur memorial who commanded allied forces in the pacific during world war ii and at 8:00. >> with the highest level of integrity with their moral compass locked on true north so we can always count on them to do the right thing when times get tough or when no one is
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looking, author explain ten command commandments. for our complete american history tv schedule go to >> bobby kennedy's last words were onto chicago. the next day he was due to chicago, due to go to chicago and meet with a very powerful major richard daily. chief of staff to barack obama tells me that there was a 70% or greater chance that his dad would have endorsed bobby kennedy for president during the trip to chicago. >> sunday night on q&a, author and former boston globe reporter discusses the book, bobby kennedy, the making of a liberal icon. >> america would have been a different place, i think, some of the issues that we are revisiting today, racial tension
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and international discord might be a little bit different if we had tried to address them 50 years ago. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's q&a. >> c-span's campaign 2016 coverage continues now with candidates for california's seventh congressional district. incumbent democrat and republican challenger scott jones discuss national security, immigration, education and gun violence held by kvie public television in sacramento. this is an hour. >> good evening, incumbent bera faces scott jones. bera and jones starting now. >> the bera-jones 2016 california seventh congressional
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district debate sponsored by capital public radio, kvie television, lose -- sacramento beat. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> thank you for joining us at the kvie in sacramento, california. i'm here with journalists, reporter bob and journalists with the college student, the talent. also joining us a studio audience and they've been asked to refrain from applause during the debate.
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the on the television broadcast audience, welcome to those folks who are watching online stream or listening on the radio. you're sharing thoughts tonight please use the #ca0. republican scott jones. gentlemen, welcome. both men have agreed to the rules ahead of time. each candidate will have one minute to respond to questions from the panel followed by 30-second follow-up replies. an opportunity for candidate-to-candidate questions in a moment. first, we will turn to our panel. all of the panelists and myself have seen the questions. by coin toss the first question goes to sheriff jones, then smith has the honors. >> thanks, jason. sheriff jones a lawsuit four women filed, she alleged
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encounters with you between 2003 and 2005. you have denied her claims but a judge has not weighed in on the allegations. how do you explain the gulf between her story and your story? is she lying? >> well, yes, she is lying and let me tell you about that. i'm glad you asked that question. it's a pleasure for me to be here tonight. ..
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>> i have denied them ever since. i can tell you that in every election i've had including this one i've opened up my personal records even though the law protects the confidentiality piece and i have not had any internal complaint of any compound for any reason in my entire career. >> craftsman para. >> these allegations were rightly reported, i read through this 26-year-old deputies testimony and it is disturbing. scott, this 26-year-old under oath said that he sexually harassed over 30 times. that you made her life miserable. that she was afraid of retaliation. it was shocking. we do not have to guess what happened, this came out in a lawsuit that for courageous female deputies brought against your failed leadership. a jury jury did not believe you or your leadership. they ruled against you. now.
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now we are on the hook for over $10 million. this is disturbing and shocking what was going on. no woman should ever have to face this type of harassment. it's unacceptable. >> sheriff, you have an opportunity for a 32nd bottle. >> the lawsuit be in a different issue and i hope we get a chance to that, and i suspect that we will. the out obligations, i don't know her valuable saying under oath is more valuable than me denying them under oath. what you don't here's anybody supporting the alleged victim. they came out under oath and emotion from the plaintiffs attorney who can come through the depositions in the matter and take whatever was most beneficial for the motion. the true measure of what is said by both her and i are going to be founded the depositions which
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are still under seal. >> congress when, 32nd. >> here's what we know about, even your testimony under oath you admit that you have kissed. under oath you admit that u.s. for her to be moved under your supervision. we know from what came out in the court case that several years later you reached out to reestablish a relationship and she ran away. you sent her an email. in that email she responded to say she didn't want to have anything to do with you. the relationship was ataxic but you took advantage of her at a vulnerable time in her life. it is shocking. i don't believe you. >> we need to move on to our next question. that goes to bob for congressman bera. >> friends and family donated by your campaigns were reimbursed by your father, more than one quarter of 1,000,000 dollars. you say that he did know your friends and your family were doing in that time. he was sentenced the summer to prison time. how do you expect for us to believe that you are unaware of this? why didn't you attend his sense
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sentencing? >> i am sad about when my father did. the u.s. attorney was clear. they did a thorough investigation, there are consistent, i are consistent, i was never the target of this investigation. neither i nor my campaign had any idea what was going on. that is why the close the case. my father made a mistake. he should not have done this. he this. he is not a criminal, but he broke the law. this tragic mistake he is facing the consequences. when i learned about this i was shocked. that is why we fully cooperated with the u.s. attorney and they have been clear about that. how my dad actually just reached out and said something to the campaign, or even to meet we would a said deck, you can't to this. it's against the law. there are so many ways you can help the campaign. now this is going to be a tough year for janine and i. we will try to get my parents through the next year but it will be tough. my dad made a tough. my dad made a mistake and this is the consequence of that mistake. >> sheriff, you have an opportunity for one minute. >> it is a tough issue for me. i take no pleasure in talking about it. in fact i have been very reticent to, publicly.
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folks in the campaign and supporters of my tell me i had to pounce on this issue. i have declined to do so. when i was asked if congressman bae-2's father should go to prison i said no. i don't think so in might of who we are letting out a prison in california. another question i asked was whether i think congressman bera knew about it. i do think he knew about it but that is my opinion. for my law-enforcement lens to believe that he didn't know about it you would have to believe one of two things. number one, either the 90 friends and family of congressman bera who all knew what was going on engage in a conspiracy for four years to get that information from congressman bera. or alternatively, he had no substitute conversations with any of those 90 family and friends. as for me, that's why i base i base my opinion. i don't believe he did know about it.
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>> going back to the original question which is how do you expect folks to believe that you didn't know about it. >> look, i was shocked when investigators approached us. we fully are cooperated with with investigators. the u.s. attorney's office has been crystal clear that we cooperated with them and give them whatever access to information we had. there clear that neither time nor my campaign what was going on. that is why they close the investigation. again, this is sad. my dad made a mistake. this was a grave mistake and he is facing the consequences. this will be atop your far family. trying to get my mom and dad, they're in their 80s trying to get them to the next year will to get them to the next year will copy easy. >> sheriff, you can ever 32nd rebuttal. >> i disagree with the statement that the u.s. attorney did know they knew about it. what they said said is they couldn't find any evidence to suggest that him or his staff knew about it. second it's an unusual case because the person who commits a crime receives the benefit of the crime. here, the person who
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committed the crime is going to prison and the only person to receive the benefit was congressman bera for getting elected to two terms. >> onto the next subject. >> sheriff jones, according to a recent feel poll, feel poll, 50% of voter support prop 64 legalizing marijuana in california. federal law states medicinal and recreational uses still illegal. do you support prop 64 and if it does pass we fight to protect the rights of californians against federal prosecution? >> a couple of questions. i happily do not absolutely do not support proposition 64. i think it would be horrible and not just for this generation but future generations. the problem is the potency of marijuana these days is nothing like the marijuana of 20 and 30 years ago for which people might seem ambivalent. usually california's the tip of the crazy spear when it comes to legislation. in this case, we have other examples we can look to. we look at colorado, we can look to washington, we can look at the horrific results that
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have resulted. the initiative was modeled after the california model. if you look you look at the increased interest of emergency visits by young people, or driving under the implicit marijuana, all voters have to do is see what happened in colorado to predict what is going to happen here. because of the population on a grander grander scale one of the immediate problems of this initiative, there is no dosage. a dosage could be an eighth of a cookie but it takes an hour to for the marijuana to take effect. children are eating the entire cookie before they ever feel the effects of it and then they overdosed. >> congressman? >> thank you for a question on the issue of medical marijuana as a dr. i support that for end-of-life care we used to, for folks with chronic disease. with regards to legalization, to legalization, to have some public health concerns. in terms of addiction, etc. that said, part said, part of your question was if the voters
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passed a prop 64 what i be in support of it. yes, i mean it's up to the voters to decide and we should honor what the voters recommend. i do have some concerns about addiction potential. what i do worry about though is the criminalization of folks who have filled our jails because of possession of marijuana. i think we ought to do criminal justice reform. >> the second part of the question was, would you fight to protect the rights of californians if it does pass if you are in office? >> for smaller say there's no one in my gel for possession of marijuana. number two, we are nation of laws. i've spent of laws. i've spent my entire life and for some us. clearly, if it were to pass i would enforce that law. i would try to not force a law that was passed. >> congressman, same question two, would you enforce it as well? >> yes. this is up to the voters. that's why we have measures like this. the voters have spoken. >> thank you. let's move on to national security. dan smith. >> congressman bae-2, we
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estimate is for questions and stephen of orangeville wanted to know, why did you support the iran nuclear deal? why did you vote to allow cash payments to iran which could be used to underwrite terrorism? >> the iran nuclear deal was a difficult negotiation. i am a member of the foreign affairs committee and we had a dozen or more hearings on this. classified and unclassified settings, we sent talks our military leaders and to our diplomats. at the end of the day the goal of the deal was to reduce the nuclear threat in the middle east. and to make it difficult for iran to obtain nuclear weapons. i supported it because most of the experts have suggested that for at least the next decade, even those posted the deal would it would reduce the nuclear threat. i knew i would be getting attacked as i have been on television for a tough vote like
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that. but it was the right vote. we did we do not want to get into another war in the middle east. so is the right vote, it was a tough vote to, but even folks like former secretary of state, general : paulo said it was a good deal. >> well we miserably missed on both counts, we have done nothing but put off the inevitable and allowed iran to achieve nuclear weapons capability at the end of this deal. the best predictor of future conduct is past conduct. i don't know why we all of a sudden can treat iran like a friend, like they're gonna make it on the promises. they haven't done it. they it. they were under severe sanctions that were working. that obviously have not followed the rules up to this point. even since the deal look what's happened. they fired off missiles, they filed off missiles i say israel must i. they have done drive-bys that are state-sponsored terrorist actors have fired missiles at battleships. these are things since signed the deal. they will never comply with the deal, number one.
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number two, this is a horrific a deal perhaps not for the next ten years, but surely for the next generation i will have have to clean up the mess this may. i believe the second question and we can explore it is the bill that was out of congressman bera's committee. >> congressman the he called it a horrific deal. you have 32nd. >> as one of the members to ratchet up the goal of sanctions the goal of that was to get them to the table. it wasn't a perfect deal that was in front of us. the goal of the deal was to reduce the nuclear threat. that is not the same as saying iran is acting as a responsible actor in the middle east. they continue to do bad things. that's why we continue to keep the pressure on iran and cuba strong put on sanctions. >> a 32nd reply. >> we have a no hostage policy and our jonah keeps officer say. we paid 1 billion and a half dollars for four hostages a mac keeps all americans at risk. this bill out of congressman
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bera's own committee was to stop the cash payments of all different denominations done in the middle of the night and this would've prevented that in the future. it was a bipartisan support, part passed overwhelmingly and he still double down in his support of iran. >> the next question is from bob. >> sheriff, you have opposed legislation aimed at preventing people on various terrorist watchlist including the federal no-fly list from purchasing firearms. polls show the public supports this. you suggested congress should develop other strategies to stop terrorism. why is the no-fly legislation such a bad idea, what antiterrorism steps would you push? >> it's not a bad idea. in theory if you have a no-fly list they should not be able to purchase firearms. when i came
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out against was dianne feinstein's out against was diane feinstein's version of the no-fly list. it was vested entirely, the control of that list was entirely in a political appointee. i've little confidence in this administration's ability to vet to anyone let alone folks that are on the no-fly list. their spectacular failures well documented, i for a. of time as a deputy sheriff was not allowed to check in online. i had to check in and verify a list that is on. by the same inexplicable reason, i was let off that list. there are enough oddities and incorrect results from that list. i would want to see a better list. theoretically on the no-fly list you should not be able to purchase a firearm. i want to see a proper no-fly list, proper no-fly list, not one that is haphazard under the control of the appointee. >> simple legislation. if you not going to let someone get on the airplane we ought not let them buy a firearm. no-fly, no buy. that is why we have this it and actually on the house floor. let us vote on that. we know that
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the overwhelming majority of the public cares about this and supports this. someone may inadvertently it on the list, but there are mechanisms by which to get off that list. this ought to be about how to we protect our community. how do we make sure guns do not end up in the hands of the wrong folks. no list is perfect but this is a good list. we are not allowing you to get on an airplane, why would we let you get an assault weapon. it doesn't make sense. >> the second half of the question is what antiterrorism steps would you push. you have 32nd. >> that's a loaded question for you and don't think were doing anything to fight terrorism. we've advocated our leadership role on this global stage including the fight against terrorism. i hope we get to explore that further. we have to win the war against terrorism. it doesn't mean mean we do it alone but we need to be a leader and take it seriously. give me a better list and about
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a piece of legislation and i will support it. >> congressman. >> and tell that to the 600 special forces that are right outside moe's old right now helping fight terrace and eliminate isis, and retake iraq. we have men and women out there every day. when you say were not doing anything to fight terrace, you are insulting those folks. we folks. we have folks and homeland security don't assault them, is not not going to be easy, but what we have to do is certainly work overseas. here at home we have to do a better job fighting the lone wolf terrorist as well. >> will you'll move on. >> congressman bae-2. the obama administration accuses russia with trying to interfere with the elections or cyber attack. the flipside is the u.s. government would like an encryption key to see any data in my my phone. what should the u.s. response be to foreign countries packing our information? should the u.s. government have the ability to hack citizens data? >> that's a great question.
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first off, we have we have to take the cyber security threats very seriously. what rush is doing, i don't think we have to guess because our intelligence has said it's clear that rush is doing this. is cyber attack against us. it's espionage. it's espionage. we have to fight back with the tools we have. that's different than what we do with our citizens here. we need to have a robust debate about protecting ourselves versus the privacy. we do not want to trample on the constitution with our privacy. so only under the worst of circumstances when there's an eminent threat should our personal privacy in the constitution be trampled. >> following up in a question, do you have specific ideas on what the u.s. response should be to russia? >> i think you have to have a proportionate response. you have to send a message back to russia that this is not okay. there seems to be direct evidence either trying to interfere with residential election.
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>> sheriff, you have a minute to reply. >> that sheriff's department, is the regional host for the high crimes task force. were aware of the threats out there. it's a growing threat. it's been identified by the fbi is the number one emerging global threat. his internet crime. we have to fight it, we have to draw our lines in the sand. once we do that we have to be prepared to back it up. whether it is with sanctions, reciprocal sort of stopping visas, whatever we have to do, we have to stop it. i don't remember the first part of the question, sorry. >> the first part was regarding russia and whether a response would be in the second was how do you balance -- >> thank you, i appreciate that. i agree with congressman that. i agree with congressman bera. it's not an easy answer. it's a balance between the emerging threats and law-enforcement's ability to respond to those.
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balanced against people's privacy. i suspect that before 9/11 everyone would object to take in the shoes and socks off but we live in a different a different world now. >> you have 30 seconds. >> that cyber threat is very real and in talking to the leaders in our armed forces they're having a hard time hiring the folks within the government who have the special talents. we recently introduced a bill bill call tech core to help minimize the cost of college for folks that are getting the skills. if they work for the government in these critical areas where we can hire folks we will help defray and make college free. it is a bill that we have introduced and we hope that passes. we have to get that talent in the government as well. >> i just want to address the part about the presidential election, i don't care what the purposes for whose during the hacking, it's illegal and it meets be stopped. it has no place in partisan politics on
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either side. it is what it is and it's a crime and it's a crime and should be addressed as such. >> let's move onto the next question from dan smith for sheriff jones. >> sheriff, what would you do to overhaul the nation's immigration policy? specifically what we want to know is do you agree with donald trump's plan to build a wall in the mexican border? >> that's a great question, i think most of you probably know that with me running for congress one of my officers was killed by someone who had been removed from this country and for prior occasions and that's what's let me on this journey. we absolutely need to resolve the immigration problem once and to resolve the immigration problem once and for all, not just deferred action or amnesty for -- you do it two ways, to separate issues, border security. yep to have secure borders, doesn't mean a doesn't mean a 2000-mile wall. it does mean a combination of people there to enforce it, it means some technology. the has to be consequences for entering our quit country illegal. it's not unreasonable for our country to know who's
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coming into and we been our country. that should be our standard once we get a meaningful immigration reform. the folks that hear the on document population, i would advocate as i have always advocated for a pathway to legal status reach and everyone of them every one of them if they can pass a background check. >> the starting point would be a comprehensive immigration bill, as cosponsor of the bill that was bipartisan in the last congress, pass the senate overwhelmingly with over 80 votes, again bipartisan the republican leadership would not allow it to come to the floor for a vote. let me tell you what was in the bill. it starts with protecting our borders but then it addresses the 11 - 15,000,000 people who are here and undocumented. the vast majority who are contributing to our society and our economy. it creates a way for them to come out of the shadows. it also ass


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