tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN October 28, 2016 7:20pm-9:21pm EDT
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for our country to know who's coming into and we been our country. that should be our standard once we get a meaningful immigration reform. the folks that hear the on document population, i would advocate as i have always advocated for a pathway to legal status reach and everyone of them every one of them if they can pass a background check. >> the starting point would be a comprehensive immigration bill, as cosponsor of the bill that was bipartisan in the last congress, pass the senate overwhelmingly with over 80 votes, again bipartisan the republican leadership would not allow it to come to the floor for a vote. let me tell you what was in the bill. it starts with protecting our borders but then it addresses the 11 - 15,000,000 people who are here and undocumented. the vast majority who are contributing to our society and our economy. it creates a way for them to come out of the shadows. it also addresses a way to get
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the best and brightest to come here, get their education, build their companies here, that is what we ought to do. i would go back to that comprehensive immigration reform bill. it has reform bill. it has broad support, you hear senator lindsey graham who is a conservative senator who says we artist out there the next congress. that's want to secretary clinton's priority. >> you have time for a reply. >> whatever we have done so far it hasn't worked because we don't have immigration reform and it's not just a problem in this administration it's been decades. my position that everybody here if they can pass a background check should be given a pathway to legal status is unpopular. secure borders without consequences is not popular with some either. the fact is, the satisfied neither side in its entirety which i think means it's a big bill. >> thank you both. now it is time to give our panel a little
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break to catch her breath. thank you very much for good first half and for the candidates to candidate question. what we have here is each candidate will have ten seconds to ask a question, sheriff jones will go first, the, the reply, or the answer is 60 seconds for an answer and 30 seconds for a rebuttal. let's start was sheriff jones. >> congressman, over the last four campaigns you run for congress and i've been very negative and viciously attacked your opponents. on november ninth, you going to look back with you winner lose and be proud of the campaign that you run? >> campaigns are about choices. about the candidates who are running and the ideas that we have. they're also about the character of the individuals that are running as well. this is difficult. i heard you talk about this and i did not expect it to be as hard as it is. it has to be hard. were running for one of the highest offices in the country. we are making critical decisions about whether we send our men and women into harm's way.
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so it has to be hard. the voters that are out there have a choice. when they are choosing who they're going to elect as their representative it is going to be about character and our track record. i'm i'm proud to stand behind my track record with thousands of people that we have helped chair. the fact that we helped with the gridlock in congress, this is about moving this country forward, not democrats and republicans. again campaigns are about choices. >> sheriff, you sheriff, you have the opportunity for rebuttal. >> i think it's important to educate the voters about the different types of commercials that come on board. we have the commercials that we approve and pay for, i'm scott jones and i approve this message and folks that put out commercials on our behalf that we have no control
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by law. i've committed early on that all of my money, all of my commercials, when you see i'm scott johnson i prove this message, it will be positive messages talking about issues. for me on november 9 whether i win or lose, i will be proud of the campaign i've run. >> congressman your opportunity to ask the sheriff a question. >> scott come in three weeks were given make one of the most important decisions. will pick the next president of the united states. it will either be donald trump or hillary clinton, who do you want to support is the next president of the united states? >> having clear of the past couple of weeks that i've departed my support from donald trump. i've taken a lot of heat for the last year because i've supported and said i would vote for donald trump rate have never endorsed him and i came out publicly against them in various issues in opposition. i think i'm not alone in america with no matter which candidate you choose, whether hillary clinton or donald trump, there is going to be a certain amount a nose holding when you get to the polls. i think they suggest with a high negatives that we have two in in our own mind separate the character the candidate with the policies that they will advance with the get into office. for that reason and that reason alone i been able to overlook the character deficiencies and man candidate,
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donald trump until recently. what is change recently as the video that capture the conversation on that bus, and the allegations that have come out sense whether true or not, and i'm not making a value judgment and i'm not telling others how to vote. for me, for me, as it touch my law-enforcement land and it has talked touched on things that we have are a recipe before, i departed at that time. >> you have a 32nd reply. >> it didn't take me again have to understand donald trump's character did not make them fit to be president of the united states. so when he was insulting goldstar families, family that lost their son protecting our country, that wasn't enough? enough? when he was making fun of disabled people come of that wasn't enough? when he was making comments after, of disparaging women, that wasn't enough? this guy doesn't have the character to be present president. it was only a few weeks ago when his poll numbers tanked that you actually came out against him.
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>> we need to move on, thank you very much for the candidate to candidate question. that is the format of the debate. only one rebuttal on those questions. we will touch on the economy and turn it over today and smith. >> congressman bae-2, the clinton tax the plan calls for increases to high earners. the tax policy center has estimated it could raise 1,000,000,000,000 dollars over the next ten years. it would have no impact on 95% of american taxpayers, do you support her plan? don't you think you think it's time that middle-income taxpayers got a break? >> absolutely. if you look at who is suffering and falling back it's the middle class. we have to have tax policy that addresses the income inequality but also rebuilds the path to the middle class. that. that starts by reinvesting in ourselves, our schools, making sure that those that want to go to college can afford to go to college. also when they get out there
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that they can find jobs and pay it forward. now, there is a small segment of the population that has done really well, how do we get them to pay their fair share? that's what the country is built on, how do we pay it forward. the middle class hasn't had a big tax break in a while. the other thing that we have talked about with republicans and speaker ryan is how do you do comprehensive tax reform? how do you address business tax issues and how do you address a convoluted tax code in a way that allows for income inequality. >> the flipside of that is donald trump's plan which calls for massive tax cuts but there's concern about the deficit. >> you have economic station of people and especially the middle class, the economic divide is growing wider and that's a fact. that's because the middle-class class is disappearing. the middle class needs really.
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on middle class, all my family and friends are middle class. i get it. that's the second most thing they're worried about aside from their personal safety. there is a way to improve the economy which is the slowest economic recovery of any recession we've ever had. number one, reform the tax code. we have the highest corporate tax of any nation in the country we need to nation in the country we need to simplify and give middle-class persons and families a break. number two, regulatory reform. the regulatory explosion has been on tenable. it does allow small businesses survive and thrive and it discourages new businesses -- and you need job retraining. people are overqualified for jobs. not only that we need to be able to train folks for a new and emerging industries such as alternative energy market. we need a job market and job pool not for yesterday's market but
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tomorrows. >> how to get middle-class taxpayers a break? >> a couple of things. right now that. right now that is having a fair tax policy for the top 1% and making sure they're paying their fair share. that's what secretary clinton is talking about. the middle class doesn't always feel the benefit when you look at the affordable care act. they don't get subsidies or more affordable healthcare insurance. their kids don't qualify for better tuition and student loans. they don't qualify for better mortgages. we ought to do not policy to allow those middle-class folks to access those programs as well. >> sheriff do you support donald trump's tax plan? >> i don't know enough about it but i know that what drives the economy is business, generally speaking. my dad is a small business owner and i grew up with these conversations around the dinner table. it's only getting getting worse. the job creation and all the economy is driven by small and medium-size businesses. we need to do it we can to encourage that and keep jobs in america instead of shipping overseas. >> thank you both. let's move on to healthcare and bob. >> sheriff, ewing congressman
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both said obama care is not how you would have gone about putting 25,000,000 people million people on the list of insured, would you scrap it now? what you do to change the system? >> i think you have to identify the problem and i don't think anyone would disagree that the affordable care affordable care act is a disaster. you have many exchanges now that only have one choice. a lot of people in the seventh district are [inaudible] the affordable care act but see their rights go up every year as a result. in in some as high 60 or 70%. it's on attainable and on a trajectory that can't be sustained. something has to be done. your question is whether i would scrap the whole thing, i don't think so. i think there are areas and goals of it of ensuring the uninsured that are worthwhile endeavors. my preference would be to build upon what is there and do a course -- the earlier you do a
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course correction the less you have to correct the course. we need to get on this now and use the affordable care act as a base but go in a different direction. >> the other question was should obama care be scrapped and what would you do to change it. >> you're correct, the affordable care act is not what i would've done to start off with but it's a lot so let's take the law make it better. what the affordable care act did was gave 20,000,000 people access to care. the most urgent thing we need to do right now is can do that in a couple of ways. in certain states like california you have a robust exchange and competition but you don't see that all over. you have to have more than one insurer and an exchange to create competition. two, we have all seen that drug prices are out of control right now. we have to address address the cost of medication to bring drug prices down. we have to start
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moving away from rewarding fee-for-service and were starting to do that. we have to start going towards rewarding quality and efficiency. the problem with congress now is on the democratic side they are not addressing the fixes to make better and on the republican side it's to repeal. we have to break the gridlock and have adult conversation. >> i don't disagree with what they congressman the same. i think it's an indication that both reap democrats and republicans that this transcends the parties as i'm saying. did say one thing and that is competition. nothing drives the price i competition. having more insurance companies in the exchange of being able to cross state lines is going to draw down cost. >> scott and i can agree on things. right? this is about competition, it's about giving people choice, but it's also about doing things, we are making great advances and i know as a dr. how are you going
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to for these medications and make them accessible. we have to address the cost of pharmaceuticals. we have to take on high schedule like the epipen scenario, that's just direct -- epinephrine discussed pennies so how is it people are spending so much. >> congressman, the total u.s. student u.s. student debt is 1,200,000,000,000 dollars. $.2 trillion. increasing cost of higher education deter some from pursuing it all together and lowers graduation rates. what would you do to alleviate the financial strain on young adults immediately following the completion of their chosen degrees? >> this is going to's sound shocking. i paid $393 per $93 per quarter to go to medical school. i could graduate with less than 10,000 dollars of debt. we have to get back to that. it's important addressing the interest that students are paint on student up of the more
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important is how did students get into such debt. that will require us to look at whether we can get students through college and four years so they have less debt, looking at different ways of teaching, i'm all in favor of free college education so folks can get new skills. we have to think of new ways of teaching. using online techniques that are about one sixth of the cost. but doing it or establish universities to increase class sizes. thinking about ways of company base where you work the faster you go the quicker you can graduate.
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>> what would you do to alleviate that financial strain that students face? >> if it was $420 per quarter size right behind you, little bit behind. i've a daughter who is a sophomore at the csu campus in san diego. i will pay 22 to 25,000 dollars for her to go to school today. there's two ways to reduce student debt, one is to look at the front end and look at one is to look at the front end and look at the administrative and overhead costs. right now janet makes $575,000 in salary plus a hundred 42000 to move for plus free housing and a car allowance. let's not forget to look at cutting out excessive spending and administration moment look at high cost of tuition. none of that that goes toward tuition. on the back and you have student debt. you have to look at that as well. it would be my preference to be able to have your college debt payments once you get a job and establish have the payments to re- pay your debt to be tax-deductible and alleviate that burden somewhat. >> what about that idea, smack? i would be supportive of that. i'm supportive of what president obama has put out that your ability to pay debt and what you
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pay back should be paid to your salary. the more you make the more you can pay back. i also think we ought to address the cost of tuition and bring it down so you not graduating was so much debt. this is about paying it forward. the fact that i didn't have that debt allowed me to be a dr. and be a primary care internists and primary care internist and allows me to pay it forward. we are to be painted for to your generation, that's an investment. >> it may be political on popular but that thing with free education as it doesn't occur in a vacuum. some but he pays for it. if half of the people go for free that means it will double the cost for everybody else going to college. so for people like me for example, i'll be paying 45 or 50,000 dollars for each of my four kids to attend one year of school. so it's easy to say that people should be able to graduate
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debt-free you really have to take a look at it. it doesn't occur in a vacuum. the money has to come from somewhere. and therein lies the problem. >> the next question comes from dan smith. >> and sheriff jones, there is a growing scientific consistence that rising temperatures linked to the burning of fossil fuels have intensifies california's drought. melissa of sacramento asked us to ask you, what will you be in do in washington to fight climate change? >> human caused climate change are huge buzzwords. they have created a lot of discussion. i prefer to look at it in terms of what the consequences are. in other words other climate change exists, doesn't do or what extent were impacting that doesn't matter because the goals to try to mitigate the effects of climate change are worthwhile. to reduce the carbon foot print and reduce our human footprint on this planet and create cleaner, safer energy sources for generations to come. i would support would support all of those for those purposes. >> let's move on. climate change is real. all we we have to do is look at the temperature every year it
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continues to go up, look at the mountains. we've lost our snowpack and are in the midst of a huge drop. we have to get ahead a bit. let's acknowledge and admit climate change is real so we can start debating what we can do to mitigate climate change and reduce climate change reduce and hopefully one day turn this back. it is a real issue. again, when when we talk about the drought that is -- we talked about the wildfires that are the new normal that we see every year that is because of climate change. we could do a couple of things. one, low let's move towards renewable and cleaner energy sources. that will create jobs. wills eye support secretary clinton and president obama's move in this direction. will create a bunch of jobs. there's no reason we can't be this superpower for clean energy. >> opportunity for rebuttal. >> i don't disagree but i think it's worthwhile to point out that everything should be about balance. it can't be at the expense of what human beings on the planet need right now. while i support certainly are
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noble and cleaner energy sources i also support our existing, or coal, coal, are petroleum, or natural gas using those resources as well as we move towards a new cleaner energy paradigm. >> let's move on to public safety and gun control. >> congressman, you've been critical of the number of concealed weapon permits issued by the sheriff. if your daughter is at school and a gunman walks onto campus would you rather have someone on campus with a concealed weapon permit or would you rather wait for the local police officer to arrive? >> i would rather have the law-enforcement. folks who have gone through the training, on campus to take care of it. i worry about someone having a seal concealing carry permit to take another gun. the issue is community safety
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and gun violence is broader than that. i think about this as a clinician. the one thing we ought to do in this is a problem in congress because they won't let the cdc collect data and study what is the impact of concealing carry permits. maybe it does make it safer. maybe it doesn't. we should be studying it to see the impact. what is the impact of laws, we are to be setting it. right now congress will not let us pass a bill to allow us to collect data and allow the cdc to study that data. fortunately california stepped up to the plate. the allocated 5,000,000 dollars in uc davis will do that study. we have. we have some of the best doctors and scientists locally. let's actually do what we need to do to keep our communities safe. >> sheriff, you've issued a thousand concealed permits. would we be all safer if we had guns. >> will 1000 people would be safer. a lot of been made over the last six months, really nothing over the first five years of my tenure. the quantity of concealed carry site issue. it might lead someone to concur
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that i want to put guns in everybody's hand. that's not not true. last year we took over 400 guns out of the hands of bad guys. that's a strong interest of mine. i screamed everybody and that them as well as i can. they have to demonstrate proficiency of the weapon, knowledge of the law and safety just like a driver's license. and then if you depart from that continued course of good decision-making or conduct than your driver's license can get revoked and i will revoke it as well. i'm one of the few sheriffs in the state that continue to monitor folks for continued good decision-making after they get their permit which is why we revoke so many. at the end of the day i gave 8000 people so far the ability to protect themselves and their families in a dangerous a dangerous world and i'm proud of that. >> you talk about revoking 400 concealed carry permits, i would i would be curious as to how those folks got through the cracks. he also talked about the background checks, i think we ought to do background checks if
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someone is going out and buy an assault weapon, a weapon that can be used for mass killings. we ought to be doing smart policy like that that keeps us safe. this is not about second amendment and law-abiding folks that want to own a gun. those folks are probably perfectly willing to wait five days or six days to go through a background check. we should do the same background check that concealed carry permits are getting for assault weapon. >> i do revoke about two or three a month, i have a process right continue to monitor people afterwards. much like a driver's license i cannot make the decision based on information i have. if they have a continued a continued course of good decision making and they've demonstrated that to the extent we can investigate then they get
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a ccw if they can demonstrate they won't for personal safety. that doesn't mean it's a carte blanche. unless something comes to their attention that's devastating. i take the responsibility to issue permits seriously and i will and i will be quick to revoke them. >> sheriff jones, you have expressed reservations about releasing law-enforcement body cam - cam video. do you support the public release of officer involved shootings and what have you done to make this sacramento's sheriff's office more transparent in this regard? >> right now are doing testing and we have manufacturers and body chemist appointed nard to put department right now. i do have some reticence. i could tell the governor, the governor and legislation needs to stay out of it. they will happen as natural evolution as of the profession of law-enforcement without the need for legislation to intervene. never one it's expensive. for my agency of the several million dollars per year to buy the equipment and store the video. that money doesn't occur in a vacuum. that means less other services and fewer deputies to
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hire. the other problem is the question of whether they are of public record or not. in car could it footage is generally not but there's a lot of noise on both sides that they wanted to be private as part of criminal investigative report or public like open pd does. until that question is resolved and will be difficult for me to go to about a can. i think people deserve a right of privacy,. >> i am all in favor of buy body cameras and dashboard cameras. the the more information we have the better. the men and women that are out there protecting our community have a very difficult job. and they have to make split-second decisions. they could get it right 99% of the time. but that 1% we have to be transparent, we have to learn from that that's what we do the
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medical profession. you make it everything right 99% of the time but that one mistake, you have to be transparent to learn from it. otherwise you start to erode the public trust. that's what public trust. that's what bothers me. we saw what happened with the man family. this is disturbing. he very much appears that there is a circle wagon mentality and keeping information from coming out. that's exactly the wrong thing to do. let's look at this and let's learn from it so we can prevent the next accident. >> it sounds like congressman has a slight difference of opinion from releasing the body cameras. >> ideal for releasing them but we have the additional burden of maintaining the integrity of an investigation. so it's not just what our emotional sense would have us do, for example, while it might be beneficial for the department or people clamoring for release of video in one case they should not make policy, the policy should be for the entirety of the profession not just what feels good at the time. the video should read be released. the integrity the integrity of that investigation process should be maintained.
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>> we have time for one more question and will modify the time allowed for the answer so we have time for your closing statements as well. that question goes to bob. >> congressman, a man has confessed to killing one of sheriff jones deputies and another deputy as well. in europe initiate the death penalty be allowed in california or should capital a punishment be left to the federal government? >> i've gotten to know dan alber's wife. if i were were sitting there i would want justice. and justice could be in the form of the death penalty. the problem is that in california the death penalty doesn't work that way it doesn't bring closure to families. people sit on sit on death war for years on end. what we're talking about his potentially life in prison without the possibility of parole. that could be bring closure much
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quicker. >> sheriff, 322nd. >> i'll answer the question generally not with the suspect. we do need rare circumstances for the most heinous crime. nobody's on death row by accident. they all earn their way. the system is broken on death row. that's why the initiative to reform the death penalty which i sit on which i sit on the committee is so important. it shortens the time, it requires them to work and allows them to be double bugged instead a single cell single celled in reducing the rate cost. it needs to be a tool but it does need to be reformed by the initiative. >> you have 30 seconds for reply. >> i agree with what with the death penalty as it currently exists is broken. people sit on death row for years, part of the reason why i look at reforming the death penalty and look at life in prison without the possibility
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of parole is that i do think it will help families find closure. it will bring resolution quicker. >> one less thought on the subject. >> i would rather save it for closing arguments. >> a very good. it is time in the broadcast for closing statements. bike coin taught sheriff jones you will have the opportunity to go first in your 92nd. >> thank you. everybody has heard information about where we stand and where we different issues. this is not a race of unknowns. in fact, many respects it is a race among to a common it's. he four years in congress and he four years in congress and me six years as a sheriff. i think the best predictor of future performances past performance. i have run one of the largest sheriff's departments in the country and in charge of 2000 men and women
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and a half 1,000,000,000 dollar budget. i come in at or under budget every year while cutting tens of millions of dollars in wasteful spending and operating costs. i've created the first ever youth services and community relations unit and i've come up with innovated technological and beta programs that were the first of their kind in the nation. during the time i use my political pet platform as a voice to stand up for what is right and best for public safety. against the legislature, against, against the governor and against the president when necessary. during that time the congressman has not enjoyed that much success. he's never got a bill out of the committee which is the first step including the committees he sits on. i believe the best predictor of future performances past performance. i have demonstrated at record of success that i will take with me. i want to thank you for hosting and i want to thank our sponsors for asking the questions. i want to thank my wife and outer who are in the audience and my two sons who missed football practice to be here. i look forward to earning your vote on november 8 or before. >> thank you very much. i want to thank the panel, the moderator moderator and those watching at home, thank you campaigns are about choices. there's two clear choices in
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this campaign, when sheriff talked about saving money but what about the 10,000,000 dollars in lawsuits that we are on the hook for. for female deputies brought a lawsuit against your failed leadership in a jury did not believe you and they ruled against you and now were on the hook for 10,000,000 dollars. we have seen repeatedly, seen repeatedly, yesterday we saw in another lawsuit settled, so there is a pattern here, now i am proud of the four years that i have served served as your member of congress and a 20-year-old years i've been a dr. serving our community. what we have accomplished is remarkable. we are trying to break through the gridlock in washington d.c. and get democrats and republicans working together. we have grown the caucus to close to 100 members of congress, democrats and republicans who want to work
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together. i'm proud of the work that we have done in the district. that's where our focus has where focus has been. we've helped nearly 7000 individual, seniors, veterans, others get social security benefits, we have help people recover almost three and half million dollars. that's what it's about. about making about making a difference in people's lives. it's been an honor to be your member of congress for the last four years. it would be my honor to have your votes on november eighth. thank you. >> thank you so much for sharing your views with us tonight. we covered a lot of ground. i'm quite sure you at home would agree. thank you to our studio audience for remaining quiet this entire time. we appreciate it. if you want you want to a plowed it now, applaud now, it is your chance. [applause] thank you to the panelists for sharing your questions with us this evening. thank you of course to everyone at home watching online and on the
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> tonight's debate was brought to bike capital public radio. >> on election day, november november 8, the nation decides our next president. and which party controls the house and senate. stay with c-span for print coverage of the presidential race including campaign stops with hillary clinton, donald trump, and their surrogates. c-span, where history unfolds daily >> . .
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if any of the other republican candidates in the combination had wanted we wouldn't be having this conversation but given trumps unique character he has made arizona competitive for the first time in 20 years. >> host: your former republican governor has been a strong advocate for downtown. what what kind of organization does he have on the ground and is the state republican party have in arizona? >> guest: well the trump campaign itself has almost no ground game and very little
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infrastructure. just a few staff members who are hard-working but compared to the democrats who have over 100 workers in arizona and 32 or so offices across the state. in terms of the campaign infrastructure trump doesn't have any and apparently he is content to make personal appearances here and rely on the media that his appearance generates. he's going back to arizona and this will be his seventh time as a presidential candidate in arizona, so he's going to make the case one more time. so far he has not been able to nail down the state. >> host: what about former governor jan brewer? does she have organizational support to get help donald trump on november 8? >> guest: bears are a segment of republicans who like jan brewer. i don't think she's as influential as she was even five or six years ago. she has been out of office for a while.
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she is well-known and she is supported by the same arizona republican party that loves trump which is a strong anti-immigration type of republicans who support building the wall etc. but that's not all that arizona republicans and many republicans who take a more business/chamber of commerce approach and maybe a little bit more sophisticated view of immigration and how it interacts with the 21st century economy here. obviously people like senator john mccain and jeff flake support conference of immigration reform so those types of people are less likely to be influenced by jan brewer, those types of republicans. >> host: is a pointed out hillary clinton back in arizona next weekend as you point out in your story which is available on the arizona republic web site her husband bill clinton winning arizona in 1996 when he was challenged by republican bob
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dole and then you had to go back to 1948 to harry truman the only other democrat to win the state. >> guest: right, so it's pretty much a traditional red state which makes it that much more surprising that hillary clinton of all people is the one who is put it in play this year but again trump is his own worst enemy. his rhetoric has offended the scene of which are a fast growing energetic constituency here. his playboy lifestyle is turned off a lot of religious conservatives especially mormons which is another big segment of the g.o.p. coalition in arizona. in utah there has been a lot of attention paid to mormons and their views of trump that there are a lot of mormons in arizona as well. jeff flake for example is a mormon and he has not endorsed trump and has been very critical of him. obviously mitt romney has been very critical of trump as well and mormon republicans look to
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him for direction on some positions. >> host: other aspects of the race first of all how much of the clinton campaign been spending in arizona and what impact is the senate race had on the national race? >> guest: well, the clinton campaign recently poured 2 million more dollars into arizona. they are up on the air running television ads and digital ads and some other platforms that they are advertising on and have a pretty impressive ground game. they have had several get out the vote rallies with big-name surrogates like michelle obama and bernie sanders out there recently so they are really all out for arizona. as i mentioned earlier trumps has not been putting that kind of money into arizona. this raises kind of interesting because everybody knows trump and mccain have been feuding and according to the polls at least while trump has been
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struggling in arizona and neck in neck with clinton, he seems to have opened up a double-digit lead over his opponent kirkpatrick in recent polls show him leading by 10 or 12 points or so. it's interesting there's usually ballot splitting going on here and certainly they will be separating the races in their own minds and the democratic attempts to die -- to tie trunk to mccain which continue and have been going on for months enough to be working. >> host: this has to be terrific for u.s. usm political reporters and arizona during a general election. >> guest: it's really unprecedented in arizona. i mentioned trump is going to be here seven times in hillary clinton is coming. mike pence has been here three times once with trump so it's one after the other with big-name political events here. >> host: we will look for your
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work on line at ac turned -- the dan nowicki joining us for phoenix. he writes for the airs on a republic. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> guest: hey thanks. at a campaign rally in manchester new hampshire donald trump spoke about a variety of domestic and foreign-policy issues. he also commented on the fbi's announcement that they would continue the investigation into hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server when she was secretary of state. this is 40 minutes. ♪ >> donald j. trump. ♪
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to congress and forming them that they have discovered new e-mails pertaining to the former secretary of state, hillary clinton's investigation. [applause] [chanting] and they are reopening the case into her criminal and illegal conduct that threatens the security of the united states of america. [applause]
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hillary clinton's corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. we must not let her take her criminal theme into the oval office. [applause] i have great respect for the fact that the fbi and the department of justice are now willing to have the courage to write the horrible mistakes that they made. [applause] this was a grave mischaracterized of justice that the american people fully understood and it is everybody's
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hope that it is about to be correct did. [applause] so that is a big announcement that i heard 10 minutes ago. and i guess obviously most of you folks have heard about it and in all fairness for all the people that have suffered enduring so much less including recently four-star general james cartwright, general petraeus and many others, perhaps finally justice will be done. [applause] with that being said, the rest of my speech is going to be so
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boring. should i even make the speech? we will talk about voters, right? we will talk about trade. we will bring back our jobs, we will strengthen our military and let's get going, okay? [applause] i want to thank general flynt, great general. thank you very much. just before general flynt was going up we heard this news and i said general get up there and keep them busy. we want to digest what just happened here. thank you, general. in 11 days we are going to win new hampshire. [applause] the state of my first victory
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and we are going to win back the white house. [applause] 75% of the american people think our country is on the wrong track and we are going to fix fx it. we are going to get our country back on the right track and very very quickly. real change begin with immediately repealing and replacing obamacare. [applause] we can't forget how big bad news is. we can't lose track. it's a disaster just like everything else in this administration. it has just been announced that americans are going to experience another massive double-digit hike and obamacare premiums including a 116% premium hike to our very good friends in the great state of
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arizona. even bill clinton admitted obamacare is the craziest thing in the world where people wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. in minnesota where the premium increase will be almost 60%, democratic governors said the affordable care act is no longer affordable. jonathan gruber, the architect of obamacare admitted it was all a fraud and he said it was because of the stupidity of the american voter. we are doing a lot of good work, aren't we? we are catching all of these people. we are doing a good job. jonathan gruber. we didn't forget. i never forgot jonathan gruber. i said if i do this we are going
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to run and his name came up and people forget after a week or two. i said i'm never going to forget jonathan gruber the architect of obamacare. so we didn't forget. can you imagine a little more than a week before the election? we didn't forget the name jonathan gruber that the only real stupidity is that shown by our politicians who pass this monstrosity over furious objection. job-killing obamacare is one more way the system is rigged. but with what i have just announced, previously it might not be as rigged as i thought. what? what? the fbi. i think they are going to right the ship, folks. i think they are going to right
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the ship. they are going to save their great reputation by doing so. hillary clinton wants to double down on obamacare, destroying american health care for forever. she wants to expand obamacare and make it even more expensive. i will repeal and replace obamacare and we will replace it with a much less expensive plan and that plan that is much, much better. just this year hillary clinton declared obamacare is one of the rightist accomplishments of president obama, the democratic party and our country. that has turned out to be wrong. do they do anything right? we don't win anymore. i mean, we are going to have such a good time starting in 17. we are going to start winning. [applause]
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because it has turned out, and i've been saying this, obamacare is a catastrophe beyond imagination. insurers are leaving, doctors are quitting, companies are fleeing, workers hours are being cut, part-time jobs are all over the place. the beautiful full-time jobs that you used to have don't exist and a dud the bulls are through the roof. if we don't get rid of obamacare we have no choice. our health care system is gone forever. we will never have another chance and by the way if we don't win this election we are never going to have another chance either. that i can tell you, it's never going to happen again. repealing obamacare is one of the most single most important reasons we must win on november 8. but real change also means
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getting rid of the corruption in washington and again maybe that has happened, wow. we had a big day. think of it. i won my first primary in new hampshire and i'm getting here and the news this morning, this is bigger than watergate. this is bigger. in my opinion. this is bigger than watergate. hillary deleted 33,000 e-mails after receiving a congressional subpoena. that alone to me. there are more serious things done but that was so obvious. she gets the subpoena and she bleaches and delete 33,000 e-mails. it's so simple. it's not about the sale of uranium that nobody knows what
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it means. i know what it means. she talks to me about russia. 20% of the uranium in our country to russia but you know that deletion of 33,000 e-mails, boy that is so out there. after receiving a subpoena from the united states congress. she lied to congress. she lied to the fbi. she made 13 phones disappear, some with a hammer. the clinton crew gave more than $675,000 to the wife of the deputy director of the fbi and the man who was overseeing the investigation into hillary's illegal servers but maybe now that takes care of itself. right now that takes care of itself.
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very proud that the fbi was willing to do this, really. [applause] just yesterday we learned that bill clinton's right-hand man fish were clinton donors to funnel as much a $66 million in personal profits to bill and hillary. this man explained that the cozy relationship between his consulting firm, the foundation and clinton's personal income had helped to bill and hillary and rich themselves and obtain in-kind services including personal travel, hospitality vacations and the like. the same people paying for bill clinton's speeches were lobbing hillary clinton at the same time , the same time. these people are seriously corrupt.
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terrible conflict. hillary's pay-for-play including defense contractors. when the contractor wants to seek foreign arms deals they hired lobbyists to make hundreds of thousands of dollars are hillary's last campaign and are raising money for her current campaign and by the way 50--1 in ads, 50-1 and if you look at florida we are winning, ohio we are winning, iowa we are winning. [applause] doing great in new hampshire. i think we are going to have a tremendous victory in pennsylvania. [applause] we better have a great victory in new hampshire, okay? in fact when the news that the fbi investigation just happened
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a little while ago they said mr. trump we could skip your speech in new hampshire this is so big. i said, i don't have the courage to skip the speech in new hampshire. believe me, i don't have the courage. i am not skipping new hampshire. i never will. when i won and you've remember because we went around we have the big rallies and they said that the rallies will never work in new hampshire. i said that's a lot of dinners. but you remember and i have a lot of -- people talking in new hampshire more than anyplace is talking drugs going into this country and the police department. the police department is so great. i never knew honestly, i never
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knew was so bad and i said to the people in new hampshire because more than any other place you look at the beautiful little roadways and lakes and streams and everything is so beautiful, the trees. and you say how can they have a drug problem here? but i sit down with groups and i say what's your biggest problem and they say maybe the veterans of which are suffering greatly. but it was always, it was always heroin. what do you mean? i learned so much and i said to the people of new hampshire that if i win, if i win new hampshire and i also said if i go all the way we are going to stop the inflow of drugs into new hampshire and into our country. 100%. [applause]
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and i gave the people of new hampshire my pledge. more than anybody else in this campaign because they really taught me about what's happening with the world of drugs pouring in. it's hard to believe, it's just so strange when you look and you see the beauty of this place and you see the heroin and drugs are your number one problem by far. anyway the lobbyists took over 26 million dollars in foreign arms bills including $19 billion in qatar which happens to be with bill clinton. $1 million as the birthday gift for a few minutes of face time. the lobbyists one of whom was the sister not to hillary clinton's campaign chairman received hundreds of thousands of dollars. the contractor got millions of dollars in contracts and hillary
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clinton that her campaign cash and money for her foundation. i am putting up tremendous amounts of money. today i wrote another check for $10 million. i'm spending money like crazy. i will probably have over, close to or over $100 million of my money spent on the campaign but there is nothing nice about that. unless i lose in which case i say what was that all about? but we are going to do what's right for you, not what's right for some couldn't -- contributor. hillary put the office of the secretary of state up for sale and if she ever got the chance, believe me she would put the office and you know what office i'm talking about, the oval office, up for sale. i propose a contract with the
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american voter which will end the corruption and give government back to our great people. [applause] i want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear and heed the words i'm about to say and i never loved this expression but now i love it except it's become the honest expression. if we win in november, we are going to washington d.c., went away when, okay, when. and we are going to drain the swamp. [applause] my plan to bring back our jobs. you have been suffering with the jobs. the jobs have gone like mike candy being taken from a baby.
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new growth numbers just released with the average growth rate for this year at a disastrous 1.5%. if china goes down to seven or 8% gdp it's like a national catastrophe. last month, last quarter we were at 4%. our job numbers last quarter were horrible. they like to to say in they make, that was the word they use. obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3% growth. and they say, it's hard because we are a large country. india is a much larger country and they are at 8%. china is at 7% and china is not happy. we are at about 1% and we just keep going along. we keep going along losing our jobs to mexico and every other
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place. 47 million americans and 45 million people, think of it, this is our country, are living in poverty. meanwhile our trade deficit around the world is $800 million a year. we are living through obama, obama. it's true. instead of campaigning for hillary clinton to yet to be in the white house and the oval office negotiating trade deals. [applause] beating isis, taking care of our veterans which he does not do. we are living through the greatest job famine in the history of the world, the greatest in the history of the world. new hampshire has lost one and three and a fracturing jobs through nafta a deal signed by bill clinton and supported
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strongly by hillary. we have lost 70,000 factories since china entered the world trade organization, another bill and hillary disaster. the trump administration will immediately begin negotiating and we will start this negotiation so fast. we will start a negotiation on nafta and if we don't get the deal we want we will terminate nafta and get a much, much better trade here. [applause] i won't go into the details but because they are under their system and we are under our system but because of the fact that they are under much different system the day the deal was signed it wasn't defective deal with us having a mass of at least 17%.
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i'm not going to bother you or bore you with it but we have been working with this defective deal for years and no politician ever went back to renegotiating. we are going to get it done so easily. [applause] if a company wants to fire their workers to go to mexico or other countries and they think they are going to ship their products back into the united states we will charge them a tax of 35%. [applause] so when you think these companies which right now are out there negotiating to leave here, they will leave new hampshire they will leave pennsylvania. they're going to leave ohio and all of our great places, great states. right now as we are talking they are negotiating deals. mexico is the eighth wonder of the world in terms of new plans. though clinton said the eighth
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eighth -- wonder of the world. how about us? is going to be the other way around that there will be consequences and you know when they realize they have got to now pay a tax on all of that it that comes to a very strong partner. there will be a strong border. you know what they're going to say? it's very simple. the politicians don't want to do that because they control, they are controlled by the people who give them their campaign contributions and probably other things. does anybody know what i mean by that? who will also stand up to chinese currency manipulation and we will stop the transpacific partnership. [applause] we will become a rich nation again. but to be a rich nation we must also be a safe nation. hillary clinton unleashed isis
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onto the world and it has now spread into our country. there are right now 1000 open isis investigations across the united states, more than at any time that we have ever had. now hillary wants to increase by 550% the massive number of syrian refugees flowing into our country. that's over the obama numbers and those are thousands and thousands of papers. a trump administration will suspend the syrian refugee focus and we will help them with safe havens and get other countries over there like the gulf states who have nothing but money. we are $20 trillion in debt. we will get them to pay their share. they will pay and you know what, we can't let people into this
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country that we don't know about let me state this as clearly as i can. if i'm elected president i am going to keep -- [applause] [applause] we love new hampshire. i love this place. by the way, you know we are leading in florida and reading about these places. with two down in new hampshire. do you know what i said? i don't think so. i don't think so. these polls, these polls, these are false. she comes up here and she has four people in psych oh we have a wonderful -- i don't think so.
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when i'm elected president. [applause] i am going to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. [applause] a trump administration will also secure and defend the borders of the united states. boy you people have energy. you are great. let's face it, it's been a long time, right? it's been a long time. you have been waiting a long time for the right person but you do have energy. you know what's happening, a lot of these places -- [chanting] trump, trump, trump.
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a lot of the different places reports are coming out. they hate the writers to be honest with you but people, by the way great people. they are so dishonest. they are so dishonest but a lot of these reports coming out in the early voting phase, people are coming out that it never voted. these are great americans that they have never seen anybody that they -- they have never heard people say we are going to bring back the jobs. we are not going to let companies leave us in fire prevention move and let the products pour into our country with no tax. fire all of our people move to mexico and carrier as an example. they are leaving. they are probably all about ready to change their minds. let the new products come in, and no taxes, no nothing. how is this?
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and i'm back free trader and a fair trader but we have to have all people represented. what is happening these lines in florida are four blocks long. they have never seen anything like it and in tennessee a great congressman who's been there for 25 years that timmy we have never seen anything like it. people are coming out that haven't voted in years. people are coming out and literally they haven't voted in years. unless you voted in the last election they don't want to pull you. people are coming out that hadn't voted in years. happening in texas. they haven't voted in years and people that have never even voted and they are great americans but they never saw anyone that they wanted to vote for. they are coming out and they have a trump shirts and they have the hat and buttons all over the place. [applause] now who knows, who knows? they may have all that trump
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stuff and you never know, maybe they are voting for crooked hillary clinton but i don't excel. i don't think so. history has taught us that we don't think so so i think we are doing great. and on the border we have no choice, we will build a wall and mexico will pay for the wall. that will stop the drugs. [applause] remember my pledge to everybody but in particular to new hampshire because i know what you are going through at the drugs. i know what your incredible law enforcement, your place in your fire department. they are helping so much. believe me they are not spoken about and how about where there are shootings? there is the shooting of a fireman. this is a new phenomena. they are shooting bullets at fireman going to fires and
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fighting fires that we have a divided country and we are going to make our country love again. we are going to bring it like this room. countless americans who have died in recent years at the alive today if not for the open border policy of this administration. this includes incredible americans like 21-year-old -- you have heard the story and read about it. the man who killed her entered federal court and was released into the united states community under the policies of this white house. he was released again and again after crime after crime and now is that large. sarah graduated from college just the day before with a 4.0 grade average, top in her class. she was violently, violently killed. an outstanding young woman.
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i know their parents. they are incredible. also among the open border policy victims a 21-year-old convenience store clerk in mesa arizona. he was murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member previously convicted of burglary who had also been released from federal prison in so many people said please, please don't release him. he is violent and he shot him through the head. another victim who we have all read about and known about kate finally gunned down in the sanctuary city of san francisco by an illegal immigrant. and this person was deported five different times. now he is at good lawyer in the case will go on and on and on. i see them in court all the time. case will go on and on. shot in the back while standing
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with her father, great parents, great brother and then there's the case of 90-year-old earl olander was brutally beaten and left to bleed to death in his home. the perpetrators were illegal immigrants with criminal records a mile-long but he did not make the obama administration's removal. people beg that he be incarcerated or be moved out of the country but are geniuses wouldn't listen. in california a 64-year-old air force veteran was sexually assaulted and beaten to death with a hammer. your killer had been arrested on multiple occasions but was never deported people. people asked to please deport him and this is what happened. this is a crime wave that never ends. it is thousands of cases like this. when i am president believe me
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it will end. [applause] not only will the wall keep out the dangerous cartel and criminals but it will also keep out the drugs in new hampshire and the heroin poisoning our youth. our youth is being poisoned. and by the way i have met plenty of people in new hampshire that have a tremendous problem and i tell you we are going to work with people. we are going to set up programs. we are going to try everything we can. [applause] so as i said when i went to the new hampshire primary are promised the people of new hampshire that we would stop drugs from going into your community and i guarantee you we will. you'll be so proud of your president and you will be so
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proud of your community. [applause] you will be so proud. i just want to say in closing, i just want to say in closing that we have an amazing movement going on, a movement like they have never seen before, a movement that hopefully won't be stopped. we have a movement that's the biggest people in the world, the biggest have said they have never seen anything like it before. every crowd, every auditorium. the other night we had a situation. we have thousands and thousands of people i said to the fire marshal is it possible to let more and? we had thousands of people and we had many thousands outside that they would not let him. i said could we let the men and they said we can't. we are worried about a stampede
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mr. trump and it's a stampede of love. it's a stampede of love. there were so many people they said we have strong security guards but mr. trump they are not as strong as 45,000 people charging so i fully understood it. we have something going on that is very special. so special. we are going to reduce your taxes. we are going to simplify your taxes. we are going to make your businesses welcome in our country. [chanting] >> thank you. trump, trump, that trump. >> we are going to reduce the taxes for middle-income people. we call them the forgotten men and women. greatly simplify your return.
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the only company that i can think of that won't like us is h&r block. they are not going to like trump too much. but we will greatly simplify your taxes and your businesses from 35% which is one of the highest in the world down to one of the lowest in the world, 15%. we are getting. up a lot of the regulations that are stopping growth. tremendous amounts of regulations that are killing small businesses and big businesses so we are going to have a tax friendly country again and it's going to need jobs and it's going to mean expansion in new companies growing. we are going to create a border. we are going to stop the drugs. we are going to have people come into our country. allow people to come into our country but they have to come in legally. they have to come in through a legal process. they want a lot of people to come in and they are going to come in but they will come in legally and we are going to streamline the process.
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people are waiting in line now for 10 years. we want people to come and that we want them to come in legally and we want to take wonderful people that love our country and want to get out and they want to do a great job. we want to have them also come in based on merit, a word you don't hear any more, i work you don't hear anymore. it's too bad. we are also going to very importantly appoint justices to the supreme court. [applause] who you can be proud of and who will respect the constitution of the united states. [applause] we are going to save our 2nd amendment which is unbelievable. [applause] we are going to help on education. we are going to go with choice,
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so important we are going to terminate common core and bring education local. [applause] our military is depleted. we are going to rebuild our military. we are going to lead through strength. hopefully we are not going to have two user military but i will say this, i still, we are getting rid of isis. we are getting rid of isis. we have no choice. by the way not since evil times have we seen people chopping off heads, drowning in steel cages. not since the medieval times. it all grew during the tenure of obama and hillary clinton. and she stands up and she was
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there. we should have never gone to iraq but once we did we should have gone out the right way, not the wrong way and the way they went out was so bad, so bad including giving back mosul which they are now fighting to take back and it would have would have been nice, the element of surprise. the element of surprise. we don't use the element of surprise. we use the elements of tell them everything we can possibly tell them, give them plenty of time to get ready and then attack. it turns out to be a lot tougher than they ever thought but we are going to have a country that you are going to be proud of again. we are going to have a president that hopefully you will be proud of. i will work so hard for every community. [applause] i will be working very hard for the african-american community,
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for the hispanic community. i will be working hard for every community and we are going to have this divided nation come together. i just want to say, we are going to make america strong again. we are going to make america, doesn't sound nice but we have no choice, wealthy again. but we are going to make america great again and i want to thank everybody. get out and vote. you are very special people. you are very very special people. god bless you. get out and vote. thank you new hampshire. [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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huma abedin and a tailored content to the candidate reacted to the fbi announcement earlier this evening. >> good afternoon. i would like to say a few words and then take your questions. i have now seen director comey's letter to congress. we are 11 days out from perhaps the most important national election of our lifetime. voting authority underway in our country. the american people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately. the director himself has said he doesn't know whether the e-mails represent -- reference in his letter are significant or not. i am confident whatever they are while not change the conclusion reached in july.
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.. are you concern the e-mails will reveal classified information you sent or received? >> no. we have not been contacted by anyone. first we knew about it is i assume when you knew about it, when this letter sent to republican members of the house was released. so we don't know the facts, which is why we are calling on the fbi to release all the information that it has.
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even director comey noted that this new information may not be significant. so let get it out. >> secretary clinton, you have 11 days to go. what would you say to a voter who right now will be seeing you and hearing what you're saying, thinking i didn't trust her before and don't trust her anymore right now and heading to the ballot box tomorrow. >> i think people a long time ago made up their mines about the e-mails. i think that's factored into what people think and now they're choosing a president. so i would urge everybody to get out and vote early and in all the states that a have early voting because americans want a president who can lead our country, who can get the economy working for everyone, not just those at the top, and who can bring our country together. offer that. can do that. and i'm very confident that the american people know that and we're going to continue to
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discuss what is at stake in this election because i believe that it's one of the most consequence shall elections ever. >> secretary clinton, there are in reports that these e-mails were found on devices that belonged to your aide, huma abedin and her husband, anthony weiner. have you spoken to huma? was she able to give you any information.that. >> we heard the rumors and don't note what to believe and i'm sure there will be even more rumors. that's why it's incumbent on the fbi to tell us what they're talking about. because right now, your guess is as good as mine, and i don't think that's good enough. so we've made it very clear that if they're going to be sending this kind of letter that is only going originally to republican members of the house, that they need to share whatever facts they claim to have with the american people. and that's what i expect to
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happen. >> thank you very much, everybody. >> thank you all. >> sheer some proms for the coming weekend. on saturday at 2:00 p.m. eastern the 8th null boston book festival. promote agriculture of reading and ideas and features a number of authors and other literary presenters from around the world. this year's program includes a panel discussion of the future of industry. also hillary chute, author of doors drawn, and sarah gridden, author of rolling bleakout, dispatches from turkey, syria and iraq, and log at the impact on can to ans and a book, time travel, a history. then at 9:00 p.m. eastern, james rosen and christopher buckley,
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the son of william f. buckley, jr., discuss their book, great lives of the 20th century which examines essays on famous figures written by cliff buckley's father. the event is moderated by the executive director of national review. sunday night at 9 eastern on afterwards. columbia law professor time woo looks at the history of advertising and branding and how today's marketers are vying four our attention in his book the o'attention merchant, the epic scramble to get inside our heads. >> the real birth of tiding is in the 1920s with the birth of the big ad agencies, the center -- the growth of madison avenue and london and paris and other places also the center of an industry which is dedicated to the systemic development of advertisements over and over that will keep you buying stuff. >> go to for the
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complete schedule. >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. [cheering] >> today, president obama spoke at a campaign rally for hillary clinton in orlando, florida. he also used the occasion to stump for democratic senate candidate, patrick murphy, who is running against senator marco rubio. the president urged clinton supporters to take advantage of early voting which hays begun in florida. this is 45 minutes. [cheering] >> hello, orlando!
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[cheering] >> i said hello orlando. [cheering] hello, ucf! go knights. i understand you play houston this weekend. you guys feeling all right? are you fired up? [cheering] >> are you ready to go? [cheering] i'm fired up. look at this crowd. to everybody -- i think it's being broadcast outside the auditorium, everybody who couldn't get in, because we ended up being a little too packed and the fire marshal had to close things off. i just want you to know if you're outside, love you, too.
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[cheers] >> can everybody please give debbie a big round of applause for that great introduction. a young lady that makes us proud. a couple 0 people i want to acknowledge. your outstanding mayor, buddy dyer is in the house! your wonderful senior senator, bill nelson is here. your next members of congress, former governor charlie crist. val demmings, stephanie murphy, darrin soto, your next united states senator, patrick murphy. and all of you are here.
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and i'm here to say thank you. i want to say thank you. because it has been -- i love you back. i do! [cheering] you know, it has been a privilege of a lifetime to serve as your president. and michelle and i could not be more grateful for your support and your prayers over all these years. but, but, hold up.
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hold up. but we're not done yet. i've got one campaign left in me. michelle and i got a little more work to do. [cheering] so i'm here today, florida, to ask you to work hard as you did for me, to make sure that hillary clinton is the next president of the united states of america. [cheering] i didn't see the band back there. [cheering] sorry.
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i just love marching bands so i had to acknowledge the marching band. are you guys -- [cheering] -- are you guys from -- you're from from the college. you're from a high school, right? where are you from? what did they say? high school. there you go. ocoee. we're proud of you. where was i? listen, hold on. hold on. you guys are just so excited. [cheering] now, let me say this.
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florida is always a battle ground state. florida is just a big, diverse state, which means that the races in florida are always close. i remember when i was campaigning eight years ago, some of you were only four, so -- but if you will recall, we were going through two long wars, we are in the early days of the worst economic crisis of our lifetime, on everything from healthcare to climate change, to criminal justice issues, we had just been kicking the can down the road for way too long. and i said, i said at that time, i said at that time, that i wasn't a perfect man.
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wouldn't be a perfect president. i said at the time, that if you elected me we wouldn't solve every problem on day one. we wouldn't solve it all in one year or one term or even in one presidency. but what i told you was that i would work as hard as i could, every single day, to do right by you. [cheering] that every day, when i walked into that oval office, i'd be think about the folks i met on the campaign trail. i'd be thinking about the students who are trying to get a good education without a ton of debt. i'd be thinking about the working family's are trying to figure out how to pay the bills and maybe they had lost their homes or they had lost their pension because the economic
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crisis itch told you i would be thinking about folks who didn't have health care and were worried about how they were going to make sure that somebody in their family that hey loved got treated fairly. and i will tell you this. i've made mistakes during these eight years, and there have been times where we have had ups and lows. but i kept that promise to work for you. and as hard as i could. and you kept faith with me, and working together, what we have seen is that an america that was at the edge of a depression, battled back. and we turned job losses into 15 million new jobs, and last year, incomes went up faster than any time that they've been keeping records.
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and poverty went down faster anymore since 196. we just learned this week that the economy grew faster than any time in the last two years. we have seen an america that went from too many people uninsured to now 20 million people with healthcare who didn't have it before. and the lowest uninsured rate in our history. we've seen an america that was hopelessly hooked on foreign oil, kick that addiction. and suddenly we're producing solar energy and wind energy and fighting to protect our planet by reducing harmful carbon pollution. we have seen our men and women in uniform, the best that there is, sign up to serve and meet
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every mission. to pursue the terrorists responsible for 9/11, get osama bin laden. make sure that the justice was served. we've seen a country where freedom was limited, in so many places, to a situation now where in every state in this union, you can marry the person you love. [cheering] we have increased access to pel grants. we have seen the highest high school graduation rate in our history. we've seen the biggest jump in college reasonable independent our history. -- enrollment in our history. across the board. by almost every measure, we are
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significantly better off now than we were eight years ago. [cheering] part of it is because you. i have traveled over all 50 states and seen what makes america great. people working hard, starting their own businesses, teachers reaching into their own pocket to make sure kids get an education, doctors serving the poor. i've seen our brave men and women in uniform and brave police officers and first responders running towards danger and working to keep us safe. i've seen the patriotism of young activists, speaking out to make the country better, even if it sometimes makes us
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uncomfortable, calling us to live up to our highest ideals. i see you. americans of every party. and every faith, knowing we are stronger working together. whether we are young or old or men or women, black, white, latino, asian, native american. folks with disabilities, gays, straight, doesn't matter. all pledging allegiance to the red, white and blue. that's the america i know. [cheering] that's the america i love. that's why through all the ups and downs i have not been worried about this country because i've seen the heart and soul of the american people, and it is good. and it is decent, and it is strong, and it is resilient, and there is only one candidate in this race who i believe can
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continue the progress we have made and i know that because she has tee voted her life to making america better. and that is the next president of the united states, hillary clinton. so i amount going to work my heart out over the next 11 days. i -- you know, don't know about you, but i'm not a tired. i'm feel going. i'm ready to work. and i need you to join me. florida, i need you to join me. young people, i need you to join me. [cheering] >> and you don't need to wait until november 8th.
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to do the work. because here in florida, you can vote early. here in florida you can vote right now. and if you turn out to vote, and -- i want young people to listen here. hold on a second. i'm going to get quiet for a second. everybody, hold on. hold on. going to talk to young people here for a second. if you vote, if you, young people, vote, if you vote for somebody who wants to make sure that college is more affordable, if you vote to make sure we're dealing with climate change instead of denying it. if you vote to make sure that we have somebody in the white house who cares about civil rights and cares about making sure everybody has a shot, if you vote, you will send hillary to the white house. you. you.
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you will send patrick murphy to the united states senate. it's up to you. and by the way, for those of you who are not young but just young at heart, don't be offended. see issue got to peek to the young people -- speak to the young people because us a us olders we usually vote because we don't have the energy to have as much fun as the young people do so we're not as distracked to we go to vote. the young people got a lot of stuff going on, but i need you, young people to vote. and by the way, the nearest early voting location for orange county is straight down the road. at allah faya library. the northeastest seminole county early vote location is right up the road at oviedo aquatic
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center. and you can find other early voting locations just by going to i will see, here's the thing. everybody -- you guys are just being so sweet to me and i appreciate it, but understand this. understand this. all the progress we have made, over these last eight years, goes out the window if we don't win this election. healthcare for 20 million people goes away. the progress we have made on climate change goes away. all the work that we have been doing to make college more affordable goes away. i mean, the stakes could not be higher, and i understand that right now, the polls show hillary having the lead. and -- no, no, no, hold on. hold on.
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hold on a minute. hold on. you know, sometimes when you get a lead, whether it's in sports or politics, you start feeling good. you start celebrating too early. you start getting turnovers. you start misses some free-throws. suddenly gets a little closer. you start titlenning up. -- tightening up and the next thing you know you look up and you let it slip away. i don't want y'all feeling too good. i want you hustling all the way until the polls close on november 8th. i don't want you taking things for granted. i want you to walk through the tape. i don't want you to do an hussein bolt and look back, all
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miling, because politics isn't like track and field. you are not always as fast as hussein bolt. you got tostake stay -- stay focused and run through the tape. we cannot kick back and think we have this thing won because this has been a volatile race. a volatile election. folks are in a volatile mood. and the media stories go up and down, and there's a lot of noise and sometimes it's hard for folks to sort out what is right and what is wrong, what is true, what is false. which is why the other guy can just say whatever he wants. right? and so we have to work hard, and by the way, that's who hillary is. hillary never takes anything for granted. i have worked with hillary. she works hard every single day.
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she doesn't take a day off. she is a grinder. she just keeps on working. i've seen it. i have benefited from it. i've seen her in the situation room. making the arguments to go after bin laden, even when it was risky. i've seen her travel the globe over and over and over again, earning respect of world leaders. it's not always flashy, people at home don't always see it. folks like big speeches, like sound bites. she doesn't always get the credit but she does the work. she does the work. she understands the challenges we face. she knows what she is talking about. and by the way, when things don't go her way, you don't see her whining. you don't see her complaining. you don't see her saying things were rigged. she just comes back and she gets up and she works harder and she works harder and she works harder and until she gets done
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what she's supposed to get done. and the reason she works so hard is because she cares. she knows about hardships, seeing her mom's history as an orphan. she knows that the decisions that you make in the presidency are not an extraction. she knows this done abstract. she knows this isn't just about the game of politics. she knows what with decide, what i decide and what she would decide, as president, means everything to a soldier or a veteran or a military family. to a family trying to make ends meet. to the student trying to go to college for the first time. for young person who was brought to this country as a child and wants to contribute to the only home she has ever known. hillary knows that ordinary
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people need a champion. and she doesn't just talk the talk. she walks the walk. she has plans. and she's got details, and she's led them through, and she's thought them through, which is why win she is in a debate with the other guy, she's talking about stuff that she actually knows something about and the other guy is just making stuff up. [cheering] and listen. listen. can a guy just say, i was a good student when i was in law school and a good student my last two years in college, but when i was in high school my first two years, i was one of those of guys that sometimes just kind of was talking and trying to get in good with the teacher and i was kind of charming and -- but i
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wasn't always doing my work. and you know, that's okay, for a while, but just like you want a surgeon who has actually studied surgery, just like you want a pilot who did their homework when it comes to flying a plane, you don't want the slacker as your president. you want somebody who is actually going to work hard and do the job. you want somebody who knows what they're talking about. and by the way, you know who is also a hard worker? it's patrick murphy. patrick murphy. unlike his opponent, ma marco rubio, patrick actually shows up to his job.
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he puts you ahead of politics. he didn't try to defund planned parenthood. he fought to make sure women could make their own healthcare decisions. he didn't say that he would supportive of florida's latino community but then when it got tough you walk away from comprehensive immigration reform. unlike his opponent he actually believes in science and that climate change is happening. in a recent debate, marco rubio didn't accept that sea lives are rising. now, he is from miami. so you can go to miami and on a
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sunny day, you can see a foot of water and if you want, you can put your finger in it. it's salty. it's in the middle of the road. it's a problem. but apparently, what 99% of what scientists and your own eyes tell you is not true from rubio-'s perspective, mean while, patrick murphy -- democrats and republicans to fund everglades restoration. he carolina was the environment, and as your next senator, he'll fight alongside hillary to protect this planet nor the next generation -- for he next generation. >> hillary, hillary, patrick,
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patrick, patrick, patrick, patrick, patrick, patrick, patrick, patrick. you know what? there's one other big difference between patrick and marco rubio. marco rubio still supports donald trump. don't boo. vote. don't -- you know what? i always have to say this. trump can't hear you boo. but he'll hear your vote. [cheering] rubio doesn't care if you boo. but he'll care if you vote. [cheering] you know what? now, for some voters, -- hello.
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for for some voters marco rubio will say, i think that what donald trump said is terrible. and then in front of other voters he says, i'm still supporting donald trump. you know what? you can't have it both ways here. this is as cynical as it gets you. can't just say anything. or just pretend to be anybody. in order to get elected or stay elected. if you run for office on family values, then you should have been walking away from a nominee months ago who was calling women pigs. or dogs, or slobs, or grade them not on the content of their character but on a scale of one to ten. you can't with a straight face say you respect women and then support somebody who brags about
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assaulting women. you don't have to be a husband. you don't have to be a father. to stand up for women. you just have to be a decent person. and i will tell you, you know, that i know everybody has been noticing michelle has been pretty passionate lately. you know, not only is is this something michelle has experienced herself but this is something that, as parents, when we think about our daughters, and listen to that kind of behavior, we say that is not the kind of example we set for our children. for our boys.
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for our girls. [cheering] >> obama, obama, obama, obama, obama, obama, obama, obama, obama, obama, obama. >> now, obviously could i go on and on about why i don't think that the republican nominee is fit to hold this office. because he doesn't himself every time he talks or tweets or gets caught on tape, but i will say this, in my two campaigns for president, i had very strong disagreements with john john mccain, i had very strong disagreements with mitt romney, i believed i had better ideas than them for how to lead the country. but i was never concerned about
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the fate of our democracy if they had won. and michelle feels the same way. michelle doesn't love politics. she wasn't thrilled about me going into politics. but she is workings a hard as she can because she understands there's something more fundamental at stake than this particular election and that who is are we as a country, what is our character? what values do we stand for? we cannot teach our children to treat women as objects. we want to treat -- we want to teach our kids to treat everybody as full and equal citizens. capable of doing anything. we can't teach our children to vilify immigrants or people with disabilities or americans who practice a different faith.
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we've got to teach them that everybody counts, and everybody matters, and everybody is deserving of respect, and we are stronger together, than we could ever be apart. we shouldn't let our kids think that politics is about pitching a new hotel. or a new golf course. or a tv contract. it's about working on behalf of the common good and promoting opportunities and justice. that's what hillary believes. that's why she has to win this election. it's at the hard of the method methodist creed, too all you can for all the people you can in all the ways you can as long as ever c
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