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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  November 7, 2016 11:46pm-12:01am EST

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candidates. >> tuesday, the cochairs of the commission on presidential debates, frank and mike on the 2016 presidential and congressional campaigns. that's live congressional campaigns. that's live at 8:00 a.m. eastern on c-span2. >> tuesday we bring you an international look at the election. we'll simulcast the coverage live at the apm eastern on c-span2. >> c-span's washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact too. coming too. coming up on tuesday morning on election day, cortez, the secretary of state joint talks about polling locations and potential voter turnout. we'll talk about senate races that could determine if
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democrats end up taking over the majority. also discuss early voter turnout, preparations for election night and concerns over cyber attacks. watch c-span's "washington journal", live at a.m. eastern. >> on the ballot on california tuesday, issues from school funding and political spending to the death penalty, gun and ammunition sales and a question on condoms required for porn stars. joining us on the phone is john myers, the bureau chief for the l.a. times. thank the l.a. times. thank you for being with us. >> fit thank you. i appreciated. >> host: seventeen questions and propositions on the ballot. how long will will it take for voters to cast their vote? >> guest: a lot longer than it has recently. california has had long ballots in the past but we have not had a statewide ballot
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this long and 16 years. we have a lot of new voters in california who are going to be surprised when they open the ballots. some voting by mail. it's a long ballots. it covers a number of issues, taxation, taxation, crime and punishment, environmental issues. a lot of homework california voters have to do. californians seem to like this direct democracy process. we have seen that for years. it could be a test to that affinity for its. >> host: if you could highlight those that are getting the most attention in california. >> guest: probably at the top of that would be proposition 64 which is the effort to legalize marijuana. we know that colorado and washington state have gone in front of california. californians rejected the legalization of pot in 2010. a different proposal was criticized as not been well thought out and did not have
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what i call institutional support. this one is more thought out and is a 17,000 word proposal to change the law to legalize marijuana. it has big backing. the lieutenant governor of the state supports it, sean parker, the cofounder of facebook and the founder of napster has put money into it. the polling shows it is going to pass. prop 64 is a key and then i would point to a couple of tax measures. an increase in the tobacco tax, an extension of higher income tax rates on the wealthy. there's a -- i think those are really the focus of the campaign. as you said, they're 17. there are. there are a lot more after that. >> host: let me focus on others including proposition 58 dealing
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dealing with english proficiency. what's this about? >> guest: it's a bilingual education measure that goes back to a california did in the late 1990s. california voters said they wanted to and bilingual education. it needed to be english only for students who are learning english. this is a reversal. this would be a full on doing of what voters did about two decades ago. it would allow more schoolchildren in california on local school districts to make the decisions to offer bilingual education programs. the polling shows its popular. california has changed. the immigration face of california has become much more nuance. it looks like it will pass. >> host: let's turn to proposition 62 dealing with the death penalty. on that question, what will voters decide? >> guest: simply whether or not to make all capital punishment
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cases instead life in prison. that would include the more than 700 people on to throw in california. we have the largest death row in california in part because there has not been an execution in ten years. prop 62 would repeal the death penalty. the polling shows that may not pass. i think california voters even though they have changed their minds on a lot of things on crime and punishment, this and punishment, this is a harder sell for them. voters rejected the repeal of the death penalty for years ago. if the polling is right they may do that again on tuesday. >> host: a proposition 67 which would ban the plastic bags that we are familiar with at grocery stores, was the issue there? >> guest: these are the single-use plastic bags which in bimetal groups in our big problem in waterways and other places : man fills. a lot of cities have their own bands. this would extend that to the entire state. some communities would feel a difference. this is a slight different part of the democracy process. this is what we call, we have a
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narrow definition of a referendum. this is a law that the legislature passed and jerry brown signed. this was the bag industry attempting to overturn it. they're asking the voters, do you support this larger you want to reject the law. at this point it looks like voters want to uphold the law. and then it would be extended across the state. >> host: what about proposition 53. he gets into the weeds of the issue on revenue bonds. i wonder if voters fully understand what they need to decide. why voters should decide this issue and not elected officials? >> guest: in california we have a healthy tradition of activist who want a particular issue a particular way going to the voters.
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if you look at the list of 17 ballot measures a number of the proposals never came to the state legislature. as long as you have the money to file the document and gather voter signatures you can get it on the ballot. that. that is what happened with prop 53. you have one wealthy agribusiness owner in the farming area who wants a voters to approve more bonded sales. revenue bonds is what prop 53 is about. it's arcane topic for voters. voters in california typically like to say they want a voice and things. prop 53 would require them to approve large revenue bonds in the future. where it gets practical is what it might mean. it might means voters would have to approve new financing for the high-speed real project in california which it lost a popularity. it might mean voters would have to approve the construction of a massive water project that moves water from northern california to southern california. that's a very big deal. those could be the practical impacts of prop 53. it is --
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>> host: does that also explain proposition 60 which deal with health requirements for adult film stars? >> guest: it doesn't a sense which it's not a proposal the legislature heard. why can't the legislature respond to this and if somebody wanted that issue to be dealt with. prop prop 60 requires the use of condoms in the filming of adult movies. it would be penalties for movie producers who don't follow those rules. this is spearheaded by an activist group in los angeles area. whether voters think they need to wait in on this we will find out after the ballots are counted on election night. it is a fairly narrow proposal. it has. it has gotten attention because it's not unusual subject matter that voters are choosing. it is a narrow topic on a very long list of 17 proposals. >> host: in addition, some
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communities have additional questions on the ballot which means it will take more time for those voters to cast their ballots. >> guest: exactly. in san francisco you have an additional two dozen local ballot measures, after, after the 17 statewide ballot measures. the great question for political campaigns and political scientist is, what do voters do when they are faced with that? do they get exhausted and stop voting, do, do they vote no on everything? one theory is that voters get angrier as they go down the list. i think it's very difficult for a lot of campaigns to get attention in that. certainly the oxygen has been sucked out of this political season in california by the presidential campaign. we know who will win california in the race for president, but it's been hard for efforts to get attention. i think come tuesday night with his very night with this very long list of state proposals it will be tough to see what voters do. >> it will be quite a day on
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tuesday. john is the bureau chief for the los angeles times thank you for explaining this. >> election night on c-span, watch the results and be part of a national conversation about the outcome. the location of the hillary clinton headquarters and much of victory and concession speech is in key races starting live at 8:00 p.m. eastern and threat the following 24 hours. watch live on c-span, on demand at or listen to the live coverage using the free c-span radio app. >> now the integrity of u.s. elections, and cyber professionals talk about potential voting phone abilities and the processes and systems in place to protect the vote. new york times chief washington correspondent david singer led this 90 minute conversation.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> welcome. i'm charlie, executive director of the communications and society program at the institute. we. we are a nonpartisan, nonprofit policy program that addresses the impact of communications and information technology on democratic institutions and values. i can think of no more basic democratic value than free and fair elections.
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it's essential to the legitimacy of government and to the face of the people in the democratic process. in prior year, the communication and society program has looked at issues of elections in cyberspace, campaigns in cyberspace and american media voter information. we have been very interested in the topic for many years. this year, the electoral process has been called into question in a couple of ways. first, there's been allegations of fraud and rigging in the elections. and it's a serious concern that we wanted to address it. second, there are allegations of for government hacking institutions such as the democratic national committee. institutions such as the democratic national committee. that another campaign
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organizations that could impact or influence the outcome of the election. for these reasons we have aligned with the election verification network, a group of 185 professionals who are involved with their election officials, attorneys, and others who look at the election verification process and are also nonpartisan. the question we face is, how do we know the votes we cast our the are the votes that are counted and reported? we have a great panel to look at this question i'm very proud of the group that we have been able to assemble. first on the panelists mr. cortez, commissioner of the virginia department of election. the first occupy that position. he's the the chief election officer virginia. he's been at this issue for over 15 years and was named the rising star by campaign and election magazine in 2004.
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they got that one right. next is john carlin, he is the recently former, he was the assistant attorney general for national security until only a few days ago. he is the nation's top national security attorney overseen 400 employees. that's responsible for protecting the country against international espionage, terrorism, cyber breaches, and other and other national security interests. we have susanna who is director of common causes voting integrity campaign which is aimed at repairing and strengthening voting systems at the state and national level. she is co-author of an important report called secret ballot at risk, among various other writings


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