tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN November 9, 2016 10:00am-12:01pm EST
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me is an extraordinary woman to share my life with and my four children. we had a great campaign team and i wish i could mention all of their names. i do want to acknowledge someone who did a phenomenal job. there is no one better my -- this country to run my campaign. i want to thank the staff in my senate office. i can't tell you how many people came up to me and said i'm not republican but i'm going to vote for you. you help me with social security, you help me with an issue at the va, that's the work we do. we are honored to do it. we have the best staff in america and i'm grateful for them.
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>> i want to thank the people of this is extraordinary state for giving me another opportunity to continue to serve them in united states senate. in his collection of all these things that make us the greatest country on earth. it is such an honor to be able to represent this extraordinary state pit i want to say a few words in spanish because i know people get their news in spanish and a lot of people learned about me in spanish. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue] we have been through an interesting year as a nation. we are ready to hear the results of tonight's election. here's what i know. there is still no nation on earth that i would rather be. despite all of our challenges, there is no country and there is no people on this planet that i would trade places with. i am glad that i'm an american in the 21st century. america is going to be okay. we will turn this country around. i have faith and i know god is not done with america yet. he has great plans for our country.
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in the days and weeks to come and iop will set the great example in this state that while we disagree on issues, we cannot share country where people hate each other because of their political affiliation. we cannot move forward as a nation if we cannot have enlightened debate about tough issues. you can disagree with someone without hating them and you can disagree with them without delegitimizing their point of view. :
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but we must channel that anger and frustration into something positive. let it move us forward as energy to confront and solve our challenges and our problems. america has never had an easy era. florida has never had an easier. our state has always confronted great challenges and so, too, have are people. in each generation americans have stepped forward to can front -- to confront the challenges and embrace the opportunities. i believe with all my heart if we do what needs to be done in the used to, that my children and yours will be the freest and most prosperous americans that have ever lived. we must start now. for while we still a time to get this right we do not have forever. i will close by saying that while i have the belief about the decisions we make in government are important ago i know in the end america will not be saved by politicians.
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i hope we as a nation will return to her roots as a people. respecting our diversity but understanding that ultimately what unites us as a people is a common dream and the commonwealth for a better life. and that we could only achieve that if we all achieve that. and i hope that god gives me the opportunity and the voice to move forward. i'll close with this. i hope this nation tonight irrespective of the outcome for president that we will all say a prayer for our great country. because as tainted word of scripture tells us, unless the lord builds the house, the labor in vain that build. and less of the lord city ending, does the guard keep watching. let us keep working together. god bless this great nation. thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve. god bless the florida. thank you. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] thank you.
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the supreme court. go to and select supreme court new the right and top of the page. one spot our supreme court page you will see for the most recent oral arguments heard by the court this term, click on the link to see all the oral arguments covered by c-span. you can find recent appearances by many of the supreme court justices or watch justices in their own words including one on one interviews in the past few months with justices taken, thomas, ginsburg. there's also a calendar for this term a list of all current justices with links to quickly see all their appearances on c-span as well as many other supreme court videos available on demand. follow the supreme court at >> senator ron johnson was reelected to senate seat in wisconsin yesterday. he delivered a victory speech at his campaign headquarters in oshkosh.
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[cheers and applause] are you excited, wisconsin? [cheers and applause] what a great crowd and what a great a victory for all the people wisconsin, republican, democrat, independent, sending ron johnson to united states senator to will be a victory for future generation as those of here today. thank you all for being out here tonight. back on november 2, 2010 you elected ron johnson to you elected me, you elected always of republicans across the state and you send us a message. you said don't just campaign, get out there and govern like you said you're going to do when you campaigned. we turned this state around. we turn the state around. [cheers and applause] and the great news tonight is you've got someone who's kind of like, remember the old movie mr. smith goes to washington?
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someone who is a manufacturer just doing us all think stood up under the call to the people in the state, said he is going to do something about it. went to washington, did his job and said i'm going to focus on wisconsin bottom washington. that's what he done for the past six years. that's what people do for the next six years. case someone is going to bring those wisconsin values to washington. [applause] and not only with his victory tonight, a victory for all of us gaza but it's a victory for wisconsin to its a victory for america as well. because no ron johnson can yet again to what it means to be someone from wisconsin to show what it means when you people willing to think more about the next generation than just about the next election. you can do remarkable things for the people of your state. he will help lead in the senate, to remarkable things for the people of this country. ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to introduce the current and future senator to the great state of wisconsin, ron johnson,
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[cheers and applause] thank you. apparently we did run out of beer this year. thank you all. i so appreciate it. this is a big night. it's a big night -- [cheers and applause] it's a big night for wisconsin. it's a big night for america, but i have to take some time to thank some people. i first want to thank my wife, jane. [applause] jane as, jane has just been a rock. she's been so supportive. gene is a patriot, and i could not have done this without jane. i want to thank my kids, my son, his wife, my daughter and her husband. [applause]
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they have been supported every part of the way. i've got to thank my siblings. my younger brother who moved from minneapolis to open the business. he's doing a great job. [applause] his wife who also to leave her family. she's gotten involved in the community doing a wonderful job. mary, thank you. [applause] my brother and his wife, he's the one who is still an awful lot of our commercials i think will put us over the top. [applause] my sister and her husband, bob. she has been a supporter from afar. giving me all kinds of encouragement, so thank you. [applause]
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i need to thank a very special person. you saw him here earlier, tony bland no. [applause] >> where is tony? there he is. so first of all let me apologize to oshkosh and the catholic school system for taking tony away from you. but you all know what a servant leader tony blando is. he has gained so much respect to washington, d.c., the respect he deserves, but tony, you know i could've done this without you. so god bless you, tony blando. [applause] i want to thank the official staff of the senate, the folks here in wisconsin who are just
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dedicated to actual customer service. i'm not going to do and everybody because i'll forget somebody but you know you are there you have done so much to be so responsive to the good folks of wisconsin, and trust me, we are dedicated to customer service. you can expect six additional years of great customer service as well. [applause] the old washington, d.c.-based is pretty darn good too. they give me some pretty good information. to thank all you guys. you have come in and help the campaign. [applause] i've got to thank the state-based campaign staff as well. betsy, where's betsy? [applause]
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betsy never gave up. let's face it, we have some pretty disappointed days every now and again. some frustrating poll results. nobody, nobody was more upbeat, more positive, kept us on message, kept us on point, remained positive. she's a five was campaign manager for whoever hires for next. [applause] -- fabulous campaign manager. >> i've had the privilege over the last, really six years serving with phenomenal people, and over the last couple days traveling through the state, i really don't think wisconsin fully appreciates how lucky we are to have the men and women of integrity in our state legislator, in the governorship, serving in congress. i mean, governor walker, where
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did governor walker go? a man of integrity. [applause] a man of integrity, a man of ideas, a man of political courage. and those three attributes will be attached to everybody else i mention. lieutenant governor clay fish. [applause] all the men and women of the state assembly and the state senate, paul ryan. [applause] on a big paul ryan fan, and america's going to lean on paul ryan, his agenda, to save this country. [applause] but other members of congress, jim sensenbrenner -- i know he's
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retired. did they call the race for mike? mike gallagher is a fabulous, fabulous -- [applause] glenn and sean duffy. these are fabulous members of congress. [applause] you know, the governor, members of the legislature put wisconsin on the right path. paul ryan, the other members of the legislature, we're going to put america on the right path, so god bless all those folks. [applause] you know, about six and a half years ago a door was opened to be. gave me this opportunity to sure the folks of wisconsin and america as united states senator. about 18 months ago another door was opened up to me through my senate staff, and i met a
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wonderful man, pastor jerome smith. pastor, where are you? pastor smith. [applause] working together we've created something called the joseph project, and it is through the leadership of a wonderful man named pastor jerome smith, and we are helping transform people's lives. and we're using that as an example of how, when you demonstrate and implement your compassion and your community, that's actually what works. and so pastor smith, certainly my guarantee to you is we are going to continue to grow and expand the joseph project, use that wonderful example. so god bless you, pastor smith. [applause]
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now, i did speak with senator feingold. he called me. it was a great gracious call. he wished me well. i wish him well in his next chapter of his life. [applause] i've also talked to paul ryan. i've talked to leader mcconnell. i've talked to our vice president, president of presidential nominee and to talk to reince priebus. my messages been pretty consistent or i believe america's given us a chance, and opportunity to put this nation on the right path. that's exactly what i intend to do. as tony said, sections ago i promised i will always tell you the truth. i'll never vote on the act with my reelection in my. that's obvious. this is my final term. so i approach the next six years with a seriousness of purpose. we've got a shot. we've got a chance. we've got to put america on the right path. the way we are going to do it,
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the way we are going to do is we're going to be concentrate on the areas of agreement. fears of the number one area of agreement that we start with. as americans, as wisconsinites come we really do share the same goal. we all want a safe, prosperous, secure wisconsin and america. [applause] and we are concerned about each other. there's no one political party that has a monopoly on compassion. we all want all of our fellow citizens to succeed, to have the opportunity to build a good life for themselves and their family. i am chairman of the senate committee on homeland security and government affairs. i can ruin your night laying out the problems, the challenges, the threats we face. i'm not going to do that. this is not a celebration. this is a night --
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[applause] [chanting] >> thank you. thank you. but this is a night of opportunity. we've been given a chance, we are going to seize the chance, and together, working together, because one group of people i haven't think yet is all of you. as i said what gives me hope, what gives me hope, understand the number one thing people tell me as a travel around the state, you are in our prayers can we are praying for you. it's all of you made this possible. and working together as wisconsinites, as america, we will say this country. so god bless all of you. god bless wisconsin. god bless america. thank you. [applause]
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>> senator bond johnson defeated his opponent former democratic senator russ feingold. russ feingold gave his concession speech at his hand headquarters in oshkosh, wisconsin. [cheers and applause] >> my friends. thank you. thank you. well, i didn't expect this outcome, to be honest with you. i'm sorry we didn't get the job
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done. and i want to thank my wife, christine ferdinand. [applause] she just retired after 40 years as a university librarian, came here and on october 1, russia's to vote and vote with me and said she may have voted for me. [laughter] her greatest wish in life was over first months of retirement be thrown into the united states senate campaign. no, it wasn't. but thank you for your support. we gave it everything we had. i cannot tell you how i feel about the support that i received from everybody every day all over this state. my wonderful family, incredible campaign staff. i mean, i just had such a good time with all you guys into
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campaign. you taught me a lot more than i taught you. and i really wanted to get this done. but obviously something is happening in this country tonight. i don't understand it completely. i don't think anybody does. but we as americans have to do the best we can to heal the pain in this country and get people to come together. i would urge you to be as restrained as you can be as the next steps occur. i don't know exactly what they're going to be, but is to be one of the most challenging times in history of our country. it's going to be up to you, particularly these wonderful young people that worked on this campaign. [applause] they are going to have to heal the wounds, have to bring us together. we will get through this, and i look forward to helping you in
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anyway i can, but it is now up to you. thanks so much. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> president-elect donald trump saisent his first official twees president this morning, such a beautiful and important evening. the forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. we will all come together as never before. president obama's invited mr. trump to the white house.
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there to meet tomorrow to begin the transition process. the president won a statement this point on the election. the white house says it will deal with the need to bring the country together. the c-span networks will be covering that story. congress returns from its lame-duck session next week. on the agenda as legislation to extend government funding past december 9 deadline to avert a government shutdown. also played were differences between house and senate versions to a different michigan. also work on a bill to promote medical research and develop new cures as well as funding for defense department programs. you can watch the house when members return monday on c-span, and, of course, the senate is live on c-span2 on tuesday. >> c-span, where history unfolds a daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider.
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>> him automakers are working to protect motorists from carbonated cyber threats amid growing concern. now the inaugural automotive cybersecurity summit held in detroit which includes top executives on the auto industry. this hour-long portion includes remarks from mary barra and a panel of automotive security officials. >> so before, now it is my privilege and honor to introduce to you mary barra, the chairman and ceo of general motors. mary and her leadership team are transforming the automotive sector. consider that under her leadership in the last year alone gm launched the car sharing service, purchase cruise automation come invested $5 million in lift announce the upcoming launch of the chevy volt which again is our atrium hall today and particular relevance, gm was the first
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major car manufacturer to form a coordinated disclosure program. mary is the ceo of a fortune 10 company would open today's conference, reinforces our mission is cybersecurity has become a top priority of the automotive sector. and if corporate america. so there is also the first woman ever to lead a global automated company. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage that chairman and ceo of the general motors mary barra. [applause] >> well, thanks, tom, a good morning. at general motors were pleased to join you and others to sponsor the first ever global automotive cybersecurity summit have and we are very pleased that it is in detroit. i also want to thank secretary
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fox, senator peters, congresswoman dingell, administrator rosekind, commission mcsweeny and all of the other government, business and academic leaders who are here are will be spending time with us today for this very important topic. this event underscores the fundamental importance of bringing together thought leaders from all sectors to examine the state of automotive cybersecurity and explore ways to strengthen our mutual cyber defenses. even more important, it points to a unique responsibility that we have to develop proactive solutions to cybersecurity challenges acing society today. around the world, consumers increasingly expect to have constant and seamless connectivity. by 2020 it is estimated there will be 50 billion smart devices in use around the world, or about seven connected devices for every man, woman and child
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on the planet. growth in the so-called sharing economy is now a global phenomenon in everything from cars and bicycles to apartments, tools and even high-end clothing and jewelry. and the trend toward more sustainable living and environmental friendly policies as important now as it is the growth and urban population centers. by 2020 projections are there will be 41 global megacities with populations above 10 million. that's up from 28 today. each of these trends is reflected in today's mobile automotive industry. in fact, i fully expect the auto industry will change more in the next five years than it has in the last 50 year. and at gm we are very excited to be in the leadership role in much of this transformation. in the area of conductivity gm's onstar service has responded to
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1.3 billion consumer requests since we launched the service 20 years ago. by the end of this year we expect to have 12 million onstar connected vehicles around the world, and by 2020 we expect to have about 75% of our global volume to be connected. this is just the beginning of where conductivity will take us in the future as would work to expand and improve the customer experience, both inside and outside of the vehicle. around the world are in ridesharing services are also expanding exponentially. globally an estimated 15 million people use shared mobility services such as ridesharing or car sharing today. by 2020 this number is projected to be more than 50 million. and at gm we combined a number of our sharing programs earlier this year under a single brand. we now have half a dozen
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programs that programs and half a dozen cities as well as programs in germany, china and brazil and with more launches on the way. we also are very excited about our strategic alliance with lyft. we believe the convergence of connectivity, ridesharing and autonomous vehicles will shape the future of personal mobility. the societal trend toward sustainability is mirrored in the industry's drive towards alternative propulsion, a special with electric vehicles. and late edition will start the production of all electric chevy volt which you know is available for you to check out in the lobby. this will be the first electric vehicle that correct -- cracks the code of affordability and a 200-mile plus range. and traditional and nontraditional automotive companies are making substantial investments right now in
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autonomous driving and parts of the industry. as promises customers greater convenience, lower costs and improved safety. taken together, these interconnected trends and technologies are allowing gm and the auto industry to stretch the boundaries of what is possible for consumers. they're giving us unprecedented opportunities to develop vehicles that are more environmentally friendly, smarter and safer for our customers. but while today's technology creates many new and exciting opportunities, it also creates challenges. one of the challenges is the issue of cybersecurity. and make no mistake, cybersecurity is the foundation to each of the technologies i discussed. in addition to the rapid growth of the vehicle connectivity i've already mentioned, there are two additional factors that are contributing to cybersecurity risks for today's auto industry.
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one is content, the fact that personal data is increasingly stored in or transmitted through our vehicle networks. the other is complexity which opens up opportunities for those who want to do harm to cyber attacks. consider that in 2000, cars of average at about 1 million lines of code. the first generation of gold which was introduced in late 2010 have about 10 million lines of code. that's more than and f-35 fighter jet. today the average car has more than 100 million lines of code and it will not be long before it surpasses 200 million. we all want customers to take advantage of the technology that is changing the automobile and opening up new experiences that were frankly unimaginable when i started in this business. we also want our customers and are dated to be safe and secure while they're using all these new features.
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cybersecurity protects not only for physical safety of the customer but also protects the privacy and their data. i'm quick to add that at general motors we view cybersecurity not as competitive advantage but as a systemic concern in which the auto industry's collective customers and society at large are best served with an industrywide collaboration and sharing of best practices. at gm we recognize the threat landscape is continually evolving, and sophisticated attacks are specifically designed to circumvent even the most robust system design. whether it's phishing or spyware, malware or rent somewhere, the attacks are getting more and more sophisticated every day. not only is it important industry design our products with cybersecurity in mind, but we also need to work together to develop the capabilities to
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detect cyber incidents, protect against these attacks, and mitigate the consequences when and if they occur. a cyber incident is not just a problem for the automaker involved. it is a problem for every automaker around the world. it's a matter of public safety. this is why general motors strongly supports a collaborative approach championed by secretary foxx, administrator rosekind, the alliance of automobile manufacturers, the association of global automakers, and members of the auto dissect. at gm we have made cybersecurity a top priority. we've established a dedicated cyber organization and with a senior executive running our cybersecurity team who many of you know, jeff, and he will participate later today in a roundtable discussion. we've also taken a leadership position within the auto isac
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with jeff serving as vice chair. we've made a very deliberate decision to embrace the relationship with the white hat research community. earlier this year we launched a coordinated disclosure program that put out a welcome mat to researchers and cybersecurity experts, inviting them to identify vulnerabilities in our systems. this is an approach that silicon valley is practice for years and is very good at, but with a few companies have embraced beyond software industry. our program at gm is new and we are still learning best practices, but we are committed to expanding and evolving it and working with the research community to improve our cybersecurity posture. but while all of these actions are important, the single most significant commitment we have to make to cybersecurity at gm is to commit to collaborate with everyone here to address our
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shared cybersecurity issues and concerns. yesterday the otto isac released this summer identifying cybersecurity best practices for the auto industry. based on a proactive safety principles issued by secretary foxx in january. i want to applaud these efforts of executive director john allen at the members of the auto isac of all of them put in a tremendous amount of work to get us where we are today. and i'm extremely pleased to say that general motors will support and endorse all recommendations in the executive summary, and we commit to implement in the actions of best practices outlined in this document. above all we strongly agree with the auto isac call for a commitment to expand our collaborative efforts and work together to mitigate cyber threats that present potential risks to our customers, and society at large. let me also say at gm we are
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also committed to collaborating proactively with nhtsa on one shared goal of enhancing the vehicle cybersecurity atmosphere for everyone. nhtsa and industry made a concerted effort to work together through development of best practices, and at gm we are committed to continuing this valuable collaboration as we move forward. at very important point i want to stress is that unlike a number of other industries that have already been seriously affected by cybersecurity, the auto industry has the opportunity to address cyber concerns before we experience a serious incident. we can work together today within the auto industry, and tomorrow to mitigate our risks, we can learn from companies and industries that have already addressed cyber threats on a large scale. in fact, i'm extremely pleased we were there this afternoon from the vice president of special projects at general dynamics about how one company
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in the defense industry started a long ago to approach the cybersecurity and mitigate risk. i believe we can work a lot from general dynamics extremes that can help the auto industry get out in front of cybersecurity before we face a field of threat. so i believe we have a real opportunity to work together today and in the monster, to move the industry forward. the global industry is moving faster today than it has been 100 years. many facets of traditional industry being disruptive but these create opportunities to rewrite the rules of vehicle use and ownership for the benefit of our customers. i believe it is essential that leaders from a wide cross-section of industry, automotive to defense the aerospace work together with government, law enforcement, academia, researchers and the cybersecurity community to
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develop proactive solutions to the cybersecurity challenges we all face. and i believe where the real opportunity to do that here today for the safety and security of our customers, and of society in general. cybersecurity is one of the most serious challenges we face and we need to make an industry priority. this summit is an example of what we need more of. all of us working together to achieve what none of us can do on our own. i want to thank billington cybersecurity for the role in bringing us here today, and i want to thank each of you for your commitment to being a critical part of the solution. let's work together to leverage our collective strengths and knowledge to protect our customers, their privacy, every time they get in a car. thank you. [applause]
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>> thank you very much, mary, for a terrific opening keynote and kickoff to this event. now i'd like to produce to you our next panel, moderated by john allen, the principal at booz allen hamilton, and acting executive director of the auto isac. if each of the panelists could please come up now, i would appreciate it. while they're coming up, john allen was the program manager for booz allen over the effort to form the first automotive industry cyber threat and vulnerability information sharing consortium. as mentioned, you may have seen again that just yesterday to members of the auto isac
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released a very important overview of the conference of automotive cybersecurity best practices. on this panel is, as john will introduce, are top executives from general motors, toyota and honda, as well as the founder of iambic outlawry. so i will pass the podium alone or the microphone -- >> thank you so much. thank you all for joining us today. this is an exciting time in the industry and i'm amazed at how far we've come in two years, having a ceo talk about vehicle cybersecurity and having the job on the stage we have right now. it's a testament to the leadership of many on the stage and many of you in the crowd that this is god where we are right now. this is an exciting time. we will have a conversation. all i'm missing if i live in a bottle of scotch. will have a conversation about cybersecurity, given update of what's going on in the isac
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patoka information sharing how we can approve, mature and where we're going next. we'll give it a bit of the best practices and what happened yesterday with the release of the automotive security best practices but it's an exciting time and i think hopefully you'll get something out of this. not what we've done before partly where we're going as an industry and this isn't just about the isac. it's about you all and that we protect the ecosystem as wanting. many of you know who's on the stage here. really the experts of cybersecurity across the industry. our chief information security officer for the enterprise of measures could program for toyota, bently au has been instrumental with the isac the special thing that our best practices didn't, really are into cell space and it's great to have you and thank you for flying in from california to be with us. josh corpsman, our friend on the panel, a researcher. we couldn't keep all automakers up. many guys know josh as the fount
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of i am the cavalry but of i am the cavalry but yemen and now he would go to the atlantic council. he has come to the dark side with us. so we'll have some great perspectives from josh and how we can use the research community and other parts of the ecosystem. steve center, another isac board member at the end. stevens the vice president for honda, i get another, one of the owners of ice that an abort as help the people. and then jeff massimilla, chief information secured officer for general motors but also the vice-chairman of the auto isac and has been a huge advocate and leader out there. let's do some level sets so everybody gets up to speed where we that. for those who don't know, the automotive isac, abbreviation come with of abbreviations in washington, d.c. is the information sharing and analysis center. there's a presidential they shouldn't director passed that
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allowed industries to collaborate around threats and vulnerabilities. about two years ago allies and global came together with the automotive industry and said, many isac came together after a cyber attack, after a major incident. let's get together before something catastrophic happens and then start working together as an industry. that took about a year to get everything lined up to build a perspective congress to start building the culture and trust. it was one year ago this week it was publicly announced were going to launch the isac. it took a little while to get the organizations up and running but we became fully operational capable in january and started sharing cyberthreat vulnerabilities and intelligence and what's happened out in the environment. the isac wasn't just happy about that. they wanted to take it one step further. every company is doing amazing things with in the cyber domain and became down to how do we share best practices about what we are doing. you heard mary say this is a
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competitive discipline. an attack on what is an attack on all. we came together as an industry and yesterday released the executive summary of what the best practices will look like and what the main playbooks will be. 98% of the cars on the road today were part of that. soon after reform the isac we realize it was about the oem. the supplier committed is critical. we expanded it out and invited the supplier community. he may seem some press releases the if i try to name do i will miss one and i will get in trouble so i will not do that but we are continuing to expand out and a strategic partnership program and now looking how to use others like josh corpsman and a resurgence in the committee come in and help us in other areas. kind used the whole -- special based on where we're at right now across the entire industry. with that in mind just if we did an exercise. we did an exercise in that
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assure cyberthreat intelligence across the oems. could never have imagined doing this two years ago getting everybody in the room to share. i'm going to start, i want to go down the whole line to start with you, bentley. how is it going? have you seen the transition to do with information sharing across the oems over the last year? >> what you were talking about in organizing coming together as an industry, the trust started there. just the fact we can come together and understand what really the common goal was. and in transition that into this is not a competitive space for the industry. this is a collaborative space, and then taken it on to actually forming the isac, and then the next step of increased trust of sharing information. then yet another step of sharing best practices. so those best practices came from a lot of different places, came from outside the industry, came from within each member.
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that ability to share of tickets increase the trust. that's really key to anything we do, and also to start bringing other folks into the fold. that trust and building that trust and that respect within the companies is pretty important. >> steve, can we declare success for shared integration? >> i think almost. you are never done and you don't know what you don't know but it's kind of paradox and all this. we are all competitors, fierce competitors. so to share is kind of amusing but we're doing that. we are organized, communicating, working together. i think you used the line from nato, an attack on one is an attack on all of us. that's the way we stand, united. >> that's great. jeff, as a vice chairman, how do you see the maturity levels? how do we work together as an industry to bring everybody up?
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we have some large oems that have a lot of resources. we have other oems that are dispersed geographically and complex apply systems, producing cars. how do you really open up what you are doing at gm and share it across industry with that culture? >> i think that's the best part of the isac, john, is we talked about being fierce competitors and we are. we can be for everything in the automotive industry. as mary a letter to the cybersecurity come it's not a competitive advantage. it's all the groups coming together to bring the best to the table. you see this in the isac. you see in the best practices development. best practices are not become the least common denominator of what the auto industry can do. we are sitting around the table all of us with different capabilities, stronger in some areas, weaker in some areas are challenging each other to figure out what is the best thing we can do for the safety and security of our customers.
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>> josh, what's the perception today? how do you see the research community playing with the isac in the future? as a founding member, to have a voice in this environment, how do you see researchers playing in it? >> historically it's been a contentious relationship between researchers and software industry. now that the automotive industry wakes up and finds himself software provides in a complex system, it was almost exactly two years ago when launched a five star safety framework. in that open letter to the auto ceos we essentially said you are master of your domain and have been perfecting safety for 100 years. ..
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we want to see that happen soon. but if we shatter that confidence will postpone or delay that benefit. >> this is one feed coming in right now. let's discuss at some of the other feeds and how they work with that. how do you work with researchers academic institutions. how do you see this environment who isn't necessarily also in this environment maybe you want to have in the discussions jeff what it is explain a little bit about who you work within the larger set. we have we've said this publicly. with consumer electronics. and even researchers. let's talk about coordinated disclosure. i know we will have a panel on that later.
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hate the term best practice. with the answer. the future r&b. we're trying to pull together academic research. reference arcus texture. we may not have the protected supply. it also have the five start would basically said all of them will fail and fail often. those are failures on current fleet. and with the five-star the basic five things is tell them how to be better. they want to see them. how do you capture that study.
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with secure updates and how do you contain and isolate that. the posture towards failure. and that won't be enough. i think what you guys are doing is amazing. and we need to keep another eye on what we still need to do to pull into this. i want to go to that point a little bit about the future of the best practices. you are a japanese headquartered company what is different about some of the organizations you have that you all work with that might be different than just the same people you're working with. is it any different because you're headquartered in japan. i think all of the automakers are global. he have them has them all over the world.
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and you have organizations all over the world. sometimes there are parallel organizations. sometimes you're groping for who is in charge of this area. they develop engines and electronics i think that is really the biggest challenge you head at the moment and you mentioned earlier just the input of information. that is the other one. he has so many avenues to receive information and how do you sort through what are you getting. >> can you give us some insights on who else you deal with and talk with? >> typically it's been academia in terms of the kind of research we are looking at we think we need to engage and are engaging. that is just typically how it is. a lot of this has grown out of the u.s. the ingenuity of a researcher
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or a hacker is typically there. not so much for us in japan. it's a global problem. you we start to see this coming from america. the leverage in the challenge is to steve's point howdy paul all how do you pull all the information in an insert their what is relevant and what is icing versus noise. is it a cyber threat. once you get in what do you do with it. it's also a challenge in industry as a whole. to step outside of the industry. it is a challenge because there is not a lot of people who are doing it. and in there so much information. some are people that are doing this kind of research even coordinated through a university or someone like that.
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i think that's where you have seen growth in the programs because there's people out there who can do this research they don't know where to go. and so to courtney that helps to bring an end and that some of it. and then help filter out some of the noise. and then get it to the right people. but it's a difficult problem that were all trying to work on to say there is researchers, and recorded programs. an independent folks there's government pulling all that in is part of the challenge. it can help with that. as they mature. to josh's point where we start to leverage some of these organizations to help do the research or at least commissioned the research down the road for the things that are coming. security will enable our economist.
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and that is the key point. we have to leverage security and enable all of these features and ultimately they improve safety. do you kind of know who to go to. we do have any relationships originally. others are still reluctant and maybe tenuous but if you look at this headlights at night we are sharing the safety of that. if you work when you hear research. you're still reacting if a limit of headlights before something bad happens. you might get three months or six months or nine months before you have a public thing.
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it really becomes if you really want to get out there you start inviting and researchers. before there ever even in the field. were starting to unveil ourselves. two high trust to meets. how do you disseminate the information. you get some things. how do you avoid the noise to actually find that needle in haystack. there is a lot of information. it definitely takes it i truly believe that. what's happening there is you
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have all of these various information feeds coming in you had suppliers and partners on different levels of maturity what's happening is even if someone doesn't have a corrugated disclosure program today the people that do are getting the information and they're sharing it and we actually had a great stuff. we did a great and fairly heated conversation in that information sharing. we were getting it there. it's amazing. it may not be important but with others it might be really important. in my does the varying levels of maturity. were learning from each other. i think they had pointed out there. the here is a big paradigm shift. typically in this business the information we are receiving
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with a lot of information about what broke. we are great at sifting through the end of developing what went wrong. this is information about what might be broken what might go wrong. and it takes and the artist intellectually i mentioned at the beginning of my statement. i'm amazed at the culture shift. why has that happened. you had been there since the beginning on the very first quiet first meeting we have. when i went really is at the
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government pressure or iconic vehicles. what is it that made it happen. >> a lot of it was a commonality that the commonality that we all shared. there was decade of experience. overtime and i mentioned this to the administrator some time ago. don't talk to them. you will get in trouble. once you realize your neck and get in trouble by talking to someone you head in norma's things in common with. things change. it's all up at the top. over here with the other conversations. it has changed because from all of the things we said. one of the core things whether it's government or research or
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whatever it is that really spun this off is building in understanding and educating everyone that yes this is a problem that might happen in the future to steve's point we are good as an industry at knowing what has happened and then addressing that. i think what has really done that is some of the research. and fortunately it has made it real given the conversations we've have this week. if we want to have even more information and get even smarter faster i think if you watch the recent events. in one of the things that really piqued my interest is that they are doing their investigation.
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what it triggered in me as one of our five stars. that looks really hard to do as an entire industry. the real gap to deal with privacy preserving and supporting instead of meaningful evidence capture. we can see tampering or hacking attempts. and if we really want to get in front of all the current information but that proactive information sharing its can have to be a priority for us to figure out how to pass all of those historical reasons. heading that might that might be the next turn of the crank. ensuring that we have information to this is much as possible.
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how do we make sure that we share information but it gets in the hands of the right people. they publicly could put us at risk. is there a point over the past week or so. how much do we share publicly it's a really interesting discussion. you have naturally ask a question. i will trust that. it is really you check in at one year ago. i want to address this one. we reach the initial operating condition. and really we strategically sat down as a board and said we can't let this thing implode. if we move too fast we can figure out how to get
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operational. i think it's really important that we took that step. number bringing it strategic partners and suppliers. all of these things if you talked at department of transportation. i think it's really important that we go take our time do the right thing and be methodical about it. i will get back to how much we are sharing. that is the intent by us to show as an industry how are we coming together how we can write best practices. we haven't completed all of the best practices yet. is informing how deep and how wide those things will cover. in releasing that document there is a lot of questions out there quite frankly there are couple of things that had to happen here.
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we need the help of the research community and everyone else to do that. they have also announced that they are going release the best practice document. i think it's really important the methodical approach. it's actually very quick in my opinion on how fast we are moving in this case. but we are doing it very intentionally. just careful in how on how we are approaching this. what parallels one of the reasons i was doing that for three years. the physical systems and cyber safety. we've actually had significantly more progress working with the connective bites field we've have an
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incredibly fruitful relationship. there's amazing how many parallels they are through healthcare even aviation in some ways there are things in this this group can do and learn. they just put out the guidance in january and it i'm excited to see what they do with their pending recommendation. they are almost required the disclosure programs. they want to see safety by design. they are saying if you have a disclosure program and you can do mitigation within 30 days or so you don't have to go through the painful process.
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with her trying to do is make sure that those collaboration things happen soon only the heavy-handed regulation. we should create more opportunities from the medical manufacturers think we can learn from each other more overtly. i see you often. what is a perception what is a feeling of the perception of what we've done here. i think it has changed hundred 80 degrees in the last year. they see the industry come together they seem concrete results. i welcome their comments about their release of the executive summary this week and i think
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they worked with the fire. it is a good thing. i think it's been positive. there is some doubt on how much we would be able to do. it's been pretty stressful. especially in the industry for something like this were not used to collaborating like this. how deep are you go. are we really going to talk about giving this. where is a line on this thing. what does it look like right now. i start with that one for sure. they are going to be prescriptive.
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i think the best practice should not be prescriptive. they need to be adaptable. where all competitors. would that mean what that means we do that things differently. it's important that we do that. at the same time the best practices have to be adaptable. i think one thing to really hit hard on that one it's been something that's been very much energized me. the idea of least common denominator. it's not what were talking about. that is important. for any organization. the cyber security sense. there may be technology we may put something in the best practice today that the technology even exist today to
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sell. and what does that mean that's great because it challenges us and it challenges our partners out there to help us create the technology to solve the problems so that we can improve it. all of those things put together an energizing activity. were not just looking at vehicles that have been there. it's going forward in the futures of that the market wants. if we wrote best practices that we can all meet we would fail.
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it was achievable. in other sectors i'm on record saying what they did by focusing on specifics. it was outdated. i like that you're focusing on control objectives instead of the specific controls that might be them. i think you're going to need help. i agree with you completely. it would take is easily see that. we have a we need to close it very quickly.
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it was actionable things that you do there. i agree. it raises the whole ecosystem. they might at best get them. i like the aspirational parts. it's not a compliance checklist. this is not a compliance model. i think that's what is the best part of the best practices. don't assume it's getting it flipped into compliance measure. that is the mindset we have gone into this. we talked about it a couple of times. it's the best practice approach. let's adaptable best practices. and very collaborative.
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so we can take a few questions from the crowd. we can do some questions that people have any. to see if anybody wants to raise their hand. >> no cards. if everyone could please write their questions on note cards we will pick them up. there are many suppliers and others in the room here. and be part of the conversation. what is a good way for that. what ways with you all. what is the way to get involved in the conversation if you're not already. go to the companies that you
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work with. partial answer is we head about 35 phone calls in the first week. the first of several were there. some of these. were having a failed handoff. as you get these. it's often, get it to introduce them. i must just be path that -- past that really quickly. to help them get that. this is an ecosystem and i
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don't want us to have dropped balls between our general counsel. if you are a supplier i would highly encourage you to put in permission or workout permission to participate in the program. but to launch her own. and i would be happy to help. >> is the future concept sure. i don't think that's everything to be the only place we get it. to get it. i think it's can be broader than that. we have to look at that as a really good source. but certainly not the only source and talk about disclosure the best relationship is with the
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researcher and the company that were working with. every company should learn from what that supplier who ever it is a scene is seen based on that researcher and analyze it and share it with the industry. he talked about this all the time. information sharing and analysis. it takes a person who is knowledgeable about the design to analyze it and really provide that intelligence back. as they can play a role. i think the court in a disclosure until everybody has a program i think in the end at each individual company it is really important. i think it has to be at best backdrop. and having the disclosure program is not enough. yet of the team that can feel that analyze it process it. juergen you want to set those terms.
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the mechanisms in a way you know you can handle. i would discourage only -- overuse. >> it's not even a cord needed exclusion program. you can have relationships. directly with researchers as well. when you you need to do it soon. it makes it so it's no longer a crime. to research your own vehicles or medical advices. even if you don't want to have one building some muscles and capacity now before a spike in the search of that come in. it's probably there. what essay and what
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standards. was this done in a vacuum or was this at the best standards and mapped them. they are all in here if you read through the executive summary it will reference in each area. some of the details that are built upon. .. a we didn't want to just say here's the best practices of what the members of the transixteen. it is what else is there out there. income you're building any kind
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of security platform or strategy or anything, you're not just looking at what you got. you're looking at everything else because there's a lot of people done work in other areas that they can can do the work for you in that sense when you're leveraging what they're doing so certainly it wasn't a in a vacuum. it was never intended to. >> great questions. we're not going to get to all. great questions. one thing i will after some when we go to get the auto i sacked executive summit today? if you go to the website, everybody can read. what do you all expect from the suppliers sharing information? supplies information about threats and vulnerabilities what's the expectation whether
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they are isac members or not? >> if you are a member that's a different situation but i think don't keep any secrets. it only gets worse. >> jeff, what are you seeing? >> you can look at it from an oem supplier partner relationship perspective or the auto why sack, we are working very closely with our partners to put fresh requirements in place, very strong security posture for our connected and even safety critical systems that exist in our vehicles. the partnership with the suppliers extremely important. it's required partnership to really provide the rights it to be posture. really secure development throughout the development of the product it even when it is launched because it's out there for many years. that partnership is very important an and i can't begin o talk of all the different ways.
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open communication is important. the suppliers of the partners are becoming members of the auto i sacked just like the oems to the abc thing in your bbq should be reporting it to the information sharing portal and ensuring that intelligence and may not even affect the manufactured it but that doesn't and shouldn't be reported such that if you're in the future development of something with another supplier that might be tangible to us as well. >> you mentioned lifecycle everything that's one of the biggest challenges because most things in an automobile over the lifecycle, there's no intervention. uni-systems ben carson now, our last 20 years of these days. things are going to require a change and improvement are the development teams have had that kind of history and experience. template what happens is you the development team, they launch and before the would you get past four years it's hard to go through the organization to see
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get to go back and fix something. with these technologies it's probably even more so. >> not trying to put anybody on the spot but it strikes me beyond the oems are potential sources of threat and risk and harm and the people you're inviting in comp one of the reasons we have critical systems or noncritical system is one of threat vectors isn't in your circle already, i lovingly call it a government mandated backdoor. a lot of these aftermarket devices whether it's, kickstarter size companies, most of these vehicles have unfettered access to everything else. that may also be a source of vulnerability threat and we
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might want to factor in -- >> a good point. we been working with suppliers for a long time and we do that through safety requirements, through quality requirements and performance requirements. now we bring that into security requirements. then how do we test that and ensure that? we are also bringing in a new nontraditional supply. folks are doing connectivity. this people got the pipe between the human, the customer and the vehicle. so those are folks who are not typically thought of as automotive suppliers. so bringing them into the fold is also important. >> will we ever have a truly secure and safeguard, 100% cybersecurity? >> now. but that's what the focus on failure, readiness. all systems fail.
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are you able to notice them, avoid them, work with others can respond to them. >> steve? >> i was at any moment in time yes. seconds, milliseconds. beyond that, now. >> jeff? >> i agree with josh. no such thing as 100% secure. >> can't engineer your way out of this? >> with no discipline. >> one thing we didn't address on this was privacy. we have a privacy principle that was created a year and a half ago. how does privacy play? there's so much data on the vehicle about her own personal lives. is that going to be consider as part of best practices are. >> i was just going to say yes,
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it is part of the. it's very important but i think these two aspects is what you like and what you do with it. that's the important part. there's all kinds of diagnostic information that is collected about the car. is collected at the car level. what you do with it is importa important. >> i was just going to say what we did with the best practice, protecting privacy but it is included on this is a component. it's information specific type of information that you're trying to protect. >> i'm going to say something controversial our purpose but i am getting very frustrated. i love my privacy, and i'd like to be alive to enjoy it. and a concert i had in the perfect has become a more important concern is that if we're not careful we will have corpses with a privacy impact. there are times when some of the
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desire to not capture data, do not share data, not the intrusion detection, to avoid evidence capture. there are times when these things will -- we need to be very mature and the have hardcover safely got the right balance. it's entirely possible the privacy advocates and cyber safety advocates may delight in this is a architecture choices that we have. i don't think it has to be a fight if we are not really aggressive in pushing through the discomfort historically, we have to talk about what we want as an industry. >> i have a slogan for you. you can't embarrass a corpse. >> not a blessed discounts the importance of privacy. in fact, if you want a piece of congress on monday or tuesday, germany, probably the most privacy conscious country on earth is now putting out
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mandates for a black box for vehicles. it doesn't have to be identical to airplanes but it's the most privacy sensitive conscious country on earth realize the importance of this. we have had a conversation. i'm willing to start helping that conversation. >> i'll relay the privacy aspect back to the best practices and cybersecurity posture. josh, you talked about the privacy aspects i believe that the side but data privacy law about the production of the data. cybersecurity best practices provide controls, not just to provide safety for the customer but also to keep their data private. it's the same controls that keep you safe, and those are all encompassing and best practices. so again not easy to attain but absolutely covered in the best practices so that we can learn from each other on how to do better. if we design for both we might
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get it right spirit our previous speaker said many times we will see more disruption in the next five years that we've seen for the last 50 years. i see more disruption with you all in the last two years, so thank you for your leadership to thank you for a great conversation think part of it and continued to push industry for. i look forward to coming back into your spend see how far we've gotten. so thank you very much. everyone give them a round of applause. [applause] >> veterans day, this coming friday seize them up like coverage of the traditional wreathlaying ceremony. that's veterans day friday morning at 11 eastern. >> fort knox was chosen because
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it was america's most impenetrable location. it was the gold bullion depository, at the open several years prior, lots of gold transferred there. secretary of the treasury henry morgenthau gives permission to use a portion of the depository for these documents. >> sunday night on q&a. >> what documents are going to be there? the original engrossed declaration effort. the original constitution definitely. the articles of confederation, reconstitution, for sure. the gettysburg address considered critical. so he makes this decision very methodically i think on what's going to go to fort knox. these are considered the most viable documents in the country. and the magna carta is the document that he has been asked
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to preserve. >> sunday night on q&a. >> hillary clinton is giving her concession speech and right now. we are showing it live on c-span to get against a couple of minutes ago. on a companion network c-span. >> the "national journal"'s charlie cook, "the cook political report" will refute yesterday's election, and we'll have that live starting at 1:30 p.m. eastern. the final cup projection yesterday that hillary clinton with 278 electoral votes. instead donald trump of course ended up with 276. >> an update on yesterday's election, new hampshire governor maggie hassan has declared victory over republican incumbent senator kelly ayotte. however, senator ayotte has not yet conceded with 99% of
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precincts reporting. governor hassan leads by fewer than 1000 those. republicans will maintain control of the senate even if maggie hassan does win. politico reports after six years of wandering in the political desert, former florida governor charlie crist will represent his hometown in congress. he was republican governed by the lost his bid for the senate and reelection later to the governor's office. an israeli newspaper points out despite the election democrats have added four more jewish members to congress. the jewish contingent videos house of representatives grew from 19 to 23, double its republican representation from one to two. john mccain delivered a victory speech at his campaign headquarters in phoenix after defeating his opponent tenuous congresswoman ann kirkpatrick. [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you, arizona. thank you so much. [cheers and applause] i stand before you tonight with our family at our side, so we elected officials have been so helpful, and i am so humbled and i'm so honored and quite frankly i'm a little teary tonight. for your belief in my husband and your strength and your honor
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in him. in your honor, in giving in to vote and believe in what he does for the state, i cannot thank you enough. i can't thank you enough. [cheers and applause] you have given us the greatest honor of all the you have decided to give my husband your vote. he'll get it straight. i'm sorry, i'm rattled. you decided to give him your vote and send it back to the united states senate. thank you. [cheers and applause] in john, you have a true hero. you have a warrior, someone who has the experience, the leadership and the dignity to serve the way he served. and most importantly he is a cut above everyone.
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he believes in -- [applause] he lives by the code of conduct, duty, honor, country. by allowing me to stand here with him and giving me the humble on being a very, very microscopic part of arizona history, i can't thank you enough. this beautiful state of mind has meant so much to me. and in giving my husband the opportunity to join me 36 years ago, w we've loved and lived hee with all of our hearts. so please welcome your maverick, your friend and the next u.s. senator john mccain. [cheers and applause] [chanting] >> thank you. thank you.
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thank you for that introduction. and here we are together on another election night, my friends. and am humbled again by the privilege extended to me and so grateful. i have so many people to thank, somebody gets to acknowledge. let me begin by saying thank you to my employers, the people of arizona. those of you who voted for me and those who voted for my opponent. i've never been more honored by anything in the privilege of representing you in the united states senate. i've never taken it for granted, and i never will here i am as grateful to you tonight as i was when you first elected me. every life has its ups and downs, and i've had a few of my own your but no setback has ever mattered anywhere near as much in the balance of my life as a public trust that you have granted me. so thank you, arizona, again
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from the bottom of my heart. [cheers and applause] >> i want to thank congresswoman ann kirkpatrick for running a spirited and honorable campaign. this office is worth a good fight, and she sure gave me one. i commend her and wish her well. [applause] and i commend her supporters for investing their hope and labor in her campaign. i've been on the losing sight of elections before, and it's no fun. but you get yourselves to a cause greater than yourselves, and that brings us satisfaction that outlasts temporary disappointment. i want to assure you that while we may not agree on all the issues, you have my respect and my service.
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you are my bosses, too. and your interests are my responsibility to represent. to my supporters, those who have stood with me in all my campaigns and those who did so for the first time in this campaign, all arizonans who gave me their encouragement, their trust, their efforts and the most powerful civic possession, their vote so that i would have another opportunity to be the best senator i can be for you. thank you, thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] i will get up every day determined to work harder for you than the day before to deserve your trust. this has been a difficult national election, and not always an uplifting one, but americans have done their duty as citizens and chosen a new
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president. for too long washington has schemed and fought and maneuvered to gain political advantage at the cost of delivering for the american people. we've made too little, if any, progress meeting the great challenges of our time, which are many and difficult. the one message that came through loud and clear in this election is that americans want progress now. they want progress now to secure their families and america's interest from the dangers of threats we face overseas. they want progress now on solving national problems that threaten the ability to prosper and make a better life for their families. they want progress now on growing the economy and increasing their opportunities to live purposeful and satisfying lives. they want progress now on making sure we do what every previous american generation has done. and that is to ensure america's future is even better than our
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storied past. i promise you i will work as hard as i ever have, use only knowledge and experience and relationships and extend an open and to our new president. and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, to solve our problems together as fellow americans who have more in common than we have differences. most of all we have our citizenship in common, and that is a blessing we should honor by treating each other with respect. i want to thank my amazing campaign team, who have done such a fantastic job. [cheers and applause] and even taught an old dog like me a few new campaign tricks. all our incredible in terms.
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our interns who are here -- [cheers and applause] all of our interns and volunteers sacrifice so much and made so many calls. and could i, there's so many people here i'd like to thank, but there's also a very, very special group, and that is our iranian and american friends who are here. [cheers and applause] [chanting] >> if you happen to have seen a horse-drawn carriage around the valley, that's our guys over here who did that, so thank you. [applause] and a special shout out to our vietnamese american friends who are here tonight. [cheers and applause] thank you, kevin. these are the people or the children of the people who came
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to this country from a war-torn land that had been taken over by the communists, with very little besides the shirt on the backs and made the shirts on their backs and made this a greater and better nation for the presence. so i thank you for your support, and god bless. [cheers and applause] all of them did so much, your believe in me and your labor honors me, and i thank you for it. and think of course all my longtime trusted friends and advisers, my senate staff in washington and arizona -- [shouting] >> and there they are. [applause] as always i would have gotten anywhere in this business without your trusted counsel and generous support and your friendship. thank you to everyone who committed any amount of money to this campaign, from the smallest of the largest donation that fueled our campaign, and he
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thank you. i especially want to thank two people have been incredibly helpful throughout this journey. governor doug a my good friend and colleague senator jeff flake. [cheers and applause] there's also couple people like to recognize tonight but as you know it was a tremendous it if you want a friend in washington go out and buy a dog. [laughter] have a couple, i have many, many special friends who are here to the two of them up like to point out. is about 10 years ago we were in kabul, afghanistan, and general petraeus named us, gave us the name of the three amigos because we always travel together and spent time together in iraq and afghanistan with the men and women who are serving our nation in uniform. the most uplifting and honorable
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experiences of my life was the ability to be in the company of euros. that's my dear friend senator joe lieberman and senator -- [cheers and applause] i would also like to thank a fellow who has been with me since we are together in the coolidge administration. [laughter] my dear friend rick davis who has done so much along with 13. [applause] you know, one of the great experiences to go to prescott, arizona, on the night before the election that barry goldwater started the tradition back in 1952, and it's always been really one of the great and wonderful experiences that i had in my political life. i mentioned last night, i never
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had as you know the hometown growing up. the navy was my home and my parents home, intel i got married and i got arizona. this magnificent place i love so much as a home. my family and children come it's the greatest gift i've ever received. campaigns are hard on the campaign family and the candidate, and i put my family through quite a few. i think this might be the last. thank you for your love and support. thank you for everything. and that, my friends, with a full heart and ready to get back to work for you, i will say goodnight, and thank you one last time for making me the luckiest guy i know. god bless. [cheers and applause]
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