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tv   TWA 800  CSPAN  November 12, 2016 1:15am-2:31am EST

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easier than it once was. so that you're not the lone voice. [applause] >> thanks to our guests
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those are great nicknames. enjoy the rest of your week. [applause] [inaudible conversations] >> we may have a few latecomers.
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and if you want to tour the and museum you have to go back out and around. and to do questions in dancers. the first time from airplane hangar but this is the closest to my heart. july 17th 1996.
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and bound for paris 12 minutes later 8:31 p.m. off the coast of long island it was blown out of the sky. 230 people killed, a 53 word twa employees. many of you in this room knew some of those people. it is a memorial in their honor the to spread some conspiracy theories that would be did soldering their memory and insulting you. so on the night of july 17 and people who know lot more about aviation than i do that the end of my conversation i will take
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questions enhancers. -- and answers. in the last two years with a mother lode of new information with the cia. to raise excellent questions to involve itself we also have interesting videos with those whistle-blowers so the state of the knowledge is better than 20 years ago. and those who came here to speak of former eastern
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airlines pilot slow they deserve that credit for digging up the information that i will share. and from those aviation industry many of them were for or at the investigation so here is what we know. according to the air-traffic controller in that he thanked me for writing his starkly accurately. working as the air traffic
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controller you hear that from a lot of people so at primary radar return to intersecting twa 800. and those to be reciprocate it came out of the control centers that something happened but he comes over to say have been seen anything like this before? he said yes when i was in the navy. something that was not known to him.
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and then once to be viewed the tape and then say it is gone. is a violation of all protocol. now the only person who has spoken about this in washington is richard clark. he is called a liar and an dave placard to give us the truth. everyone else but then to be completely silent but clark convenes a meeting of the
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anti-care group in the white house in the situation room at 9:00 of half an hour after the crash. but that they return to the white house with the routine fund-raiser. and there they stay for the rest of the night. and asking who was with them. as the deputy national security adviser and knew that when the conversation got political and those decisions were about to be made. with the insertion of the investigation the setter
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coming into this story later former ntsb board member and one the of leading experts was so knowledgeable that they asked him to do on their interpretation of the events he spent the next six hours there is a already ahead taken over the investigation because they knew it was unprecedented and illegal because it was said to be independent and at that point they sacrificed to yield to the fbi. so some other insertion was taking place on the very
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first day. so with that treasure trove of documents that the director of intelligence became involved in the theory the day after the crash occurred the ncaa has no business to be involved that the department of justice often known as though wall memo that there is a wall between the intelligence gathering and the cia and fbi that they cannot collaborate and then
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at that point was the director and told of 9/11 commission and he was not feel they want to talk about it but the first one to do a. over the next 16 months they would lead to collaborate but the cia had no other rule other than to make all missiles. :. but then in the first few hours. we know there was at least one amish her videotaped in of the complete sequence of
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events. some of you may have seen did. it was and is nbc to retreat times i talk to the technical director and then we keep the mouth shut and that is the end of that. but that collaboration he was willing to give me his name but laid up in the hong kong hospital with back surgery. and his wife came to visit. and said we watch the video over and over. there is a bunch of people out of the deck and then
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waiting for a the horizon and is paying out to sea and then there is a flash and another one but he saw this video 30 or 50 times. there was also a novel about the video called might fall. not getting into the caa documents on july 30th 13 days after the crash the sca analyst -- cia meets with of missile team.
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he will headline down the mountain is superior which it is interesting and say that he just met with the of missile team it has already interviewed 144 excellent eyewitnesses. that the evidence for the surface to air missile is overwhelming. that is their word that they are mainly professionals and their testimony is to consistent with anything but a missile attack but the cia analyst how we discourage them from going forward with the report because it never came forward between july 30
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and august 17 someone gets to the fbi. because then on august 17 the fbi speaks for the first time about the eyewitnesses' they became very dependent on that relationship but the hard of the story is at a media scandal and that the heart of that is "the new york times." and then at the 15th 16th after the mess and more negative than missile team met with the ncaa there are fewer than one dozen
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then to interview one of those eyewitnesses and then on the barge is knowledgeable but then up playing balls of the sky. and with that scenario but by the way it to place so there was a lot at stake with airlines flying to keep people away from feeling insecure.
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so the "new york times" would interview to see those eyewitnesses the '96 come up off of the horizon. of us 258 before that investigation was over. but they still want to tell the story not a single of those officials the day gave a report judy's fbi but they
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kept running more stories to trace those missiles inside the plane. and then they ran the headline. that exploded in the cabin of twa 800. and they are pointing to a bomb that they are not ruling out a missile. and one of those had to go. but did 84 the 23rd the justice department was aware
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the fbi was talking to much. but heading up the meeting is said deputy attorney general pet be now was a figurehead as the attorney general. just like the national security council. and there is no record what took place on the 22nd but that began to change immediately after words. there would be no more eye witnesses and the faa
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started to search all over the world but the plane was used for a training exercise it takes several weeks to find that in the did know what direction to take that on september 19 now with the ntsb. so perhaps it was a mechanical failure after all.
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said that may explain so that was up problem so had to reconcile these two parks in that ad then news for the training exercise. and then they have an article that to say the same thing to basically kill the investigation. in a series of investigators say it is hard to make the case now. the by a the 21st they
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talk to the cops but sixth years after the fact nobody talked to them in that time. but what they decided because he is still pest off to this day to let a did to him. because they ruined is reputation. and then to account and that is not capable to get out there but then to separate the back and the front. with one hour's worth of investigations and then to
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put on his report was the time of the exercise and then not of wide-body at 12:15 p.m.. but then to leave the gate when they did not say there were 400 people on board down for hawaii. so to love those international flights when it is a completely sterile plane there was nobody on board for a the exercise. it cannot even dispute that
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they are stocked in ready to go to honolulu. that does not make any sense. in a way do they match that composition. the composition is wrong the placement is wrong the plane is wrong it is a total lie park on negative and a sacrifice this career he is still in humiliated to this day he had to live with this but that is all that they needed. for now point on then the government moved into a fully different amounts of mechanical failure some
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people remember they thought they were getting punched in the stomach because they had to bear the brunt of the story the there's something wrong with the fuel taken and it blew up. i'm getting e-mail to people reading a book and a word the angriest. because at that point they had been totally shut out of witness review. dave would review the statement they were totally shut out. they would not even let them look at the interviews but instead they handed them over to the cia. who else? to examine those interviews what the witnesses saw.
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with no legal justification. they were not eager to do this they gave the witness statements in small doses bailey gave them one-third. and on december 31st to come to the conclusion that he decides the nose of the airplane was the 7380 degrees then it shot up
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4,000 feet and then in the course of that they thought they'd but sought a muscle. to say this cannot have been. cloying at 13,000 up the 17,000 feet. in we will get back to that and to be contractor with the video to show that. but by february 1997 george tenet now has been promoted to the director of central intelligence he was number two guy when he started. he signs off.
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and then one heroic character from the fbi. i am not sure if i should mention this tonight but now with a two-man missile team. and then to meet with the caa said to say i did not buy this for one moment. and then coming in the opposite direction to say that leaves eight eyewitnesses. all that radar data a disagrees. i insist you go back to the drawing board i do not buy this.
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his name is steve. i don't thing she knew this until recently but that he was fighting with of caa and ends up in north carolina and those are 73. i start off the book and i get a call at of the blue she says to know who i am?
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i said yes. but here is the summary from july 20th what essays about their interview so and but then considering to keep the altitude down.
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but then to explain and tell the fbi so that was before anybody had known and that had taken weeks to validate what they said. and cooperated fully in and almost broke off their engagement they were really upset that they gave them their name. with the same day protesting to the california they said
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we will take care that. and here is what they told me so tell me about the second interview. that she just found out about it i had several long island iced tea cocktails' that night. had an even know what it is. in she said that there was no second interview. a fully manufactured day's second interview on the same day when they gave them
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grief about what they we're doing. i said you were not the only one. >> and there is a great this deaf characters.
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but november 1997 they shows the animation and the plane it shoots the puck there are
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more but this is what we could prove and finally going through a cia documents we find out that that calculated altitude was 14200500 feet they knew that
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not to what they sold to the american people they showed the video once when they closed the case in november nobody even ask why is the cia here? let alone this in is crazy purple you try to sell us this. now james sanders worked as we on another and calls me and says he will not believe what happened they just send me the video. the video? and then we realized it is not from july 17 but it is what we knew about from july july 12, 1996. by a and a hoot miniature
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but the video of the apparent missile attack. review did early on said it is a surface-to-air missile that we talk about and when we saw the video we realized it was more than just a smoke trail but we see debris coming down five days before it went down on the coast of long island but they cannot enter that video into evidence from the caa documents we know many eyewitnesses that say it looks sick of missile test sites you have july 7, 12,
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17 you don't have to see a math major to see the sequence. then i heard from other people i was camping to say it does matter. that is what is going on. and dave died without justice being brought to their families. and now i'll take some questions and answers so the
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attorney general who oversaw investigation after this is put to bed gets the new job. she is named vice chairman of fannie mae. and then five and a half years she will make $25 million. but then after the 9/11 commission said she basically is overseeing the events leading up to september 11. a parole 2004 are john ashcroft decide -- testified
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the same goal greatest rusher applause with the september 11 was the wall. pet mentioning protesters in the run-up to september 11 but 2 weeks later uses but then the compels me to inform you that the officer is a member of this commission.
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but what was breached way to easily when it came to protecting the security of the united states. know i will close with one last anecdote. and then we will take some questions. in early july and this year a state press conference that the national press club said to take that to board member and the 94 the then
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he says yesterday by the way tomorrow i am having lunch with the chairman of the ntsb. do want to come? share. [laughter] so i go to lunch and i am looking with the point of connection with christopher hart. and trying to convince them this is worth looking at. he mentioned he was on the board 1989 and 1992.
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i did know anything about him is background and as though washington post pointed out that the time the best qualification was the driver's license so i said i wrote about that in my book it is the article from the of "washington post." so you place one with no credentials. it is an african-american. so to replace a black
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democrat with the foresight. so he has to more people before 1996 as a political operative. so it is now the chairman so when they illegally take over the investigation, and they watch it all happened. so that is hell clever this was with the cover-up to kick the can down the road and hope for the best. thank you very much. i appreciate you coming
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today. [applause] . .
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