tv US Senate CSPAN November 18, 2016 1:30pm-3:31pm EST
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>> president-elect donald trump has filled some key positions in his administration. he is big alabama senator jeff sessions to be the next attorney general your kansas congressman mike pompeo, a member of the house intelligence committee to be cia director. and retired lieutenant general michael flynn, top a digital mcchrystal in afghanistan to be national security advisor. the top democrat on the house oversight committee allies you coming said asked the trump administration team for information about retired general flynn's lobbying efforts and whether there's a conflict with classified briefings that
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he's been receiving. meanwhile, be discontinued at trump tower's in new york city. alive he'd here as people are coming and going as president-elect trump and his team are anything prospect for the new administration. recently seen getting on the elevator was former arkansas governor mike huckabee. we also saw arkansas senator tom cotton arriving at trump tower. we understand mr. trump himself will be spending the weekend at his golf club in new jersey. you can see this live feed on
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> again, a live look inside trump tower just outside the lobby a leaders in new york city. a live feed of the folks coming and going as president-elect trump and transition team are speaking with prospects for the incoming trump administration. again you can watch this at
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>> this week the supreme court heard oral argument in two consolidated cases brought on by the city of miami against bank of america and wells fargo. arguing under the fair housing act the banks will evolve and discriminatory mortgage practices against black and latino homebuyers which resulted in loan defaults, foreclosure and less tax revenue for the city. hear the argument in its entirety friday evening at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> this weekend, c-span cities tour along with our comcast cable partners will explore the literary life and history of pittsburgh, pennsylvania. on booktv on c-span2 hear about industrialists andrew carnegie announced innovative spirit transform pittsburg into the steel cap of the world. >> he talked about the burning sun of chemical knowledge, and
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so he understands things of a scientific point of view, an engineering point of view, whereas other people were still going on seat-of-the-pants operation. >> and behind the scenes of the carnegie library of pittsburgh. >> i think i look at some of the materials we selected that carnegie really had a love for learning and through this wonderful institution felt that this would be a way for the public to escape into another world. >> then the lives and contributions of pittsburgh african-americans since world war ii including the significance of second rate migration, civil rights and black power movements. >> the long haul of that story is that black people in
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pittsburgh, in the ohio river valley, became part of a new industrial environment that really took off in the period after the civil war. >> on american history tv on c-span3 we will tour the andy warhol museum to see the personal artifacts that once belonged to the pop artist. museum archivist talked about his or her life in pittsburgh and showed the collection of wigs and courses. >> these are really great insight into just how self-conscious andy warhol actually was. i think a lot of people have a vision of him being really cool and aloof. he was cool and aloof but it came with a lot of work. >> watched c-span cities tour of pittsburgh, pennsylvania, saturday at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span2's booktv. and sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. on american history tv on c-span3. working with her cable affiliates.
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>> next authors discuss global issues and foreign policy challenges, president-elect trump will face when he takes office. will her remarks on often was one of the few western journalists who embed with the taliban and. held by the cleveland council on world affairs and the city club of cleveland, this is one hour. >> good evening. i'm stephanie, director of programming for the city club of cleveland and it's my pleasure to welcome you to tonight's discussion where we are discussing the foreign policy issues facing our 40th president. these events are presented in collaboration with cleveland council of world affairs, international partners and mission, the northeast ohio consortium of middle eastern studies at our primary media partner wcpn.
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i'd like to introduce our moderator, wcpn host and producer will introduce our panelists this evening. >> thank you. i am tony ganzer from wcpn, the most exciting part of the things like this for me are when you get up and you get to ask questions or share comments or what have you. after a discussion, we'll talk while and try to cover as much ground on the foreign policy challenges facing our next president but if we miss something or you want to focus in, feel free to come up will try to address that. i'd like to start by letting our panelists say a few words about themselves first starting with katie. >> i am kathryn lavelle professoprofessor of political e department at case western reserve university in cleveland, ohio, and ours like to point out that i grew up in cleveland on the westside so under happy to be able to get a job and come back home. i teach u.s. foreign policy and, of course, international relations and clinical academy a lot of expertise comes in that particular area.
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it's kind of to write from experience because i worked in this embassy in tanzania for summer, did some different jobs that will have tried to bring a focus on the price of politics as well as the study of academically. >> thanks. i'm anand gopal, an author and journalist. i covered the middle east, the seasonal see iraq and syria. i wrote a book called no good men among the living, and it follows the lives of three afghans, one is a taliban fighter, one is a u.s. backed warlord and one is a housewife. and described their experience over the last 50 years and other lives intersect. in addition to that i also finished my ph.d and sending my dissertation in a few days. [applause] >> hi. good evening.
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my name is quingshan forrest tan and i'm professor of political science at the cleveland state university. cleveland has been my second hometown, and being here probably the second longest, the longest of course i grew up in china before i left it for the united states. as you can see that my teaching and research areas will be in asia and and political economic development of developing countries. and my research mostly focus on east asian politics, cross strait relations, u.s.-china relations and the chinese political development. so i look forward to tonight's discussion. >> thank you.
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as you see that a broad range of expertise here and we will need every ounce of it to cover this topic i think. my graduate degree was in international relations and world order. [laughter] all of the things i've read in the last two days tell me that my education may not apply anymore because the global system will collapse was the result of the election. kadi, to think that is true? >> might think of the global system of -- now. what i think is important that you point out is the pressure on global system from what's happened in the trade with election of president-elect trump but also for what's going on in other parts of the world. not just the conflict region in some parts of the world but also with respect to democratic movements and the frustration of democratic constituencies feel with the old postwar order, the united nations, the united nations, international monetary fund of the democratic pressures bubbling up as well as the international attention that's
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above on top. >> any thoughts on is the world as we know what do you think, as a fundamental change just because of the election result tuesday? >> no. yet, the world is fundamental change. i don't think the world is going to end, probably. [laughter] but i think it's important to look at what, it's not just one person. there's actually a set of institutions that run this country. and any president has etched his institutions and there's a give-and-take. if you look over the last 50 or 60 years of american power overseas, there's been a set of, let's imperatives that undergirded american power, which is a united states will act in a way that it deems, in
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its interest and it will record a societies and countries in what it perceives to be its interest. that's a basic uniting factor between democrats and republicans. will the new president amended that? probably not. the real question is strategic and tactical, changed the way in which america pursues its power overseas are you can talk about whether that will be the case that ultimately at the end of the day, going to what you were saying, if you look from the point of view of iraqis and syrians and others they see american power something that old what is there to protect american elite interest. >> forrest, how do you read the results of tuesday? >> whether the world is going to really be different or remained the same it really depends of course, but one thing i think is that the world is entering an uncertain period. in fact, a friend from hs and all kind of text in e-mails
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asking whether the united states is going to relinquish its leadership in the world. and i going back to america, to the so-called isolation phase, that america has experienced of course in two centuries ago. but i think china has interest in this. in fact, some people even speculated if the united states withdraws from the rest of the world, probably china is going to take it over. i don't really think that is the case, but certainly there are a lot of actions waiting to be taken either president-elect, and we will see what wap and. >> there is a lot of talk from president-elect trump about how hard he would deal with china, that he would just get better
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deals and he would strong-arm china into doing what he wanted. what was the reaction from china to is actually the election? i assume it's not worry. >> actually you can see from president xi jinping's congratulations to donald trump. usually china, two things. when there's a new president-elect, first send a telegram congratulating the election and then they will follow what they call. and that happened when george w. bush got elected and president obama got elected. both time the chinese president pick up the phone. and talked a while. but this time there's no call, it's just a telegram. now, that reflects the cautious attitude that china is having towards donald trump, because
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obviously he said a lot of things about china. and the chinese government doesn't really know how to communicate with him yet. but i think they will eventually extend invitation to him to talk it over. >> katie, i want to talk about nader for a second because something donald trump has said is that he would want the members of nato to pay up before we would abide by our responsibilities as allies of these countries. how plausible do you think it is that we would renege on our native commitments? >> i think if we stop and think about this in realistic terms, we won't really know whether that we are reneging until something happens. we can tell people they have to pay up but it's not until an army crosses a border and we see
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whether not nato react or doesn't react and we are in a moment on to say you didn't pay up, which seems to be pretty unlikely. one of the mostly say in foreign policy or in political studies is just you don't leave american troops out there in the heat of the battle of the heat of the moment. it seems like president trump is someone who, or president-elect trump is someone who would tend to overreact. that's a little hard to believe. i think he will probably modify what he says because another pattern he seems have with respect to nato, that people want to renegotiate the alliance and the financial system associate with it. it's really unclear how far he will actually take that statement once he's in office. >> i think real-time article v collective security of nato was used was for the benefit of the united states on the war on terror. >> that's absolute right, in afghanistan. so we used to say nato is to give the americans in, the russians out and the germans
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down. [laughter] no one ever said that publicly but behind the scenes that so people always said about nato. you are right, the thing no one expected would that would be the one time that was enacted. >> spending time in afghanistan, what do you think, is there any reaction you can tell yet to trump winning or his rhetoric that we've heard? >> absolutely none. i annoyed you actually. to be honest i don't even think he does. i heard recently that during the campaign, his people reached out to a number of gulf states and to listen, whatever you do right now, that's just for the campaign, don't worry. you know, trump is an operator and he has been his whole life obviously. i think i would not be surprised. in fact, i expect them to sort of be a lot more practical from is the point of view into but a lot of these relationships once
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he comes into power. for example, he said the number of times the obama administration's deal with the war against isis, even though the united states and if there's allies are not defeating isis, isis is on the ropes. it's lost a number of major cities. it is being defeated in mosul right now, a and iraq. there's plans underway for a major operation and syria, which is the capital, and isis is losing. a strategy of defeating isis at least militarily is working just fine. he was in all sort of things where i would do things differently. what's happening in mosul is a disaster. but i would be shocked if anything changed in iraq in terms of american policy toward isis, for example. i would be shocked if anything changed in afghanistan. the obama administration policy in afghanistan essential is war in perpetuity. objective peace talks, avoid
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peace talks, funding and propping up the afghan state and afghan army, and the afghan state and army are not strong enough to defeat the taliban the taliban are not strong enough to defeat the taliban government so we are having a war in perpetuity. that's fine for the u.s. because that's a war that is not taking up a lot of u.s. resources. there are not a lot of americans dying right now in afghanistan. there are not people out industry protesting. so let that what happened as long as you can stay some place, doesn't collapse and become a new safe haven for al-qaeda. i see no reason why trump would change that policy. >> well, because he said that he would. >> said a lot of things. >> exactly my point. he said all sorts of things on the campaign to but now he's in the oval office and it's a different story. maybe that's why i wasn't surprised although it was interesting to hear what a number of indices from the gulf states were saying that they heard from the campaign, people from the campaign think he's in
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all sorts of things on the campaign but don't take it seriously. >> i think one challenge if we think the president-elect is in syria, his ego to further extend u.s. involvement in opposition or he's going to be more friendly towards assad. obviously, aside is friend of russia. so whether united states is going to withdraw from that part, what will continue to get involved, or find another way to move the opposition and the assad more closer to reconcile with each other. so i think that's the challenges facing. >> there have been a number of contradictory statements from the president-elect, but you can at a few of them up when it comes to the middle east if you choose to. and i wonder if we choose to. you say that we're going to selectively deal with our nato allies. we are only going to do things
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which directly influenced our interests very selfishly focus on america. some analysts have said this opens the door to russia, particularly and se ri pak maybe we just step away and say our partner is russia, they're going to help deal with this mess. do you not think that's plausible speak with them absolutely. but let me, let's talk about syria because it's a good example. on the service american policy has been to overthrow the assad regime but in practice it hasn't done that at all. the united states block antiaircraft weaponry and antitank weaponry and till 2013 to the rebels. i was in syria talk to people resist against the assad regime and they were desperate for weapons to defend themselves against the genocidal onslaught that they were facing, bashar al-assad. they weren't getting it.
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what changes they taxes in 2013 was the rise of isis. then the u.s. started to send weapons of allow weapons from qatar and saudi to the searing rebels. but to fight ice is mostly. even to this day, in fact today president obama, it was in the "washington post" today that obama directed the pentagon to increase their targeting against one of the al-qaeda franchise and city. an integral group in the rubble move and is also a major -- objectively what's happened the last two years is the united states has given a few weapons to the rebels, but mostly kept the really game changing weapons away from the rebels had attacked the enemies which is isis al-qaeda, the al-qaeda franchise. what trump i think, there will be a ship with trump but the
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shift of you i think he will basically drop the pretense of supporting the other side. perhaps cut off even minimal weapons that ago and allow russia to come in and finish the job. that probably will happen in under obama. it will happen a lot quicker under trump. >> a colleague of mine, a german television executive said after the election that american has officially lost its moral authority in the world and that somebody else is going to step in. in i think syria is a perfect example of a situation where, on humanitarian grounds, there's a disaster occurring and has been occurring for years but in terms of direct american interests, things that we did in that sense. there isn't any. it's issue marriage in crisis. how do we square the circle do you think of, what we've heard from the president-elect, this america first approach that we
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keep hearing and situations like siri in many parts of the world? >> one thing that's important number is in the mobile we think about the change in the administration in washington. but when we look at the grand sweep of u.s. foreign policy because back to the founding of this country we see more continuity in most parts of the world. more continuity than change that would expect wha what the other panels have said about who the president is what they said on a camping trip a what political party is in office, we've seen alliances with russia, for example, that the major moment in both of our history. and so like you alluded to, looking for the united states and russia to agree on the syrian question is not if the price. along the same lines, there has been this argument made in the postwar era that we are this moral authority it is easy to be the moral authority when you just beat nazi germany. when you make yourself a moral authority, the minute you are, you leaders to open to charges.
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so the whole moral question at least in my lifetime as those been wide open. i would be very welcoming and inclusive of other countries like to step up to the play and play more humanitarian role. of the most americans would welcome that involvement and not feel sometimes that went to go about when there's a humanitarian crisis. i think we would like the. i hope that happens. >> forest come in asia, china has been acting as a regional hegemon really and the united states has tried to coalesce allies around china to kind of counterbalance in the pacific, but america's withdrawal or america's focus on its health, with a just opened up things which i, and most other nations hedge against what america may or may not you? >> yeah, they think the challenge for the president-elect trump -- i think -- is he going to continue obama's rebalancing towards asia and getting the u.s. military
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forces, particularly made into the south china sea and strike alliances with the surrounding countries, countries like the philippines, japan, south korea? or easy-going to, you know, start a trade war with china and engage china anymore negatively rather than positively? i think that's the challenge. and if he is interested in the business relations with china, then he might also have to think whether he is going to continue this rebalancing policy towards asia. already of some of obama's initiative has been backfiring, for example, the philippine president recently has openly attacked obama and the u.s.
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policy, and he just turned 180° now to see couple in china. so whether united states is wise to really play on from the asian countries against china, that kind of attack is wise enough, you know, it could backfire. but the most important thing is about a lot of asian countries do not want to see america leave. countries like singapore, for example, you know, always takes a stance that it wants the military political allies with united states and economic alliance with china. malaysia is doing the same thing. so you are talking about asia, who is going to really be the leader in asia. i'm not sure china is ready for it. even if united states decides to withdraw.
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china will be happy of course to see it's a tremendous influence in south china sea, but whether he can take, let's say katie's moral leadership, you know, i think it's a long way for china to go that way. china is a driving force economically, no question about that. that might be the route that china will take to continuously bring the economic benefits through trade with the asian countries. but militarily china was happy to see that united states or donald trump to move away from this ancient rebalancing. and making a more extended military presence in the wake of the changing of u.s.-asia policy.
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>> i may be trying to thread a needle here, but tying some of these issues together, i guess one of the points said, i want to emphasize is that words matter in foreign policy. that even if there is ambiguity in what president-elect trump has said at one time or another, sometimes in the same interview about what he would do in a region of the world, it seems like there is this presumption we are still in a moment that the united states is a superpower that matters and we can do what we want. but the rest of the world doesn't necessarily have to deal with that, that they can form their own regional alliances or hedge with other powers. i want to open it up to all of you. how do we deal with this uncertainty when there is ambiguity and what's going to happen, but other countries may be preparing for the worst? katie, do you want to kick off maybe? >> absolutely words matter but
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it's a board member of the world live in now and not the diplomatic world that used to exist. so the words don't just come to the indices anymore and also don't just come through business. now they come through twitter, facebook. at the same time we worry about president-elect trump's twitter account sometimes. i think we also understand that the apparatus of the united states government at least in its diplomatic function is quite wide and deep. foreign policy professionals also understand this and have to deal with leaders of other countries sending out twitter messages and making statements that also can be contradictory or confusing, and we as consumers all have to do with all of this conflicting information. while words matter, they come from so many different sources that they take a different role this in all of our media does. >> absolutely, that's why you will see a different word or two, the word to come out of the white house versus what happened on the campaign trail from here on out. ..
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>> how to actualize this interest. not our interest but the american elite. that is to in these campaigns, is this done through this diplomacy or various other ways and that's always been the question, that the tactical strategic debate. it's not a debate in the public discourse about america's role in the world . it's another debate about that.
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and from trump to hillary clinton, it's been highlighted that we need to send american interest how do we do that and if you ask iraqis or syrians and they look at you strangely if you said america is a moral leader in the world. it's very odd. and i've got to say, it's a divided country. half the country once the us for its troops to be there and half the country wants the troops to leave but even those who want the troops to stay there, they have a very sort of pragmatic understanding why they want to stay there. that is keeping sort of this civil war from happening but they don't think america is the moral actor. nobody in that part of the world thinks it's a moral actor. that's something we have to come to terms with i think i think we imagine this world without us leadership, i the us leadership role has since world war ii played such an important function in
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maintaining the absence of global war and as we look at the 19, is it 1993 when the united states first invaded to wait, i mean rack and imagine that the united states did not go in there. to drive saddam hussein from kuwait. who's going to do that? and i often ask these questions when i give lectures in china that with the chinese government do it? would russia do it? i don't think so. this world, despite the united nations and all these regional arrangements, still is in need of leadership. this leadership not only in terms of playing a police role but also in other areas, whether it's humanitarian or
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the rule of economic growth. the us to is the largest democracy in the world and without us markets, a lot of countries including china will not necessarily see what they've achieved so far. and certainly democracy is another way that the united states is checking for. i don't think europe will take up that role in championing for the promotion of democracy of the world and so all these i think point towards this importance i think role that the united states is going to play. i think donald trump really wants to withdraw the united states into this cocoon of isolation. thatwill cause tremendous anxiety in the world , all over the world and
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particularly i think the asian countries. i think asian countries are looking forward to this continuous involvement of the unitedstates, both military and security wise and economically . in that part of the world another refrain that we've heard from trump has been, he's going to rip up some of president obama's accomplishments. you look at the air and deal which trump has lambasted the entiretime. the climate agreement which china would probably pull out of if the us is wavering at all , trade attacks over the world, there are a lot of things that are on paper that can be undone or can be started to disappear very quickly. how do we come to terms? these are different topics of course but quite i think the
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two things that are really going to be different in going forward and i don't think it's president-elect trump. this is in american politics when we think about us policy and the role the united states will play in the world. our trade and immigration. when we look at these issues within foreign policy, i tell my students immigration isn't even the books, it's not on the map but you pull republicans and you pull americans about their critical concerns of this country right now, they will register immigration and i don't think it's just the american people. i think the war in syria, you have these same concerns of immigration spread across europe and i think all democracies are going to have to ask on the mental questions when we provide welfare benefits to people who come in about who's going to be recipient and who is not and those are fair questions for taxes in any industrial democracy to ask. the second have to do with trade and whether or not we are going to continue to see trade as a universal good. that is not just president trump, those are serious
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questions that were not addressed by either political party up until this election and need to be rethought, regardless of who is talking about a specific agreement as we have not paid attention to people who have suffered and who have not been beneficiaries of globalization and once again, all industrial democracies have to think about all their citizens . >> i totally agree with that and also you need to look at the question of immigration, it's interesting because the trump empire, the business empire of donald trump lies onundocumented labor , like american capitalism relies on undocumented terms of where i live in new york city, there is a restaurant not a single one you can go to where the kitchen staff art undocumented, not a single one. this is the drawback of the economy and he's tapped into industry and people who run these businesses who hire undocumented workers know this . donald trump i'm sure knows this that he's not going to
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start paying nine, 10 $11 an hour for somebody to wash dishes. he's going to pay them a dollar an hour and set ice on them and have been deported. employers need that leverage to be able to turn a profit so why is he doing this? why is he doing something that seems to be against is very interests as an employer? that speaks to the core of what it means for this kind of rhetoric, what it does. this racism is something that actually, it means people like him and they continue to hire undocumented laborers and to keep them marginalized. but rather than having them be expelled through the country but it also means at the same time that trump , he's no champion of ordinary working people. he uses this rhetoric but i'd be shocked if he actually did something to actually make this. i'd be shocked if he built a
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wall, i would be surprised. i would be interested to see how well it happens. i think it's much more likely and more plausible that he will use the rhetoric to get people who are dispossessed and cleveland is a perfect example of what happened in this country over the last 30, 40 years and to people and say that's where your problems are. i will solve them. another four years, vote for me again. >> we are a renaissance city and i want to put that out there. we're coming back. [cheering] i want to open it up for questions or comments so if you have a question, come up on here and sign up at the microphone and we will get to them one by one. be afraid. we will address them politely. i want to ask a question about business. i was reading a piece in the new yorker today from evan oz knows and he said that presidents are not bound by the same interest statutes as
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cabinet and white house staffers which means technically, he could retain control of the trump organization even though he said he would give it to his siblings. i thought that was very interesting because the trump organization has had fascinating deals in countries like turkey and azerbaijan. haiti, i mean let me give you this easy question. how do you deal with that with a president who controls the corporation as he does? >> that's correct and it's not just any corporation because he can't just divest control over like other people have done in good faith to try to turn it over to a blind trust. when your name is on there, when that's what you're selling is your name and brand, it's impossible and i think your list raise these questions consistently. i'll be shocked and very
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happy and pleased if when his audit is finished we see his tax returns and can evaluate where the trump organization business dealings, what foreign countries would cause the most conflict of interest. again we would welcome that. i don't know. this is the great unknown, what the future hold. absolutely, he couldn't do it even if you wanted to so he would have to take the company apart four years as president to do what other presidents have done this is true, are there any safeguards to be commander-in-chief from enriching himself personally while in the office? >> i think those charges have been leveled at previous government officials and their connections to companies involved in the war in iraq for example. presidents who had interests that were in blind trust that were assumed to have profited greatly. i think, correct me if i'm wrong but in iraq we were the
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number one country, the number two country was great britain and contractors were the number three represented group in thecurrent war in iraq . so there have been other government officials that have done these questionable relationships with businesses. this one happens to be particularly egregious but hopefully because it's egregious, people can have the ability to vote will ask these questions of our officials and will do something about it next time we had the opportunity to vote. >> we have four years of things to ask about your so first question, come on out. >> good evening and thank you so much for this, it's a super interesting conversation and thank you for raising the issue of american leadership.i'm wondering one, how do you think the next president should define american leadership in the world, too, what should be his top three foreign policy agenda items when he takes office and this is a complete throwaway, who do you think he should appoint secretary of state?
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>> you want to start for us megan? >> i think for the leadership question, the american foreign-policy would often say is the product of a bipartisanship so since world war ii, the american foreign-policy has consistently reflected some of these leadership qualities, whether it's leading toward free trade, whether it is promoting democracy or engaging in humanitarian or even security . you know, donald trump doesn't have to create more leadership. positions. all he needs to do is to continue some of those bipartisan foreign policies
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area but once the area, i would like to see although i think that could be a challenge for him is the leadership in promoting more involvement of protection throughout the world. against global warming, i'm not sure he could have done that because soviets on the floor, the whole energy and all this, he promised all these coal miners in west virginia about jobs. but that's certainly with regard to this global warming issue, that really requires significant leadership. so i think he thought it would be a goodsecretary of state . her articulation and i just hope, we could be more universal in that foreign-policy issue.>> i'd like to touch on american
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leadership. i think the model of american leadership i would like to see is one in which the united states acts according to the deals in which it holds itself up to. you mention democracy promotion for example. thousands of protesters came out into the streets in bahrain and the united states back saudi arabia and an invasion to cross an uprising against democracy. i can stand here for hours and give other examples. as we speak saudi arabia's bombing yemen, killing thousands of civilians. the arabia is targeting hospitals. and us planes are refueling saudi planes and sharing intelligence and it's happening not justin american acquiescence but american approval . so the leadership that i would like to see in the united states actually opposing democracy around the globe instead of attending to
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be for democracy but actually just choosing which democracieslikes to uphold because of its interests . >> thank you. [applause] actually, i have two questions. i will ask the fair trade question and as to the next year one, the military question. first with europe. mister trump has said he would want to defund a lot of nato but he also applauded nato for terrorism which they have done. what has been his effect on nato and the uglier one, deals with china's influence over north korea. and threatening to pull back. excuse me, president-elect trump has been talking about dividing missiles to japan,
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south korea and possibly taiwan as a way to force china to reign in north korea. i'd like you to comment and my belief is if he retreats from that area, will there be a factor of south korea and australia getting together with possibly singapore to form a nuclear arms protection group? >> thank you. >> you want to take nato first katie? >> the easy one. let's think about this. we're in a transition and i can't read president-elect trump's mind but i do know what the obama administration has done for the past eight years and one of the stunning differences we've seen in the obama administration's
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president obama introducing the notion of restraint and that actually restraining on some foreign-policy situations can be its own form of action. choosing not to intervene in the war insyria , he expends with the idea that restraint is its own policy role. by the same token, president obama has introduced the notion of leading from behind, being a force but not always being a force out front. it's hard for me to believe that what i know about donald trump that he is not going to want to have more of a leadership role then president obama has taken so we all hope that his advisors and he modify some of the language and some of the direction he's spoken about in the campaign but i think that sometimes people forget what the world might look like when the united states does step back. earlier, when he said we don't have any interest in syria, i disagree with that
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on the grounds that they are not humanitarian. the humanitarian crisis has spread through europe and our allies are under an awful lot of threats from the soviet union, it's threatened nato. it started our allies in europe that we care about and that we have business trading relationships with so resolving these problems is going to be an issue and it's hard for me to believe that president trump is going to want to be the first one out leading them anymore than president obama . >> forest, can you talk about the influence on the north korea situation? >> obviously the current north korean policy with china on the united states doesn't work. and the koreans continuously expand its nuclear programs. and however, the chinese concern about north korea obviously is if the west presses so hard, so that regime collapses and millions
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of refugees coming to china's borders, that's why the chinese government recently said more humanitarian aid due to the flood and etc. there's a real concern that in china, in north korea that the united states unilaterally takes actions against north korea because they are concerned that the united states is not going to see north korea develop nuclear bombs. i'm not sure that the president-elect has the north korean policy, from the obama administration i'm sure there is more but they are engaging in some kind of nuclear surgery or try to further press north korea for giving up their nuclear weapons so that will be a challenge for the president-elect, how he's going to deal with north
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korea. i think he probably most likely will press more on china and because the excess several times that the chinese just took care of north korea because that's the area of chinese influence and i think if he does that, probably it's the better approach. the question is to what extent he can press the chinese. that's the issue. obviously the question is whether a failed north korean policy would back japan, south korea or other asian countries. i think the impact will be serious and most likely japan would just go alone in developing its nuclear weapons cause obviously japan can literally develop a nuclear program overnight. and south korea, i also see
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some security measures. so that means the so-called northeastern asian alliances will make that so that's very serious. i don't know donald trump has thought about it. he probably has advisors to that. [laughter] >> i did read trump had said maybe it would be a good idea for japan and north korea to have nukes which was kind of a, going against what we've seen for decades in the world order. >> i want to thank the said bill of free speech, the city club for offering this because we brought up some amazing topics that we might face in democracy because these conversations are so important. youbrought up some disparate points , talking about america's moral authority
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versus the vulnerable populations in syria. you also talked about promotion of democracy. when i'm not even 100 percent sure democracy as it stands is a form of government that i think protects the people because i don't know how we are protecting the minorities , right? any minority. even white men, if that's the minority you want to talk about because they are obviously super angry and they voted for donald trump. that being said, with all these pressures you are talking about, religion, vulnerable populations, economics, many countries with many views on how this goes and this guy is ready to go off on twitter at any minute with whatever he's thinking at 3 am, right? my question is, we've got a really vulnerable crisis that's not only occurring in syria but that's been occurring for generations in
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palestine. you've got israel and palestine as nations that are religious basis democracies and not how we believe democracies should be where there's a breakdown of religion and state so i wonder how you think donald will deal with that hot button issue. >> thank you. anand gopal? >> i think in trump's first call was in israel today so that's an indication of how he will do on that was i believe somebody in the government who said the idea of policy and state is finished with trump in power. so that's i think how he's going to deal with that issue most likely. ironically enough, just because he has anti-semites in his movement as well, that just shows what the trump phenomenon i think
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just broadly, what is the us policy in that part of the world , to support israel, israel is america's special ally and there's been pro forma moves towards policy and statehood but at the same time the israeli state is armed by the united states, funded by the united states and i think that relationship is going to intensify. what's happening inside israel is very interesting because the ascendant right wing in israel in the last 10 or 15 years and you hear that the rise of trump is going to bolster that right-wing sentiment and i think it's very times, concerning to israel as well because the only solution i believe ultimately is a democracy a
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democracy is a simple thing which is that everybody gets one vote and they decide how they want to run their country. that doesn't exist in israel right now. you have to be from a particular background to have rights in israel so it's a very dark time unfortunately and i think the onset of trump is just making that worse. >> i'm glad you actually raise the issue what we mean by democracy. i wanted to clarify my position. i think, when i say american leadership by democracy, i didn't mean that united states would go around imposing a system on a lot of countries because we don't need more electoral college systems. what do i mean? by voting democracy? i really meant by promoting principles of freedom, equality, rule of law, participation. these are the principles, i think a lot of developing
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countries need. with that principle they can come up with their own systems. it is very important we uphold those principles,thank you thank you . >> thank you so much for joining us tonight and presenting your views to us, it's been a great conversation. i want to talk a little bit about trumps comments about putin and russia, a country he can deal with. we seem to get this idea every time we get a new president that sure, the existing alliance structure america has is great but we are not getting enough from our allies and we'd like to see more and if we go backto 2000 , we go back to president bush they have a lot of frustration with european partners and try to find new alliances and try with russia to work more with china and in the end, i think he found that well, there's reasons that we haven't worked very well with them in the past, it's because there's not a lot there that we agree on area but i would like to take the
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president-elect's ideas seriously for a moment and ask all of you where are there opportunities for establishing new or better strategic alliances around the globe? where are there possibilities for a new or improved relationship where we can take this idea and grow something, thank you x any thoughts? >> one thing i would say, i don't know if it's a direct answer to your question is that we think about these elections and all but what drives foreign policy is very reactive and foramericans , one of the defining moments after the end of the cold war was 9/11. i want to change to the united states after 9/11, we are living with two oceans on either side and secure borders on the north and south. for the first time in our history we were in an unprovoked attack. our whole sense of security and our well-being and our
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own place was threatened in a way that americans had never been threatened before and when we think about european history, it's the exact opposite. at the end of the cold war around the same year around 9/11 was a moment where your the first time was secure and europeans were feeling like they were rated about a european country invading and so when we think about the opportunities, what does concern me is this whole idea of the fact that europe's union is thinking about rearming, forming a common defense budget and thinking about this threat that russia poses but i think it's important to remember the insecurity that's reforming there at the same time the insecurity is forming here so rather than answering your question in terms of the direct country, what i'm saying is looking at these as the disturbing trends and trying to understand how we are going to live in a world that we are not going to go back to that world that we had before 9/11 we are we are not being subjected to unprovoked attacks because the world has changed. >> thank you.
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>> thank you for coming, it's an honor to have events like this in an unusual context. we talked about the moral authority to the world and we talked about trumps business interests but it's sort of an interesting situation we have now is that there's a president-elect that has pending trials against him. that he could easily be convicted of, i'm not trying to prejudge because attorney general's are going on the news and it say we had a solid case here.if we have to either a president-elect or an elected president or a president in power that is convicted as opposed to, think back to the clinton years where we had conversation within the congress and the country about we lose the moral authority to lead if we have someone that is in censured or impeached but if we have a convicted felon, he could potentially pardon himself
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and so on but if you could, i mean, that's a fact. he could pardon himself. he can't get out of impeachment but the idea of thinking about having a convicted felon as a president is an interesting thing in terms of putting us on the level of berlusconi or horrible dictators that can't exactly be brought to trial but of course we take them down a peg or two in terms of what they can be thought to exist. >> thank you. >> i thought about it, i don't know. i thought about that because given the serious nature of the charges that are against him, regardless of whether or not they prove to be anything with content, but i guess the example i would look to when i thought about it is president nixon and what happened with president nixon is that the republican party went to the president and send you are not behind you,
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as we go through this impeachment trial. that was different than what happened to president clinton. the democratic party didn't react the same way so we can talk about the party differences all along. what we won't know is what president-elect trumps relationship is going to be with the republican party going forward. it looks like it's going to be pretty bad to me. when we were talking, i think the party has a lot more to worry about in the next couple of weeks of the democratic party that have nothing to do with what we are talking about tonight but i don't want to rule out the possibility that there are some good republicans of principal who in an impeachment trial or if these charges are proved and they come to be true, would not play that same role because they have done that in the past and i do think it's one of those concerns. once again, if they don't, we have it in term elections and we are still a democracy and those are the kind of bombs we should throw out if they don't stand up for that. [applause] >> we've gone a little long
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but just to close i wanted to say right after the election, i got word from friends overseas. one was from somalia who said a government official there laughed at him when he heard about the election result. a friend of mine from germany, another from morocco asked me what happened. they couldn't understand what happened in the election. they were very confused. but i think what we've heard tonight is the world does continue to turn and we need to stay informed. we need to stay engaged and keep an eye on the process and hope for the best. so thank you all for coming out, that you susanna and have a good night. thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversation] >>.
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>> live video from the lobby of trump tower in new york city where president-elect donald trump is holding meetings on who to hire for his administration. the trump transition team has announced some key positions have been filled, please pick alabama senator jeff sessions to be the next attorney general. kansas congressman mike pompeo, a member of the house and diligence community to be cia director and retired lieutenant general michael flynn, a top aide to general crystal in afghanistan to serve as national security advisor. there's live video from the trump tower lobby. we will continue through today, tomorrow president-elect trump will be working from his new jersey golf courseand you can watch this video stream on our website ,
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>> this week, the supreme court heard oral arguments in two consolidated cases run by the city of miami against bank of america and wells fargo. arguing that under the fair housing act, banks involved in discriminatory mortgage practices against black and latino homebuyers which resulted in loan defaults, foreclosures must have revenue for the city. you hear the argument in its entirety friday evening at 8 pm eastern on c-span2. >> the signature feature of c-span2's book tv is our coverage of book fairs and specials and this coming weekend, book tv will be live from the 33rd annual miami book fair. saturday's coverage begins at 10 am eastern. here's some of what you will see. book review editor pamela
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paul on by the book : fighters on literature and the literary life from the new york times book review. washington post leslie lowery with his book they can't kill us all: baltimore and the new era in america's race movement and former democratic presidential candidate senator bernie sanders take your phone calls and talks about his book our revolution. a future to believe in. sunday gets underway at 10:30 a.m. eastern and features fox news hosted former press secretary dana perino with her latest book let me tell you about jasper: how my best friend became america's dog. pulitzer prize winning journalist susan for libby in her book in the dark room. colson whitehead with the underground railroad and miami book fair and owner of miami books and books bookstore joe kaplan. live coverage of the miami book for fair saturday at 10 pm eastern and sunday at 10:30 a.m. eastern. 02 for the complete weekend schedule. among the winners wednesday night at the 67th national book awards, democratic
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congressman john lewis of georgia. he shared the prize for young people's literature for a graphic novel about his civil rights activism. at the national book festival in september, congressman lewis was a guest on book tv and took questions and comments from viewers. this is just over 30 minutes. >> and now joining us live from the national book festival is congressman john lewis and his co-author, andrew aydin. here is the book. the book has been nominated for a national book award. congressman lewis, in what period of time does this book cover? >> this book covers the latter part of my own involvement in the american civil rights movement. that starts with, right after the march on washington. the church in birmingham that
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took place on september 15th, 1963 where for little girls was killed. the confirmation of president kennedy. the beginning of the selma movement. this is freedom summer, six three, 64, 65. it was some of the most dramatic point in american civil rights movement. there was so much violence. there were so many beatings. some people were murdered. but they never gave up, they never gave in. it was a period of horror but also a period of hope. a period of people hanging in there, people not so young, black people, white people coming together.
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literally putting their bodies on the line. you witness the average of the civil rights act, the voter rights act and a lot of the signs that we had seenand witnessed came down . >> andrew aydin, why graphic novel form for this book? >> i think we were trying to reach another generation and this generation are digital natives though they speak in sequential storytelling, that's how they understand information. i was a lifelong: stand and when the congressman for me about the comic book with martin luther king in the montgomery story that was published in 1957, when i found out that it had been edited by martin luther king himself and used to inspire some of the earliest acts of civil disobedience, it seemed almost self-evident, we had to do it. >> were going to put the phone numbers up on the
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screen so you can get calling for representative john lewis and his co-author. it's area code 748-8200. for those of you in the east and central time zones, those of you in the mountains owns, we have athird number you can get through to . it is for text messages only and that is 202 838 6251. text messages only. and please include your first name and your city congressman lewis , you were talking about march 3 and the african-american museum opening up today. >> the opening of this museum is still a powerful story. the history of african-americans in the days of slavery to the present area i have had an opportunity to walk through this museum. i cried and even today, i shed some tears for the fear
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of humanity and the museum is located on what i call the trump push of america. and it was sitting there on the front porch of the museum and one of the reasons we insisted that be a front porches because in american society, african-americans would come and they would take seats on a saturday afternoon, a sunday afternoon on the front porch of the house for their homes. and i think this museum will be visited by hundreds and thousands andmillions of people, all over america and from around the world . but this is not just a story of african-americans, it's an american story. it is a story of our pain but
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also of our victories. >> and brian, how do you put a day like today and working with representative john lewis, how do you put that into context? >> i served under his congressional staff for 10 years, a decade now and one of the things i've seen is how the congressman doesn't simply look at things as a strict short-term objective. he always has a long view. and sometimes, those long-term projects all come together in a single day. so to see the natural museum of african-american history and culture open on a day when he's going to the national book festival and talking about another project he's doing as part of the same mission, educating everyone on what happened and how it happened or in the civil rights movement, it's part of his dna.
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it's a part of his mission because if we don't understand what happened during the civil rights movement, we cannot understand the politics of the day and at the time, everybody thought it was a long shot for him to get this act through the congress. but everyone thought it was a long shot for him to even do a graphic novel. here we are on a single day showing that longshot ideas have persistence and working change this country. >> what your background? >> probably not the same as the congressman. >> he's been my congressman since i was three years old. i was raised by a single mother. my father was in atlanta. my father was a circus immigrant who came to this country and then actually left my mother when i was young and part of the reason i got into comic books, i've always been a little bit of a rabble-rouser. a single mother being treated the way they are in america, particularly in the 70s and 80s , you can't help but ask yourself, when you grow up, what can i do to make it better so that other people
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don't have to watch their parents suffer that way. that stoked my own social consciousness, it made me want to be a part of public service. it may be not necessarily want to go and make widgets, i wanted to be a part of our national conversation so that other parents would have a little bit easier area and there's no better person to work for then john lewis. >> congressman lewis, the people who feature in march three, george wallace and lyndon johnson. did you ever sit down with george wallace? >> guest: governor wallace was no longer in africa. i had an opportunity to sit down with him and talk with him. he heard that i was going to be near montgomery about two miles away outside of a little town called troy where i grew up. he invited me and later arranged for me to come and see him and we had awonderful discussion .
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as we came to that point where we were talking about what happened in selma on the bridge in 1965, and i asked him, i said governor, why did you give the order for the troops to stop us, to beat us and he said john, there were people on the other side of the bridge that were going to kill you. i said governor, why did you almost kill people to stop someone else from killing them? and then you have a right to march in selma to montgomery and in an orderly, peaceful, nonviolent fashion? and he said i didn't mean for them to hurt you. and he said you know, i love everybody. i have a lot of white friends and i have an opportunity as i decided to take him to congress back to alabama to montgomery, selma, to
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birmingham and we were in montgomery and his son said governor wallace, he was paralyzed and he wanted us to come by and see him. and he was laying up in his bed with a cigar, watching the lawless story on tnt. and we walked in and some of the guys, especially from the north, members of congress were reluctant to take his hand. they seem intimate a photograph so i grabbed him by the hand and i said hello governor, how are you? they all came in and shook his hand and we took pictures. >> let's hear from our colors, let's begin with margie in west virginia. margie, it is john lewis and andrew aydin are our guests.
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the book is "march" book 3. >> caller: i have to tell you i'm thrilled to talk to you mister lewis. it's wonderful to get to see hero in our own living time. and i want to thank you for everything you did for civil rights and rights in general. two questions if i may please. i wanted to ask this one of mister woodward and i couldn't get in on time but what are your concerns about donald trump'spresidency , your main concern if he were to be elected and my second question is, i've been a democrat my whole life, i'm 64 years old.i don't feel like i have a voice in my party because of the abortion issue. is there something that you see that we can do to help women not have to go in that tragic direction and, because i feel like. >> i think we got the first part of your question. donald trump presidency.
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>> guest: i don't want to see mister trump become president. i don't think he's qualified. i think he has a mean-spirited and he comes from another.. his presidency will divide america. we come so far, made so much progress and we must still make progress. we must lay downthe burden of race , division and create one community, one family and it doesn't matter whether they are black, white, latino, asian-american or native american, we all live in the same house. the american house for the world house and we must learn to live together as brothers and sisters as doctor king said, if not to repair pools. >> host: andrew aydin, colin kaepernick kneeling.
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>> guest: i think it's a powerful statement and i think what we are seeing is other people taking part as well. i think he inspired something. i think something is happening in america. when we started the march in 2013, we said all this has happened before and all this will happen again. we had no way of knowing how right we were. i think it's a key part of bringing nonviolence, bringing civil disobedience, bringing protests for young people so that they can in fact be the reinforcements. part of what we are trying to do is show that young people are the driving force in many ways of the civil rights movement and that they were the key component in pushing some of the most important reforms of the civil rights movement achieved and i think if he's able to inspire young people to participate, speak up and speak out, then he's doing this nation agreat service . >>. >> host: next call comes from cameron in williamsburg, go ahead.
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>> caller: high representative lewis, it's an honor to talk to you. i'm a student at the university of maryland. our president was very involved in the civil rights movement. and my question for you is, what advice do you have for people who are involved in the black lines matter movement. >> thank you so much. i know you're president. he's a wonderful young man. he was very much involved in the city in birmingham during what i like to call the children's crusade. i would say to the young people involved in the black lines matter movement that to all young people, it doesn't matter whether they are black or white, latino, asian-american or native american, when you see something that is not right, not fair, not just , you have a moral obligation to do something about it but do it in a peaceful, organized , nonviolent fashion and stand
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up and speak up and speak out. when i was growing up, my mother and father and grandparents, i talked to them about segregation and racial discrimination. the surprise that i saw and they would say don't get in trouble. don't get in the way, that's the way it is. good trouble, necessary trouble is for all young people who have an obligation and responsibility to do. >> host: august 6, 1965. i was invited to meet rightly with the president in the oval office, going before the voting rights act signing ceremony. this was my first visit to the white house since the march on washington and my first one on one visit with the president. john, you got to go back and get all those folks registered and you got to go back and get those boys by the balls. just like a ball gets on top of a cow, you've got to get them by the balls and you got to squeeze rid we've been
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until they hurt area are these direct quotes from president johnson? >> guest: president johnson was very colorful. very unbelievable. he spoke in a very plain and simple fashion and sometimes you'd listen to him, you would smile and you want to laugh. you wanted to be respectful of the president of the united states but he was making it plain, he was making it clear that he was prepared to do these people injustice and that's what we tried todo is get everybody registered to vote . >> host: andrew aydin, this man is one of the finest graphic novelists of his generation. he's our artist on this book. he's like a brother. we're sorry he's not here today but he's got two little girls so he's been good, he's been on the road working as hard as anybody on this team
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could we got a call from midlands georgia, this is fred. >> caller: how are you doing? john lewis, i'm very proud of your life's history but my question is, in reference to your book because i have all three, white can't we have a national march for what's going on in today's world? how fast the country is now motivated to do something about white, black and everyone, why can't we have a wash on march on washington now with you and other civil rights leaders? >> guest: i think the best march we can have right now in america is on election day, november 8 for all of us, all over america, black and white, latino, asian americans, native americans, young people to march to the polls. to vote for all that is
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sacred. it is the most powerful, nonviolent movement we have in our democratic society so let's go to the polls. let's go out and vote. the country, make maybe if you can't run, crawl that make it there. just go to the polls and vote. that's the best march we can have at this time. >> host: rich in battleground washington, you have a sense of optimism about our country going forward. >> guest: i am very optimistic area very much so that we will lay down the burden of race and we will create a beloved community where we will respect the dignity and the work that every human being is doing and we will get there. we will get there. and when we get there, it will serve as a model for the rest of the world. i believe sometimes people tell me, the change, i feel
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like saying come and walk in my shoes and i will show you a train. >> elizabeth in denver colorado. >> caller: high mister lewis. this is truly an honor. my mother lived in mississippi during the time of emmett till and i know i don't have to explain that to you. i'd like to know what advice you have for the young people today that are really struggling with the black lives movement and all the police violence because it's hard for them. they feel disenfranchised and i'd like to know what advice you have for them to feel we're included but also be less violent. >> thank you so much. i tell you, i was in rural alabama and i posted against racial discrimination and i remember so well all 28...
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when emmett till was lanced, i saw the pictures. i read about it. and today, i had an opportunity to visit the african-american museum where till is now located. i asked the young people to never become bitter, never become hostile, never hate. hate is too heavy a burden to bear. be hopeful, be optimistic and never get lostin a sea of despair. work together and pull together . we will change america area we will take america to a better place . >> host: representative lewis, i didn't realize emmett till was killed on august 28. was there a connection between that and the fact that the march on washington
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was august 28? >> guest: i believe some of it was planned. people have that date in mind. you know, in 1935 it was also the beginning of the montgomery bus boycott. and rosa parks said as long as you do it, as long as you keep your see. she said she couldn't get out. she said she was not kind, she said i also thought about what happened and. >> host: next call comes from a place called troy alabama and this is jeff. >> caller: how are you doing? >> guest: hi jeff, how are you? >> caller: mister lewis, you were raised right here with my mother and grandmother in that county, i know you very well and i like what you're doing, i appreciate what you are doing area question to you is what do you think about what's going on in charlotte and the other
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places with all these killings of black young men? >> thank you so much for your call. i'm very sad about what's happening in charlotte north carolina, what happened in oklahoma and other parts of our country. the police officers and young people and all of us must come together and help each other, never hate each other. we need more of what i call community policing. maybe police officers along with young people and people not so young to study the way of peace, the way of love, the philosophy of nonviolence. i was arrested in jail and left blondie but i never gave up. i never became bitter. and when i see the young police officers with an
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african-american, whether they are white or latino or asian american, always i say thank you for your service. they are asked to protect us and protect our society and it was very moving to see the young demonstrators in charlotte north carolina shaking hands and hugging the national guardsmen. >> host: andrew aydin, however you come in your 30s? >> guest: 33. >> host: so you didn't live through the era of "march". when you think about what's going on today and what you've learned about this period of our history, what are your thoughts? >> guest: i think in some ways there's a bright light in the fact that we are actually seeing many of these killings. i don't think they are happening in isolation, i
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don't think they just aren't. they've been happening for some time but because of the ubiquitous nature of camera phones and technology, we are able to record these incidents and they can't be swept under the rug anymore. i think the first step towards dealing with them is knowledge and they are there and finally, before able to have a national conversation around and my hope is that spurs organizing, protesting and ultimately action on the part of our elected officials . me, growing up in the congressman's district, growing up in georgia, i heard about the civil rights movement. i saw some parts of it but i never had the opportunity to hear the story of the young people. so what i was constantly trying to do was to tell the story that i heard john lewis say and make them meaningful and important so my generation could understand what sacrifices took to get the progress that they achieved. >>. >> host: we've got a call from another city.
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john lewis is connected to and this is will in atlanta, high will. >> caller: i appreciate you taking my call. congressman, looking back on all these years after getting you elected, sunday morning with ike and whatnot, i'm grateful it turned out the way it did given the scandals that followed. what had happened publicly afterwards as you know what i'm talking about but the fact of the matter is, 30 years is almost sacred. that means chosen of god in 18 forms of the constitution and we as a nation were entered in an express covenant with god almighty. there is no question about it. there may be multiple parties but there's one god and we know if you're not serving truth and justice,one is not serving god . >> host: will in atlanta, this is a text message from liz in new york city. mister lewis, a few words about shirley chisholm. >> guest: i met shirley chisholm years ago, she was a
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brave and courageous woman and she came to congress and put her on the agricultural committee and she represented she served, she served well and she tried to help get food for starving people and in rural america, in virginia, all over the place area she was the first woman to get out there and get her name on about and run for president. >> host: let's take another call, we have time for a couple more calls and of course i have lost my place through this modern technology. i work my way back in a second so while i'm trying to
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find where i'm supposed to be onthis phone , a combination for a national book award. >> it's not glamorous. i shared the alert on my day and when i put it up on the computer, all of a sudden i had all these messages read somebody was like, did you see? i got a request for comments and everything and i said what are these people talking about? i had to go look at the website and i sort of backed away from my dad and i was like, what just happened? that'swhen i found out that i got the call from congressman ellen . >>. >> host: you will be in new york for the ceremony? >> guest: i think so. we should be there. >> guest: we are finalists, we will be there. >> guest: we both have day jobs but just like history, we believe that a job and we will make it to new york.
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>> host: mike is coming in from bernie texas, hi martin before how do you do. congressman, i would like to ask a question area i'm originally from chicago, lived there 70 years. in fact, my uncle built the original chicago stadium where fdr gave his inaugural. i've seen chicago deteriorates to the point that it's and addressing to the nation area i live in texas for 12 years now. however, my question to you is what happens to the morality of the blacks in america? there's so many beautiful lacks like you and so many including the president who's half white but they never mention that but i'm saying, whoever mentions the fact that the deterioration of the family and what's the excuse for that? you have all the people there at the congressional representatives, the oprah winfrey's who made her way in
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chicago. how do you explain it sir and i'll only ask one other. >> host: let's hear the answer to that question. >> guest: thank you so much for your call. there are many african-americans in chicago and other major urban centers and the small towns, the rural communities all across america are doing very, very well. there are some people in our society that have been left out and left behind and they're not just african-americans but they are white americans, they are latinos, asian americans and native american and as a country and people, we must see that all of our citizens lift off and that they have the base and the support to move ahead. we must see that all of our children receive the best possible education, receive good healthcare. >>.
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>> host: text message, i am a history teacher in virginia and have taught civil rights using your book.i let the students know that this was a movement by young people. what else do we need to do to combat youth apathy?>> guest: i think we have to help young people ask the fundamental questions they were asking during the movement, one of the things i like to ask students when we go out into the community , what would doctor king to mark what would gandhi post on facebook? how would we use these tools? in a sense, i tweet for a living but to these young people, they have at their fingertips the capacity to organize on a scale never before seen on the face of this planet. until we can put them in the context of these great leaders had to go through and then ask them how would they use the tools of today to achieve the same result and i think that empowerment will
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help them feel like it's not out of touch, if not out of reach and that apathy isn't something that should be available to them, that they have the capacity and necessity and that they must act area. >> guest: i think it's important to young people to understand , i was, read my story but also come in and visit places all across america. go to the african-american museum. walk-through these pieces of history. they should be inspired. they should be able to feel and assess if another generation can do what their people did, i too can do
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something. i can make a contribution. i was deeply inspired by rosa parks and martin luther king jr. i met rosa parks when i was 17. i met martin luther king junior when i was 18. and worked in kennedy's campaign. all these people helped make me the person i am today. >> host: you've got a lot of people here at the national book festival watching right now congressman. a bunch of young people here as well what do you tell them ? >>. >> guest: i tell them shake your hand. >> i would say thank you for being here and i love you. stay in school, get the best possible education you can get area to be hopeful, be optimistic and be happy. don't get lost in despair. >> host: this is the book, "march" book 3. john lewis, andrew aydin and the illustrator, nominated for a national book award. this is book 3, representative lewis and andrew aydin have written.
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to others in graphic novel form. for a longer conversation with anderson lewis, tv set down with him for three hours on our in-depth programs with you go to our website,, type in representative john lewis and include the word book, otherwise you will get all sorts of deal from the c-span archives but include the word book. we sat down for three hours, like tori, talk about all these other books as well. thank you for being with us on book tv. >> guest: thank you for signature feature of c-span's book tv is our coverage of book fairs and festivals and book tv will be live from the miami book festival. saturday's coverage begins at 10 am eastern. here's some of what you will see. book review editor pamela paul on by the book : writers on literature and literary lifefrom the new york times book review.
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leslie lowery with his book they can't kill us : baltimore and a new era in america's racial justice movement and former democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders take your phone calls and talked about his book our revolution: a future to believe in. sunday gets underway at 10:30 a.m. eastern and features fox news host and former white house press secretary dana perino with her latest book let metell you about jasper: how my best friend became america's dog. susan fully on her book in the darkroom . national book award was colson whitehead with the underground railroad and cofounder of the miami book fair and owner of miami's books and books bookstore jill kaplan. live coverage of the miami book fair saturday 10 am eastern and sunday at 10:30 a.m. eastern. go to for the complete weekend schedule. sunday night on afterwards, author sebastian malik talks about the book of federal reserve chair kenneth book
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and the man who knew, the life and times of alan greenspan. he's interviewed by alice rivlin, fellow economic study. >> alan greenspan had an unusual upbringing in the sense that he was raised in the 19th century. he was the parent of a single mother. his father left his mother when he was only three and then moved him to a different figure, and they would always say he would come and see us and not show up and i think that probably reinforced a tendency to live inside his own head. >> sunday night at nine eastern on after words. go to for the complete weekend schedule. at the 67th national book awards held wednesday night in new york city, the nonfiction prize went to scholar the room candy for his book stand from the beginning, the definitive history of racist ideas in america. later this year hetook part
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in a panel on race in america at the annapolis book festival . this is just under an hour. >> good afternoon, my name is ivan bates and i will serve as the moderator for today's panel. one of the things that's very interesting here is at the key school, we had the opportunity to look andlisten to the school's leader , mister nettle and one of the things he said last night and i had the opportunity to listen to him speak was the key school is a school that questions perception and helps individuals gain a greater knowledge to question demands. that's exactly what this panel will do, black in america. we will sit down and today's and important day in black history because today, april 16, 1862, the emancipation in washington dc. we understand we have a couple of great authors with
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us. we have doctor ibram kendi from the university of florida, the author of the book stamp from the beginning. his book is a definition of the history of the racist ideas in america and this book was a book that has spent a great deal of time researching, it's a book that chronicles the entire story of the anti-black racist ideas and their power over the course of american history. doctor ibram kendi has done this a number of ways, which uses the life of five major americans, from intellectuals through the time of history, first as a puritan minister, cotton maker. he sits down and talked about how we lookat some of his ideas. the next individual in the book as an individual thomas jefferson , talks about him as well as his families upbringing. some of his thoughts he had while framing the constitution. we sat down and look at the
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constitution, william lord garrison who was strong in making sure he ended slavery and worked within that movement. we also have an amazing scholar, wpd dubois who put together the naacp. we also discussed the present activist angela davis. we have doctor kendi and doctor kendi is a native of jamaica queens new york where he lived until he moved to virginia, annapolis virginia the last two years of high school and went to the florida a&m for his undergraduate. he was able to get his doctrine and from temple university. he's now a professor down at the university of florida. doctor kendi will sit down and give the background in terms of the history of racism in america and we have with us as well d. watkins,
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professor watkins was a young man from baltimore city, a native son of baltimore. professor watkins has put together a number of essays and put together a book called "the beast side: living (and dying) while black in america". professor watkins is from baltimore city and his book chronicles the life story and in many ways talked about the things that he grew up with and witness. professor watkins was able to sit down and talk about the racist policies we had in america, how they impacted him growing up black especially in baltimore's urban economy. professor watkins from the early days gain education to show the power of breeding and how important it is to education and its future success. professor watkins is a graduate, has a masters from john hopkins and he also teaches a creative writing program so to have both of these gentlemen, both of these scholars and activists
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here with the panel, i think is a great opportunity for the key school and for all the panelists and we thank you for joining us. i'd like to start with doctor dr. kendi, talking about the book and talking about what led you to this in terms of the publication. >> thank you. i love that introduction and it's truly a pleasure and honor to be here at the key school and be presenting at the annapolis festival. i went to high school not too far from here in virginia so anytime i can come back to my second home, i certainly think that opportunity so i'm actually here talking to you about my new book and it really isbrand-new. it came out on april 12 . just a few days ago, stamp from the beginning, the definitive history of racist ideas and america and on
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april 12, 1860 , jefferson davis what time was one of the senators, us senators from mississippi stood before his colleagues in the u.s. senate and uttered the phrase in the quality between the black and white races was stamped from the beginning. so ironically, my book came out the very day that the title was inspired from and he made that statement because there was a bill on tour that was considering granting funds to educate black people in dc. and of course he got out and argued against it. many of you know jefferson davis later became the president of the confederacy. an ice sort of start with that small story to say that that was to an extent indicative of the long and
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lingering history of racist ideas . that essentially, over the course of american history had racist policies put in place or you had individuals who did not want antiracist policies to be put in place like a bill that would provide education to black children in washington dc in the same manner that educational funds were being provided to white children. and then you had individuals like jefferson davis present, produce, reproduce racist ideas to either challenge those antiracist bills or to defend existing racist bills, to defend existing racist policies so what i'm saying in a nutshell is that typically we been taught this history that ignorance and hate has led to racist ideas. and that individuals who have these racist ideas are the
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ones who essentially have created these viciously racist policies that have impacted the lives of people over the course of american history. and when i found through studying the history of racist ideas is that the connection actually has been quite the opposite. it's differentiating between what i call the producers of racist ideas, these powerful producers. somebody as influential as jefferson davis or somebody as influential today as a donald trump area they are powerful producers of racist ideas for i'm differentiating between them and the consumer of those ideas. people like us. people like you and i. in my book i study the history of these ideas, why were they consuming me as ideas? and i found that people created racist ideas to
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justify the slave trade. i found that people created racist ideas to justify slavery. i found that people created racist ideas to justify segregation.i found that people continue to create racist ideas to now justify mass incarceration so i'm finding that we have policies in place. we had these disparities in place and then people were creating racist ideas over the course of american history to justify and rationalize them. then you and i, having consumed these ideas, look out america and we see the disparities or see people enslaved or to see 2 million black people injail . or to see hundreds of thousands of people in chains coming over to america and in view of that as normal. and view that as normal, that's the power that racist ideas have had over the course of american history and i tried to chronicle that
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in stamp from the beginning, that these ideas have been powerful enough to make us believe in equities are normal area but in equities are normal. so hopefully we will have more time to talk about that, i want to give a brief introduction. >> thank you. >> it's important to know that these policies throughout the history, where are we today? what's going on in the community and how has that policy impacted us on the grassroots level and that's why we have mister watkins, author of "the beast side: living (anddying) while black in america" . professor watkins, thank you thank you for having me. so dr. kendi has done research that put these things into a historical context and i think "the beast side: living (and dying) while black in america" goes well within the book because it breaks down how these things fit everyday citizens who had to deal with
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these issues, who are still dealing with the same issues that came before that were established a long time ago and "the beast side" is a simple book. if you are from a place like baltimore or anyurban area , you never see yourself in the book area you never see yourself on television, never see yourself as a statue when you walk down the street, there is no representation of yourself anywhere in the country that you helped build , then it's a love story for you. it's a chance to see yourself and understand your story and journey and also putting some of these huge issues and to historical context. on the other side of the section, if you are from a place far removed from a place like east baltimore, if you are from a suburb and you don't have a lot of experience with urban communities or you have life, one black friend. then it gives you the opportunity to be able to understand or see the
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humanity that the media leaves out. a lot of times you see unarmed black kid gunned down and then what's next? but really we have to think well, that kid. he was just a kid. he had goals and dreams. he could have been the next, you know, barack obama. you never know what people are going through because you don't really get a chance. some of the people we celebrate in society today, look at them. they were 20 years old and that goes across the board. look at malcolm x at 21 or for those of you who look at george w. bush, in his 20s, you've got a lot that can change but you get the point. and in life, we all make mistakes. and we go through these things and we can experience
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redemption and take those mistakes and that resiliency that comes from those mistakes and grow to be great people so i think "the beast side" does a great job at showing the humanity that the media leaves out. you know, we are people too and we have a lot in common with all types of people around this country so i tried to do that and i tried to put it in a language that everyone can understand. it's very accessible. if you read 20 million academic articles today, you look at this and say oh, literature. if you go back to the second grade reading level, you will still be able to get through the book. >> thank you, dr. kendi and professor watkins, your personal background and professor watkins, your background in growing up and living, what is the number one thing that you would like
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the reader to take from your book? >> black readers were white readers? >> both. >> i asked for a specific reason. for black readers, one of the major unfortunate findings in the book, i'm studying this history is, let me just preface, i not only tried to study racist ideas but i also tried to study antiracist ideas, antiracist policies and strategies and protest movements to show the course of history that this interlocking struggle. and black people specifically middle income black people have been long apart since the abolitionist movement that the way that we can undermine the racist ideas of
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whites is to, when we go before white audiences, to not defy stereotypes. to quote, represent the race well. many of our parents sort of quote represent the race world which means don't divide stereotypes, i need defy stereotypes. don't seem as if you are inferior. act intelligence, speak proper, all these different things and abolitionists specifically first in 1790s began lecturing the blacks that this is the way that you underline the prejudices of whites and thereby undermine the ideas that were underlying slavery that you blacks need to go before white audiences and show your equal humanity. that is what was taught to black people by white abolitionists and many blacks
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internalized those ideas and we've been consuming them and re-consuming them and teaching them ever since. what i found in the book, the idea is actually based on a racist idea. that strategy is based on a racist idea. it connotes this idea that somehow black people are responsible for the racist ideas that white people have. that black people are somehow responsible for the racist ideas white people have which means there is some truth in the racist ideas that white people have because black people that a certain way. i basically chronicle what i call up lift stations, this strategy of upwardly mobile blacks defying racist ideas and show ways that those ideas are racist ideas. to whites, very quickly, that typically most americans think of a racist idea as an idea that certain racial
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groups are likely biologically different. black people are biologically distinct and inferior. people do not acknowledge all the other ways in which people have considered black people to be inferior like culturally, to think of an example. and throughout history you had a group i call assimilationist who constantly stated that racial groups are biologically equal but when it comes to culture they say that black people are culturally inferior but they say because we are biologically equal, black people can be helped so they enter into black communities trying to develop black people because of course these black people were inferior but since they are biologically equal they can be developed and equalized, they can be improved. i show in the book is that that is a racist idea. >> professor watkins, what about the reference to your book. >> about?
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>> three things. i would like every reader to think more critically about race in society after reading the book. it doesn't ask you to change your perspectives what to think about these things. the traditions and information given to you versus your own thoughts and opinions of how these systems came about and how eou can in you can be a ku klux klan member from mississippi or a gang member from california, but put to those guys in room with free ice cream, they're both going to take. whose a two-game stripper ice cream? know what i mean? we though we are so different but we have so much in common. in three, the third thing i want people to take away from this book is something i live by, a
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proverb that reads when fighters tonight they can take out a line. i don't think about government don't think about governor would trickle down. i think about how we as individuals can use our power to make real change. my thing is a literacy. i work with reading programs. i help other writers get book deals. i've help a whole lot of other writers get some of the work published in different places. that's what i do. i have another friend to does the same thing with financial literacy and another friend who does the same thing with nutrition. we all our figure out what our passion is and we're workingng really, really, really hard tog achieve mastery and the wish of the skills with other people. i want people to read this book and understand how strong we are as individuals in the things we can do. all of us have been waiting for politicians forever. when people ask me like what you think about the election, what do you think about thisls and t
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