tv [untitled] December 1, 2016 6:01pm-7:29pm EST
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accompany s. 2577. the presiding officer: the chair lays before the senate the following message. the clerk: resolved: that the bill from the senate, s. 2577, entitled an act to protect crime victims' rights to eliminate substantial backlog of d.n.a., and so forth and for other purposes, do pass with an amendment. mr. sullivan: i move to concur in the house amendment and ask unanimous consent that the motion be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table without intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of calendar number 629, s. 2058. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: calendar number 629, s. 2058, a bill to require the secretary of commerce to maintain and operate at least one doppler weather radar site, and so forth and for other
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purposes. the presiding officer: is there objection to the measure? without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask consent that the committee-reported substitute amendment be withdrawn, the burr substitute amendment be agreed to, the bill as amended be considered read a third time and passed, the title amendment be agreed to and that motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the committee on commerce, science and transportation be discharged from further consideration of h.r. 6014 and the senate proceed to its immediate consideration. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: h.r. 6014, an act to allow the administrator of the federal aviation administration to enter into reimbursable agreements for certain airport projects. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection, the committee
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is discharged. and the senate will proceed. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the bill be considered read a third time and passed, the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the committee on commerce be discharged from further consideration of h.r. 1561, and the senate proceed to its immediate consideration. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: h.r. 1561, an act to improve the national oceanic and atmospheric administration's weather research, and so forth and for other purposes. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection, the committee is discharged and the senate will proceed. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the thune substitute amendment at the desk be considered, the cantwell amendment at the desk be considered and agreed to, the thune substitute amendment as amended be agreed to, the bill as amended be considered read a
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third time and passed and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the judiciary committee be discharged from further consideration and the senate now proceed to senate resolution 606. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: senate resolution 606, honoring the memories and legacies of the three law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the attack on july 17, 2016, in baton rouge, louisiana. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection, the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to and that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection.
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mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of s. 3492 introduced earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. 3492, a bill to designate the transfers city, virginia, community-based outpatient clinic, and so forth. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the bill be read a third time and passed and the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the consideration of senate resolution 627 submitted earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: senate resolution 627, designating december 3, 2016, as national phenyl
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ketauria awareness day. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, and that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table, with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to consideration of s. res. 628 submitted earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: senate resolution 628, authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the senate rules and manual. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, and that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate.
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mr. president, i stand corrected. there is no preamble to be agreed to. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. sullivan: i ask unanimous consent that when the senate completes its business today, it adjourn until 3:00 p.m. monday, december 5. following the prayer and the pledge, the morning business be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings be approved to date and the time for the two leaders be preserved for their use later in the day. further, that following leaders remarks, the senate resume consideration of the house message to accompany h.r. 34. further, that the filing deadline for first-degree amendments under rule 22 with a cloture motion filed during today's session be at 4:00 p.m. monday, december 5. finally, that mandatory quorum call under rule 22 with respect
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action. this timely aeronaut merely advocates before our country not just our parents it is never too late to learn from the mistakes of the past. we're giving united states the chance to of knowledge the injustice done to our mother is a test to see if our government has the courage and commitment to give justice sending knowledge of the terrible wrong my brother with the letter he presented to the white house in june 53 with president eisenhower to pass that test and eisenhower failed..
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physically drop off the only way is to mail that and i said we did but from 1953 you could walk right up with a guard, the important thing is symbolically and a packet has been sent by mail. >> we can take questions now. >> it is very similar to what has been done end of past like the recognition of
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the internment of the japanese-americans this is the time of an innocent woman with all of the sacred material that indicated she never had a code name the chief witness changed his testimony for the grand jury . just the acknowledgement of the injustice that was done and that is important in and of itself but also how we feel this is our mother. she was taken away from us when i was three and a brother was seven and was killed when i was six and he was 10. six since we cannot bring her back there could be nothing more satisfying to last then to have the government to knowledge that there should not have happened and it was wrong. but on a personal level it
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is also a cautionary tale of we have gone to recycle in our history targeting people and over punishing in framing we are in danger of that happening again and to recognize in the past we have done things we should not have done might be a cautionary tale. when we said we we're doing this for our country not just for our family really did mean it. >> i want to emphasize that we are not asking for any compensation but essentially for the nullification of the guilty verdict against our mother. because the system of justice was perverted. this is something that should resonate with president obama who made the statement himself recently about there being times in our history when we have taken actions against people
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who were considered a threat . in we come to regret that. this is one of those actions to give president obama and opportunity to follow up words with a concrete action >> the most significant thing is with the grand jury testimony at the trial are mother was accused to participating and typing of secret material the prosecution at the trial made a point about her typing that she typed in the letters all along the grand jury testimony to summers ago he said he never spoke to our mother at all had and had no involvement whatsoever. adjusted that alone should indicate that the government
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knew the case against her virtually did not exist. that is why we began the process with the op-ed piece in "the new york times" and cbs "60 minutes" then with a petition campaign and has gathered tens of thousands of signatures and we are doing it now because obama leaves office next month and this is the time when presidents issued statements . i want to make sure that we don't replicate an error. we're not asking for a pardon but doesn't go to the justice department she was not guilty so does not need a pardon. what we are asking for is a presidential statement that in effect nullifies the guilty verdict, said there execution was wrong. >> [inaudible] >> one of the principal
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architects that president trump and the president-elect has said was his mentor. the chances of trump and to do anything that would put his mentor in a bad light strikes me that this is the time to do that if we don't get obama to do that virtually we are certain that trump will not. that is another reason to do that now. >> just to reiterate the role, on the program "60 minutes" the chief prosecution witness said to the camera specifically a came to him and set your wife just called us that she would types stuff up they admitted that he had no memory of typing stuff up and said he did not know that any typing occurred and
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committed perjury and that roy was the architect of the perjured testimony that is very significant in the away that he would end up being a mentor of the president-elect. >> we did say the death of the -- the ghost of ethel rosenberg will want the white house wants donald trump takes office. >> we did not have the evidence prior remember not until the summer of 2015 than that grand jury testimony that put together the op-ed piece set ran in the new york times. we have not made a similar request and in fact, initially was sent to valerie share it at couple of months ago as a place holder to get the process moving but guess what? there was any election going on.
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>> as far as i know, we have had no response from the administration may we should send it to the justice department but we have had no specific response. there was the story i heard on the news which reporter had asked someone at the white house. the of response was we are considering these matters. we don't know. but again the time for these is usually january so we are looking to get to the point where there would be a statement made for going is of little bit more complicated that our father was framed but guilty of military industrial
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the russian party has special responsibilities. there is a foundation for the government together to make sure all the commitments and all the promises. the people made their choice . with up populism and the demagoguery we appreciate the mutual support and the unity. but that falls unity imposed on the people we will not go
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back to those times. to talk about freedom to use that as an excuse for road funding other people's feelings are religions. did you think you are smarter or more in financed then you should respect other people because it is unacceptable. so you have the meeting of the culture with those responsibilities and with the culture but everybody is
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tragedy. let's remember that we are one nation, and we have the same russia, all of us. [applause] [speaking russian] >> translator: colleagues, the purpose of all of our policy is to increase our human capital as russia's most important wealth. so our efforts are focused on supporting the traditional values, family, demographic programs, improving arts and culture, science. i'd like to say a few words about the current situation, what we have achieved. of course, we have seen an
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increase in population in 2013. even demographers how this birth coefficient. it was 1.7 and russia, higher than in most european countries. in portugal they had 1.3. in czech republic 1.5. this is the data from 2013. in 2015 russia's coefficient will be even higher, 1.78. we will continue our social transformation and. we want our social program to be closer for people to be more modern and just. we should use skilled personnel and social programs. that's why we are using conditions to specialist and we see growing number of
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applications for medical schools, teaching academies in 2015. applications for teachers was seven points eight times the number of positions available. just recently, the number of applications for tuition free spots in medical colleges -- i remember how we discussed high-tech medical aid projects develop a network of perinatal centers around the country. we had none just recently. now we have 94, and now our doctors are able to save newborns in the most complicated
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basis. just recently mortality indicators were 6.5, whereas the european region of the w.h.o. had 6.6 so we were better. after 10 months in 2016 we achieved 5.9. in the last 10 years, we increased the amount of high-tech medical help provided 15 times over. not just in bigger cities. also in some remote areas people can get help. when we launched this program we had only 60,000 people in russia received this kind of hell. in 2016 a number have grown significantly.
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from 60,900,000 the next year we will provide a substantial higher number. this will make even more available. on the whole we should see, frankly. we still have problems in our health care sector. we have a lot of problems come especially -- and wished develop into a big typically people have to wait a long time on waiting lists. our doctors are overburdened and it's hard to get in a plan with the proper doctor. quite often clinics have modern equipment but medical staff does not have the skills to use them. since we organized retraining for doctors, where doctors will be able to use their education certificates to choose where
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they want to get the skills and knowledge. we will provide additional computers for doctors. we will schedule doctors from filling out paperwork giving them more time to work with patients directly. we've increased efficiency. we will have the internet and all the hospitals, so doctors even in remote towns and villages will be able to use remote health care, technology.
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i would like to ask the minister of two medications to take note. the minister has told us that this is realistic. so the entire country will now know about this and they will make sure that this really does happen. rush is such a large country. we also need an and/or ambulance service. next year the program will cover 34 provinces and will be funded from the federal budget. we are talking specifically siberia, the arctic and the far east. and as our deputies now, this was actually your initiative in 2017. we will allocate -- will be
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uprooted from the second reading, 3.3 billion rubles which will be part of the program. [applause] [speaking russian] >> translator: colleagues, throughout our vast country, children should be able to live in modern, comfortable schools so we will continue our program for renovation of schools. our schools should not be without proper facilities. we should offer retraining programs for our teachers. you know that we launched a program opening new spaces in schools. it was for the period 2016-2025, as we all know this is something that regional governments are
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primarily responsible for, but we made a decision to support the regions with this plan and we plan to create 187,000 new openings in schools. and what parents and teachers care about the most is a content, the curriculum. because school education has two primary objectives. this is what the outcome addition talked about, to provide knowledge and to bring up foster, encouragement. when he spoke about ethics he said this is extremely important for society, and, of course, it's important to preserve the quality of our education, and we already see communication of this happening in schools.
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but it's not just enough to increase the number of classes with special projects. the cinema industry, television, the problem must be interesting to young people that will get them interested in history, culture. we should do our part to have children think freely and independently and work on the on so that in the future this will be strong foundation for their future life. and schools have many interesting experiments, both in our country and abroad. of course, you have to be careful with experimenting. it is important to raise our children to be researchers. the number of technology groups
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for children will increase within the next few years dramatically. this is something that companies, research centers should participate in. our children should have the kind of clear understanding that they all have equal opportunities that russia needs their knowledge, their skills, and there will be interesting jobs for them in russian companies. we know about the serious center for talented children. and i think we need more centers like this for regional government to consider using such centers for supporting the talented, gifted young people. [applause] [speaking russian] >> translator: at the same time, i'd like to mention something.
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at the same time out the foundation of the entire foundation, we should have this principle that every child is talented. every child is gifted. they are all capable of succeeding in education, sports. it's up to us to help them fulfill their talents. this is the key to russia success. [applause] [speaking russian] >> translator: colleagues, i give young generation as a strong foundation for the future of russia in 21st century, which is going to be difficult for our young generation should be competitive, and we will participate in forming the global development agenda. many of our children participate in volunteer program today. they support older people. they participate in educational
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programs, arts programs, environmental programs. and in particular we see people joining charitable activities, petition on social media, people raising money to help children. and people respond generally to such requests. they do from the bottom of the hearts. i'm impressed, surprised people who are not very wealthy respond so greatly to such requests. i would ask the civic chamber and the agency for should take initiatives to support such volunteer centers and nongovernmental organizations. people who participate in projects like this for this
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atmosphere, the kind of environment russia needs very much. this has the potential we really need to develop. we need to provide aid to ngos. ngos that have proper experience will have access to providing social services funded from the budget starting this year. i'd like to ask many of you, colleagues, and i want you to listen to me now, governors, meniscal authorities, i ask you not to be greedy and not to give preference to government organizations only. you should get ngos involved in this work as much as possible. because quite often they have a
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fresh angle. they genuinely care about people. so let's pay special attention to this narrative. [applause] [speaking russian] >> translator: we all want ngos to work actively in the social sphere and this will help us improve the quality of service we provide. so i would ask the government to provide the necessary amendments and regulations for this. if we define the responsibilities for ngos, of course we should avoid bureaucracy as much as possible. and once again i would like to address many of you don't hide in your offices, don't be afraid of facing people directly, meeting with them face-to-face. support the initiatives.
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especially in matters like enhancing our urban development, restoring historical appearance and solar. quite often matters are made in circles. immediately i want to ask, are you certain that the decisions in the circle in your office is the best solution available? don't you think would be better to talk to large number of people and ask people what they would like to do with their streets, their house, their building in the yard and so on? next year we will allocate 20 billion rubles for landscaping programs in different cities, including single industry cities. we want people to get involved in both programs. it's up to the people who live there to decide what kind of
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landscape program they would like to see. i would ask the russian popular front to take an active part in this work as well. not just a matter of monitoring. we should make sure this work is effective. and, of course, it's important that civil society get involved in enhancing our environmental projects as well, such as preservation. this involves humane treatment. the next year 2017, the year of the environment and russia. i have instructed the government to draft program for protecting places such as the ball dropped, the lake and other places. all of our people should get involved in cleaning up our
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territory. dump sites around. this is a problem that people think -- moscow and st. petersburg how improved their road networks. other cities as well with a total population of 40 million people. over the next two years half of the roads should be fixed. i will not talk about this in detail right now but we've made in this is a decision. now we need to get to work. we will pay attention to federal highways and objects of national importance like the crimea, which is on schedule.
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just recently we encountered serious economic challenges, unfavorable economic situation on national markets, the sanction, which were intended to make us forget about our national interest. however, i would like to mention on this score that the primary reason for an economic slowdown is our internal problems, the lack of investment resources, modern technology, the lack of professional labor source. and sometimes unfavorable business climate. currently a slight increase in output. this year i think our economy will shrink but only a little bit. in the first 10 months of 2016,
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the drop, gdp, was .3% and i think the final figure will be close to this. our program for supporting sectors and industries were very important. we see a slight increase in industrial production in those areas, and this is a very positive trend. we have seen 85 million square meters of housing. this is an all-time high in the entire history of our country. [applause] [speaking russian] >> translator: it's very important to make sure we implement these programs, and we are able to sell those houses. we should be aware of purchasing capacity come and we will provide special subsidies from mortgage for our people. like i said earlier, we have
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we have preserved our financial reserves. the overall amount of the reserve funds is 1.92 billion rubles. we have increased our reserves as well. we see an increase at the end of this year. we expect the inflation rate would be below 6%. and once again i would like to mention a few figures. if you remember, in 2015
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inflation was 12.9%. i hope this year the inflation rate will be below 6%, which means 5.8% increase. so a definite improvement and a significant one. the lowest inflation rate was in 2011. that was 6.1%. and like i said, maybe this year it will be even lower. that should mean that next year we might even arrive at our target benchmark at 4%. these are some very good prerequisites to use this healthy economy to achieve substantial growth. but i will like to emphasize that stabilization does not mean sustainable growth, and less we resolve the basic issues, the
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basic problems of the russian economy and larger systemic factors of growth. we might get stuck at zero growth for years and that would mean we will have to economize. ascension at the expense of our future growth and we cannot afford that. we have a different option, and that is putting ourselves goals, step-by-step. such an approach is produced positive results, and actually within a very short period of time. for example, at some point it seemed that our problems in agriculture would be forever. we remember how all our agricultural producers, manufacturers felt offended when people's pope as agriculture some kind of a black hole where you can dump money in the cities and it goes nowhere. it turns out we do things differently. we found other solutions, we
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develop support and we provided a comprehensive system of support and now this is a successful industry that feeds the country and also is winning over international markets. so it's like they say, we wouldn't have had this unless there was some trouble. our international counterparts imposed certain sanctions against us and we introduced countermeasures and that has proved an incentive for agricultural producers, for our farmers. that cannot go forever and our consumers need a stable situation into consumer markets. so we should use this situation while it's there and we should use it to full extent. but exporting agricultural products, these exports, they bring us greater profits than arms trade. arms exports. a while ago we couldn't even
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imagine something like that. i have already said this in public and i can repeat it. in this forum. and by the way, in the area of arms exports, we also have some very serious positions that we sold 14.5 billion worth, billion dollars worth in arms and 2014. and it was a $16.2 billion worth of agriculture products in international markets of that year. and this year we expect 16.9 billion worth of exported products. products. let's give a big antiwar agriculture producers and manufactures. [applause] [speaking russian] >> translator: in developing agriculture from a lot of development in policies. i believe original source must be given greater confidence these in deciding how to use federal subsidies to support her agriculture, aquaculture industries.
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they must link the position of such a subsidies with the actual full indicators of agriculture production such as harvest and so on. there also must be the introduction of advanced state-of-the-art agricultural technologists. i would like to in the size that if we are to use, allow our region's to use federal subsidies at discretion, their responsibility for strengthening their own agricultural needs and addressing their own social and housing issues must also increase. further, for the more for our farmers to get their props to mark as we must pay greater attention to agricultural cooperatives. i would like to ask the ministry of agriculture, the agricultural bank and the russian leasing agency to pay attention to this together with the agency for
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support of small and medium enterprises. we have deeply upgraded our defense production facility as a result the output has increased and what's important, their productivity has sufficiently increased. our defense production relations a very interesting -- answers an example. in 2016 expected rate of growth of defense production will be 10.1%, and it is expected rate of growth of productivity will be 9.8%. now, we need to direct the defense industry to produce civilian hardware for medicine, aviation, space exploration and so on. it's share must be no less than one-third of its total output in the nearest decade. quite recently we had a meeting,
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actually seven meetings to disaffected and i would like to show those plans with the. in 2016, our defense companies will be producing about 16.1% of civilian products in 2017. it's share will be quite moderate since the defense ministry currently has its own weapons upgrade problems that had to implement, but by 2050, the year 2050 that share must be no less than 20%. i would add our ministry, industry and the relevant organizations to get engage with these activities. one of the fastest growing industries in the russian economy is i.t. and this, dear colleagues, is a very heavy fact. ..
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that we must pursue those markets with our e economy even more strong and robust and the performance that we see now shows that it is changing our economy. for those companies that could compete in those international markets we don't need those scenarios but the deliberate growth in to identify to launch those oriented problems of exports
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and protecting businesses to improve our own situation. and until the year 2025 to enable the economy to reach the of global medium. we need the business community to be actively engaged for increasing economic liberties we need including debt stable system through 2014 that provides every year a moratorium from
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our rules and regulations despite the changes of the economic situation. but we must use the taxation system in a way to achieve the objective with our competitive environment for those russian companies. we need to include the existing benefits to make them more efficient. of a bike to suggest the proposals of those russian taxation system. we need to prepare the amendments want to the russian tax code and make
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them last for long term. and also to develop mechanisms to ensure a stable budget so we can have all of our commitments regardless of the international partners. looking at entrepreneur is and businesses now we need to look at the region's with infrastructure and with the establishment with the legislation and the best practices for adjust recently it is not a
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sideline issue. and end this regard with the performance of the regional governments you need to address want a high quality of government services with the one more improvement of the oversight authorities so then we will increase transparency over the next year it will be clear of the access to produce power of
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any incentive a violation of the business community one of the controlling agencies. we must look guess some of those services one and their hands are tied in many respects. we'll look at the assessment of risk that would enable us to make us more in efficient i would remind you that oversight authorities would have violations especially to those activities to the beginners and i am against the proposal for the concept
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of self sufficient of the citizens to be legally employ eight this is the wrong perception we need to provide them with the opportunity to do their job each must review society and the government are behind them. we not about providing those necessary working conditions beretta certain level of income. and to address of those duties of the authorities and them property was taken away from people for licensing and della that strengthens the responsibility especially
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against citizens or those business and entities or entrepreneur is. it with those investigations were launched against many individuals that the federal global and regional level and municipal level we want the officials to do their job for the country but this cannot somehow know their responsibility. it is however important that there is a criminal verdict to accuse someone of a bike to say it is wrong to use that as a tool with some of
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those offices of law-enforcement authorities to abuse the of media and would like to remind you that corruption is not a show requires you to be responsible only then colleagues it is obvious the limitation of the abilities one still the russian system has international lending for those russian companies to keep them going and that is very important. so to provide these projects of excess of all financing especially with deflationary going down so is the opportunity to make the goods cheaper so the
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situation proves over and above lending for the economy has been unstable. we have been provided a hundred 27 billion rubles. this labels the banks to potentially increase the lending and unfortunately in 2016 blissfully in has not increased it actually has decreased with the changes of the exchange rate of bike to emphasize that the exchange rates are important because putting the ruble against the dollar and the euro pet even if we remember that still to notice that
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there is a decrease of lending money to russian companies so what instruments do we use? it is obvious only stable banks with solid reserves one that can provide the russia's biggest banks that have restored themselves over the last year, the overall profits last year was only 193 billion rubles last year the same time was only 49 billion that is very serious growth. the banking system and those that are in compliance be.
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so those that have left the market when so this provides a healthy environment for those growth of the economy in many countries actually they use that environment and in some companies they even discuss the opportunities to investing their money into financial instruments or institutions. but in every aspect from the coulter is most different how we measure but to look at other countries experiences that is something that we should do been for example, in some countries there are also options for attracting many
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from society to bypass the banks. that is nonbanking lending for the economy. we should look at those of course, they must not lead to economic imbalances. we also need to support for the world businesses which were on the decrease. and the financial regulators of the large banks were for the regulations in accordance to the international standards that they may be too stringent
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and those regional banks to go to those small enterprises with those simple banking operations they could have simplified those regulations with their operation and actually without any specific for risk with the entire banking system in general that the regional banks only take up 1% but the share is fairly small. to allow the consumers to turn to the banks to enable the of regulators or oversight authorities to not have more than they need to to allow the citizens to take out loans come the banks and that would be sensible. but what is paramount is the leading institution must we
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stable and protected and respectable so those companies and individuals would be safe and ensure that their money is safe. and we need new technological solutions for those industries but the digital technologies that defined the of lifestyle of many countries that we can generate those solutions that is cutting head to that enormous technological risk won't be. and those seven end uh detrimental situation. and with other such industries we must drink and
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the cyberprotection and cyberthreats with our infrastructure that must be strengthened including the government communications systems. and been and the digital economy matures primarily rely on the russian companies production facilities of the economic power of the future we must second remove all of the barriers of our businesses that exist in the emerging high-technology markets and use our financial resources and we should probably think
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that the development bank must also serve to this end directly with businesses 1b average and secondary and vocational system to increase the number of government subsidized those seven schools are the institute's study in high technology or dance technology specialties. in the coming years the company center will be set up to provide knowledge regarding the incoming markets to create the technological potential for economic growth. is a two-pronged task to
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offer a the best solutions and the challenges we are about to face. just like everywhere we will encourage innovation and to provide efficient results and redressed keep that in mind with all orientation to keep that in mind we will also continue to provide the environment for research we have already supported the working-class that those that define those main trends like our former citizens want and some of the m over a considerable period of time baton that
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with 3.5 billion rubles. and then to be integrated with the economy n general. with that research and then to have the issue with that giant gap between developments or the marketing reinvention of product both in the soviet union are the russian empire before that one but to turn back and reverse. and read that technological initiatives but dear colleagues bois everything that i have been talking about has uh decree that we
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all know we are facing attempts pressure over the past years over russian aggression or propaganda in the country's elections to put our athletes in the olympics into beecher once again that i do hope that will have a state of the r problem in russia and that will not be a problem by next year brabham like to say all of the bad press and accusations and media reports and all of these
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then that union to have the integration model that is interesting and promising. we have already started to discuss that in depth. i am sure of those members states with that foreign and economic policy. and with that asian-pacific region and with that economic forum. transeven to look at those decisions.
7:26 pm
and with that agenda is not dictated by the foreign policy by the long-term political and trends of development. me and with the comprehensive partnership between russia and china. we not based on the domination of certain countries but in consideration in harmony it is becoming the world's largest and strongest economy has spent increasing with energy production and so one.
7:27 pm
and with that sufficient partnership so we have confirmed we have basic insurance for that corporation in those areas. with those roads and improvements and down the part of the indian government and also to cooperate with the new u.s. administration with bilateral ovations based equally one and with those issues we are jointly responsible to provide international security and stability with ensuring the
7:28 pm
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