tv Brain Health and Violence CSPAN December 15, 2016 12:50am-1:40am EST
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the. [applause] dr. richard and has extensive research experience from neuroscience to cardiovascular biology comment debbies in the obesity working on the drug discovery irina and helping people live happier healthier lives. dr. richman is dedicated to reaching out to with their imagination this is manifested through the martial arts biology and
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rock climbing to children over the past 25 years. and believes it is important possible to advocate when it comes to grain health. toward this end it dr. richmond and his wife is committed to preventing violence and served as the foundation and then the college of medicine. please help me to welcome our guests. [applause] >>. >> can everybody hear me? is san honor to be here tonight to headdress you and
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i appreciated. so to talk about the silent mode ashley science of violence through research and education one. it is a prattled -- a pretty simple form of life favorite oregon, the brain with several coming from brain health. and then introducing a model or a paradigm in and then conclude with the idea in order to be human it is the ability to be humane. the brain. we can look at the human body to know we have the organ said have functions functions, of the liver
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liver, kidney, estimate, we enter stand what they do. we also recognize we have a brain. so when i tell people that brain science is totally unexplored, i don't thank you understand the extent. brain science is we know more about the bottom of the ocean or the surface of mars even subatomic particles of dust particles structures and what is going on here. so considering that business it is ironic how we go about it is housed inside of us schools you cannot gather it
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and gather what it does by looking at it so as a result on item zero here hot somewhere mr. kohl and magical and mystical but there is nothing else out there. we are responsible to take care of these organs of the brain. so while it is just another organ so i will introduce myself i am made and test i was touched at the very young age. , many have been touched by that disease?
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almost everybody. so when my grandfather suffered there is a lot more than i cannot remember things but who we are down to our core and the personalities rely of the proper functioning. end to steadied neuroscience how the brain works in that really didn't know what that meant. and then to go door-to-door. and then after washing dishes and finally one day parkinsons' disease thomas gets a for a new -- schizo
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she loves stories in value to that ability to study that in with the story's going to the bathroom, driving the car so at the very young age as six years old, led the most mundane thing with the perspective i want people to read and engage. unfortunately the story ends short and tragic with she was murdered in her first grade classroom one on a dark and friday december 14 of 2012 and at the elementary school shooting in new telekinetic get. there are few things that
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can cut you so viciously and profoundly. its is felt like there was nothing to hold onto and immediately felt highly compelled to do something to recognize and we need to do something to stop that. of how we will respond. and then to said cannot imagine rework going through. and of course, to appreciate that sentiment is that the irony is you are imagining and.
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you need to a mansion at because until you walk if he steps to the issues you will not do anything about it. we spend too long reacting but not doing anything to prevent them. so we have to go put ourselves in to the issues or nothing changes. , and on the bright end of of tunnel is the imagination and few are guilty but all are responsible. we're all responsible for our behaviors' so we have to imagine a.
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cut you off n traffic but there is a storm raging. as the great'' by referendum what senator betty is fighting a hard battle. so we have to face it. we have loved my went epidemic to talk about that sensationalized of what we see on the television set in florida or virginia tech talk about the street corners in our home everyday so the time we're sitting in
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here and every six and a half minute somebody is raped one of '05 will be victimized violently this year. that is unacceptable. when we react it is so common so we become skilled the reacting so we spend over one-third of the federal budget responding to violence. that you could not giving graph that on the pie chart. and we need to change that. so violence is intentional use of power. with those individual
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groups. so here is that breitbart i was talking about so faced with this tuesday create a foundation and studies violence and what happens in that black box to change that to build compassion and connections. so we created the foundation in honor of our daughter through the community engagement education. we throw money through grants to study research
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s.a. lead to behaviours with health studies. and with the publishing scientific gender those the steady violence. we have a hall army and to the incident to make the steady so recognizing bad research in a vacuum to give it to the everyday citizen in the way to embrace that that is not intimidating.
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so the everyday person can use the tools to improve their lives and the increased connection that is our mission and what we are working towards. to believe that they have this education is an unjust power. in disempowering and infectious. so what tools do we have in the toolbox? we have a long road ahead of us. we can look at the brain with amazing technology in a functional sense with the fluid chemistry like pete and a cup so those stress
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hormones we also have powerful genetic knowledge to look at the jeans to say what specifically? the new size the genetics of how that expresses the expression. these are the tools of the of p. in the cups science and with serotonin the chemical in your brain that we know it is dysfunctional lease signaling of what we call depression so we have
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the serotonin and the behavior. what we don't have is that piece of the puzzle and then to be to another kid up. what is the difference the reactive for proactive individual foods business franchises separate? as us serial killer end of rapists. but the everyday citizens. but on the other side of the equation one with incredible acts of peace and compassion , what happens that leads to that.
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but unfortunately there is a lot of barriers right now. it is mental. with the diseases of the brain with groups that we call syndrome into often time to find the individual to say your nose is running your eyes are puffy you have a cold. and to go to the doctor to be depressed and there are two problems with this. that is exactly why i came in here. one no shit. [laughter] i need a pathology that is
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wrong to be right again. they would not say you are prostate cancer but you are schizophrenic and bipolar but if you tell a kid their hyperactive they will be hyperactive it is a self fulfilling prophecy. we need to get away from the labels and to call it what it is. and while it is complex in dissent complicated we know that these behaviors come from want and with at word of stigma that is associated to let people know it is chemistry and that they are
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responsible but it is changing all so now it is right in the middle of a grade - - the growth curve to find it too much dopamine it is a fancy way to say here is what we will do maybe take i medication whenever the therapy becomes there is no character flaw. they are not bad parents. and without fear of stigma. that is a brain health so i want you all to leave here tonight. with that brain mentality.
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producer anything we can do? research takes forever i cannot wait 92 prevent something. so we do know if you input the factors you are likely to get violent and aggressive behavior one that is abusive sexually, physically if you don't have the loss style environment it is substance abuse with how contentious the debate is it increases the risk of violence. nutrition matters physical trauma to the brain with all the problems that we have right now with the military
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population for golf pilot media is a risk factor so these are all risk factors so on the other side reid have those protective factors i don't know what else to call it. but i would like to expand these and we can do that after but i want to focus on what is valuable. one is the nature and nurture component how you were born or your genes when it comes to that debate there is no debate if it is
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the genes or the environment , you cannot separate your genes determine how you see the world and what is filtered and what organs they are expressing you cannot separate them. the great behavior is that what contributes more to the area of the rectangle? of link through the with? you could have a skiddy short rectangle or a tall skinny rectangle but every disease or behavior has a component of both they will both be squares and because of that coming you can speculate if the individual was treated towards violence , what can we do crack's we have control of the environment.
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if that was raised is the abusive household they will likely end up as a violent individual but that same individual could end up on the fortune 500c0. this is true and not science-fiction that narrow plasticity and contrary and to reshape those that we have all the time some of us more than others.
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as an adult is called pruning and that is how you become your unique individual you lose those connections in the strength than the ones that you did so with that in mind when it is easier to build strong children and then repair broken and adults. so what makes more sense to raise that way in the beginning. is easy to look at the risk factors to say i am good to go make sure they ride - - where their helmets i am good to go and it is not
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often you will see the doctor. and also will predict your credit score how much money will make as an adult or your parenting skills and your overall satisfaction with life so of all the things we should be teaching our kids should be emotional intelligence the ability to delay gratification. here is another example of how this canby applied in a valuable way particularly e juvenile violence talk about
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right -- rape or homicide to say we cannot afford this on the philosophical level but to be around 65 grand with that juvenile processing system where we have the of compression model that in fact, that they lose them from isolation. so this is clear if you follow them for five years they will reconnect for aggravated assault. now they don't pay 65 grand now they pay out of your pocket.
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there is no corrections involved we have nothing to lose but lot to gain. so to go to doc hospital led by health care providers. into did individual attention. is just individual attention that matters. and their actions have consequences this is so dramatic that only after two years of the model following the kids another five years they cut in half that is a model be can't afford been
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play by the same rules anymore. to have the big fat environment to adapt to survive if it did not it went extinct and had to adapt. that sense of the environment that had to get to the nutrients so to medically e evolve it died off but humans don't work like that. we went to the moon just to check out we are very adaptable we choose our environment to fit us n i argue it is not the genetics
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that make us adaptable but the sharing of knowledge that matters. the individual dialogues that allows us to evolves to communicate connect to elaborate and create and with that unique ability to humans is what makes us human so ironically it is the ability to be humane with those contrived barriers it turns out people are shocked when. there is only the human race but these two girls in nigeria are just as similar as these two and southern california in fact, it could
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be more similar it is a fact . so when you get jerked college entrance application and they identified i am a human. yes. that is true but unfortunately there is no such thing as race there is all the things that we can contrive. until normalize we cannot evolve we cannot live to our potential we need to imagine being humane that is hell we will prevent violence so before we go where promise my wife i would not forget this unappreciated you go on-line and donate we need
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your funds. hugh shop on the amazon is easy alaska what charity to support it does not cost anything and amazon will donate the portion of your purchase. like us or follow was it does matter with exposure because when people talk about trade health suddenly the barriers will be broken down taking grave health into their own hands. thank you for your time. [applause]
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>> we do have some time for oppressions the first question is right up here. >> i heard you when you started with your daughter. we know that they will be on a plane or a ship and could be any place that could be a six week-old baby who knows how to take that sulfone or that photo without you hipaa them how to use it i believe that is human capital so does any of your research tell you how to take that human capital to put that piece of the digital in their hands?
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>> that is very insightful. yes. when we talk about violence here is an experiment what violence do think i am talking about blacks most people think video games. but if you think about the fact that television is on all the time it does research that clearly a correlates with acts of violence so much so that to surgeon generals have issued warnings said value take that into account to be entertained an hour of video games now so you see them
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adults how can they mitigated against future violence? >> those are those research studies want so we don't know. we don't know what are the consequences of the physical manifestation that much of what could be done has spent and done. did is not that satisfying. >>. >> last six years i have been keeping track in of
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previews at of theater 75 percent are violent that doesn't mean that my research is any good sotol of grupo about dr. daniel because they may want to read him. >>. >> he was a psychiatrist and say studied the brain everything is in his books he is doing the research that you were doing. >> before performing the research.
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>> you spoke about and with that dopamine so as far as working with the psychiatrist or psychologist highly hoodie you change us window between the institution or how was it the company? >> can you imagine to go to human services corrects they'll like the idea of grain health but can you call it the substance abuse for brain health? those it -- that is a lot of
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then he totally get set. one that knee-jerk concern one that they do not discriminate that we know what that perception so you do away with that. so of those hallucinations of schizophrenia even though they might be. and with those hallucinations' with increase the risk of violence but if you don't know why somebody is acting with very weird and then you are scared.
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me to take i medication my cholesterol is through the roof. and then to say i am hearing voices again. are they talking to you right now? [laughter] it isn't just the character flaw is a chemical flaw. >> and definitely for speaking up in with a great profile in courage and to brief you here. [applause]
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