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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  December 15, 2016 9:00am-10:01am EST

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holds, and there's no guarantees in life but that's always been the case here that has never stopped people from working hard on these issues before and it cannot stop them now. >> talk a little bit about continuity of people working on these issues, whether it's daca or other things appear at what would you say to some of the career officials who are really having a moment of whether they should stay in government and are concerned about trump, what is your advice? >> not only at doj, write? across the government who are wondering whether this is something they can do for the next four years. >> everyone has got to make that decision for themselves based upon the nature of their work. ..
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in making those decisions. that does go on. that will go on. the cases the department of justice brings both on the criminal side, civil side, environmentalists and mentioned in other ways the work will continue. if you focused as i always have tried to do in one of the best pieces of advice i got when i was prosecutor was it's not about you. it's about the people you are sworn to protect and what you can do to carry out that in the most effective way. people have to look at it that way. people will move on to other challenges. they'll take their mission to other venues in other forums and not as part of government life also. that is not and that is going to
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be a tremendous benefit to people working on the issues of importance as a number of people who have spent time thinking about these important policy issues and pulling all these different voices together to make a unified push for change is going to be carrying a work into the dirt is a tremendous benefit to everyone that expands the thinking in the discourse. people will find a number of ways to contribute whether they stay in their agencies or not. >> one of the things that the president has gotten to read his administration has gotten attention for his pardoning. my colleague pointed this out to me. is that something you would recommend are that you think is an appropriate action? >> what i'll say is we obviously have been doing it right to work on the president's clemency
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initiative for several years and very, very gratified the president has taken the recommendation although i will tell you he reviews every file himself. these are very individual decisions. there's a line people who contribute to this. it is very well thought out the recommendation that doj makes us so let's review in the white house and that the president. when you are talking about clement did the same as the pardons at the very individualized decision. it will be hard to craft a system for a blanket commutation of the class of people. what we've done is look at it as the situations where people have been held accountable for their behavior. this is not some sort of blanket approval for what got them there in the first phase, but how they handled themselves both incarcerated. his descendents that would likely receive today and if we
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look at these types of the senses and be about how we review these matters. i said that with a great deal of respect to a tremendous asset appears that the department of justice who work with a similar happy to have him there. so it's all the members of the media who work with us, it's an import role that you play. i still believe as we look at how we have tried to make the entire criminal justice system not only more efficient, but more fair, the focus is not giving prosecutors a discretion that they need to provide individualized accountability for people to give them the tools and flexibility they need to make sure people are held accountable in a way that is consistent with their role in the offense. that is the same theory that carries forward into how we review clemency and pardons. >> what is your relationship like with obama?
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>> take us behind the scenes. you are both lawyers, so you are both very smart people i graduated harvard law school. tell us about the process. >> what i can tell you is it's very gratifying to work for a president who is thoughtful, who considers issues deeply, who cares deeply about the human and personal side of every issue that i have presented before him or that i seen him discussing groups large and small. it is tremendously gratifying to have a president who supports independence of the department of justice and values are input and guidance on issues like clemency and it's tremendously gratifying to have a president as i said who i think the bedrock of every issue he considers is how will this help the american people. those discussions mean that having in those discussions means you're always going beyond just what can we do here and
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give it the legal answer but how will this help, what will it mean, what difference will it make in the lives of people? i watched the whole is that community members have my first met leaders with elected officials and everyone in the room had a chance to speak and everyone was taken into account and the work that we'll turn to later and it's been a tremendous asset to me as a cabinet member. something the american people have benefited from greatly that you can never have someone who cares too much. is also willing to make the hard decisions and to look at policy and say not just is this how we've done it before for years, but why are we doing it this way, is it the right way to do it or visit the right thing to do?
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>> you talk about the justice department took a pretty big role in the 2015th election. the fbi director discuss the investigation into one of the candidates, hillary clinton weeks before the election. do you think he impacted the election? >> i'll have to leave that to the analysts and pundits to review. a lot of study going on about a whole host of fact reason this election because so many things people viewed from a statistical advantage for you for example turned out to be different. there'll be a lot of analysis and i'm not in a position to say at this point what weighed in one way or the other. i'll let people analyze that. what i can say is throughout the consideration of the investigation under discussion we take steps to make sure the independent team of agents were
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able to do your work freely without any interference without anyone relate and make their recommendation and we reported those out. there are people in try it and be more transparent than we often are and provide more information so people can understand the process and how that worked out is also played out in the public discourse to a great degree so i'll leave that for the analysts to decide as well. >> do you wish you hadn't said anything or do you have any thoughts about that? >> we have to look and see what we learn from not in terms of handling matters going forward. >> is there in the after action report into how that was handled? whether impacted the election is up for debate. is there an after action report on how everything went down? >> i wouldn't go into what we're doing in terms of reports or writings or discussions. i don't do that in general.
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so i won't comment on that for this matter as well. what i can say is the focus has been and always was and will continue to be the work of the department that is the issue and that the career people who work on these matters are the ones who are going to be giving us information we need to make the final decisions. >> will get to the hook and a couple minutes. want to talk to you about what is it that surprised you most about this job is a career prosecutor, someone who's been around this for a long time about the most surprising thing. >> i'm not so sure. >> you expect it all? >> there's no way to anticipate everything that happens in the day of the the attorney general. every day is so different, but everyday is so incredibly rewarding. the people i get to work with from the intelligence community,
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from the line first in agencies that are part of the department for the local law enforcement agencies who work with so closely. i wouldn't say it's a surprise. the most gratifying is to see even though i was an attorney in the field to see the larger role of the department in the lives of the american people has been tremendously gratified to go out to the west coast who run the human trafficking task orders that the fbi for example and talk about the grant money we give them and hear them say what a difference it has made in the human trafficking that if they been able to rescue. to hear that into see that has been wonderful. to talk to prosecutors across the country from different offices with different issues and priorities and see that same dedication has been just incredibly gratifying. to be able to talk to local law enforcement agencies and provide
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them with roddy cameras for example and hear them say what a difference it has made in policing on the street and how they interact with civilians and watch them interact with young people to talk to a police department about setting up a youth advisory council and come back to them several months later and they say we did that and it has helped us. it has changed in much the way we pulled the set we way we produce and we now know that k. is and we have a positive relationship with more of the unit. to see that were going on gives me tremendous faith in this country, and the american people and people who care about these issues and the attorney general to see the result of the policies he put in place has been outstanding. >> what is obviously focused on the last remaining days, but what is next for you? will you be saying in washington? any preview about where you'll
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be in january? taken a big vacation, turning your phone off and never answer? >> this point we are committed to run into his tape and as you can see we still have a host of things we are working on them looking to resolve in the weeks ahead and we are confident that we can do that. and continuing raising important issues we've been working on. like so many people i will be decompressing for a while after the administration is over and deciding where to go and what to do. funded the benefits of being attorney general and seen a tremendous variety of commitment out there in the field and no nl deal to continue working on these issues important to me. >> what is the decompression you're going to turn your black very often not answer? >> i'm not going to encourage
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the destruction of property. maybe not before january 20th. >> that sort of thing is that i will just be decompressing and having some quiet time and then deciding what to do next. but when i left the administration before i ended up staying in new york was able to work on a number of things of great importance to me in terms of public service and there's so many wonderful things people can do and i'm looking forward to exploring that as well. >> thank you so much come attorney general for sharing your unique story and thoughts about the accomplishments and what is left to, at the doj. thank you for joining us here in our audience and the live stream on c-span and thank you once again to bank of america for your tremendous partnership and we hope to see you again tomorrow afternoon for a bass playbook event of the year where
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we have cocktails with rnc sean spicer. everybody have a great day. thank you so much. [applause] speed made even this event not to go to the washington international trade association for discussion on the future of u.s. trade policy and the administration. this began a short time ago. >> i mention this to can as we were coming up to the stage about what will happen because let's remember a lot of ages and countries have moved some production to mexico and would be affected by nafta. i would say while this panel we are speaking about different regions, there's a lot of overlap with respect to the
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impact of any measures taken on trade through the whole global trading system. also, they want a stable u.s.-china relationship and this isn't just trade. it's kind of overall. in the trade arena, for many countries china is their biggest trading partner. maybe the u.s. i can't. but they feel that they will be in the middle if there is any back-and-forth in terms of retaliation are measures between the two countries. finally, i would say like everyone in the trade community, they are waiting to see who will be on the trade team and not just at the most senior level, but the deputy levels and other officials. what i want in my remaining minutes as he talked a little about tpp and how it asian countries are responding to president-elect trump's recent announcement that the u.s. will withdraw from tpp kind of on day
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one of the administration. there is a lot of concern. the tpp countries feel they did a lot of heavy lifting. they spent a lot of political capital responding to u.s. priorities in the negotiations. and so, right now they feel that the u.s. is not living up to what they had hoped for. i will say a number of tpp countries are still going forward with the ratification process. most recently japan passed tpp in their diet. and as someone who spent a lot of time negotiating the japan part, if you had told me a few years ago that we would end up where we are now and would be passing the agreement through their diet, i would not have believed you. so what options do they have
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what is going on in the region and not just tpp countries but not tpp countries as well. first as i mentioned a number plan to go ahead and proceed with ratification. japan, new zealand, ratified tpp. australia announced they are going ahead, mexico and others. it's not going to proceed with ratification and very interestingly they are going to go forward but passing reform legislation and a lot of the areas that have been called for under tpp. other countries i hope as they upgrade with other countries in the region or enter into new fta for negotiations will try and push tpp standards. a number of countries including prime minister abe will persuade
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the president-elect to take a fresh look and understand how would he says the u.s. interest on the economic front and the geostrategic friend, but also regional interests. other tpp countries are talking about could they do tpp without the united states mlb 11 agreed not excluding the united states, but keeping the door open for the united states to join later. the most important right now, a lot of countries are looking at their plan b in the region. a lot of these countries rely on trade. they recognize that trade contributes to growth and jobs. they want to attract foreign direct investment. they don't want a standstill said they are looking at other negotiations in the region and i think what we are going to see and are already seeing as they are stepping up their committee
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and ongoing negotiations. we are also going to see new negotiations announced in the coming weeks and months. as long as tpp was going on and looked alive, a lot of these countries didn't have the wherewithal to give their resources in all their attention to a number of negotiations. when tpp is sidelined they will have the attention and other negotiations. the most viable alternative on negotiations underway for about five years now including 16 asian countries not including the united states, but including china and india. they are talking about concluding these talks next year. a number dominated negotiation
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in the region. i don't agree with that. china now has almost gotten a renewed interest in this negotiation and is really stepping up its engagement as well. there are other negotiations underway. japan and the e.u. are trying to see if they can conclude their agreement in principle by the end of this year and chief negotiator in tokyo were en route to tokyo, australia and indonesia are working on fta, new zealand and china just agreed they're going to add raid their fta. canada and china are explained sgi in the malaysian trade minister just expressed interest in entering into an fta with mexico and the list goes on and on. maybe i can just concluded and you're looking at me so my time is almost up.
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one issue i want to put on the table and maybe we can get to it more in the q&a is in the president-elect announced he wanted to withdraw from tpp. he said he was more interested in bilateral deals. i know there's a lot of discussion in the trade community about the merits of bilateral deals can remove and not direction and what would it mean. i think a lot of countries in asia are also examining back and train toot think through these issues. the one country in particular his name comes up when we talk about bilateral sister. paid my conversations with the japanese made it very clear they are focused on tpp. they believe that in the regional benefits of the deal are very important and what the deal having just passed the diet, this is the course they want to go. i'm going to conclude there and just passed the mic. >> thank you very much for having me here. i'm going to talk a little bit about that america and a nation
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that it is of course a diverse region as we know. so when we talk about latin america, we need to keep that in mind. that diversity by the man himself is up in several ways. the discussion is one the structure of their present existence of some countries more oriented towards commodity production and others towards more orientation participating and another difference leads to their trade policy with some of them being more open than others do not come back to this. having said that, i think there are three in terms of the state of their trade and investment in latin america. first is that there are 77 free trade agreement latin american countries have entered into. most of them in the past maybe
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10, 12, 13 years. of this this comic 11 are with the u.s. this average cover about 50% of latin america factories. additionally, three latin american countries as we know, mexico, chile and peru are part of tpp and at least i believe two more are interested in becoming part of it. colombia and costa rica. now in addition to that, latin america has also been very active in terms of their relations with china and asia are more broadly. three latin american countries like chile, peru and costa rica. there've also been very active with the european union. there are agreements with a number of countries in the region. and finally, latin america
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integration is also undergoing very important and i would like to highlight the pacific alliance. this integration effort that includes mexico, chile, and peru but more latin americans including argentina and i would come should this have expressed interest in the pacific alliance. the pacific islands is a very interesting model because they are not only free flow of goods but also serve as capital of qualified labor. this is an interesting model to watch in the region. it is so interesting that asked on my count there were over at dirty countries of the pacific alliance including many countries in asia and a think in the future, this is an important connecting point between latin america and asia.
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second that i wanted to highlight is that there has been balderas backlash in some countries, some countries in latin america are in the opposite direction. this is the case in argentina there are other major transitions in economic positives. they have reduced export taxes. they have streamlined and and words and remittances in the country is in a full-fledged effort to integrate global markets and attract foreign direct investment. i think that is a very important change in the region. as a matter of fact, the country reunited again the negotiations for the e.u. that has been sold for a number of years.
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so the word feature is that there are still others in the region that are not part of the effort. notably venezuela, bolivia and ecuador. ecuador also negotiate an agreement with the e.u. there is a question into how sustainable that economic models have come and going forward. having said that, it is clear that latin america continued to face important challenges in terms of commodities, they need to further integrate and may need to increase product today. very recently the world bank came out with a study that the future of flat america, the super cycle commodity took over with the future of latin america is actually trading with the global economy. interestingly enough, while all of this is happening in the u.s.
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and the e.u., and latin america there is a lot of excitement for what trade and investment has to offer. in terms of what the future means, i think that latin america is increasingly more and land of opportunity. despite the commodity price is slowed down, despite all the challenges have economic campuses, use the countries from a macroeconomic. you see consumers that have grown tremendously in the region. i have to say guys more for the u.s. and china. it still oriented to the u.s., but this country i believe have taken their destiny in their own hand and they considered the u.s. a very important trading
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her. they are also looking to other regions of the world. again, europe, china and asia. career just announced that they would like to revise their agreement with china and i wouldn't be surprised and also go that way. let's remember china is also interesting investment in some latin american countries. i believe you will see a strengthening in the presence of china and the region. finally, this answer is not an america integration and in the pacific alliance i believe will continue to grow and expand. in latin america i believe a more mature trading partner, more stable trading partner that is of course interested in working with the united states, but we will continue to look at
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europe and china and asia and inner latin america integration design opportunities to grow. >> workload to a few words on europe next year. 2017 as kind of halfway through the cycle of five years. the european institutions and parliaments in 2014. and so it is the year of delivering results. this week, council parliament agreed on the priorities next year but the economy double in the fund for investment, completing the banking union, addressing school on our borders. as reform, migration reform and so forth. it's going to be a year of very
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intense activity, copyright reform a telecom reform. you can expect a lot coming out from the european institutions from brussels next year. trade policy you will see the same. first of all, i would like to remind everybody six countries started to create the european communities in 1956, they immediately sought to create one common market, internally you need to have one commercial policy and one you'll see internationally. it's just not possible to do separate deals on trade policy with individual countries and that is the case today with a 28 countries. if you want to do bilateral with europe can you do with the european union. next year, we will harvest the results of negotiations and
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partners and we expect to vote in european parliament first quarter two winter rain to very soon after. next year we will ratify vietnam's and also ratified the singapore code of justice after a ball, not of the code of justice where we asked the question on the sharing of power and the powers of the european union on essentially investing protection. and then we continue a negotiating agenda. when they mentioned japan fta, chief negotiator in tokyo trying to wrap up an agreement in principle. in any event, would have to wrap up the negotiations next year. we are also, we find very
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experienced tpp negotiations and very eager to move as fast as possible. that poster is the negotiation is very active on our side, but also an issue we've launched the negotiations with indonesia, for example. we still have me on my, and i don't mention them all. it's a very active negotiating agenda from the european union next year. we have also continued reform of our trade defense. you may have seen this week in a reason among member states for the first time in 10 years on how to reform in particular what kind of exceptions can we create to a lesser duty rule. faster proceedings and also creating the power for the commission to sell the case. we know that has been an issue
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before in some countries. 2017 i think will also be a year to reflect god the perception of globalization on what do we need to change on this in trade and i think we've seen a number of member states. there is significant backlash against more market integration against what is happening. maybe this is where i should mention of course that next year as you know will be launched the brexit talks with the united kingdom. the talks are being prepared on both sides and we wait for the plan of the united kingdom. what is the destination in the mayonnaise sandwich they have for these talks. and of course, we have the world trade organization at the end of the year where we will also be
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working with all the partners on a successful outcome and i think the united states would have to be active to move this forward. >> i've got a good agreement negotiation we hope to continue and come through next year. two last topics. we have been negotiating for 3.5 years and we've achieved a lot of results. we've done a lot of work. in particular and the regulatory cluster we've agreed on how to get necessary areas. we stand ready when the new administration has done its policy review to resume the talks to see whether or not you want to continue these negotiations. we can get a good agreement for both.
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what is being done now as we are taking snapshots in each of the areas, 20 or more irascible we've achieved in the agreement so that we can properly resume if and when the u.s. is ready. and with the new administration, they have a lot of things to discuss. our companies are facing common challenges in the emerging market. this will be done together on this challenges for sure. someone reminded me recently that the last republican administration of 16 years ago, this one is actually ahead of schedule and i think we will be patient to talk with them. thank you. >> good morning. it is fair to say that even the
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most generous person in the room would not consider me a trade expert certainly not amongst others up here. as i thought about it coming and this morning, i thought it's appropriate to talk about the africa region. i think it is fair to say that we haven't really been having u.s. africa strategic trade policy discussions for thinking for quite a long time. the policy discussion in this town probably for 20 years is do we have the votes to continue? that is basically defined u.s. africa trade policy for almost two decades. what i thought would be interesting is to talk about the underlying dynamics they see as a private equity investor that i think will potentially change some of those discussions because those discussions aren't necessarily based on policy maker views.
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they are based on policy maker views connected with the companies and the businesses that are actually happening between the u.s. and africa. the peanut trade data, can really take you in the wrong direction. most of the trading relationship between u.s. and africa and some parts of the world is defined by extractors and has been for some time. if you look at the diversity of the number, it's changing and is changing quite a bit. if you take a big step back, for us as investors, we are very data focused. we have a spatial statistics told that helps us identify pockets of demographics and consumer behavior and spending power. and so, for us we are very data-driven in terms of where we make our choices. when you look at data-driven multinationals and look at their behavior in the last five years, this is very recent and the more
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data-driven multinationals are at the finance. you see them making quite significant bets across africa and you are also yielding quite significant result. but when you hear most is general elect trait. when i was living in north africa, we would see the general electorate team from time to time. very rarely. obviously probably on the infrastructure side of the african development bank and a 60% to 70% of the procurement was china. these are significant numbers, tens of billions of dollars and after that, primarily europeans, italians, french and all of those countries and their associated trade experts were taking strategic use on the agreement. most were anything competed. not even submitting bids. you look at general electric
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today. 2010 they were doing a billion in revenues and africa. today they are doing 5 billion. the number is expected to be 10 billion within the coming few years. when you think about general electorate's growth of their top find globally, that is further growth is coming from. i think when you look at-large multinationals that are looking to increase their top line, these are the ones that are now making a bet on africa. another example for some people are talking about as much, which i think is pretty dramatic as anheuser-busch owned by three g, big-time data people come data people, big-time responders to data and they just bought for $100 billion. that is a bet on africa in terms of where they think some of their top line growth will come in the coming years. also, talks about how the trade dynamics will trade quite conservatively from extract is
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to consumer and other types of products. the numbers are there. you don't have to look out to five to say the top three most populous countries in the world are in africa. you know, lagos and can/are two of the largest cities in the world, you know, in the coming decades. i'm from south florida so i get a lot of cuban talk all the time in my house and in my neighborhood. my response is always i love cuba. i love to visit cuba, that the gdp of legos is about equivalent to cuba and that gap is not going to narrow. nigeria has another 20 cities that are going to have more than a million people, a million consumers. when i look at those demographic trends, economic growth trends, it is going to drive a lot of the large corporate and their behavior and i think that is
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going to follow and create a much more strategic dialogue on u.s. africa trade policy in some ways it is fair to say we are behind on this. as an investor i would say the chinese have bilateral investment treaties and i must every country in africa. the french, a number of european countries. i think a bilateral investment treaties in three or four countries across the 55 and most of them were negotiated in the 80s and most of those are still driven by extractions. for me i look at the top and i say what's going on at the bottom is driving the top. the bottom should be quite a bit. the other thing i should mention which maybe will sound a little bit out of left field is i think when we think about the sharing economy is something we talk about in the u.s. weather is to bear, air b&b, i think about it both in sharing of assets in
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supply chains, but also the ability to aggregate smaller items. we are invested in a company in new york, a marketplace for high-end african fashion and the luxury fashion from africa about 30 designers. most of the designers were not shipping the goods to the u.s. previously and the ability to share in the existing supply chain, the ability to aggregate people who have small production and create archival type brands. the ability to not tire and new york marketing firm and get your brand out, are the designer was nokia zero, the ability to do that and how that region now become part of the u.s. africa trade story, you think about how those voices are now going to play in to a trade policy discussion. so in my opinion, we are moving from a place where you have a
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very small number of interested parties primarily extracted and that's not entirely fair, but certainly very aggressive in exploring and thinking through the africa opportunity. historically has primarily been a small handful defining the discussion and now we are moving to it looks to be a quite democratic discussion are both larger multinationals, but also small players that i think will start taking about trade and global markets in a very different way and in africa they will also drive more so than in the u.s. or europe, due also to public opinion. i would argue more people are going to listen -- these folks are becoming global traders. i think that's also a dynamic taking into account in some of these discussions and assert a
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big driver in the africa region. >> thank you very much for the invitation to come and to give the perspective of mexico in north america and where we are headed but the north american free trade agreement. i believe we are at a very important crossroads in trade relationship within north america and we have managed to create probably the greatest free trade area in the world. trade has tripled between the three countries and now over a trillion dollars between the u.s. and mexico the figure has reached $530 billion we've increase dramatically the flow of investment between all three countries. beyond the numbers, one aspect that exceeded all expectations of anyone in the negotiations that the time is taking predictions as to where we would be headed within the nafta region as the level of supply chain we've created. the way we have creeds interconnect did clusters across
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mexico, u.s. and canada where we exchange products, where across the border at eight or nine times before winding up in a final product that is either consumed in the region or to the rest of the world with a very dramatic competitive edge vis-à-vis other countries when you have the level of division of labor and intra- industry trade. that's one of the key elements in the mexico exports to the world within its network of 11 trade agreements with 46 countries, 46% of what we export country the united states. we are building products together. we are working towards increasing competitiveness together the manufacturing so that is a key element we must take into consideration when we analyze where we should be added with nafta. a lot of the talk in terms of the impact of trade agreements and jobs. you look at the fact 5 million jobs in the u.s. depend on trade
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with mexico and another nine to trade with canada. 15 million jobs and number one and number two customers in the world can do in the united states. that's a very peculiar element of north american integration taken into consideration. companies in the u.s. exporting over the last 15 years, we have almost $50 billion of the cumulative foreign direct investment into the united states with 125,000 jobs. and sending the message out there as to whether the benefit, we must delve deeper and the level that we've heard a lot about. talk about mexican company can a steel manufacturer is supporting 700 jobs in ohio by investing in
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plants that produce materials, nuts, bolts, nails, et cetera that utilize steel and are able to become more competitive vis-à-vis other companies that does not have linkages to mexico. we have many examples. they have 600 populations. examples are peppered throughout the united states in the presence of mexican investment in the u.s. and the benefits that export u.s. companies texaco or to canada. is there big benefits we have to get up there and speak about both the government and private air. >> when we're looking at what we could call nafta to point out, where do we go from here? there's three main pillars here in the first one i've discussed essentially doing a realistic fact-based assessment of the impact of the north american
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free trade agreement of all three countries that could then be benefits for the u.s. we have to analyze that deeply and distribute the information, get it out there so people understand what impact it has been day-to-day life. the second element is the recognition of course the trade agreement can be strengthened, can be modernized. many of the disciplines that the tpp didn't exist. elements of intellectual property rights protection, the digital economy from a state owned enterprises, all listed issues we can analyze and a strong cooperative agenda that it says between u.s. and canada, but in the example of mexico in the u.s., the agenda to work on elements. we eliminated tariffs over 20 centimeters of trade between mexico and the u.s. and canada. the next 20 years has to be how do we reduce the cost of action.
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that involves key area of increasing border efficiency, investing in infrastructure, regulatory cooperation and other key areas where they negotiate and the movement of professionals. that is something we've not been able to have his but we should definitely accelerate the pace looking at all these elements to actually build on what we have and strengthen a shared third of all, we have to understand trade is a win-win population so we have to start giving away if my neighbor does well that means i do badly. all those arguments are translated into the realities of obesity in the in the marketplace and the job creation and countries. we need to have the assessment. of course we want to have along
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the lines of what we have described. at the same time, we are moving ahead with an aggressive program of trade liberalization and diversification. we were members of the tpp and we had the bill in our senate and we have to of course analyze what will have been at the u.s. will join or if we will have a different type of arrangement within asia pacific gave the advantages of tpp is to have a region that will be the region that will be the engine of growth over the next few years. asia-pacific is going going to add almost a billion and a half people to the middle class. these are consumers and you want to be in the frontline when the opportunity opens up and it's already opening. we will continue through the tpp
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and are looking at options whether it's bilaterally a rather arrangement. of course the pacific alliance is a key element because for once, mexico is able to engage in a fully open manner with countries in latin america that have the same values in the same pursuit of an open trade environment in their economy. there is a lot we can continue to do in that region and that's why a lot of these countries that are observers are very interested in what's happening there. given a lot of the changes taking place domestically in brazil and argentina, dairies and increased engagement with these countries to really enhance our trade with them and as mentioned, making to modernize their strength and our free-trade agreement with the european union and market access in many disciplines that can be upgraded since the year 2000.
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the reality is that other countries are not stopping. you have been getting their act together and advancing a new game going forward. so we have to do the same and north america. that's why i say we are in a very important crossroads in our history. we have the chance to be the most competitive region of the world but that is only going to happen if we actively commit the government, or, political actors at all levels to a fairfax big analysis and how we can have more competitive going forward because competition will not start. >> thank you. dallas austin. thank you to the whole panel. we went around the world in 30 minutes. i really appreciate that. it is clear from their comments at the rest of the world is not standing still and that there is a robust increase in the real trade as creating jobs and benefits to the countries even
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as increasing concerns about globalization are increased and see new opportunities in africa and is interesting to hear his good will throw it up to the audience for questions and while you're thinking of a question, we want to throw one question back to you all. we've kind of belltown something ken said, which is clearly one of the things that we need to do in the united states is a better job of educating the american public, the american worker, american consumer i'm what does trade to come about positively and negatively and that is central to the mission which is to educate folks on trade. the nexgen trade initiative was started back to plot out where we are going to go in trade over the net generation. and so, let me ask you all, drying upon the perspectives of the regions you are presenting,
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what do you think we should be doing in terms of doing a better job of educating americans about trade when we have elections for 12 years from now the candidate are trying to outdo each other on how much they like trade as opposed like trade as opposed to the trade enforcement and the trade protectionist rhetoric we heard good anyone who wants to go first. >> that's a great point and 17 everyone is talking about because they haven't done a good job communicating benefit. this is a new recognition i can say through my years of working at ustr, there were at first through the years to really convey the benefits and a much more and a understandable form. from my perspective what is need and really talking about pacific plans, specific workers and
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getting small businesses out there and command the benefits in a much more tangible way. that is extremely helpful. i also think that the time is coming for the global trading system partners to kind of get together and just talk about this whole issue of globalization, share experiences , share information on adjustment programs that they are putting into effect the work, that don't work. the old social safety net issue really needs to be focused on and i think it is something that everyone could benefit from learning what others do. >> i think that when these suggestions very much made a point. i think deconstruct teen to
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globalization where bradley is important because if you look at what's going on in different regions, there are different aliment that are basis that the opposition. some of it is related beyond that. part of it may be related to the content of the agreement. part of it is more related to the perceived implications of the agreement, the distribution distribution -- shows the impact of the agreement. part of it may be just vested interest. part of it may be concerned about the transition may be frowned birth to south, south or from west to east. part of it may be related to a perception and controls the way of life.
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i think it's important to understand what is driving that opposition to be able with facts and evidence to come back and understand some of the people that are going on. one particular aspect merits a lot of discussion. it is also what is the role of technology and changing manufacturing because part of the effects that are attributed to trade and the public discourse are more related to technology. so this is an important conversation to be had. finally, i believe that it's very hard for trade to carry all the weight of the burden of economic and social policies. that is not possible. looking at other countries and the role they play of competitiveness and others are
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also quite important. >> this is very briefly just complements a little bit. i think what wendy is getting at is very important, the fact that the trade community, first of all we cannot be shy about getting out there and talking positively to trade your really going at the local level, the idea waiting to get beyond the big numbers and tell the story of what trade actually does in the community. from the point of view of the private sector their strategies some have begun to implement to identify and their workers paychecks, what percentage of what you do is related to trade. it is impossible to believe that workers in the port of long beach are off in washington and work all day on really working products all across the world and at night they go participate
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because there is a complete disconnect between what they're doing in their jobs and perception that this is all due to international trade. if we break this overall perception that trade is negative, we are only going to be able to do it if we get to each person and tell them what the story is. it is a tough task when people are enjoying the ipads, cars, plasma tvs, they don't associate that you trade. when they lose 10 or 100 jobs, there's a quick desire to find the culprit and it's hard to say the country has lost her job to his part of technology called in many instances things that are intangible. and then he turned toward specific issues. trade has been taken out as a flag against all the ills in the economic uncertainty that exists in communities. we need to advance in the education elements, both at the level of the private sector
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working with their workers in the community in general and telling the story, but also on a larger scale, also the issue of really addressing at tivoli the notion that we need to look at where there is displacement. there's a study that talks about manufacturing jobs lost in the u.s. 87% is not due to trade. let's look at that the other way around. they be 13% and what can we do, what type of social safety net and make complete rethinking of what it means to retrain workers. ..


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