tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN December 16, 2016 11:15am-12:01pm EST
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which i don't think is politically salable anyway. >> we've talked into places now where the aca individual market has been repaired, one in massachusetts and one in alaska and in both cases, it was with state dollars, so it's a very interesting -- >> well it wasn't in a black scuff. >> while the state had to put into place for raising the money. >> when the state takes it from one insurer and gives it to another, yes, that state money, but having said that, what i think we are starting to hear on both of these panels, very subtly and softly is that one pathway forward on this is instead of the federal government usurping the regulation of individual and small group insurance markets, instead instead of trying to
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impose a uniform scheme that may work in massachusetts but doesn't work in alaska and doesn't work in montana or alabama or something, is one in which the federal government pulls back a little bit, provides resources to the states, holds them accountable for the use of the resources but doesn't dictate to the state, to the extent that which the aca has done. federal interventions into health insurance markets have been a series of minor disasters. this one is little more than minor, beginning with orissa through hepa and now the aca. at some point, maybe those of us in washington might allow for the fact that we don't know everything and provide a little more discretion to states who organize their markets in ways that achieve the goals that we all share.
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we are not arguing over trying to increase the number of uninsured. were all trying to figure out how to change the law in a way that works and maybe the answer isn't here, maybe it's more in the states. >> so this is the first time i've ever moderated a panel at ai and maybe the last because they may pull me off of this job because i read him long so we will have time for just two questions i think in them we will have to wrap it up and i saw his hand up first and then will come over this way. >> first of all, great panel. you did did moderated very well or are moderating it very well. i have an overarching question that i want to ask them in a detailed question about process. overarching is, i think one of the criticisms of the affordable care act or obama care, depending on depending on what side you're on is that it was
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really about fixing insurance or changing insurance and not changing healthcare. >> i have to ask you to be pretty quick about it because were short on time. what are some of the things that can be done outside of risk corridors, in this process, are any of those in the whole replace process or is that a conversation for later, and to that point, is an event likely to be in the first part of the reconciliation piece or are we talking about much later conversation for center of innovation. >> i would just say, if you look at the macro line that congress passed bipartisan 2015 to address part b spending and you ask your question the macron model in the mess, the new payment model, if you ask, does that continue in advance the
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direction set by title iii and aca, does that retracted and throw it out or is that a muddled a muddled mess in the middle? it seems to me it's pretty clear that it continues and strengthens the directions that in terms of health system change and transformation in the aca. there may be some playing around with the edges of see mmi, but if you pull out and get rid of see mmi, macro which is a bipartisan victory that they heralded, it's in big trouble. >> why some of us wonder why republican congress passed it, that's another story okay and i think you will have to be the last question because we need to wrap up. >> i'm dr. mike muller. i want to get back to something that doug said with his past and what james set about regular order. taking off what john had mentioned with my favorite saying that change happens at the speed of truck.
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i've seen it at the state and federal level. given that congress has an approval rating going back a decade in a single or low teens are more coming out of an election where it was a one side lock her up in the other side was your tax cheating liar, how does that influence your thinking about what we can possibly do in terms of the paths that were going to regular order since this is a panel about how were going to move forward. >> thank you. >> i think the first thing that isn't unique to health care but we have to get more comfortable with complex. guess what, it's okay. it's good but that's what our system is built for. through the process of conflict you get to outcomes that people like and for those who don't like them, they feel like they were hurt so i think this speaks to the core of the problem we have in our healthcare system now which is the way that this law was pushed through on both sides, the debate that happened has poisoned the well. the best way to start over is to
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get rid of it and then come back to the table. the last thing i will say, all i can think is lbj as being this genius in the senate and he was in a lot of respects, but i think he was also a genius genius who was bounded sometimes. had he not been vice president and had he stuck around in the senate and managed the senate, would he have been as successful? i submit to you that he would not have been because the way he exercised power was ill-equipped for the 60s. you had a whole host of northern liberals who didn't want to play by the rules anymore. the republican party was getting a little more consolidated. man filled comes along and his genius was to recognize he couldn't control it.
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so what did he do? he took a step back. he let go and he focused on facilitating the participation of all the different members in the process. if any problems arose, he would try to work it out on the backend. guess what, the senate had its golden age according to people on both sides of the aisle. they tackled a lot of really difficult questions during that time. i think we have to have enough humility and our debate right now to recognize that no one person, particularly in the senate were a lot of this will be decided will control it. mitchell, modular, chuck schumer can't do it, they have to realize they can't control outcomes and they have to let the senate work as well. everyone needs to weigh in and the best outcome hopefully will prevail. it may not, it may not, but that's the way our system is set up. >> i think that will have to be the last word. think you and please join me in thanking the panel. [applause]
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>> that wraps up this aei event looking at healthcare. if you missed any of it you can watch it online join us in about 35 minutes about 35 minutes for a look at security in latin america. the potomac institute for policy studies is the venue. we will have that live for you at noon eastern, right here on c-span2. later, remarks from former cia chief david petraeus. the retired general will talk about the current global challenges in strategic leadership from george
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washington university. that is live at six eastern. also on c-span2. the united nations has scheduled a year and news conference today. secretary general will brief reporters and you can watch that live shortly at 1130 eastern on our companion network c-span. president obama is holding a year and news conference before going on vacation with his family for the holidays. watch that live at 215 eastern on c-span. we will get your reaction immediately following that briefing. >> a live look at the lobby of trump tower in new york. business executives continue to make their way to midtown manhattan to meet with president-elect and his team. we will watch the scene there for just a bit.
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presumably in town to brief president-elect trump. you can watch this live feed from the lobby of trump tower all day on our website at >> follow the transition of government on c-span as president-elect donald trump selects his cabinet and the republicans and democrats prepare for the next congress. we will take you to key events as they happen without interruption. watch live on c-span. watch or listen on our free c-span radio app. >> every weekend book tv brings you 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors. here are some of our programs this weekend. saturday night at 10:00 p.m. eastern on "after words", georgetown university professor jason brennan looks at the failure of democratic political systems. he calls for a change in how government is run. in his book against democracy. he is interviewed by david
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bowes, vice president of the cato institute. >> fairness doesn't get you to democracy so why people reject that system, why they don't want that is because they think it won't work very well. they think it will lead to bad outcome and they're probably right. once you you say that while i care about not just fairness but that outcomes, then your asking okay well how are you in a way fairness versus the quality of the outcome. >> on sunday at one pm eastern, the before columbus foundation presents the 37th annual book awards which recognizes outstanding literary achievement from the entire spectrum of america's diverse literary community. the awards are presented at the jazz center in san francisco. then jonathan zimmerman, professor of history of education at the university of pennsylvania who argued that free speech is under threat on college campuses across the country in his book campus politics ,-comma what everyone needs to know.
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>> the problem is the second kind of pc that doesn't taboo words which add nothing to our discussion but taboos ideas. >> of 40% of the faculty as a post to raising affirmative action, we are not hearing from them. that means there's a serious pc problem. >> go to for the complete weekend schedule. >> now remarks from loretta lynch. she spoke with politico are reporters yesterday about her tenure as head of the justice department during the obama administration. this is 40 minutes. >> ladies and gentlemen please welcome anna palmer and jake sherman. [applause] >> good good morning, thank you for joining us today. my name is anna palmer. i'm here with jake sherman. we would like to thank you all for joining us this morning for
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one of our last playbook events of the year end thank you to those tuning in on live stream and on c-span for what we expect to be a very fun and exciting conversation. we are thrilled to host attorney general loretta lynch and she will talk about her time in the obama administration. before we get started with the program i would take to thank our partner of bank of america for their tremendous support of the playbook for many years and i welcome tony allen, head of corporate reputation for bank of america. thank you you tony for doing this event. [applause] >> thank you. >> thank you and happy holidays to everyone. thanks to politico for continuing this wonderful tradition of bringing us all together. we are very excited about our partnership and the opportunity to support meaningful dialogue about our country's path forward
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and the responsibility we have to ensure its future. today bank of america, as you know, and placed 200,000 people. 40% thousand people. 40% of whom are people of color and house one out of two american households and hundreds of small and local businesses but we have a presence in 90% of of the nation's top markets and maintain more than $900 million in the marketplace. i should say we learn several years ago what happens when our success and that of our customers are not aligned. we have taken those lessons very seriously and become a better, more connected company. we call that responsible growth. it's a simple recognition that our success is directly tied to the health of the american economy and healthy american communities. for example, in 2013 bank of america worked with social finance inc. and the new york state government by providing 13 1/2 13 and a half million dollars in capital for social impact bond aimed at reducing the cycle of reincarceration. that capital was provided as part of a five and have your
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program to pay for success and provide and reentry employment services to 2000 formerly incarcerated individuals in new york city and rochester area. for us that is responsible growth. a driving belief that rowing responsibility, supporting communities we serve and aligning our interest with that of the american people, by definition make us a stronger and healthier organization. it is in that spirit that it's our honor and our important responsibility to be in this conversation today and for many years to come. thank you very much. >> thank you. [applause] >> thank you tony and thanks to bank of america. before we get started we want to remind everyone to tweak your questions using # playbook breakfast. we will track them here on stage. now, without further delay, the guest of honor, please welcome atty. please welcome attorney general loretta lynch. [applause]
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>> thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> we are thrilled to start this conversation and in true playbook fashion we have a little bit of news at the top which we always like. you were sworn as an attorney general on april 27, 2015. you traveled to baltimore in the aftermath of freddie grey's death. since then the city of baltimore, the baltimore police department has been working on reform that you have an update about where things stand. >> yes. >> as you noted, i think when
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you look at the work we have been able to do on policing issues, but my really represents the heart of that work for the issues and the challenges but it was the first issue that confronted me the day i was born in. it was the night the violence broke out that i briefed the president on that issue that afternoon and my first trip was to baltimore to meet with residents and elected officials and young people and also rank-and-file police officers. we had been working with baltimore prior to that and what's called collaborative reform where the police department reached out to us and said can you give us some help on our policies and the like. we had been working on that but after freddie grey's death, and those events, it was clear that more was needed in and the bond was truly broken there in baltimore. we initiated an investigation to whether or not baltimore police department was engaged in a pattern of practice of unconstitutional behavior. that report, as you know, came out this fall. we did note the areas of significant concern that we have involving stop and frisk and excessive force, particularly in the minority community.
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we have been working with the city and that the police department, and have to say, not just the police chief the police union and we have been working with the city toward achieving those goals but i will be traveling to baltimore in early january to provide an update on the efforts there and hopefully an announcement on those efforts, but we are moving forward. we have a working with the city for some time. we've been providing providing them information as well as technical assistance and at this time the ball is in the city's corporate we are looking forward to a positive response from them on finalizing this consent decree and making sure that everyone in baltimore has the constitutional policing that all citizens deserve. >> it made the explained, why is the consent degree so important. >> it is quite enforceable, it usually involved a monitor and it sets forth the framework of what the city has to do. it sets forth the benchmark that the city has to meet credit
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talks about the health and the cooperation and collaboration at the department of justice that they have to provide in terms of assistance, training and it outlines for the monitor does it supervised by a neutral third-party by a federal judge. it survives, if there's a change in in administration at the city level. it survives there's a change for a trail of those handling the case of the department of justice level or the police chief retired for example. if he were to move on for whatever reason the framework would be there and his successor would have the tools he needs. more to the point, everyone is held accountable. they're held accountable to a neutral objective standard. having that court for is key and vital, particularly in baltimore for so much of the problem is not just the reality of the misconduct that we found that the perception and the feeling
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on the part of so many citizens in baltimore, not just the minority community but people who perceive the baltimore police department as not listening to them or to anyone. having that layer of accountability helps all parties in this. >> you told us backstage that you visited, you were on a 12 city police to her. what was the most surprising thing you learned in those 12 cities? >> what i would say is wasn't so much a surprise as things we were able to amplify. when i went on the to her, i picked cities that had been where baltimore was, that i have been where ferguson was, not just with a problem but a case of mistrust or riots and violence and i wanted to find locations where, in the years after that law-enforcement and community residents have come together and crafted solutions. my view has always been, based on my 20 years as a prosecutor that when people sit down together and focus at the local level on what's really important
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to every community, they can find solutions. i felt those solutions were out there and i was very gratified to see cities that had been, i would say in dire straits for example in east haven connecticut and set forth monitor shipping gave the police department and community the structure to work together. to go there and find that the residents they are, opposed to living in fear of the police, now welcome them into their businesses, their children know the police, to hear police officers say i have been reconnected with why i joined this profession. i now feel that i'm actually helping people as opposed to just patrolling the area and keeping things down. to see that progress and talk about that and be able to share that across the country with communities that are trying to find ways to build the same bridges was what i hoped to do. i was very gratified to find it. i also looked at six cities that exemplified really, really great success with the pillars of the
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pres.'s task force on 21st-century policing. a lot of change in law-enforcement. a lot of change where were asking please apartments to do particularly in terms of training. to see the types of de-escalation training that are happening in many police departments across the country is really gratifying. the challenges, how do we build that to scale? how do we make it available to the 18,000 police departments departments across the country who want that same skill, who want essential he everyone to go home alive from a police interaction. >> let's pivot a little bit to some things in the news right now. we have been bombarded the last couple of days with questions about the integrity of our election system. everybody is seeing these headlines. what could you say the government is doing to ensure that our election system is fair and on the level. >> this is an ongoing process
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but we have been talking about this for sometime, since the summer when we began the investigation into the hacks of the dnc and trying to ascertain who was behind that. there's a number of things that we do, a lot of which we talk about publicly and some of which we don't talk about publicly in terms of investigation and the responses that we have. this was a grave concern to us. we began in the summer to look at what we could say publicly about this issue and that's why you saw the intelligence community release it statement in october, a month before the election letting the american people know that the intelligence community had determined that russia was to find the attack. the investigation is ongoing, certainly certainly the review is continuing, but we rarely do that kind of public attribution. it was important in this instance because the election affects everyone. it isn't even a matter of the result, it's people's faith faith in the system in the faith and the integrity of the system.
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at the same time the department of homeland security was actively engaged in reaching out to every single state to make sure they had access to every resource they needed to protect the state electoral system as well. unfortunately we didn't see the technical interference that i know people had concerns about also in terms of voting machines and the like. a lot of education went on about that, a lot of training went on about that and a significant number of states did reach out to dhs and talk with them about those issues. we thought that was an important step as well to make sure every state knew they could work with us. as you know, the president has ordered a review of this issue going back several elections. not just 2016 x 2012, oh eight, we know campaigns were hacked in oh eight. cyber security is a concern across the administration. this is an area in which we try
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to be as public and transparent as possible, but there are things that are going to happen that people are not going to know about because of the nature of the tools, the techniques, the classification and things like that. >> can you react to the reports out today that vladimir putin knew or was involved in hacking. >> i would refer you to the intelligence community and to the reports that have been put forth so far. i can tell you with respect to the reviews that the president has ordered we won't be talking about that until it is finalized there will be briefings as is very commonly the case. we brief the hill, we brief them in a classified manner and unclassified manner as well and whenever we can make public, we will do that also. >> can you talk about some of the progress that has been made on policing on this tour. one of the other hallmarks that you been involved in as attorney general is inclusion and equality at workplaces and schools. can you talk about what your greatest achievement is there
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and what work is left to be done? >> i think the work is ongoing. it think i was fortunate to be able to pick up some great work that was already being done at the department of justice and also in many communities. a lot of the work that we do is inspired by what's happening out in the country. people speaking up, people saying i have concerns, i have fears even, and reaching out to us for help. i've been been tremendously proud to empower local communities to address these issues, to talk about these issues and expand knowledge and information about these issues. a lot of what we are seeing, certainly in terms of the general fear and separation of many communities i think it comes about when people don't understand each other. so to the extent that we can help with that, that has been a positive thing. when when it comes down to the specific incidences where people act on those fears, we have seen a very troubling rise in hate crimes, as, as you may know. >> 67%, right? >> yes, directed against against muslim americans in 2015 alone.
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that's based on the we recent data released by the fbi about a month ago. what we are seeing although we haven't tabulated 2016 yet, we are seeing an increase in reports to the fbi and doj from the muslim american community about incidents of hate crimes, bullying, schools school incidences as well produces a disturbing trend to us. we've also seen stark increases in high numbers of violence directed against our lgbt family members and friends, particularly transgender women
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of color. the homicide rate there is the highest among any group that i've seen in recent memory. we are talking about groups that have felt on the outside and are being pushed even further on the outside. we are spending a lot of time talking about the department's efforts in those fields, the cases that were bringing, the outreach that were doing but also making sure people know that the department of justice is still here, is still here and were working on these issues and that work will continue. they also have to make sure that it continues in their own communities. >> do you attribute that directly to the election? >> i think there's a host of forces. >> including the election? >> i think whenever there is a situation that generates divisive rhetoric we've seen these increases. i'll be sleeping for point to the biggest bike after 9/11. the biggest bike until now, of course. we have a lot of voices calling for calm and calling for consideration of our citizens, but it did happen. you also will see, for example, when i was a prosecutor in brooklyn and we would do a large national security or terrorist case, you would see a backlash in the local community. you would see an increase in bullying in schools. there's a host of factors that contribute to this. certainly whenever there's divisive rhetoric, whenever there is fear that's promulgated
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as something to be used, that increases, not just the concerning groups, but it also spurs people to take action. that's unfortunate. i think that's the problem that we are seeing. i also think the rise in a crime, it goes back to 2015. there's clearly a host of reasons behind that and that's what we have to deal with. >> criminal justice reform is something where you have not made a lot of legislative process. you've done some things administratively, but why, when we are up on the hill and were talking to people like paul ryan and republicans across the spectrum, they say this is a top priority of theirs. why hasn't the administration been able to rally a package on the hill? >> there has been tremendous bipartisan support for criminal justice reform that still holds people accountable but does so in a way that lets prosecutors deal with people as individuals, that lets us use the mandatory minimums in the way that they
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were meant to and use discretion to deal with people according to their individual situation and also lets us deal with the tremendous financial burden that over incarceration places on our system, as well is the collateral consequences in our communities. i've had very positive discussions with members in a house in the senate on both sides of the aisle on this issue if i had the answer as too why we were not able to achieve congressional answer on these issues my book would be out next week. [laughter] and so i've been in this town almost two years and i think there is great thoughtful discussion for reform on both sides of the aisle for the issue , states were providing
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great examples, my home state of north carolina, texas for example providing great examples of how to deal with both the human cost and financial cost. it did not come together. it did not come together and it's something i sincerely hope the next congress will take up in the same spirit of looking at what is best for this country and the criminal justice system as a whole. >> we had valerie jarrett on a panel last week and she had said criminal justice reform is one of her biggest disappointments is something that didn't get done. other things, unfinished unfinished business that you really wish you would've been able to get done during your time as ag? >> my view is you have these wonderful positions for seasons. you know that going in. i came in knowing that there would be an arc of work that i was picking up and it would continue long after i left. it isn't so much for me a matter of disappointment in not being able to achieve things as trying to highlight the things in the tremendous progress we have been
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able to make. we mention for example we weren't able to get criminal justice reform at large but we've been able to do some really great work. on the policing front, one of the issues we talk about in that area has been data collection, making sure we know how to tabulate instance of police misconduct, excessive force, finding consistent ways to discuss that issue is key to policing reform. that's an area where we've made tremendous progress. we will be releasing tomorrow our protocol for the federal government's response to the death in custody act. in january we will open up our pilot project where we will have, for the first time, national consistent, national consistent efforts on reporting of law-enforcement excessive force. that will be a huge boon. i look at the things that we have been able to accomplish, and sometimes you don't get it done in the larger form of congress, or the hill, but you're able to get it done in a different way. that's been very gratifying to
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me, to be able to say yes, we did we did this, we did accomplish this. >> you talk about the work of the justice department after you leave office and that's a perfect segue to ask you about your presumed successor, jeff sessions from alabama. you have a relationship with him? >> i have met him and he's a member of the judiciary committee so we have spoken on several issues about the issue of the day and so, i certainly know the senator. >> so you disagree with him on most issues would be fair to say? >> i don't think i'm really here to speculate about which way he's going to take the department, people asked me that a lot and i think every attorney general is going to have to answer those questions for him or herself in every attorney general has to be held accountable for how they lead the department. for that, i've always had felt my relationship with the press has been important in that, i certainly think the it is a key
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figure in uncovering the next priorities of not only the ag but anyone who will be setting policy and the administration. i look forward to watching you guys have that debate. >> we look forward to doing it. >> more broadly, are there there concerns you have the direction that trump has signaled for his next administration, whether it's using facts and figures that aren't accurate such as right now, he is saying the murder rate has spiked even though this is the safest time in our country's history. are you concerned about that? >> i think every administration will have to find their footing on these issues. i have always found fax to be a great help in doing that. [laughter] i think the benefit of being in access office is that you have
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access to a great wealth of information. i think any of the chairs setting policy will take advantage of that and avail themselves of's that as well as listen to people who have done this work. i know people ask about how the department of justice will change her shift. every administration sets their own policy and priority. there is a beating heart of this department and people who are committed to justice within any administration. they stay on and they guide the ship. i have great faith in them but i have tremendous faith in the american people. people come to us and they raise issues and they raise concerns and they say we want doj involved in that. i take that trust very seriously that's not going to change. people have come together over issues in ways we haven't seen since the civil rights movement of the 60s. we have not seen, and my
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recollection the diversity of people protesting various issues that we have seen. people who are marching in the streets, whether it's a a policing issue or in support of a proposal, the groups are young. there multiracial. we've seen a greater level of understanding and empathy in this country than we have had in a long time. that is a very powerful tool. that is a powerful tool and it can be used to make people's voices heard. that's what people have to do. every government has to be held accountable. this this administration included. myself included as well. i've always welcomed that and i think it will continue. i also tell people, don't forget the local level, don't forget your local prosecutors and your local government. talk to talk to them and say we need laws that are responsive that are protective of us, that are evocative of the founding ideals of the country which is that everyone has a right to participate, no matter where you
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live or what you look like, no no matter who you love, no matter how you pray. that's the foundation of what we do and we are the ones who can never forget that. >> one of the issues that donald trump has brought up his deporting, at various times, statements about deporting undocumented people from this country. you told rachel this week, you sat down and said you couldn't do anything to protect undocumented folks in mass. there was no blanket action you could take. is there anything this administration can do in the last days and weeks here to address an issue that the president and you and various people in the ministration have
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spent lots of time i? >> the question before me was whether there could be a pardon of a group of people, the dreamers, the young people who have come here and are working here in schools and contributing to our society as every immigrant group has done since the beginning of this country. as i said then, the issue of pardoning someone is an individual decision that's made on a case-by-case basis so there's no legal framework or regulatory framework that allows for a pardon of a group. that being said, this was a decision that this administration came to based upon looking at the situation of these young people, looking at how they had contributed to society, looking at their records and their dreams and their goals and looking at how that was consistent with the ideals of this country. people have got to continue to make that case. they have to continue to raise those voices at all levels of government. not just doj, department of homeland security, but make sure people who are coming into these positions understand the importance of the policy that led to them. i don't know what the future holds and there's no guarantees in life, but that's always been
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the case. that has never stopped people from working hard on these issues before and it cannot stop them now. >> we talk a little bit about continuity of the people weapon working on these issues, what would you say to some of the career officials who are really having a soul-searching moment of whether they should stay in government? what's your advice to them. >> not only at doj, across the government were wondering if this is something they could do for the next four years. >> they forgot to make that decision for themselves based upon the nature of their work, what they're they're called upon to engage in and how. what i will say is i feel fortunate enough, i've been a a prosecutor for over 20 years and i've served in a number of administrations and so, i think people have to look and see, are they able to carry on the work that is important to them. i think they will find in many ways they will be able to do that.
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the work of protecting the american people, the work of protecting the environment, the work of reviewing the business community and looking at those cases and making those decisions. that does go on, that will, that will go on. the case of the department of justice that they bring both in a criminal side, the civil side, environmental and other ways, that work will continue. i think people, if you focus as i always have tried to do, one of the best pieces of a severed out when i was a young prosecutor was it's not about you. it's about the people you are sworn to protect and what can you do to carry out that mission in the most effective way. i think people have got to look at it that way. but then they have to make decisions. people move on to other challenges, they will take their mission to other venues, other forms forms and that is part of government life also. that is something that i think will be a tremendous benefit to people who are working on the issues of importance in this field. there's a number of people who have spent time thinking about policy issues and pulling all these voices together to make a
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unified push for change and it will be carrying that forth in a private sector. it's a benefit for everyone. expands the discourse. i think people will find a number of ways to contribute, whether they stay in their agencies or not. >> one of the things the president has gotten a lot of attention for is commuting sentences or pardoning offenders. some have called for commutation for drug offenders. is that something you recommend or you think is appropriate action? >> we have obviously been doing a great deal of work on those initiatives for several years. it's very gratified that the president has taken the recommendation of the department of justice. although, i will tell you, you, he reviews every file himself. >> does he call you about that. >> these are very individual
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decisions. there's a whole line of people who contribute to this. it is very well thought out. the recommendations the doj makes as well as in the white house and the president. i think when you're talking about clemency and pardon see, it's a very individual individual decision. i think will be hard to craft system for blanket commutation of a group of people. we look at the situations where people were held accountable for their behavior. this is not a blanket approval for what got them there in the first place, but how have they handled themselves while incarcerated. what what length of sentence did they receive. is it a sense they would likely receive today and how we look at these type of offensive and just being very careful about how we review these matters. i have a great deal of respect to josh use a tremendous asset
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